Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, July 18, 1857, Image 4
"w -1 p"! jfanncrsf (Holumu. )7lAllyU pij voIJlrlr, ;;imy wmUUAif A.U.r.Wn,' Lightning Hoda. Wo arp 6orry tLnt an. excellent paper from our friend, Edward Stabler, on the eulijoct of lightning rods, was not received until our spaco was entirely occupied with other nutter. It is a subject of much impottancc, and wo shall bo glad to put on record his valuable- tostimony as to the efficiency of tboso conductors. Giving his own exporienco for a period of "niac years, as President of tno Mont gomery Do. Mutual Insuranoo Co., ho tays : "Our risk aro about four millions, and wo have probably fivo hundred barns iosurod ; a largo proportion have lightning rods j and of tho whole number destroyed by lightning, not one was thus protected j nor 1ns a singlo building insured or unin sured, bo far as has como to my knowledge, and protected withjods, Icon destroyed by lightning-" Tho Lycoming County, Pa. Mutual Iosuranco Oonipsny has been in operation oventeen years; and has issued within that time, fifty-one thousand, tlireo hundred and thirty-three policies ; notono protected by lightning rods was destroyed by light ning during tho wholo period. 'Xbo Worcester County, Massachusetts Mutual InsuranceCo.jhasbeenin operation thirty four years, and in their late Annual lleport says "No building with rods on it, being injured by lightning (when properly fitted) has como to our knowledge." Mr. , says of tho wheat crop, ''So far as I have observed, and from rcliablo sources of information, in this State, tho whoat crop is very short. I have not seen half a dozen fields of good wheat; generally very light, and hundreds of acres not worth euttiDg." VtUagc Ricord. Bat proof "Corn Crib. "In framing, let tho sleepers into tlio ido silb, so that tho top of the sleepers and sills will bo level ; joint your flooring, drive up tight, and nail down fjst, and you havo a floor that will neither loso your scattered corn, nor let in tho rats and mice. Neither stone nor brick for under pinning, for tho rata will certainly under mine them, and your sills settle ;but use good blocks, two feet long, brought at the top the size of sill. Use theso precautions, and I will guarantee you a co.mplcto rid dance from the rat tribe, if you do not let ' them in at tho door." JL, Word to Milkers. Tho sago of tlio Ploughman says : "Tho milker should be on good terms with tho oow. If milkers scold and kick, the cow will, most likely, return the latter ; and moreover, she can not kick to advantage when her leg is in close conjunction with the milker; for the spaco is required between the agent and the object, Tho best milkers are tho quickest; for-there will be a flow in less than a minute from the commencement of the process. Tdko advantage of this, and p.revent its return. Milk dry; for tho etrippings arc worth- four times as much for butter as tho milk that is first drawn." This is good advice. A lazy, scolding milker, will soon spoil a good caw. Rats, An agricultural writer, estimates that every rat eats and' destroys, on an average, ono pint of grain, or its equivalent in other food, per week. A farmer who has been troubled with this- species of vermin, calculates that, on an average, every farmer in tho State of Pennsylvania. (taking that State as a sample) supports ten rits on his premises. Ten rats, at pint each per week, would consume eight bushels of gram por year; or, taking 150, 000 as the-number of farmers in tho State, one million two hundred thousand bushels annually to support tho rata of Pennsylva nia ; a very considerable, contribution to ards the maintenance of a nuisance. Food for Cms. Dairymen state that, on an average, and tho soasou through, tho cream from fourteen quarts of milk is required to make a pound of butter. One who feeds pumpkins to his dairy cows claims that, with this food, nine quarts of milk yield a pound of butter. Farmers and dairymen who hare tried pumpViu feed, state that thero is invariably a large increase in butter and cheese. A. pump, kins can be raised ut small expense, thero is no reason why they should not beooisc a profitable articles of food for cows, Areyour JPasturesJProvidcdwith Shale Trees ?U 'they are, well and goud ; if not, open the way to a strip of woods, that your stocks may have 'tho shade when they wish; and then plant in suitable places iu tho pasture some ufthe hardier trees, which should, of course, be well protected till they grow out of the reach of tho cattle. I Locusts, oaks, elms, and various other trees may bo planted tlius with profit, The Advantages of shado to a large stock will very great. Chdtivation of Corn. KcSp the culliva. and boo, or corn harrow acd hoe, in ir enrn.i e rifl ennir.nt v trnm rnva ,,t .1, . .. . ... lay ti uy, wmcu stioum do wiion it t inlo fiillf. T.At no r fir da rtmw thz-rntn e ..... keep tho sail at all times opqn to tho encca or inn sun. ucn arid rain. in - i l.i 1 i. t . .1 ii a ui uiuuLUb uu cuiu lu hmcii iiim xnii n I3ut don't .uso tho plow SPUING AND ' suIMER'''''' Onnds. iiiiaiii.v coNcr.vrrtATi.n compound tluiu . . -..-J UXTIIAUT UUUIIU, T lliVpii "t heha.eslablisht.da splendid- I war' ' !il w 9 In the ele,anthewt?iore House. Jmt creeled In Roll. bun. Columbia county , rn,.uherche ha. now opened altrie and choloe nisortincht of Snrini- nn.l rfmnninr I Which hcli determine., to .ell on .ueh term, nswlll , ,Jl-,'r.?J 'V.i'.'1 1 " h,r ,!'.el n.,.,y." w,,0"ro w,nl or ilerriianulzn. In nt to ntl him thir eiiKtnin 1 reference tot he want It It commit nllynn (I without h ...... ... n iiiiumccMiiMtnuuiitiiiiu inu ne risk nntiiint in assnrmjt tils rrieims , ex. rylhliimuallykipt in Country 8lores,cali here tie hed.i "llille cheaper than tlie cheapest.'. . . ..ruountry produce, including u rain, '.umber, fc taken Inexehangu for gooda wilso.v Aann, noliratiurs, March S3, 1PM, y. Spring and Summer GOODS' fl'IitclVV. lA'nhl A'CO.. fjAVINO ju receiyeo and opened .heir .lock o, 'f.,!l",.'!.? '?.".!irll",n encompriacatne . . 1 Vr.i ii .i i' ,NV. , 8 i .,,0,,: mcnlnowolTeredlrithlaTOWN I llavlni pildercat attention la llir selection of thelrenllre stock, an to prlecand quality, they flatter Ihenuelyea that tncy can Conine. e with the erpit, and alltlioao wlihlna to buy cheap, can aave money bvcivinirutacan. Wo have nit kfnda ol flood and Warea losupplytne roople. A very large lot of l liADIIJS' DK1SS3 UUtiUK, rrencn Merrnoes.wooit'iaids. Alpacas, iiomoarmcs, , leba!,el-olln.,larmelta. cloths, Mohai, . ....Ires, ... iiiiii DeLalues.rcrsiancloinsuingnauJs.yaiicoes, fn... i.i . Immings, wnirr. nonn.q op all KlNns.eievee MinilKercuieis, nouncings, ., n,m tiimmoige, . Larcnndcdlng, bonnet ribh oris, in large variety , , velvet ribbons, and braids, kid, coUon.Uttd lisle thread- gloves, Moknlt mill., &c. We Invltennrfrlcnds and the public generally to give us a call before pure basing elsewhere. l ehave bougliloiir goodsat LoweslCash Price., and will not beun crsoldbynnliody.ortlicrestofmanklnd. McKKLVY, NEAL & CO. ' Bloom burg, March SI, 1SS7. 1 J. S. & U. L. PEROT, Produoo nnd Oonoral COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No IS North Wliarv, s, PHILADELPHIA. RKrEREKCES: JohnF Penliton.nsq. Philadelphia. Messrs Hacker. Lea It Co. ' " Biti'i, Price A. Co. ' ' llueknor, MeCainnion &l Co, Cliarle. L'lli. & Co. " " H. Morrli Wain 1c Co " Onterbridge, Arvov & Co. ' Charles & Joseph Pcroi, ' Thomas t Maxwell, New Vork. C. M. McClilne ic Co., St Louis, Mo. " J.S. vtorn.jc Son, Louisville, Ky March 15, 1550-y MUKPIIY & KOONS, OIINCRAT. COMMSSION MERCHANTS, AND WIIOLKSALH DEALERS IN Fisn, CMKESE If vnof'isro.vs. No. 47 North Warye. (below .e. Btreet) PIULADELPi.IA. llnve ccmstanllvoii hind a lama atik VISIONS, whirhthey arc prepared to ie!l ai Hij loweit rrJUUiKS promptly alien teu iu. FebuirySl. IttiT. DYER'S HOTEL. Ctxttawissa, Pa. HtRotdand wellknown Hotel, inthetown afCatlnwissa.l.atlll kept by the under- leH signed, andlnspiteof allllcense laws, he l9.U---S.Jd. delerrained to make hi. house one of the 010s t comforta ble plares forlravetersto stop at, that can be found In the interior of Pennsylvania Hi. table will be furnish ed daily with Hie besi tne Marketcan arrord. U3mv oiutrienuaanuiravciierfgeneranyareinvncti 10 rail. jAcounycn. May 31, 1835. jr. M0NT01IU IiaUSE, CURNT.R Of MARKET AND MILL TRCET8, (muiedlately opposite tk Court 7ouji,) DANVILLE, l'A HAVING been recently reuovated and refurnished in asunerlorstyte.ttiis c1eni,t llolcli. now reoon tor the reception of strangers and vlallora, whose pa ronage IsraipcciiJlly requested. O. A.2U1.AL. X , lyi5,HJ'J. JOILV M. FOKD, IMl'ORTER, MANUFACTURER &I)EALEU IN SADDLERY, COACH IIA11DWAUE AND I 1.1 MSI I NGP, No. 32, North Third St. Philadelphia. PURCHASERS will And Ittnlbelr advantage to cf r n ...i.t.i. . r,i ...... chaseiJ lorCairti; ad consists! n at I the variety of New , . . ... ' ! r. f-tuuraers snail uave panicunrmu prom pi i itentlon. Sep temlior fl. I 5G ly -CIIAttl.ES II. MAUFLK'S. WING AND LIQH0II STOKE, iMo. 143 North 'llurd Street, Above Race, East Side, Two door, above, the Eagle Hotel . PHILADELPHIA Has constantly on hand French 0 randies , Holland Gm jtnd a general assortment r.f Foreign. Wi nes, also, all kinds or American Spirits, &c. March 13. leSG WM. S. SMITH & CO., Produce Factors -AND GENERAL COMMJSSWJf XEltCIMWTS, No. 09 North Wharves. rillh.AUCLl'IllA. The Market value uf all cousicunients advanced in Ca ill wlnn de ie. March II. 1854 ly PllEMIUM AGHIOULTUIIAL. IMPLE MCNTA We areprertaredlo furnish Agricult V&ferol Implemcntsoltho very hest qual itv manufdc lwturrdut our Agr( cultural Works, Urlstol, I'a.. -iilie lowest caU prices, wholesaleor retail,an wUlchallenze comparison with those manufactnredby any othcreitabtlshmeot In the country The first pre mlum of one hundred dollars was awarded us by the Coiiimilteeof the IT. S. Agricultural their late Hihiliition ot Powell on, (or ttubent display of Afrricitlturallmplementanianulactiiredby theezhibilor, Kvery artir If soled by ut is war rented to be as rep re sented, or loe.iaoney returned. v. u.irxi'nr.i ii ntin, Implements and Heed Warehouse, Nos.tai nnd 21 South Sixth street, Vluladelphia. November 8, 1850. THAOHEK & WODDROP. WHOLESALE BOOT, 8U0E TRUXK WAREHOUSE, No. KM Arch Strcef,up Mftirs, netvvenTliird & rourthSts.. upper ildenear Union Hotel, Philadelphia, Carpet Bag andValces of all dercrlpUnns. CiMltl.KSTIlACliniT, March 13.1SJ6. HOBUBT WUDUEUr. OOAIi iTToALl ! Dr. FULMIIt 4c Co., would resnrcfully rntirmlli people of I'ittiton and the public In KeneroJ.tlis hey have opened i UjoI Yard, of ample dimeusiouu ire preftred al their ofllce, cornerof Main and Hall Jaar-ti to till all orders for coal for domciticand edllLTf DfBS, ST Alt CO UN 8HBI.LEB8. A full supply of the premium Piar Corn 1 oiiimci g.iruiii uui uwii 4i niiuiai iti r v, muw on hand at Wholesale and It tail Ihev art adopted for either hand or horte pownr. anu are oenuvea to be tne beat Bhelierjn the market. I'ASUHALIn MORRIS &CO. implement an d Seed Sioro, 7lli aud Market IMillsdelphla. TorigulFuraT implbmenteT IMl'HOVED Hay Preeset. Farmers Rollers llorstf Powers aud Tlirethnrs G rain Fann "Haastge Cutiers and iiuirrs. o( various patrons. Improved Portable Grain Mills, Vetable. AIdO Hay straw and foddci 'Cutters In treat varlHv, PASHIIA fdL MORRIS it CO. Agricultural Warohousenndtieed Hlcre. 7 Hi andMarketPljitadelfhia, NDiberS?;1BU, IIKNRY ZUPPINGER, Clock ami Watchmaker. South Side of Main Street above the Rail JioatL DlfPlCUIdT repairing in watches and Jew. elrV Glaisesfor hlintlnr tVH.rlii.d.nnJ Ijpeetactti, Aic. uiuumsDurg, nug, ou, itov, I 'l ttc n ami -mi. .jUUi JViVJ Jil V I A U UUU i , v STORE. i" , in inuuuruuu. vaiso, iresn supply or Buanr OlnilCl. Rite, ke . Aim. A new sunn I nf W m 1 1 Uu . ii vi Miuariui ii ynjs , wn icn win un sola low i. ..r .t. ,w . r . r . I u u. ' i w imrtumn 1 T uuu the "'.... -ft'''- ",,",;i"i,'f " '.""iT.m ir .l'.' actual Vrgii't, Arising from r.sccssea "'id linpruilencles In IU. and ... nit tin n.-r llir)i.ircft frim, Itif, Nladder. Kidney i, or Senml orisn-. whether existing In ' MAI. 1. OK ril.MAI.Il, I from whatever cause they may hate nrlglnnteil, and Inn mailer of now Ion. SUIlllinff, living; lienllll and "8" '"'J,,"!? IicurcsNcrvuu.anill)ebil,taicdsiiilorcr.,uml remove. :. .. . ......... ... i-- ' i-m J,jrtj,.Utf nV itratl.lnf iMipae. wfttK nerves, Heath, Nicht Sweat., f I..mei Muscular Bittern, cirtan i:normini Anoetlte, w lit ij-,,,e,ilc Symptoms. Ilotllnids, r'luihini!,ir;lienody, nr)nctsol llieisKin .'ailltl uoilllieuviceaiiu,,, Inn the Face, I'llli In the IHck, 11,'islnen of the lid, frequently Itliek Spots Qylnit licfire the Eyes, 'with Temporary Suffusion ond hot. ut Sight: want or , Attention, Ureal Mobility, Uestlessues.. with llotrur of Society .Volhlni la moro deilrau'.c to aiieh fallenli han .olaude and noihlnj they dread for feat if I lliem.elvce i no reaoie of manner, no carneal nnt. no 1 . ' . ... '. . I , . 1.1.... f...... ..nn .... 1,1.,., iuntoanorher. , ...,..,. ....JSV.lHfV'fiff.'wel.ed. . . - 'WJA-' .ilodl'o..'"? TImj" vmpt'onn. if fttloweil to go on whiclt tlili Pimt ..,ullv.,r CDllenlle I'll. In one of whieli the patient mayelre. Who can aaythat there ex. r,'c, t'rre!U,tly lolloped by Ihoae direful ,M,f,In,anlly nod Uoiimimpllon I The record of , iaDe Aiylu and Ihc tnelanrholy dealln by fNm.n 1,011. hear nnmla witnevitn llm trutb of theie I aMimona. In Lunelle Aiyluiua lhe moil mclaneholy eilnbliion nnoeara. The countenance H actually od i den and quits deitituto neither mirth or priefi ever vliila It, Should a aouna or mo voice occur, u ia rnrniwnritriiini. Mviih nesiurea wan despair , ' ItZZ.LuXX. JrTef uTeuMed ' a 01,1 UeWiif i.moitterrinle! end ha. brought Ihousands upon thousands to untimely graves. thus blaallngthe ambition of manj noMo youlbs. It can be cuicdby . .,. , ,,,, , . .... of ..... iNFALUBLh htMKTir. Ifynuare .ntforliiit Willi any ot I lie above distressing ailment", the Fluid Uitraet lluchu wl II cure you. Try iinnd be convlncod ol il. efficacy, lleware ofQu ick Noilriiins and.U'lick nor tors, who fa l.-1y boaitof abililiesaed rclercnrea. (Citizens know andjavoid Uiem and savetong .mrering money, and ciposnre. by sending or calling for a bottle of, this p0.l',u .ifjlr U ot1?" nu I n 'and inflammation. I. perfectly pleasant in Its taste and odorj bul immediate in its uctiou. HELVBOLD'S EXTRACT IIUCIIU t Is prepared directly aciording to the rules or Pharmacy and Uiemialry, I Willi llm ere.ilesl arcurjev and elieinieat knoulcilao and care devoled in its combination, Bee Professor Kt57vvv. ai. moil of Ihe I He r-tand ird Work, of Medicine. One huuilred ilollari Mill be paid in oiiy phreieian who coir prove Ihn MP'tichm ever injured a Vn ti cut;; and Vm tcullmoity ol tlmusuihln can produced to rovp Hint it dtm (trent poud. Cuboi (if ftoiu one vek lothtrlpenytfus' standing lmo bten tirt'Clfd, IIip iitais f YoliinM.y tectimitiy In posaeisioa of the prnprieior.vourmnSu- n 1 1 a unuuiu , is iiniueiiie.emuraciiis uaiucs wtfti kuowh lu.mienco ami 1 a 111. j IDO.WHJ bottles Imve been sold and not n : ftancn of a failure ban b!n reported 1 Te monailv niirteari'cl linforo me, an Alderman of the ci'y of rit-ladelphia, II. T. Uklbolu, Uiiemi!, who hrfnir diilv nworn dors av. that his iirpDuraiion con tains no 'Narcmic, Mercury or injurious 11 rug, but are purely vegetable H. T. HKLMBOUJ, Sole Manulncturar. Sworn and sucribed beinre ine of No vember ItiSU WM.I-. IllUHAUU. Alderman. price ft per bottle, or tit for 35, delivered to tny ai dregs, nLcoinpaiiU'd by rchabt and rocponaiblc ccrtlfi cutfs Iroui i'rofuior of Medical Collejta, Ulerjyiaen und rtlters. l'repartd and sold by II T. IIHLMUOLD, IVPcticirand - rial vtical CuemMi, o 52PouthTCNTH Ht., below ClU'ttnut, Assembly Riilli(iiii7. Philndplntna. C To he had oJ. H JIIQYER. liloomiburfr, and tf alt Jjtvjrpitit ana itauri inrougnoui me unxiea aiaiet, CaaaojQJio arms rrotinccs. ukwakd or COUNTHRrniTS. AfiK FOa IIULMIlOMI'HTAKi: NO OT11CU. GURUS GUA11ANTUKD. Juno 13. SALAMANDER FlllE AND TQIEE PllOOF SAFES. JTTrt",.. THE HR0E3T ASSORT- VK lift l Vs-ff"'Sfin,cnt ,n u,e lJ"llC1' Plateau Effyl5i'5slWat,'',t'!,1 "' 1,6 e1"al to any ENjAsfoSv-WI n,lw nnde, and wilt be sold on r-vs' V'KJrnSslas cood terms, as can be obtained '33sf45''!tou, "ny "t11" '"""e "i the te',HSPU"lkVAN8 d. WATSOVS. tTRITTII7IS MIOHTY AN O WIM. PUUVAIL'l Jitptrtofthi Committee, appaintedto tvptriiiUnd the Hurn ins of the Iron tajet, at Rending Filruary 7, 15.17 Ueoinh March 4. 1857. The undersigned, members of the committee, do rconeetliilli' report, that we uaw tbc two safes, oripi n.illy Bgrt-pd uaonny rarrelsi; Ierring and Uvan& Watson, placid tidi by tide u a lurnice, viz; The Hale in I e by the paymaster of HiePluJidrlptiia and Itraitirji uanroan ijnnM'a" i" iin,o-3ai Haoing. I mamif.ctured by Firrelift Ht-rrini; one the SjI? ir use by M A. ins, in m homi iiunuianiureu Lf.inx-v vt arson, auu put uuum uuu iapcrs te 1 sptBsilv nlikn. 'nirnn w.ii started ai e t o riort. a . M..ani tent l unU' lour corns or green n-cKory. twororus dry A.I, ,l l.eir !., ilniil Inn ivnm uisrAant ra u -. "ct., , ,i...o subscribers, members ol the Committee, The Bale wfM then cooled oiT with water, af er which they were oi-cned.aod the honks and papers taken out by the Gommittee am) i.enl to I) A.hanir.'s store lor niMtitepxamination.niiiimarke ny (nporainiupp TJplioKa and unit rMtak'-nfrom tlie S.ifo. aunufne t tired bv Parrels ii Iter rincs were. in our fudzmeni, riam.ieMl fully fiucert percent, morotban those taken from ijvans a wjison g haie.j We believe the above to have bceti n fair an 1 in. partial t rial oftbe respecUvequalitles nf imii, Hafes jatiUtl II. UVHIIIiK. DANILL S. UtTNTnil Having been abtentdurinp the burnl ng, we rally nineide with Hip nbnve sli teinent of the co udilion of tlie papers and buokstak n out of the ri spar live O. A. NICOLLS, ii. ii. MUHLF.Nnnita. JAS. MILIIOLLAND. MUTC 29,1837. UAIL.KOAD AND TAOKBT iiOATI 1857. ANTELOPE, 1857, OS and nrter Tuesday, April 7. 1857, tlie Packet Goal ANTELOPE. Cunt. 11. F. Wills, will commnnm junning her reeulartrlps daily, (tiunilayi excepted) Levei Rupert at 5 o'clock, A.M.. n arrival of Wm mini Li2prss nn me u. iv.ub uanro.tii irom tvn iiniinort. and argues at Nanticoku nt J o'clock . l" M , in time to take the carsoii the L. it B. Railroad .or Scran to ii or Great Ban j tli.j sain u after noon Leaves N'auticoke on arrivuljof L. St U. Railroad cars from Urral Rend and cranlon, (say nna o'clock, P. M ) undurrlvesat RupH't early the sauiu nvanmcia limn t, liL-u llm v.. .lit P. rrirr... L,.il, n . P.lBttnrers Ir om the WyomW Vallev. for Pnil- vllle, Hariisbur p. Usltimore Piitonur g.nud a II other joinis Duum or ve, win unit u;ia innt a tvan taji Ld take the above Line, as ft is !h only Inie Hint con ikeu through, without itoppinj: over night on ihe Pastif-nser from the South or West, by leaving liar r sbiirx per afternoon train, via Dauphin and Susaue uatina ltaiiioad, ami via uiiawiitu Railroad, will meet the Packet at Rupert iu t im0, -tn-Ww N, B A Stace Tii 'LLja Coaclr will be run fSwS'rrf duily,(8undaysei. HJTWf ctpied) between -iiiUU and Riiofrt, carrying ihe Lmted HiaicsMall. Leaves Wjlkfg Itarre at - o'clock, A M.. nnd or rives at Rupert in time to connect with the Mall Train; both wavs . Leaves Runert alter the nirlval of both Vnii T.nU. (tay .T o'clock, P M.) and arrives at Wilkes Barre uouui unuiiigiii. n. r, WELI.'J, Proprietor WMkcsRarre, April U ia57. Pennsylvania Hotel. rnillBwellknown Hotel. lately ke; bySiM ..... .k.r.Ul ,.,111! M"l, tHV!lie,IN It 11 a ,flii tuliA I... .I.a ...I. I"! -.1 ,irvituc.rvu H Ufe'lll parcdtoaccrtinmodJtetrsvsllersand s aimers'" n llltt bftlt linililfir 'I'llf. Iimiau lina I u.. H,a.a,..I. lvcrhauled.and i now relitced up and furnished for one en terlai nine ut of quests, uissiamins is urite ani commodious, with Horses and vehlelesfor hire, and he will spare no, render general satisfaction tTlrA jlheral.tl3.eo ftlia nuhlir nitrnn... l .n.,t fully. olielted, OCOKGE V. rUEEZE. DanvilleDee. Stt, 1835. ALEXANDER KERR, .IlirORTEIl AND WHOLESALE DEALER XV Salt, Salt, NO. 38 SOUTH WHAUVKis, I'lllLADEI.nilA. AsHon'. Ana Liveroaol erouod Turk's I.l.n.l nnrf Dairy Halt, eon. tautly on hauu and for .ale, in lot., to j .uit the trade, I ALEXANDER KERR, I April!, lS57-3m IOtt Manofaclurlng and liuraing purpo..., for .at. ly J. II. -A. 4 B. ALI.EV, Nos,7aiid8 8oulh Wharvea, Jan. 6.1WT, Philadelphia , ONE Jood i. horse pnw.r Thribln Maehlne, for ..'"'l. ... IIAHTMAN'S M.yJ0,l6JT ST12AM GK1ST MILL. "UII3 undorilgned ink f Measure In an. iiuuncingloiliclr friend sand tlinpiihtlcallnrgo-llintlliey , havejnuicrcfled and p u 1 1 n r. 4it$ tucceofitloperatlon , THIS KSIYTOWNS?i?i STEA.M OllIST iitt.i. Ja-?'Sr.!aaKtav- , i'liiiaj, ....i..iir(i,i, uih. Ihtimshly repaired and Improved, where he l pre. Wherethcy aro niaklne thevery heat. or r lour I t,tn rflf ,',',,. wllh good lare botieitiliuoandlnlcndaelllntnllhclfiwcalprcee d loetnetnl .nlnfaHIni,. , , l'hcrearefour tun oriuraln llila MllU propolforfby , m, ,n comlct,0n wt, Hie Gxchangello-iteam-powcr allperrnrmliialoiorrecllon,anilnndii te), tin cxccll'-in aiioiiiiniriyiiuoeiioi.i.i , -r - ;--,-" ' n ' ., i I Jiiirnrilrnl i N.n.-Ca.lipaldror(lrMii(iCn&0lcvnL1N0 . . . a a tu l' ny town. July P.I J CIIBAI' WAT0IIK8 AMI .T cnclry SI r c AND RCTAll-atlho-'tMillo..- ;?MJ?? I pliia. W dolpl.lo waicn auu w,rj ".' North ad met I . cnriier luw 1 ' wair IP.., 1,1 flWElCU. Id IBI.I 24 (10 12 0(1 0 (III 7 00 7 00 1 50 3 00 1 on silver I,evcr,rul. Jewelled, Diver L.f(IH:, J' Runerlor llueriiora noldHpecladea, p,ie Oliver do, - . 0( nnreloti . - i,ie flold Penclla, u..,n.,rA4 innn,,..B,.t. S no Ven, wjt, penelland illyerholder. . 1 0(1 ,illt,. nnor .t,,- ntl eeiata to SSO .' Wateh claeaoa. . .,01 CenU .patent 1P1 , 1.unct 23 i other ortlclenln pripnttlol) 1 Allgooda warraoleillo be wlial thiy are r. 8TAI1I rlilt IIAIll.UV ira- tin handsome field anilHilverLcvers U Lrplno I II lower then theabovc prlens. (Id I I fir, Avise's ciinArwATCiii.Jnwi:LRv sTonn, Nn. 72. North Second Strcot, nPPOS ITU Til D MOUNT VUttNON IIOU8CP11 1 LA ' CotdLoverWatche.rullJewclledltJR,, iW Silver do ilo J-"u I do Leulne do V" Uuartler. S00lo7o iloldSpeclatlc., 4 50tol000 Silver do . 1 5,1 BtlverTableSpoon. ner.elt, 14 OOtoieild do De.erl do do 0 OOloll 00 do Ten do do 4 75lo 7 50 aoldPen.andCoLICa.ea, 3 9510 5 00 ,tn Rllver do 1 00 Togeilierwlili a variety of fine Cold Jewelry, (Sol WILLIAMSPOUT I;?:?" - " . "a""" Jcwelryrepalrcdlnlb nr., nu ,, " , N II. Alloider.senthyiyinaiioroincrwi.c, Willie piinctuallyaltendedto. Noveimiorl? 1S5.I 1 UAIt'NESS ESTABLISHMENT. 7 KStajfOF 711 K WHITE 1IORSK. fxH B iimlemcncd refpccliuilv I nlorim his friends and the public that lie i,..i,,,iin 1 Ciinll nut- tlm SADLERING JWSIJStiSS, t n a 1 1 Its various branches, al his old stnii do ii corner of Main and Market st rrs. Wii Where he will keep constantly on hand a lull supply and will manufacture in ordtir , aUkimUand atyjes o SJtuuut.s, iutuxr.$! i a iv ins rjtuiut.s 5-c, alt he very lowest prices .and will be happy to serve I nose w iio may t nv or ni m wun n can nt iiimi nc. Ttl Orderf frotnn Ununro incithcr branchof the a exeruted. WM. J. 11EIDLEMAN. nioom.burc.Aue. 10. inss.lS v States Union liotel. FOR.MECRLY RED LION HOTEL.) ATf. '200 Market street. Philadelphia. pEOflGE W. IIINKLE, Proprietor, fnrn.erU ofCo T lumhia, Pa,, would hiftirm his Tricnda nnd tln pub Ic that he continues to keen the above named lint. i which is well nod favorably known tlironglioiiulift Staleae oncof the oldest and in ocl con vrnirnt Ilntet In lie city . He most respectfully to! jcltFfishnrfoi pub- cpaitonage, April 7, 1&S5. CIDER MILLS. i&ru 500 KRAUSEIi S PATENT IMPROVED fV---J n t tiii i? mi ii p m 1 1.1.4. va b ....... jmanufnetur'ng these unrivalled Cider Mills, -AL'rentl imnruved and titrensthencd fipre lnt fear, and can supply orders at WHolsile and Retail. Millssiiippedto any part ol the Union. Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Acriculiurallmplc iiiu ii i auu iii .ir ni nes, y 7lh and Marketstrcets, PhlladclpTiia. SIMtlXG AM) SUMMER L0THIN(J, renin u'l'i-irslgneil grateful for past patnniapp, r 1 speclfully i u fur mi liTh cu stomcrs , nud tlie nut.' uenpratly. tUal hp.Uaaiit received from the La eru (Jities,tiit largest aud moel tsefect stork or tshionablt Spring A Summer Clothing,, (hathaset been opened in Rloomebure, to winch h Invites the altentionof liiifdeoiln, uuil assures tl.f in l hn I they are oiTerf d for sale, at croat barpalo. Ills ntocK comprises a large nnn tu'Je; aFSorunent o I Gentlemen's Wearinp: Apparels. Oonsinling of Fashionable J)rts$ Coati, o every de scnpiiou ; Pants. Veptf. Bin e, Cravats Stork Cotton Handkerchief, Gloves. Suspenders, &e., &c. Gold Watchis and Jiu'chiji of 'very deicrlplion, fine and clicnp. !I . U Ueitic mho r I.ovnherg' Cheap Emvorittm, Call aud tifc, Nocharce tor tAammini! f.oodH JJAVID hO WEN13EKU. Illoomsburg, Ma-cli HI, lew. Dr. Francis C. ll.irrlson, WOULD respectfully inform the citizens of 'Dooms burs and vicinity, that ho lias com menced the prac tic of Al totC ink and Huhulrv. nnd aolleitn n tthnm n nublicpatronage. huftau ilwaytstie roiindattheCzcIianKoIlotcloppotite Court House, Ulcaiusburg, Feb. 5, Franklin House. VARimi & LAIKI). Proiirielors. Chcsnut St., Lctweon Third and Fourth, PHILADELPHIA. Heplcmlicrn. IPSO. LEAP TOBACCO & CIGARS, t!l, Boutli Front Street, rilll.ADKU'llIA. Sept.. 0,1850, y FRESH GARDEN 8EKDS. DR. GCO, JM. HAGIINIIUCII has Just reci'ivcrl, and Ills for sa le. at hi. Druir Stnro. a slcrt s .on. liiciit of nil kind, of Hardin Smdi, Ifrom Mr. Hill. I'. tW.I II on... t ,, t'hlln.lnlnhm llui.r. Beed llou.e iu Mjjr 'J, 1C57, t,i. r. im . JWII1M Vj, XrjAUilH, Ir.1 Qllinll.1 !. I s. lint .V Tin CI n v n ya bin ona uic n;n ivtap M or 0 NO. 103 NORTH THIRD STRUCT. I'Hir.AIJKM'HIA. iMercliants nnd visitors from Northern Pennsy vnnia.areresuectfiillyluvilcdlo give 111 in acall, when visiting Philadelphia. llJune !fj,162G. y . Drt J, C. Ruttur, II o in ifi o p a Hi i c I' Ii y s 1 c I a u, RCSl'ECTrUM.ytenilorslils rrofe.slunal Sercc. tothecltizco.ol llloonisbiirf.'n nd vicinity, generally lur uuicv uu ine corner 01 .nam anil iron Direct. Illoomsburg. Adjoining Mr Grower'. Store. 8ept.Si3, 1F55. N03, 0, 11, 13 and IS Uourtland strcot, NEW YORK. D. U.WINOIIESTIMl. TIIOS. I). WINCIir.STRR, R11NJ. r.WINUIIUBTCR. May 31,iei3.3m Kiypton'ii tCoarli and Wagou Fctory, rnllll undersigned flavins aureeeded Jaenl, R. r.v. Xln tlie Wagi,iiuiid Couch making liu.i ness. at In. stand, in llspytown resuectluliy iiilorm their frienc and (lie nn lil Ic, that tli ey continuewil I the Wugon Making Business, Inalttitsdi(atliiientsMwlieretliey will be h tppy loro ceive orders aiiiliirnnipilycxeciittall bjisinessinthelj line, with n eat ness and des pnteh. trj? Wheel burrows made to order,andaltkind. ol repairing done on short notice. BVANS k IIAGUNUUCH. U.pylown,Jltne7,'18S0 y S. L. Pancoast &, Co., A. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. AND 11EA1.EUH IN FISH, PROVISIONS, SALT, Jc ,17 North Wharvet, rhlladelplua, ' ptOTTON and Wool (Mrt, lor ile cheap at lb iWAreadaby y If.. 1 1 -. . r. ,M,t,nii ANJ R. R. Omnibus Line MrMIK nnderslgned rospretfully informs 1 friende and the public that lie ha taken the rrrArW(ef,ln llloomaburt,lornledin Main Hlteet, Iriellyoniioa te t lie Court Home, wiiitn na oen UMNIdiUS i-, lirlleivill nlnyi he happy to entertain nndi jtaou,lgll,,rriea,ol,,c,,lmoatofl,lal.llllle.. 1 I UTUR BILL! i V I It, Ft9vrUtort nioomibiifff, April, 5 ,1830 y. ciitn k nt nrMiiTin i tn HMTT ttl rnniut-aciliierls now prepared with new Mnctilno i rv, to iMiilJi-l.-itiminrv L-iiclnca.rnnii &U 10 Oh one tower, upon tliu InteMlmprovi ilplani.nm. will build to irdcr doultleitiiil siiicto por'nMu (jnginci frnin 10 to 40 loreenoitcr.lliffzcdupoii currianee.wlth Holler eenr ne & pumps all complete and ready for action. Also, -cylinder lliieand tufiularbol'cra.cait iron coa! brenke ire patented In 160, for threshing ur'&in audcracklnr 'orti nlid oow mailu on a large sralu for erecklng os trenKine; coal. Heavy milling pumps mid fire engine! rigg,-tl enmlili'tewllhdimhle iicting for,:liie pumps, ni kinds of uiillRearinrnnd house calling mado to order! l.iiiCBhafilug with nnvdeiir',il sites 01 pulleys flnlshe wild nangers ironpiniiiiig uone,sayjiieet long: a klndaoi Iron tumirg henvy prcia and oilier acrcw turned wilh any Oealred plti liollhrend. I'hebcst Uouch Iron tlirelblna .Machines, that ever come before the public, carl Iron nnd w'-odcnmacliines tnade to order. Lever power, tl.nln or tread tower uinde tacrncr. Alsotakesordersfortlicfollowliigiiia chlnery: Harrison's lalestpatlntcrnln mill, flOO'J of. fered by the Patentee lor itsoqual, It wilt grind in cxid fine riuntS5 biislielsin one hour. Also bolts and eleva tors all InoiJer.nisnltuggte's Paten til lower, inannfactur, ed by CI. 1) Harris As Co., U10 most powerful lllmver now 1 n nsc w itlitheleast i mount orpower. onoofwiilrh wllliie putln u.eal the Foundry for exhibition. ;floi ,j . - W"'B "u,,n,wi, itiu-i uat uioyrt sold lor Also Take orders for Seoll'a Patent Blacksmith Striker, and rights to nselhem In thcco'in lies of Colum bia, Mott.our.rVnrth'im'ierland.Lvenniiug, ulliron and Cllntwll, one of which can be seen nt mv slion- LHWIS H. MADS, Jlnrili 12,1630, niooinsliu.Coliiiiililu cc , ham esaang 151UK HAIL 110 AD. Direct Railroad eonn tttlon Utvttn A'irpari Telle a ti Philadelphia, kharttet (iuftlttt and threj.eit Itevttfrtvt II er era XetDlYork (j ' hiladelphiat Jlartnbhtff, i'iittbtirp Ualtmorg, Washington city, and the South, PASSENGER TRAINS leave Elniira" d.illy (rxcrpt ttiuuljys,) at7 A. Al. pnalng Witliamiportut 10 1.1 A .M. connecting Willi Rfjd'ng Rail Road ntPortL'l jn. Un,.iLd reachiuyi'hil.idtlphla at 7 30 p, M.'ve I' from comer of Ilrnnd and Vine st recti, at? ;u, A. M. rrachinp Willianupoti, at 3 15. P. M.. mid arriving nt Eh.. Ira ntn, p, M PASSENGER TRAINS WILE LEAVE PORT 0LINION VOll IIARUISRURG. l)lrecl,via Uaupliintind Susquelianun Hull on Uu arrivalolOJiawls-a Train, at -43P.M.rcacliing Hrtr rieburpntd P AL Ili'lurninplcave UnrrUlmrjral? 1.1 A M..coinectinf; at PortGltulon with Uiilluwi.jiui rain bonnduesl form ln;rlJ.c mosldirecirouie m uarrisiiurir, I'i.lcljiir?. Hal Coniir .Ini! nt Elmlin with traiiisou New Yorkand ErjeRuM I'.oad ; ulsn. uilh the Elmira, Canandngau. Rnclu .er. UulVatn and Niaparii Pall. 4,'rr aectlngdin'clly with tlio Great Western Ratlroa nt SiHpf'iidion bridce for ldtrtl I , Chicago, St Louis, kf , thus ina kins the hortrst,jnd theapestruutc fron Philadelphia tothorc poltita. A EKKUUIT THA1N. Will leave WiMamcport DAILY, al 0 30 A. M .fo Philadelphia. rrcighi train to and from Philadelphia u i thou t Iran nil ipmunt. from RrfuliiiR Rail Road Frcl ghtllepot .corn erof Rroad nnd Cherry utreets. TRAINS PASS DANVILLE AS FOLLOWS UUIKO BAST. rnssenzcrTraln 12 M. Proiglii I'ralu, 0 SI A. GOING WEST. PassetigprTrnlo , 3 23 P- Fti-ljlilTroiu, ssr. rAnns. neteonrintadelnliliaiiilUiuiprt, 4 40 Danville, 4 On i lijtnnissa, 4 3.1 Tain.t'iiu 2 110 " " Millau 5 in 1 " WulLiuisrinri. ,p, in orpprsoiiallmrrii.nfr nlliiupHln f noli pass sniper excess clinrci'il ill double II rs'-i IntHiri-iplitr.nliM i, i ru,u.i, rtfrriiiteitiiiiK, Jan 2G, 1Mb ini II.A.ANDUK ADIXtt It VI L UOAD titgr,irrirgtmeittM fj Passenger Trains, January Is(, 1857. UP Trains, going North, leave Philadelphia it?l A M.anu 01 P. M. Down TrainsgoingHoutli, leavcPoltsvilleal ?i A.M tec. and 4 P M. Ctr.iiuspisri RcadincnllO.C, A. M.andtl ilJP.M. duwn Traini " 5,I3,A. M, fl,4J P. M. The EfprssTnin is iliacontinucl until further no tiro Close coii'iectious are jtjde by the 10,2'i A M tlu Train Irom Pml CI in ton to Elmiru and all Intcrme dial'' poiuu nnd by the P M CpTrain from Port Ciluinu Ui Elinira tJiuandaigun. llutlido, Niagara. Ih-. not Chicaeo. fct, LnuU. Daveunort, and Jimn Citv M) king Uu route tliciliorlentand cheupett to Us Lake i.nces anauanaaa OnSundnys.tho Down A. M, Tnin from Poltsviltc, unuupr..i. train irom I'linancipiiia, oniy,ruu HinRiiDcaaCoswtrTiows, by .Uaunhjn Uairoad atAu bni n A fneclal Accmuiunflfllinn P.-ittcPiivrr Trnln ln.iv. ReadiiiRihiilly (eyrejH fuudays,)nt 71 A.M., returning mill nuuuin niuj i . ji?,, on urrivat Ol J,IU t. w lrjinlroui llarritflurR. WAY FAICKS Fhom edini to ',75.udI,43; Pottsvllc 81,03 and 0,83: Auliiun, 0 73. THROUGH TARES, to Uarrifbure. 82.55; Tajnanua t.i! Wi.'iiliiinnri 1 1ft; I'.ttl.n til 'VI . (',,,1.1,1 ?li( Ruirid or NiagraSlll.UO; C.-avt'and I0, . Tof"do$N.71 ; CincinnatlSIO.UU, Chicairn s.ll.O J k liUandS'.'S.OO, y n LL Pans MigerswiH procure tickets before eneri 7 nrs: 10 cents extra on t'.irei paid in the car H yih ,of pcrsenni llnxgaceai'owed each Pafstft ovcrlhat weig lilcliurCLdasEitrn lltipgnve' A. MUOLLH, nua 3d. IP57-lf Cen'i Sup't BUSINESS NOT10K. IICRRINGTIlinpilOOrAlX-AnotlierVlctory 1 MoBNT IIRYDO.H , Jily I, Id55 f .B.Biidorm.Esa.i Lenion.C. IV.,Jt'tntfor lltrrus . Co. U.AR Sir: I am srry to inform you Hint my more Willi the wlioleoruicc'iuieuts, l iHulluri',cluUiiii, i.c, ,..i..i,.u,fu uy ureia.i ingnt. i s.ivrjtiiiinini:. von l',illriiii'm,ej I lioulijl one o flic rring's slain, fromyou i la.tAlarctl, and I linvo much nlpasnro In I iiforml ire vnti i tootf llm (ire well, It wan iierfoctly ri'il hot for sever- I OS llOtirSl til. Iin.n.11,-. fln.l In , n 1. ..,aI,...I n tr II (I after laulln;iio'utof the uurojngHinhei. . hail allipour walsr onll (or nearly half an hour hfloro it CO U 1 41 UC Oneu.U. Vnil m.iv Itiurv mv .n , l.Tiir, In,, nt Alllllliernvbonk..,,ln. nnrf ...i,.li ' r,s,li i nun ft 'nrgo amount ol vnlil-itilo ti.liiers ill It ; wi,i,h,iin,i i ii, woui.i have c,.ir,eiy ,'iP,i ,0 Vnil will please send mn .innth.rsitfn .ll.i.rllu nn.l I will send yon the old one thai you mn y show It to all who wish to have nperleelly Arc prootiafc. I remain, dear dir.youriresprctfiilly, J . IV l'..rr.u trThesubserlber. Iiaveon handfor salo.nno o( tho uree.iiituuriiiieuipi i loii.D IICROI.AR I'Konr Sases In tworld guarraiileed tobe eeual tollie nbov.andsu. , rio II u any other iiowoTeredlo thepiildic. PARRELS 4; Hl:ltRlNG 31 Walnut Street, I'lilladclnlila. vlu.UI 1SSS v I.ANDRETII'S EXCELSIOR CORN ,2?irf ni;i.i,i:it3, roil hand or rowcK- ktyi vo iiiuho lour tizea or llm sbove Unrn Shellela, nnd warrant themlocivu .atlsfac , w ni,,,, or me money returned, iheyarufar ijjjjj. superior to any now In the market. Will I disount to ?ers. RHidimi's I'atant Power Unrn millers annOles'isar. also iiunufjciuredandfor sulo, WIIWI.BUII, .UU l.tuill u, D LAVDRCTII fcSON.e luienieni and Send Varehouik No.. SI nndCI S. HIXTII Si., below Marl.Vlii November. 13, IS50. riiiladoipliia.lll p h iladelThia carpet s i-ore pAltl'CTINGS, Oilcloth., Window Piiode,. , Matting. Just rereived SiO.OOU pere new atvle ,,,,,, pre.siy tor (,'AltCUT l,L. Merchants ami Housekeeper, will pPa. . a.'.' -huVf h 'l,,,t "c"",Maw March S!J. IH30. J. SIDNEY JONES. iruisiiaiUTii ibuiioTiivus. WHOLESALE TBA(3CO DliATiGRS. . 103, SOUTH TIIIllnSTJIKIJT l'ive door. Iclow .Race, , .... PHILADELPHIA. J.nrutav 10,1835.. C. C SADLER ,J- CO,, 'NO. 0, North Watur Street Philadel. nhla t'OMMtB3ION MCIIL'UANTB. ond dealer, in Lard, Shoulder.. Chee.o lliuu. Iluckcn, Porks, rlotir kCs Aplill 165S-ly I A. M. RUPERT. 7 I Tinware and fihett lron ManufariiMr . i. r tn Ma.n llr.t kil.w Biif.rfs E!oti I Dr. J. S. Houghton's QUE AT CUltE VOlt UVSl'El'SIA. mill'. True lllge.tlve JL Fluid, or Uastrlc Julcn Prepared from llenncl, or the foiitlh DR, IIOUailTOH'S Sloiunrh of thctlx, nfler dlrtellotishl Il.l I i n Lie. big, tliegreal Physlologn cat unemist ny j ri Toughton M.l) , l'Ui I n dclpliilliPa, TIIIMSMutlirO'.OW II Iteinclvfor nn nttlienllliv RIO mndi, No arlof inoncnii equal Its eurulli e powers. , , v v ., 11 " ,itiii ,1,1111 r.tArtiis, or ivausnoiiK lolhelostcnnil may who cannot eal a llewntc brliruggcd ll.itlnllu. -l.,,ln .rntis.clvilig n Inreo nniniint nr Rrti,n,lrir T'ui, ...,.. from l.lehlg's Anlmn K.lieiiilslry !Ilr, Coiiihe'sPlilni,ey Digestion: I)r Perelrn 011 Food and IMeltllr. John W Tlaner, nfN'cw Vork Uliiversltyi Prof llnngllton'. ryslnlogyj Pror. Slllliiian.ol VoleColledgeiDr Cnrpeii, tel'.PhysBilogyi Ate.., together Willi reportenf Cure, fromnll paitsoftlie United Ines, , Boldbv II. P, l.ulr. and J , P.,Moyer, ttloonishurg P n. Ilowman llerwlcfe. Or 13, IPSS I )y LANDItETH'S WA1HUNTED GAll DEN SEEDS. . Ginna annns thild pnnDs, nnj tlower BUUDS, for alc liy II. llVUIU.l II M Ml.. Nns. 21 and 23 Sou III Kill Ii .1., I'liilndclplilE, March 23, ISM. . . CAM BRA CORNERS UOTKL T,lE;iM)i.KSiuMin, inrorms ni rncudH and tic tra"eI''iK public, that hehas purchased the abtivu yaiuni'ie properiy uini inoroHpiii) improved me i, ambit! Hotel, located Iti miles Noithuf Ulonmsburx, in Camhr.i, Lurerne county, and Is vtt-ll prepared, to entertain iinniM'M and riiflomcrv, IVnionccoiiiit add returning from the Cltv. will of coureetrmcl by Hie Uamura luuii uoacn. and wtllnlwnyr find tills the most couvenlen t pajlo fl.iriMl 'Mill .iiliviuij. rue subscnocr, ni'OKuep n Livery KitabliPhmcnt. In connection with bis lloteland Mail Route, bv which Itfcnn ntiill tlnifiHClirrV vl?ltOfB. 1 1 U (1 1 (.'f or I iihliir. tlie Long Pond, or any other deptl nation, on lHrt notice nnd wlthKoodtravelliutr ffttflilies. JIL.sKY J YAPLu. Carubra.July 1. 185C. nioomsluirg Tinware mil Stove Slorr. 'pIlU'indeMlgned rrspcclfully informs his o(t friends I mid eiifttomrM. that lie n ntirrhnsed Iiim broltifr'a inlerrat In the above estnblMimeut.uiid the concern u il hcreattrrui! conuueteu ny miiist-ii ficiuiiveiy. lip has $ jusi tPceivru anuoiirrHicirs.ini uie larfrettinnd mostexieiulvo assortment of PANCY STOVES stTSM ever uu roiiuceu i niouiis uiarKri, Vii llli stock consists of ;i comiilcte assortment ol eblliest Cooklngand pirlor Rt.-ves In the market, to timber with Htovo Plxturesnf every desrrfptlon.Oven and noxaioveSkUB'UBiorstVjyii'Hier niuves, uast Iron Alr-TigH Stoves, Cannon Stoves, &c, Ate . Stovepit ppand Tlnwarcconslniitl) on hand anil nian ufnetured tn order, All kinds of repairing done, as usual, on short untie. The pntronngeof oldrnenilBand now customers re speotfullysolicitrd. loninilnirR, Jan. 3, 1631, If National 'if!' Hotel. ( LATK WIIITiS SWAN, ) Sides Stover. Unco Street, above Third, Philadelphia PftTicnStiJES.Iatfl nfthe(lrnSt'Vi' ni.HclliiieslK'bukCo jAMks'P. Stovkr, of Hie Uuiun Hon ), Aujiisi It, IdM. I'll RUN OLO0IAL CAlilNKT. I'OM LJillS, WUI.I.S & CO., rllKCN'OMJGIKTS AMI I'UIII.ISimiH, 'jyi Arch Street, below Seventh; Pliil.a'd. "ITSii r nlsli nl I h rk. nn l'liri'nnlniv .riiyslnlni;)' sili- W.ltr(;urit Miiitni'tlsiii. mill l'liiniii;rnpliy. iv w h',fsalo nml rfit all nl Me.v York irirr.. . X I'r.irs.ioiiiil f-Liniln ilions. with charts, sin ff'JIull wriit li'.rriptl'Ki ul clmraitcr. day ami uverilne. C'nlii net free. May 12, 1S35. y Mount Vernon House. Second itnet, above Jlrch, Vhilula, TUT. iinttprslgtipi! Iiarlnir piirrltasr-it a ti Intiri'Stn Air I). Ill.ilrfn tlicttlinvnolito.taliliKhi-il llnlpl. wil nuw bivi' i lio solu suicrvisiiiii ol ihn (.jaMi.liiiifii nnl niluit tin introrinc,',,rtli,'tiit'lir. IU' leuUccmfi lent mat a trill ul tils llu-j.f . Knunis. Ili-rviinls C. Will ,1,11V. Ill.l.wa, Micntii in... il id.... l.nn. i. i.. ii Miinrrrr 1857. SPUING AND SUMMKR, GEO. HULPIN h CO. IMPOKTKllS .1.YD MjlXUF.ICTVltEnS. 171 UHESNUT STREET, Aronowprcpured'to t'lliiult thejr NcwPtyUi FOR SPUING TRADE, INCLUDING ninlack' and coloredHilk Mantillas Chnntlv Lnci Man-M-ClilUa. 1'reikcll Lnre Alalitil.n., Embroidered Hilk Mantillas, Dueled l.nre and Nf t Mini I lias, Mourning Mantillas, llas'i'ies. Talmas, A.c . cU. All orwhtcn willbo olfured ntthe Lowest Prices GEO. III'l.l.M CO. 1174 Chesnut Street, nbovo;tl , 1'liila . March 7th. I f jT. CHEAP STORE. SPRINGAND "hUjIM KvTc, O0DS. HjllE und'irsiijneil take plcosun' in an JL jiounclii7 to thelrcustniiH-rs und the jiubli, gener tho Lliuu Uidce i3tore a choice assortment tf Spring anil Summer Goods, Comprising every oriiole usually kept in Country Store. which haieheen .lr,,,i i.,,ifl.n a ni will be sold ai very low price, lor ready pay . ' on.inlnc of a l.ugH veriny of Cloth., Cn.aiiuers, eluine., llrnz0H.Caicoes, &c. tie Country producetakeii in exclinncrfor goods Give u. a cull. None need gu awny disjatilled. O. & G. LOW. J.nne Ridge, March 39, 1657 ONE DOLLAR A VEAR. Circulation over 100,000 Copies Weekly. 25 Witnesses, OR, THE FORGER CONVICTED, TOHN S. DVE ia tlio Author, who lias Lad ten .1 earexperlncu a. a Hanker and Publisher, and Autlio rn l a, el (A.; readily 7'oSrniie; when, for ten surcesslve ' H-50 OWIl'eoploji Greeted him with mil ml. uf appluuio, while lie en, lubilcd the manner in whicliOiiimtcrfeiter. execute their Irauits, and the surest and .honest nieuna of delicti rig them I l'A. Dank A'.. Kriirsr all lay that Ac il 1A Judgt t I'apir JUonty tictng . Greatest Discovery of the Present Century for Delecting Counterfeit Hank Notes. Ilescrlbii.g every Genuine 11)11 Iu existence, and exhibiting ut a glanco every Courterfcil in rircu.a- l,U 1 na iSe sonuinirupiy,tnai iteiereuce s u.ny and lleteciinn Imtniitaiuous. lIJ-No Index to emminc I No pai;etn hunt up I ini,, ' , . .. ""'i, "Mi "in .iwrcnaiit, uankiraud lliiiiiic's ilnni.ui see oH.lo glance. ... r.nellih, frtntA onj (Jcrman. rhni each inayreau the in hli onn Native i oneue. Most perfect Dunk Note List Published. Als,l n ll.l nf all ll... I'RIVATli lIANKUIttf IN AMERICA aA5? 'lnU'"m?Vr"jeI'!i-l ''""" . 1, K,t.y" 1 H'lhlishnl ineneh editlin. ticeiher with all tho iiuporlaiitNUtVrl or 'j'HK HAY. AI.o, A SKBir.S Ol' TAI.LM !,ir"h'!;."!',"IJ M"url.t found In tha Ut.l, Il fur Itieoiostcnniplitolii.iory of OIIIUNTAI, I.Il'i:, And d.srriliinn the most ne.nleiln.lnn. ilinn In W 111 I tha l:,dl..n,..lDAnt,n.J..'..e.,:.f1...... lieen so oli..n r..n ml 'I'lieso iturle. will onnliniie i.irnujnominewliuleyenr uud will prove llie tao.t B'!f'ollnil c ver uflertil 10 1I10 public Wruinishe.lwesklj to Buhscnher. only, nt tl a rr.r Alll.t.r. uluit be addrs.'eil to - . , . JOHN' 8 llVIJ. Brokir rubluher nd Troptie tor :o Wall st , Nsw York IpSSr of Tim .v.roAVj.7ra7T rnvsr co.vp.vy "WAI.NUT Street, South Wat corntr T T rTHIRH, I'hlhdelphln. Incorporated by lhc Slate of Pennsylvania. YMoney in received In, larte or iranll uj Inleresi paid f'oni the d iy of deposit lo the day , ivitlnlranl. The. oillce Is open every day frnm 9 n'clnctt In i!, morning till 7 o'clock in the evening, and on Mondi, nndTliursilay evening!, till 0o 'clock INTEREST FIVE PER. CENT. AH .iinistarg, or .mall, nre paid hackln .U0LD oi. demand without umice,lnany nmotiiit. President Hon HENRY I,. UrNNErt. VicePreslilelit, ROIIERT SELKR1DGK Secretary WILLIAM J HEED. Jlrsttorsi Hcnr) I,. Ilenner, C. I.nndrrtli Munm I'.dwntd L. Carter, I' Carroll,, RobertSelfrliige, Joseph II llnrry, Samuel K. Ashton , Henry I,. Churchman Jainenn.Smllh. biiiili ess entirely to th. receivlngnl nic ncy nil Interest. The inve.lmeht. a tiinniitltiglo nearly, ONn MILLION AND A IIAI.P OF DOLLARBI ts per published repntl of ASI'.TS.nre mail, in eon orinlly with the provWons of llm clnrlir In HEAL ESTATE, MORTGAGE!. GROUND RENTS, nndlurl. first class securities, nstMll always Insure perfect ij eurily to the depositors, and wtiirli cannot tn givs permineiicynud.tKiltily lo(thlaold an'l well e.iat, iished Institution, (c'eb. I, less.) .March 7Ui,lt57. AYER'S PILLS Ankw nnd ninfjularlv successful rrntnly foi tha curcof all liilious Hifeases CsticiiC(s Jndi cdtion, Jaundice, Droiwy, Itliouinnlhm. 1'cTcrrj, (lout, Ilumors, Ncrrnusne'!, Irritability, Inflatnma tioiifl, Headache, 1'ains in the lirfivt, Side, Hack, and Limbs, Female Complaints, &c. A'c, Irdeed, very few are the diseases! in which a I'uralhe Medi cine ii not nunc or less requiied, nnd much dick nets and. bulFcrinp might ha prrtcntcd, if n harm less but effectual Oathurtic wero more freely uspd. No pcreon can feci well while a coslhe habit of body prevail ; besides, It soon rencrntes iseriou1. and often fatal diseases, which might hac been avoided by the timely and judicious use of a od purpathe. 'I his Ii alike true of Colds, Keverisli symptoms, nnd liilious dtjTMi cements. They ull torici to licomo or produce the deep seated and formidable disiPinpcri which load tho hejirses all the laud. Ucikc i reliable family plijtic is of the iiist importance to tlio public health, and lliis Pill has been perfettcd with consummate skill to meet that demand. An cxttnshc trial of lit hi lues by 1'hjFicians, Profrs. sors, and Patient, 1ms hliown roMills tsurpassiu any thing hitherto kiion of any iiaidiciuc. Cum Tiavcbeen tirected WynA bcrlicf, wc.e lb"y uui Mib etantinled by persona of Filch exulted position aiA character as to forbid the Kuspiciou of untruth. Amoiifx tlio mnuy ei nin nut Kentlenuu sha 1i:mu testified in faor of these Pilli, wc may mention Prof. J. 51. I.ockh, Anal) Ural Chemist, of f':'i eiuuati, whose L.h profcbslonat chriiictLr is in dorsed liy .loiiN MrLrAK, Judge of the Supreme Couit of the United Status. Tuns, CouwiN, Secretary of llm Treasury. Hon. J. M. WiuaiiT, (iincrm.r f Jmliana. N. Loynwouiii, reat u-'n.r uroer of the West, Also, lhi, ,1. it. CilllroN', PrrtCiical Cht-mUl, uf Nc Vurk City, endorsed by Hon. W. T,.' Mmicy, Secretary of State. 'm. 11. Astoh, the richest nuiu in Amprira. S, Lelinij it Co., Propr's of tLe Metiopohtm Hotel, nnd many others. Did spate pirmlt, we could pive manv hundrel certificates, fiom .ill parts where the Pills haf been used, but evidence cen muic comiticin tlian the cxpenenee nf eniinent public men is found m their etfects upon trial, 'J hose Pills, tho result of Inn investigation tir.d study, arc olfacd tn the public rs the best und most compU to which the present state of nudirat science can alTnid. FJ hey are cnmpnundci! not of the drugs themseUes, but of tlio tuudicmil urtms only of Vtttablo rtmiodien, eitracted byclunncd protets in a state of purity, and combined togtthir in such a maticir as toiuM'j'e lhcbctt rrults. 'Ibis sytc;ni of comnositioa for incdiriiics has been found in the Cherry Pectoial and Pills both, lo pioduce a more etiieient remedy than had hitherto been ob tained by any proecfs. The reason is peifcctly ou ious. Vltile by the old mode off oniposition,eery medicine is burdened Willi nmre or lens of acn monjous and iiijuiious qualities, by this each indi vidual -irtue only that U desiicd for the curaliie elfect is piesent. All the iutrt and obnoxious qu.d Ities of each substance employed are lelt behind, tho curative- virtues only belnt retained. II nice it n stlf-evidcM the efTc'cts should pioo, ns the ImMt tirocd, more nurvly, aud tho PilUa mih r, more powerful antidote to diM-ate than un) othtr medicine known to the world. As it is frequently ixpedicnt that my medicine should be taken under the counsel of nn nttcndini Phytdclau, and as ho could not pjoperly jndse of .. remedy without kwnuncr its fomposilion, 1 hue supplied the accurate I'ormulc by which both mv IVctoral and 3'iUs are made to the whole body of Practitioners in the Untied Stiites. and I tritish Amer ican Proline cb. If, how eer, there should be any one vho has not received them, they will ba pioinptly forwarded by muil lo his rrquest. Of all thu J'atcnt feditincs that arc offered, how cw would be laken if their composition was known ' Their life eonsists in their mystery. I hae ua inysteries. The composition of my preparations Is laid open tn all men, and nil who he competent to judge on the subject fiecly acknowledge their convictions of their intrinsic merits. 'Ihc Cherry Pectoinl was pronounced by scientific men to be a wonderful medicine before iU ellucts were known. Many em inent l'hjtsicians )mc declared the samn thin of mv Pills, and icn morn confidently, nnd are will Injf to certify that their anticipations were more than realized ly their elt'ects upon tifal. 'I hey operate by their poweiful iniUienco on tho internal ictia to puiify the blood and slimulnte it into healthy action teic the ob-.Uuctions of .the stomach, bone-Is, liur, and other ort;ans of tha body, lestoring their incpular r-ctiun to Imalth, and by cotucting, whemer they exist, such, deianga nicnts as are the first orlpin of disease. Ilcin; 6Ufarwrapped, they are pleannt to take ond beinR purely vcKCtable, po haxm can arise from their uso in anv qupntity. 1 For minute directions, sec wrapper on th Box . DR. JAMES 0. AYER," Practical nnd Analytical CliuiuUt. Lowell, mass. Fries 25 Cents per Sox, Five Boxes (or ,$L SOI.Ii UY CJ- r,. P. I.UTZ.anJ all Ilri'fcliU In niooru.huri unit Oealera in medicine, e vet l u lit re. Maylfl, jeS7. CENTRE STORE . S.PRIXG & SIMM 13 It G.0 0DS. JIIH UDiIersignod.lalsfl ploastirr ol in- I hVimV . J. " , , -.""-- . ne ijos ju.t received a largo and olcc tasorinen I a. ,i,,Mii,ti .in- ciiuens ui.L.enue aim vicii'liy, tnai 11 f SI'KINf! Si. SUMMER GOODB, Coin prisi 11 tft lie lien vie. 1 .toekandinotvnrieda..ort litem ol laMhioiiable, useful and suDiiantial Merchm iIJlh thai liaveheenoflereil loth. puMic olei cry kind uiid'iuality.whichtliey very reasonable prices. HCoun(ryiiroducitaVen inn.lrlialtse for Roods. Incliiillneraiii und i,ui ber n,nd tlie public cu.tom repriiiuiv .0 iciiun. SVMUEL JiAJIlJACK. rowler.vll'o. March 'J6 1P37, .NE W T" SPRINO AND SUMMER, To be Sold Very Cheap, JUST ItmUV E AT THE BTOllli OF J. .1. ll.ROJYEn, Qloomiburj April J5, 1837-3 i