WMADBHOflRAT. ALlill . TATIO, I.OCAT, KDITOII, Saturday Morning, Sop. 2Q, 1857 Divine services will lo hold in IJlooms Lurg, to-morrow, (Sunday, Sept, 27tb) at the following Churches : .Episcopal Church, llw. II. Tulmdoe. Services t 10 J o'elook, A. M., and nt early candle-light in tlio evening. Presbyterian ChitA. Rev. D. J. Wat.- hKtt. Servico at 10 o'clock, A. M. Mcthrrlist Church, Servico at 3 o'clock, P. M in tlio Court House, by Rev. N. W. CoLiiunN. fjuUicrtn Church. Nev.E.A.SllAUn,ETTS. Servico at 10J o'clock', A. II. ar Oouo lo tlio City. TL? Editor. 1ST Mr, Thomas McNeicii, ono of tlio survivors of tlio wreck Central America, has returned to his homo in Illoomsburg. Ho gives an uwt'ul account of the scene. CSS The full months in this l&titudo ore tho most pleasant portion of tho year. Tin; heat is not oppressive and tho cold not Bcyore. A hapry medium. 035 Dloomsburg is everywhere alivo with business. Rriokiiinkcrs, Masons, Car penters, &o., aro actively engaged in tho industrial pursuits of their respective avo cations. flC0 Hon. Thi,r,as II. Burrows, of Lancaster, has couscntcd to deliver the annual Address, licfuro tho Columbia County Agricultural Society, at Rluonis burg, on tho Fair Ground, on Friday tlio 23rd of October. CSa Tlio ''Iron Horse'' is now running on iho West end of tho "Latkawauna & liloomaburg Kail Road I'1 l.ct him rip May ho soon meet his colleague- from iho Northern end of iho Track, vthieh has long b'mco been running down to Nacticokc. Huck-iviicat. Wo observe that there is a very largo crop of this excellent grain in the country this year, and what is bet ter, tint it is a full yield, and will bo in great abundance, llurrali, who dou't like Rjclcivheat cakes. We want a largo and liberal .allowance of tlio prcciom stuff. BSJ" Gentlemen should remember that they aro not at liberty to read typo in a priutin,' oflicc, no more than they aro at liberty to examiitu mauuscr'pts or peep over the paper, during press hours. We recall tho exprcss'ou. Gentlemen never do such things,, iwi l cer.tiun individual?, it is .hoped, will tiko tho admonition. jctjf- Iito.N Dale This is the name of the village in which i, located tho exten sive works of the lil otiisbun' Iron Com pany. l is situated about half a mile north uf Illoomsburg on the big JUhing Creek. iti(i Dale is u pleasmtjy arranged and tlv'UrUldug village ; destined ere long, f.3 bccnuie apoiut of great bu;iucs imporlauco P3i Thu dalicnt'tsya,! exercises of the new .St. Mittliew's Lutheran Church, in liloom.iburg, wore pcrl'm-nicd on la,t Sab bath. There wore iiito a large eoneoi.r&e of people in attendance, and the I'astor Ui'V. E. (,. SiiAHKEt'Ta, was assisted by a number of iioighboiing Clergymen. Wo understand that contributions to an amount of homo SjljDUO wero made fur the liquida tion of the dcl.t incurred in the erection of the Church edifice. fiST Mr. IIuuu McCoi.i.u.m, of Jersey town, in this county, has laid us under many obligations for the presentation of a. basket of Cue Grapes and largo Tomatoes. Unfortunately for tho vcgctables-not for , , ... . . . us wo devoured them without ascertaining their waight. Suffico it to say, they wero of tho largest growth of any wo have scon in this .country. Again, wo thank our . . , ., ,. ' - friend, Mr. MeColluw. JCS Ulo'unshurg h ono of tho most Jiealthy, handsomely locatcil and agreeable .villrtircs in Northern I'cnuvlvanla. Beau - 0 " tifully situated near the river, on a south dm ilspnnr nml pniiininiiiltiwr !n ihn di. ,. t tapco a most romantio .country scenery, ... l 11 , f strangers who may wUU to visit tho Iron Mrt;A rt, n. u.ifl ,...,ii .kept, aud in tho very best condition. tSSf'Thcro aro many ways by which young men and sirs it would bo shndcr ,tf. null tm InMor A.7.V. nvl.il.lt. In tl.r. round them a lack of nareutal discinlinn npccbsaryto a.deccnt dtportmentin society, ,an.d in nuuo so much as in mUbohavin- in .church. -Whenever wo obscrvo a 5rf or .upiUrt boy tittoring at such places, jind otberwiso exhibiting antics of tho monkoy, vfotakoit for granted they wero novcr taught at home better manners. It bhows an amount of ignorauco and disregard for tho sauotuary, tho minuter vi& enngrega- rn ni.ini. ..... . on,i -., ItV.', W. IliUJI U.ll UU no other grounds than that of parental dc- linquenoy ; far ono .who has boon taught at home to ohservo tho oouunonest civilities . towurds others, would blush to thus demean Liniself or herself iu public. Many par - i.. mu tlirry "mgii ncailS" nro rCUSUra- Dloin this roppectflB well as thoso in tho moro humbler walks of life Wo havo not tho first time tp witneas uch exhibitions on the part of Bwaggcring, perfumed young gentry ol" the 'tippeorul)t,' rjratlo, HON. J. GLANCY JONES, Tho oft tried and over-faithful staudard bearer of the glorious "Dornocracy of Old Borks," lias, in answer to an invitation, agreed to Address tho prior to tho General Eloction-perhapa nest SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3r.i Of which further notice will bo given. Extonsivo 3alo of Real Estate. Messrs. W. fy D. Snylcr, Adminis trators of tho Estato of Hon. Daniel Snvwkh, deceased, offer to sell at Public Sale, through tho advertising columns of tho Columbia Democrat, on Saturday, the 21th nf October next, a largo amount of VALUABLE HEAL ESTATE, in town and country, to which we invito tho at tcntion of capitalists generally. t&r A merited Compliment. Josiaii Coin, Esq., tho Editor of tho German Paper, at Easton, Las been nominated for County Treasurer. This is only a fair appreciation of an honest and mcritorius democrat. Last year tho "Fre-monsters" offered Mr, Cole, tho neat littlo pilo of 3,000, in gold, to cspouso their corrupt cause, but his democracy, like that of Gen. Jackson's, wa3 too impregnable, to be ' bribed, brought or sold " itsT Capt. John b Pollsilk, Collec tor at Reach Haven, died at his residence in L'uucsto,iio township, Montour county, on Friday of last jveek, of Typhod Fever, aged about 02 years. Mr. F.ollmcr was an excellent citizen and honest man. Synipatblzo with llis "filleted family nnil . . numerous friends in this their great here- avoment. IS" In speaking of tho Republican can jdates, tho Uloomsburg Republican says : "Not nns nf .tliein scught nominations. It was the Convention sought -them." IFc illlVC a better Opitl OU of the men of Columbia, than to supposo that any I 1 oould lo found who uoulil seek tho uom 1 ination of that parly. Iicnnck U -zcttc. xer Wo loani that a iniin named Kli-I 3 mi KoiimNS, while passing ,4i'.oug the Berwick tuniJiiliC, 111 this COUIlty, OUC ni-ht last week, was nttacucil hy a pan- t , , . . . - . titer, but fcuccccileu m'beatin tho ioMciou? animal eff willi a hcavi' club, before lie re- j ceiveti material injury. SnUivan Bern fiy-Gr.N. I'ackku altlKUL'h not making' a rcgylar canvass ot tlm btato, has .spoken with L'roat OtVeQt Ut HC,veial largo meetings' in thu ;c.-tcj.H euuutiw. D2f '1 he wile o( Audrow Brerman.viho reiideil in Ouviilton towniliip, Sullivan eouuty, oi minitted suicido hy hanging lier- selt, on Monday, tho 7tu tust, , - -. t i ue "'JUL in uriicr, 1 11 tiio inwiii I'Imiiwuhuiu unit uesi In Hemloqt township. Columbia coynty, ! ,i,cr,331Mr rem. i.eiow cniin price,, oil the 6tll of'Septombcr 1867, Mr. JoSJU'll ' p.o ucm."i tho Crc.etnt, In JI.nl.lt, nbove Sixtti Gnil'As, in tho 58th year of his ago. ' Blr'-So '""u. JQ(,a fc co In Kitrrandsvillo, .cpt. Oil., Fuakkmn "BiTiMiiiiruriii: I'MirKSuANV CCOIT I'BTllIKIN, Ollly child of 1'oyth Medicine tint will eicol I'ltATT IIUTUIIUIl'd MA tind Mary Ann 1'ctrikiu, nio oil. fur the fol lownir ii-.-.i81-a:-uiidiiMaihni. Neuralgia, Hjilint AITecllonr, Coulractcil JointB, Olio lie . JV-AjJl R X. lA. P E 'u jralll., Pains In the Hide or Hark, llciilaclie.Tuotliacllc, 1. 1 . I Sprains Sore Tiiroat, Cms, llruncs, Horns, ainl all In Fisliinocroek, on. Monday, Sept. Mth st in Fishiugercck tp., by Jildcr J. ' Ar T i t in: I Sutton, Mr. John Evans, uf Madison, 1 Ij"ti:c. coullt to M.is3 Krj'EN McIIenhy ' of otilr.vatcr. -Columbia county. , ' , . ,, ,, ,.,...,,.. 1 r,rk JTlll'n T -4 J ni 11 i W W 1U D 1 JL V liJX f. . T1,c ffo'lowi"S ilro t!, rceill9 to 1,10 ,-fl.icc of tho Columhia De.mociiat. during tho mouth of August. 1857 : a t TIioiim. SllKkhniiM, SI 5U Hull. II. ,M. Fuller, 1,.K'',l'',;"f;'.,,K 'V3 3,""" ":'.' 4 IH) tlllll t! Oil Dtl (.1 10(10 s mi I 0 i! 7.1 1 IHI 1 (10 ) ill 1 oil ' 73 j n'r'iA'011 Torr i "ctS ! J l's t. tidmlxu 100 C.iltb Pjerco, Us,, Col. t. iJiipknis, Wm. t; .ouick, Joseph Snyder Jo Un A, I ii'iislon, Peter Uut, I J II. ll.irn i:.ri. i.rf . ir. ..1... ! David H Doner, 1 00 1.75 jacuo liinvf r, a 00 itauiei i.ee, l.H'i., I lUi. Peter Uar) acker, 5 00 i A. A. Huuiimottlit R. tv uiiroy, luoiw it tienbeudir, Jobn Du-.k.-ils-i , uuulU.Z. ituumlcyt ' Jim, 0. Jacob v J-T3 llcurv Ale 1 43 Win. r.r.muui, 1 IM 1 Ull .1 till It. C. lien I , ften. I., ntioeinakcr, II., H Ariiisuong, SI i tiilvcrtliotn, . (len. I). Jackson, Vi. B.rtwou 6c Co., I liu 1 .l.,,.IJf wku. 2 lil . I 3D 173 JOIH) If 00 it 00 1171) 73 1 7.1 1'73 1.00 1.73 1 m U'al kin 1'ilcu I Ml 10 00 O. nitleubeiiiliT, Allen feXeedlex, rl. J,. C.tucoj.t Ac (7o. 3 III) Suiliftl.-pheii I'dhej ' I'jkcjI llorris & Co , t Of 'II Arthur, liiiihun A. Co, :iu J S. t II. I.. 1'irot. 2 ui Will, l-'ntitin.r. Joseph Atou.er. i'rancis 11. Miiyder, .MaJ. Juo.L'iitiHiii'igs, I'lias J. .M'llcnrr, w'm iiVouitl T. U . Matison, 7 110 ' "'"'.V1 . Sel le I S , :l 00 John Wanirk, Joseph Itolioius, 1'eler illriivit, . B' w- l'le & Va uuu Wo aSaiu tl,allk our frlcDl13 for ProniIt l,aylllout3- 11 "'"'s that sustains tho Press ' nwl encourages tho Editor. Wo ask our , custoIafsi ovcrywhero, to try to help us to ,noet our heav' "Tenses, by prompt pay. iineuts, and thereby disohargo an honorablo obliSalion- Specially do wo request disUnt subsetibcrs, to do as many others j I,avo duo' ll rclu't "lono.v by 1Bail. "t our risk, as wo'havo never lost a dollar , ' ' 111 tIiat way' and il rccciPt wi" ha J"ly """wlcdged by mail ami the payment al!, Puljilltul ,n lIr Columbia Democrat. I - 1 IL'3SuS!DilIft 5 j Ifo l iCOJir.COTF.D IVCUICIiY AT IlArtEMAN'sBTOrtC - - wioai $1 ou 'r0,,, Qat3( ' il0 lluckwheat .75 "White Ilcau, . . 1 75 Rutter.. ...12 Tallow Lard ........ Potatoes Dried Aj.p'cs ,ir 00, Vf WGIITII nnMUMimUlNG.-Barsanarllfo, r tho extract theicof, 11 a favorite prescription with insnyofoiirtinlpliyslebns.aiid at tlilt leaion largely used In purify tlic blood, ft ml ttrenltth en tlio Qitttliu- liun. Tho preparation manufactured by Mr. Hurley, o Louisville, Ky , Is universally ml milted superior la any tht has for years been oiler red to iho pu'ille, an I tho largo mid lucra Kin; ildmarid fully justHUs Iho assertion, It Is mid with decided atlranlage Scro fula, Dyspepsia, Liver Cjiuplalnt, Bronchitis, Cutane ous disease, and nil affections arising from an Impure or weakened condition of t lie blood. Let no oho be deceived Into ntlng nny Mher. rxruxY(ii;vATnu urrrcita- ure curt jot m'SrVPSIA. Tho history of this rcmarUbM mcdl- cltie.nndiU astoulhlnrj su terns tu obsllnatn tnck of I)VSriH'SIA ABT1IMA, AMinUNRHAI.llUUXMTY OP TUU SYBTI1M, places It ninonji tho most wondor lul discoveries In medical science, and ha s given It u reputation far beyond any rrmcdy known fcr these complaints, In all their varf6us forinsj Tlio Oxygenated Bitten. twxinm nothing which can ntoxlratc; and thu meillclnu has no rimilarlty wlnl ever to the various alcoholic mixtures disguised a till tcrs, being piirely a medicinal compound. In which are combined the moat valuable remedial agents, and n pfCulMr oTypcnatcd property, hitiorto unknown, hut hi fill ty efliraf iotis In nil complalnls arising from wenk- ! lieu (tnil duangcincnt, or prostration of tho sioioach and system generally, It Is a mild and ngree.iblc tonic, removing nil disagreeable symptoms, ond nnsist Ing nature In her cflorts to restore the impaired powers of tlii system Beth W, Towie &. Cv, 3fl WasVit'gto" Pt , Ttofeton, 1'roprlelos. Hold by Uieingeuts cvcryuheic. 7c live Per Cent, Suvmg Fund of the N'atiD.ial safety Compiny, Walnut street, south westcorner of Third street Philadelphia, now h.ia nearly Omk Miliiok Ann 1 1 alt of Dollar all In Uku. lis r atp, MonrAoss, (inoohv Jicrrrn, and other first class sccuri ties, top be ik lit A? drposltorsi "TaMnn.MiioLD'fl inaiiLY cq t ; n n t it a t 1 1 1 KXTUAUT UUllU, Is prepared directly uccordlng to the rules of Plnrmnry and Clicmistry, and is iho best artivc prtp-fntion which tan be made for the cure of Dircafies of Iho Illadder, Kidneys, Ornvcl, Dropsy Weaknesses. &c. llcnd the advcrtlsonmnl Id another column i headed t'liclmliold's Genulpo rcparatmn." cyriir. worlds paiii or Ai.r. nations. Among the noticeable thing on eslilliition nt the Hrvainl Pntarn. we snw Iho etitilribiil Inn of JlVifl Pills. from llin Laboratory of Dr. J.C. AvR, tlio author of the widely known and alucd Cherry lVciornl, As It istigainslthe ctpress regulations of the Palace lo admit nny quack medicines, tbls fact shows Hint Ills remedies nre not n I. iced iu that.catcgory liy thi nuthoritiee. In deed we have bel'oro kmpwn that his Fecloral was Iiighty npnrerintcd by scientific nicy, and have seen lately that Insl'ilUnro held In great estimation Ly those deeply liurued In the healing nl.-2T flrformer. i aid. T1IO.M Ad V. MAITHON, Rtctl vtd the Pruu Medal nt tho World's Fair In Londjn, 1851 ( for TRUNKS, (JAilPUT HAGS, nools. shoes nndIums. Great InducemeutH nro now offered to purchasers, of the abuvonrltcles. Tit I sis nuichtlielargcst stockoftrunks Citrpct Uagji, Vtillces.&c, In Philadelphia very cheap (irculi, .Mainifictorie: 133 Market Slrcct, S. w comer, and Vii Market street. S. U. comer of Fourth. l n A l.'Oul ItUFM.OTlUiN. "ror eiery unto mat ' we lca tho mirhicuufour cnrlli, the trj nperaturo falls i ilvn ili'irrecfi. Al fnrivtlvo miles' itistnuce from the globo weg",l be;ppd(iho ntmoEphure, and enter) striilty speaking, into the regions of space, whose temperature Is yJ3 degrees below zeio, nud here cold reigns in nil parts." The gentleman who went "biyoml the nt mosplicrc,1 and held thu thermometer in the "regions of space," has since hU rettirp declared that the next conl?st Ihlnr i.n Ftiit of Ihosellghl.elejjdiitand grace ul sunnnrr cloihi., which h ive rendered lht f.ifhion I able naiporiuiu nf Granville flukes, o. Ct'7, la'.c i'Oy Cueslnut siriil. ainmiion Ihii tcrritori.turb. tiwinTnTRi'.TH, pciit-UMr.D imnni and 11UAUT1FUL COMPM..10N-fVi bo ac.purnl by using tho ! Eati&'pf a 'thousand Ftotcert." What lady or pen tic mm would remain under tho curse of u dls n;iialde breath, when by using the " Ualm op a Tiioviand Fiohebs" n ti dtiiintlcr, wtuld not only render it Bweer, but leave tho teeth white as nUs lert Maiiv m.-riiiins do not know t'luir br-aih Is h:I. and tlic subject is so debrate that their Iriciit's fill mvpr ""'" iare cf ccunitrfoii3..Le tutv I eucli bottle is signed I rirrmnriR &. co., v. j KQUALITY TO ALL! TTMrortMriv or ntionsi a nvw ytt-ritp s , ( Ileal l.cery onehts own Adtrneu ofto Crweenl j SorB. No. m v,1)1((;, B,rett,above dim., Phiiad-ipi.ia. Iu addition to Uvlug the largest, nm.i variod nud ishionnblo itork or Clothing iu Philadelphia, made pxprrst-ly for ndril sales, have c,onnitntcd every ,one I.Idowu s.tliisii-tn, iy having marked 111 figures, mi' etirharliile the very lowest price it e.-m be sold for llicy cannot possibly ury nil must buy nhk Tho gojdsarc wlII sponged nudpreparvd,anilgreai pant' 1'il.en with the making so that ilt tan buy with he full asiirance ofgutting a good article nt the very Iowcm luico. AUo,ii large stock of pjiro poods on I hand, of th'j latest stjle and boat qu-itities, which will i 'i'"-- of n skin, Muicsnn.l the fji.m.u. None sf""!l,e . """""I !'"; ,11f"a,u.r0 f ''Vm.Ht1'!'-'" Bltaclinl lo inch label. I'riucpul oinca, '.'01 Wnsln lis ton street, llrooklyn, New York, tSula Ly , M. 11A (II'.MIUUII, III Uftiri, Ulooiniliurg, lTJ".Tlili Is to certify that 1 liave niailebul one oppli. cation of Iho la51c Oil on tny lingers, which have been drawn Iroin contraction of the rords, brought on by rlieiiimiilsin. It wos of seventeen months standing, and 1 tun now unti rely cured. I cheerfully recommend 1 1 to al I illiictcd likcwiro. J. M. FINIIROOK. 72 Locust Btreet, llarrisburg. Au:iis.t,1. 1FS7 O A OAllll TO TUB I.AI)IUS.-1)H. l)uro.vu,s Golden rREsrli l'lLLS arehfdlUblc ta rcmvclnff ttopfafftt or irregularillet vf the mente. These 1' ills aro nothing now, but liavo been used b y the Doctor for ntiuy, yeirs, both in Trance an I Aiueri. ca,witli unparalleled soccers iu every rase i and lie is urged by in'iiiy thousand ladies who ipa.e used tlicin, to mako fho 1'illa public, fjr Hie allov lallou ol tliore j mireriiig from nny nre;ularitiaa wha'evcr.us well ua u prcvenuvo to moae lauics wiue iieaiwi win 1101 permit u iacreaaa uffniully. Prentint lemales, or Ihoao sutTpOflii(r thenifclves so nre cautioned nir.iinit using these Pills, n the irupri elor nstuinei no repPnilH Hy utter the above ndnio iiitloti. although their ni'Vianess would prevent any in jury to health; otliVrwlic, thceo Pills are recom in ;u iled. pirectioni arconipiny each box. Price $1. fold wholesale and retail, by (jnoiicr, m. iiAGriNBUcjr, General Agent, Hlpomsburg, Pa, II o will supply the trado at the proprietor's prices,, and nei.d tlie Pill to ladies (confidentially) by mull on receipt ol $1 throh tlio IlluouitbursJ.'ost Utiica, .I.lPPiNCO'lT & HUN"n;ifB Clothing Worchoute, South West ronier of Fourth and Market streets, Phil adclphU, 77t only Ono PritiJCtotklng ito re i n America t;ah purcli4tcrs (. Men's or boy's Clothing, at wholesale-and retail, can hero, mako their belection from an i in men so .itocrtjof fashionably cut and well made clothing, cot up with n vimw to fid j satisfaction to all, and ntthe very lowest piisibl; fellinp nrlco tt IIIUrKCU. II ,1 IUI II .11 U V. Ull lil.l, KJ,K-1II, Ull uuy ill "'"'"""i"'"-""'-1 wiiethcr meyare jud;esor8ood. X" Kioo.r.uki..g io aiid.taking ail that can b got, suitsiiuboily.andche.itsihrco.lourilis ; for irsunco a ma" askssis.fomcout, wuiarierjru.grces to.taka jio.uiiilii.isfTaallyrcrlalnrlliaUie.wouldhavetakcn 315, il'lioco.iM Uvegot It, nud thus .dually chat marked, n plain. Ilguics on every fiarmenl, alt buy at . pUtrUa,e,;out of IWo dollars. To remedy tbi. evil and cHtabliilt confidence lu tho'Uado.MPPINCOT St. CO., ll a utiiforiubelow price on ull iheir Kood8((vtry i much b low the, usual rales,) , and tyU nevjr vary ouo cent under any .circumstances, U'UAI.L AND SIHIca ,.,1 -- - -. "u lnt'tleivhia i vi i iti ii v i ii it i u'ku v vunu nnj .ujiisti turnit' COLUMBIA COUNTY AflwuiuL mm, WILL HOLD TIIBIH BECOND AyAL mmnm.hi in; a o o, jvi: is ;b, ir & &i ON THURSDAY & FRIDAY, Octobpr 22 & 23, 1857. Premiums lo bo Awarded as follows: NO. Il-IIOKBEB. Mitt p'r earrlngo hom'i 4 (h) Irt tltiitorarnago lioricS 0(. Hi lomlWit .. OUHi touU bi-rl 1 IIU ltl i lir Draft llimci " du llcut Cult, 3 ycar olj 'Jlrll Sf-ronil t,PBt 1 .'fflttconrl bt't ' 1 (w licit Bullion 3 flollc.l Coll, a year, old 2 Ml K.-toi-il bal 1 anHecoiiill,.!. J OO Jlcitt tirood Mate :i (id Uo.t Colt, 1 year o'd 3 (hi Kfconrihrst J SO Hecoml hunt " 101) Coniinittco. John K. Eicn, uf llffcnwooil, Vpi,t ih ltpreo, of llRinlork, llrnry 11 Mclick.of Puitl, It, II. Aruior.oi uiouHi.ano jiiiib iun, oi ecolt, NO. U-OX UN, CATTLE, &o, I!crtnnll,3)rs&inaril2 nosil hrrt iirj jd linn 1 oil iirtt llrlftr, t toliycari I iki Itn.t Tnt Htrrr 1 (JO j.i ip,i ... lluityoko (Iioii.S yean nodlnill rnlfu,nilirlyrl (iu noil iipwntd anO'Al lieu ., jo 3d liem I SUIVit lioifcr call I oil Jlctt MJlrh Cow tl (IU Sid lirtt " SO uoinioiiice. nfai M uoy, ot niaotton. i.po tvenver, nl r.lnc inKbnrg. nmili'l Krclsh, ot Calauliii, An,lfcw rroas ana jacou jiiii, ni vvniri. No. 3-suni:r. It.-.t nuck 1 00 Hot t l'at Wc.nlicri I no 'Jillict .'ill'.'d lic.t so Iii-st UEncEhccp 1 (Ml ii""!rt r Iainb8,nii'r I tr 1 00 "dlicrt SO'Jd lidit .Ml l iiiiiinlllca. Daniel Mclick,ol l?rol(, Iiaac fieri, of (ciiiro, uiui JMicnaiii u. vancc, oiumngc. NO. 4-SWINE.- Besi Hoar 1 10 Uest lot Pics, n or more it be ft est HoW 50 S lo lOwukflold 1 (in 1 00 2d host so 3d best iu Keet Pigs, not ovcrCmo 1 (JO 1 00 yd bon Host Fat Pig uouimmue. u ni. itote, in lirecnwooii, iVclicmiah Ucecu ,ol Centre, 'J l.oiuas M Henry, of Oinuge, Jos'ph Aiouneri ui joniour, uuu iivnry liuiiiuisiituu, qj tat a wissa. Hist Newfound h nd Uog SO KheplH'nl lng - - - - 50 Terrier Dog - .io Cniiiinltte!. Piter 11)11 mcver, Thomas liallman and i. w . iiuune, un or iiinnnt, NO. G-POUM UY. Uesl pair Shanghais WUeii pair Duck? 0 uum.ioncB av jurke)9 w Corbiii China 50 Ceese 50 Pulili 50i!estptid greiui st variety Uunliim 50 Fowls ufniiy kind, 1 UO Dorking 50 Commlitf! Wtlas C. lNmlcr , of Scott, Seth II. Jiow muti, ol Ilriarcrrck, and Alfred Hovell. of Ornnce. K0.7-RRA1N AND UUAS3 SfJUDd. Rest Rtiihel o( White Wheat - - 2m do Aleditcraiieau do lto - - - - i (JO do Corn Uars (Count) 50 do do (Yellow) 50 do do (White) 50 ito Qat - - H - 50 do ltuckwbcai 50 do i bushel Clovri Svrtl - - 1 110 do J bu(i'l Timothy e-'id - 50 Cofiniiiltef. (lenro Ynl, of Montour, JnmcB Urn mell.ol lleiuluik, Jolm Mnriman, of Calnwlosn, Reese M. lck, of llriarcre(;t, and AtorUeica Hicks, uf Centre NO. a-CRUCN AM DP. I CD FJtUJT, W1NX3, &c. Rest 1 bushel Winter Applej neii j uusuei 1 an ,ippte Rest rnccimtn Pours do Plums do Peaches do Quinces - do C'uuberrieB do fl rapes lieit display ol ifjlRrent kinds of Fruits Rest peck nf piled Apples - do (fo PiaclieH Ret. I 4 quarts r.iqd Cberrlos do vlo .(eto,ncd - Reit 1 0,11a rt Dried llurke'iberries Uiii niioolo Currtut Wioo Conimittne. Jimn A. Fuunon.of Malison. Reuben uumooy, ci iiemiucK, uuu Aiitert lluntcr, ct I'me NO. D-VUfJBTABI-nS. IJ'l biijli Mercer Potaioca 5()pet ooren (Jarruts do V'l'inion 20 Reel dozen Pjmiii pa Rett I luifhel sweit 50 Rert bushel Unions Re Ft sjmple R nns 50 Rest ,1 Hiu.islies 50 i ejs aw uesi Sample Ci Icry Rest I do, h'da Cabbno 50 Vtl I'uk Timmtocs lien I'timi Litis AUIlem S.implc Chineso Iletsl do.i'ii lit els Gil tougur CaiiO 50 (test I Itoth Turomi -M) t3uiu.uilt.-o. J, li.-itrirk, ofMontnur. Samuel lick, of "uaiiiigiKiM twin juiiii 111,4. r, 01 liOCIIvl, NO. 10-IIOM AMI DAIRY PIlOllUCTS. nen iiiitu-r, l pvundaiid Ikn speciim-u Pn kles 50 iivwird 50 no I'r.-H-rviM .r.u llt'H Udkc Clicffe, not Jtesl flunrl Applcbutier 50 m'ssujiii miiii. i.u uesi j.ir MraiiH'd Honey i licit IjujI Wbeat Ulead 50 ltel ti.iniiilc Homy Comb do itj e Itread ac not les-j than 5 lbs. 0 II.'Ft Spouse Cake fit) llusi cured Itiun 5u iii-m rouiiu biihu .'ioiicsi mpiu Hard ronn uesi i run lyiiKo on no SultSoap 5o Ucl SpLC'u I'm it Jelly 50 Uiiiiinuituu. .Mrs 1.. U. T.ite, MusMary Painter. Sirs II U. How er, John O, i'reiza, Ko-j. and 'a .M,ut iuu, till ol Itlonni. no. n-iioMi: anmi noui.iior.i) mamjta cpuu n Ikst ph-ro Ckilli, 3 ydi Kesl pair l.ineti fcli.-eis 5U or morti 2 11) do Pilow Cases 5ti Uesi (iuilt I oi) Hfit Fhi:i ' 511 U Cuuuterpnine 1 do Cest Uu.lVr Shi it in Ht Pair lllaiiki'ts 1 UOlJest pair V.nn Hnse SO i)et Sample Carpet 5 do Milieu 25 .ir Is und more 1 IK) do Clous 5uJ l.raL Ltni'iii'i i uu Coinmiitie Jifip Coleman, rif Oruugf, Itarnurd Itu pert ttf itltiom ..Mrs J.uut'4 ltuinti ii. d Irmid.ile, lrs. Peter Hot, of Liu.it tftrt-tt, nnd Mis Harriet llaamun, ot Centre. NO. IJAUII' WORK AMJ ri.OU'l'.I.t?. Hcst Tuncy 'Pai.n. ruv, r 5" Heel dlpl.iy liead Work 51) do Chair Cm or S do ;rolilut WoiK Sit I tent Hi tuple ij.iiup ur do I'.inc Knitting 50 Van-Ala t 50 do II nlirotdWy 50 Iten Bhirt Collars and do .Valurnl Flowers 50 liobfius 50 do AmiU-hl fill do Wax I'riiit. A.c. 50 Commit ten. Mr Win Ooodmh , fllr. . W. Hurt man, .Mrs. Murrix Van Uikirk .Mrs. AJorl t?Ioau, and Mrs I. W, M'KVity, allot iJloom NO. l3-rU)Ult. Heat fa ujy- Wheat Flour, 50 lbs, ur moro do Uji: do ltuckwheat 1 CO 50 do Com " 50 Committed John Keeiretl nf Pine. Jncoh Melick. Jr., ol'tfcotl , und J. lt.Sharpleit , vt Cauwhsn NO. 11-AG1UO.ULTUUAL IMrLUMtiNTS. pest Plow ld oo Ileal ThraKli'g MachlneiJ 00 .M hist 1 00 llexl Separator U titraw (test Cultivator I uo miidtr 1 CO iid best 0 ll't tlay .StStrawCotter 1 00 tlctt Harrow 1 DOtetCurii Hieller i ijO llt Holler 1 Lit' Itext raniiliig Mill 1 00 Host Hide Hill Plow 1 10 ficst Slump M.uluno J 00 llenl Com PI ii tiler 1 10 Uest At must uouieipus llfel II or to Hake 1 00 cullrciiou of Agricul Itthl 43 rut ii Cradle 1 10 tural lmpleuteuti S00 Commit let'. Judah Uoone, of llloont. Wm. II Wood in, ot lt rw ick, a ml CI iu Dcitrirh, nl Moutmir, JVU li-U AliUAb AM) UAitUIAUJJEi, lie St 2 hot. a Wagon il 00 'Jd be&t 1X0 J.I best 1 IX) liesl Open IUi-j y no Pest 'J lior-o Carnafe '2 no Itest tiielgh Jd best 1 UU llest 2 tmrte lled 1 Ull Itest 1 horse Carriage ii DO jiest spring truck wagonl UO Co'inuitteu Jacob Arnwiue, of Mootour, Samuel K!sr,er, qt Madison, and lsuac Kridci , ol Dnarcrcek. NO. Hl-MANUrACTUKUD. AUT1CLD3. 1st Diction, llest Hpecirren Cabinet Work (test liMiible rott Carriage Harness Pect ting)o .S tt tJo liett W;ijj'f Harners -Itkt'.'C.tlfSkihs ftaDhed - - -llest - Kip Skins do -llest Sines Harness Leather do Solo Leather - do Upper l.e.ituer -Uest pilr Hor 1-0 Shoes -Itust Gnibbing Hue .... llest doz Fa oi y Chain - - - . liekt Dress Coil .... Host Vest llest pair Thick Uools -do Cull n Hoots do l.di.V Kid HhneR 21110 - "is on I 1 WI . I 60 1 UU - 1 Ull 1 Ull 1 IHI 1 UU I no - 1 III! 1 Ull 3D 30 - 1 (VI 50 Heaver, Coinmittee. 11. 1'. Former, of Fi-Jiikhu. P of Calawissa. Jufceph Con ner, of Centre, Jotephy or rcll 01 tivmiocK, uuu jntepu Jiicits, oi priarrrtiK. NO, 17 MAN'UFAGTUrtFD AKTlCltCd ltd Division, Hut Churn - - - - -llest Ciieost Pre us - - - -Het Wuriuug Marhiuo ... llest Pausegt Cutter -Ued d splay of Cooper Waro - -Hest 3 Com Itakel3 -llest II Huml Haskuts - - - -Met Hep lliva -Itest Parlor BlQVo -Ittvst Cooking Stove nnd Trlmmingj Uest Greutert Variety Tin Ware Itest Specimen Wood tout Iron Fence llest Gate Jor-Uarn und Field Cso - -. Itest doc Corn Urnoms - - -Uest satuplu 1 doz Hntk ... do' Piir Meial - ill 0 in SO 00 1 0" 1 so 1 on 1 uo so JO Committee. JjIiii Ko ifo f .Catawiiia, Jacob Ko. teubodur.of Franklin, and Irani Derr. of Jurkkou; CCO. IB MANUFACTfJIlbl) AltTlGLCS. 'id Jhriihn, llest and 'nrccst variety of Denial Work S 00 do du Marblo ,do it U" do do I'di'i Tools 1 00 do do F.arthen Worn 1 00 Commiiteo. Dr. A P. Heller, rf Greenwood, Dr. U II Fox.nt I.in ust. Dr. J A. Wilson, of flerw ick, Dr. Josi.ih Smith, of Scott, and Hr J. K Kobbins of Call w is.t. NO. l'J-DOMUSTlO SUGARS. &.0, liott 2 pounds fiognr from Uhina Sugar Cane 0 do Manlo Suj.ir So Uesl tluarl Hjruj. troui CiijuaS. U M do do Mftplo 30 i-'onniiiitec aiaiLju Iipeit. or UinomWm. Fi flier of OruitK'i James fve-uer, (,f Scott, Mfs, Thomnp Cre vcliua, of Soolitniu Mr J-ohu K Grotrf Woow, NO, 'AI-PJ.OW1NG MATCH. UV I' ""111(1 I'fc'llll tB IHil 11 uu IU MM! miu U workmen uud discipliue of leauis,mid envutiuu iin,i i........ i... ... .1... .1 - of (lis work, ni well ai limn ocfiipicd 3 no Sdnt - - ... I no (Jmnmttten Jacol, IVmit f Madlton, lllranl Klinu of rirlllnscletk, mid ml Mrndcnhlll nf llcntoll. inscitETioNAttv rnnniujis. Com3liltco..IiWtfoll Jlnglici of UcntoQ, Atlnci Colo of Bugarloaf, 'I'lionmi 11 Eve, of (Ireenwood, Lewla HclmjItT of M.iillton. ii .ni W'm. Matlicr ol Uroenwood. INSlllULTIONS TO COMMITTEES 1. TtieCiiiinnillrcBWlll Invo (eilirfcretlonnrypowar 10 wi iiioki inn prfjniiunis li ino urucic fxniuiteil is llui worthy a Pn'miuni. J. 'ihft coiiitniiTR on liiscrr-lluiinry premiums will nwsrd sncli prt-niiutns as tdey may think projvr, on ariicics nut iiruviiiua lor in i no ucm nil m-iiMi 1 nr o inn mt'iiiiifrs 01 inu various uoiiiiiiniecs, win ava to sun, Divan i.o'mups j wa maka it a point to bcoti tiie t;ruund ua early nspossible ;iut and Mulmjiony, lMrlor chfiirs, liorkinn nnd ran on tlio fct'tuiid d.ty nut later than 111 rc-lock,at which , thnirs, Pi una stools, und a varirty nf uphntttf fed work ll.ii ilinr names will bo called from ilu tinud. and wiih Drnslns nnd nnrlorburenus, sofu rnrd ientre nml lin y Wilt be eipected to proei-t-d to liiulness. 1 . i no hi in a ii in inu uiiiruiii cuinmiifcs arc re riiii-sloJ inliund in iLflr reiiorl ai enrl n iuikiiI.i. nml nit titer than ao'ctotk. lh premiums will beuwarded by the l'rcsluentui J n'ciock, p UCOULATlON'ri. 1 Allaritcles furcomprtiiion must bo on the around bylOu'cliick.u, m,. nnd ut tl o'clock, n in.. Ill com- niiltn will procfed tocxumine,andowaruilicprrinlums ii Alturtlrlos csbibited must remain on Uiocround mill i (riiock.n, ru., nml on all occasions will Lo iu urned lo tho oxlnbituf, unless oilir-riyiso directvd. 3. Uautioi. All nrijtWrxhihilrd, utiethrr cutablcs or not, must be respected as prfvuic property and any 1 persoi diluted in purloining or injuring them, will bo i delrt willtaccoidliig to law. 1 am oniric iMiurcu mr compriiiiiMi, iiiusi un owncti i bv ihecomnelllors'.till liults.veuetab1es.llowers.t.tc must b thegrtav iliol ittr cumpelitors, und nil mauulac lurcu aruci s inuu nnc un 11 inuur uy uic compeiitori 5 Kvery competitor for premiums , must be n resident of Columbiacounty. Hut persons from other Counties may navcintt privilege 01 onugingari cn'sonexniUitlun, on thepaynienloian eutrauceteeol Filty Cents, PPl'.CIAL. NOTICE. Pbe nmnuut renui red for inembi rliii totheSorittv Is Firtu Cfcsis. 'in Jtiduco:i geni-r.il co-oprratiuu uf Hie V'upiu 01 111c wnoie Loumy, incHnetyiaa iisuea n niiiidter of Certificates and nlated ih m iniu tho bauds uf the following named persons in the rti lie rent prfrls of the iVuiuyi who nro auinotieu iu gram ineui ioii.cn nsinaypav me iiniiaiton hp mho ineir nanus, 10 wu Iiloiuti. IJi llnrtuu: RerwJcl:. J'.nos Fowler: Itcnton i;ii Mt'tideuliDli; Reaver, Isaac Davis ;CntaAisFa, Jolm Ki'luV; Cuiilrn, UlIlrfTt II. Fowlirt Fmhlnpcrcf k, Henry Ritti nbendir ; t'runkllii , R. P. l'irtii"r i (Ireen 1 wond, Lllsha ILViiuan ; Hemlock. ijlveMir I'nrsellj : Jai.ltMiti, Theodore tinilih; licust fraud Uriub-W; MI1H111, Win. h. Rrown; Mouiour, Utlas Deltilck; Maine, George Bhumaii; .Mudisou, Rt-uben Wilsoni Mount Plciimiil, J II. V,tudertlce; Orange, !e,o.ri'e W.Lotl; Pino, James .Masters ; R'uiiiuserei-k, Hjintiul lick; fugorloaf, Andrew l.nub.irli ; cult, Tliouias Ciev ling. and likewise o( Ihf Preside ut Tbls Cfrtillciiic not only continu(s the nwnrr n meiulier oflhe Columbia County Agricu llurdl Botir-ty, turMio year. but i 1 entitles himself and family to nt I end tin' Fair willidutextra iharges and lurlher Mlow 0 him u ptiviUge of IprinpliiR ruth articles 011 exbiLlliou in hi may cuoosc, wiuiouiuuy luuuer pujuicni 01 entrance fee. Th s tm-rortunlty iiowrer.wiu otny continue unto tlio 15lh ol October. 'J hose not unbracing it anterior lo that date, will 00 reiuii'ii lonumo uy ui ran s, bum lor uiiruiHeofnrticlesiiiid admission to the Fair that liall be odupled at ihal tlnu 1 PaMIMON JOIIN.Phes't. Rloomsburg. J'a. Kept.. HHh 17. ALLEN & NEEDLES' S VP P. It V 11 0 S V It -1 Til OF L IMF., CAUTION. Be particular to obscrvo J that everv barrel of our article his our name and that of Potts & Ktttt branded on Hie head. Tills Caution i re i. df red necessary, ls there arc m many artlch nf diiubttiil va!ue sold under (lie name of .Super Phosphate if Umet ns to mislead thoju who are unacquainted with inevaiuu oi a OI.NIJIM; AKTICLJ3. rrlce S15 per IJiHJU lli. (21 ceuis ier lb) A liberal deduction made lo dealers Order fr this al"uble ferlilner aliciulul to trotnntly Pamphlets desrrituuc it, nnd the mo lc nf npplyi i. can bn had gratuitously nt our stores, nr by mail w Ron desired, ' it lias no superior n a auuurejor WI1KAT. ttVi:. CORN. OATS. and all oilier cropn reiulriug n vit-orom und prndurlne notouly n healer ield of (train than Peru vim Ciiiano, but itijchtng the ttrau to support the head, (JliAri SF.nii rarely fails Ut Hike well where uur Phosphate Is up',ilicd to tchtat land, PACIFIC OUCAN GUANO Wo have a small ojian- tltv Hill in nt nre. FISH MANURF A supp'y of this valuable nrtUlo fot k He. Prire 30 per CtKIU bs (U rents per lb.) NO. I OOVFJENMUVr IU3 UVIAN flUANO for sale at the lowett rates KJ-'lh'i lending Agricultural Journals nnd New spa pera aru regularly tiled at our olhcufor the utcut 1'ar toers. (JiukIs run be loaded lit cither (rout of our Warn- houe. Farmern are reromuu inb-d lo drive to WuIpi fctn et and avoid the rnmded Wliarf. Amnio lacililies aro allorded Iu loading wagons and attending to thu nurses.. Aiiiuv & NF.nni.ns, No. i'll South Wharves, 41 c5nutlt Water H., Fat Store abivu Chest nut St., Philatla. August 1, I-Hui . F AL h ARRIVAL S L. 0 'J1 !rJ 0 H Q o mill! underpinned, eratefid for nafl patmnate. n X cperil'ully ml'iruis ins cistomers and the public ceiieriiliy, that tie nan JUit rece.veii irom m.j uasiern cjli the largest and niost Kchri stock of I'AIjL ANM) WINTKlt CLOTHING, Thu ha yi t been opened In Klooinsburg. to wtiidi ho invites the'iiijteutin of tils friends, and ascurcs them ih.it they nro offered fnrsa'e nt gre'it bJrgains. JIis Hlotk tnmprHos a Urge nforliueiu or Gentlemen's Wearing Appar.cl, Cnnslftin? of FASIJIONAW.U DUFHrf COATfi, nl every description ; Pauls. ests, Shirts, travnti tiluci.4, Cotton Haudkerchiofs,Cl3cs, fc'ut-pindira, Uc, pold Watches and Jnvclry (if everv dmrriPlion. fine und thean N. H Itcuieiiii.er "Ixvctt litres Lhtap w;ortFrt." Call and see. no cnarge tor ckamiiiiiit' u ous. DAVID LOWlINUERt; IlloomsburK. Aug 2 1817 JJISW OARIMAGK kstahlisii.mijnt IA' ISLOOMSISUILG, In tho Now brick throo Story Carriage Factory, on Main liclow Market. rpilll sulircrilier would m-pi cifully announce to rtie J. IiUU'lC. lUil, ,cua,vwui.".ii..miii. WAOOV MAKING llU.WCfcfX id nl I iMi-i.uirhei. Lie is prep ired loeiecote nil onlerb ami lias unhand at reseiitaiiaiitortmeutof finished work u nini purtjiaseri wniunua iu ineir auvauiagc iutia untie. ! RHPAIRING. j Wilt be done lu the most prompt and rarefut manner ; aud upon tci ms which cannot tail lo clvc satiwfaciimi. SPltAWUltlDGli A- WILSON, ttioouihbiirg, Apriiar1, IH5.1. NEWI)imG STOlTiJ; ' IIXCllANOU I1I.UOK. MAIN BTIIUET. Bloomsliiir?. Tllllunderaigncii would rertifcirully infor mliis friend and the p llil i r geuorMly, I lint lie lias .iircluised 11 r 'reset t's llrueand Clieinical gtoru, und Just relumed from thecity uilli alargennd sck-cl HtocU,cuiisi,ting ol Fresh and Pure Drills, Medicines, Clieinii-nls,;. rou ml nod u liotedpicesi rninls OII4. VnruUlies. Die Stull's. Wiiidnw liLissnf ill sires. j toe.i lliet u iili .icoiupleleassorlliKlit ol Pai nt. Tool Ii nml uu 1 miavni" iiriisiics,tonaccu,riiL'arif,iiiiic.boa ns.&nav. IUU uruuni . Pure WitiPP and liranilics. For Medicinal use.Kiit.li.il, rri-nrli.-ind Auierlcati I'er fuioery ; in sliort,cvi;ryur.clt kejituy UrUKgi.ts gene. rniiy rlrerriotio!isenri'rull compounded . N It Tlio Uknt.i, l'Rijrv..ioM, will be coutlnueil as usual in llloonisbiirj. nml I.islil tiirect. Ali'i.u full assortment ot tlie latest style Teelli, for sale by OHO. M.IIAGUNIiUC'll. lioiiiHliurff, 1'cb runty 1, 1Hj7 liLOUiMSUKG BOOK STOllK. rpHE undersigned rcspcotfullyaiinouncfvi fl that she continues tho iitoovt.buri: JJooK Store and ' biauonary i.t.iaon&nmtiii, mil ly i oitmitiui, ,j iivroeecsiBeii liiiiuann, iiiajur i;taik,-in ,111 iih-h v.iuoui nranuies, nl thtj old Kane iu the F.xchaugu Uuildings. first door Haul of the i;xr.ange Hold, nud having reptenikhe,! her I'slnolUliuient with u rhoiee stork ol JVtio Hooks and A( o(io nury, i-bo jn prepared to accommodate all who may civu her a call In her line, ALSO. The Kestauranl Hi I com, in the basement of the above esiablistiment.wll te loutinued na usual uy thoaiib- scriucr, where the public can al all limes lie supplied with Ilia ilwicest llrvi.ii.au d ItrrRrsiisit.vTs, such ... ,. I...... .1,. .. .. ns ill nieriiis.n irsiip.iiu ii vr' . v , rariillies rinli.,.,1 nnd Pickled Ov ters. Pickted t.'laui,. ctn. ra-Tlie public custom is respect hilly solidted. oAhoi.ini: ci.aiik, SiccMjir lo Jetie a. Car. lllooiiisliur..M.ir IW TRUNKS ! I Till! I.AltUKST, Ur.ST litndsonie.t ami clieape.t if.i sorlment ol Solo Lcallfer, Ho'i.l lliVPtr.l TKAfKLIMl TlW.VhS, VAI.ISIl TltllNK'rt. T.i.A-'153,-4V J.a.ileM' floniitM' Dreet frunij vxHitdC&KStxv' tniiLiiui'.vtS I'lHiMii-J. ropuiirrs. ieuiu.r ami ,arpci uags, racklnfi J (Ullks, ic., &c,, ot THOMAS XV, MATTSON'p. Celebralljd Condon Prize Medal, Improved riltcl Bpiln, Solid nolo Cealher Trunk .llanulrrlory NO. -I1IU MAIIKKT hTlllil'.T, South en loruer 1'ouiUi and Markil, Philadclnliia. AuustH, 1837-lf K. R. O It WIG, Manufacturer axd Wholesale Dealer In CliDAIt, ll'OOIl .4X1) IVILLOU WMIK, B W 8 ? CWUKS. MKIKIND GI.AslSi:. C-OltD(llJ, OIL CCOI'IIS, llUUailC'rl. WINDOW KIIADW, ic No. lay Notlh THIRD Street, 0,, doar belov the Ov Hotel. AugSU, UOT PillCAUliCPUIA i i ii i , l i ,i , j ipi j mi mmm.m simooms jeaiitti, nniiM v. t av A it v. n n n Ai s TllKutiderslKnc'l respectfully invites the attf ntfof I rtftlM Publif to bis (ixlciislveapsorliiifiii ofCHMncl I J n riuttt re ntiti t-bairs wi.icn no win war runt 10 iiemndn of (too i iTHierlnlsond In a worUmuiiliho nmrinrr At his r.ntnbliilimciitieaii always be found ogood ussort merit of , KASIIIOADIiB lajIlNITUllli;, Which iner)uaiin siiennd nnisn in innt rr t'lil 1 udflpbianr New Yoik cilettuudalas loWprlccs, nc lias SOFA S. enTTOs nf dlffcrpnt styles nmi prices, fromt.Ttt'JfSeWSU h irnrpnt v pier t.Ud, n,ib'liishus. cln ll n 1 r st what nuls nnd ctmiou dres.ond nlUtlndsof f.uhlnunlde work. Ills slock of huipaus, enclosed nud common wash stands, djpfi,, laulv, corner ctipbpurds. sofas i breakfast tables, bed Vte,iJs. ennu wntuiid'nrijriiuii chairs, is tlio lar est in llii sptllon of thf tountry, Un will also keep a good assortment of looking clasfeg with fancy gilt nnd rum moii frames- lie will also furnish spring inaipssos fitted tonny slr.o of bendFJjeud, which nre superior Or durubibty QUdcoiiKiurito anyjbed In uo, r31MON U. SIIIV1I, Uloonijliiirg April Bih, 1P5 1 HOVKlt'S LIQUID H4111 DYK. rtMHA 1IAR DYU nreds only a trial to snilsfy nHof X. its perO'ttlon as a D)r, and the Idlowinf leptl' ) intiiii.ii inni m-m vniiiiL-ni Aiiaiviic oiirmisi , I nuiPtor iiooui, m i iiu u. n, mini , win ouiyronnrm wjut tliuii sunus nave pri'vitoiy nor ne lesumnny lo. Lnorptory jgr Practical Chrmlttry, ) ov. c-irjinrii a i m-r, i niincn. ) Uen utlt ncnunlntrd wltlHbn nilmtaiu'en Jut; Hover l.i'jnid Ilnlr I'je.l am taliifted thai by lu'loAing tun fi in pie ttircrlions lvt u for it ukc. it will not injure the Hntr or 8 kin but nil! give a i.ulu' nil and durable color to the hair. JAMCrf C. p.oorn. Aug J,lfc57 .tnalgtte Chemttt. HOVER'S NVlUTING JxVKS. TNur.mnNn novnua vi.vin nnd noviat'S i.v- 1 IH:L.im.U IN K. a re too well known and lutrndored to rcTilri any nd llttnnil testimony oflliolr cli,ir.irli('. Thf! Bales havo'befn Increasing ilnce their first InUn ductlon. giving evidence tint the u -tic let truly posen that inirinslc inirlt clahtted ut first fur them by the iii.tiiuficlurer. ' Orders addresfd totl.e Mnntif.ir.lnry, No. 1 U Kare street, above FtMirth.foM No. lit,) Philadelphia, will receive prompt intent 1 1 u, josnni j:. hover, Awr 21, 157 ly .Viflnuet-rcr. KSl'l'XOWNNIiW'sTbitK. Til i; iirulr rcipnid, jinvinr OMOfintr f t pettier lu the Mi rcntiiile lliiiiitn, itkv pUsMite itiuMiouncnic to their IrWid nnd the public in general, Uml thrir new .more nue, located on iiiain sin et.Ltiitrai in Urpjiowu, Columbia county, bus Just been blocker Willi New Swins Goods Conpri'Ing no extensive assortment of Cloths.Cnsi morel, Vellnr., jjlnsllii.. 1. Inn. nnd every oilier nr licle lo Hi-! w .'inn? Iiile. inclndu; Hardware, (Jlilli.1 , Cirihen and II.IIjw wari. nrorerie. riuc.irs, T Cnlf"!, Rice, Molasses etc., etc., with nil othjr jrti clcs td commerce ndnpled to country sldres. ALSO-HEAD Y MA 1)E CI. O THING- CJr"flrain, I, uuiber, Proviniont, Produce, cc., of bl I kinds, taken lu exchange for lurrrhjudiie. I). V. ItHIOHARO, 11 O. GKUVCLtN'U. lifpytowii. April 4, 1dS7, Greenwood Seiniimry. AT iVBillvillo, Columbia Co., Pa. ABV8T11W V10 course of inrlrurllon is nlven In nil Hie Htislisli branches usunllv tnuclit. The l'rinclii.il will ho assisted .lurlns the nre.entycnr h '. 51. rorrd.iin experienced tenciicr. reccnllv from .the l.nuca.tcr count v Normal School k T.avi",. . ...in ..vvna ..in kumiiii.-iibu .uiy 1.1, ? U It M S . Tuition, for iiay iiupiis, S"t,50 to 91,50 oer quarter. Iloardluz, Tuition. VVa&L.n.';, Lizlils. &c. S30 ner qn.uieroi eievun wet-ns, unv-k.u ii anvniice l or circular, catalogue, or oilier r.irllculars,nlilrcs WM. I.UIIUI.S, Millvllle. April 4, 1H37. 'rlci;.a(. KKMOArAL. mVII! Hil.dfri1.np l.nilnrr rrmnvnil hi MmI.I. nr.l J from mar Hie Court Ho le. to the South wvrl fori ner or MAIN nnd MA 11 It IVP treets. In IHiiert How, wluru.he M prepared to lurnish all kinds of iMarOlc Work, VU- MONirMUTS, Cradle Tombs, Pox Tombs. and Dead atones of cvutv ilenr.riDtniii. tmc.k it. i.i tin. Iiei kitd. iho workmanship not Eiir.aied bynuyiu iuu eoiiniry, aim m iow prices, lau uuu juogc or jours rives. O" lie wi'1 aluo furnUh Table and r.uretui Tops, Marti) fir houses, I'asc Oornes. I.tntles. an J Sills for Wint'ovvs and Doors, at a low liguro. 1 tianklll for nasi f:ivnr. un Imim ltir n rnnilmiiiipi. -r,. ( oi tne same. ANT HOW WIT.MAV. Illoomsburg, Aril 4, Cm """" ROOT AND SHOE MAKING"! THU undersigned, thankful for the liberal pnlronagii with wliich he has been taord foj years goneby.wmild infoimhis friends und cuetumeis, 'hat he continues to liiaiiulaclure Hoots and Shoes, At his old nnd w c llknownstaud, on Maliistrrct, Itlnnui)burg, iu all their various and forms, In good sty lo a ml on nu derate terms. His long experience jn tho business, and jfeneral knowledgeof iho triple .Colnvia'. gu.ii.lyi siper- to all his ciietoiiicrfl.fhoiild secure him Increased pa- JACOB r. DICTURICKi llloomsbiirff, Match 10 1W" "COSTAR'S" RAT, ROACH, &c.f EXTEJIMINATOR, Put up in COc. 33c ,C5c.. nn.l SI boxe. cost.mi'S" uuu kuo r.xTP.it.Miv.vroii. Put up in 2ic. ode , ?ac, and 61 linul,., "COSTAU'S" lil.KCTitlC roWIIUll rOI! AXT3, iNsi;cra ic Tut up in fir.c. ami rUc boxes. Principal Depot, No.llrM Uroadliay, New- York, nnd sold by llrimpii-ls ami Dealers everywhere in the Uui ttd Sluti,, (.inadas, WeH Indies uml South Aloericu. An; S.',ri57 la Hopkins' City Hotel, ' NO. Q.7 NORTH TlllliO tSTllCCT, .lines llaci Uriel, formerly "r.AOLC UUTl'.L," PHILADELPHIA. riMll! undersigned hus taken Hie .iboe well known J lloun nn h lou and lavor.ib el case, nnd Im ren ovated und furni;lied ii entirely uueiv, nud in suih n i-tjlunnd manner ns will give sati (action lo nil o may beroin liu guests, Geullemu who wil eun be furnished n room nml m pnhed with meafa;ijt fieir ple.Huro, Hmu a large Ucsutir.mt iiiid,;;aiiug riloou atuiilnd.oii thu I nro pint) plan," or al the hotel table, nt regular hours us they inay drsirn. Flip prnprielor Hitlers bimelf that no house m Phiimlelphia frlii 1 1 siirpaf the comfort and attention wlucti will be I'uuud at the City Hotel. Juno 0, ldj7. A RETIRED PHYSICIAN, ryf YHAliS OF AGR, Invln? Iiift hi father, two i O brothers, rtau;liter, son-in-liw, uephi.ws and nu crs, d Hint dn ndful disease. CoNft'Mi'rios, nml suf. feting with n Cough linutelf, iKtei'miued to vis.il I lie Fast Indies, Copland Jnp.in, where ho discovered u pracHticeami certain cure for Colds, Coughs, UronchitM, CeHivmjiriori.Neivous Debility and Asihuit Ills lough was cured immediately; lie returned, lured his rita fires, who inherited the disease, und iu connection with hii sou have employ jd it in their practice, ruling iiius h cui-tmicitMi oupeion ny Diners, For Hie purposu of rtVrtiiug us many of lus suiVeriug feltow-be(ii ns poxnible, lie is Rending the Uecipo to alt who with it for ten tents j 3 of it to pay tho noit ugc, am! the balance printing. Addro.s Di; HUATII, 101 renins Et-, opjoeitc trt. Nicholas Hotel, June 1.1, W7. Kuu Vork. P0UTAHLK OIDEIl MILLS. KHAUniiU'S Patent, for lund or llo'rsa power, Hie ben in uso Wheeler's llntso Vowurs ami Threh Improved drain Pans, l'ennrK.k's Wheal Drills 1 i-,""lie' ' Clmn nod UuanoSiiieailcrs, Iho most approved I '"J", and 1 odder Cutters, Moti'ii Hollers, Uri ml. tones i reml V Ii II I. IT Wllh ti',,1. I, urn, tl aanrl ,,,.( rtl A r,nil,r ,1 ready hunif ; with u',reneralassorluieul of Agricultural and Hurtle ural linplcineiils. P.VaCIIAI.li MOHISISifc CO., linpleiueot and Heed Htore, Seventh and Market sts., Philadelphia. August 15, 4657 HOUSE LINIMENT AND CATTLK POWDERS. IrOR sale at tho oflico'of tho Columbia Democrat. A LBO Deeds, Blanks, Stationery, .MJrrlage CcitlOcales, A.0 , Ac . tiC. VJIISIIII1VTII UllOTlIl'ltb. WHOIiUSAlE Ik in v v Bllis.fll NU.103,NOU'i;il Tllinn STHEET rAve Janrur.rlO.ie.aS. r ive uoorsouiow itace, 1 IIIIiAIIUUIIIIHi SHARP NOTIOK. I,f persons ludtbted to the firm of Ilartmait it Hq.vir. uro hereby iiutiled to rail in nettle tho same and tuve coit. HARTMAN 4; llOWF.a. Also, ttin.e nidtbled to tho subbtribjr. ate I ike, sue (t)-piteil lo cull and settlo- r T UAKT.MAN. tspytuuu, Jutfu o, dm POSTSCRIPT. Tromepdlous Loss of i ifo and Treasure. Tho Mnhinj; of tho npoan sfenmer Central America, ia onoof tho most horrid disasters of tho ikcp ever recorded. Pi;or four hundred human beings aro no pi) tlio bottom of the sea, "in tlio deep bosom of (lie Occnti burled. " AVhnt sufTcrings wero endured in that dismal night, what frightful pcctics enacted, yiat rjjjonips of grief, of flight, and of death, ran never be icvcalcd until that great day when tho Eca "elmll givo up iU dead." ' GOOD?, npilE undcrflgncd t eHpcctriill) inform h theircimlomers nnd the ppb'ir guirrnlly, (hat they h.ivpj'i't received nt theff hew isrfrk Htorc rioiisetiu LlilitfJtrt t a selict nrnrlmj.iit ol tnibioiiLblo Hpring and Summcr'Goods. direct from the Haslcrn rllie, cppiprismg nil tho various selections lo be found In Country Hlores, Cnnftii'g t C!nili, CflMimerei". J)efitip, Itrnzes, i;ahcoei.,4.r. Together with ail kinds of (tress goodt for HiPTadtes, ALSO. n tir.'TljlIMllN'H WKAR, OF .ALMOST. Vl'.ltV fl OUT' AND KTVMJ. ' I.ADIUSTAI.MASllROHAH.HAWI.K Orocrrie. tolimes, Sugars, Teas, Coflee. Pplres, and in nhort.iiveryilng in tin wny nf Merchamlize,. KHAHY niiib ui.u i in-sw. ni rvprj description lron,Jteel, Nmls-Suljiy Hprings &c Thankful for past pitrnnago, it will hi nrir ttuiioiip aim to please theh cuttuiuers und tr give general satisfaction. It. W ic W. N. CKC BY. Ught Btreet, Aptll II, lr.'7 CHEAP STORE. SlinfNCjf AN1 SUJJMKU GOODS. rpilK unJi-'raipDctl tnkc tilrasnrc jn nu A lio-mclnt to llielrruftmiier. mut liie .uti li. cenrr nlly. tli.tttliey li.ivejurliereii.d, nt tlio l.iiUt tjilge Siore.n choice nsrnrtini lit cf Spiing anil Summer Goods. ColliprlSinc CVCTV tirUcle usually kept 10 Countr) Htorc.wlilrli liim Inn relirlcd Willi coio. Btiu win ye pom an cry ion- .i -v. jur rL-aii, fiio buy Gmm. rnnslrtliig of n latv ariety -iut'( Cosilmcrs, iieKiiues, urazes.uaii vet, XfjT Country nroduce taken in exchanfrfor cood. Uive us a call. None need go away tfi?allGed. Lime Uidge, March 2a, 1857 NEW GOODS. SPRING AND SUMMER OP 1607 "ho underigncd, grateful for former B liberal talrou,i2o. rc"ieciful ly infer ins hi Iriends and customers in general, that h! has ronij mcliceil uiisinesvin (uts epariuus iew Bioro uoimu iicitiloor to lapfali Vluniian's Hotel. where be h;tn Just ruceivedtufuiisupply uf SIMiING AND UMn GCODi. comprising very variety of fit h ion, pialiivandsly1 usually kt pi in the best Biuret-. tlroecries,Uujr,ccwuro Hardware Fish, Salts, Hats, Cap. I! tots, tboea, &.C., which will be sold on accommod.iting 'Perms. vy Grain und produce of a 1 1 kin dwuted. A li S. ANDHEWS. MnnvMle. March 'M, law, y.l Farmers? Depot aud Piaster Mills, AT 'lite: JUNCTION or York Jlccnue, Crown end CalloutitU Uttctti. PHILADELPHIA. WH olTer .1 large rtoch ol Chemlcitl Manure nnd Fertilizers at low priren mil wcrraiited to bo genuine : among wliidi will be found looittoiis No l GuvernmLiit Peruvian Guano HlOOtons Delmrg's No 1 Superphosphate ol Lime. The nbovr sMndird nrtirleg nre, ea U l iheir kind. Hie htl In the toild 1 Our l.aud Platt i mitnulaf lured i . . .. . . .. i iruni MjH'ci'-d Mime, ia iturmeu lorouiiiuui uie u mun 1(B ..rt,v .t i,..,ll.ih. ' vg iwiTd oRunita ron- Dc Purg's No. 1 Supcrphovpi.aie nl Uma No. 1 (lovcriiinent Peruvi in Gu mo. FrenebV Improved tfupf rpliiiiphate of Lime. French t. philadelphi i I'oiidrctle. TVo, 1 PiiopbJie.Gu.iiiu, PJiilad'a Co b) Mexican (Juano, (A) Ultra La saur, Ordinary Land Platcncl, riiiinical Uone, Pure Hone Dust, Fiih Guano, Ground Charcoal, to ono barrels I nnd Placer. -l.tioo 1 Casting Platter. 10.000 Hydraulic Cement. 5.Wi() Tru Unman Cenleiit. 1,000 Purtlaud (Knglish) Cement. t jientl! PInster, Powdered AiilliraeheConl in Mils Siereotype Plaster, P.idired Itituiuinou Coal Glass Maker's do G round Itrow n Stone G'ound Sfiep Stone, Win to Sand 11 do. While Marh le, Grnuud llricks for Pai'itcrs. do. Ulue Marbles, Cliemicul Pone Dun- rnnvLH. mciiAKDs &. co., S'tnm Mills nnj Farmers' Depot, At Junction vf Yurk tfttnuc, CVpicii and Callouhtlt irs , PIIILADKLPHIA. Sept 12, lSAT-Sm NEW TINWAUE SIKH. MAIN STUUUT, OPro?ITUTHi: CXCI1ANGC. riMIC underlgned reppertfully informs his friends X and the public genuitilly, th.it he hnz opened Ji JSav 'ftmvare and Sha'CIton iiVa- In the, building formerly orrupied for tint) purpose, bj Joseph Sharplet, where he is prepared Ii conduct Hie bufiners in all i's various bra inches. 'J inware and !)one Spnuiinp of nil kinds made to order on short iifttlce and l iKoderate prices. Alfco-STOVIOS, of orious Hjles, constantly for sale. ' y Repairing d4"e.;o order in piiik time tnrX.'ou'ntry'ploductj tak6n ju eirtionce fi rwork. D. C. Mfl.I.AUt). .Illopnisburg, May Ifi, 1657 y . L. Pancoast &. Co. CQMMISSIOX MKRGIIANl'S. AND DCAI.l:itS IV FISH, PROVISIONS, SALT, 17 North Wharvci, Philadelphia. 'S'lBK ClfiEAJ BOOK SlOItE, t'orutr oi Stli ii Arch Street, Philadelphia, Henderson &. Co,, nooKSK.LF.ns rvonsiir.Ks. INVITE thu attention of all Pertojis ting Pintail' Ipln i, hi't'licr .on Itu, I m ss o" tilensuro jcrl, f llookrellers, t'nunlry Dealer", Trnclicrs, Public and ' nrivato cibruru-s, supplied with nooks &. siaitooury ut 1 n low til raits. C.a 11UNDCP.SON & CO.. Marrii 7. If57 - -dm I. POWDKU! POWUKRI! riillll uiidersljueit liaiing associatod together, under X the linn and ttjlu ut Pursel I? Jacobii, Will ranilnue the Oriarcrcok Pcwdir Uus.ineis In ull its deparimiu's. C. II . J. 13. runsnc, JACOUV. Aug 10. 137 WILLIAM J. RE I OLE MAN, 0aijMc auD ijaruc05 MAM'FACTCKKK. Hloointbure, Auff 15' 1 -57 EAGLE FOUNDRV, RLOOMSRURG. Stoves and Tinware. riIIR subscriber havlug ereucd n largo new Lrirk J rouudryund Machine Hliop, in place of llr old one. is prepared to nuke all kinds of castlns tit lift loVM'.l pries. Plows cnu.laiilly on liaml 'J'liu .uli scrllier has also removed In. Tin tsiion I'rni.i nluin .1 to Hie Poondry lot, uheru he has oiecleU a buil.hu; aiiognner lor pinves lino ituwaru. I "r ..,'. .uii.i.i ..i nit- ,i ..I i in,.. iHl llllk, BA.lll I OUK, VAMilt:i: COUK.UIIU ffijiTSPAI'.I.OIt S'lKVlIS ol all kmds, (he Mill l)V i.i.viu:it stovi:,&c. ah kimi. uriaun. made lo order. JOsmi SI.BfLU3S 1P57. r ' IHoomsbiiri;. Aptil 11, KOSENDALE CE.Ml''T. PCP.POVS Hi.liiuj ItoM iul.lef.nienl n hud li by calling on tho tut be 1 iter ut Unpen lu J. II IIARMAN Anil II. ljj