Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, September 12, 1857, Image 2

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I.BV1 L$TXtE KDlToit,
fok aovEHNon.
or ttconiso tot-tut.
roa canal commissioner,
., -v)Uri..,
ron junaw op the sutoemr court.
V? KlUM COtltTT.
I 1 1 ' '
run cd.NuiiKss, lt!
Jolni, .HcKe'ynuMs, Esrj.
"'" " " '
for assembly,, i flmi fit .tu iliadc, will reocivo our oarncfct
PETER ENT, or Columbia Co., saffSft;
JOHN V SMITH, or Wyoming Co.! Resolved, That our local nominations
ion rnoTHONOTAUV, Iwillalso'roccivc our cordial support and
.... ........... . ... , iwo recommend thciu throughout to tho
JACOB EYKKLY, of Bloom Tow u&lilj.. . wpp.? for thoir cUd0iscmcnt. ,
ro hecitsteii and recoiiI)Er, Resolved, T-hat tha conduct and vptcs of
rDANlUli I.KI3. of Bloom TowilUilp . our Senator and Representative at tl.o last
iiLIAB I.IETIUUI K, of Montour (up.,
JAMES S. McXINTH, of Catawlssa ivp
JOHN' R. Tfilll, Of Mifflin Township.
muJJ.iiJii3Ckniiiiyniii susm.iiwAi'jui wijcti
England and America.
In a short tiruo England and Amoriea
will bo within' speaking distanoo of each
other. They arc no longer to'bo separated
by thrco thousand miles of ocean. Ths
jelcctrio telegraph which is to bo hid down
on (ho'bed of tho Atlantic, by tho joint
bands of England and America, will bring
tho lwo.grcat branches of the Angol-Saxon
race into intimate relationship with each
other, and bind Europe .and America to
gether by tho tics of daily and hourly
communication. Wo ,prcdict that tho
-consummation of this international enter
prise will constitute a memorable epoch in
'the liis'ory of tho human family. What
ft .grand and magnificent spectacle, to sec
two great, -powerful and independent na
tions, spring 'from a common stock, and
speaking tho same language, shaking bands
with each other across the broad bosom
of the Atlantic 1 How much moie conso
nant with the happiness and permanent
'interests. of humanity is such a eourso, than
"to sco two such peoples jostling, each other
-on tho pathway of national progress, and
filling tho world with their discord. Hero,
wo seethe two greatest and proudest nations
on tho faco of the globe joiolly engaged in
.conslrucing a dhannil through which they
can talk to each other, and thereby learn
to understand each other tho more ; for
4ho moro the peoplo of England and the
United Slates know of each other, the
better wilj they like each other. This,
wo think, will bo one of the.greatest, f not
the greatest blessings .that uill ever follow
in tho wake of this enterprise J it will bring
tbo pcoplc'of the two countries faco to faco
and make them know each other better,
They must then cither be good friends or
fight. As it is, wo know moro, of England
than sIks .knows of us ; for her loading
statesmen betray an ignor.iucp if A morican
character and". American, institutions, tint
An truly remarkable. No wonder, therefore,
jbafc tbo great body of Englishmen
ji'ttle of tis.
The English press, cither fronvignorance
or design, arc in the habit of prizing hold
pf every incident that can bo made .to throw
discredit upon our good namo and spread
ing it 'before Ilieir readers. Latterly,
however, tho tbii-k fog that lay between
. iho to countries baa been partially dis
.jelleJ, and Englithmen .of intelligence
.begin to apprcciator their cousins on this
Vide of tho Atlantic 'I lis is as it should
ha: and wo bopo to sec tho 'day when
jjblin 'JiaW .and Brother Jonathan shall,
Jiavo divested themselves of all prejudice!
towards each other, Thcro is no ground
for any envy, malico or quarrel between
ihe two countries. We fbould reverence
,our motherland, and they should be prrud
Ti.e j
of the young giant of tho vcjsw
unissiau of iho two is tbo .same. Thoy are
-both engaged in the great work of human
progress ; nnd instorl of retarding the
onward march jl each other, they should,
on all occasions, lend each other a helping
Accident, Messrs, Daniel Dradcr -and
Jeremiah Jliglcy, Boatman, at Beach
Haven, wcro. seriously burned ou the 10th
inst., by the explosion of a Boatman's
waT Hon.; W. F. I'ackcCftho Democratic
candidalo for Governor, was at Harrisburg
,-on Friday, as was also ibe Hon. Chas. It.
Jluckalaw, Chairman of tbo Dcmooratjc
'Stale Central (iommittec.
car Hon. B. It. -Curtis, ono of tho
Judges of tho SuprcwtCourt of tho United
-tates,.has .resigned .his office, :No succcs
jsor.hss yot been iksignntcd by tlio Prcsi-
kdcut. Iho uamaof Mr. -Touccy, -Socrctary
.of tho Navy, is mcntic-Dcd in conuwtion
ritli,th office.
Ooluuibia County Domporatio
Mootine. 1
I -f ! . U'lils Socieiy inct'on Morvlay tliq 7th of
The Domoer.U of Ooldn.Ua co..nly,.Ln s lcmb j, 0urtoaM ,t i o'clock,
attendances Court, on Monday filing . j Jn
laSt,.mct in the Court M orttniwai V X , f ,b ,Mt
i T .1 ' . j-.-l.. ..T 11. . Il lnithtji J
oy WO .fliipoimnii'M ui mu, iuuviiuqi
ofllscrs :
Hon. Pktkb Kr,tNK7Vcsi(e)K,
A, Younc, John Doak, Win. llowcll.
Jones Pfthriugcr, 0. J'JMnnn( Geo. Mack,
IT.. II. llnnrrt. John"' UalitionThm. J.
,r.., .v. ' .1 t-I.I.I !,!... Al'A
Vanilcrslico, ueiI
L. L
, Tate, It. W. Weaver, and f-. 1
Tho mooting being duly organized, on
motion. Col. ,Tno. Q, Freeze, was called
) unon, ond ill response, xnailo pno of bU
i thrilling, auiuincutatiyo and Epicy demo
cratic sjiccphca,
On 'motion of L. L.'Tato, the following
Hcsoluttonu wcro Introduced, and unani
mously adopted :
Resolved; That the course of tho prcscat
national "admiriistrali6h mcols iith our
and that, tho Democratic State
nominations' hdbe in all r6?rfccts worthy
session pi uic legislature, were such as 10
deserve our , confidence, especially their
votes against, reckless legislation and their
support ol regular nominations,
Resolved, That wo arc confirmed in our
dovctiontol)oiiocraticprincip)ca and policy,
whon.wo sea tho inconsistojit and reckless
conduct faf opposing parlies, and will give
increasid exertions for tho futuro to sustain
"tho good dd cause" of etiual rights and
good goiernment inaugurated by. Tuomas
Jsi'fcrso.n the founder of our party.
Resolved, That -tho Democratic l'afty of
Columbia County, hercalteruoluan Annual
Mcotingin the Court House, on the .Monday
evening ot tuo September uourt.
Dr. John V. Smith.
This gentleman has recoived tho uomi
nation of tho Democratio Confcronco of
this District, in .connection with Air. Ent,
for Itcpxcsontmivo tu tho Legislature of
Pennsylvania. Dr. Smith is a Democrat
of 'experience, mature ago, and stem in
tegrity. Years ago, bo represented Lu-
zerne, In part, in tho Stato Legislature,
beforo Wyoming county wjs organized,
subsequently, ho served ono torm in tho
same capacity for;tho District of Susque
hanna, Sullivan and Wyoming, and last
year was again in nomination, and ran
ahead of his County Tiokct, but was do
feated by tho Republican prepondcrenco
in that black District, His election is now
beyond the peradventure of a doubt, and
we feel qui to confident that, he will make
a faithful an'd worthy Democratic ItoprC'
Geo. JD- Jackson, Esq.
Wo onnouneo, with many regrets, tbo
defeat of this gentleman, by the lato Dem
ocratio Conferee Convention, as a candidate
for Hcprcsontativo, .But it is always diffi
cult, wh6ro there arc twp, or moro good
men, seeking tho same ipesition, as was
tho caso with Slessrs. Jackson ij- Smith
to gratify tho wishes of tho respective
aspirants, and consequently, somebody' had
to be disappointed, fllr. a good young
man, and as ho is satisfied 'with tho uomi
nations, and has assured us 'that', ho will
cordially support1 the Detnoorafio Ticket,
wo can'in return, assuro 'him, lhat justice
will yet b'o done him by the 'Democraoy of
thi3 ltep'rescntativo District.
The Democratio Ticket-
Wo have had ample opportunity, tho
past week, of ascertaining tho opinions of
tho Democrats of Columbia in relation to
our County Tickotj-ind.wo cro gratified to
know "lhat it is a strung ono and very ac
ceptable. Its entire election, may bo cal
culated upon by a iiujjority ranging 1200
to 1500. Wo arc also pleased to observe,
that tho Beruich Gazette, is yielding its
cordial support to the Ticket, a strong
nqtico ol cacti ot the nominees appearing
last week in its columns, which wo intend
inserting in tho Columbia Democrat.
Shocking Murder.
A most shocking rnurdor was committed
n s"Djay warning, in Philadelphia, upon
the wife of a German tailor, named Voldtz,
residing nt South .Seventh and South
streets. Tho jleccascd .wan frightfully
mangled the throat cut and arms-noarly
severed. A razor was found lying upon
1,10 body- 'Xho husbaml of tu0 won,an. is
under arrest. Tho unhappy man denies
any knowledge of tho affair.
TtiA'r Pro. Jpiin Bhoades, Sr., of
locust township, Columbia co., wishes us
to saythatha recently killed a Pig, thrco
weeks old, measuring ten incjics from snout
,to tail, .wqighing 4hrco jiounds, nnd.uUkcs
to know if any of our llcpublican ricijda
can best it.
Mr, Wilmot in layette County. Tho
IUack.nipubUcan, ,fur (Jovernor
visited- Untgntovf n on ' Saturday last, but
tho turn-out of tho peoplo to hcK.him was
uncommonly mcagro, nnd ho elicited no
enthusiasm. His speech was a moro rcpo
tion of his Abolition Philadel
phia. BOr Court Avill conimcuco on Monday,
the '-'lit inst., at Danville.
Columbia County Agricultural
mectiug which wcrb. adopted.
-kJ'J hi roxt -.busincs in-ordor being llio
election of now monibcra, a number camo
forward paid tho annual fee, and received
certificates of'incinbership. Tho l'rcsitiont
ifistritufed among lliA different Vice
presidents present, tho certificates ordered
at tho last mieting,, authorizing them to .
solicit membership, receipt t..r Ices .vc. i
Tho oomuiitteo to select grounds for tho ,
Annual Fair, reported that thoy had selo.c-J
ted a'very suitable lot, ,of Major Win."
Sloan.Jyiug between this jilaco and l'prt
VMp. -1.i,h was accented. ,
.Ori.thfljnWionKifDrtlJchri l'i Taireart 1
11 WilS
VaS ,
Kesolvcd. That nil nerfions' onlcrinc I
articles for premiums at tho coming Fair, ,
Lo requirca tu cnicr mom onmo urstuay.,
On motion the: following named gentlemen :
woro annointod,-n,Committo of ArranKe-1
L tl.n ,an.l nnd niiikn tho
,T. 0 ,
noecssary.nrrangcmonts for tho accommoda
tion of tho Fajr., to wit :
A. C. Mcnsch,
John Lcacock,
I. W.,
A. J Sloan,
E; Mondonhall,
J. P. Taggart,
M.O. Sloan,
Jacob Dichl,
T. J. 'I'homton,
Wni.Ncalf ,
Peter l'illmycr,
II. b. (Jarcy,
J. M, Barton,
Caleb Barton, jr.,
Kl i us Hicks,
I. W. Hartman,
N. S. Prentiss,
G. II. Brown,
Thomas 'Dollman,
l). Bitlcubendcr.
On motion the Corresponding Secretary,
W. Wirt, was authorized to correspond
with and make efforts to sccuro sqmp
distinguished patron of Argiculturo ,tp
deliver an Agricultural' Address at the
commlnS'Fai' ,
Tho'hour of Court. -ipproaehingtho Soci
ety adjourned.
ItrpilbliC.m-KllOW-IIOlIlillg J
This august assemblage met on Thursday
last at tho Court IIuusc. There were no
rogular Delegates elected, and no crcden-,
tlals presented it was composed exclusively
of 'looting material," and was organized
after a fashion peculiar to that class of
delectable politicians. Tho following
nominations woro then mndo
Congressional Contrees 3. E. Walton, '
Jacob ftlcliok.
Senatorial Conferees Thos. E. Eves,
J P Taggart
Representative Conferees Bcnj. P.
Fortner, Andrew Madison. ,
Count! 'Ikkct.
B. F. IIAltTMAM, Bloomsburg.
. Hegistcr tj- Reorder,
S. B. BOWMAN, Berwick.
S.BlDEEMElt, Cattawi ssa.
G. H. FO.Wt.EB, Centre.
MTTho Philadelphia North American
of Friday contains tho following-Another!
political party held iW city envention
yesterday. Tho straight republicans ore
now in the field with their committee of
superintendence, nominating convention?,
etc., 'thus making tbo fourth party.' On
tho ono hand wo have tho democratio array,
perfect in iits drill, as it always is, and in
possession of all tho offices, national aud
municipal, while on the o her side we havo
thrco fragmentary "bodies straight Ame
rican, straight republican, and American
republican, meeting find resolving, and
working away aa though each woro sure
of success someday or other.
Hats and Caps-
Messrs. iflarncs Osterhout, No. 503,
Market Street, abovo Fifth Street,
"Philadelphia, whuws Card is in our columns,
havo tho largest and best assortment of
Hots and Caps, that wo havo over scon,
They manufacture their own Stock, and
aro thereby enabled to sell goods at very
lpw prices. Mr. B., ono of the firm, during
tho pa6t season, visited many of our Mer
chants, in person, and from tho induce
ments ho has presented, wo think thoy
should givo him tho. .first call' on visiting
tho City.
Agricultural State pair, Tito
Philadelphia papors stato that ovory pos
siblo preparation is being mado for tbo
convenienco ofisitor3 to tho' grounds of
tno. Pennsylvania Stato Agricultural Fair
at Powelton, commencing on September
20th, Invited guests, on thoir arrival, upon
reporting themselves at tho President's
Tent, uillincet with ovcryfacility dosirablo.
David Taooart, Esq., is President, nnd
Kohert C. Walker, ia Scoretary of tbo
tsr Hon. Jozii K. Mann died on-tho
w8th ult., at his residence in Cheltenham
township, Montgomery county, in tho 77th
year -of his age, Uo was formerly a mem
ber of tho Stato Legislature, and Repre
sentative in Congress from tho Montgomery
county district, and wasiuniversallyestcomod
as a gentleman of great, integrity of char
acter. tSy-Thc United -Statos Agricultural
Exhibition, closed last Saturday, a,t Louis
viilc Ky. It was largely .attenddd and
j very successful,
ltopuMieau" Ooiivenlioji. i
In nno'hcr part' 6f pVr ppfrTwill be'
found tho proceedings of tbo Opposition
Convention, "ft'oy woro funny enjifgh.
After the appointment of tiio officers neo-
.CBSary to put tbo thing ininotion a movo
wasinauo lo select upugrcMionni iUinuip
cos. As honors Itf thaVparty arc rare, n
confusod strjigglo jvcot ou for tlio XppAiitt j
mciitnnd fu tho fnidst of whiclft'geritle-1
man, ji head juul .elioiild.?fs taller O'au.ihe
,llnvcj ,.., ..RV t.e insfructail for,
D LoTTi ,lf Or..Digp, for Congress -and
u a vct0 he-lD , :t VM om,a that
lm 0onvomiCP) COnsietod of ten persons,
,!, vn.:n fnr l,nit. and snven acainst 1
,,. ., if,,.., M,rvlim ILa '
ilon0r of a dofeat. 1
a.......,., n ,.,!. n.-.'
i. ,.:,.,. , i ., ,i. ,
. . '
'..i: ll, . ,v if ,lin nri,In ,f
i ,11 f i'n . 1.
D.....i. n.i. c.....i.... 1
. . .
- ' 1
no 'g10" lf wo not think tlioy ,
wflr 1'to bad as these proceedings
110 WC1U UlWil3 UUI11U lliut, IIIU jiuiij 1
PW tll0m t0 l0' W ar0 C0Dt0nt lnV
Wo'aro content
ehoiild nioot on Sunday, and have
1 objection to their arrangements J but we
1 do think that a smaller room than the
! Courtroom ought, to accommodate ten men.
Attiimpted LicAMS.-Wm. J. Clark,
'confined .in ,tbo Jloutour County Jail, on
tho charge of , Murder, made an ineffectual j
J attempt to escape at 8 o'clock on Sabbath i
morning last. Uo had cut a thread on a.
nail with a pieciof glass, by which lio !
unlocked his iron!. Ilo then dug a hole 1
Ho had cut a thread on a i
in tho fluo with, a 'picco of bone, but found
it too siipll' e$c,',pe. His pi
plans were
then changed, and he awaited tho morning,
- Whori tJhcSriff Young entered with his
breakfast, he had stationed himself by tho i
door i wlicn it was unlocked, and as tli0'a3t Horace L. Prentjss, youngcftSop
Sheriff was entering encumbered with
' dishes, ho pprnn upon hini'and thrust him
against tho wall.passed through the dour,
and closing -it, belted tho Sheriff in his
room. T.ho Sheriff's lady was ut tho samo
timo scryinj Mrs. Twiggs with breakfast
in on opposit room. CUrk knowing this
also, locked that door, took tho keys, ran
down stairs, unlocked tho lower and 'outer
doors and took through the lots and alloys
towards the river. Tho Sheriff immediately
, raised tho alarm and was libcralc'd by
anothcr prisoner. Clark was at once
pursued and caughtbeforo hp had proceeded
mor(J timn trcB juujr(.j yards, and is now
, . .
sccure'y 'roned in his old quarters. II h
"ns, together .with a ,ruund, stone, wcr.!
found, twisted jn his pillow caso in tho forfti
, of.a slung shot, but did not use it, ai.d says
, he did not intend to hurt any one, His
I object was to swim tho river aud gain tho
Blue hill, where ho could secret himself
until, -night, and ho cIiojc ,-tho Sabbath
tccuuso the Telegraph., lines Mould not be
in operation until ho.had a night's travel,
Montour American,
Prom titn t.WJn2 (H-,tlu, Pa..nfMay S4.
g5"Vo call attcutirn to the odvoitUc
ment of Mr. Alhn V, Parsun?, of New
Xo hca.M 'I'P0till ,0 Everybody,
wIl!ch wH1 lo found 1,1 a,,0'b1r C".1D1
alr- P- ' 6e,)t U3 "u of 1"s ciri:l,.1lius'
alludcd to in the HMnient, and on
examination, wo find it, as ho says it is,
no humbug, uut aiiigiit, easy, ana uqnoraDio
business, and ono that may bo mado
profitable on a very trilling capital."
JCQr'eo tho advertisement in another
column of ibis paper.
Bf5Iany aro -tbo preparations offered
to the public for tbo euro of Chronio -Diseases,
but no medicine has ever dono one
half tho amount of good for sulTorers, as
Du Vale's Galvanic Oil. It is appli
cable to all sore and painful diseases. Will
relievo a few minutes.
Sold by G. M. Ilagenbuch, J. 11. Moyor
and E..P. I.utz. Bloomsburg, and Country
Merchants, generally.
William Tatk, formerly of 'Belmont
county, Ohio, was shot and killed near
Keokuk, -Towa, on tho 8lh ult., by Andrew
Tweedy, whom ho lnd cast in a law suit,
and who had, on f-ovcrjl oeca-sions, nvenjed
himself by throwing down Tate's fences,
On the latter remonstrating, Tweedy bo
camo so exasperated that bo drew a revol
ver and, filing twice, succeeded in killing
his victim, who leaves a wifo aud four
children. Tho murdoror is .in custody.
J. Portoi' Erawloy.
This lnoraih gentleman is now. in a
fair way of being promoted to a position ho
has for years been entitled tn
stitcd in several exchanges that ho has late
ly been found in tho company of a runaway
wifo of a respectable gentleman "f York
lor Tito New Castle Jaak. in tlih Stato
Wl)ICa,StOppcu business soma time ago, on
account of tho defaulting of its Cashier,!
Wagonscller, is about to resume payment j
and business. It is to ho called tho
"l.awronco ('ountv Bank." .Tho bills of I
tho. old. aro to bo redeemed at pir.
tfS" Ut, Jacob Forney, of JCittdflrun?,
,has bcon appointed Superintendent of
.Indian Affairs in Utah
.Beverly Tucker, of Va., has boen.iap.
p, inted Consul to Liverpool.
J. C. Er.1,13, Esq., has boon nnpointed
P. M. at the now Post Office,-lately ctta-
blWied at the Exchange, in Montour
county, Pa.
1 V!
T 11 ft HT..1... 1, .1 .-""
r .s -V I
". Kirkpalriqk, Jiibn Jtnnsay,
U. il. UoDRvaiur Ucd, u. AriiiPtrqiiEf
Associate JuuceiLourt ot vonmo
Janica 11. Ludlow.
- c Recorder of Deeds,
t , 'Aib n.'icau!1
- 'ohn Wharton.
John II.
T" 't ,t n n
John A
A. Arthur,
K.' M'ClaneJ
John II. Dobnert,
James Donnelly.
T. Owenf
. T
A Cure for Dyspepsia
J IlC OxygC
.natcU liittcrs tuvo upen suceosBiuiiy uscu
in anmn nf llifi worst (insM of Dvfncnsia on
J l l
OUUiU ui wit. ituiev buauo u, ju.jcj,
record, and proved to bo tho best remedy
ever discovered for tho euro of this trouble
some disease.
, ,
IfjQtfflSronilBS M AtBLlii'Q"Jo
81 CO
Butter ...,.20
Eggs., 12
TalloW 14
Lard 15
Potatoes CO
Dried App'cs.2 00
Wjlitoiioans...i 75
qu tho 20tl) ult., (August 1B57,), by
Samuel A. Worman, J. P., Mr. JAqort
Snyder, of Northumberland county, Pa., lo
ss aaii wonBiMH.oi uacKsou i0UM..r.
In jjw, on Tuesday morning
of Oapt. N. 8, jPcotiss, aged 2 years aud.
ono momti,
Tho Father's pi ide and Mother's joy, in
a few day's illness, was no moro. How
short i3 tho vonuo of this uncertain life 1
'I ho young dio first ! Tho saldo curtain
of death unexpectedly fell, and hid behind
its mysterious folds sweet littlo Horaco
tho family idol, and in the Methodist
Episcoplo Church-yard
Nowll.-a the I'ulrent tmd ofliopo
Thai o'er ibiidffcl uish if as given.
Olit.ivoultl'attjiou knoit Jt Itappi'-f lot.
PrepaK- loseclc thejlvvtr In ln-..iin. t'oni.J
Nivo Sbucvtiscmcnts,
want all vho know lhiin-;IvQ' iniMitMjto m
VV mi' bond, iiolc ortJonk arrmnii rf tt mom))
ftundmR. lo r,il I im d p.iy hyile'J'hti nf iln innnl!iu
nt that time w expict 10 (r wln-ri- tiny want ('?$
ntonmOitirE, Sfpt I?, IHA7
Tilt: apimx iiAuvnsr or i-i7 has Anitivi:t,
Ji NOlf you wish t makf money, pleane your cim- j
V loiiiira, and rnvn c.tiivn'rhi tpLiit (ulio utM. 1
niuHc one, two, and even Ihrrp jiiiudHid d'l.iri er''
ninninj i rom vuppijin tii" fimun u your umi .nid
eouul wbirh )nu cintu to hett, uuuni doll by .-ii't
in.te't dt l.i r fr n simple hoi lontaniiiig nix of
Pruti's Apple rarer ('.'50 Oiw nlnady poidj nnd I'mtv
Appbt S'icer. (i nev arttcln.) und tliiMii.-jinl puji
eii clrtulnrri ti dim nb tin In jour t n or eouniy. f!v
no dffoir ji-ii uill.fitiil no ir)igib;e,ju urifrwc nit'l t-i-tj
t ut: at a very U:st- prfi, ten, Vw'Uiy r rxtii a liuiK'
doi'Mi marbineii fh.iine Hi" L-ai.
IMS ATT W AITM. r.Untl was (talrnted in lau.
Ila iug n IfinM- lica I or knife carrier hit tirr.iuj. d a in,
rt'adilv ai'Jul Itstll t'llie iur uatLiirfi of I pur ace
of nppb'- r other tiuit, tbe urrMnjr Tni(n-5 of
wliiih ha v proved so e,rei-nt .ind iidviiiiiayenns io
Ilie ri'mnniiiiiy, lliut the m inulnciur-rs . V'f. Harj
t'tnt Folpr have alriany beit ralb'd on tn iitpnly
in on ih'in hatfa million mat hinen.
I It ATT 3 AtTMI SMOKR made In nrcfiinpiiiv the
l'nrir. wai patented In I(J5tl t iu sutjU in-atl v'rou.
Ntritrted macbine.nnd like lis vnpunfnn the rarer
ilu'; inoft rxceliftit work, ciiHn-, I", m-rvJlfi ve nc
omI, each apple lalo tw pniy.j uri eiial p.irls, leivin?.
without unit, only a, mail cori lob-j leim.ved. A
child ran readily wor ellhT rarer or 3 icer at . speed
ot ubi'ii thrpc bushels per hour
Ri;iAIU Plticr: OF EACH 91 5 All orders by
nnil or otlfrwise should, to moti prompt attention, li
addreiscd to
H. T. I ll ATT.
Gl Cansom si , rhil-idclphia, li.
Farmers' Depot and I'lnslcr
York Jlvcnitt, Crpvn nnd CaUovhitt SAueta,
WH ar'er n ,lero noek ol L'tii-niirul Alaimrei and
PoHilizem'at .low prir.m nnd warrmiled lo lie
cenmne: amonir uiiiui ivjli oeriiun.i-
lool) tons No. I C.ivrriiini-nt Peruvinn Guano.
1001) ton, Donuf-g'a No. 1 tinporplmnpliate'ni I.inie,'
Tlie above standard nrlirlf are, oaili of lln-ir kind,
the btfct In Ibe wottd I Our Lnnd Plii-lei.iiiaiiiioicliired
from i-ckcl'd Kloiie.lscettbrdtcd tbroujliout Ihe Union
for in purity nnd fttrength.
we invitc oaonns rou-
1)0 Uurs's No. 1 tiitpriphospliate nrf.inie.
No. 1 Corernmcnt Pnruvim tinano.
,rrench'8 llnprov.d Suprplio.phate ori.ime.
Trench Philadelphia i'oudrcue.
No. 1 Plio.phlle CSnano Phllad'a Co i)
Alellcan Huano. (A) " "
Citrn l.a!ater. Ordinary I.aiid.Xjalctiel,
riicmica! Uone, Pure Hone Dupt,
Piili tuano, (Irouinl Cbarcout.
10 000 barrels I nnd ria.ter.
.1(100 Cattinj PlJfter.
1U00O " Hyilraiilic Cement.
S.OliO Tr-io Homan CeliiPlit,
1.01,0 Portland (Uosliili) Cement.
PuntUt's rt-nter. rowdered AnlhricitnConl in lb 1 1
Stereotype 1'lnster, I'owered Uituminou Coal "
Glass Maker's do GrnundlUnwn Stono '
G'OundSntpSlono, White Sa.ii4 "
do. White M.irble, Croiind Ililckif-ir-Vflinlerfl.
do. Uluo Marbles, Cbnuical Hon Durt'-
S'earq Mills nud Farmers Depot,
At junction cf York Avtnut, Crown ami CaUotrtntt Sit ,
Kept 12, lW7-2m
r 1ST OF LK'ITHRH remalnl'g in the lo.t Officr nt
UloomsurK, la., Q'mirr t-ndiuir August ifiih,lSi7.
Hror.iiner Ariaju UJMcUriile M
Hrl ly George i'henliu Mirha'(
Jieddow Wm .. Tnitridd John A
SiinLii John
nuder vfva F
liayu Iwjac
i-jejc Unltfr
Kreelind J O
Rr.minKi Jonathan
inn i:h m
Ilahcr John
Klink A C
King Geirge M S
Ulnff.i, Pridcrlek
uiiuin i: p
1 iimblinon P n
Wotllilo-ion Wm
Wax Cnper
Weilnmii llenrv
J Itieliard(lriffilb)
Morgan puce tBIlip
' l.orvi. II
LtOJis;, ueorgtt
EJfPerou. calling for Hie aliore lelien tvlil pleat.
..uuiuitiu i ,a..
..iiiior itrnare J
' piiimp unangbt. p. at,
o. Vt. aW,. ' ,,.,
B A'.U N E S ii 0 S T E It 11 0 U T,
sJtfnrrtr,r, kmIi i,n i
I!als, Caps, Straw Goods aud Fin.s,
NO, 503 MADKi:T BTRBIIT. fnp itaiiv.l'
aaovc ririu rraiitTt
Aui.83, lesj t riyumF.irniA
rpiiri partnerrtio hcrelofore nitiine between Ihe
JL ;ubriber. in tbo Jlrljrerrelt Powder Mill., under
iiienrui oi I'ktiiii, t.. liai boen dinolved by
r.. ii. ruaaci..
ipyiown, Auji, 1657
, Arnlll.1Mt. i, hau,m,Vv.
Scimtsr, I
Saniuelll. Uandalli
Assclnb)v. I
r-v rr r-vi - a tm-m
lD - UllUllc6,J(il IUc.onnl)lri!, Coluila iniimyttl'at
led lb Iho U'oiilun of alie Tflitni)iiil.
I lOnd nlllln.l in
I fOnd M-illlit An MirllAV.II.n Qfell, of Hf-i, t Pin b, 1 nili
llv(no Uervicli tnay' Snlmliiy pvflnliit
Bclvlcli fnHuniUf lo eoinniijuca at 10
fRpvrnl ttiiltlitpri Irtilll a
l.o lirnctit, unit pronely H
loji ccnriallv, ro lnvi;
. Jv. BiiAnAnrrs, '
Km. UlSl
tf Will llio War rf lit Mirth, Btrxlck (If.rlf nnil
Cctumlin Cfunty Hrpukltcan plcoie fiojiy 1
rpMB tintlcrfltfinednrrnlernt -for pnt pntronajf, rr--
jl epruiuny initirniH uia ct itoiner onu inc ninnr
generally, thnt ho lia Jiut received Oniii thu lliiiefii
cili?irt iiiu ittrgfBi onti jnosl ecicct slock ol
't'ltntlnt y n,tb Pen opntied in llloomel.urK. to wlikh lie
J it vl ten lUu o4leutimi or his frtefHlt, ami nMiirei thm
that llieynro ollcrrd lor tw'n ut great bargain!, His
Htock.rnmprlsei aro Tvnrlnrit of
Qcntlcmcn'a Aycarinfe Apparel,
Conalitlns of rABIllONAfiMJ DllV.HH COATS, ol
.ivery Jecrlptlon I'anti. Vcaii. Shirli. Ornvatu
Slocks, Cotton MinitlkcrchiefK, Cloycsi SuspfrnlcM, Ate.
i 10 (I ll ale its and Jntcun. .
Of every dcstrtpttnti. fltn nntl cliap. 1
N. It Remember t,Lttrritb9e,t ' Lhttip Kmporivt
Call and pec. No charge fur exntAihirnr fli'mls.'
uioomsbttrp, AMr Vi. 1657
Jl BOL'lllTV wllllioliliu
At r;illa',!.'l,lila. (Powrllnn Crvlintli.)
On IlieSWiUnd .Huh of Scplcmor nn.l ltt and 2.1
days of October next. The iimii! redtirlion on pasprn
iter 'aro mil Trrc paiaao for itock, will be fnrnislia
llic Itallrnad U.inpanle
The llookn or entry will be open nt Philadelphia on
and alter tho 111 September
vhOomvmG boot and shoe
Tlin nhdcr'lcneri it tu clftjtly infotppi tlip rttlzfnt
dl' Itlnnmibtirjj and llio puOljc hi genciA, lhat lie
lui op" lied a
Boot and Shoe Establishment
In lit! vhit! bulMinz. mi MjIh aire I. nlmvn r.ffti'
ft WlUon. Uikery, wneru lu nis,conjtanlly on Jin ml
a largts nssorimcnl of '
And will makeup work In nnUr on pfiort notice JJIi,'
iu hk aiftti iuiik yt mi; ijubiiii r-, uuu gvnirui kiiihv
ledge ol tlieTwautiOi tjio ixtoplf i mil nnulilr. Iiiti to,
rciu'er rotitfnftiou to all h custumern,' find Mi-jiild
vciirc him patronage wliiclt he lnpnt. in nwrM.
llHNltY -KltEIM.
,Dloonnburir. Uy C, U57,
Estate cf Jacob Kttss. tlcc'd.
LTCXr.EltS of Administration on tho
folate, of Jncnb Ns. lit of Mrfflin l-vittliip,
Cnlitnihit cotihtv ilefpaaipil, hare hcen ernulpil hv tlm
li cil;r ql Uo!uiiitila,ciini(y, to the u mler jjrncfl who
regiito In'naid Mlfnln township. In Columbia count v;'
all ;roiia-(javiriff,c!fjiirs tgalnst the cslnte u( the
decedent nr rcqiieted to prrcut them to Ihi Admin-
mrauir wnnoiit uciay aim nil persona imituicil to
make payment forthwith.
Sept 5, 1357 Gl Jldw'r
pTtOrOSAI.8 win he rerrived by M. W. Jacksqn,
'JL. 1 , of Ueruk, tnf the de'ivery of good,
Pnj Hard Wood,
Foj l.oroinotlvi iti.e, on the hop of Hi I.ncknw.inna
nnd Hlonnifhuri Itiioit.nt feruick and Kpylowu,
in lots tif mm Jj.n.1r'd rordd,aml upwards froposPrs
will btaln the kinds of ood (or stile nnd pririj, nnd
tthen it enn bf ilelivnred .Mr., Jackson will furuikli
any luriher int'oriu'illoii on the subjfj i
Hen. .!. Ie.17 M Stintritfn.J
N CYI'Icr. li !ir,'1.v n)von Ui ilan tipplirtiioii
in.-t.lo ul Hi.-, next m-nuitt of ih l,.-t.N iai,nre o
l'eiin,ii;)i.. tor ftlo Inrorpnfa.lon .1 K'nilt', ivltll
llio n,.,il i(ivlt.-t.'..,l.i,o THllt-.l Thi"
n.ilik," ai ltd .i'fnpiu.tff,r(liin Jiifiidrnd ihoiinn il.-.
I.irff. nmt tnl.el.inlid f,i II, c itv ii lll.miiubnrg.
- "in in inn ronnij. in.
s. a. fiiivu,
KrilKMM I'. l.l.'I'Z,
A. (,;ii,
jai'oii i:vi:k.
I'lircit iiii.i.itr:v' it
hl.l AH iitin uiin ic.
i:. riiviiFA'iiAi.i,.
a j. i:v,iit.
J iitwxr.v.
A J. AU) .
It ll. .till llv.l.
was, i:tii;itniN.
r.lor'M.uitio, Jure "7. IF57
Mitt-ii.M. iiui.i.i.r v i.i.oi ii, tic t i;vfinftrntt
itnora et4 Man lid"t-hrr. tire now hi this iif.icV
fur the i.iini.mii i "ii.akiiii a ll.or.. cfriert I'ltO
ITRTY iVtAN sliuw int: lu t.'ioMod in at e e'ry
ers' 11 iiites or lull l.lll prtVeil.liif )i nit' t'nir.rei .,Vnr-
It ni 111 MIL', l'"' 11 u 'i Min lie ni film jh jl 11 ti ii
nisii!d. aii't niinipi op Uafiyya
cniupletp. 'rice ier 1 opj .1 paya
and ll llern. all
Payable ou dellwrv of
Tli y nr t I sir prepared to make Snr ve n and lurnif h I (,n,,'il1 i lurns. hall he on tint fir( rndi) sne
HkPbtin Mtp of r.irnn. wild r-iV-tttV., eIriil.ited Reding Hip cleclion, v Inch will be ihe sj.
ami in rued Ihcreou, ul ;.(. rauu viWn it reAVirlabVe ' ,e.Vth ' 01 u ,,rr-
dislau(,e In in mwu. . Tlie Conrei-sioiui. return Juiljes f the Tut irrl,.Ih.
Illon'iusb ire, July 'J. Ii7. Ltricl compoed nl the counties of Columb'U. I.u.ei lie.
- Iopuiyr iindXyoinlne. iH,meei nt t'ic Coon llonc.
KAfiljK KtHIVDUV .iT-fwniSItrniP, kn'Ji.u,v'y',v'Jrfc,Nn,ltTUi:si)AY, ibpTeuiitiiniav or
JjiVU-JJlj B3U wnx, JJjUUiUC3JJUJvU. onober lien, to tiiake.041 retur fur im-.nber orcou-
I,'II. subscriber Jtavlug erTied a larj-p new brick
J roundry'itud IMaehini: Kliop, in place of ihe old
one, is prepircd lo' uiake'all kinds nf Lasting Jit the
lowest pricttH- I'hnvs rriiHianHy on hnud. rmb
hcriber bus nltn reuiopt-il inn TinHhon irom iMmn ml
UU(h llllll I llllllll I
lo ihe Foupdry lot, where ho -has crrcied ,i buifding
itiiujriui'i nrr f-niyrs jinu 1 niw.iri'.
Tlin i:bLlti rlli.LnB nfllm IV f PPVV
1urAil,()t rtTOVI'M ol all Llnds ib 1 (itVrv
SBlINiV .It ST UVr e All Tf
.uTm7.,.nr !r OVI"c' A knirtif ribpouuiis
made lo order
nioouithiirg.ptll,!!, 18.V
i'uluinbus irlalc ami Fnuale Academy,
"Till: rourlh Term of this Inshtuthin will ronimcnro
i o Momljy, the :i.l .lay ol Aucmi neil. Tlin In -
Hiluiion hivinu,. hi oner.mnu ..urn
lartociober, under lb" charge of
rnncinal., comniient nnd rehablo ..,,1
has been well palruuid by student from abroad.-
nierrHujjrj pf Uurkfl.I.pbiah.Cnrbon nud Columbia
havinp furnlshrd a cood portion of theflchool, behidt'8
r-nnm. '
O-An Opening Address, wilt bn drllvi iho
Udy of the cominiTneement, at a o'clock, r. M.
'T'lin iirdVrt Ifnid'tniie pkariiro In nimruiii-l oc In"
i 'V"!?!".;.'' ,,,,,r. a." "" lfluiiien Viipmror
article ol 1IAKLS ut Ilieir Ni w Parlnry on "I'l.hmij
ehani. Zi. .1... S.. I. ... i ii.t '"t
. " i , uuvr- i. .-i,i
?... il lreit lyocan forward llirni lo
...", io b.u r-iiiie, iinere inoy can eel lliem.
ur lie cau foriiord them lo llio.e Slorcn lhat arc not
loo iiiuihout nf our way.
All orders should h addressed to Hamuel Shive,
Pealeta P.O., Columbia luuuiy. Pu.
April 13. 1637-lm
Ettatc of GHcon Yorks, dee'd.
J'jIII'jIIO Ot Auministralion On tllO
Estate of Ridcon Vorks, late of Jackson loivri-hlp,
uol uinuia couoiy, uect-aeca. Iive been Rranu-d by ,l)ie
n nltler of L' rannlv. in Vi.-il,n, Vn.k- l,n
resiuca in sain jarKson inivnar.lpj all person, havipg
ciaf.ns hkui.i me i-siuie oi me orceiieni are requested
to piesent II, rm lo the Administrator without delay,
and rll person, llidibed lo tnakn pavmenl forlhivilh.
Auguit 15. 1837 fit
' ifmtafKretrtr.
rnilE underi(oed tercel fully informs bis friends
J. and the public genoiuily, lhat lie Ha. opened
A JNew -Tinware and Sheet lion Esta
blishment, In Hie building formerly nrrupicd for that purpose,
bj Joseph islinrpless. w here he i s prepared l, conduct
the business iu all its various branches.
'Jinwareaud Huusl rtpnuling of all kinds made lo
order on shnrl nnlice and ul muderau prices ,
AIso-STOVEd, of various styles, constantly for
Itepairing done to order in quick time.
Ky Country product taken in eirlmnge for work.
nloonislmrg, May JII, lrfl7y
rfiHE UKV. ,0. S. BURNETT, .while
JL laboting as a Miislnnary in Houlbeni Asia, ins
covered n luiple and ejrlain cure l,or jpe,umplisa,.fsra.
nt, Orcnehllit, Cov'As, CoiJl.'.Vt.iom Jtliu . I, n.l all
impurities il tbu 6hc4j also, an ra.y ami nTerlual
mode of Inhaling Hie lltmtdy. Actuated bv a deliie to
bunuCl 111. sintering fel,iitiii,lie nili cbcMfuliy send
lb, lleclK (frer) lo inch us desire it, with full and
eipiicjtdireptlonsfor nrriiatin; and siiccrsslully u.ii'g
tbe'Mtdlclnit Aidtfs,. '
Rev (J, 8 UUP.NETT,
831 IJroadivav. N Y City.
August,) 1857 (ill
A N a.sorliiient of Confectionery, J.wtlt)
Jl ly, nuup.
Hn:r Oils, romadesA-e to be hui al
Rtoninseut;, 'l"y 31
CI.AP.K'B Ilo, kPtnie
Wl) lillEAS, by tho laws of this Com
inonwonllli.K linilil.i " tfie ilulyol tlir SItp.iit
of ovory con my lo jlvo nollco of llio jencnl ptiona
bv pul.Hrnlloli In ono or Innro licit fr.ftprK of ll.- ciuih.'
I y tit loii.t iwunly days bfl.HH tl.o ulrcllnn,' arni ,Q
iiuiiieialo therein " llio l fflcim lo Lo tloflcil," n,,j ,
" ilfil muitfl Iho nlacii nt wliirli oIitii.,.. 1. .
Mil."- I'AerrlBfOpJf WIIPIIHN'II MII.MJltr fllci,
BliMiir or -'" 1 11 inbin county. ,lu ImrtLy ini.lir known
ami iroc-liliu lo llm, fiulificd fl.ti.itn tr Jo in ,,,,
rnnniy. Unit n
UirouclKyit said C0tnity..n TUCBJJAY the Wjhl
' el.l
TUr.N1 ll DAY Or OC'lonUKlrtrifc IliA flpfonif TutV?
Uny In rnhl monUi, nt tho icvcrul illittricti wilt) In ilm
rounly to wHi- v
Ho n ton township, nt the hmifc of TrMd Coir,
Heater towiiflilp, ot llio Iimis of L'jirintiati eiiiinian.
Itioom township,, al thu Court llnmn, Lllouimtjiirir '
llftnrtrffvk lownhn. nt the Tnwn llniin.' turtfi
Cnlnwlisa lounhip, nt the huiieu of the faiu Btncy
Slnserwani Cntnwisfnr J-
Ccmte Ipwnshlj, ul the honso of Jeremiah I!c. dccM
ruhliiKCreektownililp.titthehouieof Al rnhnm Kllno,
now occupied bv William l-onjf.
OrefnwdoilloWiiVliiii.mthelinuKeof Jotcph U.rntton.
Ileinoclc Inwiuhip, at the Iltick Horn
l.ocii't township ut the houtc of P-tvirt ItclnboM.
t'lnnMht tow Kphln.ot Ulauon'a Sthool II
Mllllln townstiln' at the Iioiil ol'Jnhn Ki'ller.
Madieon town till p, ot tlielioin.oorJno Vtiier, dee'd.
Mouniptcattint township, ut iho
if William
Montour towiiftilp. 'it the linusc of John Rlcl j
rda, row
Main township, nt Hip house ol Unae Yntnr.
occupied ny iinam nun nstncaii.
Roartngcutk township, tit the house nfd, y, i)fi,.a.
bach now orruplwl by Franklin Shuinan.
Oranjo township, ut the house 01 t'vicr P. Kline
li nn lownchin nt the house of Albert !lnnir.
Bugnrlonftownsliip "t ih,u lioirsf of A 1 1 f i h OjIo
Pcolt township, nt thejjqusc or JInoih Jlnww j . j;f i.y'n
Cotiynphmii tnwnVipt "t the homie tif V . Wohorth'!
Juckon iowm.un( ni inc nouse 01 jotnua Savapf
It ts further directed that the i leciion ot the' said
several iliilrictn shall be opened between tho huurs of
8 nud 10 o'clock In Ihe forenoon nm( Hioll contJnun
open wlthiiul Inlerrtipiion or niljoiirntncnt. uiijil 7
o'rlock In mo cvenlnff. when the poll tia1 1 be closed.
i lie oinrcm 10 ucciecicu ai me inncnnu place afore .
a oovnnon,
two jmjna tw Tim wii'Rcmu.coukt,
A CAAU OMMlStflONritf '
a Mi:Miiort ur ,coNoLfc', ...
A fiTA'fllSCNAllllli
two Mr,nii:i:a op afskmuly.
opthd couur opauAKTJJit t?i:cioNc, ok Tiii.:
oiiniAN'a couut, nd or thi: couut or
ArOONTY TltUArtllltliU,
And he p'titl election nf Cpn?rtusmnn It held in
pnrsupnee of a writ to iiia,Jjrf;c tfiKby the fit verier nf
lio r;nn,) lvnn,a,.w herein In 1b
recced ithi ,ccimii u,vicaiicy hn Jioppctiod in llm
rcpreseoinilouol Uifs uiojn I he House n I KeprcseitN
alrvcn nf ihi United btaicit'tn tuitspquctice of tho
death of John (J Moviuomihy, ijrcttd a membtr
of IheTwcniy l'i 1th CoiiRren. frbm th- TwHItliCon.
frcsslonnl Ilislnct, compotiid ofitie countiot of Co
luiiibla, Liir.prne. Moutnur nnd WyomUip, that I, Ste
phen II.MtlliT lllch Hlicri IT ofColuiiibu cnuniy, fIibII
lirttd nr Cans'! to be liMd, In each iom mliiu, at
fjineitndal iho plarca nforeali'.'nn eleiijon ftr't hood
ing a RenrfsentaUvo of Cptunioim'e.iltli in llic
House of KrprcH ntnU.'in.or iie UnlU'il t'tatcu, to nil
Iqp acaticy nforenld.
And, win reus. I havo hen dlrectf-d bythe flovrrncr
to Id vp nutlrethRl a Joint lesolutinn, pioposinir ctrmln
amend menls to the Constitution of IhlsCunimmttealili,
lias born egreed to by a inajn'liy of tho members e'reted
)p earn lluus of tho Legislature, al two' ncrfpsiv;
,terni ol.the same. nnJ that it is prqt ided by the Con
jlitutlon,tliat uny akif iidmcut so nsreed upon, ritull
be submitted to th ihtir upi-nnaf o' rrjt
lion. Therefore, fir the purpose ol nscirlaiulii U
sense of .the citixeKs cf thl Cnninionuealth in rrcanl
luerctn.fl.HI'Tlht;'! II Al'llrr, llif liHlierlll of Columlij t
rniiniv. uo pv- nmici' aim proc aim in im 'juaiiiitjii
i h'Cinrs of aidxOji)ty,,tlnt an rftrtinu il.btl l.efd
' in taili of I h IowiiIiiiis, wards slid dUlririR then in,
on Ihn ai-li)M) TUKrilMV OF OUTOIIKK. A. U.
Jed7. for tin- purpose ul drririlnj upon the adopthin or
M'JivUon ol itiP Mild nmciidini-nts, i r an) ol ihciit,
t hith said I'ltrtinn th.tll be held M Ihe plate and
op"ii'"d nnd r l.wcd niihft lime nt nnd w It bin which fn
' Cpucral nicctiom of Mna Comtimiiwcnllh tire hchi.
fli.duf.a, Inpilo"s nud (Jj;(k, of each ol said'tn'wn-
liiilt nuujiiil "ini" 111 ji V'PWiH tin- jiill
lion, titket- either riiw n n prlutrd.or art ly writ
ten and partly prlutPd In ni thau-tin duly 'itiiiltlted to
vrte for .Mrtubvrs nl the Crntrl Assnnbly and to
ilrpiolt them In n box or hnx" to be bur ihnt ptirpop
prnvideil bv Hip proper ofllfi re ; whlrh tlrke's hnl h"
resneclh'ely InhelM o" the (niinidf1 "I'irsi Ame-xl.
niei eroiifl Ainendmii.i," 1 bird Amendmmi
nd ' Foil rih A-uieiMlnieiii." nnd IIckp m bo f.iorn
hie to (mid Auipna.iiPiit,or nuv of tin in, ma esp'ret
their dpslie by vntni.' (..Kb as ninny srparate writien
or prinird r nnrily writien or printed or
tltkelft. efint.lininir mi thn iiih,lp ili('rei'f('viie wnrrit
For ih Mii"ndiiiPUl,M and ttniM hort- ip)inrrd
irh Aiu'indiiH'nH, or any of tbem, miv expr iheir
iVpoflftion liy li.liii oirti m my. m pai;,. ,u nllen
ftr pfi.K'.i h or urxoi r.iiilaiiiini- on ,i
toot I In
llicieoi iim uunN, ".S'ili,rl llm AiiieiiilineiiL-
And lllltlier. I do llinl.v elln liollre. ihr.d M...1
f,,, ' ,",l ( " uei rain ii'P"jv
AinU'dinf-iil. sliiltfi" npenel mid rlened nl Hip
.ir.oi'liiiln, llint llio eli rlion on llm ,aid .i.i',t.i-.l
tiiue.mid i all reperM be condtii l!ie,(.'"ei.ll
1' 1:il'v) ""ia cf t'l,"iuionveaih are now(tgtiilucttiJ.
rr" rr '-,....,. ,', n' .hiii,ji 1 inn
and manner a, iiiakiuc rc1.urujj.11s m nil nihtr
11 't '""iipr nireriei mat Ibe nirlnii of the u;iir,i
JlhlL'PS llUt tie C'( U 1 1 IlKllselll I! POlliS .iirir. to ln.iku i.itt
h HPiintnrtil ratnrn Judien of the Thirteen. h
Heti'ttorul District, rnmpmieiliit H'r punt les orinj der.
Noithuiiihi.rland, Moiiinur aud Colon b.a. will met! nt
the Court Hie boroush of K-unbury in (he
rounly of Norlhumbcrl.ind on'IMTHlJAY theTvenii
1H1 t'.ty of October next, juae out remtiif lur uio
Sen itor.
The letern Judseti nf the nenrefceiitntife ii:.ii.n
rouiposcd of .ihe" counties of V(imiu. tSullivau, Co-
1 ''V'1"1,1 aiu Moninur, tbnll in (l M ihe (jouil ll.uo. in ihflconnty oftNilini.bia.ou 'UII)AY,
for member- of At-sembli'.
And in and by Hiq said nrt, I mil furlhrr din r led in
five notice that 1 very person, ecpiing justices eft tie
lience. who shall hold any ofl'ire or appoiuinient o f
profit or trun unler the Covernm-nt of the United
T. w. or ?f b ,ill,''or "f any cUyur inrorpirtiteil
1 ,,M,r'fl . 'cll n coiumissloned nfTirer or oiliirwjtv,
V"'''"?l fccr u; va nt. w ho is. or rhall be un
mUl'T1 t'l.der iim lepinatnp, or pxpcuiIvp, or Judiciary
1 "y miiniriii 01 un ri?w. or 01 any incorpnrJieu iiiHnct.
"'V' u"n 0cry ',,(',!ll'e' ' I'i'ngreM . and of ihe
F,'l''c,,or "'"""on ctviiicjl of any iiy.cqnunisnnerM
or nny mrorpirated disirirt. in, by law, nicarmble of
appoiniment of judpe. inspi ctor nr cleikof an) election
or eieicimng ai 1 110 snuie time, ih't .iiiCp or
" Ul"nrnm7: 7 "nd inai no iiispecior JuUrp or
r r miy suclMdection tlnll be chgible to any
1 "mrn than to be voted ffr .
bur;, tlilfl 3fst duy cf Aucusl, A. I )., 1857.
.1,000,.1 5.,i857"'l",'N "' J"LS,r
, T?Or. Iho Inn Ihree yeat., 1 have been encaged in n
. J? Iiutinen known only to ni)elf and, coniparnllvi'-
,ew omen, -i rim I uavo iniirunrn tor tno nun f
5-,i eacn. wiilcu lu. u vein Keti me at llio rale or SAMI
, lo MOtm per nnnuin! ami hnvlns made arranseinent.
to so to Eurdpo In Ihe Spring of X3aio eniaie in llio
siiuo hiifirirri.t am willinar In rlva lull inrtruetliina
in Ihe ait to anv per. on In tho United male, or Ciinn
ilai, who will remit me the mm ol $1 1 am indureil,
Itoiii thn eureciit I have beon favute.l Willi and the
many llinnkful aeknovyledgtnenta 1 liuve tecpived rrnni
thuio Hhom 1 liavu inetrucled, and who are making
from 13 lo 315 per day nt jive any person an
oppnrlulilly lo cngagn in llil. bllaiui-t,, ivlm Ii J. ,-nr-y.
pleasant, and very (i-ntitable nt avinall cosl. There
It positively No HUMtt'o in the matter. Itelcrrnces of
and I can refer to1 persons whom IJiavelnstrucieil
the liesl class ran be given as regatri its rhainrtcr.
'who will testify bat they am making from SI In SI5
I per uay ai me same, it is a nils
ladies nr eentlemen rn n nneape
iness in ivlnrli eitliei.
ladies nr eentlemcn ron nneaea and Willi nertet iih
mhke a very ban (some income. Several hdttt in va
rious part, in New York, Pennsylvaiiin and Maryland,
whom 1 have loslrncled, are now tn king from S3 to
51 per dnyalit. It is n Uektcli, Uusiness, and but a
leiy thil'ingn is required tu start it, Upon receipt of
$1,1 will immediately send in thi applicant a printed
circular. containing full instructions in the att which
can he peflerfly understood ot o-ice.
.All U'Ve must be addressed (post paid) In
335" nroadway, New York.
Fept 5, 1837-3m
I. OKWAIII) and deliver package, on Hie lino ol Ihn
. 'Pollsvil e and iteniling, Cattail isra, Williainspotl
and Erie, and Williamsporland Eimirn liailltads
Drafts, Notes and Hills promptly collected
Principal Oftiee, Hi Chestnut street. Oidet, for
Goods delivered, and floods collected Iree off harg
Philaib-lnhn. Aug iW.lMT v
QSW CAME to tho premise, of the udmriher, in
lASEri Hemlock tonnsliip, Colunil.ia counly, aboul
Uaattlhe Htpf Jluy last, n
''Small Red Bull,
Hnpposed to lu, about one jearo'd. The owner is re
quested to coml prove propetty and laku h'ni nuay ,
oihvrwiie lie will bo sold ah the law directs.
llnrkllnrn, Aug 2J 1607 w
WHO lias been cured or grral NERVO'fci 1IKI1II.I
TV, a't,er uiany eigsormlv'ir- desires to malt
known to all fellow sufferer. Ibe sure ineius nf rulie
Addtrts's.'anelnsing stsmp tn py reliitn poslasu. M i
MARY B HEWITT llnsirm Mas... and Ii ptestiiji
lion will he sent fre, by nrst post.
Ang.iil a l7-ul' '