COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT, AliKM II. TATE, T.OCAI. EDITOR. Saturday Morniug, July 2S, 1G57 Showers Wo woro vMtcd with sovcral largo showers of rain onSundnynnd Mon day evenings last, which did considorallo damago by hroakiog down tho crops, throughout tho country. tsr improvements, many ni our citiicns, wo notico, have mado valuablo improvements during tho past few weeks, in laying hcauliful stono pavements in front of their residence. . Camp Meetino. Wo understand, that ... . 1 .... t.! i t, i, Methodist Denomination of this place, for .. . ituo uoltling oi a uamp iucciing, io uom Tnenco some timo in August. 'I'he placo is ,tho samo as last year, noar Light Street, ,ond about two wiles North of Bloomsburg. t&" Map op Bloomsbuud. Messrs. Hurley & I.loyd havo commenced tho sur ,vey of a Map of Bloomsburg, and which they design prosecuting with all psssiblo .dotpatch. Wo hepo our citizens, will give ,tho necessary aid, for lha completing of .a Map which will do honor to our town, 6y The I.ectoke. Wo had tho pica Buro of liBteniogto tho llov. B. 8. Hun tinoto.v, A. M , Principal of tho Aston Eidgo Seminary, on tho Dangers and Se curities of tho Solar System, in tho Court House, on last Saturday evening. It was listened to by a full audience. Mr. H. is-.a beautiful speaker and did justice to the subject. &3 Coluudia County. Treasurer HAnnis. on MondayUst, took in 50,090 00 on tho Stuto Tax duu from Columbia coun- ty for 1857. Wo beliove, tho lirgest a mount paid by any oollector was SI, 110 85 by Sheriff .Miller, of Bloom, which augurs muoh for tho punctuality of oar citizens. JSST 'i'lio new Kvanelican Lutheran Church of Bloomsburg, is a nngniticcnt j ..i:i- i.ii.. . 1-1 cuiltvu, nuw l 'juuiy prugiesimg luwurus j coaip'ction. Tho Cupola intle highest in i ' n,i, ,.nei..,Lnain iiirmif.1, nni i - '"""" ri o"""l promises to he of tho first order. Its , richly btaincd nnd ornamental Gl win- J , dow.i present a fine nppetrrtucc. , 1 . ; P2T C.ur Wclhodiht friends arc pr'grea- rormllv xUh dm rrrtion nf thor nnw Mtg replug uti tlio erection 01 tneir new , it Lurch edifice. Tim brick work is ncnrlv laid un. and tho work yoiiitr on encurafr-1 " lv. Wo believo tlint this is it,teiitleil ry. iiLucuno nun tits is iLietiueu bo tliu moH rnp.-ic uui Churcb n town, 1 , ' ilucbave no ,U,ubt, i-s nrcli.tectur.t , ' c- o r . cot btruetiun, will favorably etiupnre with the hpirit of inoJorn iiiiprovciiicnt. I lisS" Mr. Thomas Knokii, of DIqjuj ' towwhip, in thi.4 County, has presented j our ollico with a 1 rgo t-talk of lly, gronn upon his exccllm t larm on the point be twecn Kiiliiugcrcck anil tho Susquehanna .Hirer. It moasurea nine fat in length. Wo regiiril this as a nol.lo soniplo of our "l'aekcr Democracy." nco. Unripe fruits or vegetables, nlco olio drin'if?, and nil btitnulaling beverages 5onld bo sedulously eschewed. JJy rigid tjiracticing moderation, prudenco nnd enlinces, there will bo little to apprehend (ring tho prevalence of a "heated term.'' corfc 1 vuS in" of'S Tho country in Sutnmcr-timo !- egy Heatu amono llonai.s few .weeks since. Dr. J. li. McKur.vv, lost cno of his valuable team-horsos, by sudjlcu .t-ickness, which makes, wo I clicve, tho third horso, that tho Doctor has lost, during tho ipastyear. Last week, Mr. John Ludwio Jost a valuable animal by somo similar dis caso j and Kx-Shoiiff Uillmeyeii was equally uifortunato a few nights after in tho sudden death of a Cno and spirited horso, which would havo brought over two hundred dollars in the New York rnarkct. jC6T Harvest. Our farmers aro busy gathering in their wheat and rye. A great deal has already been cut and housed, and iif.a few moro days of warm weather con tinue, tho wheat harvest will bo ended. Tho.crop, bo far as wo. can learn, ii a good one throughout tho county, and tho quality , of tho grain was never finer. Thank God, .our country cast, west, north and south, ia prolific in all tho necessaries apd luxuries required by man, and our people are tho .most happy and .contonted of tiny op tho face of tho earth, How tbaukfql thoo should wo all feoffor tb6 blessing and priv ileges vouchsafed lo us, as a people. SSrMn. EatpnIs Select School. On last Thursday and Fridiy evening, tho Scholar's connected with tho Dloomsburg Scion School, gavo an Exhibition ,jp tho iCourt House, tn a largo audience. Tho Exhibition on Thuisdny evening, consis ted of Elecution and ""ingin by tho Scholars, after which Caleu E WniauT, .Esq., of Wilkesbarro, delivered an nblo addrcy an tho subject of Education, which ."was with profound interost Stoes' Silver Cornet Hand, was also in at tendance, which added to iho Exhibition, by enlivening tho occasion with their sonl Miring music. Tho Teachers deserve great credit for tho rapid progress, this jSohoul has undo for, tho last year. Candidate Election, Second Tuesday in Octoltir. CAyADATES AI.MISSION FEE, ONE Wit-An. ' wtT.rtAM nni.w p.- -f 11 i tnwnahln.tvlll bo a candidate for COIINTV TltCASIt ' ?,:.:raV,r!;oJ!:rio,,.,s,,of -' JviT July 23 1857-tUe I X i SI A llltl,'T. irTBMWIl P 1C...1!.. towntlitn. Kill bo a randidalo for COUNTY COM. MI8S13NER. aubjret lo (he ncigca of tie. Columbia 1 County Democratic Conytmjon, ' July 23, 16b7 tile i I WILLIAM T SDU.MAN.Esn.of .Main . ,.: - BURUIt.iiibJect to the uintea ot theUolu,tlaCounty , lowninin, will oc a canmaaie ior u'lunn luiii.' BIT!? I'll .,,1 U.I tn thu ii.nni ni fits I V. In . I.I I'ni.nit Uemocr ntlc Con vr-n ton JUiy 19, I037 1UO BKNJAMIN WINTKIWI'KKN. of Fiae tnwmhln. will be n cnnilMole for COUNTY COtMlHBIONnU, anbjpcl 10 tht' Uiggea or the Colum bla County Demoe alle Convention. July 18.1817 -tile ' J01IK KIHFJ2H, of Catawissa town- hip, will be a candidate Tor COUNTY TREASURER, aubject to tho tlaagcf of tho Columbia Cuunly Ucnio cralle Convention. July 93, IgiT Uo A SPECIAL CoUUT was hold at this place commencing on Mouday last. lion. Warren J. Woodward, of tho Columbia county district, presiding. A number of the x:ascs fearing been continued, tho court broke up on Wednesday. Tho only case of importance tried, was an ejectment, ; Tnnnl, T n.. r.1 ,1 n a 17pnnnfni,d .a 'npl. fttfl 1 Jacob Volieida'a ExCOUtOM, VS. Zcrbo's ' ' I ltuu and Sliauiokiu hnprovcacnt company 'J'ho weight of evidence, and tho charge rt l i r.i lei . 01 tllO Court, Was 111 lavor 01 the UClClluantS) ana a VCrUlCtWaS renUCrCU aCCOrUinclV. i i. . . ... .Tiwlon Wnmlwnr.l (Kmloli pninnnrnlW-olw - ...w.-0. ..... w. j. a young man, is quick perception, and lias a well trained legal mind. Ho made a favorable impression on the Bench, as well as among those with whom ho mingled, in the social circle Sunburj American. Attempted Escape op M'Kim. Our readers arc well acquainted with all tho pt.nnitliinfia ntfnn.lin. tm mi.nlnw aP Samaol T Norcro.S h,?willtcrat Altoona, bv David Slriuccr M'Kim tho escane of tho biutal and cowardly murder his lonir and uutirioL' pursuit his Dnal canturo uim uunriuj, iurauit, ma uiiai aPlur0' trial, Conviction O'Hl SOnlOllCO to deatll. Since the incarceration in the jail at llolli j da.ysburg, ho has pertinaciously insisted ution ids innocence of tho rrimo imnutcd upon him, and, beyond all doubt, of whioh he was guilty. iM'Kim has been closely watelieil. nml Rppitrplc. ns w.ia Ritnnnp,l ' i -----ji - , " J V " uf , , hist, he managed to cut in tw'din ' lliu IIOUDICS an Ut lllS ailKlCS. IheSO iro'S were examined on Saturday night, by tho j ilor, and found to be in every way per- "J. . rpi t . J . lei.t. ine otiy instrument uiicovcreu in his cell by which he could have dore tho . i i . . , , Rf.nn,rnq P OU WC Have CCr SCcnWns a common easc-ki iif o. wit ha si trhtlv hacked .W find tl.o ilmorf ,mr lln in time. Al'Kini would, no dnult. havo - ii . .r It , i i . suneo-btullyoltootoa liisescano. Aiuiitteri" )owt. . i t ; i f ' f , , 1 .1 sul,lnSJro o".ioriruatratoa, anil the gailotTS aloilO awaits Its Victim, T),0 ,,a) Uxcd for 1n cccuUmi U on .bo ltt of Auaust ea,t, Notici:. Wo woubl earnestly so'irit from our fricmls in this county, iho favor 01 "ilorimng us at llio earlieH opportunity tif accidents or auythint! cUc of importance, .tlint uiny ccur .i.i their itii.j.cdi ttu ncih-borhoode-, or within their knowloJgo during tho week, as ii is our intention to tn ko the Local Department of tho JJci, as interesting as possible, and to laithttilly chronicle every liing ol interest lhat tran. i-pircs thr 'Ughout the county, lly comply : inji with this request they will materially ,,ii)aid us in rur efforts. Wo especially invito urn communications on matters ot local nitcr ' est. Let us havo a weekly conimunica Ttion, if possible, from every district in tho -l i: pnilntv. Appointment by tho Post Mastar General. V.'illiam .Mpcn.VKL, of Muncy Borough rlias been appointed by tho Post Master General, Pest Master, in place ,uf John Wiiitloci;, removed. eST Mr. J. A. Wilson, of Jersey Shoro, has boon appointed a Notiry I'ublio, by James Pollock. JOHN G, rnpe.n, Ciq , li.-. returned the praciice nf tjio Law 111 Ulooinsbaig, Colnmbiu cnnnly, l'a., and wll' giva bis undivided and careful attention to all profeisloual buiiiiots cntnliled to him 111 Columbia nnd adjoining countiea, He cntij'ia f,iund eamtantly. In his Offl:e, in Robl sn'a Row, near the Court llouic. iVorlli Rranrli dual. CoLLEOToa's Office, Ueach Haven, July 14, 1857. Cor,. T.VTr. : Tho rosoipts of Canal Tolls, at this offieo, aro as folljws : Previously reported,. Juno, , , Fines, ..531,270 13 ,. 20,580 02 10 02 Total, ..800,810 15 lCuspcctfully yours. John S. Follmer, Collector. Columbia Scniocmt. TJ10 following .aro tho receipts to tho office of tho Coi.uMurA Democrat, during tho mijnth of Juuo, 1857 : Olinhaiii, UVxI.U'o. 815', I'ator.Tolt, Win. n. l'.ru SUO) AdauiSull. 1 no 3 '.'.1 Fen lee, Well. & Co,, flWIj ln emer llcnlleruan, SOI Drellil.a & Kline, 1 , .'i 1 uncart, 4 Oil) r, 1 uu J. Olllingluiu IV1I, O Join. & Co., I) r U.M Jaik.ou, H riivm a. . chiflei sir uu, r, Rlenhen IVoll O Ala ,r,i . o,. neors . Miller, Or. 11, 1' UeimuiM, Cnna f. 1'i.ulcr, ' r, 11 j n wi cntiia utea, sui 10 UU .Rupert, 130 in to 7U 1 I 00 I ui 3 no SOil a sit KM 3 10 c uu John IVnler. 3 00 H i-w ."p-ncer Itidiani p'uiir, M rt Applfiu.ui, II I) lljiiPiiheu-ler. ilev P W btfely, P l'nait L-. , William lto.)iii.n, Pit Millfr.tLVntri) JO no j (Ml 1 60 50 o AD ai "00 Pdinuei .iieiicic. ' JJ wn""',,, f n, , n IITVH H, Wo aro grateful t- our Iriends. whoso names Stand above, for their promilt piY.l,""1'0,l,"u'' machln.ry and .team power mr.nia V , ..ill : 'J1"1 P111 which u mopped in an envelcpc of gelatin', v ji u ii w wbuvta mn niitiuiu lueir nrtliln rvnmnln nrnl nn nMi.iiief . r J . , . .. . . vawuuj ruv u3 luu uu m, uur risik, tho roceipt Qf jvhieh fill ,bo promptly OC- kno 1 d'-ed Now Advertisements THE PRESS! A NEW DAILY NKWSPAPKIt. i 1jJj)T ijwjji iujijuf aim. MonE UjSMOOATIO lIELr.-Ool. PrOSTV5etll3 ! ib0.'ose ostrtMUhb, Oally NeMpaner In tho titjf o . 'I ,ff n liiMr.rtn.ft ' ly NPWpiner in mo euy oi riiiiaaeifiiin. iw PC 11 i emltleil Iwpoii its VUili of Jul And 11)9 lit ti AUffuii, in bo J.-lit.o. "TllCrnCSS" will bo Democratic In III potllles. and will .uualu rh policy of tho National Adnilnl.. nation. it i my tlevrtolnatlon to mnko it worth, or tha auppoiur every cU,...f reader, niiiit.wii'ijr, nmi Independence In theullctanre of my rent menu, ntul indeneinien( Tne'pnctni'enia, '.g ,ep(tt f,r tho opinlona ' nrmhui. will he krnt ronitanllv In view I na ve cinnat keii ail my o v. n incnna in t nis project, , and intern' kuildlng up a JournM that will noi only bo creditablo h our City nnd our State, but will fumlili i me an Independent livelihood A aomewhil eitcnalve experience In public, life, and manv vcari'rnilnertlnn Willi Journal tin, ul.l. I Iiodo. obtain ror 'The rrem n isvorabie reception ' i My frlenda In tho difletenl Warda, and Countlea of 1 rrnntylvanla. and nthcr Blalea.villl place me under. 1 many oblljatluni V lvln( "Tho 1'reaa" a hclpinc i 1 hand, I ' TERMS OF THE PRESS. 1 DAir.Y.fpernnnuni.) 0 00 II WEEKLY 2 00 1 AiM, cm the Editor and Proprietor, nt tho office of tanla tlank'llulldlng, above r'ihrth at.. Philadelphia J.011N W. fORNEY. July 0J.1P17. CL1SI1A ki:nt kanij. A ;JI0GIIAPIIY. nv WM. El.nER. IN nnnounelha the l.lfo ol Or. Kane, wo are but niitltlantinK the v,lflit-a of tbourenda and'tLna of ,hnn.nn, i nf i lie Oilml Cera nTltint sreAt man. J'V....SofViVco .'! vetl mini I He,! in ,ln IllttiCO I n th C HUhicC I l wellqilnl medio do Juillco lotUeaubjcct Tlii. tvnrk ,vll 1 li laiui it in OHe luniltomo OC!OVO yoluine.niid will equal In everyrcjpeel Hie auperb volumei of "Arctic Liplo ration", recent ly puhii.h .I I I Wll I Rnnin, 11 B lie W llll I in' n i,nr. rni r ri-,,.i , .miii"!.,!!"" .iuiii.,ii,.,i.ii.i"..i,,(iiWE n ruse la mnvn irom ine oinerwncei i nv 1 i,ieital &c. , , Number and l'rlrodrawn out ore opened and exhibit ineruifioiiTe nm n iui.g vii.uuuiiun iiwiii , bo aol.l at the low price ol cl SI. V.".'S "'"J" V '''l"'"-. . . ,.u iv.-vini.R nubni . u ivn, ..ivu-j-iu fjxp T.O- RATIONS la now being lead by m- m than '.ninnon now neing leau ny m- re than 200100 nerao na. old and iniinir, Icntuon nnil unlenri.e la Jurl the book which ihould bo uWneJ and read by ever ' Aiiifiicat,. Five lluiidred Ncwapapera have each pronounced It tho inoit remarkatdo and uurveloui work iver nub Hslirtl Th e Foreltn Journali and the moat dlttlnculihed m nf P.illnne nre exlrnvbeant 1 11 lla nnil,,. It l more jniereitlnj than Rnbl nion Crueoe! belne n nillhrul aecount of privatlona nml Inrdrlilpa iho narrative ol'wiilch cinnot be loud without a ahiii'der. O ir moat Eminent Men luvo vl.ed with each other In erlnltme ite merita Two vola.. octavo, Superbly Illustrated. Three bundled engravl nga. Trite 1 1 00. PR KANE'S FIRST NARRATIVE. Tht Untied Statu tlttnnell I'tpcdltion in Starch ef Sir John franahn. durine III atari IH.IO SI. A Pcraonnl Narrallio by IlLiin Kint Kanb. M. n u a n. one voininn v.i.'. upusrda orsso paura, !tl,tln,,, 20O Bieel Plaice nnd iv,d Engraving., in. eluding a lino Steel Portrait ofBlr John Franklin, oeing ire only one engriven in nieiiiH. .i,. ii "ii'll'apliy of Franklin, by S. Austin Alllbonu, Esq. I rice uu Thin work ia totally diatinct from the aerond Atelic HxpciMthn andembrare much valunbln and itile I rextinir mittpr never beforo ro pnbliMipd. IlFtiouldbe to pirrhacrs iimiidiately after the drawing. Llnfdtlio liBtKinedition.' rurchoiera ill please write t tie i r aUnalurts riom, i ki complPie . lapdi;ive their run OfTicp, County and Siate- ovvupiI hy all who have purtlnd tho A 'IiotoirrnP i of I)r Kano. lakeii from I. fe bv jMrady of New York, price J.500. ,,777. C0I, j0,.n J c rn'i-'s EXPLORATIONS, rrepnred livtlie author, and embracing nil hiaexp-ill- IcSiT tpntiencwnfCot. Fipmont.rnoijtty frnmi).izuerreotjpPi nkin nn tho ipnuanil will bplaUvl In n 9tyttnnalcti pr khio uork ii win aim cmnnin p. upw wtPi r"wi-; wn ;tt.e mnyrorrL-ct nkenPit r ih;) auti.or . over pnliUilied. Two volunifa, Uctavo 53 00. brazii. and thi: nitAZii.iANfl. wrpvd.p. Ki-Idor. ol tl.e Meth od.t nriopalChiucl.. JW lUv. J o FMci.or.or tin- i-rrvtrrian churcii. Timrew d tpiendhiiy iHrtraifd word . lBt".. n unifor stlo wlili the mip'rb voluni ot t)r Knii' Arnic EM'liratiom ) inhp joint , pfiortof the ni.nvo iniiid KntlPtnen,no, n-trnvpiipr anu ai muiiou liani-n Kni, emeu, win,, ne iriivurr" aim ,.. ari", (nnd one in nn initial pominn Actinj Sec- retvv nf tb, Uni p I Bintea I'.esation nt II In.) have h, , lonB ,,,, v,r,e,i exp-nence i,. a i..i rmi ef n.. Irr'al.nlieiliri we It 111 a natural, commercial, ''inni'ie'vnnZVi'i b, , by mail, free niiqtace, be rcn I ting,i.o publirhed prico , akuihi aiiteo, CM 11.03 k IT.TrRFOV. i'wWI.Arrf. rnj Arch meet, l'bll.i.', l'liia. J K Liml ncntl is. Co.. Ol V I'nuith atrei t. 1'hil.T PliiiUpa. f.lli'Pfiili k I'o , 13 Winter atr'et. noetoll. Hli-I.'lnn, ;iik'iiinii at Co . I IJ ai,nu at . N ,,w . O I" I'uln.m, Cn ,311 Rropdway, New Vn Apfleaale fc t?n., 4 Mai n .tteel. Cine in tinli . B r. Orlcea fc Co., Ill Lake iltect Cbicngo. Jjy2i, 1JJ7. Special Notices, C.T THOMAS W. MAITrtON. RrcclvH lln-Prire .Medat nt the Worht'i Tair in Lon(jn, IS'.I, fjr TRUNKS, CARPET D KG3, Roots, hoe andOum-i. Or pal inducement are now o flared tt purchnccri of the abovQarliclei. Thisi muchtliPtnrgcst tockoltrunkit Carpet Mags, Valiccn.&c., in Philadelphia very cheap, or eaili, Minufictoriea: 130 Mirktt Street, S. W. corner, an 1 1- Market street. S H. corner of Foutth. IltTKLDY'S HAUpAl'AlllLLA The woKderlui in vigorattng properliei of this medicine, imrppciflc action In cleinunc and thoroughly removing tull impurities from iho bjood, place it furrinosl nmons (he remedici of tbe day At tfJa Btnsp.p of the year itt use ii attend ed with marked bfjAcfit, and vlll be foucd tho test restorative for that ilcpreisud'co nditinn of the ytcm ,o frequent ai this period of Ilia yet.Ltdtr(Brtham) Tezai. CTTlIt; TIIOL'tiANDd whose cons i tut loin have bpMi niu, and heir yitPini poisourd by llio uie of Mercury, should fiive the lollowinctlwir earnest at tention : Dr. Giles. Newton Hamilton, Pa,, Mty. If-il, ssiti I have used, myself, half a dozen liotttet of (tool land's German Outers fur Liver Complaiit and dl fines of a ne raus chHriCtcr.rf-ultlnc from the ufc of Mercury. I w on poikoned and oilliciedvtitli ppa..s from Iho life ofthl s latter article. The German Altera is tbe first ar tide from which I oLmllied an) relief, I hive alsti given tho &r-,jcle to many dyspeptic, w,Ith the most salutary result, 1 think as many mora bot ties will cure me. See advertisement. tO-THU UtaUOUItATIU NOMINim FOU UUVUR. NOR, A eorr .erfrndt 1 1 writes tjlmtas soon as Gen Packer heard that he had b.-en nominated for Governor hy the Democratic Cuiiveaiiou at llurrhburc, he de ctared hi msrlf overjoyed, ond avoHed hi deter mi na tientotike the stump at an early dsy iun irr"sistibto suit o dot 111 iij from thu masninceni establishment of Granville Htokci, So. CU7 (talo S'J9) Utieitout street above Gtti, Philadelphia. WHITE TEUT1I, TURFUMED IIUCATII AV D I1KAUTIFUL COMPLEXlON-ran be aci-Jir-Jd by usl no; the "IJalm of a Thousand Flowern." What lady or ceutleunn wouIJ n na in under the cum of a ds agrrcatile breath, when by uping tho MUlm or . Tnot'm!.D Flowkri" as a denlriQce, w uld not only render it sweet, tjut (caie Ihe teeth wlto as alss ter I Many persons do n ot kuow their breath is bad, and the bubject is si delicate that their friends wil I never men lion it. He ware of tnuntcifeiu. Ii jra ich Lot He is signed FETRIDGB U CO., V V. I13-TI1C REIGN OF ART In this wonderful age, Art lays her master louche uu atmoit every thing, The ceilings over ui ond the carpet w ire J on, are hallowed hy Art Art winds the railway th rough the mountains and the mud makes her machines of wood and iron, tn act as if with knowledge and annihilates spies with light ftlng tamed down to tbe tuta'edge of a boy Nothing is Uo lofij fjr her touch and nothing ton bumbli). A new pr oof of this old conviction, -aa iustf.ilfeu under our notice, In the.thaptof eGatuar no Pill, from the Laboratory tf Ihit world renowned L'li-miil. Dr. J O Ayer. If we u nderitard ilte subject, he ha carried hat at Jttcla to thfariht-it perf'iciiou of which itiseapabte. Instead of emplo jiug Diugi in lis couipqi I tint, a we have always thought the ncceitary and only way, he has with consummate skill extracted tbti virtutt of the m-Jicne tn bo ajrplored and combined. tlltin alone their purity together. The compoiitinn I, then nnifd for nrotpcii in i tua eirects or weather or i ru. and then thickly coated with sutar. in serve as its naiioort . ov.rtho r,a'Me, Nai n lihitindi rr ail ni. ihr.rH uriniirpiitttg I'm niiuiijuuii i uu iiiif iduuicu per rction they tro offerrd to 1 a 0114 1 "meaeli, Howererlimbla ihe department, waltlnk thiamine ,,'el, rhu acurii.d a. tho tou.tioimaiion r, no mil. iiii , v.rir.f tic., nan, r' 1" I Capital Prize $00,000, I TICKETS ONl.V 910, nWfNn 10 th fMt M11' wl,lch "f F,nc, 1 N LoiiYrlei htve been icrplvfit r.v ih t pualie, and the largo demmd fr Tickets, ihi Mnna 1 sert. fl.rt fn a. i!n.. will hare u dawlnf meh Hit in f. y inrotiflliout lltn jcar. The lA.low.t-ff Scheme will be drawn In each tf I UlMr r.ntlMlna To Annual. tfl.7 ll I ill. ARM JT. i Ti ha i4in In l.u f A 1 1 . l rl a t . .ti ,.,.M U ' .".".. .. . r.. .r,2 I ' i n oaiurnny luguni ilia ico ui.Aea igt to be uTftwnin ine cilyor AtmtitB.G'orsii ,n ptibllr, on Hutuiday, A,i(nt 8th. Iti7 iff. ARM ill. Tpbe dnirn In the cllvof Atlanta flcorgla.ln public Ml, PniUl I', iKIRUIl i'IH, in..,, ON Tllri 1'I.AN liF HIM1I.U NUMnKRB. 7Arcl Thokltnd 7'arr Ilitndrtd and tortwFict rttitt I .i .i tv:.... Neatly OUO 1 ruo to every INino licllcts. MtaflFKKMT SCHEME! . . Jro ea nnfcv.H uauh baiuiiiiay in juimi.i I'rme ui 11 ' " " " " " tmi.vou I l niae of 2 00 SUO 2 001 500 :m 123 73 20.UUU r s trno 2,o0l) ' 2 0011 " 2.000 " 2 ouu 2.111HI 1 0 41 100 100 APPROXIMATION fRI7.ES, 4 l'riiea,2iKiApproi'lii! to' too orn Prlie me t-no 20.U0J 113 SO 40 VOaro fi ooo 2 MO MO 4,0 1UIU 1410 CO.IKIU t'iOl.lllJO ,UUAK- 38 3000 3313 Prliea amncnilna lo WHOLE TlCKEiB $10; IIA1.'ES 5 ll.ltl 3fit. Plan of the Lotlcm. The Numbera Irom I to 30,000. correppnndltic with in. NiimheiK on lie TirkfiR nrliiteU on fi'linlblp IpLicedlnonewheel. 1 r,,., I,.:.-. .1...,..,.. ..I...., . A .nl.. eled.nienhced In nnrAer wheel. .l lt y,,, ,r0 t,cu revolved, and a number la ,l... .. . u IDn .iKnr. , A , l,t, stitow I,l,,n,.r.i the lTliebcli-c nloceU acnlii.l the Number en in ine nuaience. and ri'cieiiriu uv lie tannine 1H'?W"' "." np"llliull 11 repeuieu unui m. uu i rir.e a a r e a rn w n ou i jvpproilmalien J'riiea. Tlic iwo pterciling anu llio jfaorozlmetien t'rhtt. The two meredlns two uccL,e,niicr Number to thoro drn wina tlie filbl '-'0 Prizee will be entlllril lo the to Appiniimotlon . Prizea. For example: 11 Tickit No. llyo drawa the I 6001KJ Prize, tluie Ticket iiumbered 11,21,11241, 1 1,251, ll 252, will each bo eniltlid lo S1J5. If Ticket , No. 5.",i) drawa the SJO.0J0 PHze, thoic Tickeia mini- bercd 441, Ml, SSI. HI. will each be ehlitkil 1u9.HO, .and an nil nrinrilliti, lit the above ecbemtf. 1 Tup S30UU Prizea of 8311 will be iieleiinlned by Iho la tl flauie of iheNumber lhatdiawa Ihe f i,0 loo rrlz' I For ezainplo, II the Number drawing Ihe $10 bOO Prize end a with No 1, then all ihe Ticlita. wbete i the Ntiinticrriiriri, in , will be entitled io V.'U. It Hie ) UIIIIILT I'lltia W IWI nv lliriiaan ann 4llfav tlv" 1 the Number inds in S will ba cntitlid to twu.and no, on too. Certiflcatpfl of raekopei will bo t?old at tbc follow-1 Inn rntp. which 1 liit rltk ; I Certificate or I'ackngeof in Whole Tickets, SR0 do do 10 Hair da 40 1 do do JO Gunner do UU do do 10 Llifllttll do 10 1 IN OUDRRINtl TICKCTB OH CKM IFICATrH, ! iCiiclond tlit nifineyto our allrPfl for the tickets nrderrtt. on recti nt of which il y wll' beMorwardod . I by finl mail. I'urrhn mrscm. havo tickcli cntifnu In . they may deelgnnie lie litst of lirawn Numbpr antl rrircwillbe acnt ' w!iiiBinii-:r nm .71 ry rriic iia.. - r", 'c m I Ln'i ,fr ?nunn"n!i ,,n.t.r. n,1,,,,,e,,e in dr'iuc3tlicr 1'iien at ihe usual tiuio ui thirty daji. All communicstlfini itr icily rntifidrnti'l. Addruii olden for TickPl rr Ccrlift vi tn 8. SWAN At CO .lltanta, (Ja. CS" A llilnl the numbers that aru itrawn from the wheel, with the a mou nt of I lie prir.e twu t acli orty u rntiilpiltn wilt be publiihed adi'i tverv tlraivlnjr n Hip followlntT unpprs : Js'ew Orltana JitUa Jifvbilc he gtKttrt Chnrttftoix Sttnllard. .Vashnllt Gautte, Atlanta Intelligencer. -Vrw York H'cekltf Dan IJoo't Savannah .Morning J'eici, UUhmond Dtfjutth, Vtw iJir latch and raWg Mist j Clarion ,'uly M, 1p37 NBW C UHIAGB USTABLISIIMICXT JA' R LOOMS1 URG. T ., xr , . , ., la the Nov brick tlireo Factory, on Main be "u" )r" .wauiui Stor7 Oarriajo ! below Market. THE subscriber would respectfully announccio rhe public, tha ie liBSComiiieuced tic CAUUIAGK & -WAGON MAKING ITUV .8INE8S, in all iisiiranchps. He Is prppircd toeipcute'all orders and has on ha u'd at reienlan assortment of finis hed work which purchasers willQudit lotheiradvantage toexa mine, REPAIRING, Will bedone In the most prompt an1 careful manner and upun terms which ran not fail lo civc satisfaction, SrilAWmtlUGH A. WILSON. ' Hloomsburg, April yfl, IMS. ESPY'imrN NEW STOltloT THE undersigned, liavm f a undated togcthi r in Hip Mercantile UusmtsK. lakp pleasnri' ina iinoiincn jr to their Iriends a ml th public iu general, that their new Store lluusp. located on -Main street. central in Eipytown, Columbia county, lias Just been stocked with New Spring Goods. CoTprising an pitnvtvp assortmeutof Cloths. Casl meres, Vcstlrigs Muslins. Lines, and evjry othpr ar lirie in llitt wHirmi line, mcl idiug Hardware China, El r l lieu an I Hollow warts. Groceries, Sugars, Teis, CotT.o, ttice Molasies ptc,tetc., with all other jrti cles of co nmerci) adapted to country stores. ALSO-HEAD Y MA HE Ol. O TIIXG rj-0ialn, Lumber, 1'ioviiio.n. rrnduce, o( al I kind, .taken in exchanzu for merchandize. ii. r. iir.iGiMRi), ii c. ounvin.iivo. UipytOirn. April 4, Id57, 1500T AND SHOE MAKING. THE imdcrsitc'td. ihanic lu 1 for the liberal patronage witU.which be has been fnvord for years gone by .would inform his trie mi a and cut tubers. hat he continue s lo luanufactuiu Hoots a?ia oiqcs. At his old and well-knownitand. on MAinslrret, Itloonishurg in all their armus and form 1 in good sty le a ndou m d era to terms, Hi lung experience in tho husiniis, and gin r ni knowledgenf tlm people of Columbia county, super added to a fixed determination lurpnder satisfaction lo allhii customers, should secure him Increased pa tronage which he hopes to turrit. JACOB r. DIETEUICK, Dloomsburg, Match, 10 1W7. Greenwood Seminary AT iraillville, Columbia Co., Pa. A BYSTi:MT(j course of instruction is eiven in ' till the Euclisti branrht i usually mucin. The Prlneln.ll .vlll 1... na.t.l, il llw, n,.t.,,i . . I. in'T. M I' enu'rienced tencrer, reccnllv from th" l.Jnca,iere,iuniy Normal Uchocl TCRMfl " ' I Tuition, for J,,v ounil.. S1.S0 lo gl.aO nerou.rter. u.. i... r..i.:A.. tv-.i.i .- . ; "! I UK, . Ill I IM II IIUIHIUZ, llltlllll BC , 9JU 1EI ' qumicr o ekvan weeks. oue-bJlfln advancv t ' ci rcuUr. ciitt log u e, o r other pa rlicula rs address Mlllvlltfl. Anrll J. 1H.1T JVlanpal, ,-,.,,, -.r' . . ; ; r ' AlA,Tadfbv and fur lain at the lo ba drawn in the cltv or Atlanta. uort a. in bub c. .. on Boturdav. Aiiiti,.! ISlli. ltS7. ' , "' ".I" -P ,oill ni.U .1 tort. Wll I..VV 1 ('TABa 'II ' ' '" ' IJIildlfa.Ulvue, i t 'w,0v.Vur;Aur,;i"d0u', '" pub"c- ''fiifcWffl onBaiuriUy.Auri,.t 2Jd, 18w7. Iron, lliller anJ Ujr, Leadsiioi Milunca. May 30, l7. ronWAUDINO MKHOJIANT, RUPERT, PA. TTTll.i. Hcnil tn rpcolln- nnil rnrvr.iiillng by t'a tn V or RAII.IlUAl), nil iMffclianillie anil Irrlilit a dl rPtl"l io i" enri wiiii prompt'! aim urtpm ni. Goods will bo delivered nt the fullowlue rates ier 1 00 ftll ti ft . . Freirkta OH att (licit fram PkUadtluXl to . .... ..... . iiHimq ritUton. i t clan, co on 2dcl so so ?Hpi-rlpO. i " 0 i 3ilcl 40 41 50 ' lib data, 3D 40 41 Ii(Cllii-Ilt'kelj,nooV.Ur,.! llmr. ware. &t i;r ic lie. Ilomeitic Lioilortt, Salt Petre. Ac 4ll Of-Ale. Ileer, Socor. Pill,, Poik an: lleef ii ts.irri'1. Cement, (lua o.Mill Slonea Ire. freiahtalrom lleadlni!, l'ollivlll.'.l nuinina. te taken nt Pro-rata riilea.aperlal ronliucta iiuido fr larce ninouiita. ell freiehl in it bo marked cafe )fj, II, liar man, llu pert to recciveprompi iii"netim llcler 10 uoi rfiA-jufl, MaJI H MUMIOE, nupert, rchiuiry.'Jrt 1H57. i!ir . I Co t ate ttia Spring and Sudij-ieu GOODS. rimn J-:.l r i, . e ' I'llh unrtorslgnotl festinclfiill) inform ji then cuiioiiiem anu ine puii'icai.nerally, that they havej'i.trecilvid at their new ltilck Hlnrr llimtuilu LishlStreet u aclcct arrorlmeiitol lathinntible Spring and Summer Goods. ' direct from the Eaatern cltlea. cmnpria:np nil the vnrioua aolectlnna tn be found In Cnuulrj Blot, a, t;inlllin2 of Clotha, Cnimerca. Iltlninr, llnizea, Eilicoea.i,c Together with a,l kinda of Ureas cooda for the Indlea. AI.SO.-OBNTI.EMEN'S WEAR, OF ALMOST Villi Y fl OUT AND STYLE. I.AIIIi:STAI,MABIlilO?IIAS,IIAWL9 aic. tlroceriea. Mol.isaea. Kusara, Teas, CoITee. Splcea, and in ehort.nverythinir In the way nf Merehnnilire, UEAUV M MlbOLOTIIINO. ol every dcicrlplion C3"Irnn, Steel, Nnila. Sulky rplln &c ItJ-Thinkful for pant patronage, it will hi' nelr atudioua aim to pleaae thcii cuatomera and tc give general aaliafaction. II. W i: W, N ORE BY Light Slrect, 4plll 11. 1837 i.HBK ciiis.vsnsiiTiiEt: s'g- iT. Comer ol flth & Arch Slrect, Philadelphia . Henderson &- Co., HOOKSV.I.Lf.ns JI.M) rOM.Mir.RS. TNV1TK tho attention of all Persons Visi tlnit Philait, l hli, wh -ther on II laltieoa of pleasure lo ilieir Eilraordin ry Cull-cliunof Uuoki uiou all nub, ,.. ' nonkfollcra. Counlty Dealer', Tcachcra, PnbUc nnd rlv.itH Libririca, aupplivd m till ll.ioka & Bialionary at owc,i rJtta O. G. linNDCRSON CO., March 7, 1857 6ml. A MAP OF COLUMBIA AND MON- i TOUll COUNTIKS. riMM; RiiWcnbcr t ikea pdature in itifonnirp the clti 1 rem (if Columbia flint Montour ttnituf, Unit tip intends lubHM.iup n lJ31.Gr.SM ClAtfMl .WW. Jlffi f tlie cotinllps n!io e inftilirniKl, trmn urtfal iMeaiurcincntii, hy oriRliiLl rurvt ibn-i-phoul In th , couiitirs. Hp also inked llrnnin- to mmi iJit-t, tol mnke lite Btirpr, lm lint tticnprd Mr Jumr i Hy. f one of th'' moft riimprtpnt and ( Jptriciirni mrc( r In thprtatt'-A titlmr of the maps cl rhttcd(ih1a Ifath ! ,n' (( tncion, iMcnnma, vcntgomtTy, iinu crhn rcuntift cc "l Ii a tilrvm a uill L. e.i,,.,,. I u. ... - ..:r. I ! nt Lumber ol rrrips hae inn cuLtriiLcd tor. to warrant ltd ri hlh alien. I 1 tie inip uill oitlniii nn urinal Furtrv r f i1t the TvHte roads with ihtir dinnrirb naiWH tl.i rn. In a , font tic- ran tn ity Ijp obtnir d A n tl 'm niif nni"1"' "'u Mini'imin iwn I 'in i I nif Mills IIMtla Uiurtkrt, Srhoil lltv$ tiruhfltp Vott (yftfflj. H'iicdtcrlghiB lovndnta Vvrvatia Ieitorice, with thp nnin-n of nil thu prcperty holdtrt, in their (net Mcpi throiut.out thu n uiitit n ' Plana of all Hit uiwiit in the cuunlh s, a hirr sea'c, will a('"iir m tin n nrpm -j ii 'j pan ti mo imp iii dp pmitPd lo n pultallp a' io tnnki) n larp! and vnunipnt'd innp of iit !"( tli in llily b forty inrhps, to Ij' fnjiap.i in thi bput ntt. luniioiii)y cohre'l, iiun rifim rrd to ibicril-ch oul) at 9 j p'r copy, pa nt on dplirrry. J A J rJMyUSQ9,rulUsher. CliIlintamup,.May U. 1 EST-if , HUSSEVS A Ml) RIO AN HBAPER rou curriNo noi n GRAJN ASJJ GRASS.' iMpRovtMeris roa 1&67. ALL who ate MtisfU'd nllh the UErfT HE A T" AMI lOVER.cin supplied l) Kendiiif; llitjr ordfrs enrlj in the mason n the crflpn indicate a t I Tire ili-niii' d nnd we cannot havp otr 200 Rt-npera reudy tor llio vail Inr vcn ol Iel37. Wo tuarante- that this T.papcr undMnupr r,imin bebfatin (ni lair ' trial hyuuymlipr Reap r that may be bronchi into the turn t-U () U in lHi7 ; a i ( w ai-o inure ii tn bo ' tli.) Btrti(:ptt mi'I itinatduril'it m.ichi(te in use We would rt'Fp'ctfuily itiviie Fairmprx to txatmne the macdinp i iioroiiittily In lore purtliairiif, nnd eatiify ttKiiirti'lves i'Ii'k supcMurity i.ver a' It otliprs llnrt.iif Din 1.11 l..n u.nre I I, iiliie.IKnra K..a old hWw. ii icj and ctw Mf iiM.8l MalluiiPh, to ihe b-'st ao mot ticpi.efiil f.inieis in Union and tlie nfichii'-rii'' ' I'Ui.t.e ( hnp naiuun ar. mo nuinctaius to iii'-rrij mi w noin ivr r' eppet inly retfr The Mi'-n'-nbcM Lave 111" exclusive r ic 1,1 in the fnl lowing cniiuti'a: nliiiiiljli, Uninn, Snider. Ni.rih uipiie.liiiit, Miinlmr, l.tizrne , l' rry, Mirtlin, CeMi r , C I in tun nil I Lyeomitig Mi nrdoi, tlulil.iull recelt oil nud promp' I y attended to UT. tllCsi, M AP.SII & CO , iabiiri:. Union county, Pa. June 37. 1FS7 WiOUMSBUHG BOOK STORE.- fUrt a r-y rffMIE under.'ianed rcspoctfnllvannounccs JL titatlid com inner ihe liloomtburg Book Store and Stationary V.ftablhk'neut, lull ly roinlucled by hcrdt cf ased hunlinud, Major Clark. in all their annus brniidn t, nt Hit) old ttami in the Exchange Iluildinis. flrstdnor Ilaetof the Exchange Holt I. nud having repleninliPd her establishment with a choice stork ol JVeto Books and Stationary, she is prepared to accommodate all who may give Jier a call in her line, ALSO Thp Restaurant S.1I00 s, in thPlb.isementof the above e ti iblishnieiil. w ll b'p 'continued ns usual ty the sub- srrihur. where tn puti'iccni ni ail ttinps Le supimipiI wiihthn cliojrrst Ui-. kraceh avo IEeircbumev-ih. such 04 Miii,, Uppt. AIp, tfcc , Sardines Spicp'lanfl Picitipd uy ter, I'lcniea i;iomn, cti. 111Q iuuiic cuiipiii 11 rt-fiiTiniiiy huiiciipii, LMIIOI INE CLARK. Sueeeisot to Jeste O. Clark. Bloomiburg.May 2,1857 Hopkins' City Hotnl, NO. S.T NORTH TIIIll) aTRCUT, iac Jiace itrctt, formerly r..iar.a 11UTKL." l'HIIiADELI'IIIA. 'pHE underlined has tikpn thi .iIeio well-known J IlouiMMitin long and fivuraJi elene, and has ren ova tfd :ind furnlfheil n t-iitirui anew, uuj In suih tjltj and mttiner ns will givo 0.11 fa. t ion lo all wh may bccoiu" lm gueat. Geuihiupa who wiili can bi firnished a room ant Fuiiplicd wlili tua a it ri tic 1 ro. tom a large Restaurant and Eating Siimn nttic iPit. on the "Euru pean plan," or at the I1.1t" I tablo, at reguUr hours us they in iy dtsirp ir rie I'I. urnnriAlnr fill 1 1 Id tnin.itf ttiil nt linn,a ,t Phi nddphiT diall siirpai- thf jcon.f.irl mt aitfinlion which will be at thu C ty llolfcl. Juno 0, 135,. NKW COAOII UtfE FROM CA 7'TA WJSSA V O ASllf.AXD. THH subscriber reep 'ct'utly informs his frknls inl tho pu'ilie generaMy, that ou and after MONDAY, tuotitU of April, lr57,he will run a t'i weekly Line of Coaches, Dctwern Catlawisii und A'hUnd, pavingCatswiis every Monday, Wditesilav an.i I'i'dav iin-rnlng. at o'clok, A M.,and acrivlngat Asli'and t 11 o'clock A.M.. In lim to ineeuhp Mail Coaches al Ashland and tp tu u thu same dys to Cm iy Paptigprs chii apply nt either lsiint or any of the way stations Fremiti and Itjggngn conveypd ou moilpute terms. Cared I drmri on'y cmptoicd 011 adid route CIlARI.lJs STRAUSr.n. Aprlll.lHT. SHARP NOTICE. ALL persons ind bied to tho firm pf Ha.r'man k. Howrr.a'e harHiy tutfled to tall and etllo tho samo u fitl iav u cust. MARTMAV HO WUR, AWo. tbisef'idebtpdtitho stiSscritcr, are likewise repu-tjJ to call nu 1 settle. , T to T.T. HAUTMAN, Eii'ytown, June 0, J857-3m HMIE Mihirrilwr announce tbat hi will rarry on ihp X COOPFRING UUINLSS at his llrcwery in kinsvillv, uliero he will nmku ti . i tt t jjarrcs. inks, neqs, And everything in that tin- of businpgt Up u ill nl so r-t'air work of all kinds, ond williio n ikilfully ond ut 1 u i r price,!. CUARLEa W. IISFRT. Hloomsburg, June 13. lf.r7 WALL PAPER! WALL PAI'liR! TTl Invo lull received. by ralltoid.n aplendid aa v an irtmaniof WALL TAfUR, walch we inU'iid tmallat Philadelphia price, apiece. Call and ,ee. from rcnlitoOTIcenta II C. L I July I If 37 W IIARTMAN miw and U8KI.UI-. pnQ'IQP UTDT OLEUM LiaU0R.iJOlOjLXlll1 A S'dstitittr for Linterd Oil. I'ATl'.NT API-MKII TORI , 'piin iinilcrilniil oHir toll,,' nni lie th)f Olmm 1.1. .1 quor na an ffllctoiit tiib.tnuie fyi Llm"'' Oil. as a thinner Fir nil lurli 01 I'ulnli itgunil in OlliCcil vniNiiin lien. wiien ililinipj tviih tiir oionni tho ralnt wMi eover better ,lririiiilier and Hill Ijp more lurobti'.nnd wlirn vnrnltlinl. tho pulnt hill havo and retain llm mntl el0MV0i,i,e,i,ee, .,,.i,l,..l., iba thinner will en-ible the nnlnt to vleld In the varnlrlt t and the .1 craeklnianrt pmliiif iiir, incoiniiioiiln orcllnary vai njpiipn on in mm u cullreir avolrteti. rot ulnt I nil Tin Itnnf Itt tnu ran not he it'll ntl. TlnOlMitn ean bo uafd by tKelf, or In tommoit wtlli I Itn-cd Q'l Viiriilili, jjtian or Turpcutlnw at I lis tlon f tlilPolnter j In rrt it abntit nne Imlf of that of Unrd OH. tli nt ritnM r il'ly tcJuctrtx Hip exp'-nte of imtuti its We fglt!i (ii Hj refmimicml ll fnmll puri-icei Indies trd tinit Wfirr.inl M to fhUiiitiFaciioii. A liUfr nl fli nmnoiio.Na. Tiiin tit j.taini Mini thco'eiim l.i. q'in r una w w wri ituuuni iiuuiiini iimui uv urn 111 'l lii'lminli nmt be free from nit o,"lliire and Inra rlnlily ouaht to be u,iked,well Willi tho Okmn Lliuo', prevlmiM to palming. Imtadot placing thehrurhua in water over nljhl, na p.iiniera ctntr,illy ,!i.. tliev ought tube put In the Oleum Lil'inr, which Mill crfnlly uieililal the wo,k. The paint mlleil wllh ihu Oteum Ltiuo'r will woik b'ller if it bo nlbiwtd to i.lai.,1 frnin 12 to 24 houri pro vloiii to It n li Ing Hied, nnd th u thinud to eucn n otirmrncy n lo woik ireu n ml eae) miner ilia brilili. i y Ihu uo "f Jupan the pVml will b,i r, ndire.l Hill flrmee. St I Ihe limn lit. I III, il,n i,.nli nH n,. thin it w (111 the Oltuiu l.ninor In ihu luuuner win tinned abne. L'J- 100 no'llldl Of Paint Ihlnn, n llhtlle (Ileum I.I. tttor, will rarer n I n;tr iuiIjco I an I po u a ll in. tic ,1 Willi oil Tuc Oleum Llijorr ll liol to heme,! with Vemlian lied, nor with I'aint Cf,nt,ilnma nny pmpi ni,, n of t 1 ' ' .,,,,,., 11 1TIUIV lr I, I, ,(, 1 III. I. I I. ........ . ..'I t. 1. Ui. , , J A in' rleun Pnlul nnd CoVr-Woikt , rtiirner 21th ntiH linen Hla.. ,ll..i.i. Office N E curort Third and Wood tta.Piilajil phln.p,. 13-We olio mmufie.ure, Chrnrae Yellow. Chrome flieen, chaeee nnil Priifiian llluo. Vermilion lunl Sinrnl Red In varloiu .Irn.lm mid qualillea, either d, y or In oil. and wnrrant thtm to bu'e,ual t any olh,jr mike, elilierlieteora'itoa. Juno 0. Id37. I OLEUM LI(COR. CK11TIFICATE. WE, tho undersigned Houso Painters, hereLy certify thoCwe have given the newly Invented Oleum Liiuor miour.ict'tred by tlreinlg. ll ill in ,ii ft U 1. 1 n Ii. In rhllade'phia. nn itrial and hive foiiuit il ai itn-ient viihfliiutc f,r Lin. aeed Oil. lar euperur to ll lu ivery reapect, ut n cmt of only about h tlf ns much, thue run Kliler ably red, inn g iho erocuae ot palming n would thcref-ire reeom. mend the public to It general use and dfler it lina , been tried Itff auperiority over Llhitcd Oil will ba ut tcaled to Vy a"' nll.l, 1. -5 V4Ull,ll, AMOS UN'UEK, Wll.l I AM woi.t.n. EinVAUU DUMIAllI). June 13, IK. IIKUKHY certify that I li ve Lid Hotie I'ftintinjt priM'cuird lately witn the nbov itnmpil OIpiiiii Li'iuor. nml Coinur in nil rpHTX'ft wiiii th rpcoinnip'n'niion of thi abovo tiimc 1 C'.ntti'iupii and w 111 Ih"p add, that in fit turn I will hip no paint in)t ui"-min-ii irrmi mi-ii vv iiikmi i in" nxiiiiTiiiri ii I tlx: abovr named lienor Tlmp who may dmtp to vipw flu pIIectM, will r&ll at my rpiiiilence. wht-rp incy cun ennvmeu nif.nPfi ves or all tri't ii rj i ri'ot''d of tbe Oleum Liquor in re ard o beauty and durability. J. ISAAC IIRHINIO. June ia Spring & Summer, AT MENSCH'S CHEAP STOItK. - : r , . , . ' a imuuuij;uii u mil JtiiiVi lu 1113 I Siorp.nn (own, at tlip'-t-inil, In (ply occupied by II O fc I y llarlnnn wIitp witn stuatpr incnti-cd facilities he it unatltd tolfra fullaortmentof spring and Summer Goods, j Which he hni Junt received from the FaMcm CifiPs, coniprtsiii4 Dry fjouds. (Iroceriea, II arl-a arp, Queens ware CeUr-warc llnlltvware, Drue. Fmh, bailee. , I'lastor, I rnn, Nalhiiloot, titinps,llnl B.Capu, cc Ac Also-RKaDY MADE ChOI'liLNG. In short. evtiy thic usually kept in co'intry fltorns, U3r LNali.Lu nUr, Oi.l Iron and Country Produce taAtoniuijzLuaiige iar liouus. ai iue itigesi niiirhi price. a MKVQfMI . u wa . llloomiburg, March 21, 1857. - PIUSsT A Hill A Ij OP LRING& SUMMER WE have now receiving our Spring and glimmer Condr, by R.iilrnnd at unrnew eland, nn thucorucr ot Main and .Market street,. Tho stnek compriaeua lull a.snrinientor Dry Goods, Grcccrics, Hardware, Queen ware, Cedar-icare, llollow-icue, i rugs. I I'later, lron,,,NalIi. Coots, JShors, Hots j -flli 1 ALSO READY M I1E CLOTHING. andin fac t every namcnLle article usually keptina cutiniry Store in eichanjrp for ponds II. yk I.W.HAUTMAN- nlooiiisburg. Marrh -I 157. NEW WAGON feHOP, Willow Grove, Sotilli Bluonisburff. 'IMIH tinilprfizned rpippctfully lnfoinis hit frj nds J an' the public pniernllv, t Lot I.e Ins liken tho stand Itt iii occupied by M r Rr.tip rl I I i i w Gravp. Hloomsburg, below t hi Rbilrc an, wl cio he wilt coi tiuut tho J7 1Irnnnn.maL inn 7?.iwr. o - a In all its nirio is ilepartments, in good rivM nnd ( t riii. AUo-Kt'piirini; Wngotie, llugelp?, artinger, Sub kiitdd fcc . untie to ordfr and on short lime. 7 Produce taken fur work,. C1IARLE3 JJREWER. Hloomsburg April 2j. li?57-3m OLIPIIAN I', WOOD3IDE & CO. Importers and Wholesale Dealers in litUincs ani) ifiuois, Ko 107 Arch St. abavc F.wirllt, PHILADELPHIA. P.OUIMUNT, J. WOODSIDB, Gfc.0. McALrtK. January, 3J,1?57, y. " ErSHIUNGANI) SUldMER MILLINERY. TIIEubribcr- having rc-' lved Heir nfw IliSLnpry donils at their ktand, nraily (ippoitt thu Pot OtTicf, would nrptcitully iuvi'ti their fiierd and cu-ionirs nnd the puluic gem r-tl4 to call and einmini thci r stmk. conMnng t.f full lind cooipi. te rtfsori iiieul of St 'aw . f imp. Silk L'rupn nud Fnury lion nets nnd Ilouiiei V ther uiih an tuortjuMit ot laiicy uriiclps ulinh tliev will ell 011 as reasjiMbla tct 11,1 its they cm Lj purchjie.l tltov litre M II. Ill' PERT, 31 a v H, IM7. I ROItlrOV. UAU0P:n, FIKLI) k FLOWER SKf DS 17KESII ANl GEN UINE GARDEN SLEU.S. In evpry -1- vain Ij, at wholesale nml ri'tali-fmbrarmg nil the new atid iVsirnble kinds, ciiitfullv nut un in nut-rri lor tho retail irjd-j or supptifd ia hnlK-rCl im- fo rf jgr I'oti.' Seed, Jip'.n Pras.Oransc .Water MpIoii. i,c . . . . . ... . . . HecLUreliaMRra.. nV.f!,, . Iler.l - n.Kl,.. i.l u, a , kc, e.c. PARCH LI, MORUIS & CO . Agricultural Inn lenient ant Htid Ktnre. I N. C earner of 71 U and .Mail-it .trei-ti, March 14, lKi; . " fhilndi Iphh. I ilOKSB LINIMENT AND"cATTI.Ti ' rOWDBUS, J"?OR sab at tho office of the Culjinbia' . rieuiocrai. ! ncsda , pin-lka, Slalinnery, Mairiic Cel , &.C , fcc. lal OI lairrTIallS renii nifc in 1 i, Pot ll ittrt I.L uiooirihQirg, t'u, (iuart t ending June 30. h, If 57 Ilirl Elmira Milchell Rtv T. Moiieyppimy Thoims Potter Amelia A Rice Chuicey Rhotip Matilda tihorkley ( Imrlts C. Sttwl Hiinnili M. llombov Walton ItvuiltO A, llreecu -tiohn I It i) lor Juiiii t'rjnu r A W EMisVh "ilia's rrpe aill ruadJrus S 1'r.ereJ L. I'l'i.her David Geietr Strah Ann ST.n,::Jn w. Titer John ' TitioAdiiina i ri.a.nrer l"nrk L It H 11 wii'i h?Lt i Wedlock Jnliu t'ret'inCiirnili'ia Hiiveatei A'l-du.joL..,,,, Hpieta William f1" ollelitcn 1'icklca J , (JalUe John II wT Iiac ' Haver Jot.n lli'rritig George A C i Hull' John Lp-ici.irioiiMi Conrad Mill, II O i--ermii caning ior the above icucri vin pieaie ay they are udvcnited. nilLU' IINANt!T.I'. M ., , ,i,, l'lllLADHLl'illA OAKUKT S I ORE , ... tAi.lliillvua, uiiuioma w inonw Diiauce.tnaiiau nufaetured nnd imported rtvraaily for CAKl'LT iai,ni u.i rereiveu iu,uiiu piei i a uvv aiviu .... .. .( ln.nn.,d.l t.. . ,1 . 1! i.i'-r I,, aiereuanta Rini iiou,ekcepeia uill pitare no. No.. H and .ONortli Second Blrcel.lit door belon a,ia "hitrcli From Kansas. UOV WAMtEK AT LAW11R.NCE. LAwnENCE, K. T., July IB, via St. T.ouis 21 at "" fjnCO yestcf Gov. Walker entered I,aw Vfi,iri,,l.H nt ll. trtl.l nnmn Yttna if " J"""' "'VI " k'l -'ti" """1' b' 1 Ho has camped close to town, in a tjircat cniug attitude. His pr iclamntion, issued . at Leavenworth, dated tha lQth, declared that ho will not ulliw. the pooplo to adopt a City ( lurter. Ho went through Law rcn c, oa Lia way to Leavenworth, last Monday, lo ecc t3 this, hut never spoko "fit in Lawrence. 'I his diitiliei'v h s ctrased the people. 'I hey tire detcrniimj t pay no attoution to him, and Jiot to &,"... I. with him. AUhoult town oflic.'rs r ro elected last Monday, they have as jc t cn nn nlona nnt pron tiei'n Rartrn in II 1, . HO SlCpS HOI CyCH UC U BwOrp u. ' llj. warrants for tLo arrpst ot lli9ke yj ,1 for, and many others, proniinot t ijt zens of l.awrei ce. Tho design ii to stop tho Au gust election, when ihcTopeka Cousti ution 1 is to bo submitted to the ncotiL. Tho nomln mill tut nff.'r nut? nnnncillnn tn tlin ' r - J l l - - Kederil troops UlllcSS they filO Oil them Or . 1 .... COmiUlt S01110 OtllCr OUtracc, when Civil War ,,, , , , , , . will Ot 0n03 00 -declared. i JlOV havo , i ... i i rcsoivcu noi io loicraie any raoro men villainy. Gov. Wulker h in a bad scrapo. P1PLOMA AWAUDKD By A ranniyraatc Elate Agricultural Society ana ly literal LVnufy toclrttu. to Itltt IMtl . HiOA't f It.LI) Sc CO., for tAilr CcMraltd VigctclU C1T11.U. J UWDEll. HOUGHS I? Oil llnraea, it la an Ini.ijuable f iineily for, the core . nid p'evcntioii ol nil discasea liiclit' nt lo t.i n bio atnnul. viz UiniPtmirr, O ushi. Tatcy, Fuverf, Fli- tulj, lent utfensp, Lun (ilavasi Itch, Grcnie, Cttpea, Iiiflniuination, Ja dice,' KUpcv d R'-ufOi, (ilnnitrs. 'line Isk. II rhund.ei gper Viveri. Ucnt in hung. EunVll, iFotiiidert, riigtit ilnir Worm, tioti.. ic rou nxat CAiTLt: 4 In Jjuii.ire. cltowj, Jloven or niown, liloctl Urit c. Red Water MiirrJrin. Lou of Cut.. l,mg of Ap prut-, Diairlimi or Louteitf Hoof Iieaie, Wolf in the Tail. Ilotlow Hum, Uloody Milk. Llood diicai::, Lose tf Milk. FOR IIOR3. In Swellerl Veck. IIiIm in the Liver. AhncPMCt in tlntl.uigf, Ulctia of tlio llowcl , Spainii Craaipi, Ch'ik' citteasPi. i 111 r Miuiiiu uv m iiiu'ui 11 ii vmzie my ; ii is m ?hectunclipr for dfoparc f bla stork HiiicrPW-B iii'j mn "u in nt uu in, iiuitrr uiki iiii n iifuiuiy niunmiii Irom I amoutits ol I nod nt least fre;u Lry to3 per tvnt.. - tit pxperlvntp of ovr,r l'J OUO laruitr "hi have used it ill teti fv at any timnj ANOTHCa nv DISCOVLRVI 0 ATT Ii K I-IN I M IS NT. Uneuanl ley any other Liniment tr Ktnbrocatlon pvpryetk own to the world. Itifljtnnd fur ihe tol. low in if iliieaFpa, and his proved it hp 1 1 hi th; hand' of tlmupand ol fa triers , firmi rsnnd Biiupropiietora to escce I ;i tt yi hi nn of the kind ever oiTurnt to the public TUB C17TLE L1X1JWT IS GOOD FOU CATTLII HUMAN CODY. Rhciinntlrm, Weak Jfintu, Contrat'pd Sinews, Front Hups', Chapped Haiicdi, dwellings, Tumniirft, Toolhaclic, Pain in the Legs, Pam in the liark. Pain in tbe Bhoulderi .Venous Pains, Chiblalns, Hiipsof Animals, Ppnint,UruiB, t OillilirPO t eel. Ppavin, tSwtcny, Fiitulj, fitr.ut. Galls ofnvei-y kind, Wiuilga'li, hand Cracks, Lameness, Strains, Scratches or Griase, J lilck Legs, Ifnrd Tumour, RiriKbone. Poll Evil, L'MCKrd Hrnln, Hotlili Hoof, largp. Honi l)iMmptr SUIT Joints, And many oiJipt dliraspr. It ia n lnrt. the most , tompiei'! anu universal itniniPiil tna.t science has I'VPr et prrnuci'u, 1 Bewire of Counter f Mi, am bo Hi our valuable discover- i lis nro alreatl) couuterfe.tod by petti i'i titf reat i parli of theStite Ouruwdcr lus our written si mure un picii uoiiic. Alanufuctured onlv bv iiuxtNiti. raoMpfinr.D & co No 31" N. Third at , N. B corner Third Ic Wood, I'lnladelphia. June ?0, R',7-tf SOMETHING NEW1 Hall's Voimg America Fire Cracker Pistol I OiIlIS is admiitod tn bj the mot amusing Toy ever J. o iff red lo Young Aineiica. suitable for all tunes a vpar. It mnke is a rpport eiual to thp common PItol. Wind carries a hall Willi the samo preciion lor tn paces. iimiigti noiwiin iorre noBii io khi, it.aKirg u me ioi.v heap and harmlpfs list.) for taicet practicd in pitrnp ItiO.O'JO t.ol in fou'rwcuksl Hp tail price 2" ceit and upward, aicnrdhig to the mvci. Trade price f H i er 100 plBto Is, inh on delivery. Cent I; Express to uny part of the cuuiitrv, A W. II ALL, Inventor and SoIr Manurictiirer, 3U BiAJ'lw'ay, N V. A full ilcscripll m, with engravintis. bpoi to any uJ drPtioti rpcpipl of a po taep rtnntp r;tlE CRACKER:- pom-inntiy on hand C3-1000 Agpnts wanted A b?iuttful Sp'-c,nip Putol sun lly Express or Mm! pr-jjaid on receipt ofl. June 13. 185731. ADM1NISTRAT01VS NOTICE. Estate, of Elijah Price dee'd. LETTERS of Administration on the CstP of Elijah Price, Kte of Locurt lownrhip, nibia counlv, deceased, have besn granted b iho U gi ster of Columbia county, to D nvid rdnbold, wlo sides in eafd Locust township andj F. Price, who sides in Ashlana, Schuylkill county; oil person 1. aving claliiia against the estate of the ih cedent are etuesipd to prcpnt ttiam to tho Administrator with out dp lav. and all persons indcbipd to make payment forthwith. DAVID REtMSOLD, J. F PRICE, April IS 1F57-C JHrtCr Ii A L T I M O It E GAUD. Salt! Salt! Salt! WE offer f r sale LIVERPOOL FINE SALT, DO. G. A. DO, DO. DAIRV DO, Country M rclmitts who will send us their orders in advance, wilh instructions lo ship, wbni w liat ncargoArLotT can ncure fine or G A Salt at five cuts per s ic!t less olf tlnj ship, than It an be supplud 4 ut ot ttkre. CARU, GICSE &. CO., G rain and Lumbc r Ccimmision .Men hams. Spear's Wharf, BALTIMORE. June 27, 1357 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. EUatc of Cornelius RcyntJ,ds dee'd. 1 ETTltS of Administration on the I .i Estate of Cornelius ReynoUs, hie of Millhn township, CoHimbia yCuuniy. I'frensPd, ImVH lie en gtanted by the Register ol f'oiiubia county to iho utulorsitfued, who rtsUes in mu Mitflln t wnship, in Columbia count) , ail prri iui liaving claims nsainn , 1 11 tU"t(ll"l4 IU 1 ''! . '1 1 19 Al.nilUlliraior, IllloUl ,11 lay, OUU all per I a'oi. IndlLted to make p.ynunt tortliwilli SAMUEL CREaSY. .1dn r dt btnil not July 4. 1857 Ct NEW TINWARE SHOP. MAIN STREET, OPPOSITE TUG EXCHANGE. aMIE undpMignpd respectfully fnti-nis his friends and Hip imblic geite'uliy, that he bus opened A JXttv Ttmcttrc and Sheit lion Esta b!ihinent in the buildinf forinnrlv arruiijed Ut that purpose ! i Jospph Slinrplea, wipro h is prrpartd I'i cond uc i-r vunnrnn uu im mnu'.. uM...,ir. '1'innaru nnd llntive Snoutinc of all kinds nj3ie order on nnrt i,iuh uuh ai iroue raie prices Also-bToVES, of urioui styles, uiulanily fof l iaip. t Rppiiriiig do no io order in quick tirflp CV Couuiry produce taken In eirh-iugp for w r i DC MILHUtf. Itlopmshurg ,Miy tfi. tP57-y NKW DIU'a STORK. CXCIIANOK HLOCK. MAIN STRICT. i IIIonmsbiirR. 1 'I1" C U n,l"rlnei ll ouldroKClfully I ilf.irinba friend I J- i""1 I' 'i.oJ-ally ihat ho ha, p in-med I)r l'l"l!i'il':iieniii.ilSmro. and ju.l etiirued f'um ll,li:'l' ularsoajid ielect atnck.cnni'ting 01 Pfrh and fine Drugs, .Medicine,. ClK'piienle.yrOundllililuholotipic I'ainti, Oil,, Varul.he, Ihe r:utl Window Ciaaaii all aizea. ' tncelliet u lib :iC'impllea,oilnient nil .lint 'noil, and rilinviuf liritahea. I obucco bcgaia.l ancywo,' .oav. jne Cream. l.. nnd llranilir 1 For JIcillcln:ilic.Enilili,rri.nch.iiid Auiimn Per ifumery . In ahori.evcryatticltkeptbyOru.ala tally fa-ive. ctlplton .oarelultvcompnu. tieu N II rn lltlr.L I'Xituooi. will be c.ttnu.d ,, ilauil in UlDiuib tr an I Light Hiretl Am ii full aimclmeut or th late,t tie leif, ""' ..KO M lUOWt'OH.- II HI l i l J.,1111 I ISlT- to A. O Sir.NBCII Match S"J leso j. aiHN'i: JUNKS