COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT," A I. ISM II TATK, I.OCAI. KIHTOH, Saturday Morning,,1857 tESLQSa!DS !flftl(S!SS I Divino set vices will bo held in Illoamg burg, to-morrow, (Sunday, Aug. il l,) at llio following Churches : Episcopal Church. Uuv. II. Tullidob. Services nt 10 o'clook, A, M., and at early candlelight in tlio oventng. Frcsbytcriin Church. Ili:v. D. J. Wal Scrvico at 10 o'clock. A. M. Lulhcrm Church. lfev.E A.6iiami.etts. Scrvico at early oandlo-liaht in tho oven- . b """" , '& daman Reform. Rev. W. Goonnicn. Scrvico at 10 J o'clock, A. M. Mdho-h'sl Church, Scrvico at 10 o'clock, A. 31. jEtaJ- Thk Editoii havine just returned ' , from riiilttdclnhia, as tho paper cocs to i .1 , , , . I Press, and consequent y nro compelled to I .,. n.i, it ..I num. ii.oj ...... ..-.v...-........ intended for this week's issue. tT An lissay on "Uiaur," by Ut. i: II. I'rtr.EZE, will appear in nest cokVifflW Ctfir AVo liavo boon authorized to an tjcuuco William Golf. Ksq,. will not be a oandiilato for County Treasurer at the approaching Mcciion, ZGjr Thcro aro at present, two Camp meetings in progress, in thi.-3 county. Ono near Ilhorsburg. and tlio other, noar Orange vilK. Eip Wo continue to her gratifying ro ports in regard to tho hnrvest, A bounti-, fat crop is being gathered all over tho Wttloin country. SS- yr.t.ECT f."cilool.. The next term of this Institution will commence tin Mon day tho 7th day of September, and coif tiuuo eleven weeks. iSf- The bow I.uthcrn I hureh of this place, H now about oompleted. Wo un ilorstaiid that it will be dedicated In a few weeks. t M' - l?1 jsw- .to aro uuaiToo;igauancio hinu friend, for the presentation of a fine lot of early pears. Wo hope that ho may al-' tnys havo abundance of fruit, as bo ii very liberal with it. Say- Tho Secon.rAnnrSir of tIl0 ! n i i n . i i. , n . ' Columbia County Agricultural Society, t, be held in Bloomibum, on Thursday andPriday.tho iiA and 23d of October . 1 next. i ; ccn few bair Fruit of near all liM, hca 1: selling in 15b onisburji, for the last weeks, at very high prices. Wo do not underetand why thu is, forour JiKi'hangcs 1 .vwuro u, that Vegetables were never moro j ploiityful, than at tho prcneiit season. 1 Kjy II ct weather will havo a tedency l drive tho "people of pleasure" from tho citico, t seek a oeol retreat uniong tho hills and dales of tho rural district. Como 1 on : wo will tend von back arrain with ..i-..: ..1 1. j 1 1 ..1.1. aiiipruvuu iwcniyuvQ per cent. VST An Grain Secilfl, Ac, aro now sold nlmost entirely by weight, wc give tho fol lowing as tho lawful eland irtl, xh : wheat, Cl( It.- I... .t.1 r nt GO, eloveiv;ced 04, timothy seed 45, buck j when 50, barley 49, peas 50, I JS-sT The wifo cf O'Mallcy, who eloped hat week with a young Irishman, by tho namo of Bryant Yard, pays the Pittston Gazette, returned on Wclnc-id- y last, with her husband nnd tho Constablo ot Blooms burg Mrs. O'Malley feeling a much sad dcr and wiser wemap. EST Poisomno Dons. Somo unprin ciplcd fellows seem to . ccupy a largo por tion of their timo in creating disturbance, and committing somo depredation. Our- ing tho past few ttceks, a quantity of pois oned moat has been freely feattered in dilfereiit parts of our town, and concqucn tly ecvcral dead dogs havo been fonnd. CSylf you want t:i maKo yourself look respcctaMo and bo ablo to fit yourelf out, so aa to tuku a position besitlo tho hooys and flounces now uccoinpaning tho Ilcllcs along our Btrcct j go to Lowcnbcrg'a Clothing Store, and he will rig you out in w - the latest styles, at the shoitest notice, and on tho most rcasonablo terms. Wo refer for particulars t.i bis advertisement of Fall Clothing in another column. flsS" Max of lJr,oosisiiuito. Uy tho kindness of Mr. Lloyd, wo wcro permit ted to tako n look at tho new Map of our town, now in courso of preparation, nnd wo arc convinced that its general appear anco and execution will give groat satU- faction to our citizens, and especially to tho tubscribcrs, by whoso liberality and .local prido, tho work has been undertaken, It is progrcssini; rapidly, and will bo rcadv r v.., . .. , . for distribution at tho earliest possillo . . . , , r Wo do not believe that thcro is a town in tho State with anything liko tho samo populattoo, that oan boast of less ,. ... , ,, juuttaiity man inoomsDurg. mo reason id, tuat wo havo a puro ami healthy nt. merits, and thcrouy tlisoharrio an honorablo .,. ... . , , ,, , ..... r, . lllOSIlllOrO, and It Seldom indeed that CPI- obllcatlOIl. UenCCially IIO WO retlllCSt ,1. ,-.. , ,. , .i 1 ueiuiea or otidonues of any kind provail. ) distant Bubseribcrs, to tlo aa many others In uiauy other parts of tho Stato at this havo done, viz : t remit monov by mail, timo thcro ij a great deal of sickness. We oannot bo too thankful that our beautiful town ia an exception to other places with regard to its genoral health. GENERAL ELECTION. Election, Second 'Aces In; in Octobir. candidates admission run, one 'jom.aii. '70N R- Y0"B. of Mifflin township, i win h acnnilldnto Inr COllNTV AUIIITOII. subject lo Hip lislre. nf the Cnluuitill Couuly Democratic Con rcnlinn 1 August 15, j PkrKU KNT. of PcotUonslTpTwiu ' bo n candidate lor AHSI'MIILY. subject tn 111- usage, nf thn Columbia County Democratic Convention, AilCDlt 15, 1837-tile DANIBL LUIS, of Rloom township, win lien candidate for unoisTi'.u AND Rr.coitnr.n., before th- Democratic County Convention this Inll. Aiirl.1.1P5;-tlo J ACOU EYK11LY", of llloom township. wl" b wUfaie tr ritoTiiowrAiiY before I.einncrntleCminlv Contention Ihlsfall. llio Angus. 13, 1H37 inn KMASDIKTBKICK.of Montour town., nip, will hi a rnnilliluo for COIINTV COMMISSION. Ell mtiject to thn usages of the Columbia County lien, oerntie i onvcnllon. August H. IPS7 Ide. jTMEslPMfNOri 'nwn,lli., "in i" for county thrash- r.V.n, subject to tho usages ol the Columbia County,aiie convention Aususl8.1K.7-tde rxrTTTT-?-: JOHN. A. FUNSTON, of Madison tnwn.hln, will ho n candidate for COUNT V OOMMIS- ?lenlocntlro"lnllon.,'M8'," "f ,"oColuml'1'1 Coun,Jr I August li l't57 tile ' i SAMUEL KISNEn, Esq., of MadUou County neinoeratic Convention. July , ibt lite WILLIAM T SHU MAN, Kqq, of Main townshin. will bo n rnndid.iti fnr l.'flllNl'V TIIHA- PUnKlt.f ubji-cttn tho (i race oi the Columbia U ouuty , lla,,.nralt I n n i-nn t!.. I July 13, l657-t(le Tine town rti lp, will he n candl.hte fr COUNTY COMMlH.SKlscit siddTt to the u.Bgci or th Colum bia County Dcmor atic Convention. July !M.lta7-td JOHN KIBFKU, of (Jntawlwa town- hip, w III be Q randidnlo for COUNTY TUnASUItlllt, nubjecl to the imftgffui the Columbia County JJcnio erotic Convrntinn Jaly U3, lw7 Uc lltrtt.tT?T lr,tn... f.. T. Uhowned. o learn from tho Lycom- I ing unzcttc, that on Sfouuay ovcuiog List, I it son i.f James II. Kothroclc, aged nearly ' i five years, was accidently drowned at Wil- ! 1 i Minrtrr nf llpi.lnn'a wlinrP ITtu Tirtrl.. .. i " .....-.y - ........ ... was recovered reveral hours afterwards, and interred on Tuesday. Wo invito attention to the advertise ment of Messrs. Allen & Ncedlc9of Phila dclphia.dcalcra in upcr-Phoaphato of Lime Guano and other fertilizers. No o'thcr reonmmti.;nn :n niP01l ,,n ,i,n ,. tion of (,icir nam M lIic,r arlidM ery ,ar Siiootino Apfbay in Camden. On Monday evening last a quarrel occurred m Uainuen, between ii. V, JJolisle, J'.uitor ,,'. Cdo" a"'1 ,Chalrle9 !)' 3rI,nclmc' f'.'r,"0,r!y ef,to,r of 11,0 0tt,"an jjcintyrttL in winch the latter was shot by , ' . . . . r tlio lornier, inUicttng a serious though prohably not mortal wound. Mr, B. w.ts nrrcstur) and held to hsil in tho sum of 55 000. . , ... c Tho American horsoa woro beaten at tho English races. ?SlEJ!!rfiiii DEATHS. - In Poli, Choker oounty. on Tuesday tho -p .. ... V" 01 . o"'1' lc,,' 17th of August, 1857, J tb . Mary It oat, wife ot tho late Wchlky Boat 0 yosr.i. Mrs. Ront'f remains vrcro brought to Blocnisburj:. on last 'I hursday. and imcr- red by tho eitlo of her decoased husband. In Bloomsburg. on last Monday morning, of consumption, Mias ItcncccA Wardin, oi rmiaucipma, ageu about years, In Bloomsburg, on Thursday tho HHhinst., IfiLWAHEiir, wio of Bich rd Davk?, aged abent 39 years. The husband found hi wife dead in bed on his return from work, on tho even- ing above She had an ap plcctio fit. COJtJinc I'El) WEKKLV AT lrARTMAN'ssrohrj Wheat. Ityo . . . .81 75 I'.utter.. .. .20 ...12 , ..87 ...00 ..AO ...75 .1 75 Corn Tallow 14 Oats Lard 15 Potatoes...... Ct) Dried App'es.2 00 ISuckwhoat, . . Whito Means. , Flour. .S2 00 ....05 ....45 Wheat. SI Ky-i ('orn Corn Meal. Oats, .4 (ITolnmbia KJcmociat! mi i . , , , . n he following arc tbo receipts to tho oftice of tho CoiiUMWA Democrat, uuriug tho month of July, 1857 i lltriit It. ricjTer, PamuclNnlton, John lirpg, Cnlili Fin, l0,l'l I'llIlP, llunrv Miller. 1 fill i Joslnh S'rnuri.r, a on C'linrUo llrnry. 3 to lir.T . Ilurlry, 1 Oi) l.'ol. N. Sl'C.iy, 2 00 It Kii tile, r.ii.. 1 ifl t'urr.OM.e & L'o i tin ) su son 1 oa 1 75 00 J M Jnlinilon, M 11., Ill ran. Kuorr. f apt John (.rover. . loon' Hoiiert trinlii'r,. i oo '-' 111 Wm T. huninii, 11(1 I 00 '.'('II Crnrgn llrnlh. '2 50 1 "A , Tri'n.'r Uolunib), Co, 13 00 .VI' Oolu mini. Cnnlity, 1'i id 3 00; it ii Arthur. 1 00 4 SS Wnniucl Klu.rr.Kli . 100 iTi'm, Ne.liaril It jACObr, it ol l. rsnuinan. TJK.iii"""iu'' yj'e,. i" ch";.,f. ;rl!e'nhn;,o,r 1000 S;n:,',P4.,;!',!:)l", 4 IX) 2 0.1 175 4 IK) 3 01) 1 75 5 10 Sin 1 m 3 01) aoo 3 00 n. h crensy,Ei 1 .J J.roh llarn,. Lai , Henry l rrea,, M.i) .sou ti. b iiiirnbrrcrr, 1 JohnKrim, I 1 Daniel tV. Miller, Thuma, Howman, HOD IVtcr Miller 8r . ' SamuelSnyder, 3 01) Uluomaburj Iron Co , on .viinnni dim Wo again thank our friends for prompt payments. It is this that sustains tho Press 1 and enoourages tho Editor. Wo ask our ' customers, everywhere to trv to heln us to I V ' 1 moot our ucavy expenses, by prompt pay at our risk, as wo havo never lost a dollar in that way, and its receipt will bo duly noknoT,ledged by mail' and tho payment 1 ho publuhed in the Columbia Democrat j?- nyIf yot nre afflicted w'lh any complaint which requires a rurgntlvo Medicine, try AVer's vno rwj they nro worth trying. Contord .tor wry, A. 0, TCj-linl,MM)l.l)S UNIVKItSALI.V ArrHOVCII Itr.MI'.nV Coiiimuiiil Rttmct nucha curen DliPnrri ofthp lllnditnr. KUnoyf.nriVPl. Urop.y. Wrakneii, fce. Itca.l Hip nilvertlKiiientln nnnthtr tolonin.lieml. pil llrliiittoM'a (Icnulno I'renamtloii." tQr The Mvc PerCcnt. Saving Fund oflho National Ksfcly Com piny, tt'aJnut ilioel, with westerner of lin nearly Okb Million and a ILarof DiHar all In Kkl i:sttc, MoRTiutti, Crockd Itt'iTd, nnd otlicr Arifclaiv fpcurl tin) to lrfneflt t i1rpniW(r. H? THOMAS W. MATWOM, Rcrclti Ui-tVine Motlnl nt th World'd Pnlr In Ixindjn,, for TRUNK8.UARPI7T HAar9,DnaU, tliors nmiaumi. Off At Inducement! nro now oflrpil r purcliasuri of tlio above artlclei. Thiol much llio hrtct Ktocko (trunks, Carpet B(tt Vntt cei.bc,, In l'lillailrlphla very cheap, or cavil. ManufictorleR: 130 Market Street, B. V, corner, and 1W Market itrcct. fl. II. corner nf Kmifth tiy A COOL REFLECTION. -"For every mite that we leavo the eurfaca of our rarth, the touiperaturo falta , five degree. At forty five ml'e' dlplance from tho' globe wcgt beyond tin otmopherp, an J enter, strictly r-penking.irto tho rcglontof space, vihoBfttctnpcrnliiro Is 205 degree In tow tcio.aml here cold reign In nil part?." The gentleman who went Mityund thp at- 1 .i .... i ,...i 1 moFPncrr, u......e.u uiunie.i..Mi.i..i..u .tK...-t of pace," h at ilnco hli return dctiircd lint the next cootrit thing ii,n mil of those light, elegant and grace fol iummer clot he., which have ab'o Haipormiii nf UrftilTlllo SI rendered thu f.tthlon Slrkea.No,C07. Ijic 20J Chcelnut tt rt-et, famomon tlih terrllorl il orb. h3whitj: Tiiisni,.i,nitFUMi:tj iuiisath and linAUTIFUL COMl'LCXlON-can ho aciuired by using tho uItattr cf aThouiand rloren. What hdy or gentleman would rt'matn under tlio curse of n dis agreeable breath, when by ur-lng the "IltM or a Tnot)Nn IYowcns" n n denirlficc, w utd not only rendrr it iweet, but leave the teeth white oi ali . . .. . .......... tert Many person do not know their breath I bud and the mhjrct I sodcltrato thnt their friem's fvilt tiLVcr mention it. Rewitro of counterfeit. u B'iro each bottle Is signed rKTRIDRR Si CO., V Y. Mil WISH IN TIMi:, How miiir nrc thera whm nfllirted with dipae in an Incipient stage, delay from lime to t!mo havl np recourpo !o some remedial agent, which would cirettiiully arrest the Curl her prngrri of diunrc, and render tho system imnrrgniblo to Its In 6 Minim attacks It U nnlortunatdy ton tnm'-lhera arc tliou-andi who sink into au early uravo whereat nt n trilling cxpenfle they might hao lived to n gooJ - ' b0 rc1)ince , b0 ,-ceJ , nn.i timu-an.'of wolutte,tcii cai utaiiliih heyomi '"i"-""i,y" thocurativooncrtic. rany 'nun nrf.rii.,r rplilmlv. lllon IllirlaVit l uniuciitinnftbty the greateet uiPilicfno ever introil.icetl to on ami ct il corttmunlty Ilr.itate not, Ihercfuro, to uoo it, If .suffering froci any df the ill which fU-h is heir to lltmld (Galr&ten 7ib Erl,0iW KHWAIlI) WILL l!H PAID I1 Oil ANY VedlclnellMt will excel rKATT fc HUTCMHU'ti M A (110 OIL for tho following diseases: Rheuuiatltim, Neuralgia, Spini I A irectiont, Contracted Joint. Choi 1c Tains, Fain in the Side or Ihifk Jlendjchr, Toothnchu, Hprains Soro 1'liroat, (hit, tiruui-s. Hums, and all disease of the rikiu, Muidci and t!ie Uhn lrt. None genuine without the signturoof "I'ratt &JDutcher" Vllathcd to each label. Frlncipat offl:o, UOj Washing ton Hirect, Brooklyn, New Yoik. Hold by U. M. U ilCNUUCII, Uruggist, UloHiiklurg. BJThi ia to certify that I have made but nns app'J cation of tho Magic Oil on my lingers, which have btrcn drjwn I ruin contrnclion of thu rord, brought on by rli'-'Utaalinii. It wms of seventeen tuonth utanding, ind 1 am now untirtlycurcJ. I chcerfuliy rKommcod it to nil Ullifi'i likuwlcu- J. M FiNnuonic. 7J Locust street, II irrisburg. August 1. 137 KQUALITi TO ALL 1 TTNirotlMITY OF IMIIOKSI A Naw Fkatcss i KJ ItcslMCbi Every one ku own Shltnenl JONtJd & CO.. Ofthe Crerrnt One Trice Clothing Store No. 200 MirkM street, above Hixtli, rinl.idldila. In addition to having the largest, moft varied aod isnioimhlPMuck of C'ktl.tug to PlulnlLlpliiu, male riprroly for relet natfs, cauititniid rtry one blsown satsmaii, by hiving mirkrd in fifurer, on enchnrtiilu thu vtry lowest price it can bo sold for rottipy cm not poihy nry nil must buy alik Tin gtfd aro will sponged nndpri'pnri'il.auiS grea paitid' taken with the making m thnt all can buy wlth he full asurxuee ofgetting a good article nt tue very lowcft pricn. AUo.n tarjc mork of piico gm.Jn An hind. orth latest ftjlund best 'imlities, which will ho inula to idir. in tho moat fushiouablo and lent manner Wper cfiit. hilow credit prices. Uiuonib'! tho Crcecmt, in MarkeL abovo Hixth Bircf i. No 'iW. JONT.H & CO. C A CAIin TO THU LUIIUS ). liupiMro'd CntDis FaKtrn Pnta art infalMla in remtlng $ioppagu or iriegulartiUa of the mtnes. These Pi lis nro iuthiog new, but have tfen uri'd hy the Doctor for muiy ycirs, both in Trince an I Ameri cn, with unparnilelcl surer ss in every cao ; nnd ha Is urged by nnny thousand t,idi who have ured them, to make the Pills public, for the all tviatlon of thoso fit n ring from any nr'gulariti3s whitevar.iti well ni n prev 'nlive lo thoafj ladies whoso health will not permit an tnareasi if family. Pregnant lemales, or those supposing themselves so are cautioned again t ulng these I'll la. as thu propri dor assumes no rPspotiBibility nflrr lh4 above udmi tiitlon, although their nnldne' would prevent any lu Jury t health; otherwic, these Pills 010 recoot tn',ndpd. IhrpriioiiH nccmpny each box, Prico !. Bold whii"ale fiitl ret nil, hy GUOKGIl M. IIAGr.NllUCII. General Agent, Monnf-burg pa. Mo will supi'ly tho traJo at t'irs prnpnetor'd prices,, and Mild the Pills to la.liea (confidintiallif) hy mill on recpipt l 91 through the nioomiburg P'l Olllco. ONE P1U0K ONLY ! Liri'INCOTT At IIUNTF.R'a Clothing Warclioute, foiL' corner of rourth and Mirket stn-cH, Phil adelphm. 7'Asenjf 0 Prici Clothing Store in America Cah purctnsprs o( Ven's or boys Clothing, at wholesale and retail, can here, make tt) i r uplcction ! from an imni'ne stock of fjjhionatdy cut nnd w.-tl nndectothing, gotop with a view lo gido taiufaction to all, and at the very lowest pussilih belling price t mirkjed ordain figures on every Rtrmenl. ill Uuyat 1 the sunpricc,anJ whether they nro Judges of goods or not, they r&nnotbo decieved. One uniform low tomk andla'to, suitaeveryhody, wile tho usual mode of.iskiug two price, nnd taking all that can ho got. Buits nobo-ly, andch'Ml threo.liirths ; ftir instance 'U" u uiKveu turn w"ai, ail I aim rW tlTil UTrt ( 10 tiKO ,, ulll.rJ1y ,,, nu,,, hnvclakc J 13, ilho cjiilil l.avc sit il. nn.l lliu, nri nlly elmt he purchiai.r out of rtvo tlolljrs. To ri-mi'ily .lux tv.V anil confluence in the Ua.lo.l.ll'l'INC'or it CO , A a iiulforiiitiolo.v price on all ibcir, (very much b tow tlio uiiiat rules.) anil wilt nevorv'ury unu cent uniJerany circuinxanre,. CJ-OALt. ANII BCU,3 At 1'ioSojth Wutco'iie of l'ourlh tu.l Maiket trcct,. Thil'ilulphia. COLUMBIA 01 m An fcoOE, AW ESTABLISHMENT. WEAB THE COURT H03J3E D3IU(rj03a StBOJIB Columbus JI.Uo anil Female Acailcmj-, 'T'liu Fouitu Term prthi. in.iitutian win canin.riiea 1 on Monilny, tho 3.1 day ol Aucmt ne.t. Thu lu rllinlioil Jiaviiie tioen in sucec.sful oti. ration .incu I'rincp.ii, with romp. lent and reliable ni.uiant,, end I"" u,tn "'" patr'.i.ue.l hy ludeu.. from ahrnad Thocmutn. nf Uurka l.ehiah Cnrlmn and ColumMa. having fililil-ti.-il a Bond jioilion nf the School, L.i. Idea .ev. rui from ihe far et. wim im.o ottcudid tho ""ir ,n opening Addrc.. win in. deiiv. red on tho " 11 J Li I lll VWtlllUVIIt'OIVIII, U U lIU,lt, ,l THU GTE E3. New Columbus. Juv23, Ih.17 IliVU tui tUIV Ul O HARTMAN'S fl IJW NO A MA Oh LlilEX just utvived nl Vi IIARTM X'B 'HBPTBM BBR 13 0 II It T. fc PROCLAMATION, Wlinnr.AK. tho lion, WRlrrt J,tVo'iDTnD.rrpl iletilnfthi) Court ofO). randTflrinliirr ami He ncral Jallliellvcr. I'ourl (Mailer tles.ime oflhe rcaee end Lour, or cninmnn s-irnsanu .irii..v court eountlcn nf Ci'liimiiln, Sullimn nml VVyumlni nnilthe i Hon jnori Krisnn.l I'itir Klur, AnelnlP Jmltei lu fnlumolncounty, t.arn mini tlirl r (.rtci.t. '.enrmg , -J." V' 'ViV '?"' .5 retloil for linlilinp n Couit of Oji r nml Terminir ami !l,..npr.iy.n,ll.e1lp,yi.enPrnl.lual,e Lurff in tli county nnolutiiita, on thu firrt Momlnr. I (fcint(iiie iinuayj or ucpi. nexi nnn id coniinucdne wtf k I Nm k f. I hcrebv given, to the Cdfonr, the Juvtlrcp I oflho I'l-nce niul ('iinf-tnlilri nf tin1 unid ronntv of Co lutnhtfittliat tliuy he then nml thrrc In tlirlr proprr , pimonnl 10 o'clork In the fo ten nun of piM la) . w tlh ' Ihtir record. Inqtiinltlnnnnrnl uthrr rtuifinhra nrc to t do thoie Ihlnflf wlnrli to thnr nflir. a fippLrUlft to be f aotte, Anu inne inni are itounn uy rccocnifitift in prnppeute npntoit Hie pritonrrp tlitt nrr nr limy lo in tlio Jail of enld county ol Columbia toht tnen nml thrfcj tt pronrrut thrm m Mini I hejiiat. Juri r on- reqnrrl. ril to ttt punctual In th Ir tUtpni'anre, agrccnnly to their notice. Untfd at niooiiinliurp, the Jut day of An ft u M in the year of our Lord nut thoiKmud clslit hundred nnd liltyrevcn( and In thfF'&t yarof the In thinendunro of the United States of Amerita (QodsaYO the CoiilinonweaUh.) BTHPIIUM II. MILLI.R,Mfr(f , r T 4, m Trial .lilBt IOr SOptT Term, 1857. 1 William Kootn r. Oeorge L. Kll no, ct nl, 2 Willhm Kniin vt. (iortrn It. Klino , , . atlf k ,... v. ttitMl Fowler. I Adam Ptroup, Jr ct ,il v$. L It. Ilupprt f t al, i Adam tjtronpJr. et nt vs. L. II. Itiiperl et nl, C Thoma IMrkeref- John II. t'nrker. 7 (Iforge L Kline tf. Mow Coirman, R Iaic Urnwn rs Itobert J Lyon. 0 William Uobiiton ei. Wlhon Aatr. 10 Jacob Schuyh-- va Wilsnn -jt-r. 11 Fletcher It. Ilodon r. William Long. 1 12 UtUiarlni' Tinnier va John U, Wi avur. M Adam n.ihle v$ Unglc Fox, Adm'r I 14 J on n Hi rtn Mosttllcr r Sir jihcn Ilatdy ! H Christian Hclnt n. Ilantel Uligi-r. 10 Win. Hopper va IMmond Cn w lord ft M. 17 Oeorge FHtrrman i" Solomon FcttTrnai( I Ifl iMarlln Mowry va Thomas Ptnckltotise. 19 flll'tpft Fowler va HaniH Fowh r's Fx'', SI Hinlpl KostPtit.ader et nl r$, Hnvid llnntx. 'i Win Rittenhniiccri Hunuel F lliidlev. VJ Jnmns It ;i In ton ra JatnCi Hnliton, Jr ' Adm'r. 53 David Hibkhrant ra llcnjamln Fain. 21 I. L Wint'rifo ft "I va. Christian Bhuman 25 Wilham Itnbison r Wm IMgar. Jfts. H. .Vnnd, Adm'r ol John Lazarus r. Cotharino Lnzarii. 27 Reuben W. Weaver ra Willnm Mela. i Thnina Marks p.('!ark It Howard 23 WillUm Conrad vs, IiuniH L. Bn.ith. Grand Jurors for Srplfiinbcr Tcrtu, 1857. nioom Ch:irh- Kahlcr. II Irani V llrown. Hri.irrreik Kantuit Fowler.Wm iStnhl.Wm Lamon, Samuel llenrv, Jacob M irir. Ucntft.n John C. Duty, John O Dililme, Ahratam Young vcr Isaiah Loiigntihrrer. Ccntri' Wm Ilotftimn, George II. Kech ntr. t ritiklioi-Jothtin McndpuhJll 1 mhliiicrppk Nothan Fltck'-nstein, John (Jrcvfcllng, Thom'tq IValf r (ireeowood Hatnuel Hvnn, Imar Ilvars. Jicktoa Pfler Hot!gp, llaiilel rout. Locii" Win, Yi'ei-r. Mudiflon Jatni'H Kisncr Oraugi' rtamu 'I Achi'tibnc h Travf rso Jurors or Spt'r Term, 1S57. Rtonm U V. LutnWm IL Jacoby, Ilemy O . I'hll. lip, L B Stcinman. Ilnircrei k Wm. Ilerrin. Josinh Thomas. II aver Cliirlp F Mnnu Dauipl tiiugh y. !ntnn Iinc K Krickbuuui, John Ikilur. Centre Is ac Hen Cataiisn I'antel IIpIwic rraiiklln Christian Artley. I'lrhingrrepk Ptter F I'raler Greenwood Robert Robins, Isaac ration, Iiaac Lion Ilemlnclc-Fraiiklii) Mc Brule, John G Neius John IJniglcr. Locum n.iniel Rclnbold. Murk Willianx. Ml P eitiiut Samuel Johmtun, Win. HowuU.Gt'o. Lavem-e, ytrt'ituur-John G Unick, Jatnca R.uiou (tojgo I'jfciipr. Miillin relet Longiberger. 0:irige I)viii Herring. Finn John 1 f cent KoarliigciupL Michael Mowry, Clijih C. IJorn. Htig'irlnf Haimtfl Park, Jothua hrink. SWAN Si CO.'S LOTTKlllKS. WAV .?.Vi) Bmi.Lt.1AT SCHEME. I'apilLl rilzo $69,003. The fnlbwing rtcheuio will lit" ilrnwn hy S S.van Co., .l jtiniriT oT the t'ort llalne' Arilmiy I. niter., in each of Uiclr l.ollcrieii for S.'pti'iut c r, 1h,7, Ht AUCUrtTA, (.'inrsia, in which cily Ihiy Ime remuvi-il .nvit z uuice. CLASS 52. To he drawn in the city of Aiiju,ti,riroriln, in iiutlic, in Iuturil.'iv. Hiii.t,.,..!.... ..H, lr,7 CI. tflS SJ. To ho drawn in the citynl AuKiict.i.lJ.'orah.iri public, on c'aluiil.iy, Hiiteiutii'r lilh. IS57. l.'I.Arr) .51. To tiedr.t.n in tlio city of fiporaln. in nuli'ic, on t?jiur.ljy, .Si.pipinhi.r naii, IC57, Cl.ASi To he drawn in ihu city nr Aiu,ta f,'. nrin, in public, mi rt.iluriljy. Ki'iiteuiliiT yt'th, l'.7. ON Tlli: VI.S 1111 SIM7I.I1 NI.MIIU'.RS. j'ire Utatiiuud your UundnJ and AWry rico Vritttl Nearly one I'ruo to every Nino Tickets. M10XlytCK.YT SCUV.11EI Til Ui Ult,U!J C A C II I Pr.e of SATU It II A V I ,N S n P T U M H K R ' ( lui'rin.or mio M 01)11 10 71.11 I I " luuoo in " 000 l " 7.S0O I io sun 1 " 5U0II 10 " 411.1 i " a mo I io - rj)i) 1 ' 1.500 I 170 " liil 10 ' 1,0110 21U " 100 10 001) I aitroxim.viio.v rnmEa. 4 l',ll'i.i.iprin'lng lo ton inn I'm.! aro SI600 4 :i'ni 30 I II I 12P0 'in 1J3 Hill 73 50 ..'0 nre 111 001) 7 51 ) 3.0U0 i '.no 1,500 KM iuj 400 300 SJOO iojooo 5t't5 Prizp amounting to suu.ooa WHOi-U TlCtiGlH SIO; II ALVLu 65 1 UUAIt- Ti:i:a $n rian of the Lottery, Tlia X.t ah t fx im I l .11 00), c nrresponJiog with tlioite XumbeHoti the Ticket a pr in 14 on si'pariite slips ot fi i per nre encircled with s mall tin tubes and placed in one w heel Tho hut 4(7 Prites, Fiinil-rly printed end entir c led, ore pltccd in nnolhu wheel. Tho wheeU are then rctolved, and n numttcr is drawn from the whttl rf Xiimbtr and ut Iho mmo lime ii Prize it drawn Irnm lhn other wheel Tluj Xutnbe r and Prize drawn out are opened and ei Libit ed lo iho aiiiliencc, and regifterul by the Coir mm sinners, ihe Prize bnrg placed atuiiift ihu Xuit-bti drawn This ojitratiou is repeated uiUil ml tht Prizes nre drawn cut. Approximation Vme$ The two pieredin ami the two ucceiditig Nuiuhcrstn thusudrnwim; the ft r t 7 i'ri.m will bu tiititlt-d to the H Anproiimitiou Prizes For example: if TickttXo. ll'ou draws tho SlOOUi) l'ii7.i th.p Ticktt numbered U.VIC, II V4'J, ll.'il, li .'A, will ench heenlitlid lo Iun. It Ticket So aau4rawd the 3h), OOn ptif. those Tickets num lu red flt. 54!, 331 35 will each be PimtU'4 to 900, and so on nrrnntiug to the hIiuvu scheme, Tne 300U PrjA-'a- of -.'0 will be dtterinlnrd by tho la it figure ofthe Xiiuiber lhn td laws the oU lUit prue For ei.niiiilo , i the Number draw trig the $iiH0b Prize undd with No. 1, then all the TicktU win to tho Nun be rends, in 1 .w ill be en t Hint to Jitu If the Number ends with No il then all the Tickttn where) the Number endd in 9 will be entitled to ft:,0,aiiu a on to 0. Cerlificatrp of Packages will be o1d at tto fullow- Ing rati', whivli i Um rick . Certificate of Package or 10 Whole Tickets, $0' do 4.) juilatf du 41 do do joauarUr do VO do do id Ihghth do 10 IV ORORRING TICKETcJ Oil CF.R'I IFICATPH, I llnclono thu money lo our address tor thu tlikru ordered, on recuiiit of which they wil' he torwunlcd by first iii.ti). Piireluettrsrnn havu lickitu ending in 1 any tifiire they inny desfgnne The List of Drawn Numher and Prize w ill be sent to purchasers immeUmtely alter the drawing Purchiser will ie mu writ" thei r signatures lain, n rd give their Pot Ofllce, Count V and Htato llpuiembui that every Prize i drawn and paitle in fu II wiihoiit deilurimn . Alll'rueM of $iou0.iudunder. pild Immediately after iho ttriwiiij uthcr Piiresat the usualumeof thirty dsn 1 All cninmun 1 ration sir ictly ronfldintit. Address orders for Tirkets or Certil'cotes to r) BWAN & t:0 . fuwjrfl. On. Persons residing near Montgomery AI'j. or Atlin'.a, Ga .can ha va their orders tilled, and savu lime, by addressing H Swan m Co ni either of lho ritieg UT A tuinl tlio nuuibrrs that nro drawn from the w hel, with Ihu a mo 11 nt 1 f the prize that ai h ono In untitled to will he published after eve ry draw ing in tho fallow hi? pappm .YVw Orleant Jitlta .Vvlic H eitrr. Charltton Atnudard, Mtshitlte Gnu tie Jitlwtn lt,lliMmr Win r,.ll Una tl.tnll , mnh - I Jilormng A'etoi tUehmond tHtpatch, JVw JVrA JJiipatti I 'I'ft ' ' a"" ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Ann Conner, dee'd. T ET TEUS of AdlU'Ilislratlqil OU tho R.tatn of Ann t;onner, late of ltenton tov.nhip, Coluntliti county, ileriiiio'il, hvo boen granted by Ihuj Ueg ter of Columbia c uuiy. to thu un iTsigtied, who j remdes in said Hi n tn it towinhlp, In Columbia ronntv , nil periods having rl tun it iigainel tho ettnto I the dere- ( dent nre r)'UcU'4 to p'eunttheui tnih) Aduiinutrator without deliy and all prrsuni indebted to mako pay-' mcnt lorthwiili t JOHN CONNER. Augul8 1057 Jidn'r. IVXTRAXO iTiKEHuTTfor saI nl I li HARTMAN A MAI' OP COLUMHIA AND MON TOUR COUNTIES. mllC mihtcrilier takrupWimrn In i urnriri Ira l1i rltl- r.pnn of t'oltimlila nnd Montour ritfitit . ihM h" InlMtd n IJIIifli: JXt) OttA'JfMt A'TJtt. JIM' of the countirn above tTirnllinnl, Irnm nrli-nl mrru'iroineMB, by cnclnH itirtryi throuchout both criititifri, He rtifo tnkrir iteiifiirn to nmi that, to rrakf the- nrve)fi, he ha rncapu Mr Jflmf-i u-Ily. ( nn of the innt ermprtpnt nnd ''jp'rleiin fimrvetnii I""0". .Vontgimtrv, nml tim rounlKi S,t ..'rl!" 111 1,1 "nini'iHPd """ ," "J r," V, .n'T.1'" b" bti it, c.l lor. to w;l"' "Sfer. n ..,,, ,. ,f e. if I h.'rtl?. , '.'V1 n "r" nYrA thcrccii. In 0 ttn.t I (iflirfll hcrtvrigKti,lounlrttB,)vrpatig artorie, R t with till Ttniil'! ol fill thu nroneriu in ! exact pl iff'' IhifiUghnut the rountle) i FNn nT all Hie k wih In tho counties, h Isrctricit'e, will npp'nr In Hip iitaruln. Thu p'an rf Hie nop w bp plotted to o ultabte scil"1. u a to m:,kf n largo and orn.imeiited n-np of ri'it Irn than filly bv forty Inch", lo hr rngiavftt in Iho bft style. hamUorin'ly cohred, nnn ilt-iiverpd to mibicntrots only.ot $1 per copy, pu atti-i on ilrllvpry. Chltiit,un(ie,May 10, 16A7lt BLOOMKURO BOOK STOKER A V MI fi undcr.i(nod reppeclfully announces 1 tbftthf ro ntl nue the tttoomsburg Hook Store and Stationary KtaHiihmtnt lati Ivrrmitiftril bv l.oi..i'.n.P.i husbaml. Mnjnr Clark in nil tin ir vurioui branrh'-r, at Ilia old ttait'titi theHtchange t'.ul Idlnp flrptdoor llailof thn Hxrlintigr-(loiil. nud hn lug rrnlnUliPd In-r pitabllMintPiil nlih a ffcflre stork ol mtto Uook and Stationary, she fa preparrd to accumiuodatc nil "iio iiisy givu nor a can in inriine. Thp Rpstiurant flitoom. I n th'- baementor the rihovn esiahliihnipnt.w1l bp contimii'il p unnl by th'siib rrii)er. wnrre in puinifi pin ninn iimiN supplieii ulihth' rhticest 'or and III mifiiMKnti. F'irh nt Mlnral in iparilln, IVpr. Ale, Kc , Sardines, Hpiced tind I'lr.tclr'd ov tnri, PicklPtM.'lnmi, m- tTJ"TJiR public cuiitom Is rp rt'ully nolTitdl. C vltOLlNP. CLARK. Sitetesmt to Jtue (1, Ctatk. ntomnbiirg,Mny 2, 1857 Spuing and Suaimer GOODS. nPIIE undctsicned fcspcctfnlK inform 1 thPirciuiouipri nml the mh Me generally, that they hnvejii't recpiwpit nt their nr w Itriek Hliri. Ilnn.u.ln lilgllinirer., u si'ivi.1 HFfiirillililll Ol IQlll(ilil,LIO Spring and Summer Goods. (Ilrrclfroin the U.i.tem eitien. rompneiiifr all the "nriou, vicrunn. in op iouihi in ...wnirv ritorcii. tron.i.'tms ol .J'otlH. i;nn-iiii.'rri Ileinin,. Hrnze., i:ttic(ip vc Topili..r . vitii n.l kind, of UrPhs cooiIf Tor thi'l.'iiIlP". .M.ri-anNTi.r.tiCN'ri wi:ar, or almost Vli'lV 'MIT AM. I,MIII:STAI,MAMI!UIiS1IAS,IIAV.S te. flropirie. .IoJ.h.p, Siistr,. Toi,, (ntri'p. Spire,, nnil in .hort, thitit' in tin1 nny of Mi'rrhnnii7r ItllXliV M tl). UI.Ol'lllNI) ot pvpry.lejcriiiliiiu TTJ'I'nn fieei.Vnil, Sulks tirins ic liy. Th.i nk lu I lor pi-ii intrnn io . it.Mllh" neir ,1.1 lintu aim to iih'ase 111, it euetomerf am) tc aivc ituorf titltlnclinn. ii. v u .v. u t;m;f hv Mcht Firect, 1),ill 11. 1-S7 TiiU tJHMIKX tMilHK. THK NHW YOUK WEEKLY GOLDEN, I'HIjE. Oris cf the Largest and best Uternr Papers cf thi day, TERMS OF RUIIdClllI'nOX H I'KIl DAY. And a Gift will bo prfsent'M to i nch Fubcribor im mrtijat'ly on recptit ot the mliFcriplion momy. liacli a uhprribcr wt II be rtiiitlcd to n gui worth (ruin t to ?iw) 00. TO CI.U1U . :t copies for 1 cnr $ 2 00 10 15 OJ nr..M)-RnAn-Hi.A n-itnAn Tiia list of aiFrs-airrs-airra I Pachari! rottttiuing $'00 in Cold. 10 Gold r,it"it Lpvtr i;ii-iiui llualiii, CaeU Witches 13 " " Got I Wntrhc tti) :itiu Lnlip " " ..KO Euh. 75 ...fll " .',1) 3."i lul Silver Hunting Cased watchci, 'J5 " iiOU " Watfhca 10 to 2'J 63a Gold Vet nnd Guard and Poh CluitH 10 to 30 000 Gold LrtK'td li lo HI Gold Rings Dropo Urnnthei litciifct Pmn Ptint ;vtf Pins Hlipe lluttoiic, he 1 to IS Etch. I nun' dia'.i l n n-ci fpt of the f-uneriptinn money, tho MiVscri'ier'-t nnmo tIII b ntprpd uon our suh ftrription book. oi.jirittp it numhi r nnd tl i- gltt rorr' poiidin; wMl ihn nun hr will ic forwirdeiltu t.ii or her nd tn-s hy unit or i xnrpt. port p nd Aril rem IIKCKLT & t D.t rvhlishtrs.' Huiiitingi, ,Vpv Vmk lNt'WHrtiprr.i throujihoiit the Huil'-I fr-fifi and Canud.; w bo will givr tin it'i iv- i-iaht iinprtioiu will hit enlitlud lo a Mammoth Gold P-ti, r.nd Gob) nih dck lit I Jt nml box, worth $. or thf camp an. runt iri mi v kirul of Pt oh or J.'wi'lrv they may ori'i r, payable on reuipt rf the first cpiy containing the advertUcojciit, viarUd. ESPYTOWN NEW STORE. THE umlrrM gni d, Iinvng nociated t git hp r in the Mi ret it til- piiiFin hft . c-ke ph nunc i nu ii. in cimt tr their trn'iiiln and thpp'ibhrin gem-ral. ihat their new Hlore Homo, locacd tin M.un .i n i, central in Efpjluwu, Columbia count, ha Jut been fttockei' with i New Spring Goof's, 1 Co ippeng a i eii :iue iisfurtm nt of Cloih3 Ofl 1 m r". Vtituns Muslim Liii-h. nutlevry other or trli iu l" ' w i nl It it", i ti ct i ling l Lit 4 wr (Chun, Gin hen 'tnl Hollo'.- wares. Grore r ie. iugarf, Tnn, Cotl'eo. Ui'e. Moltife'es etc.. etc with all other arti cle. nlroiim?rcu adapted to (o.intry store -i ALSO-IU:A 1) Y MA HE CI. O TIUXG (TJMifain. Lumber, PrivHions, Produce,, A.C., of all kLidtJ, taken in exchange fur mprrhaudixp It. l REIGIMRl). II G. OltEVELlXO. Knpytown. April I.HS7. N E W U A It l I a 0 13 KJj TA ULISHAI KNT LX BLOOMSBURG. In the Nov hriel: tlireo Ktory Oarriaco ... . . . . A . . i'aetory, on .nam uciow AiarKct. TUT, B.i'icrifcer would rcpectfully nnnounceto rhe mirilir II, a. .in If. .rf.iiii.nri-.l llio i n . 11 ii T i I. o i.t iiM n WARON MAKI.NI5 SINKciS, in all iMi.r.uiclii.i Ila l,pri.nro.nii' all 1. r.ler.i , ' . As- . riml hamuli 1.1.I at r.-eunt n. inrtini.nt ol nnmhi il Hork f VI I h the attulltlOl. 01 all I croons HI which p.trchasere illlln.lil to their advanUee toelo. J Un? I'lnh I. Ii hli whilhrr nn Iljuinesi, o-ph-akan; ni,llu' ,,... , i to l In. i r r.ilruorilin -ry Collection of ilouke up.i it all mih. I'L1 AH.IM.. . . . left,. Willhedonn in the ino.t prompt an.l careful manner and upon tern, b w Inch. ..tiiii.t l.i il tn ci vr satis'iiciion. MTU UVIIIillKIK A. WILSON. Illoninil.iirr. April sn. IHl.T. Greenwood Seminary. AT Millvillo, Columbia Co., Pa. A SYSTEM t IC ccuran nf instruction is gien in all tho English branrtira usually taught. The Princlnil will ho .ismMed during the pretieiit yenr by 'P. M POTrri.nti pterirnci 4 teacticr. recently from the Lancaster county Normal He hot I A vacation of seven weeks w ill commence July 1st. TERMS. Tuition, for div pupli-. 1,50 to S l.-Q pr imrtrr. Roirdiui, Tuition Washing, Light a, &c , $30 per tjuiitt r ut t-iev a wei kt, one-h iff in adViinre forcircuMr.ciiaiogue, or oiiu-r riirtieuiira fMiirejs H CI'GESS, Millville, April 1.1H37. Principal. REMOVAL. rp IF. subwriher hnvirg rrmovtd lui Marble Yard i from near tfu Court ho no. io the .nuii tt rur ner of M AIM and MARKUP it reels, in IMpe.Fi How, wluru he I prepared to furu 'i all kimN C Marble W"rk, Vil MOMMH'.NTH Cradlo Tmnlia. Hox T' n I... nnd Head Lionel, of every ileMCrtpuoit. Ill, l k I, e( the ht.t h tii'l. (ho wnrkiiiiiiship not tmriMr.i'il '.v inv in the country, and at luvv price.. Cull .to I Juitgn fur )nur,. iv 9 F lie w.i nUo fi.ruHh Tahlo and llurenu Topi, IM ,,..t , f. r hou,i... Il.ico Cor.ej, Liutie,, and illa for Viinowi. utid Door,, et 0 low figure. Thankful for pa,! favors, ui Ii. pe fur a contlnutnce ol tho .aine. ANTIIONV WITMAS . nioomtiJUjs, April 1. IW.-liin SHARP NOTICE. A' LL persons in4 bted to thn firm of Ilar'man h. Ilower.ato hereby notned to rail and aetlle the am and ave cot. IIARTM.AN it llOiVCR. Also, those indebted to tho subscriber, aro likewlno r(;Mikied li call an I settln. V. T. IIARTMAN. Eipjtown, June C, 3m " GREENWOOD SEMINARY, rllIC ..oil frhool Tern, at tliU I natiliitlou will com I uicnce on the 17th of All2'it. 'llioioueli ami reli nhlo tele hers have lieen eneaje I fur t lie comi .11: year. '" veryil.ipg will ke under the teiieral iivernghl nnd control ot thd itrinrinat. For terms ,4c . see card in nnoihrr column WM. IICIlGEdS, FriscifaJ June97.U47 A I.ADV XTTIIOhaabeen cured of onal NRRVrtfld nr.RU.I W TV, alter many year, ofnihcry dee ire. to mafc knnwn to all fellow nutftrer, tho sure dean, nf rt lie 1 Addrc,, enrlo.inir .lamp to piy return po.tnre .Mrs M.tllY Ii IHUVirT llo.lnn ais and lie prise p tiol mil he sen. free hy net! post August t lf37 J,n - Fy (As Ptnntylranxti f.tte SprtniUurel'fttrittv ani ly ttrerttf LSiinrr cert.iif 10 Jim uwti wn.xt.rii.t.i' CO., or Illlr CMnDi Vretlnilt UATTl.t: I OIUILIt lll'UI.M TJOll llortrt. It In nn liivnhnil,i rotnetly for tin cure X md pTvcntion ol all (!(eafe iial.'ent in tho nohie nnimil. m: IHti-Hiiti-r, ChiiitIh Tarry, Frvcf. I'll ttiln, lot ditofr, Lnriff lUtrtitr lirli, (Jreae, (Inpra, Inflainmntton, Jnunitlc. Kldnc d fncs, ui.trurrfl. Tinm it-sn, iiiii buiiri'l. Ht:i25'f- viv- rn. Vhttn In t.uiiKf. rJurftll, routukra, Hirmniit Unit, Woinn, Hon a. fir roa SHAT OATTt.K In Jauntier, Yellow. Hoven r niown, TAaeAy Urii. Ucd Vtcr, Mnrrlnn. I,fi nrtlud, Uim of Ap priltf. Dlarrhtri nr r.nddf tun. Hoof dinner. Unit in iho Tail. Hollow Horn, Itloody Millt. Ulcod Uiicate, LosiffMllk. In Pwtlled Ntrk, l-.iltn in the Lirer. AhrPMP in I FOR 1JOC3 tho Lings, Ulctra of thy How t If, Spnsmn f;Cranipi No tarmrr should without it a slnslP ihr l It If hi r hcet-nrchor for dlsrar-es of hi rtok 1itiicrrnss thn fl nit u nt of milk, butipr and fat In tunl'hy nntttnls, trnm ft.tnl ninoui'ti of food nl ItnM frfrn V to A per rent fs the rxpt rimte nf otr loruO tunncrs, who have UKtd it wilt i-lify nt any Hin' aku niiiii ni;v HISUOV1.UVI OATTh B LI N I M KNT. It ntuanib-y anv other LinliMMtl or I mhrocntlnn rvr r yet k wn to the world. It Is coed for the fol lowing dis. NKi.a'id hat proved Itself in Hit hod of tliout-amln td furrrr r. Iirmt unnd lagp prnprh torn to Mtnd unfiling trili-kind rvrrntft r"d toihi pi.l lic 77K C.17T.H I.KVIML.XT j$ OOtH) FOH CATTLH. HUMAN IIODV ?prainj, Hrn ! a, Foumlerrrt Fppi, Ilhriim ill tin, ak Joints, Contracti'd Hinew. Prom liiti . Chapp-d llfitids, Pr lling. Tunmurn, Tootharhe, Pain lu Hip Lpgs, Pmtit n Hip Hark. Pain in thp fhoulders. Xrrvnu riiihs. t-'hibtGln. Ilitpnf Atiimati, IstliT Joints, It i i i flmrt the first H.nin, hwreny, i ir-iuia. ti'.ufi flilll ol fvcry kind. wtni(.'fi"H . r inn u rue it a, Latijtiiftfs.dlraitm, Kr-r.nrl.ui orflrinte. Duck Lrg, Hard 'I unt our 9, R'ngbono, r r.pll, ''ra' kp't Itri'', It' U-ii Hoof, M iripp. Hum Dictctiinnr. And trui m v o-hsr dlwaPOF. nou.ittptp nnd iinlvrrjat Limnont tint nicuce h'ts ever jf t pre tiif t'd. lieviare tf Counterfeits, n both our valual te disrovcr K arc nlrrntiy rouiitcrfeittd bypcironi In ciir. rnt parts ot Hip m tie Our ptwdt r 1ms our wiitlrn si nalurc on t-prh holtlc. .Manulotturi d only Uy RRUINIG, FimVRPIRf.n Ac CO.. No. 31? N'. Third at , ,S. II corner Third Woid, , rinladclphin June r-0, It57-tf ALLKN & NKEDLKS' i sapy.iivitosrtijTK ov limi:. OAUMON. IJc particular to observe J thnt i'Titv barrel of ournrticlp his our nuns and that if rem ,y Ktttt branded on the hr.ul. Tht Caution is rpodi red iacr.ary, tin r ate ro many nrtleh-a of (T'toitltl va'uj riobt uutH'r lln- muip nf Super I'Aatffiato cf IJmP, to mUh-ad Uiquj who ore unacptuioted with ttituiluf tf a nr.NTIXE ARTICLK. Prirn !(-, pcriSfu lb. pi r.t jot lb) Alibrrtl defuriion' to (IpiiIpm. OrJtr f-r ihival ablp J-ett.t:cr attnitled to promptly Pamphlets ticriribtng il. nml the mo' e of apptyMs. can bo liu gratuitously ut our r tores, or l y mill whrn tb el rt d. Ii hue un suopriiir a a Mnuure for WMRftT. UYP., CORN, OATS, nnd all oilier rr-pn rcinlritig a icurous and LASTING Kl.RTl ML R, pro nrleg not only a h nvir n-ld of flraoi tlmn rent- i in Guano Imt ttijcvuig the ttraw tn aujart the hiad GR BP.Kl rarely ii.'i lo lake wtll wheru our I'lopbul1 is applitd to rhta lanJ. PAUIFICOCRAK GUASO-Wo havea smut quan tity Ftlll in f fri PISH MAM'fll'j-A BiinnlV of this vMun Mn nrHrtu I for (tale. Prlro ?3 prr '.'imii tbi fll rents i,rr lb ) KO, GOVLUNMLVP PK UVIAH GUAXO for Hale oi thp lowei-t rati tO"Thn tcadtng Agrirullurnl J"urr.nls on 4 IVwpi ipr- art; re? uiiriy liieu at our oincfj lor th; us-; ol har iiifrn. Good it ran ho loaded, nt either front of our Ware-homo-H. Fnruier are rerormiu ndpit to tlno t Water stri-et and avoitlihc rrowded Wharf Ample fttiiftMV .ire nilonled in luotling wguns nnd attending to the horses. ALLP.X fc NCnDLEft. .No. 2.1 Sou'h Whirvcs, &. 41 Rouih Water n , F'St iSlnrt' obovu ChetinutHt., fbilaa. August 1, W- 3m WM. S. SMITH & CO., Produce Factors nnxF.itjii. commission .vf.rcim.vts, No. 09 North Wharve", PHILADELPHIA. ThoMtik t aue of all eoiibisunicnta alvanced Cull whfn ip,iri.'l. March 1 1, lr5l -ly' COMMISSION MERCHANTS. AXn DEALERS IN FISH, PROVISIONS, SALT, 17 North Wh'irvp,, Ptntidi Iptna. FIUST AKIlIVAti OL' SUMMER 'Wr' have now receiving cur Sprinp; TV and Himiner Gonr'r, by Rni' at urrtiew ftand. on thnt i ntcr ol Main ai.d Mbrktt stretts. The etotk coiupriFvtf a full assortment of Dry Goids, Gr(ccrksx Hardware Queen ware, Cdir-warC) IloilotV'Warc, I rugs, Fhh, Coal, PHatpr, lroii,,N'aiU Rotds, thocH, Mats, C;ijig, &.c iLe. ALSO-READY MADE CLOTHING, andln fact everynameable artlcie usually keptlon cruntry Hjote Couatr produrr taken in cichnnpr for rrooii II. ('.& I.W. IIARTMjVN- nlonmsburg, March ill, lr57. Corufr ol .t!i &, Arcii Slrat, I'hiladclp hi a . Henderson & Co., inlin.ler,, Country Dealers, Teach, r. Tullir nml private L'hrjrictf, eunulietl withflookj St Mrnlioi arj at lowest I mm. C. (i. HENDERSON & CO.. Mirch 7, IP37 -Pint. KOSKXDALK CEMKxNT. TIER ERPOXrt wishing Rosen I'ale C( mri.i ran 11 nd it by X calling oil Ihe subscriber al Rupf rt Pa- pt ri ra J. H. II ARM AN. April 11. 1P.7. NOTIOK TO MEUCHANfd. It.1KF.St ItJtKF.Slf HAKESItl TIfE lied' mined lake pteni-uro in uuiriinn g t Merch.iiiii thnt they are manufacturinc a ruperior n-iicb- c IMKt.S at llnir Ntw F.ietir) n rihmg i Vfuk. above Oraegnitte, Ct'.uu.tin eunry Mir-, ch.iMls t iilmi to toirt litife cvn Rakt i an t.nvo tl em 1 nl Hie Factory , or il ih si red w e cm; forward them lot ltiotinivburg. t h ; riuve, wiiere niry run ai-i tnem ur we r.111 t It . to thm Siort-j that aro not ton iiiiilIioiii i.f on r wav til order, rhoild h a.Jh',r.eil to rjitauel Shive, Pealer 1. ')., Coluintiia cuumy. I'n. Bill VIS & Br.TTfl. Ann I IS, IW-ln. lrillSUnfTIl UltOTllFllh. wnoLUSAI.E t ss a c v an b: a il k n s , .J05,XOKTIl TlllHD STHXliT 1'ive door,below llnre I'lllLAUCI.l'llIA Janrurav 10,1533., IlOltSK LINIMKNT AND CaTTm: I'OWDERS. IOR sale at tho ofiico of the C lambia Democrat. -AI.HO- . , lleoilj.DUnk,, Sllti.inery. Marriage Celliflcates , TRUNKS! TRUNKS ! 1 Tin: LAiicnsT, m:sT liandaoinest and chenpi si asr sortnient ol HolQ l.ealho So'id Itueted TIIAVy.LI.W TRV.VKS, vai.imi: 'rni'Mirt. KiSK?"' ClllLllltUX'S COACIll'H. rope Hera. I.cathir and Carpet Uagi, Tacltine Truuka tit., Kc, at THOMAS W SMTTSOX'S. Celebrated I,nn.1oi. Pnai- Medal. Impreved Bletl tfl'ling. folid Hole Leather Tru.k Mnnuf-Uory, NO. 410 MAUKI'.T fTIUILT, Poutli west corn r 1'oui th and .Market rhilailelphu A must rl 11.17- 'f I WALL l'Al'UR! WALL 1'At'lOK 1 iTKlitvo uit ved hy railroad naiil V fir i noi (Hoi I, P I h in ie't nt Pti n l tpn .1 prites irom 1 cen I l'0( piet.4 L u and e II C. A. 1 II (! IM N DIPLOMA AWAUDED mm v POSTSCRIPT. Dciiii of Ucn. Alexander r.PCr.tnont. Hon. Al.ESANDF.n M'0at.M0M died at his rtuldoiico in Franklin, P.i, on Monday muriiing lar,t, in thn 7'Jd joar of his . Appointed by tho Governor. Darius Bullock, of Bradford county, t" bo President Judgo of tin 'J Llrtc nth Judici 1 DUtticl, in tho room if David Wiltnot. resigned. J. Porter Buawllt I here h a report in circulation that J. PutiTKti llitAWLKT, Kq.,lato Surveyor General of Pentuylvama, 1ps been nppaintcd Sixth Auditor of tho Treasury Departiur.t, ia place or Phillips, rotnovcJ. SSrTho tra paror of the Stito ol Fl i la, Mr. Auston, has recently passed thr a.'i Washington with funds to ply iho intoitt due nest month on the seven per cent in tern I improvmctit bonds of tint State, ! MwnmbJuuui. as3BCCig&.Jar-.'..fc'Jir,''iytii ' " BH1DOK LIHTTIN'GS. I)ROrOSALP w ill lp rerrlvrd at Wrtnf r' r.irr.a on Wp InetolHy. tho ICth of rt j.tfmhff hp it, urn ' J nVtorH, P. M , of nilii diy ; lor bi ilill cane, ti trupi tiidlgr ovr RonrlncrirK, xfnt Yothi's JM i , Lout towtMhip i he bridge to b C feet it i h twern Hip nhutoipnts. 1'i frci w IJe troin pui ton a, nu 0 f-"H nbovo tow v,.trr mar. Prouoftni will alo b rrtp.vrd al thf I'-iuee f f Jnh n lie, In Fishingererk towti'tiip, on Fri f jt. lh If h of e-f .ifTiiber next. ur.tH 3 n'cloclt. P. M , of said day fir ' milling nu tippii trus bridm ovi'r II'Mitin'-'ion . rr.'rk. ttu- hooti of John IL", tn Pi shin pr rk town hip. ThWbrllge is To W 10 1 fct 1- n nnh a pi'-r In th middle. It) f-rt wide fr tu tut to out and U . lent nbovo low water mirk. J P an nnd fprriflcations i f hrth Irlgi-s can be seen I on the lny til lhn letting Utj ordtr ofthe Countu Commtitntra I itonuu-r c rr.riT 1 CoM,ti8'sm'FHii OrriCF. j tier.-. liiuomi-burg, August e, A HETIllEl) 1'HYdll'lAN, r-v YF.AP.S OF AGP. In v I tti lost hi; i ihv r tw O lirotlH-rn, oauthtir, sen in l-iw iiptiew n nifcea, bv that drinlml di'tan', Conh'mptioji, an e if faring witli nCovfh lurseU, rnuuMl to viftt h Knst Iruilp", IIgM fir.i Jppnn, whirt- lie i'isrfn r,t p rirenttrt and tcrtetn mre fur Cob!, Cough ilronchi Contumption, NervtmIh btiiy t nd All-m i Ilisccuz'i wt rurpd innodiatPlv ; ho returned, ruri-d hit rtln firrs, who intnrit-'d iho iIim-oj,.. m contiictinu w ith hi Hon hive employ d it in tli'-ir iiracnce fining thousands of caiei co'ieulcttd ho pi I ri hyntrrri. I'or thf n'irpriu of r -ruing na m tnv oi In r.ufl ng fellow .belnssnfi poimble, h' Is iiitlnt tin Rrcipp to all whowijhitfnr Un rent ; 3 of it t py tin pol age, nnd the balance imting Addrps tut nnvni. KG Hpnti et , f;pro8ite t Mrltol." Il I, Junp 1 3. t.7. X-'W ork. NOTICE. rT OTICE U hrrcbv glvrn tint an nplieition will bo J.1 made at th" rn-u two i ol th' Lrgi lamre of lntiBvifnitii. ittr thp Incoriiora.ion '! n i -n n with trip uual tirivih'(.r. to bu ca'led Thp tlloinubiir ! Pnnlt," witha capital rf two hundnd tlminand Jnl I nr, nnil to n" urnieu in i ne icwn uuonimurg t'.'liimbin county I'n. WM. BN'VIICtt. P C H.'IIVK, KrilP. MM 1. LI.TZ, A. C MRMJII, JAI'MIl IIVKU. r Mcvnr.viiAi.t.. A. J. r.VAVS, 1. W. IMUTMAN. J. RtMSRV. A. J. SLOW, II n. AltlMlt' l. W.M. UUIIISUN. I pi:ri:u nu.i,Mr.YER, KMAB UIBTIllilClf. I IlLOOMfBlRt. June 27. 1S37 SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS FOR 18."7. THE subscriber respectfully informs hU cuitotmri nnd the public generally. Hint he lu rcceivcda full stock or choice Spring and Summer fiooda. comprjping n full apfortiner.t of Cloths. Crnlmrrs. atinett. l)rluirf HrliZiers Canroed. Ate Mithngrcatviiiety of other articles t(3iially kept in Country Hiorcs. ALi?f)-liardwnrp.Cutl',ry, Queenswara Salt, Fih, MofUispes. Iron, Steel, lints Cap. Ilor.ts Shoes, c tri Country produce, inrluding Grain. LumbLr, &c , taken in eschange for good r"TJnuklul Tor patpnrouagc ho respectfully asks a cuntu ance of the same. THOMAS E. EVES. M Ii 1 ville, Mirh 21, l?.i7 y. NMW DUiii STORK. EXCHANGE BLOCK. M A I X STREET- lUnomsburc. THF.underiignen would respectfully Inform hi frier.d and the p t tit t c gpnernlly that he lus purcliafrd Dr Tecgi t'a Dntgand Clienical Strre. nml just returned from thectly with n large mid select stock, consisting of Fiafi and Pure Drugs, Medicine. Chrmimls.groundnnd wholt apices. Paints. OiN, Varnithi'S I' e PtittT-i Window Glatsof nlUizes, tngclherwiih cowipleipnsori merit o Point, Tooth ard Shaving llrushes.Toburco.Scgnrs.I ant) Soaps, Shar ing Cream. Pure Wirpb and Rrandics, For M'cdicinnturcEngliih. French mil Amrrirnn Per fumery , in Bhort.everyartirltkepi'iy Drufgi.ts gono rally Prescription e careful I; compounded it The lEsni, Pboiesiov, will be continued ns nnn I in Ithnm-hurg and Light Street-Ai-'i ti full .iiiorttuort ol ihe latest ft to Tec lb. Tor sate y niMH'eirj, To'innry 1 GEO 1K17 M IIAGENI1UCII EAGLE FOUNDRY, RLOOMS11URG. Stoves and Tinware. 'pIIE subscriber hiving erected ,i lrge new brick t Foundry and Machine Shop, in place of ihe old ono, i-t prep ired to make a'l kinds of casting at thn lowi ai prin . Plows constantly on hand 1 hp nib ncri'i. r has nlso reninved hisllnShrp rrrm Miin ft to th1 Foundry lot. whero he Im crtcted a Luildlng 'lltngt ther for Stove and Tittwnre. ThPt;ookliig:llnvpicontt or the WM.rr.NN WrcouK. II Aim COOK. VANLIEU COOK, and wflSPXRLOR STOVES Of all kinds, the EGG CY WbiMiflU STOVE, &e. All kinds of tiuotiiing m tdL to order. J03EPII BIIARPLESf Bbnmsbirg. April U, IPS'. J II RAM S. CARE' HXJ opened a MarMo Yard In Court AHty oppnitp iha EschniB whott h. in prepared to tl-uih tho best woik fri'in ltrJian or Amcricnri Mnrblefur MO UMt NTvS. TUMHS, Tomh-rton, Tabic, Mantles, Wicdowt ills and ten lit. rorlho character nnd finish ofhisworlt he refers to suthnsho has made is thu rourti lie wilt furnlrh opigii4 forworh or execute nny thnt na be furruti edtohtin. His work nhnll nHvas be tatiafeciory In ilt?tyeiind reasonaHciu rrice. Rlooiusburg, Dec fi.lrob ROOT AND SHOE JIAKING, TIIF. uiid.rfcinpd, thinkful for tho liferil purouago w nh w h't-Thp lim been lonnl for rears conebv. would infoim bin tti ids end .-acuutoLiei I. kat he continues lo mai.u unui e Ilco's and bhocs. 1 At his old and well V now nstand, on Mamstrcci liioomsour f, in an mrir vnrius ami luriuv inguoo sty (e nndon m derate uarin. Hit long experienco in tho tniPin?a. and gen- raj knnwtet'iieof ttw people .'f Columbu du ii 13 up'f adi'ed ton fuud determination to render j litvtition to nllhu pustoiuera .should eture him u.crc'.fed pa troi.ago which he hopes to tneiit b JV'OU F. DIETERICK, ninviirlmrg. Miirh 10 Ip.'.t Hopkitis' City Hotel, no. nuit.i Tiimn saner. v. eVor I'oce .imt.f.ratrlf I'.AUli: ItufEL.' 1'IIILADKLIMIIA. Till; underricned ha, liken th nli'.vt will-lln un J.iu. on n long and f.ivorab e I'-an-, nn.l ha, ri'ii r nt. d mi.l furuijlH'it it entirety anew, and in .11.) a i.jle nn-1 iii'tnner an Mill cue ..t. f'ulioi. lo a' nf 111 IV ln'Ci'Ill" lit sue,t, C r ii 1 1-.11 1 1. lio nl.h eau he uirni!ie.l n ronn nil .urplicd will, meal, rt Ihcir pl.m,ilre. Iron, n M'20 lli XHUittiit nnd L'.tin? falnnq .Mtartied. nu tt.i tn'. pt-nu ) in." or ul the hot. I Utile, ut regular liuai, u. Ihe, nia dtire. .... fhu pieprictor flitter, hioieeli thai n h. me in rhnnileli.hl. .lull nrpit., t'"' and .11 ilti"t. which wtll he L.uud nttheCity Hole) June 0, lr57. NKW TINWARE SIlO?. .main PTur.ur, on'osiniTHR cxcn.tvoc riMIE underigne.t respectfully in!bru,s in L nnd the niblic geiieffilly, Cut In hus oj" 'i W Aic lnwurc mid Shctt lot Milkmen t, In llM lath Img formerly occupied Art- t in J .n.'ph Sharpie win ro he i' pr.par- tin t'tiiiiit 'n nil Ms orioii- bri 'I ii r ii lid llouso p'Uiin. i u I l 'i h r !rr m lo' ' n ill lld '1 o i ,t.. t' D " V .IK. f J fiends il Est a- mm - - 1 k