4 .4. s M ClEllBIA DfflOCRATJafeaian&i&aUoafe'Sl'EtlJlI, N OT I C 15S.SEPTEMB1J11 COURT, Af.EJl II. TATBi VOCAV KDITOIl, Saturday Morning, Aug. 8. 1857. Wo understand, that n Gimp meet- me will bo held at Orsngovillo, in this f Aunt;, commcnoing on Thursday, tho 20th flMt. $Sr Wo understand that our "obliging fml" of tho Kxohnn;o is fitting up a rr"'"uu"1 ; V" , TUlUlDiv Duuhvoa iu Jo uuraiuiuu. buu Bri l..l lo ,n, .mnrnvemonr. thai m. ' I'M I 1. f wn I VOLOnKD, On list Wondaj, Atrms ,80ns and Daughtors, hold o Jubilco tt Oraogovillo. Our totrn sent quito a num. baTof tho sahlo gallants and their ilujcl- ATOM, Com., art) irl Ip II wo in lantaitle too " On too Hint On Saturday hstt wo bad inotlicr Tory fino ehovjcr ; it commenced tvbout sic hour tho rain oomo down in torrents, &nd ..won little rivers of water wcro seen run tiling in tho street. DBS' On Monday evening last, Sheriff Miller, accompaned by Mr. Morns Van Btislcirk. arrested two nassenecrs on board .tho Packot Boat on ita arrival at Blooms. I mi rtt nr I . 1 .1 3 a -J. ! , nurg. xno ouenn nau reortveu a uF. ch from Mr. M.loy of Pittston stating tl ie who baa ciopoa witn rt man narcca, Byrant Yard. Thoy were placed in our Jail, and remained thero until Wednesday morning last, when thoy wero taken back to. Pittston, by tho Constablo of that placo. ' ..... ;! W Oranqkviixk. Wo had ocf asion, mvs the. Montour American, to visit tho " . ', , Uittlo town of Oranrrevillo n few ays aeo, I "" . . , . "b. ,. ' , It is located in lolumbia county about six miles northwost of Bloomsbur; , and i was laid out, about thirty years ago by Mr. G, Rickets, who is still living and .enjoy-1 Ing n namo in green old ago, Tbo villago was long known by tho namo of Knob- tho plaro. rrt. H..lntnn Tho population nt present 1 . ... . . 1 1 I 1 1.. . .1 i numoors nccwccn iw aim nirco iiunurcu iiniiabltants, hoao occupations eoinpriua jprosobuted in n villngo whc.ro they cm boast of n l.ir.-n cnterprizo to givo tono( .aoil vitality to its bumess n,U.mn. UrAPgo- .ville contiinstlireo pu'ilic Uousoa, fchreo , .Stores and two Clmroho-, tlio Presbyterian .m 1 . i i,and Methodist Episcopal; Tlin hnst. lintel iln tho jiaco is kept by Jacob Good.. His - - .eiiaoiisinnsn) u very uo, commouoom ,s . . .. . , . , l nd lllVltini;, and WO ttkO inUWI .plcasuro ' ,, ,. , ,. , Un commendin lm llouso to our fncmU, , . ... ., ' pocnlIy thiso wlio may attend tho ap- . i, . r ei i . , jproaching (.amp Mecliiig,-as Mr. Good js -making every prepiration to accommodate i .hu cuosts with comfort iblo (itiarters. Tho : n :iu ..n ' uuuu.-ij, ' b. leonstructcd of wood, neatly pnuited, and prcsont a ploasant "appoaraneo. Tha I'cst .Ofiloo is kopl by a vory agroeablo and ac-i .commodating gon idatinpr Kontloman of tbo Democratic .school, an 1 wa uro tild iwy unforlunaltlij ' itho mtjority of tho villagers entertain tho ,samo political faith, 1 DecfIt. Of all persons, none are , dangerous and dospioablc, ai profession. il hypooritcs. No man is nearer your iimortai kip, man Ha wno greots your pro 1r nee with a smilo, but when absent assails N your reputation with vilo slanders, whioh ,h8 supposes you -will never hear, orfi jhotrd will not suspcct.ho .is-lho author of - ,thcni. Ua .professes to bo your friend; j-you aro his; tod wliilo confiding ,in him, ', ? and suspecting him of no deceit, ,liko a paltry ooward, ho stabs you to tho dark, ,f and repays your friends.hip with calumny, ' 'twhioh is too frcquoutfy rcceivod as truth, .l,nnd wliich you cannot refute, bceauso.not . ''jpreseut. No wprds cap deicribo tho.indig .nation and loathing which ono feels toward -.euch a contcmptibla objot t whon ho detects ' his roal oharaoter. Such persons may bo . successful temporarily in concealing and .disguising their deformity, but cvontually lit will bo exposed to tho scorn and .con- tempt of every sincere man and woman in (Community. Tbo man to uso tho otdin ' ary phrase whosO'"faults lio on lho out ..ide," oau decciyo, nobody ; nether .does i',he desiro to do so. X scoi knoty, ipd y.ucdoratand him ; he npproaobes you in no Ifdisguisc, and discloses h!s roil sentiment toward you by his external demeanor; ho ,Beorns to insiuuato himself into your good graces, Judas-liko to betray yon, and in vites no conQdcnco by wbieli to possiss himsclf.of tho moans for doing you in aeorot an injury. Go whero you will, and you will find theso Uriah Ileeps infesting every department of society. Like a ilow poison thejr operations aro ucseon, but their Influenpo.is te$tructivo of thopeacaofcora ,: munity. Thcre is-Jiut ono remedy for this ovilj and t.hat.is lo a,void and thun thoir tpresenco at ull tlni.es midlives, and treat tlicm with that contempt which their trca- .?JE,ehory deserves. Sincerity is an clement ofhuman olraractcr whjeh altrajs adorns .its possessor, although it manifests itscll, .sometimes, in an inelegant manner. He jis. your best and truest friepd, who mikes ,known your faults to you, and conceals rthem from others ; who desires .your cx- .ccllencoj oxcerc'ues charity toward your ,miafortuness ''From all hypof riles, .Oood jl.rjrd delivor us," Election, Second Tucsiay in Octobtr. " " EM A3 DIETRICK, of Montour town- . 111 i 1 1 .1 . i . -.. . nrtinuTV Knif utaainu. ' PIMII, Y, I II UfT riUUllfaiO 11)1 VfWIMI I VUNI'IIDCIUII' Etl,surJectto the usages of ti) CoIun-bU County Ocm oe ratio Convention. Aug ml e,ie57.-tdc, JAME8 S. .McNINOU, of Catawlssa tnwnshlp. trill In a candldqlo for COUiVTY TRBABU Rp(t, subject to the usages of the Columbia County Democratic Convention. August 8, 1337-tJf JOIIN A. FUNSTON, of Madison loffDdhlD. Will DC A CindlCSIfl rOrUUUWl I'UWMIB- SIONCK. .ul,t 10 Ih. U.1,C1 of Ihf Colan.1.1. Counl, Auwtt 1, lU7-tde WILtiTAM COIjK, Esq., of Benton lownitjp.wlli bo n cindtdme for COUNVY TRKAB17 RHRi tutOTl to the uitfei of tie CotumbiaCouniy Drmocralie Convention. Jut33, 157 iJo PAMUEL KISNER, Esq., of Madison I townrhln. will bo n camildaio for COUNTY COM. ' MDSi Jni.n, uiueciioino un.lri 01 tuc uoiuvtuia Cmintir Dinociatlc Contention. )af S3,IS7-ldc WILLIAM T SHUMAN, Esq, of Main inwn. hip. will be a eandldato for COUNTY' Tltr.A BDRr.R.iubJect to tha uia(a 01 III. ColaablaUoontjr DemocratieConTtnlion. Jul J8,IB57-tdo BENJAMIN WJNTERSTEEN, of Tine lownpjilp. will lie a candldalo for COUNTY COMMISSION BU. iiilijrtt lo the 'Uagrlol the Colura join County p.oinatlc Conrenllon. uly 18,ls7-td JOHN KIEFER, of Catavfissa town. hip, will be a eandldato for COUNTY TUFJABURER, eratie con.niinn. Plinj.cito me lipase ni me uoiumuia louiuj upmv ;"'y gt,'8J?""1'' ' 1 ' " ' ' " g))vcrlll cnlumn3 of Advertisement, as wcU aa our ususi variety of .nliccUine- . . ., j d t ,h;3 week. t&" Messrs. Else & Wilson's Ico Cream Saloon, wo notice, is thronged cvory even ing, with visitors. No wonder, for their Ico Cream is of the Crst qnality. . . a ., 7 i 10-On list Saturday tho Pennsylvania , . . llailro:id iGprnpapy took possession of tho j ;J)e " . T - - SS M. Barton, offers a valuablo farm for sale. Seo Adycrijy:pi,ent. " " - . " QfoUllUUlCl SClHOCt(lt. m, . 1. . .i ..... w Tlio following arc .the receipts to tho office . . r- . I . 1 of tho Coi.umiiia Democrat, during tho njo nth of July, 1857 : I 00 I in inue I Nohon . 3fl(l ChvlutniU'V. John lleMt, .3 00 Or.T A. Hurley, I (Ill'Cnl. N. M'Cay, Clio' R KlTttle, l. , J.l'J IVrr.p.ise to Co , 10(111 Kntieit tro lier. s no I 1 01 1 7J I in I'VnTy'ji'ij'i.'r. tu- k,,",?. j i'Atw'i'ii" 1ov"' S,1'"" ''" , Nrliar,l t J.icoby, I no : Will. T.PhilliMIl,. Esq I 110 Alia-, (ii oree llntth, IS') 1 .7.1! Trrns'r Cnluinbil Co, 13 00 .',11 1 Columbia Cotioir, i-2 .10 .1 1'u it ii.Artnur. no (! ft. K Hliuninn. 4-7" flimitrl Klnfr. Esq., A.t.-I. An.l.eas, I Oil 1(1 l.nwry Kline, liiu. Aniir.qB. I ivilll.ln, nfiw.n J"uu i.oiccnuers'r, : -u. a. i.. Mine, EitnleorWiu Zarr, .1 3" Pratt U lliitchur, Alcoa Ititlonhnuse. 1HM Samuel Ohl, N. II. Crrnsy, Esq., I i Jirob Harris, Tsl , it. rnvuin-ii, .in .wiiiiam.oht, Henry L.ircaa.M. I) ,51,0 Tlup.B i:ilerrz,r, juim Krim, i i-j iiani-i w. Miner, n"in;i pqiriiiii, nru ruer Miner sr. niuuuotEiiJder, 3,oo i;i..ni.i,r.- iroi ron t'p , 3COj Jro iiguiu.tbnnU.our frLoqds for prompt payment, u is tius.tiiaDsust&mfi mo rrcss and encoi tWai a cur CUitomCr3, everywhere, to try to help us to ' moct our heavy cspen.CSi by proInp't pay. ( meuts, ud thereby disohargo au honorable obligation. hepccially do wo request '"Waat ubsonUers, to Ui o as iimnv others have tlonc, viz.: t remit money by mail, nt our risk, as wo liavo never .lost a upjlur in that way, and its receipt will bo duly acknowledged by mail nnd the payment also publl-hed in tho Columbia Democrat. Nojrth Branch Canal. Collector's Office, ) Ukacii Havk.v, August5, 1857. $ Col. Tatb : Tlio receipts of Canal Tolls, at this office, aro as folbws J'rtviously reported S00.810 15 July...................... 27,158 71 Total, 87,9.71 80 Kcspcctfully yours, John S. I'o llmer, Collector. ConrtECr,:!) ,W.EEKLY at haktman's STORE Wheat.. ..Sii 00 Butter 20 Egg 13 Tallow 14 Lard.-.. 15 Potatoes 75 Dried Apples. 2 00 Ityo ....1 00 Corn 00 Oats 50 .Buckwheat .75 'Whito .leans... 1 ,75 HA r41Atfi!ii!Sir Whoa, ,$1 70 .Corn. 88 Cqrp iilcal.....4 00 Flour. . . ..... .52 00 Ryo 95 Oats 45 On Thursday 30th ult.,by,tho Rov.'D. J. Waller, Jamks W. Edeb, of Uuok Horn, io Helena, daughter of Reuben llomboy, of Hemlock. On. tho samo day, by tl0 sahic, .WntlAJI P. 'Ltmy, of Buck Horn, to Jliss Mary Aiioe Welliveii. On tho 23 I nit., by William Kitchen, Esq , Mr. P. W. Siilndle, of Philadelphia, to Miss Emma Lewis, of Danville. ID EAT as In Benton, of scarlet fover, on tho 25th of Juno, Ruth Alice, aged 8 years, 5 months and 25 days. Ana on tbe 30th of Juno, Mary Jane, aged 0 years, 1 month and 17 days. Daughters of John 0.( and Margaret Dildine. Tho Saviour kindly calls Our children to his breast ; He folds them in his gracious arms ; Himself declares, thorn blest. 41 Let them approach," ho cries, "Nor scorn their .humblo claim; Tho heirs of ho a von aro suoh aa, theso ; For such as thoso I camo." In Uorvfiok, on Thursday morning last, IjAwnEKCE. son of John nnd Ann Kuoh. agfd 2 yeari, a mocths and 10 days. ITVI EET1NQ of tho Columbia County I VI ACllUCItl.TunALBICIF.TY. A special wet. ' ft'Trthl.ft,letv will behld nn Pniurdav. Am. 13th. : '.Aiis. Uth. ! io, Rloomi- !hutg. .A general attendance is reqii'.sied.as but! of importance i to be lalA ucfiw the meeting. tlntM August 1, IP57. JOHN O. FRCC7.n. r.11, lm reiumpd the practlca , of tho Law in Bloomibu, Columbia county, 1'a.. and , ., .1. j, . i j c. .V .J .ii 1 Will fije nil uiiuitiucii himi iiiuiui bu'iiiiuii isj an prorenlonal bunlriQ'ta enlrmlfd lo lilin in Columbia and adjoining count ki , Mc enn bo founft conttanlly, In hti Ofllcc, In RoM onV Roff.iifar the Court House. Oiryo ara afllletfd w'th any comp'aloi winch requ!ret a rurBitlro Medicine, try Ayer'a Alto Villi they aro worth trying Cwrd Mtrtury, A". C. rrllELMDOIiD'S UNIVERtJA LLY ArPROVCO ItUMCDV. ConiiounJ Extract nucha curei Dfceaiei of tho Dladder. Kldneyi. Grrvel, Dropty, Wcakneii, iic. Read tho advcrtiicmentln another column, head ed "tMmhoId'eGanulne preparation." US' The Five Per Cent, Saving Fund ofll.e National ntclj Compioy, nVui lictt, aoulh- weiUorner of TalrJatroet; rMlaitflphliii now litu nraTtr. out Mn.uoniSDAUit.rof Dollar oil in uul MonTiOI.ll, UROOUD KtKTI, nno I tiet o toe benefit to drpoiitort MoBTion, Grooud Rikti, and ottwr flritclaii aeeurl tr TII0.MA8 W. MArMON, Uccclted thernu Medal at (he Wmld'a fair In Londjn, la'.l, for TRUNK8. CARPET HAOS, Rooti.tahoea nmlQiimt. Grral Inducement are now offered lopurchaaori oftlin above article a. Thlila much the largeat Jtockoftrunkf, Carpet Oagfl. Votlcea.&te.. In rhlladctphla Terychcnp, or caili. Manufactorlei! 130 Market Slrcol, B. W. corner.ond 12 j Market street, H. I'.. corner of Kouilli. trr A COOL REFLECTION. "For every mjlo that we leave the turfaco of our earth, the tompernlure falls Ave degrees. At fortvfivo miles' distance from the tlobowerit beyou4 (the otmosice, nnd enter. strictly speaking, ttito the rrglons of space, whose temperature Is 233 drgrees htlow zeio, and herecoldrelgns In all Parts," Tho gentleman who went "hryond the at mosphcre,' and held tho thermometer In tho "regions of space," has since his return declared that the next coolest thing Is, a suit or those light, elegant and grace ful stimmerclolhes, which have rendered tho fashion able Eaipor.unt 01 Granville Blrkn.No. W7,ln'o 209 Chrsjnut sljret, famojs on U,i tortltoritl orb. trs-wuiTr. TKtsTii, rERPUJinn nncATii and llEAUTIPUf? COMrLEXIOfJ-can bo acquired by using tho "Htm r a Thouiand Yeiesrs." rrat lady or gentleman would remain under the curso of a dis agreeable breath, when by Ufing the "llitM or . TnomiD Ptonias" as n dcntrlSce, w.uld not only rendrr it sweet, but leave the teetb whlto as run terl Many persons do not know their brcatl) Is bad. and the subject Is indelicate that their frlenCa mil never mention it. Utrware of counterfeits. Da sure each bottle is signed FETRIDGB i CO., N Y. HE Wiau IN TIME. How mapy aro there wjbo afflicted with dic.no In an Incipient stage, delay from lime to timo having reeoursu to some rcmci'ial ogent. which would effectually arrest the further progress of ('isense, and render tho system impregnable toils in. sidlous attacks It is unfortunately too true there are thou Hands who sink .Into au early trave whereas at a trifling expense they mjght Imvo lived to n good otdngo. If there ta reliance to be placed in medicine, f nod thouranjs or well attested ease establish boyond h,.ivlad.ob....iecr,ivon,o.,.in.nf,. , . , oou particular remedy, then llurle)'. Snrraparilla is unquestionably the greatest medicine ever introdaceil 10 sn afnicted community. Hesitate nut, therefore, to use ,lt,4f suffering from any of the ills which flesh Is heir 10. llertU ((7ofrt!oi Tint ) tO"l,000 REWAIID WILL HE PAID rOR ANY Medicine tint will excel PRATT at nUTCIIER'S MA C.IC OIL fur the fnllowiiit di-e.ises: niieii.iintliitii Neuralgia. Spinal AfTcetlons, Cnntracteil Joints .Cholic Pains, Puins IntheSldo i'rllack,Ilotdaclic,Toothnrhc, Pnrains Horo Threat, Cuts, Primes, Ilurns, and nil ''".diseases of the SUn, Muc'c nnd the (Hands. None 3 on I genuine wilhoul tlio slgnaluro of "Piatt Ic llutrhi-r" 173 Attached lo each label. Principal offlee.goti Weshing i'tl!'""1 """,. Ilronklyti, New York. Sold by U. M. II -l-J (JENIIUOH, Unijgiil, nioiiiiilmrg. U'ti' t3"TIiis ir tocertify that I have made but one appli. I do r.-iliiiu of the Vlngic Oil on my flngars, whirh hnvu been 801 n'"awn 'r"1" eontrncltoii of lho cords, brought on by rne'iisallsm It was or seventeen month standing, it lo nil itlllcted llkcwliu J M F1NIIROOK. 71 Locuslstrt'Ct, llarrirbnrg .flMgttsl l.,.fS7 EQUALIT1' TO ALL I U'i M FORM II V Or PRhJnm A Ntw Kkatcbk i llt'slNCMi Every enht$ own Siltimtml JUNES & CO.. Of tho Crcfrcnt One Trice Clothlntr Flore. No. 800 Market itrctt, above Plxili, rinludelphia. ,In addition to ti.wlnR tho largest, inoit varied anil it)ionhle atock of Clothing In riiitadelphin, made eiprculy for rctql aajet, have conrtitnted every one disown enlesman, by having parked in ftguref, on eachartlile tho very lowcit price.lt can be aold for rotney cannot poiiibly vary all muathuy alik Tha gootlDnra will tponged audprepared.nuOgreai pain taken with the making to, that all can buy with he full am ran re nfgetllng u good article at the very lovreit pric). AUu.n large itnck of.pji-co gooda on hand. of tho talost ft)le ami boat iualitien, which will be '"nl o to order, in the moit f.iiliioonblo and beat iiinnncr,23pcr cent.btlqw credit prices. Kencmbof tho Cretccnt, In ilatket, above Blsth Street, No VCO. JONRS U CO. It? A CAR!) TO Til fJ IjMHCS. Dit. Uupotco'a RoLniM PRcirit Vills art irfitUbl$ in t$tqviflff ttoppagti or irregularities cf the menses, Theieillaaro noUilug now, but have been urort by tho Drtctor.fjcr many yoarj, botli iu Trance and Anicri en, with unparalleled luccrra i n every cajo jnjid bo la urged by many thousand ladies who have med them, to make the IN II a public, for the alleviation of tliote fittTerlng from any iirrgularitiaa whatever, aa well a a a pr event ivo to thorn ladles n hoio health will not permit an increase of family, Pregnant females, or those lupposlngftliemselves to are cautioned against using theac Pills, as the prupri ctnr Qift.VT.es no responsibility alter the above ad mo. nition.alttnuch tho I r mildness would prevent Qf.v in Jury to health; otherwise, these Tills are re coin mended. Directions accompany each hoi, Trice 91. .fold wholsaale and retail, by GtSORGB M. IIAOENBUCIf. General Agent. Uloomsburg, r. Ho will supply tbe trade al tho proprietor's prices., and send the Tills to ladies (tonjidintiaUy) by nail on receipt of ft through the D loo mi burg To it Office. ONEPKI0EONLY I MFl'INCOTT s nUNTER'S Clothioj Won-houii-. South Vsl corner nf I'ourth .nil Market streets. Hut adelpbla. Thopnly Ono Prleo Cie(4U? Sfor, ! nsrlco Cash purchasers of Men's or bny'a CloiUing, at wholesatoand retail, can heremake their selection from nn ItnmansQ Block of fashionably cut nnil well madecloitilns, gotiip with avlcwtngiJo satisfaciion lo all, and ot tlieA'ery lowest possible selling price . marked, n plain figures ott every carmc;ii, all buy at Hie aanieprice,and, whetlter they aro Judges of goods or not, they amjinote decieved, Ono uniform low pricotoask nndtako, suitsovcrybody, wile tho usual .ytodepf asking Iwo'prices, a,nd takiog all that can bo got, suits nobody, andcheatsiliree.fo.trltis ; for instaneo a tnan jtsks SlS.for a coat, and aficrwardsagrees to tako till, and lt;ia equally rcttain, llialhe.would hatre laken 813. if he could l.ae gat It, and thus actually chat lie purchaser .'out of Ave dollars. To.teruedy this avil and establish, confidence In the. trade, I.IITINCOT it CO., n a uniformbelow pricf on ell theirg9tds,(very much blow the usual rates,) nnd will uevort-ary one cent under any circumstances, O-OAI.l. AND 8EECU At theaomli WcBtcosae of Fourth anJ Market street, Tnil'deiphla. Annmx oir anp i.at siimauEa, for sal. 4UUUU at t ie Arsad. by May 50, 1SJ7. A. C. HENSCII, STONE COAMorsale'by II. W. i. IV. N. GREASY. T10HTICr.n roSTS on hand and for sale al th. jtl Arraaeny Arcade by May SO, I6ST. A, U. MF.MCII, piOTTOX nnd Wool Carpet, lor ia. shsap at Hi. Arcade by May 30, ieT A, n. men'scii 25000 RIIINGI.Krl, FllltSAI.K LOW HV II, W i. W N CUKASV. ' riO0LAMATJOi. XT7llFsREAB,lho linn, Witiittif J-V(rnw4Bp,pfftf VV rienlnftha Court of Ot r itnd Termliit-r ml Iln. ncral JallDeliver, Court i Quarter ficntnr 1 fllie rvne.n nn ionrui uniiin.nn r it-nsunu uriii nn- uuuu. In thflTwntV'ffiilli in Iff 11 1 IHMrlri e Drum srd of thn InlheTwe counties of Colnmnls, H'tltivau and Wyoming, eniltiii) I (Ion Jjitna hrAt nnd I'KTtx kt-iKK Aiinclain Jiideri In Coltimnlnroiinlv. hntn ivmieu tlicir urecfM. 'icarinv tUto tho Stti day or Aly In tho year of mir fjd one tlioiifonrt eight lmn,fCd nud nny.l,jiiid to ma dl reeled for holding a Court of Oyrr nnd Terminer and flenTftl Jail I)cllveryf(eneralUuartrr Feulon 0MI10 i rencPiLommnn rieoinnu urpnan uoiiri, in iiioomi. lurjt. In tha county orCotunibla. on the flrit Mondavi (being tho tJth day) of Eopl next and lo conllnueone I N otic a litereltp given, to iln Coroner the Juiilrei , ormo reaeo ana unnfiauici 01 iT ini; rouniy or t;o lumblatlhat tbr be then there In Cielr ornnei prrmnfjit iq o'clock in mo torenoon or fahl 'ay, with their rccqrda.lniuiiltlpnannd other ruuemb ranee to do thoiatblnpf wbfeli ip Ihclr iifflrra npptrfr.ln to ht done, Anmnoie inai pro uonpu ny rFcoeMnnre rntpcut Aff&lnai iitn nrntoiicm tlmt err 01 mav ( in tho Jail of laid county ol Columbia inbelhenoiittthero m proieeufehem hnl bejuat. Jurrri are ftqufM mii tn tm nunfinnl In Hi Ir ut ten ('an re. acrcrnhlv in their nolfcct. Doted nt Dloumst.urfr. the lit flay of Augui? in the year ofour Lord ono thousand eiaht liiinilrrd nnd flfl v.uPVtn. nnd lti tllGE2il vrnrol the In doUemieiK,fih UniiedBiatt.or An,tirn. Trial List for 3ept'r Torm, 1857. 1 William Knons rs. Ueorge I-. Kline, el al 1 William Konns r. Oenrre I.. Kline 3 Joseph Stiickhniisa es. fllltert fowler. 4 a nam etroup, Jr.et ai r;. i i. uupert ei a. 5 Adam Btrotin. it, et nl t. I.. II. Rupert eta). 0 Thomas Parker r John II. Parker. 7 (leorgeli Kline t. Moses CofTuian, H Isaac Urown t. Robert i , Lyon. 9 William Roblson rs. Wilson Acer. to Jacob Bchuylc: vs. Wilson tger. II Fletcher II. Do.Uon vs. William Long 13 Catharine Tunner ts. John D. Weaver. 13 Adam uaoio rs. Kngio rox. iain-r. 14 Jonithan Mostrllcr ts Slrphen Baldy 15 Chrl'llan llelst es, Daniel Olrger. ' 10 Wm. Hopper es. P.dinond C'nwlord et ftl. 17 Oeoreo Fettennaii es Bolomon Fetterman. 18 Martin Mowry es. Thomas Stackhouse, 19 flllbcrt Fowler ts. Daniel Fowler's I'.x'r, 90 Daniel Koslcnbader ct al es. David Ilnuu. St Wm.Ritlenhouso rs. flamuel F, Hmdley. Si James Ralston rs James Knltjnn, Jr.'adm'r, ... UUTIU I II.1K -l.ll, III I., lljlllll III .nil., SI D. I.. Winterslren el al r. Christian Ehuman. S" William Roblson rs Wm Edgar. VO Jas.Bi iVoodi, Adiu'r ol John Lazaras rs.Calharlno Lazarus, 57 Reuben W. Weaver rs. William Mclz. S3 Thnmn- Marks rs. Clark U mewaril. S3 Willifm Conrad ri. Daniel L. Buiith. Gram Jurors fur September l ti in, 1857. nioom -Charles Kahler, II Irani W, nrown. Srlarereck Snmuei Fowler,Wm Stalil.Wni I.nmon, Samuel Henry, Jnrob Martz. Denton John 13. Doty, John O Dildine. Abiatam noung . Eeaverlsalah Longenbcrger. Centre Wm. Iloffinan. deorge II. Kslchnef. t-ranklhi Jnslinn lendrnhall. 1 ishlngcreek Nathan Flecknsteln, John Creveling, i nomas reaier. Creeowood Samuel Evans. Isaac Kvans. Jteksoa Peler Hodge, Daniel 1'oust. Locust Wm. Yenger, Madison James Kisoer Orange Samuel Achenbach, Traverse Jurors lor Scpl'r Terra, 1857. fjloom E I'.Littz.Wm.ll.Jaenby.Henry a, I'tl I lips, I.. es. aiei ninan. Ilriarcrei k Wm. Ilerrln, Joslah Thomas, leaver Charles r alnnn Daniel Siogtey. ItenlnnIsaae K Krickbauitt, Jubit Ikvlur. . Centre Is oe Hess. Calnwiss.1 Daniel llelwig. Franklin Chrlrllan Arlley. l-'ishhierreek Peter P. Pcaler Ureeuwnoil Robert Robins. Isaac ration, Tsaac Lyon Hemlock Franklin McUndc, John Q Nevius John Unigler. Locust Daniel Reinholit. Mark Williams Mt. Pleasant auiuet Johnston, Wm. ilowoll, (3co. Cavoneo. Montour-Jnhu C Quick, James Uartnn George ulscher. Mitnio Petet Lonmbergor. Orange David Herring. Pine John I eccnt lloarni;cieek Mie'ic! Mrwvry, F.lijlil C. Morn. Siigirliaf etaiv'iul PnrXs, Jo linn llrink. SI'KIJfO AND SUMMEK x i m M To lie Silt Very Cirtip, JUST ItECEIV K AT THE 61 (JRE 01' J. J. IIKOWEit, tsloniiiiburg. April 21, lH,'.7-?m S. L. Pancoast & Co. COMMISSION MEROIIANTf. AND Dr.ALEItS IN FISH, J'ROVrSIONS, SALT, .J-c. 17 North Wharve., riillmttlpliln. D15NTI8 T K Y. IE- 05. iaWI13l3 SUUGEON HEN'IIST. llLOOMSI'.UBO, COLUMBIA CO., Re.ideuce, first Orick bulldim: below llartinan's slor ( on Main Strcft f .rJPPnrnir.T.V InfT.ira hi nrnlV.ilonnl Kfrvirna IV'tn tho ladles and gentlemen of tllnnmshurg and vicinity Iln is preparwd ti attend to a 1 tho various operations tn ueiuuiry, oou is provmcu wuu tno Ja left improved Vor ce lain Tcct ht Which will be infertod on pivot or gold plate,,lo Ir.ok as v ull aa the natural. A upnor otficlo of TOOTH POWDER. n. ways on hand. Juno 13 1857.- Nov. 13, '5S, ESPYTOWN NEW STOllE. THE undersigned, having nirociated trgcther in the Mercanjile tlusinrKs, toko pleasure inannouncing to their frjunds and the public In general, that their new Store Ilmue, located on Main street, central Jn Espytowa, Columbia county, has just boen stocked New Spring Gvods. Co nnritirur an eitpnclve assortment of Clolhs.Cflttl nitrea. Vestlngs. MunUru. tines, and every other cr Uflein tim wri-intig line, including llurdivare China, rw 11, uw "UM Co fuo. Rico. Mn asies. etc.. etc.. with all otlier artl clea nlcniiiintjrce nilHpted to country stores. ALSO-HEADY MADE CLOTHING r7llraln, Lumber, Provisions, Produce, A.C., of all kinds, taken in eichangc for merchanitiio. ii. p. nmniiARn. II O. UllKVKl.lMI, Espytown. April i.MT, NEW CARRIAGE ESTABLISHMENT .IN UL OOMSD UR'G. la the Now briok tlirco Story Oarriagcr Faqtory, on Main below Market. THE subscriber would respectfully announce Ip ttts publie, that.he has commenced the CARRIAGE & WAGON MAKIN3 Btf. BINEriS, in all lisbranrlwts. He Isprcparodloeiccute all order, and hasnnlLlndnt resentanassorliueiitoffliiisliedwork which purchasers wllirindit to their advantage totio. mine. REPAIRING, Will bedono In the niost prompt and careful rnamor and uponterins whlclicannot fail lo give satisfaction. HTll AWDRIUGE A. WILSON. Illoomsburg, April ilH, IP33. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS FOR 1857. THE subscriber respectfully informs liis customers and tha public generally, that he hs rccclvcda fullstock of choice Spring and Summer Goods. . comprising p full assortinetit of Cloths, Casnimers, Batiuetts, Delaines llrhzfers Calicoes, tkc, logelhar wlttiagrtatvaiiety of other articles usually kept in Country Biorea, Al.SO-llarilwore. Cutlery, Quecnsnrarc Salt, Fisk MojIahos, rou, tiled, Hatt, Caps, IlooH.Hhoes. Ac. XC30 Country produce, nioludlng Grilu, Lumber, fcc, taken in exchange for goods- El 'flunk fjl for paitpatrou&ge ho reipoctfully asks a contu jonco of the sanie. THOMAS E. EVES. Millville.Marh SJ, lfJ7-y, Brick! Brick! Brick! 1 MIR subscriber lias now on hand at his yards in Ulooimburg, Columbia county, 3uo,oou well burned ililck j or lhe.best ijuallty.of clay. Those in want of Itnck, can be supplied constantly with . arat.rnw article, And at Ihe ruo.t reasonable prless. Q-TKR!S GASH, ,R D, ARTHUR, nioouiiburg,,July ts, lf57-.il,. SHAD for stle tt HARTMAN",'! RAILROAD AND PACKET DOAT I UUUUSJL 1857. ANTELOPE, 1807. ON and ntter TuMiriav. Anrll 7. 165T. the racket Boat ANTni.Ol'r.,Cpti I. T. Wr Mf, will commence runnini her rcguiitr Irlpa dally. (Sunday cieepicrtj betwrcn Hupertnnd nntlrofco, k fnllnwa i lavea Rupert MSo'clork. A.M..n nrr'val of the Nlghtr.iprfion.heU.W.&K. Rallron from Wil llamiport. and ar'ive at Nanilcofce at I n'rl,ek 1. M'.m ti mo io,tako thg caraon the I, it II, Railroad r Qcraptnn or CJr.al Ucnu lha lame nRernoon rnra Trotn Orcti Bend anl earnnton,t.ay ono o'clock, I". M.) nnilnrrlvesnt Itnpet enrly tho same eranlngin I lime tn take ihn Nlsht Esprera both ways 6n t he C. , I'assengrrs from the Wyom'ng IVnllry, for Tolls. villo, llnrrlsbur gi'lliltininre t'litsourg, and n II other joints South or West, will flndlt to ih.lr Atvanlnge lo uke Hie above Line, as It is the only lino Hint run. necls through , without stopping over nlgbt on Hie road. Passengers from the South or West, hy leaving liar rlslinrg per afternoon train, via Dnuphin and tfusque. hanna' Hnilroed, and via Cattawlasa Railroad, will meet the Packet atRnpertlntlmo. n, it . mate Cosch wll be run daily. (Sundaysex. :ri-W)i, ceniedi helvicen kgiiL.IFfP W Wilkesbario and Rupert, carrying Ihe L lilted stales Mai I. Leaves Wilkes Rarro nt 2 o'clock, A M., nnd ar rives at Rupert In tlmcto con nee twit h the Mai ITralns Dlllll Wfljl, leaves uiinett nfler the arr vn of hnth M.IITsa In. say 3 n'elock. P M.I nnil arvlv.. nt tVllb.. II.. n nluinl m.lnl.li. ' ' . , ,,,. . wiiLia.rropiittor Wilkes Rarre, April II 1837. A MAP OF COLUMBIA AND MON TOUR COUNTIES. rpllBaubtcrlber takei olrapure In inrornilnff the eltt L r,fH Of CollimMn nnd Mnntnitr rnnrillr. thnt lit iutruii.1 iniuiiiuinR a LJWUb JJJSIJ VJiJYJTJUrJV t Jll MJtP of the rounfjes above mrotlonrd. from arttml menxurementff, by origin I rurvryi throughput both """'" - tir oifo lnnev pjcasuro 10 P'ate uini. o mnke the aurreyt, he baa engaged Mr.Janifi Kf J ly onf of the mon c omprtent and e incrlencert FurTeyora iniineeiate Author of tha map of PhUadttplkia.lVaik tnrton, Richmond, Jltontffm$ry, nnd Union ttvutUi. See. TLB aiirVev Will Iw. rnmm.rrorl nsi inon L m.,S. jcnl number of copirs hove been aubariibcd for, to wiirrnni in puuiicaiion. Ih.!!nnp will conmln nn actual nurvry of all the public roadi with theirdlmonecu marked tbreon. Inn wav uifH ine uiitanccn brtwern any two placet in the eounticean cn ily beohiRinrd. Also, tlm lr cation of MM, IMrti, CAnrthes, School Ilcvift, linllkthop TJU uificef, HflenirMjTflff , toundritt , J-rnaett rattorie, Ac , Willi tho namci of nil iho p revert u koldirt. in ihntr exact pMcri throushoul the countiea. Hnna of all thf town In tho countlea, a larcc tca'c, will anpear in tho mnrcln. iiiupiiui 1.1 me mnp wm oe Dloiictl to o rultablr Mnlr,oai to lonko a largo and oruamcnXcrt n.np of the b"M style, handvoinely colore-l, una delivered to tuuatrniviB uniy;ui 31 prr copy, po a?ii on delivery ChPiinuaiue.May IB. I EST if BLOOMSBURG BOOK ST Oil THE undersigned respectfully announces thathiOntlllUithn RlOttmhunr Rt.nl tta-m Stvianarf EttaUi$kmeut,airly conducted byherdeceascd utiBuuMu-iTiHjur vumi in un turir various branches, at the old ctandln the Exchange miUdiug. first door i:.KU&f tbe Kxcliiingo Hole), aud having reptenlvhpd her cslaUishnient with a choice, slock ol JVkie JSookt and Stationary, she in prepared, to accommodate all who may glvo hero call In herlinc, ' AI.SO Tho Restaura nr Salooii, in the basement of the above establishment. wll bo continued na usual by the sub scnhir, whrrc the public can at nil timna be supplied w( till hi choicest UitvEiuaK Ato RcrREfUiMiXTB, such us Mlnerali.irsnparilla, Beer, Ale, &c, Pardines, ijpkeiUnd Pickled Oytem. Tickled Clamv, et. C5Ttc put Uc custom is rnpf ctlully Rolicltt-d. OAUOLINC CLAKK, Svcusmm to Jeut a, Clatk. nioomsbtirg,Ma7 2, IB57 Spring and Summer G 0 005. rTHIE undersigned fcisnectfulh inform J their customers nnd the pub hcgenerally, that they inn rjui recuivni ui mew new nricn csiore uoiise, 1 1) Mguiatreci, nicicctaniiiimtiiioi lasnionauiu Spring and Summer Goods. direct from thf Cnstern citlfp, coninris:nc nil the wjinmtf" selections to bn found in Country Stores, Cnuiling of Cloth. Cnpfmeres. Delnins, ltrnzes, aUcon.'-c Teg el her wititad kinds ofUress goods rir tin' Imheit. A IjKSO. GBNTMIMCX'S WEAR, OP ALMOST. ll A I) 1 1 1 3 T A l M A 8 1 1 R O ?l I A S , 1 1 A W T, S tc. GroerrlB, Molasttv, Sugars, Teas, Coffee. Spices, nno iu iior.pvcryiriinff in mi way oi mercnaniilze. i4 iiriAnv uAui' ui.u iiitsvi. ni every description T.I-1 riwi. Fleet. nits. Sulky riurlngs tc tfr Tliiiiikrul for past patronage, 1 1 will -b if iieir istiiiiioiiB mm tn titfasv theli customers and tr give general stllslnction. i II. W Sc W. N. CRC SV l.istt r-trcel, Ijiril 11, ICS7 ES3.MV;tJHEHJIir, CABINET WAHEHOOMS. THE undersigned respectfully invites the attention nf the Public to his extensiveaFsortmentofCahiiirt Purmiureat.d t 'hairs which be will warrant to bemadi of goo nnti-ri.it and lit n workmanlike maimer. At til l.tttatilMliiiiciitiCanalwajs be found a go,od assort ment if pA.SIHOSABLE FURNITURE, Which isefpinl iu slIennd tlnlsli to that of Phil gL ndc)phi,3or New Yoik. cities, and alas lov prices, ii3xtlo bin SWA. of differpnt.stylcpjand prices, from nut nnd .tlatiogony, Parlor cluHrs, RooKing nnd eas) chairs, Tiana atools,und avarl-tyof upholttcred work I with Urceilngnnd narlotjlKircaui. iofa. card centre nnd ywf isiuM s, iic in s hub, ciirucim-rs wnai nois una whiud drcs.and allkltulsof fashionable v.ork. Ills stockuf bureaus, enclosed and common wnth stands, dr tablet, corner cupboards. eo.fns; breakfast tables, bed steads, cane wnt and common chairs, is tho largest in this section of Hits country, lie will irlso keen B eood assortment of looking glasses with fancy glUnnd.coni. mon f funics. He will alio furnish spring matrespei fitted lonny sue of bendstcad, which are superior for djr.ibi.iiy and coini fort to any bed In tio. . . simo.v c. slave nioomsburg April 81I1, ' Greenwood Seminary. AT Itlillvillo, Columbia Co., Pa. ' A SV8TEUAT10 course of instrurtion is given in nil the Lnglislt branches usualjy taught. The principal will be assirtrd during the present yenr bv T..M. tui ra.nu experlencpd ttj.icrer, recently from ,h- 1 ..n.m. enn. v..,i a .t. ' 'ui' A vacatioti.of seven weeks will commence July 1st, THUMB. Tuition, for day pupils, $1,30 tnl,0 perqunrtrr. nmrdlng. Tuition. Washing, Lights, &c 9M per qtiHtier ot eleven weeks, nne-hilf in advance. Forclrcular, catalogue, or other particular. address VV.1I. IjUIMiESS, Mill vllle. April t.lfW. Frtmipal. 1857. SPRING AND SUMMER, m.A lf T IJU L A A GEO. HULPIN & CO. IMPORTERS jt.YD MANUFACTURERS, 171 UIIESN.UT STREET, Arenowprcparedtoeihlbit lheirNcwEty;s 1 FOR SPUING TRADE, INCLUDING 1 nialark&nilcnloredallk MantiMaa ChanllyiLnc Man Mactlllas, French Lace Jlantll as, Embroidered Silk M.intlllai, Ritglcd Laceand JVrt Mantillas, Mourning Mantillas. Utisiuee, Talmas, A.C , &c, Allofwjitch will be offered null. Lowest Trices. anu, iiiiLpiN & co. 174 Clin.riut Street, nbove7th, Phlla delua. March 7lh,IB37. ALEXANDER KERR, IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN Salt, Salt, NO. 3a SOUTH WtlAllVES, PHILADELPHIA. Ashton's fine Liverpool ground Turk's Island and Dairy Hameoustaittly on hanuand fiir sale, Iu lots, to aull the trade, . ,c , ALEXANDER KERR. April 4, 1657 3m OLIPHAN I", WOODSIDE & CO. Importors .and AVholosalo Dealers in tUiucs oitlr iqnot2? No. 407 Arch SI. above Fourth, PHILADELPHIA. P.OuruiiT, J.Wooostr-., Gko.McAuiii. January, 3d, 1917 y. KOSENDIjE .cement. "PERSON'S wiihing Rofendalr Cement can find il by X eitlling cnttie subtcriber nl Hupert I'n J II Jl ARM AN e3iTTTfl -.ei April II .1 S'&iiif J7y tls flsnsyfrsnla fsfs tittrtl CH9t fttttlll. fs HHi CO, for tkttr ItMrmi fsHs CTTIE I UWOCK I?OR Horses, It Is in tavaluabta rsmcd y for the, euro . and p'aveminn of allilies.rslneliltutiollis npble nu i mat, viz i Distemper, Cough l, Tarry, Fevers, FIs tnta, Foot diseasesl Lung dlsssses, lrf, Create, (tripes, iiitianimalion, aaunaice, Kinnev a senses, danders. Thick Legs, Hidebound, staggers. Y'Ters. IJlcers In Lungr, Butfeit, Fuundett, Hirslgbt ll(r, Woims, Sores. &e. FOR NEAT CATTLE tn Jaundice. Vellnwa. Itnv.n nr fllnwn. Itlnon Utile, Red Water. Morrlan, Loss of Cuil.ll.oii of A. I pellte, Iliarrbosa or Loossness, Hoof disease. Wnlf in the 'In 1 1. Hollow Horn, Uloody Milk, lilood disease,' IJUS. II illll.. for noca. pwelleil lho '-fings, Ul In Swelled Nsck, Biles in tlm Mvcf, Ahsc-siss in U (lIKBf UIHIB US 1 11 n MJXJ nfllHi w I cpaims trCraoips, No farmer aliottlil honlil bewlthotillt a slnale dar i It Is Ills t..it shecfarchorfordlseoscs it tok. It iiieiea..s ' the amount of milk, butler nnd fat jn healthy animals, irom ci.ini Binounis 01 loon at Itnri irom xu in x.i per cent..ns bo eipe Heneeofoyrr 10 (xiD .farmers, who nave useit it win testify at any lltiiMl t d it will testify at any llnml I A'miiiii .r.,, iiioniiiinDtii I anotiieii new discovery! CATTLE LINIMENT. I t'neeuMille, ,y other Ualn.ent or Embrocation fWiiK.!SaW.r ch.Trdl7;& t'AT IS 0001) FUR CATTLE. HUMAN BODY. Rhcttinitltm, Weak Jnlnip, Cnntracteil Slncwi, Prott Ultr. Spralni.llruliei, Foundered T'eef . ' ppann, ewten nirin Bwrent', iittit.-i, BiitW. Galla ofevery kind. Chapped Unndi, Eycl'lnni. THi?,ourf, Tooijinplie, Taiu In the f.rga, rami n the Hack, I'ain fn the eiioutdc;!, Ncrvoua ram, Chlbtafjtfi, Ritetof Aiiirnali, SlIlTJylnti, " Whirtga'i.rSan.rL'nckJ, LfmcneM, Strain, Bcratcjici or Urease, 1 hick Jr3f IlardTuiiiourii, Ringbone. I'n Kyi I, Cracked HcHi, Rotten Hoof, Manje, Horn Dttmnr. And many oihjer iltfatpf, 11 la t 'nnrt. tna nrnii alure on Manufactured only by IlfT iMvrii pnnwrnitir n nr "iiusiiiu , riiuii.tti,i,J l,f ,t No. 317 N. Third it , N. U corner Th ird c Wood, rhiladelpfiia. Juno ?p, 1357-tr ALLEN & KliEDLES' SUFF.RPltOSrilATK OF t.lMF., rAUriON. Ho particular to observe Hint ..k,.i.lAr .. I...' , DIPLOMA AWARPfip I um .nt m nna univenal Liniment that it cneo bai A'nT-vi;. ever yet nrt (luted Mo fiio pet atre, payable by inula Imenti, to be lo Eli'. ""II. K ' U '?" . S'lS'eVe,;' s'uV.Kffi l?, ePr'Vai?,'VdUvaieU.,'nl that if Tells Sf KUH branded on tlio head. This Ontim l v"n' otlB be,Bl)Jllliiiiinu Co al, umoum log In Is rendered necessary, r.. there ate so many articles of na Wfff" o over pi reel, which nukes ,t0 donbtrnl va'.us sold under tin name of Super-rioipttt, "P "' '1 ,"nilc' 'lc, ' lni' wl" ""ll10- eme, as to mislead thoso who arc unlalnledllh,I'll0'ln.''ll,i'l',ll!,,'l'IC, .. r, m 1..1, the value of a " . The eminent state Biologist, Dr. Charles T, Jack- nevitiuv iiiTtnf r. I sou . of Hostun. lias niude a eeolo.lcal suiveyf the Price t!3 per'aoui) lbs. (SJ cents per lb.) A liberal defection made 10 dealers. Orders for nil. val 'able ' esriinicratienaed 10 promptly iromplly ramphlets describing plylig. canbe had gratuitously II when desired." 11, nuu ine ino-ie 01 nppi at our stores, or bv mall 11 nas no superior as a Manure tor WHEAT. RYE. CORN. OAT9. and alt other crops requiring a vigorous and protlocing not only n lienvler yield of arain than Peru Tinn Gunno, but stfjfcsts th strsie to support th Kiod. CRASS 8Ki:l) tsrdy alls to lake well where our fhosphate is applied to seAeat land, PACIFIC OCEAN QUA NO-We have a small auan. tity mill m ttnre. FIFII MANUnC A aunntvof th s vitliinSlfl tirili-iA for sale. Trice $20 ppr SWO lbs. (Ii crnts per lti.) ISO. t GOVCRNMBNT PERUVIAN GCA?0 fur sale at the lowed rates. Tlj" Tha lead inn Auricultural Journals and NVwsnn pcrs arc regularly filed at our olfice for th use of far mers. Goods can lc lomled al uthcr front ol.our Ware houres Farmers are reenmmended to drive to Watct street nnd avoidthe crowded Wharf. Ample facilities arf afforded In loading wogotis and attending to the horses. ALLEN & NEEDLES, No. 93 South Wnrvcs. &. 41 flouth Water ti , First (Stare above Chestnut at., riiilada. AugUlt 1. 1 (-3Q! FIRST AUK IVAti 9 F SPRING & SUMMER WE bavo now receiving our Spring and Summer (loodr, by RaiTroad al oumfw stand, on thecorner of Main and Market streets. The stock compnseBn lull assortmentof . Dry Goods, Grcccrics, Hardware, Queen ware, Cedar-icare, ITollotv-tcarc, Lrugs, Fish, Coal, riaitir, lron;Nnils, Boots, Shoes, Hats. Caps, &.c &e, ALSO READY MA PC CLOTHING. I andln fa,ct e.v.ejynameafcle article usually kept Inn CoujUiy pro-luce taLen Jji exchange Tor goods. II. (5. & I. W. HARTMAN- q lootnsbii rg, March '.'1 , 1857. 'I IIU CnC ll' BOOK ST01SK. Comer of 5(h & Arch Sired, Philadelphia . Henderson & Co., nooKSELLr.ns jwn publishers. 1NVJTE the attention of all Persons Visi ting l'hlladi'lrhia, whether on llusine.ss o pleasure .to thejr Czlrpordinary Collectionyf tlopks upon all sub, Jects, ' ' llook.ellers. Coiinlrr Healers. Tejchprs. Puhtle nn,l rivatu'Librarics, supplied with Hooks Sc. Stationary ul owcst.ralcs. U. G. HC.NDtliSON et CO.. March 7, 185.7 .Cmt. CHEAP STORE. SPItfNG AND SUMMER GOODS. fPHE untlnrsigncd take ploasurf in an- I nouncLiig to thclrcusluniers and the publirgener Rtly, ilutlhcy liavejustreccived, at the I.ime Uidge Store. n choice assortmentcf Spring and Summer Goods. Comprising every ariicle usually kept id Country Store, which Jiave been selected with core, nndw.illbesold at vety loiv p4cesfor,eady pay. ' DRY GOODS. consisting of a Urg nriety of Cloths, Casslmcrs, Delaines, Hrazes,Calicoes, be. tT? Country produce taken in exchange for goods. uive us a can. nuu imeu gu uway uitiaiiiieu. t). & G. LOW. I.imn Uidge, March S8, 16.17. ISN'T IT SO 1 Frcs& Fruit Use ARTHUR'S Celebrated Self. I Sealing Cans and Jars, and you will nave ire.u I run a I me year ai.oiini mer pners. Full ilicetions for pulling up nil kinds ul Print and Tomatoes, nc company these cans and Jars. Iiey are made of 7)n, c7fai. QtteeoiKaro, and Uro and Add proof IN WINTER aivnewmre. j lie sies nre irom puns logal.'ons. These cans and jars nre ss(irry open ot (As titys, nnd NksT, to iscvrs economy in traniportatton. For sale by Storekeepers through, out tho.UnllcdrSlates. Descriptive circulars sent on ap' I plication, unorders Irom the trade .elicited. 1 Uesure to ask for ..Arthur's." It has stood tho test nf two Bessons, having been used by hundreds ol thousand, of (amities, hotel and hoarding bouse keepers. DEITBR TlUff Swuctmrats. I - Ware now making ibem for tha I million . ARTHUR. OUKNIIAM Ic. G1I.ROY. Minufactnrers under the Patent. Nns. 117 and 111) Siuth Tenth si., (cor. George ) Julvl. lo57. Philadelpliia. NOTICE TO MERCIIAN'J RAKESI RAKES 1 1 RAKESIII rrilin iirdcrrlgtird tako p -mure in nnm og 1 1 emir stung X Merchants that thev ntc luanuraclurlna article of HAKES nt their New Factory l chants' wishing lo purchase good Rakes can have them altlie rectory, or it desired wecon forward Ihem 0 nier Iiloj m situ re to 9. (I Hliive. where thovcan uai tlirm. oriwo can forward them to Vh0is titores that are not too much out of our n ay. All orders should he ntUKitn to Ssm'iel Shlrc, reuleis I. O., Columbia county, Ta. siiivn & ncTTs. Anrll 13. I837-Jm FltXSUAltJTIl feUUOT.UFllb. WHOLESALE TOBACCO IJBAIiER, W.105,NOHTII TIIIUDSTIIEKT Five dnorsuelow Race , rniLAroci.rfiiA. Janrurav I0.IS33., IIO'USE LINIMENT AND GATTIK POWDERS. r?OH salo at tho offico qf tho Columbia iL? Pemoerai. ALbO Deeds Dianas, Btaliooery, Marjbgo Cetllfleatss, bo., &-C, ic, an;;: K asBorlmantnf ConfietloDorr. Jawtlry, rerfuin noapi, no. unt, i nni'iiiffs, AcC , 10 1 to bo had v. i iniiih l-ooi ifgtorr I 1 lIoolrturJ, My 7 POSTSCRIPT. Eloath of Ex-Soorotary Dobbin. , Richmond, Aug. B. Hon, Jamf.s. 0. DonniN, ato Secret tary flf lho Navy, died at Fayc'teviilo yesterday. Death of Mrs. Oampboll. I'hiiadolphi.J, July 31., The wifo of cr-Fcslmristor General Cam- ,i!..i t.. ,t.:. . . u,,;u "" l"fi. , , m , , ,., n m SUicidO Of GOll. liUSK. 01 TtlXaS. . . IT... rp . . .. . r rrk!t..l oi.l.. . ' Hon. TlloMAs J KUsK, Un ted Slates . , ..... ' senator i icxas, corumiuca suiciue. at, '", residence, on the 20th of July, by sJ'roliD8 W"er tlirouSb tlo head with a TO TII0SI2 WHO WAXT FAIISIS a faum trmtrx the nRcn uf kffmt m.m r illR RIDOWAV FARM COMPANY hi made ar i rangeaierta by wiilcli njl wbodcaire to ptltlc or" purciiiMi lionia can do bo. Tha For to confint of the hrgt llmrttonr poll Ofltlje mon tapenor ((uaiuv ior rjrmtug, m a rapiniy inj. pruvlnv , lnr. Into wfilcli nn eiicnsivif'enilgratlon tt now inuring. Tho properly fa located in Elk county. I'unniylTnnla, In tlio uild't of a thriyiitB pnniption nf Piitiio JO. O KI, Tlie.cllmnte ii perfectly Wiitliy, ft' 1! tin terrible pUguc of lho wen fcrer In rtiftfount of 5 per rent, wll; he allowed, hud for over too a dincouni ol 10 per rent. " In rorrldfrinz lue ndvantngci of rmlgratiij tu tbl locality the following tut prcccnlcd': flrit The xoil li a ricn Iimuilonc, dpaUle of r&jj In tho hcnvlet rope owing: to which tnla icltl. niL-nl Imp nltnlned itt prcioul great prosperity. Sttoid-U 1$ the centre nf thexrent North v. t I'nnl IHpIii, ati't is dritlncdsoon to renmie ono of the mo great Lake market, (af'ording to populatn travel tha eronlsl In (In, Union 1 It has five great eit business pl.icti in the 8uilc. h "in supply tjwwir ai u ve work- n,", f"1 I"!'.!"'' "ie coal, .lho Iron ore, and the 'mettono. Tins report logether with maps, wjll bp l'"'"'"' 1 Vs-,n,.u,rerV I ..2 ''" l""'V '! V, 'l ,Tho8unWy!ind Erie n id out tlirnuffh this nroDcrtv. Railroad sivts u.'i market for our coal to the Itkes it runs from Kite to Thilodcl phia. A large part of this road has neen nnisnit. anil is now in ruunitlg truer. A ncavy- lores i. uow working from Uric towards our land in the wcsle n direction, the meant for ti-e completion of which has been rnised-.it will soon beflnislied. The Allrcbsny vaney uallrnad connirls us wlin new yoik, uostot, and Pitt.liurg. The Vrriaiigo.Road coiiuccttus will, the West, - There ara already good Turnpike Konns rnnrirg throush this properly, various liter roads have btiu ope iih.1 tn accoinmoda'c the rmlfirut ifn aad seitlc ment which has at ready laken pia.e, Therrj Is no oppoltunlly equal to It nrw (-itcrcil tn lilt man who wauls to provide himself a home in an easy way, and n ake a settlemci.l whero he ran livo In prosperity and independence In a climate l'CU rr.OTl.V IIIIALTIIY. No case ol tlio fever ever li .vltig been known l nrcur In this scttleini.in. It is not like going to the Inckwonds of lho West, ftiotl aerltsps ititolrra'ht propli",wliuro there is o sncii.y,cnitirhtsor schools, where the prico of land is hilh, and where the emi grant, after bein u.ed In the liphllhlrei ellni&te )n Hie wollil, bus to end irn sickness and pain, and rer hnps ruins his health nnd that of his family. Ilut hero is a thriving s tliemoi'l liavlng three lowps, contain, ing Chun lies, schools, hotels, stores, taw mills, grist mills, nnd evernhlng desired. There is a cash mar ket al hand Tho lumber undo last )' nr amounted to ovir two Hundred' million' feet of lumber Ih n short llraf, owing to Ihl c.ml, it pill bicom. stllj un:J vnt.ial.fe. as a iiiimbrr of iron works and ntadn factories will soon bo started ; theyare at present sinning lhooi ejiensivcly at Watren. Evenrorthoso who do not wish to go there. Hie payments aro ruri that thoy can easily buy a farm to save llielr rising families ftom wan I in lho future, or to gain a eninpe tenco by'llo rise which will tskn pficn ln the value of land'. Ily en outlay scarcely quisled, 'sjUisf a. t its I provision can be made. Peroiis bIikiiIiI make tally application, arp y or write to K. jr.rKEHirS, Sectctary. 0 133 Walnut siren, below Fifth, Philadelphia Letters, carefully answered, givingfitll inhumation. Shares or tracts of land ran l bou;M nt a-enrrd by letter enclosing lho first instalment of five dollars, when the subscriber will he tfrnished will books, maps. &c. Warrjnteil Deeds given. rer,ons can also piirrbnse from our AKnls. ,t.p..,i v.nla IVntral llallroad,' alii thence' by stage to the land. This I. a'dellghVurseaso,,' , Ivl.t ?t. . M.r;. Uoule irom I'miniic-piii for E. C. Shultr St. Mary's. junt o. inj jiii Self Cur A ROON TO THE AFFLICTED. Ilon.ieiull Debilitynnrl involuntary Imlisions. Piks, Di.rnsiB of the Klirnejs.nnd Orgai's thutwlth cm. nectiil.whenor resulllt.g from imprudence or i thir-wie,-.ir invatiably nnd pi-rmnii tit y fur.il v . fuLvrnwett's famous IIAI)ICAL linGINERA'lOR. Hie full turllcitlars of which, without ui y iinpiol. .. slouol sccresy.ntll I", mailed glnlls lo any n.ldriss in receipt orn stamped envelope properlydiieclnl. S3-The succtssfill results of the last ten , veara bavo proved this Ileiiifdy lo be tho ONLY LITUnUAI, CUREfitanlfnr the above con.ptainls.nnil ti,descrli. lion orn is given In so plant a manner, thai evftj o.o cVtt'n'mMSELF SUCCESSFULLY A PRIVATELY. Allures., post pa . . KLIVE. Post Uoi No.4540. New York t'ily. J,.ifyJ5, 1657 -y OLEUM LIQUOR. CERTIFICATE. WE, tho undersigned Honso Pninter?, hertby certify that we have given th. newly Invented Oleum Liquor, manufactured by Brclnlg, Gilliu.il Ic Brclnig. in Philadelphia, on impartial trill .and have found It a i efficient subillluto for Lin iced Oil. far siiperKr to it s si evcrv respect, at epit of only about luirns much, Ihus considerably reducing tho eipenso or painting, Wo would therefore reconi. mend the public to Us general use, nnd after it has been tried its superiority over Linseed Oil will be ul tested to b, all. CI1ARLF.3 ClUIER, A MOd UNGLR, Wll.l I AM WOLLE. EDWARD DENIIARD. June W, IM7. IHEREH1' certify that I have had House Painting prosecuted lately wllh the abovn nunied Oleum Lliuor, and concur iu all respects with the recommeninilon of the above named genlleilletV, and will lice add, that in future I will bavc.no paint In, operaticns perfonned without the admisture uf the above named valuable liqitor Thoso who may desire to view ils effects, will call at my residence, where Ihey can ennviuco thriruwlves of all thst is re. presented oflhe Olcuru l.liuor in re nrd to beauty and d,"ll"",, j. isaac nnEiNio. June 13. 1M7- Hopkins' City Hotel, NO. 317 NOBTII THIRD STREET, ,j1ScS 7(as strt, formerly "EAULE JIUTEt,," PHILADELPHIA. THIS undersigned has la-ten the .tUtvo wetMpnwn Ilouin on a lung and favorab elene, ahd'has rent rvattd and turnuiieii n entirely anew, onu in iumn ktle and manner as will give sti faction to all who tiuy IwconwbM guest. Gentlemen who wish can bo furnlihed a room and rupplifd with uk'aih ot their ple.uuro, roni a large KesiauHnl and ilailng'BMiion attached, nn the "Euro peon plan," or at Hie hotel tabic, at regular hours as they may desire. CJ I uc proprietor usiiivra mmioii iuvi u ik'uib in ' Phfadelplili .Mil surpais the cornr.itl nnd attention wbieli will be fuutid allhoL'ty llolel. NEW TINWARE SHOP. MAIN STRrXT, OPPOSITE THE UJCI1AN0E. rftlin undersigned respectfully inform. Ills rriesds X r.nd thep'iblic gcnorally, that he ha. opened A Niw 'lmcarr und Sheit lion EUa. i blishmtnt, iln tha building formerly occupied for that, purpose, h) Joseph Sharpless, where he Is prepared Iv conduct trie liusilioss In all Us various branches. I Tinware and House Spouting of all kinds rude to !orlcr on short nolicennd at mud craie prices. ' Also-BTOVES.of various "styles, coustsWly 'T late. I Repairing done tontder in quick tinie. CJ'Countty produce taken in.jcbaiijofo' " I ' II, C. MILlAttp. Illoomsburg. May 1ft. 1SJ7-J; I " greenwoodTeminart. THU net Sshool Term at.thU Institution rill com. nionce on tbe 17lh efduguil. 'Ihoroughind rell , able teachers have hten engaged furlht coir rig year. Mil rverythlrg will Si under the (cueralm'rtigh! and control ot tbe principal, at Forltrms&c see rani in nimlher enluni i .l i.i mil. 5f ..--. June ' ici SejMffSH