Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, August 29, 1857, Image 2

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ron oovEnt.'on.
Of I.vonming County,
iron, canaii coMMisaioscn,
Of Chester county.
ron junoiw or the eumcME coonr,
Of Berks County.
Of Eric County.
Gcotgo D. Jackson, Esq.
Thh gentleman, whom tho Denwcrntio I
Convention of Sullivan county havo recently
honored with an unanimous nomination for
thf General Assembly, lias been spending
a few days, tho past week, in Columbia,
ar.d made tho acquaintance of mny of our
citizens, all of whom, so far as wo havo been
nblo to learn, havo been much pleased with
bis gonoral appearance. Mr. Jackson is
n Merchant at Dushorc, in SullivaD. In
politics be is a sound Democrat, a young
gentleman of fino personal appearance,
manly address and splendid business qual
ifications, and should ho bo nominated
by tho Rcprcscntati' c Conferee Convention
nnd elected, in connection with our lato
worthy member ana present candidate,
Peter Est, Esq., would honor our dis-
trier, and adorn a seat, in ll,o Halls of our I
... .' ...
otato ncgismuro.
Hopkins' City Hotol.
Col. L, llorniNS has recently taken tho
House, known ns tho " Eoglo Hotel," situ
ate in Third, abovo Baco street, Philadel
phia, and in addition to giving it a thorough
renovation and rcjuvination, has opened it
under tho namo of tho City Hotel. It is
a largo and commodious houso, elegantly
fitted up with capacious Parlors, Dining
lloomB, furoiturcd on tho most modorn plan,
and kept by a very polite nnd accommo
dating gentleman, in stylo and manner
rarely equalled and seldom surpassed. A
cplondid Restaurant, for tho accommoda
tion of tho guests of tho City Hotel, and
tbo publio generally, is attached to the
Houso, occupying tho cntiro area of tho
first floor) entering from tho Btrcct.
Wo recently spent n week, with Col.
Hopkins, at tho City Hotel, to our entire
satisfaction. Sco card to-day.
Josoph C. Rhodes, Esq.
"Wo nro glad to obscrvo that our old
friend, Josem C. Rhodes, Esq., formerly
of Columbia County, has been nominated,
by the Northumberland County Dcmocratio
Convention, fur n scat in tho Legielaturo of
(bis State. In that county, a nomination
is equivalent to an election, and wo very
heartily rejoice at his prospects.
Mr. Rhodes is a good lawyer, and has
tho ability to make himself a marked and
influential member. He is a retdy nnd
eloquent debater, a rlcar and logical rea
soncr, and a firm and rcliablo Democrat,
no bts his fata in his own hands; bo can
raako himself what ho pleases, and we shall
look to tho member from Northumberland
for a firm, consistent and high toned, moral
nd Democratic course.
Tbo Philadelphia Horticulturist
AVe have obtained from tho publisher,
Rodert Peabsam. Smith, Esq., the hound
volume of this invaluable Journal for IPSO,
and are in cschsnso with tho work for the
current year. The Ilurticulturitt is pub
Hshcd monthly, in pamphlet fuim, at two
dollars per annum, and is tho neatest affair
nnd most richly ornamented publication of
tho kind, wo havo ever s:cn, It contains
full particulars of tho sciences relating to
Horticulture, Tbo Garden, Orchard,
Fruit, etc., and is a first-rate Journal of
Rural Art, and Rural Tasto, and should
io patronized by every person in tho"
country ttIio is blessed with a wife and
t" Call and eco tbo work at our ofSco
rjlSr J. F, Leavenworth, Esq., tho newly
appointed Superintendent of tho Lacka1
wanna nnd Uloomsburg Rail Rood, last
Thursday, visited Uloomsburg. Ho is a
young gentleman of superior legal abilities,
n correct accountant, and will mako a very
efficient officer. Wo are pleased to learn
from cood authority, that the Track will be
laid within about ninety days and that
"Iron Horse" will bo on duty betwixt this
timo and next Christmas.
gy New Subscbiuebs. Wo Jiad tho
p'easuro of adding tho names of scvcrel
now eubscribors to our list last week. Tho
circulation of tbo Democrat was never
larger than at present, and is ono of tho
Lcet advertising mediums in tho country.
Tho proceedings of tho Montour
Dernccratio Oonvontion, aro given at length
en our first pago this week, to which wo
inyito the attention of tho readers of tho
ColutnUa Dcmociat,
Tho Lflto Editoiial Convontiou.
what inn mess says or us, Corrections.
An ospcricneo of ovor twenty-pis years
in tho Editorial Profession, liaa clearly
demonstrated, to ur satisfaction at least,
the importrtneo of tho dolioato duties nnd
rcsponsiblo trust confided to n publio Jour
nalist, Everybody forms an opinion of
men and things in ndvancc, and when they
como to sco for themselves, it not unfro
qucntly occurs, in many instances xa in
rofcronco to tho writer of this article that
they wcro ogrcgiously mistaken; and it
is for the purposo of appending tho proper
corrections that wo sacrifice our proverbial
modesty by giving tbo (-peculations of a few
of our fiionds a placo in tho columns of
tho Columbia Democrat. Years ago, an
Editorial friend ol ours whom wo over
regarded ns a patriot, philosopher and
ccntloman advised ub to adopt as a pafo
principle, in conducting a publio journal,
to republish everything good, bad or in
different that might bosid of us through
tho Press, remarking, iu the tamo connec
tion, that if thcro was anything good in
them it was duo our readers to hear it,
and if thcro was anything bad, it was our
duty to make tho correction. Upon thoso
principles wo insert tho annexed nrtiolcs
thanking our brcthron there named for
their very fiattorins; opinions and excusing
all mistakes as mere errors in judgment.
Jno. Youngman, Esq., whoso fino abi
litics as n Ftrong logical writer, weekly
enriches tho columns of tho Sunbury Ga
zcttc, reads us ns follows :
C3Co1.Tati:, tho dignified and worthy
President of tbo lato Editorial Convention,
objects to bcini; called "venerable." a term
whioh our neighbor of tho "American"
nppiicu io mill in Iiouciiig me iiouvuiiiioii.
Wo must say that tbo Colonel is not as
venerable a looking man as wo oxpeoted
to sco. llo is remarkably vigorous lor ono
0f i,i3 ngC) ana when we take "47 summers"
into consideration, quite youthful in an
pearancc. Our idci of Colonel Tote,
previous to seeing him, was a plump, old
eontleman, of about 00, very extensive
about tho wa;st rQTy M Jn t,)0 ehott
in tbo Iocs, broad across tho shoulders,
with white locks, and a bald patch just
abovo wlicro tlio editorials como Jrom.
That was our preconception of Col. Tate,
IIoxb ice were mistaken, Judco (if our
surpriso when wo wcro introduced to a
vigorous, wiry, muscular, activo young
man, of -17 summers, with a head almost
as blaok as a crow, and nothing to indicato
tho approach of aco but a pair of cold
Epcrtaclcs, and a slight disposition to em
bonpoint about tho region of tho waistcoat.
1 hero may, nowever, bo some deception in
that head of hair. You know, Colonel,
there are tuoh things as "vigs."
sunbury Uazftlc,
Friend Youngman, wo tell you once for
all, and tho balance of mankind, that there
is no deception about "that head of hair,"
Wc don't deal in "vigs." It is KATUnc'fl
Next comes our scdnlo friend Masser,
of tho "Sunbury American." His stric
tures nro in response to our comments nn
his former artlclo in relation to our "years
venerable appearance, and superior Do
mocrocy." The way he pokes Lt3 fun at
us i3 almost intolcrMc:-
Without intending to flatter tho Colonel,
wo must say that ho is tho most venerable
looking man, considering his ngc, that wo
know of. As regards tlio " one cry hair,"
bo may perhaps bo in tbo same condition
ot a wftRgisn mend, wbo mado a water
that ho had tho finest head of hair in the
room, whereupon he took off his wig, nnd
exhibited a fiin feather edition or second
crop of hair po fine that it could hardly bo
So far as "good looks" arc concerned,
friend Urower, ol tlio " JJontour American '
may not bo willing to concede Ins claims to
tho Colonel, though it will not bo disputed
that they wcro the " rival boautics" of tho
''Superior Democracy" can only be con
ceded to Democrats who havo never claimed
or desired offices, such as many of our far
mora, mechanics and others. Whenever
men arc standing candidates for office, it
is not presuming too much to sutpoct that
their principles coincide with tho seven
principles described by John Itandolph,
viz : " iho live loaves and two lishcs.'
Our f.nswcr to Mr. Youngman, abovo,
will, we trust, suuico to scttlo the wig
question with our neighbor Mr.sser, Wo
commend his sound judgment, in a fair
appreciation of our " good look." Be
tween Dr. Drowcr and tbo President of
that Convention, it might ho n question
of difficult solution, n3 to which would bo
entitled to tho " Knife," but, we do know,
who got the " Scissors."
E. U.Kaucit, Esq., of tho MauchCiunl:
Gazette. a whole eouled, jovial and
sprightly gentleman tho nckuowledgodly
funny member of tho Convention. walks
into our affections in the following froo and
easy stylo
Cid. Levi Tate, (P. H.) of tho Blooms
burg jDcwocrotjlooks well, talks wcll,writca
well, and, if wo are not greatly mistaken
. Jells well. He has an open, cheerful and
familiar countenance, no bclievo his
soul is a bis one. Tho younjr ones stuck
I to him, and looked up to him as daddy of
tho crowd, end ho seemed muoh pleased
with his happy and harmonious fjiuily.
llo is about CO ycar3 of age, dark complex
ion, Cvo feet ten and weighs probably 100.
Mauch Chunk Gazitte,
Friend llauch, you .should havo spared
our delicate sensitiveness without "piling
it on too steep." You have made us li
inches too short, eight ycar3 too old, and
although you havo csaclly guessed our
weight, you spoilcl our complexion.
N. 11. Tho honorary Degrco of "P. U.,"
opplicd to us in tbo foregoing extract, wo
understand to moan, a rerfect Brirlt. Wo
confess wo don't exactly like the designa'
tion, nml wouM respectfully -tiirgost for j
tho consideration of tho next meeting of
our Convention, tho propriety of Mibstitut-
itig in tho placo of P. H., tho inilinls
"S. P." And should wo linvo occasion
in tho Intcrum, to ndilrcsa cither Messrs.
llauch, Master or Youngman, nml mo tho
S. P., sin n term of distinction, tlioy will
talso It in klmlncea, find boliovo that wo
cow-idcr them "Home I'umpkiis."
Columbia House, at Tnmaqua,
Htrangcrs and visitors on entering town
from tlio East, says tho Tamaqnu Guzittc,
must bo ttruch with tho improved clwngo
in tlio largo Rriok Hotel, nt tho corner of
Main and Centre. The addition recently
ercctod, adds much to 1(4 appearance. Hut
in point of oppoaranco and couvcnioncoi
tho interior U equal to that without,haviug
largo pnrlor3on tho first mid second floors
and airy and spacious chonibcrs. Tho
tablo is always laden with tho best tho
market can afford, and therefore, tho Col
umbia offers inducements to travellers to
find there a pleasant home. Mr. t-ilvcr-
thorn, nnd bis lady, nro well known to the
travelling community, as well deserving
their patronngo.
Frankmn P. Freas, aged nbout five
years, a sou of Andrew Froas, Esq., of
Centre township, this county, received in
his loft Bide, on Monday last, a horrible
wound from a tcythc in tho hands of nn
older brother. Tho cut wes from six to
eight inches in length, causing tho cotrnla
to protiudo. Tho misfortune happened
through tho littlo fellow comiog behind,
and unexpectedly upon his brother while
using tho scytho in tlio field. Tho wound
was dressed by Dr. Jamt.b A. AViriSox, of
Derwick, and through his skillful atten
tion, wo nro pleased to learn thcro is some
hopo for tho lad's recovery. Ilcncick Gas.
Lycoming County Oonvontion.
Tho Democratic County Convention met
in tho Court House last Tuesday evening,
to mako nominations for tho different
officers to bo filled nt tho next election.
George White, Esq., presided, nnd tho
Convention was a very full ono. The nomi
nations wcro mado as follows :
Asscmblj- Col. Thomas V. Moyd.
Treasurer James T. Dawon.
Register and Rccordci MichaclScchlor.
Commissioner Michael Syphcr.
Auditor Lowis S. Smith.
Daniel S. Itisscl, nnd Dr. Pfouta were
appointed Representative Conferees.
Tho proceedings throughout wcro charac
terized by a spirit of harmony.
Jacob Salada, Esq., an estimable
citizen and worthy Democrat, was also, a
candidate for Countv TitEAsnncn, and
wo 6hould havo been much gratified with
his nomination.
Schuylkill Countv. The Democrat;
of Schuylkill county last week held their
annual convention and nominated the
following ticket. So far as we know it, the
nominees nro radical Democrats.
Assembly Dr. E. J.. Ebur, of Orwitrs
burg, Cbas. Hippie, Trernout, nnd Michael
caycr, HJincrswIIe.
ProthoiiOtary'-Daniel Shoencr.Pottsvillc.
Recorder Levi Ilubor, Pincgrovo.
Clerk of QuarJjr Sessions Charlc3 A
Rahn, Orwigsburg.
1 reasurcr m. Uickci, Ashland.
Commissioner Edward O'Connor.
Director of the Poor Nathm Imtz.
Auditor Geo. V. Wicst, MohantongO.
Five of tho candidates were nominated'
by acclamation.
Eg?- Congress. Ot.o, W., M. D.,
of Orangcville, in thiB county, is announ
ced as a candidate for Congress, on the
opposition hook. Wo wish the Doctor a
good lime of it. Dr, won't you remember
your friends when you get into Cotgrcs3?
Senator. Hon. Geo. 0. Wekes, of
Sunbury, has been nominated ior Stato
Senator, by tho Northumberland Demo
cratic Convention.
Col. Henry C. Eyer, of Snyder county,
is also a candidate.
VGrEditorinl Visit. Ti. It. Hai.L, Esq.,
Junior Editor of the Dcmocratio (Bcllc
fonto) Watchman, left his Card in our
office n few days finco, but wo regret that
wo wcro temporarily absent and had not
thopleasuro of making bis acquaintance.
UST Tho Straight-out Americans of
Philadelphia City have nominated Samuel
S. Diahop for tho Senate, and Joseph M.
Church, F. M. Adams, Jacob Dock and
L. It. liroomall for tho Legislature.
CSJ- New Dress. The Lycoming Gaz
ette ennio outlast week olothed in nn cntiro
now dress. It now presents n very neat
oppoaranco and is edited in a very ablo
and Fpirited manner. Wo aro glad to sco
that it is to proyierous a condition.
Clearfield County. Tbo Democrats of
Clearfield havo placed in nomination tho
following ticket :
Assembly T. J. Boycr,
Troasuror John Mol'hcrson,
Commissioner, Georgo Erhard.
Auditor A. 0, 'J'ato.
tS" Ocn. Vai.entini; IJest, of tbo Dnn
villo Intelligencer, wo regret to learn, is
seriously and dangerously indisposed,
EST" Tho Luzerno Dcmocratio County
Convention, will bo held in Wilkcsbarro,
Un Tuesday, tho 15th of September.
SST Tho Potato IUt has oppocrcd iu
Eomo parts of Chester county
Ilia Speech on the Gallows,
rcrsistonco In his Innocouoo.
At 25 minutes loforo ono o'clock on
Friday last, David Stiiinoeu M'Kim
p-iid tho penalty of tho violated law for the
murder nf Dr. PamuMi T. Noncnois, of
which ho was convicted in May la?t,
Holliilnysburg as crowded to cxccps and
a perfect whirl of excitemont. Early
in tho morning people of all ages and sexes
keep pouring into tho town from every
quarter, and so great Was tho rush on
Thursday evenim?, that many could not get
bedt, Mid wcro compelled to "hang up" on
tho table, chairs and floors. On Friday
morning the crowd ni vastly augmented,
and excitement ran high. Business was
almost wholly suspended.
Tho horilT w.ii preatly annoyed by tho
desiro of tho curious and morbid to get
admission into the j:iil yard and witness tho
execution. But few, howover, gained nn
entrance. There wcrcjthrco military com
panies on duty around the piison to preserve
On Friday morning at about fix o'cloc';,
tho condemned attempted to commit suicide,
by cutting the veins on his wri't with a
piece of glass, whii'h he procured somehow
for tho purpose. Ho bled pretty freely for
i short time, but his attendants soon dis
covered what ho had dono and bound up
tho wound and prevented any serious
result. He was closely watched to prevent
any further attempt of tho kind. He had
prepared a manuscript statement with tho
view of reading it on tho gollows, but on
tho morning of execution in n fit of rage
ho tore it to pieces. When his allomptcd
suicide and tho destroying of this p.ipcr
hecamo known among tho people outsido,
it cretted a groat fcnsition and tho e::cito
mcnt ran very high. It was generally
supposed tho statement would contain an
admission of his guilt, and its destruction
occasioned much disappointment.
M'Kim wn3 led out of prison and ascen
ded tho scaffold at fifteen minutes before
ton o'clock. Ho assumed a bold and
hardened appearance, and exhibited but
littlo evidenco of being at all seriously
The rope being adjusted by tho Sheriff
and his deputies, tho Kcv. Dr. Junkin
nnnouoccd that McKi'n wished to address
(lie people present. Tho condemned felon
thou turned around, f.iccd tho people in tho
yard, and in a loud voico spoko as follows:
Well, my friends and follow-citizon, 1
ntand before your eyes a dying man, but 1
nm innocent of tho munlor of Samuel
Townsend Norcros, or any human being.
Ileforoyou all I say that men came here i
irom tho vcsr, anu sworo away my ire.
They took the Holy Bible from the hono
rable ( ourt, and sworo to tell tho truth, but
told everything else, as my nml will be
launched into eternity as I nm a dying
Tho first, of these men was .Mr. -ivltix reasmi why i-, becau' o I am not veiltv. I
Yes, fellow-citizens of tbo United States, as .,,( t,() nuinlerer of Samuel ' o-iW-nd
I am a dying mnn I do not expect yuu to Norcross, i. cither ii I l:now how ho rniiio
believe it this Attix, fellow citizens, c. mo i (0 (c:1tl,. Rocau'-o tho world is dewo
here into court before tho honor 'bio Judges, i on m0 ;3 Hnt n&y reason v.hy I should
and thcro took tho Holy P.iblc and swore j confess to a nuirrbr I i ever committed J
to tell tho truth, and 1 contend that he told I l 0:irc iiotlii't-i for Iho world 1 care ti't
.anything but what ws tho truth. llo wmt the world s:iys ; I disregard til. It
said iliat 1 was ot his office with Samuel I ;s my candid belief that some p-rson plso
Townsend Norcross. but, fellow. citizens,! yet suffer for tho murder ot iNoreroc,
was never mere wuu norcross. no saiu
thnt I told Norcross to take nothing but
American cold coin. J wr.s never m ins
pfiico in my lite, as 1 am a dying m n
Ho nlso said that he asked mo if 1 wr.s bis
accnt, r.p novcr spoito to me, ns i am a
dvinf inon: hii I freely fowivo him for
the injury he has dof:o :uc, my loving vifo
nnd child, iny br dhcr, nnd my four :-i.-.tcrs.
I contend that ko is ono "f jny murderers,
who, by his false evidence, succeeded in
L'cttin" this rcno about my nc-k. When
ho was in court ho looked in my face end
told theso infmous lies, llo told fellow-1
citizens, everything but the truth. Bat!
littlo did ho think that bo must answer for
.. . r- ... V ! 1 .. I
it licioro a luglicr iriuumu . a wmmou
tour:, uut I'eiuru uu "'ipuy n'i"
lfhcdoes not rnrtcnt ho Vlll 00 dfmncd.
11 110 U0C3 J. , ,1 , , ,
Now may (.od A mighty liave mercy upon
hissoul. I freely forgive him.
Norcross in my lifo, tcitber was it my razor
tlioy had, My razor is at Long Pond it
least I left it there, I never hinvcd myself
whilo thcro (meaning Dunlcitli,) or any -
whero, until I was taken to tho prison.
May God Almighty havo mercy on him.
Dumbold said hero that there was not
much tho matter with Norcr"ss, but there
ho said that ho was a dying man, as n mnn I
now in this yard (Mr. Katon, Postmaster;
ct Dunlcitli,) know. Ho was not able to '
walk, as sworn by Eaton, which was a '
positivo falsehood. I
Another gentleman was here from some oilier j:i;m jti. i-u.wu, n "in no wicri f poi;c in Kii.u terms Ol uios- v. no wucn i. nn i.v n i-nn.-, i-uiryi. i i-,- .nine iit , (tii,t
DurJicth. llo Mid I shaved Norcross with visited him in his cell, nnd prayed for hitu. iP'teiinn'SnH
a razor produced in Court, with which, it Ho rpolto of Dr. .IcnUns and Ucv. A! r. ' in''i- 'i- t.'.riin Koiiiinm.,.i;ii rui.i ir.j,i uomrn. y,
i t , mi iv T. j,' l ., r.', v i j . i 'iii.l lieln? llm ni'ii n-nnertr PHWt I'V Hie Pi, liell
is said, 1 killed !orcrcs. L never Bliavctl i McClaia dircIiBrciint their fluty, sayine : ,, me i.-ii Mn-im,, mi end imn c-o.,,., ,,,.-1,,.
mills down tlio country J. uon l rcmcmucr io u inu umruerur ui ii ic men. i in:y
lii3 name tho sled man. I ncvor saw him, I novor said anything about that until I win
or rodo upon his sled or on any body's. I , in chains, but Ged Almighiy will havo
hopo I may never sco the kingdom cf ' somcthin to say about it. Iio knowsthat
Heaven if ever I rodo on his fled, or any 1 1 novcr killed a man. 1 h' po never to fco
eled, alter I left Altoona until I got on tho j tho Kingdom of Ilcavoii il ever I killed a
other sido of Williatnfpcrt, when I rodo on ! man. I am also eharged wi h Etcalini
a fled with tho landlord. Kvery wcrd j horses. Fellow-citizens, I never sfolo a
that man spoko was a falsehood not a j Lorsc, or anything, except fruit, and thcro
word of truth j but may God Almighty are few who havo not dono that. Novcr, ns
blc63 him j may hobo prepared to go to ! I am a dying man, did I steal anything but
Hoaven ; but ho can't unless ho repents, or fruit. Ain't it bird for a man to bo oc
any of them, I tell you ns a truo Amcri- cuscd when hois ch'incd in prison and
cnti they aro not men ; they havo no hearts can't defend himself? 1 lovo my fellow
or principles of men, and nro no (Ihristians. ' man, but I caro net for what they say when
Hut 1 forgivo ihcm all. I am horo an false, I am not iho man I am represented
innocent man. 1 caro not what tho world to be, I can dio without a tear, for I havo
says. I tell you as a dying man, my fel-1 nothing to four, bless God. I lnvo mado
low-citizens of tho United States, I would ! my election sure In Ohri'tl havoplacod
rather dio than tramplo upon tho laws of my trust, nnd when I leave this scaffold, I
any country. Tho rope is around my ncok, shall go homo to heaven, and hopo to meet
and there hvay coiTmnU I ntver murdered
Norcross. I norE I may .nkveu bkb God
irlDinl I linow thiB is tolcmn tnlk. out
I liiiow that I am innocent. It is a dia-
draceful death, but if nil tbo Innocent blood
that has been skid wcro drawn into a pool,
it would bo enough t.o drown tho talso-,
lit.... it... i. iiiiw uii.'iw .
citizen?, thcro were men who camo in hero 1
anil sworo to lies uiai nicy migm g, not. accompnsiin, ior wicu i.u ru.u .m u,
something from Blair county. What would (boon a murderer indeed and gone to licit.
your opinion hoof fucIiv men who uouhl II c then concluded by saying
swear Itnic niter ;j.nK to taKoyeur jno awai
Ojn you say they nro Christians or true-,
i,,mm.,. ... n,.m ri-,'.. ,,. .....
liavcmcrc on them ( inoy .ire no iimr-i
dcrerst They nro Iho men who got tbo
ropo about iny neok-lhcy are' the mur-
A gentleman from Altoona oamo Iicro to !
tho court, nnd said McKim tosk breakfast
with him. This is n t so, as I can provo
to his teoth, by a man now on tho scaffold,
I never saw a Fleck's, fellow-citizens. I
L'ot my breakfast at a L'cnt email s who!
scorned tho idea of coining into tho court. -
house nml hwcaiing my lifo nway, Ucro
he gave nn accurate description of Kearney i
md ICearney's house, whero Iio said lie 1
urciiiuiiMcu en uiu iiiuriiuig ui uiu niuiuer.j
But ho can't bo saved without hrf repents. ;
iay uoti rtiinigiiiy nies mm anu savo lumi
lie Knows that ho is ono ot my murderor3.
1 am a truo American citizen, at cl will
not haul down my colors I would rather
prefer death; I nm an innocent mnn nml I
1 . r. , ., r . -it . . ,
do not fear death. 1 will surreimer to 1
what is right, hut will never surrender to
what is wrot'c 1 nm coiua to lie launched
into eternity, and mu3t go to heaven or
10 ucu, 11 . am suu. 1 . goinv nomo
to sweet Jcsm. I nm sttro I am coins to 1
. 1 am Sianuing Iicro an limncelltl
I know, fellow-citizens, you do 1 ot 1
behove thia, according to tlio evidenco in ,
the court, and I do n-t blame you, but I ,
.n .....1 Y.
Hill contend for my rich'!'.
1 was born in Clic'cr county, nn-.r tho
for y-cight mile stone, on tho lul idclpl.ta Standing on tho very pinnacle nf deal!,, rno
imd LancBhtjr turnpike, on tl, 0 lam. of,htroIto launci,lng nfo into eternity, I pro-
Joseph Paxton. 1 d,. t deny my e .utvy, j rlnim nt , (iiot;,1Iloocn(. A f!XI.,l
iiioiign u.cro arc m.oto ,,erc irom r. ir,
was at that houo my mother gavo birth to ,
mc, though it were bolter she never Ind. 1 ,
novcr do..e nothing to fetch me hero ; those
who sworo false stand charged before Go I
my murderers. Am t I got a right to I
speak? I cay nothing as a dying mur, but,
what is true. I know that 1 eanurt con-
vmco you ot my innoconre, hut Hint does ,
rvr of find :i murderer.
I tell you asa dying man, Icllow-citizcns,
that I did not murder Samuel T'nvn-crid ,
. . ... ...
iSorcrosi, neither do J tnoiv how ho came
by his death.
!i,.,llmi.-ittI-!-'AitB T run n rriirt A wnf'cnfi
and havo f.u.ght and bled for my country,
ami was wounded in tho United Kta-c-i
t iiw y hum; jl Din t nui At mi. n-'iii . i
army. I have pressed forw rd with tho
flag of my country to tho muzzles of cn
non, among ba)oncts,-nnd have carried the
flag of triumph. Now I am hero to die a
dishonorable death. But I know l am
not a murderer. I hive been a dragoon
in Mio Uni'cd States scrvipc, and was
wounded. I do not boast of that, but it is
a dishonorable dojth 1 nm about to meet.
I was a private, hut was promoted tu Per-1
rjnnt major. I have been with Ocncralj
Scott and Harney and Dieuteoant Jenkins,
They all knw mo, and know that 1 cm
an honorable man, nnd would not cut a
man's throat with a razor, or beat out his
brains with a club.
As a dying mnn, with n coffin before
.im knowing that 1 will go to hell if i
lie I sny I believe in my Bible. My
aged imdlicr taujiht too to read it, and to
t'clievo in it. I nlwaM pr;iycl. You
know how she feel
She Vnow.-i I wis one !
muu ..w ,..-...'. v
VJIIU UOI1 I Cilll II lull lliu li' U"IUL':-, IIIJ'I lur
for 1 hold tint murder will not lay. Mark
me, Mr, Hammond, you will some day find
out mv inno''cti''c
I go in for hanging a murderer, hut rot
nn innocent mnn. I repent to you tint tho
witnesses came in and sworo r-gabT-t me ns
if 1 was a song.
ipi . .
Thepri-ioncr tnen went en exonerating
his counsel, who hi: p.iid had done their'
duty i also, the jury, judi;e, ml oncers,
He cniifinucd
I blame no mm sw rn to do hi-i duly. I
would ask no man to do wrong, if it cost
my life.
I Lavo been hero three months chained,
nnd a part ol ihe timo handcuffed. Don't
. . 1 t . ..... ,e 1 . 1,
j unmo any oouy irat myscn, rnu you en
Kro-.7iuc icus.u iy ; iui njnij; w ibi uij
IIOUUIOS. , ,, , ,. , ,
Hero ho spoke cf brnuciim on his hands
Lcin- so tight as to mako his arms bleed.
i "They came hero and prayed for mc
j;i-0 Chriftian men, and havo been tho
i instigation of saving my soul from hell."
; Ho next sp-iko of tiie Methodist?, end
tlj0 kindncrs shown him by the people ef
J llrllid-ysbur?, and rulhd upon God to
I Jjois them ill.
I -rant you to think I am plo-iding the
truth, I am not liko tho wiU'twcs ; (hry
jiad no ripe? around their ne ks, ready to
bo launched into hon-cn or hell, or they
never would have sworn my lifo an ay.
I havo been charged with moro crimes.
1 1 havo seen it in tho piper-. I am supposed
my G- tl, my ngcd fnthcr, who has gono
beforo mo, my mother, wife, child, pistcrrf
nntl bro tlicrt. A liatcaro I for tma doat li 1
My friends caro fortify havo not a stain
upon their character,
It is not my f.tuh.l
Hod Almighty Know,
0(1 Alini"llty knows.
He then ma.1e some allurion to his attempt
, commit suicide, and said ho wa nstig,.
lie then mado
.v ... r . . ,
ted to do it by the devil, nut was glad iio i-iii
jMcKim roon ,0 lnut,e)0d into
etorl)ily nnJ ,,N fnul will go to heaven."
A portion of Scnpluro was then roid,
by Dr. .Tunkins, and tho hymn bcgiuing
"." "'T ,nn,'" , ,
was sung, in which tho prisoner joined. A
prayer was then mado by Dr. Junkin, after
wlii'li the clergy, hii comi.-'cl, tbo officer?,
nnd e,il0r., t6ol;" onva 0f ,!,. 'J'i10 r0p0
,. . Ci .:rr ....i ii.
was "n; 10,1 l llic S!l0r,1T' 11,1,1 "10 "P
V'cc ovcr 'M f;,co"
After McKim had cincludcd his extra
ordinary ppcocb, not ono word of which
any ono present believed, tbo rCVOIcnd
Gentlemen stated that it had been inado
soieiy on ins own rcspoiisiinii'j , mm wun- -
out their sanction. They had previously
wnrno,i ,im to avoid mcntio'.im: names;
, , , ... ... .11 1 ... .1
aim iv r.iy .ia J iliu ii iiusmuiu iiiuu uli uiv
J he ucv. at. a unum, previous to tailing .
his farewell of (ho, asked Ium if
ll0 Rlili maintained that his Ft.tpmoiits cn,
, , .1 ,,, . . . ,
. .... . t 1
wlidlicr ho was innocent of tho crime for
which ho had been condemned to death, to
which McKim replied in aloudoicc
"Ocnt'cmcn, I nm inncccnt of tho mur
iter ot bamttol lownscnd iinrcrf-
like rac. on tho ver.-e ofdcith. ,voirt. m,
,,clicvo ? 1 nm n ,',-. wl0 t,t,i0ves ii.'lho
Jjb, n(, fcnw tI,at if T ,3;,, wJth a Iio on
t!1J. ton 0 x v,n, g0 10 ,clI alll Il0 r,un;si,ci1
fcovc;-in , unii,r l,ril!lsloI1B. I j e inn.-
ccnt of lll0 mun,pr o( iXnvl,rl 'nien-aul
fcm,s, Ood Almb-h-y bless i.-y do r
.if ,,,.,.., cllil(, ? ..., dear
rbtcT ftmj Iir()li10r. (io(1 1)lpES you ; j
TI 'S,,c,in ,1C" I,n,lc ll,,a r"CWcll, and
.1 r . 1... . r.u if . ir' .1.
'rulil "'o n;niioia. jiciini r.i ;
"Wait n moment, Mieriff," rnd riuicldy
exclaimed, 'Now, Sheriff, quick 1" nml
I at twenty-five minutes 1 eforo eno the drop
it i i .i rii i .i i
l"lllc'' "J' ",0 !'" U'"u.
"ate and much to bo pitied wretch vas
launched into eternity, and thus ended tho
earthly circcrof David ''TiUMiKr. M'Ki.m,
If ho was guilty of I he murder, and the'
chain of tidenco win so!
strong ns to leave not tho remotest shadow j
of doult of his guilt, bo must h:ic been'
ore of tlio rnci.t hardened wretches that
ever ruffcrcd the just pennl'y nf n horrid I
The mini naturally rhudderd s.t the
contemplation of wickedness ro deep end
terrible. What nn awful ae-ount will he
not to render to bis God f
f.', C-4 il iaiV f3? ft?
' fllVVvltlJiUW,
cS?T ???
$m EM Ml
,. (invv t: 1 np,l ttv rpii-IilCfii in Hip line
I'nll' MIn ,-lnil Uni nil" CHMui-.i. ,V,llliin'Pj,i,l
' i v. lin.liii-lt ill li I, -1 I. ,1)111. 1 I'll! Ill p. li.
Pull-'. IViiIp-i null Mill-i itromnttv f ttlli r i4il
I imt'.iI ' t?v c ' M ( ip's'i hi ini't-t Orlrr for
I"ulu "()! i. ii" '"I. l.' 7
TION! t-iii: rr:
vr.v wt rt.vit. .lor.icui.TULMt.
A -iOI'll'.TVlvlllllnlilita
hi;vi:.'iii Ajivinr. r'itriTio:.
At l;,ila(li',ilin. irnwi'ii' i (rii'ii.t.)
On Hie ?;Mi utiil :intli nf Hrj.iem:i -r mi,i j,, ri'it Ct
i' ij. ol l t in t Tin' ii.ii 1 1 n ilu. 1 1, ,n nn 'irirn
(.-'T '.irn ffi-n iMft'i?i' Ir kiopIi, n ill lie larnlihnif
ry the Ifmlrmi'l . ini'nn'i'K.
nV.i .i.; 1,'"" " ' "
1 A nom:p.T :. iiMiMii.
T7LF.YEN well qu.iIiCed Tcaelr
Jit wnmeil f r Ihe ilitnrt m Mntionm: t1
ten' ii.l, in.
I.nrlin'i fn'll'tv. I'-ir lll.'len i nf live m in'lm. I,ny Inning
nil llie Ulti iliy n l)-t,l"r liexi. 'I'de , l"in'i,f mn
i ,vi u in-.i- in ir,- i iii-iu' i a i irer li. n pi'i him ii.iiip,
, ni,. n, ,.. ,ii,.. f,, ... - i i, M,
JM'.'llltl'T I''' 'I . ,1 1 il ti l-,,i' li, .1 . lll'tlil M -lei-n ,vU
riven in 'i'earliiip well iinlilie;l in llii HiiiinIi ,m
d'lf. Nnnp i thei . nt eil immiIv.
V-y nrilT 1,1 llm Itu'inl nl lliferlnra
AllI 59. 1M7-.I firr.lan;
ninnmi-lillrj Oi'Ul cn;y Feni! liill tn Miiucll Ulliinl.
SillllflKK'S. SAMS.
vlrl"" nf r writ rf f.f I f ipin. tiktp will lin tt-ni-il
tiipt!'li-F.tlc,atilii.'IJiJUitJI"U.i),in II'O'IIIIV-
ituritiy, l',e T,'h h,V rf S.ptrvilcr nnrt.
At i.nvmrk. j'. m.. ni me irietui nnii ri'tnte i.r
r.iayi'em' n-n n in nutnn ier l'f" imm iln
ni ...vvn ui", i'"in ih- nr-uMy if Junrnry . a. i.
I i;'! ""'7,', HIW.?
a will! "it I'.ue ihti-il im Mil thy r. Jinn . ie,l.
I', I'ikeii In e.,T' ll'in, l,lnl Ui l,ii .nltluttlP
nrppurty m Mnjlierry II. I'pM
ctki'hb'J n. MiL'.r.r..
rn-r:rr-i! nr. i". j i".ir(f.
I'.'ninulinre. Aiiey.!, 1 -."7 .
MMintAor. ouinu r.v nn. wim.ia.w vowko.
nuini hi. iii'ini: v n.i. wn.i.t w ydiim:.
m u.iiiAcn lirim: nv nn, ili.iam yhi'mi
MAiiiitAci; crin:: ny nn. wili.iam vm mi.
mahiiiaoi: (a im: nv i:t. wili.ia.m voi;mj.
m.muuaoi: iiumi) ny im wn.i iam 'nrvii.
rji nr. omnr. vfiiiNo'fl oiicat
4.,IIVSI()I0,!I'',' woiik: Tin: iouicut
Z!flBel2A:'';ill.'Vll!it. nr livery One 1,1 invn
-ts, lln'inr. I,y Wm Vm cn, SI. D ltlnwilllen
In il:tln Inneiuiee nr tho ee neral h nilrr. anil li lllnq
Irnti'il with nivnritp nl nne lin nrlr ! enerivini,.. All
j !',"'j''t'',1,1l",0l"'',
louiip iirniiie, or uin.n rnnii'inpl'itine'iiise, nml
in iinrrien tile, puonlil
prrri rt lliu rv.rv
.lieii, Imftniillntriil with : still. It I" n linn't Unit mtit
Ijo kept locked up. nml nnt Iio ntiuiit the liniise. It v ill
be sent tn nny ouo nn Uic rt'f'ini nf twenty five fenu.
Aililroe,, Jut. tVM. yilllKO,
l"3Fnrilee slr-ct, nbnvo Fnnrth.
Ant; 53, 1S37 I'lilljilelplilj, I'a.
E. li. Oli-WIO,
JJwfattvTtr and ll'krlctnle J)ea!er It
Ci:i)Alt, WOO!) ,1X1) WILLOW WAR!:,
& Di (D El 3 o
Ol.OI'lld. lllll.'rJIICH. WIMIOVV HUAIIUrt, &c.
No. 1.10 North TII1UD Street,
Ovt doer below the City ttoUU
O. n. M. r-flTfUIIOL'T.
MtnvfattuTcrt and WAotemle Dt(Ur$ in
Hals, Caps, strau' (Jnnds nutl Furs,
NO. 03 MARKHT BTRIXT. fnj Malr,
ABOVE rinil HRLtTi
Atis 2. 1P-57
Grlmbrollas and Parasols,
1 At mo uii Hmn.i
no j Nonru rorinn ttTunirr
1 111 ?iu 1'HlL.lULLVJll i
UrlllS IIAin IJYIl npe only n trial to fn. ft. ...
omh JJ-m-Wm , ;
rnililff llAVn (iri'vlim.U. In.,iin Ifilltiinnv iH
'ijthirntArf jot prieiieet rUttittttt,
,Tr ftcr,,i
'''"'.'iV'' - Yi 'rViyi ' 1 'a,,'n''A iM,
i!in7inV'rro"iii"piiair nTs?" Slt'SiniivJi'".'.1'
'Mil ii"i ii'jiirw .ii ii't-r ur Einini nui ni l fan l,ni
nil nn.l ilonihla tnlnr in llin Imlr. 1
jamcs a, nooTtt
tnclmiuno tiovi:rtv ri.tno nn.i itovi:n!K n-
I oumum! iNKf.nt'in.nv..iikno,M,1,ni iniri.i,rM
VhWW "nT,V:.rT:n;;!!:r;.VV;r;V:'
Hint Intrln.lP. twin tl.ilnioil m flri lor i ). ,,, Y, , f;
littiMirnelnriT. hp
Oritirr.niM-i'.'M In 1 tip Stnimfllnfr, 4inin
mri-t. nlmvu t'oiirili, (nl.i N-...1 1 Plularlc lr.j , Villi
riTi-iv.i ironii nlli'iillon. ' """"
Aije S., 1SST ly
TO' IN Dnr.Ti. Ko til Nnrlli Prcntnl frrei tin.,
.) Arrh, fill mtrlplta, m
Import rr if Toys an,! Fancy Gco'h
ttn li r tines! nor tmnntt or (n r I oH tf In llin r!,.
l'nysnf fill kilfl., VAney Iti.lirlfi.Hinntii. l'lpp..Tnltnpt'
Ituvr-a. Vtnlltl. fln.l Hlrlll.. 1 1 1 r lint ti l...u
nmln llrge Jnrlilyof olliir nrllckii lim i.iunr,.,,,,, ,,;
tl tt.
""g ir-
AI.I'.X. G. CATTK1.I, ,c uo ,
ronifinm.w .w coxxii'iott w cn.ixrr,
TOIt llm m'- "f Or.iln, flour, 9tnU, 1-nn, 1,1,11,1,,..'
i. ftp., 'n SCI Nntlh WnM' s'rwM, I'htl i'!!rlti-t .
Notin iirnnfii. Priniy'nii,
VP- (InniN r.'rwi. (It'll n III, rure. In nil imlnln nn
i.'inci,niiii.i ni.,j
(5,i,i.,m..rrrr.i.. n,
n. 0 n fo.
,,C1U . . .
. j-i&iitAT.
IK&f II -mlw k I'p, Co iimiln rinnlp, ,i,oi
4ga;aih lof Ma, .,' '
tVppo.nil In nlmnl nnn ypiir n il. Til" nwnrr fc
Tijl''(J In in-in prni'.! jir'i,flr nn,l inki- li in nivtt) :
J i.Ultrwi.n lit! will l.' pM ft. Ill" Inw ,'iri r.
! or.oiicii I,. ni!oi.jr.n:i.u
I'.nrli Htn, An; 2:, I8'.T
f T or i.niTi;
tt '
nH tPin-li'ti'," tn 11, n li fin t , t
Uuiifti r , intinii iic'iil lli h, li-;7.
TrlrMn t
I li.'nlln Jll'l'ml
l'.ll"l.l John A
t'niillt .'rim
Knn,li.r Win r
Clumii I rr,l,.,lc!i
i linns r. v
'Illlil'i i' n
Yt Ii!it t-iirpr
VnrlM,iiiMt Win
U'ftt t'n.j rf
U'lTlmnu npfi.v
J llirl'nr.l Uriirn.'" 1
fli'-cnii rrlr triilp
Milli-r IV.i.nri S
sj'' nn
minlK nn'""n
."' - v Mi!
i '.'if"i"'s"'
llin?rnrlhP lil-nvn tiltpr win pl-me
rillt.ll" fNASOST. I'. V.
J'X'atc nf G'lcnn Yorks, t?c:'.
ETTEHS of Aflmim'tratio-i -n
0'ti nr(;ii!nn Vmli.lnli. i-r Jirl,.nn Inw . ,'i.
f'lilinii'ilri (nnnly, ilcf.i'ii.1 tl ln.-n erai'tml lv :i
it .!' i'rri,ii,!,it,ni en iiiy. iii r.iuviiftii vnti,
r-f n'' p In .inn Jnriiiiii inwu.l i,i ; nil i"i"i .' ."
rlninm ilL'aiii-l lli- iati'n nr Hie ill mil -n nrc r mi- n'
In if-n"lit llfi-iii tn llm'tf wtllimil t'l'l'l,
mil I'll I' Ilitlibi'J In rnilm I'tiyini'rl f"rtlitriili
r.i.i..iii:in viu;k
Anfl.t II 1"T-C.l titrirtritfr.
l:"jiH pp'i'ired irom tbo rt'ibloj
jiy of i:!!1 "iilLcrifi. r, In lt!'in'i,.lMii ,A
ml 1 tf-s.;.i I'l 'III i:m -imi in.'.'llil It
T . .. . I. ,1 iC.
IV I 111 P btper." in ifrfirr. rliile
tnf lilnn f i'.'t I'll,! nnn l',irh (i,r!n Willi 11 1
lilak Mtr'itN nn li'T 1,1'k,
A lil'i'inf ri'i'iiril vlll e ,.n, for J-nr irrf,rrrr nr
fnr Ihr liiiiirimiUiiii or in r wiirri
rinnnirlniPf All?. 15. IS".-"
Xi-'IHttANT tl IV I'nfi--fnn5 ( Mf wilt HI il
i. 'fttimpnt ' t IVlf HnrUtrKt r. I tf of MtKIm
iiijt. Ch-m'iiMi c I'i'ily, fti'p-Tm-il. Hit 'iti'!cril.'iil
Vrrtttor of iJi" hfif-ftaiit il'fiVnl. ti ri-ti-n in
1 ulilic t'.i!'-. t't'-'n III" pn 'jm' nn
The fullou iff f''f rn'ir.t ViilnabV lift) V. 'r
mi inir in piiin mutii t'tir'M'i'P i: i: i',t"i r h-ii t
I i".i-ti'p I n IIk rrl of Ui'Kilii I UtK 'lull en
I t!if (inli t.oupiIrl he Hi" Ifrt jt'tk M '-jtn ttn "it li-
fitM LiiKl-ff I f vt t i-v'i'l nntl nu (Hli l.v
I Ir.n U of nM.i!- 'i .iiR rctiiiftii ;
inn llnritlre'l and i';'?"iIt
Ami .t ijn'i n :
IlT'TIl nit' prrrteil tLn fn!lmv:i.
fsjrM r'-'"' ''"""c HI...P-, (,.,., i M(f
;"ffriE'- "' Mini I'l-J-rl' . nr.fl r,,rn,7 f
tiW'V "'nii-r i! ! wii.'t ti'l .itlifr r-qui
.'inn (in' tpt- rittr- ' fff nt r'u tr'trt io jrTrnvol
niI tn ?i'di! tlili- ff mllu t " i-ftn . ii iirri ii
if Iiirl) if rr i-tieni ,";.Mi!(nv n'i'l ih" liinttri ;
H rii nrc titplcr t.unl. ,
ln -A v-r tiff ()rr!nr-! out r rr-m iar)-i
Cly orpri'"' I'rill T'l'i'i tm riti I prcinrii. r---
1T?-Si'l r.nm will n jtnl lo-'tirrrt i t in tu i-fls.
n fiwi t"t !'iit tirrhn-M-ri
tlj"-"!!'' Io r "utir'rif' nt 10 n'Vclk, , M . en unlit
tiny, ilicli Mtf ihiiiirp tii Ic -j vr-n jm 1 ioii-Iiiioi rf
iiiai!t Known, ty
jftv rf. mm i, cit. r.iutfnr.
j whibnKiiiTAU
Optician nntl Oculist!
rna.v rnr-wr.i.Ymn
plMI'firTFUM-Y iiifpm- !'. rJliwn- rf
jV li'irj iitu) vlrifiity, tli'H !it i'i-iim1 u Ittxiin at
Hti La:Ii.ui'I ll'if I. Mrli - rt hp fill - r- l'-r niIo
Of (Trry varieff, rfcc nnd rputltiy.
rrw iPvnnfinu vf J-p-Tt'trli"-. ftr )!tn:ir rr r?n--rt
fft'lifn;, Mtih eM, Piiv.-r. pf.-l, ni-t) t tr-ni-'t- pltHI
IriiiM-d uriiln "w nmt iinjir' vm! finrtm-'T-t nl prnf
" prrrHitrt Vim i. iinifi i-iintif.iriitri' U
wvvta prtrfifiidrl r.i'I tlio nltr titiiin of public !
m;au n niTKT) pnipovi.
An'l ffr-cii" ivIm Ji iv tu rnp-.i I'pip t!i"
fntarrii t y. ni 1 1 tic m w kiln! "f pli n"l
i.'nnit'rv i- flli '(l,r iiful-1 nf id- Im pt flint ami' nvur
(i'upif-. UriOfl f!li)i'ii rnt )')'' krtnwn (y i li ir '""
rnrt r'-nirP , flnrp iiimI M'ily ji -Imlii d ftirf u 't li"
'I'litUiii-H im to Itr- f.MitnJ in it tn all rfiir" in hi" lnn
A(rfO Mirr(i-rrtf, t-,iviilii (t'tir.7!t)3 (Jriffi" ' r
rvrry rlr nrnl 'I'c.riij; Tilnmn ft, Miign-i yiri a"l
'rTa (ilnviR, w it ti ('(liVr'Tir p(iv.iT-. tiin!h t viitti
very vtriciy if arliclt'i n (In-Optical Inn- n-tt iin it
1 io nnt.
TJf 'ifil mil r-!h-r If)trimf-nlPiinl RinM" rar"
f'i ly rrtniri'il nt !mrt notice Iti- run iilvy-JI:iJ-lfn
In ptiit he VMli'll "f tlio r"fn". hi f'-"
'In i'l. i'pHi Hif firt IfmI. Iln v j 1 1 ri'tti.ilti h-rn luri
t'l'I'lPtrjiifT ourt. ini'l iliorp It wnnl (-f tin- u'juvu u:tt
( m i'i gn d I'ltii n call.
AtiR '22. Hi"
A L Ij A R R I V A
iii a a y rj .a -
TUH itMpr'ijrnMl, smffitl fur iint i-utrTnt'-. rr-ep'-'-ifnlly
mlirnit Iuk p' mnni'-r nntl Hit piiliir
pcppml'y, lint ti' Itfi Jtiti rftfivi'it from iln K.iotcni
riii , ilii larpi'ni an" mnHt n-U-i l ctnrlt nt
ThMlilt yitti-n ortiPiI in lUn-Mutil.iirj in whkh
Invltt'x tli i fltti'niin'i nf Inn friTt'l. nnl nFiin-n iln-ui
iliul ilirynri oth-n-it Inr p-i'ii nt .( lirjinu. Ilu
rttuck rntnpriflt-tf u l.irgi) Jfi-nrini'-iit nf
Gcntlcitu-ns "Wonriny Appnrel,
cnimutia? of rAsiixov Aisr.n nnni ioatp. rf
i-vrry t'if rtplinii ; I'.miJ V''hIf. Hinrt-. Crntnt-ii
Btncki.ColHin idindtu rclifrf-i, ;i Hmppn-li rn, Ut.
Gohl Watches and Jiuthyx
Of "vrry (Vn'rlpiinn un, phrnp
N. (1 Iti'Hn mur ftfenberg' hefp Trrfetivn "
Coll nnd fco. No cltar"i- iir xnnnnti'i c "l"
iiftVii) l.owr.Nimr.o.
innnniiilnirjr. Aiiff22. V'
I'nl nn III Slli" , 33c , Mc. n'i'l SI lm-r'
"CosiAit'ri" iir.n urn hxtimiminatoii.
1'iit iln in J'ir , ,0,i . 71 , unit 31 Ii'iMIi P.
coar.Mi'd1, r.i.r.t-ruii; imiwukh run astsj.
I'nt up In SV nnt .'.Or, Iio-"
I'llnrlnm ii.,nt fin :IR lliimiiwny Vrw Vnrlf. n n
ruM liy lirnpfjiiiln nuil lli'nli'ra iivrry whi-ro in lli Unl
li'il Hl.itoa ( iiunln Wi'.t Imlli'i unit H'Hllli Am-rl'i'
AiicSI. lf.17 I m
i;v.' N" s.MAfM.m.i jui ti u ii