If f ft AiiTC.ii n. vxmn, locat. editoii. .'Saturday Morning, A-Ufr;. 1, 1857. ter Iron Dale ruiWAcn. Tho Iron SDnlo Furnaco. near Bloomsburg, has late ly underwent eomo valuallo Improvements, end h now propollcu by oteam. 9 A now Post offico hasl been cstab,- lllalicd in IhosBouthcrn end of Locust town- P-hlp, called Hhofidslown, and Mr. loAAC 'BaoDEB appointed postmaster. e-OomJMDIA County, A quioksand r-'slido of a poiUon of ilro bill ranging along Mwhal is known aa tha ''thrco mllo lovel," M,al,.1 klintW nffv fnnf nf ihn Iinnlcnwrinna juourtiM hmwuv ' J avw - - : If & Bloomsburc'railroad wall into the canal jfjon tho 14th ult., The obstruction to nav ' ""fij-nlion waa at onco removed, - Jht."" lU;i - ii' .v..: ii i i I. bw uu ,n llUU. , Ul41iilj IUU VUUJ fu. of tho week was very warm, tbo thcrmom. rtor rangingfrom 00 to 03 deg, Sunday fnnd Monday. Two or .tbrco isliowcrB, liowtvcr, bad tbo tendency to oool tbo at inospboro, dvanod vegetation, and lay tbo "dust. EST Mit. Samuei, P.Uitton, lastweok, Eworked off, in four hours, tbo largo edi. jtion (13i50) of tho Columbia Democrat. , Mr. Bitten is a first-rnto Compositor and , cxcollent Press-man. We think it would ho difficult to Gnd bis eupciior, aa a Prao- ' tical Printer, within tho bounds of Pcnnsyl- ; vauia. t& Dui.r,. Our town for tho last week jt lias been unusually dull, owing ti tho fact ff that our Farmers aro busily engaged in harvesting. Nothing has transpired to f i crcato tbo wonder and admiration of a ,1-emglo individual, other than tho mosquito, v4iwhick our dovil says, "presents quito a 9 stinging rebuke." Ho is, also, in love, but wo cannot Bay that bis appetite has 3s-failed him. S-Tiik Monument to Mr. Boat's CMkhohy. Wi Uam Ntal, Esq , tbo Ex- Iccutor of the last will and testament of SWasLEY Boat, Esq , lato of Hemlock township, in this county, has in pursu- Eauce of tbo instructions contained in that fiirtiolc commenced the erection of Mr. 'ulfoat's ' Monument. Messrs, S. Jacoby JVfc E. AuMBTno.NO, are tho contractors, and from their ability as Sculptors, wo ' Lavo no doubt, it will bo a creditablo job, ,( j jind as tlio bequest of tbo tastator was very J urge for that purp'sc somo 87,000 it otijjht to ''bSiowi-far at n distance." Mr. Boat's remains now repose in tho Episcopal Jiuriid Ground, wbcro tha Monument will bo erected. Oautionahy. About these days, ay tho almanac would bay, look out for 'slokncss. Too great aura in rcnrd to .diet, clean, nee a ard exertion cannot be used. Anything like filth, decayed am mal or vcgotnVo matter, or collections of Magtiaut liquids about buildings or prcm jbc8 Bhould b'o quickly removed, cs they xlxc Euro generators of miasma and pesti Iqdoo. Unripe fruits or vegetables, nlco. iiolio drinVfl, and all stimulating beverages should be sedulously eschewed. JJy rigid- l-Jjr practicing moderation, prudence and Msieanltnccs, there will be htllc to apprehend during tho prevalence of a "heated term.1 WJ Tbo country in Suramcr-timo I what speaks so cloqutratly of God, of his goodness, of tbo world to eomo t "Wbcro Arc men tbo strongest, womon tho j-prct- ticst, Naturo the loveliest, if not in tho broad and open country ? Thoro aro great gardens hero, filled with all manner of bright and excellent things wa havo or chards on whose ripening boughs fire clus ters of golden fruit, soon to bo enjoyed ; nnd fields crowded with sheaves, andvocal with the Eong of tliojcapcr; nnd brooks, guarded by haitlcnut' end willow bushes, and woods glorious in tho garniture of Summer, solemn in tbo atliro of winter, nnd homes over all wltoso casements tbo bonoysucklo may clamber, and at whoso doors health and contentment look out with rosy faces. Tho country is truly God's cathedral, end all who wander in its aisles, arc, cup-boarcrs in tho feast lie is 'vwifrcading.. Til 5VAiiiEn,-t-Ncvcr In July have wo seen such visitations of rain. Tho season has been rc'aisrkAblftJn many respects. It was 'preceded by a Fcvcro winter, and larger accumulations of ico and snow with in ton degrees of Utitudo to tho norlh of us woro xoportcd early in tbo spring,- than had over beforotoen known. Tho month of Juno was as rcmarkablo for its profuso rnina as May had bcon for itsunsoasonablo cold and dry weather. Now wbilo tho JiMVoata aro ripening all over the country, .tjbo dear air and warm sun is.only needed. "Tho greatest anxiety is felt by overbody lest tbo rain may endanger tho prospect of n good com crop. Tbo harvesters aro rfso ycry likoly to bo troubled by tho sprouting of thq wheat in tho shock and tho-impossibility of getting it under fiholtor in a country wboro barns aro sever oqual to both hay nnd grain crops. Wo hvo hid enough rain, wo think, but wo may bo .mistaken, Wo bow to tho powors that bo, in the administration of all such flutters, (aniiimlcs Election, Second Tuts lay in Octobtr. CANDIDATES ADMISSION FfiE, ONK )0LLAu. JOHN A. FUNSTON. of M.dison 1 township, will he candidota Tor COUNTY COMMIS- HIUNER, subject to tho usages of tho Columbia Con my Democratic Convention. ' August li lti7-td WILTiTAM OOT.T. I!r. nf TLw.,., . . 1 ... ..7, ... f:'...r' 5.nw.?"'?iwl". a.?"! ":. .uoV.1 TIIKAHU . Julys! 187-t10 SAMUEL KISNEIl, Esq., of Madison townthip, will bo n camlidalo for COUNTY COM. MIHBI'JNCK, tjulijtet to tho iir.ieca of tho Colombia Cotinty Democratic Convention, July,18i7-lde Wl T.I.I A MIT aim t, AM P M.n ,1 Ajj.,.,v4, u.. u lowntblp, will ho a candhlalo lor COUNTY TRllA HURHU.auhJect to tho uof-aoi IhoColurnbiaCounty Democratic Con vcnlion, July 19.IM7-ldo BENJAMIN WINTKB8TEEN, of rinn tnwnthln. will bo a candidate for COUNTY (VJMMIHHIHSca. nbjri't to Ihi il.agta ol tho Colom bh County Dfrni'utfc Convention. Jl ly 18 IfW -lie JOHN KIEfEB, of Cntawissa town- hip, willlo m.niiliJ.iif lor CUIIN'I Y TP.liAemtr.lt, aubject to tho neagc, of tho Columbia County Demo crallf flnnvenllon, Jul Si, Ioi7-tdo SPECIAL NOTICES. John cj. rnnnza, ii.n rciumcit tii-j practice of the Iaw in IHoomsb'i'R, Columbia touniy, I'o., itnJ wilt givn lilt -und villi' tl anrt cartlul nttrntlon to all profcfBloiiat biittncKs uninulpj to lilm in Uolumbln nftd n Ij filing co'jntU'9. He run b; fituuit conilantty, la tils Ofllco, lu Kobl flonN Row.ttear tin Coiitt HntivQ, nriiiiMvinoidU's UNivnnaALi.Y avimiovcd nnMCDY. Cnmpotinil Hiimtt Buchu chips DhreBti Of the llladdcr, Kidnoyj, (lr?vol, Uropsy.Wcakticn, &.c, Itcad the ailvcitnainf nt In nnotticr Coluion, licnd cd Itc1nibotd'8Rfiiiilna rnparnUsn. CJ-LIVnit COMPLAINT AND DVPPRI'SIA.-l'iit. LAiv.f.puu, Januiry IS, 1053. Dr. O. M. Jackson Dear Bit I Itave ut:d jr our "Honfland'a Onrnian Hitlera in my UnMytqx tlio past four yciri, for Licer Vtstarea oii'I 2)yspipta,inil am plcnud;tu ncKurjwJpifc that we have recuived the gtcntPtt benefit from t uac. I havo rccomiitcnd"d it tu a great many ofilictcil wlih eJrallar (liaoanes, Willi tliiiamegotid retutt. I Invo nn hesitation hi Biylnj that It if nn Invnlua Lie mpdicino, and hope you will be ublu to Introduce it int cvdry famtty ,n Dm lfni"n Youu. truly, U'M. UU3lii:H. No. 171 Wood itrcet. 11 U Wiei: IN TIAin-llow many aru tV'fl tvlto oOlirtcd with diicaso In an Incipient Ptagc, (May from time to time having recourse to tome remedial ngunt. which would cflVil'iallr nrreet the further pmgms of tliHCQie.nd render the tyttem imprcgnible to its In rldlous oltacki U i unfortunately too truo thcro ore thounaud ulintflnk Into nu early crave whecas nt a trifling expense they might have lived to a good otdnge. If there ho reliance to bo placed in medicine, I and thoiiKani of well attetlcd raios eataltliih boyond the poeibiItty of a dmbt, thecurativaprnpertles of any one pirticular remedy, then Hurley's tiarnnparilla is untuesttonahly the greateit medicine ever Introduced to n afflicted community. He Halo not, tturefuro, to uho it, if in He ring finin my of the 111s which flush is heir to. Herili (Galrtton Tnn$ ) gyi,ooo nwvAun wii.i. nn taid fob any Medicine th it Mill exrcl PKATT t IIUTCIIISC'S MA GIC Oil. for tlio f.illowin) dirn,c: Ulirtim.nlim, Xcurafcta.fljilnnl AflVcttiniF, Contracted Joint,, Ckollc lMlnn.l'.iiin in ih.'Slilo i r liark, llcadichc, Toothache, Fprnins tiirc 'I'lircAt, Coin, llroiRca, Ilorne, and all dwea-" of Mm BKin, M'lHctos and tlio GLinila. Wono p.'iiulMC williout tho viguaturoof "I'ratt & Uutrher" ntlachod to ruch l.ibol. I'rinc.pul oince.W) Wailiing ton uroit, llro'illyn, Ni'w York. Sjld by C. M. IIA Or.NllUCIl, Drtrsitl, nlornliburj, TlTTMt istowiVfy thiit I hat. rradehjiiio aiirili cation 'f Hi j Magic Oil on my nngcr whirl, Inve hfni d'awn lriiii ronlr.ictltoi of ibr rortl., broorlit on by rho'iii'niinti It ai of iwiitfi-n nmnili, i.tiindini!, nnd I Mi ii. ia 'iiuri'lj rule I 1 rlu'i rl.tllj-rtcoinmi.nd It to .li I llllii tod lihunji.'. J. M riNllUOOK, 72 t.o-iut utrcct, .irrjHl,tir eggf- The Five Per tail, foetus luin:l of lU-i National pafr'.y Coniinny, JVi'it'u ulrei-t, noiitl,. wcmcoriii-i of'nfr'htrt'cl.rintidclphii,nni lu, nearly Ui.h M11.U01 ami & ll.irof 1) ilt.ir nil in !Ul UlKTr, Monro4, CnotvD I'm,, mid vtliu first das, menri ti"i, to llK" hfn'lt 1 1 d''p' mt'iri. ST" THOMAS IV MATT'V, r.rp!lrt t'lM'Ml!) Mi'dal nt th Wurld'H fjir in l orn" 111, 1351, for TItUNK? CARl'trr IM(iS,iloote,.ilinia anil i.'iiiih Crratiiid'ac'n'intsnro no.v offered t purchasers of the nio vonr tic lc,. ThiiN 111 ucli ttle In r; ("t rlockoltrunks, Cariot Itjsa, Valicrp.frc, in Philadelphia vorychenp, ores, It. .Mitiufirtoricai 135 Mlrket Street, 8. W. corner, an I 1.M Market atrrri. rt I! onwrof Ftwrtti. IIUHI.SV'S PAIWArAltal.A -The udnllil in viftorstlng propprlii-s of this rneilicine. Itp ,pcci He action in tlulnsliic; and llmrotilily runovin 'all impurities from the hlood, placott forunost nnioiig the rtmcdics of the day. At ttiie aentoti of the year its nee 1, attend, cd vrith marked ticnefit, and wilt to fourd the eat rcrtoratiyo lor that dcprcsdol condition of the ryeUm flofrcq'icnt nt thjB period nf tlio ycar.Xc(r(?rrAam) Ttiat. lO'TIIC 'JIIOL'HAMIJ lio-o cons-itntiona havo bctn r'lin, and heir sy,l?nt, poisoned ty tho oso of Mercury, should give the (oltowlnstlmir earnest at tention : Dr. fJn.rs, Newton Hamilton, I'o,, Me)' ItCl, said have u,cd.ni9'Fctr, half a dozen bottles of lloolland's Uerniau Hitlers for LlverCnntplaiatand 'diifoses of a ncrv ou, character, rsiilllnflfrom the use of AWcury. I w as poionrd.nnd anilrtedwitli rp-tvins from thoMftonfUifalnticraitirlo. T'heCernmn Hitter, Is the first or tick from which I obtained any rehtf, I havo also given ttti artielo to many dyspeptics, with the mn,ralillary result. 1 think as many moro Lot ties will cure nie. fee advertisement. U.j-TIII-. UCMUCKATIC NUMINKU lull Uu) tilt. NOIt. A corr cfcndint writes that as soon us Cun Tucker heard that ho htdheeu nominated for Covrrnor by tho jloiiiocratte Convoation at llorrishtirg, ho de. dared himself overjoyed, and avowed his dcicrmina lioototsko tho stump at an early dsy inan iri'.ittilto suit ol clothing frcm tho magnificent osiitditlimeal of Cnnvan Btosu, No. W7 (lato i!09) Chestnut street above Cth, riiiladelphia, E3- WHITE TBBTII, rHIIFUMEU DttHATII AND I1D AUTI FIJI. COJtl'LCXlON-con be ocialred by using tho "Ualintf a Thousand Ftovert." AVhat lady or gntleinan would remain under the curso of a dis agreeable (brcath, when by using tho "UU or a TitoosiKD rLowxRs" as a dentriflce, wuld not only render it sweet, but leavo theieeth white as alas terl Many persons do not know their breath Is bad, and the subject Is so delicate that their friends will never mention it. Hmvare of cnunlorhil,. .lis sure h bottle is signed FETRIDCB & CO., N V. Ef-Tlln UB1BN OF AUT.-I11 this wonderful oge. Art lays her nutter louche, on nlmost everything. The ceilings over'us and th, carpets we tread on, aro hallowed by Alt Art winds triol railway tluoiijli tho mountains and tho mud ; makes her machines or wood nnd iron, to act s If with knowlcdgo and annihilates space with lightning tamed down to the tale'edgo of a boy. Nothing is too lofty for her touih and nothing too humble. A new proof of this old conviction, las u,t fallen under our notice, In tho timolol oCa-ihih. ito rat., from the Laboratory of Hill wurld rsnewnod Chemist, Dr. J C. Ann. II we understand the subject, ho has carried list ar tlcl, to Un farthrst perfocllon of whirh It Is capablo. Instead of employing Drugs in its composition, as we havo always thought tho noeesiary and only way, he has wlthconruinauie skill extracted the rlrmt, of the medicine to be employed and combined tbem alone in their purity tnget hor. Tho compoiition is then mixed and rolled by machinery and steam power Isto a spe. rlod pill which is wrspped In an envslopecif gelatine, forprotectlon from the eiTecti of winner or time, and then tbiskly coated with sngsr, to ssivp as its passport over th9pio(o. N'otwlthitttidlog all this labored per frclioa they tra offered to the public stilts than one cent cat!t. However lit mble the department, we Iblat IbismtybO ra'ely thsr,ricii1 n, lbs rnnuminstion o Art n its line fersif AVo-i Pso" TO THOSE WHO JIVANTJ'AIIMS. a faum mmuf rut: nRAcn pf wr.nr Miff. aMIK nllKIWAY FARJI CO.WANV fiaslmnlla at . ranftcmrn ly wlileli nil who desire to sctllc'or purrhi.u n hoiim can doran. ' Tin Form! rotisist oflhshrit Ilmtalone mil of Ilia mail tuperlor quslltv fir fanning, in a rapidly mi. pw.lui nlnca Into which nn eitenitva .mti-tnii,... now i online,. The property Ii li-sted m i:ik iolr .nJ5:. 'BKJfflr. I'csltli y. ned the lerrlbht ptaaue nl tho wott K-ver la unknown. II ulsn In, mi uimndaiicn of tho hctt oiin. Illy of Cool ami Iron, Iho price tu buy it nuns noni it to per acre, payable by in.ln Imetiis, m be lo. I r .tf , nt liellmo or purchasing, m a shore of Ittnrrc. S.l,'l?." ? "": ll'-.lnle lor 3W, payaMii trl p, '"uin,ur iv, ocrp nayaniosi monm. Uitcouiit i lor rvprjr atini or (imnml un.lcr. tul.l In rtvHre. a in, nr.nliVrlne tl'o n.lvantniPa or rmlirailnn U i"i locality tho lollowini are pfMcoirdi ilrii-.Tie poll J, a rich tnn'toiio. infaldo orrnla. Inn the l,eatt jfroi., owmj to whirli urn acttlj. Weill hn, jtlnllil'dluptMOiit ul.oot niopcrny. I V,,a aarlu It al Mill ,i,nlpi nf lIlAnranl M.talli tl'.t I fcrond-U i- the ci'iitro of tho nreut Norlll W'oat ' Coot ua, In, and laileitluo 1 ,0011 to fwonio mio oliho Cfelft l.o,infiniil.iccilnilioH'nt. It itiii tupply t''V in;iHi.r,cjnriiiiig to noiniiaiimi and iinvi ion yrtii'Ri in ine union ; it icia live tvom nblo veins of II, 4 heslllililminoils Coal, amounting in tho ntirrgstn to ovtr -it iv-t,jwh'ih makes V'J,oOi) tun, ol coal under etch ocro. This will injko Un Ian I of Inesllmlblosntuo. 'I ho eminent p t .Ho eiu!ogls, Dr. Charles T. Jack eon.of rioitnn, his nunc n geological suiveyof the lnid,.nnd anilyzcd tlio coal, tho Iroo on, nnd the limeitone. This rcptrt lojetliT with mips, wi'l ho lurnlshed to inquirers. Throe rallrm.U nre laid nut ll. rough this property. TlmRnntitirv&n,! r.rln llnllr.iail DIviM ii. m Itinrk.! fa our coal to the likes it runs from I'.rie to Plniadel. 1 1 diim, a ,arre tiart 01 lino roan naa uern nnii ue . nndlsh'owiii iininlngirdcr. A heavy fntro Is now norkttiff from Crio tiiWHtds our 'and In Ihn uisto n dfrcciion. tbeiuciin, for ue completion ft whirh Ji.is hien raised it will soon bcllnhh'wl. 'The Allfalmny Vnllev ttnilroiid connn, t, us wild New York. Iioston olid ritt,liurg. The Venango Hoailfconnttts us with th-West. There nro ntrcadv good Tnrr.plko Ito.td, running tlirouch thin prnppity. various other roans have htcu opened to nccoiomodatn tho emigration noil scttto tupnt wlilcti has already takon'pisrc. Thcro Is no opportunity final to it nnv MTired to the rnin who unntsto prnviili himself u Iuiihu in nn easy wny.nnd mike n sotllPtneiil where ho ran live in prornirltynno lndonco la a climate l'Klt l'CCTl.Y IIKALTHV. 1.0 viio ... iiiu.bici ... 1. Knnwn 10 oecur In this spttlmienl. It i not liko going to tho I hiekwoods of tho West, omong perhaps ,iiiijeiaU 1 No cam nt thorever over'n vine, 'ien knnwn to I" .,..-,.. ,,v . 1 ....p....- j . " 1 -in srnooip, where the price of land is high, nnd whore the enu crant, nficr bcinii ti.ed In tlio ho lllhiea' climato in ine wniiii. ims la'nu ito riraneps nuu pun. anil ier haps ruins his tiealtli and that of his rnmilv. Hut here is n thtivlng s.tltemr-pi having three towns, rnntain inrf rhiirrltpp, schools, hotels, storos, saw in ills, grist mills, nnd everything ilestred. 'J'hete Is n rash mar ket at band. Tho lumhur trado last vnr nmoonted to over two hundred million feet ol lumln-r, Inn short lime owiojr in the eoal, it will Income- still moro valuable, n n numtier or iron work, nmi mann factories will soon bo etarted ; theysro at present startiogthem extensivelynt Wuircn. rienforthuso who da not wish to go there, tlio payments nro ruch that they can easily buy n firm to snvo their rising families ftom want in the fuioro, or to cnln n compe tence hy the risr which will tsko pWn In tho valua of Innds. Itynn outlay scarcely m'sscd, substan tial provision can bo mode. Persons should mnko early opplieation. rrp.v or wnto lo n. jr.rFERUD, frrntary. No 133 Walnut street, below Fifth. l'hita,1plpliln letters carefully answered, glvl n g fair information, rtharcs or tracts of land inn M lioncM or n'eured by letter enclosing tho first instalment of flvo dollars, when the subscriber' w III bo furnished will looks, maps. &e. Warranted Deeds given. Persons can also purchase from our Agents. llouto from Phil.idc'iihi.i loTyronnon tlipTonrsvl. vanin Cenlrnl Knilrund, nnd ihenro by singo to the land. Tills is a delightful renson t visit HI. Mory's the best hotel accommodation is ntrurdi'd. Cunulro for Ii. C. Bhulti, r tho Agentlforitbe property at St. Mary's. June C, l73m NJ3W ANU'VJtSEl'UI-. OLEUM LIQUOR. A SuI'Stibtlc for Limced Oil. IPATJ.NT AITMCl) PC II J TIIH unilprnffrnnl nller toilic ynhWr iHnrM"tni M. qiior nn un ffihlcm mliMMutc ful l.nm'ftl Oil. ni n tMnt'ir fir nil Burls ol I'aitUi cruniiu m UlLijcc.it Vrnriinn ltrd. H'lifii iliinned with imp Oleum tlio Taint w'll rmrr licttfr. lry quit kcr nnd w'll Ija more rtui.illei ntl wlca vnrnilic!t iho pnint will hnve ami ri'ttm it mopl Rnitjfcaarniicu nii.ifilit cUhticity il "10 tiiinofr will iiisitiit' the pun; iii jynyUlltujtue varnult; ntnl t!ia crurkins nnd ,u;linf oir, no roimuioi in urVJnary vai ninlipil ril put fits hi uniirrly nuio.t-d. For pnlnlinK Tin Uuuta lit t-sual r.innol be futind. Tilt O wiln fin ! tifril liy HfL'lt, rr In rtnimi-ll wllfl Mne('Mlfi vf.ritUti, Jjjirtii or 'I urpt ntitu u; tic op. tl'MI ff tiie IVniici. II? cost ia sltuiit ono-li'jlf uf, 'tli.it of LiihcJ Oil, tliu cor?i'i r.iWy irJucm; ilia c;ii-tt' tif juiiuirir Wcf.MUit'ill.v rjrtnmeinl it I or nil 'urins.-fi itxlifH-Hn-) w.irruit II to glvi; i.ititf.iction. A ln-rftl tits fo'inl to t!i-tnte. IilUCiMH)NH.-,l'lnii tin, (Mint Hiih Hip O'oum l.i ftMor n'i'l work lijwel I uniil it ()m b I n-ly ironi tbe bMMll. flits rifttfli nmtf lie lr.itn nll'iiKitjtiirss In m. rlnlily miuM l'i Ii .iKcI ut'll r. it li Dm Ulctiiu Mi-iyf , 1 iirovinii.ii.ili.iit j. , 1 lnut.t:li,l nl;.rii,. tl.ot.n.l,... In t ..!!,. rnc -i'lv (l III"! I I'l III J"l ', '. . .. ' r Th p'mit iii'li-'d ttl'h Hip Oleum l.ii.'i..r mil wink bptler it i' no iiiinw ni in inn iroin r : 10 vi hours lire i.niiisf.,ev n. 1 1 wink luu.mdcsw in..r ., i.,h. 3 iu: ! -:"e "v . ti ip iei pu ii firmer. Jin Uir J.ipin first ill! ilu- JM uuj men i.lin H with iUj O'puoi l.i'i'iur i is Hi" iiuunnr men tiiiiii d iiipii'- V- ion pounds of r.ilnttt'iiini.l ithi'i- oIp inn Li quor, will cnvf r u lirer .ui.'tciiiun 15 ! H m. lied Willi nil. 'I ne oIpiiiu l.iiuir i, not to be inn.) ui'.li Venitiun lied, nor Willi l'.l ml HHilllPloe ny 1-'1-'-t:.r. of it. llltulNICiAPIJiAN k. !,lu:l; AliKril-iu IViiii ulid t;u i Woik-s. Corner -lib nod Cm ti r.'is..l Iii'nd. Ipiii.i Officp-N U corncj Third and Woi I us , I'lliu.iei. pliiu, P.i. It-Wo ntsil inaiiiinic.oro Chr.imr Vollovv,l''iro"i flreen rlimei-o nnd Piii.naii llloo, Vei is i I tcs-t rpil tJcnilil I'.ed infciiiriiMiH plutdes anil fiinliiies, eitlnr iliy or im oil nut w.i.r.tot litem lu bo e-i mljlo any utitjr mike t i her itereora'it'jad. J .i tie ti. 10.17 OLEUM LK1UOR. CERTIFICATE. tlio undcrsicnod IIoufo Painters. liiiribvlccrtif that wo Imve elvsn ihn n.wlv inveniPii uieiiui 1,1 pior, ininuineiured byl llrsiiiig, Oitluiin t Unlnlg. in Plnbilp'pliia, nn impartial trill .and have found II on ef)iei.i!l subrtituto fir Lin seed oil. lur soperitr tu It tu every respect, nt eo-t of only about hilf as loucli. thus considerably reducing tho upenM! ol painting, Wo would Hieipf.ire recum. Iiieud ihn public lo its goiiPrn! lire, and niter it lias been tried its kiiperiouty wcr Linseed oil will bs at lusli'd tu by all, CIIARI.n3 aiJICR, AMOS UNUliK. WILLIAM WOLI.U. EDWARD DHNIIAUD. June 13, If 57. IHEREDY cerHfy that I have had House Painting prosecuted lately wllh the abovo no on i Oleum Liouor, and concur lu all respects wi''i thu reriiiiiiiip'iiiAiion ol the almvo nameil Keiiiteuipii, nnd will lice add, that In future I will huvu no pilnt n uiH'lalicna performed without tho ndiiiixturo ill the iiliuse liamul valunble li'iu.ir Those who may ilfsiio lo view ,is ell. rl. will eall at my reside tic c, while lliry niitciinvlnco llie.nsel ver of oil thst is ro presented of the Oleum 1.1'i'ior i i re ard lo beauty and durability. ' ,, J. ISAAC IiRElNia, June ,J, I3.i7. ISNr IT SO I Fresh Fruit Um ARTHUR'S Celebrated Self Healing Cant and Jan, and you will IiBvetmfi Iruit a I the year ut Hum iner prices. Full directions for rutting up all hinds o fruit nnd Tomntocs, ac company ttiete cans nml jars. Ihtjy ore madn of 7n, Glass, QuocniKar9,al hirt andJltid proof Stoneware, Tlittiizesnrefrom plots tO(-al!oo9. Tiicso cans and jars aro tutirtty eptn at lk9 topi, and vest, to Stture economy in trantportatton. Vol sain by storekeeper through out tho United Blati-H, Dtwcriptive circulars sent on ap plication, cTOrdtts from tbo trade solicited, Uciure tonikfor "Atthur's." It has stood tho test of two seasons, having boeu Ufed by hundreds of thoitpinds of lanilliefi, hotel and boarding liouso kivpets. We are now making I hem ibr tha million. TN WINTER UUTTCn SWjPCllUC&tS. AUTIIUU. 1IUKNIIAM &. GILROV. Manufjicturers ujder thu rntitnt, N'H. 117 anil ll'J Hjuiu Tenth it., (cor. Ccoro.) July 4, 1057 I'luUdulpliia. BLOOMSBUItG BOOT AND SHOE ST011E. TUG undersianpil rerprctfully informs the citizens ol llloomsburg and tbo public in general., tbst be has opened a Root and Shoe Establishment, In tho white huildlnz.on Main street, abovo Clse's U Wiluu's llakury, whero lio has cuuitanlly on hand a largo assortment of Hooti, Shoes, Qnilore, etc, And will makeup wnri, to order on short notice. Ills long rinorienee in tho business, npd general know, ledie of tbs'wantsof thapeoplo, will enable lilm lo render snti.rartlon to .11 his customers, and should reruie him purouage which ha hopes to merit. iinNnv klbim. Itloomsburi.Msy g. Vil. WAJJ. I'Al'EHl WAhl l'AI'Eltl Wt: htv. Just rerelvsd.hy rallrnsd.. splendid ... snrtinent nf WALL rATCll, wkirh no intend toselui I'nilsdult'liis pri.rs a plepp L'sM Slid S.P, II c lull IPS- from H runts to 871 cents J W II 4 HTM AK SWAN &. OO.'S LOTTERIES. tub most pniuiArtT tcrmME f.fer DkAirft Capital Prize $00,000, TICKETS) ONLY 910. -VINO lo the great faw with which oiif Blnglo WLJX' '!"!: uar iriroiisiioui the vrirr. The following Hrhcmo will bo drawn In card of thell J lterlol lor Aug ml. Ml, CLABH J7. To ho drawn In tlia city of Atlanta, fleorclu,in public, i;i.s Ul COIHIUHf, AllgUHl "II I Ctll To La'diawnln the cltnr Aiiia.noril.ln nohlic. 40 To bo drawn In tho dry i,r Aiii.t.i.Ocnrtlo. In rnWIc. on Baionlay, Auro,t lilh, 1H7. CI.AHa 50, Tote drawn initlio city or Atlanta. O'orgla, In public, on flallltitly, Aori ntS'Jd, I8S7. at a..:. Tobeldrawn In the cliyof Atlanti Ocorala.ln rub'lc. ' ihi cl.1tnrd.1y' Aucmt 'iitli. Iti.i7. . un iiici rj.nri Hl.ui,ii nunuiin. Tkrt TA0a,fld 7'Arc, llui&rei and Forlf Ftot rrlici I Nearly one I'rizo to every Nino TicUots. I MnwFicuffj' nciiFjfr.i 10 na on aw h riA.Cil UATUItllAV IN JUNfjl I rnzoof $00,(1110 1 1 Prlio of 9.r 1 I 1 VII uoo 1 ' 4 OiiO 1 11,0110 u 2 000 41 " 2.000 100 1! 001) 100 " 3.000 soon 500 300 Ml 13 1 Ari'ROXISIATION ntlZHR. 4 l'rUPS.SMApprox'ing tu fOOMio Prize ate (5?no 4 I7i i' ao.ww ,00 4 IIS .IlKiO 414 HI li 50 2 000 IbOO 30 40 ' 500 ' 11(0 3000 ' SO aro 00,000 3115 1'riaesiamouniingto WIIOLU TIOKBia SI0 MAI.VF.S 4201,000 5 UUAII- 1 A.I1H Flan of the JjMcry. The Numbers Iroin I to 30.000, corresponding with ii...... VniHl.nl. nn tho T irkets nrlntpil on SPn.trjtfl slips 01 paper. nroeocirded with small tin ttibeeand placed In ono wnrci. t ho nt 20'1 I'riirs, similarly printed , nd cnclr r ted. are idieed In am her wheel. riiu ,vi,,., is nro tbea revnived. nnd a number Is drawn from the wheel rt Numbers nod at tha rsme time a Piizols Cinv-n (root tho other wheel The Numbc r and prize drawn out ore opened and exhibit .m in to., nintieiice. nnd reristrrcd bv tlio Coiumis slonersi the l lize oving piaceu pssiusi 10c mininer drawn. Tula operation Is repealed Lntll ull the l'tlzos nrcdrawn out, jlvproiimaltcn rri:it The two pteceiling and the iwn .iirieritiiiir NuoiierBto tliosfrrirawinir the ar,t 20 rrizes will 00 Clllllieo 10 mi' co Apprniunainni 1'rires. For etainplel If Ticket No. H2.t0ilrawa tho SCiO 000 I'rlza.tlioso Tickets numbered ll,lr, II S49, 11.951. II tS4, will path boenlitlpd lo 3i5. If Ticket Hn. .ruiHraws the swo.000 Pruc, tboro lirkets nuio bered 51j, .H'J, 551.552, will ench bo entitled to S.'OO, n,l nnn nrnr.linil In .tlC nboVC SCllPmO. Tn' S'JOUO Prizes of 520 will be determined by tho In, I figure Ol lUONii m ii ami.w.ui, 4.nj.uwiui.n. pop inmnl,.. lr Hi o Number drawing Hie 1.0000 l'rto unds wlltl No.l, then all Hip Tirl.!, where tho Number ends, in I, will be entitled 10 $20. irtuo Number ends with No. 2, then all the Tlikits whero the Number (lids in win 00 oninieo 10 t-u.nria so on to u. Certificates ol Pjrkiges will bo fold ot tlie follow Inn- rnt.i. wlib-Ii Is the ri.k ! Cortifientoot IncUge of 10 Whole Ticket,, $80 .in Mr, 10 Half do 40 do do louuarter do 'JO Ao do 10 Cithlh do 10 im nnnnnrxn TinKrra OR CEIlliriCATPa. Hnrtoso tho money to our nddress for I ho tickets nrde.od. on l receipt of wlncll loey wir iii;ium-ntuea liyliul mail. PiiriliareiEcau hare tickets .Hiding in m liriitu llnV tiiav lU'nlffliJIiF. Tliu Jimol nrawii,Niinibstand rrlfswilllm gent to ti'irrliwPt'ri linntedmtety nHrr t ne 1i owing, rurcliOKi'tB will pjpsncjwfitrt Hid r ii!iiaturcrlaln. t.i Rstrn tiu.ir Pimt ntficp. Cniititv and Biato- lU-memiinr tlinii vry Viize U drawn nnd rayaMe In fu I without dctlu.tnin . All 'in.f tif SlOUUand under. pOJInimoiliitolynncr tho driwiiiff-otucr l'Uea ut Hie usual iliac of thirty All roinniununtlorp ftrir'Vonrt(lprnl. AdJrcii orderti lor "i ickcH or Ccr.iiH.ntp to S. SWAS CO .1 tatita. Oa. Xr A (IbIoI llio rmmVrs Hint nro rmwu from Mm vkii rel. Willi tho nfnou nt .f t h trjr-riz.o tl 'it eai li onti let T,... Ill 1 .1 . l.a.t nf u uVbiV I'rrltl'ln ts CniJIHIl V v)illl-:iii-ir(u in ,t , , ltl tlllUlWIII'Z ('It p"rH ."sltlO Url trPt 4-i Miuiif; ,re .fritter, Cfwrtettv latlri, J.(MltJt Can tie. jftUnt Jntclt'sCHCtr. -vj i'arft ll'ukty .Oat iiook. fatcnuah jiUrnvti? atai ttithnantt hnpatch, Alio York XJitpattb nii'l TanWiwr Clam July 5, ! 17 SALAMANDER FIRE AND THIEF PllOOF SAFES. TUB I,AKf!i:ST ABSORT innnt in the Cnitod Elates. wnrranipu to o t"iual to any HOW HI IHI HUM lll IIP Flllil Oil is gooil terms, a call hp obtained roto any outer nouso m the loitr.trv. ai l'.V'AS h IVATrVJVB. B Jthst., Philudelphii v,,,, is mioutv and wim. prhvaim ittpirt 'le Cpm-nillrcojielslrrfto ( itltund tse Burn. raj; 1 lran rv-i I The undersigned, members ot lb" commHtee. do ri.A nnifert?ned. IllPtot'ers ot Hip rouinillll-e . -d.nr thill p rponrl. that wo saw the two e.lles ori ; tiallvagreuil upoiiby l'arrelsfe llerringiuil r.viuisAc Wiitsoo. pile, d siiln liysidc In :i llirnien, vil : Tho Bale i i i p by the piyin'sler of the Philadelphia and Jlcadlue Rni Iroad C( uipniir in lueodip at Hc.nling, Manuf.irturPd bv rnrrrlsfc ll.'rring cue tliu u.i'o in nic liv II A Liinlz. in his ilpm iinnificturcd bv lliaiis Watson, anil put in oooib and pnpcrrj te I clsely nkc. I Tliofir.'W.is5'.urte.lnl S, oVIork. A. M..and b-pt , up until (oureords of green brl.ory. two mnl ,lir oak nd half cli-slnnt top wooil were entirely con- siimcd, ine whom unuer ioeoicri nieiiori'i i i ih0 subscr ibcrs.momliorsot tho Comiiiiiirp, lhp Kins were I Urn motor! on wnn water, in (r wnicc they wuro opened. nnd tho bniikB and papers tnkrn nut by the Committee and sent to II. A. I, Unix's store for ni!blice)inii'inntionfcnnJniirlf'' tt by th' Commit let Then onfcs and pap rutakenlrom trie Halo, inniifnr. t iisa,i i.u rri r rulo Ar Uar rt nna wn pp . in nilr In'lrmnni ilamBL'cd fully liftren peiront.iuarrltiati UiusiUken ' from livinm waiBon rate.) Wt I'Clifvethp above intiavo l.ent n rnir nnd ny. partialtrial olthu rcsiijrllvcq'iailticB nr both SaT-. JACOn II. UYPMKIt. DAMH.8. lIUiViT.U. Ilnvln-f ttoPn Qbsrni Ourhift tlio burn ng, we fully roinej.le with tin1 ibo p'liement of tlio condition of the papers niid books tnk n out of tho respective H.ifei. 0. A . NICOt.LS. ii. ii. MUiirxMimi'a. JAB. M1LIIULLAM). Mhre gfl.l!?37. NEW OAIUIUOE ESTABhISntMENT IN RLOOMSBURG. In the New brick tlireo Story Oarriago l''aciory, on Main below Market. TIIR subscribpr would rcspectnilly nnnounceto the public, tliatihehnscomuienced the CARRIAGE k .WACOM ilAKINO UU-' 8INESS, in all iii branches. Me Is prfpirod (oRieriito'ntl orders and lias on hand at rcentDQaofttnpiitofnnighC(l work which purchasers uilltlndiito thlr advoniago to mo nil no. nnpAiitirvn, Will bedana In the most prompt and careful manner andrnpotitcnns which ronnut lull to ivc satlifartinn. HTHAWuuinac a. wilbon. UlonmBburf-.AprllUK, ie35. ESPYTOAVN NEW STORE. TUC undersigned, Iiavtng otpociated together In ttie Mercantile llusmepn, take plea sure ina nnounciiiR to thflr fronds and tbo public in general, Hint Ibeir new Btoru House, locnted on Main ctreui.cuniral in Haprtown, Columbia county, lias Just been etorked wit& New Spring Goods, ConprUlngon eittmlvf assortment of Cloths, Cam! meres, Voatlngs, MtialJns, Linos, and every oilier ar li-le In it ho wearing llnw, including Hardware China, Karl hen and Hollow wares, Crocvries, Hujtirp, Tea, Cotreo.mce.MolasdCHe etc., etc., with all other ar tl clea o( rouitoerco ndaptcd to country Mores. ALSO-HEAD Y MA DE CI. O THING IcyGrnin, Luuihor, .'revisions. Produce, dee., of all kinds, taken la exchange for merchantlixp. II. V. KHItlHARD. II U.UUi:VELINU r.pytown.Aprll,4.1c'57, .DENTISTRY. US. (S. IHKBWSSio 811UE0 DENTIST, nLooMsnuno, columuia co., Iteildonte, flrst Drlck lulldinf below Jlartman'a store on aaatn rJireot, RKSI'lillTl'lILLYioflsrs his professional servlros totllS ladies and (tciitlcm.n of llloomsburg and vicinity, Hois prvpsrod to alleod to all Iho various operations in Dentistry, and is provided wllh tho .,. tell iai proved Porcelain Teeth, Which will be inseriod on pivot or gold flute, to look as wall as tha natural. ff A superior article of TOOTH row Hit. al. wije on hand. Juno 13 IM7. Kov. 1J, '53, Brick! Brick! Brick! TUB lul.inilicr h.s now on hand at his yards in Hlooni.hurR, Culutnbia county, 3ik,U00 well burned i ,1,1. k. uffba best tiualilv of clav. I Those In went of lines, ran be supplied constantly wllh a Dtil relo amclu, and at Iho most reatonablo I orl'es ( sir i c;np ipii P'lininil.drg 1 1. v i i.-,l H II AKTIII'K 47. Mo I3IAIBSUSy9 FORWARDING M EltOII ANT, RUPERT, PA. W'.tBKBXz rrsEflRt1 WiLt. attend to receiving nnd forwarding by Can.i orltAll.ltUAn.all Merchanillie and freights dl rcrtPd to his caro with prumpt-ies, and despatch. floods will bo delivered at the Mloning rotf, per lull pounds. rrsifsis vnuifmn rnualtlfall la Dei wick, Wilkerb.irro riltston. 1st rlnss, TO m 711 per 100. 2delars, to so 10 ' adclsss, 40 H io ' lib Plsrs, as 40 41 lstClsfS-na.kets.llnnV.ltr...tn.nqiiln. u..n.M Hats and Cnris, Hoots anil tthoep, Wllhiw-warp, 2d USJt, Uoiler,. HrSSa. Ilnrflna. l!l.ao. f?,n.k. Dye Woods, lias ripe, llollowware, Hope, sVr. i. ..mi.., n.n.,1 v-mien, uooicsiic J.lollori, Iron. Hol er and Uar. l.cadr?hoi. si.,inBpB. rii in,,d ic. ' 4a'.Cl4j-Aln, Hpcr, Bognr. But. Tish, Tnk anl Heef n biirri'ls, Cement, Cun n, Mill atones. Ac. m-Frcirlitsfrom Keadiiie. rnittvilt. Tamamtn. ju.. takcnatrra.rata rates. sntrial contracts innilo f.irlnrpi. amounts, rll freights must bo marked rata of J. 1. liar IU.1II, UJ'II lUllLllir). l, .lirjiiiui), iicicr 10 toi rfi.ifi.i ii riA 1 on, 1 , Ma, l.B. MUKKOC, I ' Hupert, rcbruary.va 1PST. lino, SPUINt? AND SUMMB1 aooDs. THE undorslgned rcspcctfullj inform tlielr customer, and the iul, licpetip.nilv. ,ib, ,t.BU haveJiKt received nt their new Hrlck Btore House, In jji.iiiDuvi-ii u buivi., nrpun iiivoi 01 ininionDOlo Spring nnd Summer Goods. dlreotfrom the Castern cities. cnmnric:ne nit thn various sotertlons to hn found In Country mores, uomm nr 01 t, 01ns. un.i m.1.1. lie sins. uii... Kniicocs.sie 'logetoer wjt!ia,i kinds pft'rcssgoods mi hip iniiirr. AI.nO. u ENT I.Ti Slr.s 8 WEAR, Or ALMOST VHRV S OUT AND BTVI.H. I.AHtnSTAI.MASHROSnAc'.IIAWI.B &C. Orocerlcs, Molasses, tiurara. Teas. r!nrrei. Pnlcea. and in short,r-verythtng in the way of MPrchandlr.p. niinin oiniiu m.uf U1.HW, 01 every ilcscription JO- Iron, fitcci, Neils. Sulky PpringsJic. tr-Thankful for nasi oitronarn, it will hn nelr etodions film to iilease their customers and lc give II. IV . At W. N. liRC SY Mght Blrect, Aprl 111,1 KIT CAUINET WAREROOMS. Till! undersigned respectfully invites tho attentlos of the Public lo his extensive nrsorlmeni ofCabiiiPt i uroiiuroanii unairs woicn ne wiuwarrnnt tobetoade or good materials nnd In n workomiliko manner. At his establish mint, can alwajs be round a good assort IllllllUl JC FASH ION ARLE FURNITURE, & Which Isciunllnetylcnnd finish to that of Phil ndclphlaor New Yoik cities, uodntas low prices, Ho has SOFAS. of dirr.jrcn t ,Tr lylrp niul price,, from $25 lo $l,0,KHivalis. Lounges ! Wal-' nut and .Mati'igony, Tailor chairs, Hocking and ens) chairs, Plana stools, and nvariityor upholstered work r. , Hi.,,,., i.uiiuiiiiiruuus, inu.raru ccnirc aua picrtaliUs.delashiis, clirifenlers whatnots sndcomon dres.and nil kinds or fa.hioualila work. Ills stock uf bureaus, enclosed nnd common wash stands, ,wsi tables, corner cupboards, folds.' breakfast table, bed steads, cane seotund common chairs, Is the Inrn-'st In this section of the ixiuntry, He win also koip a Vnoil nssorti.enl or looking glaes with fjney till nndl com mon frame.- lie will alsofurnl.il spring inatreVrr. filled to any size of-beod.tead, hi,, iro superior C?t durobility ondcomcfonto any bed In u.e.. nioomsburg April eili, 1631 f.B'UN BIUVD- 1857. 6PHING AND SUMMER, GEO, 1IULPIN & CO. mroRTF.ns aa-d jiuxuFACTunF.ns. 171 01IESNUT STREET, Are now prcpiredjto exhibit their New Ety Icb FOR SPUING TRADE, ixci.vaiNa ' Illalark nnd coloredSllktltantlCas. Chanflv l.nf.M.,, Mactillas, French Lnce Mantil.as. Eniliri,iarnH qui. Mantillas, llogled Lnep nnd Nit Mantilla-, Moiirnine Manllllle, Uiis'iips, Till mas, te , fir., b ai i oi which wii i uo ouereii itittip l.owpst Prlees . , ceo, iim.piv u en. ' 1174 Chesnut Street, nbuve 7tb, 1 hila di Ina . Miirrli7lh,1857. SPRING AND SUMMER G00D3 FOJi 157. THE subscriber respectfully informg his cuj-iomiTBond tho pnMic generally, that lis It is ryCiilVUU II I'llini'H & UI LIIUICU Sprin? and Summer fJoods. cpnipriciiiK a full imortmcM nr Ulnth-i. r.iqtlmppa ttalmttt. Dchincs Ilrlizlars rait'ocs. &c., lonMh.if wlthu nr '.itvailciy of oilier articles u?ually Kept jn ALao-llardivarp.Cutlfry, aueeiifwnrc R.ilt, rinli. iuijuiskjws, ihuiidiuui, iimp, -mii pp. iioom.shoci, &.c. tTy" Country produce, including (Jmin, Lumber. &c taken in t xrhimriK for roods- tGJ-'i'hauhlul f ir p.it p itrouaje Ito respectfully oaks TLIO MAS E. EA'ES, Millville.Marli S-J, If57-y. QrccnwootI Seminary. AT fflillvillo, Columbia Co., Pa. A BV8TCW ATIU course nf instritellon is civen in JX ull the Lnglisll branches usually tauelit. The 1'rloclpil will bo assi.led durioi? tho nre.pin .... i.. T..M. rOTTd.nn experienced tencticr. reconilv r,. A vacation of seven weeks will comtnenco July 1st J i, ll ni B . Tuition, for day pupils. S3.J0 8I,J0 perijunripr. .uiiuiiiit, .ujuiMi, iiuBiuiif, iiants. Ac , 830 per emitter ot eleven weeks, one. half in ndvonco, For circular, catalogue, or other pirlioiilara.nddress MIIIHIIo.Aprll4.IU5T. ' Priscip'ol, Hopkins' City Hotel, NO. SiT NORTH Tlltltll STREET, lueses JJocs tlrut.formrl) IIUTKL," PHILADELPHIA. "pill! undersigned ha taken llio abovo well-known A liouso oil a lo tiff ailed fivorabtulvate. and line ivn. ovatetl and furnibeil it entirely anew, and in surh o iiyle and manner at wilt givo siti-fattion to all who may Dccom-J " guesis. (jeullfniitii Who wish enn bs furnlihed n room and Fupplied with men's at taeir pluadura, Irom a large Restaurant and bating Kilonti atnehed, on ihj Huru penn plan." or at the lute I lublt, ut regular (tours ui iney inny uriiru. ITO" The nronrictor lljttera bimtelf thai nn finnan in rhliadelphl.i iia surpaM fthu comfort and tutention nmcu win i,a louna aiiueuiiy Hotel. Juflefi, 1837. NEW CO AG II MNE FROM CATTAWJSSA TO ASHLAND, rplin subscriber rerpctiully informs hit friends tni A. iuo puonc genorany, mat on anu nuer mukuay too bin oi April, ir, nu win run a in-weekly Line of Coaches. Between Callawissa and Ashland, leaving Call ewlrpa every alonaay, waunesnav ani rr'riav morning, at. n'elok. A. M..and arrivinc nt Ashtnnd nt II nVIork A.M., in iimf to meet tho Mill Coiches ot Ashland, and return tho samo days to Caltowivsa. lyi'Mutinfjers can apply at elllicr roint or nny of tna way tttiiionii. veifui uuu riisggnge convcysii nn moderate terms. Caret f I drlvcrB only cmiilojud on said rauio. CU ARLCi HTRAUtfER AprlH.Hi7. SHARP NOTICE. AI.l. persons indclned to the tm of lUrimnn th llowrr.aro hereby nottlsd to rail end aettlo lli-i samo aiiasavo cost. IIARTMAN it IIOIVER, Also, those ludbtodtothe subscriber, aro .likewise reauesteu 10 can nni eeiuu I'.T. IIARTMAN, Eipytown, Juno 0, ie37 3m NEW COOPER SHOP. TIIU Ftihirrihoranrtoiinreslhat ho will carry on tho . . COprcniNO liuaiNKSSathls UrLwcrv'in lion- klnatilll.i ulm. I., mill ' Ifarrels, Tubs, Kegs, And everything In thai line of business. Ho will also repair work olall kmJl, tinJ willdo itskllfully and al lair prices. ' .iiaulus w. lIABSliltT. Bloomsbur". Juno 13, IB17. JUST RECEIVED AT OUR NEW STOKE. NO, 1 MACKUIIUL fur SI3) per barrel, and others In proportion. Also, n iresh supply m rlurmr. otassos, iiico.se, Also, a now supply uf Wall Tu ,,utu,. .i.m pi,u ,ivuici w nil BOia II1W, H. C. es I. W. liAUTMAN, OILS, poll Manufdeturlng andllurninj parposes, for tale J 11 A Afl ALLEN. . . No- 'audi- tfcuih Wbar.p, I'ini I tta' i'hil.'lelpbli KfiSIi & TVlLHttiVS. WHOLESALE AND RE'lAIL IBAESlgjiJ'ii'. OONFEOTIONAUY & FRUIT STORE Ojsfrr and Ealing finloons, TllF. noderslgned, respectfully Inform Hie citizens of llloomsburs sad Iho nub I lie In PUIIM.st. III... IN., h... l.m. nl,l I l.n interest of Mr . Hoffman. In the above Bsiabiuiuoenl, on Main Blreel, anil have opend- n eencrnl llakerv. Cnnlp, liimnrv. nhH ritfr, l.lnlll.h monl, where they wlllot III limes keep a full supplye) Provisions, Bwect meats nnd Datablee, rnrh as lirpnd Pies. Bweet Poiatops.i:hpsp. Mni.krt. s,r ... in good ordorand on moilcrsieierms. siipir moeaconiprisps a Isne supply ol Almonns FiffS. Uasons. Prunes. Nllls. IVnlnm.. tlm. Tnl..,.. Cigars. etc., with every Imaglnablearllelrlnllielrtlnc ol business, nnd of the best o.uallty. ItP" rsmllies supplied at n'l time, with nrend. Cakes. Pies, Oysters, &e.,nnd nil orders promptly filled. Cash paid for Country produecand the public usttn rcspcelfully Invited. I 0 E 0 It E A M , nhvays on Jiand, during tlio enmmer Reason. N n. A Lndio'sBaloon dlscnnneetpdfrnm tbpnhnn cstali'irhment, has been prepmed In gcod order v o w loiwoys hrnlthcitcommnnd. THOMAS U. lll.nn. (ll.lVr.lt T. Wl I.BON, Illoniisburg.Fch. 1, lbi7. Si'ring & Summer. AT MENSOII'S CHEAP STORE. rpHE undersigned having removed Lis J Btore, up town.nt tho stand, lately ore. npiedl y II, C. U I W Harlmon where wl'h gteater mcriascd facilities, lie I, enabled to rll'trn lullussoilmeulof Spring nnd Summer Onods, WMfh ho has Ju.t receivedfrom tho 1'n-lrtn Ciilcs, comprlsin Hr vCoods. nroeprles.il ard. era re. Uutt-ns- waro Ccdar-waro. Ilullo-warc. Drugs. l'isli,rtult.Arc. Plaster, Iron, Nails.Hoots, Shoes, Hals, Caps, ee.&c. Also READY MADE OLOTillNG, Insho(i,ove;i' thingusunlly keptm country Stores, to which ho Invitesthe piibllcgenprnlly. ojr lbiiu, uu iiuer, (nu irnn.ano ununiry rrouoee takcnlneichange lor OouJ,, at tho blgcst marker price. A. U, ftlCWSUii. Uloom,burg. Jlorcb 21, IE5T. NEW WAGON HUOP, Willow drove, South Bloomsbur?. Till, undersigned respcclfilly informs bis Irtcnde and the public cpnprallv, that be liisti.kt-n the stand Intel vorriiineil byAIr.Itcbert It ... t tl.ln U ill. w (Irovp, Smith llloomsburg, below t he Ha llriod, whero uu mil comtnuo lite IVagon-maling Business. In nil its varii isdepartintnta. In good AlsiH-Henaitlliff Wnirnns. Itimslnp. I'. ,tl:ir. b'ji" nmi i-( iiiiiiieuie iPirns, Mods, A.e , done to nrdtr aod on ibort 'ime. CT I roduee taken lor woik. CHAHLL3 IlllEWER. Bloomsburg April S3, 1357-3m Esyptown ppacli and Wagon Factory. rTMIE undersigned having succeeded Jacob B. Kia X In the Wazonand Coach maklnir hu.ttip.s.ni ins stand, In Kspytown respcctlully lulorm their frlcnc a'lutno online, inaiinpy conimuPWIl 1 ine Wanon iuaki7is Business. I a oil. Its depiitments. where thev will he lunnv tnrs ciiiicuiiivii uuu prumpiiy eiecuieatt ousineee in met line, wim neainessanoocrpairn. II?- Wheel barrows made lo order, and all kinds ol r cpuir I ngdon c ou short notice. riVACia & iiauunuui-u. Espytown, Juno7,'1650. .y HOWAKV AS0CIAT10X, I'llILA DCLI'II IA Important Announcement To all persons aOieted with fcx"ol dlseat aruch BUMI'MAI.WCARNESa.UIi'Ol.UNCJJ.CONNOP iiu,(uiiiiiii ri i niLia te,, Ate , It lie HOWARD ABSUL'fA'JliiN of rhilodclnlilB.U view of the awful destruction ol humtn life and health couppd by Sexual diseases, and Die ('cccptionp whirl is iruciict-u upon iuu unicinunuiP vic'imp oi rucn nir-ct i-c y UnakP, have dircctfit the lr Cnuvnliing t?urgKjn,ly i CHAUtTAUI.n ACT wnrlhv nf thrir nomo lu nt MEUICAI AnVJUKCRATlB. tnall nrirnup tliu-cfflle tod, (Male or Female, J who apply by Ictur. nnii a pic crmiion of thcircondnion Incp.or-urntlc'h imbiip rfic etc.. and In enfra ofpitrfine fonjv nnd n nflVringviu ntnviail MrniiMiia r i riv miAiinn Tlio Howard Artociiition is a iienrvolriitlnstiiuliort. eftnblished bv fitecinl endow mrnt. tnr tdc volltlop the such arm ciif ircseen, cnitira wim viruitni nnu j;pmem in uiscascB.,, anu us Minus, enn ne lorouar purjioisc, It has now a surplus of finds, uhitli the Direct or s have voieu lonaftTiiBH ine uuo'c nonce. 11 is i ctoirss in add Hint the Assnclitlon rnmrpntida the hlfhcsl Mrdif cn I skill of the occ. and wilt furnirli thr tuost cmrovi it .modern treatment. Valuable mh icr nlso crivi'ii to sick and nervous females tftltriid with nbdnmi nut weak ncss Wnuib Complain I, Cslivrnoe Lrurorhripn, Ac. Address, fposipaid)Dr CEO. It. CALIIOCN, Con (Milliner Piiscon. Howard Aesociation.' o. S uuthOth fl tret't . I iiiiadc ipn ia , i n liy oruer ounc j-ircruirt-. EZRA D, llCARTWCI.Ii. Trtt C, HO. FAIRCniLD.Sccr-ta'v. Anxust U. IdSC y. CHEAP STORE. SPRING AND SUMMER (JOODS. THE undi-raignod tako pleoBurp in nn no incliij to thclrcurtoincrs and the publirfrenrr ally, ttiatthny havejunticccivcd, ut tho Itme Ridge diore.a choice assortment cf Spring and Summer Goods, Comprising every anioln usually kept In Country Store, which limctuHn rclccted with core, and will be sold at very low prices ftr ready pay. rnnstrtins nf u l.irp nticiy cf Cloths, Casiimcn Uitaince. urates. (:uUeor, fcc tC5" Country produce taken In exr!iarrc for poods Give us a cull. Nunc need go away di?anncd. (5. & G, hOW. I.imo Rnlpo, March SJ. 1827 S. L. Pancoast & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANT? AND DEALERS IN FISH, PROVISIONS, SALT, IT North Wharves, Philadelphia, ALEXANDER KERR, IMrORTUR AND WII0LGSALC DEALER VH Salt, Salt, NO. J3 SOUTH WIIAIlVUd, l'llll.ADCl.PIlI A AsKton's fino Liverpool cround Turk's Island arjd Dairy datl,roustaully on Inuu and for sale. In lots, to sun tne irnuo. Aj.nxANDUu KGr.n. April!, !S3T-3ra C. C iAOLER tj- CO., NO.O.Norlli Water Street Philadel phia OOMMIPaiONMKRCHANTB, end dealers in Lord, flhoutdera, Cheese llima, Dulte, I'orks, riour etc. Apl.ll. 1553-ly, OLIPHANT, WOODSIDE & CO. Importers ami Wholcsalo Dealers in iOwc0 anb tquovs? No. 107 Arch St. above 1'outjli, PHILADELPHIA. r.OLtpit.NT, d, Woorjsios, Gto.alcAirtis, January, 3d, 185". y. NE W SPRING AND SUMMER 9 To be-Soil Very Cheap, JIJ8T RCOBIV U,AT THU BTOilI'. 01" J. J. IIHOWER, Bloomsburg, April 2, ie57-3m FUIBIintlTII it IIIIOTHFIIH. WUOLCSALE TOKICCO WEAVERS, h v.ios.rvoiiTii tiiihu STnrsnT I'ivcdoorsbelow Rare, . ..... IMIILADCLflllA. Janrurnv 10,IB35., HOKSE LINIMENT AND CATTLE POWDERS. I70R salo at tbc offico of tho Columbia . Democrat. A1JJO- Decd,,Blaaks, Btatiooery, MnrrlaioUoltlflialcs, Ac, &e-, etc. i .OTION nnd Wool Carpel, tor ijiu .neap ul Iho JI'Mfll Arrit.lP lit- Mll 3d, POSTSCRIPT. Movomont of tjip President. Mr. Ruoliannn, Jeft Wasliinglon City, yesterday, (Friday,) for Redford Springs, accompanied by Miss l.ano, liis nicco, and Miss Ulack, daughter of tho Altorncy Gen eral. Tlioy will go by tho way of Cum berland, and lie absent from (Im font of Government about tiro weeks. Bpntoncp of Murdortj. Pittsburg, July 23. Cliarlotto Jones, Henry Fife nnd Monroo Stowart, rrcently convicted of tho murder of the Wilson f.uuily, at McKccfporl, wrrp scnte;iced Co day to bo handed. DIPLOMA AWAUDED Ejl tit t'tttntyhanut Stale gtUvhutatfttttyand hw $tttrl Cevpty Sctictttt to PnflfJVia. nt(KEnEU) ic CU t for thctr VrUbrattd ytgttabts VntTLK I UWltEH HUilrtCH. I 011 ttorsrs, It s on lnviluiM ri imdy Cir the cars ; nnd ptcventinn of all liianes (ncid-nto tholnnbit Diiiiiiti, viz. Uiilcmprr, CiMighi Tatty, Fevers, Fib tula, IVrt di piate:, l.iitig iiiitanfn, Ifh, Crease, Criprs, I iisl'iiiiin.itinn, J hkic'icv, Ki.hiev d nes-os, uiaiudf, jiiick i.fgi. iMittrmi'iiid, tinggcrti. Vivni i, L'kirs in l.ungr, gurlcll, Tfundert, Htr ilghl IIf U 1-Olt VRAT OATTI.B In Jtunlice, Yollows. Iloien ir nlown, Bloody Dill e, Kid Water. Mulrian. Loss i f Cud. Loss of Ap. ppiltp. Dlorihie.i or l.ooseoess. Honf disease. Woir in l lie J 1 1 . Hollow Horn, Ulooi'r Milk, liu' dlsaase, Lois if MHk. ron hogs In dwelled Keck. Hilf. In Ihn I.lv.r. Ali.pna.o. in the I. in. n, Ulcers of tho Bowi-lppasms or Cramps, Cbokcilisrn.es Nn larnipr plmu 1 1 be without it a elntlo day j It Is bis rheel-ni cber lot di, esses or 1.1s stock. It increases the nmoont (fmllk, butler and fsl In brallliy animals, Irom ei.ual nmiitints or food at l.s.t from ill to HI per rent., rs the experience of ever lu ono larmers, whJ havo u std it w III testify at any time I ANOTHER SEW iSiHcovnnvi CATTLE LINIMENT. ri Unfiua nllev nnv otlier I.lntinni nr rmiirM-iilnn fcr yet kuwn to the norld. It I gmd for the fill-twin dintjnprs.and lias proved iuell in the hauds of thounndp r.l fuirierv. fnrii rsand stige proprietors to eiccfd anything cf th" kltdrviTOirer.-ti tnthipublia. I'lIK CJHTt l' IIWMI.iw ic nnm enu CATTLE. HUMAN BODY. Ppra'ms,nrulies, Foundered Feet, Bpavin, Sweeny, Fistula, Pi l fa it. Calls oTcvury hind, Windpals, Hand Cracks, l.aincncp-s.tilralnp, Bcrntches or Crease, Thick Legs, Hard Tumours, Ulnsbone, Poll CvJI, CrackPd Heols, UcUcn Hoof, Mance. nhcumatlim. Weak Jolnn, Contracted t?iacws, Trost Uiles, Chapped Hands, Bivclitngs, Tumours, Toolhnche, l'atn in the Lcfs, Tnlnt n the Hack, Tain in the Bhoulders, Nervous Tains, Chiblaios, Hups of Animals, Horn UntcniDcr. miff Joints, Ana many oiner 'niifstn p. ii ir m rimrt, tha most complete nnd universal Liniment tint science bf eTpr yet pr rtuced. iicuaro 0 uounitrjMi, n t'Otiiour vatuuolo discover cs are already couiiterfelltid livtmni in ditrvront vsrts of thetate Uurnowdcrhn uur written si- nature on each hottle. Alanufacturedunly bv UKEINltl. KRONCFIELD Si CO.. No. 317 N. Third at , N. IL corjper Th irddc Woo.l, Fbila-lelpliia. uno 0, 1837-tf Self Cure! A BOON TO THE AFFLICTED. NI'.RVOUS DISORDERS, Head and Mind Affections, Incipient Consumpt Ion, Low Spirits, Incapacity for Pludyor Labor, l'rematore Exhaustion and l'hy sicnl Decay of the System, Loss of Mpmory, Inriiscs lion, rYxusI Debility and luvoliintnry Einl.sions.l'ilcs. DiMncs nr the Kit'iieys.ntid Orcans therewith eon netted, JA-Iielaer resulting from Imprudence or other kIso, sre ilnvsriably nrd permanently cured by Dr. ftLVnlI,L's famous RADICAL REGENERATOR, Hip full pirticiil.irs of wtrch, without anyunptoreB .in ii.ii blviubjt, . i ii oe milieu grans lu any alio r CSS on receiptor, stomped envelope properly directed! Tj3-'l'hesucci.SBfiil results of tho last ten yenre havo pruvpd this Remedy to be the ONLY EFFECTUAL CORllextsot fur the above complaints, and thedescrip lion uf it is given in so plain a manner, that every one is enabled to CURE HIMBELr 8UOCES3FULLV & TBIVATELV. ai.resB, post pai CHARLES J. O. KLIVE, Tost Boi No. 43S0. New Vork City. July 13. J7-y ' SOMETHING NEW I Halls Young America Fire Cracker Pistol I TIIH is ndmittad to bo the most amusing Toy over offered to Young Ameiicu.BUitidilo for til times a year. It makes a rrport eq;al lo Die common I'lilol, und carries a ball with the same precision for ten paces though notwith force enouah to kill, luakinr n th onlv .hesp nnd harmless pistol for target practice In existence, iiiu.uuu soio in tour weeks! Relai Retail price !3 cenisand iipward.nrcordlog to the market. Trade prico 11 per IDOelstols, rash on delivery. Bent by Express to any part ol tho country. A. W. II ALL, iiivcotoranu roie nianuiacturcr, 3J5 Broadway, N. Y. A full description, with ensravlnes.scnt in nnv n.r. dress on rerplnt ofn po.tage stamp iiiil. iiAL.t.r.ii9 eonsinniiy on nana cy jtiou Agunts wanted. A beiutlful Spt'ctmon I'jstol son lb Express or Mfttl prepaid on receipt of 61. j.inoi3,iej;-3i. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTI0E. Estate cf Elijah Price, dre'd. ETTERS of Administration on tlio "-Estate of Elijah l'lice.laic of Locust township, Columbia cnuutv.rtleccascil, have been granted bribe lop, ,lcr ofColombia count v. in Tl n. 1,1 ll .ltit.nl.1 . ... I n besldrs said Locust township, nod J F. I'rice, who besiiies '", '""'no, nruuyiKiii count); all persons having cla,m "gainst lite estate of the decedent ore requested t0 present them to the Administrator Willi' out dchiVtand all persons indebted lo make payment forthwith. DAVID REINUOLU. J. 1' TRICE, Aprs! id, IK7-0 .Ua'rl BALTIMORE CARD. Sail! Salt! Salt! WE offer f..r sale LIVERPOOL FINE HALT, DO. o. A. DO. DO. DAIRY DO. Country Mi reheats who will eend,us their order, In advance, with iostroctions loshfp, when we have a cargo .rLo.T.ron secure fine orC A. r?alt at dve cents per sack lessoir the ship, than It an be supplied out cd store. CARS, GIESE b CO., Grain and Lumbor Commission Merchants, "peer's Wborf. UALT1MOUG. Juno 27. 1837. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate, of Corticlius Reynolds, dee'd. TETTERS of Administration on the J Estate of Cornelius Reynolds, lata of Mifflin township, Columbia county, deceased, hsve been granted by the llcgittcr ol Coluo.bla county, to tlio undersigned, who resides In said Mitlljn Itwnsblp, tn Columbia county: oil persuus having claims ozniusl tlio estate of the decedent are rciucsted to prespnt shem to the Administrator, without dt lay, and all per ions indebted to make paynieut forthwith. SAMUEL CREASY, Aim rdt ss.li ne. Jilly4, 1837-Cl NEW TINWARE SHOP. MAIN STREET. OPrOSITETME UXCUASaE. THE undersigned respectfully informs his friends and tho public gerioiully, tbst ho has opened Jl Niw Tinviure and Sicit Ron Esta blishment, in the building formerly occupied for lhatipurpose. Ii) Joseph tihaiplcss, wboro he is prepared tv cooduct the business in all its varioos branches. Tinware and liouso Spouting of 'all kinds made ta order on .hurt notice and at uioderalo prices. AUo-STOVES, of vatiou, itylcs, constantly for sale. Jtppairiog douo to order in quick lime, tycounir produce taken Inesrhsngofor work. D. U. MILLAUD, llloomsburg, Moy Id, 1837 y NEW DRUG STORE. EXCHAiiaE BLOCK, MAIN STREET, Dloomsbnrg. TU E undersigned wouldrespectfully inform his f rend and Hut public generally, mat ho has purchaselDr Tosiiit's Drug an d Chemical Storo, und Just retuncd from thtcity with alargeandsei.ei stock, eonslsllg if J?rcsh and Pare .Drugs. Medleloes, Chemicals. groundand wholeUpiccs, riots. Oils. Varnlihcs, Dye BtulTs. Window Olassnf suites, togciherwlth acorn pJetees,ortinent of I'ainl.TooH and Shaving BrusheStTobacco.Srgarv, Fancy Soaps bav. ing Cream. Paro Winrp and Brsndics, For Medicinal us., English, I'rcneband Aoirics f. fiimerf j in thoii.cveiyartielekeptby Druiglslfeno. rally tryPrascrfptlODscarcfultKOtn pounded N.U-ThoDasriL I'aorsssios. will.be conllJsd ss usual la Ufooauburg and i.isht Sirert. Alsi full ior loieol or Iho Islrst eHir'Pti for sile IJ EEO M IIAUE!lll.lJ II .tntirg r rmr I If!'