Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, September 26, 1857, Image 1

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"To hold and trim tho torch of TrutU and Wavo it o'er tlio darkened Elartli."'
INlllor, Publisher & I'roiiriclor. J
One Dollar & Sevcniy-flve cls,lr. adduce.
VOL. XL-NO. 29.
PuUhhed every Saturday Morning,
In Did omsburg, .Columbia Co.,
lOri'ion. In (he new U rick Jiuildingt op
posite the Exchange, by 'side of tho Court
House," Democratic Head Quarters,'"
TI'.HN( ftp suiiscuirnoK.
(1,00 In iiJvunco, for ono copy, fur six months.
1,7.1 in a.lvauco, fur ono copy, ono yenr.
;(Hl If not paiil within tho lint thrco (tenths.
2.2."i If not rM vrltliln tho first six months.
2,51) If not pnl.Mrtthlli tho your.
ilj 11 ,1 smn jrijivion in nun lur lass miwi rix iuuiiiiie,
nnii'no n.uier iliijontlnod until nil urrearnucBsliall
hivo bconpnlil.
ID" Ordinary a.lvortlfomonls Inserted and Jot
work executed atthoostahllshod prices.
Election Proclamation.
IIF.REAS, by the laws of this Com.
mini wcnMli 1 1 1 la tii t tin the ilnt v ol tlm dilcrlrt'
nf rv?ry cntmiv to otvo notice of the puernl HULioiid,
itv jmmicnnon ill nit i or oioro iicivspnpern ei mo coun
ty, nl least iVvcutj dia iM'Inro tui- elrctlon," nnil to
HiMitucratc therein ." tlie oWr-cra to lm cIpcumI," and to
" don! Btnw the placo at wlilcli th" election is to o
ium." 'JiK-nio.c, r, M'i:i'iii:N ii mii.i.ku. mKii
Htiruff of OnlutiibiiL county, do liereliy iniiko known
nnt procliiiu lb the n'mlili1"! rrrtnr of Columbia
enmity, n (IUMCUAIj I'.l.l'J.'TlON w-H tt j,h(
lliroiiftimit M.d county, on TUCPDAV, the TIIIll
TUUNTIl UAV OP OU'i01.r.K.lHnn Hip second
dny hi itfii't month, at tlio tcvtrul ifislrieu within tho
rounly in w(t :
lipiituii low itlit nt llic bonne of t.'x-klrl Cole,
j. payer tnwntliip, nt tint Iiuim f Clirlstlnn Bliuinnn,
liio'im lav. iisin'., nl tlio Ourl llnuo. Jllootnultiir
iirinrr rt't-k lnvtiN'p( nl the Town llni'se, Ucnvick,
OalartiifB t'twiifliip, nt Hie Iioubc of tho lulu fctacy1
.Ma?''rman, Catnw Mn.
(Vi)tru lowiuhii, nt ihe Imiidp of JrreniiMi Hcm. ilecM.
I'i i.ilii!rr rock low n&lifp, filths house of Abraham Kline
i io iv occupied by William Ijoiix,
(jri'fnwnnd townttlitp. nl tln lnun ofJotic)li It, I'uttou,
lltMiitock inwinliip, ui the Buck Horn
Ldcuil Ut hship. nt Hit linumj uf David Kcinboht.
t'i inkl'n tow iib1iJi.hi Cl.itotr tichnol lionet;.
Mitlliu luwiiAlup at lint liniise nt Jnlui Keller.
iMiitlnoii town Mil jt,nt llii-lioiiao of J no Welti vtr, df-cM.
MnuntiilciMint tuwiiilup, at tlio Imiifu cf William
Montour towiKlllp, it tlio nout nf John R!cl arila. tioiv
ocrtipieil liv William llnUltiprheari.
vi iif ii luwiMliip, nt H'" ho i of Innne VrMrr.
llnariii(,ctti k tow tithip nt ilit lumfr of U. W. )iK'-
'.tcli- now (rcnpitfl ly 1'riinMhi liumati.
Orant: township, at the lousu ut 1'tUr I1. Kline,
J mo tovvnuhip nt 1 ho liniitto nf Albf-rl lliiiilcr,
HilKioaf loiynflii,t lt "IU JinuHi' tf Alinn Culo
Hi iitttnwnrMp, At the tnvino of ChneirtloWfll. lpy'n.
t'tiuvDjttnin luwns'iip.oi Hi" liouwo nf rf U Woliurili.
Jurknon i(iwnIiii, nt tin Iioubi! ol JimIiu.i rVivnutj,
Itii furih.T ttinctMl tlint Hip tli ttioii nt tln bhuI
6rn I i'Kihrin c-Ii ill NJ pi'iicd tciirutn tlm liouri nf
H iind to o'clock In tlie ltircinioii,1iii.l bIihIJ coiiluu
open without tnnrrnphnn or ft'lJoininiii'iU. until 7
or luck In 1 li fcmi ln'ti the pulln a tin II lie cIohim).
1 ho t flfi'is tobi't'kcii-d ul ihu linieuml plncu itKirc
ijiiii!, nri
two Jt imwA or tiii: scrunMi: coitut,
a or i:os(jiiirf.
A hl'ATi: rtllX TtK
rvo mi;mhi;hs or ahsiim mlv
r. i I u j i i jf i.ii irtri. t.n.
m: ri'.usoN rou ikotiiootaiiv, rtr.RK
OK Tllli COLUV OFtilJrtKTIl ti;tiytoNr, optiii:
Oltl'llAN'rt tOUIiT. A NO til" Till; CO (JUT OK
'OVI.II ani ti:hmini.k. rr.u-o roit iuistlu ANiutccprtuiMt,
A COUNTY '1 lilJAhUKLlt, " '
(mt lim rntd t'liclion of Cnnarr"inan Is hi Id In
inrtinnco of n writ to on1 din i U d hy llin vnrnor of.
Uo Cnnimoiieiillh of I'cniuylv.niis, wIhti iii it is di-nctt-ri
llnii lipcmini u viic.mry lia happcni'il in ilio
f i'precntniiil ot .t Sditr ju I lie MouBt;o( Ilrpreu'lif
ii lives of tl't United Mntes.ii cunot!iu,:ico ol the
dntll ofJniiN (J MoMoomikv, elect rd a tnenilicr
of tin-Twenty Tilth Concrem. from th Twelfth Con.
jm-tvional Dmtrtct, ronipnind of the couiitien of Cu
limhui, LneernP. Montour and Wyoining, that I.Hle
p lie ii II. Miller , II iff Ii HtierilfoM'oiiimlija county, thrill ;
' lodd or can') tn ho Inild, ii. ciich township, at tho,
linn Hitd at i ho plarm hf.trenaid, an elect f on for ilmo- ;
loK a Iteoresenltiilvft of tliifl.CoTiiniutiwenliii in llic
lloiioeof ttpproHfiiiHthrdilt thy Unlud titaU' ml
tlie vacancy uforcrnt'l.
And. wlurcnp, I hnvcl.ecn dlrrrud hytheCovcnif r
to give not ke l h d n joint lenollitinn, propngiiif crrtftill
iiiiicndinentH tothf t-onsUiiitioii ol Hi In Cmniuun wealth,
' !utt heeti Pi;reet to by n iniijn fly of the nit in It a e'tcttd
to t-'itrn lliiui of I ho l.eslnlat;ire, nl two iucc8ivo
lermti ol thii fame, ntnl tint it is provided by thu Con
ttlitntion. that any Ht-tetidiiiiiit bo npreed upon, ittall
ho ubniitled io tho peoplu for iheir approval o reje
tt hi . Thercfiiro, lar the purpqto oj nsmlaiititiK ihe
pen bo of the cilUeftsOf thii ('ominonwenlth in rcijiinl
tli.TUto, LBl'-jlU'1 II.M'IKr, IlipliHhctiU'ufCdliniilna
couiitvfhi (the notice and pr oc'aitn la Uia n,u&lilind
clt'dora or hind chanty, tluit nn ilt'ctioti will be Ijtld
in t-ich of I ho tovAi liips. uardamUl dtitrUtR tliffeln,
rt5,ft)r thn purpose of deriding upon the adoption or
rejection of tho raid uineiidinenl, cr any of them;
which s.ild el-nioii hall ho lioltt Ht tho tilacev, and
opened and closed .it tho lim) at and within v. hich tlo
(encral Ulectlona of thin Comuinnweallh nro held,
oiifiicd and closed: mid it Hliatt ho tho duly ol Ihe
J ml Hi', Iiifpecto-n and Clerknof each of said town
ylifpB, wnrds nih!"difctncti! to tcccitunt th' raid dec
tinn. lirkeu tlther rilicn or Printed r rnrllv u nl
ten and partly printed from citizens duly qunliliod tn
voto tor nictnucrB ui nm uenerJi Aftteiuuiy, nmi in
d ennui i them In n box or boxes to bo for that tmrimFo
provided by the. proper ollicir ; which llrketH bbatl he
respectiv ly labelh'tt on tho oijtaldo, "Hrnl Amend'
inent,' Htscotid Anieiidcieiit," "Tliiid Amendment,"
and rourilt Amendment," a nd those who erojfuvorn-
hlo to Haid AmendiiitJiiii, or nuy of them , may express
tlioir ilemro by.yolinj each as many separate written
or printed, or nirlly written ur primed ballots or
tirkeia, contalnins on tho jutido thereof the wordi
'I-or i ho rtmecdieiiu'' and ihnHO u lio aro on nosed to
hiich Aniundmetit'torany of thnii, may exprfcBBihcir
(ippoeition by voting earn as many st-parato written
or prlofd bnllo'B or ijrkii miuininp on the in tide
iliitrenrOtft worilfl. "Al-iiIiiH tho Alnclldlllenltl.1,
And futthor, 1 do hereby give notice, direct and
proclnini, th:tt tho election mi I hi 'u&Ul proposed
Amendment. hnll be opcnel and closed at tho mine
timu.Hnri In nil rofnects bo conducted. at tho General
Klt-rtloiu of this Ciiiiunonweiilih lire now coudueted,
;ih well ns respects the qualinentions of voters, the
time nnd muniitjr ol making returns, as in all other
It U further directed tnat tho meetings of the return
iodizes, at ihe Con it IIoiihh In lllnoiuehuri!. in make out
the ne nil returns, hull ho on th) flrvi Friday auc
ceoihna the (jeiionil election, which will ho llic Bix-
tenitn nay oi uctnner.
Thu ConKreHional return Judges rf the Twelfth 1Mb
tricl, couiposeu ui me couutiuH oi uoiunium, LiUcrne
Montour and Wyouiinji, will lutct nt lite CotirUIoute.
in lIluuiiuVurKltpii TUESDAY, llm Twentieth dnv of
October ue tt, to maku out rttur s formclabcr orCou
crps '
'llm leturn Ju.lgea of the Thirteenth
ren.iloril tlutrict, composed pi lue counties orfnyder.
Notthiinibfrland. Montour nnd Columbia, will meet Di
tho Court House, in the borough nf punbury. hi the
count v of Northumberland onTUUrtDAY. theTwenti-
ith i'ay of October ueit, to maku out rolurnn for State
Thu return JudeH of the Ueprescntative Pinlrict
comnosed of thu counties of WvouiincHulllvan. Co
liuubin and Moiilnqr, Bhall meet at the Court IIauo. In
lt.)oiubUrL'.iii the count v of Columbia. on 'JULDAY.
tho Twcutiolh thiy of Of toLtf next, to make outretuina
for members of Amdi'iiiIiIv.
And In and by Iho Buid orl I nm further directed to
five, notice that t very purun,excejtitig justices of tho
pence who limit hold nny ofiiro or appointment of
profit or triibt uuler the (:oL'rnuiBnt of tho United
JSuteo, nr f this Hlate,or of nnycityor incorporHted
iiuinci neiuer u cumiiuvtiiuiivd omct r or ouierwiw
il,irdinnlH nlhcer or O'Ttlt. who It. or thsll lm em
nlnyvd under tho U'iliH j vi'.or rxecMtive, grjudii-iary
oetiaituiuntuf thlsfinto, or ofuny incorporated district.
uud uIbo thai very mviubcr of CoiiKreas.and of the
re h-rt or Loinmoii council of any fitytCaminiMonern
of nny liirumuotud district, it,byUw, incapable of
holding or exetri'iiii; at the same lime, n oiuce or
appoimmunlof judt;e.iuiii;ttor or ftJlkof unj elcciiuu
i. r ii,i niii.t,i,iiiv(!:iili. nnd that no Inaucclor, iJtice or
any officer of nny surh election it lull he eligible tu an
umco I hi u la nc otea icr
(ieu undur my tr.ndnHd teat, at my ntUceiilLloom!
ourir, tuts Jii u.ty oi aiu'imi. . i'., iwi.
' fcil'iil'ilL.V 11. MILLKR.
ltu.)u.bburtf,H'pt 5, 165 V is ht riff
T. OBWAIIU mid ilrllver liackamr i n llm Uno of ll
1. -i'nttivil r nnd lleailinir. l.'utt.iuiHFa. Wiriianiiport
uinl Kiir- ai'il WllllanKpuit ami i:i mini llniUH'll
I)ruri, Nui Hill iirumnily cnltecud
11c i .. I UlficQ, ilri Clicslniit tictt. Ofilrn for
liiD.u iifiiHffe. una tipnat collrtUil hen gi tun g
1'lill.nlcll.liN, Aug'.O.lrO: y
AN u.Kiif imtiii t Uuiiitciluiibr), Juwilry. Itri'muj
ry, BoajH , Hair Uils. 1'uiu.aei., kc , lo t.n li u1 ut
f, tX-Altua LoukBWic.
Eltnjiiiilur;, May SO, Ml,
Bccct f oettn-
Thu light nt homo! how bright It beams
Who n evening shadows round ut fa.ll;
And from thu lattice far It (Imams'
To love, and tost and comfort call
When weitrlcd with the toils of day,
And Htrifo fur Rlory, gold or fame.
Mow sweet to seek the quiet way,
Where living lips will Hit our iamu
Aroun d the light ul hodio. '
When through tlio dark and stormy nlsht.
Tho waywnrd wnnderrr homeward hies,
How f hec'triK H that twinkling light.
Which through the forent gloom ha spies ;
It l tho llrhl nt hornet h It els
Thai loving hearls win greet him there,
And safely through Iflbofotu i tenia
'J he joy niid love that Unnlidi caro '
Around tho lighl ut home.
TheJichlAltinmat when ere at last
ll greets the seaman ihtough the slorni,
Ho f.-etii no more thn rhilllu blaili ,
Thai bean upon his manly form.
Long yenls upon tho eea have fled,
Si new Mury gave her parting kiss,
Hut tho sad I tarn hieh she then ahed
Will now he paid with rapturous bliss
Around the light at hotua.
The light nl horn" I how Mill nnd eweet
It peep from yonder cottage dou-1 '
The mry laborer tn srtct
When the rough tolls ol day are o'er.
Bail is Hip soul thit decs not know
The htPS'lugs that tlio beomii Impart,
Thn cheeM'ul hopia nnd JoyB that rfow.
And lighten up the heavieel heart'1
Arnutul ihe light at home.
rtgiual (Essan,
liv KATE, I
A hind and beneficent Providence Ins
allotted to man and his lovely helpmate, j i'"' The routitry, that liko Hachel, had
very different spheres , in jvhich to 10070.) wept over the fato and sorrows of her
To man Le iias given tljo.wido world, ls' children, now clnppcd her hands on the
tho the.itre on nhich to act tho drama of hill-lops, in the valleys made glad her
his life. Around womnu ho lias breathed ! heart, and 011 her lips muimurcd in per
tho divino e-pirit of Lovo, aud bado her petual praiso (he hymn ofFiccdom! !ut,
assert a ggnjlo fioveieignty over tho hearts' although tho lion of England had quailed
and homes of tho " Lords of creation." boloro tho prido of American sirms, a
Tho ni.o, uh a due meed ol his merits, re-' mighty and majosiio work remained yet to
ce;vof. tho laurel crown of woildly ili.stino-' be accomplished. Tho jVwcl of gieat price,
tion ; while iho othor, for tho puiity of purchased by copious blood and heroic
heart, and tho nobleness of her nature, is s.icrilieo, was still to bo made safe secure
decked wilb tho mvit'o chaplct 1 f Love. perpetual. The dUcoidatit elements of
Ambition, with its syren fWs, b'ecl:6'ns ,'
man forth from the &acrcd joys of home,
ud leadd him omongst tlio bus- cr iwds of
men, to enter its aieua and strivo for its
honors. And often to accomplish his ends, j
he gffors up before tho thrino of his idola-1
try Ids mo.-tchciihcd principles. Wealth,
tho great lover power that muvestho niori.1
universe, sheds iu glittering light around j
his pall, and poor, frail man often uneon-
bciius'y worships tho "Almighty dollar," '
ith moro than eastern devotion 1 Like
Shadraeh, iMeshaek and Ahcduego, ho has
Hon to Wodo through a fiery furnace.
His life is ono of hardship and bitter trial.
A thousand temptations ;iwait him on every
side; u thousand allurements cntico him
from tho path of rertitudo; disappoint
mentSj.dailc and dismal, oppress him;
cares weigh him down ltko a'u incubus-
Atlas like, ho boars a world pf, troubles on
his shoulders ; Niobo liko, ho stands dis
consolato and spiritless! Often tho vary!
circumstances that surround him, work out
us luin. " The slings and arrows of out
rageous fortune" so olten pierce his flesh,
that bis very nature becomes changed, and
that uobi ity of soul that once characterized
him, is now lost iu selfishness. Daily con
tact with tho miseries aud vices of lifo,
narucii his heart, anu render him inc.ipablo j
ot uioso Uclioato leehn.'s and emotions 1
which find so congenial a homo in tile
brtast of woman. But she. far awav from '
theso temptations, excluded by her nature
from tho rudo contact of ihooxtcrnal world, I
hor heart free from its contaminations, and
her soul unspotted bv its vices, btauds forth !
amongst the rougher sex, liko a star iu iho
darkness of night, clad in tho beauteous
glaro of gold, she doe? not auction off her
D n- ' T
hand and heart to the highest bidder, but
tho bestows them oa him whom bho loves ;
and when once tho " tendrils of her heart"
aro enlwincd around an object, she clings'
to it with unwavering fidelity and loving
confidenco. Thcro is nothing earthly in
tho lovo of Mrue woman ; it is divine, -It
is something homo, freihi'roni tbo "flowery! to iho 0-J,re3 and holll'r3 of Publl lor- niiumos, ami no is in very goou cou
mounts of Paradise" ou augclio pinions, l ever. Tearing himself away from tho Mion, having lost only Seventeen pounds
It is the breath of tho Creator, for " God
is Lovo."" It is decpor than ocean's unfa -
tliomabla depths; it is purer thau tho
" iqclo that hangs on Diana's Templo"'
and more lasting -than limo itself. It 1 cnt. And thcro tho greatest man ot all
blesses tho first "young mora'' of our lifo ; 1 this world set his houso in order, and siis
it gilds our youth with tho rainbow tint of! taiuod by an unfaltering trust, was gilher
hopo und happiness ; it wreaths around ' cd to his lathers!,
manhood's, blow a sweet ohaplct of uufad
iug joys, and it supports ago's1 feeble slops
with its niagio iuflucuee. In health, tho
nr.... 'In ,nrt ll.o ill, of lifo. her el.eerin,
smilo revives our drooping spirits. In eliro0orco employed m the printin,' do
Biokncss, her toft baud calms and soothes partmcut is thtco hundred, fnoludiug ro
our aching bruws ; her tender, kind heart porters and' proof readers.
- - " ' O
deeply sympathises with U3 ; and 'y?Iicn tlio
flickoring "lamp of life" goos'outjn doath,
this ,( ministering angel" lingers longest
and oftcnest by tho green mound that
covers our remains. -
,Rle4t e th tyimortai God ii Acf
7'Ab youth who fondltf titt by thte,
And heart end see tee alt the uAfa,
Softly tpcak, and itoittlp smifs'
God blc&a thec, AVoman I
From tho PkiUdelphta Preti.
An Eloquent Oration.
- .. . a .1 fr I
Iirnn llin nh h nrnttnn rF ihn linn, linn.'
w qj , o . r .1 ai is lmicstono, rcililo una benutitui: As a I
W. llrcwor, Stato Senator from tho Adamn 1 . ,, .;!,,, ,.ii.:, 1
,,,,1 w,i.ii ntctt ,ii!rn,i wn,n,pUco Practl0aI Bgnculturo, nulhtng
and Lianklm District, delivered before ,,, ,.,,,, ,,,,,, ,,t:,,i . 1
tho people of Chambcrslmrg on
the "1th of
July last, wo mako tho following beautiful
pv(i, ' in, .i,,nn 1, r,rnMr nr
extract. His .thomo is tho character of
Washington :
"And now the mnoko of battle ha'B pasa-
,od away, iud loft t,ho sUy,ccar, serene and
beautiful. Pence, 'like the' shadow of an
angel's wing, smiled in all her loveliness
over this blessed land. Tho clang of arms
melted into tlio ,whiiipcrings of joy the
noiso of the conflict was mellowed into tho
lie of tho reaper's tong. Glad nature
oiuo moro woro tho gorgeous livery of
verduro, beauty Mid fragrance, Tho na
tion, that like Judah beneath her palm
trcca had mourned the desolation of her
temples, was now clad in tho bridal gar-
incuts of the altar, rejoicing in tuoauty
of bcr (heritage and tho promiso of bor
U'ttiounl greatness and growing prosperity
wcro to '' moulded,into just nrd substm-
tl"' 'onus of strength, harmony n"U pro-
portion. ho iihstriqus spirits of that
Ja' "tro equal to tho task. Under tlio
oyo and couujels of.bim wlio had led armies
to victricd, and delivered his pcoplo from
the houso of lioudago, tho Constitution was
framed, marked by talent, attainments aud
statesmanship, wliicli are still tho wonder
and admiration of the world. Upon ils
wide platform of wisdom, justice and equal
ity, in tho simplo majesty of eternal truth,
and with tho inassivo columns of undeoay
iug Etiongth, sprang tho proud templo of
tho American Union, chaste, towering and
sublimo I And now the now and gallant
ship of Stttc lay upon tho tranquil branst
of an unexplored soa, roody for her first
voyngo. Her hull was strong her rigging
well appointed her main mast spired up
liko a I earn of lighl bor yard arms stretcl?-
cd themselves out in tho prido of strength
her spars glittered in tlio morning suu
and her white sails fluttered iu tho balmiest
breath of- heaven. Should that uoblo ves
sel come back again or, go down in tho first
heavy gale f Tho wholo nation conducted
to tho crowded shoro tho saviour, tho deli,
vorcr, tbo lather of bis country, Ceorgo
" asmngion 1 ins Biep was sun eiasuc, ;
anu 111 the eaim nuo 01 ins oyo siumuoreu 1
yet a world of eucrgy, Tho eloquonco of
that paternal voice, that idolized form .with 1
its charmed life, kindled hope and inspired
confidence. Amid tho smiles of heavon
and tho plaudits of tho peoplo ho stopped
on board : his chart was tho Constitution.
!' Liberty Ins compass, ami tho U mon ot tho ,
Siatps, li guiding siar. That majestio j
ship, bearing tho liopcs and destinies ot a
razini world, moved awav unon its nath
of waters .liko a- thing of life. For eight
1 ' .... ....
adventurous years his hand guided tl,at
. vessel safely through tho ponls ot tho 69a,
"c 110 '"'ougnt her naeic to 1110 na-
Y'cn, no limber was shattered no spar
', uncrippled aud hor sails untorn. Ilis groat
mission .was ended ; and ho bado farewell,
! cmbraocs.of Lis loved oountrynicn, ho found
' for declining years a sweeter, .hapfinoss
and '"P gratefullrauquility at his own
hearth, 111 tho honored shades ot rctiro-
' LiU on$ vho wrapt, tho draptry of hit couth
rfbout Aim, and ho iieo dvn' to jdcaoant drtomt,"
' esr T ho uditiou of .tho London 'Units
each iiiornini' makes a pilo fifty feet hick.
Evcrv four days it Mould mako a column
liinTi na llm l.niu nn Alnnillnonr I lin
Tho Fanners' High School of
Tho Board, of Trustees of tlio Farmers' (
High School of Pennsylvania havo just
issued an 'adJrcgfl. Thoystato that in 1805,
oner inc most paucnt nnu carcxui exami-
l, . r , , . " . 4
nation of sevcrnt points m various quarters
of tho St to, thoy Luvo fixed tho local on ,
ui ulu uv;iiUUi iu V,ul.u vUUUV, ...u
BOUthcrnElopoof Penn and Nittany valleys.
within, perhaps, five miles of tho gcogra. J
Tilnrnl int.rn nf llm State, wlmrn thn land
I " T, ,
... - . . - . 1!-...1 .1 r s e 1
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ttIld anaoyaQCCS of n tow" or PuUl
oumtiuuiiji luuijiiuu iiuiu ijiiuu 1U0r"3 1
so prejudicial, to the pursuit of study, or
tho security of a well managed farm or
Two hundred acres of this land wcro
g6ncro'usly donated to tho Institution by
Gen. James Irwin, with tho privilege of
purchasing ono hundred acres upon each
side, at any tiwo within fivo years, at sixty
dollars on 'acre; and in tho meantime to
havo possession of tho whole, upon tho
payment of tho interest upon tho valuo of
thu last mentioned two hundred acres.
Tho Hoard of Trustees took possession of
tho whole, and having appropriated of it,
to tho apple and pooch orchards, 21 a-4
acres to binaller fruits, 5 2-1 acres; to tho
gardens uud nursery, 10 1-1 acres; and to
tho campus, 12 1-2 acres. A system of
record of all the doings pn the form has
boon arranged, and tho plan of education
is believed to bo as perfect as possible.
Several of tho buildings havo been com
pleted and others arp in progrcsf . . Tho
Legislature nt itd last session, appropriated
$10,000 to enable tho 5oard of Trustees
to carry out their pUn; twenty-fivo thou
sand of wbioh is payable only upon condi
tion that a liko bum bhall bo raised from
some other touico. 'Tiioro is no other
mode of raising thin sum than by private
contribution or that of County Agricultural
Societies throughout tho States. This sum
contributed, will pl.ieo tho Institution in a
prosperous condition, aud encourao tho
Board of Trustees to prosccuto tho work
to speedy and attivo operation. ISo such
school, os is hero contemplated, has ever
yet existed amongst us; and it is most
confidently anticipated, that whilst v.'o arc
getting up a farm which will bo a model
for farmers whilst wo will bo testing and
disseminating tho most valuable seeds and
plants throughout tho wholo length nnd
hroadth of tho State, laving tho guarantee
of such an institution for their character
and quality, wo will bo imparling to youth
those principles of uatural scicuce, which,
when intermingled .with tho practical ope
rations of tho farm, will give character to
them, and dignity to their calling. Fred
crick Watts, Ksq., of Carlisle, is the Pre
sident of tho 15oard of Trustees to whom
all communications upou tho subject may
be addressed.
Dr, Burdell in Braail.
In tho new book on "Hraiil and tho1
Brazilians", by ltev. D. I'. Kidder, and
llcv. J. 0. Trctcher, Dccto'r Burdell is
curiously enough noticed as having been in
R.u jallcr;0 ; xgsi, ' i10 writer, in
ppoaking of tho aseout of tbo-Sugar Loaf,a
far famed mountain, near Ilio Jauerio
says, on page 40 :
.On tho 4th of July, 1851, Ilurdell, an
American dentist, acconvpauid by bis wife,
a French cojfeur cl sa dame, anil a young
Scotoh woman; mado tho ascent. From
tho latter I received an account pf that
r.dvcutur'oUS night, when at times , tbey
seemed ready to dash intu the foamilg
ocean beneath. Their toil and danger
wcro of no small magnitudo, and when
i...n I vj... ii!
; mwuy crowiigo. tnetr coiuarmucss
1 llinr s-PTit. fin ipnl;rfa nnrl lmiH n tmnfirn to
( . . f L . i,lum;non.
j iQS
&?- Lambert, a pedestrian, has just
cornp.oiui wio iaci 01 waiiiuig .uuea
iu 1000 cooboeutivo hours, at Boylston
Hall, Uoston, 1 Xba last milo was mado in
of flesh since ho commenced.
Dir It is stated th?t Washington Ir
ving has tho matorial for'n, lifu of Kit
Oauson, tho celebrated Mountain Guide,
and they will probably bo manufactured
into a book in tho courso of tho comiug
winter. ,
MAitittun. Oil tho 21st. iust, Mr.
Stranger to Miss Strango all of this city.
This is a littlo strange, but probably tho
uoxtovent will bo a little STUASaEIt,
t3f Montour county hglds its next
agricultural exhibition at Danville on, the
fill day of October.
,A Noblo Boy.
Tho followinc touching cpisddo in' street
HfC) life iu Paris is a beautiful gem, auyl
should bo in all memories surrounded with
pearls of swcqteqt thought ,,and gentlest
eympaiuy. ,
About nino ofclock in tho mornim?.
itflo boy of twclvo years of ago, whoso .
jaouctot wliito cioui anu opron uuio uiv 1
$nciv JndScniftd that ho followed tho nro
fc3Sion 0f pastry cooh, was returning from
i.- : i. t, .... -
' 1
containing butter and cgM Whonhohd
- . , r ... , ,1 (.,,,.
rcacbcd tho vicinity of tho church of St.
, , 4.1
, .
witnviiimcuity maiso ins way mrougii 1110
' " 1 T t l
crowd was violently jostled by a stranger'
who was passing, so that his basket tipped,
and fell to tho ground with its contents.
Tho poor lad, when he saw his eggs all
broken, and his butter tumbled in tbo gut
tor, began to cry bitterly and wring his
( bands. A. person who happened to bo in
tl10 crowd that gathered around tho litllo
fellow, drew a ton sou piceo from his pool
et, and giving it to tho boy, asked tho rest
who stood around him to do Iho samo, to
mako up tho loss occasioned by this acci
dent. Influenced by his example, every
000 present eagerly complied, and vory
spocdily.tho boy's aproii;coi)taincd a re
ppeotallo collection of coppers and silver.
When oil had. contributed their quota, our
young valet, whoso distress had .vanished
in a mcmcnt as though by enchantment,
warmly thanked his new benefactors for
their kiadness, and forthwith proceeded to
count tho sum ho bdd received, which
amounted to no less than twenty-two franc3
and thirty-five centimes. But instead of
quietly putting this sum in his pocket, ho
produced tho bill of thd articles bo had lost,
and as its total amounted only to' fourteen
francs, he appropriated no moro than that
sum, and then observing in tho group that
sarrouuded Lim, a poor woman in rags, tho
gallant little fellow walked up to her, and
placed tho remainder in her hand. Cer
tainly it would havo been impossible to
havp shown himself more deserving of tho
publio generosity, or to aeknowledgo it in
i handsomer manner. Tho.. boy's uoblo
conduct was greeted with tho applauso of
tho crowd, who were dclightod ta find such
delicacy and propriety in ono so young.
EST Tho Reading Guzittc relates that,
during tho recent visi't of Dan Itico's
Circus to Upper Canada,' an 'English bully
allowed that hccouldlick 'any two Yankees
that over were born'. doubtod this,
and informed the Englishman that iu tho
absence of a 'pair of Yankees,' ho might
try Lis hand ou him. Tlio Englishman
off coat and pitched iu, Dan countered
and hit tho Englishman under his left
car. The Englishman went up about five
feet, leaving his boots behind. Englishnian
eamo down again and fell liko a log. Dan
got a physician, bled Iho Englishman, and
brought'him to. Having done this, ho sent
him homo on a sjiuttcr. Tho affair oc
curred about i!& 'miles from Niagara. Tho
licking was so well deserved, and so hand;
totn'ely finished off, that it added to Dan's
popularity. Tho day after, tliis ho per
formed to CI200; tlio day afterwards Jo
51S20. Tho Grt3e says it got tho facts
front 11 perron who" wituessed tho wholo
affair. Again wo siy, three cheers for
Dan. ' '
EST The trial of Mrs. Abagail Gardner
for tho murder of her husband, Hosoa
Gardner, late post master at Ilinghara, by
administering arsenio to him, has occupied
the Supremo Judicial Court in session at
Plymouth, tho wholo week. Tho theory
of Iho defence, is absenco of direct proof,
tho want of motive aud tho probabilities that
deceased pois-oncd himself.
Previous to tho Judgo's chargo, Mrs.
Gardnor addressed tho jury. Sho labored
under much excitcmeut, and frequently
burst into tears, but solemnly protested her
cntiro innocouco of iho crimoi Tho jury
returned to court this morniug failing to
ml 1 f-.. ' Il.Il
agree. 1 uoy cicou, seven iur ueqmiuf.
Mrs. Gardner will remain in cua,tqdy until
Atlantic Teleqrafu Company.' -
Tho wliolo capital of this company is f?l,
700,000, and ' been taken' in shares of
S5000 oach. Tho proportions in which
these' sharo's havo been taken nro, (ond
hundred' in 'London. ci''hty-oi;'ht 'in
America, eighty-six in Livo'rpool, thirty.
seven in Glasgow, twenty-eight iu Man
chester, and tho' remainder in other parts
of England. Iho cost of tho cablo is
littlo short of S00,000,
tdr To asccrtJiu whether a woman is
passionate or not, take a dog iutoher parlor,
Willie AYC llilVG lllisSed yOU. :
-. . I
Z '
ucy um not. iuji mu iruu, um, iiiu uaiu
rnmn ,
T1 you woum not come. ,
lot I know that woleomo footstep, ana,
uu?c ., . . . . ;
Hiikinj musio on my ear, in , the lonely1
midnight gloom. '' ' :
Ob, Willio, we havo missed you welcome,
wclcomo homo.
We've see you nightly, but this
night of nil. . ,
Tho fire was blazing brightly, fand lights
wcro in tho hall,
Th? little ones were up, till'twas tcno'clook
and pat.
Then their eye began to twinkle, & they've
gono to slcop at last.
But thoy listened for your voice, till thoy
thought you'd hover come.
Oh, Willie, wo havo missed you welcome,
wclcomo homo. '
Tho days were sad without you, tho nights
long and droar,
My dreams havo been, about you, welcome,
Willie dear.
Last night I wept and watched, by tho
moonlight s cheerless ray,
Till I thought I hoard your footsteps, then
I wiped my tears away,
But my heart grow sad again, when I found
you had not come.
Oh, Willie, wo havo missed you wclcomo,
welcome homo.
A Tradition of tlie Arabs. A
King Kimrad, one day. commanded bis
thrco sons to enter his presence, and ho
oaused to bo placed before them by his
slayes three scaled urns. Ono of tho urns
was of gold, tho second of amber, and tlio
last of clay. Tho king desired his eldet
son to choose among them th-t which ap
peared to contain tho treasure of the great
est iirijo. Tho eldest clmso tho vaso of
gold, on which was written " Empire.''
He opened it nnd found it full of blood.
Tho second choso tho amber vase, on which
was written " Glory," ne opened it and
.found it filled with tbo ashes of men who
had been famous on tho oarth. Tho third
took tho remaining vase that of clay.
He opened it and found it empty; but in
the bottom of it tho potter hadjWrittcn tho
names of God. " Which of theso vases
weighs most?" demanded tho king of his
court. Tho ambitious replied, the vase of
gold ; tho conquerors, tho vaso of nmbor ;
tho sago3 answered and said, " The empty
vaso, because a singloilotter' in tho namo
of God weighs moro than tho cntiro globo."
'nic Greafuiss.
Chief 'Justice Marshal was in tho habit
of going to market himself and carrying
homo his purchases. Frequently hp would
be seen returning at sunriso with poultry
in ono hand and vegetables iu tho other.
On ono oceasion a fashionable ypuDg man
from tho North, who had recently removed
"to Richmond, was swearing violently
beeauso ho could git no ono to carry home
his turkey :
' marshal stepped up, asking him wheic
helivcd, said :
That 12 on my way I will take it for
When thoy eamo to tho houso, tho young
man said :
"What shall I pay you?"
''0', nothing," said tho Chief Justice,
"it was on my way, and no troublo,"
"Who is that polite old gentleman who
broughthomo my turkey for me!" inquired
tho young man of a bystander.
"That" replied he, "is John Marshal,
Chief Justice of tho United States."
"Why did ho bring home my turkey I"
"To givo you a severe reprimand, and
totearh you to attend to your' own' business,"
was tho reply.
Truo greatness never feels itself abovo
doing anything that is useful ; but especially
tho truly great mm will never feel abovo
helping himsel'.
SSr Cdmi'UMUnTauv. Tho editor of
tho Patcrson Falls City Register, after
making soma lively remarks about the
editor of Tho Guardian, regarding insects
on bis person, asks why ho is liko a two
whcolcd oarriago, and auswers, ," Because
ho is.ailiitlo buggy.
Wo think tho editor of Tho Guardian
has a perfect right to bo a littlo sulkcy,
Ifiy A vcry,uico dodge .was practised
in Chicago last week. A follow was ar
rested for passing counterfeit monoy, but
it was projyen that ho stolo it, so hq must
Jiavo believed it to bo genuine. Thcro bo
ing, theroforo, no guilty knowlcdgo aud no
larceny, tho thief and "shaver ' got .froo
as tho law docs not consider counterfeit
bills proporty
I Homo vilhout a Daughter
J lJoys may not lack nffection, but they
may lack tenderness CThoy. tnay not, bo
wanting in inclination to contribute their
quota to tho paradiso of Home, but thoy
0 wanting in'tho ability to carry ,ut
hh. c t t n
their inclination, lhc sou of a household
daugLtcr fa Uko &
-wvitnoiv a homo which once ruloiccd ill
tho sunny smiles and musical accents of an
, , ' .,,
only daughter. Sho was a lovely child
womanly beyond her ycara :
"Full of gctitlonoss and caljrjcst-hnpc,
Of sweet and quiet Joy I"
The child never broathed who evinced a,
moro affectionato rovcrenco, a moro rcvar
cntial affection of her parents than did she.
Instead of waiting for their commands, sho
anticipated tli3in instead of lingering
until they matfo "known their .wishes, sho
studied their wishes cut. Morning broko
not in ih'at .household until sho awoko
tho night was not dark until her eyes woro
closed. JIow they 4ovcd therl did ,her
father aud mother ; and of how many
picture of tbo future was sho tho subject.
"Itis'a fearful thing that Lovo and
Death dwell in tbo cans World," says Mrs.
Ilcmans. 'Fearful !' It is maddening
it is a truth that it is linked with despair.
Suddenly liko a thief in tho night, there
eamo a messenger from Heaven for tho
child saying that tbo Lord had need of
her. J3hc meekly bowed hor head and,
at midnight, "went forth to nlcet tho Bride,
room." Tho last minuto of the last hour
of tho last dny of tho last month was
hollowed by her death, Sho went and
eamo back no more 1
Years havo worn away since then, but
still thoro agony in the household whoso
sun wont down when she departed. Tho
family circle is incomplete there is no
daughter thoro '. Tho form that onco was
hers reposes among tho copgenial charms
of naturo and art; thoy havo mado tho
place of her rest beautiful. If the grass
grows rank upon hor gravo, it is because
t is kept wet with tears.
Of a truth, "a homo without a girl in it
is only half blost; it is nn orchard without
blossoms, nnd a spring without song. A
house full of sons is liko Lebanon with its
cedars, but daughters by tho fireside, are
liko roses in Sharon,"
Tho 3ifiner's boy and bis Biblo.
Onb of tho most touching talcs wo ever
heard wo found in a letter from ono of our
young friends, J. B., of B., tho substan'co
of which was, that a poor coal miner, who
feared Gnd, was in tho habit of always
taking Lii Bible with him when bo went
down in tbo pit, that ho might read a few
verses when ho loft off work to cat his
meals. Ho had a lad who worked will:
him, and who, having received a Biblo &t
tho Sabath School, by tho advice of his
father, took it with him tin. ' Ono day,
when they woro at work, the father turned
louml, and stopped a few paccE to reach
ono of his tools, when lo ! a part of the roof
(fell in between him nnd tho boy. Tbo '
father, who was unhurt, wr.s fu great
troublo to know if tho boy was1 killed. Ho"
shouted, and tho boy answered, but it was
to tell his agonized father that his' fect'
were both crushed under heavy pioccs"rif
coal, and that ho could not move.
"What can I do for you my dear lad ?"
exclaimed tho father.
"Nothing, I fear," said tbo lad, "but my
lamp is not out yet, and I am reading my
Bible. Tho Lord is with mo."
Help was called, uud after some hours ot
hard labor, the miner's boy was found
dead. Ilis lamp had gono : but tho Lamp
of Life tho Bible h id shed light upon
his soul, when tho body, suffocating for
want of air ; was about to yield up tho
spirit from tho darkness of that horrililo
pit into tho moro thansun's glory brightness
of iho central world I
What words but tho Word of Qod, can
sustain the soul when passing the bounda.
rios of time, en,d entering tho unseen
regions of e ernity ?
CO)" On ono occasion during tho Revo
lution, "Old l'ut" had received a lot of new
recruits, and as he had somo fighting
which howas to do bcforclong, and wanted
uono but willing men, ho drew up his
levies in rank before him. 'Now, boys,'
says he, '1 don't want to retain any of .you
who wish to loavo ; therefore, if any of you'
nro dissatisfied, nnd wish to return homo,
they may signify tho samo by stepping
six pases in front of tlo line. Rut, added
tbo old war dog, JI1l shoot the first niau
that steps out,'
Patuiot. A man who has uvithcrproi
pcrty nor requtaliou to loae.