Stirring tho Soil. IWfirmcrs dlsbolievo, in fjcl, in tho advantages of thoroughly pulverising end ii,-in il,- r.-t mar,,, - Ciinf in BMuu6iUtf"jvi ..jUj ............ - !.iii !..... .,!. i- '"u U1 iiiaiusuo .iuhv their npprocia'ion of it. it is a mattor which needs no argument, aa every obscr-1 vant man who has worked in tho soil a. half dozen years, is perfectly awaro. Tho liner tho parlicles of earth, and tho looser ' ilia t?!rf liv mitli I'olin n . ihn ?iAlirr will . . i. ,i t crops requiring eprn CUKuro thrive. Ill all m.uipul.tion of tho soil this is tho great object aimed at, and tho more effectually it is iIodo tho bolter. Tlio oorn crop would bo all tho bettor, if tho cultivator WCrO passed through it OUCO a Week until it is 'knee hiSl..' It is an old socg among Gar - .1mr ll,t UkllbiiJj a, u la. "Tho more we hoe, The inoro wo grow.'' Tho Gardener's Text IJsok says: Hoeing is of benefit even when ihoro ore no weeds to ho hoed in fact it should bo tho object to keep, rather than to get, them oat o! beds. 1 losing makes tho ground swco',and open to tho atmosphere, whereby tho crops aro much sooner brought to ma turity, and in greater perfection. Strange as it may seem, keeping tho surface light and porous, will prevent tho parching ef fect of drought. Thus in a dry scsaon, a well-tilled garden Buffers less llian a Cold of grain on the opposite side of tho fence. Daring tho day lime, tho looso soil im bibes heat freely, and transmits it to tho most distniit rootlet", securing to thorn that warmth which is so essential to a vig- ui uus giuiviu, uu i.., iu .jifiuKi, ui u v ui. mg, wnoa tno lemperaturo ui tno air utns, a reverse action takes place and tho heat is radiated or thrown off nuite as rapidly as 1 1 , it. w.m r-iMioiril Tf nn n linf. ilnw vrtti fill . . , ., ' . a pitcher With cold W.ltcr, in a few Iltomouts ... n , . ., i-i VOU Hill UI1U IIIU ULUMUU uvuruu IYHI r moisture, and it is a b immon expression that tho 'pitcher Pwcatf.' Instead, how ever, of tho drops having been drawn through tho pores of tho vc'sel liko per unip.ilinn Irirrtiluli tlin skin. Ilinv nrn rlrnnns 1 ' ' J 1 of vapor condensed from tho SUrroundinc 1 " air upon the cold .pitcher. So with the soil at evenings ; ts soon as by tho radiation of heat it becomes colder than the atmos phere, that moisture which wo call dew is condenrcd, and trrnsmittcd to tho roots. The extent of this bcautilul opcrat'on is just in proportion to the looseness of tho surface. Thus Uobbet says, 'A man will riisc more moisture with a hoc or spade, ( in a day, than, he can pour on the earth cut of a watering pot in a month.' ' Keop down tlio Woeds. Tho rnnslfint of vent wnntlmr ... . in., rr . tills summer has had tho euect of exciting tho growth of pernicious weeds lo a great extent. The luxurience of tho grass has, prevented them from obtaining such com-1 pbte possession of the ground as is some times seen, but thoy aro of a strong and ' healthy growth, and if buffered to mature t'aeir seed, will auoculato tho soil to an 1 extent that will not bo overcome for years. 'Without urging tho unsightly and slovenly atmoar.inco of nasLtircs ovot-tno with ,, . . , , , , , jaallons, briers, cld3r3, burdocks, and the li' o, we would dlrjcttho f.riLers aticntion, to the amoaLt of substance abstracted fiom tho eartu ny tneso plants, which ought, Dy all means, to bo secured to tho Solo uso of the crop which at that time occupies iho the ground. Sumc of these can only be overcomo by continued efforts, hut mullcm by far tho most common of them, can readily bo pulled up by tho roots while tho i ground is moist. Tho Eceds of this plant aro now nearly ripe enough to grow, and ' to prevent that event, it-is a good plan to carry a bag over the shoulder, or a bucket, in which to collect such tops as aro near ( maturity. Uut prevention is far better than cure, and good farmers will n,t allow this necessity to arise, hut will destroy all such rubbish at its very first appearance. "Better late than noier,' is tho proverb, and ws call on every farmer to louse no time in duim; his part to abato what each oneltnows to bo an nnbcarablo nuisance. Agricultural ? offering prizes for animals at agricultural meetings, dis tinction fih uM bo made between those srnolhcrcd in fact, by which tlieframo work is totally concealed, and Ihceo whoso pru norlions ore visible, though well covered with wholesome moat. If farmer aro to do by periodical gatherings ami cxlribitioos of stock, attention must bo paid to certain rules by which information oin bo obtained as to tho expenses of feeding, Tvbeti it will bo proved that disgusting : lookiug pigs which cannot stand, but ro-' uiro propping up to eat, aro not worth their 'keep,' that is, will not remunerate ' tho agriculturist, who has to livo upon his land, nnd from his produce. Animals aro required with tho power of producing weight in a short time, on the ordinary fuod sup plied by, tho farm, and when in fine healthy condition affording a fair roturn for espenses incuried, Ohio Farmtr, Tho forco of these remarks, wo presumo, ould bo appreciated by tho importer of tho flue Lull that died in tho street in Phil adelphia last week, soon after leaving the fcoat, htving cost tho owner SI800 up lo that time. Cause ezecssiyo burden ol fat --too much for ur hot summer weather. OATAWISSA, WILLIAMSPORT & ERIE RAIL ROAD. Direct Hallread connection btttcttn Niagara Valla jiu pMUJtlrhiQ, Skorttnt Qnlektit and Chrepttt Routt from Ifa'trn JVkr York to rhUadtlpUa llarritburg. Wtttburg rialunar! M'atMntrton tit v. and t Xt tenth. pABdr.NUUll TRAINS leave Klmlra dally (cieepi X Hundnyi,) nt7 A. M, passing WJItlsinsport nl o 13 A m. connecting wun Kenu ng nan uoau Ml'ortUlIn lnilrfchlnPlilldilPliltT301'. M. iieturuing. icnvo miianc! anil Vlnetitrens,al7 3n, A. ; Returning. Icnvo Thlladclphla from corner of Droatl . M. reaching; Willlnmtport, (m3 ,SiPi m., nml nrrtvlns ntElmlranto, P, M . TABBENaEU TRAINS will leave PnTlT PT.TNTnN' lfflU IT milTlJlltllm w- v-., . - .-. ii.iiiimuuuiiU Direct, via Dauphin nnil Susquehanna Rail Road .on the arrivalnfCut.lwIssnTraliit&l 4 4ST.M. reaching liar. vis turn nlH p. H. It-liirnin-lnnvr ll.i,rl.liitr-n t 7 1.1 A M.nnnnillii. at TorlCIinton wllhCaltawissatrnJn boiindwesl I'orm. Ingllio nioatdlrectioiile lollnrrieburg, ri.talmrg, Bali , I .nn nn.. I n l.A 1 , 1. - I . rjnnh.. ti..H.liu,ni.nnJ n'..i.,H v. v...i. uonnrclngnt i:inilrn wun irain.on new YorKand CrleRnll lio'dtalao. with the Elinirn.Cannndagou, K:Z''wt.,t,n Raiiroa tliti SltSStfii .hlo&rPoof0r'o , I'hllad,,P,,,01J,;i,,g:j. TRA1Ni Will leave Wllllamrport DAILY, at C 30 A. i ' ncig'iitrnl'ntonndfrom rhiladelphln wllhouttran. ' iVSW&fi&f.Villl?' "'"".'- i TRAINS PASS DANVILL11 AS I'OLLOWS uotiia PacngcrTialn freight rraln. IS Al. U ill A.M. 3 P- M. 82 P. M, 001 NO WEST. PaaecngerTrain , rruight Train, -TARES. - ''cinconrhiindciphiinndi 14 40 t no. 4 ,'!() ' Oalnwirani Tamaiua a no s lo " " Milton ' " Wliliauunnrl S 00 Fiftapounda ofperaonnlbiggapfl allowed to each pass senger excess charged nl double dni. clars freight ratci 11 A TONDA, FiilierlaKniftiit, Jan gn. Il-.t PHIL A, AND HEADING HAIL KOAD llinef Jrrartgemcnttfor rattcngtr Tralnt. January 1st, 1857. UP Trains, going North, leavo Pliiladclpliii1 at A.M. and 51 V. M. ' Down TrninsguingSouth, leave Pottsvillc at 71 A.M lit;, uiiii "i . . ill. Uptralnspasa Rcadingnt 10.QJ, A. M.andO,5'P.,JI, duwu Trains " " 5,13, A. M, t" 5,43 P. M. The Exp nn Train la discontinued until further nn lice. Clo.e ciinuocllnns are made by Hip 10.2J A. M thi Train from PnrtClintontn Eliiilrnnnd nil Intern ointepointu: nnd bv Hie 0,SS P. M Upi'rnln from Port uiiiiiou io L.imira i.ananunigin. ll'llle'o, tVlagara. De pot. Chicago, rt, Louis, itlavenport, and Iov.a City; j, Jkl smUroute the shorten and cheapen to d.Laki , - :JWA!2.?:!;.'ill ,, . ,, . ,'. ,. II-RRtsnuao CiiNNcmoNS, by Dauphin Rairoad atAll brtin lA epecinl A'conimndnlon Passenger Train leaves , Readlngdallly (except t?undaya ) at 71 A.M., returning t'.""1 1,,1""M ""'1 M., on arrival of 3,10 P. M. .iii'iiHuiii iitir-innuig. Ttf V t.l . iit.ln t-. t . iwu riiuj'jo ruo.lI ivEADIlSQ TO "hiladWphli.Sl.TSandMS; Pot'uvlile SI.U3 and 0,85; Aumirn, u.u, toOk Island $.',. (10. ALL Passenzerawillnrocure tickets befnreenerln. itlieenra: 10 cents extra on Fares paid In the cain ?'!' Persenai Ilaggateallowe.l raeh Passenoge all over thai w chl nae mrnpil r.lrn n.n.... I January 3d. 1857-lf. Ceii'lSup't AYEIt'S PILLS, ANEW and singularly successful remedy for tho curoof alt Dilioua uieascs Costirtness, Jndi crcstion. Jaundice, Dropsy, llhrumatlsm, Fetcrs, Gtout, lIumor8,Kcrtotisncsa, Irritability, Inflamma tions, Headache, Tains in the Breast, Side, JJack, and Limbs, Female Complaints, &c. &c. Indeed, very few arc tho diseases in which a I'mnativc Medi cine is not more or less renuircd. and much sick ness and suffering mighty be prevented, if u hnrm- less but effectual Cathartic were more freely used, No person can feel well while a costive habit of body prevaila ; besidca, it soon ccnerateB serious and often fatal diseases, which mlht liave been avoided by the timely and judicious use of a good purgative. 1 his is alike true of Colds, Feverish symptoms, and Bilious derancoments. They all tenilio become or produce the deep seated and formidable distempers which load tho lie-uses all oter tho land. Hence a reliable faroilyphysic is of tlio first importance to tho public health, and this Fill has been perfected with consummate skill tu meet that demand. An extensive trial of its urtues by Fhysicians, Profes sors, nnd Fatients, has shown results surpassing any thing hitherto known of nay medicine. Cures have been effected beyond belief, were they not sub stantiated by persons of such exalted position and charactor as to-fr.rbid the suspicion of untruth. Ainoiij me many eminent gentlemen vthoiiave testified in favor of these Fills, we mav mention : Frof. J. M. Locke. Analvtical Chemist, of Cin dSby1""0 h'h I,rorei"'ion'J cUaracl" is cn" lo'l McLpak, Judge of the Supremo Court of Titos. Ccmwijr, Secretary of the Treasury, lion. J. M. "WitiaiiT. (Jovernor of Indiana. N. Lonowouth, Rrcat winrprowcr of tho Wct. Also, Tin. J. K. Chilton, Practical Clicmibt, of Kew York City, endorsed by iro.v. V. L. Maiicv, Secretary of State. Wm. 13. Astoh, the richest mnn in America. S. Leland & Co., Prat's of the Mctropclitan lintel, and many others. Did space permit, we could give manv hundred certificates, from all part? where the I'ills havo been used, but evidence even more convincing than the experience of eminent public men Ij found in their effects upon'trial. These Tills, tho result of lone investigation and study, are offered to tho public aa tho best and most complete which the present tate of medical science can afford. They arc compounded not of the dmps themselves, but of tio medicinal virtues only of Vegetable remedies, extracted by chemical process in a state of purity, and combined together in such a manner as to insure. the best rebults. This sj stem of composition for medicines has been found in the Cherry l'cctoral and Pill both, to produce a more efficient remedy than had hitherto been oV tained by any process. The reason is perfectly ob vious. While by the old mode of composition, every medicine U burdened with more or less of aen monjous and injurious qualities, by this each indi vidual virtue only that ts desired for thp curative elfect Is present. All tlio Inert and obnoxious qual ities of each substance emploj ed ai o left behind, the curative virtues only being retained. Hence it is self-evident tho effects, should prove, as they have proved, more purely tcmedial, and tho Pills a surer, more powerful antidote to disease than any other medicine known to the woild. As it is frequently expedient that my medicine fthould be taken under the counsel of an attending Phjsiclan, and as he could not properly judge of a remedy without knowing its composition, I have supplied the accurate Pormultt! by which both my Pectoral and Pilla are made to the whole body of Practitioners in the United States and Urjllsh Amer ican Provinces. If, however, there should bo any one who has not received them, they will ba MXZ otfrrrd.liow few would be taken If their composition was known ! Their life consists In their mystery. 1 have no mysteries. The composition of my preparations Is laid open to jill meji, and all vtho are competent to judge on the subject freely acknowledge their coniictions of their fntrinsie merits. The Cherry Pectoral was pronounced by scientific men to bo a wonderful medicine before its effects were known. Many em inent Physicians have declared the same thing of my Pills, nnd even more confidently, and are will ing to certify that their anticipations were more than realized by their effects upon trial, They operate by their powerful influence on the Internal Mscera to purify the blood and stimulate it into healthy attiou remove the obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of the body, restoring their irregular action to health, and by torrecting, svhcTrvcj they exist, Ruch derange ments as are the first origin of discjue. lleing sujjar-viKppcd, they are pleasant tq take, and being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their use In any quantity. Tor minute dire. lions, see wrapper on the Box. niKPAHKn iiv DR. JAMES C. AYEE, I'rncticnliiiKl Analytical cniciniet- 'LOWELL, MASS. Frlca 23 Cents per Box. Five Dozei tor SL SOLI) BY -ifci?;"?.7.! a luiiUlblllCal VTCII n IIC ID 1 Ma vlC. lS?. ' I 17XTRA NO, I MACKEREL for salt) at J 1IA, I 13 1. SI. & WILSON'S. WHOLESALE AND R El AIL jBAKiajim. CONFECTIONARY & FRUIT STORE Oyster nnii Eating Saloons mile underilgnetL respectfully inform jl ir.oeiur.eo or iiioomsoura: ana me puni lie In general, that llioy havohoiHthllhe Interpol of Mr . Hodman. In the above Establishment, on Main Blrect, nnil have opened a gt-nvi nii " 'mt-t-ii' t j t nn" wysti r xtr in i ii.ii menlt where they will at all limes keep u full ecpplyrl Trovlsions Sweet meats Mid Eatables, audi ni. llread l ies, riwecii oiiiioCB,;ncoae, t-acaroit iic, server! lip in BuiFuuiuuiniiu o n inot'e-rai e i--nn a, Their Stnekenmnrlsea A larea mnnlv of Almonna Figs,Tt.sons, I'runel. Nuts, Walnuts. D.itra.Tnbarro i; (enrs etc . wun everv l Cigar's etc , with evcrylitiaglnahieb.rliclrintrcirl'nc nl huslncsa.nml ftfllin final nnnUt v 1 E?" Tamltiessuppliednlall lime, with Proid.Caten. rie,Oyatcr, fee, nnd nll'ordere niomptly flllcd . Mill, n. Ufn. I'm ..I.., ..l,,... ...I I I,, mil, I. 1,1,1. ; rcnn.irMMvl,,tin,l. I 0 12 OHM U , always on hand, during tho summer Esasori. N It. A Lndle'aBaloon dlacnnncetedfroin theaban otalilitlimcnt, haa boon prepared In good orilerv o wil Inlwnyp be attheircoinnmnd THOMAS O. OLIVER T. WILSON. Ulnomsbiirgireb. 1.1637. i m til I? Varmtrly It'ilb t.'twont r.) Aroh street, nbovo Third, Phlladclphts. HOCRB Or MUALB- l!nnicrT, 5, 0 and 7 o'clock lo 10 DiNiaRttlentlemen'arirdinary,! o'clock lo3. " Ladles,2o'clock. Til, lOn'clnckto 11. EVAN EVANS. J U. S. NEWCOMER. Aug.Il,tf!55.y. OIIARI.ES II. MARPLE'S. tl'I NO A IV I) 'LIQUOR STORK, AVi. M3 jr0rth Third Strtct, Above Race, East Side, Tun doors ahovo the Illgcl Hotel, PHILADELPHIA Has constantly on hand French Brandies, Holland Oin and a genera! assortment of Foreign Wines, also, nil kinds or American Spltiia, Ac. Marrlilj '56 s. National Hotel. ( LATE WHITB SWAN, ) Sides $ Stover. Race Street, above Third, Pinladclphia I'etbr Sidfi, late oft lif firm Sfvonii, llolll ngihea 0 U Co Jamxs Tsi ShveRi of tlio Union Hotel, Auyiiflt I), i8M MONTOUR HOUSE, CORNER OF MARKET AND MILL STREETS, (miacdlatcy oppailtc tha Caurt fouis.) 1MNVILLE. PA. mvive t.nn . . . .. - - , . Jrlin a.uneHor,;; ; i s el en, I 01 .7" ' f" 1 urine reception 01 strangers nnd visitors, whose pa- rnnn..l.r,n.tliill .nn. 1 ronage.U respectfully requested. B. A. BRAD V, lyiS, 1650. JOHN M. FOKD, IMPORTER, MANUrACTURER k DEALER IN SADDLERY, COACH HAIlDWAllE AU J UIA1 31 llVuM. No. 32. North Third Sf. PhitnrMnht cnntMjii loruasn: ninirnniitiaiiinMthi"iP Ar,tvA... itvlci ol Coodatn invlliif'. N. II. AllOrderi lliall liUVl nnrtlriilnr.ii.rt nrnmiii tliMilinn. 1 , Sppleiritior0,lrf5tl y JOHN II- ALLEN & no. Nos. 2 if A ChcsnuL Street soutfi side e. Jaiv Water,) Philadelphia. Tn OtOE-iT AVoOD-WAItB Uou-Je. In Tub Pitv MANUIWCTrJItl.nd nnd Wlmlmate dealers In Tal. ent .Mitrhine.inade Hrnonn. 1'otrnt (Imnvpil rv.inr. W.ire. Kiranted not to shrink. Wnml nn,! Wllt..-. .,., Corda, Itru.ttcs &ct, ofoll detcrnona. i'lease cull and examine ouretork, janJJry-'., y, SLTOl) AND SUMMKU fa is n t so? Vi. iStsfi JSSi i!-4rI To he Sold Very Cheap, JUST KECE1V E AT THE STORE OT J. J. HKUWUU. B'oomshllrg, April 23, 1657-3m I NEW MAIIP.LK YAItl) IN IJL(I03ISIIU, HIRAM S. CARE' HAS opened a Marble Vord in Court Alley, opposite the blxchati'rp. tvharo he id nr,n.,l in o..,.t. ..... best work from Italian or American .Mm Me lor MUNUMh.IMTS. TOMHS. Tomb-stones, Tublcs, Mantles, Window-fills and len Tortlic character nnd finish ofhtn sut'lias hn li3B made it this county, lie will fiiniijir itesisn forwork or ciernle any Hint may be Cumuli-1 siiaii aiways uc tausiaciory in itiityl-and reasonablcin price. ifoomtuurni iec J. S. '& E. L. PKllOT, Produoo anil General COMMISSION MERCHANTS. No3(i North Wharv. , I'lliLADELTIIIA. narERENCEs: J-hnr TenlHon.Esi. TJilladelphia. Messrs Hacker, Lea t Co. " Biter, Trjce fciUt tt llilcknor. MrCammon &. Co. 11 Chnrles Ellis &i Co. .. " B. Morris Wain Ac Co t. tt Outerbridge, Arvov ti Co, tt tt Charles At Joseph Terot, tt tt Thomas & -llaiwell, Sow York " O-M. JlcOlun- & Co., SI. Louis. Mo. ", ,J-?i,'?or""AiSu".I'''uiviltc,Ky .Varch 13. 1830 y ' DYER'S HOTEL. Catlawissa, Pa. q IHSoldand wollknown Ilotcl.liiilietown J T J jfCattanissa.lsstill kept by tho under. UsSft sisncd.andiuspiteof alllleense laws, he I. Jlilifi determined to make his house niiDnr lliaiunsi -.V '-T. blenlaceafon avelerstostop al, lhal can he found In theinieriorofl'ennaylvania lli.tablewillbefurnl.h. cd daily wllhlhe besl the Mark.lcnn .nJ't IU """" BJ-Myoldfriondsaiidlravellerseenerallyareliivitcd 'MirSI.l8H.-r. JAUOUtiyiiR. States Union Hotel. TORMEERLY RED LION HOTEL ) No. 200 Market street, Philadcinhia. RVV ii? p,' ll,t"f,,',1:',r"'P'le''.fo'm'e,lyfCo. I.T liinibla, Ta , would 1 nform his friends and ther.ul lethat lieconlinuesto keep the above iiained fw.J r plion1;e April 7. 1833. OIDE11 MILLS. -uu llltAUSER'S PATENT IMPRnvpn TORTAIILE CIDER MILLS. We Vo now manufaclurtne Ibeue itiirlvnli..! fi.i. ' m... ir real It imnrovcii nnri .ranni.. ivh.i.. i a .. ' ALL .MORRIS fc 00., anaK 7lh andiMarketstreen, Thlladclph la . PHILADELPHIA OAIIPET STORE pARPCTINC3.OIICIo.ths, Window nufaJfiVen"'-: ??'Pf!&n If'MS v- ,rcl,iJlna,"0Ueke''Pe will please no. r,.H-V. .R .i 20 NorIi seend Sireel, 1st door below March S3 IPSO. J. SIDNRV JONRR KsjptoHii Coach and H'agou Factory rpiIEundersienciltinvini! succeeded Jacob B. Eva J-intlieW.ffoiiandCoachmakliiebu.lne-., i,,. aland, in Espyiown respectlully iiilorm tbeirfrlenc. s.tuiiiu unc, iimiiney con linui WII I the Mrunon Makins Iiusiness. Innlljltadepaitmenta, where they will he hippy ir re ceive ordera andpromptly eiecuteall businetaln tbei line, with neatness and dean ale h. try Wheel barrows made to order, nnd allkiuds ol ivpuniiisuuiiiiuiiaiiurinoiicv. . , . EVANS tilAOENnUCII, Eapytown,Jun(7, 163(1. y JOHN O. YEA G Kit, Fashionable Hat fcCapSJorc NO, 103 NORTH THIRD STREET. fHILAUKLHIIIA. trj- Merchants and visitors from N'orlliem Penn.v vaiiia.arereaiierirutiyinvliedlo jive himacall, when June '.H.lfeifl. y. C -AULER J- CO., NO. 9. North Wate Strcot PhilaJnl - - - lib la COMMISSION M RltllU ANTtf . and : 1 ut """"lUCIS aVsllCCSB films JiUCKCII, fUlll, I I IUIII HC, Aplill ia.5-ly. IIULWBOLW'SflESBINU PIlErARATIOS. tr maiii.r concentrated compound tluid EXTRACT UUCIIU, For lHitmn rf the BladJer, Kidneyi, (travel. Draft), lVaahnotsee, Obstruction. Stern bittaita FtmaU Complaint, and tit lilHant cf tt WHi iirfnai, Arlilpe from Rxccaara ami lmpruilnnclca In lift?, and removing an imprup'r UUcharcea rrom the Itlidiier, Kldnoya.or Ucximl orpah", whether rtiitlng In MALI! OR 1'KMAl.i:, From whateTer can'e they may havo or Iff I nntei.l, nnd no matter of how lonz vtanctlnjr. glvlnc health tin J tljor to tho fraine, nmlllooin In Hie naliid check. .'or to mi: jttrt.icTF.Di n It cnrf'mni arid Debilitated Biiit'rrcra.nni! remoTea htl the ayrrntotit oma thlcll wi II V found Tnill.on. iiliion to Crtmon, Ms-1 of Power, Lof of Mcmory Dimcnfyof Rnthlng.oeneral W-iiknnte. Ilo-ror of" Diaerirc Weak Nerv'j. T(i.n.l.iii.g, Dreadful Horror cf IlenlU, flight sweat, tlfl reel, Wnkelillnci., Din. .... rs t...n... i rni...H i M.ri,i.nn .t.i.-.. n.n r.n.,... An- L. . ,. Dyspeptic HyMptoms. Hot Hands, I'l-t.-ilng oftho tijy, Dr)nes.of t'.eekii, Pallid LVinienaiteeandErnptlmia on theFare, 1'aln In the nick, lleatiness of the Eye. lids, frequently Plack Spots fljln;ibeforn the Eyes, Willi Temporary SjOuslouanilLoia el eightiivant of Attention, Crcat Mobility, Hcstlossness, Willi Horror efSoclcty Nothing i more desirable to audi Pailcnla than aolitud, and nntning they more dread for fear of thcmselvcst nor-pnseof manner, nocarncstners, no speculation, but a Hurried, traniitlun from o.-o uuea lion toanoUier. These aymiitems. if allowedto go on-whieh this Tower Fatuity. unl Enilenlic I'jta In one of which Ih" puletit nuy pilre who can ray4hat thsre et- wi-. -M. lir-in-llll lllllDWCU liy l.lPgC OITCIUI di.easej Iilf.itlitv nnd Oensuliintliin r Th, nl Iho A.ytutns. rad the nelancboty tleatha by uuB,iiti,u,i,. i-nar ikmpiq rt itness in ine iruin oi inert; nssettton, Jn Lnnnlic Asvlum l.'.e. most mel.inrholv I nsliibitlon appears The countenance Is actually sod-l . ,Ti,,Dw.i,i,-nni.r i.iiriii or gnsi cirt visits It, Pliould n sound of tha voice occur, it 4a raiely articulate. With woeful measures wan ilespalr L ,. !'"."' "I"cn .I'V1J ''Is grief beguiled." ( Dcbilltyfsmostterriiilcf and has hrouchtihousinds I upon thousands lo untimely graves, ll,ua blasting the! ambition of manv noble vouths. It can he ruled In t I hu use of tins i ltfFALT.tnr.P. iiPJiiF.nv tf yon are sulTetiiigwIlli nnyot the above distressing rt 1 1 menu, the i'lut.l l.xtract Itucliti fill cure oit, Try j v 4i nn in- ."iiviinuti in 11 n rininry s HBwaroofQn ick Noalrumi ami;Qiiack Dfirinrn, who faliuly hoastnf nlilllttPBaptl rcterenrpi Citizens know amlavoid tlictu and Bovelnim utitPirinp ntoney, nml enpngtirr, by fpti-litie or calling fur a bottle vT lh poiuilar and ppcciilc rctnctly. It allays nil pi In and inflnmmatton, It perrcclly pleasnnt in 1m Uste and odor, but immeiliaie in its action. IlKr.AinoM).? EXTRACT MJOim Is prepared directly nccordincr to the rulcf ol' . 9 w... ,.,, j,, With Iho Greatest nrcurncy nnd;rheitneal knowledge ami care nvnted In it combination. 8ce I'roreiFor' I nl ,1 n I, la lVnk inn lhi...Ml...r.i....i. . rairmarjf ana uitmtitry, . r.t . . n . ..... F' i ; ' Du;t u,,u most of Ihe iw Slandird JVorks iifMedicliip. CJ-ONE IINllltED D0LLA11S43 One hundred dollars will be paid lo any physician who can prove tint tho MPdicI no ever injured n Pn Iienl-i and Hip testimony oftnoiisanils can be produced 1'iij.n ,iiui pitat kwu. uiises oi iiom one inn" c.iiiiuiu'.utiy rcJuclnir ihe expense 01 painting. I week torthirlccn yens' slanding halo been elTected We railnlully recoinmcli.t it for all purposes Indlc.T -The mnssofvoluiini.y tcsliiiinny In possession of tho , ted nnd wnrranl ll loglvo sulifraclioii. A liberal dis . proprietor, vourhlagits vlrlnos nnd curitlve nowers. count to lh trade. is immense, embracing namos iye,l known lo Bclcnco on,'!,n'J.'!,,'V ,. . . 100.000 bottles have been sold And not. a eing e In. stance of a failure has been reported I lcrponallv nntirared beu f".' of 1-hlladelphla. II. T. HeLltni.n, Chemi-t, who (bi,,ii,ii;i,,,..,ru.r,i,ic iu,ui, .1 1'l Tllia II Ol IIIC being duly say, that his preplrnlion con. tains no Narcotic, Mercury or injurious Drug, l-ul nlo II. T. HCLMROI.D, Sole Mannl.ncluror. Sworn ami subscribed beinro roc ihut 23d tlay of No vember 1851. WM. I. IIIIIIIAKU. Alderman. Price Q per battle, er aizfor $7 , delivered to any ad. drcjs,,accoinpanied by reliable and responsible cerlin. f.I.i Iratn I'rnbun,. nfllHilirnl I'rtll..... I.ln.n . - Vw..kv,, v.vijiiii:),, and others. I Treparcdand 11 T IIELMI10LD, l v . . ITS To ee had of J. R MOTF.Il, nlaom'burg . and tf alt Hivgglttt and Dealers throughout the Untied Statu, Canadaa and British Proslneea. -llEWAKE OF fOUMTF.RFEITS. ASK Fill 1 1 ELM HOLD'S TAK E NO OTHER. CURES GUARANTEED. Junn 13, 1937. 1857. SPUING AND SUM.MI-E, GEO. ItULI'IN & CO. IMrOllTKIIS Attn M.IXVFJtCTUIir.RS, 174 t'HEsNU I' BTllEUT, Are now prepared to exhibit their N w Styles FOR SPUING TliAOE. 1NCLUUI.VR RIabirk and colon drlilk MantilaB riinnllv I,nc Man. Maclill.ic. Fri'itr h Larc, Kmlirnidi'rrd Hilk MHtitttl.T", Hulled oiicr and Nit Manlilluti, .Mourning Man li lluv, ll.iiTtn'-JsT.ilntas, &c , A.C., Allnrwhich wlllbe t.nii'"l uttlx' l.owrst Prlres. i:o iitti.iMv ft co. 171 Chpnut Strert, nliovojtit, l'liilalfhia . MarchTlh, 1U57. ALEXANDKIl KKUlt, I.MPORTEIt AND WHOLES LIJ DEALER IN Sal(' NO. 3d SOUTH WIIAItVES, THILADELPIIIA. Ashlon's inn Liverpool .round Turk's IslamlAuil Dairy Salt, constantly on hunt and liir sale, in luls, to suit the trado. ALEXANDER KERR. April!, ISS7-Cm Pennsylvania Hotel. TlllSwellknown Hotel lately kcj by Ham '--A fvlII lURn.nn Main Bireci, In invillp.fjVimt It us been tnkon by the suiiscriliir. wh is pre JiiU-J pared loaccfiinmodJlet ravsllersaifd s lUiuirers -ihthibest unnnftr. The hotiKe has I en thoroughly Iverliaulcd, and is now rrliwcd up and IiirniBhed lor oIip entertain incnl of tjursts, iilsstabllnff ts uric ana cotnniomous, with llnrecs and vehlcltpfor hire, and lie ivill fparc no pains tn render pnncrtii santi.icnfi tlS-A liliprali haroof the mi It lie natronacc Is risnecl futlysoliciicd. Ilnnvltlcnee. CD. 1P55, NhW WAGON SHOP, Willow Grove, Stiiith nioomsburff. Till, iindfrsipned respectfully Jnfornii. his Iriends andfthe public peneratly, that he linn taken the stand Istclv orcupied by Air Jlnbprl lirettt.ln W illnw (.rove. B.iuth lUoninsburf, below IIieRslilroail, wl cie he wjlt continue the TP7 o rti nl-itl rr Tiivtitrtc fill IlB vnlln ftorttarlttifitii a In rrnrnl bivle and ijiiinnderain Im luf. Alito Ucp.iirins Wjiroiis, Ilnpplff, Cnrringrs, Sul Ktndi, Sic , done to order and on tJiott Ume. Dj Produce taken fur work. charmis unnwen. llloomibttrs April 25, l?57-3m NEW LIQUOR STORE. NO. 133, NORTH THIRD STREET. (ntlte aak lSiiiHings, Mtovt Race Si.) Philadelphia. THE nude ruiRiifil U-g-t rnve to in form hU frimds and the public, lint lit hK npned.iiltntif L J QUO 11 HOUSE, in the Eagle nulhbngs, No, 135. N., 3d St., as above, where lie will he inppylo supply Merolunts. Hotel, keepers, and custoiiiers eenerallyt Willi Ihn 'choicest brands kept in rhiladelpha. WILLIAM RROI1ST. March 7lli, l7.-y, ' HENRY ZUPKINOKR, t'lof-k nuil U'alcliinalar. South Side of Main Street (thove the Rail Roart. "rMFFlCULTrepairingin watches and Jew. AJ e rv masses for huntim? watches auj l.peetaclea, tc. liioninsbutg, Aug, JU, Ibfiu, JUST RECEIVED AT OUR NEW STORU, NO. 1 MACKEREL for SI3 per barrel, and others in nronortioil. Also, n Iresli siitialv nTHo-nr olassos. Rich, ate. Also, a new supply of Wall Ta. rt of dill'iniil styles , which will be sold low. ... II. O. li I. W. IIAItTMAN, May? 1 837. mora:ri, Noa. 0, 11, 13 and S Courtland street, NEW YORK. Il, D.WI'i3IIEriTER. TH08.D WINCHESTER, ItENJ. f.WINCIIEUTfill. My ni , 1 350 3m Dr. Frauds C. Harrison, WOULD respectfully inform the Fltlscns'of lilooma burg an d iicimiy, that commenced the prac tic n f .MkuiciNg and tscKoi.Ky,iiud aolicita a abate o mill I r nl rttii:, an itways'iu foiintlaltliuUxclianse llotelopposile ' Court llouso, 1 BleeniaburCilb,S, 18i3. "T-TTrT "o. ituucr, j II 0 m tc 0 p a t li I c P Ii y s 1 c 1 a ti, RF.arCCTFCLLVteiidorahls Trofesstenal Berccs iothecllizeiiBolltlooiushitriraiidviciniiy,xflnerolly IT9"'XJlScouil Iho corner ul Main and Iron Btr.ets Uloom.burg, Ailjoiiiingjlr Eiower'sBtore I -jo, ibii I SALAMANDER FIRE AND THIEF PROOF SAFES. Tiiti MiuinBT AssonT- menl In the United etait-i. warjantert in be equal in any now inniifl, ana wiiiup ioki nn ...nnillflim. n t r a n l.e nll. html a toodlolma.aicantie oijtallieil from any other house in tho younltv. at KVANB & tVATSONHj KO 8. 4th at., Philadelphia. TKUTM 18 MIQIITV AND WILL I'RUVAILI Tltport rftht Comnitl ti.appelnUilo tnjtetlnUnd thi IJtirn. nf cHren mja, ol ;naJm,fv(ruary 27, 1S37. Ra.maa. March -1, 1857. The undcralffned, mernbera of tho roaimltiee. do c.pectnilly report, that we aatv the Inn aatea, orlgl. W W'!?"1!. T'.'.'m! "n !',l!,.j;',.V7f V,fc 'ltn' nl"c.,; .''"A J I '??. '", '"n." ,ci T'5 LT"S 'Sale In i se by Iho paymaster nf thariilladclphla and Readlm naiirnau uempany, in h someent Heading. mi nti fittu t e d 1 v V n 1 1 1 1 s ft tlvi 1 1 nff a no t h e 8a fo I n i"0 by II A. Lantu, In hi stoio i.nnufaclured y Lvnna & ntson, and put In boo.s and paper te t'!i3lr5"k0' .. . Th fire was started at 6 J o'clock, A. M.,nnd kept "1' un fonftnrili of green hnkory. twncordj dry "ah and half ch.alnut lop wood wcro entirely con. sumed, the whole under the auperl ntendenn, of the anbseribcrs members ol theiJominlllee. The Sirce were then cooled oir with water, nf er which .hey were opened, and the books anil papers takenouthy the Committee and tent to It. A, Lanta'a store )cr pnbliceaninlnation.nndiinrko d by theCcmmitloo, t t ured b v Farrela U Eer rl ni t, are. in our lutlenient. damage J fully fifteen pcrcnnLmorcthan those ta.en Ituni ,T.II I11-.UI1 riB, Wn heliivve the BhAvnn bavp .t.een n fnlr nnd 1m partial trial oftho reapaclivc suallllea of both Saft'4. iauuu ll, rtAVtul.fl. Having beenabsentdurlngthcburnlngiive fully t'i iirjnp wun me aDoveauiiemeni ol tho con'ijuon of the papcraand lookataken cut of the respective Safes. O. A . NICOLLS. II. II . MHHLKMRERO. ja'in. March 88,1617. - . . NEW AND USEFUL. OLEUM LIQUOR. A Sitjstttutc for Limccd Oil. T r PATENT AI'PLtni) 1011 III. nnt'crfllnfil oiler tothc public vt OWnm M M'.or n an f inrjentBU!)titutu foi lilii-n-rd Oil, na a Ihiniier Ur nil norls nt Painta around In Oil, except Vrnrtian Jleil. ! When tliinned with th" Oleum Iho Taint will rover belter, dry piickcr and will m more diiMldc.and whm ,varnifhpd, tho palm will Inve and renin the inu , Ki-o; ta.,i si 1 11 1 II. IT j uj SJ rillXllCIIV Hi MIC IlllIllH;! i will enable the pain to ,icid in tin vamifh J ami the crnckine and pooling otr,,no common in ordinary vat .. l.l.n.l..I,..t.. ,.. .... """'t" i'."is is enureiv nvoMcu. i For piloting Tin Unola lis equal cannot he found. The Oleum can bp used by Ilseir, or in common with Linsoed Oil. Varnish, Japan or Turpcntlnj al.tlie op. Hon of theJPnlntcr. i Its com is about one-half of that of Linseed Oil. HI REC I IONS. Thin the paint with tlio Oleum Ll. Uuor nud wulk it well, until it flows Ireely from the .brush. Tho brush must bo free from all moisture and .in ft rialdy oujlit to be sonked well with tha Oleum l.ii-icir prrwiiiiiB m i'iiiiii jug. lntfailot placinn thebriMlies inwn'erover night, nn pii liters geiMMlly d... iliiv oijpht to bo put in the Oleum Minor, winch will crmily.Mcilitnte the work. The paint mixed with tln Oleum l.if.ugr will work belter if it be allowed to from M toiy Itmira pre vifiy lo.its b.iiK it ifil, nml thru tliniu-d to hiicd a coiftiJictiry as to work Ireu H4 uitiy undrr ilii brnh. y tho tine nf J.i pin, Hip p.iiui will be rendir'd utill firmer. Mix tho Jjpin Urn Ktvilli Hip palm and then ... I I. ...I. a. .1... tl....n. 1.. .n.. .. .. , it ,., u.u ..r..u, in .uc inaiiiier men. Honed above. 13-100 po'inds of Taint thinned wlthtln Oleum Li quor, will cover 11 urgor suruce man Upoiinds ilun. tied Willi oil. The Oleum Liquor is not to bo ue.l with Venitlnu .Red, nor wnh Paint 1 outlining any pinportinn oft. IIUEINIU.OATTMAM tl IIItEINIII, Amvricin Taint nnd Cnter Works, Cornor -4th and L'rcen Sis.,T;,ila biphia. Omcp N E cornel Third ami Wood sis., T'llladcl plua. T.l. C3" Wp also mmnfae.uro Chraiin VelMw.C'i nie Oreen, Chinese and Trus'lan lllui, V'l'rinlll 1 1 u,i Scarlet Red in virl'ius snap's and .pihlmes, eitlu - ry or in oil, tin, I warritit th 1,11 to boe 1 1 il ti a iy ,1 t tmr ntikp, ptiiipr here or a'iroid. Juno li, Irf.i7 OLEUM LIQUOK. OHRTIFICATB. WE, the undersigned IIouso Painter?, lierrby certify tint wt- hive even ,11k newly invLfted Oil n in Liquor mi m'lf.tcl'ired by Hrciri t Ctillniiti tlnin'ri. mi, I'hil tiH.liii, nn iniiiri , trial tin I h ivi fonifl tl a-i i'di i tni ubtitnto fir 1. seed t)il snpfrh r 1 1 it hi fv tv rinprt. at r i nfnnly .ihivit li il r in m uli. Ui K l il.'ralil r'd n-tn't th-;'xpi'iH'; "t palniin Vn would llierivlnrfi rriMii mend ih1 public to it ti-'iu luo.iind utp'r it ha Im-imi tri-d its op-jriurity ovrr I.itisceil Oil will b .it tenit'ti to by all. CilARI.CS umi:, AMIH UMitllt, IVlbl 1 M W'tll.M;. . Uli.VAlllJ UI, Nil Altl). Jim"5'K!, 1657. I" IIHREHY' certify that I h.vo .had Unijjf) fainting prosecuted titi'U' with th1 aiovi' Ismicd Ob'tiii) lii'pior, mtd Conrilr In nil ri'Hpfrtn wjih lh ri'roniiiH"! t.u Mil of Hit .ibriVH innii s(,nttiii(it, n ml will lnj'f .tttd, tbdt in fin n ru 1 will li ive no p lint jnj (ipcniiii'.iu pftOtrinpil vtitlwut the n l.itixturu n tlm above iijinnl v.itn.iMe Ii'pmr Thoi who may df'sir" lo viimv is rfli-ctH, mil r all nt my reside net". wliire tbry can cmiviucu Ihc.iMi'lves of all thl i-i rt-pri-s'Mit'-d ofihc Oleum Ll'pmr in rotrd to boautyaud durdillity. J. isa au nitniNio. CENTRES TORE. M'KIA'C ii SIJ113I R GOODS. rrUIE iinilcrsignod lain plcafitirrol in JL ftiniiiristhe cliu.-n. til Cenlre antlvlclnlty, tlio he has Ju.t received a larfe anil select assnitmna of STRINC tc SUMMER ROODS, Comprislnflhelieavjesl stockn nd iiiosl vuriedassorl me ii lot fashionable, usefn I and suiislantial.Merrhan tllie lhal have bee nonVreil lo the publir o (every kin andqunhty.whlchthey willsellfoircady.' vcr i cit.i.ntiij ii- pnri's, !T3"Counry nrndurrtnven I ne ichance for Roods I nclutline Crnln and Luit her and the publiccustoin respeciiulivsoicltetl SA'iltJKL.LAMlJACK. ronlersvil'e. IMarch'Js J8.j. OILS, "H'Oll Manulactiirinj and Ilurnin; purposes, for sale uy j. it j. r. o,, Nos. 7and 8 foulli Wharves, June 0, 1837, Tliilndelphia. LANDRETIPS WAIUtANTliD GAR DEN 815KDS. GRASS HEEIIS FIELD SEEDS, and FLOWER BEEDd, for sale by D. LANDRETII fc SON. .. . nd SI South Biilh ,t.. 1'lilbdelphiai March 9J, 1B57. M- ' OLIPIIAN r, WOODSIDE & 00. Importers and Wholesalo Doalers in iDiucs ani) tquots? No. 107 Arch St. above Fourth, nuiiADELPIIIA. r.OllrlUNT, .J. Wuapswa. January, 3Jt1827. y. (Jto. McAiria. Franklin Mouse. PARKER 4- UUU, Proprietors. ' PHILADELPHIA. Septemherl3,1830, LEAP TOUAGOO & t'KiARS, 21, South Front Street, 1'IIII.ADEI.PHIA. BOILEli .1 rill: mlnctllicr It now prepared, with new Machine 1 ry, tn build ttailoiiary enginca.rroni Mo lotihoiao lower, upon the liilct Improved plana, nnd will Imlldto irdcr double and aluelc jiorlftble analnea frnui 10 to 40 lor.. nmvif. Itlvwed wnnii H r tinnr. Millli rtnlls. n.n. l" i'niiB BiitoilipiiiK unii I vuuy lor anion, ttian. .CV..:d,p nileand iul,illnrliolleri cniumn fnl hrea. irapotented In IHSOiTor threihlng main nndcrackinr lorn nnil now madu on n largo acale for erceainr, oa tireaklng coal llcavymlnlng pumpa nnd fire englnei rigged cnntpletewltlidouble acting forcing puinpaini klnda of inlllgearlnginfl hoUe tailing made to order! Line ihaftlug with nnydealnd alteaol pnllcya, flnlaha wllhhangen Ironplanlng dono.iay IHfcet long) n. klndaoriron turnlrg heay preia and other acrew lutncdwlih any desired pltrhorihrcad. Thebeal Rough Iron threihlng Marhlnca. that eter come before the public, can Iron and wrodenniaehlnca madetoordcr. Lever powor, main or trend power raado loonier. Aliolaketiirdctafnrlhefollowlngma. chlneryi Ilarrlion'a laleiipatinigraln mill, Jlooo of. feredby tho Patentee lor it equal. It will grind In good torinlJ In otJer.alsoRuggte'a Palentlliower.manufacluf ejby a. I) Harris a. Un tha moat poivarful lllower nowlli uso wkhtheleaat numint orpower, one ofwhlch wlllne pntln useat the Poundly for nthlhltlnn. A'lui iheabovcworks wlllbe warranted tob- what Ihera , gold lor. Also Take orders for Scott'a Talent lllaeksmlth striker, andrlthtstsnse them inthecnuntiea olCnlnm. t,ia, Montour. Nnrlhum'iorlanit.Lvcnniing. Sullivan nnd cilntunt one of which can he aeen at mv hnn. 1 KtVIB II IMAItft Marli .8.1650. htnomibii .Ot,iiit,,i,i ' iiiliwnenix.. piiaiiriai ) uiim nour Aiao bona and etc Dr. J. S. Houghton's GllfcAT 0U11E If OR DVSrEPSIA. T"r'.u1V,,0or&V.,.r.c m. HOUOHTON'S, Jnico. J'reparcd from Itenncl, or thp fnuilli Ktoinach of the Ox( after (Urcritontof lLiroii Me. big, thoRreat rhysloloff tea ChemUl, by J, a. Tonihton.M.i) rjlln tic I li In Pn. ThimNaturo'sownRsmedy for nn unhealthy pio mat No oil of mnn can equal! tn curative powers ' t contains no Alebohnl . Hitlers . Arid. i$,.m f'Tiigs. It liextremely nureeable to thctasto.nnd may I ctakciiby the mont feeble patient s who cannot cat a watercrackorwithoutacute diRlrcxi Hewnreof Drugged Ca1 1 on the Atrent, nnd set n Dcrcrintlvf Clrculn arntts.tiivlnc a Inrco n mount of FclPnllflr r.vidcupr Ironil.lrblg'i AniinaiUhflmiitryjDr.Crtinht'uPliioIopy I)i(tetioii; Or Terelra nn Fond and Dirt; Dr. John V T(npr. ofNew York Unlveritilyi Trof, Duiifilivnn's I y Will It'S f , I Ili OIHMlWlll IIHIiiKu.irtn;i.,iij i;ir H' II toi'il,hviolOrv: fee, torcther with renorttof Cnren from an paimolitio united vines. noitiny a. r i.ntz ami J. it,imycr, inunniFuurp H.U. Ilowman nerwlck. Oct3, 163-5 ly. CIIUAf watciirTs AND T cwclry S 1 o r is WIlOLCSAIil-'ANU HRTAIIi nt Iho'Thlin.icr. dulpliiaWalch and Jewelry Btnrp,M No. ti ift; Northed street corner of Qunry, I'liiladelpbla. iiiiTJ Cold l.nver Watches, ful IJewcled, la corat 'JH uu nodi f.fnltm. lfi carat 24 00 Silver I.nver . full JewcU cd 12 (Ml aiver Lepine, jewels, v iw SnpTiorUucrtiers, 700 Coldppctaclcs, 00 Pliip Silver do, 15" Cold llracclcts, - ....... 3 00 I.adie's Gold Pencils, 1 00 Hivi'rTea t?poom,sel, . . 5 0 C'ldIVns with pf nelland sllverhnlder. . 0(1 Cnl.t linger rinjs :t7l ceiUa to $80 ; Watch clauses, plain I'.; crpti, patent 18 J, 25 ; qtlif r articles In priportton, AH goods warranted to be wha t thrv nr . oldfor STAUFfKIl tc IIARMIV. , rry On hand some Cold and Silver Levers & I-ppini wer then tho above prlci'S. Oct 1 !P5fi Bloomslnirg Tinware niui Stoyc Store Till! tinil-rsigned rex pec' folly inrorins his oh! friend and ciMtomer. that he Ilk nnrrlnscd Ins brother' inicrftt In the above establishiiicnt.und I hi concern wit hercalli'r he condticted by tilnnflf eirliiiively. lie has l just teceiven nnti onert tor stun, me inrpPM aim Et tnoslexlPiitivn nsiortiiinut of FANUV S VOVHS V ever intrpd tired I ntnthis nrarkel. I lit tck coiMir-ts of a complete assort mnt ol c bthcsl Uonkitiand parlor slovcs in Ihe market, to thenar with Btovp t-'ixlu,rc of ivery dfttcriptlon.Oven ,md Itn.xgiiive. Itadifltots.O'vllndcr Stoves. Cast Iron Air-'l'lgli ritovos. Oanii'in S to vast, itc.,,A;c . Stove pit nennd Tlnw.ireco islanilynn hand and man ulicttired tn. order. All kinds of repairing done, as riltll.U. Illl 1 i um IT. The natrnirici- of o til friends nml imw cil3lonirri ri 4pifiilty solicited. A. fll , UUI'UKT. nib nn: Jan. 1 tf Aviso'? CII C A P WATCH Ac J II W ELR Y STORE, No. 72, North Second Sireel, OPPOSITE THE. MOUNT VERNON IIOI'KE, I'll I LA liolilLeverWalchcal'iillJewellc'd IrR.Cisus. J'.'f II nnvcr no tlo I'.' mi tlo l.eniiie tin ll tlU (luaniers . s onto 7 (in Hold Siectarles, a ,t(tl 1 11 011 "iivit do 1 in; Sliverl'iitletsprpiis pnllelt, h out o I p (1(1 .tu itHser-l no tiu P IIIU o I I ()(; 1I0 'Ten do tin 4 7.-.I n 7 .in'n-es, aVBlo 5f)0 tin Silver ((o op Tiiteihenviii, n vmieiy nr lino (loldJf(.ry,Ool Ciii.CunrilantiTiibllhalus. A 1 1 snoda w a rrnntei t nb A' presented. Walohcs nml J ewelryrcpalreri nth lieslinnnner N II. Al loidnrssiiniliy'.y uial lorntliorwIae.H lltic ntinctunlty iltentletl tn . 1 wn.,i,L..ii tavt i. sxumhss -mm AND R. R. Omnibus Line. rpiIE undersi)ned respectfully informs I his friends and Ihe public that he taken Ihe lllooinshurl!, located on Main Street, directly opposite tlm Court House, nhiili has been Ihrnuslily repaired mid improved, where ho is pre. pared lo ncctiinniod nte liiscustniuecs with t-ood late mid logencrnt salibfarlion . I(e nlso has in connection .with thet:xchaut;e Ho. exccllem OiMNIDUS LINE, runnlnereeillarly severnltlmi-s per day .to nnd from the Depot on the arrival oflhe Cars, by which' passenj. i-rn Willi, e pleasanlly conveyed tn the Depot Siatinii,ni taken rrom nnd returned to their residences, if desired, it?" Ilowill nlwiiysbe liappy tn eutert-itn niidnccom modate his friends lo Hie inmost of his abilities. l'ETEIt ISILLMEYER. I'rovrieler, niooniaburjt .April, 5, 1850 y. SI'EAM GRIST MIUli THE undersigned lakr pleaaitre In an. i, ounctltcliilhcir friend ran Iheiiuhlic.illnrgo llinlthey aucccssfiilopernllon S?5 tues riisi'i i'uivkb; STEAM GRIST U il 1 Jj L . ' Whercihey ore makl ni; llicvervlicst'ol Tlour I nilic ji orlcstilmenodinleiid selling nl the lovvcstpricca I T'hcrearcfour run of llurs I n'lhls' Mill, propelet'by (tennl.nower nl I iter for in inei o tin r Ten Inn .n ml tr .intlin- aboutlliirlyhushclso - f train per hour. The flonrmadc here lias been examined by tiiebest tifludces. nlidpro nouncctinsupcrinrariicie, ivct nvite ourl rlendstocnl anilcxaniineforlhemselves. C3"Ordersfor flour, chop, feed, Ate, ilianKlully received and fit fed on the most reasonable condition a N , B. Cashpnltlforiirain roWI.En iiCREVBLl NO rspylown.Jnlytia.lBSa Spring and Summer GOODS- JVJKclvy, rv'cal & CO., HAVINC Jtut reeeiveti anil opened their stock o merchandize for Spring sales, which comprises the LAIlCCST , f .'II ECEST, and 11 ANDPOM f.ST assorl menlnow nirered in Ihis TOWN I Having paldgreal at If n tin 11 to th, selrrllon of their entire stock, as to price and quality, they flatter ihemtc.vea that tilev cun compete with the cheapest, nnd ull those wishing in buy cheap, can save money by ulving usa cull. We havo all kinds ol floods and Wore, to aupply the Teoplu. A very larcc'lot.of I.ADIKS' DRKSS GOODS, Trench Merrnoes.WnolTlalda, Alpaens, llombailnes. ,de baisu I'oplins, Taramettn cloths, Mohair Lustres, Muslin De Lalnes, Tertian clolhsClughaius.Oulicocs, tic. WHITE nOIJDS OF ALL KINDS, Sieves, Collars, llaadkercbiels, flouncings, buuds and tiiminlngs, Laresandediilngi, bonnet ribbons, In large variety , velvet ribbona,aiid.hralds,kld,cotloii,and lisle thread (loves, Moknii mitts. &c. Weiiiviteourfrlends nnd the public generally to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. Wehnvo liouehtour goodsut LoweslCasli Trices, and will not bo tin er.oldhy anybod y, or t he rest nf mankind. McKKLVY, NEAL & CO. flloon. 'burg, March 81, IPa7. PURE N OLO GIAL CARINET. F01VI.KUS, WEM.S & CO., rilRENOLOCICTB AND TUDLISIIERB, p"'"!,!! l li vo rks jo nThre nnlogv.Thy.iolory i ttaterCure Magnellsm, nnd Phonography. vv' h r "'ran' prirca. S- lull' wrUte0,!1 J..,M'f,,.l0nr,;..J1'. 0I"! evenlni. Cabinatrraa. ' May 19, 1655. y A. M. RUPERT. Tlnwan and Manufacur.r-Clor in Ma n below KuTerf, Store ' STEAM ENGINES AND rmz r---i mmm or nil tllieate I the ureal, first cnuie Springs fom neglect of Naturt't laws. WIlUNAUnil IBdUAUANTEUI) UI ALU BTAQKb OF S150UET DISEASES, GWAbvii, J&rtvvi J Utility, Strktttrtt. Gterti, Cirar, IHabttti, Difcnsftcf the Atdntpt and iiladdtr. Mtttu. rial JiMtumattiM, htrrfutat i'aina tn tkt Monti and jlnktet, Dtieatti th Lung. Throat, A"e nnd Vvtt VUert pn thi Ilody or Limb$, Canttt Drevtv, lvi trptte fllir nn'i Danet, and aU dhtaie9 atttinp from a dtrangtment of th$ Attval Organ. Diichns Nervous Trembling, Loss Df JUrmory1, Lost of r,.wert3encrnl Veakticssl)liiinsi of VJiiun with pecuhnr spots abpearlngbelorc the ejts Loss of Bicht. WnkelulnPhS, liysptpua, Liver Hiseare, nriiptrons upon tho (i co. Pal n In tho back and head, t'cinalo Ir, r-giit.arilJosnd all Improper diiclinrgei from Loth sexes. H matters not from what cause the diicase originated, however long standing or obstinate Hie rain, rttorirp u etrtatn, and In a thortcr lime Iban a pcrniancnt cute eahbe ftltctcd byniiy otbrr trratnicnt, etcn nilfr the diienre lias bnllUd the tklll of einhwnt physicians and resisted all their mrans or cure. The medicines nN pleasant wilbodl ndor,canitiff no flrk ness nnd Irte from mertut v r lAlnni. tinti,.. ....., teats f practice 1 hive rescued from the Jans oV Death many thousn nils. who. tn Vac last itiur ni tin, Above mentiotied diseases had been given up In die by i"ir iMiBiiiuna, ii iiii YiuiriiniB mo in pruiniFlrlff lo the afllicicd, wlio may p.Aeo lluiniclvcs under my care, h ptrfct and tno hi' fprrtly cute. Secret dlitanca are ll 0 grcnlesl ejicnilea to Jitalth.ns they are the Utt cause ol Consumption, Pcrcifii'a and many other i ts taits and should bo a terror to ihe bunion tamlty. Ai n permanent cure Is scarcely i er dkcted, a mnjurliy of the cases falling Into the hinds of incompetent persons, who not onl foil to cure Ihe diseases but ruin the constitution, filling the system with mcrturv, jrtbicbtwlth ihe disease, battens the tuflerir Injo c rapid Consumption. Jlut should the disease nnd the treatment not ctQe death speedily nnd the victim mnrrirs, the disease ! eniallrd upon Din children, bo ure born with fteble coiit-titiitloits,nnd thccurrint or life coruptrd by a virus which bet rays if fell in Bcrorula 1 rttei, ,lrh( r, JJruptioM and other nffetlinns oft be skin, (es, lhioat, and Lungs, miallipg upon t It cm A brief existence of suffering and cuiiFlgiiing tbcin in un taily grave. HULK AltUniBnoUier foriiid.ibic cm m lo health or nothing cite In the dread cutntogue of Ji'umnn djs. eases nuiscs to destructive a drain .upon the )fttin, drawing Jta lhousRnds,of victims through n few ytnte of suirerllig down tonn initlmely grave. It iltMrnja the nervous rjstcm, rapidly wnjtts away thr enctgnB of lilc, r.auses mtntal ilcrtnictjunit, prevents the jmor development of ihe sysicm, (llfjualilirs lor tnarrl.-igc, socicly. husl ness. and all earthly bnjtpj ucis, nnd lnii the tuJlctt-r .wrecked In body and jiilud.pri dlfposed lo consumption ami u train rf evils iniire to be driadcjl thin death itself. With the fullest confidence I anurc the tinfortunnte vicllms otHfll.Afnsr tlinl a pfruianrnt and specdyrure can be etlcclcd, and villi the abandon ment of minims practices my pnticnts enn be rtitoriil to rrlmst, vigorous htnlil. ' The,nfHlr4ed arc cautioned against tiie use of ralent Medicjncs, tor there arc foAauy inganf us mi n res in the columiisl tin' public jirinis In ratch and rob the unwary sufferers Hint millions have Iheir conMilu linns ruined by tin' vile compounds of quark doctors, or the equally poisonous nostiums vended as l'icnl Aletlicliius." 1 linvc carefully nnaljxed many of thp so railed Talent Medii ineu and llnd that nrnriyoll of Hum renlain Corrosive HibiUnii e which Is one of the jtirongcst picparallnns' ol mcrcui) and a deadly polsbu, which Iflsrcad qf .curing the dlsraie dhallus thn rystt hi lor life. Three lourtlis of the patent nostrums now Jn ur are put up by unprjuciplid and ignorant persons, who do not understand even the alphabet ol the mttt fifiiea.ond arc iiunlly ns tli itiiutc ol any knnvvli dec nl thr human system, having one object only in vi vv, and llml tojiitke jnonry Kgaii ler ofronsi Ucpcfs. IrriguUrllfes and all nHeases ol malts. md females treated on principle. i'M!ihllhfd by Ivviniy y.ars of prsrilce, and sanctioned by ilmusnnds nl the most -rc-maikalilo cures. Medlciiics wtlli lull ditcrtlons tveut tolinv nart of (tin Unite a Plates nr Cnnadas. bv tn- I iun ts comn ii ti i i ui i tif Hit ir symptoms by letter, llutl nrss rorrcsponcenro siricuy conunfiii iui Addrvi-F? J- BtLMMCKVILLC. M. .Oflice, 1131 i'n.sFRr street, (old No IPO.) Ilelow Twelfth, l'lilladetii; la. Ta. July 1,1, 1E57-(March 4) IMPORTANT DISCOVERY 1 I'OXSlhWTION', AMI A hi. DIHl.APliH UI 1 .11. l.UIXiP I JN1J THROAT are nonitlvelv rurJble by Inhalation. which convrjg the remcJies to the ravitus In th lungs through .the air passages and coming in dirirl nniiiicl Willi the iUhi-hbv, neutralizes Hie tubertulat niatter,nll i the cough, cnusi s a Ircc and ens) cxptr torution hynls the luttgs, purncs the blood, imjurin rencwid vit.tllly to the nervoun system, giving thai lone nndenetgy mi inilifpeiis.'ib,!e lot;,Ui'' rcttoiaiH n ol heal lb. Toll.' able to stale cniilldCliH) that Ciitiimp liou Iscorniilf by iiilialutiiiii, it lo mi; i source nf loj fn pu-.iHire, ii is as uiuim nntitr un- ri,nirii inedirpl Areiitnn j.t s any othir fiiriuinuble diiLi nlnrtv mil of ev erv huiidrf tl rtii-es .1 li be 1 nn d Id II ' first singes ,aud lilty iir cent 111 Iho stent) d 1 l ot in th' third stupe it is Unp' sMble to suvi morn limn bv' pit cut , nr H10 lungs lire so cut up t the i li-'i. n- n bnl defiance to niidnalfkill Lvi 11, liivvv 1 v i-r in il.i 1jtt ciflpcc, Inhalation nitords 1 jlrcordlnai) rrlid to the iiilli'rlng iiilendrtg this ft aiful ftqurte, w lm h n 11 11 11 11 1 ly ili"l(o)s uiui'ij.nve iiiounnii p(ioi- in u-c United Htali k nJone : 11 ml a forn cl ralrnlniu n rl r.w thai nt the prerent popubtHin ol ll e t nrtb, fghl ,mil lions lire in tutu o 11 11 11 uie roiisi.'inp.i 1 e rili ve TruH the milv 1 r 1 1 death I its no a mm so fatal as Coinumpi ion In at I ngi it ha bt rn t m prmi em my 01 iHf, tor 11 spares tit'iim r age nor s 1. mil ew t ei b otrnljke the hum-, the. beatitilul, Hie grnci ful nnd the gifted. It y the help of tha I fuitrrne I ilni; ir i wlem cotin'tb every snod and pt-rftrt gift I nm eiitbiid to ofl-r to the ntllirted a perma,).' nl imdsp(ii turr in Consumption The 11 of ttil.i n , , i, frm u pole Ideod, iiud Hie Immediate ifltt ( I, prrdnci d b) I In r iicposilloii In thr1 limes, it to prevent 1 lit Inc pi'mi" iu nf air jnlo the air reds whn hc-nue a Ufrnki iletVv iln tity throHsh Hie ntire sjcti m Tbtn fori Ij tt fx n "re rati.,nallooxp''Ct greater coodfrom uu dimi enii'tn s Hie cavities o the lungs llian frum iliose ni'm1i,tli u d ih rou eh. the ftninni h ; ihe pnti'-m vv ill nhwij . find tr lungs freentl Hie In ni lung tf-py niter iiibaiing n n e dies Thus, inb iliitinn is a lural rt nicil , ncveiH t Jehu it act conlitiitinn.iy,;iiid w I1 ti more ptwer and rf r tainlv than remedies nduilimlrred by Hie t-fmnrh 1 o prove the.powulnl and direct iiifliirnrc oi.ttiis mrdc of nlmiiiirnii"U, ehlorniotm inhuti'd ,v ill eniinl) U trny vnxibilit) in a few mivute4 pat,ilvriit( the 1 n tire lurvous sjtcm st tbqt a Im.b mn be luwrnliili d without the slight' st pain. Militating the ord(nar) bu m li c gas w it di ftrny life in n few bmirs. 11m Inhalation of ammonia will ruife.ihe system when fainting i.r nppnrriitlv dead 1 1n ot'or of mntiv oflhe medieiiieK is pi rreptibh in the rkin 11 f vv mn nttyi afler iK'ing tnhalid and 11 ay be In mediaiel) de lected in. the blood A conv inetngproof of the ronu tittlnnulell'i'cu nfinhaUlioii is thefsicl that sirki.rrs i nlwnys produced by bnathing foul air Is not tMs positive evidence tint proper rem Miles, rurrltilly pre pircd nnd Juilicf 011 sly admiuiMrrcd threngh the lungs should proitucethe inosit happy resnlit-1 liming eigh teen ye.irs prnrllte. nijiny tbo'iaiu'i- suiTering fri m diseases of tho lunss and throat have been under my rare, and I have effecti d ninnv remarkable cures, ev tn nfler the suirerers had been prnneunteil in the Inn sUges. which fully satis lie tt rue iht cnnsiimplion Is no Innirer a fatal disease. J.Iy treatfii' nt of consumption la original nnd founded 011 lougexperienre nnd a Iho rough iiivesiignimu. My perf ft nriuainlnnre n nti Ihe natttie of tubercles, Ac , enables me to riiMingiihii readily, tho various forms or dfene ihat simulate coiisuiuciion, nnd npplv He proper nmeuies, rarely being m Istakcn oven in n single ense. 1 Mr fnmiliaiiiv. in conneetjnn wuh certain pnlhologiral nod .nnrro-re pic diroveric, ennbles me to reijet e the lungs frij.n I Ins eff(rts of contracied rltesti j lo enlarge the rbi t purify the litnod, impart in it renewed vitality givinc energy nnd tono in the entire svn m. .Me.'ifliMw wiih lull I'jrrrtiem. sent to nny p rt of iiH' UnitPd Stales and Caiini'os by patjenls roiumtini catiiig llj(;ir sjinpioms by Mier. Hut (lie cure 1, ouhl be more rr-rtnin if ihe pntii nt ! rnld rn mea-vifit viji .n wruid give me nn opp,.rnaiity to examine tin lures and enable m- to pm-rnbe will, mitih grentrr reitHiMy. mil then Dm cure eould be o (lecteJ v.iilaut my ming the patient nppi n, Oince, 1131 FitBEUT strci t . (old No. HID,) July 11, lM7-(ial,c"'?ittUlf"" r"M"Va IBS7. AMKLOPK, 1857. I ON anil otter Tuesday, April .7, 1857, the Tjckit I Roal AN'l ELOTE, dipt. il. P Wilis, will coniineurn j ru lining her regu l,ir I rips dally, (Bund.iys eicoplcd; I-nves Ruierl al .'io'ilorkt A . ,M nrr'val of ihe Night Express on ihe u. W, tc E. Rail road from Wil liamspoit, and at'ncs atNanticoku at I o'rlork T. ill., in time io take I lie cars on the L. ti 11. R aiiroud .or Pcranlnn orfireal ileiu Ihe same afternoon Leaves Naiilieoke on nirival.til L, Il 11, Rallroa ,1 cars Irom llend and iicrnnlnn (.ay una o'clook, T. M.) uu ilurrivcsut t!upe.l t-jirly tbti same evan nig in .X". lnke ""' M't't Expretsbiilli wuys on l he C. W. ii El mira railroad, Tasstiigrrs rrom Iho Wynm ng (Valley, for Tolls villo, llarrisburg. lialiimoie Tntsijurg.anl all oilier loinia Boillh or Wen, will fintlit tu their allantagc to take Hie ahovo Li ne, us ills Ihe only line thai rou . nrcts through, without Hopping over ji Is tit en the road. T.lssenccrs from the Sotilh nr IVn.i i... i tt I risburg per iillernoi.n train, via Dauphin and 8u,que jjianna Uallroad, and li.i Catlawissa Railroad, will '.liieettht! IMckctatRiipertlntime. N. D A Rlace Coacli will be. run dally, (Buudayscx cepled) hclMCeu WllLl,l.,lT,n ,,, tti.PVli, driving me l nlteUHlales.Mail. .i u"y'f, "likes llarro al a o'clock, A M id nr. , rive, at itupert In time to connect wnh the MallTrains loom ways. 1 leaves Rupert nRer Iho arrival of lth Mall Train. i,l,",','!'?,k: '') a"J u"lv" 01 W.Ike, lurro Wilkes llarre.' April u0JV:-"'f'M'" Slim!!',?.1.; .V,'.!'.!1. "y m- WILLIAM VOIInTT MARIIIACE (ICill V II t, WILLIAM VOUNr ln riS i J-'.',1,1 "! liV "" WILLIAM'yoUNII. f SV.'.V'A ,,V "" WILLIAM VOBM, . A B'ni'V.'.K ! "N "Y WILLI A.M OU.(l. MAKT.1AHE IJUIIIi: ny Dll. U'11,1 1A.M OUNu ,,IAItlllAnE(iCl)E-VOUNG'aniU.'AT SjRfO,1" Vmol.OlllOAL iVOIIKl THE TOCK.I.T 1'vC.-'lJU.M'iyr.. or Every oe hi. Tow, , :.: . '.'.. ""' '. r . general Hurler, nml js iiius I Hated wilhiipnard-nl one huudied i nciaviiics All yoimn nttOnlf. tir thn.A rnn - "r." ,e.v,i".'h'41"; 1i,'"',"''ii,mt'1" """I"' iii". shoui: , read this ,l"0k. It iliac stcrecls thai evrrv nn. .should l-i.cunln.edwHh still, it is a biiVk lhal piti.t Address, i,Ki ,VM, VOIINU, Anetii m-- 135 .trscl, Slims Fnurlll. A"ta ,", TblUilHpliia, Ta
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers