Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, September 05, 1857, Image 2

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SEPT. -5.
rem aovKKNoR.
or lyiimuio couinv.
ion jcixjes or tub sutoemb couiit.
cr R knits COCHTV.
or tttt covhtt.
4. VJ-, -
, ron congress,
JOlltf M,ItEYNOLDS,.ESq.,)
lo Us itMn of IU CMifmljinlConn-t'iKi.
PETER EN'T, or Scott Township.
t J;u!( (Is 3tMoncJtU Ktvritnloiltt Ctnirtiics.
JACOB EYERLT, of Bloom Township.
DANIEL LEE, of Bloom TowJiiliip.
ELIAS OIETEHHK, of Montour twp.,
JAMES S. McMKCM, of Catawissa twp
joiix r. yoiie, of mmu Twusuip.
Columbia County and District
- Nominations.
'i'ko action jof -the Columbia County
..Democratic Convention of 'last Monday,
Aha proceedings.' of which wo givo elsewhere,
was aa harmonious" as the-rcsuUt was glor
lious. Neater have -wo ritntsscd a moro
cordial -County Convention and never hav'o
-wo had a better Dcmccratio Ticket pre
sented for our support. Wo shall warmly
and ardently suat-iiu " The Ticket, iho
whole Ticket, Aodj, .nothing tut tho
JO HN ,McRE YNOLDS, Esq., was nom
inated, without a dissenting voice, as Iho
Democratic Candidate for Congress. Mr.
.ilclLsYNoliDs' age, experienco and busi
ness qualifications entitle iim to this mark
-of honorable distinction which 'he justly
received at tho hands of tho invinciblo
.democracy of Columbia, whose intorcst he
lias keretoforo faithfully represented in tho
Halls of our. Stats Legislature. As ibis
.offico does not strictly belong to any par
ticular county, but is tho property in com--jnon,.with
tlio-eoumicB of tho Twelfth Con
grctsional iDistrict, and as "Old Colum.
uiA"'has not hadjOUongrcssman, for .near
a score flf jcarq, we cap sco .no valid rea
cm wliy ho sliotlld not get the nomination,
and in which event, hb will bo' triump
hantly elected.
PETER ENT. Esq., was ro-nomina-dod
with groat unanimity as our candidate
ifor' the Legislature. His courso in tho
Lcglslatnro .last JSessi6n was that of an
honcst'nianr-and an'incorrnptiblo democrat.
Mr. Ent's election in this Legislative District-may
be regarded as "a fixed fact,"
and wo entertain a proud satisfaction in
tho belief, that ho will againltcprdscrit tho
interests of his constituents, in his Legis
lative capacity, with honor to himself.and
credit to the entire District.
Mr. JACOl) EtfEOCLfX, as a matter
of course, was re-nominated for County
Prothonotary, He has already had along
'tcnurp of office and tho only trouble in his
-case especially with tho out-sidcrs, is,
.that tho longer ho holds bis present po-itioD,
(foTiwbich everybody admits ho is eminen--tly
qualified) tho stronger bo grows. This
is no fault of Mr. Eyerly, as his strong
vfort is his merit as an officer, and we liopo
Mie may never have fewer faithful friends.
Mr. DANIEL- LEE, was unanimously
re-nominated for the office of Register and
Recorder. Mr. Lee, has discharged the
duties of this office, for tho last three conso
outivo years, ;ln.-a'manner generally satis
tfactory and was therefore ro-pominated for
Jiis profent position, without opposition.
'We trust ho may bo also ibo jtotelectcd
;without .competition.
"flcmocrat and very clever citizen is nomina
ted for-tbe office .of County Commissioner,
His father, John Qieterick. Esq.. of Rev-
.olutlary democratic; stock, was a member
of tho County Board before tho (County
Scat was located at Bloomsburg, and mtdo
im-cxcellent officer, as wo havo no doubt
will ba-tbe easo of'hls Son, tho' present
nominee, "Mr, Is. Dieterjok, is a thrifty
farmer, a good business-man and a sound
"democrat. Tho strong support lio-roooived
in tho Convention, is an unrnisli&ablo on-r-dorscment
of bis democracy by tho "dem
tPCraita massts," and may bo regarded as
a certain guarantee of bis triumphant ejec
tion. JAMES.-G. McNINCII, Esq., our ex
cellent young friend of Oattawissa, is tho
candidate for County Treasurer, Mr.
MoNincb, though yet fluito a young man, nmongsltho first businjees-mcn of our
.couDty possessing good tfcholastio abili
ktics, unsurja.'sod financial .qualifications,
and a largei.iarc of mercantile- Qxpcrienco.
Ho lias hosts f fiieuds amongst the people
who iucnv Liq boat. Wo havo no tlonbtj
UiuUic will laoio au effidcut officer
Mr. JOHN 11. YOIIE, tho nominee for
Auditor,, completes tho list of f(oiir cnndU"
dmUi. 'l'bo enriro Yolte Wily, atp dem
ocratic all over and over, ljis nomina
tion is a hist coniplim6nti to. Iho Sturdy
Democracy of'MifBin -rsf whom Mr. Yolip,
liaacver been ono of tho most active and
his rloctiGn will ensuro tho acqulsl'ion (pfl
another honest nnd faithful member of
tho County board. , r ; 7 ,
Tho Chargo of Illegal Feoa in tho
main lino injunction uaso
Wo will stato a fow points in reply to
tiro perversions flf tho papers, 10 relation to
tho. chargo of illegal payment taCounsclin
tbc Main Lino caw. . , .
1, Wbntias been paid tCouusel'h's boon
exclusively in tho easo of tho Canal Oom
I uiissioncw, vs the Pennsylvania Railroad,
and not a dollar in tho indivtdiial cases of
Col. Mott.
2. The, money teas appropriated; by tho
Legislature, in peotion 10, Appropriation
Act of May 18, 1857, "for miscclaneous
expenses." Tho money has not theroforc,
been paid "without appropriation of Inw.'
3. Tho Supremo Court did' decide that
the Canal Commissioners wero acting in
tho line of their duty, in instituting judicial
proceedings to provfini tho salo upon the
terms in the act of May 10, 1857, and diil,
sustain their bill in equity by granting an
injunction to prevent a stle wbicji should
disehargo tho I'i nnsylvania Railroad Com
pany from tho payment of taxes. The
courao adojptod by tho -Commissionara, was
tbcroforq, legal as well as 'laudable, and
tho -employment of Counsel, which was
absolutely necessary to carry on tho suit,
was an official act for tbo benefit of tho
State, and a just, ground for tho payment
of actual and reasonable expenses thereby
incurred. In short, tho Court has substan
tially decided that iho iCommissioncrs were
right in.cmp'loying Counsel apd.c&irying on
tho oaso an behalf of tho State,, -to protect
the public rights -and the interests of tbc
3. The A-Horncy General was not env
ployod, for tho very good reason that he
teas employed on the other side, against
what tho Court havo decided was tho right
of case. How much has been paid, if
anything, for contending that tho Legisla
ture can sell out tho tax powor in favor of
ajowerful corporation,and throw liie whole
of.tho publie burdens, eventually upon a
.part of tho people, is. not a material ques
tion, but wo may recommend it as appro
priate for Repub'Kcan research. Whero
popular rights aro about to bo sacrificed, as
was tho easo in this very instance, it would
be a very convenient doctrino for tboso
concerned in tbo cutrago to employ tho
A ttornoy General on their side, and then
insist that no one but him could represent
tho other side I
4, No inqrdinato sum was,paidCounsc1.
Wo aro informed on good authqrity, that
iflio 1'onnsylvariia Railroad Company paid
their Counsel in these very main lino cases,
S'JOOO each for their services.
5. In a former case in tho Supremo
Court between .tho Canal Commissioners
and tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company,
about tho uso of tho Columbia Railroad, tho
J3oard .employed Counsel and they wero
paid iby. the State. No .oqo ..found fault
then or since, as tho act km legal, neccs
sary and right. This was about 1802, and
tho case. is reported in Oth Harris reports.
Tho State isjnot so utterly powerless that
herublio officers cannot defend her by
Lemploying Counsel in cases of strict neces
sity, even against an Attorney General
who gets somehow on tho wrong Side ; and
that basbeen rightly done in this case, and
tho courso adopted roundly sanctioned by
the highest Court under the, Constitution.
Tlio Berwick Gazotto.
W Ir&vo disposed of cur interest in tho
Berwick Gazette, of which establishment
wc have been an equal partner with Mr,
Irwin, for the past two and an half years,
to W.AWER II. Hibbs, Esq., of Philadel
phia. It will,-in. tho future, be conducted
by Messrs, Incin fy Jlibbs. Thej aro
both good practical Printers, sound Heme
crats, and worthy young men. Tbst they
will publish a first-rato couutry news
paper, wo havo no doubt, and we most cer
tainly wish them the largest possible success.
William T. Shuman Esq,
This gentleman was a candidate for
Treasurer of Columbia, and although ho
had a respectablo number of Delegates
elected to support his .nomination, ho did
not como boforo tho lato, Domocratio County
Convention. Fiu'ding that Ms domination
would harmonize tho interests 'of, tbc party,
he very magnanimously withdrew bis claims
for tho' present, which generous act, wo aro
qui to sure, tho Dcmocraoy will duly ap
preciato. Esquire ShumaSj is a wpriby
young democrat, and well qualified for Any
position within tho gift of his fellow-citizens,
VSr Mj,.Joiin COMMisas, of Snyder
county,: paid usaying visit one day last
waci. . Tha Major, is a very clevor fellow,
-quite' good lookingand a roaring
democrat. Wo greatly enjoyed bis jovial
convene and pleasant company,
,Gen. Packer in Xouk. Gen, William
F, Packer, tho Democratio -candidatcfor
Governor, made a speech at tbo regular
Domocrath meeting, in Vcrk, a week, ago.
lie was in fioo health and spirits, looked
exceedingly well, and spoko with groat
power and dqqucBCQ,
ProccdingB of iho Columbia
Po.miip'ratie Ooli vention,
Agreeably to tho rulf B of, tho Standing
Comimttco of Columbia Sounty, tljo dele
gates .elected on last.Sajurday in the sev
eral townships, mot in County (.onvcntion
at tbo Court IIouso, in Bloomsburg, on
Monday, Aug. 31, 1B57, when on roption
Hon. GEORGE SCOTT, of Cajawissa,
was called to tho Chair.
M, 0. Woodward, & Jacob JI, Fritz,
Secretaries of tho Convention.
Tho fidlowins delegates then presented
iwdenliabs nnd took llioir seats in tbo
Jiloom Martin 0. Woodward, John J,
Btavtr Moses Schjjolicr, Henry Ilia
Bsntdn Richard.'Stilos, John J. Stiles.'
- Briarcrcehf. A. J. Bnttam, John
J. MoIIcnry.
ConijtighamF. R. Wol.farth, Danjcl
Centre EJiaa Gciger, John 'Zaner.
Caiaseissa Georgo .Scott, Reuben Rohr
bach. '
FishingcrctUr-Daniel McHenry, Hugh
2Va?il!T--Rcubcu Knittlc, Wm.Mcnsch.
Greenuvod Isaac Dewitt, Joseph Rob.
Hemlock Jacob 'Harris, M, G. .Shoe
maker.- c
Jackson Thot'.-'Wi Vounj.', lram Dorr
Lociist B.cubcii FaliriDgej, William
uMiUlison Lowis Sohuylcr,- Gcrsbaui
Mount pleasant Pctor 'Jaeoby, John
Jlainc, Peter Fisher, John Nuss.
fijijflin John Keller, Henry Hctlcr.
Montour Qcorgo Yost,vWra. G. Quick,
Orange Hiram It. Kline,David Aclicn.
Bine John Leggot, John F,. Pcwlor.
R'ouringcreek Daniel Gearheart, Daniel
R. llower.
Scott? John Ei t, John Robison.
Sugarloaf Jacob H. Fiitz, Andrew
There was a contested election by tbo
delegates from Fishingcrcek between Hugh
Mcllrido and.John liens. Statcmcnta.wcrc
mado by both sides", and Mr. McBrido .was
declared elected' by tho following vote ': ,j
For McBride Messrs. Woodwojd,1!
Barklcy, Sobliehor, Hintorliterr Scott,
Rohrbach, I), McHenry, Knittlc, Mcnseh,
Harris, Shoemaker, Young, Dcrr, Good
man, Schuyler, Riddle, Jacoby, Mordin,
FisberJ Nuss, Keller, llellqr, Y,cst,; Quick,'
Gearheart, Howcr, Ent, Robison, Laubach,
120. 1
For Hess Messrs. ti. Stiles, J. Ptiles,
J. McHenry, Zaner, Dewit, Bobbins,
Fahringor, Kline, Aehenbaob, Leggot,
.Fowler, 12.-
Tho convention then proceeded to nomi
nate a Congressman.
Mr. Harris then 'offered tho following
resolution, which was unanimously adopted :
liesolvcd-That Dr. J. K. Robbins, and
John fruit, bo Conferees to meet with
Conferees from the outhor counties of ibis
Congressional District to nominate s can-
didato for Representative in Congross, and,;
tnor, tnoy aro nerooy insirucicu io suppor,i
tho nomination of : J U tl JN M clilS X SS UUB,
Esq., as tho choice of this county.
Col. - then offered tho following
resolution which''wa's unanimously adqpfcd;
Resolved That Qoprgo cott and
Emanuel Lazarus bo, Senatorial Conferees
to meett with other Conferees of tbo Dis
trict to nominate a Candidate for Senator
and that 'wo 'recommend that tbo time and
place -of mcotin" of the Senatorial Con
ferees bo as fixed by Montour county.
Mr. Robijorithen offered tho (ollojvlng
resolution which was unanimously adoptod:
Resolved That Wm. A. J. BriHain, and
lram Derr bo Conferees to meet with
Conferees from -tho other counties of this
Representative iDistrift to nominato two
candidates for Representative, and that
they are -hereby instructed to support tho
roiwmj nation ofPetor Ent Esq, as tho
choice of this county.
Tho convention. then proceeded to.fiomi-
nato a candidate for Prothonota,ry,
Mr. Knittlo nominated Jacob ;Eyerly of
Mr, D. MonoBry .nominated A. W.
Klino, Esq,, of Orango,
A voto was taken with tbo
Fon Eterlt Mestrs, Woodward,
Barklcy, Schlicher, Uirjtlcr, Wolfartb,
Kebloy, Gieger, Rohrbach, I). Mqllenry,
M cUridc, Knittlc, Mcnseh, Robbins, Harris,
Shoemaker, Young, DorrFahringer, Good
man", Schuyler, Jaooby, Mordin, iFisher,
Nuss, Keller, ictler, Ynst, iJukk, Leggot,
Uearbcart, llower, iint, ii.
For Kline Messrs. Stiles, Stiles,
lirittain, J. MoHenry, Zaner, Scott, Howitt,
Biddlo, Klino, Achenbacb, Fowler, Robison,
,Ifntz, Laubach. 14,
So Jacob Eyerly was .dceUrcd duly
noroinatod for Prothonotary. On motion
of Mr. Derr, Daniel Lee was unanimously
nominated for Register and Recorder.
The -convention then proceeded tq nomi
nato a Commissioner.
Mr. Schuyler nominated' -J, A; Funston
of Madison.
Mr. .Leggot-nominated Benjamin 'Wjn
tcrstccn of Pine.
Mr, Quick nominated. Elias Dicfcrick of
On tho first voto tho result stood
For Funsito.n-" Messrs. Wo'od,ward,
Barklcy, D. McHonry, McBrido, Harris,
Jioung, jjerr, uoouman, ijcuuyier, diuuio,
Klino, Achenbacb, Eqt, .ltobisop, F.ri(z,
Laubach. 10.
Poit WlNTKfsTEEN-r-Mossrs. Stiles,
Hewitt, Robbiuj, Mordiu', Kellor, Leggot
A'owicr. la.
Fou l)ElTER'OK-!-Mesr. Schlicher,
Ilintorliter, Wtlfarth, Kchloy, Scott,
itoluljacti, Kntltc, mensen, atiocmaKor,
Eahringcr, Jacob, Fisher, Nuss, Hctlcr,
Yost, Quick, Goathtart, Hower, 18.
The second ballot was with tho sarao
result, txcopl tliat Mr. Klino of Orango
voted for Wlnforslccn instead of bunstoq.
Tho third bajlot, was like tho Socoud,
except that Mr, Achenbacb of Orango yotcd
for Winterstccn instead of FunsJ.on,
'l'bo fourth ballot was like Iho third. '
Tho filth ballot was as follows :
For DicterickMcssra. Schlicher, nin-
tcrlitcr, J. McHenry, Wolforth, Kchloy,
Scott, Rohrbach, Knittlo, Mcnseh, Shoema
ker, Jft!)rlrgcr Jacoby, I'tsuer, JNuss,
Hctlcr, Yost, Quick, Gearheart, llower.
ltf. '
I-br Fumton Messrs,, Woodwardj
Barklcy, D. MoHenry, McBHdc, Harris,
Young, Uerr, Goodman, Schuyler, Biddlo,
Klino, 'Achenbacb, Ent, Robison, Fritz,
Laubach. 10. .It
For Winttrstiui Messrs, Smiles, Stiles,
Brittain', Gciger, Zaner, Rpbbins,
Mordin, Keller, Leggot, F.owleri Jl. ,
On the sixth ballot tho voto was pre
cisely as On tho fifth. By tho llth rule of
tho party iegulations alter ?Jhe fifth ballot
tbo lowest qandidnto shall bo stricken off,
and this bciog announced tiio 7tti ballot
was iafcon as follows
Fur JDiclcrick'Mis'rB. Schlichdr, nih
g;i, sin.. T Th'tin,,w. wnU.
arth, Kcbley, Gciger, Scott, Rohrbatb,
Knittlc, Mensch, 6hoomakcr, Fabripgor,
Jaooby, Mordin, Fisher, Nuss, Keller,
ictler, i ost, iuick, i.oggii, i'owier.
UcarUear , llower. yo.
For Funslpn Messrs. Woodward, Bark
loy, Brittain, Zaner. D, MoHenry, Mo
llride, Dpwitt, Robbins, Harris, Young,
Dcrr, Goodman, Schuyler, Diddle, Kline,
Achenbacb, lint, Robiuson, Fritz, Laubach,
So Elios Dictcrick was deolaroj duly
nominated for County Commissioner.
Tho Convention then proceeded to nomi
.nato a Treasurer.
iMx. Scott nominated James S. McNinch
of .Oatawissa,
Mr. Goodman nominated JohnKicicref
Tjio.ivote stood as follows
For McNinch Messrs. Barlily.J. Utiles
Brittain, J. McHenry, Wolfar(b, Kohley
Zaner. Scoti, Rohrbach,, D. McHenry
McRrido, Shoemaker, Dcrr, hclmyler,
Jacoby, Mordin, Nuss, Yost, Quick, Kline,
Aciionbach, Leggot, lowlor, Mower, llobi
son, Fritz, Laubach. 27.
For Kicfer Messrs. Woodward, Schli
cher, Ilintcrlitcr, R- Stiles, Oeiger, Knittlc
Mensch, Dewitt, Kobbins, Harris, Hctlcr,
Young, Fahruigcr, UnoUman, UiUUIc,!!!!
cr, Keller, Gouhcart, Ent. 10.
So.Javics S. McNinch was declared duly
nominated for 'lreasurcr,
Tbc Convention then proceeded to nomi
nato a County Auditor.
Col. Brittain nominated John R. Ybhc
of Mifflin.
Mr. Woodward nominated Henry G
Philips of Bloom.
I'dl. Klino nominated Stephen II. Swank
of Milllm.
A vote was then taken which resulted as
For Yohc McssrsSeliliobor, Hinterlit
or, Stiles, Stilcs,Urittain, Wolfartb, Kchloy,
ticigor, Zaner, .tecqtt, U. Mcllenry, Mo
Brido, lO-ittlt', Mcnseh. Youne, Derr,
Fahrinaer, Goodnian, .Jacobv, Fisher,
Nus,, .Ki'llqr, Hetler, JTost,Quick, Leggett,
rowler, bca,r(iart, Uowcr, Hint, ltooison
r,ntz,!Laubach, J.i.
For Phillips Messrs. Woodward, Bark
ley, Harris, bhocmaker, Schuyler, Biddlo
Alordiu, Kline, Auclicubach 'J.
For Sicank Messrs, J. MoIIcnry.Rohr
back, Dewitt. o,
So John 7?, Yphe .was dccUrod to bo
amy nomiuatu tor Auuitor.
Cql. lirittnin then offered a scries
Resolutions affirming tho Democratic plat
fprm, which .was unanimously adopted
Resolved, That tho Democrats of Colum
bia County in Convention asicmblcd, re
affirm their devotion to its time honored
principles; and dcclaro their .complete
conQdonco in tho intogrity,;ability, purity
and paurotio ariion pi tbo administration
of Jami:s Buchanan; p.u& pledgo him.
their undivided aud hearty support.
Resolved, That tbo Stato Ticket placed1
in nomination by tho Representatives of
tbo party, is entirely worthy of its support;
and that wo will givo it our entiro and
undiminished strength, pledging Columbia
county tor her old democratic majority.
Resolved, That tbo Ticket this day
nominated, will receive the unanimous
support of tho members of this Convention,
and is earnestly recommended to. tbo conn
denco and approval of the .people.
'l'bo following resolution was then offered
and unanimously adopted-r-
Jltsolved, That Georgo Scott, .WiUiajn
onydcr, Hudson Uwen, Almas Ltolo and
Isaao Leidy, bo tho StandjiigCommitteoof
Columbia county tor tho cusujng year,
Xho convention then adjourned.
Striqus Accident, Yq regret to learn
fcliat'Mastcr MiLE3k"V, TATK( flon of Wm.
Tate, of Lawrence tp., ;net with a serious
accident on last1 Sunday morcing on his
Avay to church. Ho ,was riding a young
and somewhat fiery horso, which becoming
frightened ai tho hoisting of an umbrella,
throw his rider, and kicked' him on the"
head, wound jng him severely, but wo
derstand, not dangerously. Medical at
tendance wad immediately called, and ;tho
lad is in a fajr way of recovery.
Clearfield Hcpublican
tr Montour County ,Uoldrt her next
Agricultural Exhibition at;DanviUc; on tho
8th uajfl of October.
tSSrUrs, Cunoiugham is fust jinking to
1 tho grave from ucryoui cxauiou.
Dwirms-RoVcTt R. Liltlo. 1 f
Representative John V. 8rnitli
Frothonotary David D. I)ott.
Cbrnwit'sjionerii-llarrison Comstock,
Reaister and Tlecordtrtilo-tnco Ital.'m
K'V'or-rrJdrin Crawford, , d
CSy Hover's Inkt mado in Philadelphia,
iii j-r t? i'i l' I
S a grcajt comfort to bllltors, and, WO BUS-1
pect cven creator to compositors, Boeing
uia; us uuiuuy teayua uu u&uuau iui uau ut
blurred wrjtlng tho grcajt fops of typo
sutlers. It ia; realty quito 'a rileas'ij're'. to
wrjt.o witb sijcU'itilf, csjiccially witjia good
sicci pen, lor lvutuu lummy
iVfjw xotk American.
Wo cheerfully add our testimony to that
of tho Editor of tho' American, in favor of
Hover sink. It is all that can bo desired.
N. Y. Courier and Enquiicr,
TTnvftr'rt PlnlntlplnliirL'Thl.- -ifl fl linnlllifill
article well calculated 'for' motil pchs, is
jt .docs not corrodo thcrn.
Jjroltfir fpiiat(,iieiv xorc.
Religious' TblerafioiL Tho .'nobles.t jtct
over put on a -statuto book, was dravn up
by Roger Williams,: . ,
"All men mov walk as tlusir concicncc3
pcrsuado thenji .ey.ery ono 'in tbo name of
his God. ' And let the lambs 'of tho v'Mbst
Hi eh walk in this colony without tuolcstn
lion, in tho naino of Jehovah,, their God,
lorcvcr and.cvor." ,
On Saturday. August the. 20th, 1857, in
Heralook township, Columbia "niunty, Mr.
Alsxander MAUsT, aged 25, years, one
montu and nine days.
Tho dtcoascd was a son of William alul
Sarah Maust. Ho had suffered a numbsr
-of years under (tho wfflio.tiug hand of God
but ho has now go fa o to his rcslitig' plaCo in
''Give joy 'or case, give gnof or pain,
'1'ake life' or' friends away,
But Jci mo find them till again
, s In'tbat .eternal, Day." J. o. K
In Locust township, Columbia county, on
bo,?Cth of August, 1857, Mrs..BAttiiARA
K.U.NKi widow of tbolito Jacob Ruuk, in
the Both year Ot uer ago.
Mrs. UunK, (ho deceased, was
Christian Lady and an estimable ' citizen
Sho was born' in' Monmouth couuty, Now
Jersey, and jwltli 'hcr parcu'H re,movod, iu
1780, to Luzern'i' couuty. Thence, after
her marriage, sho. located in Cattawissa
township, (nbw Locust,) whero she rosided
for forty folirfea,r, beloved and.rcspoi'tcd
by all who enjoyed her acquaintance.!
Luzern county p purs please opy,
(ITolumbin Hcmociat
The following arc tho receipts to tho oflicc
Ot tllO Uor.UMHIA .UEMDORT, dlirill
tho month of uyuif, 1857 :
Thomas Slackhttisi1. SI 50
s. Kitchen, fur I. K. I" otli
Dr. Wm. A. Case, 5 00
Andrew Vrvut, K. , lu ou
J. TiriliUny, for ll.t. ti ?.
J iocs rt. McMiich, 1 I'D
J. C- It.nrnliart bH
John Keifer, 1 oa
IlavidH llnner, il '?
J icob Uunrr, 1100
Hon. II. M Tiiller,
Jiilin Dull,
JoipiiIi rus.ell.
Halt ii I'li-rci-. r,.'.,
Cnl I, Hopkini,
Win C Quirk,
Joneiih Snyder,
Juliii At fu'-slon,
I'ctcr Ent, Es'i.,
Daniel I.11, Es 1 .
A. A. Siiulln 0 tb,
W.lltcntH-iidi 1 ; .
II. Z. Ri'irialcy
Henry Ale 1
It. C. Deal.
Oen I,. Shiiemalier,
I). W. Armstrnns,
1 M. Sllvertli'irn
Opo. D, Jackson. Ebi
8 Bwan ft Co..
Sieplioii 1'ohoj
Wui. Kaii'iier,
Joseph Mousrr.
l''rancis R. Snyder,
Maj. J110. Cuiiimi'iga,
I'-ha. J. M lleuryi
John Vanick,
Joseph UohhiliS,
I'cter Mrlkk,
4 on
'J 1111
2 (Ml
'.II 141
10 00
5 IH
0 75
1 (10
1 I'll
I iH
1 on
7 e7
1 00
1 SO
10 00
J 00
a 00
2 70
1 75
1 Oil
R. W Gllruv. reler llarlnckcr. aim
1 IK)
Jolill Douk, Esq.,
Jno. (1. Jarnliy,
Jacob II)
Win. Erasmus,
Imle Welsh,
WMkin l-iice
0. (liUi'iilM'tiiler,
Allt.i Ac Needles.
11 (JO
1 Ul
1 dO
1 110
I U)
10 UO
B. J., fancoast Ac Co.,
1'arcal Morris t Co , 10 00
Arthur, I)iirhm Si Co. 301
J S. & E. L. IVrot, 5 (10
T V. Malison, 7 'ii
Win Urol),!, S 00
RIipcIz U Sellers, 3 m
R. T. Hinilll, 2 Oil
S. W. rowle U Co.. OOU
Wo again thank our friends for prompt
payments. It is this that sustains tho Press
and encourages tho jEd.itor. Wo ask our
customers, everywhere, to try to help us to
meet our heavy exponas, by prompt pay
ments, and thereby disoharge an honprable
obligation. Especially do wo request
distant subscribers, to do as many others
havo dono, viz : t) remit .money by mail,
at pur risk, as wo havo.pevcr lost a dollar
in tjiat way, apd ,ts .receipt will bo duly
acknowledged by mail and tho payment
alsOjPublisbe.d. in tha Columbia Democrat,
TIlq Colobrated Welsh Harpist,
iojiv on a tour through this state, will deliver a
Ilustrateil by tils own perfortuajiers on the llsrp,
Oi WEDNESDAY, (Aslll of Sefltmbcr,
8 o'clock, V. M,
TtS-For flirllicr particulars see
,Bpt3, 1M7 It ' "
CHUUC1I, nl HlootusburfT, Columbia county, l'a ,
will be dedicated 10 tbo Worship of iho Triune (iod,
(Cod witling) ou titJNDAY.thuSOili of Beptemtir Inst,
iiivi tie services may ye vipkca on Saturday evening
prwiiJUB, ocrvicc Duimajr 10 commence at iu
o'clock. -A. M . nrccilelv. Several niinirrr frnm a
diitabte are expected to bo present, and preach on tbe
occanon. inotrunasoi reunion Generally, are Juvi
ted louttend.
Elooioibutg, Sept a 1837 fait or.
B3- Will the Star cf (As A'orfA, fltrvitk qauttt and
Coins. Ha CsuRty Htpuhluan plsase copy f
-.WOOD Mr A T E I) I
PROPOSALS will be received by JI. W, Jackson,
I I ul uciviik. ui iuo up iveiy uijjooa,
Dry, Hard Wood,
1'or I'Ocoiootive uso, nn iho lino of the Lsckawnona
ami IlloonisliurrUallroailiat trwicli uud U.pytown.
in lots of one hundred corilsand upwsrds, trvptnen
will state llie kinds of woftd tor sale, and priees. and
when H can be delivered. Mr, Jaskson will furnish
any further information on the subject,
- . . . ' J' "AVUMVORTII.
Bept J, 16J7-3I ivsniisdss(.
Estate of Jacob Nuss, dee'd.
.HTTEItS of Administration on tbo
t-Tstale of Jacob Xusi. Liii of Mi film t.unhin
Oolumbta county deccaWd, luve beeti it ran led by the
Kf filler ol Columbia, couniy, to (he nnderiijrned. who
nl?' n.'r.'o'n'."';,?"".1"''!' "! CUU
5Sf,.()n" llavic,.al1'" tgainst the estate of the
K .m.!? m . xt P'c'f,"1 """" ", Admin.
niiVn....! i.i.wiii, r.i-.. illinium to
make payment forthwith,
,, lt.. . l'lrrElt NUSS.
Rf't J, 165T 6t
tTTHEREAS. bv tbo laws of this Com
f T inonwcolllj. It Is m iilo " tin dutyol thn Slicilir
W pulillcniUn In'one or moro newipnpm of tbo coun-
,,,', CJll ttvecUriltya l,nlro the elcrUnn," nml to
r.rvf.rv cnuniv lii irlvn nnl cd or llie Bhprni ph riinnt.
"Vr.fra. Jp!"; i.Tn'K
BbtnO or Columbia county, ilo hereby tn.ik
...I nrnflnlm In IhA nuntinpil lfrlMrR Of t'olUrnTilH
county, that n 11UNC1IAI. amotion win ne i.hj
Inroueuoui lam connijr. nil i u nnnti i , uo i iiiii.
Tr.ENTH DAY 01' OUTOlinn.bellli the ffinit Tuc,
iiay In mlJ nionth, At the several iliitricli wllhln the
county to wit
llraver lonrnrhip, nt the htuin rrubrlntlan fhiiman.
ntoooi townwilp,, nce unor t uouf. inoointiiurc;
llrlncrrk ina'ii.liin. nt the Town Ilouip. Itrmlck.
llnwllia townrnip. ni 1110 nouia 01 ina laiu Diacy
Magerwan. Lniaw ma.
i.neuit llie houio nf Dnviil Rilnbolil
Finnklin townnjiliHRi Llie iioimogi ii'iijniinn iirnni.
Mimin townfliln' h& llm fioiurt til J'Hin Keller.
Madmen townililpiaA ll'elioii.or Jnq Wclllrr. ilcc'J.
flountpleasun jtownilup, at the Jioutoi of William
IOQiourtiiwiifhlp,it,tWrinuio of John Ujel-ar.ilit. i.ow
OCCUpiCU U ,llllUI nuillllKMli tui. .'l- i
Will II .uwil.lllji, (i, in." .Jj.uo'1 ui ..f.uu j .vvn ,
Roarlncrepk towmhip.nt thn hoiiee ofjU, W. J)ries-
Inch, now occupied ,by Franklin Shimon.
Qvpzq' lnyn,alilp. at t(e hoyRS of, IVter V. Klino,
, urangeviue. .
' tnwtl.llln. ill the llOUIfi Of JOrfllUA H.lVJUlC.
111. ruriliHrdinctud thattlio election at the said
iflYfra dUtrict tball bo opened boiwcen the houri of
B nnil . U V CIUln HI .iiu .lilKlnniiit "iiu runir tii....u
open without Interruption or,niljourntoent. until 7
o'clock In the evening, when the pull, shall be
The oOicputoboctecivuni tue nine ana place awfy
aaiu. nri;
two juuons or the sui'KEMi; court,
A OANAI. uojimissiom-u.
a mi-much or i:om;um.-j,
two BiEMnr.iia or APgr.MtiLY, .
a rntiNTV -jqm.missio.s-(:i!.
one rr.itsorv ron I'liornoNOTAnv, klerk
fiVI-'H AMn-TP.iM!nit.
brtij rKunbtV fou nr.fJisTnu and iincoRDr.R,
A noiINTV AliniTOU.
at, a iuirntrl nli-rttnri of Conif rpiijtmnn Ii Tie td lit
purmnncc of V,rit,to me (.trunlrilJiy tJio'clcvf rnnr of
lie UOmillnnweailll tI H.niii,wiiminiiciuii ir is ur
retted thai bocnuse a vacancy lin linpfened in the
rppresenlaliounrttild Siaio in t lie Uouicoritrprrseiil
di-nth of John u JiiontoohirTi ih, cipcirti ft meinner
viti ni 1 nr (1 11 urn niaifnt in I'iine-iucin- vi tue
.r ii.n Ttvomv Flitti Cnncrpfa. Iroin tli i TwcMih Cfiii
Rrcinnnl Dipinct, cniiiponftl nf tlm coiinlici nf Co-
IU mum, ..ilZpriifnmniiiiMir ami juimiiji iimi 1,01c
i.hpn II. Millor. IHzlJ Hu;rinof Columltiu rnuiily, (hall
hold nr to bo Imld, In each tptvnMilp, nl tl.n
tlmcnndat tho iilnces Aforeiuld. on ekotlon fnr t hatn-i
ins a Itcpresi'nlavo or (tu.ii Uumnionuviiltli in the
II nllBi! Ul ni;irmiiiWHm mo uiihcu hhihi iu un
ihc vneanev nforrtald.
Ana, wnerenn, I nnva tit'en (iirrcien oy inn uDvernur
tn mve notice thai n Joint iPiolutinn. nrnriosinti crrtnln
nmemlmenti to theConstliiit innol this Coirimonwealih,
hua been pgreiil to ny a inajoriy 01 tne ineuincri eicciea
m pnm lliiutt of 1 ne I.rciilfiiure. nt two ucrmiiivs
ti-rins ot thi fame, and that it l provided by ll.o Con-
Htitmiom tnnt any aManinicnt so aRri'eu upon, pnnu
bBnibmittrd to the people for ilit-lr approval o rrj
ti'in. Tliorefore, for tho purpose of ntvelri.ilnltijj tin
nciiFQ of thn cHlzena of tlilt Oo"mnionwobltli In regard
thereto, I. Stephen U.M'ifcr, llipli Pnerlfi'of Coltiinlna
counlv iln gle notice nndproc'aini to llin
electors of mUi county, (t but nn rleciioit ulll bo bcld
in eacil III uiu "mil -mil b. ni(i mi" uimi'"' ni'i'i i
on the ar.CQiVO TUlIHY OP OUT UlU.ll. A.'l)
law, for itifl purpose l ilecldliij upon the ndnption o
rflection of llie nid nniriidtiinitu. cr aiiv:nT Uiem
which inid rti-f tinn fhiill b In-Id ut Ihv pficpn and
opened and closed At tbo thno ,vt and witbiti ,v lijcji trie
opened nnd cWcd; iul it stinfl br thu duly nt the
Judcei. Infliicciori aim uierhi o: encn oi rani town
ships, wnru and district n lo n critr at ilii nid th e
lion, tirkftn i-lthcr rilien or printed, or -artly writ
ten and nartlv prtttU'd from citizens dyly fiufilififd li
vote for iMenilirrR of the (Ji ncral A'scinbly nnd to
dfpnsit tlicm in a hot or boxi-s to up Icr iiiftt iiirpoo
proviiK'o iiy tite proper oiiici r ; wium urKnt Mian nr
rpeiifrtivply latialh-u ' lb oiitaidp. " 1'irs I Aioond
oipnt ' Hi-rnnd Ainendinctit." "Third AnipndniPn
i And ".'mirth Ann-lid incut,' nnd theuf h bo lirn I'lvora-
tlit-irdpflru by vpUoc uth as many frprunio wrtiivn
hip to Hti id A niciii hue nil. or nti v nr tlinn. innv Giri'i
or printcii, or n.iriiy wriui'ii nr prinici imitoia o
iirunifi. risnia i til nt? mi in in turn inrrpni 1111 iviirii,
ForHio Ainndinent," ntid.tlo!.wlirrn oiiionp,tii
Airii Ainriiunicim, qr apy 01 ippni. tuny xpn
't)niitiun hv vi. tin p:ic 1 tu mnnv pfit.irntu vri lei
or nmit'd baMii'ti r hckciH rontiitinrs on tho In tide
thTi"f I lip- word. Atfiiiiiot the Amend rutwi Ik,"
A tul fiitther, t do h'Tiliy ifivo noiice, diri'Ct
prorlaini, that Hi" eteclion on tbi rnid proponed
.imi'niiiiiPllid. xnaii 01 "I'pooi nun ci"mi n? in iiinf
time. and In nit rufprt lo cnnilnctcd.ns tho (lenernl
i;iprtiont of iliiit tliiimnonu'eiillU nr nmv cnnductl,
will as n-ijiffts tho 'pfalifirationii nf vot'-m. ihc
limn and munnrr ol nmkiii" rcturnx,Q9 in (ill other
It i further tl i rrr tcl in at llio of Iho tutnrn
Jnitycs, at thn CoiMt IIouso In tthJoiiifiimfK, InMnkit J,it
wic Rcncrai reiurna , ni;in nc on 1111 ,iti -r rnia y uc-,
codling Iho ficupnil clcrtiotii ulnch will bn Hip six-'
teinih day 01 Uctubcr
Tho CnnjjrftiMomii return Judges r f llie Twelfth Pis
trict, cornposod nl the connlieH of Columbia, l.nxcrnp,
Montour and Wyomins, will mpet nt fip Court Mouse,
In Ittooinsburc, on TU1.HUAY, Hip Twoniiclb dnv of
Octubi;r nexti lu inako oil I rettir b for nieinbor ofCon-
Ihc Senator. il return jJtidjri s tat tXte TtiirtrPiHJi
Senatorial llislrjcl. co'iipoAPdoftliocountlforHndpr.
N'otUiuinbcrlflfiJ, Moitur n'4id Columbia, will meet at
tho Court Iloiifir,,in tlie borough of Hniilnri'. in tbe
county of Nnrthtinibrrlnnd nnTUfSDAV ifip TpiiIi
pin ray oi uciodcf opxi, to mine out returns fur cute
Spnnior. ' '
The irttirn Judges of Iho npprescnlalivn ,Pitrict,
composed nf the counties of Vyoiin(r, Hhll i v a ti . Co
lumbia nnd Moulour, s-hal I meet .it Iho Court ll.iuin. In
Hloomfburpsin iliecuunly of Colnnibia.on 'IlILl-iDAV,
the Twentieth dav of October next. 10 ma to out it turns
for member of Assembly.
And in and by me latti net, I ntn runner iiirrcteirtn
nve notice that '(-very person, rxct-pltnfe jtiitirrs of Hip
pence, who shall hold ony officu1 nr uppointmeiit of
profit or Irutt unler'lhe Government of lite United
Htatps, or of this State, or nr any city or inrnrpornted
district, whether a eoinuiisitinncd officer or oihcnvitu,
n subordinate officer or ag rw' A li' r 'iU be nn
ploycl under tho leelbldli vc, or erciVe, or judiciary
dvpattiupiitof thlsHiate.or of 'uiiy i'ncorpn,iJair1il dU trict,
and alio that every member of Congress, and of Ihc
select or conmiou council of nny city, commiriioners
of any Incorporated district, is, by law, incapable of
holdii; or exmcfsin at the same lime. Iho office or
appointment of judge, inpPtlor or cleik nf any election
o this common wen 1 1 h,1 nnd that nn inspector, Jonce tir
any officer ofanv such election (hill bu cliitlble to onv
office th,n lo be ,vo;ed,J"n,
uiven untiffr my n .nun no eai, nimy omceiu uiooms
Luf, tin's 3Ut day of Aiifinl, A. 1)., 1BA7.
DloomfiburriBcptS, 1S57 bhtrij
70U the last three years, l.have been enfasel in a
.? business known only to' nilEcir. and. couiMimtive,
ly.lew others, whim I have injtru(trd for the sum of
fjjnt) each, which has uvi-in-ed mo at the rate of sinno
lo t30l)0 perunnuni; mid luvinic tiiade nrranzements
to go lo Euiopo ln.tlietf)pring of IH5d to eiaaao in the
b.iiiu niismiss , 1 Jim wiuinjr in give inn inirucuona
in the art to anv Pecson in. the Uniled Btalcs or Carni.
das, whbSviil'reiiiit nie Nie suiti o( 51, lain Inddced,
.twin vubi-cv. I loi.u .WN IU.UIVII "Hill HUM llie
maty llnr.kliil acknowledjtiuentkJ have leceived from
tlldie whom I hnve instructed, and who are making
Troni $5 to 915 per day at J 1, to give any person an
onpolltiiiilylo engage in tills business, wiiirh is fasy,
lileasant, and ycry p'otitable nt a small cost. There
is positlvety No IIl-mbuo In the mailer, Rcfcrriues of
tho best class can bu given as regards Its character,
and I can refer to persons whom, 1 liave Instructed,
who wilt lestliy that they ar)i making from St to 813
per day at (he same. It is a business in which either
ladies or gentteuien can engage and whli pejleei' rase
inakenverylianlsninb.rncnine, Heteral 7ajies in va
rlous parts in New Tork. I'enns) jvania and Maryland,
whom I have insrucled,'nre 1111W ni king from S'l to
83uer dnvntit. It is n, Gkntkll Hl-sins.s. and hut .
rew sliil'ings is required to siari it. Upon receipt or
II, I will immediately send to the applicant a printed
circular containing tun instructions in the art which
can be perfectly understood at once.
' All let'ers must be addressed (post pnid) to
331 Broadway, New York,
Bepl S. 137
NOTICE ia hereby given lint an application will be
made at the next session of tbeI.egs latum o(
I'ennsylvania, fur the incorporn.iou or a l!ank,wiVli
Hi 0 usual privileges, 10 be cnlled The llloonistinrg
Uank." wilh a caollal of two hundrad thou.s n tini.
lars , and to be loratrd jn llie town 11 laomsbiirg,
Columbia county l'e.
wm. awrt-.p,
A. J, dl.OAV,
PI'.TKIl llll.l.MnVKR,
, HujOxiinn, JuneS7. 17
Estate of Ann Conner, dee'd.
LE TIERS of Administration on tho
Estate at Ann Conner. Iste of Rantnii liurn.hln .
Columbia county, deccasid, have bouiVfaiUi'd hy the
Register of Uolmnbia couniy, 10 the indi'tslKnetl, who
.AlAla In ll II. ntn.i t ...u .. 1. I ,. I I. . I . . ... t.Tl.
, In "Id U.ntoi, township, Ip ColuT, btk conl"? j
all persons having claims against Ike estate ol the decel
I dent ale requested to p'esentthew to ftie Adniruislrator
wnnoui aeiay, ana u persons inaeMcd to make ray
m,nt lonhwith '
Au(iist8,U57. Aim'r Hie home of Jeremiah Ilet. dccV. "''"e- " ' " " ,' V.'V"'
riihli..croekiownililp..ttheli9uicorAbrahinKlliie, 'j""'.' "f"'1 h "'V'f'.n';. ' iinior 1
now ocronlod by Wllllaiu Lorun , . ! t'epteoiber wurt, nd Ihoae In vianlpr iho aiiot tMl. rt.S-.Urfrt cl wll. pl-na eierllrfi a'calt. ,-
finmlnrk ( llie lluck Horn 1 Allf ?J. I3SX
Lino, town, mp ai IJWfiniiiu oi jwrfi iiuinor.
Bil.arloaf lowmlklp. at the, lioime t AJIiuk Uuln
8coUlownr,blp. nt the bouse of M.n,oc)i llfjwfllj'.py'n
Convniihani towni'iin. ut lllC hou.o uf T, 11. Wolluutlt
Optician, and Oculist '
mdM ritiijwki.vmjt. '
TnsrnCTrui.tY ln(orrnltbo elllnni (,
XV luiif nno vlriaiiy. mni ne,i.ii npunr j n r.7'"
tlie Ecknnz llolel, where he vptu inr Mi. ',00"1
Of every variety, siic and quality,
now lnrulion of Ppi'Clncles, for dintnnt nr ..
.11.- ...t.l. .nlJ !lvn. ..nnl n.i.t . '
And. for pencil, wlio'linvn Ix-e'l nlrrni,, f
CHlnrnct ol Iho eye. to Mr iimv kind ora,,., 'I'I vcrof Iho ,tfU mnde U tb. btiui,, I "J
(I Himp.. Oood tllmtcs may H known b, 111
met ecnlre.ihnrn nnd highly pollihod niihtn1 .t'y?l
Itinllilea nre In bo found In nlilcli ''''fion In 1,1, ,011t,,
AI.HO-Mltrorconee. Spy "nil (lurtrin; (il,tiif
F'fty Im nnd nuillity; Tdrtenpra, MnInltln uml
0(ierrr tllanee. with illfl-i rfiinwpr.ti,M(ii.r . h.
e cty vnrltty or nilklci n tbe Optical llni' tmi men.
tiotied. ' 1
, ur i'.hii. Him "it.1 "-.... ...a, bib rnrr.
( fuUy repaired at thort notice. He can atwiiji irl(l
F Ah U A RiIVJl.iYJ Al.
, IL T la 0 Ifl B o .
THE undertiiined, sraterul for n' pntronapn,
.pectfully infirm, his cistomers nnd I lie l ul,,.
pcncrilly, that ho hat jutl rocnvpii iriini ma i;u.uin
cities, the tartirat nnn most select stock of
Tint his yet been opened in IllounisUirit. lu which hi.
fivires iie igieiiiioii ifi in. iiiuini.. in u'i, iikmii
int ihevnru offered for saio nt iftcat baicains. ih.
tdtock comprifcs n largo nsrortnient of
Gentlemen's Wearing Apparel,
every description; innis. vnu, dhuih. iratitigi
cks.ColtonllandkrrchleHiUi-ivof, cuniieda,!,,,
Gnlil'Watches and Jticclin.
Of every description, fine nnd elienti.
N. 11 "Inrtbt'g"$ CArun tmrmuvi '
Call and see. No charge tur rjnnnniiiK in mis.
WoomsBtirg, Ailg-Zi-IW ,
THE nnl tr mi 0 this School will conunencp on
MONUAV, 7th of tScptcmbt rnext, and conlinuo
0,1 even weeks, l'upils are received nt anj time.
T 1! It ill 8 U J U I 1 IvHs
Oomninn CngUih Mudlcs ffi
lllllhrr CngliilrHtddles bml Clnislrs i;
To meet . it 1 1'QUPtt of present pupils mid ifoilirt
naitles. nndtnuiina In the proiniml ro-tpciiiiion if
trends I hav 0; detprmlned to organize, m Hie .'Hi
of itRUitl neit. a Tiachcr'f Class, to mil Hun 0 Uimi
niouins. J no Hiurgu iur mmuii mil uu nu buuu
lor the session. . .
Any information rcintvtlnjr tho rhemp of Inslruc-
tioii, lloariling. &c, will be promptly jtiven, on Rpc lo
cation to nic, cither pmoually, or Ly note.
r. r-ATON.
T.l ooinfburg, Jtiiipg7. 1857 ii
TIIR underfiShH rpfptctfulTy infnrms tbc ntirrnii
of llloniuaburtf and tho public Fn tenera,, thtit Iiq
has opened n
Hoot and oioc Jsiauiunmentt
In (he white lulldinir. on Mnili strep), above I'.Un'n
&c Wilrdn's llakcry. wneru ho hjr conttantly on band
large assortment or
Uoots, Shoes, Gaiters. &c,
And will makeup work lo order on short notice Ills
long oinerititice ml tho business, anil geuorul know
itdtfe ol thl vnnti 01 the peopl( will eiiuMn him to
rc tutor satisrattinn to all bis customer, mid hhould
sicure him patron.ijfc which hu hopei to merit.
Hloonisbnrg. Mny ?. U57.
r-r V1IAIUJ QV Mill, liivui; lost his father, two
rV.rolbf rp, iiniisjilpr, sou in law, .ntplifw nnd
iipL-r(a,,bv Uial diindfiil dt scribe, CofULsWimN. or it cut'
fi'fim: .witll n CovjrA tiiuivcll, i!t-t-rmtm d t vfiit tint
I'ail In rile. Cvvntund Julian, whrrtMiu dinrovtrpd u
rtrfntir(und certain ture for Colilr, Coup tin ItiMOLhitin,
Lv t taw p uon, nciioiM iifiiinty nim Asttiin.i 11 is cnnf- i
wttR curpd jtnmeiliatf ly ; hu n tiiriitd, 1 un d his r'l(t
tivtt, who inbfrltcd the itipciittu. nnd m roniiKtinn
with hi son ha vp en.pb'ir id it in their prufJice, tuiii g
thotifcauds of rase roniTidereil liupelent byotliiri.
Vur the pnrposp of riiruiiit; ti many ol Ins MiftWirK
ilowIieinvn an pnnsible, in ia st tidlmT Hip Utcijf ly
nit who wiili it Tn'r itn rents ; 3 of It to py tho i ot
aje, und the balance nrintinc.
Address lilt iii:atii,
101 irprins it., rp0iilo tl, Nirholns Huh I,
Jtinp3, h57. Nw Voik.
iinnrfjip. n.iJii 11, uv At u,aviiA'if'"f
Ml'irvr yjul Jlyt r&Utktra, urn ntvv in tbis
for tho purpofii 01 m tki'n'u t)inrin(tblv ci rt "'it t'l;t
TUUTV MAI', sliMwntp trin tin Til I'-'Jit'ol (i-ry
lioilJinir, tin- sin tind s)upo of nith J.ol . w ith 1 n
prs lumps or Initials priiiti'd therton, Coinrpi . Vni
mshod, uud nmuntpd on Cam in, and lUllirH nil
totiiplcte. t'ricc per inpy $2 p.i)ublr ou dcliir
Ibi Map.
Tin v are cJjo rrpiorod to make Hnriri untul tiirnuli
Bkekto'it Mnp of f'arms, with contents rnlrulatid
nnd inter ted therpon, of any farm w itbin a rt 'jsobablu
niRiaucp in nt town,
Hloouubii ia , Ju ly 'J3, 187.
Colniu.tis iflalo aiil Fcuiaie Actdumy.
Tun I'io rlli Term of this Jiislitulion will comutrnr
nn Monday, the .'id day'ol Autiuit oust. Tim In
stihition Ihv Jug bepii In sticcrssful .nptrniiou t-inrp
last Oclober, under thi rharpe of rro'f. Ahp kmi.i, an
rrincipnl, with compslent unit ruhnlde nsifettinis, imri
has ben wtll patroni.i'd by studpn.s from abroad
The couitirs of Hurks. Ielui;li Ciiibon nnd Coiumbiu.
having liiruiihpd u Knod portion of the School, lo tidt u
several from tne west, wno nuc uiicinitij inn
CTAn Oneniiiii Address, w II bo dtl vtrrd ou iho
day of tlm commencement, at 'J o'clock, 1. M.
J KUHl i;i;rj.
Now Cr(lumbus. Jul v 21. 1H57
Till, urdersigiii-d lake pti'iiiiire In am nuncio;: tu
Merclianls tlinl they are numiliirliiring u supeiinr
articlo of HAKES at their Nlw I'actery on Ki.lui'i;
Creek. nLove Ornnnevlllr. Colli Intiin' mimv. Mi-r
chan is w ishing lo purchuse good Hakes can have tl cm
ii, tne i aciory, or li nisiieu wecar. inruiaru mini 10
lllnunitb'irg, to a,0 HliiVe. viliero they can get llirirf,
or we can rnrttard ihem 10 ihoie Hlores thaluru not
too mutli out nfour wuy. 1
All orders should be addressed lb Blmuel bhive,
1'ouleis l o., Columbia county, Tn.
Bllivi; n uurin.
April 15, IM7 Jm
Estate nf Gi-Jcon YoriS, daz'd.
f ETTEKS of Administration ou tlio
Estate orcidcou Yorks.lnte or Jackson township,
Col uinbia county, deceased, Inivo been granted by tT.e
lie gisier ui yuiuinina couniy, 10 i.iiEaiiciii yotks, wiui
resides in saiu jarkson township ; all persons having
claims against the estate or the decedent ale requested
to present them lo llie Administrator without delay,
and all persons indibed lo make payment forthwith.
August 15. PJ7 ft yfjmli.roltll.
T10N I
SUUIETY wlllhold its
At Philadelphia, (rnweltoli lirouiids.)
OntlieStllh and 3IHI of Beptemiier and 1st and 2d
days or October nest. The usual reduction on passen
ger fare ai.d free passage lor .lock, will belurnished
by the Rnilroad Companies.
'Die Rooks of entry will be upon nt Philadelphia op
and alter tha UltJepieinber
Aug J, 1817 " " yteritaty,
il6TvARDEx'l,RESS copany7
1. ORWARU and deliver packages on tha line or the
A? Poltsville and Reading, Cattawissa, Wllliiimsport
and Erie, ai'd Willlamsportond Emma RailnaJa.
Illufti, Notes and Dills promptly collected.
Principal (Jffito, Hi Cliesl 11 11 1 street, Unlers hi
floods delivered, and Oomls collected tree of charge.
Phlladephlat Aug 9.1657 y
CAME to the premises of Iho subsiriber, in
Jlemlock township, Columbia county, abo-jl
tbe 1st of May last, a
Small Red Bull,
Bnpposed to b. about one year od. The owner Is re
ouealed lo conll prove propeily and take li'iuawuy ,
otherwise be wlll'u sold as the law iliri-cts.
Hurk Horn, Aug 87. 1857 i
rpilE REV. O. S. UURNETT, while
JL Jaboring as a Missionary iu Boiitlierii Asia, dis
covered a Imple uud crrtnln cine lor russuMpllen, .fsfA.
ma, iJrtfncAllis, Cbias, CVis .Vereaas Jrtiitu.and bll
impurities of Hie Mind; also, ou easy and elfeclual
mode orinhaliiig tha JttmiJu Actuated by a desire to
benefit his suhering felloe,., he will clleeifuliy send
the Recite (lrc) 10 -such as desire It, wilh full and
eiplicit directions for preparing audsucctssrully using
siid iiieumuii. Auutess.
Rev (!. B. UURNETT.
Kil Uroadway, N- Y, City.
August 1. 1837 Cm
WHO has been cured of great NERVO'ia Dnnil.I
TV. alter Inauy years of niitery, dslres to muk
known to all fellow surferem the sure ineins ol ruliu
Address, enclosliiff stamp to p.iy return pn.tsgo, Ml
MARY E. HEWlf r,UoHou,MM,.,nd tlepiysctip
Hon will be sent free, by nen rust, '
August 8, lest Sni1
lloviiwnere c uim inr ,0
Iniiiiri.nnil n new nnil Impmveil nnsorlmi'nt or nnV !,
enl urounil flliiullnei n. lilt own iiinnuucin,1, i
wnnid p.irileulatly Mil the attention of inn nuMi,
III. R.inVlnFl... fnr Ifl
i , i ' . '