( UUIU THE FA It ME It 1 fit on biare ninn I iMrtish riiL anil showir- Th-m liiu not lull In tn t Tim earth. t'J r.int, comes to pour llet went Hi ofantumn groin. O, nerershlU herhrr-om foil. Till man iiilinitltif p'ongh; But Willi Itiii aWini. hjuntv im ll, As we b.hald ll now. rf thee, th evening dew. dncraJ F.r ih-e, the ram crop t falfj For thep, Him geldn huvril bent) ( fiilijIJ thyaWjiiallt Look trp jui'l tinllH too nt III l task 1 iM.io, to till I Ik- OcM; IVbfct im M'rcitfing can Jou n sk 7 What manlier roniurst y hid f (Jo to tho plilti of dea ill, rt id learn Tli ti glory heroes gain t Gliidiirnrfi gjuully heap, on J put it Tlm conqueror's btody train I Tij thine t brenk the vlrgiij toil, Sabilna the pathless wild ; U'aerohinn's reclaiming loct no'cr trotl, And bia'ity never ttuil-d. O.g.oriousr.ge nhenn-iannoinore The arms of war shall wis Id; Dm proudly own onevery shore, Tho. plouih.his sphear and shield. Fruit Growing in the I'acijh State. California is well suited in sail nod climnto to tlio growth of fruit. Apples, especially roach a high degree of neriectioii, and the poacli, poir, plum, quince, cpricot, clicrry, strawberry, gnpo, with kindred fruiti are Ecarccly less interior in quality. In Oregon I und California, tho apple, it is said attains .1 tuc, u.ivor aiiu tiuriecuoii oxco iinsiua i u 1 mosl favtircd places of culture in our Ettbteru Stales, Tho fru't orchards grow with uncommon rapidity. In 1851, in San-Francisco, one dollar was given for a r-ic lo tpple, or a single pear, but tho growth of tho fruits has tincc been so rapid and extensive, that this year peaches aro contracted f r at S3 per basket in San Ir.meifi'o, and Oregon will send that city C'j,000 bushels of apples. The pear attains great perfection in California. Straw berries grow very Hue, and over a million and a half cf grape vines aro in cultivation. Corn Beer. "Why do you not republish that receipt for making corn beer ? It is an excellent tlrink in warm weather." This wa3 tho remark mado to us iho other uay, and us wo knew tho drink referred to ia gocd, nd cheap, (no small reciuimci,da. t!" now-a-days,) wo co1 elude tj put our readers in the way to make it: i ko ono pint of rorn and boil it until i' i, a littlo soft, add t it orm pint cf mc '.soa nid ono gal'.on of water ; elnke them well together, and set it by the lire, ac i in twenty-fuur hours the beer will bo x 1 cnt. When all tho 1 cer in tho jug . u-ui, just a id more molasses and water ' i.,t com will answer for tis month', 1 tlie beer will Le Ot for use in 12 hours, tiy -said1 g the jug which contains it vt arm', lutln ay the wholo ingredients used ii j mak ij a yillon of beer will n t cost over Kir eet tf, ntm it is oetter anil more vrvl 'me thm odor. A littlo yea t a'lJ Agrptt!) f .twards the woraing ol (hj bCiV fjtass Milk -'tins. A firmer in Akrr v, rhio, has been experimenting with u i k in ,,lii3o pans, "llo says : "l to U tho milk ol the same cow, milkod at tho samo tiin,l ai d divided it equally, piutii g halt' in a ylass pan, ai.d halt in a tin pan, and placed them side by tide. In tho first twoity four hours wore two thunher sbowers j and, at tho end of th t ti.i c, tho milk in tho tin pan was sour; tint in tho "lass pin was sweet and good. At iho end of tweho hours moro. that in tho (in was ihiek cl.ib ber, and that in tho gbis bcian to turn. Erom this, 1 belicVO lass p in3 will proservo I milk one-third longer than tin p ni." Wu believo farmers arc- b'ginn.ng to find l his out, a? wo hive heard of a number wh'j nro introducing gla?s instead of ti a HAVIft I'M' It MTOX.1. S.IFKTV TRUST COMP.I.VY 1i1r AlaiNTIT Stroot .?jwA 1! Vcr i.ii.iii 1 Tl ' TIIIUUi I'llilidi Iplila liieerporai.d by tha dtato of Pconiylvanis. M.ir.ey . re'eired.n any .urn, l.irjo or .mall aim Inter at paid f-oui the diy of deposit t. the day ol mitv'rawal U'lm otn;it is open every day from a n'cleck In l lie morning till 7 o'clock in ilia evening, and on Monday NTERES I" FIVE PER CENT. All Mi.u.Mrc .-r "Mill, or psldbacklu hold on mand without tiollcv,tnai.y amonnt. President Hon IICNRVL. llIINNEfi VlcePreiideni.RriliLRTrJnLPRinn'E aaeretory WILLIAM J heed. uipeior; II.-nrvL Reuner. O Landreth Munn. dt .ii JL Carter, R i ii Hrliife, 'ou- I IC Ashion aiiiesIl.tJiuilh, t' CarroilUrewater Joseph D. Marry, Henry I, Cburcbrain, riauelsLeg Ui l 11, p.-l , . , ,py I0 ,,. ..ii tipyoi. ii.t.-roat. The Investment, a. 'i"J AND A IMI.P or DOLLARS I 1 " in b1 mil-inn, ,.f iiie -p ni. RE.', rf an Isncll a,l em ai -.c Hi . villain y i te perf-ct i ity ip .ho Utim.iiiir, ul4 which asnnot fail la sjt;aoency nj uflty jo this IliStllUttOQ. AujJj.IEST 10ATAWIS8A, WILLTAMSPOItT A KlllE HAIL JIOAD. Fltreei Rtllrotd rottitrclloit Ms-era Jflignr KtlU silo. rtllfiilpMn. tknrttn (jslrir.t .ad CSMrMt test.r.ft ' II .r ip ,.r In f'AUailtfiilh. arr , rilta.arr ' ;itm' ir.iAlnfion city, niilr f.sta. nAUPr.MlCIl TRAINS leave Elinlrn .lnlly (except I u... .,,.ri ,i .Willi i. ! A AI cnuiicct'liig Willi Read n Hall Road nlPortClln. I.. I....l.l...ll,ll.. I. .1 vinn ... "I .-III. lipluriilnir. lonve Philadelphia from corner of nroad end Vliieatreet,.,al7'.lll, A. l caching Wlltlnin.nort, alilJ.P M.,. mil arriving nlEU Irani". I'. M. PASSENGER TRAINS VI!,I, LEAVE POUT cl.rvmv ixiti ii.imiiaminn. Ulrrci, via Unitptiln Kittl Smqurliimtin llallllonil.on iln nrrlviilolUiiiiiwIoaTrulii, nt HSV M.rcaolilnc llir- Tiaburii n s I" M Ui'tiitiiinf Irnvr llarrltlursal? 13 A M .t onncftlng ol I'or it'll, ,1, m uiiiii;uiinnliiiirnlM Imiiml ci furm. Inellio inuli1lt'clioiilc lnlMrrlKl'iirp, I'l l-burc, ll.il. tiuiorcnndlht Soiitli-coniK-ctlnp llirjo point with Q Nur thivptrrn renntylvanlnanri WmlernNew York L'ojinp Jiiffni Llnilin wllli tralnnn Sew Vnrk.tnd t'rle U' llojit ; nlsn. with the Ctimra, Cauaiidagau, itornf .f r, iitninio nna iui.-ignrn r nut, Cr r iirrtltijrdtrvctly wlih the (.rent Western Rnllroa at tiiiipniiun hrldse fur Detroit, Olncno, Bl (.onln, i thus mo kin a tho xhnrtrBt.mid tlicapcitroulofroti riiHatlelphialotliOrC points, A FKEUilir TRAIN. Will Icovp Wllllamiport DAILY, at 0 30 A. M Jo IMillaili'lplila. I'rcljlittraln to and from rhlladclptilo without Iran- lilpnipnt.frotu llpadlng Rail tload rrclglilUepot.corn, orol rirou.l and Chorryntrpeie, TRAINS I'ASS BANVILLIi AS TOLLOWB U01KO inr. Piinpnrr Train 12 M. I'rcijht Vrain , o si A.M. OOINO WEST. r.n.enjrerl'rain , a'5P Fielllil Train, Si P DctweenriiiladelpbliandUupott, Danville, " CulaMiMa, ' Tiima'ina Mllloii " Wiiliaunnori It Ull , 4 .in' s no 1 5 an riftipounila ofprraonatbnppncp nltoueilto each pns cngrr cucesi cuargeii ai uiniuip nra'.ci.itsire isinralci i, iuaua, tfrrifirMCir. Jan Sill. IH3 PIIII-A, AND HEADING RAIL UOAD Mlnl.r Jirrahgtmtnlt fa ratatngtr 7Valnr, January Is', 1857. rjr Train?, going north, leave rhilailelphli nt;7J . II.11V1. I'm.)., ff.alnff I4....II. Innva Ia. ... 1 1,. .. . a k. !r "' .. lii.lp.illl, m.d Hpnriini. nl in n 1 A M n.,n4mlll down Train. " 5,13, A. M. S.'jil'.' M', TheRtprntTraln I. illicontlnucd until furthir no lice. Cloo ciini.ertlnii. are made bv thP 10 2'J A. M til.) Tr.lln riomfmtCUntnnto Clmllnnnil nil l..tprt..n liatepninw: and bv thp B,SS l M Up Train fromt'ort i.iuon 10 .,ii.iir...L;.iHa..iuic'i:l li'iile'o, Niagara. De not. I'lilcneo. Kt. f.nnla .ll.vuniin.i ..,1 U.. . ....... M..ki..lh..routo theshorlesland chcupeit to ta. Let', OnSnii,l.ij..ih! Down A. M. Tnln from Poiuvllle iiiiu up i . nam ironi i niiaaeipnia, only, run H. RanooBo Coaaicnos., by Dauphin Railroad at An bum A .peclal Accoirininilatjon Pas. cngcr Train leavee I. eadi.igdailly. (elcrpt Suuiljy. Jot") A.M., run mine from Auburn aid, P. .11., oa arrivat of 3.10 P. M. WAY FAKES FrtOM Rr.inrvn-Tn ''lli;.lde;phll,$h73audl,15j Potl.vlllo $1,05 and 0,83; THROUGH rARr.S.to llarrl-burg. $2 53; Ti 1,33; Willeni, port $1,10; i:mira J,33; Can US100 tin (fill or MagraSIO.OO; i;leave(ani Tiimaaua .ananuaia nvann.l IO I Toedo SH.7,.. Clnciniintl Alll on . rh. i.,.n e hi no roOK Island S'.'Z.oo. ALL Pacnger.lllproeure tlckrt. before p nerine IhAnr, ln,,ni.,.i.D t.... ... .... nllyb9.,of per.enai llagasenlowcd each Pa.sei.oge ' OA. li:OLL8. January 3.1. 15!7-tf. Cen'ISupt AYER'S PILLS A sew anil sins;ularlr successful remedy for tho cure of nil llihoua cuseres Costitcncs?, Jndi cstion. Jaundice, Dropiy, Uhetuiitl&m, FeteM, Oout, Humors, Nenousnes-j, Irritabilitr, Inflamma tions, Headache, Tains in tho Breast,' hide, Hack, and Limbs, 1'emalo Complaints, Sc. Sc. Ir.deed, very few arc the diseases in which a l'nrRatite Medi cine is not more or less required, and much sick ness and sutferin" might bo prctentcd, if n harm less but eJectual Cathartic wcro more freely used. No jerscn can feel well while a costiie hiibit of body prevails j besides, it soon generates serious and often fatal diseases, which might hn e been avoided by tho tirsely and judicious use of a pood purgative. This is alike tm of Colds, Fes erish symptoms, and Bilious derangements. They all tend to become or produce the deep seated and formidable distempers which load tho hearses all oier the land. Hence a reliable family physic is of tho first importance to the public health, and this Pill has been perfected with connummato skill to meet that demand. An extensive trial of its virtues by Phjsicians, Profes sors, and Patients, has shown results surpassing any thing hitherto known of any nwdicine. Cures havo been ellected beyond belief, were they not sub stantiated by persons of suclt exalted position ami character as to forbid the suspicion of untruth. Among tho many eminent gentlemen who havo testiflcd hi favor of theso Pills, we may mention : t Prof. J. SI, Locke, Analytical Chemist, of Cin cinnati, whoso high professional character is en dorsed by John McLr.iv, Judge of the Supreme Court of the United States. Tnoa. Comvt.v, Secretary of tho Treasury. Hon. J. M. WitioiiT, Governor of Indiana. N. LONOwoam, great winn grower of the West. Also, l)u. J, It. Cmr.To.v, Practical Chemist, of New York City, endorsed by Hon. W. L. Maucy, Secretary of Slate. Wm, B. Asuiu, the richest man in America. S. I.tt.AND i Co., Tropr's of the Metropolitan Hotel, and many others. Did space permit, we could give many hundred certiBcales, from all parts where the Pills havo been used, but etiienco even moro comincing than tho experience of eminent puUIc tucu is found in their clieets upon trial. stud. aro otlereil to tho Tuibhe a tho hpt nn.l I ineso i-uis, tne rcsmt 01 long investigation nnd most complete, which the present atato of medical science can aflbrd. They are comnotmdeil not of the drups thernseles, but of tho medicinal virtues I only of Vegetable rcmedirs, extracted by chemical process lit a state of purity, tuid combWd together ! tn such a manner as to Insure the best results. Thfa system of coiinmition for medicines has been found , in tho Cherry 1'ectoral and JilU Uith, to produto a more efficient remedy than had hitherto been ob- , tained by any process. lhe teason in jicrfectly ob vious. While bv the old mode of ctmiT.ositfon. evcrv ' medicine is burdened with more or less of acn- i ,nl... ,,! it,.,;. nn.itii.. I.,, it.tj ,i i,,i. sidual virtue omy thatls desirejfiir the curatlie ' effect ia picscnt. All the inert and obnoxious Qual ities of each Kubstmce employed are left behind, the curative virtues only being retained. Hence it is self-evident the effects should prove, as they have proved, more purely remedial, and the 1'jlls a surer, more powerful iit2ole to diw5aj than any other medicine known to tho world. Ar tt is frequently expedient that my medicine should be taken under the (.ouniel of an attending Physician, and as he could not properly judge of a remedy without knowing its composition, I have supplied the am;rate i onnulaj by which lKth my xev.ralo I'orinu ai bv which lioth mv ' l'cttoral ai j 1'illt aro mado to the whole bodv of I I'ractltionersintlioUiiUedStatisnndBritUhAmer- ' I ican lrninccs. If, however, there fchould bo any one who has not received them, they will bo promptly forwarded by mail lo hi request. Of all the Patent Medicines that are offered, how few would be taken If their composition was known ! 'likeir lifo fttm.Ui lit liuwr mystery, I have no invstfries. vlho composition nt my preparations Is laid open nt uii men, ami an wuo are competent to juage on the subject frrely ncknovTltdge their convictions of ' their intrinsic merits. 'Ihn C'hmv 1'ectoral was I nrnnnnnr 1 I.v t.I.-i.tifi,. mnn fit 'l. tv..n,1f P.,1 medicine before its pHects were known. Munvpm. ir.cnt Thysitians have declared tho samo thing of my l'ills, and eseu nwiro confidently, and ut will ing to certify that their anticipations wcro more than realized by their etl'ccts upon trial. They operate by their powerful influence on tho internal viscera lo purify tho blood and blliuulato it into healthy action remove the obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liter, and other orphans of tho body, restoring their irregular aetlon to haalth, nml by correcting, wherever they exist, suth dcrutige ments as aro the first origin of dKease. Ileing sugar-wrapped, they are pleairant to take, and being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their use in nnv quantity. I'or minute directions, teo wrapper on the Box. I'RKPAItKIl UV DE. JAMES 0. AYER, rrnctlculuiulAunlytitiiU Clicnilst, 10WELI,, JfASS. Frleu 25 Cents per Box., Fivo JJors for $L SOLD Br EJ- r. r LUTZ.ana.ll Drui.lits In llloim.bur n-J Denier, in medicine, everywhere. May IC, JS57. EXTRA KP.l MACKEREL for tula at IAJSTJIAN. i iir.su &; wir.so.V'.s. WHOLESALE AND llE'IAIL CONFEOTIONAUY & FRUIT STORE : Ojslcr anil l.a(iii& Saloons T1 ,lV"'er""."!' "'P"""")' Inform jMhe c Sens of nioflni.b'lr. nnd I he mil, rtMli: undersigned, reapecinilly Inform. !lc ln C,'",'n,' Ih'il Ihey have houghi the. I.,,,.,. J I. gIMII I I Im nl.ovn -'"'''''""'l- on Main Street, nun lavo r.pemd " f"1""1 '''. "n ' '''"'J ')"' 'tsli.li m"l. where they willlil lill lln,e,leci n full snpplyM i I....-.-..- . ... . .nip Mini ijii,iiiifB men nf itrcnii .. Wa ;'." "" c.,fcrii.. ,'""i,r "t(ickomprlct n Inno iupi'ly o( Almniinn "or.. I 'rimr, Nnl Wnlnuu. Unim Tnliiitro i'jtt! ; -le , Willi rvrrf ImnKlnnlilrarllelfliilhclr llnf ol liiilncj ami of ihc lirm qnalliy. fir oimIIio tiMpllcil nt a'l ilinri III' Html. Cakes. riM,Ojitcn. &e ,nml all nnlrrt pron.pll)' filled "i"" i'"" ir innniry nrnuncca nu inc puniic uiur reipeelfullylnvllfcl. I 0 12 CUB AH, nlways on hand, during the summer season, X B A l.nilie'idaloon illnroiineclnlfriim tficnbau orlaiilitinicnt lian licrn prrpnrpil In good urilrrr o wil llhviy hp hi t hcllcomiTianrl THOMAS I!, Ef,?K. III. CVEtt T. WILSON. UIooiii til rK , Fpb 1, 1837, EVANS & NEWCOMER, (Formerly Webb Sr Jsiocomer. Arch Rtroot, nbiivc Third. Philadelphia rirmusnt vnAr.H 11 ItRKAKiUftT, .1, 0 nnd 7 o'clock tn 10 DiMisR.flentlemrn' trdinary.l o'clock tnX l.idief.Vovtock. Ta. Ifio'clockto 11. jfliCVA nVA8.J U. B.NUWCUMCtl Aug. II, IMV-y. CHARLES II. i.lARPI.E'S. WI SB AM) LIQUOR STORE, A'n. 143 North Third Street. Above Race, i:ast Side, Tw. door, above the U.gcl IliHPI, PHILADELPHIA Has constantly on hand IVenrh nrnndlpn. Hollanil ti. it mi n ffpiirrai nmtoriinrni fi i ureijn vines, nlgu, National Hotel. ( LATE WHITE SWAN, ) Sides cS' Stover. Knee Street, nbave Thin,. Philmlilnhin. '.'lT'IRS."l!,,ll",l,ril""1''ll3t'!Von..i:ollli,c.heai.&L,o Jam.sT fnivsa. i.flhe Unlun Iloiel. A.I3I..I l. 8"i0 JM ONTO II It MOUSE. IJORNPR OP MARKET AND MILL TRCCTS, llmueltttel) oppoilt, tht Cart ,) HAVi..K IA HAVINO been recently renovated and rpfiirnialied ll. a SllOPriOrStVlP.tlll. llir:inl llnlplllnAI. rnnnr. .......,ri, .iim v.n.iu.s, w no.e pa TflllUri. la rai.e. In I . u ru.......... liH i,r.r.nl.nn..r ...1.1.1. .... . ' , , a. A. It It AD V, JOHN vl, FORD, IMPORTUR, MAN'UrACTURUR t DCALCR IN SADDLERY. IJOAOH HARDWARE AND TKIM.MINRB No. 3L', Nor'h Third St. Philadelphia. nURCIIASCIt will Mud ittolbelr n.li-.iM.,,,.. in I- lltlllnP III v flock, w lilrli la vpr.pv .Ium . ...I ...... pln.ed lorC.i'.li; a-lc i.t.i nail the varleiv nr'ow Jtu nnn.i. N. 11. AllOrder. shall have particula rand prompt reptciufcpr d.M3ll ly JOHN H- ALL EN & nn. Nos. 2 .J- i Chesnut, Strcit south side be- low Water,) I'liilatlclphia. (Tilt OLDEST W'nnn w,a, IIpii.v. I T... ,-.-. "l.TANUPAOTURDRS and IVholeula dealrrl In Pat. ill ei.t Marliinp-madp Nrnonia, Paleni Graovcit CVdar iv.irP. varanltdnoL to ikrlnk IVnml nn.l ttruin... ...... Curds. Iltmiiei tc,, ofsJl dcicrlion.. I'lea.e call and examine our slock, lanury-ti, ieo. i y. Sl'HINti AND SUMMER mi m To le Sold Very Clirap, JUST RCCLIV C AT TIIU HTOItK OF J. J. liltOWEK, Uloomsbitre, April 25, 1857 ?m SEW 3IAKBLK YARD IN BLOOJISBUUG. JIIRAM S. CAREY BA3 opened a Marblo Vard in Court Alley, onpojlie lIlClUCklllTfl-WllOriJ 111) in hranw,l I il 'iu.... best wurkfri-iu Italian or American .Marblelor ' lUU NUWi.W TS. TUMIIS. Tomb'Stones. Tables. Alantte' vin.tr.u-..tit. i lortnecuaracterandflnlsh ofhltnork he refer., to ue matin lus mado Is thii cnuntr . He will furnUh iCSltTOS for WOrk nnrarillinnjllinl mnl, .. e-ttohim. Iliiwork shall aluays be sailsfuciory in imtyti-ntid reasouableln priw. ' "Kumrumg, i ice U.IOJU. J. S. & K, h. I'EROT, Produoo and Go n oral COMMISSION MERCHANTS No 3t) North Wbarv. ., ' PHILADELPHIA. Rtrifltarvi, John T renlston.Csc. ileitn Hacker, Leu b t'o. Pbiladelpbia. Bltei, fr.re Co ,, " Kucknor. VrCainmon at. Co. " Lbarle. eih, tt Co. .. " S. Morris Wain lc Co. .. " Onterbrid;p, Arvov tc Co. . " Charle lc Joseph Perot, " P?.1".! k M'll. New Vork. !'. aMeUI"."J'Co'81 I-oui,, Vo. Varch.i;?8olu,,v,,4'Su,,-1'u',,vl,1"- DYER'S HOTEL. Cattawissa, Pa. 4i8iica,.intnnpiteoralljeejise laws, ho 1JU "niilncii to nmkr his house oueof thA.nn-A? ZZ.X?iVi. ed daily will, the bP..,heMarke.c7nar,r toll y ul'",len'lM",,"'lSieraUyarpnvited May21.ieJ5.-y. JAumiuvcit SiMtes Union Hotel. Ao. 1400 M,irktt street, Philadetnh iCOItfir. W. IIINK-I.n t, . htn rj?.?.l1.''? T- 111 "K.'-.C, Proprietor. fr' u. ." '. . woiiiu inform hi, frien.l. nj .iTr."J ,Vfi'h .T.' n"lVaVne,?blvl'k',,'''",,'.''l",J, Stateaaoneoftheoldesiaiidnio. evV" V L'".'" Stales, a Rof the oldest a ltd ninst ennvenjeiii llojeiln heclly. Ho.iio.ire.pectfulli.oiieii..i.; . "I'l !B Lif!! , Aptll7.18j.l. ' OlDER .MILLS'. Po'Anilrrffi w ..??V55 imnufactur'ne theae ,....i...ii..i J. ,!..' ..?..w -ypatl) improved and ,trenihen.d .loc'e .,.' :;',l"n..uPP,)'0"l'' ' Whole.jioanj k-, ,1v fear Mlllss "ippeiituany part ol ihe Union. ivi...i... . . ?' '' aiiiiiitIB It CO.. ,;,;, ""i?. "ealeraln Aerlculturallmnl.. iw ..ttiitccii, t niiaaeipma. . IL DEL I A CARPETS ORE i CJA.I;7I'0a,- OUCIoih,. Wlnrtow 8h.de. .Mat.an ' Mauios.-Jiiai received SO.UOa piece, new .tvle nufactured and Imported expcly for CARPEr &n M''ch"''JU",J,0",,'l'" "-I" Pi'"" lie' ! .? ihu"?!,; " 8"'""1 s'",." '"o" below March 8.1 IH10. J. HIPNflY JONES E , n t' i ih a ii U'ngon 1'actory Tliriunder..gneil bavin succeeded Jacob 8. Evs In the Wojonand Coach. nak inie bus! ne., nt hi. stand, in L.pylown re.pectluliy I iiloriu Ibeir frlent audtho nubile, tbatlhey conlliiJiwillib. Wagon Making Business. Inalljtsdcpaitinent., where they will be happy trr. ceive orders andproinptlyesecuieallbuain.iainthel line, with neatne,. and ile, patch. I ta-.Wheel barrow, made lo order.and allkinds ol i repalringuouoonshorluotiee. I ,. . , . . H VANS c IIAOENIIUCII. I Kspylown,June7,'ie.O y JOHN 0. YE ACER, Faslil una lIc Hat & Cap Store NO.lOJ NORTH THIRD STREET, . PHI I.ADKLPHIA . Z3r Jlerchanlaand visitor, from .Northern Pnmy r.nb.Qr.,i..,ir..tlulnuli.rf.n ,i . ' .. . ivl.itlng Philadelphia. June tfa.lbao.-y. c. u -ADLER & CO. NO. 0, North Wato Slreot I'liilatlel. plila COMUIRSIONMERCIIAKTH, anddeal'r. in Lard, Shoulders t'heeaa' Hams, ducket., Porks, flour lie. 4DIII1 IMJ-ly HBLMHOLD'S 0ENUIIV1 rRU'AHATION or ittaiiLY coNcn;vtTRATi:n compound tlvw l.XTRACT 11UCIIU, for tlhtattt l itttiJer Xtdnewi, (travel, Drcptw II Ohtrctfrn, Stent l)itetttk ftmtttt ucmpralnts. nna all Dittatti f lk$ brtvlOrganti ArMtffl frnm Uxcciscn nnd lmpfinlpnclc tn l, nnd rm(iviii HI' lmiripT Di'rlmrpci iruni llw Itlatlae rt Kliliify,ar flexunl urirnn, ulieilifr fxlitJnir in flIAI.K Oil rii.MAI.U. front wlnrpvnr cau ilipy may hat n originated, and no mniter r how Ion fltiix'infr fiivliie licnllli and vlgur tu I lie iVjitiiP, nml lilnmit in ilc PfiMid check. JOY 7) 77K JlVtCt.iri'Ktil tl It ciiropNfivotit and U bilitalfWHiittcrcm, nnd removrs . :,'.?." '.J'L'tlon, t,oM or I dWMi UN of Miinurv, mi ..rn. r,iu'iiiiii,,,,,rri aiom'iiy, iie.nc.fliir.s, with Horror lfrSnclPly Nc.llilMglnmniPnlrabioln.iulil'aileiiH ban .ohtud,.. and notnlng they more dread Tor fear of lienifelei no mnn,,. nl 'manner, no par.,e,i ,.e.. tliei)iflc i hn fpf ( nf manner, no rnrncsi tins no MiCCll.-lllfll. kilt a Hurtlfd Iramitinn from min nop tion loaitoilier, Thee itmptomt. if nllourd to go on-whrh thU villi, mc in vii nam r rruinvrs nnou iiilOKi I.Olfl ol Vow r futility, and Upitcptlc I'nn- hi one of which th piil i en I miy fi In. U'bo can say that the c- Cfgoes nn llOt friaUPtIlll f.illliVVf.! I.v llinan .Urn Oil discfiif-In'atjty itnj t;uniiiiiiitioii t Tim records of Hie Imatie Anyluim, and Hid iiflanrholy ilpalhs by Conmunption bear nuiplo witness to lh truth ol them assertions. In I.n itatic Asylums Ihn most in'-laniholy pxliibitlon npprar Tim coiiutpn.mce fit nrhnlfy od den ii ml quitnlptiluto nllh-r mlrlli or (rriefs rvor vlnlls it. Hlifinl.l n sound if iho voiceoccur.lt Is rjfely nrtifulate, With wopfiil infiKiircd uitn despair l.ow sullen sniind hli ripfbfgui'eit.M Debillly ismnstf-rritilf) nnl Ins bronchi ihuusands upon Ihoiis.tndf o untimely itnves. tins bl.uiinf the nriibiljon ol man? aoblo vdlitli-i. It rim l.r rin.l l.u- """'""'""Wir ,-Mnnr u'aHi5SHScS iiewatp im uii m noiirilins and tlllaCK Doctor., who I falsely In natol ab.lilie.apd rele'eure. ci.lr.piis know and .avoid them and wvp Innj sinre ring money, and1 tipo.i.re. by .endlin or calling for a boltle of Ibis . 1 T. .J. ,' ' , f , . It nliv. all pain nnd luflamm-it on. I, narinu pleatant In it. la.le and odor, but immediate In In action. liniiMltor.n'ji KXtiiaht ntrrrur Is prepared dlncily ucrordinir in tho rules of iv. i t " ' M . With tho Krrati4 ncruracy and rheinieal Innwlcdgo nnd rare iii vi.l(Ml in lit combniatlon, t?ee 1'rofeiior t nnrmacy ana cnemittry. lew.'ei' Viilu ible Works on thp nmritrc nf i.iivaic. t..t mol of i tip hte yt.iri'tinl Wnrki nr.Mdicirip, iLw.ii iiuhkijI' uuiiiirtttru One hniiiiri'd dotlirs will l pint to nry physician Whocan lUrjVi) thlt thj Mdirlno rvrr iiil,irirf t P.. Lent; nnd 1 ip IfsHinouy oftlioui.in's-c.iit ti produced nrt'k to l In riff n ycn s' H'atnling hao in on KD-cti'il. 'I ho ma of volu n .1 y tcstimoii) in posspstion nf tlx propritlor.voiirhinsits virtues nud cnrilive powers, is immense, cu.brac1.11r. nama-i wj I known tn HfiniiP,. and t'ninp. lOO.Odt) botllrs have been sold n-iJ not a rinsle in Binned ofn fnilure h i b-vn rrportfi I l'ersoimllv unn'Mri'd before me. nn AMnrtnan nf ih. cl'y of I'll Lidi'lpliia II. T. IlkLDoi.D Chein(t, who bcins dnlv snorn does Kiiy, that his prepirniion con. in in no Narcotic, Mercury or injurious tltu", but are purely vegeiauie 11, 1 iiuuiinuMi, so'e .ti.inul tcturor. Sworn nnd subcribcil Iftore tne tnln "3J .inv nr Vn vember Ie5l. WM.r IIIHIMKO. Aldcruian. Price SI per bottle, or $ix for S. dtltvereJ ta . ,. I drt$$, acci'inniuued (V reliablP nnd rojmiiiiiililm r..n.il 1 catiit from I'rofcitors of Medical Colleges, Cltfyineii . unduhirs. 1'rcp.ired and sold by II T IIULMROLD, IVpcticil nnd -tnntvtir.il I'liPml.i No .W f?outhTCMTH st below Chestnut, Asiembtv lluildiiitTs. rhil.iilotpliii. XT3T To be had of J H MOVER. BhamtburtronJ nf ll una isruicra inraugiwm (AS UHtltll ilOtCI, Vanadatand British froelneti mrwaiu; of rouNrnnrniTs. ASK rO't lli:i.MI(UMrd TAKi: SO OI'IIEU. CUIIW GUARANICUD. June 13, 1857. 1857. SPUING AND SUHAIFR, GEO. HULPIN & CO. LMPORTF.IIS JIXD M.lfiUf.lCTVKKIIS, 171 OUESNUr STREET, Arc now pre pi red tn exhibit their New Pty les FOR SPUING TRADE, IN'CI.UDINQ niatark and colornldilk .Mantilla. Cbontly l.ac Man Maclilla., Trench Lace Malilll n, Unibrniilcred tilk Illantillaf, llncleil Lace au.l Nit Mantilla,, Mourninc. Manlilla,. Ilasiues, Talma,. 1c . tie.. tn ui wiiii;ii wiiiuu iiiereu tiling i.nwest rrlre,, URO Illtl.PIV c t;o. 171 nileanut Street, tilinvpttl' I'liili, d.h.i. Marrll-lh, ISM. ALEXANDER KERR, IMPORTER AND WIIOI,l',3LC DCALCR IN .r-1 .1 Salt. M Salt, NO. 3d SOUTH WII.MWIM. PIIILADC1.PIIIA. Astiion's no Liverpool ground Turk's Ulamlnnd Dairy dult, Cdtistauily on hiuu mid lor silc, in lulv, to suit the trade. AI.CXANDUR KCRK. ArrtM. 1657-Gm Pennsylvania Hotel. THIPwell known Hotel lalelykej byPAK svlII lUmj.on Main Sireet.ln tnville, lias been t&hen ny iiip sunken ber. wh ir ore parcdtoRCConiiuodatetr-ivsllersaiul unicprs' h the let uiiiupr. I'he lioose hns t en thorou-ihtv Iverlinuled.and is now relllied up and furnished for ohe entertain ineut of LPsts, If iitrf tahi I is l.irire anil commodious, with Horses ind vehiclesfor hire, nnd ho will spure no painsto render enneral satisfaction ir?" A libernhh ire oil ho public patronage is respect miiy viic leu. nuoKfst; w.ruucze. Dinvillenec. tttl. NiiW WAGON Miur, HiUow Grove, Soutli Illoomsbtirfr, TIIH umtprsiene respectfully iifo int, hU Iriends an I the public prnernllv, lint I h intn, tbe sinnd hUlj rtcupxi. lyMr lUbrti IlnUi, u d'nw drove, B uith Illc(.niLurt, below lit lti.1 riad, w I cie ue win lominue in' Wa"oninalin" Business, nil it .nio i ilppiirtmcnts. In eood IV It . n l ii niodeiale tt i liie. il-o llep.itniig ii -ops, IltiBK f, t'ariinges, 8u1- nu. at tz. in in- vo i taer ni ii on si.uri time, tli rioduce taken tur rk. CHARLCd JlUCWEIt. UMniMSburil A ril ?. ,w:7-3ui NEW LIQUOR STORE. NO. IM. NORTH THIRD STREET. (Iii the asle. liuiliings, Above Race St.) Philadelphia. THM un Jtn.iU'' ireg nvrtto Inform his friends and tni nu ilir Ih tin lilt 'pMiedlilf ii- LIQUOR HOUSE, in Ihe Eagle nmldijiga, No. 133, N.. 3 I St . na above, where lis will b li.ppv t., suppl,' ttrrlnus. Hotel keeper., und cu.t -uiers cuerallv wnh Hie 'choice! bl., . kepi in I'll liiiittpl.a, WILLIA1I IinoUiiT. Mi.chTil. l7.-y ' HE MIY '.UPPIstihR, 'i It nil U'alt Imi a I rr. South Side of Main Street above the Rail Roail. DIITirULIVepairingin walrbea a nil Jew. Irv Glai.estor liuntii.i; walcbea and .peetficle., tc. Uloninibuig, Aug, 30, If JO. JUST RECEIVED AT OUR NEW STOItE, JO. 1 MACKEREL for SI5) per barrel, nnd nthcfs li in prop itijuii. Also, a Iresh supsly of Sugar olusi,. II a-c , Also.. 1 new .uoiily of Wall Ta r, if h f.r sly'es , which will Im ,l.l low ... U. C. t I, W. IIABTMAN, xvkstkh v no i kl, Nos. 0, 11, 13 iml IflOourtland street, NEW YORK. D, U.WINtlHErlTliR. TII03. D, WINCHESTER. 1IENJ. P.WINCIILSTEIt, My31,lHS8 -ni Dr. Francis 0. Harrison, WOULD respectfully Inform the citizens of blooms burg and viciniiy, that hehasroiuinencedlhe prae ilenf Msuioisa undbUKosiy, and elicit, a .hare o publiepalrnnog'e. lie t,un 1 1 way, 'jo foundntlliiinicliangellotcloppo.ite Court House. ulcom.burg.Fcb. J, ie;:i. lit; J. C, it ii tier, Homoeopathic I' liyslci an, REPCTFU!.Lt.nilorsli Profea.ioiial Seres to Hi ecilizen.olU loom. burga ud vicinity, generally tfj" Otncoon Ihe coroer of Alain and Iron Streets Dloomsburg, Adjoining Mr Crower'iBtnre. .pt vy, test, OPse of Vllmi. liiiKiinr 1T,ilvrral I n.ai in.,.. nr lieaiiii p urn i rtnni v iiT,i in ,ii onicc hi ueaa ng, ..r ",i i.- ,i, " in.i,.'Z:. ; ,:" .:"', cap", rfcorcrji ccniia, ami III a rnoltrr tune tbah l "e uur Hi .n oil n l! orm in. ,mV, ip w i maniinirtnred by Fnrrel.lc llvrrinj and the 8.110 in f.r5'l? J? iJlf.M.fJ ."''I ilw,.M f r'n'1 !,5'""1 , rneiit cte .!. flruli tl l.ynny 1 VtMiii.e,,! Dy..,Ttlr snipi ", , , loi llVn . n .hlni n b " A LM' Mt "D" "'.mur.iclured '-y J1.' '1 f ""L'u'In.Xi v',',,l'." '"""; vn. I even am r il.e iil,.a..- ha,' lainn III- Hill V , IZh nW',.'!$u7r IWan.fcWat.on, and put Inbook. and paper., 1 ftbJ'oMi fffi phy.lrl.n, and .e.uted allth.l, nun,,. .,1 ,."l on thi-Tace. 1'ilu Intiip Hack. Miavlnp.. of 11 J rVi. el'elvailka. i . . i,i,ii,.ii,.i ., , P"worrul mower Mi illcine. ar- plcoiflnt tliont odor.tun.ltig ,,0 ink lid., rroTiPiHi; ItlJok' ""!; II J 1?,,. U " r" 1 1 cfny Thenr" wii..ta rt.d nt 8 o'elork. A. M..an,( kept w'" ' .,.',n,il,, IV Sf pi Mn I ?or,7rrli;l?,';,,'n0r,''.,' ''! "?m 1".' " lthTe,,,pmar)P,,Pu.lAfian,li:oM,'nl8,l,t!wa,,tor "1" ''' L".' ,w.. f0.',.'1'' th "ab?,o wo!k. w I The S SALAMANDER FI RK A N D THIEF 1RU01' SAl'hS. -t. Tllu LAUOEar ASSORT- merit In the United Fiatei. Warranted In be eiual to any now mine, una vr 1 11 ur nm tin n Oodtrrmi Acnn be obtained from nny other home in the ruumrv. nt RVANB & IVATPOV'S. 90 Si 4Ui tt., rjilludelplila, TRUTH IR MtnilTV AND WUtU I'ltlUAlf.l Btport efth Committe$, appointed to $ptritnd tkt Hum tng nftht Iron tejti, at tttadmg, ' ruary 37. 155? , lUinna. March 4. IH'7. The undersigned, member of the comiuutec do , ,.f.j ,, n,,.i.. .,, is.,.,. sl nsi rneree Moon ny rirrrir uirnni inn i:v., nn tc 7 - v..-.-....., niirr nHt-r uin. '"uied, the whnlp under 111' "iiperl iilendcnp., of tho "' " member, ol tl.o Uoinniltlre. Tim Bale. were then cooled oil with water, af r which ihev wrn oprned nnd the bouksand papers taken out by the Oomniltler nnd ni-nl to II. A. bnnti' store lor I the Onmniltler nod ft-Dlto II. A.ljnntz's store for J1hlicexnminntion.nnd nnrk! d by thPCoinmilleo, " i '- n m- o.mo , m i nn mc lured by rarreln& Herrings were .In our Jiid?ment, itamftgrd ful ly B I'tccrr percent .luorettuu those taken Wp hellrvelhn hbnvo in havo been n fair and Itn partial trial oithe respjclive qualities of both Safes, riANfif I. ft. nrrvTr.it Ilavlnff boen nbsent diirinp the burning, wo fully col in ido with t hp fibnvesMtriijcnt rth9 co mlllioii of the papers and buuks Ik n oat of tho respfrlite O. A, NtCOM,B, ii. ii. nuin.nviinrta t JAB.MlLIIOhl.AND. March 23,1337. NEW AND USEFUL. 1 OLEUM LJQ.UOR. y , . . , -.-, 1 allMtltMe for LlnSCCll Ull. fPATKNT' APPLIHD I'OR 1 fl'IHJ umlrrslniil oflcr nil he public ih'ln)luni L. 1lorn l"i "ncieiit .uli.lnulef.i. I.ln.eP.IOil.n.a tblntier fi.p",... tin Venetian Red. I When llilimcd ivllli l I.n fl I n is in Ihn Pill 11 1 wilt I 1 1 VP I" belter tirv iiiirkii ...in t mwl wh .n varniihrd, Hie panl wln havi, nm rvt iln Iho inost glossy appearance; ami i lie elasticity of the Ihlinier g" 7-"Pin arance: a mt t lie elasticity or the mnnipr wMl pnable the pain: to yield to Mm varnish; t'd the I crnckinfi and noohnrr ip n ,.,.!. i.. nnttmirv u.n. crnckinfi and peling 0,r( tf) eomm0i, in urdinary vai V Ll . is Piiiir" ly nvo itieiii m?r '"""ff Tin Hoofs lis equal cnnnntbe fin ml. me. Oinnn can he uppd by Hecli; or in common with Llnsfed Oil. Varnish, Jjpan!-or Turpetillnj at the op tion nf tlieM'alntcr, 1 14 eilKt ) at..... i i.-if ..i .1.-. r l l,..onJ nit We f.ll III lUl I V rirninii.Unrl 4iri.rt.il tuir n,n.. in.lli. tod mill w.irr.uit m to gvo satiffaction. A liberal dts count lo thfir.ide. DIKEU I IONS. Thin the paint with the Oleum L. quor tio.1 work .it wel I, until It Hows frevly Irotu the brush . The brish niuxt hfrop fronrill incUturenud inn riably ought to be soaked well with the Olcuni U n jr , previous to pjiimiiiff. liift'-ad ot placlnj thebruxhes In water ovor nljht, as p.ilntcrs gcin rally do, ihpy ought lobe put In tlie Ovum l.lqnnr, which itl areatly I.icilitale ihp w k. TIip paint mixed with lint O'eum Liquor will work better if it be allowed to H.i.id from M t J -U hours pre viom lo its b lig used, nnd Ihen t!i l ined to sucn n coiisiitrncy ns in work tree mt u tsy un-ler tlie brush. y llm ue of J.ipni, thp paint will be r.'iidired still firinrr. MixtlieJinan flrai uith llm nnln nml th.m thin it w ilh tlie OUuni Liquor In the manner men Honed ntove. 1 100 iimnds of ratatlbinned wiiktHe Oleum Li quor, u ill cover a Lirscr surface thin li points Hun tied wnh oil, The Otcum Liquor Is not lo be met with Vunitlnii Red, nor will I'.nut conl lining miy piniiortioii of it. IIUr.lNIU, (I AT I'M AN & IlllLiNIfj, AuMTicin.r.ilut and CuVr W.nks, Corner .'4th and Urtpn Sti..niila t Iptiii. OtHp N H coruei Third ami Wood sts , t' HlaJcl pinii. r.i. , u3 Wp Ho ininuricurc Chrnp VpIIiw.CIi mc (JfeiMl. (,'liii:iat! and l'rusiian illiM. Veriniliii n.i ritarltt Itfd In v irious li.fl'i nnd q laliilfn, eit't i . ry or in oil. nnd wirrsiul Ui'm tobidii.it t nny other in ikiT, iiihcr he ip or .i road. June u. iojj OLEUM LIQUOK. CKUTIPICATH. T7K, tlio umlerniguetl llouso Painters, 1 T hereby certif mat we have kivpu tin newly iliV-Hli.l O Un im Lii inr niiiiuf.ict iretl hv Ilr.ui 1 Mini tii tc llrvitii,, to I'lnl iihip!ii i, :iu iiii.iirt t 'iil.au I h iv.' fo'iu l u a 1 1 if! im i snib-titii:i f.ir 1. feed Oil. far smh ri. r to it in pvitv n fi,iii t .it r old Ty alio1 1 1 hilf.u .mic!i til isco iid.riidv rl m In" in.; . ii-c ii iiiiu.mii;. tvi.m.) m.-ri'i-ifi- r-trom mend I lip iniblic Lo i l-s r 1 nc r it nut tui.i .uti-r t .1,- bpii trifil its ip iriority over Ltoi ed Oil wi be at il'sicu vi uy mi c;mi:i.i;i ut'init. A HIM U.NM.'KR, Wllil 1 WOLLi-!, UIV !tIJ DIl.MIAUU. June H, lrC7. I' IIKHKIir cci"i that I Invo liul .L Hoisi I'.-iitilni" prnn c.iied I Italy Willi tlie nbovi iianteil Oh-mn U'pior. nod c juc ir in all pflt w ith Hi- rccomiue-n tit 1011 ol" 1 b-t a.ioii 11 uii'.l yi-ni r.m.Mi and will hpvudd, tli.n in fiit 11 re I will h ivi 110 p tint Hi o)ieraiicn pctionnid withnm tn n-Lnixniru u llii- above named valuable l.fpior Tho.o who mm ilefifp to view iii etTectti, ivill rail ot my rpsi -fence where they can eoiiviuco tlir.iin Ives nf .ill t!iH li r- .rei-iii-rU ut uiruicoiuijiiuor in reird to hj.t uy an 1 dur-ibtlity, ' . J- I3AU naiHNIG. Juno 12, 18.77 CENTRE STORE. sr.tt.U & SUJflillUlt HOODS. rpifE iiniicraifmcdtaVn plcabiiroof in JL lormingthp ciiizuus ut Centre andvlclnity, the limbos Ju.t received n large and select ussorimna or uraiNn & hum miik noons. Comprising! tie lipavipiu stockn rid most vnnedassort ment ol lailnonahle, nspfuland sunstantinlMnrch.iu dire thai hove bepn offered lotlip pul lie n'e ery kin niidqunliiy.whichtlwy williellforready'pay.ai ver reasonable prices. C5"Coint'ryrdifitasfenlne ccl.anre for floods irinli,iCr.raln and Lui. tcr andthe publicetistoni respeclfullvBolclted SAMUEL LAMBACK. rowlersvil'e March W OILS, JJ01 Maiiul.cturlngand Burnipg purpo.es, for salo J. 11 A. at S. ALLEN, r..... No..7aodtllioulli Wharves. Juneeaei7. Pluladelpliia. LANDRETIl'S VA11RANTED OAR DEN SEEDS. G11,?;.. I'5"51 t'lKl'B SEEDS, and FLOWER SLLDd, for sale try D. LANDRETH k fMW, M.lrchS,'lli7"1 SU"' SU"' rhlljll,,lPlli"l OLU'IlANr, WOODSIDE & CO. Importers and Wholesale Dealers in lUmc V fill 11 I trttTlll'C; llllU JVlUllUlil, I f , No 4i7 rrh St. abnvo Fourth, 1'UiLADELPllIA. P.Ouhumt, J.Woop.im, Cso.McAi.nit, January, 3J,8S7.y. Franklin House. PjUlKEll & LAIHD, Proprietors. Chesnut St., between Third nnd Fourtli, PHILADELPHIA. Bepleinbsin, 1SJ8. LEAP TOBACCO & CIGARS. nimmtm m SI, South Front Street, 1 I.pt. 8,t0.-,. nilLADELrill.l. STEAM ENGINES AND UOILER.' T'lJIE uliitilberlf now prepared, with new SUtlilne I ri to ouiiiiiitioiiiryiiiinei,riomio looiioric mwer, upon the latcUnirirovutplani, and will build to fder doBblennd alui le poriabl nin from lo to40 . ' BC "'ifvu uyvu i tugci t wiiii nui ler Rrnr '"t h pumpi all roniptote and ready for action. Alio -cylinder Hue and lulmlarlioMeri can iron cn.i! btfukh irp paiL'ntfd In ip;f(i,rir thrciltlnit gram unit crackinr torn anJ now nmdv on a largu urala for crecklng n trcnkinjt ton I. HeavyininiitR pnmpt rind flfn' nttttu rlwrdcninrdetf wilhdfiuijle aetlnfl forjhiB piiiiipt.ni khidioriiullBarln)indliniiee.i4tftfrmndfl tn ordfcr. l.lneslinrtiiiji wilh iiuydolrd urnnl pnlleyi llnlahe klndanf Iron turnirc hr.w nma n.,.i' .T..... win; n.iiiRcri irunpinrtins none avv4 iei Iniis! turned with any derlred pitrhnflhread, TIipI)P1 Uoujb Iron throning Morlilnpe, that pvrif I ""z'rr" "" w uuri,iiiciniipa . . , 1 -. 1 V -n-Taka order, for rifou'. ni. ni- , ... B,k?r"Hf hi, ,a ,, ? f I.I... 1 i , 1. . '.f.? . r" h P."'".;'"?!1!."".:"." y,"' M',,rN2r,,V,ns,!r'nn.,,'I'VfM'i,,. PiiHiTn and cllntMn' nno. of which can be seen nl my nhop- March 33,1650. I.liW IB II , iWAIIB. Illnornsbii t UnhiniMii rt , Dr. J. S. lioucliton's GREAT CURE FOR DTSPEI'SIA. 1,,i;T,Iu',8.e".,,'v1eDn.II0UGIITOK'S Juice Prepnrpd f rom Rennet, or the fouitli I atOllMCh Of thotll-ftflPr dirrrliuiisof It, iron Lie. I nis, ineRreat rhysiolop leal Cheinlfcl, bv J. R Touahton.M. I) , Phlla ThUisNaiure! ow n llnteilv lot an iinhnniii.. o.n mart, No nrtof mnn can equal Its curative powers. ' cuiunuis no Aicnoiioi ii'iin rs .Acids, orNaiisaous ri'a,.. It Ispxtreroplyagrerabietotheta.icnnd may ctaKcnny tne mo. t feeble natienl. who eaiinni pni n wnlercrackcrwithoutacute dl.tre.. UewareofDrueged Ca'l on tiie Aacnt. and set n Descriptive Clrenla Krntl.,slvlnp a larco amount of Bcientlfir Dvldence rromi,iebig's Amman, tie.nl stry in r.uninbe'at'iii.joiocy Dizestlnn: Dr Perot rn on Food and DIcliDr. John W Tlaper, nf New Yorh Unlver.ltyj Prof, llunill.nn'i Py.ioiof-y; rror. 5iiitman,of Yoici;oiieo?e;iir i.arpcn tPi'sPhvsioloiry: te.,tocether with report, of Cures 1 rom an pans on ne uniteu Aloes. Boldbv u. P. I. uti and J, K.Moyer.iiionminiirir a. It. Ilowman terwlck. Oct.1. 18.',-. ly. CH CAP WATCHES AND Jewelry Store. tTTHOLHSALU AND IlKTAI L at tlio "Phlla. ,, v iielpuiaivuiciiuiiujcvuiryciurt, i.o.vo a3E North idstreet corner of Quary, Plilladeh bin. 2A flold Lever Watches, lulljewclcdi IB carat $.' uo Ould l.eplno, IB carat ... i uo rlilverLever.rulllowcllcd, .... JV H tfiver Lcpine, Jewels, . . 0 OU niiperior uunrtier., .- ui, (inl.l .Mpcct.'icleo, 7 00 Fine Silver do, 15" ColdllMrcleta, 3 OU Ladle's Cold Pane II, 1UII UlvurTea Bpoons.scl, 5 nu uuiurens witn peneiinniis.iveruonier. i uh Ooli, ni..,p.r riiiim .171 cent, lo SS80 . Watch pl:..ac.. plain I2 cents. nateiil 1H, Lunet 33 ; other article. In priportton. All joods warranted lo be whit, tiny ar tni. lor STAUITlilC It. HAllI.KY. E2 tu ban daonic Gold nnd Hi Ivor Lever ii ii I.epiui wer tlion thc.lbove prices. Ortl Itfti Bloomsluirg Tiinvarc ami S(ove Store IMlKtimlerilgncd respectfully Informs his o( friend . ami cuitouier. that he hat nurrh.iscd Inn brother interest In 1 tie above estahlihiuput,and ihfconce rn wil tiereatier be conducted ny himseir exelusively. Hp bns ijur-i ieceivc.1 unu oners lor s:iio, uie inrfrpsiiinu 51 most ettentivn assortment of TANCy aTOVUS A ever introduced I ntothls market, C His stock emiliti of a comnlctcnssnrtnirnt ut ebthesl Cookingnnd utrlor stoves in ttie market. to iticjer with tjtove rixtures of every iIp script ion, Oven and Iloxgloves. Hi listers, Cylinder Htovps,Casl Iron .ait- 1 in 11 10 vj . aiui'Mi oioves, ace, sic. StOTenii neand Tinwareeo iiantlv on hand nnd man. ulactured to order. Allkinds of repsirinif done, as usual. on short noilep. The pitronngpor old friends 1 11 J 11 aw customers re Jppotfully solicited. a. m nurr.nT. n tmii nr; , Jan. 3, 1154, tf Aviso's 4S: CHEAP WATCIIiJEWELRV i'l ORE, No. 7- INortb Second Sirt ci, OlTOrtlTB TII E MOUNT VERNON IKIUdE.PIl I LA RiililLeverWatcheifiillJawi'lletl IbR, Cases SC 0 Silver tin do TJ 01) to Lenlne do 0 Ull Uuarliers Oolddpeclerles, Silver ,lti SlWpl'alieH,iOii, perselt, 3 tint n 7 till Silt o III UH I SO 14 OPInlrJ'IU t dtltnl I OC 4 7iln 7 Su 3 351 o SOU mi, i,u,eri ii" nil ilo Tea do do fiOliUVn.nndflolilCatp., un rtiivpr tin I (10 Tnr.P1herwlth a vnrielv nf line nold Jetv..lrv ni Ci.r.tliiari'nndrnhChalns. AI I itoods wo r rantei lob as presenit'.i . watches anil J owelry rcpalrcrl nth lie.linanner N It. Alloiderrsenlby'iyinalloritliorwlse.willip iuliri:atly tttendetlln . IVovPinerl'.' IM.I l Bom, AND R. R. Omnibus Line rpiIE nndprsiKiietl rcapeotiully iiifoniis I his rrieids and the public that hesa, laken the Ficassf.ful.ln lllooiiisbiirg, located nn Main Sueet, dirccllyopposlle the Court House, whith has been throughly repaired and iinprnved. where ho is pre. pared to nccoinniodnlp III . cuilo nicr. w illi good lare andtnitcncralaalisfartinn. lie also has in connection with the Exchange Ho tel, un excellent OMNIBUS LINE, runnlngrcguUrly .evernltlines perday to and from the Depolon the arrivalnflhc Cars, by whirl, passeng er. willbe pleaiaiillycnnveyedtnthe DepnISiatinn.oi taken from and returned to their residences, ifdcsired. B3"llowill alway.bn happy to entertain nudnccoin mudatc hi. friends to thr utmost of his abilities. PETER SILLMEV ER. n. , . Pradt.ttQr, Bloomsburg , April, J,mJ0y. STEAM GRIST MILL. 'pile, undersigned I takr nleasuro In a.,. .lOUnciiiEtotheiri'ricndiauil thepubHcailarge thattliey i.uvelilstorecled au.l nini SUCl.eB.lu.-'l'Cluilui, THE JSSl'i: TOWN STEAM GRIST .MILL. Wlicrethey are making the vervbeil'of Flour Imim hnitesltlmeandinlendsellingal the lowest prices Therearcfour run of Itursin this Mill, nronplledbv steam-power Uperformlngio perfection, ondgrinding aiiuHiiuifiyi,u,K:,,ui gruiu pernnur. i no nourmaue here lias neenexanijneii uy the best of Judges, und pro. iiouncedasuperlorarlicle, Wei nvlte oun rlendilocal andcxamlne for themselves, OC)r.lerrorll0ur,choi, feed, Jtc.,tlnkliilj received cad ai'eilontheinostreasonableconditlons N . B. Caslipaiiiroriiroin I'OWLER U CREVELINO Fi py town, July 93.18S3 Spring and Summer GOOD S- Itl'KuIvy, ical A- :., HAVINO Just received and opened their stock o iiiercliaiidize for Spring sales, which comprl.es the LAROUVl'.CIIEPEBT, and IIANDSOMt.ST a. .art ment now offered in till. TOWN I Having paldgreal attention to thf leli clion of their entire .lock, a. to il""ei luiiiiiy. tney nailer llicmsp.vr. tliat tliey ran eonipe.e with t he tlitcpiit. andalltho.e wl.hlng . to buy cheap, can save uinney by giving usaemt We havo all kinds ol Roods and Warps to supply the I l'eoplo, A vary large lot of I LADIES' DRESS GOODS, ' P'ntMrrnoe,Wooirialils, Alpacas, Bombasines, Je balsa I oplins, Parametta cloths, Mohair Lustres, 5e" l'ales,Per.lanelolh.Clnharu.,Oalicoe., WHITE (1001)3 OF ALL KINDS. Kv... Roll... llandkercbiel., flouncing., ba.da and trlinmlngs, ,''"I,1"!lc',,',I,,'1"",nl ''bl' i. In large variety velvet rilaion...dbrald.,kld,eotlon,andll.le thread gloves, Mohail mill., fcc. We invlteour rri.nil s nnd llie nnh five u. a callberore purchasing elsewhere, Wehave hnnghiniir goodsal LowestCash Prices, and will not beun ersoldbyasvbody.orlheresto'nisnklnd. MoKKLW, NEAL & CO. Dloon. 'burg, jinrch 31, lf57. PIIRENOLOGIAL CABINET. FOU'LERS, WELLS & CO., PH'lEk-'OLOOIrTS AND J-UBLISIIERS. 231 Arch Street, below Seventh: Pbila'd. &&Vm!1' ' 1 w". on l'l"n''ogv, Physiology W"7d'l,Mril,",0uI'''.V!'"':",ra' "d Plionography. y.JfKholesala and retail.,! New-York price, ' ssSiniM e"lon,"'"lnatlona. with charts, and Mayl,isS3.-r I A. M. RUPERT. .TJaa.re.nd Bh.st.Tron Manofscursr-Jte, , ,,, n rJlu.tb.lovr Jjtut trt'a lien im. i of all dlienei the ireat, flrit nun Bprlnti from iteskjct of Nature'! Iim, SUFFER NOT, WHEN AOURtl IBOUAHANTRIiD HI At.U BTAQE qti MKniVai nlqi ujo OF 8E0KET DISEASES, CilS-Alull, JVVrt.m JltUlilf. Slrlaum. Mult, a ret. I Victim, DIimhi ef Ui Kldntfl fail JIMJtr, .Vcrtu rill ytaian.lxai, Urifultt, mini In llie lit,,, 1, Mining lkcLug$, Threat,. Xott and tvii VUtrt pin I. Ifdf ,r l.lml,, Vent It t IJrnil, Itl llfllt Fit,, tt I'ltt' I l),mt. tni fit iluu,, i,;' fttm a 4,r,gtmtt ef tkt ittvat Orgent. g Huth at NorvutiBTrenibhtifft Lois of Memory, I.0a of 1'i.Her.Ocncrai U'laKni ii Dinmcia of Vlilun (vlth iieruliar iput. a tip, ailng btlorc the p)C. Lore of Iki,i WaltliiluiM, lljipi p.l.i, Liver liucair, hriiii,,, ' upon llin llcu.l'Hlu In tin, buck ami hiad, rcmalu r, rcularltlpii and all Improppr dltrhargea fu.ii, Loib above mentioned disrates hud luen given np to die by their physicians, Hhldi warrant ino In ptuiniilpg 0 the oUIIcImI. who mas place tht imcUes iindfr uy care, a perfect and mot-t sperilycure. Secret dtitnMi are tie sreatot enemies to Ix&llh.as lliry urn Ibu first cause ol Consiimntion, PcroI'a and many other iii tares and should be a terror to the hun.uu inmlly, Ai atirrmuuenl rure is fiarcely ever tfltttt-il, a nuijoriir of thP cases falling Into the hums or intompetriii persons, who not onl fall to cure the tiutaits Lut ruin the conttitutlon, filling thesysitni With mercurv, which, wiih the o I tense , tiaitens the luflercr into rapid Coiifumpiion. lut Simula the disease and Iho treatment not ctaro death siicedlly nnd the virlim hurrits, the Clsense B entaihd upon Iip chlliiien wl.o me born with tt t-b le couttituiioiis.fliid the curtint ol life cnrniptrd ly a virus which betrays imll In trrnfnta, 'Jtltt i, Vhn, l.ruplioi.i nndolhcriiirert'Onsof Ihe sklu, tyes, thicat, and Lutig, entalliii upon them a brief existence of sutTerinn and ci.niipniiiR them to nit tarly grave. BlILF AUL'&H Is another lorinidiille em m lo health , for nothing elte In the dread ct-tnlo(jue tr bun an ills enscii raumi so ileitrueilve a ilralii upon the system, drawing its thousands nf vltllin through n ttw jeors of suircrihii down loan untimelv Brave. It lien rn u I """ r"1"'' "mj- owuy um int-ipn of lllc, causes mental acranci no nt, pietents lite pi u uutckiijiiiciii ui nit; sy Biriii , uir)ii v 11 ni s ier 11 AfriiigV, locieiy. tuiiiicsr. nml all earthly hflpptnesa sndlibvis Hie siiiferer wrecked in body ami luinrt pridlprsi( to consuiupilon and u irnlu of evils nn re to be iinudtd thin death itseli. With Ihe fulifst confidence Ianute Ihe uulortuiinte victlnis olfelf.lnjrp (hat n pn inane lit and speeilyrurc can be e fleeted, and wnh the ubam on ment ofjriiinnus pm dices n y patient tnn be titoiid to rr bus), vigorous lualth. The nRlirted are cautioned syainsi the use ef Tslr nt Medicines, for theieare so many Inpcti) ustnans iu tne columiit ol the public prims lo catch nnd n b the unwary sutlcrers that inillMnis have Ihcir coiiflitu tions ruim d by the vile compounds of quock doctors, or the e in ally poisonous nnsiiums vended as l'ateut Medicines." 1 have cirelul'y snaljxed many tfthe so-called I'atem Meilteine and find that nearly all tf them criitnin Cerroiivp Dublin hc whirh is one r Ihe strongest picparations ol niercur nml n deadly poison, which Insre-ad of curing Hie disease .lira lie Ihe svsteni lor life. '1 hree fourths of the patent noMrums now In ure are put up by unprlnci pled and Ignorant pen one. w ho do not understand even tlie alphabet ol the mf.fr. a mtdiea, and are equally as dtstitule ol any knowledge ol Hip human njsienihl"g one object only in vitw, and that to nu kc money ri(.nri Irm uf rnuieiuei crs. Irnculjf itit nud all 4.ieises of n.ali and ft mates treated on principle enubt iclud ) iwinly yinrs of practue, onu sanciiniieu ey tiioui-uiiiis ui inn ukui re markable cures- Medicines with full iliieitlons i.eiii lo any ihttt of ttie Uniua Pi.ne or Caitailns, by a tienls renin uiiiiiiiiiig ilu Ir symi'lciin ny letter. I'uii. ness corresponiJei.ee s r Ictl ennhdf niinl tuuri'ir J. nijiijiiicn iiii.r.. if. it., Ollicc, 1131 PiLkhKi street, (old Nn li'.i.) Ueloiv Twelilh.i'hilailijlphia. 1'u, Jufyll,lfS7-(Morcii4) IMPORTANT DISCOVERY 1 lOXSCfl-P'IIO.N', AND ALL I)18i:A8ES OF T.IE LUNCH AM THHOAT are nositivety curable by inhalntinn. which conveys the remedies to ihe cavities in the lines th round the nlr nassaees. nnd coiuiiE iu diiict contact with Ihe disease, neutralize s the tiibiriulur n.;iltr,ail.i)s Hip coiifih, c.iusi s n Irec and easy en pi c torstio'i. heals the lungs, purines the blood, in jariM renewed vitality to the nervous systnu, giving that tone andenpr;cy so indispensable lor th mtotutn n if tiealth. To be able to slate con Hifc n 1 1 that Cuuiump tton is curable by inlialutinn, i tn me n suuree it 'jii1 toyed plejiiire. It Is as miirh uiiilir Ibu cniiirol it uiet'iial Irralnient ns any nilxr formli ulile it is t si , ninety not of every liundu d i hs iuh l-e ri.n d 11. ih' firsutages aud Hit ier rent in Ihesttond ; I ni in the third singe it Is imp' sslble to mv more ibunfive r cent , for inn lungs lire eo cm ine i iii-mp hi- id bid debuncp in mt dual ttkiJJ Kvi n liiwiver in ibe hist singes, tuli.iliition altortls i ti ontinat) rilxl lo tlo snllerini; aiteiiditig this ft at ful sci urut . w hull t n ii 11 a I ly deploys ntnel) live iI.oiifm it pe r tt t in il.i Unit eil LStales life re ; and n cum ct ralrutulM n tl i w " lhatnl Ihe prexenl pniuhitiuli o 1 1 1 i a rib, ei(. hi mil lions u re rii btim illi fill the ronkiiiepti ve'r priive TruU ilie 'ulvi r I deaih Ins no nirnu so fntt.1 i (!oiisuiiiplioii. In nllafct tt bus hi i n tp yn nt 1 1 1 it nf tile, tor Jl rparcti m It In r ape m r si x. t ut i 1 1 1 utTnlike thunve, Hip beautiful the- grntefu I tmiMIe ififieit. Hy tlie he'p of Dial Kupri ne I eine frin v 1 1 i romeih every itnoil nnd perh-rl ;ifl I mm eltiMtiilo otr- r to tbe bilhrit-d a petninnini imdspud) Mireii. Consumption '1 be MrHcni.t-i f f tnl i rr It t U ir m in pure blooil, nnd Hip ininn dmle efli 1 1 product d I y t In ir iieposttion In the lung, j lo pre v eet l In irre m'n iMi.n of air I n l i ihe air re lis. wlm bcnuei n w i aW ti o viia lily tli r-u - Ii Ihe entire system ' In n miii Ij li n i re rntiona I to ex peel g renter cood from iu(iiciii en'eiii g Ihe cavities of the lungs ihnn from those artminli-ieri it throng Ii the stnienrh j Die patient wilt nlwaj fifid ihe lungs free and the hrrnthing rary alter li bahiijr ruir dies Thus, inhifation is a local remedy. n verlbi il acts constitutionally, and w i h more pr w er and rr r tnlnlv Ihnn remedies adiulnoteredliy i( e tt mm li i i p'ovp the powerful and direct it tliienre ot this mrrle i ( (iilminlflriilmn, cblurninrni inhalril will entinly i'i . tlroy sensibility m a few minutes paialvzinp the en lire nrrvous svnem setl.atn I in h may be nniriiinlrd without tlm slight' st pain; inlmnrg the ordinar) burn li g gas will 4eUrny life In n fen hour. 'Ilu inhalation of ammonia will retire the fjstrni when fainting or npporentlv dead Tbe oi'or of u any of Iho medicines is pcrreptible in Ihe rMn a few nun utes nfler being inhaled and nay be immediately f-r tected in the bhod. A fonvirrliicpronf of the rt.nul luttonoletlVelH of Inhnlntion is the fact thai sicki.i fs im atwavs prodnred by breathing frul nlr Is lot tins pooidvu evidence thni proper rpiiifdli n, rnretullv nro pired und judiriouslyadmiiiiiiered llm urh the ungi should proiluccthe mini happy rcculuf lniiing eigh' leen years' nrarlirp, nan iliUiFAin' suffering from diseases of thp June and throat, have been under my care, and I have rflTeetnl ninnv remarkable cures, evin after the sufferers hail been pronruureil in the I rut stages, which rully satisfies ihp l Jim const mplicn Is no loncera fatal ilisejte My trrnini'iil of cnnsumi linn is original, and fnindctt on Inureiperfenrp and n tlm rough inveuigaiinii. My perfect nciiisintnnr o w iih tnenatute of tubercles, (Stc , ennblt b me to ilittlnrni h rendily, ihe various forms of disessn Hist simulntp consitmition, and apply tie proper rrmeities, rarely being mistaken even tnn single case, 1 his fan ilinrlty in connection wjih cprtoln patliolocfral and mlriorei-. pic diteovetics, enables me to relieve the lungs frmi Hip effei ts of cemtrncted chest; lo enlarge Ihe chii p'iriry the hlnod.impait In it renewed vilolity chin-' energy and tone lo thp entire s. in. MP.ii(iPe wiih lull ireitirns sent ti-nnyp rt of the UniiPd States andCnnsf'as bypali'ils rnnlmuni eaung their sympioms ly Mfer. Put ihe cure vneld b more certain if ihe polirnr si culd rav men iim, wiirii Wfuld give me an rppriuniiy to pxnminp Hot luiiffB and enable m- In prescribe with inixh grrnier cpiioli ty.nid then ibp rure imildbe elletled witheut rny MCin-the pali'nt njjein, rv. ...tr G W finAHAM, M IL, Omce, I 31 Filmit strut. (old Nn. 1(19.) j..iy ii. iP57-(Ml,'c':;rr""" 1857. ANTELOPE. 1HB7. O.V and attrr Tuesilav. An.il ? ia.S7 ih. im.l. Koat AN'I CUU'B, Copt. D. F, Wnn, will commenco running her regular tups i.'aily, (Sundays excepted) between Huperi and Nontiioke, as follows : Leaves Rupert at 5 o'clock, A. M., on urr val of tho Night Espress on ihe C.W it E. Rail road from Wit liaiu.port, and H'nes at Nanticoko at I o'riork, P. .11., in llino 10 take Il.e carsonthe L. 4c 11 Ii ailroatl .or Scianion or Great lien i the same nfli'rnoon Leaves Nanliceke on arrival. of L, II Railroad "s Ironi (Jre.it llend sn.l fcrunlon (ray one o'clock. I. M ) aniiaiilvc.nl Ilu port early tho tame evjn ingin l'.?".1?."1" ""' N''sbl Cipte.sbotli ways on he C. W. It El mini railroad. IJiH.ii6crs from the Wyom'ng .Valley, for Toil., ville, llarri.biirg, ItJltimore Piltsourg, an da II other loini. Biuih or West, win (Indit to ih-'ir ationiaco to take the above Line, as III, the only linn that foil, road" ""'l'1"' Vr iht on Ihe Pas. eneers from Ihp Hnulli nr tv , I .... haiina. Railroad, and via Callawn.a ltn.i i.n meet the Packet otltuperliiilimo. N. D A BllC Coach wll be run iki!j),(Suuil.iysei ci pled) botween 11' .1 La. I... r. n ,...1 miner., carrying the l uued mate. Ma I. Leave. Wilke. Ilarr, at s n'clnck, A M, nml ar both'ways ' me,QCOI'''ec'wi'11 "ie Mall.Traina 'JlvT,.R,TL"Sft..r'!h nf '"n" Tralna. Sil uidniiht ; "u """" 01 v,,k'" WlikeaDarre. April JJLI.Vtr MAIIRIAUE GUIDE Ii V DR. WILLIAM VOtlN'rf MARRIAGE GUII1C UY DR. WILLIAM V( PKtl MAItltlAOEQUinr. BY DE WIL MJ yoMNn MARRIAGE GIIIDK I1Y Dt. WILLIAM YOIINn' MARRIAGE GUIDE UY PR WILLIAM Y UNO MAIMIIAGB GUJDF. II V II R WIU-IAM YOUNG MAIIIIIAGEGmDl: IIY Dtt WILi IAM OUN(l -v n .?14KH.M0K "Jinr.-YOIINO-fi I GllliAT SS.f'pLOOIUAL VVORKiTIIE POCKtT JX3LULAriy8. or Evert Oiip bis own rT UM'or.by Wx.Yoojto, M.D, Itls wiimn i. plain larguag. Tor the general ,ea,", and s I . trated wnh upward, ol on. hundred engraving. AM hS!i',f.r'i? .;.0.rilh'"" eoniempUKuj. marriajo. ami read Fm. ' I,.ln'?,",V"e"' lo waril.tl life, ahould If,M .' bok,i ", ""'" .ecreets that eviry ono be kint o',a1.'i",i"'",y,,l, !."ln' " " """K llul w" hiHiiiJ" Up'1""' "" "nottllw home, ll vill ' " 00 '"ipl of tw.nty flv font.. Addr.sa, PI ,Vj, YOIINO, ei ni, 5il?pwte.iK'tt,abdv. found.