Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, August 01, 1857, Image 4
Farmer's Depart man t, Hymn of tho Hal vest. We gaib.i them In tha bright green leave., Willi 6ir scythes nnj rakosto-da., And tho mo growl bli.nt the pitcher iienvet tll.lifliol I In swill'rlrig hay, O hoi field! for.tjhe mower's ecyllio,"". Until n rlnj niofdettlnyi r' -Sweeping ihacatth of ila Ixirtlien Mho, At II tung in wrathful glco. Vee,Hhor ilumln-the nodding plumee Of tho yellow anil l)i tided grain. And I he fleeh of out tickles' light Illumes Our march bVr th vanqulsh'plain. ' " (non, wo mine with III. steed drawn rsl Tho etfinlhgofmodcrn lawsi Ami theatres stoop In lit clanking Jar. ,At llroclislt.hangrvjaw.. 'Wo gather thnt In tho mellnw fruiis t'rnm the shrub, tho vine and tree, : i V.'ilh ih'lr russet, and golden, .ml purpil suits, Togarhl.hbur treasury'. And each ha) n Ju Icy Hcnsu t .lored Allnneath'lla tainted rind, "To chcr our gueetaalthe social board, When we leave out caret behind. tv'egnlh.r them In In this goodly tlorc. But not with themlser's gust, For'thetlteat All rather w.adore, II a Hi out given llintruii, .And our work f death it but for lire. In tho wlnteiy dais to come .Then a alerting upon lha Beapcr's etrifo, And a ahout at tbia llarveat Homo.- Birds Thoir. Utility. ' Wo do not' always know our tost fricn-laj 'But experience) sometimes toaclics us, ,'-farliii''g out for ua conclusions very unliko Ihoo, jt'o liaJ previously ntortainod. In tho history of birds, similar examples aro .not wanting. ,A writer of noto says, ''After some Statos had paid threc-penco a duzon .for'lho instruction of blackbirds, tho con-, .sequence was a.toial loss, in tjto year 1740, of all tho, grass and grain, by means of insects, which had flourished under tho protection of tho law.?' Another ornitholo gist, Wilson, ccuipuloa that each re J-wingcil blacklird devours, on an avcrago fifty .grubs daily during tho summer .season. Most birds live entirely on worms and insects, and though,1 somo aro destructive to our cherries and other fruits, the num bers of such aro small, and tho propensities aro to bo sot off by numerous and valuable services which no .other .agoncics oau' per form, Tho following dosoription3 may throw light upon tlio treatment theso birds havo right to claim nt our' hands : Tlio Daltimofo Orjole, a beautiful nnd well khdwn bird, called s.ometimo3 Qold Tobbin, Hang-bird, etc. It feeds chiefly on Imccts, and its services are .of great -rlue,i Thoy visit our gardens'for grubs only, tvnd thus protect our pea vines and loth'cf plants from a destructive enemy,- Tljoltcd winged Blackbirds,oftcu arrives t tho' North' ere the suow has disappeared. It feeds on grubs, worms and caterpillars, -without inflicting any injury upon the .farmer. ,Henco it docs him a very impor tant' service. The Crow Blackbird, is. less .numerous Shin tho 'species just doscribed. They fo'low'our cattle, andcaich and, devour the. -insects ihaumolest them. From this fact Ihoy- denvo their name. Tho. Hice.lluntiog or Bob-o-liDlr, -is constantly employed in catching grasshop pers, tpiders, crickets, etc, and thus docs good Bervico. It is, however, said to do eonfo Srgury It grain, -especially, at tho .South, and particularly when theyicollcct 'their young in flocks preparatory tu a flight atowards their winter quarters. The Crow BlackbirdJione'of our early -visitors. Whilo it.devqursimmonso num bers of grubs, cto., it is also clcarlj proved, thatit pulls up tho corn. Southern farmers attempt to diminish the amount, of such depredations, by soaking their corn in Glauber's salts, making it .unpalatable to taoSirds. Tho American Crow, devours everything citable,' without mucH' 'oppircrit choice, r whether fruits, seeds, vegetables, reptiles, Jnsectsead animals, ctc Cedar-bird gathora catcrplllars, worms, etc., which it devours' with 'fin insatiablo appetite. Our cherries and otficr fruits, aro not spared, but are de voured, in their season, as rapidly as are tho canker-worms, and other enemies of the -tree?, in; their season, Hut whatever injury thoy may thus. inflict seems irrcmc diablo, as their numbers can scarcely .he diminished by any agency in our control. Tho' King-bird lives -wholly on 'insects and worms,, without any uuscliivcou3 pro-' penalty, unless it. bo occasionally to devour honoybec?. . That lie, has a tasto for suoh food is pretty well established though some deny it. Tho Oat-bird is constantly 4mpl3yed in devouring wasps, worms etc., but docs not always spear our fruils. They devour1 of tho latter, however, much less than would tho inscots they destroy. Tho Wood-thrush lives on -worms, beet les, etc, aad .never commits depredations of nny kind, Their rcsiilenco is much more constant in thc-extrcmo South, than farther north, The Blue-bird confines himself to tho destruction of beetles, spiders, grubs, wire Vforms, eta , and though they attack -the sumito and wild cherry, a.nd olhcr wild terries, they do no injury to tho fruits or vcgi&Mcs' pf tho, garden. Tip Uolden-viinp:ed Woodpcckor is ro pulcdws a fruit stealer, bul ''with all its fiultU' it. is of great 113 to tho liorlicultur. ist. ThclHed headed Woidpcokcr liko the formcAhclpi itsdlf to Irutts of ullkiuili, oanyit on apples, oven in its bill ; but this usVul, laborer is also worthy of Hi biff i illoci much rcoro gcotj thnn rvil. National ( rATE WHITE 8WAN, ) Side $ Stover. liace Street, above T7drtl( rhilaitdphia ratiniii)Ki.laloofihcntMStven.lIolllii8ahoad.(,o JMta THi'Vi. of the Ultlon lltilel, AintuiHi.lHM . illONTODH HOUSE, CURKCU 01 MARKET AND MILL HTRCCTB, " fmai.distcy ofeeeile Ha, Co.rt Ueuii,) HAVINO been recently; rcnofntcd nud rurnrnlahr-d In .superior style, this elrganl HotellsnoW reoprl liittlio reception of strangers and visltors.vrhosepa' ronogelsrespeclfjlly requested, nRAUlT, Iyi5.l3.. '" . ' . ... CIIAIU.ES n. MABPI.E'S. 1VI.B AM) LIQVOIt STOKE, An, North Third Strut. . Ahovo Rare, Tatt Side, Two doora above; the nigcl Hotel, riULADEt.VUlA Una cnnalantly on hand French Hrandlea, Holland (7in and 0 criicrnl aaaorlmenl of Foreign Wjnca, nleu. all kinda of American r?pirie, Ac Match 15 lao-r. " JOHN M'. T?6itD, .IMrORTRR, M ANUFACTUnBIt AbBAl.CR IN SADDLTaUY-, OOAOII IIAKDWAlUi 'amu 'rniM.Mixca, A'o. 02, North Ttirrf St, riiladclphtan pURCHASnna will find Ittolheir advontago to cV X amine inyDiocK.wiiKii i nv.. chaecd forCaah; andconaiataiiiallthevurlotyofNew Bljlcaoluoodatn rnyllno. W. II, nuurucra annii iiu, ,,aitu,.iuiiu i,u,i, 8ptmri't1'Ii'l',30" -iy COMMISSION MfcllCUANTS, AtttJ WIlOIXaAtit! DCAf.COS IN frsii, GiiBEst: ntorisro.vs. No. 47 Nor'tli Wnrvff (below lii"e Street) PIllLADELl'nlA. Ilavecontnillyon tmnd a largo na nni, VISIONS, whlrhtllty tiro prepared toacjlnt, the Jowcat poi'ilt1e rn'ta. UTOHIIF.riS promptly ntten leil td. i'tbuirysi, I8J7. 1 JOIIN II- ALLEN & CO. Nos. 2 ,J- 4 Chtsnut, Street soiitti side be low Water,) Philadelphia. (Tira.OuiasT Wnon-w.m Houai, In Tn ClT,) MANUFAUTU1IBIH and Wholesale dealers In Tal ent Machinn-inade Droma, rateul Grooved Cedar' warn, varamednol tit alrins, Wood and Willow-ware, ili.'Uruitiea.&c;, ftfull doicriiona. rieaae cnll nauiine our atOf.k, nary 31. ISA 1 y. : IEVA.NS, & NEWCOJIER, Arch street, abovo Third. Philadelphia. HOUR3 OP MKALS- I UrkakfasTi 5,tinnd,7 o'clock to 10 Din.tcR',Uentteiiienoritinaryl o'clock to!3, "i ..idlei,!! o'clock. Tba. Jfio'clockto 11. t EVAN EVANS.) f U. S.NCWCOMnU. Aug.U.183S.t-y. 1 PREMIUMjVaUIGULrUIlAX IIUPLE .KuMI3WT8--Voarepreparf(Jto fiirnisli Agrlnili XSro1 Iinplcmviitioltho vcrytieplquitlltT monufac P'aVt'irftlut our Acrisuliura! U'orks, Itrlilol, ra. mm ft, the lowest c.ith price, wli'olcsftlcor re(ail,ai wtllchnlleno comparison witlj tlioru niannfarturedbyj nny otliAretali1islun0til in Hie country. The first pro ml urn of one hunilrpd dollars wae awarded uii by tbe CnmnilltCGof tlieU. 8. Auriculturnl SocietVsto their iNtn Cxliitiltion &t I'OWCHon. (or tlillieit illtnlav nf A(rricuUurntImplcmcritnianit(acttirel bylheexhiliilor.' uvry ariif n-soiea uy us is warrenicu to ueas rcnrc cnied.or tlie moneyrcturncd. ' V, r.ANDRCTIIicSON, ( mplement fan d Seed U'a rehou?c Noff,t3lnndC3.SoutIi3uitstrect,'n)i.aiJelphiak Nov ember 6. Pennsylvania Hotel. rniUS wMlknown flotel lalelykri IivBam XfiTLBfllKRp.on Main Street. 1 n inville.fiVi Uaa been taken by the subscriber, WP ts pre naredtoaeconiuiodate travsllersaiid s angers i the beat minner, The house has L.en thoroughly ivcrhauled.nndia now rpnitaU up .and luruialied for, oho elite rcaium6nt of guests Misatabillig is large nud .-oinuiodlous. with Horses and 'vehicles fur hire.and tie; will epure'no paiualo render gciioral sntiifaetion rjA libcralahireorthe publie'palronage is respect fullyeolicllciJ. CEOltdE W.. FUEG.C. DanvllleDee. 50, IMS. ' . r ' . . GOAL ! COALJ !, . , . rv pv P. 'FULLER Sl Co,, would resnecfully.inh'rin In ilr' people ori'iltitonand Hie public'l irgeneral.ths hey have opened i Ujnl Yard, of ample dimensionn tre prepared ntAheir o'aice, cotnerof Main and Rnil daarti to lit I all orders for coal f.r douicsticuud ,nherf asps,. , r . f .iq ... p STAR 00 UN SHELLEUSf A ltd I supply of 4Iio prftnliim pra'r Corn Shollers.irom our onn iMaimrartury, tiow on hand nt Wholenatfl irr.d If tall. Tliev ' lire adopted foe pJtlicr hand or horse powor. nml arc iieiicvca to ue uie ueei cnener in tho market. rAduIIAuTj, MORHI3&CO. Implement a no Seed Storo, Till and Market IMillidelphln. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. IMPnOVCD Hay free ses. Farmers Bmle Mors? Towers Q-adThrefUnrs, Grain Pan Saaaaje Outiors and Stuirjrs of vanou pitronj. Imnroved I'rrlatflQ Grain Mills VejtaWe. AT3y (lay straw auJ faJile r 'L'utlerj increat v.irialv. VAiimi ATjiionnw & co. Agricultural WarohnusQind Seedirre. , "Hi anJ Market rUilaJeljOila. 2'J,18;g. IIENRY ZUPPINPER,, : Clock. ami lVatclimaker. " South Side of Main Street above the Rail Road. jSinf ICULWepairlng'ln'ivaicliet and Jew. U clrv Claasesfur Uuntinc watches anJ cHtolaelea, dcc.J inpoaitburg, Aug, 30, It an, NEW LIQUOR STORE. t NO. I33,.N0R1 I TIlIRfl. BJRV. CT. (Inthe,dgle 11'uil-Ungs, Above Race jSt.) Philadelphia. TlIC u,nders.20e4 be Vave to inform JilifrlcnJ and Vtitj public, ibithft liasopenedantemvi 1QU0R HOUSE, in Iho Cagle. Rulldmgs. No, 133, N.. 3 1 St., as above, I where he will be bippyto supply M.-rchanta, Hotel, keepera.and ciHtomers generally, with the choicest brauda kept in 1'hiUdelnha, WILLIAM BROII3T. Mareti-h,lf57,-y. . -J".v . SIIEDT'H a-nd-beltzdrs , MfnOLBAI, IV IN Ely LI.QUOR STORE No. 232 North Third Street.' (Above Callowhill.) p iiii,iVj)i;i,i'ilrA. A geneial ntaortnicnt pf Brandlea Wines, Cordials, and Liquors of every 'description K . suesre. r.t.eimsn. October 7, 1831-2 yra, p. ' LEAF TOBA0QO,& CIGARS. US, ai. Bouth Front Btrcot, . ,,.. . rlllLAUELPiUA. 0.1836.--y 8cpt, FRKStl UAItUEN aKtiDt). DR. ano.M. IIAQGNBUCII has Just receiv .and haa for aale, at Jilt Urug Utoru, aelccedaoit. meat of all kinds or tltrdtn Seeds, freatllfroni Mr. li'ilafatleed llouaoiu Philadelpliia. , Mjy U. IB37. ' JOHN O. YEAGER. Fas hi o liable Hat & Cap Store NO. 103, fiURTII TIIIRU BTRRET, I'tllLADULPIIIA r5- llerclianta and visitors from Nollliernl'enniv vaiiia.urerttatetruiiylnvltedto clye hlnittcalLwhon vlaitliisl'hltadatphia. . " I t June vq.ieJo.-y. t r Vdv. J. C. Kttjttcr, ' I! o ra co o i a t li 1 c I' li y s I clan, T-knarnCTFULLYlundoiahll I'rofaaalnnnl R.,r itlolheelllienanrillooiiiaburgand vicinity, generally V3r O nice on the rorner of Main and Iron Street. liiuomuiiTK, iiiiuiiiiii, liiuwii tatore. FHILADELlMllA CJAllPET BTORB CARPET1NCB, OHCIutha, Window Bhdde'.Malian Miilinji Juat received 20.UUO piece, new atyla nufaetured and Imnortod cipreasly for CAKPUr liij, ijrcuaui n.i iiouacReeptr. win please no Noi. ldaaasoorthB4eond Btrect .1st door below sal's t'hMirh, M hl IP'O j SIDNEY JONKN Ifliiitwiooi urn I.TAAtaiimiT .t ?JUK. HAIL HO AD, Direct ftailrond etnnrtlfan Itttostn Jfiagarn Fills nA rSUsJetpSta. iknrttrt AnitUtt nd Chttipeet fitwttfrom It ts'tra Mil York to rhUadtrithli.Jtarrpbrgt fitUbnrg Iiainort, natntPglirn cuy. nun in rvtuii, a IFldr.Ntirirt YrlAINa tcavo lllntlrn tlallv riv-M riiindnyt,) nil A, M. passing Wllllamspnilot 10 15 A M.conuerllngwlih Rcld'na, Rail Rmnl ntl'yrtCllii lon.iniil reaciiliiR I'lin.intipiiin ni 7 ;m r, m lietnrnlng. leave 1'liiUijrlnhlafrom corner of Drol.l and Vlneairrcta,al7.ltl, A,M reaching Witllnmapori, nt 3 IS, I'. M. anil nrrlvllie nt nia.lru ri 1 1, I', M , rHSLSHUHTHAlMi 1)11,1, I.IIAVU l'OKT CLINTON FOll IlAUUlSliUltO. Hired, vlii llailphlnrihil tiia'iuelmiinii ItoilRnnil.rAi Hi) atHvAlbrU.1lnWlauTrain,!ai!hltif;Mlar- riaimrg nt o r. ai. nntiirniiianvc'llnrt aimrcnf 7 l5'A.lM..coni)crtlni nt l'ortciiiitori wtthCattflwlea.lttalu bonnilweat form. Iilgtho tnutldirect route tullarrlaburg', ri.laburrf, HaU tlllioreaniltne womn.cnnncciing incpo I'oima Willi on Northwealcrn ronnaylvnnlannd WeMernNew Yntk Connei.lngnt I'.lnrira wiih tralnann New Vorknml nricllnll Hoadt alao, with The Clmirn, Canatidugau, ltnclie'.er,Ihin'.lln.nnd'Ninca(irnll. CVrnccllngdirertly with the Great VVcalern Rnllron nt Suaponalon hrlilto for Delrolt, Ulitrngo, Bt I.onla, &e , thna making the hdrUat,and tlionpCat route froil I'hlladolpliin tothoeO.polnta. A FKEIUHT TRAIN. Will leave Wllllamipott DAILY, nt 0 30 A. Philadelphia. rrclghllrdiii i-o and from rhlladelphialwitlioullrnn. hlpnient. from Rending Rail Ruad 1'reighlUcpot, corn er nfllrond nnd Cherry ttrodla'.' TRAINS PASS DANVIM.l: A 8 FOLLOWS oolnn s&af . Paeaongcr Train I'rclglil Train, 1 M, 9 21 ft, M. COINO WEST. rneacnetrTraln, 3 3SPM. Freight Train, SSl'.M. rAnr.s. , , Dctwcenriiiladelphluii'dnurcit, , , " Dnnylllo, 4K)0 "tr Catawiaaa, A SO " Tamaina 5 IN) ., . m Milton ,. .'. S 10 ' Wliliamaphrt,, , S 1KI nftapoiinda ofperaonalbncgnga allov.edlo caeh p:ll aeiger cxccalchargidnr double flra.-clfirafrclgrilrnlej 1 HA FONUA, fujunnlintfirrt'., Jan 30, leSft . , PIIILA. AND AD , Winter Jlrrangtmtnti for rasscngtr 7ain. ' January isi, 1857. UP rralnsi going Nortlu lenve rhiladelplii' nt;t A. M. and 6 P. M. Down TralnagoingSnillli, IcovoPoltavlllcat "1 A.M tec. aniM Vi 51.- , lUnlrjinapasa Readingnt 10.25, A. M,an,lC,Q3P.M, down Trains ' 5.I3.A. M, - 0,431'. M.i The CtpressTrnin Is iliacontinued until further nn tlce. Close councctionaaro innde- by A. M tha Train loml'oitClliitoiitn Rlmlrannd all interme diate pointa! and hylliell,i'2l'.Sl.UpTralnrromPort Clinton to KtmiraiC.mandolnna, Il'ilielo. Niagara; lie ni. l!hlrairo. St. Louis, illavcniiort. nnd Iowa Cltv'l Making Ihia route thcaliqrtcfitaiiit clicapcit to tht Lake ErltttanACanadit. )nP)ind.-iy:thYrown A.M. Train from ToltaVille, ahdUpP.SI. Train froml'liiladclplila, .only,rin. lUnatanuxa CosHarrtons, by Dauphin Railroad nt.AU A1 special Accommodation Tasscnger Train leave's Rcadiiigdailly.(cxcept 8iindays.)nt7l A.M., returning from Auliurn atU( P. HI,, on arrival of 3 JU P. M. TalurrOm llorrishurg. . AY FAUES Fbom Beadino to Vhitadctpuri,S1.75andl,4Si 1'ottsvllle 81,05 nnd 0,83; Auburn, 0.73. THROUGH llarrlshurg. Tamaqua l,3ji WlUismeport -54,10; Hlmira 0,33; Canandaia laSidO: R.ur.ili or Nlagra$)10,00;'Cpaveand $10, 71 Toledo 3 14,7.',; ClnciniiatltlO.OO, CliUara 820,(10. rotlk laland J'JS.OO. i ALL PatsengerswWlproeuro tickets beforcencriug tuecars; lucenisexira on i-nres paiu in uie i-aui ! ! iw t asscnogc rii'i h fifty lbs., or persenai unsgagoarowcit each nil nvcr lhatwelsht nschamcd Cxtra'tlncca O A, N'lCriLLH January 3d, 1857 tf. Ccit'l Biip't SPRING AND SUM3IER 'pilEunderaignedrcepoetfiillylnlurm Mifrienilnii',' .L thepubiicatlargaand the rcat of mankind that jienaBcaiauiianaaa spienuiu WWW In tho etrzaiitncwStore House. funtrreciid in Itnli hurg, Columbia county, To., when he hjs now opened aiarge anil cuuive nssnri meiii vi Spring and Summer QooJg. Which nets deturmincti to sell nn such torin no twill lutluco a Hat least in this vicinity , who are f n want oriercuandiza,ioaxtenii mm mcir custom. -ItriStoekliasbeensclcctPdwiiliDiiirlicnro nnd wlif relercncc to the wnn tett his community nnd without gotnc to enter into n infinite enumeration pftlir various Kinds bo risk tiothlng hi nssurinjr his friends t hit t 'ev ryt'Mnjt uauy Kept in ouniry stores, can;i(ere 15 liadaMtttle chenncrthan tho chranet.' X rjrUouitry produce, tncl tiding Ciraln.j.umher&C ' ,s , ' WU.i'ON'.AGER, Kohrshuri, March S3ieS7r-y.. m SFfihNG AND SUMMIiU CLOTHING, rill!3 un.Hraigned grateful fur pnat patronage, J. apoctfully mrornia htscuttomers,' and thepu ' generully,..Uial ,he has Just -received rromlh6K ,ern Uities.thelargcsl and ntoax select stock of JAishiotiable Spring Summer Clothfii g (hathasyct been openedinUloomsburg, to which n Invites the attention of his friends, and assures tlieiu that tlieyareoircredforsale.atgreat burgaia. Ilia r?tockcompriesalargcandge!cr,' nssorluient of Gentlemen's Wearing Ajparels, Consisting at fatkionaUe DratCocti, or every tie stnptnin; I'anla, Vesta, Ehins, Urnvnta Stocks Cotton ilaiidkcrcliiefa,Ulovea.Sutpeuders,.iic ic. Gold Watches and Jaaclty, of everV'dctcrlptlon, lino and chean. NiU...Rcineinber "LawtnUrg'i Cheap narin " l uuii i ( nocnargeior examining i. oodn., DAVID LOWUNllERG-. nioomahurg. Ma-ch 81, IP37. J, S. & IS. L. I'iSltOT, P ro d u o o Gcnoral COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ' . No IB North Wharvia, . 1'IIILADELrilJA.' -, 'rtargREMCssL John P, Prnl.ton, Kaa."' i t rhlladelphia.l Messrs Hacker, Lea, in Co.-1 -J tiller, 1'rjcu ac C'oJ M llocknor,-AlcCammon & Co, ". Charlea CM,, s-Co. " H.Morris )Vali(&Coi . Onterbridger Arvoy'At Co.' ' ' . Charles &i Joseph remt, ,. i ThooiaascMajwalLNcw York. ' . C,M. McCluug fa Co., HI. Louia, Mot .. " iiH.-Mom.iBon, Loulatllle.Ky March 13, 1630-jr DYER'S HOTEL. Oattawissa, Pa. ri HIBOldand tvellknown Hotel,! ntho'town' j 3iuaunwun ,i stiu Kept oy the uiier. si2neu,..nujiiapiii!uiuiiiici;iiaB i aw a bo i, aims. determined to makehia liouae one of the iuo8tcoi,ifoita htcplaresfortraveleratostop at, that can bo found In tho interior of Pennsylvania Ilia table will be furnlah. od .tally with the beat the Market can afford. rrjrty old trionas ana traveller 'generally arc invited to rail, JACOU DYER. May ai, leaji y, States Union Hotel. FORnlEERLY RED tlON HOTEL.)' No, 200 Market street. Philadelphia. GEORGE W. IIINICLII, Proprietor, formerlJofCo. lumbia, Pa., would Inform hla friends and thepub liecuntlnoesto keep tho above named Hotel whiehl. welland favorably known thronahoutthi, State., oneoftheoldestand mottehnvenleni Hotel in hecity. He most respectfully solicits a aharcof pub C patronage. April , leoa,. CIDEH MILKS. 300 KUAUaiiU'fl TATfiNT IMPROVKD rJ UTAH Mi OlDSIl MILLS. Wo are ntiw niauufacturfnc tbese unrivalled Cider Mills. trrealh Improved and at re tit thsned since last fvattHnA cansupply orders at Wholesale und Retail. MUlse hipped to any part of the Union. FABUIIAMi MOU1US It CO., Wholesale nnd Retail Dealers In AgrlculturaUtapIe' inentsaril Machines, 7th and Market streets, I'lillidclphls. Mount Vernon House. Second street, above rch Vhila,da TlIKuuderslgned having purrliaspd the interest n Mr. I). U Uif in Iheaboveolil established Hotel, wil now have the sola supervision of the estabUshmcii and solisiti tbe patrohaue of the public. IU leoUcon fi dent that a trial ofhis House, Rooms, Table, tiervanti te't1 will prove thtfbest recoininendatlou he caiieivo I. U. 11ARRKTT. Nqa,.U, 11. 13 and 16 Oouctlandi strcofi NEW YORK. i). DAYiwouneTKU. Tiiofl, n, wiNciit:t?Ti:R, I1UNJ. F.WINL'llfjaTfiR. May 31, 1630.310 llr. Francis V. Harrison, WOULD respectfully Inform Ihoslllicnsoflllooni. burg and vicinity, tuaiti.naacoiume nccdllloprac tit nt UkiuLiM, n nil Hiiuour V. mid solicits n aha, a n publicpatronat.. nsasnalwav-be foundaltiieltichnnEcllolelopnnsite roi'ii ifnnse niseintbort Tea l?S. - SAVING t'VMt, 01' THU, XATiqNAf. MFF.rr fHysr company. i s I u.I i WALNUT Street, &0llth West COmcr rTlllRH. l'hiinlelphla, irr,,nrin,i i.w ii,rt Klatpfif I'Annttvlvnnla. 1 Mon,-y is reTived In any sum, largo or small nnd be taken judiciously Minuto directions for their Interest paid f oin the day or deposit to the day of m0 in the'SMerol dipnos lo which they jire np withdrnwl. pllealilo hrd elvert 6n thotox. Amonjr'lho com-' Thn nfTire la nnen everv day from 0 o'clock In Iho ' !-,... .. -j:i i?.i lu..- morning till 7 o'clookln J and on Monday. AiidThuradiiy cvcningl, till 0 o'clock INTJ511I3ST FIVE PER CENT. All siinistarir, or small, are paid back'ln .COLD on demand without uoiicctontiy amonnti ,, . President. Hon III:N'RYI.. IIT.NNnR. iVicePresidcnt.ROIIURTBCLFRlIjaE, Secretary .WILLIAM J, RULUi OtMetoraJ HcnryL. Renner,, CULandroth Miinna .KdwnrdL. Carter, I'. Carroll Ilrewalcr 'RoliortSclfrlflgc. Joseph 1). Harry, Samuel It. Ashton, Henry L. Churchmen, Jaincen.Riiilth. ' rrdncisLec ' This comnanycondnos us b'lainess enllrrly."lo'',Ul6, receiving or mcneyon interest. Tho Invcsirncnia'n monnllne to nnnrly. UNI? MILLION AND A TIALr OF DOLLARS I ta per published trporl pr ASin'S.nre made In eon' ormlly with the prnvlldn Ofllin charter in RITA I, 1'HTAT.II, MORTCACUf , nltOUNI) RLNTft; and such Orel class securities raa win always insure perfect r& cuntv In the deniSslllirSi nnd whir' en can not Mil to give ricrinaneiiryanii sta'iiiny to una old an.i wep eaiao lalvd Inalltulinn, (Feb. 1 ,'1833 ) MnltTtli. IPfLTi . ' ititb IIKLMKOLD'S ?ENT1NI2 PlUJi'iVUATIOX iiicnr.Y cocr.?TitATnn cohound fluid UXTItACT IIUCI1U, For Vheatu of tho Bladder,, Kidney V, Orartt, , Dropsy, ,McaflM, vvsirucitatti, accjii xyutajrs, j cmaic Complaints, uiftJ all Diseases of Ms , biiuat()riran$t . removing all Imprupr-r Diarliarpes from Die lilidder, Kidneys, or Sexual Organ",. wliihrr e xinln tu MAT. f.nlt IT.MAIaC From whatever caue,lhey nuiy iuivp originateil. ami 110 mailer of how long stnidinj:, fiivljif hcultli, utid vigor to llic frame, nml bloom to ilia pa'lld rheek. JOY TO TIIIZ AFFI.ICTIU) 1 1 1 It cures Nervous aodUeLililaledButrercr, and tfitnovrg all Hie sympiomi, among wtilcli will he fuinul Indidpa siiioii to jA,ir.lon.,Toiis of Powut. Lo ss of Memory. Difficulty of RrftiUiliijr.riGnrrAl VV-akneri, Horror of, I) is taut;, Weak Ncrvti, Tfem'iline. Ufadful Horrorof Death. N'icht tiwrats.U'ld IVer; Wftkelilnesb, llin nrss of .Visron, Iii?aor, UniVrrBal Lansltntfi! of the Mufciiltr H tent. UUttn llnnrni tui Apprtitf1, W til Dyspeptle mp'oms.llot Ilan-ln. IMuiriiiigol'thcllDdy, IJryticrsof thkiu Pallid tJniinlMxncanil Knipttnus i on thfFJCC, I'aln In trie Haclr', llr.irinesi of Hie Hyo lul. I'redUiintlv 11 lack Pools fiviiiir. Iirfuro thcRvt'ri. i with Temporary SiKTuslon niidLnrs til 3f'titjt iint of1 AttPiiUofj, (Jreat Mdu'dy, Iteatleniiins, with llnrrur I ''f0? Nothing 'in morrf dcslrablo to snrli I'aliunlH f man suniua1!. ana nomine; nicy mors firr.m inr ienr m Ihriiifdvos; no r"p4n of manner, niHMnieii iichs no speculation, but a llurrittl itrinsltlon from one 'incs ' tion tuanoflicr. t ncdieinc invarj.iMy rcinuvis voou fdlors I.ojs if I'ovr, Family. ami IlpiU-nllc Fits in 'oiunf which the patient imycijlre. Wtt'i tan sty that thCfn tt- cr-Bsea nro nnt fni'iiiPiilfv followed bv thns' dirctul difca"es-ihifa'iity tin.l iJuMeuiitjilioti J The record- of of j Ih( IntancCAvttniii.-nud the iifHirholr ilrnllm hyv IMniiimnlint. f.o.Tt nnmlt! ntnPfa tn t lnt tnnh hi ttitlM antjcrtKnis, In Lunatic Asylums Ihj most inclniH holy pxlulittioit nppi'iirs. Th't cimnttjnancu U nrtmlly -od dfln uMdMuitHl'iit(ii(i nelili-r mirili nr.vrlt'fs t?f visits it. Kli)-il.l,a sjijiiJ i'f lio id rarelyWtlnilnlo. ' 'Willi iv )f fut mamnrs won dMpair l.nw dilk'it fioilntN Ins ciicfli'trin !. Motility i 1 uinBtUfrhler siid tiilmihtlinnitaild)r r-rsiid iMJ.nmghtlliiinitaild ' K5nC Vf?!iS n Ali'S yuuihs..It cjnbd cuR-dy. 7iK.-lR)r.. w ! upuil UMiuif hum iii niiii iiirjiy Huiiiilluii -w many .tuuie I lie 11 so cf tin 1 vt'yir 1 tnr p. Ifynu are si.ftoiins with any ol t tin above die It Bring niltnents, lhur iiiri Extract iiuciiu will cure you,a'ry it nii't b& cauvlncol of its clUrjey. j ' v , llfvvaiuot Uu -ck XotruniM autl.ftinck Doe tors, uho' falsely Iviutof alt.litics acd reference Ciiiztnisktiow and(avoiU utuoi mid sovpIoji? sufT'jrjns iiinnvy, otril ciposuro, hytsendiu or railing for a bottle i( thin popular and sfrccidc remedy. " t It itlliys !iH pilr ti'id iunninination. in perfectly ptpatititiu )ts taste and odor, but immediate in ih sActlon, nr.NMiioMra extract nuciit; Is prcparfd directly according to tho rules or . rh&rmaty and Chemistry, With the crcalcft accuracy and cheititral Knowlcdpo and care dr-volod in if -s comlunatitm. froffosor UeWisen' V(ilu.thle Worlnnii tlio pra- tlcu of pliyslt!, and most of t lie litnSt.indird Works of Mcdiriuo, KO.NK IIUNimilli l)OlI.AUH.fXa One li'iuilrt'd dollar will li pud 10 nt y plij fleian wliu can p'oVo tint th) MedWim evrr injured u I'a ten l'; and t lctllmny ot thou lands can in prndncfd to ruv( thai it1 d ies crt-at tnnnl. Cases of liom onn wei-tc to llu ripen inita' s'an Ui lintu bi-l'i tUVrir!!, J tt'i mass of volanM.y ietniinny In possvesinn of dm proprietor, vourhlnir Its virtues and curative itnvcrsr, is iimiKinsc, embracioj iiamci wo'l fenow u to.tkiunu; and i'a nit1,- ll)0,(KX) bottles have been sold nnd not a smjle in sloncu ofu failure hatt bun reporu-d L rt'rsoiiailv nnneircd Imtoru uiu.nn Atlernian oT ttiu ciiy of I'iiiladelphia. Jl.-T. UkLB01.11 CJieunrt. who being duU sworn dnps say, that his prt'piraiion con tu us no arcoiic, Slrcury or injurious iJiu, but arc purely vfL'einlilo. II, T IIULMliOM), Side Manulacltirjr. Sworn aiidsubacribi'd Iwlure me tliin .ld day of Nu vemter Jt5i.. . ,WM, 1' JIIUIlAUi), Aldunnati. Prlct Alver bottle, or sit for 85. ddioercU to anv adj drNs,:nccoiniauicd by relublt and npousible ccrtiG rates from Frofjtaors of Medical Colleges. Clurtcyoion , and ethers. I'reparc-daudeoidby v it t. hui.muoi.ii, Pffjcticil and nalUicalUiivmikl. No 12 South-TCNTH Ht- Ulovv Ui.lnut, Assembly liulldinas, nmauipuia. , , T3- Ta ha tad ofJ. 11 MQYEIl. BhontbUrr". and of atl Diuggists and JifaltTS throughout tht. United States, Canada a and JiiifHh Provinces, DtiWAUU tJr CUUIN Ll.ld JjlTtl, asIc .ytvx m.i.MnuL.D'Si-rAKc no oniCR. CURCa GUAUANTKCD. Juno 13, ltar.- ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Circulation over 100.000 Copies Weekly 25 Witnesses, .ua, TI1E FORGER. CONVICTED. JOHN B. DYn Is tho Author, .yfio has had 'tun vparseinarlehcti as a Uanker a nd 1'ubllrher. and Author o f ahtiespf Lectures at the Broadway fiber nade wncn, ior icn iucbssivc niKiii,uva,r ILjr ou,VU4 vu'v 4J Greeted jOmVlth rounds if applause, while he ex. hibiled the manner in wliichUoiiii(crfciters ciorulc their iraurfH. antj the surest and hortett mcauB of dflttclpg thpnU The Sank AVtf KngrnMrs a)l say (4at Ac istht grtatcst . fjudgs I'aper JUanty thing Greatest Discovery of Ihe. present Century for flctecting Counterfeit "Bank Notes. Pesc'rib g every Oenuino in eiistenco, and 'exbibilipg a( a glance every.Countcrftit in flrcuu tion I , Arranged soadmlrubly, that Reference la Kaiy and I)ri.Mlrjn IiutaiitaneoMs. , ZJtHf Index to examine 1 Na psftettn. Mm t up . IMt HO,iinipliGed and .arraugud, that the Meichaiit, Uankcr and IIusiae's'Mau can tea all at a gtantc, English, Frtuthund Ocnuan, Tlim each may rcno the same in hi own Kstivc1 Tonjue , , ISloUinrftct Bank. Note List Tablis'hcd. . Also u tut ofall the TRIVATU HANKEIIS IN AM BR 1 OAs j A.eompUto Buuimary of iheFiNiNcK or Djuofs Ja AmericsV will be publMhvd.ju pif it editlon.-Ufiher tviihalltlielinnorlat.tNUWHOK TUU 1AY. Also, A JiBlUr.a OF iTALCfl from un old Manuscript found in thu East. It fur nish ihQUjostouipktshU'ory of , ORIENTAL L1FI2. And describing .the most prpltxinIpoitions In wlit Jt the.tadies aiidgentlsuen tf that cony try have bwu -so often found. Theso itsrlt-s will rontiuun Hirfjugliout lUo wliolo-ypar, and will prove the most entertaining ever oiTursd to iho iublic. CJ"rurniiliei( wK1y (9 Kubcrileri only, at 91 a rear, aii iKiem inuti uv aniiri-nvu-i" ' JOMV S. riJ. tinker. rublnhcr.anti rroprlotor, 70 VqR t.f Ngw.Yorli. TilllENOLOOIAL OAUINKT. FtHVLUIrt. 'W13LLS & CO... . I'lllICNOLOUlnTH AND I'UIILISIILUS, ' 1 2JJ1 Arch Street, below Seventh; riiila'd vfK iurniaii oi 1 vvo rhi ioni'iirenoioay ,rnyaioiogy Pjl-L V.teiJur.,M(uellam, and rhoiio;r.phy, V jfhoIeaiileaidrluil,lKcw Yurkpricet 1 I. O r?o rrofasslonalextimitiulioiis with rhartl. ond lullwiitten ilea-ripiton ol rjiiracler, day oud aveninr C'abinetfrce l Wv IJ I6:3.-.v AY Klt'S fOK Ait.XHEl'UlAoSES OF -A, XMIW PHYSIC. Tiirnr. fi'ai Jorip; r-lril n'ruUid acinanil tiii nn ClTcctttd hurltU; 1'IH wliltli could lie relied on a iirr 'nnd porTcrtlj? tntc iii lla pperallqn. 'lliia has tieen prepared, lo meet -that demand, nndn ox ten alio trial of Hi virluevboa-cnncliuHtcl)' rdiowii with whnttiieoeas H nccimipliidic tho purpose dcalcntd. It It cny to nlako ft physical jn'H, hut not vtly to mnlio Hie heat of nil iWa one which should hate nono of the ohiection, but nil the) odtftntaRcs, of Crty other. 'J'hil has hecu ntlempted here, nnd Willi what sucicss vlo tiould lespccttully suhmlt to tho ruUie dccliion. H has been unfoi lunate for ,lhc. palient hitherto that nlmoat ctcry purgatl mcdieinc Is Dcrimoninus. nnd irtitatlncj to the bow els. THisds not. Mntayiof them produce so much eriplng pain nnd rcMilsion In the system as to mote than corlntcrbalnMe the" nood to bo derived from them. '1'too ;' tyoduco tin Irritation rr pain,, unless It nriscVAom n prcUot'isly.cxisllnR'objtrue- 'tlon or dcranRcment 111 tho bowels, ileuignuroly I tcgotable.iio harm can arise fiom their tisoin any ntiiinlllvi bit better that anr lnedicino should tnnymenlion Liver Complaint, in Its various forms 'bfjJaundlcc, Indigestion, Languor and Loss of ,Ap- I ntl)n. r.i.1ln... Trrltnl.miv. Ilil Inns ITrfldnrbp. .. r , ,,;., .u Varimis forms jjuious r ever, Jeter nnu Ague,J.nin in the oiuei &ud Iina; for,, in tnttlr, all theso nro:but the con Eoquonea of disenl.rd action in the liver. As an aperient they nlTord prompt nnd sure relief In Cot llveness, I'ilrsOolie, Dysentery, Uumnrs, Scrofula nlid Scurtt, Colds'wUh iotencss of tliotioiW, Ulcer., And Impurity of ;(hc blood, Inepjularitics j ui short, anV and every caso'Mhcre a purgative is iequircd. lhcv hac also pioduccu some singularly sue-i cCRsfulcure In ltheumatism, Gout, Uropsy, Gravel, Hrys'ipelns, l'nlitnlion of tho Heart, I'nins In tho Back, Stemneh, and Side. They should bo freely Liken in the spring of the year, to purify iKoblbod I ana prepare inc, system lor ino cnangc oi Bcasujra. . -An occasional dose jgtimulatei the stomach nnd bdwcls, into healthy nclioiirdnd restores tho appe tite iind fgor. Thoy purify the blood, and, by thcir itirauluut, action on tho circulatory system, rcno- vato the alieugth ,of the body, and restore the waslcd or dinised energies of tho whold organlsm.- I lleneo nn oci'm-imiM doso is advantageous, even though nd teii6u derangement rxhts; but un necessary tloslnrf fchould ncicr bo eatrled too far, j as otcry purgative' medicine lcducea tho tlicngth, nhen taken to excess. 'Hie thousand cases in which a phyMe, Is required, cannot be enumerated here, but lliey suggest uiemsenes to me. reason oi every body ; and It is confidently believed this' M will ' answer n bcllt-r. purpose than any thing which has hitherto been ntailnblo to mankind. Whrtt their1 Virtues; arc once known, the public, will nn'Jongcx ( Aowht vii rricdy' to eniploj heu ill IitrU of ik, cntliartlc mtdiclnc. Being sugnr-M rapped, lliey ar jiloasant to tu ke,; and beiiig pincly' egotHblo. no tiatini can nric ttoiu their.uso m any quantily. For minuto direrHims.'irc wrapper iu Uio'Uok.' ri!i:rAi:i:i) uv," JMES. G. AYE1?, I'liiclictil nttil Aj:ilylicsil Cliothi&l, ;U1WHU, MASS, Trico 85 Cents per Eox. Five Boies for.$l. CHEERY, PECTORAL, Vov flii'tlilil Clu-c of COITUS, COLlis; "IIOARSCKIJSS, IlIIOMiiri lS, M HOOI'IAR-COIIUII, ROlIi'. ASTHi1I.I. AKD jWWS'llBin'IOK, Tmrt rrrheilr' lia". won for ItfieJf such nntoririv ft-tini it. firpi (if rirrv Amletv'nf nnlmoinrv discasr. -Kn U U rutiri'lv'ininrprfirv in rcrfnint thn pi !- t i.. tli t. it.. J.'i.t t .deiui-s of itsMrtnes in' rtn'v 'comnimillv litro it u bcuii cmplojitl. So wide U lietil of iU'uie fnhies', and to ninneioin the cases of lift curt', that almost cirrv.ftio'tioiii.of tlio inmitry abounds in poinns jmblictv ltnoun, hnc boen restored from" nlrtrtnim; rtiitl uru thcrMv tlivtasci of Ihe InnL'R bv .N nK 'Whtiii tinec liicil lis nupcnuHtv. over ccrv olbrr jiMUh-jW nf 1U Und Mod fipa, rent to escape ol-cnnlU, nml whnc iU xirlucs arp )m , ())) 1(Cilalt. MllJi t a,.(ilMc to employ fwr.tVo ditlrcvhip and tlaiipoioui alTeL- turns of tlio puliui iiuiy or-imis wliiili pro incident to our- climate. Not only in fonnidnlite ntlncks upon the limes, lint Inr llic innucr 'varieties oi 'Coi-PS, Cot-rms, IUi.utsi'.M-hS c. ; nnd fur Cmi. imnN It U the plc-i&antc&t'nnd safest mt-iliciiic Ihnt can be iiblajnetl. As it lias lung boon in constant mc llirouglinut this section, wo need not du more than aurc Iho people its quality is kept up to tho best thatitcver (has been, and that the jreniiiiic arliclo is 6old by I-'S-K 1'. LUTZ.nndall Druselrts ill Uloini.bure unn iic-iicrs in iiieuicinci evcryv.ucre .uy iu, ir-j,. DRUG, PAITiT AND GLASS Wholesale Warehouse COUNL'H Ol' TU'IH AND MARKET STUUIlTd, Odircin 8 onri r3iory. vuiunnv.hvut.i, tTTR 1 nvitcallenlion to our nl.iraid stock i( tirucs V raiuls,Oils Variiiohf. Aic , rclectcd oxprus-il) fir our sales, and commit iui! one ol Ilia lin'sl iHsort. incuts in. thu United HtatPx, which , we, odur ut loy nrlr.fs.ior enfh or approved pnpr. Wli MANtn'AUnjRHvdryeKtensivt'ly: I'riiiiliiiii i'uro Whin Lead, (best,) L'iiJ'niton I'uic While Lead, iviiii auow Whiio Lfafj. Vitf lIu.MortfnaMtf lVench Zfnc,jlott,) pure rfuow Wlnto American Zinc, plnlidclphia Htiow, While 'iuc. Silver's r'.it1c Firn onI Wc.ilher proof Paints, I'liroin' Greens, Ytiltows, and colors ueueraliy, AO UNTfl KOlt: p ' Porter's vupsrior Alkilm? Window Glass 1 auritishe Trench Platq Olass, (warranted.) Tiio New Jcrsey7inc Compmy's products - Tilden fc Nfphi's N. Y. varnl3Hcs,J',' Ilrooklyn i'repiium Vure White Lead, H'impden rermancnt Greens, 1'itri) Ohio Catawba Rrandy, ice. Lc. ' IMl'ORTURS OP il'rcncti and Hnglish rimn 01as; rreurhond English Cyinidfir 11 lass. Colored and C ok raved Viudov Oluii, I'aKUcrreoipc Ol.iss, Hammered t'lafe for Floors and SkyLi!us, Priizs. Ohr-micnl. Perfumery, tc. IVHOLUBALU DCAI.KKH IN; Drupgiets' Articles generally , Fainters'ToOls or all descriptions, llydraulicand Itonmti Cement, y Calcined aud Iind l'laster. IMper .Maker'sUliv.Uittlii While, &e., ke. riuiNCii. uiuiiARua &co.. Store, N. W corner Tcnlhiid Murk ft hh.. Far lory, Junction York A v., Crown St Uallowhill, April 11,1827 Philadelphia. LANUltlSTlI'S WAHKANTED QAR UEN SKEDS. GRAH3 8CF.D9. FiCLD BCCDS, and 1'I.OU'EIl flUDD4,foraleby . D.LANDRETI1 h. BON. Nos. 51 and Sl Sou ill Sixth at., l'hlljdclphiai March S3, 1317. CENTRE STORE. 1 1 ' SPUING & BUM ME It GOODS. fpiIE imtjorsiciiO(l toVu nloa&tirpol in- J. forminffthe cltizcha of Centre an'il.felnltv. Ilin hohaa Juit.receivcd a largo and soltct assoiliuua Sl'UlK'C tSUJUlCU GOODS, awcknniUnosl variedafaori mfntof faaliiohuble, useful and fUostantialMerclian dlie thnlhnvebe.11 oiTned toihopulrlir oloveryltin guu'iuiiiiiyWuicuucy win teliiursoauy;pay, lit ver reaafiiablo prices,. , TrT Count, Vnroduc, taken 1 no iclinnire' fnr'clnoaa i ne 11 ruin and Lull ler and IlitrpublicKiialom rvapcfliuiivsoicitou. SAMUEL tLAJIBAOK. rowlcravillc, Marrh SS,'lfi7, Franklin ffl House. mm. "', ' I'AIIKUU .V LMIIU, Froprlclors. Ohesnut St., Iclwcon 'IliirfLnnd l'ourfli, PHIL A DEBPJIIA , Hl'lUcpibc, 13, 1B30. A. M. IIUI'ER'J'. I Tinwarfand rlhaet lruit-Mannfaciiirr-Firr nil Main "rStgAM, JJNUINIJS. (ANISi.BtfliiXn. V l'JRaiibaTrlherltoWftH"'flA'rl''iew Maahlno I"... llllllin,n I lower'upon llio"l,Heatlniprovidplni,and wlllhulliiln itdcriWiible'nnd single pbrnblo englnea ; rttin; 10 td40, loi.rnowerill gteifunmicarrhgeaiw ih llnllof gear- Ing pumpa.nllrouiplatetnd ready fot action.- Also .pttilidar Hifcdnd tiibul.itnolieit.catt lion coa! kteakc iMplei,led-JnlB3G,r,ir threshing grain nitdM.okliirJ 'Oril UUU ill", iiimiu, iii a iuiku u, i in. ,h ,11, llveallrlg coal. Ileavyluinlftg plimps nnd rlrd enginel rigged complete with doubts acting foulng pumpt,ni kinds of iiiillgearlngind house eastl tigmado tr ordefl l.lneslinlttug wmi nny,ieatril aizes oi pnneya nnisnn wlihliangers Ironplniiing done,BayV4regl totigid. klndaof Iron turnirg heavy preaa nnd other screw lurnen wnn pnjr mvfiivu pucn 01 1 nmau . rjieheal Rough Iron threihlng Marhlirga, Inal.t'var eonie beror tire Iron nlnf tyi'ndeninicliinn tnade fo order. Lever power, t'l.airi of tlcad power made Uerdcr, Alaolaketordsrafortliefiillewlngma. rhlncryi llnirlson's Inlrstpalint train mill, JIOUO of feredht the wlll.grlndlngnnd line man'lliJ'huthel tin onn hour! Alio holt nnd eleva. toraallin ol Jr-f.alaoUurjIe'a I'ateniDliiwer.maiiiifncllir. pdhy 0,1) Ilatrlt Jc t'o.itho most powerful mower now In usowlthtuelnatiinoiiiil,ofpower,-orto of which wlllnopntln ureal the Foundry for ethlblllon. A'lol tlu'nbovc worka wallbe warranted tobn what Iheyai'i '""aIs'o Tn'ko nr.telt for .lifdti's Totenl rilaeksnillh pirlker, nndrlglilslotise them tnthecouiilies ofColum tilnMononr.Nnrlli'im'.erlarid,I,vcOniing,ciultltnn.and Ulinwn , onu ui iihiui iuub, leniniiM, innn LRWIS II.MAUS, Marth12.1830. Illiiooiibd,y'oluniliin rc , JDr. J. S. Jlougliton's GREAT OtlRE FOR DYSIElSIA. Juice, rrepareu ,ironi r-rL, 7SL, i Rennet, or the fonilb jfFffS0f OIUITIill II Ui IIIVO.IUIICI 1 direrltotisor n.iroti Jiie bis. tlieirTent rhpsloloc Icul.Cli.cjulU,. y J. H.J Youfthton.Mkli ;rhiIo( TliisNalurc'jOwnReincdyfor an unlieallliy Pio msch, No Jill of man can conol lla ; curative powers. . It eoJitaln.iioAlclinlinl.i'mcM ii.tua. tt tspurcmelv avrcenbie lolhe tnsto.nnd may hetnkcnliy the most feeble patients who cannot ent a waletcrackorwlihoutacuio distress UowntcofUrugged Imllatlona. Pepsin Is not a Urug O'a'lonthe Agent, nnd get n Descriptive Clrcnln srnlls, giving n lnrgd amount of Scientific Evidence from LlcliiB'sAnlmn't;henilslry,nr.L'nmbe'sl'hlsioloey liHrcstion; jrr roroirnnn rwu mu .',u., Tfep auer, nf New York University) l'rof, Dunilison'a Pyslolpgyi l rof. Siliman,otvoioi;oiciige,ir i-orpen- tol'sl'hysiology: Ac.iogciner wnp icpu,ii u,. rtnm'all pfiitsortlio United Sines. Hold by 1'. I'. Lilt, nnd J. R,Moyer.nioomsl,urg R 11. Ilowninn lle'rwlck. oct3, 1835 ly. OHUAl' WATClinSAiNn Jcivolr y Stoi-e. WIlOLttdALU A1NURU'rAIIntIie"l'',nvd,j dlohiu Watch und Jewelry tSturi.','; A..fbf!L Vnrlh M street corner of Uufuy, rtillrtdeiphia field" LfWer Watches, full Jew tied, IB carat - Uoldf.cpiiie.lScarnl Silver Lover, full Jewuled, 3ivcr Lc'pine, jewels, riiipcrioratiorticrs1, fjoldrfp'ictaelce, l-'iuftftilvprdo, ! (Sold Mrarnlcts. ' ' ' Mdii! Cold rett&ilfl, ' eivrTea Bpoons.flot, . u -n,.t.f m... tvitit ttntirilmid sl vrr holder. 828 00 Si 00 12 on U 00 7 00 7 00 1 50 3 00 TOO 3 00 1 00 (iolj lluiicr rintisMTi ceis lo Jt 0; Wjitch classes, plain 131 rfnts,pateiii,l8t,tl.unt-i!3: ptlmr articlesin nrtuortion. All ooods warrniitedin bp what thry ar Jniafor BTAUrFF.R & 1IARL13Y. tfV Oil iMiiils-iinf) Oold andSlUer Lovrrs A. nphift lowortthi!ii tlienbovo prices.; j tOcl i H?56- IIAHNRsi" 23TALISU"MENT. 7-i Esmst.OF TllF. rillTF. iiuttsu rpn u 111 ne rsi -llic 11 respcciniiil uiiirii.s X his friends nud the public that li continue. itio SAULETIING BUSINESS, innllila various brnnrlics, nl'ls nidi t.iud un corner nf Ala iu and Mnrhelslrrs. Wlure he wiI konp conlaullyi" Ivti'd 11 lull supply and willmanuf.icture to ordsir . ntlkind nnd lyles 0 e-inni i't w.rj-:.?.?. 'rnrf.K'k'a . a- altlievery owest prices and will bf hippy to serve hoie who may favor him with n rail in hi tine, rx)" Ordersfroiu a livtanre 1 n eithi'rhranrhnf the a bnvft itsi not h v i I l'i fill I vrecivedand promptly eitcu ted. Itioomeburg.AUfi, 10, Hi'-12 v RloomhnrjJi.uWtii'c iUnl ovc Slorr,, Illb'in liraisned ruippc'fully iulonni liii o. fr 1 c ml h :k id rmtO'iu-r.thit ti h it u'ln Inn.-d Iiim lirotlMT's intfrertt iuthtiiiin.V'o fut-iMl-luiii'iit and ih roiirerinvil cre ilit'r hu cp'diicti"( oy imjih' 11 uumpivrly. lip hat a. junt M'c lived and uHts fi-s tin lh" lnrtf' t and rrvs :nit fKniuivi' of PALVCY dTOVF.H ftpMcver lot ro I 'i rod I nth this mar ki-t. ' Xrfi 1U trit riiii'hti of :i coutph tasin('lm,,nt ol tiihsl Oo.isiiM onrlur vti'von ill tho mi iliejr wil'i Hlovo t'ivtun'sof.iivi'ry di'corlptlon.Ovnn iihi ti'rVrS'i-ven. u.t 11 iuorn, y iiimor vs, uaa I I roll VI r TtKh rfl'tv , O mil. 11 t?tavf t, tie, -4ovtrit pound 'riiMv.iruiu Mintit l nn h tin! and man.1 uf.iclitffd to tirl'T All kinds of rcpairinR done, ns on khort ii'tiiot. The p-iiroii i?' of o.l d frinnds ind new customers re tpfjoiftlll r siiicMmK a. m..ruim:rt. li-iM b nrst Jan U, 11351, If , Aviso's uiibAP iv ATCiitj i:vni.uv S'l OKI:, mu. 7, iNOrtli Kt-coiiil, IJITOSITBTM 15 MOUNT VllltNO.V II tlL'KIl ,1'il 1 LA iLililLeverWulrheafirllJenelled le It .Ciises S'.'HU Silver do do ISIlO do Lcpi lie do tl 00 Uuiirliorn - S UIILu 7 Uo' ISoldHpeclacles, 1 5,lu lolltf HiUtr do , 1 .iliveriauienpoons perielt. M PCKi 1 8 On do ntscrl do do n urn o 1 1 lit do Ten dn do . 4 J.1i ,1 7 an Roldi'cnsaiidGuliiL'aCea, 3 Voto 200 un niiver uo , 1 no TociMlierwIth 11 vnrieiv ,,r line rioli) Jeivolrv.11,,1 1,11 1. uuii 11-1111,1 1 mi, .Jumna , aii f-onua wa r rn tun I nb ns prekcitu-d. Watches and J ewelry repaired) n tli liestmaniier . N II. Alloiderssanihy'iy inai I'H.itherwisc.wll d,p punctually tttended to . rtoveinheri. i XCBMSSS- TOEL. R. it Omnibus Line. rpiIH unQersigiiod respectfully inl'ornlB ji in Miumia iiimi me puuuc mat tie ha lakeuthc F.iihattcelletel.ln Itlooinabtlrir. lucnihil sin,.. si,.. u. directlyopposite the Court , House, uliiili hja bcon throoglily repaired nnd iniprnvcd, whi-re he is' pre. pnrcu iu uccnininoiinie Ills custumera with eood laro and tog-piirral Balisfaclion.. , , , He also has'in connection wih llic lliclaiiiollo tel, un excellent ' ' OMNIBUS runningreBUiarly'.scveraltlmes perday ito nd from the Depot on the arrival oflhe Cars, by" nhkh passeng. ""'"" iicueuiiiiy cunvcycuiuinn nepnt station (oi takPiirromnndreturned to their residenci'S, ifdeiircd. it" Ho will always be happy to iiutrriaitrnnduccoin uodalchu fricndt. to the utmost ofhlsabititirg. PUTliR UILLal liYIiR, Uloomsburg, April, S.l&Jij-y, Provrietor, S i'EAM GUIST Mlllli, ' rpilh undorslgncd J. takr pleasure in on iiuuituingtoiheirfrlendsand iliepuuucitaiite,inatthoy iiuvrlusterected and putln jiiccessfulopc ration TUli Hibl'lTDW-N SrJ?MAM'GIllST ' !T T Tj Ti . vviiftreilicv aremakne llicvcrv'hfkifr.r I'tAur imi.a horicittlmeandntmlsctfn'gaitholovrBlpricctt Therenrcfour run of llurs In this Mill. nroo(-i;9.ihv sle&ni'iiower all perform Inei o neiLion.iindirriiidin aDouiiiiiriyuutiiiijiDiKruiii peruour- uiq iiourniaiJe ncre nus iiroiijuiiiiiieuuv iiieoesi uijuuscs. auopror nniinri..! nan tier lorn rtitrln. U'ol .1 .. . . . nn d examine for themselves. 1T9-Ordersrorflour,chop,red,&c,thanklulyracoived on 11 ui ieo wii miv aims 1 (caauiiuivcunuiiJons N ,B. Cash paid for Grain. FOWIiDtt tc CaUVDLINC Vipytown.Jnly93.lP3n Spring and Summer GO-OSS' Itl'Kelvy, Ncnl & 0., HAVINO just receiver! aim opened tholr slock of mt-rens ndise for Kprlnfs .let, which coiuprls.tthe LAIlfiBVf.ClllJI'EBT.aiid IIANDpOMtBT assort, ment now offered In thisTOWN I llavlne nnl,i..n, .Iteutiontollinoleelion ofthelrenllre alock, aa to prireanu uaitiy, tney natter th.maelvc. that they ran compote with tho tiapil, and all llioao wlililna lob'iy cheap, can save innncy byivlnjuaaepi. We i have all kind, nl Roods and Worce to supply the l'eqplo. A vary lnrne lot of I.ADIEH' DRESS GOODS, French MeirnotaiWooli'laldai Alpacaa, llonib.zlne., deliaiaol'oplinsi I'.rainatta clotha, Mohair Lu.lies, Muslin De ,aiiies,l'eriiancloli.(jfnBhanit,Oalicoc, WIIITD fiOOlia OF ALL KINIiS.BicvttiOollan, llaiidkerrliitls, ilouneinis, baud and trlmminja, Lnei-sandedinss, bonnet ribj out, ii large yariity, velvet rlUioiis'.und braids, kldicotlon.nnd llilo thread jlovea, Mohair mitts, be We inviteourfrleuda nud Ilia public generally to ill ve us a caliperureiiurchtsingiilsawliere, Weliavo Iniimlllour unodaal f.iiWfialCiidhl'rir.ea.nn11vlll ..... i .w ra w u h'lii -iir mmm ibeun ertoldhynnybudy orthereatofuiankind. MoICIiLVy, NICAh k (JO. Flem burg, March 21 lfiT or all llaeieahe greiti.'fitat cause killings from neglactf IVstiire'a Uara. ' SCKFEU' NOTl UlU a Ua il V A f WHENACURD 1BQUARA11TECU III Al.l, BtAoea , Oli1 StlflltRT DISEASK8 ui oiAyltJjJ. VIOUAOSS.B, Sttf'Abwu, fftneui MetUltf.'SltUlutn. nimi. nr,.,, JtUMee, Dletaeei of IAs,A1datyt .nd Illtider, -I),,,, intumawm, aireiu.i j-oiaj, in in ilattee ene AnVte, Dleeeeee efthe .uft ThretUA'iee aid tv " Vleere na the Itedtt er rllmoa, Cnscera IJreptg, i, irplle Fiu, SI Jtmtr d K 'lroi, J'roai . iriliemtal tj ! Srriftl Orient. -, nt ilcrvnua Trcliitllni, Loss of Memory, t,,,, of l'i.nt-r,dencriil Weakness. Dimness of Vlsiim will, per.uiinr spots oppearinBticioro too eyes Lota of bi.i,, Wnkerutne..'. llvrnrii.lj. Liver llisenie. i:ri,,.,f... ! upon Iho llce.U'aiu In the. lack and head, t'emaia ,, ,"Ku,,i-a .,u ,M,I1-I.b. ...rv..n.R,. num both setss. It mattets lint from what cause llio Hint, originated, however lonj, standine, or, obitinatt il Eermnncnt curccauhe enacted ijynny othertrratniem1 von alter tlio ilii'-nre ndt banted the skill of rmitieni physician and resisted nil their nirnirs ef tqt,, i' tnedlchies are pleasant without odor, causing no tick ncssono irco iroin incicury ur uuivan,. ,uuiing twem v cars of prirtico. I lnve rescued from Ihe Jam 0V Ilcalh many thousands, who, In 1'ho Inst statta utlho nbova inentlonetl diseases iind been clven un to ,( their 'IdlV'iclans, uhlcli uarranta lue In pruinlalnt i eare.itpctfretand nm.t speedy cur.. Secret dltrttts aro 11 e greutcai ciiemiea in iii-uimi,u? iny are tne flrit rouse' oi uonsiiiniuiuii, rtiuiw -u mi", uiuiij. uuirr ft, (nscs and, lKinhlbc:n terror to the human lamiiy, a npermnnent cure Is scarcely Her ciTaU-d, n nmjorli, of the ca.e. fulling, Irjlu the, hinds of iniuiitpetcti pcrsone, who hM utif fall to ciird'tlio diseases'! ui ruin Ibecoiutitutlon, nlllns tho sysirni with mucur,, which, wlili the disease, hastens tho surTcrcr into i rapid Consumption. Iiut should the disease nnd tho treatment nel ia death speedily nnd tha victim marries, U'ltli ftcble emailed upon ho eliililren. who ntjm 1111 Uebla constltuilonsininl thoenrr'eut oflxre corrupted by a virus which betrays irsell In Scrofula, Teller, Ulcm Ernplloainnilolhcrarrtitttonsofthe skin, ryes, throat nnd Lungs, entailing .upon them a brlefcilstenre of suffering nnd consigning tlicin t6 an early grater ' Btil.r'.AUUSEIa another formidable enemy to bcallli, Tor liothlng tlicin the dread catalogue of human Oi,. cases causis so destructive druin Lpon the system dritnlntits thodaandabf victims' throegh afew of suirerlhg down.toau untimely gri)e. It ilcuro), niltu5 ,r,e,n, rapidly wastes away Iho eneitV,. llle p0I ocveiopmcni oi me sysicm, uit-niaiuirs lor marriage, socicly. builncssaiiii alt earthly happiness, nnd Icawa the sulfcrcr wrecked in body and mind, predirpoped to consumption and tf'trnin ef evil. mure to he dnadrd thin death Itself. Willi the fu Ileal confidence I asiurs tho unfortunate vIcllinaolBtir. abdlb thai n peiinanem nnd apeedyeurecan be c(rccted, and with the abandon, incnt of ruinous prectlcea my jihtleilli con be resiortd m rflmaT. vlrrnrnu lipnlttl. Tim Amirtndnrr.atitlone(1'aEalnsl the n nf Pni, Mi dicinis.(ortlKreDreso many Inpi-nl usitiari-i in thi'Toliinnis of tho piiblfprints to eafch and rolx the unwary suiTriers Hint inlllious linyu th(lr conumi tlonsriiinrd by thu vim conlpontidfi of -inackrioctors. or till ciftiy gsonous nostiums vundedns Patent IMnalattlHaaB Tl Mltlfn a I tf.ftl I' V1 nhllllZPlI til fl fl V n f I t. a so called Patent Mcdiriiifs and find that neatly all if 1I1 pm rptiinln Corrotive BubHn-a 0 which Is one nf Iho strongest picpiratlons ,ol incrcur) and a deadly poison, which liureadof curlng'the disease UUablet the fysUTi Mr life. Three loimhs of tho nosirums now In u?o are put up by unprlticipJtd nud ipnorant persons, who do' not tiudcmtand even the atphabet ol the mctttia lAtihca.anitareriuflllyns desmme, .l tpy-knuwh'dpa ol ihfrhunnu system, having one object only 111 vii-w, and that to niu iitnt.i,yrr;u"-cs of consfqutrcrs. Irrpgul.iritits and all plfcnncsuf inn Irs and ftmalti tripled, on principles i-dnbllshedThy, twinty mrsof practice, aud sanctioned by thousand? of the most re umrkablmciires. MeiHclne with full .dltctllohs fu-tit to any jart nf the Unlit a Hi ales or Canadas, by, o. units touinunirRtiii ilniiry inptcnm iiteiu-r. llun ncss corr-'sponueiice sirirny cpmnifiii mi AddrjIP,.- Jt ftUMMr.UVILI.K. Iri ar I'., UHIcc, 1131 PtLsrai sticct.(iild No. IW.) 1 UoloW'Tweirth.PhiU'tlelutiia Pft.' JulyII,lr57-t;Matcli4) IMPORTANT DISCOVERY". (OXSUMPTIO.V, AM) ALL plflCAiiBS OP T.IU LUNOH AMI ! tiiIioat are nositlvety curable by, itihnlatiuu. whirl! piinvpv. the rpiueJk's Iu the cuvitxs In tli In (its through the air passages, andCOmliiftTn dtiirt coniatt with lun iii-ato, nciiirauz' xuv "vru.,.w matter ta1l tyd Difcoitgli, Ciussui fr 1 and -aiy cxy c torn tion. hi-nls ihc lungs, puriHus the blood, i mpiiiii rcnpwril vitality to tho iiltVouh sslriu, fliViiig thut totirniidraeriey so iudirpensahlo lor tlii re titration of henhli, To be alec to state cotindrutlyiliai Cunriimp tion tsciirablohy inhblatioii, Is to men sourcfpf .n.iil joyed pk',i'iire.' It Is us lunch 'tindcr'the control irf nic tin pi, trentmciit as any .oilier fonnltabln dun a in iiinet'y "'it of every hnndnd casestan be cured in'Miv 11 r I s utc etf and filly pvr cent, Jn the serif nil tni in th third stage it Is impossible lo'tavc'iiinrc'lhairnve't'i r Mill., lor. lha Iniifcsaro so cut up by. the iijaka",Dk tu bid deflancfl 10 'lur-dicalsklll. tVt?n,IioUver. in lbs latt sttges,f liihalaliou atiords extit.onijiary relirl v tbe sutTi-nng .Ulcndi-.gtnls fetiful' scmiryr. uhlrh mi iniuUy d4troH uitpuiy fn jiioniuna pT.tu in tio llniU'd Htuts al (J n; ami a correct ralculatn 11 howi" thut oVU) prt'i'iil, 1 nn of tli; e.trihiilit ait I linns are drstined to 111) (tie consUiuptivi'V crtiM . Ymlv th tul or ' f death has' no arrow sojflnal U CoiiHiitupt ton, Iii a II aw it has hfci) i.c j;rral cin, u ) ofrlilH.i tor tt, spares nefh'r sge twtf tvx, but Wwii oiruliko the btav,?, llif benulipil, tbe j.'rurvfu, and tb Itirted, lit the hu'p dt Hi ui iifrimio Celn Tn IMiki rouulh every giind and pi-rdrt fill 1 am imi)iImI In tiil'-r to the alllirted .1 pi-iuinncnt and ip 1 fj hrf 111 t;iiistiiu tion 'I hr.ArM cm, re i-f tnlu id. i it tr"tn 1 in imre blimd. and I ho iuiifii'itiatf 'fli rt, prodtirril by 1 h it iirinf Ithm In the Iniici, i to pri veul the 1 re n.'n ji 11 of in r tuio j'hi'4Ure,i)'r?' whit hni use iaTwjiil"'iT n. hty through tht; entire iu Then mif I It x n 1 1 .rational ti expect xrfairV ptodfnuu tin dioim h rMi rdi 1 In: cavities nf tho Iiiiius I It 11 is tbope aiiiniriviei'ji throifjth the slhuiarkf Ihe pat iuritvIU nl-iy find ibi luns freuanrl the brt sthin eary alti r (t.hjniig niir dies. fMiusl inhalalioh isulora) rmc,lyV neieitl.J )i is it ncti coiitiintion.ily.Itind h'Ii nioro urive r and, n r Ulnlr thuh'i'fciiiedii'Sfldininistnrtjdhy lliVHfiuirrh ') n prove lh; powerful and difect inHntMiC,? of tjiij inodeni AtinItiilrHlion, chlornlntm irthatfrt 'will Vmirely de sfrnymiMlhility ntji ftiw,iiunitt,e. paifl;iig the rn lire nervis sjrslni scilmla lrntlMr)a iM''nniptitfltrd jvllimittlM'lijlilfft.p.iini inh.uiiig the orOinan burn Jt c (rnft n ill destroy hfo In 0 (cx, Imiirs. '1 ha inhalation of aiumoiila wi route thn silem tvhriil.iluting'nr apparently dead, Ttie odor nf ivnny (if tin iiifihci nag )s pfrreptiblclu the skin a few, iiiin iiirrf tiflor Iir i nn tnh iled, and Way be inuuedi.lttMy it tected in the blond. , A ronvliirhieproof of itju oiti intionaleffi'tts'hrinhalnlion Is the fact that Vicknefd is alwaya prudiicrd by bnuilhiiig foul oir tH hot (I111 pililUvo evidence thn I proper tcutt dleii, rarelutly re pi rod and judiciously admin Jeered lhr(n;h tlio uiifii, shoiilil produce llie'iuoil hippy retoiltf iMirjng eicli ttitjity,irif prnrtirrit many tl.oii)nn,h -suireriNg frem dInMsus of thu lungs and throat, hive bcijn uudcr uiy e.irrjHinl, I hnvo niTucteU uiunv reniarkable,eiirt'it. fn after the suflVreri had been pronounced in the Inn siu-jeu, which fully satisflus me Unit coiisninption I nu looter a f.ital dinennn. My-treatiuent of coiisumptto.i ii original, and foqiidcd 011 Innffeiperiunrf' and a Ibo rough Inveftlgatitin. Rly perTect ncauaintrtnte nith thnatureofiirM rclosi eu.Sble mn to Oistingui'h readily, the vJrlous forms of diseesd that simulnie rousaiuition, ami upp.Iy tho proper rr-men (; rnrrly being misiafccneveii iu a single caso. 'Jhls familiarity. iii'roniM'clion with cartafil pataolQgkal and niitrrice pie dirovcrjcs, cnablus run to relieve the tunc froir. lid) eff-ji-ts of. contracicil cheats : A6 enl.-i ih rlir.i puriiytno uiooj.inipntt to it renewc energy and tone id the, en Urn system, Meflrines Uttli lull ,1ircrtJnii in purify tho blood, impart to It renewed vitality emnc IgM djrertimis suit lonnypirtr.f tho United Biatea nndL'auHilaaUy nalirnts rommuni ralinif their syinptoms. by letter. Hut iho cure, would nn more certain if ho patient should pay moii vim. wh,rh wruld.pivc 111 u an opp,irtunily ro examine Urn Inncs and enable Ini to prceeribo with iiimh grrrlter certainty, and lli-n thy euro could be cflctM wilhiut )ny si'dag UiQ patiffntkf Rlnt l ' ' ' (1. W tilt All A Xf 9 II pmci?, mi FiLBSST street, fnia K'o.MftU.J .u.y.,1, ,7-(KTr,f'" WWWM I'llOSPEQT.US OK THE UNITED STATES DIHECTORY, rpHK nnilcraiened propoao Ian Inp about thr'rlrt,o , I. Oaober, Iej7, it bupk. under tlio above ,1'ilu, to contain eboiil ' ri.i'Tnr.N 11 u a n n r. n I' A it i:s 1 leize 01 pfu 1 a by y 2tllneliea ) Tlio object of the United Hlate. Directory Mllfbe' 1st. Tn-eivellie iiaino uudnn,l oiriceadihr. nr..,.... male peraun (of the age 'ol 15 und upwjrdi) in the Hd. To glvo the airaei or every post1 omce and' pbat tnatUr in lie United tatca. yd. To give Ihe n.nne and placeior pullieatioii of every Dally, "Weekly, Monlily aiid.duarlt'ily I'.per uud Magazine publiahcd in the United rJIstia, l.a nlnl, ,l.llrnllv ,,,.nnR.r ' ' 1 v" .lucn niuie.ruv. town, vinaeo n-.., nt ire win ubetically urranseii. tiBiim ol each, perari wjll btaiiilnbi-lically l .nndcr the head ortheir retpttiio poit ofhee he tliilleiTata'te. 'lUieciory'ivjii be . mniii u Jlie tinnm . ranccd'.t nddttsa. As the tjniieo biotcb I'lircrory ivin be . nieiv ui llitere.t toeveiy rraldeullu .Anie.irj. .. rvapecllullv aolicit the (ild-ol post n.ui.v.aeuu btnera, In all parts of the c.Jriiry, In obulnlng ;io'nieauiid .ending them on' as soon ns po.siblo. In making' up hats, write,, tho, lismrf of. l'ott OOlte, Cuuntyond the head of the sheet, then till Ihe remainder1 wilh.disli nelly written nanus, of male peraona.only, of the age of fifteen ycors and upunidf, nnd'naaooii ..youjiavp tUtrieleiil la fill un envelop, forward Ihein tin imuiediately. A Prospeclua will bo scut poal paid to any person who may older it. TmrasvHiT msiiKcs-Write distinctly thu name, potl office, ciintyand Hlalo. JlOKitlS, (!ABUNEIti&. WILKES, 'ubithcrsj Clneiiinml. Ohio. N. I!. Publjahora ieaerling the above J'rorneclut. ineiudinir ihennllre three tlme.lri IhelriwpLiw am) "11 attention lo the a'ame in their editorial col' umn. will rucaiva'conv'nfjie U. fi. Iiitrrtn.Jjk cd at Ibclr office fte. of fhargo.. piiect. all .ichanie papers 10 llieMlulledBtol.s.DireetJry.- i"g June j, ir),. A JIETIUED fUYSICIAN. .) brethei., eauihlcr. aert'l nini....1 two and nieces, bylhat iliendfiil dlfrnie. .'oi)ivmfti(M,)idiI uf. fenng Willi a t'evf lilmseir, deterniliird to visit iho Uaflnotea, L'gyptanit Japan, where he diacdvered a prcersflund ttrtetn cure fuiCOIda, Coughs, flronclu III Oiiustii((on. Neivoiis Debility and. A.ibiiM,, III. eouch' -wa. cured liiimcdiately'i l.o'rrldrWcu. rurea hi. V.7. lir, ,wbo iulirrlied Jho UiKaa., 4n4-in' roliDtction wlih 1.1. sdn havd eii,T,loy,j fl liVil'eir 'raetlce.ciir it Ihouaands ufcaa.a coiieiJeiel (inpelo.a byoiliara. Hor the, purpoteof rtkcnlngas many of his suiTerinj fe low bviuBsos possib e;,liois aeudliur Ihe Bcclf. lo .11 who with it lor laXriiita , 3 of il.lo pay the port age, andhelialaiiuniiiiitiig, 'ill j1 Addicvs nil Ppilns it June 1 3, I 37 orfosile Ft ,,,, iiii,ii. NirlOlaa,lllM, Nen Veik ueiii-eiou unpen a el ore