Fanner's Department. Culture of tbo Turnip. It is scarcely prtxticnllo to carry on a oorrcctand profitSblo system of husbandry, without llio introduction of grcon and root crops i among which turnips nnd1 potatoes deserve especial attention, us being among tbo most valuable productions of tlio farm not only as a suitable chnngo in tlio rota tion, but also highly esteemed for their usefulness in cattle feeding, and for. domes tio purposes. Turnips are the most important root for tbo fattening ofcattloj although by bouio tbo turnip crop Is considered merely as n catch crop tho meaning of whioh is, that tho crop is produced upin land that wkum otherwise havo remained a naked follow through the season, in order that tho noil might bo properly tilled by repeated plow ings, freed from root-weeds, manured and prvparod for tho succeeding grain crop. It thcrcforo may bo considered an economical crop, as tho land during the ouliivatiou and growth cf tho turnipj, receives tho rcquisito preparation for tho grain crop which is to follow, with tho exception of a tinglo plowing after" tho turnips aro remo ved from tho land. 'J'hc quantity of seed should always be liberal, for by sowing too little, tho crop sometimes fails ; for when tho plants aro attacked bo insects, and aro thin on the ground, tho crop will bo destroyed, where as if tho plants are numerous, they grow quicker, and aro tho moro likely to with stand tho-ravages of insects or a droughty season, Tho Swocdisb turnip is superior to tho white in nutritive matter, in tho proportion of 20 to 13. Turnips, whero they can be successfully cultivated and: where thcro is convenience for storing them, arc unquestionably cue of the most profitable products of the farm for fattening otttlo, and are also of groat benefit to ttork. In all cases where turnips are produced on a farm, they arc tho means of grctly improving tho quality, and increasing the manure made, and thereby assist greatly in keeping tho land in a productive condition, Oats or barly "generally following tho turnip crop. Why is Clover Beneficial Land? to Bccouso it derives a vait amount of carton from" tho air, which tho clover supplies t'l-tho soil, A dry stalk of clover consists almost entirely of carhon. lf a crop of clover is turned under and dec iys, o large quantity of carbon is distributed in tho soil. Even if tho crop is-not turned, a largo amount is deposited in tho land through tho roo's of tlio plant. Carhon forms tho basis of charcoal, and by agricultural writers is frequently used synonimously with that word. It is au csccllcpt absorbent, aud for this reason is valuable in aoih for tho purpose of retain ing manures and all fertilizing matters. In Europe,, and in many places in this country where the soil U poor and mfhurcs costly, carbon (or charcoal) is frequently scattered over heaps of manures or other substances emitting offensive odcrs,'and tho gases thus escaping will bo absorbed by tho charchoal. It is also au excellent absor bent of moisture, and is thcrcforo very valuablo in soils. It also renders the soil warmer, and in line, is ono of our most valuablo manures. It is not our purpose hear to speak of all Its excellent qualities, but wo wish merely to say that in no way can it be so easily and cheaply combined with the soil as by raising clover. Farmers who have tried it and seen its effcots upon their soil, consider it ono of tho best ways of keeping their land in a fertile state, by raising it as an altcrnato crop. How to TJso Fiuits. To derive from the cmp'oyment of fruits and berries,, all that health and nutritive effect Vihich belong to their nature, we should. Pint Uus fruits that are ripe, fresh, and perfect, raw. Second They should be used iu their n&tural state, without sugar, cream, milk, or any other item cf food or drink. Third Fruits hve their beat effect when used in the early part of tho day ; henoo wo do not advise their employment at a later hour than the middlo of tho afternoon ; not that, if perfect and ripe, they may not be eaten largely by tbein Bclvcs, within two hours of bed time, with advantage; but, if tho sourness of decay should happen to taint them, or any liquor should inadvertantly bo largely drank afterwards, even cold water, acidity of tlio wholo mass may follow, resulting in a night of distress, if not actual or dangerous sickness. 80 it is bettor not lo run tho risk. To derive a moro decided medieiual effect, fruits bhould bo largely eaten soon, after rising in tho ni'rcing, and about midway between broakfaet and dinner. An incalculable amount of eicknesss and suffering would bo prevented every year if tho wholo class of desserts were swept from our tablo during summer, and fresh, ripe, perfect fruit3 and berries wcra sub stituted 5 whilo tho amount of mouoy that would bo saved thereby, at tho Now York piices of fiits, would, in somo families, amount to nany dollars,dollars onough to educate 11 orphan child, or support a colpoitour iwhnlo year, in rom rrgions of our countv. Hotel. (' LATE WHITE BWAN, ) Sides $ Stover. Racn Street, ahwt Third, Philadelphia PiTSiMi.ltofiliPllrm3t!Vn.lloMlnilic&Oii jAMffl T. HnjMtn, of tlio Union llnlcl, Ailtiisltl, 183(1 ill ONTO 11 It II on si:, L'unNttROP MARKET A Nil MII.1. HTIIGGT8, tlnmtdialclo appoint Iht Court Uovn,) DANVII.I.K. PA. fTAVlNrt bcrn recently rsnov.ttcil nnil rufnmlstinl in fl aun.rinr siv R mis cipunm mum. a uii imun l"r I IIP rftCSJHiiiii (i i .iranKT, mm imav .- ruimge isrc.ficcu.iiiy DRAUV ll-lS. 1630. ' J 0TlAUI.ES II. MAIU'I-K'S. U'lXB AM) ..IQUOU STOltB., An, -13 forth Third Street, Abovo lUcs, Halt FI.U', Two door. olravu tlielliijel llotrl, PHILADELPHIA Una constantly on Imml I'rencli ilr.lnillca, liollnn.I Gin nnd a genera! assortment of foreign Wines, nlso, nil kimls of rtmerlfnn tiliii, Ac. M.vill 15 IHSO J. JOHN M. FOIID. IMrOKTCR, MANUFACTURER fejilCAIXtl IN SADDLERY, COACH IIA11DWA11E AND TRIMMINGS. No. 33, North Tldrd St. Philadelphia. PURCHASERS will flml Ittolliclr nilvanlnp.c to ci- -, illlll HO Ul) ClUCK. II II ML"! )'" clinsoil lnrCosh; anilconslstslimlltHevariclyofNew Styles ol llooilstn my lino. , . N. II. AIIGritcrs ball hve pntllculorand ntomrii ituntlon, S.-lilmnlur H,ln ly MUKl'IIY & KOONS, fir.NERAI. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ANII WIIOLCSAM! DEALERS IN JPISII, CHEESH If I'tovisro.vs. No. 47 North (below tteo titicc!) PHILADELPHIA. Have cotiMiiitlyon hand a large: ns mmineniorriflll GlIlZl.dH & inioJbwES&Z VISIONS, whlrhiliay are prcpartil to tell ul lliv JowcbI r)ULUila promiitiyattciilttl to. WbuarySI, ld37. JOHN II- ALLEN & CO. Nos. 2 ij- 4 Chesnut, Street soulfi side be low Water,) l'hiladclphia.- (Tim OfcDBT Wood-ware tloosc, In Tin City.) MANUPACTURUItS and Wholcialo dealer! In rut in! MarhinO'inadi) llr-'om.. I'alttni Orooved ware, rearaitreinct to lArlnft. Woud and Willow-warc. Cardi. UriMhcs tic,, nfult djieriioiii. rie um call aid examine onrelock, JaojJry vi, y. EVANS ii NEWOOMEU, (Farmcry H'tttb J AViecowier,) Aroh street, abovo Third, Philadelphia, Huuiib ur e-iiwwin. Urvakpakt, 5. ll and 7 o'clock to 10 DiNNEB.Centlcmciritordinary.l o'clock top. ' Ladicn, ".o'clock. Tea. JO o'clock toll. EVAN EVANS. J U. 0. NEWCOMER Auj.U.18S5.-y. PREMIUM AG HICULTUK AL IMPLE ps MRNTS Wo arenrcpareilto furnlfh Aerirult fcwrol IniptcimMitsoHlio vcryliont -luulitv iii:inufac iptkturrii at our agricultural works, urintol, ra. jLthc lowest cati nrirea. wholonlcor rctnil.iu willclirtllcngo coinparUon with thonu nianufnciiirf ttljy finv nthnrentatilishmtiit in the coitntrv. The first tint mlunt of oho hundreil dollars wng nwanlccj uf hy the t?ftmiiilitpt of tho IT. d. AiricullMrnl thrlr (Ate exhibition at I'owellon, for 'thflicat tiinjihiy of AtrricuHuraiimpicincnis uisinumcnircn ny ineoxii Hit tor. k very nrnritaiuu iy ib w,irreiiion 10 iiena renre- I).LANInETH& HON, ImplQinenttandHccd W'a rehoute, No.2l nnd 2,3outliSixiti street. Philadelphia. November 6, 165C. Pennsylvania Motel. rpIHB welt known U old. lately koj !y Bam XtlLll ur.KU,UU KlalU QllUV'l.lll U V 1 1 1 U I ( 1 1 una uccnion uy mo auuEcniitr. wn iaprojii pared lo accommodate travellers a nd s angefB n the host m.innei . The house hast en thorouchlv Ivcruauled.midtB nowrertWed up and furniehedfor onecnterinininent ot uchu. llisdiabiinj! is lama and commodious, with Horses nil vemciesior hire, aim no win spare no painsto reader cmieriil satisfaction td"A JiberJliUareoi the pubhc patronage is rtepect luiiysonttieu. GBOUQU W. PUKUZI DnnvillcDcc. 29, 1S55. COAIi ! UOAIi! ! rv P. FULLUIti, Co., would reen'cfullv mrt)rinlli U peupleofPittstonandthcpntiiic In general , th hey li-ive opened i Utjnl Vard, of ample ilitnonBioim ire prffaruu iiiiunr ouiru, curnurui diuin nna imn J,i'ir(s to ll M all order for coul for doincsticnnd flllM'T ST Alt COHN SIIKLLBltS. A full supply of the premium Ptnr Corn micllers.troin our wn Munufartury, now onbinfl nl Wholfnilu and Ilt'tai!. They nre adopted for cilhrr hand or horpe pnwor, and are believed to be the bent Bhcllcrin the market. 1'AtfCIIALL, M0KR1S&CO. Implement ano deed Sioro, 7th and ."Marltct rhflfdclplilrt AGRICULTUKAL IMPLEMENTS. IMPUOIT.I) Hsy I'rpeses, Tanners Hoiloer8 i uorae t'ownrs aui Throwers, uramronu" FHiasaze Cutlers and StutTora. of varioti pRtrmis, improvea I'm able uram Mtna Veii-table. ALSO llav straw and Codder ki...,. I PAtfCllALL &10RRIS & CO, Agricultural Wurohoutcntid Heed Biere. ?lb an 1 Market I'.uladf Iphia, Nmlcr53,lHM. UBN11Y ZUPPINUKR, Clock atul, Watchmaker. South Side of Main Street above the Rail Road. TxirriCULTreiioirlnirln watehemnil Jew U dry ClaeaeRtor limitlnc watcbui nnd iiiooingiiurg, Aug. 3". ifcsu. NEW LIQUOR STOHK, .VO. 133, NOR! II T1HU.1 CT. (In the aele DuiMings, Jibooe Race St.) Philadelphia. TUG uii'lenogiied lieg( 'cuve to Infurin his Iri-rnJa aud Ihi imblic. ih it hi hat opi.Pihnt-iiii) LIQUOR HOUSE, In'.tlie Ha;le Uulldinss, No, 133, N., 31 HI,, as nlnvo, where lm will be hippy to supply M.'rclnnl. Hotel, keepers. and cudtntners seuernlly. with tlid cluiceit brands kept in riiiluaelpha. WILLIAM IIP.OI13T. lUlerfDancHle.) March Tth, lSiT.-y. a ii uk r u ami rir.i.-i'zino WHOLE All WINE & LIQUOR STORE No, a3S North Third Street. CAInvo Oallowhill.) p iiilaim:i,i'iii,. A general nrsortinent of Unindlos Wines, Cordials, and Llijaors of every description, ii. , r, r.siLTUR Or. 7. IMI-3 yrs. p. LEAF TOBACCO & CIGAltS. ji, aoutti i'ront street, ' I'lllLAUULl'llll. .Sept. B, 185Q.-y EH ISS 11 GARDEN SEEDS. Dll GRO.M l.ARUN'UUUI. has Just rcreiv .nnd has'for s 1 1.?, ul his Ilruz rttoru, a sclm ensort luent of all kinJi ol ejardin Sctdi, rreslrtfruui ?Ir. lluist's Heeil llouso in I'lilUilelnhm. Mjy9 Ml. JOHN U. YE A (J Ell, Faslil ona bio Hat & Cap Store NO. 11)3 N0UT1I BTIlllUT, I'HILAUKr.r'HIA. ty Merchant, nml visitors from Northern I'cuuiy vania.nreresneeifullyinviiedlo give him u call, when visiting riilludelphlu. Juno MM.lboll.--y. Mr. tT, V, KxUicv, Horaosop-vlhic V hyslcl un, rESr,UCTrULUVtendorshls l'rofcsslonnl Berc. ttnlhecillicnsoflHooniatiurtr nnd vicinity, u 11 urully CJ- Oillce 011 the corner of Main nnd Iron rtlrceli Uloonisburg, Adjoining Mr Urower'sUtorc . Sept. illl. 1653. PHILADELPHIA OAUI'ET HTOHE CAIH'ETINGS, OllClnths Window HIiodeH, Jlatrjn Mattln,. Just received KO.dtli plerrs new style nufaeiured uud I mnirto .1 eipressly for l.'Alll'Ur LL, Merchants nml llniisclicpers mil plcaso no Nos, ldaoil3(IN.riliHtcondr"irccl,lit door b b iv sst's thurrh March 'ti 1S50 HIDWl'V JOA'C" National asm OATAWISSA, WIM,tAMfll'01lT S KlllH ItAIh KOAD. "IHrtcl ItnllriiMl rrrrli httrttn Muftn fWr ml rktMilpMa. fknrlft tfitiiktit An VhHPMt licul rrom , llM'rrn M IVr I. rMtdclpM llarniburg, I'tlllUtg llnlin.o'i, ll'athlrrlon rlfw. i"il IA tenth, nASyl'.N(ll:il TKAINS lenvc I'.lnilrn ilnily (I'lrrpi L Huii,l;i),) ill. A. M mi,llig Wlllliimiiortnt 111 1.1 A M.conncctliiii Willi lu-iru li unn ii.ia.l nll'or IL'llii. tnn,iinilrnaliliiiiriillill'lil'i nl 7 3111', M. Ilrliirnlng.lvnvc I'l.II n .loli-li la rron, comer nmrnml mill Vliielri'el,ntT:il. A..M rciitliliig Wllllnnitnoll, nt 1 13.1'. M.. unit nrrhlnir nt llln.lnl mil, I', M , rAfSKNIlIMlTUAIN'SWIM. I.UAVU 1 I'OKT CLINTON KOll irAlUtlSDUllO, Hired, vU liniiplilniinil Hiiniiii liiiiiim Hull Itoml nn lln nrrivalolOntnwIiiiaTralii.iit 443P M.renclihic Hnr tlJlmtBntsr.M. Iti'liirninclcnvc llnrrlft'tirirnt 7 15 A M..cniintrtlnr. nl rii'tuilntnu Willi Cutinwlmnl rnin lonmtcil form, inu Dm mo till reel roil to tullnrriiiliiiri,', l'l.Uhitri;, Itiuorcnnilthc PoiitliirollttPctlnir llirri imlut, with nil .Mmmpitrn rpnniyiv.iiiinntiii i cuitrii new York Chiiii. .Incut lMiuirn ullli trniimon New York.itiit t'rlpllall lliniil J iiIbii. Willi tlir Ulnitrn, Cniiuiulnnn, uni nr'.cr, null .no nnn niiignrn i nun. Orncctliicitircrtly with the Ureal Wcslrrn llnllmn nt HiHpcutiHin lirliluo for lietmlt. Cliitniro. HI l.niii,, ft' tliius ma kin K t lie inoriciii.Hiiu incipt'ii rouioi run i;niia(iu!iiiia tiitfiopp oniis. A I'KlSltillT TJIAUN. Will lenve Wllllani,ioit IIAII.V, nl 0 .10 A , t'lillaililll,i. FrelihllrHlntnanitrmm I'hil.nlo t p It la wlllioullrnn. slilpineiit.frotn HcaJlnff Hall Uoait FrelglitUc(iot,cnrti trofnrnn.l anil Clieiry itrcel,. tiiains i'Ar;a imwvu.i.u AHrui.i.un'H uoiho EA.r. russcngetTrnln Freight I'raln , 19 M. Ul A.M. GOING WKflT. rnnveneerTrain , 3 S5 .' Freight Train, V, i, , I Uetwecnrjiitadclphliandlliipptt, : Vvi IMIITIIIt't Caiawita, ' Tuinaiua Millon Williamson -"M s no 10 s pa FirtinnunJs orncrRonallinrL'Qiir nllowcil to each nam cuger cxecsicliarctti ui tlouMe nrffrlnplrcisturnlc inn 26. Ifc35 PIIir.A. AND READINGS II AIL UO AD Winter Jirranffemtntl for Pasocnftr Train, January 1st, ISQ7. UP poinu Nortn, leave I'liiladcipliii alT A. ni.nnrt SI V. M. l)oivn TriiiiifltiuinzBoullii Icnvcrottavllleat 1 A.M )cc, umt 4 1', M- ... Uptr,iitiiui'i) l(t si ui n k n hi . t . M.nnti ii;.'.r. down Trains " S.iy.A. M, 5 ,4 J 1'. M. The CnriTraln Is itincoiitinue'l until further nn- ilr. ciiin cunncctioim arc tnailc tv tlie lO"1' A. V tli 3 Train fromrorlC'Itiitnnto nil interme ilinte potnliit una iy tnc i. ii up rniit irom rori Clinton to Clinlr.iiCaiiaiulaiaun, li'itli'lo, Mofjarn, De nt, uincngo, pi, isotitf, tuuvpnpiirii nnn lown -Liiy; I ktiis tlusroutL tliCffUorietuiil clicuiiutt to (Ac Lake Erica and Canada, On Hit ml lyg.ltii Down A, M. Tr.iin from PoltsYlllc, andUpr.M Train from IMilladelplnu, only, rur. HiURunrru CossKrnoNs, by Dauptiln Kairoad at An I. mn A Fpcciat Accotninotlation rasaengcr Train lenvrs uenuiiigdniiiytL'xcfpi puiiimys ;uv i n..ti., rtiiirniiig fnni Aulmrn nuii 1'. I.( on ;irriv:i( of 3,10 1'. M. Tmhifrnm llnrrisburg. "WAY FAKIRS From Kkadinq to iij(lc;pliii,ei.T5aii().l,45; roiisvllt- 1,05 and (1,33; Autiuru, U.75. TUROtir.ll I' HarriPtmrg. S J.55; Tnmaqiia i.Ji; witz'uimriori ?i,iu; i.uuirn 5u,.u; ufmmi.ii.i l4-ai.uu Itriil'id or Magra$IO,OUi C.-Hvcanit SIO, 71 roicdo 9 11,71, ClncinnatI3lG,0U. Cliirofo fi.'M.OO toOk IbandSV5.00. ALL ros-tt-ngcrsniii procure tfckrta btforeRiierlns llmcardi in icnts extra on r-ircs paid in the rain fifty lis., of pcrnenal lindane rWowed r.nclt I'ubscnogo all over that wcicht aBdi.irgcd Kxtra Ilnypastj' G A, M1C0LLK, jairuary 3d. 1557 tf. Gt i. Sup't SPRING AND Ci' o nds. SU3I3IER Tit Hundersigned respect fully inlurm hl'mcnilinno llicpuliiicntlnrgs and :Ue rest ol iuattic Jim Umt hchaseslalilislieda splendid n the ikeantnowStorc llounc. justerccicd lu ui, . burg, OlumliU county, ro.,licn; lie lius now opened "large umui iincid sj4 Spring and Summer Goods. ii: lieU tlctorinineii to sell on aucli term n Liin induce allat leaat in tliis vicinity, who are in want of Morciumiizo, iocxtnii in in tiictreiiFtnm . IlidfitockliaflljeeiisL-lcctednilniiiiiclicaru nnd wfir rchrencc to tlio want soft hiRCininnnllynrid wittioitt coins toentcf into nminiuee nu incrauon ott ho v.iriotia kintii he rifk notliioB in uhurinp liin frii'tnlB that ev ry llilns BUitly rtfpt tit Country tftorcs, can here bu hada "little chuapcrthan the rlH-npcct." tC?"Couii try produce, including Grain, Lumber ,&c, taken incxchaiigt for goody . WILSON AGCU, Uohri'iurx, March 23, je.'.r,- y SPKIXC AM) SIIlHilIKIl tLOTUIXi!, Tlin und-irsigned grateful for post patronagB, upectfully InlorniH tils cUFlomers . .nid llii .u generally, that lie has 'wet received from the Li em Cities, the larceat and most select stock or Fashionable Sjning $ Summer Ckthin g ihalhaayct been opened in Dloomeliurg, in which a invites the attention of hisfrlenda, and osiircs iliein that they are offered for sale, at great bargains. Ills Stockcompri'esu large and act or; unsortmcnt of Gentlemen's Wearing Apparels, Uonsisling of t"ahovahte Dru Coals, of every do scnption; Tants, Vests. Binds, Oravnts blocks uattoti Handkerchiefs, (jIovua, urponders, 4:c., Alc. Gold Watcus and Jticclry of every description, fine and cheap. N. U. Remember LouWuberg's Chtap F.mvoxium Call aud Nochargefor oxntnininp Uoodn 0AVI1) LOWKNBERG. Illoomstiurg, Ma-chl, 1627 J. S. 'ii 1J. 1.. 1'liltOT, Prodtioo anil Ooncral COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No IS Norlh Wburvis, l'lll!..U)i:l,rilIA. RBFERESCES Jnhnl' lVllilton.tsq. I'lil laj tl pill a . Jifiersrs Hacker, I.euVctOe. Slier, l'riru U Uo J llucknor. MrCaounon t Co, i.naries unis u i;o. H. Morris W.1111 4c Co, " .. OntcrbriJce, Arvov St Co, .. Charles & Joseph Perot, .. .. Thomas & Maswell, Now York. .. C. M. McChlnii U Co., Si. Louis. Vo, .. J. B. Morns i; Son, Louisville. Ky Worr.h H. leiU-y '' DYUU'S HOTEL. Cattawissa, Pa. rt .HIS old nnd weimnnivn :lole,inthetown . 1 , .irCatlaMlSfca.lsstlll Kent bv i n, under. IvsssCJ sleiied.auilliisDlteof nllllcense laws, he i I'tlSsiiS iliterininedtouisltehis housooiieof the most cimit'ortn Iileplarcstorirnveiersiosiop at, tnal can Lo found In the interior of Pennsylvania Ills table will be furnish. ud ilnily wltn me uesi me .unrKolcan nnord, TrMy old frleudsand traveller ij;cncrallynrclnviicd to mil J ACKU UVlllt, May21,ieJ5.-y. States Union Hotel. rOKMUUULY ItCIl, HON HOTEL'.) No. aOO Market strtxt, PlUladelphia. G1E0RRK W. IIINKLK, Proprietor. foro.erlyofCo. r lumbia Pn., would inform Ilia friends and thei.ub lethal licunliiiuesto kceji the above named Hotel which is Mellund f.ivorulily known llirnnghoutthe Stntt a s one of tbo oldest a nd mosi coiivenicni Hotel I a he city . lie most respectfully solid if nshnrrnt puti. c pilmnaao. April 7. less. CIDEH MILLS. SOU KltAUSIlK'S I'ATCNT IMrltOVCD -Trjjsf uin aui.i: I' mii.i.h. We are now BTUnianufacturing these unrlv,ill"il Cidor Mills, Airreaily Improved and btri'iijiihucd since last rear, anil can supply orders at Wholesale uud Itetail. Millsshiptiodtu any purt nl ihe Uiiiuii. I'AtfCIIAl.L MOItlllH k CO., Wholesaleand Retail Healers in Aericulturallmplc. menlHatid olarlijnes, 7ih nnd Marbetslreeis, Philadelphia Mount Vernon House. Sicnnd strCtt above Jlrch Vhilalat TMICundijf pinned having purrhasril ihu Interest o X MM), Ul.urin thenbovooliUstatlishvd Hotel, wll now biivc tho solo nupervlslon of th Qt-tahliitimcii and soliiils tbepatronajeofthopulilie. Ho leelsconfl dent Hint a tiia) olhia House, Room', Tulle, Hervanti ic,, w(H provu thubost rtcoiuineudntion liutnncjvc 1, L, UAHHETT? N03. 0, 11, 13 and IBOourtland strcolJ NEW YORK. I I). D.WINCIICDTKR. THOa.Ii WINCIIEHTUIl, HUNJ.F.WINCIinaTiilt. May 31.1Pgn 3rn Dr. Francis 0. Harrison, iroUMl rrspectfMlly Inform IhecltlEeiiHoflllooina VV burn uud vicinity, that hnh iscotuinencodthe prac "V"' wiiuiiim ufnoenj , uil'l UIIIIIS U NltarU publicpeUroiuge Ii9eainlwa 'ii foundattheljvch-ingti Hoteloppoii t'ourt llou-c SAVIi VVM). 01' TI1K A'.moxit. wrcri' rtusr co.vm.vj. ALNUT Street, Aouth West corner r"l'lllllll. l'lnliilclnliln. Incnrnnrnteil tiv tlie riintfi of I'cnnsvtvnnls 3Moncy is received In nny sum. large or small nnd Interest paid r-om tliudiy of deposit lo Uiod.iy of withilrnwl. The ollke is open every illy from OriVlnilr tn Itie tnoriilng till 7 o'eloekln the evening, und on Mnndny. miilTlinrsittty evening., till Un'i lm k All niniK larc or iniill. nro pnlil backiin UOI.U on iteinnnituilliont hny hmnnnl. it,.. i,i,., iinn nr.Miv l.. iir.NKnn. Vice I'rciidi'lit.ROllEUTHlU.rKII) CiC Secretory WIW.1AM J ItEEU. Hlrstlors : Ilenryl., Henner, U , l.nnilrrth Mnnns iMnnttlli. Carter. I'. Carroll ltrcu e!l r RoliertrVirrlilRC, Joseph II. Ilnrry, rtatnuel K. Aaliton , Henry I.. Churchman, Jiirticsll.r'riiith. rrniicjs Thin coiimaiiyronfines ns h isiu ph entirely to the receiving nl incneyon Interi-st. The investments a nionnthiir to nearly. ar. MILLION AND A IIAI.f OF DOLLARS I 11 per uMIlnl report of AfiMITS nre made In rnn. orntlty ullh tho trnvIion of Hie rlurtrr In UEAI. uhi ivil, siuk KiAuiift.i.i.uuiMi, iinilsucti first class sreiirlllt's .'nswilt nlu'avs Insure ncrfecl tn curily lo tlie dr iinaimrs, and which cannot Mil to give pcrtiiiiiiencyniui 'Uuiiuy m inis ohl nni wep rstali lisrif ,1 liistitiitiiin, (r co. I , i less.) Mnrch?lli. lr-57. MELMUOLIf'S CEMIiNC I'RCPAKATION HIGHLY CONCIINTIIATIU) COMTOUNU FLUID KXTIIAUT UUCIIU, For IJUtasft rf the Bladder Kidneys, tlravtU Dropsy, rrutH(,'irtT Kjutiruciivtis, ofcrct macaws, rcmoig Complaints, and all Diseases cf the kciual Organs, rliinc from Hxccbscs nnd Imnrurtenclcn In lift1, nnd fHiioving all luirupor Disrharrs from thn Uladder, I.IUIICJ'II, Ul OCAUill (rUTl't AVIIt'lll't rJHillllJf III JIAI.IJ UK I'tiltlsLsU, IVoin whatever cause thev may have originated, and no matter of how long stunting, giving health and vigor to 1 ihi 1 raine, nnd iioom in in pnuiit meek. .or iv run afflicted nt It curcpNcivovn and UebihtHed BulliTor, and removes nil (ho Plmnloma, among which v. Ill ht; found Indlspo FiiMni i L:Tiion, ijohs ni i ijwit, jiom 01 iiL'iniry, Itiflkully nf llr-Mlliing, UoiH-ral V".ikncs. Horror of, Ui!c.ise, WVakiNcrvti, Treni'iling, Drn(lfil Horror of i Hiath, N'tchl Henla.Cold I'eet, VV'akclnlnesb, Diiti iifMS of Villon, L'nicuor, llhivrt j l Lannltudu of llio i 31 Macular HiH,ni, uttou liiiormoiis A (iivttt w th Dyspeptic b inptiniii.llol 11 iinl3, i'lnshiti of tho Uody, I)r)ucof ttn'kiii Tallid Coiintrniuceand Hritflioua mi th! rjca,t'4iii in the lUck, lU'ivinom of the Live lidf, frcqucnily lliack fjiols n)iiitfilM-foro tin Ilyep, with Temporary Hul'iisiou and Lia ol Hlj;ht ; want of Alluiilion (Jrcnt MUi'liy, Kcptlennness, with Horror nftloti' tv Nothtiiz in morn dceirairu to nich I'aiientif th.m Botitude, and notm ii; they uiuro drtid Tor fi-nr of I iiiiMiiscivo , no fennfli' 01 manner, no rarneei iuh, no (tpcculatiun. hut a llurrkd trjuition from one iuca timi to another. Tln! symptoms, if allowed to on which litis medicine invariably remove soon fdlnu'ti Loss of Power fatuity, und Kpilfhiio I'lts In ocrj of which the patient niiyelrf. Vhn ran ray that tlieo x ci'8e) aro not fruiunnlly followed hy those direful diseases InsiMliy mid Oo rittu in p tun i The record of the Initio sluinj, and the iiidan'-holy ilfiitlia hy ronatunptioo. atnplo wltllu tu the trutli ol iIiom; uhhi'i ttoiis. In Lunatic A?j lums the, niot mclunrholy exhibition apprara Th-j cciuntenance Is actually od den and -luita !etiluto iielthT mirth or pritf uvtr visits it. Htii'ild n Hound tjf tho voice occur, it Is rarely articulate. 'With woeful uicaimrcg wnn clef pair Low sullen sound his prief hr-guiied " Uchility U inist lerritilu I and h is brought thoiuandd upon thoij'indi to untimely ?ravcs. t'l is iilminp the ambition ot many ouble ouths. It can be ctued b I lie ute i'f 1I110 iXFJiLUBLr. If ymiflTf fntli'in4 with any ol the above distressing ailmr-nti, th- V uid 1'xtrail Itiirlut vill cure on. Try it and he counnroil ol its i Ihnii y , Ilpwaic ol 0.U .ck NiMtrniiis amlifluack Doctors, w ho fjlsdy b-m-tof abilities and ri'lercnres lCilineiM know and,avoid th 'iu and ssvulnn; suiTuriiijr. inoui-y, nnd expnsiire. by bi.-iidjuj,' or cillms lur a bottle of .this pnput ir and spcrillc remedy. It alis all piln aid iu!lnmntitioii, is perfectly pleatintin its taste and odor, but iii.mllitu iu its action. IlIILMHOLlVd J3.XTHACT IIUCUU 1 prepared din ctly ncfordiii!; to thy rules of rh'irmutjj and Chemistry, With tin grcntt-Fi nminipy and ihemienl Vnn ledge and care ('rvnted in its combination, tee Trofostrnr invic' Valuable Workt on the prat-lice of physio, uud mod of the lite Kt.mdird Works nf Mc-dmluc. UJ-O-VH HUNimUl) DOLLAliCU Ono hundred dollars will be paid to at.y phypician who can pro u It. it thuhMedicine ever injured a l'a lit'iit); nnd tlio testimony of tliotniindi can ! produced to r'oo that it dit-s ptuat jood. Cnus of iiom one week to tin rtccn yea. e siiuidiuj! havo bten itYected. 1 he mass ol volun d.y testimony iu pomifsjioii of the proprietor. miLl1in5its virtues und curttive powers, is immense, embracing 11 am 3 j wc'l Unouu lo4ticieiice and l'a me. lyo.not) bottles lnvo been fcotd nnd riot a single in Binnce of aijilaro lu bon reported 1'erisoiially appeared lulorn me, an AUerman ol the city of PJi t.tdilphi3, II. T. Mti.ooLU. CliunM, who being duly sworn dues say. that his prep irntioii con tains 110 Narcoiic, .Mercury 01 injurious Iiiuj, but nre purely vegetable II. T. HHLMnOLD, Sole Manulnclurar. Sworn and sudcrtbeil beiuru me thin 23d 'lay ol No vcmber 1651. W.M. 1 JllUHAUU. Alderman. Price 91 per bottle, or slz for S5 , dthrtrtd to any ad. (rejf,;nrroinpaiiied hy reliable nnd reppousihle certifi cates 'irom frofusors of Medical Calluses. Clvrsymcn , and lathers. Prepared and fold by ll.T. IIIU.MUOLU, 1'rpcticil and Miatytirul Chemist, No 3'2 auith Tl'NTII St., below Chestnut, Assembly . Huildiiigs, I'hihidtphli. To be had of J, H JilOYEIt, tlloamiburg, and of alt Dtvgfjists and Dealers throughout the United itatts, Canadas and UritUh Provinces. nUWAUK Ol' COUNTsURrUlTB. asic rou iiiiLMiioLira takij no oniuit. CUULd GUAltANTEEU, Juno 13, IW7. o:jj; dollar a vuaii. Circulution over 1U0.OUO Copies Weekly, 25 Witnesses, on, . THE FORGKU CONVICTED. JOHN 8. DVi: is thu Author, who has Ind ten vearscxoprieiice as u llaiikcraud rubllaher. and Author if astritsof Jjt ures at the Broadway Tabernacle t tun, lor ten tuicuiiivu nisnis.over TlJ-SO.UWreoplaja (irectcd hltn with rounds of a no) au sit. while lie ex hiblteil the tninner in whichCuuntcrfeiters execute their irauds, nnd the surest and shortct means of detictlng in tut 1 'J he Bank Note F.ngravtrs all say that he is the greatest - juage vj t aper jvoney living. Greatest Discovery of the Present Century for Detecting Counterfeit Bank Notes, Decrib g every Ounuine Kill in existence, and ciiumiog at a giauce every uountt-riiit 111 rtrcu.u tiou I Arranged sondmirably,tbat ltofercticc Is Uasy and ijpieruou inbiaiiiuncous- ttl No index to examine I No pages to hunt upl Itut no simplified and arranged, that tho Merchant, Hanker aud llusinefs Man can fete all at a glance. F.nultsh. French and German. Thus each muyrcait the same in his on 11 Native Tongue. Mast perfect Bank Note List Published, aiso a msi 01 uit tlie fit IV ATI! HANKntS IN AMHItJCA. A complelo Suniiuary of Uie FjNANtu ok HimorB wa America will be pubhuhed m each edition, u get her with all fhe Important NUWrJ or Tim HAY. Also, A BCMR3 OF TAI.ra I'ront an old Manuscnpl lound in the Last. It fur ui she a tho most compute history of 0U1UNTAL UFJi, And describing tho most perpIoxiP;positIons in win h the ladies and gentlemen nf that cuuntry have been so oltcn ftiund. Thet-o ttorlce will continue throughout thu wholoycar, and will prove tha most entut tniiiing ever oiferut to the public. U3" l-Ntruiithed weekly to Subscribers only, at SI a year, AllKlers in u it to addressed to JOHN H. DVIJ. Broker 1'ublishcr and Troprlltor, 70 Wall hi , New York. PIIRKNOLOOIAL OAUINfiT. L'OHLKIlrJ, WHLL8 ii CO., i riiujjnuj.uuirno aau ruiu,iBiu:jiu, 231 Arch Street, below Sevonth; Phila'd, 1 iFnv'f?urnili nl 1 wo rkeon riirenology,rhysiioay ! ni-iai. tvaieriiuru .woijneuiim. anu rnonography, ' C j' Vorkprices. J rrofeimional eiamlnuiioiis with charts, and full written ilcarnnilon of rhaiatlcr, dny and w evening Cabinet fr- Miy 1! If 3 1 ur 'in U net A Y E li S ' I n Qi J. X .til I -J ir: FOR ALL THE PUKrOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIC. Tiimr. ha loai; cxlntwl n piiUle dcninnil for nn clftctiic iHirRnllic iill vhlrli rmilil to rclloil on ni sure mid jitrfcclly infc In Its npctnllon. 'lliia lias been prepared td meet llial dermoid, nnd rrn f xten the trial of IU tlitues hai eondujiuly shonnwlth what sureess It nceomplislie tlio mitptno designed. It Is envy lo make n plijsical jiw, lmt not easy lo make tlie lifst of nil ;iiHj one wliith hlioula lintc none of the oliie'ctions, tot nil the ndvnntngcs, of every other, 'ihls has been attempted hero, nnd wilh what sneeess wc would respectfully submit to tho public derision. It has been unfortunate for l" , ' - - - - i I me patient nmirrio umt niiuosi every purg.unu mcuicinc is acrimonious ana iniiaung io mo uuw- eh. Thh Is not. Jlany tf them prodnco fco much griping inin ami mulMon in the stem ai to more than cotmuiuaiancc tnc rooci to uc ucrnta nom them. Those pilU produce mi irritation or pain, unless it arise from ft prcntouRiy cxIstinR obstruc tion or dcianfttmrnt in the bowels, licing purely vrgclab.c, no liarm can ntic Jrom their use in any niinntity but It Is bclU t (hat nny medicine should be taken judiciously. Minute directions for their umj In Hie Rcxcrnl diseases to which lliey are ap plicable arc gUcn on the bote. Among the com plaint which hac been Fpcrdily cured by them, wc in nr mention Iicr Complaint, In its Mirious forms of Jaundice, Indigestion, Lnngunr and Loss of Ap pclile, Listlei.psi, Initnbility, Kilious Headache, Hilious Teer, t'eur and Ague, l'ain In the Sido and Loins ; for, in truth, all these arc but the con sequence of disrated action In the I her. As an nperient they afford prompt and sure relief In Cos lienciR, I'ilcs. Colic, Dyeontcry, Humor?, Scrofula and Hcuny, Colds with soreness of the body, Ulcers and immtrity of the blood, Irregularities; in bhort, anv and ctcry case where a purgative is required 'I'hey hac nUo produced pome singularly suc cessful cures in HheuinaiUnij Gout, Dropsy, OrftMl, Erysipelas, I'alpitation of the Heart, rains In the Back, Stojuach, and Side. '1 hey should be freely taken in ihc spring of tbo year, to purify the blood and prepare tlie system for the change of seasons. An occasional dose stimulate the stomach and bowels into healthy action, and restores the appe tite and Ugor, 'lliey purify the blood, aud, by their stimulant action on the cnculatory -s) stem, reno vate the sticngth of the body, and restore t tho wasted or diseased energies of the whole organism. Hence au occasional dose is advantageous, ncn though no scriouH derangement exists: but un necessary dosing should nctcr be carrltd too far, as every purgatnc medicine reduces thctrenglh, when taken to excess. The thousand cases in which a phj sic U required cannot be enumerated here, but they suggest thcmsclvos to the rcaion of ecry body; and it is confidently believed this pill will answir a. better puipo?c tlian any thing which has hitherto been awiilablc to mankind. When their irtucsare once known, the public will no longer doubt what remedy to employ when In need of a cathartic medicine Ucmg sugar-winppcd, they arc pleasant to take, and being purely cgetable, no harm can nrie from their use m any quantity. For minute directions, see wrapper on the Box. ntr.rAKKD iiy DK. JAMES 0. AYER, I'i'acticnl mttl Amtlylicnl (,'licinisl, L0W15LI,, ilASS. Trico 25 Cents per Eox. Five Eoscs for SI. AYEll'S CHERRY PECTORAL, For (tie vnptit Cure nf COUGHS. (1 0 Is I) S, HOAHSEXnSS, iiKoxrnms, wnoopiAfi-ioisi, (Hour,, akd i'PASI'ilimOA'. This remedy lias won for itself such notoriety from its cuich of etrjMPtivl nf puhnouaiy disease, lint It is enthely ttnnccc snrj to recount the ci dences of its irtues in nnj community whne it has been cmplojed. So wide is the hcld'nf its use fulness, and so numerous tho cases of its cures, that almost crrv pection of the country abounds in persons public fy known, wlio hac been icsturcd fioni alarming and rcn deiptratc diseases of the lungs hy its use. When once tiled its suptitority 01 cr c cry other medicine of its kind is too appa rent to'c-capc obsenalion, and where its irUicsare known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the difiltcssing and dangerous affec tions of "the pulmonary organs whkh aro. incident to otir climate. Not only in fon iid.iblc attacks upon the lung, but for "the milder arietic3 of Colds. CormiK, HoAnsKNt:s, ; and for Chit. imr.N it is the ideasantcbt nnd safest medicine that can be obtained. As it has long Imxji in constant use throughout this section, we need not do more than nssurc tho people IU quality is kept up to the best that it cur has been, and that the genuine article is sold by IT,- K r. MJTs, mid all liruccitH In l.luiinghurj; ami Dunlers In medicine everywhere. DRUG, PAINT AND GLASS Wholesale Warehouse COllNUR Ol' TUM H AMI MA UK FT HTULUI'd, Uthcuiu Second tilory. PHlMDF.r.t'Itf.l. TTllIiivilealtentlo' to mir i-nl trirtd stuck ol UrijL") VV Paints, Uils. VainiHhi's, Ate , si'kcl'd ixircsly fjr our tales, and com putting una ol the firit assort menu in me unmm uni, wiulii we oil r at low price, l?r cncli or niiarovtd nancr. W IJ M A N U k AVI U U U t e ry ox tu us i v tl y I'rmium Pnro White l.eiul. (best,) Kcnsitidton I 11 re Whitol.iad, IVail Huow White I. cart. Ville Monlngne'1 IVvnch Ziuc, ;bi ',) pure Snow Whiio Americnii Zinc, philidcljihia Snow While Zinc. Silver's i'laatic Fire and Weather proof 1'jihits, CtiroincCJrccns, Yulions, and colors canurully Ar.CNTfl FOK . Porter's siiporiorAtkalini Window Gliiis , (!) nuine Prunch Plat! (It us, (warranted.) Tnu New Jersey '1 111 r, Uonniny's pro I nets Tilden U N'pphew's'N. Y. v.irnlshcs , ISrouklyn Prcmhiiu Pure While Lead, lliimpdeii Perinaneul Ure'-ns, Pure Ohio Catawba Urandy, fitc, Kc, lMl'OUTEUS OF French arid Unetleh Plate Glasn, French and tin 1 1 pIi Cylinder C. last, C'uloredand Ungravcd WindowUlass, Dagucrreotjpe Class, Ilainmcred l'lalo for Floors and Hky-l.ilt?, Drugs. Chemicals, Perfmncry, be. WH0LC8ALU UUALlJlia IN: DrnpgislB'Articles centrally, I'lti liters Tools of all descriptions. Hydraulic and Hum tin Cemont. Calcined and Land Plaster, Paper Alakcr'sClRv.fliitin White, fcc.. Lo. niKNX'H, UlUHAIlUrt tt CO , Store, t!. W rorur Tenth aud Market sin.. Factory, Junction York A v., Crown & low hill. April II, 1657 Philadelphia. LANDIIETU'S WARRANTED GAR DEN SEEDS. Git A US 8UCII3, rlCUIl BCCD3, and I'LOWEIl Hi:i;U.-J, fur sale by 11. 1.ANDRI'.TH It POV, Nns. 21 nnd S3 Sou Hi Kulli el , I'hiladciphiai March SI5, 1B17. CENTRE STORE. spuing ic 8U nun: a goods. THE undcrBiguod lake plcaMireof iu furwint'iho citizens olUuulrenndviciiiiiy, the liulias Juel received a lurfe and eoltct assuiiuina of Bl'ltlNC U BUMMCU OUODS, Uompilslngthelioavicsl stockandinostvnripda.soit nienloflusliionable, usifuland suustJiitialMerrhiiii dite Ihathavebceiioilercd loihopublic ofovery kin ond'iualily.wlilchtlipy willscllfoireudylpoy,ul yer reasonable prices, rj'Counlr V or I. illlr, (a lion I tip iclmnp.. lor fln.xla lncli4diiiCralii and l.uu ber andthu pulliccusloni .vapeiiuuvsu ICItl'O SAM HDL LAMBAOK. rowlcrsvllle. Manh i!6 1657. . Franklin iJIousc. rAIlKEIt U LAIKU, I'roiirlclors. Chesnut St., between Third nnd Fourth, PHILADELPHIA. Heplcmbetl3,lH3(!. A. M. UUIEUT Tinware .ind flhcct Iron Mnnufacurer i.i 3 TEAM UNU1NH3 AND ltOIIiElt. l'lIK ulietllpcr i nuw trcnirta.wiiii ",'5C'""0 i LrVS ! ffiiiW? I'll It ulnctllierU nuw prci.nrt J.wtlli new Machine HB U niiiip nil roinpli lonnil ri nily Cut action. Aim - lyllmli'r lluenml tulmlarbollfri eat iron ion Mi Train irtp limited In IMii.lur iIiiuiIiIiik grain nml cratklnr i nru nun iiuni iuiiuu ll ll l,llu .-inn...;, i" , reaUnf conl. Ileavviuinluir pumps anil Urn cnglncl rlspnl riinipletcwltli ilonlito nclinc fur.init pumps. hi kliiit nf mill genrlngmil house cnslliig inmla In orilerl I. Inealianiilg with nuyileiirsil sites ol pulleys flnislin , wild banners Ironplniilng doncsayiMircel IntiRin.l Rinilsnf Iron tiirnirir liunvy press nml oilier screw lurneii u mi nny nrsircii purnui iiirenii Thntifl Itiiitnli Irnn (lirnRhiniT Miif hi lie s . t lm I ever romnbernro tbeiiiiiticrasi Iron nml wnileninnclilnos innilo to onlcr. I.evcr power, ti.aln or Ircad powor maitc taeriicr. Alnlakasonlrirsfiirtliefiitlonliiniiiii. elilnery Harrison's lateitpnimt grain mill. $louu of. fcrndby llio l'ntentecloritsonual, It will grind In good flue rutin 1 3., tiushelsin ona hour Also dolls nnd nlevn tnrsall In nr.ti'r,nlsoRugile's rnientlltowcr.niniinrnctiir. ...II... 11. 11, Is At lin.. Ihn inn.l n.iw.i , t I III . now I u use with lli el east inmiint ofpowcr, rum nf which w lll'ie lull!" . uu nn. , inr . i ii ii 1 1 n ll . n tur,wuiB .ii ,.iii..i . ... ..u.,. ,ii lau. .,v nt...n wn.ka W I lllie wn.rrllitA.I ...t.a ...l.n . . t..... .. 1 ,n. 1. i.,n i. . , l.nll n lul . u. lm. 1,1 lUn tflkl K ......ul soiu inr. ftiJ-iiii"' " " 1 .in- is mill nnmiiii ,-- M. I, t.l O.nll. fl . . I t.l. Hirlker, nml riRiitn 10 iipo inem intnoc Aiintics nrculuni Ma, Mon.n'ir.Nnrth tm,.crInnd,I,vciimtng,Pulllron nnd tn, moh ."'ir, worm imicrmnu i!,vcnmtng, ruiprai 1: 1 i nt.. n . nitc or which cun no teen nt inv nnon' IH..V in 11 , .mum, Mr,h?3,lfi30. nioniiinliii.Cnlurnttn rc , Dr. J. S. Biotighton's aniuT cuiU'i vow. uyspepsia. Jiure rrrpurru irom llonriul. nr the fo ullh Hitimtch nrtlioOx.nricr tllrrrtiuttsm ll.iron big, t lie Rr 111 1 rjiysinlna icnl Ullcinikl, I, v J. H- Tounhlon.M.U , I'lilln- tlul'liu,ra. TlnsisNnliirc's own Uemcily lur nn unlirDltlijr fin much. Nu all of limn cnu eqmtl lis ctirnlivr iowcrs. 11 cnntnlns no Alcliohol .ritlirs.Jiiils, urNnus.i6iis Ilruns. II MextrumplyngrurtiljiMotliGtaBtc.nnrf inny bclakciiby Ihp mostfepblf pnttcnls who cunnoi rnt n walcrcrachurwithoniacutn tlislrr.s ilewnrcorilrtiggcil Imitntlous. l'cpln Is not a llriif (Jn'lontho Apiit, nml get a llcscrlptlvr Clrculn ariills.olvlilE Urpo tilnnulil c.r rlcleiilllic I''" Anlmn'Chfiiil.lrylllr.Onmbp'sl'lilHoloiry Diggstion; llr Vrrelra on Food nml lllcl jllr. Jolin W Tlnpfr, ofNew York llriivsrsily; I'mf imnjlison s Pysioloyi 1'rof. Sillimnn.ol VokCnllfilffl)r Carii'n tni'sl'litslolog)'; tc.,loi!i'llii'r with nrpotiidf Cures rrom all rmllsolho Uiiltc.l ilufs. BoUhy II. V. I.nts ami J. II. Moyi r . Illooinsbnrc H 11. Ilowninn llerwlck. Ocl3, lps ly. CUUAT WATCH l! AMI .T cH'clry Slore. Wnoi.i:aM.i; anii ni:rAii.nitiio"iMiiin.rt Jdolila W.Uili nnil Jewelry Ulurr." JV.s J'l'sgjt ....i..i.i aimui r.or nor uf Unary. I'lulaueliililn StSW n.1.1 l.piiur Watrhus,fullluep.1, lrUurut . fir) (111 Uulil l.ciilno, IS caral ailn:rl.BVi!r,rullJcwi:llc.l, Hivcr l.opliie.jBwcls. Superior (lui'rncis. RnhlBpcct'iclPs. I'iiipSilver .1, Colli llracolrls . I.acllo's Colli I'll lie lit. rilvurToa Bpoons.eel. . ! i. (1..1.1 1...... tu.ti. iiRtii-lliiinl .1 vi r lioMcr. il 4 (10 li Illl 11 Illl 7 00 7 00 I 50 J 00 I 00 .1 Ml 1 0(1 Holailnsor rinjs :i"l n isui iil; Winch cHssfsi plain Vl ciMils, p. it.' nt IfJ . I.iuh'I -5 ; ollu'r ur tides ill ur jiHirllini . All go ida H.i'rauti'illo bo nhal Uity nrt ,l,ilr STAin'FllIt & IIAIll.llV. TV tu h I il '1 30 iilf Co I, I ami Hi Ivor ors A. l.i'pllie 1 lower thun thpahovo prlros. Ocll lent IIAHNE8S E8TALTSnMBNT 7'i k so.vo' nn: whitk imnsK . IMl K iin'l"rslgiii'deespectrullji n for ii s , his friemls uud thu iiublie thai lio'C'i cuntllitll s the SADLEUING U'SINESS, fi I ii nil i t at various branches, til nis old 4 stand nn corner of .Main and Mrirkntslrri' Wheruhu will kenp cotutanlly on h id lull supply und will man'ifjtture to urdr , allMjulnuid siylcso SADDLES, MiMISS, TIW.VKS. VHUCF.8, .fe. atthevcry owcht prices .and willhu happy t o servn lliofco who may favor him v ith a mil in hiH i ne. 1L uruurfl roin a msuhi.i: nieiiniruruiiLMOi nil hovcUusluesf.wiUielhankfullvreceived i ndprniuplly executed. WM. .1. IIUIDLKMAN. (lloomaburg.Auc, 10, '2v Kloomsfiurg Tinware aiul Move Slur , Til I. nn I TJinfrt ri'spee'fiilly informs his "Id frietniH nnd cu ti)inr, th it hj h:in pnrrhtsed his hrother's Interest itiihuuliovo eiiliililiihtiieiit.aiid Ihu coiirurn u ll hcrealter Ijj co-idncted liy hnmell oxcluttively. Ho has ju jtnl lectiivcd and offers furaJlo, tint Inrifet nnd rtla mosU'cimii.ivj aHsortuieiil of TANUV tiPuVl.a fTSeLT f nt rod need i ntolhis market. tS uis fck con si t 4 of a cum jiletft assortment ol ti hilicst Cookjii!ttnd n irlor fitoves in tho ninrttet to- theqer Mlh Stovo riMuresol every dest riptlnn.nven Him ii'MBinvi-H. ui uniois. ! runner biovi. cast I roti Air Tigh rfiov.'s, (J.iniuin Stnvrs, .tc, JLv rftovepit peand Tiinvnrecomiiimlj nn hind nrnl ulurtured to order All kinds of rcpfutnii; diu.. ns Ufnal on short nociee. The p dm ii. iite nf old friends iml new cimioiiuti re puotliillyst.tii ited. A M , lU'l'KltT. oiitii li nn,'. Jan 2, 1854. if Aviso's c 1 1 1: a r iv a tc 1 1 i J r. w i: I. it v b'l ( 1 1: i ; Nu. 72, North Second Sirccl, irrodiTUTii i: mhunt viminun litniHii.pii I i.a ll old I.u vur Wutr he. lull J ewe 11 td lb It , Case h , $'Jn 0 dilvur du do u 00 do I.cpine du ij 00 eluarticrs . 5 out o j 00 Cold rlpectucles, J Slitu)o00 dilver do so SiHerrableiJpooiiB pcm-ii, MoutnlHOO do llesott do do UllOtollOC du Tea do do , 75to 7 30 (loldl'cnsiindColilCascs. JJSio 300 do Hilver do I On ToEellierwith u variety of fi .. o Cold Jowo try ,l.'n t;ur. i. n a run u .1 ron i us. Ail goods war mule .iteib ns prp.enlcil. Watciies and J e wclry repaired! u t h bcstui ii nner .V 11. Alloideissonihyijyiiiailorotl.erwlse willbo punrtuallyttlendeilln . covu mue r i inn it 71 17.17 10 AND R. R. Ointiibus Line. ''PFIR uadPrniHried rcapeotfully iul'oriiiri I his friuilds and the lilllllic thai he has Liken l,i. Kichavg t Hotel, lu llloomslnirir, lurated on Mam Street, i.i.v.ij upi'oou. ihu tn.i. uoiiau, which lias depil llirouhly repaired iin.l improved, wliere he is pru. pared to nccomiuoilnte hisciistomers Willi good larc uud to general sjlUfaclion . He also has in contie.cU on with the tlsihanpc Ho tol, un excellent OMNIBUS LINE, running reularly.seveml times per day ,l nnd from ILe Ucpoion the urrivulofth Cars, hy which pnsn--crs willhB pleasantly conveyed to the I.vpolSintton.oi laken from und returned to their retidenccB, If desired. rV II ct w i 1 1 ul way i he happy to entertain andaccoui wu dale his friendsto the iitmouinf hit nbilitirn, rUTiUt UIULMliVUlt, Proprietor, HUoinshiirg,Aprilf5.1B5n y. " Steam "o rTst mill. Tllli uudcr&ignctl tiikr pleasure in an uuiinc. n g tot htir friend Eii nd ihcpuhllcai large, l hat they hnvtiai" ccieu uuu putin uccessfulpcrutioji , STKAM GRIST : MILL. Whercthey aru making the very Lest of Flour ,1 nthe tir.rLcstiinioandl nteadscllins at the lowest nr lees t Tlie renre four run of llnrs i n this Mill. tronoJcdhy I steam-power ull performing to perfection, undi'fiiiding Inhotitlhlrtyuusiieisoi grain per hour I no noni-iuade ' rmm hfi lin( n nxniti itll il hv t lie iiral etfi iiil i ii fi iiil ii n,. uoiinredasu per lor article. Wclnvite ourt riend tloc&l niideintnlneforihetiisehCD. pjuruer-"' oui unniuiij-fuciiivcu n .i ni ie..inn no tuna i rfasonu u ur.nni n inn b N.H. Cashpuld for U rain. Fpytawn.July S3.1H33 Spring and Summer GOODS' iW'Kelvy, Weal & CO., HAVING just received und opened their Htock of merf tiaudue for Hp rlnjf sales, which com pr I sow the IAU;LST,CHmKsT, and HANHSOMUaT assort, meni now oirercd In this TOWN l Having paidgrut utteuilon to the tutcctiou of their entire slock, ng in pricennd quality, tl.ey flatter themtelves that they run coinptnc with the cheapen, and all those w jshing to buy cheap, cun suvo tnunty hy glviugusucall. We havo nil Kinds ol (loodB and Wari-i. lo supply the 1'erplu. A V4ry laritu lot of I.ADIKS' DRJCSS GOODS, f rench Alurriiocs.WoulI'Iaida. Alpacus, lloinbazlnct, do baise I'oplins, rarametta cloths, Mohair Lustres, MUflllu Ue I.nint'n, rorsiunctolhsHliiahanis.Oulicot'S, Wll ITH fJOOPH OV AU, KINDS, Bicvea. Collars. Ilandkertbitjls, (louhcmaa, bauds and trimmings, Locusandedijings, bonnet ribh ons, In Urge variety , vnlvel ribbons. (ind braids. kid. cotlou. nnd lisle thrend irloveii, Motiiiii iiiltltt. & c. Wh I nvite i.ii r frli nil nml tlin nubile ennetn It u i. uive us a purcl,aiinc i;w hue Wuhave leis nouuuiour ioo,i ,ii i,nwestuusu i ricesnaiiu win tint teun eisoldhyai.vhiMly or Itieiciluf mankind McKKLVV, NEAli tV (H) Cinoiii bqrp Murrh"'! K ornlloWr.itui lot fireai, flrt ruue Pining! from nctlott nf Nalure't I jvi, BUI' TEK 1W1 WIIBN AUUttU ... AL,. PTAuta OF BEOUKT D18BA8B8. SIFFEIL HOT Ptlf-AbM, .Vmom lttlllity. Utiaurn. num. f,,, , tHahlct, Vliraili r, Ihi fodntyl ani llhddtr. M.i rial rArritfasliiui. stri.tittn , il 'cr's jtlf, lAltataif thi lntei.Tlitotn,Xcti and !, Vtctrt vpon thn lindy or tAmii, Vnntttt Dtopi I J.' Itpllc Fiu, St nil t Man, and ell illtaui Hint jivin a dirnncvteiil tf the ittvet Urgcni, 8 Hucti n Nervous Trembling, Loss nf Mf limn , l n of l'i.Hi'r,Ociicral Wenkiii'ss, Uliiiui rs ul' VUiun i,.' ptiuluil rpuls iippiarlngliiliiio tlio i )c l.o, (Jr H Vnhvruliiifl. Ilvmeti! i. I.lver Dlsenpe. l'.,i.t..fel1 mti.ti ,1m ll .... litl li.lln, l.nrk nml hin,l. I'....:. "J1 r"!uliirllli s nut nil I in p r n.t. r iliirhsrgcs rrom u.i. pi-mb. It inuttcrs not from what muse ttiu tlu,, Uirlglnati - ili however lung stliiiijliig or oUtii,iiic tin ran', rctertrj l tertnln, nnd In iboncr tune n,,., : I permanent cure r.ui l,c rlloe luil by nny oilier t rt atriicm cvin ulter lhcdl''nve bus Intlli-d I be rkill of iinliifM1 physicians ami resisted nil tliclr minus of cure, ii, .-n.l lil iu ... iiliftn lit w II I. nil 1 lirfor . eft ll tl : "S iiessuml In n froui inercnry or balsam, .luring twenjy Heath inaui thousands, who, In tUo last iiiu-,. ,u! tibovo mentioned ilirinscs hod been gl.eii Hp 1(l ,,!c their physiclnns, whirh warrants nic In prumuji,- ,' tho uillicted, who innv Place thslnr-ulvts init. .. . care, a perfect and tnofi speedy cure. Hern t i!t(nJ nru tie fiicalpsl encntirsto lualili.ns they arp ii,c n.,, r&uso nl Consuiiiiiilon. Pcrofuiuautl manv oit,. ... iacs and should he a terror lo the tiiiii'lmlaiiilK, ,. n iirrninncilt cure is irhrrely ntr '(flitted, n rnaiuni. ol the cuscs lulling hito the limits ul Imoimitttiii persons, who nut ool lull to rureHhc, dlituip. tut ruin the roiiititillion, lllling the system nil, riIPr(llrv which, with tlie disease, lindens Ihu rulirrcr ll,k ' rapid Colielllnptlun. nut shouM mo disrate nml the Irealincm v,,t tm,c dfuili siKdily nnd the l(llin luarrits, the illnpum I. piitaikd iiiion (ho children, wl.n nre horn with rui.i.. coiittitutlons,niid iheruriirii vf llfo torrupti-d ly virus wliifli lictra). Irtull in Srrorula, 'Ictlcr, l lur, l:rupliol,i and olliirsllerliousorihesklli. ffyts, lliiuut', and litings, piilniling upon Ihum n brief oxlsienee f riltrpring and cunslpiiliii! them lo nn parly gr.c, HCLf AllUeillsnuoihtr lorniidabiocm io lob. alii,, for nothing dso in the dried entnlogutiif hun,&ti ! eases cause, so dcstrurtlve a drain upon the sjrpm, drawing its tliuiisnnds of viclltns through a ft w )(ai of suirerlhg dun n lo nu unliiiiply grntei It .'tsiroy. Ihu nervous sjrlciu, rnphtly wn.ti uway thn eliclcim of lite, enure, menial derunceiiiPiili prevents the pui,r itLietopipprit of the s)it(.iu.iHsiiialiilie h,r uiutri.p, soriuiy.llleiliess, uinl ..It rnrlhly iis)tplncss,nn(1l.uv(. the sulTertr wrecked ill body unit imnil, piediriiOM'il to consumption nnd a train of ivils luore lo l,p ifnaile,) Hun ileath UsLir, With the lullcst conlldunn laMuto tho llliloilunnu'vlctlms olr-'cll'.use that u piiuuinpnl and pi'iilyriire cm be efletlidi and with thu abandon, input of illihons liriKlices m piillculi ran be rcstoKd IJ rcbust, vJf,uruiis hialih. The nllliiteil are caulioiiPd against tlie nso rf I'ntnn Meihriues. lor I hi ro are so mniiy ingini u. hu,iu Ii, the columns of the. p'tblic piim lo rate It and tub lb. unwary sufferers that millions liavu their LoiiMita tious ruined bj the vile compounds of quark ihieioip, or the equally poinonous nosiiums vended as Patent Medicines. " I Imvu cureluliy iiimlyre.i mniiy oftho so called l'nlcrtt Slfdielncs ami II ml Hint nemly all rf tin ni contain (.'orrorlve t'ubliir.u e whKh is imp cl tho strotigpftt ptp'pi;ntions ol niercur) and u deoitty poiHon, wliicli, limead tf culjug tlin dieeusu disable, the sjslinl forllfp, Thria loiirth. of the, patent noslrnni" now it un are put up by uriprinciikd and ignoniit pen ons. w i,o do nut understand lll the nlplmhel ot Hip. Tn.lrii ririlra, nnd nre c'luslly ns drttllulf til nny K ridn Ir.lp, of the human system, haiiug one objedonl) invhu, nnd that to money n ar liss ot roiiseipHpri.. Irriguluritics und all oiecasesol males ami female, irpati'd on principles etMHI.-tiid by luihly y,ul., pructieo, and sjuctioued by thousands of the most iu uillkuble cures. MpiIu me. v itll full ilileitlons emt lo any jiint if the iruii.n t'tnles or Cumidus, by u. lu'ills 'uiiiii iimitililig tin ir eyiiiptoin. by letter. I:usi iipps (Orrcslion dunce rufrll) Address.' J SI'MMIlHVII.l.t:. M. II., Ullico, ll.1l 1'ltnpm .Heel. (old No. 1U0.) Ilelow Twelfth, I'liilailtlpbia, I ti July II, li57-(Maicll I) IMPORTANT DISCOVERY 1 tO.SIIAIITIOAr AMI AM MSIIAHIM OP TJi: I.UNdH ASl) TIIIUIAT aro positvel rurahlu h) inhnUlion which conveys thu reinediLU to tho nittitt In tho ImijM thronvh the inr paHiiiiges.undcoiiiiity Hi djint fimuict iltli the, ncut rahtint tho HiIktc ul.i r ionttdr:iI.iys the roitch, cuiihi s u In e and 4 tiny 1 1 ju . toratio-i, heals the liings, purifies the blond. 1 mpuriv renewed vitality to the flmi, KiMiig Ihm toim andnjertty n indlpvii":ihle fur iji- rcktoratit n t health. Tube Uc U) bl.HQ fotiliileuil) Hint Cunt p Hon Is rurnhlc by i nhatntion, is to ine u fouiir u .ma I Injtd plennire It is as much u infer the control U ineitjctil trcilinent n nny olh-'r formli'able niiul) oin of i very hurdn d cntei inn be i iik d in ib li r it tny t nnd Jilty per rvnl in the c croud , but in tin third i-tujjeii iH nnpcfilble t snte mure than five p r ten i , (or thn luiin :ir o cut up b) the t'if mr it ti it deli.ince in inedirnUktll. Men. how v c r . in IIm I .ict ht;iL")s, Inhalation atlords evlif ordinnri rilnl tu tho ahiittt rinfj nlicndriplhiH ti;,iful tT,.nt)u-, w lm h M tm.illy iiestro)!- iiiiuiy iae iiiniunii pcrmt'i in ti I'ulted HtatcR nlone ; and a correct i nlriilntti n ibi-v l toil ot Hid present nuiuilatjuii of lie t u rih, t is lit m il 1 1 otid urL iler lined toil I the r;isu lept iyi jnn r Truly the -tuivi i I death him no arrow ro ( Con niimpt inn . In all '( it has bten tke pri nt t m n, of life, lor it tfpnret. neithi r nge tut; m-, I. it tw 1 1 1 nir alike iho iitnve, the beantifnl, I he grncc ful , uud il.i Hilled. Ily the U'V f"' "I'r "ie liliigfri i.. wbiun coinexh cvey "end tind ertt rt gift. 1 tlin t J'libh d Ii, nltT to the tuiliftcd u eriniaiicut and unf ty t un in ('on -."in pt inn '1 he 11 ru rni.Fp vt lulu ri 1 1 1 it (n m tm pure I) I uod. and the luiipi diate t-flr 1 1, prudiu ed bj t In u ucpofcllinn In the lungs, m to prevent t Ik fnv fnfiitiniiso nT.iir into the mr cell w whichcauxesn tiheri-ii jt.i Itiy through the entire H)cti i.i Then pun 1) Ii in n.i-ti ratiuiiHl lm peel g re nter good from ii'mIkum f;ni(iti (( the ciivilei of tJie I mips than Irom Un,n iidiniMtt t il thruiish tlni Klniiiiuii , the pot it-in nlwuj p it ml the In lies free and the hn iiihitii.' i tir-y niter liihuunK n me dies, Thas, tnhnluliou isuleral ren,edy, neverltii li it ai tJCoiit-tittitionaM,and w i'li more pouerand tn t-iinly tli .in rcmt'ilicsadinliimteredh) the rtoniiirli '1 i prove tin powerful a ud dircc 1 1 nllm nee ol thi modi i iidiiiinUiralloii. ihlornform luhaUd will entiril) tie tny ueniibiliiy in a leu minutes . paint winy the n lire mnous sjhteni ft that a limh maybe mnfTiitittf J w ithout the uliiiltltut tidiii , nih.inng tht ordiuar) burn Irg g.ta w'ill dei-trny life in a few houri 'Ihu iiilrilation of animouiii will tov the s)ttio w hen 1 Jin ting or apparently dead The odor ot ii-nu of tho ine,hrine i pi-rreptihle iu the fVin n ft w min uli'K nfter living tnhali'd und n y ininiritiatel) 'v tec led in the blood. A convincing of uf ilio.cnni.ti tullonalelteLtBolinhitliilion is the fact thai mtWit n it alwais produced hy bnalhing tout mr. Is nut Hum piHitne evidenro tint proper reini-dir. can fully p-. purcd and Jiidiriouslyaduiiiiitcri'd Hiri uyh thu lunge, i-i.ould producethp moil hnppy renitls' liming eth teen years' practice, many tkotirnnds jiuflenuK fruu diee.upi oftho liiuusand lne beeji under my core. nnd I have ill, ctul many reuinrkublecuren, ewn aller th" sufterets had been pronounced iu the lu, feiOL'iji.. w Inch fully satinlles mo l lmt cniiHiuiipiitiii it nn -In linear a iticiirto . My treat mint of lonsuinptmii i original, uinl fuundtd on lougoxpe rfrnre nml u tho rough InvehtigatiKii. Aly perfert nr'iuniulnnre w ith tho nature of tubercles, tec, t'n.ibles mo tn distinguiih . readily, the various forms of disease that siinutute consumption, and npply thu proper rpnu'iiies, rnrclj being in isia ken even in a single ruse. This familiarity . in cnunrrtiun with certain paUiolouiral ami inirrosro pic ilhro.crk'n, enables me to rehei c tho liinf from the eifi-ru of contracted client t ; to enlarge the flu t. purify the Mood, impart to il renewed vitality .giving energy and tone to tie entire syi-tem. .tiei'iciiieH wnn miii mrtriioiis sent Monvn n of th-! iTnllnrl HlHe.o n n ,1 f'(.,l-. I .. .... . .. ... , waling tJicir fymproms by letter. Hut tho euro Kould he more (erlmn iT ihu patient should .jiy me a visit, wh rhlwtnld give me nu opportunity to examine thu lungs nnd enabl,- m to prfKcnbo with miiih preiitu certainty, nnd then the euie tould he clfeelcd without my seeing the putii'nt ngnlu. n i. W tilt A HAM, M ll., .10 uuu vuiiauun JUUI,IIIH CIJIII III 11 II I umce, 11.11 1 iuikht si reei , (old No. t . "clow Tutjritia rjiiladeliliia. r July n, lPaT-(Marca 4) 1 rilOSPEOTUS OF THE UNITED STATES DUIEOTOKY. rislin undersigned pri'poso isiLii)g idout the lint ol 1 Oitobir. ojl u boon under tho abovo t'Ho. to contain about 1'IPTRRN HUNDCni) PAHHB' (Bize of pngo 13 by i!0 irwhes j The object of the United Hi at eg Directory will be Jat.Tu give the numoandpoftoihconddress of every malo person (of the age ul 15 and upward!) in tho United Hutf . Jd. To givo the name of every pon oiTico and non master in thu United Mates. 3d. To give ihy mime and placo of publication of every Daily, Weikly, Mui thly and (luaiterly I'upi r und Magniliifi published in the United Httten VarU State, city, town, villagu and post olhco wllJ be alphabetically arruuged. The iiHnio ol earn perse n will be alphabetically ar ranged under Ihu head ol their respective pobt otoco add re s. As tho United Slates Dircrtnry will bo a matter of infc-rel tu every rraident in America, vti ruspectfully solicit tho uid ol poi-i inubierstiiid others, In alt partu of Hit; roiinttyt in obiuiniiis iiouioi ami H'nding them on ns Moen us pntsibh,'. In making up hits, write tho no mo of PoetOlfice, County and the hcud of thu alieet, then fill tho remainder with d Mindly written names, of mcilo persons only, of ihu agu of fifteen yearn und upwards, un. I ut mo. ii m) on have (uliicieiit to nil au envelope iiiiii ui "MMiiijdit;ijr( A I'roipectus will hefent post paid to any person w ho may order it. To I'Kivnr MiiTKr-Writo distinctly ihu norac, pout U4hce, county and Hiuio. MOHIIIH, UAItDNLH A. WH.KHH, I'uMiheni, Olncinusti. Ohm. N. 11 I'ublii-hers luoerting thu above I'rospeitui, iiirluding (ho notice three times in their weikly popw, nnd cull attention to the same In thitr editorial cot u in n, will receive a copy of the U. IS Uircrtntydelivcr ed at their uihru free of charge. Jfirect all tichaujo powers to Itm Uiiited&tatetf Directory. Jiind i:t. lr.57. A UETIltED PHYSICIAN, 17 r Yl.AKH Ol' ACi:, liavlncloft bis father, twn i brothers, daujthter, poii-hi-Mw, nephews nnd njeci s, bv Hist dieadfu) lf(nbe, tVhttirrii...t uimI suf. furing with a Cough himclf( ihti'rimned lo v i hit tho l.nBl 1 miles, Hgypt and Japan, win re he dinrovi rod p prti entice and certain ture for Colds, Coughs, llroncln lis. Consumption, Ncivoua Debility aud Asthinu, Ills cough was cured immediately, hu returned, curud his rela tives, who juhirited ihu tlicao. and In ronncctioii with hU son have employ ;d n in their ifurticr, curing thoitPaudH of cases cuusidored hupdess by other 1 i or 1110 purposu ni resrumg ns tunny 01 nis suncriug ' low-heings as possimc, he Is bendfim Ihc Iter ipu 10 , r , ,, . I , i .1 ' ' ' 1 vr 'Hul Hioatancc prii.ting I lUlr'prin, 1 m bl. 'I Kirhnlrif IIMrl Juiu n I .1 New V uk