Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, August 22, 1857, Image 1
AM jd 3EU Vsr ucru , ... i .. u i .rSS taottggai iffgj uuie; ixc; i t cm ADVERTISER. AND BLOOMS BURG GENERAL LEVI L. TATE, Hiliter, Publisher & rruprk-lor. "To Mil and trim tlio torch of Truth and Wave it o'er the darkened Earth." TERMS ! Out! Dollar & Sovcuiy-flvo cts, In adva n VOL. XI.--NO. 24. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA., SATURDAY, AUGUST 22, 1857. VOL. XX 1 COLUWmiA DEWIOCBAT, a-uni.iaiinu r.vcuv satuuhay mouninu, BY LEVI L. TATE, .!n JUlooiinburs, Columbia Cimuly, r.v OrFicE. hi (he. new litick Ihiilding, op posite the Exchange, I'll si'lc "J 1,10 Cwrt House," Democratic Haul Quarters," Ti:nus nf yunsuitii'Tiox. $1,00 Ip nilvnnco, for ono copy, for six montl'S. 1.75 In adwmco. furuuo ciy. ." 7'"- ... 2,00 If not ti.iM nillilnttio liratthrclSinnnths. 2,1) If not ti.iM witliln Mm Ihst Ix months. 2.M If not iuil.1 within tlio ycivr. , , ID" .mhriiitl ntnkon fur leioMImu tlx months, mul no tiaptinlliMntlnod until nil urrcnnigcsshnll Iitvo liccn liuM. . . , . . , r t lrj-Onllii.try n,U orttscmcnti! In-crtcd mid Joli- .tvurk executed .uuiuusuiouaiiui i .v..... KAIL ROAD AND PACKET BOAT I 1S57. ANTHIiOPK. 1857 -'llllixinirl, UllJ Uf .It AiMlllCilKf ill 1 u . i ii , ni liiiM! 10 ink.) 11m i.irini llio h. & Uailroml .urHfTJUtnii or 1 real '(.-m . i nrt'-rimon l.i-'tvus N.uiiictilu- nu u. ivul,tl I & II' U'li Iro ml 1 nti If out (irci' .ni.l Hcr.tiitju (.iy uim o'clock, 1". M.) nml .nrivt'jiit Knt""i t-.trly tUn e:tinu h 11 Jin tluiy in nil;. Hi..- ,vlil lUnn b nil u ay oil v liu U. v' ii 11 m Ira ntilroJil. IMs. n Irotu iliu Wyoiti is V.illry.fur VnUi U iliu, II iriMmf c, 't irmiutr I'liimra . mttl .ill oiIiit joiiil-4 ai.nii or i-a , wiH I'"'1 "',! tn aUaiiii's to tiiku tliu aUuvtJ r.i.o', ;h It j lh only Ikki Hi h c n-'cti ilirotigli, witiioul tuipins over niglit 011 ili: '"i'ai'ii'jiT t'niui tin Ho'iih 'r Vct, Ijy IimvIi?' o.-r .iih-rno.iii tr.iiu. vi 1 D.iupiiin vi.l a-us'ii!-,liiim,ru.n Iro.i.l, antl vi.i Cn'.iw 1 ss.i iiailtcad, .luuut Hi'-' r.ttlu l dllluituil "iW v-i-jT zn-HX TiTVM rri.rn uuiwei'ii 5 r W tCi U ilku-bano n.ii.-rt, nar' Inp tin 1 in M.ii I. li'.iViM V Ik w lt.irru at M o cluck, A M and cr hvpi at (Inii.'rt 111 1 nu i U co 11 hit 1 1 n Ii t liu .M t,Ui!H It ll'Tl 1 II'T lit"' nrriv.u 01 ihmii Tin l .1 Hi B , (ny :i oV ick. V M ) .mil ar Ivm a' VViHt'n tin ro about mi In 1 "tit. II P. VI!LI . l'rojirn-1 tr AVilki'j IL.rre, April II I.7 - IlOMKSTEAl) I'OK TWO DOLLARS . , .. iiic-iiUllrtli-in 1-n r.l.l l)lSIItWUIIO. !! CIIANUL'. l'OU I'OOIt MIINM fl'lli: en .Miil'iil II Ill "i ' 1 . i'i 1 " II ..k,.iii!r.. vir... M1...1 nl. ni l:-.l i:.l..lo.ii..lmi"t"H '".'I. T t...r 01 no m ...i I in I5.MKI, SJ i.i..t live l.nor ,W.,l,i.r.lni.. .nv linhviilu ,ll!,. 9I and th . .i. .ii i 1...1 fci ...... , . i ii i n... ..i . lire- Ol Cat 11. I II HIMV I Ml - M, nu ill Uf i-llllii'-il HI M iiiari". 'I'll' di'irlbiition will bs nitdu in l.'liir.ii, rieitiMiiliir '.'Stli, I -'i? . Tin' tollottin-j iiMt'i IN-al I'nt t to he ililnliutcd ; No 1 - ti t in pi mv ed M n uf r i a' re, in Ir'ii'i'ti' lo.idiy, Illinois va'titii'ii IUU') No 2 An im'iroviMi i inn oi i or acr3 in n .'nt'.'- -idei ron in v, IIIi'iom. v.ilio'ii a No I An hi.ptoeii i.'l While- i,i.ioit.u- liluioi-', vaiih-d -ii No I Aimi'i 'boa pinaliiutineiiLo in Iiaii'f ta, Imia. -d .it No .) H" .tcr-'i Kti ;m i mr fjrm Intl in I'ooko i on.nv. lllnnoi vaKi.'ii ,r. N lit - I I fl pin': Ilin'ieri'il III W.l'lp If l I'ouiHV Wi-eoiiain, valneo ,il No J ti i nl l'iv ,io 1 1 otia;:u ri'siilcni-i) i-i Chir.i"o, liliitoi, v lined .i Ni -11 itcre- liiul in WliltelJea coaiily, IliiiKiM, valued ut ,(0!H :i mo i'dl 1 20.)0 (ilMj ip'ir li- 1 ii;o una No-l!i;) ai re no. 1 1 I iiid ill Chlppewiy cotnily, V-con-in, valued al No in i (VI .i-'ri.!. "d t i.i it in Chippuunyro uity, Wiscoiitiii. valued al No 1 1 ii(J nrre-t jo.i 1 tin 1 in Cliipptnv.iy rounty. VU'miiit led ;it Nj li tl'li arrcn cool luid m lltii u i.o'inly, Vicmin, valued al No It-PO urte-i -40 od in M irdnll coiiiuy, Inwa. v.ilaed at Kn II .0 arreti gin I laud 111 .M.irilnll foiuty, liiHM, Vilaed ,tt Ni 15 H'J acrrs yood land m Marlu!l ro.iniy, iiMva, v:l"(.M at ; in 10 arre utml limlin Alirdull tounty, lo'iV.i. valued ut No 17 40 acre giml Ian 1 in F.inn comity, Iiwn, v.i 1 11 Lit al No Irt 4) ncrci KooiHau 1 in l.iuu county, lima, val pd nt No n l't aTCi good laud in I.I1111 tounty, Iov a, valup'l ut Nu '."J-i builins lot ia Detei'imi, Irnvt, valued I 1 30J 1 ami 1 iril 1 bJiUlinif )d in Merlins, I Minoii', va'ueit nt 1 at Z'J'I SID No'J -1 buildim; tot iuStmhtet . Iilliiom,alunl -1 btiildluK lot hi Hti-ilnin. llliuuu, valued at Nu '.M at No'JI 1'JfirreJ f.riu hud in tir.uil county, Wl-t- coiijiu, allied at No ""i-Uarrei t inn land in (Irani county, Wis- coiuiti. vahi'jd at No 'id l't ucroe I md tu Craut 1 nil ny .Wneoiidl it, valued at 210 1 No -.7 id acred land in liraul couiity,VIconiin, I valued at (iH No 'JS 4)acren tan I In Crawford co-iulv. U'h- roiihiu. val-ied at 50-) No 'i.i 10 acre laud 111 Crawford cnutity, IVn- noiuiu, valued at 'i'K 1 No : t-10 m,riii Uud hi OrawPud 1 ounty , Vii- i nnsiu, valued at .00 Nj :il 10 acre laud in Monroucoiintv, WVtou valued at No3i-10 acroH land n. 3lonruo county, Vlon- biu, vatund at Xin'.H -10 arrert hml in Jitkiio t county, Whcon- hhi, valued al 5lK) NoJII-loanreri li.utl in JacKdou county. Wi on- sin, vj la at m No 10 acn-Horiaud iu I id Am; county, Wu- coiulu, .tilted ill l''' Ko:iJ 40 ar relnid in Uai' A so county, Wlicon- ati, lalueii :.t oj No:i7 40 ut res land in liad Ax'i luuim 1 ,Wiscuit- (iin, v.nlumt ut "' Nu :H I ut ni I'll mm. I II 1 urn ii. vataod at I'-" No :t l -I lot in rullou. Illinois, .ilm:il at 1(" No ldl . it in rulton. Ill in out, alnedat H-) The iltt)M'io'i tnltbc comlurtrri fairly and hanarahttj. The names an I afrlra t'f ttoclhoUtrs thall hi irnttca oa as inimj mi all cards as Ihry hare thare, and the towc j!aud in a hot aatWw first uametahen out nhalt he rntitltd to the Uauroccd faM .Vw . 1. M the atwrc iist , and the nat xakin out mil be cHtltlelio .Vj 'i.O'o so on until ibtfvrtij Vtmi of Heal FMate ate all ilUlrlhattd. Thta tu tach vj the remaining ll.'JUl stod.holdcrs tclll be nut a chcaji mat tj a wcuUrn matt or territory .Ifalt auouat of the dis tribution iritt be forwarded in a jtrlntcl urralar, f ' lt,rf' member of the ataoriattou , Kith the name aadaddres of eutk as may rccetcc the Heat rotate to whom all the dtcdi intl b& ten t and immediate jiotnioii given Kacft aindtiatinx must be aero m nan ltd teitk fl ami dot letter atatnns Aililruci, lauuitii, J'nui ' u.i t InrnL'll. III. IM.... 3- Uiliion giving tlio alnv Vlillll'.l til II Auau.t 13, 137 onu iiuallou ill i' isSiOo.iasss use a, GAHINKT WAHEKOOMS. rplll! nnilonisniil irfpc ifully invilri Ilio ..llei.tio, L ol'lho Public I" I. is fllen.ivc iii-mirtim-ii. ol Cubiiit'l t'lirl.ililr.' I'l.airs nhiih I... will war r. ml to beiuailo nt lUtuiil In a woiI.ii. uiliki. in.iii...'r. At I.U u.taiilijinit'iit,canaliva)s bi1 r.imiil ugooiUsEOit """"vASmONAlilili FUltNlTUlUi, Y'-i Whl, Ii In slyl.'ni'il fii.i.1. lo ol I'h.l lu .uU'lpliiiior New Vo.l.cillL.s,aiia.iUlowpiicfi, iS2.'lo lias SOFAS, (giZgm&z ir illiritrcni fUlia imd pnci-s, froiiijgEgj lo jnn, Divan louiifioj , Val-w nut uud ,M a1uiif.ini . IMrlor chatrd. Kockliltr and CJsl ? n". ui-r WiV r 'wl-M. wiVi VomluoiiA; ih pure't.Y uXHuy J.VlihV inoi j no political or personal tuouguts obtruueu; uemonsiratc tno most complicatccl pre mcnt meat running h r reguVar imp- Vaiiy. (mum'iij . Aicpud) !f JYi L VufE ''iJl'cV m- 0.tI-'l -JV-"?!. " Vii u"i ai a ll';inKcr wouia "avo feUPI)0S!Cd tIm f blcm in the tcicncc of mathematics, versed 1 Uut il is Lli.iliw. I'lJita iiool., and uarit ly of upholbtercil worii wilhUrttitln-jitiid parlor bureaus, sola, card centre and plei tatih (t,iltluliui, clieiluuicrs wlul noli uudcnnioii (Iri.autl ullkiuj-tol idshioiiabltj work Ills block of i liunau, ciittot-id and cniutuiin wash standi , ilren, , I able . i oritur cuplioardu, sofas hreuldaal tultlfit bud taiiu bt utand roiiiinon chairs is tlm In r el tu tin j ettuoii of lie cotiiitry, Ilu ttjll uUu keep n j!nd attEon-ui'ii itla-.ars with func ulll and, com mon irdinr-j Uu will ulvn rurnuli iprins iiuirea'ei fiiUtiloauy klzu uT beadntu id , which are uupcrior i'1 i diir-iLl'iiy undcuiiufuriiu miybed In tito i HALT 131 OK U LOOK HOSPITAL DOCTOR JOHNSTON. I rpHE founder of this Celebrated Insti- J liltlol.,011 lrs tin! li, up. my lino oniy . rllfLtunl it'inrily invito uorlil for lor tlliUF, I Vinriuri-. Bbiii jiiiil . nt, IMliif In Uw l.oliu, u",l an.i i.T,.N.Vr:inVt,o,;i V.V ii, KUmyi, rtpiVa- i i if iim iiinrt, Diicii:i, Ni-rmuH irritability. I Disci..! ol tho lleail, Tliioiit, Nnt-o r fcklu, anil nil 1 llio.o serious ami iiiul.nii li oly Duor.l.-is minus frtni I I.oily mia iniiiu ,11,- i.bgi ...i.. . ............. . .. .. ....... nru .Horn .dun Syren, lo tin1 lirllli.ini Inn..' Ue i impossible Marrlml l" rliiuc. IilIiiu uwnri) ol nlivi. SariiSiTSS.?.,-; rc'i;i Wfe . - liililv. il, luriultli'n. A.r.. felluulil iiiiiui'il Ur Joliii'lon.itni! ho rrstnr etl in in-rli tt I ' .. . , ... w - "JJf.unS Sft!? f,"S! hu .MliMMASiiVJ: Mi. win, nl. fi, liiiiiai.iriiii.u.p lln rni-ii Organic Weakness Ihoso wlinhuvil lifcomc llic vlrtlui nf luinrnni-r ini'iil- "unci'')!, viiiiii purtioiis an. loo .ipi 10 conimii c unuT Uott tH lit sooner tt v Uiojso r.tllut, iniiiriimr III (lllJ 1 1 II till' t OII"l H V 111 lltCMII S III (Olid Jill 111 ion &.('.' i,J"tJ(Ici! No.T tfnurii iiHi un-i,i,evtn iloor from tldtiaioru htrtLtt Lat ml", tip tlx ntci'M liu i.iri tuolMurt iii thu NAM II nntl NU.MUIHJ., or you will mist.ikc ilm place, .7 Cure Harranttd,vr no chars t tade. in from One to Two l)ay$. no Muuuimv on AUrfi:uus OKuas uaw. . John&ton, Member nf llic Itny.ti College of riiircoit5. l.oinloii (Jr.iJii itflroui oiii u 1 ho moat vmiii I'tu cullrgi'it ol the Uniti-il rtiiu'rt, .iiid tln'irri-ali-r part oliost 1 1 1 li.ts li.'un tiit'iu in Uiu ilrdt llnioitala ol LotiiloN .TunF,! iii-la1'-lilua atttl I'lnuwlmru, Ii ia cllcclr'il (Kimm-f tlio inot tstuiiii ti iitjj carw wt'ttt t-ur known ; niany ttoub l.vl Willi ruling ititlic hcml ami t.iru wtni jtsU'tp, ir-at nervntin,-sd li-iur ul.irtiitd nt huMcii .-tonihl-i. mnl b.ihlif iim'-s, with JVcpicnt blu-liins. utttiiiilnl sonititiiiR'i jili iluraiiiMin;iii ol mi ltd wcrccurt'd in. muiliulLly. A Certain iJiscaM When tho niHL'iitilt'il ami imprmlcut votary oTiilca sure liuiU If) h.u iiiibiliud tint of Una luuiilul IIhimm', 11 too i,iii-ii Implicit mi illliuiL-d h tin- ol nli tin I-. or ilnMil oi'itli ,on,ry, ilt icrs hi in Irnni afplv 1 tiij in (iKito Ii 1 from uiliK-.iiion ami r(Micct.tbHy 1 11 i.i) 'i ii;; nu uu: tuiixii union ll 1 ymilnnu oitln- horrid tliM'a-ouiaks tlici r .ipio-araiuv, ! nh ''rated Hun throat, Jliscuud nose, not: 1 pal in in tin- head and limb, di hi m-fd of HUIitl,llmf1) j nodcuori ihe skin lionet,, and arms, Won lies mi iH head i. tec, and cvireiiu-tiu, nrori:-siim u nh fri-'hihii I ruii.iuv,iiii m u.o P,,i.,.,r iii,u m,ii, ,'.r n,0 I J "'" ""'I ill ill ..Mill III., vi.-tllil Of UlM llUlnl ili.,.i.,i. ii.h,l.jiii.l .,r coiiiiiiif.i'r.illiin, till U nth pun ll iictumI hi his ilriMilfuUiiirrriiii:i, liy n'i. lloi-'hli.i 10 liiiiiriii. Itnui wli. n.c no Itiiv. kr ''"""n '" li Ur. jnhiiM..,, ,,lul l'"i'"iri".iri-"rvoll. oliv,..! ,1,1.. v,r;v, .ul , ' ''""ivi1 irart,r,. .ii, il. r,n,i, l'.iii.l . ,.i,h..,an . . .. ti .1.-.. i ly m oiniuciul .. -j.iii; ami stiveo v euro lo inn no iuilu n.iii: v iciun n i in t Iiorri.l iliaiae ..... jir . Dr.J aldre(!l! ai t thoe wlio li.ive injured ilienc iie) 1 ji by pri v.ite.iud improper iudul-ji-urcri, T'n.,'e .ire mii,ii of iho A" and iiu'l.ti eiioll oi!mi iro'lnrcd by early lialolcol ynntli. viz Wrnki.i of the Co k and liiiotis, I'.iin in tint lie. id. Dtin in-snt Siv'hl. ni WiHmlar I'nnvr. t'.ilpiiatiou ol tbi lle.irt U -.(o-phin, Nerv-itM I rratibility, Draniri im tit ol tin: Divesiive ro.itll.ili ( n.-nil Ui ioltiy tj i.ipliinitj ll'O tiHiiiitptlotl. if .Mi: I'Al.l.V Tlie h'firfu I i ifi ots iipon the mind iro inui li to hulre,i(ed, IiimhoI Mi-uinrv, (J011I11O01. ol I fo.ix, D'lires'iou ol'ilie rpirtix, I'vM I'uri Imdino. V v j-r-inii of rioc iuty, Ti tatty , a ru mti.e olthutv lU pr"du',i d. Tlmusandi nf person- of nil ae? 1 an now jud;e U 111 t raiHo ol tneir declnuu health . Mm-nii; ilie'r vior,ln'eoininj; -.ik pale md em trial i-d, ti.nviu a "ii)i,"i l.t r appi-ar.Hii e ubou t tin; i-ye icoughuiid hj tup loillH ol (OUHlIUiptlOll . i)rt Johnston X Invi'jrornfiiig Jicmcd for Orgttiiiv rcak..csst Uy tins s and import an I remedy, wi ,i!.nest)I I he organs aru biieedily cuted, ami lull iuor tifctutnl. Th eirt 111 ill o the most n.-rv ni and di-fnlit tied, u ho . i iiikm' Bprrci iiiiti nil i ntv tirnri 11 1'N. lit vvn nvv i i run .mrixnr rtr j iirnnt.m inn t;n inrnnrnii . .-nmn nnnnnr r rtiiin i . i i .1 1 n i.. . tt . . i i . m . n... . . . r. :.";, 7 . ;v "v ..0 , ta t-..4W not rentier uocoimnr? craiiiuuo anu o jcui- um, iiurt went to mu city ior inu imrnghu n mi ... iimriiiri'd lunii ii i in 1 1 1 1 ir h.ukI in ctio.i fin; n r riiii h.ii r r ni i nnvfTirmn iiim inniinr iq inn rtiur finniiim'mnti imnAD. 1.1 .i.i . i . i.rii. i ' uriiViiiailol;.: rnudcnSc ,a.ryu ! ' 1 ' . . J " w tuo groat AUliior noicveuoucy oi ascenainin tuo truui o. mo report m .... ,. . .. tQ MtnUtSC. I rui l.1 l, . .rtt ninne nml In fulfill il,n ,,, il..!. I . . I ,.. . ,. . . , ,n r v uww, mm lut. ,,, i,..,.r Vniii,, lTl,.ii rniillmntiillii ninr. ' , ' b"-' I aoo UM DlOUllUt lOItU lUtOllCCtUttl IHftllta. BUCCCOUlll'' 1Q OOUlllllll a Ulll OI U1VOICO. (.,.!, ..P ,!. 1.1 f 't"i"'"iuipottertt.akMK-d, nurytnit d. i.iu.y, .'iuu iuu.wa, .i 1U all the classical literature of antinititv ' dividual a . h hi I sl all impe. b.ivo bei u 1111111 idiateU n:tii-v-d. All 1 iiiipediuieiils lo M.l. f i I'linal and Mental Hi-'U f ..... , urn 1 lio 11, N'-rvous I rnt.i In lity. Tic milling naud Weak I ueiii. or exit ui "ti 011 ol llic most k-arlul kind, speedily IXM o'f'd u)' lur Jo'-iisioii I Young ITca 1H0 1 Who h tvu lii-uedih"iiielvi a by a rert liu practice, I indulged 111 when .ilotte I lilbll ffe'pien 1 y learned .100 i from i-vili oiinanloiM. nr at school t lie ellectii i:1uhi h ar niiihi'y I dt. even w! iilei-p . and if not cured retidi run hi 1 tje impossible, aul dMroyri hulh iiiiud autl body, til.oiildapply until' di.ti ly ri, .1 ., tMiv tit, it a voihiz 111 in. the boon of hi h conn I try.fiiiil ll.e d ul iiiLr of In'-ou Khotild he a nat tin d from all propetta 11 1 etijo mriitsnl lilu.hy I he coiife. i"tiriM ot iiev ia tins inmi ion nam m nuiur-. uiiii ui W . dul-'ltii! 111 acettaiu (.eiret habit, Suih person before enntf iiiplattii Alarriaiic should reflect Hint a sound mit.d ami l.o(! n.-e Hie mo uurejiary ru'iui allies in promire couniiiti.ii u.ippioi h ;i00 l ud nt t.wiihoiii Hi et aim jiMirnu tiirouun iiiniKVoiiii" .1 wfarypiUrimase.theprospijriho.iiIyd.irki'iis to th, :i0') vie.w ; iheinind lM-coiiien gh.tdowed uilh th-sp,.ir and , filh d ttilhlhe iiie1.-:ucl"lvrellei tioil thai tlie happiness 3t0 ' ofiinolherliLiirne I. Iiif hle.l tt Uh our ottli. orniui; no." tsourti t u uin;iiii;i m Al,li HlJItlllCAl VriON'S I'lIlil'OttMI.IK N. II, I.i 1 110 falfe inodfiiiy prevent ou , but apply nu mnatelveiiherpert-onnllvor M Iciier- HKIN-DUL Hi;s HlMlllIHIi CUIiUU. To Sftfuwcrs. Th-many Ihrmgaii'U cured ait Uiu lu-titutlon willi'n thu I i-l 15, and tint iiuuieroii-. iniportaiii Hiiijcual (.Veiaiinii perlurmudby Dr. Joliiihton. ttttut-o.,1 by Ilm reporli-r-nt llic pap.r-( and many other IICUH Ol WHICH I.IVO II I ir.lH" lli- 1l.1l.l1r, blil.' liln staii.liim .. si' .11.1.1 ;! ilu r .clunml r.t...5.ljilit-. isa nillkii'iil si.r.i..tiu lo tin' alllicliM. Take Xoi.icr. X, it Tti.rcnr.' fiunany Isimriint anil wnrljili". lliucu mlvrillsliil! ll.tmsi'lvi I'livm'u.'., r.iiiiii.i! tlx- ..mill, i.fll.o illrijuly ullllrt'-il tin' lr. Jnuiulon , ilr...iiiti.pcoiiry tuB.iv. i.uc..iiiy i" in".' ""i; llntlm rri'ili-nlula an.l l .l.ii.i..:ualiiyln..a... I..-nllir.'. irJ-l'AKieNoncE All I, nor inribl bi- pr.s.1 :u.l. ami 'c.ilialn apoitasoaiamiiiuriiii! tuily. ur iiMinswei lU'WIII H'lll iltiiarly 7 lfl.17. D H N T I S T K Y. Sl!(Ji:0X I! KXTIST. 111.0tlMsU'.Ult(i, L'tlUJMlllA I.O. ,, f.rl Uriel,! b'-lolv ll.itl man's El"r I on c.iii., lll'.M'r.C'ITI'I.lA'.oll'J" Iii. i.rofc.i'ii' Fttvlf.K 1 lw l. ibo la.i.n n ml si-iuli'inui i liln.n.i.l.iirir ..nil ' linn ir,'liarulf Hi" varioin I ,, r.n...i.8 in Iiciiti.try, ami i Willi tli li- u,t iiiiirnv.'il , 1'orcclam Teeth, Which will be .... iii'J on ..vtt ur c"l.l pluti'. tu inol: us lis tin. na...r:.i. . xrr A .unrrior tirti.l of TOUTfl I'OWII'Ul. nl- I ways on han.l. jiinu lit 1S37 - Nov. If, '4.1, Pennsylvania Hotel miliswfllknuwi.lloicl laiulylni l.yS.M- In .v, 1. ..Liu, M.iii, Klrfel.... IHV lll.',Ta I, .ul,, 'Lii 1,1km. Im llic allllFClllirr wll .liri)-lll i. ,i , n ,... I r .11. r . .1 tut H ll.llrl b ii I mln Tin, linn... IMS I Oil llinrOUItllly lvcil..iuleil, now r.'lilluil up an'l I il rllUllnl lur cominnilloiis, with llor.. s ami v.'hiclosl'or hu will parc no palinlo ri.niti'r L't'iti-r..! s jlisliitlioi, tfi-A lllii-raliluroolllio public patronagi! n fspccl . auoitoii w. ritcr.i. llanvilloll-'c S9, 1H33. Franklin House. IMUKKK & LAlltl). I'roiirictors. Chesnut St., between Third and fourth, riULA BELFHIA Sqiicinlicri i COLl'NBIA 1 T.KVI L. TATL', EDlTolt. Uf , f t0. O OS 11 fF f a 1 1 rt A VVMO"nj HUU. I . - . m1 -rxi't t ri 4.x J.11G iliClHOrlai LOllVCIlUOn. nnor hlfu ?unon w& h! Arkan PFla, 1 lad kcr, Si " n 1I1UH ..1UI.IIV.IIII . .i.ll t UIAWI.IJ.. IIW Played during tho day) for all tho members, .who repaired ihilhor, and wcro bountifully icnicruimeu wiui mi imi.u ui iimm COlllforlS 111US1C from bltOOS' bllvcr Comet ii,,..! fn-itt- tlinrt Rtippplipq onit s. 1-,1 .i,i n, ,uv nr ,w,t, ium ii t j uv uui.u ..i, r. Cos tool; a '"view" of as many of Mr the corps ns bp; could get upon ono plate, ml will supply photographd at 81 cacit c n .1. it. i:.,, i i r an NMU uuaiiu lu ovu .uu jiuua ua lambs ot newspaporuom in narmony tor f news a crdom in harmon fir Coub" hoahavoXguUerreotvicnd the of the pirty also, it would have Olll'O. I minds been a still creator curiositv. Such a union, or re-union, of men long estn nged, it, to ; and that was tho universal expression. Messrs. 'i'ato and Minor wo had net met iu overtoil years; Messrs, Youngman and Weaver wo had never seen, excepting us reflected in their journals during an os- change cfcMit or ten years. Tho occasion wo doubt not will bo garnered up in our memories as one of tho very happiest of our lives. Althu' nil was net accomplished that wc thought udvisable; yet a commencement was made, somo means were taken to so- cure ourselves from lo.-ing our hard caniMl dues, Diid wo believe tho day's work will tend to MHOiitho much of the ruggodneas ofourpath-mako us respect each other more clevale uur own conceptions ot the dignity and the power of the 'pres,- tnd euuro 10 the mutual advantage of both publilicr an'l jiati'iins. ..... . B.nrV In Kntirrt I in rrvntiit nmmiit ..f ..... . . a . f 1 ..... . 1 - .1 1 i . ...It. 1 1 ' ""j" I j s..-.v., v. ""w- tno in:' nor imi)U S03 el us nature. Jivcrv circulation, wi ucn was. inai ins wuu uuu , .1:1.1 .,, .lcotual mnl moral cn.ndili.m fl Grout Kii- y0UQl! ami ni2 generation, tliau all tlio Suggestion t J Papor ElakOl'S. 1 tain, dunug the last cenlury, with that of moralists and philanthropists hnvo douo Dut up twcnty.fivo fhoet.i i.i :i quire. It Franco, bluok with infidelity aud erimc, tho Christian Era, to redeem them t.'ill save a ivm'M uf trouble and vex.tiou the 0 ustaut scene of pollution and human v;Ilc!I Mcn hlto ,Lo dul,t!'3 of ln0l'al do .ind prevent a multitud- cf mistakes.- ' eirnage, the reccptid'e of every skcptil' Ration It h tho nursery of tho church, 1'iinter.s computations would bo greatly 1 aud suivrstitiou- belief or opinion, .-uleu-. tho iurrrunncr of tho Gspol, tho mighty simpliDed-ono bundle of paper to the lated to degrade the morals of hor peop'e. Hui in ll.e Cio.pcl chain which is to bind i!k mind sheets; a ream five hundred sheets; j Wliilo England, under the influence of Watan, tt. make prep ir.ition for the usher one half ream would make one thousand 'moral culture; and Christianity, was tho!1""1001 the millennium of riihteousucss fourth shout idls ; o.u .1. ire, a hundred beacou light of tho world, the nursery of ! anJ I)0aco o.u q. ire, a fourths, and j . on. The old count of nine huedred and risiy for a thousand would go out of fashion and customers would got tho count they pay for. This old count we have never followed, but iti. the rule generally and u,i eei illy iu those eastern nffiees huro v.Ltcrn business men fot their snottiug alligator bills. ff r.v.ntory i.-nnlil ilfinin ml nf"'lfnr.- hirers that tweutv-five thccU bo put in a quire it wou'd be'done, for provided they got their pay, they would just cs readily j Jo it II- not. Wo would have no objo.'tiou to quires of 20 sheets and nuking 'o quires In tin. -i.fnii Tt li oi.ii'l' in nnnnt. hv tf.ns than any ether way arid as decimal numbers 1 11 ir ..ii . in I'uliii.i tin nnlii... nl 111 n in A bcliovo .he reform would bo of more value to printers than it multitude of others, which uro mooted and fought over as if of infinite moment. tST Tim publicati-in (if tlio Farji Journal, cf l'hiladclphb has been dis eontimi'SU for want of patrcu ikc. Tho AinatiCAN AmucuLTUiiis will bo sent to subscriber in its placo. Subscribers will loss nothing by tho ex- change. "" GoDUY'-j L.,iy'u llooii for fc'cptem- ber is already on our table. 'I'ho illustra- tions are tho least of its merits Gedoy fumi-hos a largo amount of useful and ontertainin. matter for a very sum of mouev. 2M l.Vn.f If .vjio Tl.n .lnn-.rltnnilf L KA r .. ll dTtP."t of the military force from Lawrence, sas, writes iu high spirits to tho Adiniuin tration. r-Tho Washingtou Hxamiucr 'says that a sister of Uharlotto Jones, residing near that borough, expressed a uisb th0 other dav that Oharlotto would seud her " j " - money to purchaso a ucw dress, that she ini"ht go aud seo her hung. Alas 1 for human depravity 1 , . fcj-Tlto wheat crop of Indiana last year was estimated la.OUO.OOObusheL A State, "ays tin year', crop will osveed Ih.OOO (JOu lu h. 1 .v.,,.,...-, ..a . r.v.. v t lmnieus by lelieving Hie itiuisuouses ""-i ."'p"V "'" " "J ,, but rumor ith her n... ltrll .l ....,.. .tan ' . . . . . . ,n,.,irn.ia nfrmaint mris. nl.nnt twentv a UOUtlCmau, UUl rumoi nun uu ULlllllil ll. u v . ..auai, . J ..Hum Litui ',.r llmTF 11 iiinov nt tlni.l' snhlpcts Ol 1CC. "w 1 --, -j - ..... credit is duo for his eucrU and satracitv .. . I".1 .." IT. ..".? 8. 4 intima.e. that it was . ",. . ,, ., V it - V 'l'''c.'iI""au,""J r" at present rcsiuiug iu lrelautl, ami brother rusun of a depress on of en rit3, Urou in this, us in all tho o her troubles in hau-' 1...;.... ,i... . i ,i. i...ct tr.,t., , , ' iisuhu.h. i i , iiuiuii. uuu iiiu L'luvii.u mu .v...., ci.ii... , ni.n. i nsi iu.Hj in i u.:is. Written for the Columbia Democrat, Tho Importance) of Moral Cul ture j Much has becu said and written upon !...... , . , . . "'0 importance tr pnysicai anu intellectual education, whilo moral culturo dcscrvin more attention thall Cither, ha3 bccll too fiSiCnC' E!nC0' accor,""!to tbcir tllcor'' .tllC u 1 rily.-follow. Uut it 13 m,,?llt . from our ow expononoo ami personal observation that their views of mu huujecii urn not eonsiMcnt witn rcasou. 'I'ho Student docs not cultiv.'llr. Ill J mnril -"uvui iuaiuci, ua puimuiiirujnai,:', piniusu- , nvuu, ui;i, u w li.u (jwuuu, "uu . ftiyt'bingn.atheuialicsorelassicslpber3andstatcsmen,tl.eirco.npclitorswbolthouhohaekedherupiutheulos awno. 110 may io moiicicnt in both. able . - 1 an Jct c tliC unIiaPly victim t.f vice , 110 inny tlirougli (liligoncc ami pcrsovcr- . ancc, bocw i prolicicut scholar in all tho . ..... -i sfiimitl in ....'jl' nil iyi. oi n n.. ne ,1... i ,,iv..,l.u v. iu ( aa.' "n'3 vel rom"iu, tLo r;,liful sul'Jcct of ', v" i- -MS nnJ "2 wimples and iutluoiiT milio dcleteii' impressions upon soci' i . i - iP"i"tiea. .'irtuo anu i.ceamo linnuK , , : ; truth and justice, they began to ian,i nn tiiciv scientific knowledge and lltt:cal !toraluro. faiIc(l to 1)re?crvo tllfir ... 1 , prosperity, tnnir nngnlness v ! and disappeared,.:... they with .. rioui 1 fan Eauk into ruin. Atraiu, it was evidently thro, the no-1 during the dark , fa1"1 01 1U01'11 culture, uunn0 me uari. . "ges, that inor.inco aud superstition cast the thick pall of night over tho civilized world :"tliatdethroned coi.scicnco, and sul)vevtca the great and glori .us olject of , .... .. . ... ! Christianity .to gratify the .ensual (U-rcs of :u.u. i'ur nothci!j".viiitp!, contra .t tho ititel- ' moral and religious iiistitutio:ia of liiljlo I aul Mi.-BKiury Sj.'ietie.i. Institutions 1 wh-ch sent forth eminent divines and phi-1 1 l.mthropists, u V.'esley who gave impetus ! to the Gospel car, aud the glirious eatiso of 1 Sabbath Schools, with other moral aud re- . lir-inus iostitnticus : a Howard and ntW j chrisliaa philantliropi ts, to the haunts I nt' tni .crv f 1.IW1 i.linnt. llUMlu-. il.wl fft vnllncn ! their suffering " Bat for a still brighter exampL of indlriual and social 1 happiness and national prosperity, tho fruit of moral eulturo, let us lake our own h .ppy nalioif, illuminatin. tho world with thy tiro ' ni' !iiv rronliw nml t!in liMtf. of nicfiln. ' tions. Yet iu all her glory, strength and i 1 . , " ' v.v.-.,v., il i, tin. ,. i.t -.nln ! Umpire's, ho"i. g all mor-1 restraint, I 1 ' J ' becoming lost to pactical virtue and jus (lire, have fallen fioni tho meridian uf their Theu if nations throu'di moral .flni'i mnl j.iililr Ili'i. vnln and monarchies h'tve lalleu through moral degeneracy alone, how zealously should . . -. it -,..,, i,,' every truo patriot and ehnsliao urgo the i !mnnlr..,.r. ,,f ...ill VMt tl. liHimls of tllfl of cullivatiu:- the morals of the , , . f ., ,,i . . 1 . . , . n,,:nn u nv ...... A ., 1 "I T il I.. lubituig the truo spirit of phibhthropy, iu ... , c , welcoming the oppressed uf othoi naluns to her shoies, gcncreu'Iy opening licr ports . .... to tlio Hue ut emigration uov.iug iu uoi.i every hud and clime, should not every moral and intelligent citizen exert an ins powers ami .uuuonco to encouraso mora, eulturo. to suppress crime, vico ami uissi- culture, to suppress crime, vico ami uissi nation? Close the prison doors, relievi ' . . . . ! M Closo th0 l,liso" au0M' r?ll0V (ll0 :miUit,i0U3 ,,art 0f tho community of - of tho ,ua!,eoS) in.omoto the happiness of k,.-:,.!,. .vitl. tlm nrv,nniftv of tho nation. a,ld :ulvaEl!0 civilisation and chi'.si.amty , throughout tt hole community. Uoaro , !'U hM responsible for iho natural ability , nuu raon" u " uu . . . , f , ... 1 !l llfbt ti future posterity as much as wo , Kro ic"': autww'a ' , ings we now enjoy. Then it behooves us as honest, intelligent men aud women to consider tho relation wo sustain to tho rtting cliumi jD mi to future posterity. Li t - Jii M k- tho lever which is able to elevate tho low-1 til strata of society. Wo may, through tho agency of his mental training, study undcr.'.taudiugly tho , mighty laws that povcrit tho, i contemplato tho sublimity, admiro tho in- gonuity and wisdom displayed in -ho com-, plicated mechanism of all nature, and yet J- h 0My their biographies , and noting tho influence each escr.ed over . . their respective communities. We find , that those who mado moral eulturo tho loading object of life, far surpassed in ... .1 1I...I ... . i-i.. 1 consiilerod mental alid pliybical develop- essential. not only conducive to our iu-! ud bocial hnwnncss. but it civc3 . fresh impulse to civilization, and is most essential to our national prosperity. Tlio I civilization and social hanninoss of everv 14 ! nuiiun uvui &mec jienui wcro fil "ckuowledged boeu in prcportion to the nation over since permanent government among men, have tho moral virtues of tho people. Tlio prosperity of ancient Greece and Home was limited in tho same (rlico aud vir- tuo, although their thoclogy was moro mythology, yet as lung as their, wisest philosophers and best instructors, taught these principles of virtue from experience .i .i r 1 . c 1 .1 1 "' l'fiht of reason, and the people Bubnnttod and put thoeo virtues to praotico, so onS "ley advanced iu civilization and l,owor UDtil thy reached tho moridian of i tucir g'ory.'anJ beoamo bright stars.iu the o ji. b galaxy t nations. Kncourago moral culture everywhere, in 'private anu public, moral institutions in Particular, aud especially the Sa !,.!, i n. r.,i 1., 0U.00I ea e, foi u u doing, and Ik eoniphshed, more good, to prevent abbath has ac- prevent and uljtluo crime, vice and dissipation iu the I A lacholy case occurred lat week, I t!' victim lj0m' a yung girl named Mary Iirai3'' wh" had boou hmri'ia'i at tl' ll0Ut" of a Mrs. l!rodon.:k. It appears tli!t the hvX .bcon under tl' Jnmi of aill t fohe wo ut to woik in a deter - "liuof llia'!U;r' ,oi" ' V?" y J 1 "llj 7' thT hd 1 ;' "l"? h 10 l'Jl ' 1 - a Plt " 1L lU J noticing her eyes red aud swollen, asked hvr what was the matter. S"ho rep ied nothing, and with a laugh turned out of tho , 1 V c'u" 10 P'0, fchnrt y alter she roturned and J rot the ' ,!e' f tlf fIlB 1' bought three It.. . ,tm.,I. .K ........... i tin irlitnlt cli.i mfil.illii.l ftp 3 worth of rti'yi'huine,whichslieiutended t- take in her pie. She was told it would licr' but licr rcilly was " 1 am e5"s ' to ta'0 ' ol' 1leJ'c'ne" o coolly did tak U f" Bo coolly did 5 'V,'1 ' W" co':" pletely thrown eff her guard, supposing tho 1 . ' 11 1 ' 1 i"- " " " i fchu returned to her boarding bouse, I weut to her room, which was occupied by 1 iVUytliUi fbl4l "MvlU OiiU i.i,numiilVM i.wuv , b ' J. IUU IUI1 UIUI. 11UIU UU UIU IIIU, lllHUlilVU , i 111(1 1 11 L.11L11IJU UUllbUIULU 111 tllU 1'illPUl lhrou h'it) auJ fcoatilltj hcr5cll- unou a el;,lir at0 uo il;llr of it, &uo tlicu stated she wi3 goin- to her cousins when tho was tauc. mu . , n. - uufouuat0 irl .,...,?.- i. ,:,; f .,.?.. Uraim lllll.lui.v;! am . usirnuw Ul ..ail.., which utterly precluded tho possibility of doing an) thing tow .yards saying lite. Ilio The Widow 0 Henry .CVaz.-Mrs Clay is seventy six ytars of age. Until wiihiu sua nils uclmi iu rniaitv rooa iieaiLii. Her feebleness is now however crowing Q manifest and tho timo is not ronrnto when in tho tomb to bo ercoted for her husband, I i... i.i., t:,i ti,i. ...:n i, ,.!v,.,.i ... I llllll U. ll" CM,., aim .u, ,.111 UU vuiwif;i,v' v. ,.ur oaftUy ri,p0oC May lor clfeIas i tlays bo tranquil, hopelul ana nappy. I rr ' car Capt. Joshua H. Fatten, whoso horoio wife navigated bis ship tho Nentuno's Oar, safeh i.iU port, diul at the McLean a.. 1 Uu iv.i . t) iul 1 iba' was a (i.vrc oirl wLcu . uo i.r 1 1. c ( 1 t A Wife tut to l'lcccs with ae Axe. Cirrc,ioitil(ncc if the hira CUy tltpuMican Lllimvrv, Johnson county, July 10. 1657. Ahuut :t milo north of mo there is (or Wn) living a family by tho name cf Hurt, consoling of Hurt, his wifc his wife's mother, and four children. Friday morn- Ho oo. to the came homo a little before sunset, went well, got a drink of water, thou , picked up an axe and drove his wile from tho hou?o. Overtaking her in tho yal ,' ho struck her with iho in tuo back of !. 1...1 !. fll l 1 ,l , manner; cut her right arm nearly off, and Bunk the bit of the axe several times in her bjck and sided. He thou left her for dead, and took after the mother-in-law, who was ruuuiui; through the field to ono of the neighbors. She had got so far off that he left her, went into tho house, took some fire, wont up stairs and sot the beds 011 Gro. In half an h"ur ike house and everything in it was in ruins. Two of his sons, youog men, wcro present at tho time, but dare not make tho.least resistance. While tho house was burring, Hurt was seen goiug through the field towards a thicket. About dark, thirty of the neigh bors collected around tho burning ruins. Mrs, Hurt was found in a potato patch, senseless. She was carried to a neighbor's house, and it was arranged to meet at daylight tho next morning, to huut for Hurt, 'J ho search was short, lie went about twenty rods to the edgo of tho thicket, and stabbed himself twice with a pocket knife. Ho was beard meaning and crying all night by some of tho neighbors, flo had lost his knife iu tho grass and had no other weapon with which to finish the work of self destruction. Ono man was dispatched to tho city for a doctor. He had a double barrel shot gun with him, and in loaing for the city, he left the gun standing under the shed. Hurt left the thicket iu the nMit, c.ime ti ilio houo or whero it stood, pulled off his right boot, fastened it to a pule with his handker chief, and got water from tho wolf to drink. As aoon it was light ho saw the gun, and placing tho muzzle to his left car he dis charged the piece, as is supposed with his toes. He was found lying on his back, with his loft arm around the gun. Hurt was a drinking and desperate man. His wi 0 was a hard working atd indus trious woinon. The family wcre left with out shelter or a change of clothes, Mrs. Hurt had lived in constant fc:r ol her life for the last four years, aud suffered a ! thousand deaths. The family formerly lived in tho north ern pait of Ohio. I'ifteen years ago Hurt killed a ncbhbor of his in a drunken fray, aud lied ti Canada. She remained in Ohio uatil about four years ago, where she received a letter from him from Michigan, stiting that ho hud land tbero, and wanted her to sell out and join him. Her chil- (hen being anxious to ccmo west alio did t. . !.. .1.1.. ....... I . n A BOi (jHrt was jla Jobt for grog aud board j jju w)jeu ti,e found him. She paid it, for sI;0 uaJ uhaut "'19u0 "!tI' J(;r Slj0 '"tl1" a pico l,cr0; and Lot, seeing any refi-rma- a pUo hcro, au0 , 'i i" the owu namc, Tin 1 " she secured the title in her They lived together as man i wlirti f llnirt. " " ""u a I .have i just learned that she died last mgi,t. Hurt was buried yestctday, and she will be this eveuiu W. 1'. FOKD. Suiciclo of Souator Hu. Tho painful intelligence which flashed .,.. ti,a tela, r..Ma ,,ircs to all parts of tLu Uuitca tatcs,ou Tuesday last, aunouu ... , . - 0cn. Thomas J. Uusk. 0f Texos, by his own hand, created a pro- , ... .... ..r.. .:,..,;,.-...; JOUlltl SOUS U10U. IIUMIUDUU iwiimmi of tll0 nal,ieulars which led to tho termi- ofthouseful career of so distinguished thousand probably tho ' .n by protracted indisposition. Oeu. uu31 wa well kuown as a toeuator in oongrcsa a , from Texas, and is ideutiBetl with tho . nF i,of ins coun'i5. inmi ( j,wlul, W4 (MW a-j cuce, arm anu sworuaiueu nor batucsv,i.iie;h:i3ncvcrbccn f ttcn ltit tliu p0Ol)io struggling for independence, and when it , , .. . , , ,. f hu was achieved , his counsel was required in tlio cabinet of Frjsident Houston, Ho was a man of genius and talent of unim - poachablo integrity, and, as a patriot, ho was furemost among tho wisest and staunch. est in the coumry. TiiLl'.E uii mounted at I'ott Muiiroi Vo., about iiUO caunili, unstly lug aud . 1 pjumlcrs $)isic.ncal BlicUl ! WILLIAM TELL. Mnrn than four hundro I vo r3 aoo. t counlrV( g003 t10 nalll0 0f gff!i v,a3 undor tho Austrian Oi.vcr' t t'h C0I,jo wcre i:tt0 (,0tt were made to pay L. perform tho most mt Austrians lived up 11 t' and governed t1 as with a rot? of iron. Ono of tlio Austrian governor?, by " name of Oesler, was a very great tyru. na did all that he could to break I,. spirit of tho Swiss people, but it was little ufc. Gc&lor went so far iu his tyranny as o command his hit or cap to be placed ou a polo in tits market place, and ordered every Swiss, who pa tod it, to bow to it. The poor Swiss people did not 1 ko it at all ; but they were afraid to disobey the qpj. ay iuiprisonuicnt or death would bo tho consequence of their disobedience. Thcro was, however, one noble minded man, who was nei her afraid of imprison ment nor death, who refused to bow to Gcslcr's cap. His namo was William Tell. Ho not only refused to bov. to th cap, but incited his couutrymcn to throw off the Austrian yoke. Ho was soon seized end brought into thoprcsouco of the tyrant. Tell was a famous bowman, and had his bow aud ar rows about his person when ho was seized, Gcsler, telling him that ho had forfeited his life, proposed that he should exhibit a specimen of his skill as an archer, promis ing him that if he cuuld hit an apple at certain distance, ho should have freedom Tell was glad to hear this, and began to have a better opinion of tho Governor than ho deserved ; but tho cruel man called Toll's only bcu, a boy sevcu years old, for ward, and placed the applo on his head, biddiug bis father to ilrp at it. Whoa Tell saw this ho nearly fainted, and Lis hand trembled so much that he could scarcely put the arrow in the string. There wad, however, no alternative ; ho must attempt the feat or die, but that which unserved his arm was the fear that his skill might kill his only child. 'I'ho child, seeing his father's distress, endeavored to console him "I am sure you will not hit mo, father ? said ho, "for I have teen you strike a bird upon the wing at a groat distance, aud I trill staud quit,, r till." Tho ground was now measured, and tho. Loy was placed against a tree. It is im possible for you to understand what tho un fortunate Tell felt when bo prepared to shoot. Twice he leveled his arrow to shoot but he dr pped it agaiu. His eyes wero so blinded with emotion that Iij coi'M not sec the apple. Tho assembled fpeetators, of whom there wcro number., seemed to hold their breath. At length, Toll summoned up all his cour age, lie dashed tho tears from his eyes, ai.d bent b;s bo away went tho arrow, aud nicrcinr' tho apple, cut it iu two, and , imbodded itclf in ihe tree ! I ,, . . , . . The spectators shouted aud applauded. Tell was tak. n to Gcilcr, who was about lo set him free, when he observed another arrow sunang uuder his gud. . ' 11a ! said he, ,-au arrow 1 Why that concealed weapon?" "It was destined for you," replied Tell, "if I had killed my child." Upon this daring threat, Tell was again seized by tho tyrant's soldiers, .md was hurried away to be put to death. Uut bo iug a strong and resolute man, ho inado iiU nsmniin. fli-oirnT nwav into tho niomi- ; (a. .ncitcd tIlopco L to throw of lLc t. ran.'s yoke. They accordingly took up trins, aud made Tell their leader. 15at ho was agaiu taken prisouc, aud bd .,lt3 abo:,t with aud hu 1 1 .. ffl for tllO 1)1111)3-0 (if TOWin" OVCr QUO 01 , ' Z T' " ' .3 ti,! lT , ',. .1 ,,, ,"., , ,.P,.A, I , , . . ,,,.:,, aeon. ccjea arrow jQm hh I)cr3oai aim at the trant, aud shot him dead as ho sat in I til0i, ,at. Aftcr m ,m r0UScJ lLo that I ocn !ued tbcir frccdom ; acd Swit- : . . - m n -rtHniii! ifl n irn.i eountrv to tills a.. V. XCU coun, i i' 1 Jn DclawarCf t,10 roau!, crop , faJr o bfl jmk abumlant tUjI1 lt hii K-r. for many 5 cars. ;jy Uy 0 typ raphLal . -l ' ono if jur 1 h ii-.w. w. Uai-u th, t 'wo ci'ws wcrf n riu ui . b. il. 1 . Iro-