(Ml'MMA DEMOCRAT. LBVI t. TATU, EDITOR. BLOOMSBUUGi Aug. 15, 1857 DEMOCRATIC STATE sbjHXATIOAS. for aovEnNon. GEN. WILLIAM P. PACKER, Of Lycoming Comity, FOR CANAL COMMISSIONl.il, Han. NIMROD STRICKLAND, Of Chester county. FOR JVVOEi OF TUB SUPREME COURT. HON. WILLIAM STRONG, Of Berks County. HON. JAMES THOMPSON, Of Erie County. September Court. Money Tho regular term of Court will com of Court will mence in this place on Monday, tho 7th of September. It will afford many of our subscribers an appo tunity to pay up their iubstriptions for their paper. 'J'hcro is nothing wo disliko moro than this inodo of dunn'mg it is unpleasant, exceedingly so, to a laro number of our patrons who piy up punctua'ly ; but wo havo a largo num ber on our list who havo trespassed oa our pUicnco and picket very much by allow ing their bills to remain unsettled for two, three, .four and fivo years, and somo even more, and .havo repeated promised when called upon. MOKE ABOUT THE COXYENTIOJf. JJrother Massct, of tho Sunbury Amer ican, in speaking of tho lato Editorial Con vention, ironically says : "Friend Tatb, of tho Columbia Demo crat, by virtuo of his years venerable ap pearance and superior Democracy, was cal led on to preside." TVe are somewhat at a loss to give friend Masser's languago the proper construction. Only 47 summers havo passed over our head, nor havo they implanted oco gray hair, in support of tho "venerable," and al though, with Mr. M., wo bcliovo, wo have some claim to "superior Democracy," it certainly was not on that account that we were thus promoted, as it was composed of a large majority of tho opposition. It nust havo been owing to our good looks, and generous disposition. Either will suffice. X7e warp pleased with our brethren of tho Press, and the proceedings of the Con rcniiun, and will cordially abide its action. Tlio Press, Tho Press, .the new daily paper publish ed at No. 417 Chestnut Street, Philadel phia, by Col. John W. Forney, has been .received regularly on 'our lablo for several fUys; and wo havo road Its able editorials and interesting correspondence, and very judicium selections with great pleasure and profit. Tho ability and experience of Col. Forney are on all ands freoly acknowledged, and he is amply sustaining hL great reputation as a sound and caustic political writer. The democratic party wih feel tho weight of bis pen in tho in creased vote tho election will show for Gen. Paoker, and the opposition will feci it sensibly during tho Campaign, by the powerful blows bo will doal them ; for "beneath tho rulo of men entirely great, -the pen -is raigbtier-tuan tho sword." Tho mechanical execution of the 'Press,' -would delight tho eye of a printer; the jrint, papfr and type, making a sheet superior in appearance to any in the State. Republicanism Begging. JDuvid Wilm it, the Black Republican candidate for Governor, is out in a most imploring letter to tho Know-Nothings,bog. gini for their support. Ho puts himself "square" on the proscriptivo platform. Ho 11 for having all offices held by "A- mericans" in other words, ho ,wants "A medians to rule America." Ho thinks that Geiraan and Irish .Mechanics ought not to be 'allowed to compote with .native born workmen, Negroes born on tbo soil tro natives, and acoordingio bis doctrine, sh'uld have tho preference over white wen who happen to havo lecn born on the other side of tho Atlantic, To such de gradatio has Slack Republicanism sunk Let tho German and Irish population o -Pennsylvania, remember this when they .sua allied to vote for WiImoL Bedford Qazotto. Gen. Geo. W. Uowman, has retired from Hha'TJjdford GaeetSe." Hois succeeded by Messrs; Myers J- Denfcrd. ThoCaz ette, under-Gen. Bowman's administration has been an able tnd-cfTicient advocato of democratic principles, and .we trust it may so continuo under tho new arrangement. Sullivan County Demamtic Conven tion. Tho Sullivan County Convention met in Liporto, on tho 4th inst. Uol James Dcegan, presiding and unanimously nominated George D. Jackson, Esq., for tho Legislature, subject to tho action of thri conferees -of Columbia, Montour acd Wyoming, $rj The Canal Dapartcicnt of the Pennsylvania-Railroad, Company has been placed under tho chargo of W. U J'Wer, Jr., Vice President, as General Superin tendent. T. H, Dupuy, Ksrj., Engineer, and D. L. Milebell, Ksrj., 'Secret iry and Auditor. Proceedings of tho Editorial Convention. HivmiTd A.i,.i. a. 1 flf.7. An loforunnlUog of Jo onvcntion of Editors mot in Coxs Hall, Danville, to- tUy,al 11 o'clock. Tlio following members of tho corps oditorlal were present i ! i corps editorial were present : O, N. W0RDI5N. Lcwlahiircraresirfs. I. . II. DAY'S, oMherottstown Ledger, B II.RAUCII.ManehOllunk Osteite. 0 K.(:lllCIIF.3Tr.U,rillln.t,r:rrl U I.. TATE, nioomiburg DtmKrtl . VALENTINE DEBT. Danville UttlUgnetr. ClIAtlLF.S COOK, Danville J7iirf. d, it, ii. nrtownti, nnvlito.jmic. II. D. MABSEK.Sunbury jlmtrtci. JOHN Y0UN0MAN,8iinbut Oaultl. RICHARD EDWARDS, TotUUMc air. (WrUb,) T.O rilc'E Mlnorsvl1l.iTdceMfc. J ll.rULESTON.rillilonOoMO. W. r.MINErt. Wllkesbntre 71e. I..F. IRWIN, lPrwick audit. R. W. WEAVER, lllooroibur i iur. PALEMON IOIIN, niooiosbacg !.vMKJn. JACOB in I UK, ot the .Wlo.U O. I,.l. PAINTEll, njuney l.umlnir,. y.A nAKBR, Jersey Shore J!rjMu. JAMUS JOHGB, Jersey Phorc ftiitit. 0. E. Chichester, Pennsylvania Enqui rer, Phila. was, on mctinn, admitted to participate in tho proceedings of tho Con vention. On motion, VV. P. Kincr, Esq,, was called to ttic (Jbair and h. 11. JJavi3 ap pointed Secretary, Tho followinc cvimiuiitccs wero then appointed : On Organization, E. If. Rauch, D. II. B. Rrowcr, Thos. Q. Price. On Business,' R. W. Wqavor. J. Henry rulcston, V. Best, 0. N. Wordcn, F. A. Baker. On motion it was ajrcod, that the meet- ng bo held in Cox's Hall this altcruoon at 2 o'clock. Afikrnoon Session. In pursuance with tbo abovo, tho Convention met at Cox's IlaJ!, at two o'clock. Tho Commit tee on Organisation reported tho following ist of permanent officers : President LEVI.L. TATE. J'ice Presidents Valentine IIest, G, It. I. Painter, 0. N. Worden and L. II. Davis. Secretaries JA Henry JTiilcslon, Jao. Youngman. Mr. Rauoli stated that the editor of the Carbon Democrat was unable to bo pros- cnt, but had signified his determination to acquiesce in tho proceedings of tho Con vention. James Jones, of tho Jersey Shore Vedette, made similar statements on behalf of Editors of tho Wcllsboro' Agitator and tho Lycoming Gazette. Mr. Davis excused tbo Editorof the Weekly Phar.nix. Several other Editors sent in excuses for non at tendance, .and expressed their readiness to carry out tbo Resolutions of tho Convention. The Secretary road tho call for the Convention, and tho Committee .oa busi ness reported a serios of Resolutions which wero acted upon separately. Resolved, That wo. organizo tho KEY STONE EDITORIAL UNION, which shall meet annually at such a timo and place as tins tJonventmn may decide. ticsotved, That we earnestly recommend all publishers of newspapers in tho State, that from and after tho first day of Janu ary next, -they send no paper out .pn i.-rcdtt. Various subjects of importance wero then discussed. The Chair appointed j.iaucu, uook ana Jones a committee on Resolutions, nnd it was resolved that Messrs. Miner and Davis be ad,dcd to tho business committee and report further business for tho consideration of the Con vention. Tho Convention then adjourned -to meet -at 7 J o'clock, P. M. JS.veninq Session. Tho Convention assembled in pursuance of adjournment tho President in the Chair. T he Committco on Business submitted a variety of important subjects for the action of tho Convention, which wero re ceived and duly considered. It was Resolved, That members of this .Associa tion will have no dcaliucs.with anv adverti sing agent .who .will .not promptly settle in iuu uis accounts at, me eua ot every 1! , . .. . . quaripr, ior an advertisements tent within tbat timo. Rt solved, That aDy advertising agent failing to comply witlfihe foregoing rcso- JUllUu, ,u.u uu puuiNMuju as ucing uu longer ..1. .11 t 1.1:-1 i 1 , JifwW.TJiat.wedeom.Uimnracticablo for editors .in different localities distant from each other, to form a uniform scale of priccs.andthat wo, thcrcforo, recommend mat it tie mauo a matter or local arraDgo nientsmongstedit"rs,govcming themselves, aocording to circumstances, and in.no case deviating from tho terras of advertising as set forth in their respective Journals, The Committee on Kcsolutions reported tho following, which were unanimously adopted by-tho Convention. Resolved, That-bdlicvinc mutual confi dence and co-operation necessary to .secure any practical benefit to tho editorial pro fession, we pledge ourselves touso our best efforts, both individually and collectively, to cultivate that spirit, Resolved, 'I hat tho publication of per sonalities reflecting upon tho private char acter of a brother editor or any other individual, is derogatory to tho editorial profession, and should not bo countenanced. Jltsojvcd., 'I.'liat it is a violation of that .courtesy, which should ever characterize tbo editorial fraternity, to employ appren tices who havo not 'served out their full term with their employer, unless by mutual agreement, -and wo pledgo ourselves to discourage its continuance Resolved, 'lliat wo will not-tako appren tices hcroafter for a ehorter pariod than four ycirs. Resolved, That wo plcdco ourselves to 1...I 11 ..1 i- .. - . V . - .... vaviuu u u uuvcriisiug matter ot an luacu- cato nature. Jlciolvea- n&l all general Laws passod by the Legislature, should, in tho opinion of, the Convention, bo published antt laid beforo tho noonlo as fullv as nossihln. immediately after the eloio of the sessions ( during which they were enacted, ami tint tlio chonjiQ3t nml only ruicccssful tnoilo of accomplishing Una would bo hy tlio pnssngo of nn net providing for tho publication of all such laws in every newspaper published in tho Stato. at ft cost or, oac-iialt the .ilcaolution bo forwarded to tlio Speakers of both Houses properly authenticated by the officers of this Association, llcsolvta, 'iiiat a copy of theso proceed ings bo forwarded to every newspapor published lu tbo interior of l'onnsylvauia. Resolved, That tlio thanks of this Coil. voDtion bo' hfiroby tendered to uur brethren, and tho citizens of Danvillo Generally, for ithousoof this Hall, and their courtesy nnd kindness during tho scssiuns of this Convention. 0. N. Wortlcn, Esq,, rf tho I.pjvisburg Chronicle, delivered nn able address on "tho oldest printer on record," after which it RcsolvcdfT Ijat Mr. Wordcn bo requested to furbish a copy of bis address for publication with tho proceedings of this Convention. On motion, Dr. J. Henry l'ulcston,of tho Pittston Gazette, was appointed correspon ding Secretary. Hero it was urged that ovory niombcr of tho Convention and Editors generally bo requested to Communieato with tiio I Corresponding Secretary on all matters I relating to tho interest of the Association, or 1 of any member thoroof. I Tho firm of Lambert k Co,, advertising Agents of Philadelphia, was recommended to tho favorablo consideration of this Association by several mcmbors. Rttolved, That tho thanks of this meeting bo tendered to Col. Tate, tho President of this Uonvcation, ior tho gentlemanly and courteous manner in which ho has presided; and also, to Dr. J. Henry Puhsloil for tho careful and accurato manner in which ho has performed the duties of Secretary. Tho President and Secretary replied in appropriate terms, and expressed their feelings of gratltudo for tho honor conferred upon them. It was then Resolved That tho Convention now adjourn to meet in Pottsvillc, tho first Tuesday of May, A. D, 1853, at two o'clock P. AJ. Tho vcncrablo Col, Best, on account of indisposition, was unable to tako bis scat in tho Convention, but to manifest nis Interest in tbo nutter ho hoisted tho American Flag from his window, and during tho latter part of tho evening session ho presented himself, much to tho satisfaction of all presont, and cordially invited all to repair to Lis rosidonco, -where a sumptuous repast was spread for tho occasion. . Interesting Correspondence. OSH. PACKER TO TOS DBMOCRATIC BTJtfg COMMITTKB. Villiamspout, July 18, J857. Hon. 0. It. Uuokaiew, Chairman of State CompiUlce: Deau Sib : I have received thojjncloscd lottor from an opposiog candidato for the gubernatorial office, and inasmuch as it proposes a plan for tho conduct of tho campaign which his never before been practised in Pennsylvania, and as tho success of oilier candidates besides myself i3 involved in Abo election, I havo thought it my duty to submit the communication to tho j'udgtnont of tho Stato committee representing tbo democratio party. If it is thought to bo a proper modo of conducting the canvass, I shall cheerfully acccdo to the proposition. Respectfully yours, WM, V. PACKER. REPLY OP TUB crUIEMAM OP TUB STATB COMMITTEE. PniLADELrnfA, July 25, 1857. Hon. Wm. F. Packeb : Dear Sib. I havo laid.tcfore tho Stato Committee tho letter Bigncd I). Wilmot, dated tho 14th instant, and am auihorized to say to you ithatiin ,tho opinion of tho Committee you ought .not to accedo to tho proposition lit contains. Tho .reasons for this opinion I will proceed hricfly to stato Tho Slavery question, which itis probable, your opponent .proposes to difcussj has very recently been thoroughly considered and passed upon by tho peoplo of this Commonwealth. Tlio lato l'msiilnnlinl . canvass involved tho whole subject so far as uwa3 P!1" ,or o"siuorauon uy our VaVloi and we can pcrccivo no utility in 1 iti rc-ducussion at tb'n time,. nor any other good reason 1ar rc-opening debato upon it. Tbo position of our party, is well understood and requires no vindication, at least by any extraordinary proceeding liko that proposed. A joint canvass by candidates for tho gubernatorial oflico.has novcr been conduo teu in.inis otato, nor, l ociievo, in any other northern one, and may well bo qucs lioncd on grounds of publio policy. If ib pwctico bo onco adopted, it will doubtless continue, and party nominations bo uni formly mado wi h rofcrenco to .it., No party will vonturo to.soloct a candidato for this offico -who is not qualified for thq stump ; and npiitude for debato will henco become to bo preferred to administrativ ability. In short, tho result will bo to ennfino nominations to the class of talkers. and to oxthido all others. A rulo of party action which would prevent such men as Uonj. Franklin, Simon Snyder and ITranois R. Shunk from filllnc tho Kxocu tivo chair of this State, must" bo a bad ono, and to-bo denounced rather than adopted Wo bcliovo there is a oonsidorablo publio opinion against tho propriety of executive oardidAtes appearing at all before popuh meetings to sqlioit vo I ...; i i Wln w T Pr(l0'1C0(l 1 ' J tcs. This wai first Johnston in 18 13, and has boon to somo extent folio wed by caudi datescinco. The good results ofit arc not obvioui. It ditt not originate with the domoeratlo party, nor has It over received i any formal popular or party sanction. It may thcrcforo Jbo considered an open ques tion in futuro practico, and at all ovoiits as forming popartof tho duty of a candidato impjsod upon him by bis nomination Whilo your opponent holds tho offico of President Judge, there is a special objection to tho acceptanco of his project. Tho pro priety of law Judges taking part in political meetings is denied by our party, and is . .,i,i: :.,:, ii ., l . .' .' ,. . act wiiaiover ought wo to sanction or uo- oomo nartic nants in a nrost tut on of tbo judicial character. Nor wjl, a resignation now nindc, altogctbor rcmovo this objection. Your opponent has intentionally hold his oCloa until within threo months of tho 'election, (rendering it impossible to elect n successor tho present year,) and jf a resig nation should now tako place, it would obviously bo with tho intention of resuming tho officoaftor a dcfc.V, for the post to which J ho aspires. Tho proposed modo of conducting cam paigns may possibly bo suited to somo of tho southern and routhwestern States, wlioro it has been practiced, and wh'ro population and political conditions differ Irom ours; but its introduction hero would bo against solid .objections, and without any concoivablo good. It is, therefore, a pro posed "southern agRrosjion" unm tho practices and policy of parties in Pcnnsjl- van'm which cannot bp at all accepted or promiUcd. It is well that this question has arisen when we havo a candidato capable and fit I tor any uisous3ion uctorc tlio people and when tho decision can bo placed, witbo'it embarrassment, upon tho public grounds which control it, I am, very respectfully,' Your obediont servant, 0. It. BUCKAIiEW. 4EK ERAL PACKER 70.JVD0B WlLMoT. WiLLiAMsroriT, July 27, 1857. Hon. D. Wilmot : Dear Shi Your letter of tho M h insttnt was duly received : and as it pro posed a plan for conducting tho guberna- torial rnmmirrn wliioli lioil norrr li!llirrtn ronai campaign wiucn nau never imuorto been adopted in Pennsylvania, and as tho interests of other cjndidatcs were involved , , t in mo result, x utu not icoi at nucriv to , ' " l ncccuo to your proposition wiitiout iirst consulting the State Committee to which tho democratic convention has on its part specially confided tho control and manage ment of the canvass, You will rocoivo herewith n copy of my letter to the Committee, as also my reply, by wbtob you will perceive tjU.t your suggestion docs not meet their approval, and that, for reasons stated .at length, I ought .not t.p nrccdo to your proposition. It is thcrcforo respectfully declined. I am, yours, -truly. W.U. P. PACKED. Groat Feat in Mowing, iUANNY'S MACHINE. Mr. David Eilenbcrger, according to tho Certificates bolow, attested by excel lent names, certainly performed a oreat feat laH.wock with .tho .Mowing Mnchino. To mow 5 acres of grass .in 4J hours, in good and workyati'likc-niauucr, is cer tainly going it "with a rush." We direct attention to 'the subjoined certificates; This is to ccrtifiy, that D. Eilenbirgcr, mowed live acres and a half of Crass, in fJur hours and a half, with Manny's Mow ing Machine, which Crass would averago two tons to tuo acre. Signed J. W. Ilondcrshot. I examined said .work nnd find it well done as good as if .it ,had been mowed with a Scytho. Signed H. J. Hcndcr&liot. Blooiasburg, August 7, 1857. Colonel Fremont. Colonel Fremont sailed for California in tho Illinois last Wednesday. Ho goes out to look after his business in that Stat, Tho recent decision in relation lo tho richt of tho Mcrcod Mining Company to qyntinuo their operations on tho liarip sa Tract, renders it very doubtful wlulher Colonel Fremont is ever to rcUizo much from his Cult form an possessions. It is said that a brother of Mayor Wood, has purchased a sharo in the Mariposa Claim. V3T Hon. John C. Iircokinridgo, Vioo Frcsiilcnt of tbo United States, is now in Washington city, in good health, and of courso highly graliGcd that hia own Kon tucky porfortucd her duty so uohly on Mouday last. Nort.lx Branch Canal Coi.LECTon's Otfice, Hkach Haven, AugustO, 185T Gaj.. Tatd : Tlio rocointa of Canal Tolls, at this office, aro as follows : r Previously-reported,. .-. SG0,81G 15 July , U7,108 71 Total,. B7,071 80 llospcctfully yours, John 8. Folljiku, Collector. COKItECTIU) WEEKLY AT nARTMAN's STOKE Wheat.. .... 82 00 llyo ,. .1 00 Corn rr.00 Gate... i.. ,....50 Uuokwlicat 75 WhitoHcaiis...l,75 Uuttor SO Eggs-"- 1 Tallow ,,.M Lard... 15 I'otatooS 75 Dried Atiplou.a 00 Hour S2 00 I Wheat $1 70 Kyo ..... ... 05 Corn 83 One . ,40 1 Com Moil 100 TVJ... (ft Ntt'tittf' miMlf CS VtU UUVlUSlllMUSU S I'll AYED Oil STOLEN. Disappeared from tho f tnblo fij of the subscriber, In Illoonishurg, UlBat on Tucsuaynigm.ino sin in Main, a Light Bay Mare, Vlt.h n bleczo In lierfuce, whllo on 4 her hind fret nmt ono llilek onrla with a black alrctk on her hack. A lihernl rewnrd will he rnM for her recorcry or for the Inrormationorher wherc&bnuti, WATKINPRICp. Illoomtburf. Auj. IS, 18J7.- " T E S T R A Y. iiOAMb to tho residence of subscriber in m nnt our town. '"'l' - 0,1 """('r me sttnnit A Light-Bay Marc, About 151 hnnita hlfth, with n wbltc face nnd two lilnil leaa'nhilc, wllh marks of llihcbone on the kit hliifl foot. C? The owner Ii reqtieatctl loeoiiio forward, prove property, payeharitoand tkoheravny oratie KKomrawny oranewui do W. nlTTEKBCND ER. nuporea or arcormng jo i Montour twp.. Aug, IS, 1837. 3 ADMIN I3TKAT0IVS NOTICE. Estate of Gideon Yorhst dccUl. T ETTEUS of Administration on tho ntato ttf.CJldcon YorkiJ.ite of Jack ion township, Columbia county, deccnacd, IinTC tctt irnittrd by the tlpciilur oT Columbia caunly, to Klitubutli Vorki . wlio rcihlei In rnitl Jnrkion township; nil pltone hnvlng claimi ngrtimt the rslnto bf tho drcrdtnt Ptz rciucstcd to prtflcnt Hi fin (a tlio Administrator without delay, and el' I'crrous I ink b ted to mnkc pnyuictif ftirtliuilli. i:lizaui;tii vukkh, Au(,utl 15,357 Cl Ji&mtniitrattxx, r 1ST Of M'.TTnua romalnlrp jn the roni 0ire m M J muuiiiBuurg, ta, (luarlcrcndlnjAugus! IOiU,l7 Urommer Ailam Mc'lrldo M rhonltn Ml'linrl l'allrldo John A tiniitb John Boudcr Win 1 Bhsirer rndcrlck HI. Hll. 13 1 TimililiiiRou r II Wit, on HI. Wil.biT Simon Worlllingtoii Wlfl AVnx Cfttpo r Wcrtman llenrv J Richard rirliruh i Morgan Trico J Ship Hrl l-o George llclilow Win lincon Sopllinns Cornell Kebccci DavH I nne llaex llalner , rreeland J C inn es m K link AC King dec tro M 3 Long, Ocorgo I.ervl II Lumht,rd Frank trrersoiia calllnifor Hie nbuvo letters win nlp.iif .VIV, ."-IllillU ) 0.7 .t.vj. UIV UUVVIllbVU. I'lllI.It' UNANG3T, T. M. A- A. SOUTIIWOUTir, tho great . Kxcrtsior Tcnmnn. would reppecifully an- iiniuice iu tiie inuivH anu Rem lemun oi uiooinsourc and vicinJiy.lli.it ho propoHt-s opening a cl.itu Tor tho pnr- r"o 01 C'viik uifiruciioiis in i-coinaiif-ii ijt. in iij r. latoii'it PtlHol Hoom. Third strcrt. tlloomstiiirir. order to suit the vi.luug ocmtinda and willies ,yf hiJ Mr. S. docs ni'l cundno all tonne si via. hill v&ilfs In TERMS. rr.icticnl Il.ind, 13 I.csi.oni. - - - 8! 00 Oh! English. ...... 3 1)0 Curnian Tcl, - - - - 3 00 Card M.irklng. - - - - - - 3V Ui) Fuji course of f c&tvsjifhin, for tcachliij, 0 01) Mr. a. having ever taken gront Interest in tin hcutiful Qct'oiiiplisliinctit, h.is tlierrforn rparcJ no pains to qualify himself to teach many Practical nnd "Th"' "ichn..'" commencTs on Monday even In?, 'Ansust 17II. IfjJ. Allcrnonn Session from 4 In Ii ,,.cl0(.(i l:vcng session from b to 10 o'clock. i'JJJJ'if.h,1,1.1 ru"",h XM' f""' l"lt flalione')ri I, Weudingand viiiinitc.ird WarMuii nwijew and despatch; those wl.hing card writing wiil please naglo,isJ7 WILLIAM J. BEIDLEMAN, SaDMc ani) Hjatucse MAXHPACTPBKR. Rloompliiu, Aug. IS, 1857. THE JUARRIED aMcs protector. For Tiirlher particulars rnrtnve livnpn.tage slamps undoddress HR n Knit. Dl'PllllHNn, Uoi ?Sj Buulli lie nd, I ndiana. Auguit 1.3, 183731 POWDER DISSOLUTION. rplin pnrtncrrliip licrclofote rxlsiinc lictwccn the ,L piUj-riyrrt, In ityc l.rinrcrc. k I'uwoer Mi.lit,m.rtVr Hie ilrin -if K. U, rurscl$Co.t lias been dissnlvtid by inutunl coiiitiiit. V.. K. winsci. Fowixa & unnv-EMa. Cipyiown, Aug 1, 1657 POWDER! VOWDKRM TIIIl undersigned liavlngauocjoied together, under the linn and lyls ut Purscl Jaaby, Will continue tlic Criatcrcck rder Uumncfs In all its dcrariiiKnls. r.. n. I'urtscr,, J. o. JAupny. PUBLIO -.SALE OF Valuable Real Estate. PURSUANT lo the provMnni of tho InftwUl nnd tel amen t nf Vqpx llurlnckcr, Lite of tMiHin town thin, (Jo'umbin county, ducCnad, the underlined. Hxfruior of the nforcsald dredent, will cxpoa lo 1'ublic Sale, upon the premiiep, on Saturday ) OctoUr < 1857, Tho following described Valuabto Real Rstale, vis: A FARM AND PLANTATION, Situate in saM MifHin towmbip, Colnmht.i county. oiij'MtiMis lanui un iutt wrti oi jjiu-inupi mKfnnaiit nn tlio ioulh bounded by the Nerrbpick Mounioln on Ihe can by tatidl of Levi Kikcud.i'l, and on the north by landi of nllznbcth l.uiz, containing Ono Hundred and Twenty-Eight Acres, And allowance, whereon aro erected the fnllovuine itnprqvcn.enti improvements mm Jl None Vivcltnn Jousc, tltnk Barn. Bnrinir Hnuao. Corn Un). Wait on t-'l.id. Cider rreti.and Snrlntr nf ivaicr ni.mo uuor, wiui an oiuvr reiul lle convenient as. About one bundrcd arra of inld tract In ImnrAVP.l and in n yood itite of cullivntlnti. iomu eishlceu acrci ui uuicu ii pxceneni Aiuauow.nnu me uai.tncc ischoico timber land. jU A ho A ver larjaOrchard and n grenl vattr clyofsclcctrruil Truei on sail premises. JHK-. H-HJid Faim will he snldogctdcr, or in two paili, a' may bout suit ru reinsert. nj-caie 10 commence nt luo'dock, A. M.. on nahi lny. u lie n alUndancc will bu lmvcii and condition.. maun h now ii, uy HiiiN ii. ui.1 n.LU, i.ittvtor. Mifdin twp., August 13, IC57 l'UKTAULK OIDEU WILLS. TZRAU SCH'S Patent, for hird or horto power, the jiL ugh in uso wne-'ier s iiuree ivwcrr ami i iircli ers. improved fir.iiu l'ans. rennork's Wheat Dniu t'onper'M I1 me and (Juanoypre.n'f M.the mnstiipnruvi'd Hay and t'oildrr Cutteri, Mott'a linilcri. (Jrlnil'innet nndv lnina with i Bonernl nforttncnl uf Agriiulturul una liorucuiiurtii iinpiciuf nin. 1'AdUIIAI.I MOIUUfl ft. CO., Implement and Seed ftore, Seventh und Market ettj. I'hiljdulphia Ausun 15, Id 37 N15W CKOl TLJUNll' iiKKD. Ijum i.i, iop uutaiiaxa.rutpioTop I .-it.gkirvlric't . Uuia liup.i, Vol low Aberdeen, Dilu'd 1 ly br 1 o.WI.Uc Norlo.k, White Hat, and other lino varieties, wholesale rAHUii aMj Monnin & co , lmpl(;ineiit uud ivd Smkp, Hfvaiith and Market sti.( i'hiladelnhia AucUBt IS. lriA7. l'UDLlO SALE op Valuable Real Estate. BY virtuo of an order nf the Orphani'Cnut of Co lumbin county, (inncK, KncJu.aum. IH;cutor of IOUI1 JVM ni, uccchiw, win on Satunlaiji the 22d day of August nut, At Kln'clock'in l,ho forenoon. uiiue tulpublic sala, on tho promite, In the torviiflnp of Ik'nion, in Hip count of Coluinbirt,at the lato rcsld.nre uf I ho said diccdvkf;, tUu following Ileal Cttlato, iz A Tract of Zand, Tho we Mend, of tho farm ndjoininjj 'landi of Jaob Arh, on the inuth, the heii a! John Kline, deceased, on tho east and north, and Hernial JOioneon thow-t. cuiilainini; Forty-Thrco -Acres nml Fjvo Perches, branch of Kaencrcrk iuua th rough JrtKit' the land, and a yood H-iw-MiH id i n too iiumcdiato -vicinity. IHh nil trr.iWiC, In of excellent iality, and Ihe land.after hcluc cleared, will be well adapted to fariuiuc Laie the eiinie of John Kline, 01 llqnlon cp"fiWs iowninp, uoiuuima county, dicriirni Jacob uvnni.v. Ilenton twp , July'il, 1M7- Cllr. II I'Olt HAM! I.IIWIIV It ' N UIIA-JY, 25000 I..M" flIIINIl II OMKSTEAD I'OB TWO TOLLARS. LAND ntSTMBVTlOXII ciiANOB ron took enM; rrUB Northweitern Mutual hand Bjnefil Aaoelaton L will make o jtand diminution or 10.100 north of Ileal Uitale and maps to In luemuera. The number ol membera Ii limited to lS.COOi t end Ave letter tumni per mcmbenhlpf or ri hUe. ny Indltldual eendlnt I0 nnd the itampi, rhallhe entitled toala iljarei ; or any penon (ending SID ivllu all namee, nllh IJie nd drfaa erenth, earerullv written, ahail be entitled to ill haron. Tho dlatrlbutlon will ha made In thlcajo, Beptember 85th, 1B37. The Ibllonlm lathe Real r.alate to ho distributed ! No I An Improved farm of U'J octet, lit Uooke county, llllnola, valued at , No S An Improved firm or ICC ncrrt In White. sides county, Illinois, vaiuen ni juuo Mo 3 An Improved farm of ICOactei.ln While sides eout.ty, Illinois, valued at 3000 No 4 An excellent private retjdenje In pubuqae, Inwo, valued at 3000 Nn S 100 acres superior farm land In Cooke county, Illinois, valued nt 9000 No6 ItOneres well pine timbered In Wanpaeca county, Wisconsin, valued at 2000 No 7 Good lot and coliocc res Men co In Chicago, Illinois, valued ol SOW Ka lUHil seres land in Wlilteiidca County. Illinois, valued at 1000 No 0160 acres food land In Chlppeuay county, Wisconsin, voUied ol" 000 No 10 ICO ncrte food land in Chippeway county, Witconnn, valued nt tidO No 11100 acres Rood land In t'hlppewoy county, Wisconsin, valued nt 000 No 13100 acres good land in Dunn county, Wisconsin, valued at 600 No 13 BO actes good land In Marshall county, Iown. valued at COO s'n. valued . No37 4') Mtf9 Und In Pad Axe county, Wiron- fjn, vnlncJ nt , 10 No 381 lot in rnltnn. 1 llinoif, vnlttol nt HO No 3D 1 lot In Fulton I ...unit, v.ilneil nt KM) No 4U-1 tot In Pill ton lllim.in, viilurd ut 100 The diitrtbution. icttlbt eondutted 'fairly and hmork'tty. The names and addfesi vf utotkholdtrt thtitl be terlttenon as many tmall tatdt et they hart tharcs, and t$ whole placed in a hot and the fir tt nane token cvt fjiall be tntitleJ to the improved fa m A'o, I, in the above Iht and the next taktn out uJi fctt entitled to Aj. 2and so on until thefortv tttmi of Veal F.etatt are all distrlbuJtd. Then to each cf Vtt remaining etttkholderfi triU nnt a cteaptnap of a wttltrn ttate or territory Jtfull account ef the die tributton.' will be forwarded in a printed ttrevlart to tach member cf the association, uith the nameandaddreis eftuch as tyayrtttice the IttalKttateto vhem tilths deeds trill be sent and Immrdinie possession given Hack application mutt be accompanied uith 82 and lire letter stamps AtUreei, I.INUCLl, JOI'.rt c CO,, i tticni;o, ttUnoifl. CTT.ititnrs efvtng the nbovc one Insertion wilt tie ciaipf lo n uliifo, m Aticlin 15, It-57 1JUIDO10 LETTISG S. pUOl'OS ta will lio recctvrd nt Plcpier'f 'nrnncf, X on Wclnentay. Hip IGih otf Biitfmber nel, until o'clock. r.M,. of (Ql'i Hay; for hntMi 11,1 rPfa1 truit brldce oviir Jloarlnpr rtek, n.-.ir Vndrt's Allll. lu Locttit lov'intiip. Jhf Itrldgn to be 0.) feet Ion, be tween Hie dbu-u'iirntfl, lii f. pi wjilc irom out to out.an l y ficl above low wntrr mark. 1'ropopnl wjlltilto Lu rctcivcd af the house of John llcsi. In Fiflilugcreck tn nttup, on Frid.iv, tlio ISUi ni Peplrmtrr tieit, until 'J o'ciuck. I'. M.. nfitnld iliy for luildliif an open trui hrii ovrr Huniingdpii creek, nrnr Ihe lions' of John Hers, hi fithi ny rrfek townnliip, Till bci Ik ft is to hn 10H fret long, with a pier in the middle, 16 frrt wide fr 'in out to oat, mid J fectnbovu low witter mark, I'lans nnd rprcillcntiou if both bridges can be seen on the !fiy ol the Ictilni; By order of the County Commissioners. noituuTsC. rniHT. CoMMiFMOfLR'g OrncK, ) Lltrk. ni'iomburgt Aitgii'tU1, 17.i) Tin: (ioLi: ri(ii:. TIIR NJ5W YOIIK WKKKJiX GOLDEN WJI.K. One ef Ihe fargtsl avd bett UltTary Pepert ef the day, tiirms or suiiscitii'i'iti.v : n;u da v. And a flirt will lie preseiilnd to ntrli snlicrilcr iui meiliatt'lv on recclnt 'f tho sulifcrinlion inonev. Ilach suhecribtr will ho run lied to u Kitt worth irom ai lO UU. Til Cl.VM. 3 copies for 1 )ear Q s on III " 15 01) uisau uiiaii ni;,n head TUB list of airrs-aiFrs-aiFTs. 1 Taekngo containiu? $500 in Gold. 10 Rnld I'.iti'lit l.cvtl llngliili lluntini! Cased Watches Iff) tach. 13 ;3 .. i3 Gold Watches, Ml m ' ' " ' 11 flftu Ladies " " M " HHisilver MiMUiRiiXa.rl WMiliiy. 13 SOO Watches 10lol!iJ S00 Oold Veil una Guard and iqh Chains 10 to 3D 3000 Gold Lockets U lu (3 Gold Rings liar Drops llroaches Ureasl rins Bluds Gu&'l'ins Sleeve llulpms.ic, &c 1 to 13 Rich, Immediately on rcmM or.lho suhscnilion uinnev. Ihe subsenher's name v.111 hi entered upnii opr suh scription Look, opposite u nitMher and tee gitt.cnrres. lOneingwitr ma' nuniiier win no lorwurovtl to his or icr nd.iress hy tnallor oxnres. port. pud. Address IIIX'KI.T lc CO., rWWcp, 02 Moirtt's lluililiiiss, New Voik tT3-Ncwsnaners throughout tin United Blntea nnd Cnuadn. who will givo tliu above eigliluscrtloui ili he entitled to n Mammoth Gold lvn, and Gold 'lib desk Holder mi. I box, worth Si, or the s.ime. innnint In ony kind nriViis or Jewelry they may on'er. yeyablt en Tempi v me jith copy runtaini ng tlio auverlisumcn t, KNMOVAL. IVII! iilippribe.r luivlrg rrmovid lis M.110I0 Yard . from nenr Iholloitrl t.o'isn.to liieHniiiii .,'.1' ll'l of M AIN nnd MAIIICRT strcels. In liupat'ii Kow. whare ho is repared m furnls'i ult kinds of Marble li'i,-. Viz: miNinir.NTH, Crullo lombs.llhu Tombs. n.l Head rlonra 1 r every description. lli.Mc.rkl.nl u, best k iud, iho wurkoiiiushlp not enrp.ixsi.d t.yniiv lu tho country, .tud at low plicis. Call and Judo tor )oursrvi's. ' tj' lie wl I nl.o fiimlkh T.1M0 nnrl lliirenn Tom, Mui.tils l.r homes, II.1S0 Cores. J.intiun . uu 4 Hi Is for Willl'OW s nil, Doors. l n Inu, f,n.,rrt ' Thunk'ul for pastfuvorn, uu 110110 for n continuance ll'onmsburr, April ANTHONY' WIT.1IAN. . 1637 i-rm SKLiuOT t-0IIOO,L. Tlln nejitcrm of this School will eorrmenca on MONDAV, 7th uf Pcplimbcr nejt, nnd continue vvvii ui.ks, 1 opus nre rtccnf a at nn) time. 'i'HIlM S Ol' TUITION. Coiuinoii Ihigllsli studies llighrr liiglili Htudies uud Classics,.., .,$3 To meet n tupiesl of present pupils and rfalhcr pallli ., nnd Irutllng In bo rromitt d cii.ori'iulimi of . u.nkutirl,,n,-t ,1, U'KUUIZO, OI 100 "111 of Aiiii. l nem.n 'Jiechir's Class, lo innliiiue three iiionihs, J' he ihaigo lor tuition will he fivo (lol'ars llll tliv sr.siVIl, Any Informailon rcrpertln'g iho scheme of luslnic lion. Ilooiril ng. tic, will bo promptly givco, ou appli cation to me, either pirtoually, ux l.y note. II. I'. EATON. pioomsburc. Jnnntn.1837 It ADMINISTHATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Cornelius Reynolds, dee'd. hTTEsllS of Adiiiioitraiioii on tho .J L.sum or Cornelius llcjnnUi, lain of Slilflin township, Columbia county, deceased, have been granted by the Hegiitcr ol Columbia county, to the undersigned, who resides In said Aliltlin uwnshin, tn (JoliimM l rounly; all persons having claims ngainil Hie estate of the decedent are requested lo present turn, in. .iitiii u.sw.iiui, W IlllOUllt lay, U IIU Cllper. ions hidttted tu make, payment forthwith. f BAMUCI, CBUAT3Y. ... .... .idnriltbeeltntn, July i. 1F57- Cl t'dlumbiis jjlalo ami Temale Acailemy, 'Pill, fourih Term of this Institution will comnicnc J nn UoA(layHiho 3d day ol August neit The In. siinttioii having been In successful operation since last Deleter. under thichirge of I'rof Akoehsom, as 1 rincipal, with comp? tent and tellable nsslsiants, and wtn iiairouixfo uy studeii.s irons abroad Ihe COUI lies or ItnrkM l.ehivl, r'l.l..,,, i,n,l l.,iy.j.t. having fntiiithed a good piirtion of Ihedehnol, besides1 rcoT .v., im neui me ui west. lio liavo attcnited the same, UT An Opibmj Address. wjl be diliv.red on the day ot Iho commencement, at It o'clock. I' M Ve Colunihu,. Jul) 31, IBS?,, rJt l r.r.3. PUULIO SALK or Valuable Real Estate. rpitB underlined, Eiitcunrnf Ihe Estate of w... X Roal, dwnsed, will orrernt rub lie Bale, nnjn f premises, on i""n uw T v.. ... v .7. . ii . o.i - f . uuiii'tmy, inu uj ucioocr next o'clock, I M ,the rsrm helonelnff to u,c .situate In lleralock township, Columbia counil At I estate, enntnl nlmr Ono Hundred and Twenly-Pivo Ac and Thirh-ovcn I'crcheg. T01 And Adjolnini; kinds of Hugh Mcllrjile, John McR.v noldi.l'efr Apptoman Caleb nurton.Br., and Rir..' terl'ursell. It Is situate In the " p'lvr'- Iron Ore Region ' of Coin iimhlti county, two miles from nloo'mslmr DutUitbliliwavleadinltolluekhorn. Ah'.'"1 nnsses throueh l ie nreml... .. . Ihe wholn fitrnt Is In n fair state of cultivation " ri,. MANSION HOUSE. A new nnd commodious frame tenant house new bank bnrn.n new wegnn house, nnd other , n la'. hnlMingn enllrely ntw, tlie 1st of Anrll. Possession will be glvin ConUitiom will be made known on llie dip of .ii. WILLIAM nSai"'' nlopmrturg , July U. 1B37. r. A Valuable Farm AT PUULIO SALE. WILL be ofTcrcd Tor sate, nn Ihe premises, on 'Pucs'lay, Oth of Octobir next I A CERTAIN TIIIJT OP LAM), ' ! with the improvements, known as tho "Jones' l'arni situate In Rlmmokln township, Norlhiiniheilond conn, ly, l'n tlvinc on Blianiokln creek and Ihe I'hl ladclpli,. nnd Sunbury lialjrnnd. abput 7 miles south o I Uanpin. B miles Irom Hunhilry, nnd 10 tnlles from Plnmk,; nnd l'revcrton, thus gipms It as ureal advantages or u convenient nnd good market tie thai of any oihir sre tlon of tho Xuits. Tho Northern Central Itnllrosd, now proa'esihs with every prospect of Its enrly completion, ulll ine n coiiiinuiilcntlon by railroad with 1'hll.idclpliln lint tltlilnioro, nnd brim tho place within two or Hire hours' rldo ol Harriot lire- 'J he ftrni contains Two Hundred and Sovcnty-Ono Acres, about on hundred ncrcs nro cleared, the ba. anco is iu i:00i)TIMIIi;il, n pott ol which hni been cut, nnd is now civen-d it ltd clcelloiiltK young trees ZJ Tho iiiipropetoents on said property arc ji jccjutuiia. imin iiiv 1.1 1,1 iu iii;uK,wiitinsiriiii. of eireUent Water n nitw Uahk l-irn. A u ml other ncccssaryoulliulldltics Ton i,kii.. -.,,, iiK u .ii.i, mu'i in crease lu value and ninhu tho most plea snnt of any in the valley, this airoh). un oppoitunlty sc'doiu olio fed. l?Teriii. made known on the day of sale. M. I1ARTOM AlicustS, 1S7. SllEUIli'h"S SALE. T Y vi ttne of n writ cf venditioni exponzs lo tn .Uropin.i 1) Hurt will bo exnonfd to nubile mtc. ut tho Co ml (I on ie. In Ulootnsturg. o.n Monday the 1th day of Styilembcr ntxtt it 1 o'clock. I. M.. (lie foli(i.wJii(? real ritnto to v t Three tracti of liml n lilt tlie waltr power uiitiur'p nant, tlio llrnltrnct iltu.ile in cott tuwnahip, Cwliini 01 a county, containing mity Acres ntm Jiitchty-rHinc rcrchcp, be llic t-nnic niorri or IfFF.nnl all rf which i improve-l mnu, iioMuupii nini tit'Fcni'Pn n ioiiowj, la Ou the noitli hy Inn J of 1'rter Hchua nnt) Jotin Hnl; on Hid finiilti by land bl B-iinutl M click ; nn Um fM by tti rnul Icittiiiy from I.tlit fire t to OrnnKiytlle ; on tin wcfl by fautl of Jobn While anJ otlicfi, whereon nxa i-ret ted a rimiacc, Grist appurteimnccc The ieroud tract, ttuaie in fieoit towmhip, in mid county, contulnuip Seyciitccn Acro nnd-'Four Pcrclies. strict measure, he tho same nmre or lern, bounded nnd dercnhfil ns lollnwi, loAiit: Untie north hy land ( John While; nn tlm nonlh by land of John Whitn nnd Mhr land of e.iniuH l. IIitt.on thPtnst by land of John White. John tint, nnd other lan,d of Bimnel L. nttlo wltli 1I1 n'prtrtt'nnnreii. Tim .thi-rd irnctt mtujle tn Vt, Pleuratit tovnthip hml cuuity nj'orriaid,conialuint; Kour Acres and Sixty-Six Pcrclies, bo tho Biinic more or lcif,al) uf which U hnprovrd, hounded on the nnr(,h hy,lund of John vWlnlc ; on tlio no 11U 1 by th'tnaino; on the wct oy Ihe inme, nnd on tho 101 ty Tiler Hc4iug and John Hut; also, o.i all that 'lvo Story Frame Store and , fren &tore House o Lot of uroututt .lUl.riluileinI.iehtsirPct.Bromnwnhlp, . in pJini rniiuiy, huunded .on he eni-l hy a roid tendinj from Litrti't slrer: to Ornncevillr, nn the west l y ntlit-r l.i ml p of Hnmuel I. Itcttlc, 011II19 north by m nil-) oq th ioulh by loti of Char lea and Willimn Hhuuiir.n ro ntntniii'! rlxty feel front and one hundred And fifty loci In depth, tin numhi-rrd on the ,-tau of mid tvvn No. 3. Alio. nil that ccitni n lot ol nonnd, situate in Light street. Kolt townhlp, in rnl I c iin,iv,cnnmlniitjt ltyjfel fron,t nnd puc hundred and fifty f'jel in d'pih. and nun lfrcMit pUp o inld 'own No, -J, hounded 011 I ho cnvt hy n road l.idipt from Light street to Orintr vUip, on ,thf wru ninr lands of f it mil e I I,. Ilcith', on itio fo'iith by in Alley, nnd 011 tho twill by Juhnion, whrreon aro erected n Two Story Frame Dwelling JToitsct a F-ame Stable uith the appu tt nanus. Seized nnd liken In execution as ih property of Sauiuel liUettle, HlXI'IlLiX II. .111.1. bit SncRirr'u Orrtcit. hkerljf. nioomtbur. Aoputlb, 18S7, ( Hopkins' City Hotel, NO. 2!7 NOM'll TIIIItD STRUCT. AUtt lleee etrctt, furmtl) "F.AOI.K JIUTEI.," PlIILADKLl'IItA. rpllll underrlgned lias taken the nlsivc well knowp X House on a long and fivorab elenKC, nnd has ren nvated uud Tumi. hed it entirely anew, nnd in surh r. style and manner ns will give s.ti fd.tion to all v.lu mav heconie Ins guests. ticntleuirn iito wUh can be furnislicd a room and supplied will! meals at their pleasure, Irom a lailo Hestaunint'nnd i:allug Paloon attached, nn thu"Kuro peon plan." or at the hotel table, nt regular hours as Ihey may desire. XLjr Ihe proprielor lljtlers himseir that no house in Philadelphia klull surpass the, comfort and attention which will he found ut ihe City Hotel. June C, l5r. NEW TINWARE SHOP. JIIsMM BTRnilT. OITOSITIi irllC EXC(IAM3E. rpllll undcriigncd resoclfully iufonna his friends X und the public generally, lh.it ho has opened Jl iVnw Vinware und Slictt Lou Esta blishnentt In the building Toriner ly orcupicd for that; purpoje. h) Joseph Hliirpless, whero he IB prepared w cuuduct ho business in oil its various branches. Tinwnronnd lluuso rtpouling of nil kinds made lo ordrr on short notice and nt mod crate prices. Also-tTCOVEcl, of various ityles. constantly for ialo. Uepniring done to ordrr In tuiiMlnie. tOCouutry produce taken in esrhange far work. ,11. U. MILUUII, llloonibburg, Muy Id, IdAT y KAGLE iNmiyTiLbo3isiJUa. Slovis mid Tiinvarc. aHU subscriber iiaving erected a l.irgo new brick roundryand Mucbino Bhon, In place of tho old one, Is prcp.uod to make nil kinds of casting ut Ib'i lowest prm. l'lows constantly on hand. The fill, scrlber has nUo removeil his Tin Shop from Mom tt to the 1'uuudry lot, where ho hue ortcled a buildinj altogether rorrltoves ami 'i'liiwaro. The Cooking Stoves consist nf tho WSIiTUNN laCOIlK. U A II II COOK, VAN LI Hit COOK, nnd SrJi'AKi.ou BToVDa oi an kinds, tho run i:y 2l.lNUl;il STUVJit&c. Al l-llds of Upouting made to order. J03urn sn.nri.i:s8 llloomsburg, Aptil 11, 1817, NlltV MAuiTllTYAItU IN KLOOJISBUllti. HIRAM S. CAREY HAS opened n Marblo Y.trd.in Court Alley, oppont" tho HxchaugR. whero ho is prepared to finish the best work from Italian or American Marblel'or MOiNUMlvNTS, TOMHS, Tomb stones, Tables, Mantles, Window-sills and len Ills, I'ortho character and finish of his work he refers to uchashe has made is this eoutitr. He will furnish ucsigus forwork or cxcrtito any that may be furnlth edtuhliii, Hiswoil, shall always be satisfactory in itsstylrand reasonablein price. Ulooiutburg, Hec.C.ltsii, iOOT AND S1I0K MAKING. fl'ltn .uiMlersltned, thank)ul for tliojileral pajronage wilh which he litis been favord lor year, goneby, Would Infurmliis Irlcrds and custumeis, hat he cnntiuucg tomaoulaclute Boots and Shoes, ' At Ms old .and wn.knownand, on ,Valn ilrtu. Ulooinsburg, in all their various and forins,in good alyleaiidon modcratotefms. Ilis long experience m tho bitsinass, and general know lodn or ui people of Colunibiai oupty, super added to a tlxed determination toronder amilfaction to allliis customerstShouJd secure him Increased r9' tronagtt which he hopes to merit JACOU F. IJir.TEItlt'K rjlouiibulg, Mm cli(ld ,lfi( . WANTliI), t (ll'lt MEN to ivoik In a Kci I'aclnrv. four fioP mm gfrvffi. Bouse, (i Frame Bain, plsaa TWwS J've onc story EmU'inS Houses, atul a Stable feSfiaasfeSStJ u'ih the amturtenances. J. els ilt.Trtted. but .Line Tabbiing rucil will ail swer Htndy ruiploMoilit and goou vyngce will " fcieen Arply at ihtMillc ove Mills nrarl.nbt't IIIOMAB IIIEKCU flsj t W7 3t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers