ii.S5feisssi5M Fanner's Department. Song for Tlitnkors. BY CIIAULE1 SWAIN. Ta I In epa.1e of Perseverance, Dig the field of rrojrcss wide i Cveri rotten toot of faction (lorry out and cast aside, Sr. ry stubborn Weed of error, liver) seed that hurls the soil, Tires, whan very growth la terror-- Dig tticin out. whato'cr to tot) I Give trie stream of Education tlroadsr channel, bolder force; Hurl tho atonefof Tciiecutlon OIltTwInire'ec lliey block Ha cnuiso ; Beck for strength In aelf oicrllon, Work, and b t III have faith to wait, Cloaa thacrookod gale to fortuliC, Meko the rout to honor straight I Men art ngenta for the future; At they work, to agoa win Cither harvest of advancement Or the products of their ainl Follow out Uuc eutyivalion. Widen Eitueation'a plan, From tho majesty of Nature Teach the majeaty of Man I Tako tho apadc of Perseverance, IMS the Acta of rrogrcea wide, Every b.ir tolrue Imtriicllon Carry out and east natUe i Feed tha plant whoao fruit 1 1 Wisdom i Cleans from crime the common sod; Ho that from the 111 rone of Heaven It may bear tho glance of Qod. Docking Horses. Wo aro ghil to sec that the abominable practico of dooliiug horses is going out of fasbion. It prevails in no country in tbo world besides England and tbo United States, Wo got it from tho mother coun try, and tho sooner wo loavo it off tho bet-1 tcr. It is wonderful how anybody but an ignorant, narrow-minded blockhead of a jockey should ever have thought of it, being as-offensive to good taste as it is a violation of every human feeling. Has nature done her work in such a bungling manner in forming thatuoblcst of animal;, the horso, that ho requires to have a piec of bono .chopped off with on axe to reduce his to symmetry, or that boauty and graco can bo obtained only by cutting a pair of his largo muscles ? "The docking and nicking of horses,'' says an intelligent writer on farriery, "is n cruel practice, and ought to be abondoncd by tho ivhole raco of .mankind. Every human being possessed of a feeling heart and magnanimous mind must confess that bo'h tho docking and nicking of horses is cruel ; but Iho creature called man attempts thus to mend tho works of his Almighty and wiso Creator, in doing which bo often spoib and disfigures them. What is more beautiful than a fine horso, with a long tail and flowing inane waving in tho sports of tho wind, exhibiting itself in a perfect etato of nature ? Ilcsidea our Creator has given them to tho horse for defence as well as beauty." Tho samo author relates an instance of a fine hunting horse, owned by an English man which could carry its rider over the highest fivo barred gate with case, but ho thought the hor-o did sot carry as good a tail as ho wished ; ho thercforo had him nicked, and when tho horso got well fe could scarcely carry him over two bars. "Thus," said ho, "I have spoiled a lino horse," and no wonder, for it weakened him in his loins. Any man of common sense -would cheerfully jive ten per cent more for a fine horso whoso tail had never been mutilated than for ono which had been under tho hands of a jockey. Salt for Plum Treos. It is now almost impossible to cultivate any kind of plums in this climate, unless salt enters liberally as an ingredient into tho compost applied to them. When this articlo is used in conjunction with house nshes, there appears rarely to bo much difficulty ia producing good and hoilthy trees, which ultimately prove highly pro ductive of fair and well-developed fruit. "When trees are Bet ia eituations. in which the application of oompost is not feasible, or whero it would subject the operator to considerable fatiguo or expense, salt, in its crude state, may bo applied ; or it may bo dissolved and poured around tho roots. If plum trees were carefully washed down once or twico a year in weakish lye, and supplied with two or thrco quarts each of ealt caro bcinj taken to retiiu tho soil around their roots light and free from ' weeds, we should hoar far fewer complaints of want of success in this department of pomological enterprise. No fruit oom niands a more ready sale, or a higher prico in tho market. Good plums aro at present bo soarco as to render them a luxury, and those who have valuable trees in good bearing, aro realizing a heavy profit from them. Let thoso who have ttcea profit by the ibovo suggestions ; they indicato the only logitiraato courso (o bo pursued. Bones as a Manure. A Ulo number of tho "Country Gentle man" has an elaborate articlo by l.ovi Uartlett, of Now Hampshire, on bono ma nure. IIo concludes that thcro is no other manure wnoso eneccs uro bo lasting as an appusatiuu oi grouna nones, i.esiucs the increaso of crops ho says it supplies phoc.' pbatcUich tho. grasses generally lack, I on oil and long grascd fields in New J" isngiaiu, anu ttio want ot wjacli, causo ; what ucalled "bono disease" in cattle, Mr, Wkxoommends that bones bepounded, and tlnl broken to picc&j, boiled orgrouod and ihl spread evenly over tbo soil, and mixed Lh it. He ltaa a field that was thui dried jearn ago, and (be effoet U yet Tory pcrtptibk on clover National p Hotel. ( LATE WHITE 8WAN, ) Sides Sc S lover. Ilacc Strut, above Tiling Philadelphia ratiaHinat, late ofthe Arm 3l.veus,liolllhgshcao&Co Ji"iT. Bnnii, ofthe Union Hold, Annual 0, J83C " MONTOUR II Oil Si:. CURNnRUP MARKET AND MILL KTItUCTS, i fnairrfistojr oppull tkt Cnrt aura,) ' UAiWILI.E, l'A HAVING beon recently renovated and refurnished In asuperiiirslylG.lliia elegant llolella now reupn lor tho reception uf it ranger a ami visitors, whose pa. ronago If ropoctlully rc'iursted. B. A..HIIADV, lyi5,!8S0. i OIIAltl.HS IL MAUPLE'S. " WINB AND L.IQl'OU BTOtttf A'n. I J.l AWth Third Street. Above Itaco, Kail Side, Two door. ubovetlio Eigcl Hotel, PHILADELPHIA Hat constantly on hand French flrandlea, Holland Cm and a general assortment ri i oreigtl tvt nee, uiao nil kiwis in .nnierican epulis, e March 13 Jr. JQIIN M. FOKD. IMPORTElt, MANUFACTURER MOUAl.r.n IN SADDLEllY, UOACII HAKDWAM anu riiiai.tiinuB. No. 32, North Third St. Philadelphia PURCHASERS will llnil ittolliclr ndvanlugo to CI limine mvKlnrb. ivMrli ll crloxleliaivu.anrl PUI chared InrCath; niidriinsistslnallllicvarlclyofNuw blyleaol.unortr-fn mylliie. , N.H. AllOrdoraehall hnvc pnrllculirrand prompt Mention. Bpplemlni r H.l" ly muupiiv. & koons, , GENERAL CO.h MISSION ME II Oil A NTX, AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FISH, Clty2ESU .V PltOJ'JSIO.VS, No. 47 Notfi War.ca (below ri l Sliecl) PHILADELPHIA. (lavcroiittlnllyon hand a large ns BjweSp soilmcnl of I'ISIl i GHECSE & PRO JSEilS VISION?, which they aro prepared to acllut the lowest posallriu rn.i-8. rrtOllUr.KS promptly alien led to. FellMry3l, IW7. JOHN II" ALLEN & 00. Nos. 2 ij- i Chcsnut, Street south side be low water,) riulailclpliia. (Tits Oldb.t Wooo-wakc IIoo.ii. Im The City 1 MANUFACTURERS and Wholesale dealera In I'M cut Marhine. made Bronu, I'ulent Grooved Cedar ware. varanltdKel lathrinL. Wood and Willowwnrc Cords, Ilruihefl fic,, nfull doicrtlona. Please call anamineour flock, eery SI, 18f. I y, EVANS ii NEWOOMEK, ( Former tv Webb Sr Jfticcom.tr. Arch street, above Third. Philadelphia t-wniTR4 hp Mi'Ar.fl ii Ureakfast, 5, 0 anJ 7 o'clock to 10 DisKtR.Cfjntlemf irfurdinary.I o'clock tol3. ia.iJica, a o'clock Tea. lOo'clockto 11. CVAN UVANB.J U 3, NEWCOMEU rtug. ii) toga. y. PKEMIUM AGHIOULTUHAL IMPLE jfCZ A1I2NT3 Wo aropre)iaredlo furnluli Afftinlt ft&rfll Implcmiintsolihe very best ial!iv manufiC VJh')rC(II, r ijricunurm works, isruioi, rn.. the lowest cash nriccs, wholealcoi reinll.nn wlllcliallcngo comparison with those mnnufact nrr.lhv any other eitabllatnunt in the country The fint nra m m ni fine iiuntirnn umiarft vn nivnrniii tin i, u tilia ComuiiltPeof tlioU. B. Agricultural Society. to their Inie Uiliibitionat rowenon, (or tlubes t Uiiplnv of Apricimuraimipicinenisiuaniiiftciiircii hy theeihlhiior, livrry ariiciesoicn uyusii wnrrciuei to ocas renre U. UIINIMUVI H C HON, ImplcmentsandSred Warehouse, Nn.'2lnn.1 SJ South Sixth itrcct, .'lnlaJelnlii Novemhcr6, 1350. Pennsylvania Motel. THIS well known Hotel, late ly key by Bam IVA. eylH tURD.on Mala Street, in uivlUp.ft Gtfft has been taken by tho subecriber. wh is pre- llKn paredloacconimoilitelrHvslIervanil it ungcrs n the butt manner. 'Ihe house has t en thoroughly Iverbauled.anil is nowredtled tin and furnished for one entertainment or guests. lllmtabiinjr is large and commodious, with Horses and vehiclesfur hire. and he will spare no palnsto lunnci Kiicriii siiuuut nun , rT5"A lihiralathireof the miblm nnf rnnnrt I tpmnfti lUliy UliCllCUa DanvilleDcc. 29, 1653. OOAIi ! OOAL1 ! Dr. FULLCIt4cCo.,would resnecfully mbr neoplo orTittston and the nublic In eeneral hey have opened t Cjal Yard, of nraple dimensionn ire prerareii ntincir oti.ee, corner orfliatn and Kali Jaar-n to till all orders for coal for domestic and eutiL-rr 3"ts. STAR COHN SIIELTiERS. A full supply of tho premium Star Corn Shellers, from our own Manufactory, now m tTiiuiegaie ana jteiou. utey nr nilrt nteit rnrntllior ln H nm kna.. .andare Ixllevcdto be the best Bueller in the market. 1'AsCUALL, MORni8&CO, Implement an d Seed Storo, 7ui and Market Phllsdclplita, AG It 10 U LT OH A I j IMPLEMENTS. IMPROVED Hay Frrcses. Tanners Hoile Horse Towers aud Thrcthers. Grain Fan Saaiuge Uuticrs and Bluffers, of vanou patrons. Iuioroved P finable Grain Mill Vegetable. ALSO Hay straw and fodder uuticrs in ereni variety. iMfloiiAi.i Morris &co. Agricultural Waroliusoand Seed Sim. 7th and Market Tit i la leliiNia. N.i vm'. p r e '- . I MB . HE Nil Y ZUPl'INGER. flock and IValchinakcr. South Side of Main Street above the Hail, Road. pjirPlCUM'repairlnBln wnlchcennd Jew. x-s cirv u asaea lor until nr ivntrh.t-.n. uioomauurs, Aug. 20, leoo, NEW LIQUOR STOKE. N0.133,N0B.T1-TI!1RI) STIinnT. (In the ale liuiMings, Move Race St ) Philadelphia. TUG unJ-irsijned beg 'cava toiofunu his friends and lbs public, ttut ho has opancil rm eiietuve LIQUOR HOUSE, In Oio HjjIc nulldlnte. No. 133, N..31 Ht, ni above, where he Mill ho hjip to aitpply JI -rtlianta. Hotel keerora.dnl cuitomora sencially, with lh choicett hrauJa kiitin l'Hiladcliha. William nnonsT. March 7lh. 1 857. y. ' SlICIirH AND skl.TZUKS VVHOLFALK WINE J- LIQUOR S TO II E No, 232 North Third Street. (AI.3VC Calluwhlll,) P'Jl I LA I i: la V IMA. i A general amorlmcnl of Ornndlee Wlnea, L'nrdlala, und Liquoraor every tfcaeription, (.num. r.r.eet.TUR. Ocioher 7, J834-8 yra. r. LEAF TOllACCO'&T'IGAIts; fi aw 45- ai, South Front Street, 1'iui.Aiir.i.i Ida. Bepl. 0,l856.-y FItRSH GARDEN SEKD3. DHOKO M. HAtlCVUUCII hai just received, and has Tor Kale, ut hi Urug Htoro, n selec nr. inent of nil kinds ol Gtrdm Seeds, fresh from Mr. Uuir Heed House in t'hlladelnhia. Muytt,lW7, JOHN 0 YEAGEIt Fasllt Olia I)C Hat & Ca Store no.io-j noiitii tiiiiidsthbet, e,eh.n,., .i.unr.V.M v,,'.!'- niui;B"i,nYrei,pto!!a,.i,,v'it,f,l, ,,,mne",, wiwn ilrzli - Di J. . duller, II o in us o p a t Ii I c 1 Ii y s i c i a n, rU3rCCTI-'ULLYtcndorahls Trofesslonal HercfB tin thee rtizcnsofltloonitburc and vicinity.eiierally O Oihcc on the comer of Main and Iron Streets IllQoniiburci Adjoining Mr Urowcr'itSfore Hept. vj, ittfS fSt l(nod 1 Imrtfi power Thrfjlilng Mnrhliu', 7r "V,ilW JI All I MAN :i sfi& 0ATAWIS9A, WILLIAMSl'OUT & ERIE It A IL ltOAU. j Itirett Itailrotd ttnntttlo htlttttn Niagara Fallt ami VMMctphi. SJtOrtttt Qtihkm end Vhenneit tlotffrom JI e tmAtw l"f-s U VhUadtlphla, Hattt$bhtg Vituburg I V'tvnor$, tl'n$hl t ttt$, an&th tputh, nASai:N(ir.ll TRAINS leave Minim dally (eJcchtl L Hunduya,) lit 7 A. M ialng Wjlllulilf fort III III IS I A M.tonlietllnit Willi Head ni Itnll Itnad all'orlCliii. tiin,unilreaclilnil'lilluiltlnhlnnt70 1, M. : Itelurnins, kove I'hlladclphlarroni corner nf Druad and Vlni'trect,nl7 :ui, A. M reachlne Willlnniinoil, at 3 13.1'. M.. nnd nrrlvlnir ntnn.lm mil. P. M , i rABdHNnllK T11AIN3 WILL MIAVll I 1'OltT CLINTON KOIl HAltltlSRUlia. I ,.- ..(.. I ...... i.i I ts i ........ . ' Ifirvci, ' iiauMiui iiriti riiBuuirniini it an 110.1(1 ,011 III J nrrivalolCutawiiu Train, at 4 45 1. Al.rcacliinn liar rJshMrffoier.M. Uetitrninglcnve llnrrblnirpat 7 15 A M.-connenlnj at I'ortClintnu with Uattawlssu train bound west form, liietlisinosldirecttoulolollarrlsburg, ri tflmrf, ll.i tlinoreaiidtho Hoiitliiconnrcttnff lliciio points with all Norttrwritrrn rcniisylvaniajiitil Western New York uoniif Jujnt Ehntrn wttii tralnson jvutv Vorknnd l.rti'ltu.1! Hoad ; also, wllh the I.liuiro, Canaiulngnu, Itochef er, llufrulo and N lap run Talis. t'rt iiPctlnjEdirPctly wilh Iho Croat Wcstrrn Untlroa at Buspeiiploit brideo for Detroit, Chicago, 81 Louis, Vt , thus ma kin b the shortest, ami tlieipest roulo frcm l'lillndolnhU tothore noihts. A PKEUillT TRAIN. Will leavn Wlllianuiiort DAILY, nt 0 30 A. M.ro Philadelphia. freight train lonndrmm Pliitadclpliia without Iran, aliipiiirnt.rrnin Kpailinn Knll Kuad rrclgtitUcpot,carir ur ul Itrntiil und Cherry tt recta. TIIAIXS PASS DANV1L.I.I; AH t Ol.LUWS UOIhO CAST PnanenjerTrnln 12 M. freight I'roln, u ill A.M. 00 1 NO WEST. rnntencnrTrain, 3CJP-M. frelsht Train, Siil'.M. I'AIIKS nettreenriiiladelihliamlKupert, fl to I'anvtue, . 4 cu uutawiaaa, A IIO " 'J'ania'ina 2 !I0 " M 1 1 tori s l " Willlamnport, s 00 nrtapoiinda orpererrnalhuccnaciilloucdto eachimi. tengrr exceed charge dnr dniilrleflr.'.clnsalrcighimtca it 1 t u.MJ.i, tuiicrtntiKircni. Jan SO, ltii Pill l,A. AND.KEAD1NG RAIL ROAD Winter jrrtifizcmtntt fo Vautngtr Train, Jnnuaiy I si, IS57. rTP rraim, poing Norili, leave i'hiladcliihlt ' nlTi 1 A.M Down Trains tiui ncSoullj, leave rott 1 1 le at MR. nihl 1 i ilia Uittr.iinsn.iij Rcabincnt lO.'JJ, A, Sl.nndO.vjP.Hl. down Trains 5,iy,A. M, ' 5,131.M. Thfl nsnrssTraln Is discontinucil until further no- tlco. Close connections nro made by he 10.22 A. M tlio Tr.tln troni t C'iiitoxi to Ulmirnnnd at in tcr mo iliato iioints : und by the 0,22 r.fll Un'i'ralnfrouil'ort UUnttiu iuCtinir.i,C.inaudjlrua.IJuiIa!o, JVi3g.irn.De pot, Chicago, Ht, hoiil, Daveniort, and loua CMy; .M.i king ,hi route thcshorlest and cheapen to the Lake Erleesaud C&naUa. OnSundnvs.tli'S Down A, SI. Tnln from Pollivllle. andUpr.Al. Train fiom rhiladclpiia, only, run. 4IRBitDuRoCo.t.iErnoKs, by Dauphin RaWtoad nt Au uinn A special Accommodation Passenger Train leaves Itpnilincilailly,f except Sundays lat71 A.M.. ruin mine iiom Auburn ntiil P. M., on arrival ol 3,10 P. M. Train from llarrjsburg. WAY I1 AuiiO r n o m llHADixa to Mhibri-plil,SI.?5aitdl,43; I'ottsvU'o SI, 05 and 0,65: Aiihiirn II ?. THROUGH TARES, to Ilnrrlt-burg. S7 55; Tamun 35: Wjuunsnort 1.10: V.tnurn (tJ5' C.innml.ti.i USSOU: BulTali or NlnsrnQIU.OO; Criveanrl 310 71 Torfdo8U.7; Clnciiiuat)91G,0U, Cnicapo S-.'U.uO. ALU PaiKunserswU procure tickets before cnei Jug lltp.ars: 10 cents ettra on I'.trcjj iald in the ram. Ilttyfns.,nf nersenai Danccnowetl each 1'assenoee ail over that weight ascharged Kxlra lli'ptnse- January 3d 1857 tf. Cen'i Sup't SPRING AND SUMMER 'T'llUanderalsncdreapoctrullyinlotni hitfrienilinn.. X ttienub.icattame and rhe rest ofiri.inki iacetnb!j4ticda eplendid ami ibs 11 iMt 't"; In the el-catn new Storo Hiuibp. in.t rn,tA t.. i.,i. bury. Coluutbiu county, l'a.,hcrfche husnow opentd U .1 rnn n nil onn r na.,.inii,lii bpnuir aud Summer Good Which he is determined to sell on an eh inrme n,uni induce allat least in this vicinity, who are in want ui .'irn-iLtiniiin, iu ujLtenu in in ineir custom. II IS "lOCk has bCPII HClrC led Willi iiiiirlir-irn n n,1 mt I I reference tm he wanl sol this community nnd wmIii.ui going to enter into iimfiiu lee numeration oft he various kiikis ne risk nothing Inassuiiufc his frienos that uuuu nil ifj cnenperinan me ciienpent,' Country produce, including Grain, Lumber, ic. taken ineschaiigt lor goods . Roh rsburx. March 28,lK'7t y. .. 8TIUXG AXI) SUrtlJIHilt CLOTHING. THE un..ertlcncd gralcfa! fur past patronage, anectfullv luTornr. hi. eu.tniiinra . n t.r tli....!. ecnerally, that liehaajual received from the Ka ern L.itiea,tiie inreeat and moirl eeect alock o' Lashionable Snrins & Summer Cloth?,, Ibothaayet heen opened in Illooiii.ljurg, to which h in v ilea the attention of hi a fr lend., nml ri.... inai iiieyarcoucredroraale.atereat harjairra. Ilia -.-.-v,u.i,.l-,.Jarge,nm(;ierfaHnriiU,11tl)- uonuoracn's Woannir Annarels. Consisting of Faihianable Unit Cealt, of every ,e etriptiorii I'anta. Vcata, Ehi.ia, Cravats stneka ,oltou Handkerchief, aiovca.Suspcndcra.&c., Ut. bold Watches and Jiu-cliy, of every description, fine and cheap. N.U Call uwU iet Noclurte for ctnmlrilnp Uoodi. . David lowenhruo. Rloonubure. Ma-ch 51, 1P57. J. S. fi B. L. l'EttOT, Produce and Gonoral COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Nu 18 North Wharv. a, l'lllLADELriHA. ILirEflCni-rir Jirhnl' penl.ton.Uai. 1'lillndelplila. Mcsera ll.ickir, l.ia it Co. .. fi ut. IViru 6c Co. Hricknor. AlcCammon U Co, Charle. Lllia b Co. ri. Morrl. Wain &. Co . Onlaruri.lge, Arvov & Co. Chirle. Joseih i'eroi, Thomae& Maxwell, New Vorh, U. M. McUInn: 4c Co., Si I.oilia, Mo. J. S. IMorri. h H.in l.ni.t.,ni. Vnrch IS, leill-y DYER'S HOTEL. Cattawissa, Pa. IIIHoldand wcllknown ilotcl.lnthetown .iflTnttRWia.a.iBBtill kent bv tlrt, rllrdnr. aluuid.and iuapiti'ofallllccnao lawa, ho ,,lBiH drterraineritoiuakchia,houiooneof ihc most couifotiu bio nlarea for travelursto .ton nt. that can 1m fnmiil in the Interior of I'ennaylvania Ilia table will be furuitli. od tidily with hip neat t lie Market can afford. ITJ-AIy oldlriendaandlravcllerFenerallynreinvitcd to rail. JAUOI1 DYEll. Mayjl, 1655.-y. States Union Hotel. rou.M'cufti.Y rtnn lion nm r.i. No. 800 Market street, Phitadcphta. pi;0IWIMV.I.INKLU.rronlelor,f,.r,1,l.rlyr't-0.l (a luiniiin, i'n., would inirm hitrneiida und thciruii i ,b n.afc v u......v . w uv ,i,u uuwvu MUUieU J OICI which ia well and fuvorally known tlironglioutlhe Htateaa oncof the oidea land moal convenient Hotel in hncily. lie liloltrcajiectfully soljrltnrliarr,( uh epitie.njo, April 7, 18iJ. 01DKH MIIJ.8. 5II0 KKAUaCK'S 1'ATEVT IMrttOVUI) VonTAIlLP. CIIIHII MII.I.8. U'e nre now iiiaiiu'aclurinc tiieae unrivalled Cider Mill.. areatll imlirovcd Uild alreniithened aince la.r fLur, und can aiiurly order, at Whuleaulc ulidllctall. Millagliipiiedtoaiiy part orilieUtiiou. l'AliUIIAULr MOKKIH k CO., IVholcaale nnd Itrtnil Dealer. In Agrkulturallmnlc. lire n ti a lid Marhinca, 7th and Mattel ilrcoti, 1'Mladclplila. Mount Vernon House. Second street, above Jlrch, Vhila'da, rTlllnundarfisned having purrhasrd t lata Interest o X Mr. I), lllaiiiti Iheoboveolileatubluhed Hotel, wil now havn tho sole auperviilou ol tho cslabhirlinioii and ol lilts the natronaf e of tlio nub Ma. Ha fpul rnnfi dfut that a trial of hi a House, Rooms, Tabic, Hervauts will prove Ihebest recommendation be canglvo I- Ij.UARRtfTT. 1 nrj'w'M'jo fc A V; M v njj m uts mmp m uii, ' N03. 0, II, 13 and ISUourtlanil strcol, ' NEW YORK. U.WINCIICSTF.R. runs, i). wmciiK?TKn, iiunj. r.wixciiKtirjiii. m.iiH.in :iin M ay Dr. Frauds C. Harrison, WOULD te.necttUlly Inform tho cilitcn, of lllooma kiirgand viclnily, thailiohaacorymeucedtlieirrac tic uf JUuiLiMa andHoKUKjr,and solicit, a aharo n iiubllf patronage, (iaaauilwnyairj fuutidatllieRYChnnce llolclrrppnaltf Conn llou.e Ulrpill'burc. I'cb 3rl" I SAVlSO VVMi. or Tim tfATlOffJtl. SAFETV TltUSr COMPAXY. TtTn I II I B " 1 ia 1 B- " K'zi I rxBK i ssssrsms i m WALNUT Street, Aouth West comer fTlimt), riiitadetptiin. iiicorioraiC( vy uie diqiu ii rennflyivnm-v VMonev is rcM-ivedhi nnvsuni, I.itl'o or small Interest paid fom the diy of deposit to the day ot vtiiimniwi. The tifflcnla open every d.iy from 0 nVlnch lit the inornins till 7 o'clock in Ihe evrnlnir and n Mondavi audTbursiltiy evening, till UoVloik INTEUKST FIVE PER OENT. AN sums larg or smarl, nre paid bacltfn itIOLlJ on demand without umiee.tonny .unonrl. ('resident Hon III.MIVIj. lil'-NXnit. vicoi'rutident, uohkut anLFKiuun -Secretory .WILLIAM J . ItLLU, Jltcclors: llonryl. llenner, O. I.nnilrclli Shinns Kdwnid It, Carter, K, CarrollHrewstcr liobertdrifriiiirr Joseph B. Harry. Ha m ui I K. Ashton , Henry !j. ClKircluno it J.iinosH.Kmitli, rraiicisl.ee Thiscomnanyconllnes its b tl ti ?nt entirely in H.e riceivlni; ni mciicy on interest. Tho investments n inonnt'iiirto nrorly. ONI3 MILLION AND A HAM' CT DOLLARS I ts per published report of AbdLT3,aro tnai'o in rnn ormity with the nruvUlon of llio chtrtf-r In KHAL IISTATC, Bl.ORTOAOUd.UUUUMl KUNTrf, and such fi r t class scriiritlea.'na will nl av I nstiro nor fen on curtly to the tlcpOHlturs, and i liic'ti cannot nil to pivo nermaneneyaiiil talliiy to unsold mi l well cstab Itshrd Innlitutinn, (Teb. 1, 185 J.l iMarch:ih,li?57. ' IIIvLMnOLU'S! (jir.M!LK PREPVIMTIOV iiuiiiiiVAiU . UL.it iii 1 ilLI AlW ilVA l,r j HIGHLY CONCnVTnATI.n COMroUM) l'LUID, LXTUAUT liUClIU, For JHieascM tf the Blath2ert Kidneys, Gravel, Drtpty mc is Obstruction, itatt Vistatet, rcmutc Complaint!, and all Disease cf the aexuat urgana, Arlsms from l.xccssus and lmnruilcnclcs In 111, nnd rfiiiuvutg ull Imprjper Discharges from the Uladder, n.ianeyi.or aexuni wrcan. wntiner (Xislinff iu MALL OR l'LMALIL Trom whatever cause they may have originated, and no tuaitcr of now long stitu'inp;. giving hcallli and vior to Iho frame, nnd bloom lo tlm pallid check. JOY TO THE JFVJCTKDIIt It cure Nervous aud Debilitated Blltlercrs. nml reninveit all the symptoms, among which will be found ludifpo Pillon to U.V1 1 II nil. I .nun nf I'.iw.tr. I.ncn nf lUnmnrv. Ditllculiyof !lrealkin,(.cncral W-akness. Horror ( Disease, Weak Ncrvm, Tri'inlihutf, Dreadful Horror of. Death, Nisht bwcnm.C.'ld t'eut, Wnkeiulncsk, Din nt a oi vifion, uintior, universal Laasllmlu or tlio Muscuhr Hyslcin, Oiton UuoriiMua Appetite, w tli D 'peptic Uyoiptoius,llolllnd4, Flushing of the Hotly, Dryncssf.f theSkiu Pallid Coiiuicmnceaiid eruptions on tliel'jce. Palo In tlio Hack. Heaviness nt tho llxn lid, fre'iuctilly I! lack apola Uviiig. before the lives, lvllli'Pninimr-ir Un Una In.. .....I I .f ..I U...1 ... . Atientiun.Creat Alobilily, Uestlessncss, with llnrror ofSocinty Nothing is morn deiirable to such Patients than solitude, and noming they more dread for tear of themselves i no r"Hnstt of manner, no earnest iieaa no speculation, but a liurrivd triiuitlott from one nucs lion tonnother. The symptoms, if allowed to go on wl'ich this medicine Invariably removes soon follows Loss nf Power raluhy.nnd Epileptic Fits hi one of which the natlent inav exi 1 re. vtio cm sj v that High n. ceases are not freiuintly Allowed by those direful diseases nsn'iltynnd Consumption f The records of the IiisjtiR Aiylumi, and ih-c mlanrlinlv drnths hy l.'onsiimpliuii. be.ir a-nplu wilnes? fo the truth ol Ihcwi a8iiti(ins. In Lun.ilic Asylums Mm most niulaui holy ixhibition npprnrs Tlu countenance ii urtually o l den and 'filto deaiilutd in'ith-r ntirlli or piiufs ever visits it, tin in Id u bound uf ilia voice occur, it Is ruoly arllml.JL. VVith woeful nnn m res wnn despair Low sullen sound his grid brguiVd." D bih ly i ui'ist ifrriulnl auii tus hro'ight thousand upon thousands to imtiauly grtves.th is uiasiiu g the ambition of many aoMe ouiiu. It can be cuicd by I he ute of tbiv IXFALUULf. mWFMV, Ifyounr) BtiiTdr inj with any ol the iibuvo dislressing ailments, tli! 1'iuid lixtrntt ttuchu v 111 euro you. Try it and bo conviiicod ol its efficacy. Dewaronl Quick NoJtruins and.tl'iack Doctors, wlo falsclv boast of ulijliiiesund references Citizens know and.nvoid l ham and save Ion? suiT-jring innuey, and expnsurc, by sending or calling lor a bottle if this popular and specific remedy. It a'ltys ull piiu aud inflnmuntion, 1b purfeclly pica a ul in lis tasie and odor, but iuiuir;dntu in its action. IICIj ilROLl) 3 EXTRACT HUUilll Is prepared directly asrording to the ruled of Ph'trmacii and ChemUtrv. With tho greater accuracy and cheiutfal knoMledse mm rare itevmeu in us cnmuiuuuon. coy I'roiussor Dewtjes Valu.ible Works on the iracitcu nf nhyic, und moil oi mo i4ie euinimru htki i mruicinc, One hundred dollar wlllbenuid to ai v nlifSiemn wnn can nr uve inai in a iitvci no evur unurHii a i-ji Itcnt-: nml thp tcttimony of niomanrfs ran he nroducctl to prove that it die cruat pood. Canes or liom on vvcetc to tiiirtecii ycj'.r sianmng nave ucun tlRcted. i no muss ol oiu ii. a. y icstimoiiy in posic8iiqn of the proprietor, touching Us virtucj und curilive powers, is iininentfceniUraciii" numm wu'I known to tji-ience and Fame, 100.000 boil les have hcen sou and not n ifinulo In. Bin nee of a lallure.ha h-i-m rtporttd 1 l'crsonnilv aniifianid tcfora lua, au Alderman of the city of Philadelphia, 11. T. Helbolu. Chemiht. whu being duly itwnrn dnc say, that tils nrcn tratton con laini no narcotic, .ticrcury or injurious urug, iut are putely vegetable. 11. i . iii.uiiuuuu, boie ainnuincturor. Ptvorn nnd iu!acribed beloro me this 2.1d dnv of No vcmber 11. W'M. 1. lllliUAUD. Alderman. Price Si vtr bottle, or $U for SI. dtdicertd to anu tt.l. (reMactoinpaiiicd by rdhblf and responsible ctrtlll calls lroin Profeeorn ofalvdical Colleges, Clcrsymen, and others. rreparedand fold by II T. HXILMUOLD, l'fpcticil nnd Analytical Chrmfit, No 52 South TI2NTII t3t.t below Chestnut, Aflncmbly Iluildine-i, Philadelphia. YTo be had tf J,H JiIOVF.ll, Bloomsburg . and tf alt Dtvjgists and Dealer throughout the United Hates, Vanadus and British Provinces. HCWAIIB OI-1 CI) U NT H R F 1 1 ITS , ASK rOH UUI.'WliOLirri TAKi: NO OTUCU. CUUaS OUAUANTUCl). Juno 13, 1657. ONI'. 1)01. LAP. A VJiMl. . Circulation over 100,000 Copies Weekly. 25 Witnesses, OK, TnE FOUGEIt CONVICTED. fUUN fl.UVU ia tlio Aullinr, who has lia.l Icn .1 year8jpnrienre na n llankt-r and I'ublislir-r, a nil Aullioralasctfej V' Ledum allhcUroaiaay Tabernacle wlicn.ior ton .ueccsaivcr ntclila,iivur tat 60,000 ivoii8 jrji Greeted hi in Willi rounils ol' arplauao, while ho ex. liibiicd I lie manner in wlilchCuuiitcrroitPra cxerule their iruuda. and thu aurcst end suoitu.t ninana of doticUnt' llioiri 1 TAc JlanL Jfole Kaerarert all say lltalfie il-rAo grealcit , " rTV.n . Greatest Discovcri of the Present Century for Detecting Counterfeit Bank Notes, ltiacriltii5 every Genuine hill in existence, and eihilniing atu glance every Counterfeit In circula tion t Arranged so admirably, that Ucforence 1 12a y and Dclettion Intitantauco'us. Or No Index to examine I No pages to hunt up 1 Rut so simplified und arran ged. that the Merchant, banker aud llusiucis Wan can tee all at a glance, Knrrltih. Fiench aud tltrman. Thui each may reaii the same In hia own NbUvcJ Tongue. l Mostpirfcct Bank Note List PablishedA aiso n list oi au too PIUVATli UANKCRS IN AMCRICA. A coinplctn Bunimary of iheFnNCE or nimore akh Amlbici will he published in e.ieh iditloii. tcgethnr with all tlio importaat NKWH OY TUl'. IiAY. Also, .a enaiES of taixb Trotn an old Manuscript found in the Last. It fur nidhes the most conip Uts history of ORIENTAL LIFC, And descritdng the most perplcxlngj jioniiloiir, in w hi Ii tie ladies and u n tlemcn of Hut ciniiilrv have been so olten found. The so stories will continue throughout the whole year, nnd will prove the most entertaining ever offered to ihe public OKurnuhcd weikly to Uubscribcrs only, at 91 0 ytr, Aliivieti iquhuo ndiiriRMu m JOHN fl. DVi:. IlrcLtr I'n Ir 1 1 ihc r and fioprlolor, TO Wall it.. New York. 1'JIIlKNOLOaiAL CABINET. FOWLKIIS, WHLLS & CO., 1'IIUENOLOalHTS AND l'UDLIBIIKItB. 231 Arch Street, below Seventh ; riiila'd.j Txyurnlsh al Iworkalonriirenolosy.l'liyaioloay t tNvJui. WatarUure.MuitnclUni, anrl 1'honography, tthol.Malir anil relull nt NcW'York prices, yjt I'rofeB.ional i'lainltutlnns, wilh charts, anil r?0 (nil ivriltcn ilearripllun ofcharaclor, day anil evenlnj. Cabinctfrco May IS If is. AIElt'S FUiliS. tor all hie punrosrs QF A FAMILY PHYSIC. ill RUE his long rimea a puuiic uenianii lor mi sure and icrrcttl wife j it operation, 'llils hns ' Wen prcinrrd to turet "Chat demand, nnd an cxttn ' ivo trial of Its lrtups hMfonolasIvoly Bliowinrlllt ;m I whtit BticecBS it nccouiuVrtfiici the tnupoie desisncd. It U cny to make a phjelcal ;V, but not rasy to make Ihc lest nf nil V ono which should haws tiouo of the olicttitm, hut nil tho ndrnntnges, of nrry other, llils h&s been attempted heic, and utlli ulmt iiticuuitiii un u-ntilil roRtiPI'l fllllv f.lll1iltt to I tho public dccMon. It has been unfortunate for tnc patient hlthcrin mat nimo cicry purgnine intdiriiip U (icrlnnmlotii nnd irritatini? to the bow els. This Is not. Many of them produce so much I ri itiinif pain nnd rc ulsUm In the 85 stem ns to more than tuunterbalanee t1io good to be derhedfrom them. The.fl pills nrodttco no tnltatlon or pain, unless it nr.se fiom a prcUously existing obstruc titin or dernn(emeut in the bowels. 31cing mirely M'gclnblc, no linrm e.an arise from their tt&e In any quantity but it Is bcllw that any medicine should , i uo inivcn uiuiciouiv. winuic uircciions lor ineir nlicnbie nro clcn on the box. Amonn the com 1 plaints which hae been speedily cured by them, we may mention Lhcr Con'iplaint, in its Aarlous forms ot Jnumiice, inuigesuou, languor anu itois ot ip petite, LfotlcMiieK, liritnbility, Dilious IhTtdaehe, llilious Fccr, IV w-r nnd Ague, Tain in tho Side and Loins: for, in tiuth, all these nre but the con tequeneo of diseased action In the liwr. As an aperient they afford prompt and sure relief in Cos lienc, I'ilcs Colic, l)yt.entery, Humors, Scrofula and Penny, Colds uilh soreatess of the body, Ulcers and impurity of the blood, Iriogulnrlllcs ; in short, any und ecry case xrhure a purgative is required. iliey hac nUo produeeu tome sin gul ally euc tesrul etires in llheumatiMii, Gout, Dropsy, Ora el, Frynipelas, Palpitation of tlio Heart, Tains in the Hack, Stojuath, and Side. 'J hey should he fiocly taltcu in the spring of the year, to purify the blood and prepare the hjt.ttm for the change of seasons. An occasional do'sc stimulates the btomach and bowels into healthy action, and restores the appe tile and ignr. nicy purify the blood, and, by their stimulant action on the circulatory sjstcm,reno atc tho strength of the body, and restore the watted or dKenscd cneigies of the whole organism. Heme nn occuwional dose is advantageous, even thouuh no i-crious deramzement exists! but tin- I llctMsa'y d01"? should never be carried too far, runratlvc medicine lcduces the strenath. when taken to exeevt, lliethuuband cases In yuh)i a phj sic Is leqiihcU eaiinvt be enumerated here, but they feuirucst thenitcltes to the leason of cverv body J nnd it is (onlidently believed this pill will ansucr a belter puipo-c than any thing which has hitherto teen in mi able to mankind, When their lirlues nre uuee known. Hie imblicvill no loncer doubt what leturdy In tmploy when in need of a cathartic medieiuc. lleuic sujrnr-vnnppcd, they arc tilcav.mt to take, nnd btinj; puuly vegetable, no haitn tun nrie fiom their uso in any quantity, lor iniuulo dhcttioiis, see wrapper on the llox, iim;iai:ii) uy Dll JAMliS C. AYE1J, I' 1st el it-it I mid .'. tiral Clii-uir, LOWKM,, MASS. Trico 25 Cents per Fox. Fivo Boxes for JJ1. AYKR'S CHERRY PECTORAL, (OnillS, COLDS, IJOARSCSKSS, IlIiOM IiSTIS, WIIflOI'ltV-COI'UH, CliOllI'. ASTIMlit, AM) Tun rcincily has won Tor ilsclf binh iiotoikt) hoin iu enrcs of cvrry variety of pulmonary urnbc, Hint it U cut holy iiniiocchsnrr to lccouiit the cvi iUiict' of iti lirtuc in any tonitumiity where it Imn hrc-ti fin;iht)ed. So witlp is Iho hcM ofits use fultWHt, ntul t-o immcioua the iouj of iti inrc, th.it almost e verv t-cition of the country ahottnds in persons publicly known, who have Ltcn tcsloicd fiom nlnriniiiji ntul i-vtn ilcspccitc JiKcase of Ihc lunjtK hy its use. 'Wlien onro trifd il supnioril) nvor cvtry other nu-tli tnc of its Kiml in too appa rent tu ecipc oliFcrvtilion, tnl vlit-ie ilu v tit hps nre known, Ihc iiuMie no louver heHlulo what antidote to employ for tl.c distirsMitg nml ihmpcnm ttffec- tmivs ol the puinioiiary t inim vMiun ato iiinUcut to our tlhnnle. Not only in formidublis ultntls upon the lungs, lut for'thc milder 'variities of CoLim, Cot'fiitt, Ilo.UiHUNFW, Xc. ; ami for Cim.- hhi.n It is the pleasant est ana barest nudicmc that can be obtaintu. As It lniR lonp been in eniiRtant use Ihmughout this bcclion, wc nml not do more than ohmiio the people its quality Is kept up to the best thatitcvei Jias been, and that the genuine attlele U &ohl by O H P. IUT.nnit all PriinffUts'lii Uloitu.burg tuiil Uealcrj in medicines ever) where. DliUG, PAINT AND GLASS Wholesale Warehouse COUNCIL OF TfiTII AND BIAUUP.T STULUT3, OlUceln accond Story, PltlUWF.LPlU.i. WiJlnviteal.enliQ" to ourenlarged stock of Urugs PaliitH, Oils, Vanishes, Uc , (elected exnresly fjr our bales, and comptiiing onu ol lha finest assort menu in the lnilod titntni, which wc otter at low prices, foi cah ornpnroved paper. WIJ MANUFAUI UIIU very uitcnslvely: l'r:inium l'ure White Lead, OicjI,) Kensington Tutu WliitcLcad, reutl Snow White hfad, "Vielle Monlague" Trench Zlnc,(bes',) Pure Snow Wluia American Zinc, riMladflp!ii.t Snow White '.inc. Bilvcr'u l'lastic Tire and Wealher-prool PainU, ilhroni" fJrecns, Vvliows, and colors gcucrullv. Porter's pu pur lor Alkalinu Window Glass , Oanuinu I'rencli I'late Utatn,(wariJute(),) 't'tte New Jersey '.me Ooninniy's projucts Tllden tc Nfphew' N. Y, VamUUes, llrooklyn Premium Pure White Lead, Ilampdmi Permantnl CJrecns, Puro Ohio Catawba ttrandy, ttc, &.c. lMPORTKKS Of 1" re lull nnd Hngliih Plate Glass, Trench nud UiirKbIi Cylinder G las, Coloredand Ungravcd Window Qlaes, Daguerreot)pc Clasi. llaiuuicred Plate fur floors and SkyLi hts, Drugs, Chemical", Perfumery, &.c, W1IOLUSALU DUALLRa IN: Druggist!.' Articles generally , Painters' Tool? of all descriptions, llydtaulic and Uomnn Cement, Calcined nnd Landl'lattcr, Paper Maker's Cliv.Snt In Whit. kc.t ke. rucNuu, niciiAiiud & co., Store. N. W corner Tenth nndMnrkm no.. Factory. Junction Yuik A v., Crown Cc, Callowhill, iipfii utkc-ji rniiautiipiua, LANDHETirS WAHR ANTED GAR DEN SEEDS. GKASS BUI!D3 1'inLIl aUUOd. far talo l.v BUCD3, anil n.OWCll I1.I.ANI1IIETH 4 BON, No.. 31 nndSlBouth til Ul tl., I'hiUiluliililai March 2J, 1857. CENTRE STORE. SI'UIAG ti S 11 HI ill E H GOODS. ''PHE undersigned laleo plcaturrol in E formlnc the cituens ol (Jontro andvlrlnliv. tlm ho has Jii.1 received a lar(c anil select aa.urlmna Sl'Itl.Vn & SUMJIBU UOOIlSi Uomirisinethelieavicat stockanJmostvarirNlaaaott me ni or laiuiuiijijic, uttrulanil auuatantulMcrch.in oiaiMiiuiuavebccnnnercii lothcpublic oioter) km anil quality, whicU they wlllecllfnrreaJyiuy,ai vcr reasonable irrlcea. ir"C0Unrr V nr,lllrf tuLeti 1 tm.rlinniTp fur flnri.t. InclrjilirijUrolii and Lull Icr anil the liullit cunoin resncciiKiivsoicltcil, SAMUEL LAM1JA0K, rowlersvlllc. March SE, 1657. Fmnklin House. railKEH & LAIim. I'ronrlclors. Chcsnut St., Ictwcen Third and Fourth, PHILADELPHIA. Hvplemlprl3. Ifsa. A. M. UUPEU'J'. Tumore ami Sheet Iron Manufjiuitr-Blor en ila.n i-iii-T, uviuit unpen a - lore STEAM ENdlNliS AND LOILliR. Flit: aut'lclltcrW now fircpared. with new Mnchlno I ... ... l,..II.I.Uitniinauniinlnni Ifntrt llnlllM I.K..n I lower, upon Iho lule.tliiinrovtilplaiia, and will buililtn .r.ltr l,iuir oamla ua c norialr o enaino rrnm 11) in iu tone iocr,Hlieiruroiicarrl,iii!a, with Holler near - ns At nuinpa all roinnliiie anrl ready for nation, Algo cvhiiilur llneand tubiilarliollcra, cart iron coa! trri.iltff irsnatciKed lii 1830, for threshing orain und craiklnr '.or ii nnd now made on a largo scnlo for orceking rs creaking coal. Ile.ivymlnlugpumpa and lira engluil rigged comntctevvitU double acting forcing pumps, nt kinds of nilllgcnringind home casting nmde to ordrrl l.inr iliaftlug with aiiydcrl sttei ol nulley flnlchn with hnnger Ironplnniiig ddno, say feet lol a I screw l .vnr' kinds of Iron tnrnirg heavy press nnd other Thofco.t UoiiRb Iron thrcaliinit Machines, that ever roinebefoTO the nnblic, cait Iror aud vcoden machines marie to order. J.cvcr power, ll.nl u or tread power uiado toerncr. Alsotakoaorilerarorllicfullowlncinn. rhlncry: Ilarriaon'a lalny t pat I ti t s nil n mill. S10UI1 of fered by 1 lr n ratcnteelorltieaual. It will jrlnil In en.nl llnnmualVS bushr-lsin one hour. Alaoholtaandolevn tnraall In oiJrr.n'noUiipnlu'i I'aipntUlawoMnanurnclur. ctl bv G. 11 Karri. At Uo,,tlia mo.t noivarfnl IUoukp lunrrri wnri iinr uu.ircil nucri ni i nrriiri naw 1 ,i llftir .Villi llielea.t .innllllt nrn.w.r n-u,(. U. wiilnnputl,, M .be FoundV r.ir-o i Ii iVi Vl", ri" 7 " I o I tin above works wlllbe warrnnierl tdbn vbat lliey Alao Tako ntrlora for Sfntt'a I'nlrnt niarkamilh 8irlkcr, anrlrlthtsto no thf in In theconiilira orColnni. Iiln. Mor..oiir,Niirlliiiniiorlnnil,I.vc(iiiuiij,!?iilai1 unj i;untwn, one oi wmcn can uo aren nt mv anon I.KWlrill.MAtia, MarvhUS.leSO, niooniabii . UaliirnUI. re. Dr. J. S. Houghton's aiiBAT cum-: iron dyspepsia. mill! True lllcBBllvn,.,, Trmnv,B X rliild. or tinlrlci.'.iv. nuuwiun a Juice rreptireil rroiu llcnuet. or the fouith I Hlomach of Ihodx.nfter illrcrtiolr.ol ll.iron l.Ie, bl(T. thegllMt riiyslolog' leal Olii'iui.t. bv J. H- Tonjlili.li, AMI , I'hlla, doiiiuu,ru, TlilsiaNjturo'aotvn Itemed) for an unhciillliy Pto inacli, No at tof man can eaunlll. curative po era. wntercrackerwlthoutacutcdlstreaa llcwnicofDruirold Imilations. l'epain la not a invu Ua'l on the Accnt, and ret n Uoerrlptlve Circliln iirriil.elvlii7 n tnrpn amount of Sclent fie I.vlfii-nct fro iu Mplils'aAnlmaitJIienilslrytlir.Comlip'sl'lilFlolirpy Uiiretton; lr t'crei ra ou i oou una inei ;ur. jiniii . Ttapcr, ofNcw York Uniterslty; Trof. Dunglison's Pysiolri!;"! I'rof, silllman.ofVnlcColledaeillr.Carpeif tei'slMiytiolnsyj lit. .together with riporttof Uuica from all palt.oriho United Sines. Solrlhy U.r. Lull and J. ll.Moyer, iiioomauurg S II. Ilowmnn ilerwlck. Oct3, less ly. CII15AP WATCHES AND Jewelry Sloi'u. WIIOLUSALi: AND HUTAI I- at tllo-I'lillo.,x(fm . ijii, l,l Watch and Jcwelrv Store," Ko,lrlrl95t vn,iii",iatrr'i t comer of Unary, 1'hl lailelphla , SA& n.l.l l.everWatcho8,lullJewelud,18carat $ia Uk Uiildl.cplao.il) carat 21 "0 riilerI,i!vor,rullcwollcd 15 on Mlver Lcpine, Jewels, ... u ou rJitperiorUueruors, ' uu nolrt Spectacles, J 00 I'incBllveroo, .uw Cold llracclcta. 3 00 I.ndic'n Cold Pencils, 1 ou JIu.rTn, Hnnnn apt . 5 00 aohll'ens Willi pcnriianu.iivcrrriinier. i uu Hold flnner rlnss 31 cents lo $S0, Watch glasses, nlnln I2t einta. natellt 1S1 . l.unei j : friurir art c cam annorlion. All goods warranledtn be what thv nrt inidfur TAurn:it & ii.iii,i:v. Tf On li a n.l some uoin nnu eiivcr tiovura ec j.rpino 4 lower then thcabove prices. OclJ IWll "UAUNKSS ESTABLISHMENT. Ti smajfOF mi: mirrr. iicnsu. rpfl i: .1 nilcrirlglicd respectfully I nlnru.s rt JL his frienda and the public Hint lieTfLV cuntiuucsilio Lr "yrt. SADLERING BUSINESS, M 1 ii ft I J its vuriotis brnnclipn. nt his oltt v j ia1 Hiftud on corner of.Maiunnd .Mrkctstris,3)aVEU Wlivrohe will kr:v constantly on nami n lull sunplv and willmun'iracture to order . nllkiinUniiil utiles o SADDLES, IMttJfKSS, TBUM'S, FAUCF.S, e. .ittlicvcryloweivt prices. and will bo Inippy to aervo llioeo who may t nvor nini wnn u can in iiimi nt. C3 UrdursCrom a ilHtrfnce I n either lirniichof the a Iiovci)usincss,villuetIiai.krtilIvrccclvcdaiiJiiro!nptly oxecutcd. DIonmsburg.Aug, 10, 1H5'J.12 y. I lilouiaihurg Tiuwaru and Slovo Store. IMirnn leralgncd respec'fiilly informs his ou rrieudt . und r.Ht.itiifrii, th it hf h.ii purrharii'd ln hrothcr's iileri'sl in thea'oc fsUhlUhmiMit.aud tlir oncHruwll hereattr (jj conduRti'd oy tilrusfll ecltiwily. Ilu hud judi n-cjive i mm uiiuro ior s no 1110 inrfffst nml ui'ist edciulvo iiFtdDrtment of TANC V' tJTOVLS vU ,.t..r till r,. I ii .i.t li.i.it his i.i;irl..l Hi t'ck e.pjislm of .i c'lmpliiieantiorimpnt ol hihesl CTitok Ilu a till ti trior ttoveti hi tlm mirkPi.tn. ilu'Kitr rtitii htov Tuturewnf fvcry il'criiiion,Oviii inu iioiouiKrjB, u i nniiiri,-. viimier hiuvch, uaet Iron Alr-TigH Slovs. O.iiiu'iu tSlnves, Ate,, A.11 . dtovcpli peand Tinwnrer:oiislauilnii hand nnd man. ufactured n nrdr. All kinds of repairing dune, as tienal.on Wiorl notice. The pittronmeof old friends ,m J now cutnmers ro ipeotfully saticited. A.M. KUPT.ItT. oiiiMhorc Ja 2, 1854, tf Aviso's U 1 1 : A V W A TU 1 1 4, J C W U I . I! V fe '1 U 1 1 u , No. T2, North St-oond Sircot. OITOSITC Til C .MOUNT VIIUNOX II llllBl!,!'!! I l,A QoldNcvur Watchenl'rill Jewelled leli.Uaaea, 8 '.'to Ejilvur do du IV 00 do i.eplne do u oo tiuariicrB , t ni, .. un uniuHpeciQiies, i&Utol Silver do dilVeiTableSpoons pei.ell, 14 OOtol oo iruscri uo no ti ontul do Tcu do do a ?4, GoldlcnBaiid(iililCaaea, j V5tu do Hilver du Tocctherwith a variety nf flue CnMJuuirlru Cur.tiunrdandl'nh Chain b. A 1 1 good, warrantei as presented. Watches and J u welry repairei'l botitinanner . N II. Alloiderasenlbyiirinailorolharwlse.u punctunlly.ttenrleiltu . novelnvteriv I P.i.t 1 AND R. R. Omnibus Line. 'PIIR anaersigned reapeetfully informs ,." ." i"u purine inai lie na. taken Iho J,.icsaiijrei7,itn,lii liloain.hu r, located on Main Stiect. il rectty onnoi te the Court lli.uan. ,.i,ii. i.u , . throughly repaired anil Improved, where ho is pro. pared to accommodate hiaeustumera wilh good aro nndtiigi neral satisfaction. lie aiso nas in connection with the Uicliunecllo tel, un cicilleul OMNIBUS LINE. rillininarceularlv Revernllln,, u ner .ln.. ,nnn. r the Depot un Ihc arrival of Iho Cars, hy which passenu. OT.WillbO llleaB.llltlVCOtlVeVerltulli,, lloimlUlnil.,., ... takeii from and relumed to their residences, If de.iied. Cfllewill nlway.be happy to entertain niulaccoin modatehis Irieuds to the utmost or his alnlliiea I'UTlilt lill.LJIIIVUn. Ulo onisLurg. Aprils, 1B30 y. i'Mnrlclsr, steamIjrist mill. ' f"PIIK undersigned I lakr nleaaure t n iiounckngtoiheirl'rleiidsainl llicpubUcatlarge.thnlthev ,11.1... ....i,ii puini .jiiVijl .uccea.fulopcralloii, fvMPjYf! . t .... a v.x.1 .J,2:tr. THIS i)S 'YTOWNVCT STKAM f3 ItlR'P ,ftf?f " - , ,,, .r-fHEH ,r MILL. i3S Whcrethcv aroinakingthevcrvbc.Knr Kin.,. t.i.n iiniie..iiiiiuu.ui ii,(..iu.viiiiig ui mo luwcsipricca Therearcfour run of llrirs in thl. Mill. .,r,.r,,.ii.,i. teani.pnwer nil perTormlngio perfection, ami grinuine aboulthlrlyliusliclsofgraiii per hour. The rlouriuade here has bccuesamlned by thebest ofludgca, andirro, nrtii.,.n,ln..inirlnrfltflrli. l'ul .. .. I .. ' nudorVn "fr.cnouocoi tCjJ-Orderirorllour.chop.l'ecd.&ciliaiildullyrecclvcil IMI lllll-MUIH'll.'IIIU'll'.u.uilMuiVCUllUlliOllg n , Ji, uaill nujuior uraiu FOWLCU&UKUVCL1NO INpytown.July J.lH.t Spring and Summer GOODS iffi'Kdvy, iVcal & CO., HAVINO Jufl recencii and opened Ihclr alnclr ol mere na ii ihio for Spring aales, which comprises I ho I,AU(IK5T,;IUI'1:bT, nnd IIANIIHOMUHT assort, ment now olferedlu this TUIVN I ll t, vl ,, ,, ,l.r .... .. attention to thuelection of Iheirenllrn slock, J to ,,.Lu.,i, -(uuiujr, .(i.ry nailer ineutseives that thee can cnnipo.o with tho caraprtt, and all those wlshlni to buy cheap, can bSvo money by giving usn cull Wo have ull kindB nl Coodaand Wares to sunnlvtho I'uoplo. A very large lot .of " LADIES' DllKSS GOODS, French MerrnocB.Wooll'lalds. Alpacas, lluinbailnea, Jo balsa I oplins, Tarantella cloths. Mohair Lustres Muslin Do I.aiucs,reriuiiclolha Ginghams, Oalicocs, &c. WIUTC 0001)8 OF AM, KINDS, Bioves.C'ollurs, llandkercbiclB, iluuncinga, bands un.l iriniiuinga, l.acuaandcdsiiigB.boniiut ribh oris, in large variety . velvet ribbous.and hralds.kld,cotloii,nnd lisle thicad gloves, M0I.11I1 mills, &r We Inviteour friends nnd tho public generally ti, gl vo us a call before purchasing el.ew here. We hat o iinrigiiiour giiniiaai i,owesiuasn i rices.nnd will nm I'Cuu ersoldhyunibody orlheristnf niniikiuii. McKELVy, NKAJi fi C!0. Illoon. I.uig Maithl I - (wvwssa. II Ul Of all ulicixi Ihx greal, flril crime HJrrinta drorn neglacl ur Naturo'alawa. SUFFER NOT, WllUN AOURU ladUAUANTHEU 111 At.I. BTAnra . "A"L8 , UiblASJiS, Relf'lhutt. Xtrroua DtWh sutl'ivrm ni..t. n rn-i, , rial lihMmuttM. smrut. ili tn a, J::tu: rial IlkiHmmsnt, btrofuta, Pain in the Bonl i .J Ankles, Dheatci pf the Lungs, Throat, ffott and tv,f Ulcer vpon I he Bodf or Limbs, Cancer Drops. 1J1 hfittc Fits. 1 rita J Dance, and ell Hsia,. tlfJJ from a derangemsnt cf the Sexual Organs, Suchns Nervous Trembling, Loss of Ateinn t.. of Pi.Wer,General Wvnknefi. Dimness of Vision ifh j.,.cu,nr ipotu iippeurjngU-liire the pyes, Lois of Si,, ,, WskclutnetB, liyipcpsiu, Llvor lJlieaw, UnipifJ upon inn ii eo, i uiii in inu muck nun neaa, I cinala U r-R'ilarillrs and all Improper diichargct from bnVh bo les, Jt nutters nut from what cause thu disn. originated, liowocr long standing or obitlnate hl cae, recovery ts tertatn, and In a shorter time than permanent cure can Iwf flue tt'd liy miy other irenu,,,,,, even alter the tliioare has bafllcd the skill of ciut in, ; iedicluc nrj pleasant wllhnui odor, csutin. ,,o irk t... f niorntv m tin I tn III. tin. I. '.T ' 1' .. . T . . t., t. . i'T Saice ThVJIl&S Heath many lliousnn(is,wlio, in ihq last atngta ol th. above mailt loned ilinrnies had been git en up to dig b their physklans, ulilch wnrrants me I" ptuml.it,. tn tho ulllUleil, who may placo thenuelvca under ni caro, ii perfptt and moil speedy cure. Secret ctlm,,' aro tl c K'eatctt enemies to hcalth,as they nre the fin! cause ol t'on.iiuiirtloii, Scrofula nnd many other dr. latcs and.houldbo a terror to tho liumunianilly, a'. urermnnent cure la scarcely ever ciTtclcd, aninjorjr. ol tho casta falling Into the hinde (if lacoinpctent persons, who not only fail to euro tho diseases but ruin the constitution. fillln the tysleni wllh wrr.,. 1 which, Willi the disease, haalcna Iho mlTucr Ir.tg t ' rapid Coiisiimpllou. IUui should the disease and tho treatment not couro death apecdlly and Ihe victim marries, tlio dlieaia I. entailed upon rhr. children, who lire born with fecM con.titutlniis.and the current nf life corrupted by a lriia which betrnya Irsell Iu Bcrofulo, Teller, Ulctn I Lruplloi.f and other aircctions of tho akin, eyes, tlnoat I nml l.unrra, entailing; upon them a briefexiatenca ef I sull'ering nnd coniiaulns them to an early grave ' HUM'-AUUelB Is another formidable enriny tobcalih, I for nolhliiR else in tho dread catalogue of human dj. rate, rnu.ta .o destructive a drain unon Urn .vaii.,n dranlir Its thou.nnds of vlellms through a. ftw cati , ',' "own ''n'yinii, it acMroyi . f.t ""'i.i'irST. .i'.,!.Pl,l,,5,",.?ndl'ny the sulTt'rir wrecked In body ami mind, p red irpotcd lo consiitiiplion nnd u trial n of cviliinore lobe dr faded th in tit-nth itfulf. Willi the fullest confidence I ttmure thu unfortunate victims of Self 6. huso lh.it a pcnnjtieiu nnd epccilyrurc can be c Hue ted, und with thehbnndon men i of ruinoui pracllcns uty iuticnt can bo rcBtoitd to rrbutt, vigorous lienllh. The nillirtud nro cnulioucd nsalnet the use of IV tent AlciJicincfl. for thercare bo many Jngeni uniiurn in Ihc colutiitin of the public prints to catch and rob tlia unwary iuifrrcrs Unit millions have- their conetitu lions ruined by tbo vile comooumla of quack dnctori. or thu dually poisonous nostrum vunded ns l'alcnt McdkliiHi." 1 have carefully nalt'il many of tlio no called I'n ten t Mcitirinei and nndtlmt neatly ail of tli em ccniain Corrosive Hublimno which U oncof the Elroiifteut preparations ol mercury nnd a deadly poison, which Imreud of curing the diseaso disables thu )sl m lnr life Three lourths of tho patent noslrnins now in uc nre put up by unprlmi pliil und Ignorant persons, w im d not understand even the alphabet ol the nattr! mtditattnnl atu equally us destitute of uny kiiovNlcdce of tin; hu man syHtoiu, having one object only in vkw, und that to tuAu money riMirilrtt of roiisfjuriices. Irrt-gul.irltiis und nil uUeaBOt of malts and fciuuk'S treated ou priuctpTes t-stabl IaIiciI by iwrnty ymri or practice, and tanciioned by thousand of the moat jc markable cures. Medicines with full diictllons nem lo uny purt oT tha Unilia Elates or Ci'madm, by n. ticiila cumii'iinitjiUug their symptoms by lelUr. liusi lief 8 correspondence eirlcily conl. tU'iitial Adtlr.t, J. BUMMnRVIIXU. M. II., OITici', WM l'iLuiRTstrrct,(old No. lflll.) llclovv Twelfth, l'hf ladclphia, i'a Jul 11. IC37-(March4) IMPORTANT DISCOVEltV 1 tUXSDAll'TION, AM) AM. DISEASES OI' TJIJ I-UNfifl AMI TllltO AT ure positively curahlu by inhalutiou. vvhicii ciihit'i the remedies lo the cuvitas in Die Jiins Ihrough thu air passages, nudcomiiig iu tlirut contact vvtlh thu diseiue, nculrulizis the tiiberttiKir in. iltcr, ul taij thu cough, cans u n tree and tuny cjkc turntio'i, hrnls the lungs, purities the blood, imp.iiln r fin-wed vitalitv to the iiurvoim sjelem, giving Hut tone andenergy to indiypciu.ihlc (or tbo retturniiun oi he.illh. Tube ablu to staio coulidciilly that CuiunuiP- tion Iscuraihlu by iu halation, is to muii ouurcu of until loyeo picivurt'. u is us miicn nnuer inu control i niL'duat irealmvnt us any olhtr fitrutiifnble dmiiff , uluttv oui ot everv huuilri d tntes run be cured in the first ttagt'B uud fitly per cent, in the svcouit; but jji llio thinl static it is hnncsfclble to save more than five i-er tf ul. .fur the luiiijsdru v cut up by the iit ntu ti In bid dotiunc.) to iiii'diruUkill. l.vcn.houevi r. in ibt: laft ttingts, Inhalation ullords citn.orilinur) relid to ti.e s.i tiering attending Ibis leutfol scouri.e, wb'n h uu iiuaiiy tifDiruys nnieiy nvi iuoiifuiui pt-rois in iiie U nl ifil States alonu; nod a correct alt nlatn u rt.tMK thai ol Iho pn'eiil population of Ilu citiih, t ijilii mil Hons are ditiiic d tollll the ronsumpliveVgrave Truly ihe quiver 1 1 detilh has no uirtm m fnl.il n Conn'imptioii, In nil nes il has l.eii l.r prt at em icy uf li If, lor it sp.ires neither ngc imr st x, Uu hin t is otf alike the irnve, the beiiutilul, Ihe graciful,uiid the trifled. 11) tin. heiti of that Konrrine l.t-lun in in ul on. roiueth eviryiiood and perltrt gill. I run i-ittiblid lo oner 10 int- a mined n perinniiiin tmotpifiiy mil iu CoiiMnitiuu The fiot cm.fe nf tubi irh i fr"in im pure blond, and the immediate efli I, prodiited bj th 11 nepufcil ion i u the lungs, i loprevtiil Uit f re ai'iiiMi(u ofuir Into ihe air tells. wliuhcuuesn weak- ned yiu lity through the ntire sbteiu Tli on nirflj Ul. moie rational in expert greater goudfrom mtdicitiM. entcrixg ihu cav liits uf the (tings ihan from 11wkp ndiitininerid lhrmit!'i the ulo math ; Uie patient will nlu ti) s lind Die luntt free und Dm brmtliliiir vav miir I nli.iiinn n i.n- dies Thus, inlulJiioii is a local remedy, taverlbt It f s it acts C'liutituiiiMinlly, and vw'h nmro power ami a r t milv Uidii remedies ud nlnUteredhy the vt'iii;ith 1 ( prnvo th poHirful und direct Influence ol this mode nl adiiiiuitlrulMin, chloroform inhaled wil) tjniriJy di -ivj " n iiiiiiutcsj puun tTMltf i ii u tn liie ntrvous system scthatu liu.li ma) he nmpulaltd wilhout the slightest pnln : inhaiing the ordinary hu rn iiggaHullldvtroy life loo few Imurs. 'the iiihatullou ofuuimoiiiu will n.uie the system int; ii mill imp, hi U'aUIUHW V mail, i in uiior oi limn criiiBuiiii.n.iu, uud apply tbo proper remedies, rarely bting inuldkcu even iu mingle cnsB. This faruiliaiity Hi cuiiLclinri with roitain pathoglcal nnd luicinirn liicdUrovcileii, enables mo to relieve tho lungs fiom me eirei ts or contracted chesli i lo enlarge the che.l piirllyil'o blood, inipatt to it renewed vitality clwni; ini igyai.d tone lo the entire si.uni. ' fc Me .irinca wilh lull dirccliona aent to any put of thl United blaiea andCanodaa bypaticnla cmiiiuUM eailng their symptoms by letter. Ilul Ihu euro would t c7f'"," lr ""I i"",e"t '''otM i'y 'i. wh rh would pivo inu nil oppullunily to elauillio IU lunps und nub!,) in. lo preBcnbo with mill h greater Clltalu ty, and then the euro could be ellcclcd wilhout my teeiig ihe inii'iit r.jnln. It W I111AM..T M 11 OHIco, IIJI TiuierT utreel, (old No. IU9,)-' i.,i ii .a.- ''"""'fwilflli. Miiludclphla, I'a July II, J8S7 tSlJICl 4) ' ritOSPIJCTUS OV THE UNITED STATES DIREOTOIty. rpim uiiilei.igncd prnpoBo iaaUng about the firtt of ..w.,i,, ,oj,, a irwh uiiaer inu above t tie. lo contain about ' ril'TKHN I! UNDUE I) l'AOES! .(tiizj ofpago 13 by SO inchea.) Tho obict of the United Btotcs Directory will be l.l, To give Ihu name anilpo.lolnceaddicsaiif rvirv ','!r'!? K"'.'a" (0 lu aSc ' 15 and upward.) in iho United fiiates. ' 2J. Tugliotlienamo of ctcry post office and post ma.lor iu ihe Unlled Htates. 3d. To git u Hie name ant placo of publication cf every Daily, Weekly, Mnitlily and Uuarterl, Taper and Magazine published in the United States. Lricli siuio, city, town, village aud poll oflico will be alphabetically arranged. 'Ilie uaiiie ol eaen pcrBC n will he alphabetically nr tauged under Ihu head or their respective poalulltco addicts, 1 As tho Unlled Btatea DincTory will bo a mailer nf ilili re.t lo every resident in America, wc respectfully soliiit the aid ol puFi masters anrl others, in all part nl thu country. In obtaining .units and kcudlii" llicui uu as eoinu. possible. Iu making up lists, wnto tho name of Tost Office, County and Btale, al iho head of the sheet, then fill tlitt remainder with diitimily written names, of mala pernios only, of the age or firieen years and upwards, and n soon ni you have sutflcienl tu till uu envelope lurward Ihem ou iniiuediulely. whoym"",'!"1''10""1 I"" "lU 10 nyr' To raavtMT Mi'sraiias-Writo distinctly Iho uaina, poll office, c.uniynnd Blate. ' MOUllliS, OAKDNCK 4. Wll.Itr.ti. l'ublifhars, Cinciniiali, Ohio, N, II. Publishers In.iriln. the above rrurneelu.. .including Iheiruticu Ihriu liuica iu iheir weekly paper. ...... .an iiiiciiuon to lliu same in ii.eic euiioriai roi. umii, will receivu a copy of tho U, H Directory deliver, ed ot their olHco free of charge. Direct all eaclioncc papers toho United mates Directory, June 13, 1837. A HETI11KD 1'JII'SIOIAN, "7fi YI'Ai'H Of Aim, having lo.t.hli.fmher, iwo brothera, aaughier. aon in-lnw; niphewa and nieces, bv that iliea'llril ilisea.e, CuN.iHrnoH.and suf. feting with n t'eiija hliuseir, determined u visit uID Last Indies, l.gypt and Japan, where he discovered n prmaliM u nd ctrlsla curt rbr Colds, Coughs , Bronchi Us tViuawalloa, Ncivoub Debility and Aslhlua. 111b cough wub cured Immediately; he returned, rured his tela. "hu ililurlled Ihu diuaro, and iu connection wllh Mi kiii have employ id it in their practice, cull ng ihoiuauds uf cases tun.idcred hopeless by other..--Vol the purpose of rescuing as many of his suiieiing fe law-being, us poi.ilrle, hois sending the Iticlpo lo .age, and the balance pinning 'V'diosB. a DU IIEAHI, llllHpin. s r jirnrjic t ajlrli nlas Id l. June I J, I 57. N'tv Voik BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl'' kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkm'" aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW " Hl.rr kkkkkkkkkkkkkmkkkkkkm '"ii aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSIrll ..IllWf..