Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, July 18, 1857, Image 1

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LEVI L TATE, Proprietor.
" To Jlold antt Trim tho Torch of Truth and "Wave it o'or tho darkonod Earth
NUM. 19.
'Published cveb.y haturpay morning.
Jn lilooiuslmrg, Columbia County, Pa.
Office. In the new Brick Building, op
posite the Exchange, by side of the Court
Jlouse, "Democratic Head Quarters."
Tnnwa op jnoscmriioK.
01,00 In advanco, for ono copy, for tlx monthi.
4,j5 In advance, for ono copy, ono ear,
2,00 If not paid within tlio llrstthrco month).
2,'2 j If not paid within tho first six lnonthi.
.2,50 If not paid within tho year.
ID" NosulMarlptton take-n for loss than six monthi.
Had no papurilUeontlnod until all arrcarngeaihall
havo boon paid.
Inordinary advertUomcnts Inserted and Job-
Kurkoxccutod atthoostablishcd prices.
rpiIB founder of this Celebrated Insti
I tution, offTi Hip most certain, spefdy, ond only
rtTeetttal remedy In the world for cflccts for Olirts,
Hirlcturcs, Heminnl waetnesa, rahn in tho J.oIiik,
(onstiliitionnl Uulltiiy. Impotcnry, Wrakncts ot the
Bock nnd Limbs, Affection of the Kidneys, l'ulplta.
ion of tho Heart Dispepflia, NervoiiH.Irrllnlntity ,
Disease ot thc Head, Throat. Noso nr Elfin, und all
tlioie serious ond melancholy Disorder! arising from
the destructive haluls of Vouth, which destroys both
body and mind, These wcrct and jtoht ary practices,
tire more fatal tothtir victim than song of the
ByrtH to Hie mariners Ulysses, tliyhling;their most
fcrtlhant bonds of unticlnailoiiti rendering .marriage,
e , iiwpoulblo.
loung men,
iitrtUtly, who have hecotni tno victims of solita'
Vtcuttlt.itdread.uil and rietrftrtjvc liahit.wlnehatmn
a ty sweeps Vi an unlimuly crave thousands uf youn
muii uf i ha most exalted talents und brilliant intt
cl who mil: lit otherwise havo euitanccd IjBtmiuK
Hcnaies Willi the tltuiiiicrsof eloquence, or waked t
uxtacieflthe tyre, may cull withall confidence),
Married pfirons.or Vuun; Men contemplating mnr
titfo, being nwaro weakness, organic de
Mliiy. deforinillcn, 4r,, uliuntd IiiiiiK-diatvly cult tu It
J)r JahuBion.and be restored to perlcct healih,
He who pi. ce himself und.'r the raro of Mr. John
ston niiy religiously copilde in his honor as a gentle
jun, andconlidfiitly rely upon his skill asephsicisn.
Orga nic I Vcak n cs i
.iinmediatcty cured and full vigor restored.
This, disease Is the pen illy most ffvtietily p&fd.hy
Ui no who lid vc become the victim of improper indul
Koucit!, Voung perHtins uro toa apt to cotnnilt ex
i es from not bcin uware of Ihedrcudfijl roiiscrjuence
that mayentfij". 4ow, whu tlul iindersiandi tho sub
Jeci will prttenj tu dey that the uotvrr of procn-a
tiott is lost sooner by tho falling into iuiprnmr
h.itiiiithtn by thtj prudent. lieAidcs liein? dcpriviilnf
die plti.isurn ol tKjllliy offspring, the most serious
Hitd destructive symptoms to both bdy and mmd
ariie. Thi iiysteiu b-comes deranged; the physical
nn 1 Tiietil powers weakened, nervous debility, dys
pip4ia, udlpi tat ion ol tho bear I .indigestion, a wasting
.of Hio f' auiK, cough symptom of ciiisuiupiion fee.'
(3).nco No.7diiuTit KnicukKii KSritkKT, seven doors
if run II ttii more street. tidii. up the pieps lie
imriicuUr tn ln irmj tho NAMU ami NU.MULH,or
yuii will mistake the pl.tcc,
jt Cure HarrantedfOr nn Vhargt .Vadt, tn from One to
Tico Days.
I)rt Johnston,
A! i.tibr nf the liny n I College of rficfoa, London
iri 1I tit I rum ouo of Hid most emiueyi cvllrges ol the
lUurtfd rtt-iifSi and tliegrcnter pait ot wiiofo lid1 has
Itieu spent in lhi tlrn IIopitdla ol London l.trixj hi
1 1 1 Iplnn and olsuwhere, bus irli!rlad sonic of the Most
.i-U'iHlnnii curt's that with t'ver know n ; many trouh
j!l vitn riuiiit mtli't btfad &nd ears ulm nsl"(.
gral nervi uin-ss bfing Hluriud at todd n t?nuinis
snl liistif.iinf'ss, with frequent lilti ntf, uttuixlLii
s.HtiMiinc with i'eranteuietitol niitid, were cured 111 1
A Certain Disease.
tWhMi 'hi misguided and imjirudeut vntnry ofplca
.wire find I14 h is imbibed the surds of tnjs puinhi
di't-iu, it too often happens that an Mltjmud bente o
slidtua. or dread of djiiorcry, dcte;a Jij in from apply
niCto tlipsft wtiJ frojii educitjou um respectability
enn nl mo befriend lihu delaying till the countitutionil
y npl'mi otthishorrid dieaneiuakd thci r appearance,
siiriis ulcerated soru throat, dineasednoee, iiocturunl
p.iins tn the head and Huib,djmaeBs ofjught.deafness,
nodesonthe sKin botx-fc. and arms, blotclies on the
.headlicc.and extreineties. nroresing with frightlul
, rapldit .till at list the palate oflh month or Hie
bones of the nose fall in ,aud t lie vititaof tins awful
disenie becomes a horrid object of cointnief eration, till
tl alU puli a period to liisifreadfulsullerings, by K-it-dint;
hi in to that bourne train whence no tuvHer
r.!turn.M Tu suci therefore Dr. Jobnrton pleJ rs
hiifMflftn preserve tho most envful.ible serrccy. and
iro.u nis exienikvQ raruce in ine urs iiospttais ol
Uur.Hie iiriU Aiiimicu, lie can c.nn.lf-iiily rtfumnien.l a
af,i ami nniiity curutuilio unfoitunnc vicilm .ol lliu
lth.o. nnrtiniiJjir TChtirf
or J. addresses un thojm Aho have injured them
HiiiHt. I.o.s in M.mcular IMwr I'uli iinlinii or l It.
ii(i.i)ainnaia.Nerviiii irratii.iiin, li.'rnricrmriii
iftsJ!. wS?fm.-ys'"""3'sm, ''-'"
All.r. I AlL J lie it-ariiu rm cib unon uic mimi
nra mueli to be.lraj.led. ol.vmiy, Cinrimou ot
Uoan, ti.nri..ii.iii of ul hp.riu, r.i FpriWiu,.,
Avirinn.f rtup ictv .Ti ml v.&.c..urL some ufthcevi a
1 'riwui.iiiKla nf ni.rKalifl.lf al &!l ran nnn H1I70
wiui i un cnuuof I'irir tiociiiuns iie.iiiii . i.noti;
Ihiilrvljfor.ljcc.itiiliis Wca): palcanilcmarllpil, liavhi
nsins'ilnr apicarmicc .liiiul Hie cjcs.cousIiiiimI mi
lonnof Uouiuuipllon.
Dr. Johnston's Jnvigortiting Remedy for
Organic Weakness,
ny itigsrcalaiictiiiportanirpincilj..wfakncorilie
n, .jianlily cmo.i. ami lull visor rtoiM.
Ttiousinilaof tta inoit iiitvouii aiul ileliitillti
i.n.i i ... nil limn.. Iiavn hcin itiiuirtliati'lv rein
iinpi'liiucula to Mirringii-l'liyiical anil Mental Distil'
IIIIC IIIOII, IVCmiU!. .miaiMi.iy , . icniiiiinKa a .... , i:..
Te'j bVDo'c7oVja?,,i!il!,'o musl '"(ful k'"J' "'"'"ly
noi t
zouHg men
i5 h;Xuen 'm, aW..n"
reu.lari .nirri.iiru imnnsaililo. IW (lstroy "uui mum
auJ loily, anoint aniily immediately
I'TW nfflr.Mfllaia-en:;''":
duluinjinaccrialnaecrrilialiU, Such oron before
.contemplating ...
ahould reflect tint a fotinu mum ana uocynroine moi
uecuiiaryreiai.itiesti. proicoiii cnnunblal liaipin'a
Jiiileud.withoil III ee. t no Journey iiiroaRn Die lircomcs
a MrearvniliirhnnBe.tlieiiroincctiioiirly darkens 10 tlid
vie : llio mind lieeoiuea aliaduwed wit li deapnir anil
"ailed witiiiiieiiieinciioiyrettcctiont.tiaitiieiiB1.piiie.a
omen no "rwurirtJu
JI''V'li?.'ly, EfJi'M oubeb.
To Slrnnecrs.
.tlceaotvvhlch luvu nnpearf d aant t
the dubhe. besides his fitJiidlnit n
tuVauiicud'1''',,"'1'''l'r' '"a "UIKc"!"1 nu"ta",ce 10
Take Notice.
M tl Th,rnr Hn.lll.DV Iffilnrnn. nit uinrlhlplia
ciiaclia ailvciliiinc itiemaelvca 1'liyaiciona. ruii.lni;
JD1a.lIIVIUV t.i....y ................ .... w.!.irJ.. i
denmiitnecenary toaay, eipecially to ttioao unae.
.......ul. hi. .nnm.ilnn tli.l 1 . rpffdnnilAla aiull
dinionuaaiwayahaim m hi. office.
fa-rKNoiica.-Alllr.llera innat tie po,t paid, and
onialn a poataje alamp for tbo taply , or noanawei
Wll .1.
' January 17, 18S7.
AN anartmeulnf Confectionery, Jtwrtry, I'lrfuini
. lla'v Dili. Pomnifra. foe . to bo lind I
" r C. CLAItK'S UookBlora.
Blnonutiurt. May 30. 1M7.
HlOttTICCII I'OBTfl on tand and or
aa.u at the
Aruldt liv
May 30. Ifa7.
. allhe
It, V. & W. N. L'UEASV
June 13, 1837
mitrm Joint anu lap b hi noi, eg, for
4UUU1J at l la Ar.nd. bi
May 70, tail A C MENBCU
Select tyattlQ.
H chanced to b our washing rtny
And all our things were drying ;
The tijrm came roadiig Itiruugb thllnf
And set tlinii nil n flying
I iav tlie akitisnnd intticoatf
Go riding fl like witches
1 lost a It t bitterly 1 wept
I lot my Sunday breeches.
I taw them straailllnj through lM sir,
Aim I too late to wi n them I
I taw them chac tho clouds as tf
TIiq d"iuon tiad boon in 11 em.
They were mv darhnj; and my prid.
Mvhnyhuod's only ricnts,
'Fnrewelll larcwelll" I lalntly cried
"My breeches, t), my breeches I"
Th Mulhl I nw tticm in my ilrcsmii
Mow clMiigeil (rum wh it t knew them ;
Tin' lifW had steeped their faded threads.
The wind his whistled through thtml
I saw tho wide and ifli.i elly rents
WhPTH demon chiwa had torn them ;
A hole wni in their hinder parts,
Ai if ati imp had worn them.
I have had many hippy years,
And tailors kind and clever;
Hut these yinitiif pantntoom tiavdgn
forever and fori verl
And not till lam Imi cut the last
. Of nil mycurUiIystittlics,
Thi arii in n heart shall cease to mourn
My loved, toy Jong Joe breechet I
A Second Pocahontas.
There is probably no sioglo incident in
incwnoio negro range ot American History
which has been so often repeated. which
is so familiar to every ono one, as the story
of Oap-ain Smith and Pocahontas. Tho-
roughly imbued with tho rommco with
which tho Elizabethan period was so re-
plcte, it has ftirnbhed a subject for tho
easel of tho firtist, the pen of tho poet, and
uiu ..ugu u. u.aiur,, mini 11 uas ueeomc
almost common piece. Tho lifo of Smith
from its opening to its close, was a con
tinuous romance, und it is probable that
had Pocahontas' maguanimity been exhi
bited in bchajf of one of Smith's men in
place of himself, her name would never
havo filled tbo niche it now occupies. This
deduction is drawn from tho fact tint a
simihir incident, of more recent date, in
which, however, tho hero was hut a privalo
soldier, had only a local reputation, aud
will probably bo now to most of our rent
ers. It turmsues the material lor a lengthy
romance, equal iu point of interest to any
of Cooper's or Irving's, nnd it is somewhat
surprising that it has not been used. JJut
the story.
It srems that at tho famous defeat and
rout of fit. Clair's army, there wero two
young men belonging to tho militia rcgi-
meut which sus'aincd tho first shock of
i Hin noin,l IImrnrd -mil Fits- fiilihnn
"W0) nnincu uowaru anu it uiunon.
They were both wounded ou tho retreat of
the jcgiincut to the main bedy. Howard
tad wcclvod a ball in tbo instep, wl.ich
ld dibbled him from running, and Fit
rj:i t , ln,l l.npn qimMr li-c a tnnnliiwl-
luiuoon uau uecn sirucic uy a tomanah,
T -virlicla, although it did not seriously injuro
l,in Vpt h:i(l I in OlinPt til RrilTI him nml
111,ul Jcl UJI1 1110 CIICCl w Elun I anu
whcn ho recovered his tenses, ho found
himself bpund and a prisoner with many
r 1
others, arnou"; whom was lloword. Iu
..... ,
this bltUatlOU they WCro Oonipellcil to bo
. '
"jo witnesses of tho orgies of tho savages
on their return from tho pursuit of the ro
,... , ,i ,i, i,i ,n,.i:i :,
"B Vi """
agirro tho horrid fato to which thoy had
been reserved. They had been captured
tLo warriors of tho Missauga tribe, and
when mo uattto was over anu tuo ixutans
returned to their horses, they were taken
to their village, where they wero obliged to
. . f ...., il,n a,inllPf
pass 1110 orueai 01 running 1110 gauntlet,
to receive thc brutal treatment usual
pon such occasions. They wero then con
ducted to a ,OhIeU udioillin" tho couucil
, , , , . ,
house, where thoy were loft to darkness
, .. . , fori,01i:nf,g
a"u lueir on tail loreuouiugs.
. , . ... . c , e .. .
.turn to dchborato upon tho fato of their
captives, and tho decision was unanimous
. ' . ,. . ., . , rp. . ..
tiHt tliOy tnUSl UIO at IUO StajlC. J.UC iriUO
M los.t many braves, whoso Fpirits could
not enter tho hannv huntiuiz Grounds un
acoomnaniod bv tho chosts of whito
men dain to avengo them ; Wd when Sish-
tho Missauga bravest shall tho whito men
dio?" thero was pn .universal " Ugh I" and
their fato WttS coaled
, ... , . ..
On tho following JllOrn mg preparations
" -
wero inado to carry out the decision of tho
,i ,:.
council, and, at an oaily hour, tllO Ctlttro
population of tho town might bo scon com
ing from all directions, and ccntoring about
tho foot of a gigf ntio pino oak, which had
been cleared of its lower branches, aud
otherwiso prepared for tho par,t it to
perform in tho coming ceremony. There
wcro old men and maidens, young men
and matronly squaws, incipient warriors in
thoir gaudy paiut, and old me.n with whi
tctftd locks and tottering limbsall gather
ed about the fatal tico to tako part in tho
sacrilico to tho manes of their friend. At
length the prisoners wcro brought forth
two sturdy, bravo and fearless youths,
whosn snnn nf lifo had not reached twentv
Bummcrd. Thoy were prepared for death I
by Icing stripped of all their clothing 01-
ccpt ft cloth about their loins, and were
conducted by two warriors, whilo others,
fnrmo,l "n ni-.! nV,n..f ...nm r!.1. nrm in
. . ' I
the r hands, roadv to etr ko them down in
enso of an attempt to csoapc.
As they entered tho circlo winch sur.
j rounded Iho tree, Iho human wall oloscd
in nnd shut off every chancd and hopo of
flight or rcsouo, and tho victims looked
around upon tint assemblage in vain to
discover tho least ppark of feeling or sym
pathy for their fate. Howard was tho first
selected for tho ordoal. Feeling that no
effort of his own could savo his life, aud
that thc only way to shorten his own suf-
fcring.was to submit to his fate, ho allowed ,
no sigk to oscapo him, no useless pleading
or vain repining to add to his enemies'
triumph; but with a stoicism that would
havo dono credit to an older and more
experienced warrior, ho permitted tho
savages to bind him with his back to tho
fatal trcp. Ilis arms wcro drawn behind
him, a thong pascd around them at the
elbow, and tied securely, whilo his feet
wore fastened in such a manner to tho
ro0t3 n3 ,0 prevent oil power of motion
!csccpt t0 hU Uead ; this was left free.
Ayhcn thus prepared, tho sports commenced
by thc y wb0( fltanaing at a little
distance made a mark of Ins head, at
whieh thoy throw tholr tomahawks, oadoa-
yoring to CQ Low ncar th could trike
m fc Litting it with tho objoot of ititi-
mili!n (l.nir vintim. and wriimimr frnm
,Q , D- 0
his tortured spirit somo evidence of fear or
cowardice. Not n musclo quivered, how
ever, under this severo test of his courago ;
and then camo tbo old squaws, who stuck
hi flesh full of splinters, gashed him with
bnives and ad 'ptod every diabolical device
which their ingenuity could invent to tor
ture without Killing j and finally, to close
tho scene, several Indians approached with
(laming brands to light the funeral pile.
Already had tho greedy flimes caught
tho dry faggots which surrounded tho vic
tim, and wcro curling upward in serpentine
wroatbs, when a light and graceful form
was Eoou to dart from tho circle of dusky
figures, throw jtsilf upon tho burning heap,
and encircle with with its arms the neck of
tho young man. 'Twas Oonalctah, tho
darling sister of tho chief. Struck with
sympathy for tho sufferings sho had wit'
ncsscd, and horrified at thu inhumanity
exhibited by thoso about her, sho nobly
determined ,to savo tho prisoner or pcrieh
herself. The chief, astonished at this un
expected interposition, nd horror-strjeken
at tho daugerous situation of his sister,
was for tho moment powerless ; tho next
he was dashing tho faggots right and left,
extinguishing tho flames which had caught
her robes iu their greedy ctnbnco, and en
deavoring to tear her from her hold but
in vain. In tho most pathetic tone, sho
begged tho life of the pale faced youth.
Sho expostulated and appealed to tho war
riors who surrounded her to sparo the vio-
fimg n. lliov h,y 0nnr,l A
. " . J - -
L . i. . i i ' ... ,
spark giving steel, and it was not until bIio
had offered her cntiro woolth of furs and a
sum of money, that sho induced them to
forego their savagu purpose and frco tho
prisoners from their impending fato, Thoy
wcro not allowed their liberty even then,
but were adopted into tho families of thoso
who had lost relatives, and remained in
captivity until tho treaty of Greenville
freed all prisoners in tho hands of tho In
dians. Tho act is not tho less worthy of
praiso, however, aud her namo should bo
ranked with the brightest on history's page,
and associated with Pocahontas and others,
whoso deeds havo proved that tho fiucst
feelings of woman's nature aro sometimes
found among tho forest wilds as well as in
tho hearts of cities.
Iffir A fast man undertook tho task of
teasing an cccontrio proacher :
" Do you believe," sjid he, "in tho story
ef tho 'Fatted Calf?'"
" Yes," said theroachor.
" Well, then, was it a male or fenialo
calf that .was killed!"
"A fomalo," replied tho diviuo.
''How do you know that?"
" Beeauso, (looking tho intorrpgator in
tho face,) I sco tho mala is still alive,"
5y " I never complained of my condi
tion," says tho Persian poet Sadi, "but
onco, when my feet wore baro, and I had
no inonoy to buy shoes; but I met a man
without feet, aud became contented with
my lot," -n
iQ '
A merchant vorv extensively encased
commerce, aud located on Long Wharf, ;
ttostnn. iliod intostato. FobruarvlS. 180:).
ot tho nco of 70. Aftor his death, a paok-
ago of very considcrablo sizo was found
carefully lied up and labeled as follows :
Notes, duo bills and accounts against t
sundrv norsons down along shore, tSomo '
v,... V, l,,r .nil nml enrrnrn
dunning. But tho pooplo aro poor ; most
of them havo had fishermm s lui'k. My
i m l .11' i .i i !. i. i ,. T ,
chtluicn will do as thoy think best. X'er- 1
haps thoy will think, with mo, that it is
best to burn this pjekago outiro.'' ,
About a month aftor ho died, tho sons
Jt . ,"J "" . """T
met together, when tho cldost brother, tho
administrator, produced tho paokot, and
read tho superscription, and asked what
courso should bo taken in regard to it.
Another brother, a fow years younger thin !
tho eldest, a man of strong, impulsive
tpcrament, upablo at that moment to
-1! t. .1- 1.11- t.
express his feelings by words, while ho
brushed the tears from his cyos with ono
hand, by n spasmodio jerk of tho other
towards the liro-placo, indicated his wish
to havo tho packet put into tho flames. It
was suggested by another brother that it
might bo well first to mako a list of tho
names, and of tho dates and amounts,
that they might bo enabled, as tho intend
ed disehargo was for all, to inform such
as might offer payment that their debts
were forgiven. On the following day thoy
again assembled, and thc list had been
prepared, and all tho notes, duo bills, and
accounts, which including interest, amount
ed to 830,000, wero committed to tho
It was about four months after our fa
ther's death, continued our iuformant, in
the month of June, tint I was titting in
my eldest brother's office, waiting for an
opportunity to speak to him, when thero
Came in a hard-favored little old man, who
looked aa if time and rough weher had
been to tbo windward of him for seventy
years, ilo asHotl it my brother was not
tho executor. My brother replied that ho
was administrator, as our father died int
" Well," said the stranger, " I havo come
up from tho Cape, to piy a debt I owe to
tho old gentleman."
My brother requested him to tako a
scat, ho being at tho desk. Tho old man
sat down, and putting on his glasses, drew
out a very ancient looking pocket-book,
and began to count over his money.
When ho had finished, as ho sat waiting
his turn, slowly twirling his thumbs, with
his old gray, meditativo eyes upon tho
floor, ho sighed, and I knew tho money, as
tho phrase runs, camo hard, and secretly
wished that tho old man's name might be
found on tho forgivon list. My brother
was soon at leisure, and asked him thc
usual questions, his uarao, residence, &c.
Tho origipal debt was four hundred and
forty dollars. It had stood a long timo,
and with tho interest amounted to between
seven and ejghthuudred dollars. Mybrolhcr
wcut to his desk, and after examining tho
forgiven list attentively, & sudden smile
lit on his oouutcnanoo, and told mo tho
Paying anOldjDobt.
truth at a single glanco. Tho old man's j repeatedly camo in contact with tho palpi
namo was there 1 My brother quickly tating heart. The substance not yet ap
took a chair by his side, and conversion pearing, Dr. 0. introduced a steel sound,
ensued between them wliich 1 never shall
" Your note is outlawed," .said he. " It
was datod twclvo years ago, payable in
two years j there is no witness, and interest
has never been paid. You aro not bound
to pay this note; wo can never recover this
"Sir," said tho old mon, "I wish tn pay
it. It is the only debt I havo in tho world.
Jt may bo outlawed hero, but I havo no
child, nnd mv old woman and I bono we
havo mado our peaco with-God, and I wish
to do with man. I should liko to pay it."
And ho laid tbo bank notes beforo my bro-
thcr, requesting him to count them over.
"I cannot tako the money." was tho
reply of my brother.
'Tho old manbeoamo alarmed. "I havo
cast bimplo interest for twclvo years, and
.counted it all yuor," said ho. " I will pay
you compound interest, if you require it.
The debt ought to havo been piid long
ego ; but your father was very indulgent
ho knew I'd boon unlucky, and told mo
not to worry about it."
My brothor thou properly set tho matter
before him, and taking tho bank bilU ho
returned them to tho old man's pocket book,
telling him that although , our father left no !. entirely frco from tho manifestation or the
formal will, ho had recommended to hie agony bo must havo endured. Fivo days
children to destroy certain notes, duo bills, after tho operation tho patient is quito
and other evidences of debt, and rcloaso ' comfortablo, converses freely, and is almost
thoso who might bo legally bound to pay 1 frco from pain.
them, If docs not ultimately succumb, wo
For a niomout tho old wan appeared to fhall look upon it as ono of tho most as
bo stupefied. After lie hud collcoted him-1 onishiug successes of surgory.
self, and wiping tbo tears from his eyes,
he said, 11 From tho time I hoard of your
'atlior'a death I havo raked and scraped,
piucbod aud spared, to got tho money to-
gctlier for tho payment of tho debt. About
ten days ago I made up iho sum within
twenty.fivo dollars. My wifo knew how
muo1' tuo payment of this debt lay on my
spirits, and advised mo to sell a cow and
..1.. . .1.- .1!IT.. - A. tl. t.An.... 1
burden off my mind. I did soj and now L
, , ... e, t I
what will my old woman say i I must go
, ' , J,
back to tho capo and tell her this good ,
news. She'll probably repeat tho very
words sho used when bIio put her hind on j
ul' 11,u "'""""i K"" """J
my shoulder as wo parted s 1 navo novcr
seen tho righteous fohaken nor his seed
begging broad,' ''
Giving each of us n, shako of tho hand,
and a blessing on our old father's memory,
ho went on his way rojoieing.
After a short tilenec, taking his pencil,
am! making a cast, " There," said my
brother, " your part of the amount would
bo so inuoh. Contrive a plan to convoy
mo your share of tho ploasuro derived from
this operation, and tho money is at your
service. '
Such is tho simple Ulo wliich I have
told as it was told to me. To add to tho
evident moral would be an ipsult to tho
ltrjn.irlir.blc Surgical Operation,
A Mr, Iiell, of Sonora, aged 25, about
two and a half months ago, with a number
of others were trying to make a little sport.
They put eighteen inches of powder into
nn old pun barrel, and hammered in an
iron plug for a brecchpin, and then applied
a slow match to tho wrong end, and thc
temporary brecchpin struck tho side of Mr.
Ucll about the tniddlo of tho eighth rib
nnd passed on and entered tbo cbest by
fracturing tho sixth rib. Physicians of
Toulutnue county wcro consulted could
find thc hola but not thc thing that made
it, and promised Mr. Dell, with extreme
probability, a speedy death. Ilo did not
die as socn os ho supposed ho would, and
concluded to mako n slight effort to live
He put himself under tho charge of Pr, K.
Cooper, of this city. Ilo was assured that
the proposed operation for tho removal of
tho substance was unusual, and would pro
bably bo fatal possibly not. But death
without tho operation being certain, ho
consented to tho experiment.
An incision, commencing at tho opening
of tho skin over tho eighth rib was made
four and a half inches longitudinally, and
another three inches transversely, and per
pondtcular to tho middle of tho first ; tho
flaps of tho T were turned back ; Oth, 7th,
and 8th ribs were exposed ; two sections of
the Cth and 7th and two inches long each
way and a portion of tho 8th were re
moved with the saw, and an opening was
thus mado sufficiently large to admit two
fingers with facility. An ordinary silver
probe was passed in against tho heart,
separated from that organ only by its de
licate investing membrane.
Tho substance was searched for with
, one or two fingers, during which the lingers
I fourteen inches long into tho cavity of tho
chest and moved its point in all directions,
upwards, downwards, and backwards by
turns, frequently gliding it around tho
I vcrticles of tho heart, and at length felt
that tho sound had touched tho foreign
substance, without being ablo to discrimi
nate its character, whethor mctalio or not,
in consequence of its being covered with
matter or membrane.
Being satisfied it was no portion of the
' Tcrtcbrto. although behind and a little
above the apes of the heart, ho introduced
j a lit lo tommy forseps, and graspiDg tho
substance, withdrow it from Ihat great
depth, and found it to bo tho picco of iron
1 desciibod abovo. This was dono in tho
presence of many physicians, whoso names
aro too numerous to mention.
Tho patient did not tako chloroform, nor
any other atiresthctio. A largo quantity
of bloody matter escaped from tho wound
' Tbo lungs did not collapse on admission of
j air to the tlioracto cavity. J hero was no
suspension oi animation uunng or aiter
tuo operation. no patient cuuurcu an
. theso necessary but prolonged manipula-
tiuns with a calmness that was truly Btoio
r wo had nearly said stolid it was so
Werlirhail n lore fot (jli.irlmie,
Such oawonla could never utter t
Would ytu kiinwliow firat liemrthert
Blie waa cutting bread ntidbuittr.
Charlotto waa n married lady.
And a moral man waa YVcrter,
Andfar all the wealth of Indict 1
Would do nothing ihat uilglit hurthcr.
Bo ha elghed.and plneil anil ogt-d,
And Ilia paaslon boiled and bubbled,
Till he blew Ma ailly brains nut,
And no more by.tlicui.Kaatroubled.
Charlolle, having Been lilt body
Homo before tier on a tliuiter.
Mkoawcll'conductcd person.
Went on cut ting bread and butter.
JOT A French writer is represented as
calling dyspepsia "the rcmorso of a guilty
gy Wo-hoar of hon-pecked husbands,
but nothing about rooster-pecked wives."
j-Tho ancioat Greeks buried their
dead in jirs. Honco tiio origin of tho
expression "IIo's gone t tho pot,"
SJ" Dobbs says that people who endorse
notes, aro called "sureties," for this reason,
that in nine casc3 out of ton they aro "sjro,"
to bo called upon for tho money.
lay ''You'vo destroyed my piece of mind
said a despouding lover to a truant lass.
"It can't do you much harra,John, for 'twas
an amazing small picco you had anyway 1"
was tho quick reply.
BSy A sailor, looking seriom in a chapol,
was asked by tho clergyman if ho felt any
change ? whereupon tho tar put his hand in
his pocket, and replied, that "ho hadn't got
a cent."
EST Dr. Iliy, Superintendent of tbo
Dutlcr Hospital for tho Insane, in his re
port says "A hearty laugh is more desirable
for mental health than any exercise of the
reasoniug faculties."
t- Excuso me, madam, but I would :
like to ask why you look at mo so very
savagely I 1 O ! beg pardon, sir 1 I took
you for my husband 1"
rSr A woman has suggested that when
men break their hearts, it i-i all the same
as when a lobster breaks ono of his clawa j
another sprouting immediately, and grow
ing in its place.
EcJJ- " 'Tis strange," mattered a young
man as ho staggered homo from a supper
party, how evil oommuoications corrupt
good manners, I'vo been surrounded by
tumblers all the evening, and now I'm a
tumbler myself,"
163" "Pat," said a Yankee to an Irish
man, as thoy passed a tree ncar Ilarjaem,
with a ropo hanging from ono of its
branches, ''where do you suppose you
would be if that ropo had its deserts?
"Faith, I'd be walaing hero all olono tn
Now York !"
jSr A young and beautiful, but poor
widow, was about to marry a rjch old
widower. Her friends wished to Know
what sho wanted to marry him for ! Sho
replied; "For pure loyc; Hove tho ground
(meaning f.rm, probably) on which he
walks, and tho very houso in which he
lives." Thero is platonio love for you !
There';) nono of your school-girl romance in
that I
2?" A western editor, whoso subscribers
complained very loudly that ho did not
give them news enough for their money,
told them that if they did not find enough
in tho paper, they had better read tho Bible,
which, he had r.o doubt, would bo news to
' tj,om
tST "Col. W. is a fino looking man
isn't ho ?" said a friend of ours tho other
day. "Vcs," replied another, "I was
taken for hint one time." "You I why you
aro as ucly as sin." "I don't caro for
that, I endorsed his note, and was taken
for htm by tho sheriff."
When does a person go to bed and desire
to filoep till tho next year 1 Ans, On the
night of tho 31st of December,
Why is tho end of a dog's tail like thc
heart of a tree ? Ans. Because it is far
thest from tho "bark."
What mountains would wo naturally bo
, i0(j t0 BUpposo were tho highest f Ans..
Mountains of tho Moon
i What raountatns sihi ,vo suppose to be
, th(J cioaj.e3t , Ans. Tho Crystal Moua
What bay would bo best to eat off of?.
Ans. Table Bay,
What gulf seems tho most valuable ?
Ans. Gulf of Guinea.
What river would botho best to fish with?
Ans. Tho Seine
GS9 Tho weakost spot in any man is
Iwhero ho thinks himself tho wisest.
Written for thc Columbia Democrat,
County Treasurer
Mr. Editor :
In view of tho approaching
meeting of tho Doniocralio County Con
vention, it would seem right and proper,
that wo should not only find men to fill
tho offices, but select those who have served
thc party long without reward, and aro
competent to tho disehargo of tho duties
thereunto pertaining, AVo know of ono
such, and think ho ought now to bo nom
inated, for tho office of County Treasurer.
William Com:, Esq., of Djnton, is tho
gentleman, to whom wo alludo. Ho is a
working mm, of proverbial honesty and of
undoubted democraey. His nomination
would bo justico to tho county and grati
fying to tho
Democracy of Jackson,
A Paisful Scene Burning of a
Mother and her Child. A sad affair
occurred in the town of Aleppo, near
Steubcnvillo, Ohio, not long sinco. Mr.
Peter Lyons, who resided iu a somewhat
secluded locality, went out on his daily
business in tho morning, leaving h'13 wifo
and young child at homo. On returning,
several hours after, nothing romaincd of
his dwelling, but a mass of smoking tim
bers. In tho road, near tho ruins) lay his
wife, writhing in agony, with her clothes
in cinders and her flesh burned to a crisp
in many places. Afterwards, in raking
over tho ashes, a few whito bones wcro
discovered all that wcro left' of Mr.
Lyons' littlo child. Mrs. Lyons was not
expected to survive. The firo originated
in tho upper part of the building, and tho
mother threw her child on a bed, and
hastily ran for somo water, On her return,
she could not rcaoh the room where sho had
left her child. The flames at last cauaht
her dress, causing her to escape from tbo
dwelling and to rush along the road tTll
tho torturo of her blazing garments over-
powered her.
Southern WnEAT Crop. Thofollowing
extract from an intelligent gentleman rc-
siding at Columbia, S. (!,, gives a glowing
account of the wheat crop in that region :
" I can tell you for the benefit of your
agricultural readers that thc wheat crop
throughout tho South will bo the largest
ever harvested. Tho cold, wet and back
ward spring was exceedingly favorable for
this crop, and it is now out of danger. In
fact harvesting has already commenced,
some now wheat having reached market.
I was out at Delaigle's tlo other day, when
I siw 400 acres of wheat, all in ono tract,
as fine as any I over saw on the best lands
iu Maryland. Tho old man told me it
would averago over 20 bushels to tho acre,
and with greatgleo proposed to take a glass
of wino on tho strength of it. Com also
looks finely, and there seems littlo prospect
of a famine this year, damages from tho
comet expected."
ISf" One to-day is worth two to-morrout.
JtSf Ilo that hath no money noedeth no
- Few things are impossible to industry
and skill.
eSJ Tho best mode of revenge, is not to
mitate the injury.
B3r Without friends tho world would bo
a wilderness.
EST Laziness travels so slow that
poverty soon overtakes her.
Sjr If there be no faith in our words,
of what uso aro they 1
luy Past events aro ns clear as a mirror;
tho future as obssuro as varnhh.
S&y Brave actions aro tho substance of
life, and good sayings tho ornament of it,
Car Tho trials of . lifo are tho tests which
ascertain how much gold thero is in us,
y Most men employ their first years
so as to mako their last miserable.
J35?" A bitter jest is the poison of friend
tS Among tho base, merits beget envy;
atuoDg thc noble, emulation,
t Prido breakfasted with I'lepty, dined
with Poverty, and supped with Infatty.
tSf Woman tho morning star of afan
cy, tho day star of manhood, tho ovning
star of old age.
fcSy A man had better havo :! the
afllioiions of all the afflicted, than bejiven
up to a repining grumbling heart.
tJrS" Keep your store of smiles aiyour
kindest thoughts for homo, givo iho
world only thoso which aro to span
y Improbability and impossibif aro
two frightful words to weak minds,tt by
diligent ami wiso mon thoy aro gcfally
found to bo only the excess of idln antf
I iguorance. . ,