MMllHMRTillliW, Head-work in Fanning. It h supriaing how much muscular labor Is wasted ovory year, which might ho unveil, or Ictlcr directed, This is true in nil hitida of business, and not tlio least in farming, For instanco ! how many far mers toil on, year aflor year, with scanty or imperfect implimcnli of husbandry. TIiq modern improvements, which savo much labor, and do tlio work cheaper and better, they will Ilavo nothing lo do with, Improved varieties of seed, they hold to be, almost without exception, humbugs. Draining and subsoil plowing arc ranked in the sanio catelnguo; they are labor lost; but manuiiuj cold, wet lands, and plowing them Into in summer a fow inches deep, and gathering scanty orops this, is not labor lostl Notation of crops and manuring lands with refcrenco to tlio grains or roots to bo grown on them, they consider some thing liko buok-farming a very dangerous thing I Wo never could sco why farmers should not think for themselves, and bo able to givo a sjtisfaetory reason for every process they undertake. Wo never could sco why farmers should not endeavor to improve in all farming operations, to learn tlio very best way of doing cvcrylliiug, and then do it so. It is told a certain backwoods farmer, who bad not yet found timo to clear his stumps from his Quids, that his boys complained bitterly of their troubles in plowing and harrowing tbo old fash ioned '"drag" especially troubled them by frequent ovorturniugs while plunging among tlio stumps to to right side up at every few rods. "Boys," said tho enraged fatmcr one day, "tako that harrow over to the blacksmith and tell him to mako ill the teeth twice their present length, and sharp at both ends, and we'll bcc what that'll do j" Tho thing was done : tbo teeth now pointed both ways, liko those of a revolving rake. ''Gee up, Bill ; now go along." "But, father it has upset again, as bad as before." "Never niiud, boy ; go right ahead ; it will work well either sido up." Bcc, now, wh't comes from a littlo think ing 1 And sure enough, it did work, and tho field was harrowed in spito of all tbo Stumps. Wo might have selected a moro dignified example of tbo uso of bead-work, but this homely story will answar our pur pose. In tbo matter of rotation of crops, thero is need of forethought and management. Sbmo farmers neglect to manure largely, bceauso o( its cxpensivcnes3, they would liko to underdrain moro extensively, and to subsoil plow their lands, if theso things did not cost moro time, labor and money, than they think they can spare. But it costs no moro to follow a good system of rotation of crops than it docs to carry on a farm without any seek plan. Yet such a system may. bring tho farmer thrco fold greater and better crops. Nor in devising euch a plan has he got to depend entirely on his experience or sagacity. Books and agricultural jouanals are at band, contain ing tho result of ether men's experience, and all he h s to do is to adopt such infor mation to tho wants of his own case, A very little head work of this sort would pay well. It would piy in clean cultiva tion, dies', rcd-root.quack grass, Canada thistles, but'er-cups, jlaisoj and what not, would bide their heads ; and grubs, wire worms and all manner of insects, would rapidly diminish if not wholly disappear. Itwwuld pay in tho incrcaEcd and prolonged fertility of tho land, and in more bountiful erops. Tofato Meal. At a meeting of tho Farmers' Club of this city, on lLo 12th inst., M. 1). South wick, of Canada West, exhibited a pre paration of potatoes dried by heated air after being boiled, which timply takes away all moisture from the pulp, leaving it' in grains of thosizo of courso gunpow der, lie says it can le prepared for a cost of twelvo conts a bushel, and reduced In bulk four Cfilts. This product can be kept as easily asflour,and may bo prepared ready for eating in Cvo minutes. The process of cooking was exhibited to tho Club over a spirit-lamp, acd tho product tasted much liko ordinary mashed potatoes. To prepare it f r eating it is mixed with thrco times its bulk of water, and stirred until it is of tho consistency of mashed potatoes. It i3 then Ect into an oven fr a few minutes, when it is ready for tho table. Tir.. ..i....i , i nivu.1 jawuiuiahuo.10 uarrei j of this flour, which is stated to keep for1 years without injury in a dry place : This is something worthy tho attention of i nr agriculturist. Thero was a tolera ble gQ'id grop of potatoes in many places last year, and their prico in tho fall waJ motlcrata; but it soon roso to a very liigli figuro, bceauso tlio rot commcDood among thom after being stored away. Hundreds of thousands of bushels, wo believe woro thus lost. Ilcro is a mctbod of Earing potatoes from destruction by winter rot, and at the eanio timo providing a most pleasing,uealthful,aud nourishing vegetable food, which' should not bo noglectod by those irho can. and who should, tilio advantago of it, Make Labor Pay Well. 'I his should bctllO leauin Object With thO farmer and . 1 vi..n i 1 ...t t... . CUB Ollly l0 hcojimjuicuuu vy uusuauuiuy tho sources fertility on tho farm, Hotel. (LATE WHITE SWAN, ) Sides cS Stover. ace Street, rthave Third, Philadelphia PiTSRHinK.,l;itoorihellrmrfli'v,ins.lIallliiilieaU&.Co JammT Brnni, ofllio Union Hotel, rtllllHl", IS.'.G M 0 X T 0 II II II 0 1! till. cunvnrt or mikkht and aiii.i, rat:uTP, (nlMtcrflafeif oppctlte the Coutt lleuie.) DANVIM.K, l'A" HAVIN'f. been recently renovated nnt renirntnlicd hi n iiTf rii.r ly to. thin elegintJ Intel Is now reotn lor the reception nf st ranee rsu ml visitors, whose pa rottngo isroitiicclliill y requested. 8. A..nitAUr, lyUiieso. cTlAKI.ES II. MAiU'I.K'S. HrI Mi AM) M OK STORK, An, 113 North Third Street, rAiiovo Ilace, Ki'l Side, Two doors abovu ttioKtgcl llnici. PHILADELPHIA II a f eon?lantly on han't Firneli llraritioj.( Holland (fin find a general aortinetil rf Foreign Wine, uliu, (all kind of American Spirit, Ac. March 13 'KK-. JOHN M. FOUD, IMPORTER, MANUFACTURER &tnALnR IN SADDLERY, UOAOII HAlimVAKE AND TRIMMINGS, iVo. 32, Nor'h Third St. Philadelphia. PURCHASERS will llntt It tnlhoir advantage inci X nnilnc in y Stock, wliicli Is vcrjotlunsiVH.nnil put cnncil Inr On sit; ainl consists inn Ml lie variety of New 5t 1e ol (?nn1iiii my lino. N.R. AllOrdcriiliall liavo partirtilorana prompt ttaution. S'-ptcinHiir rt.lJ.Ml ly MUKl'IIY & KOONS, (lUN'CUAt. COM MISSION ME II Oil A NTS', AMI WII0LE3AI.U DEALERS IN FISH, CHKKSD ft I'ltOi'JSIO'S. Xu. 47 North Waryos (below lico Street) 1'IULADKLPuIA. HavPtnnMintlymi himln large ns fw iniimcntur I'lSIl 3c (IMEEJ'fi e lKO CSSSSSS VISION'S, whirli thoy tiro prepared to at II at ihu Jo west luiiil nitu, vLOKll.lW promptly attcn-Icit to. rvluiry2l. Icj7. JOHN II- ALLEN & CO. Nbs. 2 cj' i Ckesnnt, Street south side be hw IVutcrJ Philadelphia. (Tin Ot.DF-rr Wood-wire Houhh, In Tub City.) MAiVUrACTIJUUltd ftrtirWlinlPF-iIedcilira In Tnt cut M trhine-madn Hrvoin. I'alont Untvtit Cedar ware. learanttdnol to shrinK Wood and Willow-ware. Cords, ijj-iKlics &c, nfall d'.'icnnJiu. l'luuso call and examine ourMork, Jaimry 'Jl, 1 y. JjVAjNO X JNiriWUUiHJ'iU, " (Formerly ll'ebb A Jftiocoiner. i Aroli stroct, abuvo Third, Philadelphia. Urkak v (ST, 5, 0 ami 7 o'clock tn 1(1 DiN.HER.OiMitJciiieii'jeurdmary.l o'clock to3. Uiiiics, y o'clock. Tea. 10 ..'cluck to 11. EVAN EVANS. J U. S. NEWCOMER. dug 10U3, y . I'REMIUxM AGHICULTUlt A L LMPLK- r3 ME NTS Wo arcprcpart'iUo furnish Aprinilt &rVZA.rr)l lnintmiiitnlt1w viri' nimllu! kturpilut our Agricultural Works, Bristol. Tn.. JLm io lowest cah prices, wholcsaleor will challenge rnmpnribon withtlioso maniiractureithy any oilioreKtulHslimcnt in tho country. TIih first pro miuin of one hundred dollars was awarded us by the Committee of theU. S. Azriciilturnl Society. to their Into Ushibllional Powelton, for "tlxliest display of AS ricuiiiirjitiniiiiciiiciiiH iiiniminciiircii ty inecxiiibitor. Every artlrMoled liy us is warreiited lo bens repro icnted,or the money relumed IJ. LANDlir.Tn it SON, Inirtlcmcntsand Seed Wa re Iiohfc, oi.'.2lniida3.3outhSi.tih street, I'lnlaUelplila. Nnveinbrr 6, 185G, Pennsylvania Motet. TUISwollknown Hotel latclykci by Sam kvi.U lURD.on Main Hirect.ln uiville hag bfe n taken by the subscriber. vh is pre- paredioaccoinmoditetrivsllcrHand s niicrrs ii tti bet ininnrr. The limine has I en thoroughly Ivcrtiauled.and is now rrBWed up nnd fiirnltlitjd lor ohecntertai it incut of iji.ctiid, Hisstabilntr in Lugo and commodious, with Horses and vehicle fur hire, anil he will spare no paiuslo remtar general tutisfncUon. TT5" MboralihirQofthu nubhr. natronope tn rcsn?ct GEOUOD W. PllEEZE. IlanvilleDec. 29, 1P55. COAL ! GOATsM DP. FULT.EItAcCo.,wnuld resperfully fnbrmth people of Patston and the public in general, the Ijpy havo opened i Coal Yard, of ampin dimrnsiona trc pffrud nt their olBco, rornurotMaiuand Hail diifts to lil I all orders for coal for douionlicaud STAll CORN SIIELLBRSi A full supply of tho premium Star Corn uiihiicik.iiuiii gUr nnu .iiami nil iu ty , iiuw Hiiiiiui in tvuuiedain nnu iiPinii. i in'y areadonted for rilhcr lnmd or linrae nowor. nnd arc ldievcd to be the beut trhcllcr in the market. PAtsCH ALL, MORRIS & CO. luipleiiient ann Heed Hioro, 7lh ami Market rhtlsdclpliia. AGRTGULTUIlAli IMPLEMENTS. IMPROVED Hay I'reeset. Fanner i IVHleer Horse Powers nm) Threth'ifs. ! rain Fanu Sa-tLte Cutters qui! HLuUVrs. of vanou pntrous. Improved IV ruble drain Mills Vcjctablp. Af.fJ Uiv slraw and foddt-r "uuilcrj in "rent v.irielv. PASCHAM. .MORRIS St CO. Agricultural Warohouieaiiil Becd rticro. 7th and Market Philadelphia. U mt cr2,!850. HENRY ZUPPINGER, Clock anil Watchmaker, South Side of Main Street above the Rail lioail, GL-pw TirriUIJLTrepairlngin lvaicliesanttjow. r.v'a -U lry Otissesfor hunting watcbos anJ ttV lllooiiulurp,Aus, 30, 1650. NEW LIQUOR STOllE. XO. 133, NORTH THIRD KTUK CT. In the Kasle Huildings, Jlhove Race St.) Philadelphia. THE untkrutffiie.l beg 'ritvato indrm his (rienda and thi public, tli it he UK opened miKinrj - LIQUOR HOUSE, In tho Pnjlu BiiiMinjs, No. 133, N.. n.l St., aj nliovo, wli-'re ho will lia lunpyto supply .MTclianu, llotrl. K'-cpen, ami riiitomorj entrnlly, Willi lloj rlioictt branJaVqiiiii I'hila.lclnha. WILLIAM IlllOnsT. March lb, li7. y. S HUZITH A Nil) aiiLTZCUS WIIOLEALB 1VINIJ .J- LIQUOR STORE No(i.'tt2 North Third Street. (AIiito Callowhill,) I'll I LAI) 10 1, l 111 A. Agtncral aisniimont "t llrjmlles H'lnos, Cordials anil Ijiuuorg of every iluseritiou. Or. 7. 1831-3 ri. p. v. r.srLTzen LEAF TOBACCO & CIGARS. M fjjn 4SSiH M&$M&MS&y 111 a . -11 . r,. A oouvu i'ront street, aert.fl,.SSI!.-y. l-mtAUCMMIIA. FRiiSU GARDEN SKED3. Dn. C.p. M. HAtlllMIIUBII h.n Just rereivit, un, ha. l.irs ilo, ot Im Ilrug Utoro, n eelee. .: .on. meiit of all kiiuu 01 Clariti, sctdi, fresliirrom Mr, Hunt's Seed llouso iu l'hlladelr.liu. May'J, l7. JOHN C. YEAGER, Fashl onablc Hat & C a. p Store au.ttij .NUKTIl TIIIItllSTIti:r.T, PH II.A Ml.'r hill A JO" Merchants anil visitors from .Voilhernreiinsy ?.ni!f;ViM,.n.,,f!".l,r,,lvl ,uJ 10 iv! I'lnmeoll, when C: J mm Hd.lbu.y. rt J. C. Etutter, Homoeopathic Physician, Tir.3rB(."rrULLVIoniIor.lil Prnr...i . u lltnthriliiensolUloombilri!aiiilvicinltv.P0rallv iiin.7i... i j ... .. 1 lr0" "ireets ..Uu,.,H,.,,.jv,,iii..iiif biunvriaiare tiejil. W)ie35. ' IHII,AD12LIMIIA CARPET SI ORE -1Ari:TINti3.0IICIolhs. Window Shades. Matsai, J Mattiucs Just received SU.tlOtl nieces new mvla nufacturea ana tmporto.l cxprcly for CAHl'l.T LI Merchants nml Houavkcrperf will i.eatw no- noj, Haml UNurluSconl tiircel J si door hclow nut's Phurrli. .March 'ft r)Q National OATAWISSA, WIIiLtAMSPOUT A MUIK KAIL ItO AD. tHrrtt UiUrcai eonnttthn bctieten JvTvfari Fatti an A VMIaJtfpMn. ihnrteft (nkkttt nnd VMftipett tloatrjrom 'we rn .w Vrrkto I'Mtndilphia, Jfarrtiburg, VltUburg JJaltmott, H'asMiigton ttty, and th itvlh, HASSr.Minit TI!A1N! Ipiivo I'.llnlm il.illv (i-Tei-pl L Sonilayn.) nl7 A. l paflns Vlltl.nin.oiltil III I.-, A M. conncrilni; wllli H"nil'u Hull nl Tor It'll . ton, iinil rrnchlnn 1'liilmUlrliln nt7 :w I', M Itclontliiff, Irnvo Dilla.tclnliln from rnriinr nfttrnntl nnd Vlni street, HIT :ttl, A. .St rriicli)nf.''VitliatiiKt,oil, ut i IS. V. M nnil nrrlvlnc nt l' nm, I'. l , I'ASSUNllllll TRAINS WIM, l.liAVli l'OKT OUNTON VQll HAllItlSHUIin. Hirer I, via Haupliin nntl Husquf hanua It nil Itond.nn ilu nrrlvnInrCatawisa Trnln.nt 4 4 A P.M. reaching 1 f r. r rifluiriiaiar. M. Hcturninplcave Harriplmrpnt 7 IS A M., con netting nl I'nrtCllntnu wtlhCnttawiotrnln bound west form I nrj ihe inaMdlrcctiouto toltirrlsburt;, I'i.l-l.nrp, tiiuorcainilhcPoiUliiCuniirctlng these points with nit JVorlhwi'Mrrn VeunsyUnniannil Wi-hli-rn New Vork Cnnurr,li)tni Elniitn with trnliiiion Xew Ynrktiid Erie Rail;nlso, with the Ehuira, Cniianditfiau( Uorht', Uuiruto nnd Mnjinrrt rall. CrrnrctlupdirtTilyniili the (treat Western Unllroa at iisicneioti hrfdte fur Hclroll. riilr.130, Ht t.ouis, &r , Hint m iklus the shortcut, and tlieapesl mule frou riiiladetnliia to ihotc poiiits. A KKJOUUrr TRAIN. Will leave Wllllamsnort DAII.Y, at C 30 A. I'liiladelidiia. freight train lo n ml from Philadelphia without t tan shipment. from Ilendliif! Kail Road rrcightl)opot(corii urof Mroad nnd Cherry ftreet. TKAINS PASS HANVll.t.n AHPULLUWB OOlhO HABT. rnssenjerTrnln freight I'ralti , 15 M. 0 SI A 1 SI. G01NU W'UBT. rimencetTraln , 3 3JP-M. freight Train, llill'.M, rAitr.s Ilctu ec 11 Tin lailelp li 1 1 ami It 11 pen, Jl 10 ujnviue, i uii ' 1 f.'fllaulesn, 4 110 ' Taniaiua 2 lio " " Mllloli 5 111 ' Wllllamsporl, 5 !io Plftinoilmls nrncr8onntlinii:l!e nlloueiltn each nasa sccger oxccsBchargeilnr iIouii1rrlr.ic1nsiilreliililrate4 ii i ru.MJi, tuiicriiiicniiciti, Jntl 30, lelS PHI lA. AND KKADING KAIL HO AD Hlnttr Jtrratktmtnta for Patstngtr 7Vdlnt, January 1st, IS57. UPPraim, polnj North, leave Philadelphia nt?l A. M.nml P. M. Down TralnBRiiigSoiith, Icavo PcUsWHenl ? A.M ,cc. nnd 1 P M. Uptr.iinspaJs Readinat 10,22, A. M.and fi.Wl', M, down Trams " " 5,13, A. M, " 5,131'. M. The Express Train n discontinued until further no ticc. Cloo connection are mado by the 10.22 A. M thj Tr.iin from Pott Clinton to Elmlrnnnd all interme diatppoinls: and byihe(i,V2P M lI)TrniiirrniuPort Clinton tn Etmira.Caiiandaiun, Uutte'o, Niagara. He pot, Chicago, Si, Tjoui, .D.tvenport, nnd Iowa City; M iking ihi route thcshorlcht and chcapett to th$ Laha V.Htit and Canada, OnnndayB.tln Down A. M. Trtln friim Poltsville, nndUpP.M Train from Philadclphfiunly, run. IlAnRifBDRo CoxsEcnoNs, by Dauphin Railroad at An but n. , A special Accnmmoditinn Passertirrr Train leaves Itcndin?daHly, (except Kundays )nt7l A. M., riturnlng from Auburn ntti P. M., on arrivaf of 3,10 p. M. Train from Ilnrridbur, WAY i'AltJjS Fnoji Huadino to ''lii.ldWpliU,Sl.?5aild 1,43; I'olUvlilc 81,03 ami U,83; Aiihnrn, II 73. TllltOUllll TARUS, to Ilarrifliurg S2.5S; Tnmaqlia 1,33; WiUiomsnort $4,10; lUmira $11,33; Cae-ntihl:i i,i llmlili or NiaaraSUi.oil; Cii-avcaml SIO, 7 1 r.i,!i S 1 1.7" 1 ClliciniullSIO.OU, Chicago EJO.W. look la.inil8M3.(lll. AM, I'mtsennHrswilproeuru tickets lieforeenerin" tliecars: 10 cents extra on Fares pai.l in Ihc ram rillylis.,or pcrnenai MazTacealneil each Passenogo all over that weight uschargcii llxtrn Itegrnco' o a. MiKit.r.a, January 3d. IS37 If. ficn'l Sup't SPUING AND SUMMER Goods. rrillCilndprsigneilrcspcciriilli'inlorm hiFrrtcnilinno X the p'i'i.irntlnrge anil the reet ul maiik ind that lictiaa oitahlisheda splendid' i n thu elegant now Store llousi. tnet rrr-cic.i if..i. burL'. Colo mlnii countv. l'a.,u heL 1il h:is imfw mu atarcc and rhoiee nssertmcnt of Spring and Summer Goods; Which hris determined to jll on such inrmt n nioin induce a I lit least in this vicinity , who arc in w unt or licrcnjnuizu, loexienti nun ineircuMom . HisKtock ha sheen selcctPd wllh inuchc.irp nnd u-Iit rolercncototlie want so ft hie community nnd without going to enter into n in inu Ice numeration oft he various KintK no risH notniitg innsBiirinp his friends that ev ryinini; suany Krpt in country stores, can hcrebe had a "little clicanerthau the chpnneRt.' it3"Coitutry produce, including O rain, Lumber, Ac, iancu luoxcuiiDgt: tor goons . WILSON ACER, Uohrsburj, March 23,ie57, y. SPK1XW AM) snaiiUKR CLOTHING, THC unHrnigncd grateful Tor past patronage, spcctfully inlorins his customers . nnd llinpii i. o n m r a 1 1 y , that holng just received IrninthfK rrn Cities, tho lamest and must sruct stock ur Fashionable Spring Summer Clothin g thathasyvt been opened in Illoomt.liurg, lo which a Inv lies the attention of his Tr lends, and assures iheni that they nreollerrdfiir sale nt great hargains. ills a large a nil selee; assortment ol Gentlemen's Wearing Apparels, Consisting of t'atklOnaUe Drtst Coats, of evciy ,p ecriptiou lants, Vests, Ktit. s. Cravats SSiuckF Cotton Handkerchiefs, IJ loves. Buspcnders, tic, i.c, Gold Watchis and Jiucliy, of 'very deECriptlon, lino and cheap. N.ll.-Ueitieiiitier "fatoentorg'M Cheap Enooriutn Call and ie. Nocliarge lor eini ngdnnils DAVID LOWENLEKO. Illoomnliurs, Mn'ch 91, 1P57. J. S. ii L ii. 1'LltOT, P ro d ii o o a n 'J G o n o r a 1 COMMISSION ME II CIIA N TS. No 18 North Whnrvis, I'UU.AUUI.rillA. . . .. .. RRFKREKCEB! Johnr renUton.tsq. rhlladclpliio. Me'drn Hacker, I.en &ICo. loiter, 1'ncn fit Co. " Hucknor, AlrCainmon & Co. " " t.'liarles nilis & Co. 8. JIarrit Wain 4Ca. i Onteibridge, Arvov It Co. " ' Charles Sl Joseph Perot, " Thomas Sc Maiwell, New York. " McOIiiiij i.Co.,81. I.nilis, o. ". '""'tSi)ii, Louiiville.Ky .Vareh 13, leJO y DYEK'S HOTEL. Cattawissa, Pa. n lllttolilanil wcllknnwu Uolcl.iiithetown ji . JIUatiaWISfa.lSSIIll Kejll V I in mnlnr. liiiQ sijneil, anil in spiteof alllicciKa laws, ho is J"pS iletormineil to make his liou.o one of tho luostcoiuroila hlenlaeesforiravelcratostop at, that can l,o foiiml In tlioiuierloron'ennsylvunl.1 His table will he uu 11.1 ly wiiii me jiiiii ine Clarke i can atfurd. itr.) uiuirienudanu traveller jcnerally arc invited to rail . JACOU UVUI1. States Union Motel. roitsir.nm.Y itnn luin iiotul.) No. BOO Market street, Philadelphia. rV.mittK W. IIINKLB. Proprietor, InrmcrltofCo. VT iumliia, , would Inform his friends nnd therm!, IcthatliLConlinueslo ketp the nliovo named lloici which is wcllntiii favorahlv known Hi, i, UlatejsniieuflhuoliUistaiid moslcnnvenienl llntf-lln iiuki.f . 11 ,1 mm 1 ruspccuuuy solicits nana rent pub- (J1DER MILLS. T r.i.u.n,ii o i.ii I.lU litJV CU frtP01tTAHLn (MNRU Afll.f.w U'.i,.,, ,.... kViuanufaclurinc Utcse iiiirivall,l Otilnr Miita rti.crfinth uiiprovvil and strcnalhuiioJ unrc iai eHr.uinl r.iiiaupply urtlum nt Wholesale and Uetail. Mii(Biiippeuio any pan 01 111 e union . I'ACIIALI. MQ1MM U 11 fl . Vliolcalunnd UeUil Dealcit in Agncultum lliiiplc- 7lli nuil Mnrkctitn'OtB, I'hllndplphfn. Mount Vernon House. Second street, above Jlrch, VhilaKla, TillCundprvigiiuil hnvlnp purih.iR(t the inteifM o J. Mr I- Ulair 111 IhBal'OvnnMentiililisliid lloiel wit now h.ivu thti p,io superviiioti ol Uie .lublif-lnin n ami Fnlmitf the patronage of tin public. Ho It.'Uconf't ile 11 1 ihat a tnal of his Koiibo, Kihmuh.T.iMo, Htnauis &o.,witl prove thebest rccuuinii'iidnitnii horancjvo I. L.HAUKtTT; WESTERN HorBiffi. Nob. y. 11, 13 nnd l5 0ourtland etrcct. " D. DAVlVCIICaTIHl. TIIO.S. I) WINCflR?TRlt, UKNJ . F .WINCIlCrtTlill . M y 31.1PM 3ni Dn Frauds t Harrison, ViroUl.n respect y inform the f lUiciia of njnninci v iitircaiul vkiii . , that hoh.tieoiuni'ncuilchi prar wriu .MtmciKt anucu'tiutiiy.and oiiuua ulutu u liul.lirnairnunirc ilwiiyaiiuCiiiindatiheniki luintcllololannoaiio Court Hon V) nuaaij i'tii S, It 33 AVIW VVKlt. OP Till! MTio.yjit. Mrr.rr rnusr compjixv. WALNUT Street, Aouti Wat corner Til IKII. I'hihdclplila. Iiiciirporateir liy tin Htate of I'cnnsylvania. Money Is received In nny sum, lirp;n or small nnd Interest paid from the day of deposit to the day ol uilhdrHnl, The olhce Is open every day from 9 o'clock In tlio morning till 7 o'clock in llio evening, and on Monday, nttd Thursday evenings, till U o'l lock 1NTEIIEST FIVE l'EIt CENT. All sunn larcMr nnll, are naiitbackMn COLD on demand without uniice.toany niunnnt President, lion 1IKMIV I.. HHNNKR. VicePrestdent, UOIHIRT HULI'ItlDO C Secretary VVIM.IAM J.UCCU. directors: Ilnnrj I,. Ttpitner, C f.anitreth Munns P.dtvnid U. Carter, F Carroll llrewcicr KobertHelfrldge, Joseph H. Harry. Baniupl K. Ahton , Henry T. Churchman, Jnnii'st,9nillh, I'rancisl.en Till company cnuflnc it a liiMln tM entirely to the rerrtvliiRnr incney on interest. The investments a mnnntinctn nnrlv. O.Ml MII.I.IOV AM' A HAM' Or nOI.T,AU3l t por publtshett report of AfHCTrf.nre made In ron ormitvwith (lie provlion of iho rhirlrr in I! 11 A I MSTATI., .MOIlTCAdl'.H.CKOUNU KKNTH, nudKuch flrt class SPCIirillON . in u ill Iilwnva ineilrn nrrC..t tn curity lo the ih-p'ilors, nnd which rannot rut to rivo nortmnencyniid fctanilily to Una ol,l and weP rstab hshed liisiitutinn, (Feb. 1 , IS53.) iii:uibol's umm: pjiefaratio or niClIIA' COrJCKNTltATIU) CflMPOUM) IXUII) i:THACT UIJCIIC, For lHtcawa rf the Bladder Kidney. Ornvet., DropSy, lVcaKue$tes. O'jstrurihnn. Srcttt JJistasts, Female Cttmjdaints, and all Diseases cf the trzncl Organs, Arisirg from I.Trespcs nnd lmnrudencies in life, ami runovintf all liuirir llMrlnrirea from th'j ! itl.lur. Kidneya.or Sexual uhthrr exifthiff in MAUI 11 U rilSIAI.C, tom whitcver rau-e they may Irue orijlnatcd, and nu matter of how long sunning,, pivine hratlh nnd it'or to the frimi'. and bloom to tho pa'Ud JOY 'IX) Tim .IFFUCTKDItt It cumNrrmiH and Debilitated SitlleruM, and removrs all tin: sympiouut, nmaug which will bo found lndjo sMion tn I.vJiilo'i, t.nimiT Power, I.oss of Mnnory, Dilhcully of Ur'athnia, Central W-nkiicus, Horror of IImpic, WrnkiNt'rvfs, TreniMut", llremlfnt Horror of Hcalh. Xitiht fiwrau. C.ld Pei-t, Vakelulneif, Dim iicHi of Vision, I.amrunr, Univeml Liltudi of thu Hystt-ni; thl.-n Cnornmu? Apprtlf, w lU I'yppfpticHymptoun.llo' Hnnii, i'huhiny of the Ilody. nriiefsof ttieskm Pallid Connie nine en ml Cm pilous on th-rjrij, I'iin in tin' Hick, HeivitieM of the llyu lid, frequenlly Itlnrk Hpots IHinbifnre ih(!l.e?. w it h IVmpourv Hulluiiiou and I.oh ol Higlit ; want of Attention, Crtut Slubiiny, Itesllsnien, w nil llnrmr rfHncif ty Xotlii 113 ii more to bulIl Pailcnls than Btthtudc, nnd notiilmr ihry more ilread for fear of iim;in(ivus , nu r'-tiH in innuiier. no earuosi nes-i no nrculation, but a Hurried transition irom 0110 nuea tfon to another. Theo HinptomH. if nltoucd to go on which thii tnedicitio invariably removes soon fallows 1,o t( Power r.tlimv.n.i t Cpilentic Fits In one of which the p.itient mayeire Who can pay th it thee rx ruses are not fre'tucntly lollowcd by iliiiii direful dme.Ht'B Insanity and Consuinptlon I Thy record of the liih.Uiu Anlunu, and (lie niij-inrholy ilcfiili- by CtMisiiinptioii, hear ample witness to the truth ol iIicm; ai rtions. In Lunatic Ayluin the, must melancholy exhibition appiard The coiiiitou ince Is nrtually od den iiml 'piitu ddsttilutu neith-r mirth or cnefs ever visits it. tiiio'ild a bound uf tho voice occur, il is rarely articulate. "With woeful menu re wan depair Low Kit lien fumud HU yrief bcyni 'ed." lc hi 1 l i 4 in ov 1 terrible J 11 ml broiiplitilioiifindj upon thous.iiitbj to mil imc ly graves. t fi niiiiinic thu ambition of many noble jouilis. It can be mietl bv Ihu ua cf Hun iXF.ILMBLPi UFMF.m'. Uynunr" wiU'oniij wjih an vol Hie ab.vo dial rrsinij nili'iLiit, th. 1'iuid l.tiai t Ituchu vill cure ou. Try it nnd be rnnvinrod ol an tllicacy. Iluuare ol (In trk Noi-triiiiis anltQiiacl. Doctors, w ho faliuly h Uftol ubiliimsned reiureucei f C'Uizfii know aii'l, avoid H10111 nn.l mv Ion milP! ring inomy. nnd cxpfiHtin, by goiidin or callinj; far u bottle vt tins popular nnd sperillc remedy. It u'liys all pun nud inflaiinmtion, is purlncilv pleasant 111 lis taste and odor, but immediate in ju action. nr.r.MP.OLD's nxTMACT ncciic Is prepared dinrily artordm to the ruled of VhArmary and Chemistry, With the cri-iie-i nuur.tcyand chentienl Knouledtre anl rare ttr voted in n roinbiujtiii. Vet Pmfeiser llwet,' Vahnibttf Work- 011 the irarlice nl phsn,, and mut ol Mi'1 I itu Stand ird Wurkx of .Mmlinoe. VI! lICNlJltllll MflLLAKH.C.U Ono huuilred dollars wilt be paid to ary phyeiciau who ran prove Hi it th M idicino evrr injured a Pa tieiil.; and iho luftnwmy of thoiifandrt can ue produc- d Hi 1 ruvo that it does 2 real irouil. Caana of limn nun week lo ii rlcen ytats' a' .111 dins halo buon rllVcted. I lio tn m 01 voluni.i.y tettiniouj m pns-i4tinn of ihu proprietor vouchiugits virtues and curaiive powers, is immense, tuibraciiic nnuiua wi I known in Hienru and Prime. 10Q,buo botilcs have been sold and not a fmglejn stance vf a foiluro lina be"ii reported 1 Pcroonallv anneiired b'jlijro mo. an Aldennnn of ihu city of Ph hdeiphia, II. 'P. Miinoui, Chemist, who neing uuiy avvorn not fay, mat ins prpuiratioii con taina no Nircoiic, Mercury ur injuriuus uiu.', but uiu purely vtgtlahle. n. 1 . uiiiiiisui.u, oiu ill Hiul.ictnrar. Sworn nndsuUdCribed b'jlore mo iin'.t,l d.iv bf Jo vembLr 1MI. W.M.P HIUUAUU. Alderman. Vrita At iwr Lottie, or xir far fil . ,tr,-rr,l ,i awm J. j drtss, nceompatiicd by reliable and responsible certili- Liutii ir'uii 1 luiossorti ui .itciticai uoneea, uicrgymun , and ethers. Prepared and rold by II T, III3IMnOM)( ProclieiCnnd 4iinlilir.iil Climiiial . No 52 South TENTH St., below Chestnut. Assembly Ililllilitigi, Philadelidn.l. YJ' To bt had J. It MOYFM. tiloomtburs. and cf alt JhvffffUti and JJealcr throughout the UntUd States, Canada and Iirltlh provinces, iicwAitn ol- cocNTr.Rrr.iTH. ASK FOll HCI.MUOLDH TAKC IVO OTIIBU. CUKP.rf GUAllANTUKU. Juno 13. 1F57. DltUG, PAINT AND GLASS Wholesale Warehouse COKXCH OF TRNTII AND MAltKKT STHUDT6, Uflicuiu Bi,cuih1 tSinry. V 111 LA D ELPIIiA, Wliinvitoiticntioq to ourcnlarml klockol Drugs l'aints, Oils, Vnnibhoa, &.c , Bvh'Ctcil expressly for our sale, mul coinp fining o)iool thu lliu-st assort menu In the United ritaln,, which wo oUVr ut low prlcci, 101 (nth or opnrovcil paper, W C M A N U F ACI C II V, ve ry ux tc n si v tly : rruiiuiu 1'itre While Luail, (bet,) Kunniugloii Turc Whiu-Lrau, 1'eiiilriuow Wlntu Lfart. VkIIu Moiii.iguu" Tri'iich,(licd',) I'ureSiiow Whno American Zmc, PhiUiIclphia Hiiow While '.inc. Bilver'n lHnMic Fire and Weather proofPaMiti. Chrouio Creons, Yeliowd.and eolur ui'iiurallir. AO PATH rou: l'orier'n HUpurior Alkali no Window Cln9, f.unuitift Trench llale Chua, (warranli-d ) The New Jerseyinc Coinp-iny'd pruJucli Tihlen U XPphew's N. Y. V.irnUiieii, Urooklyii I'n'iuiuiu Turo Whitu lad, lliiuipileu rprinaiieni (I'ftcne, ! l'ure Ohio Cai'ivvha Uranily, &.c, 4te. l.Ml'UllTJ.US OF ' French anil Knelifh IMatu (.'lae. rrutirhniid Ciiffhsh Cylinder (JLtsq, Cutoredinid Cimraved Wiinluw Clatftf, UipimrrtDlypo CI.ib, lluiiHinred I'Jiiti! fur I'loorannd HkyLihtti, 1 Drui-s Chernii'aU, I'crfniui ry, ttc. WlloLF.dALi; lil.AM.Itrt IN: Ilriiv'KinlB'Arlich'Kci'nerally , I'liini'Tn' 'I'ooUof (Ul ducriptioii9. II yttrnti lie and U01n.u1 Ceimiut, Calciui'il and Kind Fl iHtr, I'jper .Maker'sCl iv. datiu Whll.Ar., Ir. FKllNCII, ItlUIIAKlM n CO., Bior', N. W. corner Tcnih nud Marktl st.. I artory. Junction York A v.. Crou 0 U Callou lull. Airim,i657 lhil.idelpl.ia. LANMtETIPS IUNTli:i) "c"iVIN DEN SKKDd. GItAHS Hl'.r.lll fcl'li'.M) Bl'.KIm. for sale hy 6i:t:ilS, and FI.OWUK li I. NliRr.TII .t HON Nrs '11 una March 5, MM ,J L. l.l III l-'ulli si riulj.lelpliM I J.VillA .0. 1 MAthUtLl. lor talo ht HITMAN'S SALAMANDER l-'IUE AND TI1IEL' 1'JtOOP SAFES. fill! l.l!(ll!Sr ASSORT- Snimcnt In I lie United Sintcf. fnV.irrantei in no einni to nny now 10 ino, nnu wi n no foiii on n rooiI terms, iivcnn bv nlitnlni il rrnni nny other lioueu in Ilia r.rAv.fliEr-!i lthtl.,l,lilladclplila. Hrjn liViliin iwiicui 01 TRI'TII 18 MlrlllTY AN II WIlil. I'ltllVAII.I licpnrt rFthtVomnitltt nppttntritto mptrlnUiul tht Wurn lair of lite Iron tajtt, nt ncailmg. I't Iruar) ii, l,M7. Kmdiiii. Alnrcli I, Ie57. The itniterslgneil, mcmlieri of tho runiinlitec. da respectlnllv report, Ihrtt e saw the two sifesi orlsi naliyngricil ttinn hy Tarrelsc llsrriiig and HvansAc Watson, placid siilt hysldc in a liirmcc, vlr. l The Ha IP I il l se liy the paymaster of Iherhlla-lclpliia and UeatllipUnllrrind Cnnpany In hlfnlhennt Itcndlng, inaiiiifnctiired hy I'm tclsc lli rrmj find tho Halo In use by II A. I.autr.. In Ills note nimu lac lured hy Han& Wnison, and put In hooks and pnporr i ci.rty alike. . 'llnll r" was slatted al SI o'clock, A . M., and kepi up until ftmrcnrdi of green hickory, two cords dry oak n ml li.iir chuslnui ton wood were entirely con fiHliirdtthe whole illider tliesuperllilendenciof tho snliscr lliors.nioiiiliers ol the Committee. The Hites were then cooled oir w 1th water, nf fr which tliuy were, opened it ml the hooks and papers taken out liy tlio CniiimUH'o nttd fenl tn fl, A. limit. 's store for iioliticexaiiiinalion.nndniarkoil hy the Com mitten The hooks nndpnp r s taken from I lioBafe, Aitnufnc. tiired liv Ta r rets al Herrings wore ,in our juilgnient, damaged fully fifteen per cent, inorcthan those taken from r.vans Ac AVslson'g Pafe.j t We belicvclhc nliovu tnliavo hern n fair and im parlialtrial oftho reipi!cllvoiiallilcs or both Safes. JAUOII II. DYFIlllll, DAN'IH. S. IIUN'rr.R. I Having hcennhsenldiirlngtholiurning,wc fully rolnrlile with the nbooti lenient nrthu condition of thopapersaiid books'tik n out of Ihu rcspec llvo tf.irun. n. A . Nicoi.t.a, ii. ii. iiNii,i:vitnrto. JA8.MH.IIOULAN11. MahrcS9,li)17. NEW AND USEFUL. A Substitute for Linseed Oil.. ri'A'I'l'.VP AI'Ml.TPIl ViMt 1 1 fTMII. unifer ined oiler tolhepulilic ihelrOIfttm LI .1 quor ns an rillciriit BUliMilutu fii -Iduiiced Oil, ng a ihinner for nil surfs ol Faints cround in Oll.Cicept Venetian Urd. i Wimu ihiniicd ulihthe Oleum tin Valnt will over belter dry luukcr nnd will hi more durable. iid when .varnitheil, tho pnlnt will have nnd ntiln llio ninsl 1 filo-sy nppoataucuj auu.lho elasticity f lio dinner will emibtc the pun tntjicid to the v.trnifh; ad thu cracklnir and pv (ng oil, so couimon hi ordinary var. ! uinhed oil p.iiuM la eulirctv aui(.rd. For pilnlinff Tin Hours its o-iual cannot be found. ThuOlmiueau in umhI hy ileill', or hirominon with MiiH'ed Oil. Variiiuli, Japan or Turpcntina nt the up I tion of the l'nhihr. I Hi cot ts about one-half of that of Mnprert Oil. I tint ronsidpr.'ildy retlucin? the expense of palntinji, I Wr f.iithluMy refoiniueud It forull purpuses Indira- trd nnd warrant 11 to ivo catiiraction. A J jLi rul dia count to lh' trade. DIKI.CIIONH. Thin tho paint u ilh Ihc Oleum 1.1 n.uor nJ wuik itHcl I, until it Hows Irtely from II. 0 bruh. I The briifti mul hproe from all moiiture nnd In.a rlabl V usht to he noaked well Willi Ihu Oleum Id'pior , previous 10 painting. Instead"! placing ihc bruMiog tnwalrrnver nl tit. n jniiiierB jlih r.niy ii. mcv 011111 hum- put tn Hie o'ciiui M-pior, which will yrratly liclhtuio the woik. Tlio paint mired wilh tho O'euni i,-ior will wurli hi'ller if it he nlhnwd to Ft md Irom 1- 10 '.M hours pre vioui Io,Hh I) it- tued, nud then t tinned to tmtti n coiifift"iicy n-4 In work freu nnd ctvy under I'm brtih. y Ih-i ii"0,n J ip in, the painl will be r-'ndered fdill firmer. Mix Kit Jupniijlrnt wllh llio paint nut th'-n thin it w till thu oleum Liquur in iho manner luen tioned abovo. Ci li pounds of Faint thinned withtlie Oleum Id 'in or, will cover a litter nut face than IS pojn U thin- HL'lt Willi Oil. 'J'liu Oleum Lsitirr is not to ho mod with Vunstian Ked, nor with Faint confiinin; any piopnrtion of it. liUI.IMU.1iATF.MAN & IMllMNKI, A nif riMfi Fniui and Co'er Wntka, Corner X'tlh and (rtrii Hls.,l'l.iladrlpiii, Oiruf N C cornel Th ird and Wood ota., IVilla ttl- , phh, Fi 1 113" W nlflo nianufnc.uro Chrome Yellow, Oiiromi flreeii, Chnieau and Frufinn Hills', Vermilioii an I Hrttrlel Ked in various phu'les and nuatilie, either dry or in oil, and warrant thnnl to be e ijal to on; othor ni-iku. cnher hero or a'Jroad. Juno 0. ltJ57. OLEUilI LIQUOR. CK11TIFICATH. ' WE, tlio utulursigticd Houso Painters, T V hereby certify that we luve given the newly invented Oleum M'pior. m mufacturtil hy Itrt-iui, C ittio.iii lireinij, in FhUadelphii, an imparinl tnal . and hive found it a'l tlnu.'iil Bubttituto lor hut need Oil, far supt ncr to it in tvery refpect. nt e i-1 of only al'.ftl h ill ft J m irh thus coiiBldenibly n'diicing lhe i tpetiie of paiiiiin?- Wo would ihereo; reconi mend lhe pubhc to it general iiito, and alter it ban buiMi tried Us superiority over Linseed Oil will be al lotted to by all, CHARM'S ai'ILH, AMOrt ITXfiCU, WILI I AM WOLI.C. LUVVAK1) DUMIAUl). June 13, !Ei7. T IIHRKI1Y certify I Invo .i, Hoojie I'aintins priHi-cuied lately wilh the nbov' named Oleum Li'iunr, nml concur in nil recite 'a Willi Hp refomiiieii'ai nm of thi nbovo irinicd ullciuen. and will here add, tint in fain re I will hive no paint ing opi'Mtirns peilnrmed without tho ndmniliru ot the nbove named valuable li'pior Thotc who nny disire to vi.-w ild ellurt-i, will call at my residence, uh re thry can roiivinro thr.iiFid ves of all tint in re pri n uttd of thu Oltniu Li tuor in re ard to boauti anil duribility. J. ISAAC IM1.INIC. Juny LI. Id57. CENTRE STORE. s i' it i rruluiTririfo o s. rpiIE iinilorsijnotl tatii pleasured! in- A funning tho ciliens of Ccntrcnnilvicinity. the he lias ju.t received a larfc and select assortnina SI'RfN'n iiSliMMr.nrinniic. Uomnrisinct lie liea vies I stneka nil most variciUssnrl Mi'iuoi i asino nan ie, tisclulntiil siiust:inuallcicli.iii illze iiiauiaclipi'iintri'rpil tn t ho nuHir o (every kin a ml iiinlny, which they vcr reasonalile prirer. CTCoiiiirrynriiiliicrtation iiicichange for (inod i lie I ii .li f: ra I n and l.uu her a nil tho iiulilicciislom SAMUEL LAMliACK. Powlcrsvll'c. March !if 1B57. OILS, Tpoa Manufacturing and Burning jiurposcs, for sulc J. II A. t H. AI.IXV. No9. 7 uud B South Wharves, rinlailplnliia June 0, 1657. OLIPriAN r, WOODSIDE Si CO. Impottors and Wholesale Donlors in tiliucs anit iquois? No. .107 Arcli St.-ahovo Foiirlli, 1' II I L A I) E L 1' II I A . P.Oliphant, J. VVuoualue, January, 3 1, 1837 y. GiO.McAM'IN. ALHX AND lilt KKItH, IMI'OItTUK ANIJ WIIOLUdALC DliiLUU IN Salt, Salt, NO. 3i SOUTH WII.XIlVKrt, IMIII.A'DRI.VIIIA. Aslitnn's line Liverpool uround Turk's Island and Dairy Salt.cou.uiilly uu luiiuunil lor sale, In lots, lo suit thu trade. . .,, ., AI.DXANDUH KCIill. April 1. Ih7 :tm rilltKNOJiOGIAJ. OAIUNET. IWMiKS, WBUB & CO., l'llltnNOI.OUICTH AMI I'llULIBIIlMlB 2131 Arelt Street, liolow Seventh; l'liila'd. ,fRI,".,.?l,ll 1 v rks;nii I'lirt-ilolnEV.I'lijsii.loey fed "Hi JV'1""-"'" Musncllsiii, mid I'nnnojrapliy, whole.aldaiiilreiail ui.Vtw Vorkpnie,. ' ' 1,'.,"r''.8ll0"a.,",,:""l":''l0"'- 'tl' churls, and f, ''l .i!,7!; C"c',',,,u'' fcta,i.,. day and evniitj. Cabinet free. Muy I'J, IB.-v Franklin Siouso. r,WiKi:il u hwmt, I'roiirlclors Cliesnut St., between Third and Fourth, rillLADELPIlIA pi. mi.p r!3, 1 jo a. m. iuji'icutT " , liBWig.n,i ci,t inn Manuiucar-i fclc, cn iiiriUbelOA Kuierta Liw " EM mm STEAM ENGlNliS AND BOILlSll.t lower, upon tlio liiie-tlinprovidplain, nnd will hulliltn irdcrilouliloaiidsluglc poriaMo onglnes friuii lu loltl lot(!poncr,Uli!'s. wllh Holler gear- i roaklng rniil. lleavyniining pinups nnd nm euginel i rHf. . j lii,... !...- i V. . . . -. . i . . T-. V; . l1. klniU of mlllgcarlngln.l houc c.iMIng made tn orderl Llneslinnliig with nny ilcslrd sues nl inilleys Hnlslio will, hanger? Ironplanluj done .say J I IV A longi n. kinds or Iron lurnlrg heavy press nnd'olhor scrow turnedwl.l.anyilesliedplteli.irihteail. Tliahesl llougli I ron tliresliing Machines, that ever coHiobororntliSpulilic.en.t Iron and w .ulcnniachlnes !:.;' ;,.n,ir.,1 7. 1A7.X",:.,,.ViV".?:,t",l,r":v"r linuo ia erucr, oisuiukcii orners lor llieioiiowl ng III a. chlnrry. Harrison's lale.lpainiigraln mill, 81000 of. feredby llio I'alenteclorit.ciual, It will grind In good llunmeiilai bu.hi ono hour, Also bolls and nlevn. tnrsall In or.lcr,alsollugglo'. I'aleniiih,ver,iiianufacliir. edliy n.l) Harris .C,ilhn most poworful lllowrr nowin use wlthtlielra,t, mount nfpower, onoofivhlch wlllnoputlnli-cnt tlin Foundiy fi ethlbitlon. AMol the ribo'vo works wlllbc warranted to bo what Ihey ar, 0Al.oTko o,,,,. fo Hir krr.nndrlahntoniothcm intliecoiintiesnlCo urn - bla, .Moioiir.NiirlhumVtn,,i,yr,lml(!, Buit, n, Clinton, 0110 of which can bo seen nl mv shop. l.i:Wl! II. M Aim MnrhSI.lBSO. ninoniFbu.Colitmlia rc Dr. J. S. iloulitons GHExT OUHK FOlt DYSPEPSIA. rrllJA Truo niPTcstivonp TrnTTnTrTnwq jl riii 111 , nr Mnsiric'-'" - Jitlco. Frcpared from Kennel, or tne loiiiin Hlomnch of the Ox.nflcr tllrcctionsof Il.irnn Iiie. big, thoareat Fhysiolos leal Cltciulil, hy J, a Toushloti.M.U , Phila delphia, fn. Thtnn Nature's own llgmedy for an unhealthy Fto mnch, No art of man can equal lln curatlvr powers, 1 1 contains noAlchohol imurs,Afid. orNntisaoiis PniRs. II Ii extremely flsrcenhie to IhetrtBto, and may l.n.nlrnll I. if lin ninjl Co .,1.1.. nnlmnli ivlirt rntinAI nnl n watercrackorwithoutacuio ilistrcss UowareofDrucgcd Imilntlonn. Pen in m not a Urtie Cut 1 nu the. Air out. an a net a Ucscrinllve Circuit! aratis. el vine a Inrso iimiiunl nf SciciiUflr r.vlilincc from l.lcblg's Anliiia luhcinl .try 111 r.Comlii-'sriilsloloiry mi Tla: v tin 3iJ " Jn?l, syr. Vl..i ?in r-'")"l,or rvnn. nil h.ll. f I 1. n It II lln.l If I III. Sol.lliy Ii. p. I.ut7. ami J. It.Mnyrr. Illnnmslitirs H li. iiawiiinn licrtvlck. i)ci:i, less I ly C1ICAF WATCHIS ANIJ w:, tlOhCAI.II AMi HCTAIIiUl tho 'rhiln. .kdphia Watch and Jewelry Murr, , Nn .."iSiC. w..nii-Mir.ii r.ornffrol tluary. fhiiaiieii iiia. -fta (lidd Never Waleltea, (ul IJewtled, It) carat - t d " 1H rarnt rfilver Lever ,fiiH cwell(ed( Siver I.epiiic J" vvuls. iperior U'lertierB. Cold ypcctaflea , Finoriilver do, Cold liraeeletd. lidie'N Cold Fencllfl, SivcrTea HpooiiH.iel, . - -!.ii j p.. no with niiirllaud b I Ivcr holder. 12 OU , 1) 00 7 (10 7 IM) i ni! " J ! r ,,(' l n,.ia r...,...i rliKD H71 reiUH to i4Jll : Watch nl.lNcCJt plain I'JJ cents, palcnl IHJ, l.unei ; other articles in nnnortioti. All goodi warranted tn h" what thiv nit- for .STA C & I1AIII.CY. 8 ici' Ou hi tid 10 011 Cotil and fcfilvcr Le vers &. Lepiiic 1 lower then theiibovo prices. Oct I ty3fi II AllN ESS K ST A ULTSII M ENT. Th BsOwvof rim murrt iwnsR. mil llilnilcrsicncil msm-cU'ilUt I nlnriiis I his friumla audtlia nlllilic thai lit '.i'iSi ciintinncsllii: cJ SA I) LE R ING IS U SI NESS, inalllls various branrhrs, nt h is old Bla ml on corner of Main ami Mrrketstrrs. Whcrehewill keep constantly on hmd 11 lull supply and will manufacture to unler .aUklmUaml styles u S.WDLF.S, IMKXKS8, VVilZ-VA.?, FsJLtQF.S. t. atthevery oweslpricrs .and will he happy to aerve those who may favor him with o call In hitl i n, XUr oriierfirom a iiBianre inriiiieritranruol the n hovebusiness,wniielhai.kfutlvrcceivcdaudprumIIy oxccuied. WM. J. KKIDLI2MAN. lllonmsburg.Aii . in, 1852.11! v. ... ,,,,1, .. ,,4 . IllUOinSniir lliniarc .Hid S(0VC SlOrCi rplIHundersigoed respec'fully hifurms hi old friends n mi ciittin hits, in ii ti') u ih linrri aseu r irn icr'n liilerent In thu ahoe est ibllshiiient.mid lhe ruicem wil ncreaiter uo coiniiicieu ny niaisen exciumveiy. ue Mai jusi ieci.ive.1 uini ouern lor v nu, in; larjreptnno fA motust-iiHivo astortmeiit of rA.NUV STOVKH rw'icvcr introduced iutolhis inarUet, Hi-i tick i,oniittt of a com nl etc assort mnt ol o btheni Oookingamr parlor stove in the mirket. to- thcer with Slov rictureitof every defer iptloii.Ovii i nm iwiLoves, Kiiiistors.uyiiiiiii'r utoveii, oast Iron ir iign siov.ft, oaiinoti hiovcih, itc, kc . Stovei'li neand TinwaroeoiFlciuil. on hand nnd man. ulactured to nrdt-r All kiml of repuriiiR done, us usual, on short iiutlee. The pitronnae of old friends md naw customers re rfpuolfiilly solicited. A. i ItUl'llUT. oiinihnn. Jin 2, , tf Aviso's i (JIICAl'WATOIIf.JI'.WKI.ItV MlilIK, JNo. 71!, North Second Sired, OPl'OrilTUTII CMfMlNT VCRNON II O Us I. ,111 1 1.A i. nm uevvr wuiciiesiiuij e v lieu 1 1 it , Oases , 3 .t U Silver do do I 'i on do I.cpine do Uunriiers . floiitHperturles, Silver do dilveiTalilrSpoons pcMetl do Df.ert do dn do Tea do do (lolill'engundnnlill'nseti. u i:u 5 out o 7 uu 4 5Ulo 1000 I 'ill il out o 1 8 uii u iinio ii lie 4 7.'ito 7 So 3 3Ho son no hllvIT on I no Toceiherwilh a v.irlely of fine (lold lenolry.Coi Uur.Cnard an iil'oh Chains. A 1 1 oodi warm nliiit nl, as preaenti-d. Waiciics and J o wolf y repaired! n I lipm iiiaii nur S 11. Allidersseniiiytiyiiiailorotliorwic,wline punctually ittnniled lo . Noveiuherr.' 11 l AND R. R. Omnibus Line. rrUIE nniier3ihnetl respectfully inforniH J his frionds and l lirj public llial ho hat taken iho KiMe llitct, I n ii rB, liirnted n n Main Hlreel. ililccllyoppoiite the i.'ourl House, which has ticeii tlirouthly repaired mid liiiprnved, where he is pro. pared lo accoininnitnti. his custoiucrs with good lata aiidtiigeniralsilir.irtiiiii. Ho alio lias In connection uilli the nxchancc llu lol, uiruxcelli'in OMNI Ii US LINE, ruiiiiinsrcBUIarly.seviirnltliuos and rrum the llepplon the arrival oflhe Cars, hyuhirh passeni;. ersvvillho pleasantlyconve)eillnthc lleiotrlatlon,iii takeii rroiiianilriluriicd lo llicir residences, ifdestrrd. ITfHowill always lie hnppy to cntert.iin andaccuin u.odatehii friends to the iitiiiosloriiisaliililins. rinxit iiii,i,mi:vi:ii, Bjoom.liiirg.April.a.lflM-y. frnrnfr. STEAM GKIST '"pilli untlorsigncil n take pleasure In an - MILL, STEAM GllIST MILL Wlierctliey a re muk I n r i Ii c v i' r v l.t'.trn I l'lour .1 mlic horlestt i uieaiidintenil selling ut l ho lowest irices Tlieri-arerour run of llurs i n tins Mill. iiruiiefe,l,v ati'am-iiwer allperforiniiiKio iiurfection.aiiili'iiidiiie aiiuuiiiiiriyiiusiieisoi griuii iicrnuur- I no iiouriuatii here lias heoni'iamincil hy liiahist ofjudse, anilprn uoiiiiccdnuperiorurllrlc. U'tiiivtle ourl rlenil.lucal anilevaniinefortlicinseUcs. Ci-Ordetsl'ornour,choi, feed, ic .Ihnnklullyruceivcd ii nu in 'ciiontiiuiunsireiiiiuiiaiiifcuimitlonu IV .11. (,'as lip aid Tor lira in . i'owi.nii&ciiiivi:i,iNu l'pyiown.Jnlyaa.lP.m Si u'lne: and Suinmor GOODS. ni'Kclvv. IVcal &l ').. Hi AVlNt lust received a no on, m d their .i.v ... Lliiierciiau.iiierorSpriii!! sales, win. Ii comprises the ,aiii;iist.i:iii:i'i:mi'. a,i iianhkiuhnt inelil now oltereil ill thu, TUWM I HatlnK iniidcrent nltcniluiito Uir uli-clinn of Hit ircntlrn slock as lo priieiuid 'inality, ihey ilaiii-r ilit'msc-lvi-s ih.u m, can coliipo.l' WillllhecJcayicJl, nllil alllhosc Hlkhilic in buy cheap, c avo money hy liivniB us n rat) Wo luve all kjuils ol (londs un.l Wares lo suppini, , rooplo. A very lame lot of I.AUIKS' DKKSS GOODS. k-rencliMcrriioe.,U'ooll'.n,ls. Alpacas, llombaiines, del.-(i.o "I'liiis, fJl-inielta tlollu. Mohair l.u. lies Miiilin Uol.:iiiie,,l'criianclulh.Ulnt.iaiiis,lla "c"",' ..WIIITi: (lOOlM or AM, i.inur.eruiie ouncines, huuds uud trJinuiluar l.aresaii,l,-,h. hw. i..,....u, .u.i i.. : . . -1 velvei rilJ'.iiu,aud l.mids.kid.coiloi'i.and lisle thr,,,. gmtes. .iioi.aii mm. fcr We liiviteourfricndsnikil il, ..iililie i S'Ve UH a Cul, ,! li.-rp l.'..i... . tltouglitoiir eoolsai l,ow,.,lC,..hl-rice., uuun eitolill,) ,,,,vl.,i,ly nt Uu i, , jlinaiikinil MiKULVir, NKAL & (JO 6f M I nouncinEiiHlii'lrfrlendi'aiiii Uicpuliiicailargo lliailhuy MilitUyf-fi Jfx liavejinierected a 11 .1 put, iiftSSSjJsij'fer-i juiressruloperallon , ?Hi-''lS3:'2?M T1IR 15Sl'Y1'OWNS.5fhVW (IT nil illx'nin tic great, llrtl Rnme bprlngi from neglect of NAturs's laws, SUl'FEU KOT, WIIUN AuURli IS tl If Al: ANTHUO 111 At.r. STARr. .,,fr,,,m ,., ',l".s '1' ol'.UKJ'jl lHaliAol',8, Wlrr, ,, ,i i,0,it or .i,t, cantem Hnpn. "I"" " fI """ v" " """ oiliij, jrum dtrmgimtnl if the Html Vrgtm, 1 'i'.n..,l i.,, i , i i ' ,c ' J" ' ''.' ' t1', ! , , Si ',K.i Vii. 7n, L nr SK iI,S,:LV.h:.?,WJ,..V.',T,; "I'"". ' l",luV ." . ..?.'2. .,1 1", n,"J,i '' .. . , j.. "i-nuiii ". ini.i.tur not Vr;,i what ca;,6 i ,.ini,nii..l iIIIH..vnt l)llff .tnnillnn or .,1.., p 1 Jf. iirriJ ?rti (7.1 I w ii f hr, tin.i !? . " 'can "e i h c , ufiVrc II i V In..,1.'1'' VV) 1 'l. 'ir ,. , n l rVl.H. 11 1 t r l nTn . V, . ... 'Jl'ncinc, r ?'" ,:,,' 'm,, Vioiu m ru tv" ;'""n' V F.'u'o h.irKic iriroil, ii,eVJM,l'f , j,', liJa.Vv iboiL.i ds.'ii. f u the la.",' .Vnp,,, , .i. n...i ,.i. irn nmnu,!., . .. .:!'' f d clCi BtC n.y ore ll 0 greiilest tnemlrslo hiallh.nstliey i,,e i,"J''; rauso ol CoiisuiniiUuii, Frrnfu'u uml n.aity idber o 1 ujcs nnd should be a terror to the hunmn landiy, jt a jicrmaiient cure is scarcely icr etcicd, n mnjoriu of the rasps fullliifi into tho lunrts uf imotupctf ri persons, who not onl fail to euro the distunes lui ruin the conidilution, Jl'ling the system with merrurv winch, with the disease, hastens the tullcrtr irio fiut shoiilJ Hie dijeaie nntl tho treatment tint ctue Ioi-uui Hnti'iiiiy uu 11 niu mini mui iivb, inv uinrnii Ii cnlailed upon Mm children, who dtp lorn with lubh coiiitltutioiiii. nnd Hie ctirtiiil of life ctirr nntfil it K ir119 which U-trii)B irrcll hi fieri fula, 'Idtei, l!lnr Uruptlotir nndolhirnflcrtlonflof (he nkln 1 jr, t li 1 tftj 1 " and Lungs, ciilallhif upon them a brief existence of suffering nnd cciiBipnliui them to nn rntly prate. HCt.F AUUtH.ii ntiDther lormidabic nieiov tohiatn.. 1 for uothliig dec in the dread enlace tie of humnu tin IcaBcn cmiBi'B no ilcBtriirtUe n drnin unoii the mi'in ' drnvtlnc its thousands of vittims throuch a ftw una of BiiilcrHij; down toon tinlimely grau. It itMiuji hp m rvous syrlenu rnpldly wnslei aay Iho emipus , or lite, enui-es menial deranprirn ut, pietents the put 1 tll Vel Ollllie II t l)f tllC RVBlCIII. d I 1 U D II lit I lit Mill 1 r l.l V r. ; sociciy. buniness. nnd nil earthly hnpplneBB.aiid havfs tho sutrcrcr nrvtkeil in lioily nml inlnil, prt ill.fir ( i tu consuinptioii nml a train fif rvils nu n-1 ln ilriAtlnl linn iloalli llselr. Willi the llilltsl connilentt I n.uin llio u ii Im miiiilc v i r 1 1 tun olPcir.4l.usc Hint a pciiiianciit nnil sprcily cure can lie clluctcd, and unh tin nbriiiclnn- " Mciliclliis, Inr tliirenrn so many Iniianl u. nar. m llio cnliitniii of the nubile nrints to ratch ami rob iii unwary Bitirere rf Hint ihIUmhh have their cotiHitu lions ruined b Hie vile compnundB of tinrk docluri, or the t"ually poioiious nosttmui ended ns Fattnt IMtdlcines." I h-ivo careluPy oralul mniiy id the an r.illo.l I'ntr.ttl MfilinheS I1I1I filtll lllllt III ntlV till (I j Hutu ciTitniu Corrosive Hiihlni.a c hiih U one ti 1 the htrongekt piepiratlons ol iiierrnry nnd a deadly Ill(,if(nil. wi.lcl. Instead of curUm the dUcase I'ltau...,. i t hrt rnintlia of tho rnlrnt noidruirn now In nm tdo iut iiiidirKtaiid ntti the nlphnliei ot the inottti written, nnu lire ('junoy an, ueiiniie m nny Kiiiiuh fici of the huiinii n teni, having one olrj.Tt only in vi u , nnu l lint to inkr inntu y reyari iib hi coiibi lUetTis . If ftsularitKs nud all ttiM'asetMif iuuIik and ft main treated ou priiuiplen einld ishul by lwiniy mrscr prnctirc, nnd Fniittioned by thoiiKiuds ol the moKt re I markaMe curei. Medicines with full I'inrtlnns neitt 1 to tiny part ol llio Cuilfu Malei or Lanadaf, bv n DIJII IH Hill II II II I l.l 1 J liy nil II rjf iiiiviiib 11 1 1-nil , Lllbl nef-fi iurrenpoii(Jciice strlclh rnulhii ntial Adilress, J. fMfMUl.l.VII.U:. At. IL, Oflicc. 1131 F11 hhu stii'oit (old No. li'J.) lielow TwiKth, 1' la. July 11, lW7-(Matili I) IJll'OKTANT DISCOVERY I COXSUJlTTIOiV, iiisr.Atii:H or t.ih i.tiNtJH ami A Ml AM. II HO AT ate nFitively ourdhlo hy which rnnwvs the n uiedies to lhe itivitiiM In thu Ittnp throiiuh the uir pasu?os and lominj in ditut contact wllh tint dieiuv, ht-utrali-m tl.c lubiitLliipr inniier, allays lhe ctiujili, enliven n free and eiisj ppei ' titration, heaU the lumj'', purities the blood, insane renew id iitality to tho nervous pjfU'iiit diving that tone ninlenerjjj fo liuhspi nabe lor th" rutoraiitu if health. To be uMo to slate conlidhlly thai CoiiMiinp tion Itirurnblu by inhalation, is lo me u source of .mul loyed pleasure. H Is as much iimlir the ronirot ! iiiilMitl Iri'.iluttnt us nuy othtr fomiii:nblc dinus , nimty out of every hundred mtt s ran be tun d in tin liralfMgt s and filly fr cent, in thr second ; but In tl -thlrrl statfe it is iuipettlhle lo Fave motu than lit i p- r cent , lor the lungs arc so cut up by the i tsn' u n I ihu deiiaiiuj to noiiiraiKKiii. i.teu. uuutter. in n Ui stimef, inhalation mrords pxtitnntliinf rrtlti ' too suiii'rin niienniof; huh icin iui uciui(.r. w nuil 1 1 nually destroy ninety Hi i thoiiFnnd piroi.e m tl United Fiate jiloiic ; and u curn H rultnlntiui tt.u that o tin; preFi'iit pnpu laiioii of l) e i arth, lii, hr nu lions a ro di t tilted n ill I lhe ruiiuiiiupth e's (;rat . Trulv tin r(uivi r ( I tkmh bus no arrow m f.'t.'l (.ToiiMiinplioii . In nil C3's il has It en Ucpnni t m n of lite, Mr it cpares nelilH r age ir r f a. bui mui oil' alike the mavo, tho Ln'.in 1 1 li I , the trract ftil, tnid il gifted, tly the help ufthnt iiri me I fhii! Ir n lii coiueth overycood and perleet ptlt I nm iittblni tn oll'er to the aiilottd a pennant nt unit spi n,y i t m din sum pljiiii. The llrft cai.H' if inbert k I (rr in n pure bloo.l. and the iiiimi diate t tl'i rt prm'i.rni l t h iiepotl tion In Ho lnti!P.ii lo prevnnt ihM m e a''n'ii''i of a i r into the mr cells, v. Inch can -i s n nl-i m t ,., hty lhr ii-Ii the t utire 6btein. I ht u nirflj it i n ii. rational liiei rt t reater frndfrnnt iik diriiii m f ii'i mi -tint cavities of thu lime lhan from iIippi' ttiimii'ittfu tli roup h the Hlomarh ; tho putieni will nvwi m in, i, lungti free uud the breiillnnc ray iti r it ha'tinf r n ilie Tli im inh itaiiou Is a local rt met') , li m hi,, , h it artsronMitutirinallv.niiil w hli more pM r and t r taint y I It an reim dies Almltiialereilhy the h irin h 'J prove lhe powerful and din ct Iniliiiii.ii- 01 Uu mti nl Utr:ilimi. rhliiifili.M.. t nhfila ... I trn) s- itsililny in u f, w minute paiahzinf On- . n urn im r nu' mm1 m ,pf iiint a inirii may bo a in en in I ilhnutllie slijihli si pain : inliaiiti'i tUv ordlli.irv Inirii li c; uas will di'ilioy life inn lew hniirs. 'I Im I i n it of ninmniii.'i will ruin- the si.tini when laiiilint: nr aj'poronl I v di nil 'I'h,-iii'ot nl ii.anv of lhe helnes is pi nept'litc in lln- s 1. 1 1, n , w n in- nil's tiller liell-u tnlMled ami nny In; liiniiiiiMI' ly i tecled in the hlcod. A rniivnitiiirprnnf i.f the comii tullonnlouVi Is nfinlinlailmi I Uu lad ilml mi Km nlways pri'duci d ly Im nl liinc K ill I. ,,( u,,. pntlii evidence Unit pnipi r ri im dies, caielitili , rl. p-ired and Jiiilici'iuslyailiiiiiii.ieriil lliri tieli the 'ih','n slioilld prniliii e tin- iiiiil li:ipp re.lili.f llnrli'f eih! h .li ... ii jv.iib r.i.i..-, um'.i.iiim. Hiii.eiinetri in iIim'.i?os of the liinssmiil tlimat h.,vi- l.n n m,,!,., care. and I have eirectiii mam- rninnrk.ilji. ,, after the sulli-ri-rs ImiI hi en prnm urn i d n. i,e ijk.-h .. ..ii,, ...i.y pnii.iiv ,in- inni ron. iiuipiion is nn loiiL'ir a fital disease. My trialiiinil ol cenKitninlinn l. nricinnl. and fnttiidrd nn lntii-i-it-rii.ii,A n...i J ..... niiBh lnviti;aiinn. Jly pi-rf.ct nrqunintnnri. uhi. lliciiattliecif tnbrrclcs, fcc ., en-ilili . me In ilinhicni It readily, llio various form. ,,r .1 .i.. . ..... coti.iimi t,nn. anil apply inn prnpor run.-, in. rtry lieinsnilstakeiieve a iinlf case, 'llilsfninillnillt il connection with ceil ,ln and MilrtnVri , S V r ' '"""' 'o relieve the Iiiih-h rrou the em-Its of conlracli-d rlie.i. in...i .... .. . P'triry lhe hlond. iinpait in ii renewed tjialny rii-,. eniiuy and tone to Hie entire si, i m. .ii iiii p. in I itirrclions sent In any p it r.( ,1?' a'"ui'"",n" ',v patieiits rr;, , cnlliiu ll.i-ir symptoms l.y litlrr. I'm the ci re would Im ninri' ceitaiii if ,l. pallt-i I fliruM ,v ,," ,. , wh-cliwculd pile me an onr, ,,i L L"...). f ' IllOL's ond eliaiile nie to prescribe Willi much crrnlir coital, ty. j i..l he,, ,,e cure cot t- ellu,!f ilh, u ...j svni.i tsiv j'lltll III llolil II, nm 0 W "XAIIAM, M II., omce, lul 1 nassT,! No ion i J...y...lfa7-(MtcnO,l'',,,,I,Mla,lc,'','','',''l ISN'T IT SO I Fresh null Ure AltTllllll'H e.i.i . i:avo??.?,'M nier pcil " '" ur 01 blini. ,tMli"i'.'";ilion"f"r rxttlnc un all kinds ol l-'ruu and 'iv1.,,r,,..p "." IN WIKTEll '.''ya""ars "c"'U (Jtrcs.iriire.asrf H,t ondJIcd vrooi TI,o.iIC,n.fro, lo l.'ons. Tins,- ca ns a d ji rs art ctlrrlg ,pin l ,kt tops. , J,,,' "r cciirc economy in trentporlcth'' lor wile hy Utorcke, net, ihroueh. out Iho Dnilrdt-llites ' ""lrouE"" UUITUI solicited. -..v. .no ,uo ru.w l.oi-urctoark fur "Arthur's " li lasston-IUio tc.i of two" ",oV hoiiMtiils of laiiiilns, 10,c. ail,i Iwardinaiioinoki.p, 1 nilil.V.Mre "0W "aK'"a l''L'n 'r His HiVfclinrals, iMiTHI'll iil ItMIAM A eiii-r... Alanilf.trluri-rs under it... li.i.,n. July "" -'i-i'iu. CHEAP STORE. Sl'IUNCI AND" SDMMIiJt cioons. rpiJIi undursigncd take olenmiri' in an- J liuliliclini lo thelrciirlouii is slid the iniblii rrncr ally. tlio l.imi Jiit biurca cituice nsoriini-iii Lf fa Sjiring nml Buiuincr Goods. Oowpribiiig ovcry iinielo usually kept in Country Flore win, I, ,a,i I-, , M l, , n d u ill, can .nnl will ijo wild at very low piice.iur ioad) pay BUY GOODS. fon.iliiita r a,. snriely of Ch.tlip, CiMimctt, llelalites. Iliiuis.C'alicocSj &.C. x D' Country i iodiuo taken in exliai'ce Tor cm,t's -t.ivoji.ii call. Nuuc-need t'i away disFaiified. O. t G. LOW. I'lmu llidiio.Marcli'.'a. 1857 C, C iA PLEIi A- CO., i .sr. 1 Is-f t''2l'. I...-. .. ... . . . W" 1 lN"rt" V'lM!r Htref't IMlllrulol. I ' '"i-Mir!il.T.IUIIUMVPV ..liildriil. . o ( rlhuiildets tlicese llnus Uu kcli.roiks moon, mis Mai i, it ic37 J
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers