Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, September 05, 1857, Image 1

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"To hold and trim the torch of Truth and Wave it o'er the darkened Earth."
)ncoll4r & Seventy-lire clg, If. ndrnncs.
Iidllor, rubllshcr & Proprietor.
YOL. XL-NO. 26.
Columbia Democrat.
Published every Saturday Morning, by
S ii llloomsburg, Columbia Comil.v, Pa.
Office. In (he new Brick liuilding, op-
rmsilclhe Exchange, bit side of (he Coltll '
House," Democratic Head Quarters,"
TKnMS nr suiiqciiii'TioN.
61,f,n In advance, for onocsrSi fur atx months
1,7", In advance, ferutio copy, ono year.
2,UU paid Tcltlilu tho lint tlirco months.
2,23 If not paid within tho flrnt ilx months.
2.5(1 If not puM within tho year.
irT .V I' tulcn for lew than six months,
ml no p ipur illiuuiitlnoil lit)) nil urtoiirngcssliall
lilvo heenpatd.
ILT" Ordinary advertisements Inorlod nnd Job
work executed ut Iho cstuhlished prices.
. rpiIK founder of this Celebrated lnsti.
2 tullou.ofT'rs the luoslrerlaln, sni'idy, nnd only
tlltttual ri'iueily in the world lor ctlerts lor (Himh,
tincture, Seminal taekuess, r.ilns in the Loins.
Coiislilnltoual llcLility. Impolcncv, Wiaklien, of tho
It.irkaail I.ioihs, All'ictionsof the Klilntys, Paliiiia.
on of too 1 1 1'lir l . mipc'si.i ncrvfum irrnnoiiiiy
ii,,,,,; serious uod lonan.holy Disorders nrisingfroui
hill, alio nil
tin; dc.lriictlve nannsol vo hiiicii nesiruys ooui
buily mi I miml, Tliofi: pccrtl nnu noiitnry pracuctp,
nru nioru fatal tutlulr riiia man uie tone ni un-
KjynMH tn the uinrincrH Ulv efs, lihg lillnii tlinr mo-t :
4jrilliafit lioPfB of aiuicipaHwiK, miilcring iiurringe, '
Ate , i in puss i1 I (J. t t
3Turt'KllIC, 1
M.irr ii-il purioin.or Voiini Mun riintcmnlallnd mai-
rhiv't hi I ni n are l'pliyirnl ivt-akiicnn, urKumr ili
hillty. tUrrnitlt'i iVf.. Bh.iiiM iniiin'ili.ltcU cuiuult
J)r JuliiHtoihiiiiil In; rcatoml lo pcrltct lualiti,
llu who jilt ccrf In nisi! If ii n iltir ih'i curu of llr. John
j to it in iv r; 1 1 ni on sly coiiliile in Ilin hunor an n pt iitl't
iuuiii and nitiiiili-iiilv ri-ly upon hia i-kill nsi'iilij'uciiiii.
Organic Weakness
iinniijiii iti ty nnd lull iot ri'ntort'il.
i'lllJ .dlttr.HU Ii lh pcmlty liltisl flH'iin iily rriltll.y
Hi Hu wholi.ivi! bucoiiiu iho virtim of niiinr nthil
(ijncKifi. VuiiiiB puritiinii nri- too apt tu commit c
run ironi not hum a nJru uf tliudrfiidlnl nuii"''Uiico
Hint in i y utivui. Now, who that tiiHlcreluiuH th mli
ji'Ct will prt'tcnit tn t'ny lint thupowirof proMi'u
tt tin in lout sutiuur hy tlio-iu falling hitn hiipropir
h iliiutli in hy tin' priiif.Jtit. llreid-.-ti Uoinsr ili-privnl ir
tin! ph-MBiiru orhiMllhy oirfpilnj!. the most nuriniN
.in I dcstniclivu nyniploiiiN lo hotl hody ,inil mind
iinv:. Tin: iiyati'm hfcuiiiftt ili'rniigt'd; the hyuiral
an I tih Ul (xtwurs wtaki ihmI, iuivuiih di-biljly, ilys-pi-psi.i,
n.ilpilatiouortliohi'arl , indigent ion, a watting
(t J-Olhr.i! No "oiitii r''Vtn doori
fro.'n IliUiuiuri) strict, U.ul nidu. "p th HtfpH. Ho
jiiruiular liii.i.i.'fvini; tlm N AMU and MJ.MIlKU, or niiUkfiiii;pir.e.
J Unrc Harranlcit.or no Cturce Madc in Jrom One lo
Tteo hay. l
Ur. J uh mtoil.
M.;illl...r..f tin- fnliPr... r rtufLMoim. London !
Llr i. In i If (ruin Din- ii fill ii urn hi Linlili'lH ri'lli'ifCH o( Hie
r.uili-il rt:ili-H. .Hid Ihi'L'runti.f hi it otvslio'i' lllit ha
I ,d Ipti.-i ami fUcw h-rc, lui .Ihrl-M ho,...- - f Ihu l.m;t '
(mi ill 111 Mm It rut lliupitul.i ol i.oiHioii .r.tri,i in-
1-1 ivit'i rioiin intlic Imad and t-aid hIhi aluip,
K r at in-rviHiniit-m. b-i iik alarmi'd at Minldi'li lUitiiiiln
4iil inniit iliii'HM, with frt'-ineni hlii'liii', itttoiidrd
(iiii'iiiin'J with iluriunjiMiHJiit of mind wi-reamd tin .
I' '""" . , . .
, J)lSC,"SC' , !
When iho niirttiiinl.'d and inip'iiiu nt votary of pb a- 1
ri-ir.i .I'id-t lu fi in imbibed thu Hjvdit of tbir p.i niH 1 ,
iHmmm-, moo urnii iiappfim that an ilHiio'd niiM-ot
rit..., n - .or dru.uliir ikn di tcr him fn m iipply-
1 ii to Uniriit h i Iroiu t'lluf.iiniii and r'tpri t-ibiltty
r.ui ifiuo :m fii.'ii.l tutu di-l ivn.4lll Ihi' coiiotihilioii'il i
uyai.tluiiH ofthiri li'irnd dim'fiM'MihkiUhi'i r np.iaraiue, j
n.i ii d a u ci j ii'ii itiri inroat, iMniMftii none, o-ii inriiui
pu.iiiu tin ln'idaiidliinhH,diiiiin:niio.fulii.dcarnL'm. '
i.o.ii h on Urn ik in bono, ml arm1! hloiiJun ilin
lit'.Lil'u, aim ui iTt'im 1 1 in, jif tiKrritioK hiih i ii:iiiiiii
r ipiiliiv.lill nt lut tht: p.ilatu tiflhu moiitti or tin
Imiiid.i of Hi e hum' fall in .and Ikf victim of lltlii Jiwful
din a 4i' h'coi;ii't a horiid oliji rt nf cin.nni'Ht ration, till
it alii pnit n period to Ilin dteatlfiilHUtli-riii. hy fi-o-Jjiitj
linn to "th it bonriH! frHii t lie nee no Iravrhr
ftoriir.." Tti ("u h therifont JJr. Joltnelon IliI
In. ni iftn pr t. rvo tlic inuit nrin!ahle Dt'iriry, ami
from Iiim fXlftisive prartiru in the l.ri llinpia)i of
i:..rnp.' uiol America, lm ran rolilidt'iitly f coiimih nd a
-aft! and rtpui'dy cure to tin: uiifoitniiate v h lim ol lliid
ilUtrid tllSLUP
Take jxtrticirfttr Notice.
.Ilr J. addrenf-en ml tho-e -who tunc injured thi in-
diilvi.ii by priv.itii.indiiiiiiropi'r intluljii nceis,
The,e;iremiir.eiif Uiu and innlanrholv etf.Kjtrt '
produced by ai ly habit of youth , iz Weak m of
tin; It.icK and I.imlis, I'.un in tht! Mead. IHuitiit-fol .
nilil. I.oirt of .Muscular Tower
tlio Mean, iitiiiiu.sni
wr. Paip.iat.oi r iii
,a ' il;,J,' ' f'l.Vi ':V'.B,,'.V,'i;.'.'i '
41 Mrt.Dtf kiieotiia. Nufvt.iii Irratibitily
ort io iiiidtivttiiitictii)iii,i.ciiuruiiKiiiiiiy,HntiiuiN
"'wJI''I'V1;"."!!.. f r , .. ,. .h.. ...i..t
MUVl'AhliY The fearful e.cta upon the mind
i.remiicl.tobedreaded, I,o-b ol Icmnry. Uonfmion ul
j-iij.H, i,.pre.slull f the hpirit-. Kvii ri.rti.o.!inii-.
AverAio ii of Society, Tituiiy,c.,ure boiuc oftheuvilii
Tli.uii ind. nf pfrioiimtf all nc;n ran now judgo
whaiHtlitraiMtioftliuirtl'clinius health M'oi-iug
their vi.'or,bccouil ni weak jialeaud ernan itt-d, haviu
ii im;iilar appcaraiui about U a cyes.coutjliuud ")nip
tomri of Uijiitjuiiipttuii .
Dr. Johnston's Invigorating Hctiuxly Jor
Organic Weakness.
My tin great nnd imponant remedy, weakiiemofthe
oriniaru t-ptstillly cuied, and lull vipor rebtoit-d
Th I'UJiidsoi ilin mint nervou and dvbilitateil, who
ii id hint all hope, havo hi en mimed lately rcheied. All
ji.ipediiuaiiti to Mirrinj,'e.l'liycalutid Mental IHnqim
liiicali'in, Nervuuii I rritabiity,Tritinblii and Weak,
iiuii, or eh.iiiiioiiolthu niubt Icarlul kind, upc-tdily
cured hy Doctor Jubiisiluu
Young Men
Who h ivc injured ih'iinselvea hy a certilu practice,
ludul'ed in uliuii alono i habit fru'tucully It-ariird
rru.nevileo.npanioin.or aUcl.ool-tl.e eireds ofwlurli
are ulehily leit, even when usleep , und I f not cured
cinlirs ni irtue imiiosslble, destroys both nil ml
.iu.1 budy, shoiil.lnpply iiniociliuti ly
What. i uly Ih.ila youui man. Ilin hope of bis conn
from all prospects mid uiijuyniisia nllile.l y Ike cnse
iry.aU.ltlli iiarilllgOl USl.irilll.s,"'iun, ' -
.uu.,cud ol i.iiviaiiiig iron, u.e nu.u u. intiuiv. u, ... ...
ilulmng in .iceruin .errct habit, Huch persons before
should rifled thai a sound n.llid and bo'lyare Ihe mos
uecessjry reUlsil.i-sl promote couuhi1 happiness
I udeed. w ilhoul ll.e.e ,l lie Journey th rough lllo becomes
n weary pilgrimage, the prospccthourly darkens lo the
view ; tho mind lucumes shadowed with despair nnd
lillod mill l hu melancholy reflection thai the luspincss
ofiinollicrbecomesbliBl.tedwllh our own.
Or'l'lUi; NO. 7 MIUI II I'll lillllttlCK BT.,Iiillmr,.Vil
ai r. itoiin.Al. nl'l'.ll ATlllNH PUltt'Oll.MKU. . r.m in. c.ihn oiodestv nrevunlyou.but opplyliu
.t,n,lu.. 1,1.... ,.,..1.11.111 v or bv ICIU r.
SKIN lildllAflUS Ht'lICUU.V CUItllll.
v.... ,,.
e ,,. ,
Tim many thousands cured atlliis iiulilillion with n
,i... i.. , it.., .. .. .i.i... .,in. oimilKiueirul
...v ..... ... . ,"" ' ,,,,..,..,, ,,
L'iuiatioiis perdirinodhy llr. Johnslon, nilui'ssaid by
I lie ri'iiorlersnl tlio oauers and ninny 01 her persons. no
ticesolwhich have niieared again und ugaisi bulore
tho iluhlic, besides his standing ns u genlleinaii of ciu
ricleraiidrespousibilily, isu sulhcienl guaianteu tu
the attlicted.
Tale Police.
N. n Thereare so many Ignorant and worthless
tluaiks niln rllsing lliemsilves I'll, sicians, ruining
tho In .iltli oflh,' .llr.' ullllcteil. Dial llr, Johnston
thieuisilnciessacy losiy. especially In Ibo.e unuc
'Pialutud wilh bis Ins rrcilenllols and
ilipl.iiuasalwaysliaiig m his oihi u.
,il'.i'uTir. All lellerr lulisl III. post paill, Mid
r ..ul a i n u lusiugu siuuip iui mo ,ii"j
or iioauswer
IteiMll .em
.uuuily 7 li57
D E N T I S T K 1.
lle.idence, fust lirlrk buihlnis below Hart mau'ii .lore
T-sl'l'.CTl'UI.I.Y ollVrs his professional scsvlees Wuluridno on Kasl lllilgo. c,l , f .Mount Caiuiel . iui
ll olio l.uus lli iulle i.ei ol lllooni.biin and ato in l-onynuhaiti lowi.ship, Columbia coun y, 01, Uiu
wni, i, cis oirna? dVoalli'lidtnail the various lands of tbo Locust .Mountain ..uul and ron Coimu ey.
ou Main ftreii
Vl.inity lie s prrpjriuioa.ienu.. a
lol Ituplovcd
I'o i c e lam 1 ect It,
US we II OS the natural
IV ill II IV 1 11 1.0 1 1.,'Ilt'U Ull l,IV Ul EUIU
- " . -
WU j!1 lljlld
urtiile of iOOTII OWUCII, ol
Juus ,3 Ifi' OV 'W,
TTTIICnCAS, tin- Hon, Wahhex J.WooDWAlin.rrosl.
K. j...?,.!,:,? !
...... . ,, ,.., ri' nlnn.n., lln..o.lll nnl,. ,. I'm,..
Peace and Court of Common Picas and Ornhan's Court
counties of Columbia, Sullivan and Wyoming, ntidlho
in IhoTwentySlith Judicial District, euuiposcd of tho .
lion Jacob llvAris and Peieu Klinb. Assuclate Juilses
lu Culuiuuiucoiinty, have issued their precept, hearing
lato the 8lh day of May, In tho year of our l.ojil
onethousainlc gl,tliun,lrevlananny.t l.nnrflolne ,11
gkTl&'Jli 1
rrclctl for I
naming n unurt 01 uycr and "t erminer nnu
l,il r;. In tho county ofColumtMU. on the nrst Monnair.
(hciiislhcTlhday) of Sept. licit and to eonUnueone
Notice Is hereby clvcn. to the Coroner, the Justices
do ttio4U tliinci u liicti to llni r olllf en nppirtcin to hn
the Jailof said county nlColumbla In belben andlthnu
ed to be puncliinl in th ir nlteni'nncc, aereeably to
tnelr notices. Ilaleil nl Uloonislmrg, tne 1st ilay or
Aii.hlI Ilin v.n, iifnnt l.i.r.l llinil.Hoil pinli,
huiiilreil and fifty-seven, ami in tlictla jenr of the In
dnendenrc of the Uniteil states of America.
(God save the Commonwealth.)
sriirnuN ii. Mii.ixii.Mtrijr
m . T - r-. . ... m - r-tt-r
1TW1 JjUSV lor OOpi J." AWUl, XD07. ,
j William Koons rs. (Icori-e I,. Klioei etJil.
3 Willl.oii Koona va. Jeoro U. Klin
:i jl)8L.pi HMcklionaa r. Giltcrt Fouler.
A Stmup.Jr.ct nl B5. I.. It. nnpert 1 1 nl.
5 Atlnm Blnnip. Jr. el bI r. II. Ituptit et al.
Hi Tlioinu'" IMrkerm John II . Parker.
7 (Jcurc I Kllimrt. Matf UoH'iiiuii.
f l "rnwn r. Uol-uit J . Ijyon
Wllliiiin Uoliirion rf. W1I1011 Airer,
Hi JacMli Hchuylu; vi. Wilsnn Acr.
II Klulclicr H. Dotlton vs. VVillinin l.nnt,
U (Jnttinriiif 'I'umior va, Joiin I). Wmvur.
jit AJntM (J.ililc i:. Hug It) Fox. Adni'r.
, 11 Jonnilvan M"kller va. tSttphi'it UnlJy.
, p (Mirifttiui. UvUi ri. ! ).in id ClfRtr.
fi Witi, Hopper ri. l.iliiioml Crawlor! ) t nt.
17 (tvortn Ft'tlrniinti r Holoinmi IVUcrinnii. lm Mowry ri, Tho huh Starkliouto,
tO (IilUcrl L'dwlorr. Uiintl FowUt'o Hx'r,
'jo D.mtel Kufttoiitjnilcr it al vs. Dnviil lli.nir,
'Jl Wut. KitliMihoiiP! vs H.iuiuol F (leiillcy.
W J.imujm KnlNton m JniiiC! Ualitti, Jr.'s Ailni'r.
i:i havid HlliluljMiit vs. lteiij.Kiiin I'nui.
31 It. Ii. Wintcrt!"' ct nl va. C4irMiuii Hiiitnnii,
VVilh.ini Uot.iHon u Win Ctlf-ar,
, Jn. a. Woodi, A'lm'r ol John Lnzann ta. Catherine
-7 Ufiihcn IV. Wrnver rj. Wlltinm Metn.
ifH 'I lm in i AMarks e. Clark It iStcwaril.
S'.l William (,'oiifad vs. Daniel 1j, Huiith.
(ininil Jurors for Srplnnhcrirnns 37.
iii.,o,n-ch.iriei unbhr. Hiram w. mown.
Cnnrrrci kPauiut I Fow h r.Wm Htntil.Wm. I.nmon, t
aAimu,t ih-nrv. Jiuoli M.UI7. I
IIimiIoii John O. lluty. John Dildi nu. Abintuin
I nvcr- Ii-nlab Lonci nhi rpr.
niM'-Wni Ho4fi..n.i. (lenrcn II. Kirhm r
1 ihinccrt''k Nftilmn I'litrCiMli-lo, John On v Ii n.
ThMiiirtrt J'cal'r
.f; - "''VY
IsiirtiH Wi. Xt :iL'rr.
Mtntifon Jaiiii-K Kiflimr
OraiiK'' riainui-l Arhnilnicli
" " '
Traverse JiirorsfloriSiiu'r Term, SS57,
lto,,,-r. r.I.uts.Wn. ll.Ja-ohy.llen.y l
ugt4 n U'
jtrin rrri k Win. Ilrrrin, Josiah 'rimiinB.
. n Vt r -Chn h F . Mann Mann I Hitiylcy
Htnton-lsaac K Kritklunm, John UiUr.
ntro- I s or lies
O.u.ittihn Dunirl llrlwifl.
Franklin -''lirii-tl.m Artlcy.
l'nlnn:trtrk I't ti-r I' IValrr
f.'rn nw n..d-Hofcrl Uotmin. Inane I'attoii
11,-iiilurk l'r.mklin Mcllrlile, Jul... (I. N'evtus Join.
; l.ocutt - Daniel llr. olio 1,1, Mark WllliJ.n.
Ml S.unu, I Johnston, Win. Ilimcll. (,'eo.
1 M not.oir J, hi. ! (luirl;, James llnrlnn Clorc
, .M.lllH.l','loiI.oiic:iliArgr,
i .. iillaii,t llemog.
j I'llle Johi,jI.i sot I''
' Itouriocieelt .Michael .Mowrj. IlliJ.ih C. Il'rn.
I Sinj'irl ..f ..imui'l Parks, Jothua llrink.
SU lilt It" ITS SALK.
11 V virtue nfn writ of rn7Kion( crpona to uio directed
I J there ilt lm eipojud to public bale, at Ikti Court
mmau. in liioonminirg, on
,,.,'t.w. nt ,,,.,,i,b, u..
ilofT. the 7th day of Snitembcr next,
'" ' "'clock .P M.. Ihe folloulos real estate lo w t -
-.. . . , . , ilU (l wa,(,r poWfir air.nrtc
Mrt, thn t1r!t tract situate in Scott township, Culuui-
. Ilttf rouiaininir
teV,7 Xi J V 1 v:nrt nc.
lulty Acrea and highty-iDC rcrclic.,
be the fcaine more or lens, nnd nil of which fi improved
. Ininl. hounded and described m folJuiMi, to wit: Un
, ttm north hy land ofl'tter Schuc and John lint ; on i,,i
euuth by Innd Hhiiol-I .Melick; on the ta-l hy llio
i nnd leadinij from Light itre I to UrauKLVillu ; on tti
went by land of John White and oilier, whereon aru
five one story Dmlling
nouses, ana a aiauic
uith the appurtenances.
T,.n ........ i ir..t alinnia In Hcntl iov oshio. in sad
county, conlaining .
Seventeen Acres and Four Perches,
,tnCl incisure, ho ll.e sune more or les. bounded and
.lccnbe.l as follows, lo wit .-On the norMi by land of
John White; nu Ihe sou 111 by l.lml or John Ilite und
, other lamia of uel I,. Hullo, on the east by lands
, if John White. John llul, anil oilier laud of ban.ucl L.
i.fiii nun in. a'.u,,v,i..-
iiic third u.ici. situate 111 't I'lcasant townihlp,
undcouniynfor.said.ioi.iai g
Four Acres and Sixty-Six Perches,
.'loured I0 Z n'oMh ,,'y ,'ai?d oi'j;.,. win.o ;, the
....ii. k.i in.; n ib west bv the same, and on
ihe east byl'iler rkhug und John llul ; also, on l
.. ., : , ,!...,. .,1
m. .. c...... 7.T.... cv.,..
fiSa SE-
ll I HI I Bltuiteiol.ielit slreet.Hiott lownshlli
irbuid county, bounded on llicc.lsl by a roid leaJlug In utrtM-I. HlOlt HlWIli I IP. l.
fnun Llghl street to Oraligcville, ou the west ny otuer
land, of r-amucl
I,, nettle, ontnu norm by an alley,
t.oruhariesandwiuum siiannon,
'eel (torn und one Lmnired ami any
numbered on the plan ..I sai tow,,,
Ii-., ,ri.n ii nt Ol einiint SllUalO 111
Inn (In, .null, bv lots
'containing smy feel (mni und
. fnot in ileuili. an, numbered on
iv 3 Also, nil tint certain lol ol e.ouno. silualo ill
j fr01, rtc(lll U,wl,Bl said couuly.c.olnln.iig
't'l"' HV"V": ...I-...,.
tilslyleei l.OIll llllil OHO iiuiiiiikii uiiu , , , I
' ,,'' !.,,! , oi.ui ol said lowu No. 4. bounded ou
vihe.on oi riainoei .. iiuiie,
on tho nuth by an uiiuy.and on wic iienu ny
jo iniou, w Hereon nru vrium
Tin Story Frame Mulling House,
Frame .Stable uith tne ajifiuuenanres,
Siiied and taken iu ciecullou as tin prupeily nf
Samuel L. Ite.lle. 8rt.rnns . Mu,u:lf
ciuiaiir'u Oiiice, j iUrlJ.
Illuouisburg, August t. If 57 I
BV vlrluouf u w rit ol llerl ranas, Uit re wi'l be ei
posuil to public sale, ullhcCourlllousu, in U ooiii,
btirg, un
' Saturday, the 5th day of Sfjitimkr,
At 1 o'clock. P. M.. all lite interest Hint vtlutu nf
.Maybeiry It. Itcll.h.ld by Iiim tiiuler n base Iroiu the
! Locu.l Mounlliu Coal ami Iron Company lor the leliu
... r.... ,i... .I.. ., i.c i ., A II.
I Jtil, for all 111') vents of above waler level Hn.1
lion , e.i. noi i .t-u.t.x "i." , .' . i, ",,f. ,i,
which is rut by a luunei iiriv, n ny uie .aniu neu aioi
".-- ",V r::j ,J,i leasod by llie said Hell
(rom ihul,ocust Jlouiil.iln Coal ami Iron Company by
a written lease u.ueu ine ri u uaj - "-, ... ,,,
tjeizeil, laKOll 111 cjpcuiioii, aou k mi.
mill' V, w. . - .. .. .... . . . ..
.- H'l'l' I'll I'.H ,1 TV. I 1,1,1.1.
property oi piajoctry u nei;
Siu-wn's DrriiK.
1 Uluomsliurs, Aug i.".l, l;S7
""-. .......
! lVDmmn'ml j . " " B., f - y themselves hoarse at the DredSeottdeeision,
?i5SSj itamcuu uuug Somo, of course, wiso after ths fact, know u ...
grlft.iSxIJouse, a Frame Ham, 1 .. ,. , ... .. ' , which denies that a nigger can bo a citizen
UT fV: . ?r,.- rt 7 HI ,i inn ci- T.V T7H . fi,1 - a !i
"-a ti
II. A; Wiso and E. Stanly.
In tbo red hot belligerent Congressional
, , . . ,lf ,- ,. A,l:n!c
lhQ two prominent and terrible
i""v u,,UBlw " a
Rr.,n,1,rn Wl.irra in Ilin TTrnioo worn II A
&0UIJKTU WlllgS in tllO 110USO WCro II. A.
........ ... ...w ov. ... ...
AViso, of Viruiuia, and Kdward Stanly, of ,
Nort'1 Carolina. Where are they now?
Governor of Vir-
rrin.ntlin Srtii ilmrn Ao1,illo0 nf ti,n Tio,n. i
Ltin arK-nn,l n, ,nl, Ik rtMrl,i '
. i, : ,i
mus admi- i
1 t
.. ..
rcTS lor ttlC UCSt 1 rcfilUcnCV. UQ tllO
Other hand, Stanly, having joined tho
' general exodus somo years ago of decayed
polilicians to California, has turned up in
thnr. nnnfltrv At IVoTwIortn tlimna Ilin ltn I
" " I
llUUIICaU CaUUIUatO lor UOVCmor a OOUlll- I
cm man Willi Northern principles in
opposition to John U. Wcllor, a Northern I
i Southern principles. Thus from
tho time that Major Uotts slept under tho 1
same blanket with Captain Tyler, we havo j
had tho most curious transmogrifications 1
among our prominent politicians, in all
directions. Hut sbuU Stanly, of North
'Carolina, bo elected by tho ItepBblican
party Governor of California, it will bo an
individual nnd a popular revolution only
surpassed by tho election of a son of
Henry Clay t Cougrcss as a Democrat,
from the Ashland district. Such are tbo
ups and downs of politics. Wo may yet
i1! to 800 "'V S,0W"J a r01riuS "'BB"
I ll"vcr, aud Millard 1'iIIiuoro a .Methodist
preacher. Who knows?
The Occin Telegraph.
l'erhap no undertaking of Iho present
nge, sati the 1'j.vIc Hcgisler, claimed
more universal addition than the laying ,
of thu Atlantic 'I olograph Cable. When
this great work is completed, and we have
mi dnubt that it will bo completed, not
withitandiug the recent disaster, the old
and new world will bo brought to u daily
knovvl.'dgu: of publio trans.ietinns on both
sides of tbo ocean, Foreign nuws by fa.t
.-teamers will soon be an oil fojy iui-titu-tion.
With tb'' ocean telegraph in successful
operation, tho news of I..ris, Jjnudou, and
all oilier important plae:s, Mill bo ns mm.
mon in the daily papers each morning, as
is now tho latest news from I'o.-Lm or New
liut for tbo present, tho groat hopes of
this gl lious result are dashed to the e.irth
or, rather, they are ''in tho deep bosom of
iho ocean buried ." The disappointment to
the public mind may bo imagined when the
news from Europe by tho America com
rauuicatcd tho fact that tbo present cntor
priso,has proved a disastrous failure. Tho
cable has been broken beforo one-sixth of
it bad been laid, and the fleet engaged in
laying it had abandoned tbo task and
rcturnrd toKuropj. Everybody scenic
" f " . -
--- - - .--b".
, it within tho possibility of future effort to
finnllv nnonmnlicl, Ilin irirl.'
,,,, . . . . . , .
I ibis unfortunate event is not an unox-
pected One tO tllOSO CIl"ai'cd to it. TllO
,;. ,. "'" -"0 0v aiiu
dlflicul ICS of the task WCfO tllOrOUclllv
b j
, understood, and all that prevision Could
silL'L'est as a soetiritv arsainat dannnr. an
. , . ...
mechanical science could invent to facilitate
j "orif , was auopted in tbo preparatory
orronno,n,tf a M'l.rtr.
. ... UU, l.U.U U.llV. tuusiui V
proved insufficient, nnd tho work will now
1 : m ... s .i ,
' . ' .
, "i,vm wwjui
Jnnrpllsns . ,lra n,l il, ,lifr.oli;o
1 b
for a second and bettor nrcnarcd effort oarlv
"eeonu anu ucuor proparca cuort tany
next year, when wo hone that better succe?
L " "rc fttr succc.s
trill nlfnntl ,S Wnlnnl. ..nn., ll... ..n.ln.
will attend it. Wc look upon the undcrta
.1.- n.i .i... ..i,!...i,.,..
tolll" 111 IUU CUUUUCULU iiiut uiuiiiaiciy
" . .J
work pcrfornicd-a triumph of
. , , . ., . '
guutus auu oi bciouco over mc cicmcillST
i ., i. , e .
bo crowning achievement of tho gc.
J6i-2r Col. Thos. W. Lloyd, of Lycoming
county, has been nominated as the Demo
cratic caudidato for tho Legislature. Tho
Cnlouel is a whole1 team in himself, aud
will bo elected, beyond a doubt. D. K.
Jackmau, of Lock Haven was nominated
by (iliutoii couuty as tho collcaguo of Col.
Lloyd, Lycoming aud Clinton forming one
district. CoL Jackmau was nominated
COUtrary 10 his 0W11 wishes
Ilo i-s a strong
. . . nit.
jtiau ul loiuo auu caiiuoc wen uo ueuuju.
Sunbury American.
iSf A popular writer, speaking of tbo
tironoscd oecan telofranli. wonders whether
4 1 o--t--i
the news transmitted through salt water
, would bo fresh i
i .1".,. i t . .i i ., .
Andrew Stowart. of Ohio.
This gcntlcmaufor years a Democrat,
was elected to Congress on tho ftnti.Ncbrask a j
platform, and has over' sinco acted willi.tlio !
llcpublican parly. Ho has just been ma-
. . . .... .1
kin a tour 01 Kansas, anuiin a iavuuni-
!.. f nnr il,o Rtenlmnvilln
uv., v. r-r., -
(Ohio) Union, ho says-
" Every street, corner, and 'doggery,' of ,
which even m this old Massachusetts ,
..,!.,,, tlnr 1 . f,M Jnliira II. I
iOWU IUCIU nUlU WWW I..,., ,m v.wii..,ju.n.u w ,um J..1U iuijuoiul: UIU,
- t .. .. I ,T I 1 l i, J" .. . '
i l,t, ::,. ,i ,,, , hu irimnm. 1
whcro wC took a smoko and talked over
matters. Ho justifies his course , and Jtiiat
of Iho ultra frce-stato men of which ho is .
'he loading spirit, upon circumstances upon
wl,ioU ho alleges tho pootlo in tho Irco
etatesjknow littlo or nolbinj. I also met
the leading spirit, upon elrcemstances upon
jg l0 alleges tllO pOOtlO ItX tUO IrCO
Govornor Itobmson, uciicrai romroy, sir,
Jenkins, Dr. Cutter, S. N. Wood, and
other notabilities of tho, free state party.
m, 1 . i.rt,"rlrtt..,?T.n.,,s.
tZ oZT a
. t . -1 .1
SCCmcil to Know prci'isciy wimi muy
I'oinrr to do '. U0 plflU SCrlllCl agrCCU Upon,
ana the more pruuent aoiimwicagca inai
Jo hU proceeding was a farce which
" sftor detmined
nut to vute for members for tho constitu.
tional convention, but avowed that they
would vote for members uf the territorial
lnrrislaturo next October, when they ox
pected to carry every election district in
tho territory. I endeavored to understand
them on tho hypothesis of consistency, but
could not! They would not vote at tho
constitutional election, because that would
recognize tho bous legislature ; but they
would vote in October for delegate to Con
gress, and for legislative officers under tbo
same 'bogus' law.
'J'hcy also3 avowed 'their intention of
voting down tlio cons nuliou, wlictlicr goou
or bad: savinu flint they bad a majority,
and would, make a constitution iu their
own time, and such a ono as they wantesJ
To.a su'.'cestiou tint it would be of vast
interest to tho prosperity of the territory
lo have liolitical matters settled imincdi-
jvtcWand finally, the reply was that such
.. . . . ... . , ,..i.i .1.
a s'ctlicinui.i. migni icim 10 uuun up iac
' J d Democratic' party, wlucu tlioy
desired to stt: crushed to atoms,
I withdrew, more than ever convinced
that the free st te lcadots du not desire to
see peace or fraternal feeling prevail aiumif
tho people. Their object is to kcep Kau
sas bleeding' for tho purpose of furuisbiii'
lilack Kcpublican elcclionccriii" capital in
tho fatates. Looking over iho whole field,
and alter mixing with the people of the
territory for noir a mouth, sucli a conclu
sion foices itself upon mo inesistib'y."
XS-'Ihe new Constitution of Iowa has
be n su-taincd by tho people. Tho princl
pnl t'ppisition was made by somo of the
Deiiiocratic"p.irty j but tho party was not
united against it. Thn clauso allowing
negro sulVrago was subuiittedto a'scparalo
vote, aud voted d wu by nu overwhelming
maj rity. The llcpublican party say that
the negro has lo rights that they arc hound
' to respect. Largo Lumbers of tho shnckcrs
must havo vottd outright against negro
suffrage, What will they do with that
clause of the Declaration of Independence
j that declares all men crentcd frco and
equal ? If tbo faithful expect to succeed,
they must do better. They havo railed
of L . Un!cd gtatc,, Do lb mcan tha
h(j a cit;zcn anj will they deny him,
; . . .. , .. . . , . '
i ' .
ought to give tho brethren iujlowa t lesson.
Ilo talk to them scriou'ly.
A Loxo Teum. A convict was discharg
cd from Sing Sing prison on tho Sth ult.,
. . . . ... . ., ,
, who had spent tlurty years in mo oiaie
1 . u IIc was MUt tQ tho ol(1 cit ;son
WS3 f th t f rourtccQ 3,
1 J
was ono of a cbain-caus sent to Sing
1 110
t 1 ii .. i .
sihl' iu laics, to iniiiu mat prison, ii
'ou of histern, he wa, out about
ii l. f,.- s v,-inrJ
IIc was out only thrco mouths ; vaa drunk
, ' ,
i a,, llj0 t- was thou tavcu up and sent
.... . . .
, f &is 'yenra ; that time expired on tho
J 1 1
Ho has been a good couuet ; has
H, -,11 i .t .
bccll PUUlsbed Only OHCO dlirlU'' tllO entire nnnrt iliirttifi tfm PTitirn
,7, . . "i, . i
i thirty years ; he is now in good health; is
fifty-six years old aud is a superior mason
and stone-cutter. Ilo intends .o-devoto
tho balanco of his life to himself,
JXcw and Dangerous Countcifeil. Mr.
11. Wray, Jr., publisher of the National
Bauk-Noto Reporter, advises us of the
circulation of tho now und dangcrom couut
erfcit, iu tho eastern cities. Tho noto is of
tho denomination of livo dollars, upon tho
Leo Bank, Massachusetts. It is a complete
imitation of tho genuine, and, of courso,
calculated to deceive the best jodgos. Let
tbo publio bo on their guard.
CsT An Irishman caught a hornet in his
hand, lint ilronnntl it ami nvr laiino.1. " I n
, 4-1
jabors, what kind of teeth do your bird
' havo in Amcrriky
Tho Cunningham Cnso.
Tlio N. Y. Times gives the following
note of the Surrogato on tbo question
whether Mrs. Cunuingham is tho widow
Durdell or not.
j-hu "juiiuguiu joaioruay ucciucti mil
rpt. C In ..-.1 .1 .1 -- 1 . 1 ..
litnma Augusta (JunuinK!iam h not tbo
, nf
..x.'wj .'......, uiiu unveil UIU
I issue of letters of administration tn Dr.
llurdell's next of kin. Tho Surrogato
says ho has not been left m doubt as to tho
n hr of. Ilin roosnno for tl.n rlo olnn
1 . 'I lm tn9r,! i.,n,i.ei:n i
there is no prcsumrtion in favor of a secret
marriago ncitber preceded, nor followed by
S. Tho clergyman selected wasunknowr,
tO tllO partlCS
!1. Tho place appointed was distant from
tho decedent's residence.
4. Tho only witness chosen to be present
was one of the daughters of the claimant,
0. The witness is contradicted by her
own statements mode under oath at differ
ent times, and by other evidence.
0. llio certificate of tueiuarnaco affords
no evidence of idcntiOca.ion.
7. The ccrtificato is incorrect as to the
name of tho decedent, and evinces ignor
ance or error as to tlio placo of his nativity.
u. i ueiu neiu suspicious circumstances
attending the transaction.
0, Tho marriage was not confided bv
tho cliiniaut to any member of her family
save one.
1 0 There was no private or publio act
or acknowledgment, no cohabitation, but
the alleged parties lived as single persons
11. On tlio part of tho claimant there
were confidential relations with another
person in respect to whom tho doccdeut
charged improper intimacy,
12. The terii-s of the settlement of tho
suits alleged to have led to tho marriage
are in writing, and exclude the assertion of
other terms,
13. The marriage took placo after tho
settlement had teen concludcdtnd carried
14. The claimant executed written in
struments to the decedent in her own name,
after tbo marriage. She assigned a judg
ment, he drew a check to tho order. She
n.,r'l.....l l. t ... l... ir.l..;.
.i,:i. ;i. . i i i i Ho met with the most interesting ease
on wlucli sho was described by her own , . . ?
name, I "113 morning which has occurred in our
15. At tho settlement she stipulated for experience for a long time. Wo were in
a now lcaso of the bou-c. I troduccd to a gentleman who gave us a
10. Shelly before the decedent's death cscu.plification of the wonderful,
she released all causes of action, and aban-1 ,r , . . ,
doned her agreement for a lease. fourteen or fifteen years ago ho states ho
17. lie spoke of her with contumely aud was passing down Baltimore street, lato at
reproach, and mado reported declarations night, during a heavy snow storm, when
against marriage. j helmet near Frederick street, tbrco men
18, lie was determined to osmpcl her. , it . .1 . .t
to leave the premises, and a new lease to I aml a W0U.1,,D' "? S tbctn tbo way,
another party was about to bo executed. I but being violently jostled by ono of them,
1 0. Tho marriage was first aunounood ho upbraided them somewhat sharply,
after his death. wi,on they attacked him. Being a power-
Mrs. Cunningham boro with fortitude I ful man standing about six feet in his
tho announcement that the Surrogato had I , , , . , , t ,, . ,
decided against her claims to bo the widow I fcboos' ho S00D lt,d tw0 f tLcra hon du
of llarvoy Uurdcll, and so entitled to a combat, and chased the other to tbo oppo-
third of Dr. Ilurdell's estate. She says sho ',
was prepared to suffer any injustice ex
pected it, indeed. Sho says sho will con
test the matter to the last.
mis. cunninuiiam's raosi'i:cis! as a
A misapprehension prevails respecting
Mrs, Cunningham's present position as a
criminal. It is supposed by manv that
now tho decision of tho yurroaato has do
stroyed her chiiu to a portion of Dr. Uur
dcll's property, she mu-t bo at on-ec released
from prison, as sho has committed no legal
offence in tho procurement of the bogus
baby. Such, however, is not tho case.
Tlio judgment of tho Surrogate's Court
docs not affect tho movements of tbo Court
of Sessions. Tho District Attorney will
carry the charge of felouy before tho Grand
Jury, and if indicted by that body sho will
undergo a trial before a Petit Jury,
Should sho bo acquitted ou that charge,
she will be liable, together with her daugh
ter Augusta, to an indictment for perjury.
She mado an affidavit thatsho was married
' in I). It,,-. I. .11 .,.! .- n...
i ..uSU1i Dulu .u4.
-hc was present at the ceremony.
XUKj Ln i oru xriuutio cuuorscs
th(J anil(1Ii m, nf ,nrttn i?Pl.flPilv.flMl
(more properly ravens) as to tbo propriety
of catiuc horse flesh:
" Iu tlio horse wo have an animal which Ea,n8 iiz0 t!lkctl away
is much cleaner in its habits than the hog, ! For cloTcn card lo"Scr lllJ " OODtinuo
herbivorous like the ox or fchecp, whoso 1 5u ihU condition, when, about two weeks
flesh is rich in nitrogen, and as ricasant
to iho taste as that of either of tho abovo
1, HM .i i
I T 7 , . e 1
(Jcsii from being fouud upon our tables?
Nothing but a popular prejudico, which
, moeiit investigations iu Paris show is
entirely without any foundation whetevor.
JCgf- In ouo respect, says tho Providonco
Post, Mrs, Cunningham's last pcrformaneo
was not a failure. She set out to bo ecu
Jilted, aud lias succeeded admirably. She
i-i not. hftvvfiviir. iuinnnsoil tri in nsitikht
condition, as tho courts refuse to allow her
to bo bailed out.
tST Matiiias Wilson of Selinsgrovo
was nominated ou tho -'1th ult,. by tb.3
Deuiocratio Couvcntion of Snyder County,
for tho Legislature, No nomination waa
made for Sonator, On the 27th ballot
KELlLlihad 1 ote?,liYElt8,
and Bowi:n.
Select 3ocUi).
Ami wo shall be thangid in a mtment; for tlilsinorta
inn st put oil immortality. And when this motto1 sbni i
have put on Imiiioriallty, then hall deaf, heswallonud
II. IN ,l,ln.v A.,.,.... '
up in victory. tertfiurc.
Bhe slept, hut no kind Nature's if eip t
Trie' dsliip could only h6pc and weep,
That hope wjs vain ; Iho vital power
Was wastli'g with the waning hour.
Her lids unclosed i Pho breathed no sound,
Hut calmly looked on all around,
And vscli in sileniu am tolly hirst
Then closrd her eyesamt sankturcst.
'Gone was the life sustaining breath
llul, oh I bow beautiful uasdiuth I
Mortality has passedanny,
llul a sleeping angel lay,
Nu voice the plumber ing silence broke,
Ilutlifu n every feature spoke ;
Tor ilcalliilscirDppeareQ to Be
lfdtclit with immortality.
The coL-nlcnance a glory woic,
A lovclinetisuuknown befuro ;
Ho perfect, so divinely tlir,
A snir.tLH soul . 'eiued present there.
Un that cu'm face were still imprest
The last ciuo'ions of the breast',
There still the parlliigiu.ircss lay
Jf loud atllictiun's lingering stay.
Anl slill did resigualioit speak
Hercuely from the placid cheek ;
And kind ben lence was there.
Witt, faith and Irustiiig.prJM r,
Oh I how di ilfccauty's s'tst bloom
ounconenial lo the tomb
Vitll tovu und piety unite,
An sweel rcposuund culm delight!
Ifslcep there Imi In realms above,
This was tlel she p tint angels love ;
Mortal ue'ur dieameilndr.iiu like iHs,
f perfect, pure, celostii.1 bliss I
Loved spirit! while thy friends rciiiata
Un earth wo cannot meet again;
Hut ah, how blest their souls will be.
That pass through diatll like Unite tu thee 1
Extraordinary Surgical Caso.
Timouun a man's skull.
site sido of tin street, whcro ho felled him
to tho (ircund, and where, leaning over
him, ho ro 'cived a blow in iho left temple,
which stuggcrcd as well as bewildered
him for a few moments. Upon recovering
i wm3elt ws assauant.3 iiau ucu, ana icciing
j the blood flowing pretty freely from the
. wound, proceeded to a physician, who soon
.... , , in. ....
found that he had been stabbed, the iiistru
mcnt entering about half way between tho
eye and oar, and breaking oil' short, leaving
a considerable length of blade iu his head !
All efforts to extract it proved futile.
Strange to say, bo felt very littlo pain or
inconvenienco from his condition. Tho
wound soon healed, and he attended to hh
regular avocations as if nothing had hap -
pencd. I brco years after, the wound
again opening, ho consulted a surgeon,
who, feeling tho ragged edge of the blade,
made several efferts to draw it ou', and,
after considerable labor, drew from the
wound a portion of iho base of tho broken
uirk wLicIl moasurca within a fraction of
' . . . .. . ....
, two inches in length. This part of it gave
'Ln IiIao Af ll.n m.iniml Kfitllllllihrr wlltnli
u" 'uu" u' "'"uu"" t ,
was sul'P0SCl1 10 uo 0 VlKK0 01 "uoul luc
suffering a great degree of pain
on the right sido of his nose, near Iho cor
ncr of his eye, on' the opposite sido to where
he received the wound, aud a considerable
swelling appearing, ho went to Professor
Smith, who, upon cxaminiug tho diseased
part, found tbo point of tho blado protrud
inrrl It had actually traversed through
1 ,
.it. nP l.rt imifl nnil nflpr fnnWppn
IU13 UUliVO Ul w '"-""I
years, mado its appearance iu tho above
locality, Suclis its position, plaiu to tho
eye, ami wocderful to bo believed, except
ing by an oyo witness. Dr. Smiih, we
I understand, proposes, in a short time, to
I "porato.lor its cxpuuou. H c tiavo oitcn
' heard of pins aud needles being swallowed
andin after years makiug their appcaranco
in different parts of tho body, but that tho
blade of a dirk, bctweeu tlirco and four
inohes in length, should thus travel, and
through bones ot that, forms an interesting
I subject for tho nurgcou as well as for tbo
I common mmd lia'ttnwr. lurwt
Marriod in Spito.of Themselves.
Old Governor Saltonstall, of Connecticut,
who flourished some fifty yoart.siaec, was
a man of somo humor, as well as persever
ance in effecting iho ends ho desired,
Among other anecdotes told of him by the
Dvt Triilon npnnlp (Jin nlacn nlicriS ho
"cw Jmuon people, UK) piaco wucro no
resided, is the following :
Of the various seots which havo flourish
ed for their day and then ceased to exist,
was onoTsnown as tbo Ilogersitcs, so called
from their founder John or Tom or somo
other Itogers who settled not far front
tho goodly town aforesaid.
The distinguished tenet of tho sect was
tho denial of tho propriety and seripturality
of iho form of marriage: "It is not good
for man to bo alono." This they believed,
and also that ono wife only should " clcavo
to her huabind," kit then this should bo
a matter of agreement merely, and tbo
couple should enme together sad livo as
man and wife, dispensing with all forms of
tho marriage covenant. Tho ol3 governor
used frequently to call upon lto;crs and
talk the ma ter over with him, and endea
vor to convince him of the impropriety of
living with Sarah as he did. But neither
John nor Sarah would civo up tbo argu
ment. It was a matter of conscience with fhem
they wero very happy together as thoy
were of what use then could a mere mat
ter of form be ? Suppose thcyr would
thereby cscjpo scandal; wero they not
bound "to take up the cross,'' and live
according to tho rules they professed 1
The governor's logic was powerless.
Ho was iu tbo neighborhood of John
one day, and meeting with him, accepted
an invitation to dine with him. Tho con
versation, as usual, turned upon tho old
" Now, John," says the governor, after
a long pause, " why will you not marry
Sarah 1 Have ycu not taken her to be
your wedded wife V
" Yes, certainly," replied John, " but
my conscience will not permit mo to marry
her, in tho formsof tho world's people."
" Very well. But you love her 1"
" Yes."
"And cherish her, as bono of your bono,
and flesh of your Oosh ?"
" Yes, certainly I do."
"Aud you, Sarah, love him and obey
him, and respect him, and cherish him I"
" Thou," cried tho govornor, rising, " in
the name of the laws of God and of tho
Commonwealth of Connecticut, I pronounce
you to be husband and wife."
The ravings and rage of John aud Sarah
wero of no avail the knot was tied by the
highest authority iu tho Stitc.
Cuniilug of Hit Haven.
In tho narrative of tho Artie Voyage of
Capt. MeClure, of the British Navy, is the
following story of two ravens whreh became
domesticated on board tho Investigator.
The raven, it appears, is the only bird
ihat willingly braves a Polar winter, and
iu the depth of tho sctison ho is seen to flit
through tbo cold and sunless atmosphere
like an cil spirit, his sullen croak alono
breaking the stillness of tho dcath-liko scene.
No one of tho crew attempted to tboot tho
ravens, they consequently bcoame very
1 U0U) a3 ,v;n ,0 scca from tho folluwin
" l'wo ravens now established themselves
as frieuds of tho family in Mercy Bay,
living maiuly by what littlo scraps tiro men
might havo thrown away after nical-timcs,
Tho ship's dog, however, looked upon
these as his especial perquisites, and cxbib-
i'dl considerable tocrgy in maintaining
his rights agiinst tho ravens, who neverthe
less outwitted him in a way which amused
every cue. Observing that ho appeared
quite willing to make a mouthful of their
own sjUo persons, they used to throw
themselves intentionally in his way, just
as tho mcstins were tciug,,'cleanel out on
the dirt heap outside the ship. The dog
would immediately run at them and they
would just fly a few yards; the dog thi'n
made another run, and ajnin they would
Eppear to escape him but hy an inch, and
o on until they had tempted and provoked
him to tho bUorc a considerable distanco
off. The ravens would make a direct
flight for the ship, and had generally dono
good execution before tho mortified looking
dog detected the imposition that Lid been
practiced upon him, and rushed back
An old lady being at a loss for a
pin cushion, made uo of an onion. On
the following morning she f und that all
tho needles had tears in their eyes.
-A d ,' tai.
und. r a enrt wheel.