Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, July 11, 1857, Image 4
Jfavmcrs (ffolumu. lfnillfm$titktf hold r drift." Tho Song of tho Spado. OW mo i pais, and ttio arm that can tiae it i A Aft for your lord, and hit soft til ken hand Let the man whn has Ort-ngth nivcr Hop to chute Hi Gie It bick lo ilia giver-lhe land, biys.the Innill There' no bank. liku tho earth ro deposit jour labor; Ttiu mora ion deposit the more you tl.ntl have. If there' nut c than von wont, you ran give it to your I neighbor, And your name ihall be dear lo tlie true and tho brave. , (llvom lh spate I our own country' gkry I That bring lo our baaktts a plentiful store; Let u apeak of lit prnlae with but lad mutator) Whl e 'Hi brightened Willi labor, not larniahcd with gore. It wis not the twordthat won our bett battle Created our commerce, nnd citendcdour trade. Gave food tci our wive, our children and cattle But the queen ol all wtapons the spsdo boy( the pad) I Give ine the spade I there's a magic tthout it, That turns tht bmck soil Into bright shining gold What would ojrfathT have done. boys without It, When the lands lay all bare, und the north wind blew cold I Where the tall foretl flood and wild beau were jelling. Where oar stout-hearted ancestors ihiunk back afraid Tho husbandman now In comfort 1 dwelling, Then, hurrah) fur our true friend- the, epade, boys tho spade 1 Lime. Its Application. For many lands tlicro ii notMng, cost considered, moro advantageous to the farm, than lime. The; first concern of ovcry good farmer is to increase the "manure pile" tJ its greatest extent. After this, lime comes in as a most powerful and economical agent, since it is not only found beneficial upon poor soil, but operates beneficially on all our grain growing and grass lands j fortlio greater the quantity of vegetable matter returned to thoeoilin the shapo of manures, grasses and green crups, the happier the mecoauical effect of lime thereon in con verting the coar.'cr elements into a proper condition to bo taken up by plants. The idea that lime is useless on soils based upon limstonc the result of theoretical reasoning entirely has. long since become- obfoleto in tho limestone regions of this State, under tho operations of practical experience. Tho best timo to apply lime to land,.is a matter on which much-differenco of opinion cxista. Tho favorite method now appears to bo lo apply it to tho sod two or threo years previous to plowing down for corn. There are several reasons for this prefer ence. First, it is found decidodly beneficial to the grass crop, encouraging a growth sometimes two-fold greater than would be realized without its agency. Seeind the tendency of limo being to sink in the soil, as application to the Mirfaco is considered prcferablo on that account. Third tho application can be made at leisure, and does not crowd the labor of tho seeding timo iu fall or spriug. Another important query is often pro pounded, as to tho proper quantity tn apply. On this point wo wcra recently interested by the recital of an experiment made by a Chester' co,, farmer. IIo selected four acres of ground to ono aero ho applied twcnty.fivo bushels, to tho second "fifty bushels, to the third saventy-five and to tho fourth one hundred bushels. There was no mcterial difference apparent in the effect the first year, but the dcclino was marked and regular in the succeeding years. That which received the least'number of bushels exhibited tbp least durable effect, whilo on that which received tho most, tho effect continued tho longest. Tho process of exhaustion seemed regular, and tho perma. nenco of effect in accordanco with quantity applied that is, Iho hundrtd bushels ap. peared to operato four times as long as tho twenty five Tho experiment seemed to favor the expediency of making a light application jf limo with every series of rotation of crups. This is a subject on which we would like to receive communications from prac:ical farmers, Montgomtnj Ledger, Breaking Colts. Is it not muclr bettor to break cjIU to tlto baiter wbijo very young, than to, as is usually done, till thoy are nearly ono year old t I think it. is, and have my reasons for this opinion. la tho first phce, like every othe'r croture, thoy are more plastic, more readily moulded by tho hand of a master in their infancy than at a later date, and ibus a fiery, high spirited animil, may bo inado perfectly suHinissivo without a. resort to ssvero measures. Tho work, when done at this period, is also moro perfectly done, and the lessons which they receive are indelibly stamped upon their future character. As tho twig is bent the tree's inclined," says tho trito and truthful proverb. Hut I have a reason etill nioro weighty to our own mind ; I have tried it, and am not wholly a theorist. In my cxpetienco, I have found that colts at ono year old can bo broken with very littlo of tho troublo and danger, either to himself or owner, that is usually experienced, and tho valuable lessons ol ubdissioii thus taught, has always shown Useljat tho more trying timo of actual r0rv Do not water a newly planted tree. Tlwiarth at this seas' 11, and generally j 1 uiy, is sufficiently moist for the formation ol new rootlets. ' in Neto.irampshier. The snow is tn tin vnrvp..n In H1l!n. . r vuuica ui tuu SPRING AND SUMMER TIIEundrriignod respectfully lulutm hl.frirndinitr. the puh.ienilnrgs nnil thn rest t.liinnkiinl that he has established n iplemllil - tti the -legftninewBmre House, JuiiereMed In It oh hn r? i Cnlumhl i county, l'n.,u here lie has now optnud ular go and choice Assort men I nf Spring nnd Summer Goods. ' Which hris determined to tell nn suchtcrins a swill i induce a I lit least In I hi vicinity . who are in u tint ' of Mi-rrhin.tln, to nx tend hi hi their custom. llistock nasbi en si lerted with muchcarn nnd wllf f Rohriiiuri, March S9, If.W, y, Spring and Summer GOOD S Tt'KtJlvv. Weal &. CO.. HAVING jii.t reeeivea ant) opened their ttock of mercnan nr.e for Sprint nlei, which cnmprlfef the r.AIKJKST.CIIEPnaT. ami HAlMlisnMCST n...i. urtiu.Mi'it.iir.i i,i , nnn iiAniu.iul' ne.nrl. menl now offered In till. TOWN I llavlni nnldereat ni eniion lo in. leirciion oi ineir enure Bloc, a. to . . . . F nnlnwVI;, nVe .I.'SnTn'; Ino.V . ffi , .... ,, v.t tn buy cheap, can snve money bv elvlngns a eni. We iinvu ihi Kiiu pi uuous nnu .vnrei losuppiyine leoplo. A vryar,eloi of- 1 IiADIEN' DIIHSS GOODS, French .Merrnni's.WoolPlald. Alpacas. Bombazine, le nnise ropiini, rarnmettn ciotns, ivionatr i.uswes, Muslin l)e Laines, Tcrelan clolli Glnghams.OaHcoes WIIITD GOODS OF AM KIM19. Sieves. ('nllars, llandkerrhiels, floUncingR, hands mid trimmings, Ijarasandcdfflmrs.bniinel rlbh nn. In laree variety . volvet rit.hnns.nnd braids, ktd.cotlon, nnd lisle thread gloves. Mo hair niltls. &c We Invitenurfriends nnd tho puhlic genfraltv to give us ncnl I before purchasing elsewhere. Wo have hoiightour anodsat hnwcslOash t'ricptand will not be un erso Id by anybody, or the rest of mankind. MC rJJj V x , iNUAJi CC UU, ntonm burg, March 21 , 1B.17. j. s. a h. L. I'Uhot, P ro d u 0 0 anil Goncrnl COM MISS 10 N MEll Oil A N TS, No 18 North WLnrv. . 1'IIILADKLrllIA. aarEEiacE.: J.ilinP Fenlttnn.Ufi. Philadelphia. Merer. Hacker. Lea & Co. ' Slter, Price Ac Co. ' Uurknor. MeC.nniinon L Co. " Cliarlea Clin b Co. " " B. Morrl. Wain k Co " ' Onterbridire, Arrovfi Co. " ' Cliarle & Jo.eph Perot. . " Tlioma. fc Maxwell, New Vork. CM. McClungic Co., Bt. Louis, Mo. J.S. Morn. & Son, Loui.vllle.Ky Mnrch 15, 1850 v MUKPIIY & ICOONS, OKNEIIAL COM MISS 10 Tf MEll CIlANl'S, Ann wnoLKSALr. ncAi.crta in FTSII. CHKESE ti PItOJ-ISro.VS. No. 47 North Warvna (below .ec Street) PIlILADEH'nIA. Ilnveeomtantlvon hand a fane ns w .oitmentof FISli & OIICESC & Plto i3lV-i53 VISION'S, which they are prepared to. ell at the Jowe.l raies. HTORDEIIS promptly nltemled to. Febillryl, ICS?. DYtSU'S HOTEL Cattawissa Pa. III8odand wellknown Motel, lnthetown 'n fzzmi, keni bv Ihn under. tisued. and in snitRof ullltcense laws', he Is determined to make his house one of the most enitiCnttn bleplaresfortravelerslOBtop at. that can be found In i the interior ofI'ennytvanin His table will bol'urnli.h' ed daily with the best the Market can afford. B3"My old friends a nd traveller sgeneraliynrf1 Invited toratl. JACOU uycrt. I May 31. 1833. y MOXTOUR HOUSE. ' CuRNHR OF MARKET AND MILL STRCnTS, Immeitatety opposite tkt Court Uoute,) DANVILLE, PA TTAV1N0 been recently renovated nnd refurnished M.S i n a.iln-rlnratvle. tin. cleiant Ilntells now ronnn , Inr the reception of .traucerf nnd visitor., who. epa-, ronage l.rj'pectully reiue.ted. 8. A.;BftADV, lyiS.HSOi JOHN M. FORD, i.MPortTnrt. manufacture!! &idealeu in SADDLERY, 00AC1I HARDWARE' AVh TRIMMINRH. No. 32, North Third St. Philadelphia. nUUCIIABr.US will find Ittolheir advanliiL'H in pi t JT amine ntyFtock. w hich le veryexten.ivo.Hiid pur- chafed for Ca.h; nnd eon.i.t. in all the variety of New , Btlc. ot flood. in my line. i Itcntloii "itui.ti. iiitu iiiivi: j.ariicuii.ianu prompi Sep tcmhnr ft. (it'll CHARLES II. MARPLE'S. tflXE AND LIQFOIt STORE, A'o. 143 North Third Street, Above Race, llast Side. Two tloon above tho Utile Hotel, PHILADELPHIA Iln. eon.lantly on hand French Drandie. , Holland Gin and a fencrat as.orlmcnt of Toreigp Wines also, nil kind, of American plrils, fcc. March 15. I8iO-, WM. S. SMITH & CO., Produce Factors AND aF.NF.nAl COMMISSION MEIICIMXTS, No. CO North Wharves, ruiLAimLPiiiA. TJw rJl ket value of all von.jgnnient. advanced In Cash v. lieu de.Ue. March II. IBSt. y PREMIUM AGUIOULTURAL IMPLE- jfSij MKNTS We are prepare dto furnish Aerlcult RWirol Implemeritsolthe verybestqualftv manufac Cftured at our Af ricultural Works, llristol, l'a. mJim Hie lowest cash prices, wholesaleor re tail, ail wlllchallcnce comparison with thosu manufacturedby anv other eitabtiikinent in the countrv. Tlie fim mium of one hundred dollars was awarded us by the Committee of theU. S. Azncultural Society. to their ' late exhibition at Towelton, for "thibest display of Ajrrkultnral Implements manufactured by theesliibitor. Fivry nrtirleaoled by us is warrenied to be as rep re sented.or the.bioncy returned. D. LANPRETII tc SON, ImplemntsandSeed Wn rehouse, Nos31 nnd B3jou th Sixth street, Philadelphia, November 8, 1320. TH ACHE It fc WODDROP, WHOLESALE BOOT, SHOE J1XD 7'JITWK tVj1IlEI0VK, No. 101 Arch Street, up tairs, netweenThird & TourthSta.. upper sidenear Union Hotel, . Philadelphia, Carpet Bjs nnd Vaicea ofalldcscrlpiirn. CUARLtWlMAOIina, Slareh 15,J850, ItOHEUT XVOUDROf, COAL ! COAL1 ! DP. FULLER Ac Co., would resnecfully Inform th people ol Pittston nnd the public in pencral.tlis hev have ooened 1 Coal Vard. of amnio diuiensionn Ire rr'lired at their ofllce, cornerofMaiii and Hail I Jar-(i '.oilll all order, for coal for dome. lie and 1 edllL-rr 5f e 1. STAR CO UN SHE I, LE US. A full aiipnly of the premium Pinr Corn Bliellera, from our own Muntifariury, now on hand ai Wholesale and Item 11. They fire Iltlniiteil fnr all her hnnrlnrlinria nniun. Ijand are Iwlievedto be the best Shcller in ""the market. I'ASCHALL, MOnitlfl&CO. implement ann Peed Storo, 7tti and Market S'hllsdelphU, AGRioULTUIlAIi IMPLEMENTsT j, IMrilOVnO Ilayrreees.Farmerinoilert i ii orse rowers auu rnratno's. iratn fans rfiansige Cutters and Htuffers- of various patrons. Improved IV n at. 1 5 Grain Mills. Vegetable. ALSO Hay straw and fodder 'Cutters in if re at variety. P ASCII ALL MORRIS i CO. Ari cultural Warohouseand rieed tJtcre. November,,.,,,. adMj"tet',lll1'""- HENRY '.UPPINGER, Clock and WalcJimakcr. South Side of Main Street ubove the Kail Road. D'nSf'n'j.Ke.'!!1'". Vs T7speetaelea,c. ninomtDiirjr, lag, H), Ititil. JUST l,iUJb VhU Al' UUR NEW RTflP W NO. 1 MACKEREL for 13, p'er barrel, and other. In proportion. Also, a Ire.h of H., olaiies, Rice . te. Also, a new filnply nf Wall Pa. I ... uiuerou. .tyicwlilcli will ...oidlow. Mays U17 U V. fc 1. V HARTMAN. ftwrepw intn want loan ! community nnd wmioui tve nv te nnrrr onclftncni runninpr..fuiariy rrnrniiimi. i'r nny.jy in '-cni-iy igrernnirio the tfttte, unit mny (Olnittnonti.,lnnniulnutoniiiiiiierilnnulihevnri-iif! J w.)jivxVa )r njf.!i rinrnt' "'" l,,(,P0"" ' "rival qftho Carl. hywhieli p.iMenu. helakenhy the nicm fC(., pall,n, ,, ca p, kln.lIio ri.h nnthlnt In a. .urine hl Men,!, that fcctlianklnllyracelvcJ er.wlllhe plca.,,tlyronveye,Hnll,n wa ercr.iekorwlthnuiacnte.ll.tref. Iruagrd e rythlni ,uallykpt in t'nniitry Plnree.can herehu ;"0V yI ,, taken froninntlreturneil tn their rcMtlencei, If . cflretl. linllj Inn. Vi pnln I. not n DriiB tB hadn little cheaper than the cheapeet.- J 'u, V 'fS' ",,', " , A,' te. w t v , n Oa, , paid for flrnlt, I IHT llnwlll olnayilm happy to entertain nn.lncconi Ca'l on the Anci.t. nnd Ret n De.crlpllvc Ulreuln irCnuntryprodaee. incl ir U rain, Lumber. e., nV,,,,', ic n.-on.n paiu ,o Lnn fc cllRV.nM M! o.. Uratli.a Ivlnp n Inrco nmnont f Bclenilflr KH.iencn linen incichangi, for cootlf. .. I l)rytie.nrtitkln raillctl.'ounteiiviceaiiil Lrunilnni rnvinwn.Jnlra:i.1P5:i i fi.t hil.i..ii.i t.ii. ",n'mn'uneiiiiiryiiir.i;onibf.1friilfolory HELMIIOLII'3 .JENIMH rilLTAH.lTlOX Of IIIOIII.Y CONCENTRATED COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT I1UCIIU, For Mmki rjl lt llladdrr, Ktdntl. Omni, Dropty, IIYaUors. Otlrrli, .'rrt W. Ftnolo Ceitplalnto. Oil all Mm of the S'lkotOrgnno, Arlffjr from KjtrenwM and linprudrnclc. In ll!b, and miiovinf nil llnprupr-r Discharges from Uio l!l-lddcr, Kidneys, or Soxiinl organ, whether exutli.g In MAI.HOB FEMALE, 1 From wlnlevcr cuuee Hiey tuny have orlaln.itel, and no waller nf bow lung itiinhng. nlvitifr health onil tlgor to the Iraine, and lilnonl In Ihi pallid rhuck. JUt iV i llli SI t ! 1,1V I J-.IJ I f I ;,u;0;;'nn nn tile l'.ica, I'aln In tun lliek, lleavlucf of tho llyo lldf. fru'i'icutlv llhck Snolf flvlni befnro thanvef, Willi Tenipnrary Hillt'u.tnn and l.n"f otSiKhtt wnntof Attenllon.tlreat .Mobluty. Kesllevinef f , with Horror nfdocictv IVotlilnir morn ile.lrible to fiell 1'alienl. than folituilt!. and notnlnt they morn ilrea.l lor fear of liiein'riics .......... ,.r nn but a Hurtled traiuitlon from ono nuc. ontoanoiher, i Time .yinptom.. ir medicine Invariably ri lower latiillr.and i. Tlic.e . yinptom.. ir niioned to no on wnien inn iyreuinvc-.foouiiiiioivsj.oil ti . J Rptlenllc I'm In nno of which lire. Willi CAIl f.lV that tllOrO OI :,r. ,.,.. "JeX"'?" "7R am nni irr cciscs am not frequently lollowetl l.y tho.o direfiil ,.o.-ln.nll and t:,.n.un.rllnu I 'Tim rrenrd. of t-n.iiwHiniiiiyn, dp-it luiiiiic ivimc iu ni ifutii ui i.-r-i n,,,..,,, m Lunatic Asylums UiMnost melancholy .,iiibitlon anpMr The counHjiance ii ncttnlly oU den nnd quite diMtiiuto-nfUlm mirth or Briefs ever visits It. PUould muiiU of tho is rarely nrtlfulate. . ""Vy, "'a "'.'7 "'t, ', ti Dpbillty ismostterrmlel ami h,i brought thousand upon thousandi to untlimly graves. thus blasilntf the ambition nf many ttobte joutlis, It can bo cured. by the use cf tln WFALLWLft 11FJIIF.UY. IfyAiiarc suifotlnj; with nnyol the nbovo distressing oilments, the Fluid Uxtrnct Ituchu villcuru you. Try it and be convinced ot its efflcttcy . ItewateofUmck Nostrums nud.Uuack Doctors, who faUely honstof abilities nod relcrcncea, (.Cilizcns.know andtnvold thm nnd savelou; an luring money, and tMpiur by seMttiii(T or calling lor a bottle ur.this , popular nnd specific remedy. li nlljvs all n-iln and inflnmmitfon, Is nerfcctlv pleasant in Its taste and odor, but immediate In its CU0"' linLMBOLD'3 CXTRAGT I1UCIIU Is prepared directly acrordinj to the rule of Pharmacy and Chemistry, With tho greatest accuracy nnd cliemieal knowledge and care ik voted In its combination. e?eo l'rofessor Dew.'e' Valuable Works nn the practice of ph sic, and mot I oi me nie Htanuiru .vorss m iiipnicine. RONU lUINDKKD l)0LLAlt3 One hundred dollirs will lie paid tn ary physician who can pr ovo the iMediri no ever Injured n I'a bent,'; and Iho testimony ot thousands can mi produced ' to rove thai it d ies sreat uooii. Cases nf fioiii one week lo tlii rlfon yents' standing hate been circt'd. '1 he mass ol volun'd.y testimony in pomes ion of the proprietor, vouching!! virtues nnd cuntlvo powers, is inimense, embracing namcj wu'l known lo.ticleuco and 1'nntp. lOO.WHMtoltles have been sold and not n tunglejn. slanca of a failure.lm ben reported I Vcrsonally appeared before mo, an AMerman of the rltv of Fiiiladrlnhia. II T. Helbold. Chemirt. who , bolng duly sworn does say, that his preparation con I tains no Narcotic, Mercury or injurious Drug, but arc purely vegclable II. T. IIRLMROLD, Sole Manulncturar. Sworn nnd subjcribfd Iwlore me lhl23d day of N'o vcmber 1851. WM. lMIIItEI.tUD. Alderman. I Price i1?! per bottle, or tlx for 81, delivered to any ad dMt.nccoinpanied by reliable and rcpponsible certill , cates Irom I'roffjssors of Medical Colleges, Clergyman , and others. Prepared and sold by 11 T. HKllliOLD, Prpclicit nnd Analytical Chemist, No 5? South TENTH tit., below Chestnut, Assembly IluildinjH, Philadelphia. To be had ofj. It MOYEH. Bloomtburff. andef all Divgcittt and Dealers throughout the United States, Can&tuts and British Provinces. itnwAUE or cuUNTi.nrmTs. ASK I'OI Iini.MUOMl'H TAKE XO 0TI1DR. CUKUd UUAKANTCKD. June 13, 1657. SALAMANDER FIIIK AND THIEF PJtOOF SAFES. TIIC LAROUST ASSORT- itieni in me unttcu fctates. Wnrratitfd tn be equal in miv ii uw iu iuu, niui wiii of snid nn as good terms, nc.m bt obtained from nny other house in the fouoiry. ai I'VAVfl Ir irlfaono tWSStyigg 20 B. 4th St., Phllailclpiila ITntlTItris MlnHTY AM) WILL I'RIH AII.I Report of thicommittit,appoiiittdto $vytriiiten& As Hum. "AT v lR9 iron UJC3, u. Ju.'.f i rnTirj . 1S.V lu.mvn. March 4. 18.-.7. The undersigned, members of the committee, do respeelfullv report, that we suw tno two ..lies, orlgl mlli'iierecd iitinn bv Parrel, fc flerriuir anil i;v.ihh t I fldi by fide iu n lurmco, viz : Tim U,i.Ui..buili, nnvmiyt.r nC I l,i Plu,,lnlt 1 ... Keailll'-c Kat irnao i; in inr t.uiueui iteaiiatl,' ma nufnf tared byFarrelf fc II Trm-i anc the ir u.c by II A Lnutz. in hif ftoii maiitifactured . T'van a fc Watson, and put in books aud papersi le cl.plv nliko. 'i'liellre was fta rted at 8. o'elnrlt, A . M. .and kept up until fourcordeof creen hickory, two cordis dry oak and half clu.tnut top w'ood were entirely con niileo, me wuoio unu'-r "i". ."I'eri nieiiiic nr, t oi uio subscribers members ot the Committee. The St Tea 'were ilien cooled oil wmi water, ar rr whicti they wcro orened and the bnnks and papers taken out br Vthe Cnmmitteo and sunt to 11. A.Lantz's store Iq puiiiicosaniinaiionvanamarKcu by me uommillee Thftli fioks nnd nan rs tnkcu from the Safo . jniti'irnf I tured by Tnr rels Sc. tier rings were, in our ju'lgmcnt, 1 riamnped fullyflfteen percent, morethao tiiose taken irom i.vans u tvyison s aaie. 1 We bcllcvelhe above tnhavo been a fair and iia partjaltrial of the respijrii vffualittes of both Safes. JAUUH 11. UYPIll-ilt. IlA'ttLH. nnvTr.ii Having beennhsentdurlnctheburninrr, we fully coineido with (he above sti tement of tti co nditlon of thepapcrsand booksiak n out of the respartive O. A . N1C0LLS, II. II. MUIILUNCCRO. JAS. M1LII0LLAND. Mikr c 2,ian. ItAIIi.KOAD AND IA0KI3T JK)AT! 1857. ANTELOPE, 1857, OV nnd after Tiifsriay, April 7. 1857, the Packet ""ii. m i ijuurr., uwpi. ii. r . si ls, win commencn running her rcgulartnps daily, (Sundays excepted) between ttupertand Nantlroke, as follows; Levei Rupert at 5 o'clock, A. M., on arr val ,of the Night UiprMs on the C. W, St II Railiod.l from Wil idmsnort. and amies at Nantieokn at 1 o'rlirk. i M.,in timo to tak? the carsun the L. St 11. Railroad ur ciguuiiiH ur tif:ui uuu i my same aucrnoou Leaves'Nanticohe on nrrivaljof L. Sc U. Railroad cars Irom Ureal ileud and fcrnuton, my one o'clock, 1'. M.) nndarrivesnt Uunti'l eariv the .mn A P van i n ... time to take the Niiht Ciprei. both way. on the O. Pa.feneer. from the Wyom'ni? Vatlv. fn. prtn. ville, ll.irii.bur g. Ualtiraote.l'iit.bure.nndall other oint. Soiilh or Weil, will flndltito their atvantae lo take the nbove Line, a. it i. the only line that ton. nect. tbrougli. without Hopping over nisht on the road . ' l'usienccr. from the South or Wail, by leaving liar, ri.burs per atlcrnoon train, via Dauphin and ku.quc funiia Railroad, and via Catiawii.a Railroad, will meet the Packet at Rupert in timo. Jf3SSJVS?!frS L'oach v7n befun mWirXiCt1 .(Sundayiei Mcwi iKi-inl ir-tin w between -laa jai..i.- n- ii" ii" ill ilke.bario and I'.itnert, carrylnc the Lnltcd Klaica Mall. Leaves Wllkea llarro at 2 o'clock. A.M.. and ar. nvei at Rupert in time to connect with the MailTraim both ways. Leave. Rupert after the arrival of both Mnll Train. Shout niidnii!r 1 """"'e'"- ly oxioca, j- m.j anu arrive, at Wilke. Uarre n. v. ivnu.a p. -.!. Wilkes Uarre, April 11 1B57. 1 ' ' Pennsylvania Hotel. rrnHSwellknown Hotel. lately ker byS.M- I pareiltoaccomiuuduetrav.llerfand. ni.eri'' n the best manner. 1 he hou.ehai I en Uiorouiilily Iverhauled.andia nowreiittcd up and liirnished for tjhe entertain meat of guests, ' Hi. stnbiins 1. laree and rnmmndlniiir. win. u..... land velilcle.for hire, and ba will snare no tTA lllieral.hlrft O 1 1 l,n nl,hl. nal.nnn. 1- : ,.,i.iun i rullw.nll!,. 1 1 " '.l. GCORGC W. FREEZE, DaiivilleDec. S!, 1833, ALEXANDER KERR, IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN SalL Sa!t NO. 33 SOUTH WHARVES, PHILADELPHIA. Asblon'. fine Liverpool ground Turk". Island nnd Dairy Salueon.taully on hanuuud for ale. Iu lot. to suit the trade. . ALEXANDER KERR, AprIM, 1637 3ra OILS. iron Manufacturing and Uuriilng purno... r0, e -L by by J II A. i B. ALLEN No. 7and 8 Boulh Wharve., PliiladclpliU Jane (I, 1637, rSK lend i.ho,,. ,u Thre.hln. M..hin. W...lel ' HAlllniAKiS Jlay30,;issr STEAM r.KIST MILL, t; II M un JcrslL'nc J tukr ntrniutn In in. iiuunclnstntlrclrf rlen(Wnn J tlicpiibllcnllnriie.thntthey fiJSs. llHvrjiimaicsicn nnil jinim gucteprulnperntlun T11U KSl'YTOWN STUiVM GlllST ; TSM?if Ki:KMtjr$3 iAwjljtjtUV MILL MTTiTi ximrW - " iLjjjj ....... ....... , . .. Whcrrt '')r n K'ns i 'very ncjuni . ,o, r , , hotiefniniennJInltiiiliclllnsotlholnwriilprleee Therrarefonr run of lliirs In thii Mill, propelle ifby lr-am-poei niipFiiorinini.u .. .............. ,. ...... s omkmus line, 1)11 BAf WATUIlUa ANll .7 cwcl v y S I o r is . .-.vim '3A . A nj ii ( i: i'i 1 1. ni i nn "t nun. V dclphla Watch nnd Jewelry Btnro." tin. I'll tSj?f(i un,i i o.lxireet enrnur in tiunrv. I'linaui-1 intn, -jkh (iol.i I .ever Wntcliuf,lulljiiwclcd, IS carat . sjyt) uo (lold I.eplno, 18 carat . ' pilver l.evriiuiiaiveiieo, , Blvcr Lcpiuo, jewel., gnperinr ancrtleri. villi rir.l.l ..... 70(1 pine silver do, ' I su I I n.V.Vi... 1 ml HivcrTca Hpnonn.ifl. ,, alio OnldlVn. with pencllnnitfllvcrlinIJcf.f 1 nil wnlit nnser ring. ;ii i riiitn. in , ,. mc., c-i9f.- nlnln 151 eentf.pntent 181. Lunet IS i nther article. In nnnnrtlon. All good, wnrraniedto bn what tluv nre , old for fc MAIll.r.V. in- iln hand sonic flnld andfilver Lcvora fc I.rplnn III lower then tlionl.nve prleoK. Oell lP.'.n Aviso's onnArwATiMi&juwni.UY stokd, No, 72, Worth orcond Strccl, OPrOSlTIlTN C MOUNT VllUNN lluU8C,ril I I.A Gold Love rWatchesfullJuwe lied l&K(Uases , Rlluer iln do Jtf bL do Leplne do 9 Uuartlcrs 3 OOto 7 o OnldBpcrtarlcs, 4 Sbto 100(1 Silver do 1 50 SilverTnbleSpoom persett, 14 OOtolBUu dn Desert do do OOOtollOC do Tea do do 4 73to 7 5(j OoldFensandOoldUases, 3 SSto .10(1 do Silver do loo Tocetherwlth a variety of flne Oold Jewelry ,Ool Cur.nunrdandPobChalns. Allpoods warrnntr-r toh bPsimaniier. ... . . I N II. AlIoidersscnthybymailurotlicrwlBe.willbe punctually attended to . Novomtterltf 1353. I ilXUNtiSS ESTABLISHMENT. ThKUHlMOFTIIF, IV HIT R HORSE Tit uuniiersigncit respectfully i niorma r, his friends and tho nubile that hek3 cuntlntieslhe SA DLERING BUSINESS. Inalliifl various branches, at his old stand on corner of M alumni ftInrket8trrs.50rTi Wherohe will keep constantly on hand a lull supply and will manufacture to order . allklndbQiid ntyleso g.ii'CjiAi), i'7ti aooi ttujv no, rj ulUr.ti, iyct attiievcry lowest prices, and will he happy to serve ihosowho mny favor him with a call Inhiiline, C3" Ordersfrom a iistancc In either branch of the n bovebuBincss.wlllhothankfutlvrcceivcilandpromptly executed. WM. J. UEIDLEM AN. Bloomsburc.Aiig. 10. 1853.12 r. States Union Hotel. FORMCIlriLY Iini) LION HOTEL.) No. 200 Market street, Philadelphia. ptiOltnU W. II 1 NK 1.11, Proprietor, former I j olro. I lumbia, Pa., would Inform his friends nnd tliipub ic that lie continues tn keep the nbove named Hotel which I. well, mil favnrnuly known IhronghoiittjiH rHnteasoncof the oldpaland mo. I convenient Hotel in he city. Ho most respectful pub. r.iuttnnnje, April 7, IR3J. U1DER MILLS.' ' SOI) KltAUSKR'll PATENT IMPROVCI) ti&PORTAIlLG CIDKU MILLS. Wn nre now f-Krouianufncliir'nc; lliefe tinrlvalleil Cider Mills. greatly improvrd and trpngthened since last rear, and cnu supply ordcra at Whnlcsile und Retail. Mills. hipped lo nny part nf Hie Union. fA.SCIIALL MURRIR fc CO., Wholesale and Retell Dealers in Agriculturu llmple. moutsaiid Mart. lues, 7th and Market streets, Philadelphia. siMtift; axi) su.iiitiiiu ej.oTinM), THn ii("jrslgned gratufuf (or paM pntronapu, r , spectfully inrurmsiiiscusionicrs, and thepul-l , ?et.ernMy, Hint hehisiust received frotntheUas i ern Citie,the largest ami most Effect stock of Fashionable Spring Summer Cot fit ?ipe ih u l Hn b y t hfen opened in Hlonntpburg, n whiih n invitet i he attention nf his friends, und assureti (Ih-ui 1 that ihey.ireoffcredforsale ni greTt hnrt;ais. Ills Stock cnniprji"4a large and seler; assortment o I Gentlemen's A caring Apptrels, Cnmainlini; of Fashionable Dress Coats, or every p. scripimu ; Pnnts, Vent Phi s, Cravats Slocks uotlonllandKrcbieft, moves Suspomlers, c., itc, Gold Ii nlrift and turrit it uotyt n aillllS ana JtUCliy, of every dnfcriptlon. fine end cheap. N.n..-Uetiieiuhor LoteenberT',MCttaa r.mnarivtn oan auu not. Nocharpu lor iaiiiiuiiie Cnn.N DAVID LOWENUERG. Illoomsburg, Ma'ch SI, 1637. Dr. Francis 0. Harrison, XTroULD respectfully inform tho citirciif of lllooma ' v v u-irg a nil vicinity, mat r.olia. commenced tho prn tleoi'.Mhnii-i-iiimidSuaoKRy.aud uullcita a ah.'iro i piiblicpalronagi... I hoealiilways'io founilattheCxcliangu llntelopposlte iuuri iiou.e. i UleoinEburg, Feb..-!, ie;j. Franklin J ISouse. P.fP.KEIl & LAt.1.1), Proiirlrtors. Chesnut St., between Third and Fourth, PHILADELPHIA. Beptcn.herlfl, 1P3H. LEAL1 TOBACCO & CIGARS'. .31 Ul, South Front Street, ' PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 0, 1856. y FREStlGAttl)EN SEEDS." TV!. flEO.JI. HAGENRUCII ha. Just received, nnd na. inr mio, ni in. uruj Htoro, a select r on. l?0.n.0L,,,L K""1" "' S"di, fresh .from Mr. nuist's Seed House in Philadelphia. May u,ii!37. tmifj n VWifiJii ....... t, vy, iiinujiu, - 1' aSUI Oil A 010 II ill & IJ a. II S t O I- ......"' vuaj o . u t V NO. 103 NORTH THIRD STREET. tMULADKI.I'HIA. S3- Merchants nnd visitors from Northern I'enmy vanin.nrero.pecifully invited to give liiinacnil, when vi.illDlFbiladelphia. Juno iI8, 165G. yi iir, J. C. Stutter, Ilomtooiiatliic I'liysician, RESPECTrULLVtendorihii Profes.lona! Sercea tn the citizens of Illonnubtirir and vicinity, ccnerally rn-Offlceon the comer or Main nnd Iron Street! Dlooni.lmrg, Adjoining Mr.Erowcr'.Storc. Sept.UU, 1H5S. WEST E St IIO VEIi, Nos. 0, 11, 13 and l5 0ourtland strcol. NEW YORK. D. ll.WINCIICBTER. TIIOS.D. WINCHESTER, .o.. . JIKNJ. F. WINCHESTER. May 31, IBM 3m Esyptown Coach anil H'agon Fctory, rTtllEunderiiened havlne succeeded Jacob fl, Eva J. in the Waionand Coach maklne Int. I ., a.aiiu.iu 1.1 lyiuwii r e.ii eciiu il y llilorm their frienr andtho nubile, tliatthey contlnutwilltbo Wagon Making Business, lunll.ltiilepaltment., where they will be hippy tcro cejve order, and promptly execiiteall bualnii. In theli line, with ncatnc..anddefpatrh, CJ- Wheel barrow, inado lo order, and all kind, ol repairlngdone on. ho r I notice. EVANS & IIAdENIlUUII. ...pyiuw il 4 mm t . lodu y iS. L. Pancoast &, Co., COMMISSION MERCHANTS. AND DBA LEW 3 IN FISH, PROVISIONS, SALT, ,k, No 17 North Wharvo,, Philadelphia, . . . I ;''" ; "ooi v.,r.i.i, lor in., cneap U Ih sJ Are-ide bv May 30, 164T. A C. MENSOIL : sxGMnefi Hem. AND H BJ fimnihila 9 inn TMIE uotifrslirnetl rosneotfully informs i his friend, and tlia public that he ha. taken Iho I lllnninf liurg, incnieu nn .mill, ni. -. directly nppuitr iiie conn iinnso. wiiun hub nrrn iliroimhlv nnaire.l nnd l.nnrnvod. where he lit pre. -,,,,,, , j ,'Gu. tf mr with good Inrc aiiilloiciicrnlsati.rnriinn. h.n In connection with the linchanjc Ho. tC, eiCillrnl I Moonisbiirg April ,5 ,1t.G STKAM liNGINKS AND BOILKH, ! 1MI I' subset Ibcr is now nrcnjml. with new Machine 1 ry, to build I on my engines Irtun 3t" lutl liorse. lowrri upon uio inieutimproviupiaustanu win inn hi iu tn'cr ilouMeitiul sIiihIc por'aMo engines friini 10 to 40 tursc poucrjlitred upon c.trrlaitfs, iih lloilcr scar 'itR tU pumps all coinpt.'H ami ready far ncllon. Also -ry 1 1 ii dor tlueand tuhul.itlioliers.cait iron eon! bre.ikg trs puictiteii in inju,ior uireiimig flrntn nun cr.ichinr oru nnd now inadr on a largo srale forpreekliiR n orenklng emit, llcjvy mining pumps and flrn tnslntl rfsard complete with dtiithlu iictlnjx fiirjirtjr pumps, ni kinds f inillpenrinpitid house caitins made to order! I.tncslmlliug with nuy delrd sizes ol pulleys fin Is lie wiiu u.injtrrs ironpiatiiiig; fiono,say '.Miicet lone; n Mud of Irnii turnlltt licnvv prof, turned with any ilotrcl pitrhnflhre Thul.oit Itonsb Irnn tlireflilni Mi ncavv press mm otucr screw il pitch nfihrend, Marh nes. that ever cnniu beTnro tliopul)lic,cnl Iror nnd w'odi'nmachlnes fundi lo order. Lever nower. iCnln or trend i owrr niatlo to urucr. Also takes orders for the f.. low! ftp ma rliluery; Harrison's latest pit in t grain mill, SltMMJ of fered by thn Patentee lor its equal. It will grind in qr.od fln nieaWS bushelsiu ono hour. Also bolls nml nlivn tnrsall In nr.Irr.niiul'.ntr lu 1'atentUtowcr.u.anuf.ictur I rd by 0..D Harris At Cn.",the most powerful lllotvei now In use with tlicleastimounl ofpower, onooffhlch "Ml"'- I'll. ,..... ."IIM Itri U4IIIUIIIUIII Mil Uifitliove works willbo warranted tobt what they,, sold Inr. Also Take orders fur Scott's Talent Illacksmlth Sirikrr,andrf!;litstonse them in theeoii n ties nf Coin m bla.MoK.our.Norlh imerlnnd.Lvcominc, SutlJrau and Clinton, one of which can bo seen tit inv shnp- LIHVI3 II . MAUS, M(irLli2, lS-lfi. Rtnoinsbu, Columbia ic , v,,- iiBfe'HfSp atZ r-2 ; QATAWISSA, WILLIAMSPOltT ERIE RAIL ROAD. VMrcct Railroad conn tttlon httvttn JVtogara Folio en Philadelphia. Shortest, (ivttlett end thteittt l.tvttfrlm llercrnKcioorl(to I kUadelpkia, J.'armtirg, titttlure Uallmore, ivothington eitji, and tho South. PASSENGER TRAINS leave Elnilrn dally (elcepl X Siind.i, '.) atr A. M. pas. in; WillHinsnort nl 111 15 A M. connecting with llend'ny Rail Road nlPortClln. ton, und renchlns Pliiladclphin nl7 30 r. M. Itetiirnine, leavo Philadelphia from corner ofUroad ami Vlncstrcelf,nl730, A. .M. eiiclilns Willlam.nori. at 3 13. P. M.. mid nrrlvlns niEI,, P. M . I'ASSENnER TRAINS WILL LEAVE PORT 0LIN10N IfOR 11ARRISRUR0, Direct, via Dauphin nnd Susouchnnn.-i Rail Road.on Hi' Train, at i ti P.M.rcachliic llt.r. risburBiil8P..M. Iletiirninslcnve IlarrUbnrenl 7 1.1 A M.-.connertlns at PortClintoii with Cnttawitifnl rnlu b.iundwest form ing tin- uiostdirect route In ll. rrl f Imi rjj. 1'i.trbiirff. Hal timoreiindihe Sotiih, rniiiteciini- thr.o pnliitf with a' Nortliwe.tern Peliit.ylvaniaaiul Wisti-ruNrw York Coiinei-.ljijrnt Elmiin with train. on New Vork.utd Erii'llnll lloadjulso, with tin- Elnnra, Catiaudagau, Rochp.'.er, lliitfaloand Niajratn rails. Ccl.nectlnpdirei.tly with tiiedreat Western Rnilrnn at Suspension bridco for Detroit. Cliirai-o. St Louis, fce , thu. makinit Hie .liortnst,.iud theapest route frou I'hiladuli.hi.i tolhoM' points. ' A KltEtCHT TRAIN. Will leave Wlllblinporl DAILY, at 0 30 A. l'lllladeli.hln. Preigtittralntnaiidfroni Philadelphia witlioultran nil 1 1 l.i - lit .fro in Reading Rail Road l'rclghtDejiot.cotn. or oi iiixiiii nnu liii-iij .ni-i-is, TRAINS PASS DANVILLE AS FOLLOWS UOINO KASr. Pns-ongerTrnln 12 M. I'relght Train, !l 31 A.M COINC WEiT. PasKengerTrnln , 3 23 ! M. r reigni 'i rain, X'l p, M FARES Uetwcen rHilr.rlelpliii andRupeit, JJ 411 ' Danville, 4 nil ' ' l;alawlssa, A Ml " ' Tuinaiua 2 I'O " " Jlilloli s Hi ' Wliliauitpnri, 3 Po Fiflf pollnils ofpersonnlbuecflpe iilluwedtn eneli pn.M .I'liger excess chtirgi'd at double fir. .c las. Irelcl'lraiei II A FONDA, t'-Jiirmitmifint. J.ill 2G, 1F5I, PHILA AND HEADING IllL HOAD Wi'ite- .irrauxtmcnts fj t'diaenger Trains, Uniriry Is , SSS7. Ur rrnitn. t'oinj ortlt, Imo Tiiifa deli hia nti A M nn i .i r M. " Hon u Trjiun gui nyrfoidU. Ii ni- 1'i-ttsv ilUut 7 I A.3I ire. .iiki -1 i . jUpir.iiiwpas Rcadingrtl lu.'JJ A. M.nndti 2l M. down Ti.iins 5,13, A. M, " 5,-13 1. M. Thu UxprmTnin is iliocontinucd until further no , "c,) ':i""f"n"crtious)ire muio by the Ui.a A. M tIlJ .Vwn ,ro&ip()rtClini.Mit Llinliannd all interme ''Utf puuiw and by thu ti.J 1' M lpl rnlu from Toft MHInloti In Cltitir.l, Ciiidtidalzua ll'ltlit'o. Ninunra. h. it"'., i.tiit.i-jij, pi, iiiii,i, lyiivi'iipnii ami ioiii;it); M iltiotr thixruuto thdihurleni ami ihedputi to the Lake I'.rlcesaitdCaiiaaa. I OiiKiinduys.tha Dnii'ii A. M. Tnln frjm Poitiville, j andlp P. M. Train froci I'JiiJJdipliiu, only, run. IUnmsaraa Coseitio., by Dauphin llairua.l at An o ii i ii A snecial Aeeomnindntioii IVisseiiirer Trull, l.nvi. llendiiigdailly (nn pt r'.,ui,la) s.)ul 71 A. Al., rrlu rniiie Imm Auburiijiiil, I'. AI., on arrival ol 3.10 1'. M iruniironi iiarri.nuri. WAY FAKES' Fuom Readino to l'lil(idi.rphii.SI.73aiull.4; Pntl.vlllc 51,03 nnd 0,e3: Auburn, 0 75. THROUGH FARES, to llarrinbur,' SJ.53; Tnmaqua CI,:U; Witfieinsporl SI. 10; Umlra l!l,.:i3 Cniinnd.ii gua'."u "uirilt nr Niagra$lil.ini; Clravelandsiu, jl). Toledo $14.75 1 Cincinnati $10,(111 , Chicaeo SJu.ll Roc1 l.'and $25,01). u ALL PaisungcrsH llproctire ticket, before enert . J'iM. inccntsexlru on Fare, paid iu ihn ear y Lis- .o f pcrsvual Ilai,'aaeeaiiicd each l'as.e n oircrtlut wolj htchargi'dasExlr.i llnggnce il A. NICOI.L8, una 3,1.1817-lf. Cen'l Sup'l RUSINESs NO'J'ICE. HERRING' FIREPROOF A FE Another Victory F. BjBtddorm.r.lo.t tendon, C. ltr.,Jlgintfor erna'i lwiur,LwLTiri,:,,.i?.i?. ' Wn. llcstrOVed liv nl.M 1 .....l' ..... 1. 1 v'.! willrcineinbct I bouhat one oflierriiic'fBnfes fromyou , lusi.'iarcu, auu i navo inucU pleasure in lufoniijiigyuu aitood the flro Hrii, 11 wacpirfKily redliot for .ever, I 00 hour.; the handles nnd brass plate both incited oir 'ii .1 alter haiiiins it on toi the bur ni iieembci wo had ..'... -. ,.' ""iy'"'. on "" uni'ic it rnuin ue opeueu. 1 on may lancy "I1"1' o" may lancy my sali.lacllon at nudiiismyli.iok,iiiort;a!es,deeds,noteandcashcill , u , J, . B a,l!oul" vaiaanio papers in it which, had I lost, would navo completely rumrd mo You will plca.o send mo another anfo ,1 1 rrr 1 1 1. n.l will .end yon Iho old one that you may .how Itto all whowishtii Imvenperlertlyfiro prool.afo. 1 remain, duarSir.your.rospfclfully, ... J.W Emirioh. X.T Thoaiib.eriberf liavcon handfor .ale, one of the argestnGortmeiilot Fiiibako iluKOi..RPnoor B.fas in i world euarrnntcedlobe ooual in the above aiidsu. .lerioilo u.n other nowoMeredtotlte dul.lic. FAHRELS fc HERRING aaui.1. id35-v' '"et.l'hlladclphl.. LANDRETH'S EXCELSIOR CORN emiibLiliUS, t un HAND OR POWER. Vo make four tiros of the above Oom Ebelleis, and warrant Iheiuto give satisfac tion, or the niiuiey returned. Theyaro far fuperinr lo any now io iho market. Will .h II flreon Corn nj well Rm a m.n ,ni dl.ount tu .er., Iteidiii'. Patent Power Corn Bhllers alio manufacluredandfor lale, whole. ale and retail, by I LANDRETII itSON.o. .. . '.'i1!'-!" S,e'1 Warehonsko Nos. 51 andSJ S. SIXTH St., below Marlnh 1,'ovember, 15, 1830. Philadelphia. th PHILADELPHIA CARPET STORE pARPETINCS, Oilcloths, Windnw Shade., Matsan yj Mattins,-Jus received Stl.uoo pkre, new styii nufnetured and liuporled fiprcly for CARP TI LL. Jlerchanu ami Housekeeper, will iileasn nn. NaudViiNorth Second Slrect"lst iZ, below March '.'.1. 1 f .10. J. SIDNEY JONES. rnisii.iioTii &.iinoTiii'ns. WHOLESALE T ACC ) n B'3 A Fi Kit S , N.lOS.NOKl'II TIIUID STUEET Five doors beluwltaco, rUILADELPHIA. Janrurav 10, 1P53 C. C -ADLER .; CO., Mn.O.Mnrll, lV.,iH m.ti i . .,, ,, hh,, uhliu g 111! at 0 U iii I nutiiwin.'Mii,i,i.iu ... . . A. M. RUPER'J'. Tlii.,c.nd HhM,..,nMaaUf.ciVlFlor en Wm eirect below l!Pe,F, elnic " 1 j-rorruior, inteiiinn ur l-ereirn nn rnn( am II elillr. Jnl.i. l' X S. Houghton's GKKAT GU11K Toil DlTSl'lU'SIA. riMli: True niceitlve ,1 riii M, nr (limtrlc Juleo Prepnreil from Rennet, nr the fnu HI flnmnrh nfllie tlt.nrier fllrvrtintitof ll.irnn Lie Ml. theorem I'liyilnlnc Irnl (MieniUlt It) J K Tniif.lilnn.At I) . 11.1 1 & .Inlt.l.ln. In . I'll l v i n Nnlilro'i ow n u r.,. . ....i...i.t... o. '"i5h'n 1,n0",t0fA"i'"."f"" c1"'ll enrnllte pnnere. ..... - 1 1 """ttciitui nr iMiuinonii PV.iotocV! Prof. ll1ininn.f,l Ynli.t!nllr.,la,tl. ........ tel'sPhyslologyi fcctnge iher Willi reporunf Cures fromoll pallioflho llnilcd Slnef. Soldby 15. r. I.uti nnd J. Il.Mi.yer, lllnnmf liurg B. II. Plowman lletwlck. Orl3, IP.I.I ly LANDRETH'S WA HRANTUD GAR. DEN SEEDS. Grtsss snnna nnLD snnns, and n.owcn SUL'DS, for sale by d. LANDnrnt & son. Son 21 and 21 Sou th Sixth at , rhllndclphia, March 33, 187. CAMHll OOKNERS IIOTKL ai.lU'INDlMtSIflNni), Informs hl friends and it . tru"cliK public. that Iiehas purchased the abovu trnlunldf propt rty nnd thoroughly improved the Cambte I Intel, located IH miles Nni th of t!Ioom,,ur, jn t'amnr-i, .raiinilr. " uMo or, P' ' 'C" ",c"nl coursuttavel l.y tno Uatliora JUatt LoaClt and willalwaystlnd this the mosl convcnlcn t part firtinL'nnd arrivin: 'lhakubscribcr,nl okecpsn Livery Ktablishmcnt, In connection with his Hoteland ftlnll ffoute, liv which he ran ntntl tlmesearry visitors, Hunters or Hshinu parties, to thn Long I'ond, or any other deFtination, un short notice and w ith good travelling facilities. IILNUV J YAI'LE. Camhrn.July 1. 1650. nioonshur Tlinvaro andSCovp Store. 'pIWuiideMigncd respectfully informs his o,t friends 1 audcu4loiiiert,tliHthe has purrlnsed his brother's interest I ut he above eatnblishment.andiheroiicurn il herealterbn conducted by hlmsell eiclusivi'iy. He has jusliecelved and offers for sale, the larceainnd t.rb niostestiMisive assortment of TAN'OV STOVES jtvra cvtT Introduced iutothts market, ie His stockconsi't of ,i roiuplctr'asgorimTil ol ebthept ConLinsnnd nrlor stoves in the market, to iheger'jth Stovo Fixtures of every defer int Inn, Oven and l.oxalovns.U.vlintnrs, Cylinder Stoves, Cast Iron Alr-TisU Slovus, Cannon Stoves, tr.. Sec . SloYepltpenud Tinwarenontantl) on hand nnd man ufactured to order. All kinds of repairing done, as usual. on shortimttee. The palrnnasenf old friends trid new cusl mcrs re jpeollullr solicited. A. M. KU1T.ITT. loomshnr);, Jan 2, 1854 If National Hotel. ( LATE WHITE SWAN, ) Sides $ $ lover. liacc Stictt, itlfve Thirt'. Philadelphia P.Tinr:iiiK,,laleoribetlroi Steve ns.'tlclliiigslicaufc Co J.Mr. T. frtmvKa, of the Union Hold, Augu.i Ji, le.'Ut. P II RE X 0 LO G I A L 0A15INE T. FOIJ'LKKS, WELLS & 10., Plllil'.NOLOIIIf TS AND PUnLIFIIEIIH, Arch Street, below Seventh; I'liila'tl. V rl" " an work on I'lirenolKgv.riiy.iohiuy W.iU'ri'uri! M unrllsiii, and Plioimsrapliy. ?J tivh U.,l.n.,.l.lU nl V..., V..I TX IVofei-si ma m 111 itions with ch.irts ml - tun wrui-n "eirripiioii ut tuarariir e'nin? Oiliiiu t free. lay mid M.iy 12. IK..5 v Mount Vernon House. S coml strict, ilwe licit, Vhila'.h, nHIF. undersigned having purchased lb. iutiisl o J. Mr I). IMairin llieubnvi.i.i.9lnl,lii.hedllolel ivll aow Irive the solo supervi.lou ol Hie es tabhshmeii anil Hie,.. ,. IhhNcoiiH dent 1 1, -i I a tlial nlhis House. Uont., Tnbt... Seiv.iul. tic., will pre vo lliebi'.t recommendation In-ran i vo I. L. IIA il RETT, 1857. SPUIXO AND SUUMFR, GEO. IIL'LPIN H CO. IMPCIRTF.RV Attn .V 1NUF.1CTUttV.RS. 171 CHESNUT STREET, Are now prep ired'tn exhibit thi'irNewftytt. POll S PI! TNG TRADE INCLUIIINO ' Rlalirk und coloredSilk Mnntllns CJianlly Luc" Man Maclllt.1.. IVncli Lain Manilla., Embroidered Hilk Minllllii., Ilfglcd Laceaiid Nit Manlilias, Muilrnlng Maiitlllas, ll.i.'iue., Talmas, fcc , fcc., Allormucll willbo oir.r.. ut the Lowest Prifcs UEO. IHILPIN ,t ,;,. , I -'""nut Street, abovu 7ll, Phlla dtlua . .Inrch 7lh, ld57. CHEAP STOREA SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. nndnrsiirned take cloabure in on 1 tlOUnClll7 to till r C Ultoiliei. Hnd tlin nl. 1 1 . , 2,"'-"'allhey tho Lime Rideo " "":' .oriiiieiu 11 i Snrinf ami Rnnimni. P.U rt Pr'"g mu OUIlltner IjOOlIf!, Comprising every ariiclu usually kept in i.uuiuiy riuiu. which iiaveliein relected will, rn. ' and will lid sold ai very ow nrlrp. f, ... BUY GOto onslMiiic of a Utf, nriely of Cloths, Oasslnicr. elalnes, llraze., Calicoes, tU. a..iiiur., CI Country produce taken I n excliancefor rood. Civeu.a call. Nono need go away di.sauflcdf 0. & G. LOW. I-iino ItidgT, March 38, 1837. ONE DOLLAR A i'EAlT Circulation over 100,000 Copies Weekly. 25 Witnesses, OR, THE FORGER CONVICTED. JOHN S, DYE is tho Author, who ha. tad ten J year.experlenco as a Ranker and Publisher, and Auliio r o 1 a .erie.o; Uclureo cl tho Uroaitcoii Toltlnade when, for ton tucceisivu nliihl., over , O-30.UD0 People jn Greeted lilm with round, nf anplauaa, while he ox. Ii Hilled the manner in which Ooiii,tf,itori execute detirll'ng ih'cni"l " d "l,0,tc" f 7'4e ilat Note F.ngracere all oay that he io tho crtateot Judge of Fapor Monty living . Greatest Discover; of the Present Century for Detecting Counterfeit lianlc Notes. iiescrlbing every Genuine RIII In existence, and exhibiting ut a glaiico every Counicrfcii in rircuo.j Arrnnited so odnilrubly.thit Utference is Kaiyand'. "l!."-'!011 Iii.lantaue... I! Rut .o .InipiirtM and aVrVuge,!.' ,5 1 T,,7r ,', u Ranker and lluslueis Man ran see cll.t a glance. ' ri , Frr.eA and Oirm.n, Tongue. Uio tamo in hi. nnn Nnlvc Most pufect Bonk Note list Published. Also a list of all llie PRIVATE HANKERS IN AMEIIIOA, A coin.lele8uniniary i.flhe Fim.uci or Enao.a inn Aniaic Wl I bo publisben , ec""ltln, ,It"? with all the important NEWS OF TUB WAY Alio. A SERIES OF TALES rrom nn old Manuscript found in the Eail It fur nisliti lheiiio.icoiiiilitjjnioryof ORIENTAL LIFE, njKii hi... ... l'hro.iil.o.t.,,uwl,olye,r";,,l wi prov "t .o" lf'l''liHiiiBeveroflrfd to l he public "f "'"'"hedwe.klv to ftubrcnbir. only, at SI a ' ' ,"" """do "A"?' ivr . I rMfh,, ,ui rf01,,l,,o.;;jVallli 1)11 IIOUOHl'ON'S, v. JiniHT. ii ri"Y 1IIIK lllilverillv! Prnr. tit Till'. v.iroAVf . &.1FRTV rr.V&T commnv. I f ALNUT Street, South I 1 V rTllIRl, t'hilvlilphln. West corntr tiienf niitriteit tiv Hut Kinle. nf 'ertnitrtvnn.a. JMoney is r'"eivedln any sum, Itrjre or small nnd infr'sl paid fom thcdiy of deposit to the day of wtthdrnttl, The rfiicp Is open every day from 0 oVlTk In tho morning till 7 o'clock In lie, evening, and on Munda). nnd Thursday evening, till 0 o'clock INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. All umilarR or small, are paid bnck.ln COLD ott demand without uotlru, tunny ninnnnl. President Unti 1ILMIVL. lirNi:it. Vicnrreiident, HOIir.riT SELITllDUH Secretary WILLIAM J lti:i;D, Directors ; llenr) h, Ilenner, C. Lnndreth Munns i.dwaidL Carter, F, Carrol) Itrewstcr RobcrtyelfrldBC Joseph D. Unrry, Samuel K Anhton , Henry L Chitrchmsn Jamesll. Smith. Trancts Leo This companyconnnes us busin es entirely to the reciivlnffof mcneyon Interest, The investments a monntinrto nenriy. " L per published report of ASSETS, ore iimde In . f.rfct class Kcurities.'os will nlwaysinsurn perfect to- icurily lo Urn depositors, and which cannot IjiI lo eiv o periiianencynnd t iillity lo .this old nml wep osiab. li.hed In. lilulion, (Feb. 1, 1835.) .March Till, 1S57, AYER'S PILLS, ifr.w and sincrnlarlv stjrrrsfiil rrniedy for tho enrenf nil Bilious tltsc-wes ('ostniiit'M, Iiirlt t;estion, JntindiVe, Dropsy, llhetnn.tlinn, l'evcr( CJout, IImonrs,XcolbIleB,, Irritaldlitj, Itiflnmma, tioni, Ilcml.icho, I'aini In the, SnTc, Hack, and Limbs, Kcinilc Cumphunti, Xe. ikc Imltnl, iery few arc tlie diseases hi which a I'liratiw Medu cine in not more or Irs re'iniretl, and ninth sick ness nnd suirering rnilitlie lrecnti'd, i( t Imrin les? bwt cifectunl Cathnrlic wtre more frn-U it-ei!, No person ran feel t vldlJa emtlvo liiildt of body pre all ; bosidw, i t soon u;cn rn let si x'u nw often fatal iliKeasesylilch might li.tvt been nwUV r by tho Umcly and judicious tuseof .iiod jMtrKutivM. This Ii alike Into of ColuN, Tpverinh HVinpliMns, and Bilious derangements. 'I hey nil trnrt Id lici ome or produce the deep seated nnd fonmd'iMe .lUtetnperi vi hich loid the hearses all oer Hit I ttid- I loin e reliable family phjr-ic U of Hie thsi iuipiirtance fi the public health, nml this Till luit liniiriieifeetc4 with emioumtnatc sUill to meet thut duimnd. An extensive lri..l of its iilifcs by l'li.!Wns IVofts sora, nitd I'aliciits, hus ahon'n rosiilts surp issinur, any tiling hltheitn kntnvn of any medMiie. Cure have IVsn ell'ectcd hevond brJicf, neie thoy tint sub slantUteJ by jurwuii nf Mich exaljrd position mill chancter a to fotbij On RusjjU'iun of untruth. Aniujiy; the ninny eminent cntlemwi vbu lime testified in fau.r of'lhese Tills, mny lui-iilinn Prof. J. M. LucKK, Chemihl, of t'in rinnati, mIiomj Uigh profutofir-l th.ineter ii en d'lr'td lj; .Ion M l.riM, JiuUo of the Supiemp Court of the United Miles Titos Cuitwiv, Si-dctnry of tho Tioaiiry. II'. ii, J. M, Winuiir, (Jnu-rur N. LoNdwoltnt, Krrat f;rmv r of the West Also, Hit. J. U. Oilii.HjN, l'r.icUc.,1 Cheuiist, of New Vork f'itv, endor.'-1 In Uo).. W L. MAitrv,HHrelnry nf State. Wm. II. AttntH, tho ri.hc-it num in AnirriiM. S. Li'.mvo . Co., lrorS of tho M-lrnp,,litni Hotel, and nnuy fill. us. Did sp'ue noi'iitlt, eo:iM rite iwiii hiiTidrcd rtilifitalfcK, fii,m nil rurts u-hcio the I'llls Imvo been uvod, but edc(a evn tnoiL or,nl!ioiiiij lh tho rxperienrc of ominjJit public men i ft. und ir) their c.fccts upon Obi, Those I'iils, ill-f1 1 esult of bmu; imoslistion nr.d study, ntc o I it-re. I to thu public m the bmt roid most tompleto which tho locent t-tato of medFl fioiinee un airnr.I. 'lhfynrc oi iiipotitid'd put of tho dni(.'s thcliKf-hi's, l.t of tlie iiK-dicintjl Tirtups only of VYKctiibfo temedies, cxtrsitcd Ly rhomirij proi-He In u stato of pmlt, nnd eumlunod logothtr in Mtehn manner us. to i Wire tLobest results. This system of composition fr im d nina has bton foun4 in the Clu-rry Tot und J'ilU Uitli, to produce .1 moro ciHfii-nt rniKly (lum had liillurto brou tamed bv any pores. Tho ronmni is perfrelly oh Mt'iit. While by lhoM mode of ftonipiMitini,iMPry iiH'diclT'P Is bnfdtnojl with tuoro or lem of itci. mnnioiis niid injuumjs ouklilies, bv lhf fn-li imli idtnil iilo only thai U desired for tho enr-vtio clivd is . resent. All tiio inert nnd obnoxious t itiosof eHfh stibstanroomploycd nre left I liiird, tlm cnrntio iiluo-r only Lritj n tidned. Htnee It . self evident Ihc odoeU should, p thry h prned, wore inu-fU, wid ti.i 1'iils k suit i ( moih powerful niitidote to diseu than dm utln-r m edi, llp 'tiiuwii to tlio wtiild, Ar it U frofjuontU esptsl'ent thut nn ntli. Inu r.hoiddhe taknt under tho ooutiwl of mi ut inline I'hjsieijn, nnd ns .o could not prnpuly jmlcte oT u remedy wiJheUt kiionini; Hi toniposh'ioii, I )me nnpplied the iiminibc I nrimjlu. bv wliich hnth my Peelyrnl mid I'ills nio mndo tn thc'whnlo body o'f rraititioncrsin tho rnilotlhl.itcHtind Amm ican lVr.rijies. If, liiiwi-u-r, Iheie should be any ojio who has not received them, thoy will bu lomptly forwardf d bv mail to his rcpiest. Of all the J'ateni feii(incs lhat itto oflen d, bow few vcuiild betaken if thi'ii coic,msition was kiiuwn ! llicir life ei.l.hlh-tK ill tbrir inthl, vv . iunll. I lime no The riniinniltlnii of niv nrrnnii.lloi.4 Is lnid in.pii In i!l, and u!l lm iuc rninpeU nt Ii. jtuiui' on Ii. fcubjei t fiec-Iy jiekiin.ii;c lluJr ei.uietioiiH nf tlieH- fi.lriii-.iu ineriu. 'Iliu Cl.tny 1' iva pronociiced l.y M-iei.tif... men lo W n woinlcrfill i.icdiiiiM bt-foro il. clli'Lli were knonti. Muny eiu inrnt l'lij-bicianK lute Aleel.utd lbo faniuo Mimg nf my i'illH, and ctrn more eoiiliileutly, and uie will. iiiK to ecrlify Unit llivir oiitiripatliii wiro mule llinii leulicd by tlieir onecls upon tiinl. They iiperato l.y Uuir potvorful intliienco un the internal tintera to purl I) Iho blnoil and ktiinnbto it into heulthy action reinove Hie obslructinn. of tho stoiiincli, Ijowels, liter, nnd other omani of tha body, mtorint; tleir incRiiLir action to liciillli, and hy toHccliiijr, whercur they exKt, inch dtrango ruenU as lire the first oiiin of diensc iieinir, BUKtir-wropjied, tlu-y are pleasant to take, and beiiiR purely veRetablc, no harm can ariso fronj Iheir use in any quantity. For minute direction., ace wrapper on tho llox. rilF.FAIIKIl UY DB. JAMES 0. AYER, l'rnctienl mul AmilytlRiil Clicmlst, LOWELL, MASS, Price 25 Centi per Box. Five Boxes for SI. SOLD 1IY E3-K. 1 LUTZ.and all Druitlns In Bloirnitiurg. and Dealeri In luedlcinci cveryuheru. May 10, 1P57. CENTRE STORE. fiPUI.VG & SU SI 9IK it oons. "HIE iinilorsisncd tnkn nl Jor,ula lUe ci'ena ol Centre and vll li'lly', that " Ju" ""'ved a large and .elect a. .oilmen I of ! SPRING fc SUMMER GOODS, Coniprisingihelieavieii itockandmoilvariedaiiorl. I iiieiitolla.liionaiilc, useful und .uuBtaniialMerchau ilim lo the public oioi er kind and'iua ity, which they very rcaiouablo price.. ' ICy-Connrry nrndiirrtaVen Ine ichange for lood, liicliidlng I! ruin and Lnu ler and the public cuituiu reipeelliiHvsolciteil, SAMUEL LAMRACK. Fowlcr.vH'o. Marrh !lf 1857. NEW SPRINO AND SUMMER To be Sold Yen Clirav. fmWmMm SiTitvrt -..?i i" ..iCT! JUST REL'EIV F, AT THE STORE OP J. J. II HO WEIL Oloouikbillg Alil S3, I"07-3