Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, August 08, 1857, Image 2
rOLPMBIA BEMOCRAl. LKVI L. TATE. EUITon. Bloomsburg, Augusts, 1857 Democratic N o ml u a 1 1 o n s. FOR OOVERNOR, GEN. WILLIAM P. PACKER, Of Lycoming Counly. Tpn CANAL COMMISSIONER npn. NIMRQD STRICKLAND, Of Cicstcr county. for Jurxirs op TnirpuruEME court, Hon. WILLIAM" STRONG, Of Deris, County. Hon. JAMES THOMPSON, Of Erie Cluuty. UTAH. Id n late speech of Senator Douolas. tit Springfield, Illinois, lio took tbo ground that If tho reports from Utah elioutU bo nubstantiitcd, Congress should' repeal the organic net of that Territory, and placo it under tho act of, 1700 ; di1 especial; should that be done, since, as was alleged tbo mass of tho inhabitants ofthatTcrritory nre not citixons of tho United Stores, and refuso to tnko tho oath of allegiaoco. Tho Black Republicans aro a good deal czer ciaed over this speech, They proclaim that Senator Douglas ha,s abandoned iho ground that Congress cannot lcgisMo for Territories, and now actually propose to legislate fcr them. Tbo Ulack Republicans don't understand tho position of tho Dcmocralio Party on iho subjcot of tho powor of Congress over T crritorics, and they aro never likely to understand it. They show their nescience whenever thoy undertako to comment on tho position of the party. The Deniocratio Party never Ireld that Congress could not legislate for Territories at all. They have announced no fuck doctrine ; nor have they practiced any such theory.. Tho orgamio act of every Territory is a logis lativo act, Thuy do hold, however, that Congress is restricted in its power by the Federal Constitution. It' can only exercise tho power grantcd.injthat instrument, and tho power that may bo necessary to carry out Bomo oxprdss grant of power. There is somo medium between unlimited power and no power at all, which tho faction dou't seem capaple of compre&nding-. They havo been too much occupied with tho horrors of slavery tospond a thought on tbo great practical question of iho times, the government of tho Territories. Looking to tho Constitution on this subject, Congress has j6wer to admit now States ; and tho organization of a Territory is tne first act in the admisuo.n of a State It is not difficult to seo, thai unlimited power oi legislation in Ungrosa is not necessary to enable a Territory to $ row into a btato, and therefore Buch unlimited power is not justified by Ibis clause of the Constitution, It is moreover provided tbut Congress "shall havo power to dispose of and mako all needful rules and regula- lions for the Territories, and other property Belonging to tho United States." This certainly gives Congress tho power to survey the lands, to secure tho tides, and to protect the person and property of tho purchaser in iho purchaso. Congress has control of the army and Indian affairs, and can employ the former to enforco any constitutional provision, and the latter according to its beat discretion. We may look in vain for an unlimited power in Congress over our Territories in tho Federal Constitution; but the power to Jo what is necessary to carry out express .grants in that instrument, wo admit. "Whilo some measures may bo constitu ional, and others plainly unwarranted by tho Constitution, there may bo cases that aro doubtful, which wiso btatcsnen will aviod. In -tho oaso of Utah, if tho people thero aro in rebellion to iho authority of tho United States; if they aro alien enemies, thero is no purposo of maklog them a JStato, and a territorial organization cannot bo justified on that ground ; which is tho only one upon which a Territorial organization an --to justified. The repeal of tho organic act thero would bo right and proper .as c soon as thje design of making it a State in its present condition is abandoned. Thero is thin no warrent for such an organization in tho Federal Constitution, and it ought to bo expunged from tho list of Territories. What changc may be wrought by December next, and how, far the reports of lawlessness may bo confirmed, wo don't know ; but we presume 'tho stato of affairs thero is not exaggerated, and thero is not a very flat tering prospect that it will be improved. Address or Ilie Stato Coiunilttre. TJio address of tho Democratic 8tato Coramittco, will bo found upon our first page. Jt is from tbo pen of tho lion. 0. H. Duokalew, tho ablo Chairman of Iho 1 Committee and U an admirable document, fc'uch of our opponents as aro willing to hear both sides of a question, aro invited to peruso it, as tha -issues of tho Ccrapaign aro set forth iu a tnas'crly .manucr. H icnABD J, IJaldeman, tho effi- gallant Editor of tbo Patriot v.i n .:, t and Uiion, Iho bctt Dcmocratio Pancr ever pfbliehed in Uarrisburg has obtain d thobemQcratlo nomination of Dauphin orStaV) Senator. Wo hearlly approvo of the jriceedirig. Would .that we could record la election of so able a man and pure dcrtpcrat as Mr. U.ildenian. WJlmot'a Answor. Tho Lock Haven American WiUcliman, a fast and furious abolition JF'tlmotorg'in, in n very profound and learned article, in thoissuoof July 24th; very signifioantly a6ks "Where nre u-i drifting tool" Without wailing to cxaininj tho sonsa or tho grammcr of that ominous question, which puts us in tnind of "Old Ironsides on a lea shore;" wo bcg'lcajvo to answer, in a Epecch of Wfjnot, which has for months been going the rounds of the press uncontradicted. It is a frco and completo answer to tho Watchman. "I am determined to arouso tha peoplo to tbo importance of the slavery issue, and get up an organization through which thoy can fcl control of tho Government in '00 i mm li x Dccomo eaiisuca mat tneso c Harts ttill fail, and that tho peoplo will not ctsert their rights, then I'll bo A d if I don't join llie party that 1 think will send tho country to hell tho quiokcstl" CTbo Philadelphia Sunday Mercury, an independent .Journal, in nonoine the Communication of tho Dcmocratio Stato Oommittco to the Dcmccratio Candidato, against stumping tho State, says : "Tho Committee arc, wo think, sensible in their conclusion. Thoro aro plenty of winuy orators wuo go through pjliiical campaigns, each acnuiro thereby an im mense reputation for oratorical talent, but who really havo no moro brains, oomnara lively speakinc, than rurrotfl. Tho affoet of adopting tho stumping custom of tho oouin woum De to givo tboso noisy, frothy, superficial spoutcrs, an cminenco to which they aro not justly entitled. Oood'common sense, administrative ability, information ana juugmont, would bo entirely over whelmed by ''clack," and very inferior men would bo thrust into publio stations merely because they had a faculty of talk ing fluently about nothing, and expending a fow unimportant idois into a multitudo of words. The action or tho Democratic Stato Committee is a wiso one. The day has gone by when a ten or fifteen minutes' speech on a political platform, at a noisv mass meeting, will bo accepted as a proof 1 1. . I iT. - i ( 1 t . . . . uij iuo counter una nullity, judgment ana experience. The Editorial Convention. This Convention met on Tuesday last in Danville, pursuant to arrangement, and was well attended. Wit. P. Minbb, Esq., was called to the Chair, and L. IT. .Davis, Esq., appointed Secretary, for tho tempo rary organization. Tho Committco to report officers for tho pornianent organiza tion of tho Convention, reported tho name of tho Editor of this papor, as President; V. Best, G. L. I. Painter, 0. N. Worden. and L. -H. Davi', Vioo Presidents, and J . Henry Pulcston and. John Youngman, Secretaries, Tho proceedings of tho Con rcntion wcro characterized throughout by uninterrupted harmony, courtesy and- cor diality. Gen. V. Bust invited tho Con vention, on i:s adjournment, to his mansion. wherd they wero introduced to a most inmptuous repast, to which it wero useless to say, tho Corps Editorial did ampio jus- tico. 1' rocecdines next week. Mrs. Cunnisoham, Tho mystery of tho liurdell murder ia enveloped only in legal doubts for thero is a mordl certain ty as to its perpetrators or at least to its stimulators. Another strango phase of the drama has been developed, and Mrs. Cunningham has been arrested for felony, on the' charge of having forged to bo enciente by Dr. Uurdell as her husband. and going through all tho preparations for the fictitious birth of an heir achild hav ing been obtained from a hospitil for carrying out tho deception 1 UONGRE83. Gen. V. Usst, Editor of tho Danville Intelligencer, publishes a sensiblo and lengthy address iu his last weed's issue, to tbo Democracy of tho 12th tongrcssionaj District, announcing himself as a Candidate for Congress. Ho espec ially asks tho recommendation for that office from tho Democraoy of Montour. Tho Annual Convention in Montour will bo hold on Monday tho 17th of August. jJSy Iho Farm Journal, of Philadelphia, has been discontinued, and tho Now York American Agriculturist, will'Jje sent to ubsenbers iu its placo and stead. Mr. Emlex & Co., published a good Journal, and we regret that they did not meet sus taining patromgo. We trust the Amtri. can Agriculturist, which is an improve- mem upon tho i'arm Journal, will be pat ronizod and sustained. " Fizzlal cut.'1 Yes, Fizzled cloar out before arriving at tho raeri(of tho case. Such was tho result of tho effcrt of tbo Republican, of Thursday in attempting to bo witty It our expense. We really can m.t see 'how tho Doctor managed to raigo a'IIal ha!! ha 111" nt such an abortivo witiscism. Gen. M'm. II. Mulsh. We aro grati fied to lnarn that tho President has ap pointed Gen. William II. Miller, of Dau- Vhla cmalJ Consul at Trinidad do Cuba. Gen. IT., is a gentleman of cxccllont abib ities, and will discharge tho duties' of tho trust with acceptability both to tho govern mcntond ourcitizenstradingat Trinidad, VST James B. Sansoj?, Esq., of tho Fullon Democrat, has been tiominateiWor lb P"'"0- Wr' 8. years ago, wasekctedfccrgcant-At-ArrasoflhoPcnn- sylvauia Legislature He ia a jood Dpm oort and would adorn a seat in tbo II alls of Legislation. i" Tho question of "brain stealing?' hasbccnnUallYadju3tc.l)butaimrly.U,,dSon Monastic 7th of Sen.bcr, nt tcmpof arily mljoumcil. ' l'itlsburg, ' Columbia County Convention, Wo publish below, tho " Rules and Itrgtlatiitu,n adopted by ifull Dcmocrutic County Convention, September 0, 1851, for tho futuro government of tho "Delegate Elections and County Conventions." They ;ions anu uoitniy ivouvcnuons. iiioyij. " . . "nt,! , V . i 1 , , ii .i ' Congress, imposing an additional, or subsi ffcoiivo and of binding force, lly tbo . ' .A,. inbn ef nnr ' .. aro c first Rui,E,it will bo seen, that tbo Delegate Elections will bo held n Saturday, tho 20th of August, and Iho County Conven tion, on Monday, tho 31st of tho s'amo month 1857k Domooratio Rules. Rule I. Tho aurual Counly Convention shall be held at tho Court House in U looms burg, on the last Monday of August, at one 1. Iu and tbo Dclcgato Election shall bo held on tho Saturday previous, at tho places of holding tbo general elections in tho several election districts, between tbo hours of 3 and 7 o clock in tho afternoon II. The Delcgato Elections shall bo by ballot and each general election district shall be entitled to two delegates III. Tho Dclcgato Elections shall bo held and conducted by a Judgo and clerk, to boseleotcd by tho Democrats in attcu' da'noc, and tbo said officers shall keep a list of voters and tally of votes counted, to bo sent by tbcm to tho convention with their ccrtiucato of the result of tho elcctiou IV. All cases of disputed scats in con' ventions shall bo disposed .of openly by veto after hoaring tho respectivo claimants and their evidenco. V. All delegates must reside in tho districts tboy represent, in caso of an absent delegate ho may doputo another, if ho fail to do so, his colleague in attendanco may sub.'tituto for bim. In other oases tho convention may fill up.tho representation from citizens of tho District in attendanco. VI. Tho voting in Conventions shall bo open, and any two members may require tho yeas nndnays on any question pending. VII. Special conventions may bo called when necessary, by tho Standing committee, tho proceedings ot which siidU conform to theso rules, VIII. All county nominations, and all appointmcuts of conferees and of delegates to Stato conventions, shall bo mado In county convention. IX. The Standing oommitteo shall bo five in number, ono of whom shall rcsido at tbo county seat, and shall bo chosen an- ually in convention. In caso of vacancy tho oommitteo may fill up their number. X. No member of Leeislaturo shall bo cuoson by tins county as a jjejegato to a Stato convention during his term of offico. XL In Convention a majority of all tho votes given shall bo necessary to a nomina tion, and no person named shall bo ncremt) torily stricken from tho list of candidates until lifter tho sixth vote, when tho lowest namo shall bo struck olf and sn on at each successive yoto until a nomination is effect ed. XII. None of Iheso rules shall bo altered, or rescinded unless by o voto of two-thirdi- at a regular annual Convention. C. R. BUCKALEW. John KmrrEB, Emanuki, Kazamjs, Democratic Stanling Committee. JOHN a. jiunhton, Stii. II. SemvANK, August 8, 1807. Tho Magic Oil Exhibition. Wo' last week unintentionally omitted to say a few words in reference to the Magic Oil Exhibition. Our citizens know, that'tho man with tho broidbrim, and tbo olher with tho large collar, did their duty by way of introducing tho wonderful Magio Oil. It is believed to bo a good curative, and is for salo by Dr. Ilagcnbucli. B&r How to Do Business: a Now Pocket Manuel of Practical Affairs, and Guido to Success in Life ; embracing the principles of business education ; choice of a pursuit ; buying and selling ; general management ; manufacturing ; mechanical trades; farming; book and nowspapor publishing; miscellaneous enterprise; causes of success and failure ; how to get custo mers ; business maxims ; letter to a young lawyer; business forms; legal and useful information ; and a dictionary of commer cial terms. Fowler and Wei.ib. Publi- shew, No. 308 Broadway, Now York. Price, prepaid by mail, 30 cents, paper 60 cents, cloth. " How to Do Businesi" is tho most completo and thoroug manual of practical affairs that has yet appcaredr It contains, in a condensed form and methodically arranged, an immense amount of informa tion on business in al its varied aspocts mercantile, manufacturing, mechanical, agricultural, etc a groat deal of sound and wholesome advice, valuable hints,timely words of warning, and usoful suggestions. and points out very clearly the names of avoiding failure and securing success. Opposition Testimony. Thero is ono redeeming feature in that Democratic party : what thoy do. they do openly They never oomo thus, under tho guiso ot political lnendship. with the assas sin's knife under their belt, whetted at a council of schoms, composed of men who, liko Wilson, Seward &-Co., havo used tho American pirty for a stopping stone, and then planted the dagger into thoir very heart. Wo must learn, as a party,.to hold nil men by their acts. Tho Republican partyis yet young ; but I challenge an in vestigation into their acts. What has been the- result of their labors, Ono un iversal obaos of disorder and national dis content, Cor, Ddiljj News, Commissioned. Col. John D. Miles, has received from Governor Pollock 'his commission as Brigadier Genoral in com mand of tho Second Brigade, Pennsyl vania Voluntaora, Thus ends tho long ponding dispute whioh caused tho im prisonment cf Gen, Small. ter Hon, Jamss G. CampbbiTi, United States Marshal, for the Western District, will hold a Session of Court, commencing From Washington. Venezuelan Dutits Small-pox among Indians Hail storm inm Virginia, ij-c. Washington, Aug. 3 Tho Stato De partment has bcett officially advised of tho nassaco of an act bv tho Venezuelan duics eol'ected attho various custom, houses in tho Republic, froJi and nfter tho 1st of July last. Information has been rccicvcd of Iho breaking out of tbo small-pox arannj tho Kick. poo, Kansas Indians, Eight had di&l, J'rrmpt measures were tiken to arrest tho progress of tbo disease, and pbysiciaus employed to yaccinato each member of tho tribe. On Friday cvoLinff. Lowisburr. Vn . nml vicinity only was visited by n haif-storin, wiucn, lor extoi't and dostructivoncss, was without precedent in that part of tuo conmry. Tho wholo of tbo vegetable and growing'crops'weie nearly annihilated. Momo of tho hail stones measured fivo inches in circumference. Hentiingscn left tho city to dsy for the South. Judgo Masoa tvdiy retired fr m tho offico of Commissioner of Patents. Samuel X. Shugert, present Chief Clerk, will act as Commissioner until a successor is ' ap pointed. War Tho Boston Ledger, thus speaks of a "patent oilgasaparatus ' lately patonted, and now manufactured by 8jmucl II. & Mathow C. Walker, of Lancaster, in this State. Wo tako much plcasuro in calling tho attention of tboso wisbin? a good, and at tho same time, a most economical liMit to tho advertisement of tho above-mentioned apparatus. .Wo havo seen tho mmWl in operation, and can confidently recommend it as being tho best aud chopost wo havo ever examined. It is especially fitted for lighting up Churches, Uhcatrc., Hotels, ond private dwellings ; being cheap sinplo and easily managed. It is calculated, for tbo abovo reasons, to superscdo all other methods for lighting houses, and all ether kinds and descriptions of light. t6r Blackwoods Magazine, tho ablost of tho forcijjn monthlies, and of the Quarterlies, in our opinion ; for July, is on our table. It contains-Soa.Sido Studies No. 11 Bulwer's Now Story, part 2nd Chirles tho Fifth Scenes of Clorioal life No. 3- Currer Bell Li'o of Sir Charles J. Napier, and lfeprcscntation of tho Colonies. This last article shows that tho revolu tionary' war taught England a lesson. Tho ; motor July begins a new volume. Address Leonard -'cottit Co.. 70 Fulton Stroi. Prico S:),J0 per. year. - . Moxmt Vornon Purchase; rp, t J r in . . Alio Ladies of irtiuia uro making r i it . . powerlul eltorta lo rniso a fund for tho purchase of the Mount Vernon Citato. '.I ho r . , lu" lollOTfins letter (enclosill" u clieel: for Rltl , , . "" ( fr m tho l'rosMint of tlio United Statep, will ho road with interest by every body : WAsm.vnTo.v. 25tlt Julvr nr,7. lira. IVm, F. hrrciiiB : My Dear AUdam : I ho nnucsi'il U my cheerful eorifrilinlM in il Vl,.. v f. (10 .MOUIiL nmon iissociatinii w ,su I'lUltUb 1 l:iiiuii prefcnt it in my namo. and to nssum tlm ladies who Iiuyc undertaken to rniso tiis funds necessary to purchase "tho Homo and (iravo of Waphingtou," that I moot ardontly wish them success in a causo which ought to cnli.-t tho sjinpathios of every patriotic heart J j ours very r'csportfully. JlVviES BUCHANAN. fcST Ameuican State Oanvass. Tho Chairman of tho American Stato Central Committeo announces that arrangements havo been mado to open tho Stato Guber natorial Canvass and a number of places aro annosnccd at which Air. Hazelnnrst, will speak. Tho Canvass opon3 at Harris- burg, on Monday evening, August 10, lFAttMEus of Cor.uMiiiA, bear in mind Iho meeting of tho Agricultural Society on next Saturday. Let thero lo a full attendance. Wo hope to see perfect rush on tho occasion. & Tho Philadelphia Sun and News aro lighting tJ kill about their candidates loruovcrnor, Wiltnotand Hazlchurst. They will both succeed. Tho Sun willloao Wilmotand the News cannot gain Hazlo buret, so they will havo an equal division of tho spoils. It matters not, as Squire S., says, ono or t'other or both. Packer will salt them any way they tako it, Clarion ucmocrai, THE KENTUCKY ELECTION. Tho Dotnorrats havo elected their can. didato for Ststo Treasurer, James IT. Gar rard. by TEN THOUSAND MAJOR ITY, and they havo also a largo major ity in ino iower nouso, and on joini ballot, SSy Thero was o time when democraoy meant somelhinp;, 5nr3 when its honest sun- porters really held just views of the rights oi mo peopio, opringjieta llepubluan. 'Wcll,whcrii wero you and tho Sprincfiold llepublican, at that timo I Hartford iSf LEwisuuita Bank Wji. Cam- kbon has been elected. President and JV. Poliock, Cashier of tho Lewisburg Bank; a Savings Institution converted into a Bank by the last Legisliturc. t6S A "Country Editor" turned out to a fire whilo visiting Chicago, had his pocket picked, losing 840 ia money, .and his free pass! llow-ho pot homo is not statud. , , . i4r A conference of tho Lutheran churchy embracing 20 or 30 Ministers and l.llnia 1.1.1 f 1 1 Elders," was held ia Lewisbur, ani Tuesday of last week. ! WonUay sdS..? wi 1 coSnoVo i) uguH IV. y 1 . 1. 1 ... . ... . i "Will VOU bo liind Clioimh tn'fo,,tni,''"(Ifl,)"(;',"rn"l,l,"L"n'S ImnlrfJ a Ml flfXy J , , fa" w f-1 lu depth, nn iiumVrcd ou the p.t4 of i.iid town ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Ann Cbmttr,,dec'd, , 1 ETTERS of Administration on tho J Eiiate of Ann Coiner, late of llontnn lownhlr. Columbia tnuniy, detested, hnro born irmilcd lijr Iho Keriter of Oolumbla eounijr, lo Iho nnifcrilined, who rridrt In IKtitnn loivmlilp. In CAlumhin ronnlri allpcrroni bating claims ec-ilnst iioeiiatoM tho dece. ilnl are rPiHOiieitto pro nmt them (nine AdnilnUmtor niihoul delay, and ail troni indebted to mako ray men! tori hwiih. JOHN CONNfilt, AujuitB, tMI Jldm'r. BIMDGE LETTINGS. TjRrrnSAI.BwIII "0 received at Dlemer'n ruinate, X on l U Intnr, the 16th of SPtpmbrr notti until 1 2 o'clock, 1. of iaH day: for hiiltdlft an open 1 nut bridge over Knnnpf rpeK, nrar i ooei win. in L.oim lownuiip ItvCflD Hid Abutment Iho bVldeo m he M rel lonf bo- mr..,..i.u r..., m'..i 9r. i. mm., mart. " " ............... .......... ... . . . i...t- i. .1,- 1.,.- t,.. lUM.ln riitilnffcrtek lownitiip. on KridT, tho iMtli of Pept'-mW-f nest, until Uo'rincki 1' M., nrnUI day, for luil.llrtij nn opn truei lirMio orer IluntH'cJon cr'k tifjir tlie Iioum of Jnhn lien, In Fiililna creek townnhip. Tills brMffp is tnhn! el 0nj. with n pier In th? middle. 10 rm wide Ir-ni otit lo out, nntl 0 ffptalMive low wttr mnrk. riam nnd ?ppclf.tiiHdn fif botlt brldct "enn he fecit "CMM,..un.,.. , KUHEUT C. FltUIT. (.oiimMioaFa'i Omrt, C7r. Ulnomiburg, August 9, 1637 A Valuable Farm AT PUUI.IO SALE. VXTI1.U c aCcred-foi ante, nn tho premise, m 'V Tuesday; Oth of Odab.r next, A CERTAIN 11! ACT OF LAKD, with tli(!)rrprovpmcntt, known ns the JonoiFnfnV ikunte in Snamekln townhtt. Norlliitntbcilnnii Mum ly, IM , lyinir ln Hlnmokln treck ninl ths I'lilLiilclphia and Bunbnry Rallrona, about 7 milrs tuuth of Danville, 8 roilci front Sulilmry, ami 10 mltet from Simmokli. nndTrnverton, thui giTirtjf It at crput sdmntaiie of a runvciiicui nuu buuu niaiKci aiinaioi aoj omrr ire tlon nf the Stato. The Northern Central Itrtllroad, now proa'epilnff w n every proiprci o i us eany conipieimn, will open n communication by rallroai with Philadelphia utid nillimore, and bring tho phco wdhin two or three nouri' riue oi iiairuiurc. ino nrra contains Two Hundred and Scvcnty-Ono Acres, ahout on hundred bchi aro cleared, tho bal aucc in (lOODTIMUCR, n part of which hai been cut, and is now civcred with eicellent yonnx trees. Tha imoroTCinenU on taid nrnnertv nro a comiurta sola i3m vuufsi iiuuoB.wnn nfprmg of oxec'tont Water.o new Hank I'-irn, ann outer nccesrory outbuild. ns. To ft perron nptiring n tnjtn inai mnl In crrflie In value and makti the moil nlen. SCfHEfffant of nnv in ths vallev. this ninirda an npponunity iB tiom oiieren. XT Terms made known on thn day of salr. fl!. UARTOX. Augusts, 137. lSIlKKIP,Ii"S SALE BY vi rtue of n writ of vtndithni ftpotiaiQ ma dime ted there will le exposed to public sale, at the Court Douse, In Uloomsburg, on Momlay, the 7th day of Sficmher nrzf. at 1 o'clock, P M., the following real estate to w,t: Three tracts of Land wifli the water notvir nnntirin. nnnt, the first tract situate in Bcott lounshlp, Culutu' Filty Acres nnd Eighly-Ninc Perches, bo the tamo more or less, an I nil nf wbtch la improved land, bounded and detcribed as follows, to wli: On the north by land of peter Bchuir and John 1'nlj on the couth by land A Samuel Alellck; on tho east by the road leadint; from Light ilre t to OrangcTille ; on the west by land of John White and ol tiers, whereon are creciea a Dtrnace, Grist Dialling Stable SiigjggJiI with the appurtenances co.inly. contalnuz The ecron.l Iriict, lilimle in tfcolt low nshlp, In laid j seventeen icroi unci rour 1'erjiiw, strict minKtlre.lio Hut R.ttun lnnrn nr Ifi.a tifwiiiilr..! nnd i deicn'iid aa lollowa, to wit; On tha north by land of , jtmn v line; on tne loitinny nniiui John v lute and ither landa Of t?ainiil L. JlitMi1 on tho e:it l lande t J'i'ij iv iiiif. iiiiiui i.nii aiiu oini r land oi euiiiticl J.. ""'i" "iihtiio a piirienoncea". ' 'Iho third tract, mujto In Vt rieatant lown-hln, "h'1 "'mtrat'orcaiid, containing ' lFoUr Acro3 aD,d Sif,,J,;Sif, P?rplic, , ho tho lime more or ln,nl of ivlilrh Ii Improved, I'onnd. d on the nonh ly lundol Jolm Wnili-i uu iho to llli by Hi" ame ! on the won h Iho s.inn'. f;i I on 'If"" by p"" Bclw Jshn'ijni ; a!ii...n nil. Two Story Frame Store and f.Vi.a ito elloist iy f.ot.of Uround, .l'-WH.illliatoln Msht alreel.Pcnlt tlwnihip, in fai-l con n'v, Inn i'(i nn itie cmi l-v n nnd . 1 Iruin Isitclit ni rn lo Urjiief vilto. on din nml I v uthpi 11 1 f 'V1" ' l lh". n."f."' ljy .n"cv n- tli- smiili lm. ..f (.'!iwl.t in.. I UMiimii T Star. n nn II Nn, 3. Alvo.nll tint cdltii n lot nt vionnil. Kituntrt In j.iKni sircei. ticoii lowuanip, n fai i C'Juiii)',cnUiniiis sijiy fftt front and ono tmndftt andfltiv f'.ei tit depth, nnd nun litr.. In plan o Mid 'own N. 4. houndttd on the eatt by a rotid leading frm Light sircft to OrniiFO vih, on the west hy oihir landi cf Hnmm't IJt Aid tie, on tho south dy sn nlltjy , tiiul vn ttw itih tij Jtihmoiit uliereon are erected a Two Story Frame Duelling House, a F'ame Stable tcith the ajwitittnantcs P'iz'd end t.tken li excrution us llu property of srsriin.v 11. milixr Snniirr'u Orrici:. I tir(y. Illoooisburg; Aii8ui b 1P27 THE (JULOEM I'KIZK. THE NEW YOltK WEEKLY GOLDEN P1UZE. Ont cf the Largtsl and bett IMtrary refers ef the day, TIJItMt) Of SUBSUUIrl'lO.V fi;n )Ay, And a Rift will oo presi;uicil to (acli subicrllior lut meilialily on receipt ofllio subscription mouoy, Each subscribir will to emillcdtou silt ivorili from SI lo $300 00. TO CI.UU. 3 copies for 1 jcor $ 5 00 10 ' " ,..15 10 ItEAD-ItEAD-ntSAU-IlEAD THE LIST OF OIFTS-aiPTS-ailTS. I rarhaao containing.. ..SOO in rjold. 10 Hold IMfnt lrn Kii;llrli Hunting Cased Wnlclics,,. .,100 Earh. 11 ts ' Ootd Watches to ICO " " 10 75 300 l.ndiri " " ' 3.1 lUOBilrer llunlini Cased Watehcs, '2S COO Watches 10 to 20 J 00 Gold Vest and Guard .anil Cob Chain 10 to 30 J00O Gold Lockets....: VIolU Gold ltlngs Ear Oiops Uroaches llrcasl Pins Suds CulTl'ins Hlceve llullons.&c, 4c I lo 13 Ilach. Immediately on receiptor tlio sutscni'iiuu money, tlio subscriber's namo will bo eotered upon our sub. scription book, opposite u number ajid.the flit corres- Jionulos will uiat oumber will to forwarded to lus or leradaressby tnallor express, pott paid. Address ItKCKLT & CO., fWiiJfrl, Sri MolTil's lluildinfs, New Yotk lO Newspapers throughout tho tluitod states anil Canada, wbo will give llie abovo olgUt inserltous, will be entitled to a olamniolli Gold IVn, and Gold .uib desk Holder ami box. north 91. or the some amount lu any kind of Pens or Jewelry they may on'or , payable on rettlpt cf ike firtt tcpy containing til. advertisement, marked. TRUNKS 1 TllUNKSM THE IiAROEST, BEST handsomest and cheapestas sortnient ol Bole Leather, Bo'ldBivelrd TRAf'KUMt TRVXKS, VALISE TKUNK8, isjlir Bennett Dreie 7Vals ClllI.UItCN'ri COAIMIKH. Fropellers, Leather and Carpet Dags, Packing Trunks, ' ' TIIDMAU W. aIATTSON'8. Celebrated London Trizd Medal, Improved Btetl Spring, Bolid Bole Leather Trunk Maourrclory, NO. 40O MARKET fTHEET, South tvost corner fourth and Market, Philadelphia, A'lguat 8, 1837-tf A LADY WHO has been cured of great NERVO'ia DF.niM TY, alter many earsafmliery, desires to make known to all fellow sufferers the sure met in of. relief ;'. ..? r"'i'a sisiop in pay return postage, airs. MARY ; 15. IIEW1-IT, Boston,Mas.,ona II e nfeierip. August.B, 1857-301 MAP OF BLOOMSBUKO. MEe3R8. HURLEY U LLOYD. Clell EsffMsrs. tsi . tlysrs and Map fnUiiAirs, are now in this placo !?rn JutPoso or making a thoroughly eortcct PRO !.,.., "AP, allowing lha Ground Plan of every Building, tho size and Shane of each l.m. with ,.' era1 n lines oi Initials prirled Ihereno, Colored, Var nished, and mounted on Canvas, and Rollers, all 5!""!ii " p" t0M P0al,,a " silvery of Thf rare also nrerTnrerf in mil Sn,,. mA Skeleton Maps of Earins, with contents calculated and Inserl.d thereon, of any rm within a reasonable ... ,, UWII. uioomiburg, JulyiU, 137, ffxTnx No,TMAT;irKi(irt, m, .ate ftmZwW'WS 1,ramc Duelling Si. jM'$&Hoitsc. a Frame Darn. KSfl M timWfivc one story &iX&&im&IIousrS. awl a 1'UBLIO SALE op Valuable Real Estate. TlY vlituo of an unlet of thij Orpn.ini'1'nu't nt Co. 1J lumiiia counly, nine k. kiickuju i Uxceutot'nf John Kline, UecaaiciMvlll, on ,knhii.uact..M.riii. Saturday, thcd day of August , icxt, At in o'clocK In Ikii forenoon, eipnao to public tnlo, on the promliet. In Ilia loivnililp or iicnion. in inn rniini) of Coin inUia, at ilia lale rrnldrnee of the isld iiccnicni, l lie louowing Heal uaiaie. Tin " A Tract of LanH; Tho welt end of Iho farm adjoining laiule of Jacob Ann, on the aonlh, the heirs of John Kllno, deceated, on IKo enil and north, and annuel Ithonoon lliewcel, containing Forty-Thrco Acres nml Five Perches, Most of uhieh I a timber ant. A brancU of Kavenereek runt Ihroiieh tho land, and a flood Haw.MHI In V n I J" ' "ca!lc!,,.'I",,,",yi ,B? Innil.nfler lie I HI cleared, will Itic iiunicainie vicnm?. roe noil ana ine be well ndaoledto farming. I.nlc Ilia I j" iril.x .i ll.n I rtntp nf J n tin Kline. 01 Hinlon townUlp, uoiuinbra toil nir, rtt ISAAC K KBirKDAUM, . . . . , tt Mam Tt Panton twp., X. 1P37-Q . . . ..,,. n . T T, l'U IUjLU oAJjb I op 1 - - ' tt 1 11 ir l in 1 1 I Valuable Real Estate. .rrVIOuiidcriljtned, UotBoroftli Catalaor IVetlry I Uoat. deceoeed. will olfer al 1'uli lit Bale, unon ihn 6'atunlay, the 3d of OclAlyr next, At t o'clock, 1' At ,lho firm lielonginir to the eald ettaie.slinuto In lit mlock township, (Jolumbta county, rontalnin; ' ' Ono Hundred and Twenty-Fivo Acres and Thirt-'-'cvcn Perches, Anl Ailjolnln Linda of Hugh Mcllrlil", John McRey. noldi.I'ci-r Afplcnun Caleti niirloii, Br., and 8lvri lerl'uncll. II l illuato In tho Iron Ore Region of Columbia county, two mllea from llloomihiiri;. and on the public highway loading to Ituekhorn, A branch of Ilcti'lock creek passe through Iho preailica. and Iho whole farm It in a fjlr Hate of cultivation. Ilio linprovemenl, arc a largo new frame MANSION HOUSE, A newantl commodloua frnme tenant Iiotuo, n Io'rc new bunk bnrn.n new wagon lioune. nml other out bulldih2i entirely ntw. Iiiejilon will b clvcn on the lit of April, Condition! will bo mau known onihniliyot sate, by WILLIAM NUAL. I ncuttr. nloQmiburg, Julv W, 1M7. . r 1ST Or l,r.TTr.RR remnlalr in tho Tout Office tt nioomiibuia. I'a.. Quarter endin Juno 3l).h. Itf37. uirn i.imi ra Dnmbov Wntton Slilihell Itiy.T. ltoiicypennylhoniai Ilrceco John u.-irneit u n. i nner riinciia Hire Chliicev -V. llnylor John Cramcr'A. V. lwiry Jimes l:llle Thoinai Prcc'and Tliaddcui 3. TrrczoJ ti. l'iiher Havid (eigt r Snrnli Ann Oilluipy M'Miain tJaiMo John llli 0 lyaac Itarer John HerriiiB (leorco A. O. Iln IT John l.eaclitholten tuurad Mills II O. llliodeii Matilda Plmrkley I hntlii O. fiocl Hannah M. HalniQiiJ at. Blanton r, W. 4 Titer John Titt'o Ailalino Tolbert John Treasurer Lack & U. U. It W.ii'aBlmni'l Woodlock John rrcrm Cornrlina fvliesler Alii'diiego I a epiem William fp Woliunun l'icklea J trnvreona calliiifor the above letters will pteate aay they are advertised. I'll I UP UNANCST, P. M, A RETIRUD PHYSICIAN, eyf- YKAHS OF AOB, havlnii lost hli father, two I O brothers, flau,htfr, son-ln-liw. iiiphews and niecea, bv that ditadful diswiso. (.'uaii'tirrios, ap.d siif. fenny with a Ccvgk hiusoir, deti-rmitifd u visit the Cast 1 ndles, Kgyt't ami Japan, whrrc ho discoti red a prersadosand terlalK rkre fur Colds, t.'nwghs. Jlronchllln, CeniKmptfen.Neivoiis Debility and Althinn. Illacoush was cured InimcdiaHl i he returned, lured lit. rr&i rfpss. who inlicritcil tho dikeaso, and ill connection with hli eon have employ ;,l it in th-lr ptaelicr. ruring tlioilennds of enses cunsidelod hopeless by others I'or the purposo of rreeuiiit' ts many of his siifTerint: fellow, heinus nn possible, he is sending the H.iilpo to all Tiho wish it lor nn eent ; 3 of it to py the post age, and the lalaiter prii itoir. Addrers Pit HEATH, 1111 n R st , opfosite Ft Nirholns II, lei, June 13, !ti7. Niw Yolk. NOTU5K N OTtCn Is li're'iy jlven Hi it u application will he 1 t'enssilviiiie. for Iho .iiieorpuni.lnu of a 11 in'r. with mat oi ni ino t ii session or i o i.eii uiiuro oi tho usual pHi'ilt'cei1 to bo enlled ' Tho Rlnotnborit laok,, witha rn)iliil ff two loindred tlioiluitd ilol Inrs, and tol.clrcau-d in the Icwn Ulio-ui tuirtf. Columbia couoiy Tn. WM. PNYl)i:it, B. tJ. PIIITII, KFIIRrllU I'. I.LTZ, n, MnniiF.vnAM,. A, J. tVVj, 1 W IMRTMAN, J. lUMrlHV, A J. fll.OW, It. II. A It I'll lilt. WM UUL'IHON, A. (J. SinVi.MI, J.ii in in i. piirna nii.i.MiiYK'P,, UMAR Diirruitii K, Hliwoian, June 27 IK7 B A I, T 1 M 0 H I! 0 A H D . SaSU Sail. Salt! WE olfer f r side i.ivL'itro'jL riNB ir, no. t;. a, no, no. dairy no. Country M'rihaiits who will send us their orders in adv-inc'1, Willi instructions toslnp, when no l.nvo acargo AruuT.rau secuio Hue orU.A. fall at tlvo cents persiclt less off tlio ship, than It an bo supplied out ot Mora. cAittt, Gtnsr. & co., Grail an I Lunihe r Commission Merrlia nip, .. Spear'a Wharf, UAt.TIUOUE. Juno 97, IS57, ULOOJISDUlKi 1JUJT ' STOItH. AS!) SIIOK rjMIE undersiene.l n fpittrully inforios tlio rill: X. of Illonu.bjrg and the public in geoerat , tliu I Ir An liut liu Aiirji, aim .Diioe usiaiitsiimeni. Ir.,. cl. t-v. .1 f. I In lh j wjntolwillinj.nn Main stroll, abovo Elso'a i. Wilson s Itik'r, w.ieru lis his roiitunlly on hand ,11Jfl'ots &I10CS, Waiters, ,to., AnJwlllmikeiii work loorderon shoit notice Ills !cdo ot thel wauls o, iw .5.:poritnco in me Hisinrss , and aenoral l.uow. render satisfaction lo nil hi tlio neoplo, will enable him lo securo hiui pitrouaje which ho hours to men tu'ium'.-, ono snouiu i , . .. , HENRY Kt.ElM. RIoomsburg.Mny 1, ?Z7, Horses For Sale. THE llndetsirned oner nl lirlvalo salo. at a low a lo sell iote.i Jkr bltlnish, .'J.f J . bcautltut threo year old Li well brokn tini very docile. Also iiorsn. wiiuoiii snni A valusb'o spm of young Iron Grays well mid hod PerttCIIV SOUnd Uod CeilllO III OVerv rmnri. n vn,i uj,s.orjuire at tuts omce. . ... . ''CVI h. TATE filoomabiirg, August I, 18S7. V "!"" " i-V ' " viuiny; nor ICS, riMlK ItKV. 0. S. BUItNKTT, while l laboring a. a Mis sionarv in Hoiulierr, Al. ,od tuvcicu u impic .mu c.riaio cure lor Lomuntplloa, jlstk. ru,,i,, w,;.,,, percent ueemty , ami all impuiilio ol Iho Diced; also, an easy and HIYclnal mode of illtiatlnir tho ttemtdy. Actuated by a desire to wvuviii ins suite, tim leiioivs. ue w 111 ciierrlully send the Recipe (free) to such as desire it, with full and einlicit dire, tiousfor nreoariiia ami iiinanM .,.1... 4ho Mcdiciue. Address, Itev. C. S. BURNETT, Ml Broadway, N. Y, City. August 1, 1857 Gin ' STItAY 1100, WAS taken up.on tbo HOth lost., tresspassing upon . Vl'X' "'" ut'icriber, uear McKetry, Nsal & Melick's Furnace, a ll'hite Hog, Bupposedtobo nbout one year old. Tho owner slred to prove propeity, pay charges and lake it awst , or It will be disposid of as the law directs. .... KOHUKT tilRUTHERS Bloonisgurg, July 2J, 18a7 31 GIIARLEa BTAI1L would leipoctfully Inform Iho Citizens Of lllooniihuri, etui vlelnltv I.. iiteiy esiabiistied.lntbis place, a Book liipderyj stheie ri.faiuu ik uu sn sinui ui woric in ins line, or the shorten notice, aud seasonable Urnis, Ornta in East Bloouisburg, near tho loner end of tin town. July 18, 1627-11 WANTED, I, OUR MEN to work in n Keg Factory; Four Coop, en active laboring uiou will an sw.r, Btudy employment and good wages will b gli-cn. ArPly at the Mlllgrovo Mills, near Light st. M.yS.m7-8,. THOMAS TRENCH. PLA8TKHINO LATH Fwawr ,'AT"ifj' Junel3,lW, Hr W, & Vi N. CREASY. TTlISIMiNGS ANJ)lbTlbNS pANCY AnTICLKS.a good assottment of Hosiery u,i?'if,:m"h.' J'ressTrlniinlnis and Linliii's.riewiug Bilk, fhreud. .c tec, to bo had next door lo the Exchange, B00K-UINDINO, AF.I,VA H WEBB. J I THE PRESSj A NEW iTaILY NEWSPAPER. rj?" SIoUr Demoobatio IIki.p. tjol I John W. Forney, has issudd the folloninJ !' , ""'" ( rrj'pcciui . T l'UOI'D.Hli cstabll-hing n firat-tlaa, X llallyN'lvpaner,n Ilia eily of I'liiladHltihls tV tyvten lh Willi of Juty.and the 1st it auiuh.i!, i entltltd " "THE PRESS." "TlinrunsB" will ho liemocralle In Its nnlltt,. nnd will sustain the policy ol iho National Adniini.' tratiun. It la my determination lu make It wonbr of tii. atipportof every cl.nsof readers Ulnnitv. cou,tfl,' ond Independence In tho titiorance of n,y "iili,ni'' enterprise nnd efflelency 'n the Commercial, l,itct,' and ofews liepartmcnis, and roiprct for the oniau ofotheia, will ho kept eonilonlly In view. """ t have cmbaikcd nllmynwii means In tins arolrvr ond Intern' btnlillns up a Journal ihat will not nnl , I u' crcdlttble to our City and our State, but nil) lo,;,"? mo an independent livelihood. n"u A somewhlt eitenslve flpcrlence In public lift j msny cars'coiineellon nltlt Journallim.wiii, t hnh oilaln for -Tho Tress" n.favornbla focei,tion Mr friends in the difleieni.Wacds.and t oiinil.s t roniisylinnla. and oilier emit., will piaeo h,o un,i many obligations by jiving Tho I'lcu" a helpinj ,ian ' TnuMH.or Ttiti rttEsa.. DAlt.Y.iper Dniiuin.Ji.i ....((..... ae. f0 wjicicl.r" ; ... .. , ...r soo Address the Editor oi.d rroprlclur, nt iho uffles r 'Thol'res,"No.4l7l.'hcitiiut street, ivbbsii. Tanln llgnk nuilding. fctiovo t'Jnrth St.. l'ln'n.te Inhksl JOHN V. VOttNbY Auillll t.lPJJ. " Nlfw DltUO STOUEl ' r.XCllANOE ULOUK, MAIN 8 T It K DT, llloomsbuttr. rpiIEundcniiin'uwouldreipccllully lnformhlsf,tra X njid tho p.i'ihe rcnertlly, that lie has piirchasui rr Tusaita llriiuand Chemical Store, and lost rrtiiti,... froui thectly with ulnraonnd scleet stork, consisting ( Fresh and 1'urc Drugs, Medielnce, Chemicals. aroondand wholt ripices, ralet. Oils, Varnishes l)i f Bluffs. Window Gloss nr all sites' tniothei wild a completo assortment ol Point, Tooib auj Hhnvlns llruihci,Tobacco.clcgaic,roiie) Soaps, Siav. l'ure Winff nnd Jlrnndirn. For me. I'.nellsll. Frencliand A fiimery ; In short.e very nrtirlt kept hy Drurglits genC. rj3-rreer(ptionFcnrefull)cnmpoiiiidcil, N. H The UctTAb rnoresfiof, will be contlnuM iiciiilln HlonHibur and LtKht Street. full assortment of the (alert ttila Tcsih. for sale by Ktuxi. iii , ii.iiik.ilUUUIJ, 'HtniSirt, Pihrmry 1.1857 Spuing & SuoiELt, AT MBSmi'PoiIBAP STORK. fpHK undorMignod hr.viuie removed lh j Btore, up town, at tho stmd, lately orciipled by II C. I. W. where wilii KtcHcr locreaied loriliilcs. ho la enabled in od'ir a fnllussoiiiiientnl Spring anil Summer Good?, Which he juil rceeivedfroni the rnH iii t.'itiei, roniiristuir llry ttnods. tiiocerlce. Hard-ware, Clutens waro Uodar-wnre llollO'Waro, Urut's. Fish,balt,8.c, Plaster, Irnu, ,ails.Iloota, Shoos, Hals ,Caps, &e tie. Also-KKAI)Y MADE OLO'l'llING. Inshort, every th i re it sunlly krpf in country Stores, lo which he iiivitesthn puhlicfeuerally UsaIi.Lii nhcr. Old Iron and Country TroducQ taken! nexebange tor Goods, at tlio liigtst ttmiltet prue A. U. MlSNSUll. llloonifburgt March 21. lf-57, BBLKCT i-QIIOOL. TUB nittprm of this Pchool uill conmrnco on MONOAV, 7th nf Bcnttmlirr iifii. nnd continue tin veil wtcks. I'upiM nre rrreivftl nt in) tmic. TCUM8 OF TUITION. Contiom l.rn'l nh "linlles (.... $ Ifigh'r UngtMli fliiidjes andt'lasicf. it To nice ti a ieiict of prrrrnt pupils and if other pirtirs, an .Urn nine In the print in d rn-(-piili oil if Ireuiln I li:ivr; itetf-rntittfd In cpsn-zc, in ill v ! nf AriRUrt mxl. n 'lenrhr r't ('Inn, to n ilmir t lirn mnnihi, T he flmtfp Itir tiiitiMi V, ho fivu du' ti.r tha setslrn. Any ifortiLitlon r frf r in p tin trhewn of Instruc tion, l.i.i'ri'l dr. fin , mil he promptly eiveii. on oppti- 11. .ntvlmr c;, June 27 185741 KATO . IIKMOVAIj. Tl'IR n'ltirrril-fr I'ttvlrij rm'Vpa Mt MniMe Vnnl tr-) in imtr Hi flmift Kfi-iift, n llirHuiti t r r ti"r M MU nml MARK RT trtrtc, in Uii..'H'f Uow, whom lio l rrttnrril lo hiriiVi dll klMr i f 7urble Tfo, Viat.'.MONCMCNTfl tlfftdlo Inmhi. Wax Ton tn,ntn. I Viid ytrtni'ai i-t vvtv ilrHcnption. II i tcrV t n thu tii't Xlmt, Hi .t Murkiii itihlii)) iHit surpn'i)it tynnv in iho rouiilry, niij ut law juices, Call ami Jinl.t fur jo'irrrlvi IK" il 'ilrt fnmfklt'r &inl tuirrtt Tfy, MhiitW tit Imiii'i, tirifK l)T'i, I.ilith't nil I tfilli fir Winiiiw r aiil fl'mrw.ut n .low fig'irr Tim ikftit for ytfUUvum, u.i t lie I'or n rrx.iirmincft ol iltu ti.inii. .AN IIIONY WtTMAN . l.lopiiiJl7,l' A pill 4. lK'i7-i;in 'liAOJil3 FolINDH V, HLOOMSnUltG. Staves mu! Tinware. rv III, inbsirlhrr ti-ivlpg cirti1 a liircn tw U r Irk 1 roundrynit'I Mncliine Hliin, in t.irr of Uw i-U preparit to miiki all html nt cMttii's at Hit luwrit pric. I'lowv cnuatnntly tn IioimI. Tlio ul pcriWr lifiRnlsnreinnved 'J'ImFIii'p iruiu .Vpiii n. In the Foiimlry hit, where lie fa vrirtcil a htiMtliiiff ultojithpr rorBtnvf hti-l'l'iii .vnr k TUilfkliis8ifvfOMilH nfthp WM.rKNV fQQgOtJtiKi UAHH HOOK. VANMKK t t'OK. ni tl (yi'AKi.()ii KTovr.H or all Kh.,i.; itm i (.; c, 'ciANimu srovn,4ft. au riitiI of tfpuiitina fiiitJo to order. joiwii aiiAnn.nPP. IltniVFbiirs, 4pr(l 11, .857. mv mmuM ymwik m.oowsnuiM!. HIRAM S. CMLEV lnii...i.M,.Li.v,..ii..n ... 1 11 iho llxrliiino. wh-ro lin is prepirol to' finish tim hen wolklroin Italian ot American Maihlelor Tonib.stonos,Tjbles. Mantlss; Wiiiduwii lr and leu ills. ' J'orthe character and lliush ohis work he refers to surhnslio has made I s this llu will furnish in.sigoa uu IK or oxrru4e any that loav I'f fur null cdliililm. His work shall alwa)a he salisfnclory In ... J . .v i n, iiiicc; llloomsbuig, Ilee.G, mill. BOOT AND SIIOK MAKING. JJ 12 patron' ISLyearsii THE undersltnod, thank lul for thclileral nagn wnli which ho has been tnvord lor ' (ton e by (Would liifornihls Irienls and cusiuincie, -nallio cotilinues lo rnanulacluie loots and 6'hocs, At his old nnd woll.knownstand, on Maliislriet, liiooinshurg, In nil thtlrinrious and forms, In good siyioandon muderaiutcrms. Ills loog eipurlenco in iho tmslnoss, and gmiol knowledgeor tho nenplo ,'t Columbia! ounty, super added ton tiled determination lurender sutllfnction ?n,iL'il.Ci"i","meI",',"",IJ",c"rol,i" pa. nonage which ho hopes to merit. , , .. JACOB F, EIETERICK, llloomsburg.Mntfli Id Ifj, Columbus Wale nnd Female Academy. fTHIE Fourth Term of this Institution will commence -a op Monday, Iho 3d day nl An pun next. Tho'In stltution laving Peon In siicccssluMiprroiion slnco last October, under Iho charge of Prof AnDaasot, as 1 rtncipal, with compliant aud reliable assistants, .ml has been will patronlzsd hy studonts from abroad lne com tin of Bucks. Lehigh. Carbon nnd Columbia naving furniibed a qnod portion oftueSctiool, besides overal from the far west, who have attended Iho same. ITJ-An Operlng Address, will bo deliverod ou tho day ol tho coiumenceuienl, ot 3 o'clock. P. M. TR.UHTEES. New Columbus, July 2S, 1857 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTIOK, Estate of Cornelius Reynolds, dee'd. LETTERS of Admiristrotion on tho Estate of Cornelius Reynolds, lata of MlOiu township, Columbia county, deceased, havo been granted by the Register ol Columbia couoiy, to tb. undersigned, "ho resides In said Mifflin uwnihlp. in Columbia county all persons having claliui ngainrl Iho estate of the decedent ate leiuesied to present shem to the Admiulstratoi, without delay, and all per. Ions inditted to mako payment forthwith. SAMUEL CREASY. . rtdM rde bent fern, July 4, lr? j7 Ct NKW OOOPEll.SIlOP. rjMI B subrcrlbc r announces lha t he will carry on lha X COOPElilNO BUSINESS ot his Brewery ill Hop llnsvllle, where ho will make Barrels, Tubs, Kegs, And everything In (tint llnepfbuslncss. He will also repair work olall kinds, and willdo It skilfully mid at fair mice. CUARLEs W, Bloomsburg, June 13, 1M7, I1ABS4RT. WALL PAPKUI WALL PAI'KR! XT7E havo Just received. by railroad, a splendid ts VV snrtuiniilor IVAI.t. PAPER, wlich wo intend tosell al Philadelphia prices-froia 8 cents to 17 J cent. a piece. CAiiaoa so 11. C. Sl j, W. IIARTMAN. July 4, OILS, l?Oll Ma nulsclurini ond llurning puipot 1 by fee, for .ale J II A. It P. ALLEN. JMRTMAN'S Bhcmtbur IyM 1857 Nes 7 and 6 eouih Wharves, rbilalcliia. June c FT