Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, September 05, 1857, Image 4

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In vIint dirootou do wo nood
1' itinera aro now gcnornlly'iGotl that
to mako their bu'sinosa proDtnblc tlicy must
ujo tbctr utmost endeavors to make not
only tlw foil produce to its utmost capacity,
ImtnliiFlo obtain from that produco tho
greatest possiblo value 1 They aro ullvo to
tho benefits t t bo derived from improved
implements of husbandry. Good ploughs
and cultivators nnd harrows, and drills, arc
recognized as Indl.-ponsablo for tho proper
preparation of tho soil, and putting in tho
teed. Tho mowing machine and harvester
nrn findinc thoir way to overv farm. Tho
increased attention paid to thorough drain-!
in;?, shows thiit farmers nro bdjiniug to
appreciate the importanco of protecting
their land as far as possiblo from tho con
tingency of tho season?. Thoy login to
seo that in order to inako tho capita already
invested in their land more productive, it
is necessary to put more capital with it.
Somo havo oven made tho important dis
covery that thoy can mako money by
improving (heir own land at home.
Great improvements havo been mado
during tho last ten years in oil kinds of
stock. Hut there has been a corresponding
improvement in feeding, or preparing them
for market. Wo fear not. It that respect,
wo aro no further advanced than wo wero
fifty years ago. In that, improvement has
stood still. We mow our grass and dry
it, and it is put into the born as hay, and
in that dry condition is fed out to our stock
during tho long cold winter. To tho hay
wo add stalks and straw, and unless to
this bo added somo grain tho condition of
tho animal is rarely as good iu tho spring
as tho prcceedlng autumn when it cmo to
tho yard half of the year it has stod still
in its growth or retrograded, and at tho
same wo havo been at tho most trouble and
expenses on its account. Here, then, is a
most importaut point to commence improve
ment, and it is to this more than any other
that attention should bo drawn, and progress
in ado.
Wo turn our animals out to graze in tho
spring and thoy will fatten upon tho her
bage, dried and fed to them in tho winter
will by no meani keep them in tho thrifty
condition, Tho reason is so nbvious that
its rather a matter of surprise that farmers
have so long neglected to avail themselves
of it's suggestion. Wo havo only to place
tho dried herbage in tho same condition ol
tho green, or as nearly as possiblo, to obtain
to tLo bost possiblo advantage all its uutri
live properties. This can bo douo in tho
most perfect manner only by cutting and
cooking. In this niodo by a littlo more
labor farmers oan nearly or quite double
their winter forage.
Fortunately wo are not without examples
on this subject. In England and Scotland
within tho last three years, the practice has
been, among somo f tho most successful
farmers, to cut and cook all tho feed for
their horses and cattle. In Holland the
practico has been coinulou for nearly a
century to cut and cook the fuod for their
eattlo, especially their cows. In neither
country, however, dues the necessity so
strongly exist as here. Their winters are
shorter and milder, and thoy can keop nnd
feed to a much greater advantage than our
farmers, roots and other succulent food.
Preserving Green Corn for
Winter use.
One of tho greatest luxuries of tho table,
both in summer and in winter, is tho
Sugar or Sweet Corn. To our taste, all
other varieties of corn to cat green aro
worthless compared witli it. Our method '
is to keep a constant supply by successive '
planting, from Juno to tho period of frosts.
Making the largctt planting about tho first '
of July, with au car'y variety for planting ,
for winter,, This matures usually in fc'cp-'
tcmbcr, which u tho best season for drying. '
Our method i3 this : When thcro is tho
promiso of a fair day, early in tho morning
tho corn is gathered, such only as is wel
tilled ; it is then husked and. put i to
boiling water and allowed to remain eight
or ten minutes. It is then taken out and
immediately cut (rom the cobs, with a
sharp knifo, and spread on a clean sheet !
upou a roof or ecaiTold, inclining to tho '
south. It should bo stirred onco or twice '
(Turing tho day, and by night it will becomo
dry as to bo past danger of injury. It
should bo covered during iho night to keep ,
off tho dew, and csposcd again for two or
thrco days to tho sun, when, if tho weather
is fair, it will usually bo perfectly dry and
may then be put into n keg and lieu Jed
tight, or hungup.- in-a firm linen bag for
use. I
Vi'a havo recently eaten corn of tho
common kind, preserved by a new nnd i
easier method, which teems to bo as tender, '
with ill tho sweetness nnd frcilmcss of,
flavor that it hud when first gathered, and
in y answer equally well iu preserving tho
swoct corn, which wo regard as tho only I
variety worth preserving, i
It is simply gathered nnd boiled in tho '
U'ual manner, fit for tho table; it is then'
ut frm tho cob and packed in a tiht'
ko or jar, (wood is said to bo tho bast) in j
altf-mato layers of salt suflioient toprowrvo
it. Pome, in tho plsco of nalt, npply a
strong l-rino. When wat.ti'd for uso it is
soaked in fair water, which munbo fharifred
U remove tho cxres of iolt, -md tk'-n
1 rt , aidnbut'' r .x .r?nn and a lit lo
10 VJlHllfrllMmi it
rlrcct HaUnti cssnrtlisn trfWcn A(i WI J .
rl laJrMI: SSorlul rjalrint and tttmit Itout tfnm
fs"r VtrKlt VkUadtlphla, mntihrg, miliar
IJaJtmou, Washington til, andtkt fuM.
nASSIINlinn TRAINS leave 1:111.1 itally (cJwpl!
JL 1
1 hit A. M. nnpulni Wllllnmsnnrt at It) 15
A HI. Connecting Willi ue.iu 4iB i,.iiiiiuiiuiiuiiu
Inn.uml rcnchlnit I'hllaillll.nln nt7 lit) P. M.
Itpiiirniiia. Icnvo I'lillailcliililit from earner nfllroul
mul Vlni.slrccts,al7 Si), A. it. reaching Willi nns'otl,
ml 15, I , M. and nrrlvlntr nt r.lmlrn nil', P. M,
Hired, via ILiuphinanil ttiisucltnnnu Hail Head, nn th-l
nrrlvalof-!JtawlsnTralii,iit 4 43r.M.rcnchlng Ili.r.
rlsbutirnts r M
Uciuminslcnvo Hnrrlluri!nl7 5 A.Mi.connri-linR
at I'orlUllmim Willi Ciill.iwlssnlraln bound west form
l..lli. ,..nai.llrprl I milt) lu 1 1 ft I 1 MiltlS . I'Mlbll Iff, H.ll'
llinnreaiiilllie Uniith.coiinccllnrr these pulnti wllh all
Norlhivcitcrn ivninylvonl.mnil Ur.lcrn Now VotK.
t'onnfclnsat nlinlliillli iralimon Now Vnrkand
Erie l(a!l lloiulinlra, Willi llin 4:iniiru, Uan.iiiilneau,
lloche'.er, r.iinamaniininsarn i iiim.
t'oriiocllniiilirpclly with ilio (Ircal Wc.tern Rallrna
ai Sunonr1i)ii IrliUo for Ilolroil, Clilcagn, St. Uuulu,
, tliusiiiakinfi tlioliortcl,aiul tlicapcatruutofruu
riilimifiiniiij lotlioie Dnlnts.
tVIII Icavo Wllllamrno't DAILY, at U 30 A.
I'rriulillinlnlnnniirrom Phllailolnlila ulthonlltan.
illlimciit.rroiii Rcnillni; Hall Koail FrcljlitUciot,i:oin.
uroMlroail ami ClieliyFtri'i'ln,
l Acs 1IINVII,1,U flDlultKuno
I'reigin 1'raln,
13 M.
o ai Ai
PascnporTraln ,
I'relsht Train, .
3 15 V'
llHtwpniil'hilflilrlnliliniulUnm-rt, St 4(1
i C.llawlnsa, 4 30
. i ' Tainatlla 2 fill
Mllloli 5 ID
Wiiliaunnori, S 00
rint.nilnilB'I'ftlp allow I'd to each oafs
seiiEfr siccicliarctilal Uui,plr'.claslicislilralM
IllallP ArratLgeintnU far Paistngtr 7'raltt,
January ls, 1857.
rTPfraliHi cinj Norih. Icavo rhilat!cliIiii
KJ A. .11. ana r. ni.
Down TriiliisKoingSoutli, leave I'ultsvllle&t l
A. 31
ice. mm 4 r. ai-
Untniitiipus Ueadingnt 10,--, A, .n.anaii.'.'Jr.l.M.
aowTralna fl,!3,A. M, l M.
The EtnrfjaTraln la diicontlnued until further nn
lico. Close contttclioni are mailt) by the 1U,'? A. M
ilia Train from PiirlUllntniito Llminianil oil inlermc
iliatcpotuU! nntl by Die (J,i!2 V.M UpTrnln from I'orl
niton ii L.iinir.iuananmitgiia, u'jii?:u, maara. ue
pot. Chlcnco. tit. Lnulf. iDavunnort. auJ lawn City:
Mnkine tht.t route Uieihurlcdtauil cliaapeit to the Lake
prices ana tanouu.
OnButittivs.tlM Down A. M. Tnln frim Pottsvillo.
anJUpP..M. Tralii from rhlladelpliijonly, run.
IUrri-bckq Conxectionj, by Dauphin Ualroail ntAu
bin n
A pptjclal ATimmoilatlon Passenger Train leaves
Uentl.ntlaiUy, (except Hmiilays )nt?MM.. retiirnhi;
front Auburn nttii P. M.. on arrlvj of .LIU P.
Train from tlarruburg,
rlilhdc(h1i.51.7ai)tll,4i; L'oitsvWIe 91.US anil Ot85;
Auburn, 0.75.
THROUGH l' IHrrlrlmrg. S255 Tamaqitn
1,32: Wi(ViamanOtt 21.10: Cfnuru 9J.3.r: Caminl.ii.i
U3-109 It, i Hi ( or NiagraaiD.OU; Uifaveand 310,
71 'iWed(i8I4,75: Cincinnati Q1G.U0 1 Chtcosa 3W.0O.
ALL Passenger wl procure tickets boforf encrinrj
theenrs: 10 cents extra on Tares paid In the cam
fitly lbs.. of ncrsenal HairiraEoaiowoil each Pa(aenoL'
all over that weight aBcharged Kxtra llnsaairo'
Januiry3r, 1837 tf. GcnWfinp't
4 NEW mid kinipilarlv successful remedy for the
curcof all liihous diseases Costitcness, indi
gestion, Jaundice, Dropiy, Hhcuniutism, Filers,
(iout, Humors, Nervousness, Irritability, Intlainma
tions, Headache, Tains in tho Breast, Side, Jiack,
and Limbs, Fimale Complaints, &c. .c. Indeed,
very few aro tho diseases in which a Purgative Medi
cine is not more ur les9 required, and much sick
ness and suffering might be prevented, if a harm
less hut effectual Cathartic were moro freely used.
No person can feci well whilo a costive habit of
body prevails ; besides, it soon generates serious And
often fatal diseases, which miglit have been n oided
Ihev :
produco the deep seated and formidable distempers
which load the hearses all over tho land. Hence a
reliable family physic Is of the first importance to
me puouc ncaiiu, nnu tnis i in nas iccn penceiea
with consummate tkill to meet that demand. An
extensive trial of its virtues by Phjkicians, Profes
sors, and Patients, has shown results surpassing
any thing hitherto known of any medicine. Cures
haic been effected beyond belief, wwe they not sub
stantiated by persons of such exalted position and
character as to forbid the suspicion of untruth.
Anion?; the many eminent gentlemen vho have
testified in favor of these Pills, we may mention :
Prof. J, SI. Locki:, Analytical Chemist, of Cin
cinnati, whose high professional character is en
dorsed by
John McLean, Judge of the Supremo Court of
tho United States.
T1109. Couwix, Secretary of the Treasury.
Hon. J. M. WiuauT, Governor of Indiaua.
N. LoNawonTii, great wine grower Of the West.
Also, I)n. J, II. Chilton, Practical Chemist, of
New York City, endorsed by
Hox. W. I Maucy, Secretary .of State.
Wm. Pj. Astuu, tho lithest man in America.
S. Leland & Co., Proprs of the Metropolitan
Hotel, and many others.
Did space pennit, we could give manv hundred
certificates, from all parts where the Pills have
been used, but evidence even moro com incing than
tho experience of eminent public men is found in
their effects upon trial.
These Pills, the result of long investigation and
study, aio otfcied to the public as tho best and
most complete nhtch tho present state of medical
science can alford. They are tompounded not of
tho drugs themselics, but of the medicinal lirtucs
only of 'Vegetable remedies, extracted by chemical
process in a stato of purity, and combined together
in such a manner as to insure the best results. This
system of compphition for medicines has been found
in the Cherry Pectoral and Pillt lwth, to produco a
moro efficient lemcly than had hitherto been ob
tained by any process. The reason is perfectly ob
vious. Whilo by tho old mode of toinpositiou, every
medicine U burdened with more or less of am
mnnjous irnd injurious qualities, by this each Indi
vidual virtuo only that Is desired for tho curative
effect is presen r- All the Inert and obnoxious qual
ities of each substance employed ore left behind, the
curathe virtues only being retained. Hence it is
self-evident tho effects should prove, ns they have
proved, more purely remedial, and the Pills a surtr,
more powerful antidote to disease than any other
medicine known to tho vvoilit
As it is ficquently expedient that my medicine
should be taken under the counsel of an uttending
Physician, and ns he could not properly judge of a
remedy without knowing Its composition, 1 have
supplied the accurate l'ornmlaj by uhiih both my
Pctoral and Piits are nindo to the whole body of
Practitioners in the United States nnd llritish Amer
ican Provinces. If, however, there should bo any
ono who has not received Ihenl, they will bo
promptly lorwaroeu by mail lo nis rc'ji'c.Fi
ui uu me i aieiu .leuiciuts mat nxu imcrcu, mm
few would bo taken if their (umpiitim was known i
'I heir life consists in thdr injttcry. I have no
'The (uropoKttion of my preparations is laid open
to all men, and all who rro timipelent to judge on
tho subject freely acknowledge their tonviitions of
their intrinsic merits. The flurry Pectoral was
pronounced by uLulitic men to bo a wonderful
medicine Ufurc its effects were known. Many em
inent PliysliluiH havo declared tlic tamo thing of
my Pill", and rvyi more confidently, and arc will
ing tn lerufrlbat their anticipations wero more
Hun replied' by tU-ir otfocte upon. trial.
'lhcy operate It their lwiwlul Influence on the
luteniul i itor'o purify tjfie blood and stimulato it
into heiiltliy ai'u.n icmovt the obstructions of
the stomach, boncls, liver, and other organs of the
body, restoring thuif Irregular action, to health, and
by correclhi';, wherever they eist, cuih derange
Incuts as aro the first origin of disease.
licing suitnr-wrapped, they are pleasant to take,
and lK'tog purely vegetable, no harm can raise from
their use iu any quantity.
For minuto airoctlons, see wrapper on the llox.
IMncUcnluiatlAimlytidil ClieinUl,
Pries 25 Cents per Box. Five Eoiea for SL
soil) iiy
H r LIT., oiul a'l rirujjlfti lu Ulciiratiar;
uu jiriirrs in incuiciuea evctywitere,
May Hi, i-s:
ltNO I MM'KKIILLf. r -
-lo at
83 LSI. & W8LS0WM.
Ojsler and Ealing Saloons.
j ,c cltlscns of Bloombm lllld the iilhyj
Hi: unilrratiiiiHIt rrsnrelfully 'inform
lie Iii itomrnt. ilial Ihy haveborijr.ilihfi
inmrfi ol Mr . IMI'u.nM. In Itic nbrvo
I'.tni.liilin.eut. mi Mnln Street, nitil l.nvc
mi itnkcrv. l.'onliilii'iititv. m il Uitti r IMallirh
rm-ut. where tlicy wlllat all llrur Iti-eji a full supptyrl
I'rnvlsluns Hirri't inents anil llitnMes, inch ns llfrnil
lies, Bm.'itPouloci.L'lii'cri', .Mnrkrol, &c..scrvcd uji
,n aooil onloritnd on motli'raie terras. ,
Their StockcutnnrirFs a lame rnprily el Atinonnt
Fiji, llaioni , Crimes, Ntns. Wnliiuts. Ifnlco Tnlncro
Cla.irs.ctc i wllhovarvlinatlnnblrurtlcli Inllteirllnc
,''"',;, 1. ,.,
trir- Pamllmsiiiiiinllpil nt nil lime vvltli llrrail.Cakcs.
Pres, Oysters, fce .ami all onlers proinil ly nilirl
Cash pnlil fur Country produeeanitttio nutlic ttstec
respectfully I iVTltcd.
I 0 E 0 II K A PI ,
always on hand, during tho summer season,
N II. A l.adlo'sHnloon dlicnniieetn'frrm tiieitbvi
eflalili'liuienl. has been prepared In sood orilrtf o
wlllalwaru bciitihclrcommnriel ,,,.-
Ulooimburii. fib. 1, lW.
(Ftnntrtf tl'itk Sf AVwcowert)
Arolrstrcct, obivo Third, Philadelphia,
H 01)113 Of MEALS
liasiKrAST, 5, 0 anil 7 o'clock to 10
Ditsen.Geiitlcnieirsoriliuary.l o'clock tola,
" f.ailies.C o'clock,
Tra, Ifln'clockto It.
UVAN nv5tN8,J U, S.NnWCOMKft,lP5S.-y.
A'o. 113 North Third Street.
Above Kace, Hast Side, Two doors abovo. the lligi I
IIds conilnnlly otl Ji;in4 t'rcnrli 11 runtjVt llollatnl
i-iii una 11 uriHTUi nnsonnicni 01 loruig inci, iubu
nil kind of American Hplritj, Ac,
Mjrrli 13 'HSG y
Sides Stover.
ttacc Street, above Third, Thiladephia
Pstkr HiDM.Iatoofthe firm Stevens, HoUiiigthcaOJcCo
- - i. u-uien,ui nig UIIIOU IIUC I,
August II, I&U
nioTouu iiowsi:,
Immediately opposite the Court Horn,)
TTAVlXfl hppn recently renovatrj anil reftiriiiicd
xain nsinpnoriviQ.inis eif';ini nolens now ri-otin
(uiinu is i gpirtvwu 1 1 y (U'lurBiUUs
a. a. miAuy,
A1U 1 111 Jl.VUMJS.
Ao. 32, North Third St. PhUadchiMa.
pUKOIIASEUS will And It lo llit-lr advanlngu to of
X amine myHtoek. which Is vcricxlciislvc.aiid nnr.
chased lot Cash; ami consists i nail the variety ofNevv
uirii. ui uuvueiii illy lint;.
N. 11. AllOrdcrs shall huve narllculuratul ntoinnl
Beileinliur l).l5if(.iy
Nbs. 2 J- 4 Ctesmtl, Strcit south side he-
low IVatsrJ n.ilatlclpliia.
fTlIK Oldest Wttoo ivark Ilouxft. Im Ttitt (itt 1
MAMUrAUTUKCU-S and WhuleialmicaUm in 1'al
nil M.iriilne-inadt) BnmiH. I'.ntnt Oroovetl Cedar,
ware, waranted not to shrink. Wood and VVillriw.unrn.
C'onN. ltrusiitji ttc of all dcterliun, Vie nee call
mid examine our stork,
January ai, iu,-k y,
To be Sold Very Chcajj.
Uloomstiurg.'Ariril 25, 1857 3m
HAS opened n Marble Vard in Court Alley, opposite
llieUxclUnae.Whsro lie la nrpttnrpil lii Until, tin.
best work from Italian or American Marble lor
Tomb-stones, Tables, Mautles, Window-sills and len
l'orllio character and finish ofblsvvnrk he refers to
suchasho has made is this county, lie will furnish
ui'signs foruork or execute any that limy be furnuh.
olio Win. lliswoik shall always be salisfuclory in
Itsstyleand reasonableln price.
J. S. & ii. U I'KUOT,
Produce ani General
No 3G North Wliorvn,
JohnP lyniuon.Uiq. riilladclphla.
Mcmti Hacker. Lv& U Co. .
tMtur, I'nce i Co-v
ltiuknor, MrCamtnon t Co,
" Char It 8 L'llis it Co.
H.Morri Wain & Co
' Unterbriilge, Arvov & Co.
" Charlc & Jo.teli I'errH, '
Tlioma a &c Maxwell, New York,
" 9.M-MeClungfcCo.,Bi. Louii, Mo,
.i,?:orrl8acSon Louisville, Ky
Cattawissa, Pa. k
alllBoldand wellknown Hotel,! utlietovvn t , ...
afCattanlssa.lsstill kept by ilio under. Mi1l
signed, and in suitcnfull license i. i- llti!!l
dctcruiined to make fits liouio one or ihn ,. 7.. r...,'
blcplaccsrortravelerstoslon at, llintcan h.rVn.nrf In
the interior of I'ennsylvania Ills tablewlllbu furnish.
eu uauy vvltli uie nest tho Markot can aiTord.
ujuyuiuirieuu. ana traveller .generally arolnvltod
' JUyl.l8J5.-y. JAL-oiiijyeu
States Union Hotel.
No. aOO Marketstreet. PhUtuMi.h4n
0'??Rinif V- "'NKLB, Pronrletor.roraiirlyoico.
JJ lurubia, I'a , would inform his rriellds and therTub
Ictliatlioconllnuesto keep the above named li,l
which I. well ami favorably knXi bronco u.t'hi
Stateasoncoftlieoldesland most convenient llotelin
he city, lie mostrcspccirullysolicltsoshorcnl pub
rpiliuntcn Audi 7. IMS
S00 KIIAUSEITH l-ATI'M-l- iimiinvi-i.
&r01tTAIILE C1UEII MILLS. We are Iin'w
.uianuiaeiuring these unrivalled Cider Mills.
irreullv illlOroved and .trfnirlliwnn.l
fear, onilcansupply orders al Wholesale and Retail.
MillsshlprcdtoonyportortbcUnlou. '"-'an.
V Uetuil Dealers In Agilculturallinntc
inentsnnd Machines.
7llianilMarkenireets, Philadelphia.
nArtPr.TINGS, Oilcloths, Window Bhades'lal(on
v Matting. Just received SU.UOO plere. new style
nufactureil and Imporlad ejpressly for CAItPlrr
LI.. Merciiants and llousakci-pers will please no.
,V, in ami '.'uNortti Htcond Blrcct.lst door below
nst's .hurch.
M.ircli'.'.l lri'.U. i, BinNP.Y J0NI18
Ksypiowu Coacb anil H'ngoii Factory
ami: uudersigneil having succeeded Jacob B. la
-in the Wu son and Coach inak Ine bii.l ne...ut hi.
stand, In ll.pyiuwu respectlully Inlorm tluir frlonc
ui.uiuv I" iiuc, wiuiiney enn 11 nu I wl 1 1 too
Wazoii Mukina JJ mines!.
Innll.ils depaitmeots, vv fie re they will he happy tiru
reive orders andproiuptlyeiceuieallbusiuctsliitlicl
line, wiin neatuessauuuespatcii.
0- Wheel barrows made to order, and ullklnds al
repuiringuoiie o its nor I none v.
.i.vvisB cc iiAuiinnui;ii
Ilspylovvn, June7,'ie5U. y
JOHN 0. YE A (5 Kit"
Fas Ii i ou a b lo Hat ii 0 a j S t o r c
T Merchants nnd visitors rrom urtherurenusy
vania.nreraspcctfullyiiivltedla give him acall, when
visiting Philadelphia.
Juno '.'ri.ltili.-y.
C. C HAULER ij- CO.,
NO. 0, North Wate, Street Phijadcl-
, j..-rd , Shoulders. oueesu Uiui; Uu Itel, 1'urks,
( Flour Jtc ' '
Apim 1 33-ly
uiciil,Y coNcnTitAinn comi-ound pluii)
Ftr Mittiit o tin DIMr Kiiittt; (Irmtl, Dnpig,
Wnlttist. OMrualau. trl W, Vmalt
Vomffatittt. mnJ til Vln'lf ' '
. " : ,Seslt)rflls,
Ailslnj from llsecitcs anil liupriiilf nclct In lire, ami
removing an lixpropir DUcln'Ses rrom tlm UUildir,
Kldaeys.eKSciunl Ortan. vvh-lln r rxlstlnf In
' sif irn l'l'.MAI.ll.
from Hhntcvcr.cimio llwy nmir Iwvs orllnitnl, anil
no lu.iltrr of now Jons iMiinn. ilvlnr lienllli anil
vljiir to llm frame, rlml lilociii lo llin pallid cheek.
Itciiri'sNeivousaiul! jemores .
all lite symptoms aniun; which will be found Imlitno. ' .
sltlOn to i:wmon, bomof I'aweit mm of Memoir,
i.m,.i iiiruiiiinii, ..-..w.
Wjcvsc, WenkiNcnrts, Trcmliling.rircadfiil Horror ol
llo.-ilti. rNirrhl Kwrnli
o.iii rcei, vvasoiu "iin-
nrsi of VI 'ion, Laiicnot, tTnlvercil Lmlliudu of Ilio
Muscular Htrm OiUn U nut in qui Api tile, w th
)ynp'(uc ty in pi om. iioi iinntis r nulling 01 ute uouy,
l)r nt'funftlm Skin. 1'altM CtmMcaincrand Eritpiintii
on lift t'jee, rain fit Hie Hack, UfavlneM of the tiyu
ll.t. rru'iui-nily llliick HKU llyliifilirforo the Eye,
with Temporary fiilrimion ndl.o utBlvhtt unnt of
Attention, Crcat MoblHiy, Rnilepincis, with Horror
nrHoclcly Notlilnjr Is moro dvilratilo to inch 1'KiiuntR
than sohttid(,nml not nine thry moro drrnd Tor fear of
tticiufclvus no ifms of uiatincr, no earncM rieaf , iio
ftpcculativii, but a Hurt led transition from ono qucs
lion lomintiif r.
Thoie Bymptomf.if allocdto 8 un-wbich thi
f-dietno ininrinM reinnvc.-KooS Iftllow. Le of
rmdictno ImarlaMy reinovci noon ffbllowi Lofb
- .s...i. :1 L-i. t. ' r - ..i.i.
tin nnti..,i ttiftvistilre. Who can sav there oi
ml KpitPht
CMses !aru noi:freMpt'y follow rd by ihoe'e direful from Urans ic Watson's 8afe. ,
discne-In-.aity und.Corimmptlon ( Tho records of We behcTethe above to have been a fair and im
the Insane:Aiyluini. nnd Hie m-lanrhoty deaths by parttaltrlal oftlie rospoctlvequa Itles of both iSalcs.
Conmimption. (war ample wltnesn to tho truth of thews . JACOI1 II.
AMrrttons. In Lunatic Atyhttufl thmost nielanrholy UANItl B. HUiVrLK.
exhibition appear. Th countenance Is acluilly od ' Having been absent during the burning, we fully
den and iitlie deUtuto nrittcr mirth or oriefs ever
visits It. Should a sound of tho voice occur, U Is
rnrcly artlrtlaie.
M With woeful measures wan despair
Low sullen found his prtcf beguiled."
Drbllltyismoitterri'ilel and hai brought thousands
ii iinn ihousaiila in unilmely craves, thus blasting the
ambition nf many iioblo uuihs, It can be cuicd by I
I ho use if tin . 1
If you nro gutt-fin with any ol I lie above d 1st rcMlnj
nllmeuu. the Fmid i.xtrnct lluchu will cure you. Try
llitnd do cotnlitro'1 ol llttf-flicacy. .
Hew are ol (iinvk Noitrums amllduack Doctors, wlio
fa I el y boast of nsilltiesavd rtlerr ncca ;Citizcns know
and Jiivold thftn nnd save Inuj mitliiriii(t money, ami
bottle of (hid i
eppur. vy uriMiiiiK or caning ior
nonuhir and n iter! lie remedy.
It nllavs all njln and inflammation. In norfrrtlv
pleainntln its laato nnd odor, but iiuniediatc in its
Is.'p re pared directly nccordhis, to the rules of
Phsrmacf and Chtmitttf,
With the greatest accuracy andj ehcmirnl knowledge
and care devoted in its combination. See rrofenvor
Dewcey' Valuable Work on Ihe practice of physic, and
mo tt oT I Iio lite ft.itidird Wmkn of Medicine.
One hundred dollars will be paid to any physician
who can prove tint the Medicine ever J injured n I'.i
lient;; and the testimony of thoutandr.can do produced
to prove that It d-tes great pood. Cases of fiom one
week tolhirteeu yenta standing hae been effected
'Iho mass of volunM.y testimony In possession of the
proprietor, vouclilnjlu virtnos unit inritivo powers,
is immense, embracing namciwu'i known lo.Hcicnco
nnd Fa ui r,
lUO.WKl bottles have born sold and not a smglojn
elnnca of u failure has ben, reported I
1'crsonally appeared liifore AMermnn of tho
rlly of Hnladelphla. It. T. IUluold, CheiniH, who
being duly sworn does p.iy, that his preparation con
tains no Narcotic, Mercury or Injurious Uiujj, Iml urc
.purely vegetable.
II. T. IIIM.MUOLD, Solo Manuldcturor.
Bworn and subscribed More me tliin 2:!J day of No
vember It31. WM.T. IIIUUARU. Alderman.
Price 51 ptr tottle, or sir for $1 , dttteertd to any ad'
Jresi,.accoinpanii'd by THIabl and responsible cvrtlfl
cates from I'rofvssors of .Medical Co lieges, Clergymen,
unn norm.
lrcp:iredandFotdkby II T. UUMIirOLD,
I'nittlcirnnd Knalytiral Chemist.
No 52 BsjiitliTHNTII Bt., below Chestnut, Assembly
IJuilditiffi, rhilndeiptin.
vTr To be had of J. tt MOVER. Uloomtburi?. and pf all
Dtvfffltte and Deatert throughout the. United itatts,
Canada and llrttiih Vrovlatees
ASK ro't MI'.liMllOLU'ri TAKC SO oniUlt.
Juno 13, 1157,
A re now prcparcdjto eilubit their New Ptylca
Ilia lack and colomtSilk Mantillas, Cliantly Lace Man
Mactillas, Prencli I.nce Manlil.n4. Uuilirniilired f il k
M.intillns, llnglei tare and Net .Mantillas, Mourning
.Mantillas, tljsiues, Talmas, &e , ice.
All ol which win tie oncreii mini, i.nwrst rrices.
174 Cbointit Street, above'in, rhila dthia .
March-ill, I8S7.
uiroiaxii and in
Salt, J Salt,
Aitliton's fine Liverpool c round Tufk'i Inland nnd
Dairy Halt, ronstiiuilj on hann und tir nu1e, lu lutr, lo
suit the trade.
April i, 1657-fiin
Pennsylvania Hotel.
TUIBwcllknown Hotel. lately ke LySAM- J&irjL
eylII ItERD.on Main Street, In invillc (Va ffn
Iiuu been lake n by mo auuscriiier. wn is prcjiiji
imred lo accommodate truv si leran ml 8 aucrd
n me uubi minncr 1 ' 'uie uuu 1 iu inuruuMuiy
Iverhauled.uud u now rellUcd up nnd lurniihedfor
ohe c uteri ui n uicnt of liueiia.
HiidUbiiu(r Ii l.irgo nud coinmodloui, with Mnrtcs
and vehtclenfoMure.and lie will tuare no nainstu
rctiiier L'enerai uuiuiaciion
trS-A hderalihareofllie nubile potronace ii rcipect
DanvilleDec. SO, 1B55.
Willow Grove, South Dloomslmrg.
TIIC umlersi:ned, respectfully Informs his Irion. Is
itml ilia nubile ffcner&llv. Iliat he has tnkcu the
stand lately occupied bySlr.ltcbeil llri.lsl.ln Willuvv
Grove, tioutli Ulunuii-burir, below the Uallroud, vvlicto
hu win continue ine
Wagon-making Business,
In all its vario isdeparlnients, in good
e v c ana i.nnioiicraie lerius.
Also Uenairih'r Woaotis. lluecles, Uairiaecs. fiul- , done to rrder and on slioit time.
ttjr l'roducc taken for work.
ciiAitLua liituwcu.
Illooinsburif April SS, IS57 3ui
Lithe Eagle Huil'lings, Above Race St.)
TIlll lludtfrsigncd begs leave to inform his friends und
the public, that Im has openedauteiiss
In tho Dagle Ilulldinga, No, 133, N.,'3I Hi., asnbovo,
where Iw will be liappy to supply Merctmits, Hotel.
keejH-rsi and custouiers generally, Willi the 'choicest
brands keptiii I'hiiudllplia,
lUteef UamUle.)
March 7lh,lH7.y.
Clock ami Watchmaker.
South Side of Muin Street above the Rail
TMFF1CULT repairing in watches a ml Jew
1J clry (llassesror liuntisiir watches and
spectacles, tc.
llloomsburg, Aug, 30, 16S0.
TV 0.1 MACKllRBL for 3131 per barrel, and others
j. v in proportion. Also, a iresn supply oi eugnr
olasses, Itke, &e. Also, a new supply of Wull I'a'
r, ui uiiijraut stylos , which win nu sulil low.
II, V. ii I. W. IIART.MAN.
May'J IM7.
Noa. 0, 11, 11! and 15 CourtluQtl strcot,
ii. u.wiNciinaTiui.
, UI1NJ, r.WINCIILbTilll,
My ni, ifju .in,.
Dr. rraacis C. Harrison,
WOUI.ll resiccttMlyiuformtticitlzcisoflllooius
bursunil vicinity, that haliuicoiuut'nredtliepracl
tlrof MiijjitiNuuudHuuut.ny.uiid solicits a sharo ol
publicpatrouatfe. I
liuft.iualw.iya'io fouii.lttl.eUtcliauge Ilolelopposftu 1
Court llouso.
Ulvoiusbiire, I'll -3, 1P23, j
Sir'. J. V. ituticr, '
II o m jc o p a t Ii 1 c 1' li y s I c 1 a n,
pr.SrEC'lTUM.YtonilorBlili rrofessiutiol Screes
litiithecitisoiisiiruiouiiikbiircand vicinity, generally
Ky OHicoun tho comer of Main and Iruu rJtti,cts
llluuiusburg, AdJumiiijJJr Kloci'iJtore
r3ept, iiv, IKS,
rlltl I,Altal'.3T ABDORT
mcnt In the United States,
Warranted lo be eaual to any
now ni.iiJo.nnd wlllbc sold on
as gooillurins,aicnnlie olitaineil
from any ether house In the
;cuun,!!'.".,,,u .. ,t.ATS.,M'a.
?C3 211 S''"11 '',lila,l(!l'"h'
Utparl vftht Cemmitttt,npptttdt ivpirtnttnd the Hum
tug "' t" "J"' al K'",i'S Wtfusrn lllL
T0 UBIer,nel4 melnlisn of Ilio toinnilttee, do
- .njMHiUvrcpoll, Ibat wn sow the two sales, olhjl.
, r,gtrC1j ,,ionly faricls llfrtlnjsiisl Bt.iii
watson, niacin sum ursine in niumuo, yi, iho
M.r6i.. , ;c (, ti,e pay master of ihe Philadelphia and
jp0ltll,e RnHroail Uimiony.ln hlsolllcont IlcadliiK,
maniifiirinreil liyFarrclsst llorrmg tvnatiio Bain in
IISC by 11 Al,anix,in Ills FIUIU iiiiiiuiiu,uri:u r
llvnnsAi Wution. and put In books and iipcri (e
duply nliho.
Thcflro waittnrtcdal 8 o'clorkt A M.tnnil kept
up until fourcordt of green hickory, tworords dry
oak and half chuslmil ton wood were entirely ton
n tuned, the wlioto under the itiperMittndenni of tfm
gnlifcr ILert mrmbcm oMho Coiniultter Tho S.urg
wtrn then coolrd oif with wnter, af rr which they
wero orcnil and the bonks nnd papers taken out by
the uonuniuee anu aeni io u,i. unm tur ur
The li oOKi nnd piip r n taken froiii the Safe , niifftc
Itirml ti Fn f f n Ht I let ffl ttfrN urnrfl .in OUf tUHZmcni,
damaged fully flflen percent .morcthan Uioic taken
rolncldn wllh Ihn thnf a Li It'inen t nftlm condition
of the papers and bookstk n out or tho respective
(I, A. NICOI.L9,
II. II. vKJIII.DtflU'.lia.
March 53, iaJ7.
A Substitute for Linseed Oil.
tPATi'VT Aiir.t nit mni
ryV. um'ersi.rned.ofler to the piildieMhelrOWini tl
- s on nuciPriimiii"Uiuiy toi imib-' -
' ii.lnn.,. r... - ii . . j- .. . . i t fill ur oti t
ii"""" mi mi suns oi rainis, arouiiu in ---v.-.
When ttiiiuicd with the Olem.. th" Taint wW cover
belter, dry quicker nnd will be more durable, and when
varulslied, tho pHim y, have nnd rttiln tin- most
glossy jtppearaiico; an.ltihe clastlciiyof ilia thinner,
will eimlilo the paint tolyicld to the varninh i land the
crackimr nnd peeling otr, so common in ordinary vaf
nlshcd oil paints s entirclv avoided. ,
For pi In ting j'i0 Urrs itsciunl cannot be found.
The Oleum can be used by Uieir, or In common with
I,lne"ed Oil, Varnish, Japan or Turpcnlltw at the op
tion of llir-fPnlnter.
Its cost is about nnehalf ofthat of Unseed Oil,
thus considerably reducing the eipnse orpalntint;.
We faithfully recommend Itforull purposes itidlca.
U'd and warrant It to give satisfaction. A libi-ra) dis
count to the trade,
DIHUUIIONa. Thin ihe paint with the'Oleum M.
qiior nud work it wel 1, until It Hows frculy Ironi tho
The brilth niuxt barren from .nll'mnUtnra and ia
rlably ought to bo noakcd wellwili Hie Oleuni M pior,
previous to painting.
Instead ol placing thobrnshim In water over night,
nn painters generally dh, Ihev oilpht lobe put in the
uii'um Minor, which will greatly lacllitate thf work,
Thi paint mixed with tho Oleum Liquor will work
heller If it ho allowed to stand from 1? to ',M hours pro
viouj to, its b.lng ;used, und then thinned to sited a
consistency as to work Ireo UHd oisy under tho hrmh.
' y ilio iiu of Japan, the piint will bo rendered still
firmer. Mix ihe J.ipnn firot willi tho paint nnd then
thin it wnh the (JUum Liquor iu ihe manner men
tioiiud nbovc.
j- JUU pounds of raintthimud withttic Oleum Li
qunr, will rover a larger nurfacu than 15 poin Ii thin
ned wall oil.
The Olonm Liquor l noitlp be mcd with Vonitiau
Red, nor wUli 1'aint coutilnili-; any pioportim) of it,
Anifric.iir,raint und Cokr Wotks.
Corner '.Mth and Crien ?Is.,riiilad( Iphia
DHice N. K corncj Third and Wood sts , I' lilalcl
phia. r.i.
t!5" We also mauufiiciiro uhrnnin Vellnw.Cli me
Ctn'ii, L'liiiit-rto and rriiian IllUfj, Veruiiliuii ml
riiiirln Iti-ii in various chides und iiiahties.ritlm . rv
ur i it oil. mid warrant ilf-mtulxi upial to any other
in iko, eiihpr hero or abroad ,
jant! o. ioj.
T7"i tho undersigned Houso Painters,
7 T herthy certify that we have given tho nowly
inv'tiM-il Olviiin Liquor, iituiufactured hy Itrein ,
Citiuiiii & llreinit i1 I'liil.idclpiiia, uu imjiiirt ,
tit il. and hive found It no enVi'im stiliMituio for L
need Oil. far supcrit-r t- it m every rexped, ul r. I
of only uhoiit h itf u ni'icli. th u cuiMlile-riilHv reiliicint;
theli'xpenao of painiim;. Wo would tliereCirtJ recom
mend ilu' ntitilic to in tuo.und ufc-r it iirn
hfn tnud UH aupurionty over I.inai od Oil will !.. ti.
ludieu vt vy uu.
CIIATtl.r.H (iUIIlIt,
WHJ 1AM woi.i.t:.
Juno 13,.lr7.
T IIKltKitV ccrUfy that I hive had
1 IIijiik'! r.iinlnig pro.fiui.-d l,itly with th-j almve
nam ill Oleum Li'pior, ainl cjiirur in at) rtvLTlH wiih
tlie ret iMMtiit-ixiii ton oi ini nuuvtt ii miC'l C'lillenn'ii,
nn.t will lie 'fid. Out in fuluru 1 will hive no paint
Ine oti inltutiA pi'ifonneil uiihoul Ihu (id.uiviurii
th nhovu named v;il ualil-i hiinr Thono who nny
iIoitii m viww us riivriHt fviii can in my ri'sM'M'nce,
win to Ihi-y can cmuvIiicu thf .nsi-lOi of all Hi "t i to
jirtitcnfd It'1' OU-uml.l'i'ior in reird to he t it y nnd
June 12,
sruiNG & s ii ill iii i: it oo is
TIIK tinilcrsiKDcd lair! pleasure of in
9 frtrmina tlm citizens ul Centre nndvtcl nltv. tlie
he Iiiib Ju.t received a large and select assorlnina
Com prising! he Ii navies I stock and most vnriedassort
ineiit ortasliioiiable, useful nnd
ilise tnuinuvebrenotii'reii toincpubiir orevery kin
nnilquality,vvhiclithey willscllforrcaJy'payi vtr
reasonable prices.
rxCounfryproducrtaVcnineielianpe for Goods
Including Grain and Lurf bcr und the publlccustoni
I'owlersvlllc. March lie" HOT.
17011 Manufacturing and burning purposes, fur sale
J. 1). A. Ii H. AI.IXN,
Nus. 7anda South Wharves,
ritiladr Iphia
June C, 1837.
SUEUd, for i-alo by
N'os.UI nndUJ South iutli il., riiiladclphiai
March S3. lt57.
Importers aud Wholesale Dealora in
Ko. 107 Arch Sl. abovo Fourth,
1 II I L A 0 E L 1 II I A .
i I'.OLtriUNr, J. Woouiios,
January, jj, t? yt
nUKEIt & I.AlItl). I'ronrlelors.
Chosnut St., between Tltinl and Fourtti,
Buitrmbcrin, WO,
'Jl, South Front Street,
3cjit 6,13511 y
i iiiliiul,l.i ui.t ,
?Jfiirii jaffc??3a!
piinsabscilberls now pfeparcit, with new Mathlne
1 ry , to bullil stnilouaiy olivines, fiom 3to ion horse i
tower, upon Iho lateitlmprotidplans.aiiei will uuiiino
infer douliloandslUKlc portable enjlncs from 10 to 0
iorsepovvcr,IllB3cJupoticarrlai!cf.vvlih Holler einr-l
thf fcHimpi nllcoinpWisand reaiy for sslion. Also.
-cyliueler tlueond tubiilnrbolleis. cast i ron cun! breaks
irinatetitdd in lH3Q.rnr thrcihlnd efnih'nhdtracklnr
torn mm mm iuhuu un'n largaHFiiis iut
LrcakliiR coal Ilcnvy ntlnliis pump nnd
r)7Pf,t coini.lctcwlth.roiil.ld acthm fufJln
rororecklin ui
nil fire rnclnrl
Jtirir pumps, ni
klntU of iiiillecarinianil limiiehatlltiffjimde to order
Linenlmniiig with nnydevirid ilriii ol pulley a flnlphe
wllh franfeM Iron pfunhitf dohc,ay 'J IJff et In up ; n
klmUof Iron lumirg heavy prrm nnd other icrew
turned with any rtnlrrd pitch oflhrcnd.
The licit KmiRti Iron tlireiMnft MafhlttfKt that cror
crime lieTortt-tlio public, cast Iror nitd wc-oileninactilnei
m.ido to order, icvcr power, tt.nln or tread power
mide taerdcr AlsolakegorderRfortlicfoltowlnprnn
chlnrry.- Mnrrlioirg triif-iiann t urnln mill, 9lDu0or
fared try thi 1'alcnteo foritciuai. If will rrlnd In ond
Ann men I as tmihrlf ni.oriu hpur. Alio holti and o leva
tornalMn f,lT,nlPoUi Wit PafntUloucr.inaniiractur
cilby Oil) iiiiffi (; niom poworful lilowcr
now in uiowiththeleait'iiimunt ofpower, otto of which (
willuoputin ueal tho fbundry for ethlbltlon. Arlot
Ihnnbove works w II Iho warranted to ! what they at H
oiu lor. . -
Alio Tatcn orden for Fcntt's ratent Ulneksmtth
Striker andrlffhu to nm them Itithocountics nf Coliim
hla, Moitonr,NnrlimhfjrIand,Lycomiitff,Pulliran.and
Clinton, one of which eah bo fecen til my shop
T.TUV'lta li ma tta
IlooiuptiiuCnlunibiii rt ,
Dr. J. S. Houghton's
T"ft.1.,r.r &CaV,.el)RUOniON:S.
Jnico. rrcpnred I rem
ncniict, or the fomlh
Bloinach of tliuUl, utter
dlrcrtionsof ll.iroit Lie.
Iil8, thogrcat riiysioloff
leal Chemist, hy 3. H.
Toualiton.M. I) , I'hilo.
do I pill a I'a.
TliiFisNature'sownnemcdyfor an unhealthy Kto
uiuru, uu.,,., man tun .)" """' '.I'""
llcontaliisnoAlchohol,liltiersAciii,iirNaiiaoii8l";v, """"V.'.. r.,Vi ",'V;;,.,,,.,,r .V.,,j th..
Tings. It Isoxtrcmclyflgrcenbtetnthttaste.aml may
etaKenby tlic most rerme paticnvs vvno ennnnt cnt a
vvntercrackerwlthoutacuie distress tlewnreofllrnggcil
Imitations. I'epsln is not a llrug
Cai I on the Agent, and get n Descriptive Cireuln
aratis.glvlng a large nmonnt of Selcntirif I.viilence
ingestion; ur rereira on row. mhu -"
Tfaper, of New York University: I'rof. Ilungllson's
I'yslologyi rrof. Silllinan.of VolcCollcdg ejDr Unrpen
tci'sl'tmlology! tec. together with rcpoetsnf Cures
fromnll paltsofthe United taei
Holdhy II. T. Lut and J. U.Mnyer.lllniirnsbnrg
P-II. Ilovvinnii llerwlck. Octn. 1835 ly.
uiiuAi- WATCiira and
Jewelry Storci
WIIOl.UtJALi; AND lli:TAII.aUle"lMilln.y.
.i..i,.m.i Watch and Jewelry Btore," no. tiotsf.1
Norlh-Jdstreet corner of tlunry, I'hllailelpliln.
f lol.l Lever Wulclios.lulljcwelod.ld carol .
Oold Leplne, 18 carat .....
lillverLever, full Jewelled.,
riiver Leplne. Jewels, ...
Superior Uucrticrs,
flnldtipcciaclss, ... .
rino Silver do,
fluid Uracclcls
Ladle's Gold Vcnclls, ,-
SiverTea Spoons, sol,
i-ia uu
ii on
19 (10
U 00
7 00
7 00
1 SO
3 00
3 00
Muiu reus Willi punciianu .1 iver iiinin-r
1 OU
GuU fiiiirnr rlmta CRtlli lo SUM 1 Watch ctnunen
plain 19) centi, patent 1(4 , Luncl othr nrticleln
prjportion. AU uodi wnrrantedio he whnl l hry nr
fcj- On hnndaomeflold nnd Hilver Levcru k. Irph)
wer thun thenbovc prices. Oetl 1(?50
Dloomshurg Tiuwaro and Stove Siors
rpllCiind',rigned respectfully In form b his old friend
.L nnd eintomcM, that he has purrhaaed hm brother
i nlen't lut he abovo t Btabliihmciit.anil lliToiirorti u II
hcrciiltcr ho conducted ny himself exclusively, lie has
Just lecclved nnd offers for salo, the, lurcenl atid
mitioatciteiinlvo assortment of FANCV STOVES
rnover Intrtftuced liitothls innrket.
x?t llitj stock consists of a couiplt'tonsgorluient o
bthtisl fjurtkiuirntiu parlor moves in ine murKei,io
th'jer with Stove Flxluresnf every disrriptlnn,Ovrn
and UoxBloves, Hadiators. Cylinder Slovii, Cast I mil
Air-Tig" StoviM, Cannon Htovi-5. fcc., A-c.
Bin veil it no and Tiuwiiroitountunilyon hnndnnd man.
ufacturcd to order. All kinds of repairing done, us
usual, ou Mnort nottrt.
The n itr.mnaenf old friends and now cuslutncrs rc
ttpuotfully milirilrd.
d, Uti 1 Ul I. IV i .
nt mil nn; , Jan. 3, leM. tf
CIIUAI' WATCIIa-Jll Will. IIY stohi:,
Nu. 72, North Sucoud Slrccl,
lliildlji!VurV,itcliisfullJi:ivelleil Iflt, Crisis t'.'HU
riilvur du ilu I'JUU
do I.cplnc do Dim
luarlk-rs S out o 7 00
1 I-I Hni cl u r 1 1 a . tautolouu
tlilvi r do - I 3(1
silvcrr.ibliBpouris penell, H DIM o I mm
no iii-st-ii nu iio v tun it i i oi;
do Tea do tin 4 7Stn 7 511
(loldl'cnsandGoldCnsn,, ,1 USln 5 110
do Hilver do I on
Togeiherwith a variety nf fine Gnlit JKwnlry.Gol
Oil r. ! u nrd a ml Pith Chains . All goods vvnr ranti-t'l nb
as prrsenti'tl. W.itclms anil S enelry rcpairi'iii n t Ii
N 11. AllaitlerF.cnlriyyuialloriithi'rwIse.ivIlllie
ptinctunily-viteiliieii in .
R. R. Omnibus ' Line.
rlPIIK uudersicnctl rcapootfullv inforniH
J Ills friends nnd the public thnt he h.i t.iVrn the
Kicttangc tioieitin isinoinsi.urp.lornted oil Main Pireei,
diriclly oi)osite ihe Court House, which has I n
throuehlv repaired and Improved, whfti! ho i ore.
Inrfd to nccoiniimilntf hlsciutuuiers with good rare
a im u rue i nt a.iiiKi anion .
He nlsu liaa in coiiueclion wllli thcUxchange llo
tc, uu excellent
runningrugularly.severaltiiues per day .to anil from
,nu .--i'-j. uu ihu urn vui ui nu- i.iir.. uy w nirn i.issiij(.
era will be pleasutilly convoyed to tho Ilepoltfl alion, m
IOM.-U iiuiii nnu rciurni-a in iiicir r csiiionrrs, ii ne.irru,
nf llnvvill always be happy to entertain nnilaicuni
Miuuaie ins menus 10 the illluosi ol tit. uuinil".-
riiTiiit i)ti,i,Mi:vi;n,
ulooinsbiirg,Aprll,5,lij3(l y.
MIL umlorsifriied
takr pleasure 1 n an.
uounclnctut heir friend sand
thepublicat large, I halt hey
IIHTUI'iBi.'tiitii aiiu putl n
steam anisi1
WherttUcy areiuaklni; t he very If atfol Flour I nthc
t.oriciltl in e audi ntctid selling nl the lowest prices
The rear e four run of llurs I n this Mill, propefedby
jteani'powcr all perform inyi o perfection, an dgr Hiding
nhoiittlilrtvliughelsofcruln nerliour. The lour made
, here lias been exam hied by the best of j udges. nnu1 pro
noiiuccu aiupcmiraiuciu. v ei nvue ou ri r lenukiuc ui
n ndexniiiinpfor llieiuxelves.
ICfOrdersfor Hour, chop, feed, tftcstlianklullyrctclvcd
ami ni.'cdoniucinosiresiiiouauieconoiijons
N.U. Cash paid far Ora in
Spring and Summer
M'KcIvy, Kent & CO.,
HAVING just received and opened their slock o
merctiandixe for 6p ring sales, which comprises the
LAIU.U.ST.CllfcU'UHT. und II AMlSOM CBT nsgnrt.
incut now olfered in Ibis TOWN I Having paldprcat
, ultention to thf it'lertion of ihi'lr entire slock, as to
priceand 'piality, they Hatter themse.ves hul they
ran coiuie;e with the cleapttt, and all Ihosc uishini
to buy cheap, can save' money bv giving usncml, We
have nil kinds ol floods and Wines lo supply the
cu(uu 4 vary latue mi oi
FrencliMcrrnocs.Wooll'laldi, Alpacas, liombazlncs,
, do baiio ron I in, i, raraiuttta cloths. Mohair I.uslres,
Mulin Ue haiitcs, t'ersiuncoths(iliiKltautt,Oalicoes,
I WIIITU (;OOim OF AI.I. KINOH.Pievrs. Collars.
llaiidkerrblels, floiiuciugs, bauds nnd Uhniuiiigs,
acesundedgings, bonnet ribbons, in largo variely,
nlvet ribbons. und braids, kid. colluii. and lisle thread
uloves, Mo h:ii i mitts, he.
I Wo inviteour friends nnd the public gencrnlly to
Hive us a ru 1 1 tie rore purchasing oihfwncre. wrhave
houghiour ir doiIs at huwrstCash I'rlees.und u ill not
bo uu vrsold by the rest uf munkjnd.
Illuiiu, tiirf,,MarcliSI. .1MT. I
1WL12KS, WULLS i: CO.,
riiiii'.NOi.otiic.Ta and I'll iiMam mta,
Jill Arch Struot. IjoIow Svoiilli: PliilnM.
tA'ftSili''""111 al I wo rk.;ou I'lireniilugv.l'hyslaloiry
KvAlli. IValerUuri) Alsiui-iisni, ami I'linuncrapliy,
J yJuue.alf anilrelull ul.Si-w V'Ull I'lices.
i rroressluual ui.tuiln-itinus, with charts, nnil
f-j lull written ilc.criulltiH ul characlti, day and
IcviMiluj. Cabiuetfiei;
aiUV IU. Iri35v
K A, M, KUl'HUT.
Jinyvare and rllicit-lruu Manuraiuri r-Bter in Ulan
Bile t biluw Ituticrrs Blcrc '
or nil iilti'aSOf the crrai, flrit cnune
Hprlnga Horn noslect or Naturu'a laws.
ulll.'l.'lMI Vll'l'
I, v
WIICN Auuuii lauuaimniiiLu in Aur. HTAOL'a
(.. j,'nniyP IlTBri' ,(Vq
HUltlhl .UiaUAbl-.S,
,y.jle, JWu lHhm)v, tltMurn. aiati,
Dinhtei, Dhtaiti tf li Kldniyt anil Dlnililtr,
rial IthiMinatum, bcrnfiita. rlxs ta fit JJonti end
, , Mitaiti'f l.mgt, nfUi.Xnt tvtr,'
Vlurmptn lZ!ilr Unlit, Cumin llripi), tpl
Irptlt Fill, It run's )snrs, onrf all iUtam atlmg
item a dtTenstntHt tf the ttjUkt Orgem,
Htirti m Ncrvnu Trcmlilins; Iom uf Ml mcry, Imi
of ri.wer,Oeiii't(ttVeiikni.t-,Dlmnta 9f Viiimi iu
ptClMiartlioltfHupearii'BOiiiiTi: inu i.on oi Bl
Wnkttultifbi. Uyine.ia, I-lvcr l)lmm, llrut.ti
up nn tnu fl tut I'u I it in tho back nnd litad, ft. in a ft if,
regularities nnd all .Improper d.rmri fmni loili
fieicv, It matlera nut from what cause Ilio diseapu
orlgmitt'l. however lon ttanilliid or obitinnte' tliu
fa'pe, ruortrf it ttrtein, and iu n horlfr time tliait u
ortnanciit cure cnnl3iltctrd bynny i'thfMrtfttnieiit,
i-ven lifter ihu dli'.nic ha toiHcd tbe ikill ol riuiut-nt
phyKiciann and replited alt their hiiaiikl of cure. 1 tiu
nettaaud Irce Iioiii mercury tr Imltani. During twcniy
inedicniep art picatoni niiuuui uuui, liiuiuig no Mtk
ycais tf iirucllce I hive rescued fieni Ihe Jaws of
llealli many tliousandsi who, in 1'ae Uit itnfi ol tlm
above mentioned diseases had lien given up to die hy
tnclr niiysteians, vsiiicn wnrrania mu iiiiuiumuk u
the tllllcteil, who may place themselves untltr my
care, u perfect and niol speedy euro. Secret
aro 11 e greaiesv eneiuic.iu ni.inna. mj &
cause ol Consumption, Bcmfula and many otlii r lis.
i uses and should lie a terror to the human Inluily. As
oiiermanent cum la scarcely ever Ulttled, iiinjoilii
of tho cases" felling Into Ihe hinds of incompetent
persons, who not only Tall to cult Hie ilina.n lui
ruin the constitution, tl IU n e " syslml will icurv,
which, with the disease, hastens the rullercr Into a
rapid consumption.
flat should the disease and the treatment net csnri
death speedily and the victim marries, Ibe eilscnsu is
entailed upon lin children, whu arc horn with ferule
constitutions, mid the current nf life' corlupled hy a
virus whirh licltnvs irrcll In Ecrofult, 'lellei, UUils,
l:ruiiloiif and other aiTections of the skin, i yes, thieni.
and Lungs, entailing upon them a trier existence of
suffering and consigning them to an early grave.
SULK iUUECIsunoilier lornildatie eniiny to health .
for nothing tlsc In the dread catalogue rf human t'is
easos causes so destiudlvo a diain upon the sj.tem,
ilrnulntr 11. IliuUaatiil. of victims llirnl'Eli u fLW Veins
of suilerlhg down loan untimely grave. It CcHini's
, i. . ...,. ,., u uii. nunv I lin ,l,,.,,.,.
of Hie, causes mental dcraiifi-nif iiUptotiits' the jier
aeTeiOpinrill Ul mr sysitin, un'tim nnr. mi inm i inp r,
rociely. business, and nil earllily luiupllicss.aun IrtiVCs
the snircrer wrecked In body and u.lnil. pitdiiporcd lo
cbiisutnptioii nixi a tinln nf evils more lube nriadcil
thin death itself. Wllh the fullest contldenfe 1 osiuta
the unloiluiiatc victims nlfclf.4l.use that n fiiinanpnt
und spteilyrurc can lie cllcclcd, and Willi the abandon
nieul of ruimiiis prnillccs niy paticuts can be itstoiid
to rcbust, vigorous hiulth. ,
Tlie otlllcted nre cnulloncil against the of 1'alnit
.Medicines, lr thersnre so many ingcnl ns.uaris in
(be columns r the public prims lo tan h and rub the
unwary sutlcrcrs that millions have their column
nous ruined hy Ihe vile compounds eT ijuack dectors,
ur the eiually poisonous nostiums vended ns i Patent
Medicines." 1 liuvu carelully analixeil niaiy uftbi-so-called
Talent Medicines nud limfthat nrally all if
tliein cintalu Corrosive Sublln n e , which Is mie ol
Ihe strongest preparations ul nierrui) nnd a deadly
pulson, vihiih liurcaduf curing Ihe disease ili.sldes
Iho system for life.
Three fourths of the patent nostrums now In au
tre put up by unprincipled and ignorant petsi.ns. who
do not understand fcven the slpbaliet ol Ihe ell
tncillca.iind are mually ns destitute nl any know h ilgu
ol the human syslem, huving one objerl only in viiw,
and that to mt.ku iiiiiney ul ronsi turrets.
Irregularities and all nlicnscs of inalis and ri males
treated on principles esluhll.hld by twenty mrs of
practice, a ml Fnnctlnncd by Ihoulnnils or Ihu luost re
markable cures. Medicines Willi full dilerllous M-ut
to any pult of tho Unillu Slates or Canadss, by , js-
licnls ion niiiuling Ihelr lympliiiiis uy lellir. Ilusl
lies, rorrespoudencc slllctly
Address. I. BUMMUKVII.I.H. M. H
Office, 1131 riusR-r strict, (nlil No. lull,)
llclow 'l'wclflh, 1'hiladelpliia. l'n.
July II, lfS7-(MalCti J)
A I.I.
lllSISAaUS 01-' T.I I!
A TiittOAT nre iiositivelv rurablu by Inhalation.
which conveys tho remeJies to the tuviliis In the
lutius throutih the air passages, niidcouiiug In dliirt
roiititrt with tho disease, iicutr&hxis the tiilieiiulnr
iiuillLf .ulUiyg the cough, t-um c Irtiand tunyeiptc
toriilion, heals the luiigs, purifies the blood, nnfuiw
renewed vitality to iho nervous nyitnn. Kivini; Unit
tono oudonerKy to Indiperisahla fur 1Uj rettoiklii i. l
heiilth. Tube able to state coiifidenlly that i'oiitiiiop
turn IsrurJlile by in halation. Is to me a source ol ;i
toyed pleasure. It is as much undir the tnntri'l 1
medical truuluient lis any olhrr formii nbte diretx" .
niutiy mil of t-vt-ry hundud rnrrs tan Le run d iu tl. u
hrst il.isci- nud titty p r cent, in Ihe sec I ; t-ni hi U.e
lliir.l Mijifr ii is hin.Cf Hllu to intt in CI I.' I lilt Ii ti V pi r
rent . lor the lunjis arc so cut up by ihu iii'mr 1 to
bid dcdaiice to midiralskill. LtuithoMtvcr in 11 flnces, inhalation u no run exirr.uriNiini nnu u
ihe sulleriiiK ullelidiugthis fcaiful srnirp i. v. hi h iu
iiually tietiny niut-iy nt uniunntu ruina-v in n
Until it Kmir ilium-: and a curiret rnltuttiiM i fine
ihutol Iho prrenPpo.ul..iinn o tic tarib, tie, hi U'il-
lionsnru lurillieo 11 uu me rt'imiu'i'iiTf ( (;rn.r
Truly tin "niiver id death bns no arrow in as
t.oiiMiiiiptiou, In nil ngfp it litis been Im pn a I fin i y
of lib', lor ii spnres nt ilher rife nnr in. but t w ' I
off alike the nmte, tlw weauiiu.i, ine grsceim nno u
filled. 11 y the help Vut uu licln.fri H bnni
roiiif th evry pood nud perlirl pift. I nni (itr.hlfdto
otl-r to the nttlitti'd pernisinuit und tnt i iy cun in
rmisompiinii. Ibc firrt cai.n-1( lu birch t. fn m in.
(iiifc blood, niul the immediate liTirt, prodnrt d b llif ir
tK-pnillionlii th Itinjin.ii lopri vein tin fnr tu's.Mf ji.n
ofuir into Hit uircellr. whirh caues n wcali i.. c ll.i
litvlhrou-h the uitiro s)ttrm I ucn nntl) tilt u.t ir
raiioiial toeapecl p renter comlfrom tULtlicim v enit rit s
the civil ici of the lnii.'s than I nnu thosr tiilu.inUu-M d
tlirniit'li the pinn nrh ; lin pntii-tit ilt nla r rind I lu
lu ngs free und tin1 hr-aHuiir ay ail-r irliannp ri im-
dies. Thus, iubntntioii Isuloral rrmt-d), ntTt rl)i. h r
il acts cniiflilutiomilly, und w ith iiiore pi vor nnd 1 1 r
tniutr than remi-dj.ii ndiutiiiUTcdhy the t-ir mn h 1
firovo the prmfrful nnd din rt Intlticiifr ol this mode nl
ndminiMruiinp. chlorolonu Inbulrd wi) cntlrtly dt -
nroy si"iifniiii jr in u icw iiiiiiii ica . fiini i zi pk mr ')'
lire n rvoiis Fjctfin sr that a limb ina) In fifnpuinh d
without tlic p I is bus t tin in ; inliuiinc the or dinar ) hu rn
it'C pj will devtroy hfu in a feu hours.
'Ihu Inhalation of ammonia will nutf Ihn c)stiiu
when fuiuliufc or npiiarcntlv dead, The oor ol y
of the medicines Is perceptible in ihe r kin a ft w tnln
utes after being tnualtd, and n ay fee Immediately ic
lerteilin the blood. A ronviiicinpproof of be ennui
lutionalotfi'cts ih fact that sick in ff i
always prodncrd by l.renthinjr foul u ir. Is not Ibis
potitivo evidence that proper rrmr-dlex, fiirelull) pro
pared unil Judiciously administered thrtuph tho lunps,
fhnuld produce the most happy rewullrl Itiirlnf! fich.
ten guars' prnclire, many tboiuunds sutleriiifr fri m
diseases of the limes nnd throiit, have been under my
rare, and I Imvn effect! d many remarkable cures, ei en
ntler the suflerers had been pronounced in thi tit
stapes, which fully sntisfies rue that consumption Is no
longfr u fatal difenso flly treatuienl of ronsumpf Imi
ii original, and founded nn loupexperlenre nnd a iho.
rough investigation. My perfect ar'tunintnnrc 1.1th
tlie nature of tubercles', &x., enables me to difilnpiii'lt
readily, the various forms of disease that simulate
consumption, and apply tfce proper remeuies, rnrrly
be in 3 mistaken even iu n sinple case. This familiurity.
in connection with certain pathological and uijrrosir
pie dMcover leu, enables ine to relieve the lunjrfl from
the efTcrls of contracted cheslr; to rnlaipe the rhti.
purify the blood. impnit to It renewed vitality ghinp
energy ami lone to the entire sst in.
.Medicines with lull directions sf-nt t'oii)pirt nf
tho United Stales and Canar'ns by pulienls rrmmiiui
fa ling heir symptoms by later. Hut the cure would
bo more cerium if the pulit nt should pay ine n tlsii,
wh cli would pivo ine an opportunity in eiiiuiine the
I tinea ond enabtu mo lo prescribe with much (rrintrr
certainty, nud then 1 1io cure could be ellectcd withiui
my seeing Ibc patient again,
n. w nuAriAM. m ii..
Oflice, 11.11 FiLErjTulrnt.foM N'u. lUO.i
lleloWTHclfth, Philadelphia, I'u
July II, l857(Marcfl 4)
1857. ANTELOPE, 1857.
ON nnd after Tuesday, April 7, 157. the racktt
lloal AN'JXLOPE, Cap I. 0, F. Writs, will couimeiico
running tier regular trips dally, (biiiniays Ciccpitn)
between Uuperl and Nantiroke, ni follows :
leaves llupcrt at So'clork, A.M., on urral of iho
Night llxprss on iboO. W, cM. It ail road from Wil
liamspori, und ar'ivcs at NaniHoko ut I o'clock. J
M., lu time lo take Iho car son the I. & 11. Uuilroud
or Scranlon or (Ireat Itend tho same alu'ruoou
Leaves Naulicoke on arnvuljof 1,. it II. Itailrou d
cars (rum CrtMt llcnd and ticranton, (ay ono o'clock ,
1. M.) undurrives&l llupcrt curly Iho ame cvjn mg in
time to take the Night lis n rets both ways out he C.
W. e. rimim railroad,
I'usH'iigeri from ihe Wyomuia tVnttcy, for Tolls
ville, llnrribbur g.tUaltiuioio. Tut& d nil othe r
oints Boutli or weal, will find it io Uiir alvanlage
to take the abovo Mue, us it is the only hue thatfon
mcts through, without ttupping ovtr night on Ihe
l'.inieiiggrsfroui tlioHouth or West, by Jeavln-' Il'ir
n.Kur t'crimeriioaii train, viii iaulnii und lusm:
uunua niiiiiu.ui, uuti via auuvviSaU K.lllro
lUlliuail, mil
N. II dlam
meet the I'acket atKg')icltililime.
l-'u.icli will be run
WilLe.boilu ami
Huutrt. rar rvlnir llm Limmi m.ii. siui l.
, Leaves Wilkes-llarru at '.' o'clnrk. A .M., ami ar.
rives ul lluierl iii time la cunuect with the M.ill.Truius
botli ways. 1
l.cuvcs Unpen niter the arrival nf bnih Mill Trains,
(ray 3 o'clock. 1' and arrives at WilUs llarru
about midnight,
,, II-T, Wm.W.I'roirieinr
Wllki-s llarre, April II 1657.
ma it it i AO i:liuiiTiriivTiit, wii.mam vi liTsri
MAiiiiiAoi; ounu: ny nu, wim.iam voumj.
MAItlllAtlP. (Illlllt; IIV lilt, WIM.IAM YOUM1.
MAItltlAfill (itllllfj ny ,u, WII.MAM VOIlNli.
siaiiiiiaiii: auuin uv uu. wii.mam youmi,
.MAIlltlAl.'i: fJUlllU HY lilt WIM IAM iOI'Ml
IAlllllA(iU(iUllli:-YOIINa'rl (JllllAT
e?SrN.'iVHi)Mi(;icAi, wtnuciTiiii rociar;lJLAl'IUS, or livery Onn his own
Jue' liocior, by Wm. Youmi, .M U. liiswiitlen
iii plain laiiEiiairu fur tliec.nerul ninli-r-and Is illu
trated ouu hundred entfravln,. AM
liiiini; people, or those contt'iiipiatm? nurrlase, aul
luviiin llm least inipullineut lu named lil", slmui'i
read tills book, tl ili.rln. .irnMi lliif ,'wi
Ifliniild Uai 'uaiiildwllh still, it is li book til
' ho krpi lucked up, ami uot lia about the Iioiikj!
bu scut many one on the nc'ipt nf twenty-fif
Addruis, Hit, Wfl YOIIf4 v
I . 131 Spruce strtcl, abovo I'oiD 2
AegS'i, lr n,