Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, August 22, 1857, Image 2

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Si.O0M8Sl)RG AUG. 22 I
ron aovEnxon.
Of f.ycoming County.
Of Cluster county.
Of Derks County.
Of Ere County.
Expectations and Pledges Real
ized. A Gt eat Principle Vindicated,
Tho Democratic Party fought tbo last rctary of the Ooimnnmvcolth, and it shows
Presidential battle and succeeded in electing that Wiiuiot was hnlding'tbe office of judge
Mr. Huchanan, upon the principle of self. wuen lis challenge was rejected ; and that
government embodicd.iu the Kansas-No- ho rCsisucrt only upon receiving tbf letter
brafka bill. Tbo Republican Party, from of lll0 gtato Committee with Gea Packer's
tbo commencement of tho struggle, coutcn-1 repjy f 27th of July.
ded that tbo object of that onactmcnt was ! . ,, ,
thocstatlishmeut of Slavery in Kaosi.,and MontOUl OoUUty Domocratic
that it could not, and would not, in any! Convontion.
event, be mado to work out a Frco Consti-. Tho Democratic Convention of Montour
tution for tho future Stato of Kansas; a county met at tho Court House, in Danville,
position which was enforccd.illustratod, and I on Monday, August 17th j and mi motion,
undo to tho 4minds of many wellmeaning J non, Joseph Dean tvas chosen President,
men a truth, by tho anarchy, outrage, ' aua J. sheriff and James McKcc,
murder and ferocity to whioh Kansas 1 Scenarios. Tho following nominations
8-emcd given over. wcro maj0 .
In leply to theso arguments, tbo Demo-1 Congress Paul Lcidy,Eq., of Danville;
cratia I'nrty contended that tbo principlo j Prothonotary Gcorgo I). Butler, of Dan
upen which tbo Kanaa3 bill was based was ville; I'onimissioDer Wm, MeNinch, of
Bound ; that the outrages in tho Territory Cooper township j Auditor David lilac of
could not be sttributiblo to this principle, ' Valley township. The following persons
but wcro entirely owing to its violation ; j wcro chosen conferees :
that Mr, lluchanan could not bo held re-1 Congressional conferees, to meet similar,
sponsiblo for tbo forays of tho Missouri : composing the district of Montour, Colutn
"Dorder llufEans," or for tbo crusade mado bia, Luzerne, and Wyomiog Samuel
by tho disciples of Dcecher, ngninst tho ' Hararnor, mid John Dean, Jr. Senatorial
peace and good order of tho Territory of conferees, composing tho district of Culum-
Kansas. At tho same time, tho most
solemn assurances wero given tbat Mr.
lluchanan would rigidly enforco tltc princi.
plo of non-intervention in tho affairs of
Kansas by outsiders; 6ecuro tbo. actual
sottlersin their rights; ai.d leavo tho people
perfectly fico to form and regulate their
domcstio institutions. The known modera
tion and firmness of Mr. Buchanan, was
accepted by tho country as n guaranty
that tho pledges given by him would bo
fulfilled, and that the great principle upon
which ho was elected would not bo violated
or obstructed, for want of sufficient meas
urcs to givo it practical effect.
Tho Democratic Party North, also
contended, that if tho Nebraska bill was
ttrictly enforced, thero could bo no po3siblo
doubt of tho issue ; tbo laws of climato, and
tho superior energy of tho Northern emi
grants, making it absolutely certain that
Kansas would bo a Frco Stato.
Now that Mr. Buchanan has proven
, . .....
1,i ,Plf i. ii V ,
himself equal to all that was prom.scd for
turn ; now that tho disturbances in Kansas
cavo Deen quelled ; now that all parties in I 'n io several election districts, between the
tbo Territory, excepting only tho revolu- uours f an 7 o'clock in tho afternoon,
lionary Freo State faction, aro content that i 'L The Delegate Elections shall bo by
tbo ballot-box shall be tho umpire and a ballot aD(1 cac'1 general election district
southern Governor recognizes those great I sLall,b CntUlcd to two t,0,0Satc3
climatio laws that must prove exclusive of 1 , ',ho ?eleS,at,c Elections shall bo
p,.. m ii.i-i , held and conducted by a Judgo and clork,
slavery, woaco all tho independent journals ! to bo seleded by tho Democrats in alien
or the country, in fact, recognizing tho ! dance, and the said officers bhall keep a
justice of tho great principlo of Porur.Aii list f voters and tally of votes counted,
Sovereignty, and epplaudinn- .Mr Bu i 10 sont J' tticm t0 l'ie convenli0i with
chanan and Gov. Walker for thdr impartial , the!r CCftmcato of tho. rosult of tho cIectioD-
onnrso Ami tl.ta r.1 . , . IV. All nnnni nf disputed scats in con-
course. And this applause peculiarly ' TOntIoM shaU bo di pQSed of . .
gratifying when proceeding from journal vote after hearing tho respective claimants
that opposed thceleo.ion of Mr. Buchanan, and their evidence.
and wero diverted from the inherent right V. All delegates must reside in tbo
of a great principlo by tho deff cts and i districts they represent. In caso of an
obstruotions in securing its practical appli-1 atsout ,lulc?atB ho mav (3cPut0 anutlicr, if
Caton 1 r J ho fail to do so, his colleague in attendance
m, ' , , may subttituto for him, In other cases the
-ino only class of politicians in tbo convention may fill up tho representation
ocuntry who arc olamorous, aro tho oitremo from citizens of tbo District in attendance.
Southern pro shvery leaders, and the! VI. Tbo voting in Conventions shall bo
Republicans of tho North. Peacoin Kansas ' P0Di m aDy tw0 members may require
is an event at which all good men feel like j tho yoas aDd nay3 on any I"031'011 pending,
rejoicing.yet we scarcely open aKepublican I , V1L Special convon tions may bc called
,... w:i,,, .: i i. , i when necessary, by the Standing committee,
p pcr without doubts expressed the proeecdlnga of which sh.H conform to
whether bit Buchanan cn restoro Kansas 1 theso rules.
to quiet. They know that quiet iu Kansas I VIII. All county nominations, and all
would break tho back-bono of tboRepubli-1 appointments of conferees and of delegates
can Party; and especially aro these same- to Stal conventions, bhall bo made In
Rcpublioan papers pleased at tho prosnect ' C0UDty colmmion-
ofoDno-iiionio thn i!n,Jtt!(;..n 1
ing from tho exircmo southern faction.
upon Gov. Walker from this ;
source, they re-publish wiih malicious cleo.
Irping to see tbo cloud no bigger than a
man's hand, magnified and blacked, uotil
it spreads throughout tho whole southern
heavens, and with portentous mutterings,
threatens to burst into a storm that will
drive tho administration from its strong
mooring. This is tho spirit manifested by
a party that has shed so many tears over
the woes of Kansas, just as Kmsas bas
becomo quiet and peaceful 1 They would
incito new rebellions, now horrors; they
would cultivate new outrages ; thoy would
rc-invigorato tbo spirit of discord, tbat
tonio wiserabla agitator might bo elevated
to power.
While this gamo of agitition is being
played at tbo N orth and South,by extremists,
it is gratifying to sco tho conservative
elements of tho country, North and South,
uniting in support of Mr. Buchanan and
his enlightened Kansas policy. Especially
it is gratifying to sec all that was Loped
and promiicd of Mr, Buchanan gloriously
Wllmot's Rosignation.
At last wo havo tbo truth on this BUb
icct, nd just as wo oipeeted, it contrad-
I lets the statements made bv tlio Dhole Ito-
puhlicni Bewspipcrs. Thr-y havo asserted
that Wilmot resigned in order to challcngo
.Gin. I'aciuh for tv stummim tour, and
that tbo Democratic tato Committee were
slupid in not knowing Unit Wilmot bad
resigned, wben they rejected tbo stumpiug
project A considerable quantity of slang
bas been expanded by them' on this topic
Now, to tbo fao's. Wilmot's letter to Gen.
Packer is dated July Mill Gen l'arkcr's
to tbo Committee ,tbo 17tb. 'I ho answer
of tbo Committee tbo 25th and finally
; Gon. Packer's reply to Wilmot tbo 27th
of July. 'N'ilmot's resignation' of bis
i judgeship is dated July 29M " to tako
effect upon too appointment of bis succes
sor," which was mado by tbo Governor on
8th of August. This is the offiVial ioforra-
! otion as to dotes from the office of the Sco-
bia, Northumberland, and Snyder counties
Edward Morrison and George Billniyer.
Repro-cntativo conferees, composing ibo
district of Montour, Columbia, Sullivau,
and Wyoming counties Gutclius Snyder,
Esq., and J. Itceso Philip?.
Columbia County Convontion.
Wo publish below, tho " Rules' and
Regulatims," adopted by a full Democratic
County Convention, Scptombcr 0, 1851
I for tbo future govcrnmont of tbo "Delegate
Elections and County Conventions.1' Thoy
aro effective and of binding forco. Ry the
first llULE,it will bo seen, that tho Delegate
Elections flill be bold on Saturday, tbo
20th of August, and tbo County Conven-
tion, on Monlay,'xa 31st of tho eamo
, month 1857,
Democratic Rules.
Ride I. Tbo an: ual County Convention
shall bo held at tho Court House in Itlooms-
burjr, on the last Monday f Aunust, at
oms p. M., and the Delegate Election
Bhall bc heW on tho 8ainrday proviou3( at
tho places of holding tho general elections
1A- ' no Standing committeo shall bo
fivo in number, one of whom shall resido
at tho county scat, and shall bo chosen an-
ually in convention. In caso of vacancy
tho committeo may fill up their number.
X. No member of Legislature shall bo
chosen by this county as a Delegate to a
Stato convention during his term of office
XI. In Convention n majority of all tbo
votes given shall bo norcssary to a nomina
tion, and no person named shall be pcromp
torily stricken from tho list of candidates
until after tho sixth vote, when tho lowest
namo shall bo struck off ands' on at each
successive until a nomination is effect
ed. XII. Nono of theso rules shall bo altered,
or rescinded unless by a voto of two-thirds
at aregular annual Convention.
C. R. Buckalew,
John Keiffek,
Emanuel Lazarus,
John A, Funston,
Stii. II. ScmvANK,
August 8, 1857.
1 Democratic
f Standing
j Cbmmittie,
Off-At tho meeting of Diroclors at
Scranton last wcok, F. J, Leavenworth,
Esq., lato paymaster on tbo Dolcwaro,
Lacawanna & Western Road, was cho3en.
Superintendent of tbo Lacawanna ill
Bloomsburg Road, in placo of Mr, Rogers,'
Proceedings of (lie Agricultural Society,
Pursuant to adjournment, tho Columbia
County Agricultural Society, met in tbo
Court House, at Bloomsburg, on Saturday
tho 15th of August, at 3 o'clock, P. M.
Tbo President Dr, P. JoitM in tho
chair. E. P. Lutz, having sent in his I
I"'? " """'""'H w'"t "'"'that now popular mottsuro known M tbo
Society, his present cngagtmcnts making
it impo'siblo for him to attend to iti
duties, J. O. Stokes, was appointed to
servo in that oapacity.
Tho minutes of last meeting woro road,
approved and adopted,
Tho next bmincsj In order being tbo
election of now members, "sovcral camo
forward, signed tho Constttuti, n nnd paid
m tbeir initiation fco of fifty cents,
Jho President having called altontion to present ti that body, ho complied with tho
tbo -1th Article of tho Constitution, reading request, accompanying it with tho eloquent
as follows : remarks whioh wo print below, and which
if in', ,,. . ,, . 'the Philadelphia Sun, when publishing
Trna-nr . i-" .7, ' tho ,, ntthc time, prefaced a, "philambro
Iroa.Mirer at the tuno ol em uk mt'M.l. i. . ... ... i .... ' .i . ' , ,
stitudnn. (1m n, nf l.',r'n: ' , i
um oi MFTYUs.NTs.andtho
uallv thereafter! Hut if
same sum annu
.....I . i i .i , f . J ,
!" 'cbal Elcct o pay bis annual'
i z ::r z:z :ti"Js, BhM :
: ; ',, . . i , .7 . 'ay" wl"c" lllat humane aw allords and a svru
mcnt of his omitted contribution ; Ml0 ,llIoll SUitaI(13i J
And tho Society being informed by tbo Gcn. Packer said :
Treasurer that as yet but few of tho mem-1 Mr. Spcaljor) j do not tymjfatUm wilh
bcrs bail complied with this requisition of tho prayer of tho petition 1 havo just pro
tho Constitution, (doubtless through forget- sontod. I do not beliovo that tho law of
fulness and want of proper opportunity) tho !'l,t 8ession w'" '"jure tho "poor and mid
following Resolutions wcro offered, and f f?SSCS" o( c."ltn,uni'y- t boliovo
f,. , ,. . , , , '. i that by exempting the List throe hundred
after general dtseuss.on adopted, to wit dollar? worth of property of tho poor an
1st, Tbat the Vice Presidents of this i fortunato debtor Irom levy aud sale on
Society, representing as they do, each , execution, mid by driving from tho door
township iu tbo County, be authorised to of poverty and distress, tho sheriff and tho
solicit and rccoivo annual initiation fees, 1 constable, urged on by a close-fisted, inl
and grai.t Certificates i f Membership eetly and hcartlrss creditor, that you in
(which shall bo furrushed by the Secretary) juriously affect tho interests of the poor.
of aud their respectivo towusbips , Sir, it cannot bo true. Do you for a
as may be induced to becomo members of moment suppose, that you would benefit
tho Association, and feel willing to contri-1 tbo " poor and midd o classes of communi.
buto in the objects contemplated in its 1 ty" by exposing their lust article of house
organization. j l10ld furniture their last bed their hat
2d. That tho Secretary bo ordered to stove or their last cow to tho tender
procure some twenty-fivo or thirty printed
certificates, countersigned by tho President
and Secretary, authorizing tbo Vice Presi
dents aforesaid to reccivo and receipt as
obovo, nnd placo a oopy in tho bauds of
each. And
3 That I. W. Hartman, be appointed
to aid tho Vice President of Hlnuui town
ship in tho duties designated in tho 1st
Then after further discussion, both pro.
nnd con. it was
Resolved, That all persons that have
paid tbeir.rcgular annual initiation fee, and
tboso being bona fide membirs of this
Society, shall be entitled tho piivilcge of
attending the coming Fair, (their wives
and children included) frco of ehargo ; and
further, that they shall be premftted to
exhibit all articles they may bring on ex
hibition without tho payment ol tho usual
entrance fco,
On motion, Elias Hicks and Dr. II. C.
Hower, wero appointi-d to assist tho Prcti-
dent in arranging and making out a lit of
premiums. Ihoy woro authorized to pub
lish them in all tho papers of Ulomisburg,
and it wns
Rcsolvul, That all persons entering
articles for premiums at tho Annual Fair
bo required ttrictly to adhere to the rules
and regulations adopted and published by
tho Committeo of Arrangements.
It was agreed to hold tho next Annual
Fair of tho Columbia County A gricuhutal
bocuty, on 1 hursday and Friday, tho 22d
and 23d days of October next. And Caleb
Barton, jr., J. W.Hendcrsbot, and Conrad
Bitteubender, wero appointod by tho Chair,
as a Committee to select suitable grounds
and report at tho next mooting of tbo
On motion, tho Secretary was instrue'ed
to furnish a copy of tbo proceedings of this
meeting to the editors of each paper in tbo
County, for publication.
On motion, adjourned to meet in tho
Court House at Bloomsburg, on Monday
oveniug tho 7th of September next, (Court
PA LEMON JOHN, President.
J,C. Stokej, Secrttary,
ExrcunoN or M'Kim. On Thursday
last, M'Kim, tho murderer of Norcross, who
was executed yesterday, was brought down
into tbo jail yard for tbo purpose of having
his photograph taken. Ho appeared
oheerful and light-hearted, as much so as
any present and drew up tho bottoms of his
pantaloons, and stated that ho wanted tho
irons about bis legs to show in tho picture,
Ho bus ordered his coffin, nndshroud, being
; . i . .,. . .. ....
uuiiuus 10 jook upon mem. Thoy aro
bciug mado. Tho coffin will bo a cood
one. After ho is placed in it, his body
win no given loto the ohargo of his frionds
who will rcmovo it to Marcus Hook, to bo
buried according to his request. Tho
gallows is tho 6amo upon which Shirloy was
executed, for tho murder of hi3 wifo, in
1851. Tho rope to bo used by Sheriff Port,
was made in Philadelphia.
i- Demockatio Review, for August,
is before us. It is a capital number; and
wo aro inclined to think that under the
prcsont management it will bo strongor
than ever. It is now in its fortieth volume,
with tho confldcnco of tho party, and no
rival in tbo political horizon. Success to
it. Prico 3 00 per year. Address 31)5
Broadway, New York.
S? Water PnooF Composition rou
1 lb, tallow,
2 oz. turpentine,
2 oz. beeswax,
2 oz. clivo oil,
1 oz. hog's lard.
Melt tbo materials by n gcntlo heat.
Put on a few hours before using.
... , ., , .. , , ,
Jt is well known that while Snoakor of
,i tr , ,, ... ,
uiu iiouso oi ncprcioiiuiuves, in ioiu,
xMuiwui, b.iu i4uuiudiu
fnp (vnvnrnnr. nnnlriluitnd vprv tnifnrinllu
by lli3 i,lfluonoo tow;lra th0 onactinent of '
, , j
" Thrco Hundred Dollar Exemption Act.'' j
During tbo winter of 1850, it will also bo
remembered, a strenuous effort was mado
by pors-us who fancied thoimclvcs ag-
priovod by tho law, to havo it repealed
ucn racKorwas tuou in tuo acuate, whoro
bo at onco too'i tbo lead among tboso who
opposed a repeal. A remonstrance against
tho law, numerously signed by his own
' constituents. boiDir forwarded to him to
"L Ju,, '"' 'J.roc. it o ricci
1,-jnliv say that they contributed largely
r...i' .,r... ..bJ
io iirosirauu luriuur uuuris ni repeal,
am tho poo? unfortunate debtor ami bis
imcroy of .vi avaricious creditor?
If Senators entertain such an opinion.
let thm co:nply with the prayer of tho
petitioners, una voto lor tlio repeal cf the
law of last session, together with all tho
exemption laws previously enacted, and
they will promote tho interests of tho poor
aud middle classes to the heart's content
of tho rich. Sir, so far from sympathizing
with tho petitioners, I would extend tho
exemption law still further. And, permit
me to say, which I do with all onfideu:o
tbat the day is not far distant when it will
bo o.irried furtbor. The day is dawning
wben every family will be protoctcd iu
tbeir little home, in defiance of tho bad
conduct of an inteniperato father, or a
proflignto husband. The day is coming.
nay it is now here, when it wilt be conceded
I hut the wan with n coniforUdJe , permanent
home, unit much sooner j iy his honest dbts
than he icho is almost ilis'truclfd with im.
pending trouh'rs, and who is tver at the
mcicu ty an execution
Many of tho Nt.itcs of this Union have
led the way in ihiti humane reform. Mnino
exempt' a h mcstcad to tho valuo nf ?.M)0,
and in tho absence of a homestead, nurson-
nl property to that amount. ermunt
P"i . ... ;. ' V',1UU,, 5, "
V . 7i '""J" 01 l:"lu or
From tSt lytomiitff OdtmiJ
Gon. Packor tho Poor
M,,; is . ' mischicvtjut paed near tho constablo aud
grent Mormon Mate, it is said secures . hi, rrisoncr. Who fired the shot no cno
home to evcry All the States and has asccrtaiucd, or at least it is not pub
Territories named having acted on thisilinlv bnm.n Ii ;0 i..r,i
Mil.innl -.-til., r. tl,nn,c, f. ....1... n . I
aut'j,.v,. nn. iuvMcni:n uiuutlis. u tor-
ect within Ibo nt tow mnnt,,.i. fl(.nr.
lexas, Jliclncan. isconsin and Oi.n-
. I "
nectirut. h.ivo lour, mum nnn :! l
exemption laws, hew ork, always among
th3 foremost tn popular reforms, is also
pressing on in this matter I have befnro
mo ho annual message of Governor bish
q.,i! mPIfiSM t i6 ? tI,,?t,rc'1t,
State to I beg leave to call he at-
homestead cscmplioo, tho Governor says:
" Whilo jt is admittedly a primary duty
of tbo legislature to enact laws for tho
punishment of vice, it is no less its duty to
remove tno causes wnich lrcnuontly lead to
the commission cf crime. Tho impressions la,t wcok suggested Hloomsburg as tho
made upu tho youthful mind, by tho ' placo and Friday tho 1 h of September aj
gentlo force of parental authority and cx tho timo for holding the licprcsontativo
ninplc, aud by tho associations of tho family ; ( 1
circle aro among the most RCtivo and en-: con,cronco'
lUnri!ni',f rLOf,inflUrfD:C3 m T.lrl V- A' M'PAitT.NEV, Es,,, becomo
conduct of after life. Much of tho wee' . . ,, e .1 n i i.-
that wo aro called upon to dep'ore, may bo A,aOClilto Edltor of llie Columbia County
traced to tbo n-moval of its subject from Ihpxblican,
tho roach of that authrrity and example,! ""SSSfSSrsagSSsgg
and from tho innocent, but nholesomo as- Vctfll 01 hll iMf if OH 'Ht ti
sorittion of a homo, however humble. "W v VlllSHllHIlUI
The cause of morality , no loss than tho -
dictates of humanity, demands tho Tircscr- iVI KKTINO OF THE C0I.UM11IA
VQtion of tbrt famih, Hrrli- ami It,.. iJL, COUNTY AnRIUUIrUItAt. BOOlr.'IY-A
vauon 01 lUO lamUIJ Circle, anU tlie mom- .pecml ineplln(oftlii. SociHywIII Lelicldon Monday,
tenanco of tho family home, a efficient
.. p J . ' vu.s.w.i,
preventives ot vice, aim sure and perma
nent contributors to individual virtuo aud
happiness, and to public prosperity and
Such, Mr. Speaker, aro tbo views of tbo
Governor of cw York, 'lhcy aro tho
sentiments of n humane end tarsccin-
btatefeUiail aud I iionor him for his msnly
independence in giving them the weight
auu Bauu-iiii oi uis omctai station. iSir, I
go with tho Governor of tho Kmpiro State,
1 would secure to every family a
and a heahth. I uould not ptrmit the
covetous and liard-hcar led creator to drive
t j , .17- , ,
his UVj or lunate debtor miked andpmili
less, out upon the cold charilits of an in-
hospitable ivorld. 'I ho Uwa that authorizo
1 V i t I 11 U.U1;,"U
SUCU a prOCCUUrO Bhoulti ho blotted from
iho pages of tho, atatuto loois of every
httd in tlll.4 Union Ihov nrn a,,n.T,
t the spirit of the ago, and rovoltin-r to
llUinanitV. Liho tho laws sanelinninn
' , bJ;lcl'0'g
iiiijiriioiiiuum, lor UCIJt, t lOV 6U0U U bo
. ',i:.,,l i.:i'.. i ,
.vt UJ, liiaj jiiuiuuiutmiio U'lMa.
tor they should exist but iu tho history of
tho past an ohsolrto idea.
It hos heco truly said. Mr. Sneakp.r J
that ho who sells out tlio last littlo property
of a wife, and family of imall children, of
n rash, heedless, or perhaps inteniperato
uubuauu aim lamer, uuu aitcrwarus with
a 1'hccrfiil countenance goc3 homo to dino ;
goes homo to ffast on human hi:ahts 1
Sir, tnonoy thus ohtaincd has a damning
curso upon it I
Entertaining theso view, Mr. Spoaker,
I oannot go with tlinto of my constituents
who demand tho rencal of tlm nvemmi n
law of last session ; nor can I hcliovo that
aiironstuoraLjc number of them desiro it,
Fruits Of Black Republicanism. I
Every man who has tbo good of the
t 1. ,..! .,,1, (t,n n,, 1
""6""-- " M""""-
tmrsucd bv tho Black licnublicni party
. ,
""B"'" "
toward them, 'liio atlcetcd and uiinaiurai
Bui,niuy a nil viiicii iiioir prtsua WilU
t.niv nmin,, l.nn trtAtnml n-mienfl I
and awakened in tho breasts of ibo tdacks,
hones novcr to bo realized, desiro for no-
i (
Mtions novcr to bo attained. It bas mado
them dissatisfied with their present position)
without making it possiblo for them to
reach any other. It has mado them impu
dent and assuming, wi.hout giving them
any claim to Ibo social equality which they
ilnmnnil. Thorn U nml nlicnt-a will l,n nl
. . , - . . . " "I'
antagonism of races, and all tbo Black Pora Olniwi. with clitrerent t.nwer.tosrthcr with
. ' ov.ry variety of artie c In the Opilcnl lino not men-
Rcpub canism n tho world cannot brine iion.i. '
vim.', unui, ra-()pifilnnilntheitn.triiranHnnclOlnMMfnre-
about tho chanco, for whioh their most f"'r rep.lnl at hort notlcr llo can nlw.y. .elcii
,. . , "iuu ,"U3I OI.1..0. to .nit tho vlilon of Iho po-.on, n. lie .ee.
insano political COUrsO has inducid tho Hi'm. upon the nntlrml. llo will remain lino during
... . , . , , I September Court, nml tho.r In want of tho above arli
African to look. riO COOd ever lias result- cle.wlll pleo give hirn n tall.
, , r ...... AugH'J, 1357
nil. nnr nror rnn vncnlt frft,n flue et.tnl.lnll. Z -
v. , ouiviuui.
uuuiupb, nun it, is iiiiiu uio IlCCrOCS KuOff
tho fact. Wo copy below a caso in point.
IfVewi lAi RttKttltr Vnion, Augvst ti.J
Affray bclirccn a SoiillicriiEr nnd a
Waller, at Niagara Falls.
An affray occurred at Niacara Falls
yesterday niorninir. oausintr a considerable i
excitement .here. Tho particulars of tho '
c ae are stitod lo us by different parties
...t e.i, . . t
suusiamiaity na iomiws : , gontloinan I
irom tuo ooutn ivcntucny or itlissouri ,
with his wife and daughter.
at tho International Hotel. On Tuesday I
thoy were on tho Canada side, and took a
ferry skiff to return. A tr the ladies had
taken seats in the skill an impudent color-,
0(1 man look a scat tClWCOn them Tlio ,
gentleman who accompanied theso ladies.
I . l..nlnnl ip.t .., ., '
ttlO tlUStiana Ot lino anJ father Of tho Other, ,
requested tuo negro politely to leave the
seat that ho mij;bt occupy it, Tho fellow
refused to chango bis seat, ond gavo abu
sive language in return fur politeness Tho
white man ejected tho black man by forco
from tho soat and choked him soino.
Yesterday morning tbo man nnd his
wifo camo to tho breakfast table of the
International later than usual, and after
nearly all tho guests had left tho dining
A r. i.l.! 1.!- , . ., . , .
Alter imuiig nn real at tnu tiD'o
bcidc Ins wife, tho negro with whom ho
had thn nltnroalinn In tlm UY !, '
previous day, came up to Imn and said. n.uoii i nmu on ino wpu or nnnnnpi Kirtrr.iaii.on
You are the man who choked mo yestcr- ..'K't.iS.W, li'"'!;;
day." The reply was " cs, and I ought i lonjg nf ciinheih Lutt. eontainitij
to havo thrown you into tho ri or."' 0no Hundred and Twooty-Eight Acrof,
At this point tho black felliW Struck 'And nllonnnre, nhenon are ericied tho following
tho man on the hoad with a heavy tumbler, ''"''"IT" n tr it
felling him senseless to the dcr. The gr J'J!T
who of tbo gentleman thus assaulted rose, irJj f JJlac cnier i'rr andspnnof
and with commendable heroism dealt the ! tlSSill !u"AVmrr!: w,,ta "" a"",
fellow a blow which restrained him - ," XiZxlhAi&'S
ituoitt an instant ol uclny, sho ran up t winch i. excellent .vmdmv and the ts
stairs to the room she occupied, and finding 'Zl o, .., C,M,
tlie door loclicd, ner husband havinc the or.eieet Fruit Tree. on m i premise.. zx-
l... ,l,n 1,,1'il ll.i, l HJ-H id Farm will be .nl, tonlicr, or in Iwo pnila,
sey, sno orni the door open, seized are- a may be.t .nit
volvor, and ran to the dining room. 15y 1 , KJ"8'''1" l"""ll" ni io0-cine, a m . on ni,i
I.:. .. il. 1 1 l. . ! ? ,7 day. when uKendanrc will be jivin mil condition.
this timo the LI ck waiters had passed their nmd.j known, by
comnanion out nf tlm imnr nnrl nf im JnllV II. lir.Tn.r.ll, nu(r
ntnilinfn dnnnrnr. nn1irntilrt nntii irc
.i . ' . w"" 14,1
stored by the intevference of . he proprietors
"i ii iiuiisij uiu iiiuir ii .utus
i no i:ccro who had cau.'cd tho d sturh.
ancn ran to the river hank, intending to
cn ap to t anada, Lut did in t Ml Cecil.
llo was arrested by a eo.iatable, nnd whil,t
1 " 10 t "'0 magistrate, in
pissing tho hocl a shot was fired from tho
1 " " b1-" I uul"
. Ti,riiis.
. p , r t jes
i" . . , , ... , .. " .
The magistrate decid, d to sentence tho
fcU w tohpaj. a fine of $lfi auJ to jail f
1 thron mnniliq
Tho (Southerner who was assaulted came
forward and requested that i ho fellow bo
,10t ont ln jai. Tll0 nla istrato thcn
changed tho sentence
SL IltC 01 S-io,
wbi h was paid.
CSy Tho Dcmocratio Convention of
Sullivan county, which met iu Laporto,
ffi'i-'sa7, on o'clock, p
i,nonittlr, a icneial ntte
Til, ,S7 ..L U ....,... ..!...'
, u. . vu,wvb, . , t.l .I,, ,UIll llllll.P,
A fcneial nttendance ia leaue.tcd a.
'Ulinen ul iiopoltaneo ll to bo laid bpfnru tin, mnetin:
I'. JOII.N, Prmdmt.
Aim VI, 1857
CA.MR to the nretni.e. of ttio .ubii nber, in
Hemlock tiwntinp. t'oluinbl.i county, nboul
Ibu in of.Mai Ian .
all Red Hull,
O.... t ...... .
V1 to conn prov propcity nnd tnkn h-maway;
, ""e",iie be wm ''lifffiKW'K. wTomakeu.
1 ' ' " imrn.Auiai, 1317
j "I? Air a p t r a .
' o
EL T xl 3 llNJ S
TIiu,.N!isnr1, crajff.u for past patronage, r-
J ipHcllully mTinns hit ei lomrra find tlio nuMtr
ffe"aly, ho ha Jutt n-eeivcd from th Eoitern
1 Si , A.iN 0 WI.N nAl OOTHINO,
Thulni yrthfpn npenrdin lllooiiuLurg. to which he
f'tteniion of Im frlendi, ond nwurei them
, k,eZpT.ern1,?8:',0,,,?'o?1 ba'!ain'' "
l!nll, .,.,' 11' :.. A l
co,tin8 of fasiiionadi.u mvU i coa'ts ml
de.ciiptmni rant. Vo.l.. iiliiit.. (.',,,!, o or wnieit u iiiiiber 'an I. A -Jfaat
Btocki,Uottonllan.lkereliitf.,Gl5vf..Su('onth?rI,llv,'"""k'l'",1l't!ri ASijTf-i
I rnl.t H'.. .. 7 i i
I lj0''i " (itches and Jtwellll.
oreveryde.ctipUon fliio and ebetip
f-'Ti " 7lle"",!''l' "UmWg't t rmptrwn
....uu..,. uu iun(E. lui pia n ni o i uiu,
niooin.Uire, Aut 3). 1337
I " COSTAH'S" HAT, 110AC1I &o
I ul un in one it. r.K nn.i 01 ,
Lul l All'!)" IIUI) IIIHl E.Tl:ilMIN'ATOrt
,.t....lul"n s,c so, '5e . nd SI bottle.,
INHl;('Til ke '
I'ut up iu W. nod 'tic bole.
.rf!n",?M '".P"' No 3?llioaday New York, and
jold by UrncBl.i. and ti.aler. everywhere in tbo Unl.
Ol)(iciU) Rlld Oculist !
Tinsi'nOTyill.l.Y Inrorm. Urn Fltlr. n nionm..
Tjnst'nOTyill.l.Y lnrorm llm i
Jlv tmri ami vieiniiy. iiim h k
tlm Eiflimjo llnfl.wlutc lio olfi
rtni nprnrti n iiugiii ni
out lor rnia
Of rreni vnrlriu size, and nlalifll.
A ,,p,v Invclnllon nf Sp-ttaclo., for ti-tant or'f lno
lo.illng. ulili sold, allvrr. utrrl, .ml tortnuo .hell
trnmc.nnil n nnw nnil hnprnvcil n.itnrlinpnt nT porif.
enl urmitvt Hint ( n. hli own imniifncturo, lis
wnnld pnrtlcularif ca'l Ilia attention or tho imbue lo
cntnritrt n( tho oyo, nn I to hi. new klrnl nf cIam. nml
l.'onfleivcr. of llin.lftht mntlc of the. hc.i flint nmlnr.uro
Oiimr.. Oooil (llnnes nny ho known hy their ihnpo,
nuallllc. a In ho round In n high ileBrco In III. (to. .(.
AI,SO-MltroKope, Spynnil (liilitmj (llac. nf.,
,,- ,
iiiooimaiiii!, in,
Uuartrr cndinj ,ngu,t itith, 16.W.
Pronimei Adam
McTrhlo M
t'henlln Mi'hael
r.iltiido John A
Hniith John
Hmider Wm P
rh.n"or rrnlerltk
Phulii I! r
Tiimbiin.on P n
Wl limn SI,
Webhrr Simon
WnrililniMon Wm
'n Ca.por
Worunnn Uenrv
J Iticlmrd Clriinth 1
Mr(an I'riro JShlp
, llrl Ico (leorce
llodilow Wm
. llncon Rnptlmiii
I Cornell Itfliecr
1 Dlvi. Iinne
lirx llnlrrr
1 Frri-lanil J c
Or.iiim'1. Jonalhah
ii ii i:h m
Kitnk ao
llnlier John
'.ling ""??' 8
J'"i "
I.uinbMil Frank
rrrerum e.lllngfoi the above letter, will pleaie
..until iti'Minro ,
' "":yre"vcniitci.
Estate of Giicon Yorks, dc:'d.
TETTERS of Administration en tho
, nstnit nrnueon Vorh.,i.itc or Jarkmn town, hip,
ie?iter ofColumbia counly. In r.lii.brth Vo,k, who
t"iie. in nidj,iru.on tnwn.hipi nil pe-nnu. imving
elaim. ngainit Hie (if the ileredeiil nrn r( otiestpil
to prr.ent lliem to the Admlnlitralnr wllhnut ill lay.
u,,u jjuzAuiiTi! viiiiiw.
Auguil 13. 1PJ7-CI
Valuable Real Estate.
Puiimua i in uift irovninnri or tno int will nnd
tfBiiimenl C Vowt flnrlockf r. l.itu nf M iflli n town-
Nip. (Jo'ii'iihia ctiitilv, (tffr'ircl. tlio iinitur isneil.
lUi'futr-r of Hie nfop-Miil ilf-'itcnt, will cipoc to
Pulilic l!aIo . upon lliu pri-'rilir, nn
Saturday, October 3r7. 18r)7.
Tho following tlpKcrihnl Valtiett'o IXrttc, vlt
i .ililllin ti i,.. Anson ll.lfji7
' JD'fr'KSS'.?. t. 5
, on iiijltl. tlie Ithln.iant
ja-jm, lia't iiare. fv
ulnek mink uu her bncl.
r,,r,hcTnu;,,Huonof i,e, wilerpliit":' r"0,"y r
watkin Pntii n
rioooiiburfr- Auj. S, 1837.
0aM)lc nut) fatness
niioinfbufg, Aug. 15, isa.
Cartes4 protector.
Tor further particular, enrlo.n Iwopo.tnse .tamp,
nndnddlfl. lilt I'l I II UK. Dl FllliSNIi.
lio i P'Jj yuiitli Iiend. Indiana.
Anjuit 1, 1SS.11
TMIr. partnership herctofoic cxisiirs Uiucrn thn
. a ; 1'n'iinvTn nnvHcr mill . uniH'f
lie drill of ;:.
nmtual eonieni.
n. rurttiLo , riat lnen disaolvcd by
n II. ft'RHBI..
Ripytoivn, Auj l
TIIH undpr.ignn.l hiving n.aoelmcd loptilicr, tiudoi
tho nun and My) ul
Tumi Jucolry,
Will continue tbe miairieck ruwdcr Bumne.. In all
il. der.rinicni.
n, ii. pn itf nr..
i. a. jacoiiv.
Aug 10, 1937
KRMJSKn'S r.lletil, for hand or hor.o power, llin
bin iu mo tviieelpr'a llnrio t'ower. nn,l TbrPtli
cr., Iinprovrd Oram Fan., IVnnoek'a W'licnt llnll,
Cooppr's t.iiiiPftud ((iiano Hp r.n'i-rn. tbe uio.t npprnveit
May and Fodder lluttin. Mi'lf. Ib.iler.. (Iriinlnone.
renily liuug ; Willi a smierlil nn.ortuietit of Aeiicultuial
n.l lloltjctlliuial linpleiiieKI..
Iiiipleiitent nnd rteeii mrc,
B, vcntli mid .Market st. I'lulidcluliia
Alljll-I 11, M7
PtJIiri.ETop Ruta lla.a, I'lirplo Top Flat, Skirvi n'
UiitoUl&n Vcllovv Aberdeen, Dale'. llybri,VliUH
Norfolk, Wlilts Flat, und oilier fino vatlctio, wliolmalo
and icuiil.
Implement nnd HeedPtoro,
P'veMh nni Market i..,l'hiladiliibia.
Aiiemt ti. 11.37.
Valuahlc Real Estate,
BV virtue of nn order of lb Orphans' Court of Co.
tumbm cnunly, leaar K. KricKbaiim, lltoculor of
John Ktinp, deceased, will, ok
Siturday, the tZd day of August vcxt.
At 10 o'clock In thn forenoon, eipoin to puh'ic sale,
on the premise, in the ton-nrhip cf Utiiinu, in tlm
eountj of Colnml'ia, at llie latn 'caidinre of I lie raid
dceedciit, the following Ileal Citnie, vit: ;
A Tract of Land.
Tho wen end nf Iho farm adjoining land of Jacob
. i.,V. niJ j . Vi nj or Jae ob
, I f, 'i , L!. 0.""KI,"e' "'we'l
P'""utl lianoun ll.nwe.l,
ilt'i' ii ti iiiu fiiitv , in r
on ttio cast and north,
For,'-'r,,rco A03 a Pivo Perches,
i ineiann, nuaa joo.i b-iw-jiiin. n fM
llie iinniediole vicinily. Tbe .oil iJ
I l or eicollent oiialilv. nnd Hie
! lin'l.orti bems denied, r.ll bn
iiunipim iu laiiiii iir inn
I """" Jolll Kline, ol Urn ton ct:
I townil.ip, Columblo coumv, d, eeaied.
,' nn,0n -B'J.Mr, ,
Brick! Brick! Brick!
I ".J? ,ul!c"b Ii" now on hud nt hi. yards in
i lilioniiburir. Uolunibia tonmy, 3l),tiu wull burned
il'lck i of tlm bett quality of clay.
rnna iii want of llrnk, can be .uniilied cnnslantlv
nni.iaie article, and al llie moil rcaionablt
cs- Tunsta cash
nioouuburs, julyflj, 1M7-3i
It. n. ARTHUR.
FirTYTIIQUgivr, nr iMTcnivn t itii e. ,
Iiin. l l for lain
Liahl Buret 81010 by
' BVaVaWA Bpri
.11011.0. In llloomilMif., on l"H
1 i"0HW, UlC Tin any nj istplcmltr
ni I n cinrK.r. HI
Thr.ii , inH. rtt l.timl urlll. (tin w.l.t m... .
tinnl. tlm nrnt Itirt iliiulo In lown.tiin 1. "-
' "i n.uu iih iiiu nuin nunrr n..
Mil county, coulnlulnj ' -"'
Filtv Acres and Eiuhty-Ninc Pernlm.
I lid Ilio .nmn imirt or k.i.nnl nil nf wtiteli . inil,.l'
I IjiimI, Imiimlcil ami ilercritail ni lellnwi, m i .
.ili liv Uiul M Btmntl MrllcM nn ilio ,'n.i i".".1!"
ri.l lcaijin Itom I.I.M .He t to lirnnscvlll,. , ' f
.l t, l.u.1 of John Whlio ami ulhen, whereon i,J
crccleil n t
rliriwce, urist
if jtj a 717,7 iTSJ'i
1 flUsT EHIlij
W$&Ihusc, it Frame hat,,
9 A
ffftrS VtrVB.WVI five nnr tlttrit l:, '
sMQj&JlMl.-'rr MurV ''Wiling
SJj'feiSta irilh lie n,,irl..
T he .ccon.l tr.ct, .liuoie in pcoii townli n, ,,,
county, ronlnlmns i.inima
u '! A., ml I'mir IV. t
I Sovcntcen Acres nnd four lerclics,
.trict m.'nsnro, tin the nml more or leaa.lnnn4ci ,,
tle.erihpil n rollow., lo wit: On tho north t,, , a .
John White! nn tho .oiilh hy Inn.l of John While,,,',
tlher lan.l. of Hauniol h. llillloi on thoifnt hyii,,,.,
of Joha White, John Km, nml other land ol Raiuud L
Uittlo with the nrpurlennnrc..
. Tho third unet, .Itunte In Vt.ricaiant lown,h!B
1 ...i .r..i...M ...i, nm,
"" , Tit ... CJ! 1. ,
.iour Acres anu oixiv-cix rcrcnci.
ho tho .limn more or Ic.i.nll of which I. I inprov ,,t,
hounded nn the nnrlli ny innn oi jonn ivinits on n
.null, hy iho.ame; on the writ hy the same, on) mi
inera.l oyriicr Dcnug uini juiu, r.n,, en y
Two Story Frame Store and
ffj?. Sto'c House Lot of Ground,
lfjB'a.eltuHc In t.lghl .trrrl, tjrnll town.hip.jji
in frniil rounty, hounded on the ra.t by n miiltiaum?
from t.lBht .tree; toOrangcllle. nn thn nest lytthti
In nd. of Hnmttri I,, Itettle, on the north hy nn nliry,
on the .mith bv lot. of Ch.irlea and Wtlllnm Shitnucn'.
eonlnlnlPR elity feet flonl nml one hundred nnd fifty
fret In depth, tin numbered nn ttie pltiu or .iii.l timn
Nn. a. corlnln lot ol siountl. .itimtn In
l.ieht .treet, Hcotl tnivnehi)i, in .nid e'ninty.cnnlalnin.
I .Itiv ret front nnd one humlrpd nnd flf IV fepl In ilrmb
, nnd nun here din pl.m n' .aid town No. 4, bounded nn
-Mho cart by n rond leading front Light .Irert In Uranrc
IvIIlP, on the wen by oilier laniU of Hnnmel L. I'UVt,
nn the south by an nllcy. nnd on the in rili ny .
Jnhn.on, whereon nre erected a
! 'rr0 Slor,J Frame IHcdlwg House, a
f-ame stable with the nppta tenant cs.
HcIzpiI end laken In oictulion the property of
Samuel L. Ilcllle.
Plttntr.'c Office. I thtr(J.
nioooi.burg., IS7 t
Valuable Real Estate.
baturda?, the. M of Octnbrr next.
Al l n'cloek. P M ,the firm heloniiin? to the sail
petatc.lMnlo in Hemlock tow nihip, Columbia county,
eontat nloi
One Hundred and Twenty-Fivo Acres
and Thirtj "even Perches,
And Adjoining land, of Hugh Mcllriite, John MrRry.
nnld., lYpr Atiplemon Oaleli ltirtnii, tr.. nud Hylve.
ler Pilrtcll. 11 i llluate In the
Jrim Ore Region
of Onturnnjn county, two mile, from Itloomtlii-it, nn 1
on tlio public hichHny lendiui; to Muekhom. A brnnch
of llimlnck creek oneee. throiieh the promina, an I
the whole farm t in a fail .tale of cultuntion. Ths
improvement, arc n large law frame
A nrtv ftml cnmiroilimn frame tenant liouir. n In'io
new l)in k t'ftfn a new wostin hnm-r. ond nihrr nui
t.iulJiiiji eniirrly niw. r(Hi;sion will lie gtrtn on
the Ini nf April, lS.
Coorfaiuni will ha nuac Known nn the flu rt nih
tf lifer.
A Valuable Farm
Wll.t, be nflpied for .Die. on tho premi.e., on
Tuesday, Cth nf O, toh.r nn.l,
IU Iho "mnrnifni'jnti, known nn the Jmici' Kitm. '
rlt'irttf in Hlmatortln ton nli.n. N'ifirtiin.tprsnt coim
tf. I'l 1 1 t i -i (f nn rfliamokin rr.-fk nud llic I'M 'lull i h ui
nnl Hunl'iiry Ilitilrnmi. nlxmt 7tnilPi nnuth ol I'miTiM'-,
8 iml' frtnn ttiitibtiry, nml IU niiki Irom CliKninhin
nnrl Trcvcrtnn, thim giving it na cfiit n!t onlrmi nf n
tonvrnient nntl good niaikct ntlhnidf any nitit-r nr.
ti'in nf ttin Hi.Ht)
TIib Nnrllicrn Cent ml Hnitrnjifl, now prnc'f pin
wuh every pro perl ol i(a curly romplrt inn, will t m
n ruinriHiiiii ritioii hy ratlrn.i'i with IMiilrnletpni ant
IhltnnoM, ond lirintl llto plirn within two nf threu
tours' ride ot llnirifttnrg J liu farm cnntmni
'I'wo Hurtlrcd nnd Seventy-One Acre?,
ftnnut onft lnitK'riNl nc rci aru rlcnrci). tliu Iml
nncf i in tlciOim.MUKI.. n p.iit ot whirli hnslvT&
rut, and i. now
civcrrd with ficcUettt
Iniiiii! tree.
ilio iinnrorcmenl on said rrooerlv ore a couilon..
- nbl IUVKI L1MI lil)IJri:,witli a. ruin
ol pin unit wnter n new ll.tiR iwrn,
andother neeeteary null uildinit. '1'n il
perron ib'.inn n I'aiiu that inu.t in
erf me in valuo nnd make tlm nio.t plea
.mil of any in tbo valley. Ibis airnrd.
an npiinitunity ic doiu oirured.
XT Temn tnado Ktiown on tha dijr of .ale.
AueuilS, I857.
THH nittrrm nf thl Fthnol nil) ffirnmnneo nn
MCfMlAV'i Tt It f fcptcnilier nf tt, Ami enntinuu
0 levf 11 wciXs. I'npils ore rrmvrd nl nj tirno.
Common Cnc'ifh HiiilKf f
lliglirr linglMli Hludies trnil Clnnsles. 0
To meet n icnirit nf prtrrnt pupils nnd rf other
pnilit nnd Irueiine fn thn n-miMd rn rriinn if
1 r r ihH I liivo dpK r mln fit lo o'pamre, vn Hi
of Aiiijii-t iifit.n Tinchi r'f Clft, In rnntin.ic thrc"
niontln. The rhortu lor tuiluii will be five ilol'nra
lur tlie reffion.
Any infiirmalion rrpprrtinp iho pchfnin of Inn true
tton, lioiui'ing. tVc , will hn promptlv juven, on opplj-
csiiuii iu iim, itui'T pi rni any, or I nnnj.
liioorutbur?, Jn 37, 1H37 At
JEstatc of CorjuHus ltcynrhtej tkcUL
LETTl RS of Admirif-trrition on tlio
Katate uf Uorncllui lieynotd. Uf cf .Mitltiii
lownhhip, rnltinili;i cnunly, dccesvfd, liavn hot n
granted hy the II titer nl (olunhm rnnnty. to lint
unrirrifisnrd, vho rrslilon In said -Mifilin I. wnhii.
Iu Coliiuil'i.t rou my; nil persons having ilnims iijaiml
thn vitnti nf Die ere dent nr re'iucvird lo priicnl
itirm to iho A iIitii n itt rnttir without dtrlay.Diul nil per
ions i ml it ltd in tnnke paj nu-nt Inrtbwiih.
Jldm r dt boni$ noi,
July 4. 1837-Ct
TIIH underrlgned tfipicirully inform, tbo eitizenl
of Illooniibtilu nnd lb. public in ecneiaX, tbat tt.
tins opened n
Root and Shoe Establishment,
In Ilia ivluto biilblioj. nn Main .tre-l, nliovn niio'n
At Wii.ou'. Hik'T. wnciu lie iia. eon.tnnlly on liaod
n large as.orlincnt ot
Uoot.i, Shoes, Gaiters, :o.,
And w ill nuke up wort to order on short notice. III.
lone riperuncc in Uio l uiinr... end gcneinl know
ledge ot till vnnt.n, tlio people, will enabb him In
tcnilei (oliifnruini lo nil bli euituinei., nml .houlil
ccuio biui patiuuago much ho lioue. to ment.
Illoom.burgi, liny J, F57 .
Self Cure!
NEItVOUSniffitlliEIlfi, Hind nnd Mind Aflectioni.
Ilieinirnt Con.uim linn. Lou Simile li.f.rni-iiv
, ,or Eluc, , ,,a,or, ,.,,,,,, Elt,'u, , ,, '
, .Kll Deravof llie Sj, t, i, I., ., l A ' , o,j , r ii'iii 5
, ?enuil llebilllynnd Involiinia y r i , . n. rill. ,
llllin.l. If the K I HIK .. a 11,1 Olgafa llieliwllll fill-
. wri,-.,. "Ktt-M-r ir.uiiir irom in priiiii ore or oilier.
!, ,ue luinrlibly nnd ni ininncntli tuml lr Dr.
I ( i urniMLl'i famou. IM II It; A I. IILCIM RATtHI,
- llie full iaiieular. of which, without any impiori..
.lonal secleiy, will be mailed (rati. In any midlist on
receipt nln ilamped llivilepe piopeily lllieclld.
I The tiicci.arul reiullt nf Iho lo. I ten yial. liavn
proved Ibia llemedy In be thn ONLY ITI'IOTUA!.
i L'UItueitant fur t,e nbojn rnuipiniiits, and ilu'deieifp
lion or it s siven in so plain a manner, thai eviiy 01.0
l eiinblrd to
cuuu iii.Mpr.i.F BUcrr.ssruLi.Y t rnivATci.Y.
I Addrc.s, nn.l pa.,
t'IIAIII.r.8 J. O. KI.IN'C.
. I'ost Hot No 13tO, New Voik City.
July 13, lS57y
MEBSna. IIUIIIXY & l,LOYl),ClrilEif(iir,fiii
iryart and .Map I'ulthihtri, ure now in this placu
for Ibu iiurpu.o 01 iiiakniK n thoiouthly collect I'ltO
VURTy SI A I', showmj Iho Ulounil l"an ol neiy
lluildliif. iho iiiu and of inch Lot, with own.
en' namo. or Initials primed thereon, (.'moieil. Vi
nub nl, nnd mounted on l.'anto., and Holler, al
cnniplelo. I'rlte por copy ). payable 011 delivery ol
J . "" prfpjro,i in mate Peirry. and turn lib
Skeleton Map. of farm., with ennleni. eoleulaiej
and Itiivrlcl tliei'on, of any rum wlti.ln a nainnab'.
di.lanre tu ni town
llnomibiuc July 33, I13,