- - V-H' tfArE, i-o6At) hdivqii. a l. i'. n )i. Satiudoy Morning, Sop. 12, 1857 Divine .Knvices'will bo litlil'iiV Hlooms Lurg, tO'inorro.w, (Sunday, Sept. 13th) at iho' following Churches : .Episcopal CiUt'ct.-nrA'. II. TullVdoe; Services at 1 Oj o'clool:, A. M., nntl at early caiidlc-ligLt lu (ho oviiiiiig. ricsbijthiivn Church, V. J. AVr,. I.Eti. Service lit 10 o'clock, A. M. Lutheran Church, Rcv,E.A,SnARiiETT8. Sorvicc nt, 10 J o'clock, A. M. Gentian Reform, Itcv. y. Goodmch. Service at oarly on;iillc-ltglit'i:i-tlio oven iog. Ndho'lisl Church, Service fit' 0 ,6'cjoclc, P. 51., n,t the ( ourt House,-, EST C.ouit Procflotlings, in- full ccxt wcok. ASy The Evening Mail, from Wilkes Wrc, arrives in liloomsliurg, at 8 o'clock, 1. 31. K3"" Fjsir. Lar!o quantities of fine full t.re now daily captured in tho fiili baskets in the river Susquehanna. SSF A Poetical, Gem, by a Philadel phia Correspondent, and a good Litorary production, by a gentleman of JJloqras'burg, will graco our columns nost week. t tr Our old moil route, No. 5218, from ISloomsburpr, to White lloi.1, now run by 31 r. Israel Middle, has been 'extended through to the Exchange, ,ip Montour co. ZSjr Our nicri'hnnts are making pre parations for a fall stock of goods. From nil appearances we aro led to bclievo that nn unusual amount cf business will bo dono in (bo mercantile depnrtmcnt. tSS' A raro opportunity is now offered to those desirous of visiting the far famed Niagara, as an escurnon party will leave Willinmtport on Tuesday, Sept., l.rth, at 0 o'clock. Faro ?S,t!0 to Xiogara atid back. Exccdingly moderate. sar 3Ir. IilM.Mr.YliR, Proprietor of tho Eschnngp Hotel, has qppned, updc.r his h'Jiiso, a larjio a.nd' beautiful saloon We hope ho may meet with tho fuccss his efforts mciit. tSS" Frt'-sT, On tho nights tf Scpt.M -. i, ..,,,1 fill, il,:., r ,, lil, . ' n .liol.l C-niit Uri.lTo In rit-,rnlW X'n.. I f " 1 . ' ' vtcie well foateil, tlniuuli thero was not , enough to do injury to tlie(qrop.. n7s CoscKV.T.Aptommas, the celebra led Welsh Harper, frtm NevYqr:, de- livrrcd ere of his musical Lecture?, in i tin1 Court House, in litis place, on Wed-1 ne-ilny o cuing Inst, tn a laigc ar.tl respect-. ful nudienco. His performance fjn lite Harp h rsrely equaled nnd never finpassed.i Icy 1'llin. On last Mobility evenin, tho alarm of fire was raised in our town, which was caused by the fulling ol a cam phone lamp, in tlio ( luthin HstablMimci.t of IJavid Lowcnherj;. The Grc; was hoMcver, extinguiahfd, bofpre any daiuago as doDC. Trcinuido is Tijinalqc? .' Mrs. Kaiiaii Tank Woodw.mid, of .ll!j5:mslurp, who is said to lnvo had tho best Uftrden in town, recently weighed five Tomatoes, ,;.!) ich weighed exactly six jnunif.1, Mrs. Y., aUo, raided an Onion, which i it . . t ... t? , . - .,ctts.ur,a.,,u,n mer. tOf A rumor prevail in tome par3 of tho county that the dyacntcry.issiuite pro- ( valent in lUooiiuburg; We are happy to! . i ......... I lniorni our couuuy jriciitis mat tins.ia .not the c.ise. 'i'lijie may have becu a few cases hero ami there, but they have nil ridded to tho cfYctits r.f liiptHc-irif. ami ihrt town at pretent onj'oys, nt it has lnno f.r a long time past, remarkably good hea th. 1 -- ..- - tijT Tin: Fair. Tho time for holding the Columbia County Agricultural bibitien, will l-o on Thursday and Friday tho Mud and S3a of October. It lias oo- cured lo us that tho Exhibition this year ought to bo a good 'ono. '1 he season for 1 ., ,. , . , i , , r tlio tanner has indeed been n most favora. ' Llo ono in cverv rcsnoct. Vo Itavo con-1 versed with many fawners from the differ-1 Cbt sections of tho county, nnd havo in., tiBu,.iuDuy .uu riBn u.y variably been told that thero havo been few ;.l,laCB among our first ylatehool bo ,k3. moro auspicious seasons than tho present as far as the farmer is conperqed. Abund anco has crowned his labors everywhere. In viow of this tho cpmiug cshibition should be a good one such as wp.uld placo tho farmers of tho county in their proper posi lion before thopcpplo of tho Stdto. Thero is much said about tho productiveness of i land in otlior counties ot tho State, and of i tho exhibitions that aro held in them, from timo to time, tut wo do not bclievo that Jf tho prepcr efforts arc mado, they oan ex cel anything of tho kind that can bo gotten up in this county. Lot our Columbia County farmers, then detenniuo that tho coming exhibition shall bo tho best yet. held in our County ono yvi)rlliy tho. parao and j famo of "old 0()lt)mpi:t." Let it V3i?.ccn to (hat all tho dijlfcrcnf departments aro well itttc'ndcd, and tho ialjibutioa in oach numerous and plentiful. A. general invi tation is extended to all persons to con tribute, by the Society, withoat spccUl in vitation, and our county prido bhould prompt us, ono and all, to dctormino that tho coming oxIiiUtlou hlionlil lc ono of the right sliipr Litorary Notifies if is desirable, even in n country iwwb-i n!Tcr. tint tho current lileraturo of tho -1 day thu rises, falls, and ohnnpjca of 3Iag nzincs, now publications, Sio,, &c, should bo given; becausa as reading begets a taste for roadinrr. thus rrrowitii? li.v what it feeds n ow - ' !. ...1.. If li-- -...I It - k...l.1!it. 1 uiu ruuuui , uiu mitui, unit biu tJuuuaiuii , For those reasons wo havo consented to , uisu up lor mo groa; pumie who pernio,, ...... X.i. . ... .. tho Columbia Dcinqcrat, as well asoitr limitcu information ill allow, at leapt occasionally, thoiitcrary news of ho day;1 Wo begin with tho Mngaiine'puHloatioiiB. Tho nemocratlc Mcvinv, published at No. 335 Droadway; Notf York, by 0. Swa,ck)iamor, Editor and Proprietor, has boon issued for nearly twenty yoarfl. Tho September nunihox contains (cleveu, articles on tho yurious' tlkgd of subjects f. bo day. Among (llo discussed matters, wo find tho New 'York city trouhjes tho first ohaptors of a novel a good story and somo poetry. It is" Well jyor(th. the sub scription price, being only thrco dollars per ycor.' Pulnani's Magazine is announced as hav.ipg ceased to exist. It is only five years old, and is now in Iho hands of tho sixth of tho sixth firm; having very mate rially helped it is thnught to embarrass tho five previous ownors, It Was Sold about ' tho last of August, to .tho Publishers of Eyicrsoti's United States M'gaziuc, for S5G0QQ, and will hcrcater.bp incorporated with that publication. Dlackivood's JltagaSiiic has been pub- lished for lialfa century. ni'llOUt a ohailgO ' " ' cf proprietors, aild is at this moment in a most flourishing, poeunitry, literary, and ' ... .1.1 we may add, political condition. I his latter point Was, perhaps, tho death of ' 1 , , ,, 1'ldnam. ltli moro than usual literary staudinc. it assumed a dictat'Tshm ill pull- .tic--, which tho puhlio ,did not relish. A iMagnzitio cau to political and literary, hut ptjt literary and poljtieal in, this coun try. The Cosmopolilw Art. Union Associa tion have sent us the fifth o. of their oirKi pu'ilished at 5'19 Broadway, New YprJ: ; and it is announced ,tha,t hereafter, tho suhscription price of tho Art Journal will bo two dollars jjthat it will ho enlarged to double its present size, aud bo otherwise ,very greatly improved, btith. in an artistic inu li'crary way. The Journal is well minted, ,finclv illtistra'otl. and creonilinnlv . ." . ' . . " c r . 1 II to rOSl 1 0 IT. I litis IS not the tllaCO to PDOUll . . ... ., . . '.. . " ot the object ot tlio jissocmiiqh, anu we bhall leate tint fey another occasion'. Il.T.UsTUAT! 1) rAJIILY GYMNASIUM; aittammg the mist improved iwMipW pj applying pymnuuir, calislliCinc, kinsip tthh, mid vvcnl rxeieists to the (kvc'tijininii 0 the hoJilij org'i?is, the inv nonition (J ltcirjimctivi, tltr pre sei viitiiiii nf huilti, and the cure of dis ease and (jtfvrmitie.1, Ily R. T. Trail, I M.I). rSqw York: Vowlef'.t Wells 1 No. ,1. pp. li!0 ' 1857. ' Neatly ovey q"r,e pfthe several hundicd in-door and out-tloor excr itcs hero do scribed, U illustra'cd by a liguro. Of tlio 'teoie of books treajitig this subject, the ous.biilprc uiS,. recognizes mora tally than ' pto .rest, the principle' of- pnvtnthn, ly ' f.iiihful practice on these moemeujj, tend ing in the main to call into action, about every muaclo of the body, persons 'laboring under dyspepsia, .torpid liver, constipated , bowel-l, lassitude, and of consunipt.ve.tcu dcucy, may cspaud.tho chest, cnergi;e th,c digestive Sy&iClJl, nnd tllUS prevent the occurrence of diseases incident to thote regions, Outmnw or lI.NlVEns.Al, History. By 1J.,r,. im:,. A Jf ,. I) . ?n Uenru While, A. M., Ph. D Trinity Colfrgc, Cambridge; Aniericln Edition inlargccl awl rc-arrnmed by Jcl 1'. Knighton, 4, il. Philadelphia: Childs li i'elerson. 1B55. IU mo. pp. aoi. i Tlioso Outlines have long sinoC beconio i a standard text book in many of our Schools nnd Oollegcj, Tho distinguishing features t.f this edition aro, a l:bpral sprinkling cf , t ,!i.i ii.f..i . ,inl:..i uul". ur. I!1"'.'0"', convenient divisions for study arord.,.P( full cl.ronidog.cal tables, largo "JJ'tns to tho.portion on American b(s- tory, with tho main facts of tho worlds " . ... . , i! i .... .. f..tt.. .. :iA . i. J and continuous whole. Having been fairly 1 -.-i.e.. it.. .1.1 Familiar Scikncb; or, ,The Scientific Explanation of Common ''rings. Ed ited by 11. E. Peterson. ;Pliil idclphia : Child', & Peterson. ,1650. 10 mo., pp. 305. This is an inorican edition of Dr. Ilrcwer's "Gudo to Familiar Scionce," newly arranged, and much enlarged It is a comprehensive, Catqcbisiu on Physical Science, embodying , a Jipst of (juerics that daily occur to tho curious jnind, with clear, conciso and explicit auswers. It is a most useful " Hdnd Hook" for tho Toaolicr; and not loss so for tho mother, h', often posed, cau point hor " hopefuls" to it and say, as did tho mother of Sir W. Jouei "icail and you icill know,'' National 'Safctu Savin" Fund This Cn..:., T?..,l :0''r'SM t t. L having riincl IS in HalllUt .Street. On tho Sqith West corner of Third Street, Philaj ilo tih fi. now has ninrn thnn nnn n,lin I ' 1 . " j and a lisjf of dollars mvestod in first-class! Rftttiiriiiofl. I KSy .lohu VfifO 5?i!l jointe a balloon atcuntion nt-Tauiaqii, (Q-tlny, (SaUinltiy.) ,. . ... ai , ed Ml' thbo d'.iienu no rreparnunii." on, therois a, positive benefit accruing to'JJJ m Tie esi .. OyW.I l.fc-1. - - o-k y0, ,. uniioim h'th .my complaint which rpqcilrt h r-ntBttlvo Medicine, try Ajtfw M r)u- tiny io worth trying- Conurf Alinvry, A", 0, tyiii;MinoMia univpiihally AiTiioVfcn IIIIML'IJY'. Compound r.UrjtJ Hiicliu cure. Disease. or the lllndder i Kidneys, liratrcl, Dropsy, weakness te. Kod Mm ndvcrllcmcnlln another roluinn.h'aU- i ... i ... , ...... , r I .. It- . ....i O J.T,..,7 fliajf ' tic I'lVC L cr v.cft tjui-ing A'itnt omoiationni mkty comp my, irWnui tpc;., ouii;' woitcornrr of ninlttrndl. riillaiWrtila. now hut mnrly t. .... tfA i,.tr enu ml w nt. ti.T.rt, nt.iRTon, orooo iiit, ami other nmcun mi'i llci, In Hid bentnt to ilrpoilfnrt. CJ- THOMAS W. MATMOM. Itrccl vrf Lp'r. I Meilnl t tlio Worhl's r.tlrf In Indjn, isl, fori TltUNKS.UAnrrVr llA(!S,l!ool,,r.hoi.'itliilOilmi. ntmt i.di:ceiiiQntf are uow' ITc r e it ti ntirchiiicrt nf ttie I nliovooTllclea. Xlililt iniiclillir loriftiUloclioluiiiikf, I Crpcinasf,Vnllci.f,&e,, lit PhllSJelrltlti very cheap,' rorncr.nml 133 Market trrot. fi II, roriwrof foijrtlu ,- tO A COOFi ItnriXCTIOV. "rnr every mlfn that wo lorne tho fiirlVo nfour ranh, the tiaipflraturo fills Ave ilegrcra. At forlvfive inl!c' dlBtunce from llie plobe wcgit beyond th ntmoglliere, nnd enter itrlclly npeaklns.iiito the rrglonafifiapnce.whoG temperature la 225 degrees below rcio.niul licro cold reigns tn all parts,' The gentleman who went "bfyoiid tfie n. inospfiere nnd htld tlio iiVrmnin' lor In tlio "regions of flprieo,' lain slnco his rc'itim declircd thai Iho next cootrrt thing Is.n mill bf fhoo light, clef (inland grncn ful tiimtnrr clrlhcs, hlch have renderrd Hit faihion nMe Uninoriuiii rr .Uranvlllr Bitkei.No. Ct . la'c 209 i nMe Uiiuioriutii rr .Urnnvllle sirkcs. Mo. Ulicilnut uret'l, fn;;imi on thli tcrrilorl il orb. to-"v.iitThTCi:Tir. iM:nrulinnmuATirAN' I1:AUT1FUI. COMrl.nXION-faa Le ocqntretl hy ml nil Iho "Iliiln nf a VTtcwnnrf ylaucrl." Whnl'hily or cctitleniatt noulil ri'it aln iin.ler the cunt of a ills tisrecatile hrrath, when ly tiring the .'Ualm or a iTnowwD ruiutH"'a a tltmrlrlce, w.ulJ not only I t. ......... I.i.l lt..n llt.it lllli ulllln ... ntk. terl Many pemniii iln rit knn' Ihclr hreatll Is bad. ami the tulijcrl Is nntuiiratn that Ihofr ft I r nils uiU never mention It. tlr)varc of counterfeits. 1! fciire citlt bottle Is signed ' rnTiunac u co., m y. in WISi; IN TIMU, How many are there wh altlicteit with disease In nil incipient sny, .Vlay rrom limn tn lnin Itnul llff ri rtiiirufi !n fitl1f! rrMUMti.il TVS C 111. I W,r i, v"0si.i trt.iaii ' 'v'"ia,e- nJ '" Sldlous amicks Ills ,nro ihoummiN who kin tfcct'iatly nrrot theruriher pmsrM of tin; syntein liiipregiinblt.' tu ltd In tinfurtti nntely too Inn Ihcre are Ihonviind' wliottnk tnlo no early i-rnve .whereas at a trlllnigrtpenso they u,ight have lived to a goml loldagc. If Ihrro to roltaiicc to be placed ill incilicltie, aa ti,u.nnj,i,f well uitesied eases establish hcioml d tQ n pood Hie po-illl tyoladiubt, Hie curnlvu properties ofany lttrtiLtlljr remedy, then llitrlc's tfiirfa pirilla is ttniuestioiably tlio eri'.'itettjuediclnu ever lulrod tc-cd to sun inicted comniiit ily, Ik-sitalc t (it.thi ret'ure, to uso it, If su'llWIii" from any It llletlls which (Irth is heir to, Jlerclil (Galvtfton TttiM ) y&3VTi XO ALL 1 GNrroKCrv or ruii;r.si.-A Hew rmivnr. it Ui'aisEii. Hoery onehts own Stilt men! ' 1 J0U3 U CO., Oflho Crevceut One IlrlcQ Clothing Biore. IVo Mirkt'l utrert.nbnve Sixth, rhlladvlphla. In addition to liavln; the largest, moat varied mid istjicmablc stock of Clotlitrg In Plnladelphln. iu:idc rxprosKly for rrtnl sale, have ronsiitnted eery one lilsown salesman, liy having m tried in figure,."!) cntli artltlu the very lowest price II can he sold for r tncy ennnot nosstbly vary nil muil buy nllk Tiin onidsnre. Witt summed and iireunred. and ereal - r ' . .T .,.... hiDii ,,!ll, ll.n .I.!li, in llifM ..II , fi ,i I ll.rVVllti .... r r 1 ,..,i.i. ... '... . ' . . .."... 'i ,owest fncii. Isnnlarai! stock or puce jontts on h.iud.ofthl hlast s i, iui0 t r,icr, in the nnsi fishlonaliie and best lit inner. 2 1 per eent.hi tuw cnilit prlres. lie iteiuh.r t'te Crflio lit, in AlarUel, ahoM Sixtli i Blrcet, No 2(JU. i;j-si,(n iti:jv,i:i) wii,i, hk imid ior a.vy Veilit ltiiUlia v. il 1 et-nl I'llATl' Su UU rullRK'd If A GtG Oil. lnr lit" fill Inwin di.e.ises: It hf u nu . Ni'urntsta.S'iiitiit Atrertlun-, t'onlr.icld Joints, e;i, he Tains. I'aius in the Hide it Hark ,IIiiditche, Tiiotlnrli'1, Sprains Sire r'thrr-al, Oils Uruie4, liurils, and all di.raren n f th t Biu Muclu4 an I the tn in Is. Nine ' R.-imliia without the siL'iintiirn of "I'ratl k It-tte.lier" nti'i'lfd tn each tah"l. I'rliie'pal ollicutyiH Washing 'tun strut, llrniMvii. New' Viuk. t-'uld t) (J. ,M. II - 'nl'.NIIUUII, linguist, lllniMu.liurg. I irS"'rhis i? locertlfy th it I have made but one applt-' iMtiun of the Magir Oil on toy tinkers w huh have b-uii d-aivtt Ir.im lonlncliun pf the cords, hrousl.t o'u by. th'j'iuiati-iiii. It was of H'vi'ilti'eii month Mantling,1 and I ant now entiri'lycurcd. 1 1 heerf-tlly ricuunuciid it to all tlllii-t d IiUi'vi su I j. M rir.iiittitiii, i t.ociisl street, l!.irri-hui AuSust. .sir OYGKNA'I'.Ell UITTJKUS. The ttnneztd t'tatemtnt if rrof..1 Ilnuf, -V T) , ftate" Jtaoyttt ii o hi We teniitflntf vf ths tclenttjlc vitnprr In ehhk th'i Mtrtui at Is compound' J, and rteomirunds tt to I rvfcaiwnnl Vrn, A n opinion In i nj hem nl'd for ff nif . in rnna ruiuiH'ft nf ihi loriniilfi f)r pri'irlns Otysrtnntnl Uuttrn l.rins himw n in mo, I pxprofs 111 (ol'iwin iii form The CDiiiposiiion nt vmfr niters incm ich iiidi; rne dirinal (.ub-ltiiif which I'lpcrif nrnl nliynirinns liav Jong ri'fnrti'din for ifcial nciinn on the system, whrn dcr.inttcd lVvrri", lyit.'"ii gnuit, nnil firtifral pfbility, reBiillln" from i .tposure or V.inuitf influeuei!, Thesqare 'rndt'i'd pfrniini'iil. nnd remain nctivrln this prr-pirniion. ai n cn"juence of the scientific vtamter in, ukirh they are t om Hiird. It nai a well iniin.tcd jnfjrencr, tint lit! lrrpnrn tion )n iir;rr or kinnller dnpci. would prove it valuable General .VcJWsie, which t'xpcrii'iice hai dun oust rated, In Itiis nipdii iiif, no met.'illir n.illa can b lound.hy tin: moat dphrjit.1 rh?niical winta. Rcrpcetfully, A. A. Il.wns. M. ! , rfssayer tQ the eiaie of tfJi, No. 1 Pine Street, nrifinn, lCih Ore. IK12. Set it W. I'owif.r &c Co., 13d Vuhngton Ftrcet, Ouiton, Tioprirtnri. Fold by their ageuti everywhere Goldei I'riEvrii Pa l are iiifalhblt in renowin tioppagtt or trrrgularitiet rfthe menses. Thcsp Pi lit tro nothing new, but have hooti usp-I by tlio Doctor for mitiy ycira, butli in Francn :iu I Amerl ca, with unpnrcJlelf d rnrcrri i n f very mhj; and he ii urged by many tliniiRnnl l idimwho have inert hrm, to inaKc the Pills pub'ic. for thu allv lullon ol tlmrn fulTerine from nny n'r''jiiil.irJtI whate vcr. nn well os aprevtintiva to 1L05A la.Iies wlua Ifalih will not permit an lneri'.i- f Uutuly . I'rrgjiftnt lonal f , or those Ui pojtng tlifinn'Ives so are cautioned against using these Pills. n tli prpiji ctor ussumes 110 roxpGntibihty ulter the above adn.04 nilion. although their ni hancss would prevent any iu Jury to heath; otherwise, these Pills aro recom mended. . , riireciions are-inipany 'nxcli bor, Pricu $1. !foW wholeiaia fudKlnll, hy r h , ( COKGJM. lIAGijNRUCir, General Agent, llloonii'liurir", Pn. Ilo wUI supply tbo trade at the proprietor's price,, and send the PilU to Mdios (topfidtnklatly) by malison receipt of 1 through tho ntunnubiirc Post Office. ONli PHIOl: ONLY ! , UPPIN'COTT IIUNTIIU'd Clolhine Warchoiue, firniilL West, corner of Pijurth and Mirket etreuts, Pnl k letpliia, The only One Pries Uethi? Store in Amitlm Call) pure insert of Men's or boy 4 Clotliliia at wh'ofeiale and retail, can he'ro, make their iii lection from an iinmetxe stockcif fjtbionably cut and wtll nudeclothingj gotup with a view to side .satisfaction loall.nndul tlio very lowtdtpidsibla tselii iij; prico 11 marktur. 11 j.lin' figures m every garmenl, all buynl (be umepriccan-J whether they ure Jtuljei f goods or not. they cnunotb decieved. One unlfoim low nricatomk and take, taitsevervbodv. wlla Iti'n unn'al ! inoJe ofaiking two prices, and uklnj nit that can bo ! got, snitanobody.nudcheaHihree.lwartln j for irstanra amin aksai5n.faci.at.andafierwnrdi.iffrees totako SIO, nnd ulBtnUdlly certain, Ihathe.nouldhuvetaKei Bia. o " im i.av 1 , anu um. aci-iu.y cnat 1 lie purchaser out oflWe ilolhrs. To remoily Ihis evil ho pur and csl '0,i fl tabllali cniiflUciiia u tho Irada.MPl'INCOT : I i;u., n a itniwruitieioiv pfict on an iitsir coous.ivery tuiicii li low the tistiul rales ana win iteverv.try one cent niider any circuuistaittj;., HJ-CAM. NU RKCp ' Al llie. South U'l.u.iTe of roiltlli mil Malkrt sinn llil'rletphh ttt 1 I A vanmuio uann AT PUHI.IO SALE. Tr'7-lM, In1 nifttnl for ald. nn the pr'mtrti.on Y Tuts-Jay, ISthj of Ottob:r next, A CERTAIN THAW OF LAM), Willi tlifl tmniovptiipnn, KnoY-'n nut ha "JntK!' rnrni," litnaift 111 HnantoKiii ittwiintp. rvoriiMiinii-nfini rotin ly, VK ilvlnit niiKlimtoklii rrfrpfr ntirt tlic rlilhitirlphli and Hunlmry llntltntid.abfuit Tinilfn Buntli nlOtlnvlli', ft inilcf (foin .Hutitiiiry niKt lO'nillrn iinm Htnninttlti f nnil Tffvcrion tliui pivirtg It at RfMt fidtanlriiirs of n ronvrnlfnt nntt grjol inarKet lit lint ftnf uthr cc I Him of iheenie jiii! jvoruiprn nirni iintiromi, nww crny-cpsing with every pro),ri nf its pnrly romtl"llon, will upon mrnmmnnlfaOon by rnllrnal ullli I'hil.nffjf fihli nnd Uililmorr. ami lirhitf the pivn wltluii two of thrnt liniird 1 hte bl liar riftt urn. '1 ho f.mi. coiitoini Two Ilunircll ami SevcniyOno Acres, about. On lmnirrl Arri nrc MrnrrtN tho hal nnr.ii In OOOUTIMllCU, n part .f wlikh Iim g J,l1j,,ltlceJ"d " M Thit'tiuprovcinnntv o-i snld nrnpntvttro n cointljrti. - iililol)Vi:l.Iiln IIOU3E,wltiHftirhij nf p.Mltiint Wlilrr fl tuiw lt.mtt llltn. - nnil nlhiT l.ccottni'y I bVbniU lin.' To A Zi ncrnon tlstrltiff tl.l'ujit .tint tint! 111 .WiSAajA"''"''' inl""i 4",'' ln,ak" V,'.I'.,,,J!,C?" 'ion ii'Dtiu t inin tiiHtiit'iii STtriii niutlu l.nuwn on I Lit d.tv nf raf. Aiifiuild, 1&',7, " POHLIO SALB 01' Valuable Real Estate. Till! umlersljtieil, riii ruoroftlii- inn In of Wedry Itott, ilccraseili will olfer at'l'u'j he Eat1! U(ion thn 1 premliM. on , Saturday, the 3d of October next, At 1 o'rlock, r M .the firm liPlotiiilng to lit n aid I'italf.illiii t'ltute.illuiitii lit llcnilocK lownsltlp, uul uitiuta county TTj.i .,i rntir;,. A -. Jllli 11UUUILU Uliv. A l Win Jf and Thirtv-cvcn I'crchca, And Ailjolning limit of Hugh Mcllrlile, John McTley. ntjliin, I'rt'r Appleman Caleb Marlon, Sr., nrij Hylves i lor rurscii. 11 1 Fiiimn m i" Iron Ore Region nf Columbia rniinty, I wo miles (Mini lllnomiburg, nnd nn tiin until ir. iiitTliyr.iv leadlnc to Hiicktinrii. A branch nf llt-iulock rrek vaster through the premises, nnd Die whole M im in in n uir siaie hi cuiuvanuu. ib Improvements are n larr" new inmy MANSION HOUSK, A new and commodious, frame tenant liouje. a la'tre new Link tinrn.n new tvicon DUSU- BIHI oilirr o'H' buildings cnllrt'lyniw. Possession ill bo glvttl on me isi ot April, inja. Conditions will bo titaue known on ilm dv of sale hy wll.ljlAfll Jli.l. i.it tutor. ntoomtb.irg. JulyCj, 1857 PUBLIC SALK OP Valuable Real Estate. TUltSUANT to the provisions of the I.T-t will and jl iu5uimeni m rciir uuriocitrr, vi miin liln. (lo'iitiibit cittintv. lecr,ind. tin) nnderfiiined Uxecumr nf the alortsnld d'-coilcnt. will ex pom to L'ubhc rata, upon tho prenlfrt, on Saturday, October 3f, 1857 The ItitloMing described Vahmblo Ileal UMatc, via: A FARM AND PLANTATION, Situate in a!d Mifflin towinhtp. Col nitlihi coinly ndjoliilng l.inds on tlio wet of JJnninu I Kikei dull, nn 1'ie fotiih botinded by thi Neffi.peck Muii'itnln nn the 'tfnut bv lands of lvi Klke'i'lj'l. and on the north by imiufloi nui-iucin miiji. coin.trn.ir(( Ono ilundrctl auil fJ'vciity-Eiglit Acres, And allowance, whereon nro frtctcd iho Inilorting imprevi men;s Jl btonc uwrluv" House. Itink Ilarn. tfnriin? Iloise. Corn Crib. Wiigoii t-'h'd Cldtr rre,nin Hprimr. of Rile eitliveiitences About one liiudr.il aerK of r.tid tract is iineroved ton! in a !riinil flatu of ctiltivition, soim elfrbloen acres ol ulncli is I'xretictit itiLMiIow. ami the ualniico fs !s rtnii(.i. timber I mil. . "'V1-.''.: .I.Vf. .A "VT1 ( CIV HI seicei i'tiiii i ifng iih .nt I piruiifcps, i .u.., I .Ill I.. Bnl.l A. I. u ,:,', iiUi'miit i'urrins.-i ' irtrnln m cn once at 10 o'clock. A JI . on said ay, when attendance will he gU'U and' tond itmits JOHN II. IICTI'I.UIl, Kxeemsr. I Mlf.lin t p Alif!ll-t II, I'-.'i" NEW 0 vltlUiUJK KSTAIJIjISII.MEN'T Ii' I) LOOMS UURG. In tho Htv brick three Story O trriago Factory, in .Mam liolo'w Market. rrMlft Kiilucriuer v,ou.l ri'spi-elintly niiiion rice tc rhe J p iblic, lll.i le Iriscoiuuiel ced the ' in nil r iiirhm. Up nrip ircl Iopp ip nil i rtlers. tinl lun nn It iihl nt r(sciil.ini4ortiiirni ot i1nili"il work whM Ii purchasers nillQiitlil U llh ii itlv.iutitge loexn nil no unp.MKiN'd, Vi ill t.H.t iro in tin- iiio,i prompt ni vnrrf ti imnner ante nt ntc fnt c i r.Ttiiii't C.iil lo aive ,iH"f.irtiini. ihi'ii wmtiucij: a. i.'ii.oN. Hloojiivirg, Ajrll1-'1. le".5. ' l X C II A S K lU.o'CK. MAIN BTItCIJT, riill Him Icrisnrii woiiWri'upprtfiillv iufnrniliii frirntt i. dinl til p itthc 2i' ii irr,ll. that lie tin p i rclricnl Mr 'VtVUt t' tri.iii I (-'lii'inKnl Hloru, rniil jiij'I r'-turnol from tliiuii v. MM n I arse .1 ml &cl-cl Fti'iK.ccinoiiitiiig ( I'VcsIt and Pure JJrttst M(ilirinrn,llifhiH nlc round and wlioli'-jpicr. Taints, Ojl-i, ViirtulH' Ih c ftullj!. Window (JJjt- nf till ncs, fyi'tln'rwi'li nroui(if tentjnriiiicni ol I'.unt .'IVinili nml SlijsVin' II;us!trS,Tt.Ijacco Sogarfc'.IaiirjSonpR ,S!mv inecri-u-iii. 1 J'urf Winrs and IirciitJicp, For JIi'tl'C4ii:ihir.i:npliBh. Trcncliainl Ainfricnn lVr l"u iurry ; 1.1 dm ft cvt-ry .uiir.lt kcptlty DrurgisiB gene' mlly r'j-Pn'f'ripti'iiiHrnri'dilljcninpoiiKilrd N H 'l"i Diwvi ti. PnopFini, J le roiilliiiioil flf. 11 hint I in 111 t'mh im nnd Licht Street. A)i .1 fall .i.trl inent ol' ttie I.iicst rljlc Teclli lor b:,1 by (.no. M.iiAi:uMiuyn. 11 im in Tt . tHiirmry 1, in.17 SPRING & SUMMER 1E) SMS S5"S WK havo now receiving our Spring nnd Humnirr Cond?, by li.ulrna.l nt our now timid, nn Jiwi(nn'r,)l Muili mid jVlnrkut streits. 'i'iio nock cojifjiri ba lull asBortina.:itof Dry Gpods, Greccric$t Jfurdwarc, Queen ware, Csdir-icare JToHoW'icare i rugst I'l-ili, Conl. ridt':r, It oli.Xail. UootK, btturs, Tuts. ALaO-UCDY MA 1)1 UI.OTIIINO. andln Inci nvcry ndmeablc articie utually kfptina ruuntrv Hion Uouiitryprod.ur taken in exclinnpeforffond. -II. O. & I. W. H AIITJ1AN- It li)Oi)!l,iir. -Varfh SI, 182? GUI's AT ATTRACTION. JOHN I)OM r.'o. 1H North Second street .boye Arch, I'M ti.lijpl'ia, tu1 Unporicr Of lOlS and luinct UCOCtS. i.a&i moie, i,jryi tana jjpnn, wnere lie (iicovri a ,. .... . prcutttlrt ttnt certain eure lur Colds, CiMiL'lH.Uronrhiti-i. Ilai the :irs-l aortuienlt ol Curiosities in Mm city. Contuvtution, Neu mis Debility bud Amhmn Ills couch Toysofall Miids.Ianty IlukeU,Sm.ki Pipe.Tobacro wu,. cured immediately , ho ulurned, rured his rela Ilnpg. lolin and ttlrl nun. IIj rmo nicis, Arrordeons. 1 it whn ii.i.rr it...t n, ,tt.n :,. i...,,.,,.. nnd a lirfie variety of other arllcUs too iiiiinenu lo tiieutiou. Mlorekeepers and other will please call before pur ch.isit'K etxew hure Auc,. (7 3m BOOK-BIN iH NO, " " AIIARMS STAIU, would respectfulj Inrorm Hie Ij citizens ol Illonmiburc and vic'inifi, tbat ho has Ijtely rfctabtiKl.ed, f ntbls plicc, allomt ISindery ; nhcre is prepared to do all kinds of work in hit Unc, on Ihn shortest notice, nnd rensonablelcriln. Ornns in Kin ttloomfcburg, near thu loner end cf thi town. July IB, 1807-11 WALL PAPEU! WALL PAPER! T7G Iiit4 Just received, by railroad, n splendid as. V snrtment or WAI.I, I'.MMIIl. wMrh we Intend Insellnt riilliidelpliin iirices from 1 cciilnloU?! cents n piece. Call nnd see, II. C. 4c I. W. HAUTMAN. July i. IP.IT. Aiiiox. g; oattkijIj & co., Fonir.mn.Yo .wp co.y.vsao.v mfiiciimts. Iop, tlio tale of Uraitt, l'lou'r, Fords, Iron, Lumber, ic, Nn. VOXotlli.lVatct street, I'iilladelphii. XCT Clonds fuiwirdeil with rafc, to all points (ill llie Ninth llrnii'ch, EtlluylMII, Union, 8iisuelMutia und Jttnlstta Cinals. - CS-tfall, I'laif.T, ilrinditonrs, for saloat the loutit prices. . Aug w. e.W A. G. 0. & t'O. TRIMMINGS" AND NOTIONS IANCV AltTlUl.ns.a (tood isoitnji.nt 0r lln.irry ' or llie best quality ; also, Cloves. Mills, ll.lsknts. l.nbas, Uombs, Uress Trimmings nnd Lining., Hewlns 1 silk. Thread, etc., ate lo to nail next door lu the' i; sslian,c AIILLtA U WTUU. nlooii'tljilri;, Mil' 3,0, 1P57 VtF.W Nt 3 M CK IIIIUI, jiisl fccrtird nt 1 IIARTM . fl OAIJINKT WAUEUOOMS. Till! uiiilerflsnrtl tcpirtrully invhr tho ntlf ntto i.f U14 Tulitlc to liti nttfniWenorlnicni nrCnDiiPt FurniUirontid Clnlra wliirli hi will wnrrnnt In hPtiiado hf fnoJinilcfantn1 in a worfemrtnlikc infiriitrrt AX UU I'llabliiliincnticnit nlnayg he fouinl 0 goud aptort mcntof , , FASHIONABLE FtlllNITUnB, Wlitcli In muni I it itvlnnnil (IiiImIi tit that uf I'll I nueiprtia ur Aew votkciiici.uiiuatKiow pticcn, lie tins SOFA'S, nf different Hilci and nnfM. UnmEZzriZW HJ 10 (jU. IJlvf tlH. L.HI I(1P(1 1V.I1-K1 rtut an. I Mijhoiioiiy, parlor rlialrv, llocklnji nnd c.ia) chairs. I'lmta Hooln, imd a vnrlfty nf iirhol.irrcd woik with l)rRiilnu?antI i.&Holhiirrnn. frtfa. r.nr.t t ntrn newt DlcrUM H.'itctiislitii.tlicirinilrrii wlmttidti) nndcnniun ilrtfl.mtrf fillKlii'H orrililonfillc work. Ills utiKk of iHiri-niifl, cnciopt-u nnn tQiumon wuili fiint!:n, dren, rnniL'S.rorncr 11 imo.iri rnniM iircnknst tni. lici mci'Ii. rane wniiiml conuiibii rtmlr, 111 lnr cl In rtllor, nf the nuntr IIm V.1U liU kvep n Rood afntl.'iji'i)torif)nkinFrl,iMcs will (nary cllinnd cnii itiort Irnmrri I In will nlto rumUh nArinn iiisira fitted toany of tPnd(i-odi wlikh nrij iniptrior fjf ymuiMJUJ HIIU tUilU IUI l IU (111 OVU Uloomsburg April fill, HOVER'S LIQUID 1IAIII 1)YK, rllia HAin nrod onty n trial In Hiljtfy nil oT its tiprfictloii ua tt Dir. uittl the fcllnwiRi' tcni. m on hi from tint eminent AnalVlic CIh mlft rrnlcn-op liouih.oflhu U.H. Mim.ulll onlyronfirm what thou tands Iiovo previously borne tmiimitttv tn. "iMooraioryjor v met teal Chrmwty I . St.Hlppiin'B Plicr, Philnda. I'd In 2 "lit nci'lninted with the mliftnurei cntnuoa- hix liovcr'A Mqnld Hair Hja-I am rafiud that by loMowluf the slmph directions) given for It use, it ulll nnt iii Jure tho Hair or Skin, but rill gle a batu tut .inn uuraniu co-iur io uie nuir JAM CH U. P.OOl U. Aug Wdr Jnatylic CAemltt, HOVER'S V1UTING INKS, NCMiiiNd novnirs vusitt and novup,a in- l)i;iilll.n lNKrt.iiiPtoiiwi'llknlT.j.and Intru.luccd tn rciuire any adilitlnnnl testimony of tlri r chancier. Thf! salts havejief-n iticrasins siren tlieirjirn Intrn iluclion, clvloueVlilenrplhai tho nrtlcleti t nil v nthonn "in inn jiic incrii chiiinea at nri lar tiieni ny me luatnii.icinrer. Orders, nddrpfsed lothn M.iimfjrinrV.'n ilORnrn t reft .above roiirtli,(old No. HI,) PJnl.ldclplna, will ".'"hk iiiuiiijii aiiciiiion. M jusuni j; ijov i;h. AvS 20, ISj7-ly Jthnuftittunr. Kil'Yr'!UVN S5TOJIE. TUP. imdertjlcnrd, baUnr nPociJted tBtlu r in tbr- to tbflr lr,e.uU and the public in central, ilml HiHr new .etonr House, located on Main tlrcet.ci-ulrt.l In wild ritrmiiii, yuiuuiuiii cuumy, jut l uuuii fi'JLRCf 1 Iciv Svrim Goods. Co r prying nn cxtnive aortmont of CMolhd. Cas! inrrca. Vtctings Mtislin. Lines, and cvry .UHr ar- ici: i. ii we inn 1 nne, inci in 1113 ua'uwir rt.nin 1 , rtrihll nnd HiillitiV Wnffa. (Ifnr.-r IriH. Siit.ipa. 'I'ti n. Cotr-e, i(i"n. Mol if4 ftc.ftc., with nil utti:r aril cles of coiiiuurcu ad.tilpil to rointry etorcs ALSO-ItEAD Y AA I)E OL O TI1IXG tr-OmlM, Lumlilr, PMviiio-14. Produce, tc, ofall kl;itU,lJkoti In exchange fur iiirrcbaniflup . 11. I . llbMIII .tllll, H G-OUUKLINa. Greenwood Seminary. AT IWillvillo, Columbia Co., Pit. AttVSTCWA'i'lC course of inslrnrlloii Is siven in bll lliu Enrlislt hraitrlii. nsiiallt tiinelii. '11, n Prlfirlpil will be nsstvud tiurinj; the ireseiilyear b T. M ro,Trri, an exiierlcnceit te-ie.t.cr. recently Ironi llie l..'ilte.iil.renttntyN'orntnl Hclioel a vacation ot scieir.wcekt w ill continence July lsl, T C U M,3 . Tilitinn, for nay puniis, -Sl.-'O In Sl,.'0 per e,iiarler. notrilla;, Tuition Washing, Lights, he , 39 per qua I li r ol eleven weeks, one-h tlf lu ailvantn For circuljr, catalogue, or other particulars mlilrcss W.M. liUIlfJESS, Mill vllle. April I, I"i7. rnactfal. RKMOVAL. eivm subscriber hjifB reinoviil his Marble Yanl I Iro in n"ar the f?i,urt tin ise, tn llie Hnuili wfbt cor Iter ot M Al-.V anil MAUIC I.T streets, in Hitperl's How, v.lure he la prepanii to fiiniUIi all kintls of TJarblc WW. MONUMENTS, llradlo Tombs. Knx Tombs, a lid Mend Ptones of every description. Ills stock il, oi liio tu'st k lud. the wnrkinanslilu nnl surpai.scd bv any in lliu c.iiuitry, and nt mw nnci-i. Cnll and ludiro for yourmivs , Cj Me wil ti!n fnfnifh Tnldf nnn nnrcon Top, MantiN l-r liimt., I law Oirea. I.inti's. nnd ills lur tn.msi and lnnr, nt n tow tlpurp. '1 Imiiktul for past favors, wo hope for n contlnuanci' ol thf aiiiu. AN1IIONV WITMAV. IdcomslMirg, April A, 185. Cm UOOT ANI)"SHOIiTMAKIN(57 Till! uinlf-rEiffiifd, thankful fnr tfieldiril pntrorniKcwrtli uhiclilip him bueit I.nord for vu-.irG rne li7l.niid--iril'or.nj hi irirnds nntl cuFtiifni.'i. "fiat lie rn,Itii.nbtfloinairjrjciuie JJcofs (nul &hoc3, ' ' At lih old and un ll-knnu nxlatul, on Main 6trtel, ItlnoiMf-liurp. in nil l lit Jr tArMiio nnd form, in good 1 Kty ji .111 11 on mi ilcratu icrm. mi nmj; ( xpiuieii'-f in nif ii'iiinitg, and geni'ral lumwitMai'Dt thfj pcoplii nf i.'olumhiav ounty, fiiptr addfd Ion lied detTininatinn to render h.uif Taction 10 all IH 4 nut nun1 rs.Fhou Id bccurr ium Increased pa jacoii r. DinrnniCK . mnnmlmrj,Mniri 10 JW7 "COSTAIl'S" HAT, .ROACH, exterminator; fee., i2y l'nt up In ene . 35c (5e .nnd SI limes. COPIAH'S" lllll) lll'O UXIXIIMIN TOIt. Till till in 2'ic. flOe , 75c . nnd l hotlles. "COSl'.Ml'S" UI.U.TIllU I'OWUUlt roll ANTS. INSKCTS ic Put up in 2ic and 'Oc. boxes. I'lincipnl Depnt, Xn.lH-t llrojdntiy. New Vork, nnd sold hy llriisgistsnnd llcnlers everiwhere in tlie Uni tidHt.'tcs, l.-ttindns. West Indies nnd tloullt Aineriu. Au? 21. Id57 im HrmkillQ' f-Uv f lof 11 AiUJMVJlIi) S-lVy JLJfLOIj no. s!7 NoaTii Tinitn arncCT. NO. 527 NOIITII TIIIItD STUnm', its lift slrta, formirly "IMOAK 11U1T.I.," PHILADELPHIA. pllll tinderfisned ha taken the nbovn u ell-knoun J IloiMe on a 'mix and fjvorali tiieuitu, and li is mi ovaiftl nml dirnliud it cutiroiy anew, und In tuli h klyle and manner its uill give att la. lion lo nil wtu may lcou', hin guests. j (Jeiilli'tiien who wmIi c.iii hv funt'islu'd a room and t-upulled tth meals ut tfteir plcasuro. lroui a Urpo Hcfiatir.uit nnd U 1 1 n Pali ion .Mtactied, on tho Lure peun plan," or at the hottl table, nt regular hourd as j hey may u f ir. HJ I'lie prpritor flatters himsotf Hint no hr.iip tn riiiindi-lpl'i.i tlnll aiirpaM tlio cninfnrt and attention which will In foe ltd at tlieC'ty Hotel. June ti, lasr.1 A IlETIUED PIIYiilOIAN, YUAKS Ot AflU, havlnj lout his father, two 1 bMllu'ru. tinujihlcr. son-in-law. nepliewi nnd niecert. bv thai dnatliul diease. CoNi-CMrnoN, nrd etif- I fiTinL' Willi n Counh InniMitlf. .Ictcritiincit to flclt Tim' Wlti, hi, ron hatp employjil Ji In (heir praciice.iuiing iiiuuuiiii oi rnu'i ruiiBiueren jipci'',1 "y ouhts, For tlie i.iirnoso of rcsruli'C Jis in.inv ol his uttluntic fi'll.iw-lieiiieH its possible, he IS ecnitfn; Hie Uecipn lo till who nl.'i il for len cents ; 3 of it 13 pay the pust nge, anal the balance i risit I ni. Addren nit IIRA'III, Hit Hprins et., opfoelle Ft Mthuhs lli'ti I, June I a. 1457. New York. roitTABLK CIDER MILLS. T-n ni2ini3 . .... , ..... - .. K nesl iitiHO hCVler;;Mu,.e' K ,S TrlrV.b ers, Improved Crain Talis, IVnnocli'. IVhenl Itnlls cooper's 1,1 me mm tiitsniHi'e,iiters. tlie in itt'rs'.TiiXone',! nay auu 1 ouuer uutltrs, .Mulfs lluilers. nady nuns; with a smieral assurlniuut nr Agncullural undilorl.c urallinjilemeuu. TASUIIALL MORItlS t CO.. liupleinetil and Heed Hlnte, Hcvenilt uiiil Market sis., riilladclpltia August la, Jda7 NUW OKOL WuNiF'siiEa PUlil'LIITop Luta Una, Tutplu Tup 1'l.it.Hkm'ine's Uuta IIJfL. Vtlluiv Aberdeen, Ulle's llybrtil.Whlle Norloik. White Flat, and other line vjfielies, wholesale and retail, rASUII ALL MOIUUS k CO . Implement nnd Heed Hlore. I Herenth nnd .Market sis., I'uiladelphia. jAusust 13, 1H57. IIOUSirLINFMSNT Tn5 CATTL13 POWUKltS. HI! B"lln nt tiin1 nffitn 'nt n,-.l,,,,,l.: I Ileiuocrai. -AI.bQ Deeds, Ilt.tnks, Stationery , Marrlngu Cctiitlcatc., &.c , Ate , Ac. leiUSIlflllTII i-IlllOTIIFllS. WHOLESALE .'J,1U.1,.MIIITU TI1IIIO STIIEKT f IVuduurslielou Itace " i'IIIL.VI)i:t,rill. Jjntutat 10 teas thu ooLnrA pnizB. : T1IK NKW YOKIC WUliKIiV Ose rf tht lAtflsl unit bill IJltrar) rtpirt rf 1st rfsy TiitiMa OP'BUDScnipnox 3 i'J;u iiav, UIII3l'llll ll"'1 f.ll.l, ll.ll.. I Ami n am win tie iiresented to each subscriber 1st- tnediuieiy nh recelptofiha subscription motiiy. llatli S'l'iicnliir will bo etitillodlon tin wotih mint 8110 8500 1)0.' ' TO CI.UISl. 3 conies for 1 Sear. Ill f 5 CO .11 IU . rtcAii ttr.AD I ttie t.tST OF aihTi-aiFTS- "iflt-.-... I racanse containing i 10 Hold Patent l.ttt I'.njllili Hunt ln;t juu in iisiai CJcd WntrhcB,. HO Hn?h. , 15 7o Oold Wi.Mi",. . t.O, i LO 100 aiJOLidifs "... . " 'HO Silver Huntins Uastd u otritrK, " ttuo Watehi-i 10to,2J Mb (;oM Vest mid Guard nnd Tob Chain lOtotn " AOOJOoId Lrnkcli...... 2lo HI nMd lllngi-P.ir Dmps llroaclies V, Mrcnst Pini Siiids(;uff Pins Hlerve riiilton,4e?., A.cT. 1 In 1.1 Pnrli. Itnm diuirjO1 on rccilpl fif IJic rubpcripMon mnn',y, tbo fuhsrri'jcr'i iiamo will bt en,rd upon our sub scrlptltin bonk, opposite ;i niimbi r nnd'ltir gilt rnrrrt pondlii( wilt thai nnmbrr will lf forwarded to Ms or Iit nd treisby mall or vxprrtt. p'i iliU " Addrtss rillCKUT ft CO., 'eft'eri. C2 MoiTni's linildinit", N'w Vnik IfS-NewtPfinern tlirunslvout tbi United Fintcs nnd tyjinnda. who wlllpivc ttie nbovc otalit liisfrtlnm, will no cmiupd in n .vc.a.moiii utin rm, nml dold nib dftk Holdrr nnd box. wtiTtlt tn the rune mm it'll In ony kind of Pen n or Jpwelry Uiry nny nrt'i-r peqcbU on reicipt of tke frtt tcpy rrnUloii'g thu a (tvrl lament, marked, ' A MAP OF COLUMWA AND MON TOUR COUNTIE3. rnllE snMcrlbpr Mkcp pleniir) In iiiforinlnp tin ritl J. 2?ns nf ('nliimbin nnd Mnnti itr rem nti, Hint ho intfnds t'libli-hinp a JIiHll JIA'D (WA'.IMVATJI. MAP nf the runtic nbove im nllonrd, Irtitn actual inpns'imni'iiitH, hy oriKinil mrifjn throughout both conntiPfl. Hf also takes plcnsnrn tn mule tint, to icake ihn BurvFiv. he lias rncucrd Mr Jntnrs Uillv. one of Ibfl tiwift rnmpeient nnd eiprrli-nri'il ctirvyors In.uicrt-iii- Aninnr ni inc maps 01 i-nnatietpr.ta iam i,tfft0nt'iithmond, Montgomery, nnd VnUn ccuntkt $c 'in? nirvci s'wlll 1 roiiiinrnicd ur mnn ua it fieri t number nf cnpif liaie been subiciiVad for, in warrant m pnimrnuoii." 'Hi'! in in will e'lntsiin nn orlual inirirv r r nil iln nvblie rocdl Vtlth Ihrir tlijtniif t innlked ibirorn. In n Uanntief tan i-o ily beoblniard. Aiio.tlo (rendon nf Viffirei. lltetIirriirbtitl-ouidriesttvrnaete lac tit It. ie.. UmUi liio imiin-B of nil tho property holditi, in lUelv oxtr ttxtrt nlirrK tliro'iuLcit the t ountii-s. Plans ol al! the to win in Iho coiintirs, a ljr!i"Ki.ie, I appear in the margin. ( The plan cf tlio imp ;il bo plotted to u nuitidde Kili'.iKini in tin lie a larr jind orn.Miii'ntrd nmp nf nnt b'M than flrty by furty inclirs, tf br rnracil In ' It.'i l"ft fclib-. h.indnuify' cub red. iiuii di'liicri'.l to iubi(ribers only at 9; pr copy, pn uutn on delivery. J. A. J. CUMMIN'CS, rublithtr. Chilj.iUi1iic,May 111. 1E5T-H" ' Spring and Summer GOODS. THE undersigned rospectfnllj inform llteir customers and the vnbliepencnlly, that tint havej t.l receiiri d al their pew nnck rilnre House, Iii f .i-111 Street, a select n.sorliiietit ol lashiotiable Hpring and Summer Goads. dim t from the lla.tern cities, couipristn all the T-arlous selecllons to-be fouti.1 in (Jountry Mtorcs, Coii.i,tlnz ol IMriths, L'n.l:,ieres Del'iins. ltrnzen. nalicni't..c Tosether wlth'ti.l kinds or Uress jiiods forllieladies. Ai,-o.-c.nNTi.r:MrA,,8 wuae, op almost Vt;ilY ri UU'l liMJ rit VI. u. J.Mllr.STALMAS llllOSIIAS.IIAWl.fl fce. firoeerlen, Molasses, rsuirars. Teas, (lolfee. finlp.es. and in stiort.evcrytbiutr In the uuy nf Merchandise. uuiui .ii mil lit.tii ttiMi. ot every description jO-Iron.Ptcel.Xails Sulkypriaes Sic C"J-'i'htit1,titl for past palrorapo . ittvillb' neir studious aim to illeass thcli customers and tr give general satisfaction. II. W k. W K. fine BY Light Street, tplll II. Ir.'.T Self Cure! A 1100N TO THE AFFLICTED. TO LT.VOUS niSOrinUIlS, Head and Mind Affections, ? 1 '""P""' t-'onsuiupt Inn. Low ftpiiils, Incapncny ,or f','."15' ur l'a"": I'rematurii fixhaiistlon and I'hy- itrul Ui'iCV of ll.e Sv tfm. I .rut ant Men rtrv. Iiidifrr tinn, cxul Dfbllity and Invntnntury i'mifMoini. I'lln . Uisrnaia uf tlia K1 dney?, h ml tJiam llieruwith ron ncitid, wlictier rfiniliiiiu; rom tiriprndcnpf or otlier iv ip 1). lire invnrinlily nnd piirinTinnitv , urfd lv lr tL lA ehh fanioiiH ItADlOAU l.I'.or.NKtiA'lOri, Hie full pirtictlara of U11ci1, without any iii.pto't's dional sccresy, uill lie imtlod pratlfi to tmv nddri'SB on icci'ipt or a tf'ampd uivrlupe proputly directed. S3 Tlio iircti(sful result nf thf Inm tt-n vrarc have priced tnis lli-nipdy in lie tlje ONIA' JJlT'liOH Ah CUlllievtrtnt fur llie abop roniplainin. and I he descrip tion nf it it jivon in so plain a maimer, that ctuy ono i mill led it, cuitt: ni.M.'jnLi'HUccnsruu.v & rnivATi:r.v. AJdrec.-, nus l pai!. (ll A ULHS J. 0. KIstVK. Tojt Hot Xo. -ISr'J, New Vork City. 1 1?. Ifij7-y ! CHEAP STORE. SPRING A'ND S03IM VAX Ci OODS. . r t ill Ir undiTSiiiDCil take mpasttrfl m rn 1 J nonnchisr to tlielrcustMnrm nntl Mi pnl.lir?r,.rr o ny, mm uirj- iiavH juai 1 cccivuu, nv I lie isune itloge 3orn .1 ihoicc ntforttiitnt cf Spiing anil Suuuncr Oootl?. Comprising every article unially lscpt in Country Ftnre. vhlrh haiei.ftti relerted Willi cnte and will je sold tu very low t -es er rendj pny. rniieiMmt: cif a lartv nrniy Llui''p, Cas-timcM ttcliiii1' h, I'rnzck Cal on, &.c. C Cinintry produce tiiken i n nrhnnpi for pooda Give us u cult. Nui.c ntud go away dimuif-d. (!. to G. LOW. I.mie r.idje.M-rch 33, IS57 NEW GOODS. SI'UIXG AND SUMMER OF 16.17. T ho undfrMgned, gratclul for ftirmcr B liberil paironajo. re.pectftil ly inrcrius Ins !:!",1,!:L"?!,I" ?.a: 'i!?'..h2. "!.' J""'i niciired businesjin Uia rparioug Now fiton Uoum? net i doer tn i-friii Hhumnn's Hotel, ulirrr helt jUkt rrccivrd, nfullsupply of SIMiING AND MJMMUR GCODS. rr,prislng-very Viirietyof faHhion.n.ialitvnndMjipi' i u.i 1 1 y in inu i.ca (ii -fj., (ifOi'efM'P.fisilncm are ll'irdivarc.risii. - ihs. Nits, Cap. II.ioU, 'pj.oes. in,, w Inch iv 1 1 1 bo Mold on iicrnmmnu.iiuit; TVrniS. JT (irain audp nJuro cf .it I kiudeuiilrd. A tt S. ANDliKWS. .Munille. March 'W, -y 1 S. L. P.incoasl Co. COMMISSION MERCHANT.-5. ANIl or.ALnns IV FISH, PROVISIONS, SALT, .j- 17 Vorth Wharvei, I'lnladelpliln. t'07i!fr of 5li & Arch Sired, t i Phila del p h ia , Henderson &. Co., BooKsr.r.iKus ji.d pvBiisnr.ns. T WT'Pl.' il... n.. ,.f .11 l) ir;.; . 9 n ' " iiiv ubbvilbivil ui till 1. UiSUIls I 1st- ll,yt..l.U;tp,.,,. whether on Jlustm-.s or ,,,, , . ' .i,,,,,...,,,,,!,,,,, fi""!"?'"".. Country Dealer,. Teachers. Mblic nnd -F" . ", rB r" uPu niui uoon j. Btaiionary al . lowe.l rates. ,. T.,.rssvIY1 vMarch 7, IS37 Cint. POWDER ! I'ow'Di'.nn rr-ll l . . . - - ..... - -------- 1 the firm an )leof I'arsel Jaaby, Will continue the ilriarrrcek i'owder Ciutncss .u all ils (Jcraruncnt. n. c. ronni.. Aug 10, If 57 WILLIAM J. .1JE1DLEMAN, Babbit aixb j)aruc0s HIAM1F AIMllLl!. nioonikl.urg.AU". 15, 1857. JOSEPH FUSSELL, MANUrACTUIUT. OF- r2-lT m broil as and Parasols, 1 N" 1 Jit I II FOURTH' CTRCUT Ailg'.'J l?.i7 3in I'lJLillFl.rilU E. I'll A NO 1 M i la.KLL tor fain .11 II Ul r.M POSTSCRIPT. tTlircoDavs lator from Juirouo. v . , , Arrival ot tut Jittrora i'roroiMion nt Prl!',irni rlU.nr, I, ",! ,, 7 . r" "" Nothing from India. Halifax, September 0 Tho Cunari tteamsliip Europa arrivctl tliis utorning vitli Livorpjol dates tu tllrj iiOthuU., tlirr1 days later tlian received by tie Aran? nntj Kat'garoo at Now Vcrk, 'l ite ntcamsln'p ljatie, from Now York, with d.ilcs to the loth u't., rcucheii Liver pool on tlio ytb, unit iho I?cr?jj, with dates to tlio 10th, arrived on Saturday, tlio 20'tb ult. ' i'iirlimcnt was prorogued on Fiiday,tlie Qucon's ppceoli hiving been read "by a coinniiasion. It wts tbo gonor.il impression tint tlio Atlaulic Telegraph oablo.would bctitldfor a telegraph line toindia. 'flicro has Icon notbiug of additional iinportat.co rcceiyad froni India linrc tho sailing of tbo Arago. SWAN & OO.'S LOTTKUIKS. AW .1X1) DMU.UKT &C;iKMK Caillil 1'rlzc ?G0,O00. The (oll'Wleg Rcherte will beilrnwn by H Btwa Co.. Pinn2ers of tho' Tort UalneV Acu'leniy I, utter), in earh nf their l.oltirnis fur reieuiiier, lri.i?, at At'nUB'i'A, lit ore In, in wlilth city theyltaro rtmoieil llt'ir rrlncjiial Ottice. CLASS 53, To be drawn In the cltyni ti!,'nfta,!eore!a, in public. on'Haturita'.v. ?cjteinlier Oth. Ifc7, To be ilratt nin the city of Atj;itst.i.r!ecreh.in publtc, on rfiliwiljy, etenleiiibcr llli, leuT, r.Aaa ii, To be tlrawti in IIm- city of Augitilt, Crnrn. in nublir, on ir'pliirilay, Hi'iii,n,bar-I9.h, K077 ci..im .13. To b- f ravin in llm city ol Aiiftnsta, lleoria, In jiublic, 011 Haliirtlay rtentemb.'r 'J0ll, Id.',?. ON Tlli; I'L.V til1 BIN(1I,K NUMIIIlllj. firs TliohrHtid Fuuf uitirttt and A'luryics J'tr.t. Nearly one )'ii.e to cvury Nino Tickets. MiaxiriCKxr scur.MF.i tO 111! tiRAWN SATUH1IAV I X PLI'TCMlir.R D A (.' II I I'rizeof 1 11 10 " t'jO.0011 I in prizes ot 10 111 ' 10 10 ' 10 ' 110 " SIO CtHI ;;n mm l ot'oj till f.bO ill) 4011 ii.ll1! " 'soup usoo ' 1 inn i 110 " iao l.Mtl SIO " 1,'IJ " ' !.'JU ArjT.oxniATitw rnizrfl. 4 l'rlies.SI'i'lAppro't'irg to liO Oto l'n.e arc iftCu'l 4 300 3ll,l.u, 4 I 4 4 4 .',0OJ JIO Iii '!? r.o SU are It'.lll'O 0,0011 4 fit! :.(( 10'J 000 fcO.tlOO auAii- .1433 I'rixai ninountinp to 5; Tj;ita 2i. ' Tlan of the Lottery. Tho Vu:nb'!rs from I to r0 OOJ, corrwpondinir with ilhose Nitmbeis on (he Tjikctn printed nu rtp-iraip Blij b ni paper . nre enure led ith f mull tin lubtiit und ll:uuil in ono wheel Tho first 4-j7 l'ri7e, pimil irly printed I nd intlr cld, ure pi iced In another heel 'I'lie wheels nro then revolved, nml a nurrber Is ,!ran from the ihtel i l n ml.t-rpt and ut the rnme lime a 1'nze is drawn Jroin tha other wheel The Number nnd Pnni'drawn out nrp opined nml exLilit ed to the audictice, ami rrpifttred by thf CmtiiniB Binnerv; the I'rize heii p placed oca mat the IJiiiuIii drawn 'Jhis opfration ii repeated uulil all lui i'rlie? nrp dtav. n out. jjppronmotion prizes. The two piecedii'5 nnd th9 two nrrodiitp Nimi.'ut e lo tluisc drav inir Uie firrt 1 Trizeti vvtll he riuitiid to il' l-d approximation t frizes Tor eiaii'ple if Ticltel No. ll-Udraws tlie frt'.O(iiH) I'riri, ttDit 'J'lckrto nnu.hcred ll.'J,J. 1 Z3, ii.oi, n -z, will each beenlitii'd to fi-icti. it Ticket Nn. JOd drawn tho S 10.000 1'rie, thmu Ticlet. mini b'Ted 5W, ."t-l'j, 55I.S52 u ill ruch bf iitith.d to fcUOtt, and to on nccordinir lo the alioic ftl.eme. Tne S(!0U Vrw of $20 will bu dnenulned hy thi litt lijiureof iheXaintx-r ilutdraus the $UU (tOOrnz. i-'or evaniple, ir the Number drHUit.p ll.u fcitltuO I'rlze unda uitli Xo , then nil Hip Tickfta wlmro lliu undier eiida, in ,vj be entitled to fVO II Hut Nuinbrr eurt wiiii o 3 ihenull thn Ticktt where lheJ XtmiUer uh!h lu 2 ill bu entitled tu S!;o,ard o on to U, Ctirtiflcntrs nt I'acJ-nppB will he fold nt the folic w IiiS ratet. w inch id U? nb, : Certificate of l'ackngiof 10 Whole Tickeis, 5) do ito jo Half do hU do d(5 iiifniarter do ifil 'n do io Ihghth do 10 I OKDIIRINR TIL'KJHH Oil Cini-lirK'ATr, tlnclnwj thu money to our ndiifaJi'jr the HrKcH onird, on receipt of wii.th tltcy il' be lorwarded bvhrat null. I'lireiUferpcan hac tickets tndi.( in nuy fifiire they tuny uYsipi.n'p. Tho List of Drann Xumb'rii and Pri7.'su ill bt pent to p'irrhaffri i in mediately nfler the ifriiwinp. I urclnscrj will plfne u rits thet r nruauirei lain, a nlcive thtir I'ost OIIicp. Coui.lv and tfmu it. Itememliur that every I'riae is drawn und intuLl in full without drdut Hon. AtM'rizen of3I070andh:mlrtr.jpiidiiiiinedijti-lyftfi(r the dnuint'-oihcr l'iieant the unualiicie of ilatJ dnja. . All camtjiuiiif3tln!,f ir n iy ronfid ntitl. Address orders lor Ti ken or CVrtilU-nteo tn A. WAN CO , . Gn rersoiis resid'ns near Munteimrry. All. or-Atfan a Oi . nn hav their ord-i htled. and raw Hine, by ndtlrnFiii s Hw-an'A Co.. at either of Hios" rhiej k"J A Hmf tde nuurjers that are .irrwn trout iho whet I, uiui the amount cf the prize that earh .,iif eiif illed t will t,0 pniih-i n.t jl(u, tVeiy tlrn wir i' in IIm Inllnniti? p.ipr A'cteOrltaiu DUa Ji'vvtlr Te ffUter, akinesia standard, A'aiAviUe Gaelic. rftlakU Jtctliectr .Mw Ytt.k ffeekhj ay iick. favrunoh Morning Avcs hiehmoad Mmrt.i, ,tw )Vri Di-vHrh and Paulding 'Mm ) Clarion ' Augufi j Jf57 lUiOUMSDUltO JJOOK STOKK. MM mm? .....i-r i . j "lu'olllJU CspccilulJy nnnouneCS I .- ( ," utfoi omslturx Booh More ard Iter establishment nlih n choice sttii I, ol Mm llml, ,,,tf.,Urj,. ruu is ir"p.ireit to ilccoiniiiodjie atl "ho may givo her n call In lis-r line. '':u"""lJ"'lle The Ke.lani.mt S.il..,i s, to llie Uisemelitoi Iheahew . .............. . . uitiiiiirii pi silll I liv Hi,, sul, I scriher. w hero thu public can altill Ittiieh In- supnlie.l v.llhthn i heieest lltvin.nes sho IIimtsiiMSNTs r rl MinraN .Sirsiipirilla, lleer. Ale. &c , Fnrjiu.. etpice,! tud I'icltled or ters, 1'ici.led lllniu. ,., I Ilj-The public cjMo.li is rep, rltnlly ! rllr,, ' . iMitiii.i.vii iii.aki; ' Sueecttet la Just n riatk nionni.bitrr.MayS, IP3T "'' TRUNKS! TRUNKSM Til!'. LARGEST. lll!T llilldjouies: nMl cheupesf e colli Leather F.u.va rr.vxKS i ihi; TiiiiMis. nanvttb l)rtn 'Prink. Propeller- Leather und Carpn ilas,,'pacl.lut; Tntni- , THOMAS W, .MATT30r."3. Lelebraled London I'rlzo Medal. Improved S'eit Bpiinj. Jiolld fi de Leather Trunk .Mnnul-etorv ' NO. 400 MAIIKUP l-TKL'HT. P mlh west corner Fourth and Market, I'hi.'aifclphia A tSUSt ti l3a7 If ' ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Cornelius Reynolds, dee'd 1 ETTI IIS of Administration cn tlio kJ Hsiato nf L'orntliua rt.,,ni.,. t..n ...m... tountllp, Culilnilii.i conntv. ili-certae,! Im,- I S'a"li-il " me Kecster ul I'ollili.bn eniimv , , ...in itatiiii'n in cni.i a i n i. .i ..... ' 111 L'ollllllillJ rftlllll 1 n II s.n. t i . . . . " i ' -- .ii iu'h :,iiuiin i ! 1 11 dccedrnl nn icqticted to tratn ion indtLlej tt) ime payinc, lorttmiiii. July 4 IMT-Ct MHrbar.nc SIIAR1' NOTIOE. A P""s indebted tn the flin. n llarinl.ni k n llmser.nre hereby Hauled t. trill and settle 'lu same s ii tt save coil. TLVyTMAN & llolVKIt Also, those Indebted tn tlu sih bcrihor, a te likm .so ro'ij.ttiii to call nn I set tin. J.Unwn. JuneC.lii P' TTMAN E. R. OfKWIG, JlauvfacUrli' end miluill Vccltr ir CEMR, tl'COI) .UD WILLOU wake, 3 j'i ii D ;tij z j LLOI'US LOtlKlM- OI.AHrtM Willi) l.C Oil. 1-bl.rilH. llltlMIILrj. WINDOW HIIAIICH ie .N... 10 Xori!, THIRD Street, On dor below the CVy Hte? 41..'.t.'. .KirW rmieii. .1,? . ' ' fc2r.r .aij,i im mi'-iSv&iliS- v.m " i"T-cv;-7t' i.iiii