.',W A LIS HI Is. TATE, LOCAL KDITOll. Saturday Morning, A.ug.15,1857 Divino services will bo hold in Moony burg, to-inorrow, (Sunday, Aug. 10,) nt tho following Churches s IPmhiitertan Ohurth.ViKV. D. J. Wat,. y LEn. oervico at iu o ciock, A. iw. Episcopal Church. Rev. II. Tur.i,iDan. Services at 10$ o'clock, A. M., nnd nt early candle-light in tho evening. iMthern Church. Rev, E. A. SiiAitnEJTs. Scrvico at 10 o'clock, A. M. lGcrmim Refqrtn. Hey. W. Qonpntqti. Borneo at early camilo light in tho evening. 'TSIithqdisl Chytph. Tliera mill bo no box J vices ,to-inorrow, on account of a bush- .meeting, being hem near ticrsoytown. Qono to tho City. Tho Editor. ' CS7" Court. Thoro is only at present Ke prisoner conGnod within our jaij. J6T Wo bono our frion'Is .everyvrhcro ii ,... ,i ' k !...i, I'm ,i j .i o .- .- rye i mftornooii, in ttio Court House. .-r- - m tiST A well-wrjlten commuuieallon on tho 11 Importances of Moral Culture," Vy lm r. ii 'il . ' 1 win nTien.i L in jifrncuiLurni iunn.1117. im Iiiomas unr.ESLY, wyi appear iu win uoxi VohtmUu JDcmccrat. Camp Metinct A drop Meeting for Orangevi,llo Circuit, will bo held in Mt I'loasant township, on tho land of Mr. Goo. Richard, -to commence on" Fridiy die 21st inst. M. Richards will bo prepared to ,&ccp boarders. JttT I and J. Tlipro aro no two letters in tho manuscript alphabet of tho English langnago wliich cause s) much m'ueon j .struction as I and J, as nipst pooplo write Jjiera exactly ftli.fcc. Tho rule for writing r them properly, and which deserves to bo nnivcrsaliy adopted, is tp,run tho J belnw ; .tho line, and run Iho I even nith,lhc lino. HSF Whitino Scnoor,. Mr. A. A. JSouthtcorth, as will bo beqn, by bis card ip another column, intends opening a Writing School, on next Monday .cloning, ;in Mr. 4 ICiton's School Kodii,' on Third Street, .Bloomslmrg. o liavo czannqd somo .tjpccimccs of Mr; S.'s penmanship and prQ ,nounco them of tho first order, youpg jliadiei ar(d Gontlc,uiCD, would do w,ql by attending, as his terms aro very reasonable. rir DEHUiiTrur, Day Thursday wa.s one of tho most delightful August days ,that wo remember to have experienced. Ttiero was n freshness in the atmospficro that was qnito invigorating, -and all Natiro looked bright and cheerful a'tcr,Uja gloom of prr vious day. Jn,tio(o,vcning, ijio.jv 'Iks, were tilled with bright oyed girls and,rolii'p- ,in boys, who seemed the embodiment of .hcaltli and Fnuoccncr. " Lit l iVm p ill nil aWiil mine ear ; i riint no -tuaili on th wher I, or at Iho wilil hunrt IicmIj ; Ojr lulu ten hl'N on lliu Tnrpflft", 'Hill tli precipitation might i'oh ii Iritri Jlflowr llift-ru-ii of Icht )et ftjll wl'I 1 CnntiiiuQ to drrliru to thrni " ,i -Th.it Ki.sk k Wilson's Snlooo, ia-a place wcimiy oi a visir, t i an tnosc, vsno tisu 10 unjoy an excellent iliah of Tco Crcr.m. un day School 0 Et.EnuATioN' On last Wednesday iho members of tho Epis- crpal Sabbath School held a celebvation in ,thpGrovo, near the Iroo Dale Kurnaco Tho day was fino, and tho. turn out unus ally large. Wo aro pleased to eeo such Exhibitions aud hopo they may c-pntiouo jto ohcer and gladcn the hearts of tho young. Although we had not the.plcasuro of participation, in tho joys of tlio day, yet our good wishes were their's. Tho day passed off very pleasant, wo understand, and nothing cccurcd to tho general good feeling. teir To iiousKKBEPEiis Hio season for putting up fruits for wiutcr U30 is near at livnd, and cxpcricnco lias p raven that thoso fruits put up in their natural statu aro lho least expensive aud most dclioious rarity, and entirely supercedes tho old a.ethod of preserving, Tin cans liavo boon oatonsivcly used for putting up fruit nir tight, but already ecvcral sad ac idcuts resulting in tho loss of life, bavo occurred by eating fruit put up in tin, as events es tablish tho fact that tho aoids contained in fruit becomo thoroughly impregnated with tin and its poisonous substances, ren dering it dangerous to partake of fruit wliioh Las been preserved in mctalio sub stances. Glass is tho only safe substitute. Great Agricultural, Products T EssShcriff DiRR, of Jaolison township, in this oounty, has placed in our office, to which we invito tho attention of tho public, tho followinr? monslrana nonimnna nf A.. . . r-.v. , "fa- ficultural Productions. , Considerintr these I- 1 .1. . . . articles aro the product of tho repoted thin Boil of Jackson whero coed land rate3 .1 ...1 en - .1 :. uuuut ou pur acre, luoy ro wormy 01 coosidcraijon, jmd cntitlo J a ok son town fhip to the appellation of "Somo (Pump tins." By tho way, our.domooratio friend, Shtiijff Dcrr, is a model Fnrmer, , himself nnd rishly deserves tho honorable appella tion of tb degreo of S. P. Timothy Stalk, 0 feet, 1 inch in length. 0&tr, , 0 4 " Flux. i n 'il? ' Sum total length, pf (he abovo.produoU, ltl feet, Hi inches. ti. B. Mr. VenuhReis, pf Hemlock, baa also eent us r Timothy Jicad, moasur - log IZ jncha... Election, Sccqnd Tttesiaij in October, CANDIDATES ADMISSION FEB, ONE ,!)0LLAtli JOHN It. YOIIE.of Mifflin township. will be candidate lor COUNTY AUDITOR, subject in uie usages oi me iOiumDin vouiuj uemuctauo con vention Augml 15, 1fV7 tJn PETER ENT. of Scott township, will bo ncandldoto for ABSEMRLY. .abject to tho usage, nf Ihe Columbia County Democratic Convention, r Augrst to, 1C57 me DANIEL LEE, of Bloom township, will lii) a eandldnto for REGISTER AN II Rr.COnllP.il, left) re the Democratic County Convtnllon thli 'all. Aug 13, 1837 tdo JAOOB EYERLY. of Bloom township, .ivlll bo n candidate for PR0TI10NOTAR Y, before tho Ilcmoeratle County Convention Ihii fall. August is, 1837-tuo EM A3 DIETERIGK.of Montour town ship, will boa condlJatorot COUNTY COMMISSION. En, .object to the usages of lua Columbia County Dcm osratiel'ohveniiotl. Aiigult 8, le57.-ldc. JAMES. S. MoNINUH, of Catawissa lownjhln. will hi n canJIdale for COUNTY TRflASU. RER. lulileet to tho uaajEOi ol tho Colum'iia County Democrotlc Convention. Aliuil 8, lW-ldn JOHN .A. PUNSTON, of Madison .townnliln, will bo a candidate for COUNTY C0MMI.1 HIONUll. raibject to tho uaagci of tho Uplumbla .County Democratic Convention. August 1, 1857 tdo WILLIAM COLE, Esq., of Denton lowni.hlp.wlll bo n candidate fr,r COUNTY TREAHU JlEtt, auhjmt to Die uiogci of tho .Columbia County Democratic Convention. July 33, 1837 SAMUEL KISNER, Esq., of Madison towml.lp. will bo a camlldalo for COUNTY COM MISSIONER, inblrcttnlho uiagei or tho Columbia County Democratic Convintlon. July93,18i7-ldo AVILLIAM T. SHUMAN, Ksq, of Main lownin.p. win do a canniaaio lor uuuni r i ur.A- SURER. mhj eel tp, tho utagei ot theColuuiblaCounty Democratic Convention, July.l8.l837-tdo BENJAMIN WINTERSTEEN, of Fino town. hip. will bo a candidate for COUNTY COMMISSIONER, i.iliject In thojitagea of the Unlum. bin Cbunty Dcmocatfc Convention. ' juiy ja,C37 tdo JOHN KIEPER, of Catawissa town ehlp, will be n candidate lor COUNTY TREASURER, - euiiject to tno ii.afte. ot tne Columbia county .yemo crntic Convention. July S3, 1807 Ida GHAiaiRflrAQBSo In Bloomsburc; on Thursday morninc last., by Rev. D.J, Waller, .Dr, John S. KaJtcM, oi Janesvulo, Jjuzoruo county, to Miss Marii II. Barklcy, of Bloomsburgj Wo return tho happy couple, nur Bin- ;cro thanks, for their kind remembrances of tho Printer, with tho hopo that their paths may bo qpo of pleasure, In Ronton, on the Oth inst., by Eld. E. M. Alen, Mr. Isaiah Hagonbuch, to Miss UarjpahKUpo, both of Light Street. On tho lllh inst., by Rev. Geo. Warren, Mr. Jacob Shrcmakcr, of Madison twn , to Miss Mary Vanhorn, of Hemlock twp., Columbia County. At Newberry, June 10th, by Rev. P. W. Meliok, Mr. Nicholas Funston, and Miss Lfzzio ltamsey, both of Nowberry, l.yoominj county. tt rt rt ci nt r- ii) li5 Si U IrJ So In Bl omsburg, on Monday, Aug. 3rd., John Lewis, son of Joseph I. and Anna M. Shannon, aged 17 months and'Jl days f'r'.ro sm.cpiild bight, or sorrow fade," Death camo with Iricndly care, 'I ho opening bud to floaven conveyed, To bb"tu forever there." In Maueh Chunk, on Thursdiy raorn in, of apoplexy, Wm. E. McN'aik, aged about 23 years. 'Ijho dqeoased wa,s ,for soruo years con nceted.witli (iis oiEco, first as apprentice, and then as foreman ; and gained tho re spect and oonEdenoj pf all who truly know him. Ho wns,fnithful to every duty, and had a eleir, quick mind and a just and generous disposition, lie .loft .tb.o print ing bufino3s(fgr a more Iueratvo employ ment; nnd in tho active business of mer cantile life displayed tho samo earnestness and energy of character ,wjiich marked him when a boy. The world was bright before liiui for bope and heart to tho full ; and l)is aim was a manly ono "upward .and -onward." Tho Destroyer came sud denly a thief in tho night-and tho f;iends of tho just and generous young hero in.tho battlo or.lifo mourn for n younger brother ftllon Sltrpftha North. In Centre township, Columbit County, on Sunday morning last., Mr. Alexander Crovcliua', aged about 71 years. (Columbia ;HDjcmoccat. The, following aro tho receipts to the office of ,tho Columbia Democrat, during tho niouth of July, ,lg57 : David U. Cleaver. .51 00 Samuel Noltou, 3110 John Hps., 3 00: Caleb Fox, 100 loieph Pnlie, -S 00 Henry Miller, ISO J.M.Johniton,M,D.,10tiJ lllram Knorr, 11 30 Capt. John Ciovcr, !jQ0 Jacob Hill, 173 Blnva U lie Iz. AO Noharii i Jncoby, 3 00 ) i R. Bliuman, 4 73 Bamuo I K osi enbaude t, 8 00 Jo.lah S'ramer, 100 Cbarlrs lloury, I 30 Dr.T A. Hurley, 500 Col. N. M'Cay, I 00 R Kn tile. E.I., I 73 Cjrr,nrcae k Co , 1 tlo lloWM Clru'liers, 100 .Win.T. rlhuman, E1. 1 Oil Rcorte Heath, S50 Tea.'r Columbia Co, 13 Oil Columbia County, 12 50 u. u. ir.nur, Bamurl Eisner, Ei., J. II. Ilariiian. E. , O. Lowry Kline. William Rnyan, Ch. J, C. Kline, Trait fcliutcher, Samuel 01.1, ' Jarub Hams, E.,, 100 1 00 4 Ml 3 Oil IJ5 400 A, it a. Andieas, l w . Uamuel Andrea. ,,.. ....,,.,. 7 00 Etiaieni wm. z.rr, 330 I Amo. llitteiihou.e, 1000 n. u. Crea.v, e.l, 1 73 '3 0.1 175 1 CO 2 30 1 00 SOU si 00 300 at ll'euryL.Frcas,M.D ,300, Then, f. Eile'nberger, .IJohnKeim. 1 1 Daniel W. Miller, i imam tun. Thuniai llowman. oou reteranii.r.Br, tJamue I Snyder 31X1' llluom.burg Iron Co Wo again thank our frionds for prompt payments. It is this that sustains tho Press and encourages tho Editor. Wo ask our customers, everywhere, to try to help us to meet our,'hca,vy exponsos, by prompt pay ments, and thereby disohargo an honorable I nKlirvnl, fin. Kfrnrtpinllv te, tva vmt.n.r . distant subscribers, to do as nuny others have donc,.vix: t) remit monoy by mail, , at our risk,. as wo, liavo never lost a dollar in that .way, and its receipt ,w;ll bo duly ' aoknowlodged by mail and tho paymont nlM published in tha Qolumbin .Democrat, SPECIAL NOT! 0 13 S.iSBPTEMlilt MM. Ml Ins of I r EETING of tho Columbia County AURICUETURAI. SOCIETY. A special meet. thl1Hoclel7wlllbol.tldn118MUf.lay. AM.Ulh.l way, A tiff. 13 tn House. Illnnms ie:7 at s o'clock, r ,i.,oi ine uotiri liouin, nmonii- i Imi.b. A twnptni MtinniiincR I. ran lesie.i. ni numicia A general atlomhnee Is requested, ns business of Imparlance . to be laid Icfcrpthi-""",... , , I, JOHN, rlnl. Augml I, IE37. 7i, tho praetlco aty, Pa., and JOHN . FREEZD, Et1.. .;a? fe.um.,1 tho practice , u, ,.w,. .,.u.u, . ... ... u. will irtvn l.la undivided nnd cam nil attention m al I . win giro i ii unuif laeu nnn "roiiii niten. on in mv ptofslonal builneo ontru.lod lo him in Columbia nnu adjoining countiei. tlo can bo found constantly, In ht.l OfHce, In Until ion')ioiv,neir ttie Court Homo. .. .. ill I i tl3-ir yoi ara anlictcd w'th nny comnlaln( which , rciulrei a rursatlvo Medlclno, try Ayer's AVw Pills thcr aro wortli trvlnir- Concord ercwrv, .V. C I IDCy nro worm ITying wi,t.'y, tO"Iint5TD0LD'S UNtVEnaALLY ArrilOVUD nnMUnV,-Compound Ditractnucliu cures DUcaics of tho Madder ( Kidncya, Crf ve), Uropiy.Wcahneai ! &.C Head the advertisement In anothur column, head- ..it , i 11. r t .... I cd ndnibold'iGcnulnarrcparatlon." J5Sy The Five Per Cait, Saving Fund oftho National safety Compmy, tt'atnui aireet, anth west corner of Third direct, Philadelphia, now Iim nearly Ok Mitt.ioH and a Ititr of Dollar all In Itut Ustatk, MoRTAaca, Orouho Hknth, ami other Aril clas eecurl lleii to tho benefit to depositors. C?" THOMAS V. MATMON, Rreclfed tho Priz? Medal nt tho World' FalTlti Londjn, 1851, for TRUNKS, CARPCT nAGS.Unoti. thoci audQunis. Great inducemontt aro now offered topttrchascri ofthc obovoarllcles. Tallin muchlhclargest itockollrunki, Carpel flags, Vallcct.&c, In Philadelphia Tcry cheap, or cash. Manufactories 130 M.irktit Street, S. V. corner, and J3dtVarket street, 3. E. corner of Fourth Jpj-A COOL REFLECTION. "For every mlto lift we leave tho surface ofour earth, tho tiuipernturo falls five degrees. At forty Ave mltei distance from the globe we eel beyond the atmosphere, and enter, strictly speaking, Into.tho.rfgloniof space, whose temperature Is 215 degrees below zcto, and hero cold reigns In all parts." Tho gentleman ho went "beyond the at mosphere,' nnd held the the rmometcr In tho "regions of space," ,has since his return declared that tho next coolest thing Is, a auitof tuoiellght.clejRntand grace ful summer do t hes, which liavo rendered the fashion abte Emporium of Uranvlllo Strkes, No. C07, la'o 200 Chestnut street, famous on thlt territorial orb. B3-WIIITETERTII, PERFUMED BREATH AND J1EAUTIFUI. C0MPLEX10N-can be ncpjlrc'd by mlnstho "Zlflim rf a Thousand Flotccri.' What lady or gentleman vwonld remain under tlio curQof a dl. ngr.cable breath, when by tiring tho "Ualu or a Tnol'.ANn Flower." a. a dcntrilicc, wfculd not only remtrr it .weet, but leave the teeth nhlto ,aal. tert Many pcr.on. ilo riot know their breath I. Ud, and tho subject i. so delicate that tlicir friend, rill never nicniion(it. ib-warc of counterfeit., lie euro eacti bottle a. signe.l r I'ETRlDaE & CO., V Y. TIE WISE IN TIME. How many nro there who, afflicted with dirca.o In an incipient alago, delay from time to Umo having recourse to some remedial agent, which wouldcft'ectunliynrrc.ttho further progress of dt.care,and render tho system impregnabio toils In. sidious nttacka It is unfortunately loo true thero arc thousands who sink Into on early crave whereas at a trlflhi, expense they might have lived to a good old age. ir,hcro bo reliance lo bo pheed in medicine, and thousands of wcllultestcd cases" establish beyond tho pos-ibil'tyol a d.ubt, tho curativo properties of any ono particular remedy, .thep Hutley's Sarraparllla is unquestionably tho greatest medicine ever Introd iced to an afflicted community. Hesllalo not, thercfoic, to ..so it, if .suffering from any of the Ills which flesh is heir to. lUrcld (Oalccston tcxto,) CT$l,OUO REWARD WILL HE PAID FOlt ANV Medicine thU will excel PRATT it BUTCHER'S MA GIC Oltt for the followln dir.ves: Rheuoiatlsm, Ncurnlgln.Bplnal Aflcctlon, Contracted Jol nti.Cholic Pal its, Pal nit In the Side rr Back, Headache, Tivlhaclio, Fp rains Sore Threat, Cuts. Rruttcs, Hums, nnd all discairx of Iho Skin, Mu'Ctci nnd the Glands. .Nar.o geitulno without the signature of "Pratt& Uutrhr" attached lo each label. Principal ufllco,201 Washing ton strert, Drooklyn, Nc-jv Vork, Sold by G. M. HA GENRUCII, Druggist, niooinsburg. BTThia la to certify that I have made but ono appti callon of the Vngic Oil on my fingors, which have boon il'.iwn from cnntncllon of tho rords, brought on by rtieuallm. It nan of sevntfen inonlln standing, and t nm noiventlrclycitrcd. I clierfully r (.commend It to all itEliUcd hkcwiFO. J. M. FIN..ROOIC. 7i Locust street, Ilurrlsburjj. August I. if57 EQUALlTi' TO ALL I UNtrORMlTY OP PRICES t A New Flat t'RE IS H7i!iKE44. P.vtry one its own SAhtmeut ,J(Nr U CO., Oftho Crewnt One P'rlco Clblning Stpro. IVp. S00 Market street, ahoc Sixth, Philadt lphla. ' In addition to having the largest, most varied nn.I ishloiiubloftock of Clothing in Philadelphia, mode expressly for rital sates, have ronttitntetl every ono his own snlosman, hy having marked in figure?, on encharthlc tho very lowest price It can bo sold for j jothey cannot possibly vary nil must buy nlik j The grtodaaro wtll sp(ing(d nndprcpared,an1grent pains' taken with the m.tking so that till can buy with he full asurauco ofclting a good article nt tho very lowest prico. AUo.n largo 'slock of p. ceo goods on hand, oftho latest etleJind best luitilies, which will bo made to order, in the" most fashionable btid Lest manner. per ceut.bttow crrjdrt p ticca. Uo nen. lift tno crescent, lit Market, above jjixiu Street, No 300. O A CARD TO THE I. DIEJ. Dn. Duponct'4 GotnitM French Paw aro Ufxlhhla in rcmovl ng ttoppagti or irregularities ctha mtntcs. Theso Pills aro nothing new, but have been ured by tho Doctor for many years, loth in France and Ameri ca with unpnrnilckdsuccefs In every case; and ho is urged hy many thousand tadieswho have used them, to make fbo Pills public, for the alleviation of those fullering from any tirrguiaritna wnatever,us won ns anrevcntlve to thOBo ladies whoso health will not permit an Increase of family, Pregnant lemale sfor IJiobi) sup poping themsejves so are cautioned against using these rills, as tho propri etor assumes no responsibility after the above admo nillon, although their mildness would prevent any in jury to health; otherwise, those rills aro recom mended. Directions accompany each box, Trice $1. Sold wholesale fjnd retail, by JEOKGE M. IIAGENBUCIt, General Agent, Hloomeburg, pa, Uo will supply the trade at tho proprietor's prices,, Rnd send the Pilliitn ladles (tonfidcntlatiy) hy mall(pu receipt of Ql through, the llioomiburg Pott Office, ONE PRICE ONLY t I.lrl'INCOTT & HUNTER'S Clolhijrg Warehpuie, South We.t corner of Fourth and Market stfCcti, Ft.il adelpl.ia. TAsaafy OnsPss'co Ctotking Stsrstn Amsritu Ca.h purcha.er. voCMcn'.or buy's Clothing, al wholesale and retail, can liere, make their selection froai an immonse stocVof fashionably cut nnd well made clothing, gptnp with avicwlogide sati.r.ictlon to all, and at the very lowest possible selling prico marked, n plain llgures on every garment, alt buy at tlio sumapriee,a,U whether Ihey are jtldres of goods or not, Ihey cannot be decieved. One uniform low prico to aik andtako, suiteeverybody, wile the Jisual mode otaskiug twu'prlces, and taking all that can he got, suits nobody .andchoal. three. fourths ; for.ir.tanco aman aks$15.foracoat,nndafierward. agrees to.tako $10, and it;i. equally rertain, that he would have taken SlSifhe could l.avc got it, and Ihu. actually chat he purchaser out of flvo dollars. To remedy tbiscvll and establish confidence in tho trauV.I.tl'F'lNCOT & CO., ft a uuirormbelow price oh all their goods, (very much b low the usual rates,) and will uevervnry ono cent tinder any circ.ivn. Ipnceis. rj-CAI.l. AND 8EE.431 Al the South Wctlco'se of Fcm.lhanl .Market .ircct, Phil'ilelphh. Bridr! Brick! Brick! rrtE subscriber ha. now on hand at hi. y.rdi In 1 Ulnomihurg, Columbia counly, 3ti0,000 wvil burned mica , oi ins neat nuanty orciay. Those in want of llrick, can be supplied cnntlanlly with n first-rate article, and al Iho most reasonablu prices. -Cr TERMS CASH, R. D..AR.TI1UH niooraiburg, July Ii, 1637-3l PLASTERING LATH, FlFTVTIIOUSANIiPLASI'F.lttNa LATH, for .ale at the Lishl Slftt huu p. by p ii iv . w n i:tr.!"v June n, 1.- PROCLAMATION. VV .lenioflh.Cc .io(OU7.MT.iml.r ..A . .. , ..un, ii... .,. r liiart..r b.,inn. r.i,. .. . .... . In thaTwenty-Hlith Jii,'leinl Dliiflci. compOiCd oftho counileiuf Columbia, Sullivan anil Wyonilng, nnrttho Hon jrtn Br and m Kti, A.ioeloie Judgei 'liiColumulacouniy.hnvoiifUcdllieltprecepi, bearing la, ie 8lh ,tJ'f M , ,h0 ycir , ll01lJ on. llio.uan.l eight hundred and liny.Hi.andJnli.l dl ffi 'r yLJr ""-,."'"""."" f "ieu ",r n v..m.ii u. uji. um. icimmcr nnu , Jn , Delivcty.OcnotalUnafter Seftloni .ililio Pc,M ,; pico;, 0rnhan' Court, l,,'njo.,ni. (Urlng the 711. day) of Sept. next nnd to ronlinueono turn, in win county 01 uoiuniDiQ, on mo nrii monaav, i wrrL I NarirK Ii liciebv glvcn( to Hip Coroner, tho Jnitlrpf ii toe i unco nn ci uon sitiiiics oi i tin sniii rcuiiiy or uo- mi,ij,tiinUhay ho thn and there In their proper pprronirtt Idb'clock Ihilio forrnnon of enU dny( Mih "'fir rrcnr.u, irtqiiimtlonioiul othfr rrmciubrn nnn to ,hi-, in Pir nll.rf- n.inrrlflln In hn tno And thoi that Arc hound hy rtcojnlyonre, In i,0 Jail of iUld county l Colunihln tnbethenandthcro , rt prosccuto them nt fztiJl liijmt. Jurcn aro requcut I J 1,0 Pnctual In th lr attpntfattce. grefably to thclrnoticea. Dated at Hloomsburp, Mn lit day of. Aucul In tho year ofour Jord onofhouiand cl&bt 1 hundred nnd fifty 9evcn, nnd in lhn62t year of the In depcnderlre of the United States nJ America. ( uou aavo mo vjommonwcaiiu,; BTmiEN U. MlLMlHafiAirJT' Trial Juiat for Sopt'r Torm, 1857. I William Krmn. tt. Oobrse E. Kllce ct tj. ti Witliani Koon. tr. Cenrgo f,. Kllno 3 Jo.cpll HUlckhousa VI. GIILert Fowler. 4 Adam Stroup. Jr. tt al e. I, II, Rupert ct nl. A Adam Blroup.Jr. et nl tt. I.. II. Rupert el at. II Tlioman lMrkcr r.- John II . Parker. 7 (leorge L, Kllno Mose. CoiTman. 8 I.aac tUnwn tJ. Robert J . Lyo... D William rtobfaon t. Wll.on Ager. 10 Jacob clchuyler vs. Wll.on Ager. 11 Fletcher II. Dodsou t. William Eont. 12 Cntliarinn Tunner vf John D. Weavor. 13 Adam Gable rs, Enalo Fox. Adin'r. 11 Jonathan Mo.idler Btrpheh llaidy, J. Christian HeiMl v.. Daniel (Urger. IU Wm. Hopper v$. Edmund Crawford et at. 17 flooreo Fflllrrman ri. Solomon rettcrman. Id Mnrtin Mowry vf. Tlioina. Htacklinmo. 19 Ollbcrt Fowler m. Daniel Fowler'n ExV, S3 Daniel Koitenliader ct al r.. David Unnlz. Ul Win, Rlt ten liouro tt', Samuel F, 11,-ndley. 3 Jamea Ral.ton vt James Raltnn, Jr.'. Adm'r. 'ii uavld lllhlebrant r. llciijnmin raiu. ' SI 1). I.. Wintnalecn el al vs. Clifiillan Bhuman. SI William Itolil.dn vt Wm Edgar. I'O Ja.. H. Wood., Admr ol JolinEazTM. vt. Catharino I,nr,aru.. ' 57 Reubon W. Weaver r. William Mela. 5fl Thoma. Mark! ti. Clark n Bicnnrd. ! William Conrad vs. Daniel L, Smllli. (irand Jurors fur sjeptcinhcr Term, 1S57. !toom-Chnrle Knhlcr. II Irani W, tttown. Urlarcreek Snmuc) rowler,Wm iSlahl.Wm, I.amon, Sautuol Henry, Jaroh .Martr. Uciitnn John C. Doty, John O. Dildinc. Abrntam Young Heaver Tsalah Longonberg"r. Centre Wm. Hoffman. George II. Kelclincr. t-'ranktin Josh na Meiidrnhnll. Hflilngcreek Nathan Fleck ostein, John Crevcllng, TJiomis I'cnlor. GreenwoodSamuel Evanc. fnaae Evans. Jickoa Peter Hodge, Daniel Poust. '" Isocunl Wm. Yrngcr. Mndlion James Eisner Oranae Samuel Achcubach. Traverse Jurors lor Srpt'r Terra, 1857. nionm F..P.I.utz,Wiii.lI.Jacuby, Henry Q. ridl llpj,r.a.Slelnman. ' ' nnircreek Wm. Hcrrin. Josiah Thomas. H aver Charles F. Mann Daniel Hioglry, Hon l on Isaac K. Krickbauin, John Ikcler. Centre Is ac Ilei. Catawlsia Daniel Helwtg. Franklin Chrlnlnn Arilcy. Fishiitgcreek Peter P. IVnlrr Greenwood Robert Robins, Isaac Tatton, 'Isaac Lyon Hemlock Frjiiklin McQride, John O, Nevius John Erugler1. I.ocust-Danicl Retnbold, Mark WiHiams. Ml. Pheasant Samuel Jolmfton, Wm, Howell. Geo. Cavcueo, Montour John G Quick, James Uarton "Jcorge RU'eher. Mifllin Pclei Longaberger Oiange David Herring. Pine John Lcgtfot Ilonrtngricck Michael Mowry, Elijah C. Horp. Sugar! Kif Samuel Parks, Jothua lSrink. 1 SWAN & 0O.S LOTTERIES. KK.W AND BMl.lWfV SCIWME. Capital Prize $60,000. Tin! Inl lowing Scheme will be drawn by 8. Hivm & Co.. .Managers of lliu 1'ort Gaine.' Academy l.nltery, In each of their Lnlt.ries for September, 18-iV, nt AUG US PA, fleorrla, in which cily Ihey huve removed thir principal Olhco. ' CLASS S3, To be drawnlnthnc.tyor AugUfta.Georcl.l. in public, on Ojturday. Beplemhcr .Ith, lfc57, CI.ASd 33, To bcdMwniil tlio cityof Augusta. Ccnrcin. ill public, on Satuid..y, Sfptdinlii r lihli, If57, CLASS .11, Tu be drawn ill the cily nf Aur'iila,Genr;ia, in pullic, uu b jMi r J.i)', September ll'lh, 17. CLAS4 .15, To be tlraw'i in Iho cily ol Auansia. tlrnryia, In public, mi S.l III rill y, Srnl.Miincr '-'nth. Ie.'i7. on tii.: ii;an iiv kingi.i: nu.miht.s. Five ThoUHtnd t'ottr Hundred and Alwcfy tics Vrliest Nearly one Prize to every Nino Tickets. Jlta.YtFKn.VT SC1K.VF.I '111 JIK I.IIAV. EACH 1 Prize of t ' .UATURD AY IN SEPT E M 11 E K ' JiHi.uim Iff Prizes of Mm 10 tiki :10 (KM in ooo 7,3011 3 OUII 2.300 1.3011 1,11110 111 " 10 ' 111 11) 170 ' ' 210 r.o'i 3 llll 400 3IH) 1.10 loo Mil APPP.OXIMA'I ION PHIZES. 4 Fri.i',liioA.pri'iiij tu 0u mo Prize arc SlfiDO 4 tai . 3n.ro.i lain I aio ' I0.IIIHI (4,0 4 " 1-23 ' 7,5i:il " 'SOD I 100 ' 5.U0.I " 4IIU 4 "3 5U'I 3111, 4 SJ " 1,500 " SOU ! joou iioaro ' 100,000. l'J. Pricn amounting lo STjO.OOi) WHOLE TICKE1H 310; HALVES feJj UUAR- Flan of the .Lottery. T'lnVtinti'M from I t9 .Vi.Oll.cnrroanon lini with tli 00 Niimbois on'the Tirktts priufd on Buparat'i slipti il (ijptjr, arn encircled with n mall tin tubes and pi:icu in one w nee i, Tho liirt 4t.7 Prir.es, vimilirlv printed ind encir cl'd,ari placed iu uncthtr wheel. ' i inn wneris nro jnon rovoiven, nnn a numurr is drawn, fr unr tht: w htrl i f Numbers and nl Hie r-amo lime'n Prtre Is drawn from the other wheel 1 lie Numhc r and Prize dr.iwu out ore opened and exhibit cd to the audience, and registfri-d by tho Commit? sioners; the Prize Iteing placed ngaiuft tho Numhri drawn. iliis opf-ration Is repeated until all tin PrUH arn draiti out, Jipiiroilmatto Prlies. The two preceding and the twn Hiicceiding Num'iersto those drawluiz Iho ft$ I rrizes win uo cntiticu m t"i pproumanon Prizes, For example: If Ticket No. 11j0 draws tho jSCU.Ouo Prize, thoie Tirkits numbered ll.'Jf, II t,'J, U,'21, will pnch beertlilled to lull. Il Ticket No. 550 draws tho SlO.OUO piixc, thore Tickets num bercdfllrt, 540, 551.552, will cadi bopnlilk-d to 90, and soon according to the above scheme, Tne 3dgu Prizp of $20 will be determined by the last ficuroof UipNurtripr thritdraws the SIjO.I'UO Prize, ,For cxamplo, if tho Number drawing Hie 1.0 K)b mzo euus wuii io. l, men dii ih i icnei, wnn Die Number ends, in 1, will ho entitled 10 J'.K. II the Number ends with No. S, then all the Tickets where Hie Number endd in 3 will be entitled to fSO.Iind so on tot). Certificate! nf Packages will he rold at the fullew ing rates, which Is ltd risk : Certlfleatuof Package of 10 Whole Tickets, $80 do .I.t It) Itnlt do 40 do do 10 Quarter do VOi do tin in l.iaui" no 1U i IN ORDURINt; TICKETS OU CERT IFICATFB, ! CiicbM the'vtojtfty Co our nddrfsf for tlio tickets I ordered, on receipt of which they wil' be forwarded' hy first mail. Pttrihaserscan hao Ikkua ending in any fijure they may diHignatP, The Elst of Drawn Numbers and PrizttswHIbe sent lo piirchnsers immediately niter Iho drawing. Purchasers will pleaaa write the i r ii if natures plain, and give their Post Orlico, County and tilate- Rrmember that every Prize Is drawn aud payable in full without deduction. All Prizes of $I0W0 and under, piid immediately after tho drawing other Prizes at the usual lime of thirty days. , All communication strictly rnnndrntial. Address orders for Tickets or. Certificates to fi. 8WAV it CO . Augvita, (7. Persons residing near Montgomery All- or Atlanta, Ga.,can have their orders filled,' and save Time, by add resting rt. Swan St Co., al'either nflhos cities. Vy A Hut of 'the numbers that Are drawriffrom the wheel, with the amount of the prize thnt each one Is 'fl'ntjlled to, will he publi Miixl after every drawing in the followihz paners't JS'eut Orleans JftUa, Mobile ttt gUter, Charleston standard. A'ashnllt (Jautts, Jlllantii Iwtelligsneer, Jtoto York Weekly Dai Booh, Sawnnah Morning JVetcs, Richmond IHipatch, Ntto Yorl, lfltpa(t and panldtug Miss ) Clarion, August 15. 1W7 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Ami Conner, dcchl. J" IJTTKRS of Administration on tho J Estate pf Ann Conner, lato of Uentan township, Columbia county, deccand, have been granted by -tho Keg'Mer of Columbia county, to the undcrstirued, -Who resides In said Utntnn townihip, in Columbia county ; all persons liavjr.it claims agiinst tu estate ot tho dece dfliit are telOcViwI lo p'esvnt tfiem to tha Adml nisi ra tor without delay, add nil ptrsons indebted tu make pay incut forthwith? JOHN CONNUR, August S, U57 Adm'r Oil A H lorTiiTe nt ' r tO llRTMAB HOWARD ASOCIATION. rillLADKLPIIIA Jmpot'ta?U AmwuticcmnU, To nil perioni mTirtnl with vntimt Alnrnn souch BnnriNAIi Wi:ARNi:S3,IMrOTtNCE,0ONNOU uitjtitui.ii i n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 h Ace, C II hn IIOWAIlIl ARSIWJf ATinV Klin IIOWAMl ABSOOIATION of riiltiiftclfihlnji view oftho awful dr it ruction nf linnun life atiti liehlih famed by Hezual dineme. nnd the Icf cptlo n vlilctn b'y ...n...i ..- '( ..,.t.'ji...... I'lamii'-u u iiuri iuu uniorilinnie TIC'I ill ."i uv ii ii ifvi pr Qfialtn. liavo ft rretn.l il.f lr r.mnu I no Huroii. v OnAftlTAIILi: ACT wn.ihV nf tl.i-lr i.ftnii- to in rMtelfflZSMTit mi ted clipilon of thclrcondlllon lajpiorrupailon l.al.ln rl&e j,, ,, , t,c of,,,,,1,,,''!" votty "ml niTetlntv.o rURNHII MEIItCINES FREE OF CIIAROE. v y.lM' " 'V " t'liit ur uiiai ill-., i ,i nnwniu Aifoc anon ii n heiicvo.oniin. I in. nn, CftnWi.li.l by f peclaltndovincnt lor iboyollff of the .lick and dl.irci..c.l amictra will. virl. Jni .nd Enidem It lla; now a ...rplu. rnd., whlcj. the Directorhave in iiiacaaei.,, anil ita lundi. ran tc for other purpofe, "it:ii Kiiiiif' tiiac nir niinvfi iinitfu. it ivtiprnirriin ?.V:i'Zr.fl"'" ' ."''i"' .' j i ..... . ..... - - - m0j;M.i: :"' vSto. and nervoiM ft WnnihCninplainti AIMIICf 3, I mil I Ins Pn Hirei-t I'll llv order d K7.ra n. nr.AjmVuM,. a HO. PA!ncnil.I).5errfiriy, A njtm v, i6Sn y. RAIL UOAD AND PACKET BOAT I J&.3 m IB M H kl I 18.-.7. ANTELOPE. 1857. ON and niter Tuesday, April 7, 1657, Ilie'Packcl tloal ANTELOPE, Copt. 11. F.Wtu., will cummonee running her regular trips dally, (Sundays excepted) between Rupert nnd Nnntlrokc ns follows ! ' Leaves Rupert otSo'clnrk, A. M..n nrrlvol of the Night Espr.ss on ibeC. W.acE. Itallroad rmin Wil liamsport, and arrives at Nanticoke at 1 o'clock, p. M..lullme 10 tnko tlio carson Iho L. at JJ. Railroad or Scranton or tlreat Ucni ihc same afternoon Leave. Nanlicoke on nrrivnllor L. tc II, Railroad cars Iron. Great llcnd and Scranton (ray one o'clock, P. M.) anrinrrhesal P.upeu early iho same evaiilngm lime to lak; the. Nlshl Esprcts both ways on l be C. 'W. It. El mini railroad. laissengers from the Wynm'ng IVallcy, for Tolls. V rife, Il.irrlebur g.'ltaltimote.Pntourg.snd n II other lolutj H1111I1 or West, will rind it to their alvantage tp'take'lho above Line, as itlslheoiily line tliatro... ticcts through, without .topping over night on the road. Passcn tiers from the South or IVasI. v lrnvlp tin.. rlsburg per aftcrnoan' train, via Dauphin and k-u.utie. hanna Railroad, and via Caltawisia Railroad, will meet the Packet niRuporl in time. n. n siace a Coach will bo run .llly',(8undavsex- cepled) between Wllkesbarie and Rupert, carrying the Lotted States Mall. Leaves Wilkes llarro at 2 o'clnck, A M.. nnd nr. rives at Rupert In timeto connect with IheMallTraina both ways. Lcavos Rupert nflcr the arrival of hnth Mai I Trains, (say 3 o'clock, P M.) and arrive, at Wllkei Uarro about midnight. ., E. F, WELLS, Proprietor Wllke.narrc, April 11 1S37. A MAP OF COLUMBIA AND MON TOUR COUNTIES. THEsuIiRcriber takes ptrnmro In informing theekl censof Columbia nnd Montour rountles, that ha intends pnblWiDifE a LJIHOE .7? OrAOJJlrJVT. MAP of the counties above mentioned, from actual measurements, by original rurveys throughout both counties. He also takes pleasure to stale that, to make tho survc)s, he.has engaged Mr. James Klly, rn'!.orr,tne morX corcpetent aiidetperleneerisurvryors inRheStato-Author oftho maps or PkllaitfpUaM'aih inton, Hickmond, Montgomery, tutV Union covntiej. Ac. riio stfrveya'will bi ronimciitcd ns foon nsn suhl Cint number or fopirs have .been eubsciibcd for, to warrant its publication. a he man wUl contain on actual xntvev f nil the public roafa with iheir'didtnnecs marked tlKrenn, Inn way that the diitancen brtwern any two places in tho counties can ca dy be obtained. Also, Hip lr eatlonof MtU9,jroteUt Chvrthcit School llcvsts, &tnilhfhop post C$eest WheeliertghtMt Foundries, Frnacegtrctoriet See , with the namt-M of all the rcertff holders, in their exact places throughout the counties. J'laiisof all the towns In tho counties, a large scne, will appear in the margin. 6 The plan of tho map will be plotted to a suitable scijlo.poas fo makn a large and ornamented man or not Ip than filly hy forty Inches, tQ be engraved In the ImmI style, hindsoincly colored, ana delivered lo subscribers only;nt $per ropy, pa ahln on dpliverv'. . A. J. CUMMING8,'ftiJ,Afr. qhiUquauc, May 10. IS57-tf BLOOM.SBUllG BOOK STOUJJ. SI THE unilcrIgncd .respectfully announces that he contl uuc the liloomhurg Book Store and Stationary hUtabUshmtnt, latfy ronilucted by herdecr-asd ,, uu... . mujur u ik,-ih n ,im ir various rironches, nt the old ttandin the Exchange Hul Idmgi. first door East of tho Exchanire Hold, aud huvlmr r.niftt.i..i 'her MlnblUIlTncril with a choice ntrfrk ol Jftw Bookg nnn ciauonory.unn i n prepare. i to accomiuodalo' all j.o niay gitu her a call in hcrjinc, ' ALSO Thfl Rf5tauranl Sdoo's, i n thlnrmf nt of the nbrvr eFlahlNhmnil , w II r rniilinucd as usual j y tho mil), tsenber, whero th t public can at nil time a bo minplirtt Wllhthf Choicest ItEVI'RaOFS ASD llrmESIIiltXTS, such ai .MlnraN.r'.ir3fipariHii, Hfnr, Ale. fee, BardJties, Hpicrdaiid Pirkh-d o terp. Pickled ClaiiH, ct!. CS"TIia public cttstom is rrspfcllully xohcited. CAltOLINH CI.ARIC, .HKMJor to Jests O, Ctatk, DIonnnhurcMay 2, 1657 Spring and ,Su3iiier GOODS. rSTIIE timlorsigiicd respcetfull) inform J their customers nnd tiio pub he generally, ihatthev Inn e)u-t received , it their new llrick Store House, lit Liyhldtreel,' a select assortment of la.liiouablu Spring and Summer Goods. dlrrclfron. tho Eastern cities, comprising all the vnrious selections to lie Inutid In Count ry Hlnres, t;nnitinz ot C!uth. Cnotiineres. lleliilns. Itrnri-. Eiilicucs.&c Toeltier wilii n.l kinds of 11 ress goods forlheladlis. AI.KO.-fJENTLr.MEN'S WEAR, OF ALMOST VUIIY H III1T A.Ml MTVI.l;. LAIIIEST.I.MAailKOSHAS,IIAWLE tc. rcrocerlps. Mnlisses, Hugars, Teas, Cnffep, Splees, anil in sliort.nverylliinginthuwny of Merchandize. ItEAIlY ,MAI)L OLOTII1NO, ol cvcrydcscriplion Cf Iron, HipcI, Vails, Sulky rtpringsic ir-Tli..nkful fur past patronage, it nil! bit neir .tuitions aim tn plcaso tiicil customers and tc give general satisfaction. II. W. Si W. N. CRE 8V Light Slrcet, April II, Jf57 C.V15INET WAltEHOOMS. fptlE uiiderimied rcFpeeifully invites ttio attention X of tho Public to his extern ivo assortment of Cain net Furiuturoaiid Chairs which he will warrant to bemad) of go1 nntiiiMnml In n i.orlimuliko mariner. Al his Establishment, canalways b? found agoodassort munt of FASHIONABLE FUKNITUltE, ?J2 Which Iset'ialiti style and lluiih to lhat of Phil ndclpjifaor New Yoik cities, una at as-low prices, itSoLl.e haj SOFAS, or diiTflrpnt itvlra mid nrirrn. rrnmi?"! S?5 to $00, Divans, Lountris : Wat. nut and Mahogany, PaHor chairs, Rocking nnd eaii chairs.Piana stool,anil a vani ty of uphoUtcrcd Work wlih Dressing nnd parlor bureaus, roia.card centre and picrtatiUs.deushus.chetU'iiicrs whatnots andcomon ilres.and allkindsuf fiihionable work. His stock'of burraus, enclosed and common wash standi, dresfc, tables, corner cupboards, sofas; break fait tables,' bed ste.ids, cane watund common chairs, Is the far. est in this sccjibr. iff ihe country, Hu- wilt also keep n good assortment ol looking glomes with fttney gilt and, com mon frames He will ulio furuisli spring mairejsrs fitted to any slzu of beadstead, which nre superior for durability aud come fort to any bed in inn. . , tHMUN C. SIIIVE, iiioomaoiirg nprn cm, itz Greenwood Seminary. AT Millvillo, Columbia Co., Pa. A SYSTEMATIC course of inn run ion is given in all tho English branches iisunMy taught The Principal will be u.si.tcd tluring thu'pre.eutyear by P.M. POTTS, an etperlcnce.l teacucr, recently from the Lanca.lcr county Normal Schorl A vacation of .even weeks will commence July lit, TERMS. Tuition, for day pupil., 1)3,50 to $1,30 per quarter. Hoarding, Tuition, Wa.lnng, Lights, 4c , $31) per quauernt eleven weeks. one,hjlfiii advance. For circular, catalogue, or other particulars, address . EUHGESS. Millville, April rrtnttpat. 1857. SPUING AND SUMML-R, G.EO. UULPIN & CO. IMPOItTKltS A.YD MA.YUF.1CTt!liKKS, '171 OHESNUT .STREET, Are now prepared; cilubit their New Styici FOR SPRING TRADE, INCLUIIING lllalark and colorrdSilk Mantillas Chantlv Lac Man Mactillas, French Laco Itlnnlil.n., Embroidered Silk Mantilla., Itngled Lace and Net Mantilla., Alourniug .11 nil i nor it,. ivri ,.i n i.nai, Kb.. Alio! which willbe.oirct.it.nl tits Lnur.t Price. GEO, UIILPIN K CO. 171 Chr.nul Sued, abuve71b, Plnla dtlna Marrh7th. 1857 NIW NO IMAt'lfPREI tit.l ttmtrilat IIAKTJtAN'B diploma awarded J?yls rvimylttm tints jlrtltvltvrtlteil'lt'"l f mOfiftMftf,f ttntiNM.mMfitrm.tnt CO., for Ikur Ctlctirolld t'tgtMIs VjtlT.B I UIVDIM IIUUBUH. ii " ' iim i is i 'i in I'l r t vuii zii i j axe y . Pvtrii un- til a. l onl ttnpw. I.lin i im-nat-. llih. (IrraP. t. n t " i ii . 1 f . " " ""'" rfiniaicT imuhut n.uFra, nnut'.f' V' JB". Illil"liminfl. HtDtrtrrr- Vlvnn, , 5ntoatU 'io apply for a , , .. 1 i? hAT CATTLE .,!" 'Mt'.i0.!?"!' ?"n ?',." ".w"' "ly , "'.'i,!' ViiL,ii ' t? ' " " r .' -l fv . A!' nelltr. III.,,!,. Vi. ..nr7n.;;.. uir :,lrt ..(, m,,", ,, , , : v, I , '. '"r'j, ?"ow Wmi1? M,llk' M0'"1 H"'"". l0,' ,f Ml'l, ...1 Pnn llnro I .hi E.V.V.1 Ulfrti'of : !,o rtoet.'ii;r.n?nV! j -1 i . . i. iuhu Direurrii No farmer .hould l,ewliht,i a .lnelo.lav I III. I.n t w. ". itii.er.n... U iieJmi,.,.vii,,i.ir.,.i net nmbrncatlon ' !i0,.r,y.tMk "''" uie world, it I. good for tho fni. tbiiu.andst.iratrif'rs, faimersnnd stage prcp'rlciors lo c,t,'ilV'UlL,il''flllklev..'onore.tto 1 till ClMtl'l V iVfrnr'aii ta r-inin rnb t I-." ' r" "'""WW 4 CAT'in.r. IIUAN'nODY. I Ppraln.itrulfes, RhcUiiiatlrm, Weak Joints, Cnntrancdtiiocwi, Proit liited,"!' r uuiiuurrii r ci'l , Pnavin, Hwreny, Galls orrvejykjind, Wlndgii'H LSnnd Cratku, LChnpped Hands I Sivrill.nf). ' l.ninciiePit.riirniiii. Tumours, Toothache, Pain In the Ergs, Pa Mil n the Hack. Pain In th" Shoulders, Nervous Pains, Chiblaiim. fiilennf Anlma's, BtliTJolnis," Scrairhei orGreae, I II IC K l.fgif, 1 Hard Tiliiiniirv. Ringbone, poll Evil, Crackfd lleela, it mi en Moor, Mange, Horn DlclontriA. And many other dlrnPr. BOmpletC and UUlVrrri.lt r.lnin.a-nl tuS irirnrn I it is ii snort, inn mot ever yet prcdnced. Zfeirar,? ff Count erf tits, ns both our valuable discover ui iiircaoycountrrreiteil hypoiious in diiTirent parts of the State Our powder has our wiilten si nature on earh botlle. Manufactured only by ... ., IIREINIU, FKONEFIEED & CO., No. 31? N. Third it , N. E. corner Th ird & Wood. Juno VO, 1837-tf Philadelphia. ALLEN & NEEDLES' SUPF.RPltOSPJtAfdOF LIME. .OAUTION. Bo particular to obscry.o I ' i " i,-,n, uuiaiutic ini our nsm audi taal of reus Ktett branded on the head. Till. Covllon ' , , r , . r'' ,l,rr0 0,8 so many articles or noubtrul va'.ua sold under the name of S;ur. fhotphats of Urns, as tu mislead those who are unacquainted nlth thcvalueofa ,' ' flENUINE ARTICLE. Trice $13 per ?0C0 lb.. (S) cents pr lb) A liberal decucllnn made lo dealers. Urdera f.ir this vat' ablo Urnliyr altcnded to promptly. Pamphlet, describing it, nnd the mo-tc of applyi-ig, cap be had gratu.lou.ly t our stores, or by mail when dr.ired.' It lias no superior as a Manure for WHEAT, RYE, CORN, OATS, nnd all other crops requiring n vigorous and LASTING FLRT1 Lt'.ER. proilncing notonly a henvlcr yield nfUrai. than Peru vian fiuano. hut slifitnlng tht straw to support th hlad. CRAda SEEU rarelv foils to take well nhere our riiorphate is applied to KArat land. , PACIFIC OCEAN CUA.NO-Wc haven small quan. lity flill in .tore. FISH MANURE A supply of this valuable article forsalo. Price ner 2000 lbs. til rrntt hr n. NO. t GOVERNMENT PEUU VIAN GUANO for .ale at the lower! rales. J IT-Tho lending Agricultural Journals and Nrwapa. pers are'rcgularly filed at our otlice for lhe use ot Far inera. f ' G0od3 ran ,be loaded al either front nf our Wnre hoitkesl Farmers are recomniendud to drive ta Water street nnd avoid Hie crowded Wharf. Ample facilities are ntTordcd in loading wagons and attending to the horses. ALLEN & NEEDLES. No. S3 South Wharves, .1 South Water st , riist store above Chestnut St., ?liilada. August I, ' .l3ni i . WM. S. SMITH & C.O., Produce Factors anp ' OE.YF.n4t COMMISSION ftFJlCHWTS, No. 00 North Wharves: FHILAnEI.r-IIIA. TheMaiket value ot all consignment advanced in Mnrchll, I834.-Iy S. L. Pancoast &, Co. COMMISSION MEROITANTS, AND DEALERS' IN FISH, PROVISIONS, SALT, 17-Norlh Wharves, Philadelphia. .Jr. 1,'IKS'r AltltlVAL O la SPMMG & SUMMER sales m mess's WE have nowrceoivinp our Spring and Hummer fiom'r, by Railmal atuurnew .laml, on the corner ol Alain anil Market ctrccl.. The stock coiuprieesa lull assortmentof Dry Goods, Groceries, Ilatdtcarc, Queen ware, Ceilar.tcare, Ilollow-lcarc, I rugs, FMi, Coal, Plaster, lron,,:MalU, Cools, t-hors, Hals, Cdps, &.c &.C ALSO-UEADV MADE CLOTHING, andln fact everynamcnblc article usually kentlna rrtililry fiiore Couiitryproduret.ikcn in nxchangr rnrgnmls II. O. & I. W. IIARTMAN- Uloomsbiirg, Marth"l. 1857. Tfiflli CWKXp BOOK S I'OllB, ' Corner ol 'sill & Arch Slrecl, Philadelphia . Henderson &, Co., BOOKSF.LLF.HS JlftD VVBUSIlr.nS. TN.VITE tho attention of all Persons Visi ting Philadi-lr-hi.1. whether on Rusinesanr nliniure tu their Enlraordiniry Collcclionof Uuoka uponall sub, Jccts, liaiiMuiii'ri., .ounir .'eater-, icnrurrs, . nunc anil rivatu Librariessupplied 'with Uooks &c Stationary at lowest rates. U. 1;. HENDLIiSUiV CO.. March", 1857. Ciut. ItOSENDALE CEMEJST. PERHOVH wishing Rnsendatp Cement can find it by calhiigouthesubscribernt Rupert Pn. ' J II. HAtUIAN, April II, J857. NOTIQj: TO IEUCIIANTS fJIKESt JIAKF.SU RAKES til THE urdersigucd take pleasure In announcing 10 Merchant that thev are manufacturm? a unirior article ol UAKHrt at their Niw Factory rn Fikhmg Creek, nouiu wriiiigBviur, uiinnuiti ruiimy, Mer chants wishing to purchase good Rakcit can have them nlllie factory, or if U fired wecar. forward them to Hio.iineb'irg, n H.C.rhive, whew thoy cuti gel ihem. or we ran forward them to thoittitores thai aro nut too miiiu out oi our way. All orders should h nddressrj to Samuel Shivc, Peiiteis P.O., Columbia county, Pa. BllIVU & UE1T3. April 13. I337-Im FlllSIlSlUTII AIIKUTlll.'llb. WHOLESALE Five doorsbclow Race, PllILADEI.rHI A Janrurav 10,1835., HOUSE LINIMENT AND CATTLE POWDERS. IOR salo at tho oflico of tho Culumhia ' nemocrai. 1 -ALUO- I)end.,niaak.,Butinncry,MarrlageCilificatcs, A.C 4tc, etc. -. RUNICBl TRUNKS It THE LARGEST. BEST handsomckt and cheapest a.r aorlment ot Sola Lcalhe Pii'nl Riveted TRJIfF.UKa TIIV.VKS, VALISE TRUNKS. tfidits' ,( Dress 7Vl, IMIlf.llRP.VM I't.APIIl'.M Propellers, Leather and Carpet Uags, Tacking Trunks, aic., Steal . .THOMAS W. MATTSON'S. Celebrated London Trite Medal, Improved Sleel Spting, Solid Sole Leather Trusk Manufeclory, -NO. 400 MARKET f TIIEET. South we.t corner Fourth and Market, Thliadelpbia. A'lKU.t 8, lS57-lf WALL PAPER I WyVLL PAPER! WEhaveJii.l rrralved.hy railroad, a .plcndid a snltiuenlor WALL PATEll, wlich we Intend to. slim I'hi'..'lelrbiapji(ci a nlfecc Call and res ftom !ce.iiitoJ7c.nti II C k I I i i lev tt IIARTMAN mrvam cin iiTnm I I 1 I l I j l" I I J X. - KJ JL. KJ J I V JL JL JL Oago of Mrs. Cunningham. T , . . , . il a , , i t . f ler counsel - ubiiinciiani 10 in Itrit CCltiorari " I -c!"ran. . . , Tho Lato Etoctions. Tn MISSOURI the Domocr.ts enrrjr tho tliatrSct mado vapant by'tho olo.tion of James S. Orccn to tho U.S. Scnato. NOR'Tn OAR. to democratic) , -- . T . mtA it.. i . . iu "V w Joinocrtus gam larseiv upon last fall's election. " I A I A1JAM A sends a slid demeornltn I. , Dvmaa s "J "mqcratio ilnlAnn inn tn Vmm e-. T i (.. ,ut,.v6nU.v Mwiilfl-OO. J4Sb OUBrCiSI slio had two opposition member. TIwso elections ecoure a democratic mi- jori.lv in .tjio perftfjventurc. 30 h Congrcsa beyond a TO THOSE 1VII0 irAST FAIIMg. a vaxim mrmx the jiracu of WF.Hr max tyUW RIDGWAY FARM COMPANY t..t, made ar J rangemeits by which all wbodesiru to settle or nurrtucc n home can do no. 1 1,0 riim. inn...l C .k- I.- - . .... mOBl HI lid lOr IUaIitV for rirmtnrr. in a ,anl.'l. provJig i lace. Into w hicli an extensive emigration ' l,ow inu'lnj. Tho property is located In Elk vuuM.j, t i.iinsj'ivaui.i, in uie 11)1111 oi a iiinrirvfl popul-ition of some lO.OfH). The.cllmate it pirfey hejlih y, a' d the terrUilejilasue of i;i west fcyei. hi ur.known, 1 1 nlo Ins au abundnnrc or the betl nua lity of Con) and Iron. 'J be jnc 4i buy It out is rinirj SI lo $10 peracrc, payable' by inula Intents, lo be lo catedat Lc timo of,r)urchasing.,iir a ih.tie ofS.f acre entitling1 to locate' ibe Mine lor ZW payable $d pet month, or F2cres payable 91 per mnnili. Dmconnt forevery sum or $l00and under paid In advance, n disrount of .1 percent, will he allowed, hnd for over 8100 ,i discount ol 10 per rent. In considering 1 1 advantages of emigrating to llil" locality the following are presented r v.i a itr in is n ricu inneiionu, viipnuie oi rais "l the Jienvlerl erops, owing to which tills sctllj. r vii i oii ii n rtcu itmvsionc, eapauia oi rats men I has attained Its n resent creat orosoerltv. fcfffnd Ii 1$' ihe centre of thegrwil North Yest foal Ita sin, ant is destined soon ;o "cronfeone ofth greatest buslucss pluct in tho titulo. ,lt will supply the great Laku nurkut, (according to population ahd travel the gr'nlesl in the Union ) It has five work obis veins oftho best tliluminous Coal, amounting in tha aggregate to over 2i feetv,hirh makes V3,t00 tons of coal tinder each acre. Ibis will make the l.i nd of Inestimable value. The eminent sute ctologlst, Dr. Charles T. Jack an i of IJoston, lm made ageolo.ical suivey of 'lbs Ifirfid, nnd"anayzed the coal, thn Iron ore, and the limestone.' This report, together with maps, wfH.be furniihed to i6qolrcrsV ' ' M Three rallrotiis are Hid out iKrough ihta property. The riu nbury and Erie Railroad give u a mnVktt for our coal to the lakes It runs from Erie to Philadel phia. A targe pari of this road has been finishe. and Is now i n ruunlng rrdcr. A heavy force is now working from Erie towards our laud in tho weste ri direction, the mt am for tie completion or which Imp been raised it wilt soon belinisliPd. The Alleghany Va:t,v Railroad connect us with New York, Uostorj and Pittjburg. The Venango.Rontl connects us with the West. ii There are already good Turnpike Itoads running through this prnpprty, various ihtr road, have Mrn opened lo accommodate 'he rmigraiii u aid tittlj ment which has a' ready taken piaie. There Is no opportunity equal to it nrw offered tn tht man who wants lo provide himrelf a home in an easy way, aud nrake n nettlement w here he can livo In proincrlty and independence la. a climate PER FECTLY HEALTHY. No cose ot tho fever ever h ,vlng teen known to nrur In this settlement. It i ifol Jlke going o,the back wood of tha Wcst.'amo'ng perhsps intolerant people, where there is io nociety.cpurchesorrchools, where the price of land Is high, and wh-re the enVi grant, 'after belnj tied to the JipMlhirsi climate in the woild, hhs lo end iro Fickuers and pain, and per haps ruins his health nnd that of his family. Rut hero Is a thriving st tt'emcrt having three towns, contain ing churches, schools, hotels, storey, taw mil Is , grist in His, and ever v thing desired. There is a cash mir ket at band. 'The lumber trade last v-ar amounted 'to over two hundred million feet of lumber. Iu n short lime, owing to ihJ coal.it wilt hiome.siUl mo:c valuable, as a number of iron works and manri factories will soon be started ; they are si pretaqt startinglhem extensively o t Wairen. Lvenforthoso who do not wish to go there, the payments are ruch that they can easily buy a farm to save their rising families ftom want in the future, or to fain a compe. tpnee by the rlsr which will take pi ice In the vafuo of lands. Hy in outlay scarcely misled," substan tlal provision can ho made. Persons sheiild make early fippjicalloi, r-rj y or writ to E. JEFrCRIES. Hecietaryv No 133 Walnut street, beW Fifth, PMladelphia 'letters, carefully jinswerrd, giving full informJition. Shares or tracts or land can b bought or n"eiired y Irtter rnrloilng Iho flrnt InsiAlmcntof five dollars, when, the subscriber will be furnifhwl witl books, maps. &c. Warranted Deed given. Tetsons can also purchase from our Agents. Ilnuto Irom Philadu'phia loTyroneon the Pennsyl vania Central Railroad, ami thence ly unge to iho land. This is a delightful season t (visit St. Mary s -tho bcsl hotel accommodation t nfr.irdid Enquire forE.C Shultz, Esq., the Agt-ril lor the properly ut St. Mary's. June 0, lPw7-3m DBNTIS T tt t " SUUGEON DENTIST, I1I.OOMSIIUIUI, COLUMBIA CO., Roiidsnce, first Crick building below llarlman's itorr on Main Street. UESPECITUEEY offors hli prore-slortal scrvlrea to the ladles and guitleuun r Rloomsbuig and vicinity He is prepaicd n attend t n I Um various operations in-Dcntutry, and Ii piuvided with thu la tent Improved . Force lam Teeth, Which will be iniericdon pivot or gold plaie.to look nn well os tho natural. M . rr-r A ittiMrinr orticic ni luui'i wii'i". ...... hi..,l 1 Jun June J?, Ic57. Nov. 15, 5:i. A KETIRED PHYSICIAN, YEARS OF AGE. having lo.t 111. father, two ; brothers, oauihter. son in law, niphews anrl nieces, r,v that dreaiirul duense, Coa.tWFriox, ar.d int. firing with n Cough hini.cir, dcterniiii-d to visit ihe East Indies, Egvpt and Japan, where ho discoverer! a unrrallnand rfl for Colds, Coughs, Uronchltls. CYuwumiULn, Nervous Dt billty and Asllim.l II is couth was cured immediately, he returned, rured his "fa. Hrrs. who Inherited the disease and in connect on wlih 1.1. .on have employ ;d it in i their practice. .Hiring thuisands of cases considered hopeless by others. For Die purpose of resruing ai many of Ins sutTerrng fellow. being, ns pon.ible. he ii lending the Rrdpe. In all who wish It for ten cent, j 3 of it.to p.y thepoU ase.andthebalancejlinting. ..i,.-.,, Addres. ' fR HEATH, 101 Ppiini it.,oproslle.St Mcholas llmel, June 13, loS7. New uik. NOTICE. ATOTICEis hereby given thitnn appiicitlon willba 1 mide ntlhe next session nl tho LegUlaturc of Pennsylvania, for the Incorpora.ioii r Hank, with the usual privilege, to be called 1 he lllmm.hu.rg Han k," Willi a capital of two hundred thousand Hol lars , nnd to be located In ihe Uwn Uloomi burg, Columbia county Pa. WM. SVYDER, I E, MENDENI1.VLL B.C. SIIIVE, A. J. tSVANtf . EPHRMMP.'LLTZ, I .l.W IIARTMAN. A. (J. MRN'CII. J- RAVSEV. JACOI1 EVER. I A. J.SLOSN. PETER HtLLMEYFR, I R. It, Alt I'llUIL ELIAB IHCTERICK, I JVM RUU1SON. IIWMaio, Junoi7, IPJ7, SPUING AND SUMMER ' GOODS yOIl 1S57. THE subscriber rcspectfullv informs his cu.tninersnndthe public generally, lhai he hi. rcceivwla full.lock of cliolco Spring atjd Suajip cr Goods. comprl.tng a full a.sorlnieVt' of CloHri'I Ca. aimer.. Satiiirlls, Delaine, llrlizicrs Caiieoca. ate., toglhar Ith a gn-at variety of other articles u.ually keptin Country Blare.. . , ... . ALSO -Hardware. Cullcry, Qneen.wnre Bait, Fi.h. Motilasio.. Iron, Steel, Hats, Cops, llnon.Shoc.. A.C. try Country produce, including Grain, Lumber, Stc , ljiken. nerchange for good. - U IUJU.IUIIUI l.l,,llHUl.iV l,u a coalu lance of the aauie. THOMAS E. EVES. Mill ville.MathSi. IM7-y. NKW DRUG STORE. EXCHANGE U LOU K. M A I N ",BT R E E.T. Dloomsburg. THE undcr.igncu would r'e.pect fully In for mlil.fr ler.rt ni,,l th niit.hr .ensrslli'. lhat 'he has mrchnsrd.Ur Vficci t's llrugand Chemical Store, and just n turned trow iiieeily w.tn n large nnu seioci sncKci;en.i..i,fl n Fresh and lhire Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals. ground and whnlt Spites, Taints, Oils, Varnishes, U,e Bluffs. Window Glass. if allsiies. togctl.eiwith a complete assortment of Paint, Tooth anil Shaving Uiuibe., Tobacco, Began, raociSoafi.Sbav. IngCreaai. T Pure Winrt" and Brandies. ForMedleinjIu.e.Engliih.rrcnelinnd American Ter rupiery i in,.hort.evtiyarlicltke'ptby Duriit f en irTPrescription.carefun)Coiiirotin.M N H-'Fhe burst Paorwiiot. mil l, conllnuedgs usual In Bioopatbi.tg an.l , Ifht Street Al.y :i full assort meat nt tli. Iat.il H) lo Ktyi. ,0'"",lr GEO M 3ACENBUC1J Butu'h i r-brtary I If 17
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers