Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, September 12, 1857, Image 1

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Editor, Publisher & Proprietor. J
"To hold arid trim the torch -of Truth and Wave it o'er the darkened Earth."
flue Dollar ti Kmr-nty-firr rK Is advan tc.
YOL. XL-NO. 27.
Published every Saturday Morning, by
In Bloomsburg, Columbia Co.,
Office. In the. ncwlirich liuiUing, op
2ositclhe Exchange, by side of the Court
House," Democratic Head Quarters,"
01,00 In advance, fur ono copy, fur tlx months
1,75 In advance, for ono copy, ono year.
2,00 If not paid within the tint three month,.
2,25 IT not paid nithln tho first alx months.
2,50 If not paid within the year;
0" Nosubsjrlplion taken for loss than sit months,
and no paper dfjjontinod until all arroaragciihatl
iiive been paid.
ID-Urdlnary nlvertl,emont Inserted and Job
work oxocutod ut tho established prices.
imrisioiiti lock iio;sriTAL.
riMIK founder of this Celebrated Insti.
I lutioii.niT'ri thi moat certain, spcfdy, omt only
ciu-clual rfiiuMly lit the world lr hIitu for (Jltttn,
Ooiiutiiti'iii.t iM-iihy i m i (i.iiry , wtahiieic ot tho i
Uaik nnt Mm bi. AHVrlio n of IUh Kliln.j. l';il-Hai I
on oi inn Mtnri, utn pei Biai mrvuiiM irmnininy
JJliCJiti) ot tlio limit , i liront, Note tt frMn, und all
iliuie berious and nirtantlioly OlfurriVti arltiiif ft tin
tlia doslnictivu liabiii uf Youth, which (In troy both
body and mitid, TIiei iccret ! olitnr praiiicvp,
are morn fatal to their v let Inn Hun the long of the
Wyrtiit to 1 lit- iiiitriners UlyitPf , blighlliij tlirir timst
brilliant hopes ufantiripationt, Muttering niurrmge,
tc , iinpufvilile.
Married pornom .or Youaj Men cmitpniplotinji mar
i hg, bring awi ri of ivedkm'ti, organit1 ilu
4iiltty. deform it !, A.c. xhuuld inimt'ili itHy consult
Jr J jlmston.aitd he reatored to pTlrct health,
lie who pi. ce hiiiuelftiihltfr the care of Hi. John.
vLoh miv rullsfouily conllilo in hi fcoikor ai a genii
men, and cont.diitW tf upon hla skill m-pliyiician,
Organic Weakness
iinnii'di itfly ciicul ami full vigor restored.
I'll l dtscjsu the peo Uty most friiuenly pit! it by
4i wliohuvu becnm the vifttia of improper iiitu.
TO-icie. Yo'itij puri'tiii nrti too tipt to comtinL ei
ci-M Ifom not huiiif nware of the drvadful consequence
that iiny en ai". Now, undertianiU tliu sub the power of proctea
1 1 on hi lut sooner hy tliuj falling into iwpropi-r
li U)itsth4ii Uy Hi priiilual, llositlrs being deprmd ol
(In pi j.uuru ot healthy nifrpi ing, the inon aotioin
.i'tl detruciive Hynipiouw to both body and mind
iiririi). rim y.tiem lixuiai drtttgr-(Jj Hiu physical
mil metil powen weuWened, ncrvuiis debiliiy, '(
p"pia. oalpi tat ion u ft tie iwurl ..Mill ration, a w.istnig
uf tli'i ( anm. cinisli syniploiiiHof c-tnsiniptiiMi itc
lfcJ-t)iflcc No 7sulti Ir'nit dkhcck til RiKT, pcvtri doors
Imn li iltf mure utreet Uat lidn, op the stepi He
jMMicnliir inotturfiii; theNWlUnnd NUMIlKR, or
yiMiwili mistake the place.
,1 Cure Harranttd,pr mo Char g i ,Vade, in from One to
Two tiayt.
Dr. Johmtottf
MotnliT of the lloyil CoMegit of riurgftiuf. London
Or i.hi ttc I'rum one ni'tlio must r inincui ct-llege1 ol tlit
If nitisl dtati'D, himI the grentfr oiwlion hie ban
b:en ipunt iu the firm llopitalu of J.nintoo I'.iri,I hi
i id Ipliia und clsew her, (mi filet l"d some -f ilie inott
tittiiiMii iii cure wre ever know n ; in.iny troub
)l with rnihn; in tin head and ears wlm aslt'f. ni'rvonitiit'n, lit'iMff alnrincil at tuddi n ounis.
j it t lUMiir.iliH', with freqiifnt bluhiiiK. tiltendcd
m nniiliiiies with dcranj(eiiieiaulniiiidtvMrucurtd im
medMti ly.
A Certain disease,
IVIhmi 'lif mmyiiiit.'d and imp'iideut votflry of plea
iri And h i ti ii imlntM'J tini needs of linn pinrnl
ili-f.tjt), it ton ulien iiappeiitflfint nn llltimid njiiftj ol
'i line . or tiri'.ht ut uh .ori-is,di-4crs Iijni from at ply
i nit in Hum! v h from eiliKJiiinn -and rettpi-ctaliility
.c.n .ii'inu lii-frifint n i ui dfl lyiiij; till the rotihtiliitinni I
r yiittc)mi olt hi i horrid dineasemak thui r appearance,
kik'Ii n ijk urati'd ri.ire tliniat, iliM'.ucd noie, nocUirnal
i nun in tbf head md IIiiiIm. Ii Nine" of ilit,deartiCis,
miilffjon the nk in liono, mid nrois loir4ic on the
InMd i ice. a n J fUr etiex, (iroresini! iih fripbilul
x iplditv , till at list the p.iti At'the mouth or the
linnca if tlii noie tail in ,aml Ike itiiii of this nuful
tliiMie b'coiilC4 a horrlil object of cnuiiniseritlon, till
ii alii put4 a period to hu drfadfiilsullerinpH, by sen.
J i tix In in to "that iMiurne from whenci no traveler
ri'lurii," To such therefore Dr. Jolniftnn pied n
himii'tf t preserve the most envinlable serrTvi nnd
from hii eiiuimve prartirc in the ilrsi llospitalft of
U.i rope and Ano-rlra, jie can confidently n ronum
afe and speedy cure tn the unfortunate victim of this
nurriu m scaup
Take particular Notice.
Or J ii'Mrctwii all those uho linre injured llifiu.
clvri I, y ( n v.if a u il 1 iiiiroii' r Indtilacnc-K,
Tlfso are nr.e ef lliu siMlpintl niflilnrhnlv efTpds
liro'hicd byrnrly liatuts of ynSiili. viz Wr.iknf s of
thu II ick ami liiuili,, t'aiu in tlie Head. Ilinincfaot
itit Loss of M.i.cillar I'owr. Pnlpiuitinu nfthe
II irt.U.w4'ia. Nerv.,UK Irrntitiitlly, Dpransi'liient
rfiftlio lliglive r'rincliont.ftmieral Urbilily, symptoms
MUlVTAliLY TJic fearful efTpcts upon Ihe mind
nre ui'icll to l.eilre.nlntl, i.o.s ol .Memory, Conru.lou ol
ii luas, I) Niri's.lon oftliu bpirlts, Cvil Fori'ltodiiics,
AveritHtof Society, Tiniily,.c.,are snme uftlicevils
'I'lioils mils of persons of all ages ran now Judge
what 111 cause wftiicir declining health. Looting
Jlic'rviorjiecoioiiiz weak palpmlrinarialeit, havin
A hi uvular appearance about He eyes.cougti and s)inp
toins of Consumption.
Dr. Joknston's Invigorating Remedy for
Organic Weakness.
Ily this great audJuiiionaut remedy, wenkne.snrilie
org ins are neemi.y cureu, au'iini, visor yikiuivu
Th tiiiMtidsnf U10 most nervals and debilitated, wlm
hid list all hope, nave been immediately relieved. All mo wuiiu uiuu , lu uiucs viuiua iuuy
.impediments lii Mirri.ige.PliysiraUnd Mnlililllli.qiia-. , j f i; nni:.:pnl pntlillitv with tlin
lincilion.Ner.vouslrrrtabilrty.Treiiibliiigsaiiil lViiik-CODlonu ,or m3 political equality HHQ mo
new, or esluiistl.iii ol ilia must Icarfulkiiid, speedily I ,vj:,e man j this IteOtthEc Ilffl hallu
curcdbyDorlorJobnsloii r
Young Men oinati.n on tho part of tho cla?s of men of
Wliolinvolnjuredtliciuselves by n certiiu practice, i . writinx !! however
.InJulue,! in when aloiie-.i hi bit frequently learned WUOI11 MC are HOW writing, IS, However,
.fr.iift evlleoiiinaiiiiius.-ar nlsclionl ttie e.lTecIs clnliirll
are nUbtiy felt, oven'wiieu asleep, a,.,l ifnot cured
renilermirriae Imnnssible, anddostroys both iiiind
nd iwdy, should apply immediately
Whai a pity that a voung iiMii.dlie hopB of His rrnin
iry.audlliodarllngofliisporcirts. should be s.Mlched
from all prospect, ami enjoyments of lile. by iliecnuse.
llinnees of deviating from lha polli ofnature, and In-
iluliilna in .icenaiu secret habit, Buch person" before
contemplating . ,
should relied that a sound mind nnd bot'yorelhe mns .
necessary renuisitics to prommc couunbiai happiness,
a ivearypilirnnaBe.tbeprospectliourly darkens lo Hie
.vlewi.ihominii becomes shadowed wiiii despair ond
dllled ivilhlheiuelancliolyrencctionllialthehoplne.s
To btrrmncrs,
Thomanythou.andscurcdatinl. institution wUh'n
flS WZM-M,!':
'ldulin ..!de . 1 riN.5fi,V.?
raciennaresponsiDiiiiy, is. suincieni uaramce 10
""0affl'C,ed TukeNotice.
,,h. orth, ..., am,c,ed.,h.; Dr. joimsioS
ilOPnmuncednry loiay. rni"y luinim unite.
liiimin'iii wmi ui. it-ii-iii- .-.
.iipiomssaiway. bane m h some.. t j a
in, will sent
.nuatly 7 1857
m- . moNjyigiiio
Residence, flrst Hiick i ulldlng below Ilarlmau'j
on nam ciiect.
Hr.EPECTFULLY l-ffirs W piofe.slona! services
lotbe ladles and eentlrmm ot tlloonisburg and
vicinliy He is prepared t slitnd to. 1 iho various
opinions in Jiei.nstry. an'l provided with the la
test improved
Porcelain Test ft,
Wbtch will bn inii ilfd on pivct or gold pIMe.'lo lk
"rV'.o'lfel'i'or.V.ici. of tooth owdm. .i
wajsoiiliJOd. J""' U, IJ, 'i3,
3fl ptnnrrqf
rZ,(j WX X X t X
The Pests of the Country.
Wo have, in the North, two classes of
pests, whoso joint labors bid fair to involve
tlio country in anarch and civil war. which
, ' ,
must result in the dissolution of tho Union,
or a consolidated dcspoiism These pests
aro tho fanatics and tho demaooqucs.
Tho first aro crazy upon tho subject of
negroes and shivery. They aro mere lu
natics, or rather monomaniacs, acting
without sense or reason. Thoy havo con
ceived au immense affection for tho dirty
and filthy negroes of tho South ; and havo
fallen into the hallucination that those
ncgrccs aro as capable of civilization, and
of cftablisliing and erjjoyingtlie institutions
of civilization, as white men. They shut
their eyes to all the facts of history con
cerning thnt abject and degraded race.
'I hoy forget that, (rem tho first dawn ol
historical light, the negro has been tho
same, physically, morally,and intellectually
that flOOfl years ago, ho had a woolly
head, n flat nose, a thick lip, a crooked
shin, and a loug heel; that during that
loug period he has been a s!ave, cither to
a race more civilized than he, or to his
own sable compatiiots, which was a great
deal worse ; ahd that, ho has never pro
gressed in civilization, or Christianity,
except when he has been in subjection to
a gupcrirr und civilized race.
And the to monomaniacs, too, forget the
facts jurrounding tho origin nd birth of
this Republic. They forget that, then,
at tho Declaration of IndepcndcLco and
tho formation of tho Constitutio every
Stale hold the negroes in bondago; that
vkev. our for.efa'Iicrs pioclaimcd to the
world, 1 ho abstract tru'h that "nil men
aro born free and equal," they did not set
the negroes frco; that they did not appoint
them to office did not make them generals
nor senators, nor recognize their right to
hold office of any kind ; that they did not
admit usgrocs, tier Indians, to citiziuship;
thus making color tho distinction of citi
zenship; adduction carried out in our
naturalization laws, which admit only white
men to citizenship ; and in our 1'ost Office
laws, which permit no negro, or colored
man, to carry (lie mail of the Ut itcd States.
Thcso mouomamdcs forget all theso facts,
so significant of tho true intention of our
patriotic forefathers in founding tho He
They go farther. 'I hoy contend for the
absurdity that tho " nigger is as good as
i ..i.:,.. .,, .1...
.1 , i ,i ..:l . r. .,.
.noru (moreitcut vuuu,.ru., tui u,u.
, .l,-.. ,,,..i,i;c(a iki' ennlnml
i "'e'"!'"" '
s0 lutilv tor thr liMils of the black man.
0 lUslliy lor tui n0uib Ol lilt. ui.ll,K uuu,
will not admit hint to their parlors, their
, uul uu""1 lu a
dinnnr-tables. to ussociuto with Iheir chil
.urcn, to marry tiietr uaugmcrs, w
jljln bv sido with him ill a military colli-
,u , ,u , .
panv, nor Sit Side by Sldo With llWU 111 a
v 1 ' J, .
jury box thus denying practically the
J . , ,. ' J ,
d!trmo 01 C(1U ,!lt,y , c ,vccn 1 uegro a
,Uan' V,hl"h tLcjr " C0LStau,1'
And thcso monomaniacs avow iheir wil -
!;,,.,. dptor.nin ,tiQn to subvert tho
... .. . ....
uuuuMa uuu uuiuuruu . DUu.t..
-J nolo., if thoy
: "I0. P 'V
cogol lon Ot their absuru anu impractio LIO
dogmas, l.ut, no danger to tho country
eould result from the f Hies and absurdities
of tt5,.a,Ma of falllt c3 .j Lcv al0
nnniTi'irniit'iinr a inoro iiiiuiiiii I'.viiii ui 11 ti
r V . . .. . f tb0 Nor,h aml RrU C"ti'";d
uiaiuly to tho followers ol (jarn.-oii, ueu-
.dell Phillies, and Abt.y Fol-oui.
But, tho fanaticism of thc poor inono.
manias is seized hold .uf by a cUss ol meu
who are national, and who know what thoy
tiro about. Thoy oro the politi al Dema
aoaUEs, and'iuelude tho Sawards, Chases,
Hales, WiNoiK, aud the rest of tho wicked
and tro saiial lo crew -whose m .Qhuntiotis
thtcaten tho overthrow tf tho Repuhlio
Thi"0 men really o ro nothing aiout sla
yery ip iteelf, lbey would not, if they
could, set tho slaves frco to-morrow. They
have no faith in tho doctrino of tho moral, '
intellectual, or political equality of tho
of tho negro honestly ndvocalcd by their
co laborers, tho fanatics. Tho cmanoipa.
tion, improvement, and welfare, of tho
black man, aro really no part of their aims
and ends. Their great purposo is, poli-
tical aggrandizement, tho achievement
of political place and power, and tho en-1
joymcnt of political honors.
J.UCSQ aru
tho' second class of posts which infest tho powerless, not by violence, but by tho
Repuhlio, and rrally oonspiro against its scorn and contempt of tho pcoplo.
peaco and its very existence
They understand something of human RcprcscnlatlTO Conrcreo Convention,
nature. '1 hey havo found that sympathy, , Tho Conferees of tlis Ileprcscnt-Uivo
prejudice, and passion, instead of reason District, oomprising tho tountics of Colum
and Bound judgment, sway a very consi- bin, Montour, Sullivan md Wyoming, met
derablo portion of tho human race. They ( Friday, Sept. 4 h, 185", in Bloomsburg,
Know that tho Northern mind, more from consisting of tho followirg Delegates :
tho climatic impossibility of maintaining Columb'a. Iram Ucn, W.A.J. Brittain.
slavery hero than from any aversion to it
from princip'o, is opposed to slavery. Wo
make this remark because every old North
ern State lias tried tho "institution," and
abandoned it, because it could not bo made
proCtablo. Tho men to wbom"we allude,
also know, that much of tho religious sen
timent of tho North, for tho very reason
that tho rigors of climato havo banished
tho "institution" from our midst, is thought
lessly and without reflection, arrayed against
slavery where it now is. And tlioso dcji
AaoaUES, with no more lovo of the negro
than other men, and no more truo religious
faith and principle, and with not so muoh
real regard for tho wh!to man, or for their
country, aro constantly appealing to tho
prejudices, passions, falso sentiments, and
religious sympathies, to which we have al
luded, and inll tiling the classes of pcrple
influenced by such sentiments and sympa
thies, t' hostility ogaiust our brethren of
tho South, ut the same Umc turning the
uholc thing to political account io their
own po'itical promotiou and cmoluinent.
And they do thcso wio!cd things with the
full ccusciousncss, that they arc thus put
ting in peril the cxis once of the Union, the
independence of their country, and tho
Iibeitio of the people.
These aro the roally d.ingerom men, tho
true pests of the Republic. Tho fanai lea
aro of no account, except as instruments
in the hands of I lie DtMAOOdUEi, whs are
the really daogcrous men. And we hesitate
not to say, that, if the peoplo of tho North
do not soon awjken to a ronscinusncss of
the rcalUto of things to the actual nnd
truly formidable dangers which mouace
tbo peaco and integrity of their country,
from tho Intrigues and machinations of the
demaooouks, who are filling this section
of tho Union with prejudice and passion,
by their artful and inflammatory appeals,
they will ero they are aware of their
danger, be startled from their dream of se
curity, by tho crashing of tho pillars of
their beloved Union about their ears.
It is time for rational and patriotio men
t cease to couiitcuaneo this fenseless and
unjustifiable crusado against their brclh
crn of tho South, and to put down tho
Ireachfrous and danccrous demacozuca
who are preaching it up. It is time for
., . . . , , ., ,
them lo awaken to a true sense of the rel-
ative rights of all tho members of this great
Confederacy of sovereign States, under
tho constitution, their common bond of
union, it is time lor tlicm to mlorm them-
selves of the truo history of the nero : his
.- e
capn Hies Ins i cccssiucs; wnd las true
, ,. .. .
rcla,oua , l,ja fe;
,- ,
cOtlSi'lOOtlOUSly Btl
How meu. Tlhey ebould
otiously tftudy tho will of I'rovi-
dence wilh regard to tht degraded race
realizo his nbicct and misor.Vilr, rnnd!
. ,. .
tion in his native 0'iuntrv ; his improvement
., .. ... " . , , . ... ,
in Conueotion Wtu a SVporiOT and Civilized
. 1,lo. ,. - ,,
, aid What liniUCIlSO Uos ingS and
bouoCts u confe ui011 Ao hlinian ;
, and howmuchhenromates tho civilization.
comforts, and h ppincss of mankind; by
j tLo necessarily suhordinato union of his
' 1,1 v,,l, tl. initio 1
r-v- -.v..vv. bv.r-
imysieai lauur wiui mo luiciicoi'iai t;uiu-
unco o. tho whit- man. Let thorn bear in
I !nind' tUt i( tMa C0UnCCti0D bc,wcoa tho
abor fcf tho b ack man, aud tho fill d nif
' inteUen of the bl ,ck man, were .oo dis"
s Ifcd, alm, st cMo'n spiudle in ,ho
nplll ,,, ,, M' s n or.,t Pnm.
. -vi 13
" 'i"" -
...,.s 1 tmins nr nntt nm tvAtiiri
aim t cease .0 bo produced; tho progress
iviluition wouiti uo enecKod ; tlio la
boring whito man would bo degraded; and
.mankind, iucluding cfpoi ially tho very
ueitroes nbout whom so much mii-placcd
sympathy ii expended, would ba deprived
ot many of iho couiloris, and oven ineces-
bttio-s, ( t of things which havo become
ouch,) which Uiey now enjoy.
We bclicvo, when iho people of iho North
fully comprehond ibis matiei of .negro
slavory, however much they may bo op -
poeod to the establishmoDt of tbo institution
within their own section of tho Union, they
will como to tho conclusion, that it is best
to let it alono whoro it now exists; and to
loavo tho pcoplo of other communities, to
ecttlo tho question to suit themselves. And
moreover, they wilt come to tho conclusion,
that tho peace and welfare of their country
demand, that both the fanatics and de-
magogues, who aro tho causo of tho peril
ou3 excitement which now agitates the
TTI l.v mi .1 -J .1
uuiuii, ouuii uu ju uutvu uuu luuuuiuu
. Montour. Gutchus Snyder, J. lceso
Sullivan. James Dipan, U. 0. Finch.
WTjoming. Win. M. Piatt, L. 0. Con
klin. The Convention organized at 3 o'elock,
P. M., by the appointment of tho following
officers :
IRAM DlillU, I'icsident.
Tho Convention then proceeded to nom
inats Candidates for Members of tho Lcj
islature, only two of whom aro to he
clocted, whon tho following nominations
were mi.du :
Col. De an, nominated Gaorge D. Jackson,
ot aullivan county,
Maj. Conklin, nominated Jnhu V. Smith,
of Wyoming county.
Col. lirittuin. nominated Peter Ent, of
I o;umbia county
On motion, the nominations closed, and
tho Conferees proeccded to vote, whon on
first ballot, PICTER KNT, E-q., was uu
animously noniixi.itcd.
Tho Convention then proceeded to bal
lot fir another candidate for Assembly,
Messrs. Smith and Juchsoii, heiug in nom
ination, with tho following ruaulti
For John V. Smith. Messrs. Dorr, Sny
der, I'iatt, aud Conkliu. 4.
For Gtorge 1). Jackson. Mtvsrs. Brit
tain, Philips, Dcgan, and Finch. 4.
'I here being no choice, four moro hal
lo' inns, wore then had with the same re
sult, when the Convention took a recess of
some ten minutes.
On re-assembling of tbo Convention,
the Oth ballot was lud, with tho following
result :
For Smith. Messrs. Dorr, Rrittain
Snyder, Philips, Conklin and I'iatt. 0
For Jackson Messrs Degan and Finch.
Whercupoo, Dr. JOU.N V. SMITH,
of Wyoming County, was declared duly
nominated, and the nomination unanimous
Iy ratified.
Tho following resolutions were then in
troduced and unanimously adopted :
On moticn of Mr. Snyder, it was
Hcsolvcd, That tho nominations tuado
this day for Representatives, bo unani
mously supported by the Conferees of this
I Ciinfereuce
1 Htsohtd, That tho meeting of the Con-
ferces ol this District, hereafter, bo held
unmM oa SM t g cm.
1 0u jnotion, of Col. Itrittain, it was
j Resolved, That tho next Conferee Meet
inu bo held at l.anorte.inbullivan couuty,
On motion, of Maj. I'iatt, it was
Resolved, That tho proceedings of this
, Convention, bo punished m all tbo JJomo
!' PaPer3 0111113 cpsemaiivo wis
Tho Convention then .adjourned, sine
die. lit AM UKlili, JL'rest
Wm. M. Piatt, Q,, ...
C. C. finch. Secretaries.
Bloomsburg, Sept. 4, 1837.
JQT Hover's Ink, made in Philadelphia,
a great comfort to Editors, and wo sus-
j' a great comfort to linitors, and wo stis
pett even jeater to compositors, scoing
.1. . ... il..ii1 n 1naKna tin nvtincn TfM till 111"
l,.1Jl "Sllumity leaves no eice jor uau ur
llancd writUl
, .,i, .. ,. ,,.m
Vis 'really f?iite a pleasure' o
, wrll. Wlth ueh T.eV'. ' 'f
"CCI pen, lor wuicu muiniy n is juuiuiu i.
1 . . .
' ') ? ?TX.
vAJ'r uT. v T"' ' a ' 7
uuiti diuu, ii. mi pvt.'-u,M uw v,v.o..v-.
,.', T, t.7. : '..'. .V..i
v v 1 mirinr nun f.uniLirrr .
1 iiovcr s x uuauuipiuu iuu, a ucaunjui
. artirle. well calrulatcd for mctil pens, as
it docs not corrodo them.
firolher Jonathan, New York.
I s&f X younr; wifo remon-tiated with
dor husband, a dissipated spendthrift, on
his conduct. '' My lovo," ssid he, " I am
only liko iho Prodigal Son-1 shall reform
.ud by."
l'A.ud I will bo liko tho Prodigal Son,
bo," sho replied, " for ' 1 -will ariso.nnd go
. to my father,' " and aoco,rdingly on .fcho
Cnlnmliiit Jeiiinrmt
Tho following aro the receipts to tho office
of tho Coluaidia Democrat, during
me moutu ot August, IB07 :
Thomas etnekhnuie, $160
B. Kitchen, for I. K. li) ooj
Dr. Win. A. Coir, 5 00.
Andrew Frens, Esq., lono
J.Trembley, for Est. 0 73
J mes H. McMncb, 1 IK)
J, O. narnliart bM
Hon, II. M. Fuller,
John Doll,
Joseph Fusicll.
Caleb Tierce.,
Col. I Hopkins,
Wm ( Quick,
Joseph Snyder,
John A. I us1on,
Peter l?nt, Esq.,
Daniel, Csq.,
A. A. Hnuthno-th.
W lllttnbendcr,
Ii Z. Rcmalcy
Henry Ale
It. C. Ileal,
fieri I. Mli,.r.mnkpp
10 00
1 SO
2 73
1 00
1 no
1 50
1 oo
1 U
1 ou
1 50
navfiiH'nower, IB
ii rr, .1 w Peter Ha
It IV tlilrov
allncker, Still
John Doik, Ksq.,
Jon. fl. Jarobv,
Jacob ri)erly,'ci
Win. Hrasnuis,
Nalc Welsh.
1 00,1) W. Armstrong,
Wivlkiti Pilce I nil
C. HitlenlKMlder, 10 00
M Uilvertliorn
tleo. I), Jack. on
4 Hvvan & Co.
Cso I J3
10 00
2 00
'lien ft jveerlles, 3 00
B. J Paneoast Ac Co., S
Pascal Morris fc Co , 10 00
Arthur, Onrh urt &Co. 3 O1)
J B. tc C, I., l'rrot, 5 (Wl
T. W. Malison, 7 2.5
Wm nrnh't. 01
tsh.pben Pohej
Wm Knnttier,
t'rancis It tfnjdcr,
Maj. J nn. Cummings,
I'lins J. M Henry,
Joho Wanlck,
Joseph Itobbius.
3 00
2 70 i
Hheetz it Sellers, a IK)
II. r. Miiiilh, 3 oil
H. W. fowle at Co., 0 00
rcier iienrK,
Wo again thank our frieuds for prompt
payments, It is this that sustains tho Prasg
and encourages the Editor. Wo ask our
customers, everywhere, to try to help us to
moot our heavy expenses, by prompt pay
ments, and thereby dtsohargc an honorablo
obligation. Especially do wo request
distant suhsciibcrs, to do as many others
havo done, viz : t remit money by mail,
at our risk, as we have never lost a dollar
in that way, and its receipt will be duly
acknowledged by mail and the payment'
also published in tho Columbia Dcmmrat. I
,.MlMjLiuiji.- n !
JlOy s JWGningS.
Joseph Clark was as fino looking and
healthy a lad as ever left tho country to
o T7; i,i,.
- lllvu Villi atVIW A II Us9 (vU I
with health, hi
1th, hU arm strong, and his step
His master liked his Iook3, and
said that boy would make something. lie
had been clerk about six months, when
Mr. Abbott observed a change in Joseph,
His chectis'grew pale, his eyes hollow, and
ho always seemed sleepy, Mr. Abbot said
nothing for a while. At length, finding
Joseph alnnc in the counting room one
day, he asked him if he wms well.
"Pretty well, sir," answered Joseph.
"You look sick of late," said Mr, Ab
"Havo tho headache sometimes," tho
young man said.
What gives you the headacho!" asked
the merchant.
"I lo not know as I know, sir."
"Dit you go to bed in season !"
Joseph blushed. "As early as most of
the boarders," ho said.
"How do you spend juur evenings
Joseph J"
"0, sir, not as my p ous mother would
approve,'' answered iht young man, tears
starling in his eyes.
" Joseph,'' said tho old mcrchmt, "your
character and all your future usefulness
and prosperity depend upon tho way you
piss your evenings. Take my word for it,
it is a young man's evenings that mako
him or break him,"
Nothing adds more to llie appearance i
of a country rcsidcuco than well selected
evergreens planted with tasto and judgment..
It is true they bear no fruit that can bo
cacn, but they protect mo li-me, nam
yard and land from the sweeping winds of,
winter, and give an air of life and beauty
to the landscape in the dreary season when
all other trees havo lost their foliago. We
really know of no hetter investment than
', . . .
a iudicious jilantine of cvcrcrccus. A
farm is worth not only what tho soil will j
produce, but what tho public judgment ,
would valuo it at, and publio judgment is
very much influenced by buildings erected '
with tasto and grounds properly laid out
aud decrated with trees
, , , , .v,.
Tho -present mouth is a
lllguiy luvuruuiu
timo for planting evergreens, and wo think
luo season uu uriuauuny prupiuuus uuu.
The earth is seldom m as good order at
. , . .r
d nrinmT saaslactio.
! from their beauty and hardihood, wo would
- MTTnTAr-rammarian last aumirnr
' t f' 'lt jLln'ofLon
" .. ' Si! VZU:
, MM"' ou",u." auu
j p., JIqqtJqqIj QprUCC tuO COintllOI. CCUar
nnd r-ic?i Arbor. Vitao. Manyper.
ions nro prejudiced against tho Arbor
Yiiao frum hsviug failed with tho Chiuoso
whith compared with tho American variety,
is of no value in cold exposed situations.
Tho American is a beautiful treo nnd per
fortly hardy, growing naturally as far uorth
as lanada.
iST A man out West, camo into a print
ing offioo .to beg a paper, " Because," said
ho, "Wo liko to read newspapers very
much, but our noighbojs aro all too stingy
to take ono,"
AIR.'' Bobbin around."
Our candidates are in tho field,
Bobbin 'round around, around
The fate of "niggerdom" is scaled,
As they go bobbin, round,
Wlilln PneVnr lnnrl.4 nnr column.
As they co bobbin 'round, around,
No wonder Wiliioi looks so solemn, . , t( j hll wa3 d ;
As ho goes bobbin 'round. p , ,. , , , ,
" out, anil tho feeling had become general
The pain they feel thoy can't endure, , that there was nothing more of any account
As they go bobbin 'round, around, to to exhibited, suddenly a new scono
'Tis death nlnne can work a cure, 1 0 ng moro cxtraprdinary llwn any which
As ho cocs bobbin round. i, , , , ., . ,. vi, iy.
, , , ., . , had preceded it a score all tuc moro
In October next they 11 surely die, if,, . ., . . r
As thoy go bobbin 'round, around, startling in that it brings with it a transi
While o'er their names but few will sigh, , tion from tho purest tragedy to tho broadest
As death bobs them around. farce.
! TI.A ni,.nntil eif Il,n nttomnf nf flip aelf
" AthTwt MMl 'round'aroundMcaMrs. Rurdcl) to mak0 herselHho
They sco tho writinc on tho wall
Whilo they go bobbin 'round.
'Tis "mono, tckel, ISupliarsin,"
Thoy road whilo bobbin 'round,
Which means they're weighed but cannot
With alljlhcir bobbin 'round.
Our candidates are honcst,tiuc,
Bobbin 'round, around, around,
And they'jwill put tho darkies through ;
As tlioy go bobbin 'rounu
They'll surely batter the whole batch,
As ffjey go bobbin 'round, around,
Wilmot, can't como to tho scratch,
While thoy go nobWn 'round-
Young Democrats ! take up your arm3,
' And bat tho
darkies 'round and
, . "F,0 , , ,. ,
I r foe is filled with dire alarms,
Troon nnnViiniT tlipm nrnnnd .
. G.r,i on vour armorfor tho frav.
, As you go bobbin 'round andround,
Anil as Uotl lives, you'll win tho day,
If you only bob around.
8Sy-Tho following wo consider to be
" some."
" O kiss mo andgo," said tho maid of my
And proffered her linsas my pay to depart.
i "The morn is approaching, my mother will
My kindest and dearest, 0 kiss mo and go 1"
Sho gave mo the blessing in such a sweet 1
That thTthrill of its pleasure enticed mJ
to stay;
So wo kissed till tho morning came in
with its glow, I
For ihe said every moment, " O kUs me
t& An invalid sent for" a physician,
and after detaining him for some time with
... . ... ,
a dosctiption of his pains and ailments, he
thus summed the matter up : , tho to tbe to0 of a-rcct wiokclineS3
"Ho, doctor, you have humbugged mc ltLat ft naturo -n M cycry
long enough with your good for nothing ) iacccS3"an3 paSagj to temorsc is bernyti
pills and worthless syrups; they don't , qM t a The eonviclion is almost
touch the real difficulty I wish; you to i irresistiblo that tho same deposition hicl
str.ko the cause of my ailment, if it is in thesc to obtaia gold( m
your power to reach it.' nQt o o
-m snail neuone sa.a me &aepor ; anu,
liftinc Ins cane, ho demolished a decanter !
of gin that stood upon the sideboard.
A gontcm!lr) who rcCently put up at a
, tivern in Wisconsin, was awakesedby
a y0UDg man who commenoe(i a sereuaa0
"Oh, Sally Prico
1'vo called you twice,
And yet you lio and snore.
I pray you wake,
.! T,.
' , as ojouroan.
i And open to him tho door or window, I
don't caro which, for
It makes but little difference,
To either you or I
Big pig, Utile pig,
Root, hog, or dioj"
t&f An Irish drummer, who now and
i then induk-cd in a iiosein of richt cood
f - . .
' J fa
' T ,
Jasu vur noaor. 5am rut, " J. always
1 10 n
' "T " " li."' V. .... U'lL . 1.7
XlOHCIHOi, UUUUUluiiyr, uuiLUinuit-aii j ui
tentotissimo, hottcntotisimus, hot as an
oven, hot as two ovens, hot as four ovens,
I s I. .-.I
not as seven ovc-us iui.
SaS If you ask a young lady to walkout
with you, sho first looks at your dress, and
then thinks of her own, Thcro's whero
she's right.
t6T A French wit said of a man who
was exceedingly fat, that naturo only
mad him to show how far the human skin
would Urotoh without brcakinc.
Murdor will Qvit,
When are wo to seo the ctd of tho
j llurdcll tragedy t It was suppi :1 t'.r t
after occupying public attention for wcek3
j and four months, ond ministering to tho
lovo for tho inarvlous to a degrco quito
bevond all example, it had about fioished
i., ..nrsf!. jia ,t at (U0 nMio interest
putative mother of a suppositious heir to
the cs'nte of the murdered Doctor Burdcll,
presents tbo rcdiculous aide of crime in a
w.iy altogether unique. The woman, whose
craft in iniquity lud proved itself superior
to tho most strenuous apd persevering
efforts of the most capable ministers or
justice, and fairly baffled and staagered
tho keenest sense of tho con.munity, novy
makes the most pitiful fool of herself over
heard of. Search tBfough tho Deoamtron
from ono end to tho other, and you will find
no such object of dirision, no such rxainple
I of sin taken in and done fur, as this in.
comparable Mrs, Cunningham now presents.
1 If Dante had had tho locating of her, sho
-would undoubtedly bo moored for all
eternity in an ocean of inextinguishablo
laughter. But yet, in spito of all tho
'matchless ridiculousness of the figuro the
has just been making, there is a depth of
vilencss in it that forbids one to yicW to
tLc sense of the ludicrous. It is in truth
beyond all measure sorrowful that thcro
( should cxlr-t a woman capable of so unscxing
herself, as to play such an ineffably baso
I part for tho mere greed of gold. It shames
human nature ; it outrago womanhood,
L j .- .: f
i , , ' ., , . ,,
"" r-.. .v,
infernal terms which tho murdered man
was wont to upply to her, and finds a
momentary relief in the idea of their literal
truthfulness. At the very last, every
understanding Is prompted to a better
appreciation xjf the character and capabih
t;fa 0f crcaturc. No one can doubt
... . WQman . coM uko
and carry it through to the very end with
such brazen hardihood and hypocrisy, was
i r .,
, capable of doing mu
- , -. , i . v v
I find it hard ta belie
murder. No one can now
rioliprn tint shfi is full from
, hag bccn tb(J game spirit tbat ha3
shaped and guided the scheme from first to
last. 'J here is no scpsible moral difference
boiwecn tho spurious paternity and tho
spurious marriage between thej foul, un
natural birth, and the foul, unnatural
murder. From beginning to end it is nil
Yes, tho cluso of this last
dcvelopement shoot back farther than tho
beginning of the present bloody business,
and tako strong hold of tho mysterfous
circumstances attending tho suddew death
of Mrs. Cunningham's first husband clues
carrying with them a significance which
will to many minds confirm what has here
to foro been vague suspicion into positive
assurance. It is hardly priobabje that new
legal proof, as to past crimes, will come
out .of what has last occurred ; but it is yat
a satisfaction to know that some measure
of punishment is now sure to overtaite me
wretch who has hitherto .ba.ffcd every effort
I of human justice. The proofs of a State
Prison oflunse are upon her that no art of
man or devil can esplain away or clud,o.
4 v . .TrT.,.
"V J Z", " " ... Xn7 W
1 h 6 ' .
- . them by a navigable
canal for merchant vessels of tho largest
v....ln 1J slile. nuprntirtn nn rfrnfc of
' Lcct3rre3 (35 000 acres) of
. from tba
U.,..,.i. mi.:. i i,:ni, ill l,n nnm.
mu uitt-kik - q
ccuemii. iuu iisu.ii, ,.y. i... m
I pletcd in tho courso of two years, crosses
I the island of Kud-Bevcland, between tho
i villages of Hanswert, on .the western branch
' 0f tho .Scheldt, and Wcrncrdiuge, on tho
j eastern.
I BS '''hero aro fiftysix manufacturers
I of tobacco in Richmond, Virginia, whoso
' united capital amount to four or fly
I millions ofdillare.