Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, July 18, 1857, Image 2

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Bloomsbiirg,. July 18, 1857,
Uetnocrailc Slate Nominations.
von oovcuNon,
Of t.ycoming County,
Of Cluster county.
for juDcca or the surREJtr. counT.
Of Berks County.
Of Erie County,
,r ,. x , , , Is,!! '.-V 'f',""1" , l IT,
or the Law in utootocbu.jt. Cotuiulilo county, l a., and
will, glvo lila undivided and careTuI atlmtlun to all
proteMlonni builncia (intrusted to him in Uoltimlln
and adJolnJns countlri,
Ito cm b found cunilantty. In hi. Office, In nolil
taa'a Row.iiflit tho 17o.irt llouio.
Wo believe it is Mr. Emerson who says
that " consistency is tho bngbnar of little
minds j'1 and somo oae else has rendered
tho same idea into tho vulgato, by saying,
" that a wiso man often changes his mind,
but a fool never docs." If tho abovo pro
position is truo, then indeed havo tho op
position to tho Dcmocratio pjrty in the
Stato of Pennsylvania, much whereof to
boast. For if over any party havo scouted
Mr. Emerson's bugbear of consistency, and
adopted in its length and brcad.h tho pro
verb, that party is the ono which is now
keeping up a sort of guerilla warfare against
tho Democratic party, and against tho Con
stitution of Iho State and tho Nation.
Upon every question of Stato or national
policy, tbc party in opposition have changed
sides in support of every measuro which
was thought to bo leading and important
ten years ago, or oven Ies3 than that, thoy
havo faltered or fallen back ; and now, it
is not too much to say, that they havo
abandoned every idea of principle, and
pinned their faith to the doctrine of power.
Willing to adopt every ism, no matter how
inuch at vnrianco with former-profossions
seeking to proselyte by promises of political
preferment ; unscrupulous in the uso of
means whereby to attain-an end o anmcn
surato with those means; they seek success
playing to sectional passion and local in
terests, ignoring altogether thoso great
"fundamentals, truth and honesty, which
should guide tho course of every person
and party. Such is a truthful sketch of
tho present position cf our friends of tho
It is certainly within tho memory of
men now living, that David Wilmot was
denounced by the men who aro now sup
porting him, as a British free trado loco
foco, who ought to bo hung in chains, and
wo are not sure that ho was not burned in
offigy by some of his present worshippers
and suppor'crs.
Have tho old tariff nhigs of Pennsylva
nia really abandoned the policy of protee
tion? Will they now, not on y consent to
let this pet measure go to tho wall, but at
tho same time, assist t) put into position
and power the " baso and unnatural trai
tor' who thus betrayed tho intoroits of
his nativo Stato I Ohl "consistency, thou
art a jewel" Baid ono, the latehet of whoso
shoe, Emerson is not worthy to unloose.
Would not a universal shout of derision
at tho folly, stupidity, and inconsistency of
the Democratic party, go up from tho lotgth
and breadth of the laud, if the Democrats
had chosen Wilmot as their standard bear
er, in this contest 1 And yet, how infinitely
more absurd, contemptiblo, and unworthy
is tho course of tho Black Republican fac
tion; composed as it is, of men who once
belonged to the organization known as
Whig! Than Wilmot, no tn.ui moro hear
tily abusod and hated tho men who aro
now his supporters, no man moro fiercely
fbughV tho old Whig pariy, no man more
lic-irttly despised, and yot despises, its
principles; and yet, while for one derelic
tion of doctrine and duty the Democracy
havo forever cast him off, a3 utterly un
worthy; ttill, without retraction or apology,
tho opposition havo received him with open
arms, and like spaniels, crawl whining to
his feet, and lick tho hand that smote them.
Astronomical Lecture.
Rev. B. S. Huntington, Principil of
Aston Itidgo Seminary, will deliver at iho
Court House, on Saturday evening, (Mar
evening,) an Astronomical Lecture, recent
ly delivered by him with much eclat in
PhiLdelpbia, Tho subject of tho lecture '
is the Solar System. It illustrates tho Ui- j
vino- Wisdom of tho arrangements which I
secure its stability, and opposes tho mis. 1
taken views of Astronomy and Prophecy I changes speak most cncouraginly of tho ! contracts may be mado ou behalf ot tho
which predict injury from comets and other ! approachin" harvest. In the Miami valley HMa in tho oarrJng out anJ application of
cuscs. To those who feel interested in and along the Lakes, the Cincinnati GazetS fe
tlht sublime science which, perhaps, more says :- assort that by a conU.act tho constitutional
tun any other Eets forth-tho glory of tho " Po'atoos never lookod better, corapar- powor of taxation or any other can bo
Ctator, this affords a good opportunity -of! aiivoly than now. Tho high price has abridged, limited or destroyed, Thosowho
Honing to an able and'instructive locturc. caused a much larger amount to bo planted I asscrt t,mttLU ispussible must demonstrate
pie of admission ten cents. than before. 'ulZr,
a ' , , 1 "ho it is abundant, and overywhero . contracts clear powers of government confi
iik Main Link. 0 learn from tho i00tB wcn ji10 lat0 weatbcr Jma been ded to the LogisUturo by the constitution
13 wisburg Telegraph, that the deeds for very favorable for its growth." 'moybo crippled or destroyed,& tho contracts
tbjjtain Lino of Iho Publio Works, will ; t which havo this effect aro to bo upheld by
klivered to tho Pennsylvania Railroad
i,.,t n. i r.n tofivj
C any,on or about the 15th, (last cd.
irdy,) when immedinto posscsnon ivill
ThO PhiliBtillOS ai'O Upon Us I
Our neighbor nf the KnowNothing
Tmw.towIt.-Dr. John, of tho CotoWa !
j ri. nfii, Sfiiit
tour American, aro both ilown upon Us in 1
lUcir last issues liko a pair of half baked
common brick. In reference to tho pro-
posod Editorial Convention, wo intimated
- , , , . . ,
n lortmglit sicco, mat wo wcronoi euro,,
but that that call, was of "rat oriimi," and.
closed our brief articlo, with tho assevcra-
,.'... ,.-.11.
lion tuai certain iimors, now osiodsiuijt,
pnonr-pl in r-fttinff tm a Convention for
d in L-ettinc un a Convention for
f i t p lad s
-a a o
tho regulation of
tablished papers in our District at under
-. .
. .... ... 1 t i
pnecs, and wero still ratting regular sub-.
Bcriptions. This fact is incontrovertible, J
and the inrerenco bo plain, that " tho way-1
faring inao, though a fool, need not err
therein." Yet thoso gontlemen cfteot to '
understand it in relation only to advertising, I
1 .1 i ...1 u... -7. I
nuu BUy uoiu.uj; "uuuu w .., .jw.
'"key ppcar mora ingenious than houost,
i b
Will Urs. Urowcr and John attempt to '.
deny, that whilst tho Danville Intelligencer,
' ' I
and Danville Demuerat, of Montour county,
ai.d tho Columbia Democrat, mid Star of
tho North, of this county, wero established
upon tho 82 00 a year subscription, they
and each of them, commenced their papers,
hab'nab, in tho respective counties,' nt SI So
per annum. This was and is tho point at
issue, nnd we think they stand guilty in
manner and form, as charged in iho in.
dictmont. And sinco theso gentlemen havo
indicated lhcpcrsonalrcfcrcnco,and appear,
to givo it tho preference, wo will accommo
date their wishes, individually, nnd any, 3
Nathau said to David, "thou art the man I"
Wo are nst opposed to an Editorial
Convention. A properly constituted Con
vection of Editors and Printers would re
dound to tho honor of the Press and tho
interest of tho "Art preservative of all
arts." Dr. Browor invites us by circular to
meet in Convection, at Danville, on Wed
nesday, July 20th, and Dr. John, says it
will bo held on Tuesday tho 4th day of
August, When Doctors disagree, who
shall decide.
The Pennsylvania Maoazinb. Tho
first number of this Magazine, of which
our friend, Max. Greene, Esq., is editor,
will be issued in about a month. This
publication .possesses a larger list of dis
tinguished contributors than any other in
this State, snd perhaps in the country. Its
pages w ill bo stored with articles from tho
pens of somo of our most celebrated states
men : and, from a perusal of somo of the
productions, wo can safely assert that ifs
reading matter will be of tho most interest
ing nnd able character. Mr. Greene him
self is a writer, of considerable nolo, and
fully ablo t t conduct a periodical such as
this is intendol to bo. Wo trust the
Magazino will receive tho patrouago wo
feel assured it will merit.
So says tho llarrisburg Daily Telegraph,
of July 10th, and wo shall bo very much
rejoiced at tho success of a Magazine, in
tho interior of tho Stato; though not having
seen the prospectus, wo aro not informed
what sort of a periodical this is intended to
bo Wo givo it tho benefit of thi3 notice
however, hoping it is intended to be what
it ought to be, and knowing also that Max.
Greene can make it whatsoever ho wishes.
Persons desiring any further information
can obtain it by writing to him at llarris
burg, Pa.
IIuupiikey Marshall describes tho
American party as "a broad and quiet
river, thit takes its noiseless way through
tho pliiu, dilfusing fertility and beauty on
all side?, and losing itself only ia tho ex-
pinded ocean of tho nition's weal I'l An
cx-Know-Notbing friend of tho Louisvillo
Democrat saj s, that according to his ex
perience, it is liko a country road ho onco
traveled, which, at tho start, was broad and
plain, straight and smooth, promising a
pleasant journey aud speedy arrival at the
desired goal, but soon bogan to twist around
fences and wind through the woods, becom
ing less distinct at every stop, until, at
last, it ended iu a rabbit trick, and ran
into tho ground.
VSS" Our friend, C McCoy, of Jer
Sfytown, has returned from the city with
tho mos't beautiful and cheapest lot of new
Goods tint has over been brought to town.
His lawns and calicoes oro very rich and
excellent, and collars excollon'. His largo
assortment of ladies' shoes aro very cheap
groceries also; and wo are told ho pays
good prices for all kinds of produce. Col.
onol, why do you not advertiso in tho
Columbia Democrat, to lot your friends in TKr,., l ,,, Tr.
loo!. and ovcrvwi1(.rn dsn. lenow vim
recciVod yeur second lot of summer gooda T
Tho idea fa wortLy of inprovement
, .
The Cuoi-s out West. Our Ohio ex.
1 gQr Col. John W. Forney has declined
iit.t. i f..n:..i: i 1 i
the compliment of a public dinner tendered
to him by a number of prominent oiliions
of VashinRlou, '
Tho I'OIIIISjIvanla Kollroad Co., Ct ftl.
. .,-77 ,,
Wo nivo below tbo argument for tho
o , ,1(lIlt . ,ho cftE0 of tho 0anal
t, , ,1 , pm,ki:. n.ii
ommwsionors t.. titj 1 onnsyivama ltiyi-,
,ro:u Company, rf It understood to
UCIO UIU. US. w V . ...will, ... "VVUintu
re90(ircl nnj rrofOUDj tliought of' that
. , I
Law. Il.mDi. nritlniiAn In nMit)nln Inm I
S ' ' . .1
wholo proccoilinRS, ami wo present tins
- , , , , , . .
areumont 03 tho baS18 uPon wI'teh tho iu-
arfiumcul ua 1110 uaslH ur" '" 1110
junc'in was ask'l on this ono of tho three
bills. W o reuret tho necessity of ureat i
Tho competoncy 0f t10 Legislature to
contract with n railroad corporation for a
porpotua lesemption ol'lho property of tho
'rom taxation, is questioned by this
bill. Ij tho power t) Uo this coutorred
... ,.- T.aifislftturo bv tho constitution ?
r 0
istitutlou I
f (including
J.I10 grant of legislative power
ot taxation; 13 in tuo nrst artieto, anil
" , 1011113 ' A ocwnHvo power
at flia I liHiimrtii iron IMi eltnli ttn 'ratm in n
!Goner!ll Assembly, to consist of
a)u House of UepretPiitatives."
a benate
iucro 13
110 dcSnitiou of tho power no description
01 its character or extent ami henco wo
aro obligod to ro'ort to other fourocs than
tho section containing the grant, in order
to judge it.
K is manifest it docs not extend to cases
whoro jurisdiction is conferred upon tho
general government, or at least to cases
whero tho jurisdiction of tho, general gov
ernment ii exclusive; nor to caso3 where
prohibitionutpon tlio Stato action aro found
in the fcdcnl constitution. And it is also
largely limited (as well as directed) by
subsequent provisions of tho constitution,
nnd especially by the Declaration of Rights,
which constitutes tho ninth article.
Tlio legislative p iwer is further to bo
considered with re.'eronco to tho nature of
tho government. It is thorepublioan theory
in this country, that sovereignly exists iu
the mass of tho community considered in
an oggregato capacity ; that tin institution
of government ptocccds from tho people;
that all its powers uro delegated, and to bo
held and exercised by it as trust powers ;
and that it is tho subject, at all times, to
tho interposition of tho sovereign power
which created it. Tlio introduction to tho
constitution proves the authority by which
it was ordained and established; tho second,
twentieth and twenty-sixth sections of tho
ninth articlo exhibited Iho nature cf the
government; its subordination t tho
sovereign authority; and that all its powers
aro delcgaied to it, to be exercised with
reforenco lo tho objects for which thoy
wero granted, which aie announced to bo
tho peace, safety and happii ess of tho
Government, therefore, is an Aeont, and
it administers a Trust, aud is invested with
such powers only as tiro necessary to tho
uischarco nt its duties therein. Anil tho
legislative powers conQdcd to it oan only be
sucli as aro "necessary anil pr.iper,
there fore reasonably within the intention and
moaning of tho uuihora of tho constitution
Arbitrary aels in tho nitturo decrees acts
against "common light" acts interfering
with tho settled oourso of justieo in tho
court'', and many ethers where no express
constitutional prohibition appeared, have
dicreforo been held to be without tho boun
daries nf logisl.itivo power. Aud it is well
said in Parker v. '-Iho Commonwealth (0
Barr, fil 1,) th it while "the government of
I cnnsylvama is not ono ot enumerated
powers, it is one of limited authority; and
it is therefore not to be denied that the
action of Ihe LcgUlaturo may bo invalid,
thiuiKh it-contravenes no express provision
of tho constitution, if it bo a violation of
tho spirit of that instrument, and tho genius
of tho public institutions designed to bo
created by it." Seo, 4 Barbour 71.
Wo may say that an act is unconstitutional
when it is not of tho nature of legislation, or
when it is unauthorized or torbiuilcn. And
in view of th3 known propensity of legisla
tion to abuse, it is of vital conscquenco to
tho purity, bucccss and duration of our
constitutional system, tint all acts tailing
fairly within this description should bo
crushed by tho judiciary.
Tho tax power 13 a branch of legislative
power. In tho absence of exact definition
wo may concluded it to bo a powor to raise
so much money as is necessary for tho
support of tho government, and for tho
accomplishment of tho constitutional objects
confided to it. To this extentit is necessary,
and exists.
Our question is as to tho power of tho
Legislature to contract with a party that
all property held by such pariy shall, for
an indelinato period of time, or forever, bo
free nnd discharged .from taxation. The
inquiry is twofold first, whether such
contract is authorized by tho tax power
itself, and secoudly, if not, whether it arises
under a distinct power. As to tho former,
it is manifest that tho destruction or abridg
ment of a power cannot bo considered an
exorcise of tho power itself. No power
can act legitimately to its own destruction.
In tho second place, if tho act iu question
does not pert iin t the tax power, what is
the name, and what arc tho characteristics
of tho power to which it does pertain ?
Is it to a general contract power or
authority to form legal engagements to
which tho Stato shall bo a party? But it
has nover becu supposed that any general
power to form contracts is included in tho
power of legislation. In fact, it has been
contended by rospeetablo authoiity that no
law can be a contract, although contracts
may bo niado under tho au hority of a law,
iiuil pursuant to regulations which it pre
scribes, -The truo view, doubtless is, that
tUo courts ot ttl un,t e? l.alM tuon inauou
has our system of constitutional government
uudorgom) a moft ra(lijal changeb( anJ Stftte
sovereignty and power been laid pro'lrnte
beforo the Federal aalhoritv.
The following objections to contracts of
exemption may Lo mentioned :
1. They oblige to inequality of taxation,
1,1 contctnpt of a clear ami just rulo for tho
cxorciso of tho power.
Pullcudorf, Law of Nations, U.vii., chap,
ix, r-ce. x.
bill00 tll0 6ulljccla nro oU!god lo tho
boBti of tase3 tll0 lik bburtLcnSl 011
,.,, uu. ...,y ...u ..uuijr
In ilofrn v flu. rmlilin pvnniind in wir ni
v j ... j. ,. ... , , . I
P ,co 19 tho duty of sovereigns iu this '
rosnect to draw no further sunnlios than I
cither tho incro necessity nr tho slnglobon'o
,r,, uA ,, f ,t,
- ....v .,.,-
And then they aro to seo that those
Ana tuon tney aro to seo tiiat tlioso
silions bo levied according to tho justost
l,rol'orll""t immunities ur i.v
1 immunities or (x-
mnlions be granted to certain virions to
the difraudvig or eppretting of the rat."
Kutherlord's institutes of Natural Law,
D.ii., o.H.
Smith's 'Wealth of Nations, B. v., chap,
ii., part 2.
Such contracts aro unjust and oppres
sive upon noatcnty. JJythoni.tho sourccii
1 0f public supply aro dried up, or decreased,
!nml tho govornmeat in future loft to rely
iUpon aportion instead of tho wholo cominu.
nity, while its protcotion must continue to
bo oxtended to all.
3. Thoy derogate from tho equal poncrs
of a fututo legislature.
4. They tend to tho dissolution of gov
ernment, and therefore lo defeat all tho
purposes for which it is instituted. Carried
to its results, it ia plain, a system of contract
exemptions would impoverish tho govern
ment aud destroy il; for if tho means of
compulsory support wero takou away, it
could not rely upon voluntary contributions.
Nor is tho force of thoso considerations
disturbed by tho fact that such exemptions
may bo purchased. In that case, thoy
encourage present wasto nnd profligacy,
with consequent corruption of tho govern
ment. But beyond this, it is evident that
no consideration received can bo adequate.
'I ho right of calling for contributions for
government purposes, from time lo time,
fin-an indofiuito period, as such contributions
are required by tho exigencies of publio
affairs ii of greater valuo than any sum
prcsoutly paid. Tho clement of time enters
into tho question and is controlling.
Besides, it is soarcoly po?siblo to fix tho
valuo of an exemption oxtending over somo
years, and it is certainly impossible if it
oxtend over an indefinite period. How
shall tho futuro nccosshies of tho Stato be
measured? Who will fix tho exact time
when sho will bo precipitated into war, or
bo obliged to grapplo with domestic insur
rcction ? Who will inform us when her
creditors will again btand, obligation in
hand, beforo an empty treasury? Tho
power of tho Sta-e, at all time?, to fully
command tho legitimate sources of publio
supply is vital to her safety, interests, t.nd
honor ; and beiuj thus, is inc.ipablo of
valuation, aim no mora to bo surronderrd
upon a contract of purchaso than iu any
1 titer munner.
The power of taxation is not tho subiect
of contract, of barter or sale by the legM.i
ture, and such attempted contract would bo
Debolt vs. Ohio Life insurance rfcd
Triist Loinminv. 1 I lln'n TIn..nf3
C03, 578, 082 : Mo -hanies and Traders
iJank vs, Debolt, ib50l ; Kumip vs. Puma
Hank, ib., G01 .- Toled . Bank vs. Bond, lb.,
05U,G93j Planklload (Jompmy vs Ilusted,!
0 Ohio State 11., 578 j Nor walk Plmli
Houd 0 mpany vs. Same, ib,, 530, j
Brewster vs. Hough, 10 N. II. 133.
" But ther.) is a material ditl'erenee
between the riht cf the legislature to yrai t
land-i, or corpor.i(o powers, or money, and
a right to grai.t away the essential at ribu ci
of sovereignty, or rights of eminent domain.
Thoso do not seem to furnish the subject
matter of a contract. ,f
Presbyterian Church vs. City of New
York, 5 Cowan, 5at.
"A corporation by contract cannot
abridgo their legislative powor. Tho do
fendaotf. had no power to limit their legis
lative discretion by covenant-"
Here followcs gome decisions of tho U.
S. courts which tho complainants shows to
bo entirely irrelevant ; and then proceed:
This Court expressed itself plainly and
strongly upon tho vital character and
inalienability of tho tix piwor in the
JJanlcof I'a,xs. The Commonwealth (7
Harris, 153,) and although tlio point was
not distinctly argued or decided, aud al
though reference is incidentally mado to
tho supposed authority of Gordon vs. The
Appeal Tax Court, tho expressed views
upon tho nature oftho taxpowernio believed
to sustain this bill, and to be in themselves
solid and unanswerable.
"1'ho taxing power is" an incident of the
highest sovereignty. It is au essential
part of every independent government.
Ity tho constitution, and by tho principles
which lio at tho foundation of every organ
ized society, tho state may tax all the
persons, natural and artificial, within her
boarders, and compel them to contribute
such part of their property and iucomo as
tho Legislature may think right, to defray
tho expenses and meet tho engagements of
tlio government. Tlio wealth ot men who
aro associated together is not less bubject
to taxation than if it wero owned by indi
viduals. Tho right is as clour to tax an
incorporated company as a mercantile
partnership. Tho stato being in full pos
session of its power at tho timo of tho cou.
tract in question, it is iinpossiblo to seo how
sho could havo lost it by not barganing
with tho bank for permission to keep it.''
" It is iho app anted duty of tho Legis
laturo to uso tho powor of taxing the
pcoplo with justieo and mnderatioo, and
not to alion it away. To sell out this part
of tho State's sovereignty is not ono of
their regular functions. It is intrusted
t) tho Icgislitivo department not to bo
annihilated, but to bo exorcisod and ad
ministered, 'Iho powor is Riven by all,
and ought to opcruto on all for the benefit
of all To exempt some would bo to in
creaso tho burdens of others. Taxation, to
bo jus', niuit bo equal, and- to bo equal,
it must bo universal, The wholo community
has, therefore, a deep interest in retaining
thopowcrundiininishcdiu tho hands whore
tho constitution has placed it. Chief
Justieo Marshall (-1 Peters 56I) thought
it so important that ho seemed to doubt
whether a stato could relinquish it at all.
Thatit oan be surrendered, at least partially,
, has hinco been settled in Gordon d. Tliu 1
I Al,pcal T 0ourt (a IIowan, Hfl ) But t
surely, o power no vitally noforary to tho '
verv exiittnee of ti Htato. U not to bft taken '
as surrendered, Tclinqulsliod. anJ given up'
by n oootrncl whieh a ivs nothing nhout it.'1.
lll.iok, (J. J.
" In the ease of Sbarp'oM . Mnyor of,
IMiiladclphin, 0 Harris 107, tlio Ooutt .
sijs :
1 " I lia taxing power, beinn 0 legislative,
'tluty, is, of oourso, intrusted to tho Gooorall
( Asemhly. given to, them wltb.
UUt ....j, i. ituu . ;. ' "y '
nn il ni.i.Al'iltiiif lit llinii. ililnrAlinn flnil it
ww vv. w " ,
they abuse it, and if publio opinions is not
iust or onliahtcucd cuoul'Ii to correct their ,
'errors, thero is no remedy. I uso tho.
.... 6....6 . v
impo-IWheat. UtO,) when I say that it may bo
unpo-pviieat. yiu( wuon 1 say that it may Uoj
Cxcrcid lo any ostont to which tho govern-1
moni may cuooso 10 carry 11, aim mat 110
limit has been assigned to it, becauso tho', .... ,. .... .
cxlonei03 of tho government cannot bo The following aro tho receipts to the ofiioe
"But I do not moan to assert that ovorv
act which tho Locislattira may chooso to '
call a tax law is 0 mstitutimial. 'I he wholo,
of a publio burden cannot bo thrown 011 n '
aiuiu iiiuifiuuiu, iimim jnuiunuu ui uixiug
mm, nor can ono country uo taxnl to pay
tho debt of another, nur one portion of tho
htato to pay iho dcbU of tlio wholo State.
'IM.,- it. -i 1.1 i .1 .
rheso thinKS
of tho Legislature, becauso they
did net piss to tho Assembly by tho gonoral
giiu'ii ui iuiMiutvu jjuivui- jv proiuuiuon j
wart not iincnsiarv- An er.t. nf AuintiiliK- .
oi.mmHEdimr or nnlIiov!7inn. tlipm tn lm
oi iiiinanuiiig ot auinoiizing mem to Ije
none, wouut not uo a law, uuc an attempt
to proii'Hinco a judicial sentence, order, or
W. L. HinsT,
J. II. AValto.v,
W. M. Meiicdith, -Solicitors
for the Complainants,
A Siipsrior Jlcailow.
Major Saluel Oheasv, of Mifflinvillc,
Columbia county, ha? a six acre lot, situate
iu Miillin. of iho finest and hoaviest Timo
thy wo havo ever scon. It is very evenly i
rtenrrt.l.iM1nrl (, en.nn.l At.nn
ground, and presents au exceedingly lux- J
unant grow th. Wo doubt if there is such
another grass patch, as 'Esq. Orcasy's, in
Northern Pennsylvania.
The New York Kiot.--Tho riots iu
Now York on Saturday and Sunday, as
detailed by tho press of that city, sccras to
have reached a frightful degree of outrago
aud bloodshed. Tei men were killed, and
about fifty wouuded, whilo iho whelo oc
casion was prolific with disorderly scenes
and incidents.
Jefferson Couxtv. Tho Demucraoy
of ileiFora in county raot-in County Conven
tion on the Snd iust , and made the follow
ing nominations
Assembly, Joel Spykcr, of Rise town
ship; Prothonotary, V, W, Corbet, of the
borough of Brookvide j Sheriff, James Me-'
Crackcn, cf Hull township; Auditor, Tru
' mau I' Ii01'lon) of Winslow township
Tnn Ohio Defalcation is about being
brought to anissuo Civil suits, amounting
to :700,G.07 70, havo been instituted
against both Brcslin and Gibson, tho late
Treasurers and their sureties. Criminal
proceedings aro also about to commence
against thorn. Tho guilt connected with
thi3 stupendous swindle, will then bo mado
ST Cov. Murcy was burn in the town
of Trowr.ridgo, Worcester county, Mass.,
in 1780, and he was nearly 73 years of
ago at tlii timo of his death. His fuueral
took place at Albany, N. Y on tho 8th
ius'., upon which occasion there was a civil
and military procession.
Statu Canal?. Tlio snlo of tho Main
Lino loaves, wo bolievo, in tho lunds of
tho Stato, tho following linos of Canal in
Delaworo Divi-ion, 00 miles.
Susquehanna Division, 41 "
North Branch Division & Ex
tension 105 "
West Branch Division 70 "
Total, 343 miles.
On tho 2Sth of June, 1857, by I.loyd
Thomas, Esq., Mr. Ilt.NiiY A. Johnston,
to Mias JIauy Jane Pauks, all of Praira
city, JlcDonaugh couuty, Illinois.
On tho 11th inst., by tho llov. William J.
Eyor, Mr. L. K, Porter, and Miss Sakau
AIim-eii, both of Catawissa, Pa
In Lewisburg, on Wednesday last, in
iho 33d year of his age, Mr. Charles E.
Hoei'man, formerly of Bloomsbur?.
On Wednesday, tho 8th of July, in
Mountploasarit toweship, Columbia oounty,
Isaac W. Musoravb, Esq., in tho 04th
year of his ago.
On tho 13th inst., near Boar Rap, Nor
thumberland county, Pa,, Mary, wifo of
Asa T. John, aged 08 years, 11 months,
and 1 day.
North Bcmcli t'.inil.
Colleotor's Offick,
BKACII IlAVKN, July 14, 1857.
Cor.. Tatf, : Tho rocoipts of Canal
Tolls, at this offico, aro as folbws :
Previously reportod, S31,370 13
Juno 20,530 02
Fines, 10 02
Total, 60,810
Hcspectfully 'yours,
JOHN H. IfOttMER, Collector,
, Haver John
to. i;rui. for 3151 per ta
IN ,,, prop , ai.'I "ft W ?.
Ol ii.Ytr ui 4 yt'i , whieli will bo
" c fc 1 w
pur barrrl. and cthcra
i ui'piy in
mpply of Wan I1
so a low
Arrivals auj, "cl'"'"f "f Wal,s atj
'" "'"Bi"w.
n wesicrnmil, Ww. d.r. p..
,iay, ciccPted) t s i-.M.,ttivcisM
wite.Lf,o,niu.rivo ,,lcii)
at U a M.irnvm p.m.
cn.i,rinn6ornrlii..i.,iutrWMpry Mon,t.,y,
w.r"-.! iia.m.,.-.,.,. .1.,.
miiiv1I' mail artluicmy JUmlay ami Tlnirniaj:
..... . . It ......
lill I ... 111., ICUVUS PUIIIB 'S HH U i'L
Jerseyiown nmi wiato Halt ,mill anlvcn fryTn-
'")'" Tlicirtilay nml b'aturduy. nt 11 a. m., icavea iimi)
dljrat 1,l',M'
v. unanust, r. i.
. , . .
fJlllUlUltt wJCHlUCVClt
OI 1110 'i'U,1i'v uii.iwuii.vv
'J 10 "!.nt '.nt 'u.1ci..,b'"
Win. 11. bntttl' ' ' n 00
Ail.nni Hull,
llni'iiir-r lU-lillemin,
Jit litu Tnitviirt,
V . K.i.'l.lrr,
Mix llarrl. t Ilupe It,
-Inlin t'enli-r,
II- l.W. ipf,iccr
lllclnr.1 f'uin-r,
il H Aiiplelii in,
II II llitti'ii it'll Irr,
llev. IV W H -ely,
r. I'm last, list ,
Wllll.un ilo'iUnii,
I'll MilU'r. (fj. litre)
A, Sc rt. Andrews,
I (I I
a i't
i on i
ii nn
a ii.)
a iu .
10 CO
1 50
2 SO i
J';; -.. r. on
J tuiiingiimn ri'i. 4 mi
i r. 0. M. J.irkon( 10
,.. V a, , ,'
7 Uil
I in
i Woll,
;l!tiT ft t' . ,,
i on
.? ... m .... In r n.i
a tm
Vm.!?.'' u.v,
. ... i
nyc& w n "nn
7 qii
Wo are uraleful to our friend.-i, wIiofo !
,e , . , 1
names Stand abiiVO, for their prompt pay- '
1 1 1 J
mcuts. ivo irusi oiners win tiiiitato tneir
noble example and pay us our just dues.
Money sent us by mail will bo at our risk,
the receipt of which will bo promptly ac
icortnEorr.D weeiu.v at irAttTMAN'ssioftn
Wheat.. ..
! Com
I Oats
I Buckwheat.
Butter 'JO
Tallow 14
Lard 10
Potatoes 1 00
Dried App'cs.2 00
, . .00
. . . 00
. . .fiG
.1 75
White Deans.
'piin Corner. Ftnnc of the r.vnupeHcnl Lutliprftn
L lm fdi tn AltlMinviilu, la mid. (iott willing',
on Titesilny, Vin Oay of Align t , wllh aifririrfaifl
tclliioiii sijivicPB in Lnliah nn.J tJttumri Pcrvices
to coiuinoncu nt 40 o'clock, A. M. Tlio tiWic arn in
vlietl to nlifiitl.
Jii!yiS,35T V,. A SIIARnnTS, roller.
,tfl rSi i lit; P V".?1!""! " T.'C,i.',y' "'" '"V"1"
hn ??? . ,1 ',' '."i? p ,,C''V" ' "uk "n:'f ',l"'"!
nls work In Ills Hue, on
...j .iiuiiv.i aim rtmfcnnnini- Itrills,
Omen iii Kut Ulouuuuur:, near tho lower rnl cf tin
July 18, 1807-41
m- Self Cure!
V rilVOUS nlSOMlEP.g, Ilrnd mi I Mind .lIiclion-.
Is Inchiictil Consilliil t inn. I-nw HnililH. 1 ill m.flrlfv
lorHulyor l.jliur, I'reiiistiirc Cxlianstk'n iiuil l'i Ilurav ol l!ii Syiiti-lti, Lussnr Memory, liuliqps
linli, tVxuiiI 0.-bililyniiil luvUiltiUry Uiuifeiuiig. I'll,
utftrniFB oi uiu itiiiieys,niil urgaus llierewltli emi.
ncctril. ivlicl-ier reiiillliij; from liniiriiiliitiec or nltii-r.
vi..j -iry Invariably nml periiuiiii inly by Ur.
1'l'i.vEitwFi.L'n famous HAIIIL'AI. I U ( i fix t: U A T t Ht,
Hi', full plrtieiil.irs of wlrcb, willi-iul noy unpio-.s
slonal nrresy, will be ilmIIiM plans to any mlilreii on
receiptor n Hi.-inipril ilivelopn lirupcf ly illiLcteJ.
Xjy I'hiisuccts.ful resultj of llie Lift ten jears bavo
iirovcil tills llei ly to be lli-i O'.'I.Y WTnc'llJ-M.
Unit Uo(iinl fur tliu uliiive ciniipraiiils,iinil llieilcscriji
tion .il it is Rii-e ii In so pljiu a un liner, t.'nl uv.r) o..u
Is i-iinlile.l tn
i;uru; niMar.i.rnuori;ijrtn.t.Y k r.uv itki.y.
.tu'jrcsn, poll pal.',
on ni,F,s J. c. lil i i:.
Poit Uos No. li:0. New York Cily.
Jil ly lc, I317 -y
Of nil .iit?is' ; ih" grcal, tiril cmne
brliis fruiii mIj:i of Nntum's Ui.
UF hiJCUBT DiaiiAJ'.S.
Self-Abuse, Xirvon DtUtitij, Strictures. Oltttg, Gravel,
uiuuiie, ifitcaiej oj ihi niantys ana vint4trt ,vereu
rta' A'AfM-Jiflfrswi, bervfuU, I'tAiis in Ms Hones tthd
guilts, IAttuti t-f the Lungtt Throat, .Vcso and I yts
Ukers upon the tivdy or Ltmt, Vanerrs tiropty, tjit
lepHo Fits, it ftta's Dance ani nit ittau arltmg
J'roii a dtratxgement vf the &tiual Organs
P ich n Norvniin Tii-nihling. Loa ut Memory, I ou
of V .wtrsduuTu! Wf.-ihiifsa. Iiitmiffa of Vi.i m with
nf uhnr spots apprnriiiKlttlora tliu ri Lus uf rinjln,
WaHi-hilui'is, Hyipi p"i i, J.ivur iHsfiiM, Crupiji.iij
up- i tlt It u. l'a lit in thu 1'iiclt nnd liui, IV-mal.) Ir
i Tan ties mid ail impropor dichfrnii fiuu Ixxh
MeX4i. It mittiTB nut I rum whit e,iua urn disi.ikv
oriHiitati'il, J.ijwepr fiHinlinj or (.li-tiniitu tli'j
cos. recovery ts enttin, and in u t.hi.rtt r I hup llian a
(irriiiaiit'iit cure tanb nU-cifd by any 1 1 lit. r Ire niuurit,
pvl'ii at tor thodcTtrc lias latllfd the ttuil nf rmiiipnt
pliyMTi.tim ntid ruciblftl all lliLir m-a'.-s ot cure. "Jim
iniiivincH ar pirasant without oiior. causing mi rick
ti''s-and Imi (rout ini-rciirv or UdUain Uurui 0 iuphii-
years vf prnctice I tuvo rescued from tlio juvs fjf
v (in 111 111 iiii.un anus, wnu, II) lilBl UI Witt
ahove nifiitloiiPd disrnacs hat hci'n civtn iiDttidte hv
tUi'lr idiyMiciana, viliuh warrauls me in prutin&ipi tn
iuu uiiiiitfii, wim) nniy piuco 1 neiti s 1 'tt uuiierfiiy
-ire, a pttift-ct and moxt spcctly euro. Pecrt't din?nn.s
are tl e Rrpnict tnf-mir lo Inaiih th v am iho ilrst
can so ni 1 ui.-itiiiipiinii. rcrotma atui many uihrr
rases ami Bimuiii in) n torror to the hun-an inn.l.y. Ai
a ,fHr,iiauiMit rtire ii miiccly ever I'lHriud, a nwjurilv
nl ih caM-a tailing iu iho funds of incompetent
perfctme, who not onlv fall to curu tho dieat,ei hiu
ruin ihe conmtution, ttllins tliu nys'em with mcrcurv,
which, wilh the disusi), liaitcna tho su.Urcr int'j a
rjpid I'onsuniptlon.
Hut should me disease nnd tlio treatment not causo
death speedily ami tliu virl un marrn1, the iljMfiiso ia
entailed upon tho chiHicn, who art9 Imm with (Wlile
Mtistjtiiii(iifl,niid thociirreit of lifu enrrupted by a
virn which tidrajs irrcll in Hcrofnlfi, 'i'eltcr. Ulctr.
Lrupllor.nndnlliirafrt(tioniOf the kin, lyue, thtoat,
ani hnnjtir emailing upon them a brie existence of
tsullVrirp and rtnisifitiinj; tlmm to an early grave.
HUI.f AllUrfBirtanoihfr lornildjbieenrmytohfallli.
fur nuthins eliu in tho dread ct.talojjiie nf human i'ia
rase causes no de-jlruetlve a drain upon ihe pystcm.
drawing its thousands of victinid throtigh a few vears
of suilerlhz down loan iinlimclv crave, it (iL-umv-
thn norvoun nylm, rapidly wuitfa away tlw itieigif
of lite, rnufces inentil dera iigenient, pro vent 1 Iho poor
devptopment of tliu nysieni, diaiim litun lor matrioce.
snciiiy. busineifi, a ad nil ml iiivp
the fcuiff rer wrecked in body and mind, predifpoved to
L'lmuiiijunjii miu i 1 11 ui evils iiicrp 10 ue iirtRiicit
thin dtvitli luelf. Willi the fullest confldunce ! axpure
ttio unfortunate victims of Self. -M-ngo that u pei 111 nit nt
and Ffieedyrurecan bo eirected, and wnh the abandon,
mcnl of ruinoim 1 1 cos iry ponenta can be rtBlortd
iu ri uusi, vjgoruub iitauii.
Thn nfHicted aro cautioned ajtalnsi ihe use nf Palfnt
Aleilicinrs. lor therearo fo many injunl us hi a ret In
tuo culti tnn 6 of iho public prints tn catch and rob the
unwary fci:ferers that millions havo their constitu
tions ruined bv Ihil vile COtlinoiindci of nnatk ilnrlnra.
or the eiually pnionona nutiiini vended as i'otcul
MLdiclue." I have eirel'ullv nnuUznl manv r.fihn
fo-callfd 1'att; 111 Medicines and find Ihul nearly nil of
ttifin contain Ccrrosie Siiblima which in one of
itio tiirongrai preparations 01 mercury and a deadly
poiujii, which imread of curing Iho disease tillable
tho uyblpm for life
Three fourths of tho patent uortrumi now In ute
nro put up by unprincipled nnd ignorant (,eiunn. w liu
do not understand even the alphabet 01 thn materia
vtedicannil are equally its drslitutu of any knowledge
of the human fjnteni. having ono ohjttci only m vitw,
und that to nitko money report lent of roiiieiuf icc.
Irreeularities nnd all nilcaiirf f malm nni f.m.-iifi
treated ou principt estahllihcd by iweniy ytara of
jiiaiiitB, uiiu fl.iin.iimii-11 uj iiiitusiiinif 01 (1)0 IllOlt rO
rnirkaMti curei. Mfdlcinenwith full ilitertiona tout
lo any piirt of the Uniteo Hiales or Canadai, by in.
tienla coiuii'unirulinp thrir tyinptoiua by loittr. liuii
nesa rorrcspoiiilcuce i rlctl coiifU.rntiol
Addrr-fF, J. BUMMIlRVILMi.. M. I).,
OAlcQi H3I 'aBCRTalltct,(old No, 109.)
Ilelow Twelltli, I'hlldelphia, I'o.
r iflT or
i:TT:nBreinalnirC m thuroiiOmrett
Lj l)looinburi
wuaiicr ciniin; Juno JUlh, U37,
Mitchell Ittv T.
Muneypeiiny Thomaa
l'oiier Amolia A
liiru L'hmcey
IthodeR Malilda
Hliorkley Lh.irhi O.
Hteel UaniNb .M.
Ha I inn n J Al.
Ilird LI iu Ira
lio m hoy Walton
UtrneiK; A.
Ilreece John
my lor J.tnn
Crjmer A. W
Duffy June
j.llli Thoinaa
I'ree'and Thaddeua 3
1'rpeteJ I..
Tiaher David
(ieigpr Barah Ann
Oiltaanv Witlnm
Hlantnn I). W. i
Teter John
TUt'o Adaliue
Tolhiirt John
Teoaurer I-ack i u. r. n.
Vui!a H nun. 'I
U'oodlock John
tJKCin CnrntliUi 1
Hilvratc AUdiM'tiM c,
fpitfm WlUUni '"P
Wolfcutvn rickiia j
IIitrriiKt f!i.iirnri A f.
Mnrf Julm
i.cacbtholtn (Jtiiirjd
Mtlli II t)
crrrMiinf.i lima for tlm shove Leltcn witl nho,-
My they at-
I , Nn am, niflr.ARiid or t.ib i.unop ANn
i. TllllO VI am poslllvs-lj curable: tiy li.lialntion
whlth ronvnis th,- rein, lm lit thn coviiivn In 11. '
Illlll. tlltOUItlv til.; lilt P1M(M. anil COMllllS In il..,,
I roiiwet witu Iho disease, iieulrnlica tho tii.e aa
. m.itltl ,nlUy the. rrmjih. onuses n Irei- and elfj ...pec.
tniatlnl, 1'i'tiU llio longs, purities ttii li'ooil, In pa,,.
renewed viullty 10 tin- nervous siitem. clvli. n...
tone aiuliin'.rgy id indispensable for tit, rt'itnraiion far
lie 1I1I1, To id I
tlii ii ii cilfnlil by i ntiRlntlnti, lain inf. intitcu br;iim.
auiu in i tutu coriniteiuiy tbai uuMtlnD,
IU) cu imjiiMiri-. it is "7 iiiiich ..unci uiu cnntri.l it
nmilienl trunlinot.t n nny Mlur I'nrinlitablo di.ea.t.
nlnMv mil nf uvi-rv liundrrd catrintn lie cnriil i. n.J
IIhumsp" nml Ally prr rent ii. tlio pccuml t l,,it i the
llilrd ptaRcH l linicMllitii tn invi- moro tlian nvt-irr
ri'iil., Inr I Ii o linijtinro m cut up liy tlm iiIiihfo in tn
'Mil ilnOnncc tn lui-diml skill. Even, turnover, m th,
,1.1ft lingo, tnlinlallnn nir.irdl rxttr.ortllnnry teltf t0
tlii. uiri-rln olti'iiilrip IliU Icntful ciiihcc, whlth in.
luunlly ilnitroyi ninety fivo tliouinnd pennm In iho
f Unllcd Htatcs nlniipj nml n correct rnlculntinn iliooi
I Hint ol tliu pri-Hr-nl nnfiu latum of tin rntlli, eight mil.
Horn nru iltitlticd I ii I 11 Ih p cnlnutliilv(!' crave.
I Trnti ihi. i.nlvi r nf ilcnlh- linn Ho nrrow in fninl
mption, In MlnijfM it Hat nrm im prcnt rntmy
. inr Ii ffniri4 iiplllicr neo nor nrx. dm in....
off nil kn I lie ninvi". tlio bwilluili Ihe Brnceful.nnd t,,
glflnl. My Hie Iiii'p orll.ntSitirctne Olnii firm vtlioin
rniiii'tli every pnoil nnd oerftct gift. I nm cnntiltri to
otri-r to Um mulcted' n permanent unit spceily ture In
L'nniuniiif ion. The firit cnl.te of lull tclcHi from lm.
pure lil I. .mil tho Ininiedllile clTect, prodnceil byihefr
uipo'lttonlnthe liilip". I. lo prennt Hie Tree nilniliilcii
ofnlr Into (honlf ii'Hi. whlthcilu.ein wrnkened vita
lity tlircnrjl. the entire ajiiPiu. Then nutty ltl mere
rntlounl toexpect prrnter rdnilfrnm medicine h entertiii
the c.ivillfli nt Hie Inn!! tliiin frem those ndmiTiletcrcO
through the sloninrli Hip piitleni will nlw nys find His
limed free und the breathing ri.y niter inhaling retna
itlcs. Th'ii, Inhitnlinu la n Incnl remedy, ncverthclcn
it ncu enniiitutlonftliy. nnd wiMi more power nnd rer
t-ilnlv linn reiiinilipiailtulnlileredliy the itouinch. 'in
urn ve the nowcrOil noil direct Inline neo nl this in ode ot
(idiul ii If ion. chloroform inhaled will entirely di--
itrny seiKil.iUty tn n I'civ tnlnutei parnlir-lne Hia cn
lire nirvnus ivitPin nnthntn timli inny lm aniputnlpi
wll limit thp li3liti-.t m In : I nil .11 inn 1 lie nr.l Inn I V lm . n .
ip wiudeitroy life in n raw i r.
'Ihi Inlmlntloii of ninmonla will rptie the sjsteni
hen lalnilnf or opparcnilv dend. 'J in-odor nf mony
f , ,.,, t ines Is ii-rceptilile In tho skin n few mln-
utcs nfir tiring inlmlril nml 11 ay bo iirmicdiatety dc
iccn'ii in ui' iroo.i. a cniiviHcinifror or inc cotit.
tulionul ciT-'tls i.fltilialaliutijfl Utn luct ilmt mckucsi )
nlwajs prnihiccd Uv lireatliing fouf air, In not ltilt
positivti cvldt'iico lint proppr rpiur Ucp rnrffully pr-p-iroti
ninl Jutlirinitnly mIniiiiitrrc(J lhrntipli Xha up(,'K(
lioiif proilncclhc nloil iMppy result ? During etpli.
tfen ye-irs' practiro, rranv tliounndt BUiTcrms: ftrm
(iist'.itci of (Iin Ik tiijs n mi tliront, Iiavo lieen nnilcr iny
rare, antl I line riTuctrit matiy retnarkalilt; cures, ertn
altur tli miilorprs liflii hcen pronfiimcU m thn at
Btars, which fully aiillafics me llifil consumption if ;
I'M.Cfir a fulfil 11)00(10. My trenlmrnt of cnnAtunption
I original, ami fiuindeil nn lon?PXperJenrc and n tho
roiih fnvfUsation. .My perfect ncqunintnnco with
tfic uaturo )f, ynaMcs mo to diiilngnHi ,
readily, tho varlou formi of dfseatso that iniulatn
consuim limt, and apply Un proper rrmeilifir, rarely
i hi conticctlnn Willi rcitiiti puttioirtsiral nttd tnlcroncc
nl .M. A.ilnu n,.iMn. inn t,i n.linl i. ttm Itinna ir.,.
Mio eilVlB c nn tmc led clift ; tn f nlarpe llio chi vi,
purify tliu lilnuiliinip.iit tn it rrnrwed vitality giving
uiu my nn I to no in tne on lire m (t"in.
Mn tiliMj-i with lull fircrUi'im c nt l"nyfi ri nf
tlir Uniicit ita le and C.irin'a ty palicnti ci'iiiinntu
cilltij their ryijipinnm hy littrr. Hut itic euro would
bo morn cTtiln if ilia j-atlr nt tdtould pay nn1 a visit,
h'chwruld rIvo ino nn nppottuiiity to examine tint
liinco and eiMlilt m lo prrftfribn with much (rrrtor
ceiltlnty. nnd ttir-n tho euro could ho e tire led without
my 'eii a tlio pati r.t ne I n
. V GIIA1IA.V, ft! D
OlTlce, 1131 FitnifBTlrriit(nid No. H )
Ptlnw Tclflh, rhlladclphia, Tn.
July 11, leii-CMJitn i)
ryr VIJAKP or AOn, Invinit Inn father, lw.
) brollii-m, (Mushier, son in liw. iirgdiuwa and
mrcr-H, bv that (Itcadfnl dlcse, CuNi-'JMrrioN, and snf
ft-rma with a Cough hhusolf, t! t'-rmint il t' visit itij
Lam inuic, iyn una an pan, wnireuo oiscnvt'r.Mi u
CVim,-ll.n,Nclvoiii Debility l
cured Imnmilliitrlv, In r
tins uln. inlf r ltt-.l ilw ili.oi
lorooiiif, i,ijiigiM,iir(inciaiM,
niyanu Allium uift cuiis'i
he rrturncd. rnrrd tun rcia
tm iuhfrited Un: ili-oaiii nnd in ro n u ecttnii
Willi hH mn li.ivc employ jo it m thrir prociici', nirin,;
thousands of cases considered hnpi -m byotticr.
1'or lint purpose of ritcuingLs many of his smfj-ln
fellow beings tis pn-ieihlc, h is sand In? t h Krcipi t
all who wish It inr tuyrents i 3 of ii l pay th-i pj-t-uj""t
a n d the balance print inc.
Addrcts fUl lll.ATH,
Kil eprtns (t , opposite Rt Mrholns llutrt,
Nfv York
JunM3. IJj7.
rplli; utMers'tfticd respectfully invites tint bit u 1 1t
L of (hi) I'liblli to hi it cxlfl-slM! liMorlliicu i 1 1 abii.vt
rurmturmtntl ( huirit which he will wmmiM io h li.m'
of cmi.1 tiitluriil nt'd in u w orJon ml-ke miiM. i Ai
his i.vtubliHhHii nt, can alwav s be luiii.ii u (.ci'd niin it
uiei.l of
J'i Which is tqunl in stylciind ftnUh tn u nt or 1'fill
t- addpl iaor Ntw YoI tiller, aim n tat low prut,
lJu has
sofa s, sa,
of diiT'frnt siylcund firices fron.KiriV1?.?
S to $'. Divim I.nuua; Wal-fe'""
nut nml .Mahi''oiiy, r.ulor chairit Knckmk' and fit)
cliai ri, 1'ianjt cjoids, and a vaneiy cf npiioittf rt t h i.'K
iviililJrcslninii'l i-arltir lureKtis, ro'a, rnrd ci.lrr ai d
plcrla'it b.iieiachiirf, , lieMcnl rK whatnots a ml rt iiimi
iir. .tin! nil kind oJ fnihtonibte wrrk. Hi stock, f'H. eiiciieil and luiiiujiui wiU slant. dr-Ps
labics rnrncr tiiplmarda, sofas; breafcliu lablia, hd
sti'ads cane seothud cmuiiiuu chairs, U the lor est m
Ihn ULtioi. of the lonniiy, IU will also kn-n n SUiM
a-HorlnuniorlnoMnx glacsen with fviev tilt iind com
mon Ir'imcs M will uli i lurnl.ii (firing mut's--.
htti.d io n iy siztiol lieMdmeBd, which hru snptiior lur
djrabiht) and foitu luii tu an bed in u
l.l.!o!,.lrM.rllhn,fM 6-N'U S,1,VI,
Stints niiil Tiawarc.
rplir. Ilier linrinf iri-cn-d il lure tirw Ulrk
I tv.uiiilry nml Moclilno Hliop. in place nf ihr .1,1 pripircil In l.ioki- all I. i of cn. tins nl llio prn . s. I'lon's ciiiislamly nn Iinnd Tliciuli
lo tlio I'ouililry lot, wliprn In' Inn tinned u tiiiil.liii
aliogtlli-r furrttovti ninl Thiwi,i
t Tin Uoi.klrc Hlnvf s rnnurl of the IHI. 1T.NN
.Jf-ooK UA,,, ( OOKi vANfcllli: IK.K.nnd
tffljS! AB,'mi !'lIVl:3 ol nil Kliiiln, Uih ttitl IJV
MVl.lNllllll STOVU.ic. All kind, of fuoiitini:
iiiiulu to ortirr.
, , . ,, JOSEI'll PlIAni'I.HSH.
nionmiliiir;. April II, IB.17.
sciiii.-r mso rri.ii.v.u Ills 11 n c Imp I rr m iMmn it
D E N T I S T It Y.
si'Ki;o:i UKKTIST.
oou scunc.,
lesiCsnci.., tint Brick i.iiII.'Im; biloiv Ilnrlmon'i i
.n muiii eir.ei.
jjnslTOTrui.I.V oiTirs.liH profusions, services
1 to Uiu I.nllis uml gt-tilltmni i.r IllHoiiislnirg ami
ricluiiy llo ispii puroil t ctlrnil tria l llwvnlou,
rp -ratinns in Iici.tiitry. o,,.l jg provldeil Willi llio .
tr.t luiprov.-.l
1'orce lain Teeth,
Which will In- I mull.. i on pivot or paM plutc, to Ir.ok
1L5" A tupi-rior
v. nys on limd.
lirlirli- of TOOTH rown II. nl.
Juno 1J. 1M7. - Nov. 13, 'S3,
SliW fliAKIiliE YAKUIN IiL0031SUUUi,
HAS opened a Marbla Vard ill Court Alley, oppostlu
lliolljrhausfi. wlinru lia , prep.ircl to fluiili t,u
licit wolk from lliilun or Anicriciin MarLlefor
MOU31l.'TS, TtiJIUS,
Tnmb-Hoiiiii.Tabtoi, Mantlei, Wlrilowillli and leu
rortliocharneirrnndflnlsli ofliiiwork lm refers to
surliaslin has lurtnn is this coui.iy. lie will furnish
ticslsriB rorwork or oifcute any Unit may Lo fiirnldi
c.l to hlin. Ills work .linllalua) bo latiilocloty in
lustyleiind icaionalilein pneo. '
r.looinioiirs, Hec. C, lean.
pAltrCTINCS. OMCIolhs, Window Shade. ,Malan
V- MnttinSs-Jiiil received SU.UUO piere, nnw ilvlo
niifnctured ami Impormd eiprenly for- CAIirirr
Merchant! and llousokctprri will please no.
N.u, II and iiONorth Second Street, I st door lislow
ait liurcti.
Jlarehsa, Itno. j. siDNCV JOMia.
T U as A C B ilLKRS,
Five doonbalow Uace.
C. C -ADLEll ,) CO.,
NO. 0, North Water Strctit Philadol.
phla OOMMIBHION M ISIICII ANTU , and dialers In
I.iril,Sliiiuldr. Ohesiio linns, lluckeli, Porks,
rimir be.
Aphll. 1835-ly.
ifjtfiaj iici,i,rjii3. roa hand on vowen -
Vo make four sizes of tho shove' Coin
Shellel s. anil warrant llielil lo It ivo latlsfne.
ift tion, or tho money returned, Tliuy ure far
jpv-.iupeiinr la' apy uow ja iho luarkel Will
fl. lin,d.,.i'.,.i..jwHllii, llu
dliount tu ers. Iloaliiit's IVtont rowor I'otn
B hUrs aim ilia luari nldo manufaclureil and for sale .
wh'ilcialu al.rl mail, by
i r.AN'nrtiiTii ev pov e
fiol,.eniHlit niilt Ken.! Wlirelinn.h.
Kos, 111 snJ'JI H. d IX I'll SI .luiloiv Moilnl
Nuvemtier 1,1. If jO riiilade.pliia 111
i lof- t won i c ii
iioahdh Ain nuANri.tNO
IJ V t W N OtEArllf hy