1 COLUMBIA democrat; AI.KJI II. TATIf, IiOOAti 13DITOH. Saturday Morning, July 11, 1857. Special and otlicr Notices. rOXSUMl'TION, iiisr.Asna or t.ie minoh AND " a Ntl Al.fi iV TIIUOAT aro positively curablo by Inhalation, which ennvnvs the remedies to llio cnvltivn In llio lunga ih routh ttia nit paasagc,, nn coming In dlrcol contact wltli the disease, neutrnlltea tho tubcrcuUr ' matter, nllaya tho cough, hiiih n Ir'-c ninl easy oxpec , loralloii, heal, tho litng. puriflsa the blooil. Imparls .renewed vitality to mo nervous syaiem, givini 1 in nit nml.nemv to Indlsneiianhle fur til" rcatiirni rev Tint Knit Prr Ci.nl. .SVii,,'r- T,i,l health. To ho nhle In etnlo confidently Hint Uonsutnp' c i m., la .nl.la l.v 1 tilialntlnn. la In me n atturri, of '.mat C3-SUrFCRCR3 with Diseases of the lllliljct, Kiel. nr-jf, (liavel, DroPsr, Weakness, fee, lend ths adver tisement In an anoihci column headed "Ilotnibost's ionnlno rrepnprntlon ' DLOOM8BU1U3 HOOK STORE. rpiIE umlcrsiRticd icspcclfully nnnounocs I ...... I.- . --1.7... . .1.. nmAu-i (nut l.a J ;inlThT,'S. irnlTon of hiial,nn,l.-MnJr Ulrk.-in all their yarfoii. hram ice, ,,,tnTl"r o,,.' "' T 'i'X, round In Oil, Uonttimn. i 'o old llniilln the Kiclianfi! Hulhllns. first ilnnr .vi nK n Ile,l. NEW AND USEFUL, i WOSPKOTUS OF TUB UNITED i-k tr 8-iiTT m r TAHT.ri ST ATMS DIRECTORY. If I j B. i TB l.llf I) J IV. i Till! umlctngneu' propose li Inr about tie, firal of v -L'-L 1 ouober. IB17. u bunk under tlia abovo t'llo, to contain about A Substitute for Linseed Oil. PATUNT AITMCII roil J Oil. a a cieoot llnsiof .the lUrhnngpllolil. nuilltav tig roiilp nl.ho.l I Wlln ,,., .,,,, ,k. ,.,, .. P.it will cover Tho nb-et of tli United Hutu Directory will I 1st To t-lvolhename andpn.tnlHcenddlcsa nfc .1 ! ' . ' noil li CliinDle ny I iiUBiaiioii ! iii iiii" anurru ui jiihi mii.'k'- mi" -.--p 7' ' will' Tl tliinncu with lhi (I'lirn the I am "- sTPr NOTICE. WO WOUld earnestly so'ldt oftho National safely Company, llMi street, south- loyed nlrnmrr. H ninth unilir llio control of her rmebilnhmeiit lih it choir- nock ol ,W Wi belter, dry nulikor niid will U more durable. and wh-n frnm our friends 111 this COUtltV. lllO favor weilforncr of7HlrJ.trect.nill.idelphla,nowhu. nearly ' mcilicnl treatment n. nay other mrmliiabln ducnje "''", ',1,',rfrii,1e """raoi,al,! " vnrnlhnl, llio ,,ut m have nn.l rctalii Ita won ironiouririBiius in tuts boun.jr, i. iu.ui .. .. .. . n.f , ' .., P.- I ninety mil or ouery hundreil caeca can bo cured u tho uo may tlo her a call In her lino, U1"'.')- nppeamieei andihe elamlcliyof the thinner of inform. 1 at tho earliest opportunity. o.M.U4.ii.uof n.i;.r.iii. rl &. ' S'rKitiiS;: . .5 niij ?..". iS ihV.iTV.t K ii.; f i,1r n nnrlliin o1n nf l.nnartnr.on iiioRTioii, uaooai. an., o.ner nrit clat. .ccuri. ,i,i,d .taje t la Impo.ilhio tn .ave rnnro nan iineper v. ...v.u..., . - - i , , ( Ilea, to the benefit to ucpoaitora Hint may recur in tneir imuicutaio neipn borhoods, or nitliin tlioir knowledgo during tho woolc. ns it is our intention to nHso tho Local Dpparttnent of tho Democrat as nitorcsttng as possiblo, and to ra.tliuilly chronicle cveryihing of interest lliat tran. t pires throughout tho county. Ily comply ing with this request they will materially aid us in cur efforts. Wo especially invito communications on matters of local inter est. Lot us havo a wcokly communica tion, if possiblf, from every district in tho county. FjtrTi'.r.N iiUNiiai:ii r-AOEsi IOIBO ot i-fc in "7 " , in imv 1 ,lle-a nf every I tnale neraun for tho nio ol IZ and unwurda) In tho ' ' "SWlVTllientm- of every p0 offic. and fo.t . Tjih f HU- Wm. Ii. MarO)'. n,'l',,e.'e'n.V'e. V,?"pl? ."TI'i , ..... J llALLSTOK. Julv 4. Hon. V'm. '?.Vr. "f?!""".' andihe elaailcliy of tho 'hlnner cv.f'v Dally. Weekly, mi thiy and (Inartprly I'aper ' ..H.i,. f o.i. .1 win eiiiiiimiiie imintto yieutninevnrnnii, un n nnd Mnaillno nulillaliod In Urn United Btltea. hij,.'uu.i.i.i; 01 viW n I ewni .. for Mm I ii nil a nro bo c u I un hv the olaeaao na -a Ibid defianco to mcdlcalaklll. Even, however, in tho tor THOMAS V. MATT.SON, Received tbernzo 'al (taea, lulinlalioii airordi eitri.ordinary relict u . .... .... ... H.. ... . I in a tiii.rinff iiiipnni'iii una lcnu 1 1 acourar. which nil' tho week ns it is our intention to nH;o trkopct iIaosZo". ZlZ lS (Ireatlnducemeniiara now o IT,, red tnpurchaacra of tho ' that ol tho prcaent poiiulatmn or mo earih, clslil mil. abovoarllclea. Thlali muehthelar.eat .tockoflrunka, V.7:l,?'1 ft . ianHsi (.Mvuatut.u.fiiiiuiiiiu-.'ipiiiii vcrj Ciieupt fl Tho neatauranl Snlnoia. In tlielbaiemontof tho abovo P 7 " '' , f". " conni.on In oruinary va. , mam ,eily. town, vlinjo nDd pott o'fflce will .1...I !.. t.;, ronm ,1,;, n1 lnn nnnn (n .""naiai.iiahmeiii.oil l, Vili, llnucd na uaiinl by tlinauli.l nlahedn I nalnla la entirely nvoli! d. bo alnhibelleallv nrraeoed. ,00111 111 IIIS room at IIIIS pl.100 at DOOH to ','1actiber. wheiuiho niiliilecan al.nll lnnea l aupplied V' J,,' ,,''' nooia lla ennai . ' Tne iinnio or (ncn perac n will be nlphibctleally nf ' v ITn nnnonrod to cniov ujual rrnoil 10 Ulihil,,. ,l,l.n.i ll.ltn.r. aiiD IttraeallMiNTa. auth . The Oh-uiti can bo i.ed hy llaeir, or In connnon with ......i und.e 1 1,0 be id or tliel t teaoecllve no.l nllieo ailJ' 0 rpcarca 10 tniOJ U3UJ1 C00H i M luernH.ti irtaparlun, iieer. iiie. at, raruinea, : . '. ,,...,'; " ' "i aa,ircia. health tuU mornilir ,ilolanl Pickled Hv tor.. Pickled Claim, t to. i 1 1 on i-f IheM a In ler , .. .. i Aa tho United Slatea nirectory will bo n mailer of llcalul lul' morul" TI1K FOUR I'll IN ULOOMrtLUUG. Saturday last was tho 82nd Annivotssry of American Indopondoncc. Tho woathor for a week previous had been such o.i to dampen the ardor of many, but on tho Fourth ''Old Sol" burst forh in fullsplen- dor, as if to show his high appreciation of our natal day. In Illouinsburg, contrary to publio expectations, that glorious day, was eclobrated in a becoming manner. Early in tho morning, ' (Young America" ushered tho day in, by tho explosion of fire-crackers nnil other combustible matters. This sport took very well, till the ringing of tho Court IIouso boll, at 9 o'clock, when tho Captain of tha"Jloomslurg Fantastic Hangers," made his nppcnrrnio at tho crossing of Main and M arkct streets, blow ing a bugle, whero he was son joined by about fifty privates dressed in robes of every color, huo Ashapa. After tho Cnpt. had succeeded in forming a row of his men, tho attention of tho spectators wero turned towards something, which resembled tho shadow of a fall loat horso, with tho 'Col.' mounted upon his back, coming up tho ftrcct, which he managed with skill and nbility,.tn tho capacity of horseman, till ho reached tho grouuds in front of ihe Es- j chango Hotel, when tho animal fell pros Btrated to the earth, (not tho Colonel, but tho horse.) What caused him to fall, is unknown, but thought by many to be, for tho want of strength. After which caiuo tho "baggago cart," or rather tho "sour kfout vehiclo" containing a driver, resem bling something between a "toad or a tin ker1' of which wo could not say, but sup p:sed nt least, it to bo a human being, After mnrcliiog through tho varioui streets of tho town, hailing in tho most prominent places, whero speeches were delivered by inemliirs of tho company, (both patriotic and sentimental ) About eleven o'clock, tho Cnptnin of tho "Hangers," was appris ed of the intention of tho Light Street Columbia Artillerists visiting our town, he matched his men tipTo the Forks Hotel, when tho Light Street Company, was eecorted to the l.xctiango, whero the Cap tain of tho Fnntnstics delivered tho dismis sal oration to his men for their courtous iittcntiou and good behaviour, stating in tJio conclusion, that bis company was pre pared at a moments warning, to man li to Ut tit territory, siezj tho unprotoctnrs ol American Doctrine, and squash them into Iragmcnts. About tlirco o'clock, P. M., Cclor.cl B.; was milking nrrangemoDts to convoy his patriotic liorsu hack to his lawful owner, when uews reached him, that tho auim .1 wns no more. With duo ro.-pcet, for ho sport which liad been enjoyment at thocx pensoof his old horse, ho mustcroJ up a largo portion of tho Company, and pro ceeded to inter him with honors of War, ftFsis'cd by tho r lliog of tho dru i.s, and tho mon.ful music of tho Bind, lie was drug Vo the burial-ground. Tho fulloning Eulogy was then dc delivered : Ilabiondomo hocho oiinoccr la csperion cia quo algnnos ho'.nbrcs do mala fo han or cnih. Manuf.ictorlca: 130 Market Siren, s. W corner, and 133 Market itrcel. 8 IS. eornerofrourlh. Till! VITAL ri.tjlu entera every organ of Iho body through tho circu'atlon.illatilbutna tho nulrlllvo principle to cvory texturo nnd the aourco nf every ac cretion. In n word, It la tho Ufa ol mill. Ilotv Impor tant, then, that ahoitldho kept In n pure and Ilea liliy condition, lltteloy'a Snriap.irilla U known to poaacaa propertioa which bcomo aiiunltated with the blood, disinfecting It of dlscnso, and restoring exhausted na tural pristine vljo' fWmJla(7'craj) Herald. roneumptlnn. In nllnsea It has been the creel enemy 01 II le, lor II epnrca nuiiiicr line uuraextiiui awrcpa olTnllke tho brave, tho beautiful, the Kratefiiltliiid Iho giricd. Ily tho help ofthalriuprcmo Helnir, from whom cometh every cood and perfect gift, I mil enabled to otrer to tho atnicted n permanent and speedy cure In Consumption'. Tho flrrtcatiec oftubcrcleils from Im pure blood, and iho Immediate effect, produced by their uepoelllonlnthe lungajs loprevontthcfrea admission of air Into the nlr cells, which can scan weakened vita Illy through tho entire aysteni, Then surelylila more rational to expect n renter gooiiiroui mcdiclnea entering I tho cavities of tho lungs than from those ndminlslcred ' through tho stomach the patlom will nlwnys find Iho , lungs froe and tho breathing easy alter Inhaling rcmo 1 illca. True, Inlnlalion Is a local remedy, nevertheless , It ocucnnstltutlonnlly, nnd with ptoro power and eer .... m . ,.., talnly thnn reniedleandmlnlsteredliy tho stomach. In US-Till! DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE FOR ROVER- prVo tho powerful and direct Inllncnco ol Ihla mode ol NOR. A corr cjtprndirl wrlles thai aa aoon as (len I administration, chlorolorm Inhaled tvlll entirely dc- I'acker heard that he lia d been nomlnatedfor Uovernor ' "f"1"'"1' . .'A "V P""1 ,," ln? by the lljmocnmc Convention at llorrlaburg, he do. clarnd hi msdf overjoyed, and avowed hla detormlna lire nervous system ecthatn linib maybe amputated without Hie ailgluest pain; inhaiing the ordinary burn- ten atm will deslrov life In n few hmira. Ilentotakotho alumpat an early dly Innn Ir t'llitiMo 1 1 lie innainuoii oi .luinionia w u rouse llio aysteni nbllahmentof r tho tnodiclnes Is perceptible In the skin a few mln- auiioicloihinsiromtno masninconieatamiaiimenl or r i!,o medicines Is nercentlblo In the ski GruNviLt.i Stores. No, 007 (lalo S09) Chestnut street utcs after being Inhaled, and may he Immediately de abovo Clh, Philadelphia, lected In the blood. A convlnelncnroof of the consli tutlonnl etT-etaofinhalallon.ts the fact that etcknesa Is nlwnys produced by breathing foul nlr. fa not this lngfie Half high ly perfumed, superior loany Fronch J, .,. , licously ndmlnl.tered throuth tho lunaa. "WUODLANII CREAM.' ' A pomade for beautify. nr'lclo imported, anl fir half tliopr Ice. For dressing should proilucethe most hnppy resullaf During eigh I.adiea'llalrlllnn no equal, giving It a bright (lossy . I" yeura- 1 rnriiee, ninny inouannua auuering worn npparance. tt caiuca Kcnllemen'a Hair tocurl in tho ( .,1reianii ,avo effecled many remarkable cures, even most natural manner It removes dandrufl always giving Hie Hair tho nppearanre ef being fresh sham pooed. Price oily 0 cents N'onc go nui ne unless signed lETRIlmE tV.CO.. N.V., Proprietors of llin"nahi,of T.ijmi d Dower." For solo by alt Druggi, la U3-WHITE TEBTII, PERFUMED I1HEATI! AND IlEAUTIl'UI. COMl'LllXION-can bo acaulrcd by using the "lalnta a Thouiantl Ftoicerl." Wh.it Inly or gentleman would remain under tho curse of a dis agreeable breath, when by using tho "Halm or a Tholsakd Flowers" as'n dentrifice, w uld not nt,! render it sweet, butleava the teeth white as nleb s. tarl lliny persons do n ot know their breath is bad, and the subject is so delicate that their frlem's will never mention it. Ilevvarc of cnuntcrfeiu. Ua sura each bottle is signed FETRIDOB & CO., V V. tt-Till. ,T IIOUSANDS whoso cons'itutlons havs be n r'lln, nnd heir systems poisoned bv the tiso of Mercury, should give tho follow i ng I Ii sir earnest at tention : Dr. Riles, Newton Hamilton, In., Ms)', to 51, sold" 1 hive used, myself, half a dnien bottles oT Hoof land's German 11 tiers for Livi r Coin plaint nnd rtiiea.Beslof a no rvouscbaracler.rerultlngfrum the use of Mercury. I waa poiaoneiaud nlllicled Willi spaskts from the use of this latter article. TheCerman IMters islNo first nr tielcfrom which I obtaihed any relief. I have nUo givdn tho article to many dyspeptics, with tli? most salutary result, t Ibinkas many luoro bot tles will lire me, r3eo advertisement. itf-UHaro gratlllgd ti anumnco to our r'a,de-s a tti'hartlc Pill (of whicHnc al v ert aement In our coluuiu0 'mm llittjuitly e-l Srated Phy lcian ned Chemist. Dr. S. C. Ayer. Ilia Cherry rettoial.Jevery where Known natbehcat remei'y tverciTered to tho public for t;jii?hs, A.c , hns piiparad them l expect lint nnylbiiig from his la'ioiatory wo uld be worlhvof atteulion. As no on medicine la n-i ro uulverrally tlkeu tlilua riiyaical I' III, the public will be glad to know, if nno from lutli a t.uattvnr thy toorre. Wo happen to k n cw nnd enn aa-uie them that this article Ins intrinsic merits, fullyequal to any cour" pound that lias ever issued from hi Crucibles, and eooae'iuetly it well wcrlh nttial whercv-r audi, a medicine be cornea neci'sanry cactus Com Jliv Q A C'Alill TO TME l,llim Da. Ilerovri'a flnLDKt Fne-iril Pn.l.s art lnjillj la ra-aeel,i itiypngtt or irifeulantlti of the m'nin. Thesel'illBnro nolhiiigneiv, but have been uted by the lliitlor for many years, both lu frjnee anl Auierl ca. with unparnileh d aiicctis I n every rase ; and bo fa urged by many t'lounod Ivliiawho have used tlteio, to iiiako the P.lla public. for the nllevinllon of those ruirerlng from any i'r''gularitiia wln'ver,ua woll aa a praijreulive to thoa i ladle twhosu Inalth.uill not pvrmil an Increase ifinily. Pregnant leinalis.or those aii.poning tbrmselji a so nroicaulioncd ngainat li-ing these I'll I a. as tile propri el ir assumes no reapoiisibi lily nllrr the above ndino. ni tin n, nlLhpugh their m iletnes wuuld prevent any In Jury to health olherwiao, thaae Pi Ha firu rccoin niendr d. Ilirectiona acciimpany each box. Trite SI, r?old wholje end retail, by KUKRK Jt. IIARKNOUCII, Rerrcral Agent, niooiisbnrg, Pa. Ilo will supplyihe trade al tin proprietor's prices and send tin: Pills In bullet (confidentially) hyinajl on receipt ol SI UiroujU tlio U.ionnbJrgJil OiTu-j. KQUALITi TO ALL! rTN-TORMlTY OF IMUiJKfll A New Kkatvka ih U HcsiNEsH. Kcery onehti own SdUtFient jom;.i t co., Ofthii Crfurent One hrice Ciotiiing Rtwo. No. 500 Mirkd itfct.almvfi Bixlli, rinUdtlpUia. Pi ailthtiou to liavlnp llio largcft, most variitl uuI ishionalili! itock of Clothing In I'liil.tdeljitiiii, mndo eXrctiily fm rfiaj sales, liavo foiulimictl every one bis own snleaMon, liy having nnrKrtl in figure, mi c.icjj article Iho vciy lowest price It can be uold fur rtUi.py cinnot poibfy vary all inuitbuy ntik Tlio fiomtsaro wtl i)oucil utultrciaretl,nnilgrt?ai panii' taken vvtththe making to that ail can tuy w(i, thofull niiirDce ufEulling a goo.l article nt the very after the utiflVrera Itad liccu prnnouncftl in the Isttt Btogpti, which fully Ratlsfirs me Him consumption lit no lonrjor a fatal difirito. Mytrentmrnt of coiitimplinn b original, nmt founded on lonffftperlcncp nnd n tho rough invt'itljiatmn. My perfect aciunintance with thonaiureof (ulicrclcc,lcc.,naltfs hip to diftlngni'h renttily, the varloug forms of illscatu that simulnte connumptlon, nnd npply tho proper rfinctiips, rarfly beins miiinkcnevpnin niinfflccano. This familiarity, in connection with certain patnolojrfral nnd inicrnnco pic ili?roveric9, enables mc to relieve the lungs from tli olferts ol contracted client to cnlnrco the fheM purify the hlnod, inipnrt to tt renewed vitality .giving rnrrnv nnd tone to the entire nvfitem. rt'it-i 1 1 -. s fiiri.a n T ntiAii i tt ft nut... lo9 FarERT Ptrnt t.below Twelfth, l'hlladclphia, l'a. 1 a. I t I PI? .113 it 'w SYAN & CO.'S LOTTERIES, Tin: .vosr nniLLMjrr scheme enm drmw Capital Trizc $00,090. TICKETS ONLY $10. OAVINO to lhe;great f.ivor willt wlilrh our Sincle Number Lotteries havo hMn nc'iv4!(t by tho pualic, nnd the large (Ionian J for Tickets, the Alana t'ers, B.Hjvan Ac ('it., will have u drawing each Batun nay tnruugnoui ini yvar, Thp loilowtnc Hchrmo wltl be drawn in each cf their Loiuries tor July. 1837. CLASS 43. To he drawn in Urn city of Altaian, Georgia, in public, on Duiun;ay. July 4th, ito To be .Ira vn In tho citynf Atlaiitn.(;porirla,in public, on Dfiiutii.iy, July i un, lej, CLAH 41. To bo drawn in thn city of Atlanta, Georgia, in public. nti Hnfnr.lti,. I..t.. il.I. CLAS-i 4U, To bo drawn in the city of Atlanta, Georgia, In public, on HMtirday, July ii5lh, WM. ON.TIIU PLAN ftF RINGLi: NUMI.EI13. 7",irffl Tltoutand V'Area Hundred and Thirty Tfiie Nearly one Prize to every Nino Tickets, MiilftP.1 ni ie puu ie cui lom ii rrnp"inii7 wiicimi. ' IJA HOLlNR CLARK. Suctettot to Jttit 11$ Vtaik, niooiniburp,May C, 1857. " DllUO, IVINTTm)""GL7vSS Wholesale Warehouse COUNKU OP TENTH AND MA UK FT STULr.TS, Olllcolii Hicond titnry, puttJinr.LrniA. WP, Invite ntiniittot to our cntarsed stock of Uriips raintstUlls, Vainlihci,Ac , selcctPd exprefly fir our fairs, ainlcotiiptli'lng oneol thn flnrst assort mcnts In the Unilud Blatcs, whtcli we offer at low prfcrii.tot rnb nrnpnroved paper. WU MANUrAti'l UIUJ very pjitenslvtyt rrniium rure Wliiin i.emi, (best,) Kensington lnie White Lead, IVul Snow White Lmrt, VlHlle Montague" Treiich '.lnc.(bci,) I'uroHiiow While American 7.1 tic, Mnlidilphii Snow White Zinc, Silver's r'nMic 1'iroand Wealln:r proo( Paints. Cti romf Greoiis, Yol rows, nnd colors generally, aoi;nts Fom Porter's fii potior Alkaline Window Gtars , Genuine French Tlalc GlaM, (warranted,) Tlio New'Jerscy Zinc Company's products Tilden fe Npphew's N, Y. Varnishes, Urooklyn Premium Pure White Lead, Iliimpden Perijiapenl Grepns. 1'utp Ohio Catawba Ciandy, &c.( lMPOUTHUS OF Trench and Hngllnh Plato Glas, Trenrliand Ungliph Cyllndpr Gla, Colorednnd Lngrnved WlndowGlass, iMguerrcotypc Glns, IlammrrRd Plnte for Tloori nod Bttyl.t tits Drucs, Chemical, Perfumery, &c. VVMOLCSALi: DUALUUS IN: nru?aiits'ArilclPsuenerally . Pninlpr' Tools of all descriptions, llydrauliennd Uoman Cement, Calcined nnd LandPlaetrr, Paper Maker's Clav. Snt in White, &e be FRIIN'CIl, IIIU1IAUDS & CO., Store, NW corner Tenth andMarkrt sts., raetory. Junction York A v., Crown & Cat lou hill. April 11,157 Philadciphin. MAOXtFICKJTT SCIIRMtU TO BE DRAWN RACJ1 SATURDAY IN JUNE! Its cost Is shout one. half of that nf LlnfT.l OIL Ihiiff considerably reducing the expense of paint tn jr. J We fiitnfutly rerommend it Tor all purpusps indlca ted nnd wnrr.int II to give sntlhfaction. A lileral ,tls- count to the trade. j IllltnolIONS. Thtn'the ptttnt with tlicQ'otim Lt. Tior Hint work It wcl I, until It (lows Ireely lroni the 1 Tlio'brnch must bo Tron frnm nll'moi!- nnd ln;a rtably eugtit to be soakcd;wetl with thu.Oleum Li quor , previous to painting. lnstendot placing the brunhea In water over night, ns painters grnrrully ilf.thev oufht tothe put lit (he Oleum Liquor, which will greatly Mcllilate the work. The paint mixed with Iho Oleum Liquor will work better If It 1j allowed tn Hand front U to VI hours pre viout to Its In lag used, and thru th lined to sucrj n contirtency ns In woik tree n ml oisy under tho tints h, liy the n "0 of Japan, the paint will bo'rendred still firmer, MlxthpJnpnn II iM with the paint nnd Ihn thin tt with tho Okum Ltiuor In tho manner man tinned nlKtVP, 10D pounds of Pnlnt thinned lit tho Olstim Li quor, will cover a 1 rrgtr miface ban 1 pound s Hun tied wim on. The Oleum Llqurr Is not lo bp ud with Venitlan tied, nor uilli I'uint contfiinin? nny niopnrtino of t UlU'.INUI. GATT.MAN c imCINIG A mcrican Paint and Color Works, Orner Slth nnd Crei n HtsPh Had' Iphla. OlTire-N 13 cornel Third and Word sts., P'liladet phU. P-i. XO" Wc also tnanufio.nrfl Chroma Yellow, Chrome Rrrnn. I'IiIiipvp nnd Prlltsiari ItlUe. Verniltli.n nn.l Scarlet .ltd In various shade and qualities, eithpr dry Mi" in on, ami w.i.rain tip.Ni tu v-(uui uuy gwier ni.ike, eliher heto or ajroa June 0. te57. Interest in every rrstucm in America, we rpsprrtnniy i - solicit tin! aid ol post maelerssiid others, in nil parts ti'1 T.ot 4 it. -rrt of tno ronntry, In rdiiiiiiinff'umes and sending them OUrill 01 JlUy 111 rJ0W XOriCs on ns soen as po-snno. . In making up 'ints.wnlo Iho tnmo of PoptOtTi-p, County and Bute, at tho head of the shf et, then till the remainder with dl(inMly wtitlfii nsuirs, r male persons only, of thp age of nrteen ypnr and ilpwardr, nnd aisooii aiyo'i Ii-ivp (.tifllcietil tu Hit an envelope forward them on immediately, A Prosppctus will bo fenl'posl paid lo any person who may order it. i To mi vent MtsTiKtv-Wrl'.e distinctly ho itamo. pol office, county and State, , MOIirJd, UAUDNCI & tvit,Kn?, P-nblifliprs, Cincinnati Olili, N. It. -Publishers Insprting the above I'ro'prctus, including Ihe notice tliri e times In thpir upr-klv r.ancr. nnd'eall attention to thT sime in tlirtr ediioriul col utnn, will receive w copy or the U. S Directory deliver ed nt their ofllco frpool chnrge Diruct all exchange June 13, 1657. SPUING AND SUMMER GOODS FOIt 1357. THE subscriber respectfully informs Lis customers and the public generally that lie hs recclvcdn fullstock of choice Sprina anil Summer Goods. comprising a full asuorlmcM of Clotha, Casslmers. SatttiPtts, bctnlnes Hrli7iers Calicoes. 4c, iogpth.r nttha great vatlety of other articles usually kept In uouniry i3inre. ALMO-llardwarp.Cutlpry, aueeniwnre Salt, I'lsh, MoIalasefl, fron.Sier-l, lints, Caps, llools.Fhoci. ttc. tO Country producr, includingGraiu.Lunibor, &c , Itkoti in Ptchnnrje for eomls EjfThaukful for pastpilrouago ho respectfully asks n Junius aucc ui me snuie. i TimVAQ p V.irpo V:"'' MIllville.Marh X UVv ' JOHN II- ALLEN & CO. 2 ij- i Chtsnut9 Street south side bc Iao Watcrt) Pbilailcliiliia. (Tut OtmiiT Wood wrk ! loons, Ii Tnit CtTY ) HJANITACTUHCIW and Wholesale denlers In Pat llJL out Mfichlne nimlp llri'OnH, I'aieni Gnnvril Cedar wnrp, uarantednot tothrlnk, Wood and Willow-waro, Curds, Urmhes hc ofall dcicilions ('lease call nnmino our stork. j uurj IM. I y. OLEUM LIQUOR. CERTIFICATE. WE, tlio umlcr.signcd IIou?o Painters, hereby certify thal.we havo given thp newly invpntcd Oleum Liquor, nuniifatt'ired bv Hrclniir. Gatlmnn & Ureinlg, In Philadelphia, nn Impartial um.anu nave louiiu ii an ;iiiticjni suutiiiuio iur i.m seed Oil, far superur to it in every respect, at a cost of only about half ns much, thus consldprably reducing tho eiprnsn nf painting. We would thcrefl.ro rccont mend ihe public to its gpnonl use, and after It has been tne.i its superiority over unseed Oil villi Lo at tested to by all, ciiarles amnti. AMOS UNGIIU, WILLIAM WOLLR. EDWARD DENHARD, JjVANS k NKWCOMEK, fformeewir.ta .Vewcomsr.l Arch street, abovo Third, Philadelphia. I luuun ur nin.un LU. tin. ak vast, 5, 0 and 7 o'clock tn 10 l)inNER,Rentlcmeu'sordinary,l o'clock loJ3. " Ladies, 2 o'clock. Tea, JGo'clockto II. CVAN UVAN3.I U. 3.Nr.WCO.MER. Aug.I1.18JS.-y. I Prize of snn.ooo an uon in uoo a.utu i unti il.SOO !! .'iUII 1 Prize or 1 41 1011 11,0 dr. is. p3BSL?iisr9 FOE. WARDING MEUOIIANT, RUVERT, PA. m m wk m. WILL hitcml to receiving nnd forwarding by Cnna nrUAtLKOAD.hllMcrchiudise and freights di 'iwuu 'tin.Am uiil ho deliveri d .it the fulliiwint rate ner. 1UD Juna 13, IMT. T IIEltENY certify that I have had .B. House Painting prosecuted lately with tho above n a mod Oleum Liquor, nnd concur in nil respects willi the recoiiiine'idatioti of the abovo named gentlemen, and will hec add, that In future I will have no naiut Ing oncrntiens performed without the admixture of tne aoovo namm vaiiiauie nquor iiiobo nno may ilpsire to view its cflccts. will call nt mv rmlHencp. where they can couvinco Ihc.iis. I ves of oil that is rc- prcenipu 01 lucuicmn Liquor in rerfard to Scanty nnd durability. J. ISAAC BREINIG. uno 13, 1857. in:) 3UD lull i'J Ai'pnoxui .vi lox riiri:?. 4 Pr ir.ee .J.'oDApprin'ilig lo Slid oiu I'nf aic f'-i.n a I ritlston. Til per 100. 10 " in " 4J Spring & SuaoiEit, AT MENSCII'S CHEAP STORE. fJriE undersigned having removed his i Store, up town, al tho aland, lately occ upied by II C. Ac 1. W. Ilartinan whero with ctcalcr incicaaed facilities, he Is enabled lootfern full assoitment of iSprinj; and Summer Goods, I Wblcl) be has ju.t recclvcdfroui tho Ca.tein Cities, con nr s ne urv liuooa.iirocerica.naro-warc.iiueena. waro Cedar-wnre. Ilnlto-wnro, Drugs. I'lshttialtc. Plaster, I roil, Nn Ha, Hoots, Shoes, II ats.Ca pa, &c.fcc. also-ready made clotuiivg. In short, eveiy thing usuatly kept in country Stores, to which he I nvitpsthc public genp rally ' t Csah.Lu nhcr. Old Iron and Country Produce takcuinexebango lor Goods, at tho higest market price. A. J. MENS0H. IHoomrburg. March 21, 1837. DIPLOMA AWAUDED By tht Penntvivttnta State Agricultural Soeirtyand by Mtrerai county nontuti, ro iiiit.lJYJU , naiJYt.t n. hit of CO., for their Celebrated Vtgtlabli CATTLH I'OWDFM. iiunaun IOR Horses , It Is an invaluablp remedy for the fiire ? and Drcvcnimii ol all (!ienips Incident io tho nohi aniiuil. vie: Distemper. 0 tight, Tarcy, Fevers, l'ls tula, Foot d I cease), Lun diseases, Itch, Grease, unpes, lnuammation, Ja dice, Ki.lncv ibsentes, uianuers, line i.egs. jii cIiouiki, tftnggcrs. vivers. Ulcere in LungV, Surfeit, Founders, Htratght Hair, Worms, Sores, &c FOIt NEAT CATTLE. In Jamil Ice, Yutlow, Iloven nr Rlown, Rtoody Uricc, Red Water, Murrian, nn of Cud, Loss of Ap. pctitp, HiarrhtDa or Looseness, Hoof disease. Wolf in tho Tall, Hollow Horn, liloody Milk, Ulood disease. Loss cf Milk. FOR IJOG9. In Jf welled Ntck, Hi lea in the Liver, Abccsses in tne bungs, uicers or tno powcis, spasms tr cramps Choke disenscs. No tanner should bcwithPUMt a singlo day ; It is his sheet-anchor for diarases'ot his FtnJc llincrenses the amount of milk, butler and fat in hcalihy itnlmals. from eitunl amounts of food fat least from so to M5 per cent., us the experiencp of ocr lixrno larmcre, who hae used it will testify nt any time! ANOTHER NEW DISCOVERY 1 CATTLli LINIMENT. jUnenualled by any oilier I.lnlniciit.or Hmbrocation over vet known lo ths world. It la good for tho fob l.iwlnir itiaenapa. n nil h.ia nrneml llaolf In llii. hn nils of thousands ol fa triers, farmera nnd atneo nrnnrietnra tn I cxceednnylhingcifiheklndevcrnHcred toihopublic rrRnonp to comnlimonlnrv fnnaia the cattle uxiilKxT is aoon t un response iu t,oiiipuuioDiary loagia BtoQify Riots Ten I'crsons Killed anil many Wounded, aj-o. New York, July Oth, 1817, Several riots occurred hero on Sturday, tho most serious of wli' h originated in tho Uowcry between a mob from tho Fivo Points and the Bowery boys. Tho light continued with great ferucity for an hour, clubs, stouos, b 'ttlcs, and fire-arms being freely used, and tho Five Poii,tcr3 gradu ally driven buck. Eight persons ffera billed in this riot, and about thirty includ ing several of the poliocmon, vrerc wound, cd. At one tiuia the riotorshad tho streets barricaded ; thus defying tho policemen, nf whom upwards of ono hundred wero pro sent. Three regiments of State troops nrcro oidcrcd, out and kept in reserve, but their services wero not required, as tho riot was finally suppressed by tho exenions of ths police. In tho minor riots-of tho day two persons wero tilled nnd somo twenty or thirty badly wounded. In naarly all thoso dis turbanccs cx-policcmcn wore conspicuous actors. With tho exception of tho riots among the rowdies, tho day passed off finely, The weather was propitious, and tho mili tary and civic displays wore brilliant and imposing. Tho fireworks in Brooklyn, Williamsburg and other eubuib3 wero of tho mtist gnrgcous description. Tho pyro technio display of tho city proper was postponed on account of paitial damage dono to some pieee3 by tlio damp weather of tho week. After tho closo of tho military review, General Sanford gavo a grand collation at his house. Gov. King, Mayor Wood and others wero present, and mado speeches jn HUMAN EODV. Khcu mat! em. M 8 u :li)UJ 1U0 eu 1,1 XI III V'O aro 'JU.bll.1 III lllld 5 III 11 j,;oi I nun Oily II u bill lull Ill'.ll till r,i),uiui .I3JU 1'rizca nrnm.niiiiR in CIOI.Ii'JU WIIULU TlUlvUlM l"; llil.,.B ?o; .iu.lll- ii;i:h $:i ridii of the Lottery, The N'uiiibera Irom i In 3U.I'll0.eorrerpondit'.' wllh thoan N'umbela nn the Tirkl Is prli t'ii on Hj.niilf a III a ol paper are entire led mIIi tuinll tin mutt ano pl.,eed ill em- wheel i nu nisi ni' i nn'-, "iuiii riv piuiieu um ..,, cled, nie placed in ati"l her wbtel. 'I'lni wlieela nr.o then revolvid, nnd fl number Is drawn from the win 1 1 i I ISiimhi ra aid at the tenie lime n l'ii7el iliavf. Irnm the nlber wheel IJ.u Number nud Prizeilruw n out nn- opem d nnd exhibit ed to thu nirlii'iicu, and reniaiircl I y the Coniiuia aloliers; inn t'rlzcuiieg pi.ueo uvniu.i tin- i"i" Freights on all Ooodsfrom Philadelphia to Hepvict. Wilkeslnrro. 1st class, tn t;r, 2.lcl i '''I 3 Id 111 4i llti class, 3! 40 l.l?lti-lll-kels. Hooka. Ur'Hhl- nittlns nnr. Hals nod Ciipj ll-mta and S io.-, WilliW-wure,&:. !M Wit' Holler-, llriua. I'.lilillai. I.'h 'oao, Cr.icKO. Ovii W i it's, Da. Pi.ie. Ilollow-wnre, Hope, &c. .'til fViu-Alum A.i"s. Ciltie. HomcHtic t.i'ptnrs Iron, HiiUt nu I D.ir, I.eadElluit M il.tise.. dalt I'etro, AC. It. ("Jikj-Me. Ileer, S'iar, fall, 1'i-ti, l'.irk nn! Ileef II barrels, t'euti lit, tlua i, M itl Clones e. Ityrri'iiibtalrourU. aillnj;, Pittuville, 'I 'iiiiiiqun, &c Ir.kennt I'ro.r.ita r.ilea.niieeial eoiiti.nta nmiio tor I irire ,, . r. , . . . nmoiiula ell In Islila uiut bu marlieil erne ,fj. II. liar i UrlJ IjOHIS, LiltcertCS, I lltrtlliai C, .ll'.m- ware, Ctdur-u-are, Iloloic-ware, lrugs, FhIi, Coal. 'Plaster, Iroh.ltXails Tools, hoea, Data, Ctpa. eC A-e At.SO-IlCADY M.Min CLOTHING, nndlu Inct cverynaincable urtlcie usu.lly keptinn eounlry Hiore Cuuiitryproduceinkcn In nxchanpeforcoods. II. C. & I.W. IIARTMAN' I f loonisbitrg, March SI. 1P57. l'IKST ARRlVAIi OF jl'BING&SUMMER WE havo now receiving our Spring nui Hummer Gont'r, by Railroad .at our new stand, i n tltecorner ol Main nnd .Market ?trect, sinikcoinprisenn tu 1 1 assortmetnol Tho CATTLE, sprains, Itruines, Foundered Feet, Hpavm, Sweeny, rislulit, yitlaft. Calls of every kind, winrga'is.wand uacss, Lameness, Blrnius, Bcratcjics or Uttase, Thick Leg, Hard Tumours, Ringbone, Poll Evil. Cracked Hcolg, Rotten Hoof, Mange, Horn UistPmosr. And many other diitearvs. Weak Joints, Contracted Smews, Frost Uites, Chappod Hands, Swellings, Tumours, Toothache, Pain In the Legs, rain in ino iiatK, Pain in the Shoulders, Nervous Pains. Chlblains, llttps of Animals, Pliir Joints, It is n short, tho mohi com pie lo and universal Liniment Uiat science Jua over yet prrduced. Jiewire rf Counterfeit i, as both our valuublo disp.over iei are already counterfeited byppis m diif rrent parts of tho Buto Our powder has our written il uiturc on each bottln. Manufactured only bv IIHEtVItl. FROVEFini.D ft CO.. No. 317 N. Third al , N. E comer Third &: Wojd, Philadelphia. June VO. 1S37 if Hi. Hi. Kupert to rrri ivenrompt Mtt'tiitnii Refer lu Ui'l JOSEPH PAATU.N. MuJ, I S .VI MlUE, Rupert. IVbrutry.ia'ct It1."'. 'Jmo, Crtatmsi-i SrRING AND SUMMEil GOODS. nil E undorf igiied respectful! inform I K thii r riitaloiiiprs ninl I hn mi It 'ir p. nrmtl v . ilii.i ihnv t ilrawn. 'I In ft niiurntiuii id rcpiMitil until all Wie I u-xv Ju-t received al their new llruk Btore Ilniitu, i n 1 ltizuh nre n tnu ii oiu. i ljjjiiVDuwi, u sciut i iirpuriiiiviii 01 inrjiiitjiiauie eZl':XX! S?JiVt'Xl "Sif' Spring nnd Summer Goods. 17 Prizia will ho emitled in the rn Apiirolimaliun Airl.l.l(tnm n,0 ijatttrn cltiea, conipritinii nil the vnnoila Hiilcctions In bo found lu Country Hlorcs, Imvn.t orlrM. Alan, n I l ro O Blnrtf of tueCil ffOllda OO flllsiticado la marca flUO IlcrCIl lo. tabaCOS , hand, oftho latest ntllo.mJ bealiuaJilica, which will do mi fabrica, hagO prcSOll'C a las pcrsonas te made lo order, lu the most r.ishinuablc and beat quo 110 (lUieriU SOT onganatias, quo aaoilia3 manner, sapor ceni.miow crum pure.. . I., mneoo Unvnp..! , una no.r,nlnll nnnin L 'h,) Creacent, In Market. .. ------ j. eireci.no xoo-. csta con la lirma quo acostumbro usar, y quo mi unico corrcsponsal cn ca la casa do los Sros. (j'hastelain Ponvcrt y L'ompania. The Sunday School. Tlio Presbyter ian Sunday School Celebrated tho day above Sixth JONr.3 ti CO. ONE P1U0K ONLY ! I.JPl'INCOTT &. IIUNTKIl'cl Clotbins Wnrehoilic, South Weat comer nf Fourth and -Market streets, I'hil adelplila. The only One Peita Uothing Stnr- .Jmsrlca r.t nii,.l.ig... nl Mmi'a or bill-a fOtllinir. at in their Church, Willi a JarflO attelldence. 1 wlli.taie and rclail.can here, mako Ihelr selection Wo sincerely hopo lliat ca;U hukrt fu.t from .in iiBinense stock of failuonably cut and well . . r . . ' niaduclothlnit, cotup Willi avlewtognlo aaliafactlon happier niter tho day vra3 over, ami at lnii,,njt ti,0 very lowest pmibi,! feiiins prico a least tried tO Oppreciato tllO great event marked, n plain fliurcl on every tarmenl..all buy al which tho day is noted and celebrated for. Scchler's Danville Sand. This excel lent Hand, visilod Bloomsburg, in tho after noon, and enlivened our citizens with somo of their soul-stirring music, who wero ao companyed by tho German Riflemen, a now Volunteer company of Danvilla. Light Street Artillery, This Company, visited .our town, about cloven o'clock, in tho morning, dressed in full uniform, un dcr tho oommand of Captain Melioic, which mado a fino spporancc. Fire Crackers During tho day and night, rockets, chasers, Equibs, lights, can- 'Hes, pistols, &c, wero contiuually going off, Plizea Pnr riamnlc . If Ticket No. llttu ilriiwa tho ajl',0 UHU Prize, tllo.e Tickrta iniuibercd H.le, II 'U '. II Ml, II '.'ai.', will each bocnlitled lo $iU. If Ticket N'u. S.VI draws tho S'Jil.UUO Pi ua, Ihoio Tirketa Hum lured 5lrt, 5W,-5.jl.05J will each boentltled to .t)ll, und ao on nceorillng lo lliu nliovo sihenie. Tne J3UUU Prizes of S.'llwillheilelermlneil by the last fleure of llieKjoiler llialdrau. Hie Jt,0.W)ll Prize. Kur ejiiiiiple, if llio NumUr ilniwint' Iho Stimuli Prize enda wllh No 1, then all llio Tickita tvhero tho Nun her ends, In 1. will hccnlllled in .'u II tho Number enda Willi No a. then nil the Tltketa where ihe Number ends in 2 will be ci, tilled m svu.and so on to 0. Certiflcntea nf Packages w ill be rold at the follow in rutea, which la the rnk : Corlilicatoof I'nckngcol in Wholo Tickets, do do II) Hair do 40 do do llltluarler do 0 do do 111 rmhtil do 10 IN OliDHRING TICKU'IH oil l.'Elll ll'IOATHS, blncloao ihe money to our address lor tlio tickets nrilered.on receipt ol wlnrli they uil be unwanted bvtlrsimall, 1'u reliu so rs enn have ticket indins in nny limine they may dealnn e 'Ihe I. let of Draw n Numbers and I'rizcawillbe sent lo purebnscra iiumeillately alter the drawing. I'lirchnsers will pie mo write the i r Bian.tttirca rlain, nrdcivu their PoslOrlicc. CoiiMy nnd rtiulo. Itemetnber thnt every Prize ia drawn and payable in All Prizes offjio'ioanduuiler, ptid Inunenieiciy niter i Jv,(."1 CinisUting of Cloths. Cn.-inieres. Delnins. llrnzes. r.alicoea.c i oc iner wiin u,i hi tula or uresa goods forlheluiliea. Al.rtO.-tSGNTI.I.MIiN'S W U All, OP AI.MOSTI VBItV S tllt'P AND HTVI.II. I.AI)ll'.STAL.MASIlKtiSHA,HAWI.S.tc. Croceriea. Molasses, Sllgara, Teas, Coflee, Pplces, aim i ii " inn i.'' viti un up i ii me w uy in .iierciinniiie NEW WAGON SIIOI, Willow (irovc, Soulli RIoGiihburg. THE iimterignpil respectfully informm Ms Mr rids und the public generally, thnt he has ttken the ai:irwl 1lrl nrninied liv Mr. Itch erl llicl tl.ili lilt w Grop, Bouih lilufiiiuburg, below I Ut Pa lire ci!, . I ur lie win conuiui uie T Va n o ?i-m ak ing Bits incss. In nil ns v.trio n deparlmonls, in good stv ntKi iu ni oi era iu iirmi. n Ino Repairing Wugous, Duggiet. Cnrriages, Eat- READY M 1)L CLOTH ING, ol evcfy description kimN &c , none to order nnd on thott time r- Iron.Htepl. Vails. Bulky Springs Ac. tO Produce taken lor work, -a .an I. a . I . " Oil A II f PO till tho drawing-other 1'iltsMt thu usual time of thirty tiaa. All eommunicittloni) strictly confidential. Address oiders for Tickets or Cerlillcoles to K. SWAN & CO ,Jlttnta, Ga. 3" A tlslol tho numbers that are drawn Trom Oto wheel, with thu a mou nt of the prize that inch one is entitled to. uilt bo published ulter every ilmwimj in Ihe follow in? papers : JYcw Crlran$ Delta. Jilabttc Ut gistcr, Charleston standard, A'ashcill Oazttte, Atlanta Intelligencer, Xtia York, U'etkhj Dai Hook, Savcnnah Morning JVViraand Hichmond Jjttpatch .'uiie'.'O, 157 JJEW DRUG STORE. EXUHANRE IlLOCi:. MAIN STREET. lUoomsbur?. mllPiinitpiiinnpn vvritil.l ruan.i-l fn llu In fnr m h I a tr Ion at Ilia same- price, ami; wnciuer uivy um ji jl auu ion p idhc gone ran y. iiihi no ins purcnaseu ur ,i.-.r ,iiinni m , nri-vpit. nun nn lorni low i i uriiuHiiii iiiu iicaii sibft;. uihuhii lumriiuu .,,,,,. .,,i.....i,nj.. iia tho ,,.ua from thccily with ulargoitniUe0cl.lock,con.i.Iiiieo) mlaofaakinir twojprice.. and .akin, all Iha, can U , got, auitsliobody.ondcheatlllirce.lo'irtiui lor irstance Oils, Varnlshea, D. e StulTa. Window tilaaa of alleizca. n man aikagi5toracoai,anuniierwnr ia par eta iuwhu i toeeiiierwiin acoiupieieuaaortincni otruint.tooin onu 810 and litis coually certain, thai lie would have taken tjuaving lirualiea.-iobacco.Eiiaarii.lancysoapa.Bliav Ql V IT hn anill.l Livri tttlt 1. 8 lilt t IUS actlinl V ClSt it 3" Thankful for past patronaiio. it will hi' neir stuiiiiiiia nini lo tiletiao thcit customers uu!,lr give eunoral satlsrnclion. II. W k W. N. CIIK BY Matt Slrcct, plil II, IW Tasi so cain Vi buok sto assj. Corner o stti & Arch Street, Philadelphia . Henderson Sl Co,, HOOKSr.LLKIlS AYfl rUULlSIIEltS. INVITE tho attention ofall Persons Visi ting Philud'-lrliia. whethrr no Rusincsa or pleasure In llieir uxiLioruiiury uuiiecuuuui uuuiva uiuu an auu, rts, it.iokintlers. Countrv Dealers. Teachers. Public and irivale Libraries, supplied with Hooka &: Stationary al owes! rales. . C. G. HENDnitSON a CO., March 7, 1857 Unit. CIIAIlI.nS UUCIVGR. Uloomaburg April 23.137 3ui he nurcliaser'out of flvedollira. Tu remedy tbiaevil and ca.tabllah conlldelice In tho lriido, l.ll'l'INCOT & CO., fl a uiiiformbelow price on all their goodti(very much b low the usual ralea.) and will uevervary ono cenl under any circuuistanrea. o-cai.1, and snna Al thoSoujh Wcwco'iicof rourlli nnl SJarkel atrceia Phll-deiphla. Greenwood Seminary AT niillvillo, Columbia Co., Pa. A SYSTEM .'HO courso of t u al met ion la nivf n ill Jn nil the 1 . .. . . n ,,t. . i, - , t-rinrinai wu to ttio UCUgUt 01 "iOUDg America, aim T, M. POTTS, nu oaperlonced liiicncr tho horror uf tbo femalo portion of ouri piipulation. Acoidonts wero very few and ! triQine. I - Copt. 'Whiskey, was prominent on somo of our strcots, but made Lis friends more funny thin quarrelsome, Occasionally thcro would bo a "set lo," an cje blacked, or faco r-craped, nnd (hero would bo an end of it. Puro Wines and Brandies. Fnr Medicinal uae.nngliah, yrcn.clinnd American 1'of- tnmery ; in a ho rl, e very article Kept ny uru re lata gene rally r3 Prcacrintinns carefull t coin nou ad ed . N. II The Dutrti, Paurasaioa. will bo continued as usual lit Uloomsbiirg and I,ixht rttreet. Also, a full assortment of tho latest atyle -Teem for aale by OHO. M.IIAGr.NDUCII. II ntniVirf, February 1. IS57- KSPYTOWN NEW STORK. THE undersigned, having nFacJalrd trgrtht-r in the Mi re.? n tile llusiness, lake Jeanne iunniiouncirg io ineir irieihis anu me punur in general, umi uieir new Htnra House, located on Mdiu street .central lu Espytown, Columbia county, bus Just been stocked j WllH New Spring Goods, . Co-nprisln an eitentivp assortment of Cloths, Casl mores, VeslingB. Muslins, Lines and every oilier At-ti-lp in tho wei ring lino, including llurdwarc, China, j Earthen and Hollow warts, Groceries, Hngnrs, Tei s, I Cot leu , Rico, Molasses, etc .etc with all other ar ti cits of commerce adapted to country stores. 1i mer ot eleven weeks, one-lulfii, advance. I ALSO-flEAD Y MADE CLOTHING rofcutuNi.wm.urv ". rxTOraln, Lumber, Provisio.n, Produce. &c of all MlUvJIIe. April 4. 1W ' Prtxt. Unds.Uken ineichange for 'cujffiARn " urTv'tuMi ' H U. CUEVELINC t muu, Espyioun April 4. nil ttiH Laiiotiih liranrbfs -usunllv lauchl. The Prinripal will bn asilited during the prefent enr by T, M. POTTrt.au uipericnced teacher, recently from lh Lancaster county Normal Fclintl A vacation uf seven weeks will coniiucuce July lit. TEIIMB. j Tuition, for 'nv pupils, V0 1 $l,aO per quartsr. ' Hoarding, tuiiiou, vt asuing, iignts, &e , jo per Hopkins' City Hotel, NO. 217 NOttTII TIIIM) BTllCnT, .Moot Itaee street, formerly "'.JlOLE HOTEL," PHILADELPHIA. THE underaJigneil has tak"n thi .iltove well-known Housp nn o long and fivorabielcise, and has ren ovaied and furnished It entirely anew, find in such style and m'inner us will givo s j ti fa.tion lo all who may become his guests. (leutlemen vtho vii!i can bs f.irnishod n room and supplied with niMli at their plrja i re, Irom a large Resinur.int and Eating S.iloon attac'iod, on tlio " Euro pean plan," or nt the hotel t iblo, .it regular hours as Uiey may dffire X& The proprietor Maltem himietf that no house in PhUadi'lphii flnll surpass the comfort ad uitcntion which will be fuund at the City Hole I. June U, H57. OLIPII.VNT, WOODSIDE & CO. Importers and Wholesale Dealers in lllincs axib tquot:s? No 407 Arch Si. aburo Fonrlli, P II I L A DELPIIIA, p. OMeniNT, J.Woodsids, Ct-o.McAi.ritt. January, 3d, la37.-y. NKW CARRIAGE ESTABLISHMENT i.V JILOOjVSBURG. Ia tho Now brick turco Story Carriage factory, cn Slain hclow iuaruct, npnn subscriber would rcspectlully anuouncoto roe jiuutiv, iua.4iic ,iu v.iiiiiic.icu inn CARRIAGE & .i.S9r mi , nri t lmvp hit 8INES3, VW-lY) In all iisbranebca. He Is p;epared tooTecute'all ordera and haannhandat reaentaiiaaaortiaent of finlahed work winch purcnaacra willllBdit to their adyuniagc toexa' mine. nnp.Mnivn. Will bedone In the most prompt and careful manner and upontenns which cannot fall lo alvo satisfaction. HTK MVIIItlllliE A. WILSON. Hloomaburf , April as, less. lEW SPRING AND SUMMER MILLINERY. TIIEfiibiirrif'ersiaving received their new MUline ry Cnnds nt their stand, nearly opposite the Post Office, ft on M rpspicifully Invite tht-ir fnetid-j nnd fiiMomr and the public gcncrallylo cnllail etant jut their htoik, lOiiMling of a full n ml rompn-te assort me nt of straw . (iimu. Silk. Cram and Farcy (tonne ts nnd llonuet Material, tngriher with an assortment of fancy articles, which uiey win n as re;isonaiic ici ini as intry mti uu imrcujacn uiruv ncrc . M- E. RUPERT. MayS, IW7. I. ROUIt-QX. G Alt DEN, FIELD k FLOWER SEEDS -nREdll AND CEN'UINEOARDEXaEEIW. Invrrv vnrietv. at uholeraleand retail rmbracincajl the new a ud desirable kinds, carefully put up in papers for the retail trad or supplied tn bulkChinese Sugar Cnue peed, jjp.in Pens.ornnce waier i-H'ion, ate Also, a choice nsvorl ment or tine Mower teeds, twenty varieties in a box Tor St- Clean CJnver nod Timothy Hi-ed. Orchard Grass, Rje Crass, IkP) aud Hue Lawn urass, &c, vc. PA SCH ALL MOI.RIS & CO, Agricultural Implement and Seed Btort N. E corner of 7th and Market streets. March 4, lgtf. ? hlladilphia. NEW COOPER SHOP. fTMIE tubscribfl r announces that ho willjcarry on tho X COOPEKINO UUdlNESS ut his Urewcr) in Hop klnsvlllt', where he will make DarrchJ Tubs, Kegs, And everything in that line'of business, tie will atio rrpalr work of all kinds, und wilUlo iukilfully and nt fair prices. 1 CD ARLEft W. JIASflEUT. DUoiDsburg, Juno 13, It 5", SOMETHING rEW! ITalVs Young America Fire Cracker Pistol! rplIIS is admiiijd to be thu moat nmnning Toy ever jl one run io loung Aincuca, hii ii.toio tor tut iiiiit's n ienr. It nnkrs a report equal to the common I'm til. and carries a ball with the same precisian (or ten paces, lllMUgti nui. nil iuili; nuiipu iu run, umiMiig me onlv hejn and barmlPFH usti I for tarcet nractic! in ptistencc. IdO.tmo sold in lour uxiika I IU tail prire cenw anu upnru, arcoruing io ine marKci. khuo prico 51 1 per iuu ptstoii, cash on delivery. Bent liy ijioregs io a v pari oi i e couuirv. A. W . MAl.li, Inventor and Bole Manufacturer. 313 Ilroadwny, N. V. A full description, with encravincs. sent to any uJ dress on receipt of a pottage stamp l llvu ij.ALtUaii3 rmiManiiy nn nnnn QiiH.u Agents wanted. A boiutiful HiM-rimon Pistol sunt ty Express or Mail prepaid oil receipt of 51. Juno 13, 1657-31. j TO THOSE WHO WANT FA MS. I A VAYIM It'ITIILY TltZ IlKACtf OP r.VMY riw rpHE UIDOWAY EARM COMPANY liasjmade ar JL rangemerts by which all who desi re.to settle or purchase a home can do so. The Farms consist of the bpst limes tone soil tJio most puncnor nualitv for farniinc. in n. raDi niv nn. proving lace. Into which an exteugiv e emigration j is now touring. The property is located in ElK icoiimy, Pennsylvania, in the mldt of a thriving 'population oT some lontHJ, The climate is perfectly , health y, ard the terrible plague of thu west fever is unknown. Il also baB nu auundanro of the be it qua lity ot Coal aud Iron. 'I he price to buy it out is iiom Si io SJO per cere, payable by instalments, to bo lo ; citdat he time of purchasing, of n time of 25 acres entitling to locate ihe bame lor S00, p.nable $ij pei montli. nr I "lucres na ruble 1 ner month. Discount lorrvery sum-of 31l0 nud under paid in advance, a discount cf al percent. he allowed, ttid lor ovcf $100 d discount ol 1U per cenl. in rot.sitltrinc i:te nuatunges oi rinigrniiPg 17 lln tocalitv Hie folloulng are preatnted: First The soil is a ;lch tiineelon.j, capable of rais. ing 1 Ini heaviest rrops owing to which this tMU menl hns attained it present great prnprrity Second U is the centre of the grrat North West Coal Raisin, nn1 is destined soon to become one oft hi great. at business places in (he Stale. It will suppiv thp great Lake mnikrl, (according to popubiitou and travel the greatest hi the Union ) It has dve work able veins of the bed Cilununous Coal, nmounting in ADMINISTRATOR'S K OTJCK. Edate of Elijah Price, decL T KTTERS of Ailnnmstration on tho 8 jEst-ilf ofElijaii Trice, lalo of LociirL townhIp, Columbia countv. dcceajd. heve been granted bvthc R Bitter of Columbia county , to D avid R fin! old. wl o resides In said Locust township, and J V. Price, who reality 'n -Ashland, Schuylkill county; all person, having claims iigainst the estate of the decedent nre reiuested ti presi-nt them to tho Administrator wllh out ilclav, and all pursuits indebted to make payment forthwith. DAVID REINIIOI.D, J. r PRICE, April 13 1P57-C Adm're RA LTIM ORE OARD. Salt! Salt! Salt! WE ofTor f- r sale LIVERPOOL tjE SALT, DO. OTA. DO. DO. IMIRY DO. '"Cotinlrv Merchants who will send us their orders in adva ncc, with iiistruciioni to ship, when wo havo a cargo aflovt, can f.jcuru line orb. A. talt ut fiv cents per sack less oil the tbip.than it an be upplied rut ot t-toru. CARU, CIE3E U CO.. Crain and Lumbc r Comniissiou Merchints, Hpeor'd Wharf, I1ALT1MORE. Juno57,l57. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTI'JE. Estate of Conteius llcyncMs, dee'd. 1 ET liRS of Adimoitration ou the K 1 Estate of Cornelius Revnolds. laic of Mill! in lowusbip, Columbia county, deceased, havu been granted by the Register ol ('olumbia county, to tho undersigned, who resides lu said Mitilin t.wnship, in Columbia count v. nil persons bavins claims uzaintt the usiaie of Ihe decedent are requested to present litem to ino Auminisiratiir, wituout utiay.anu an per sons indebted to innke payment forthwith. BAMUEL CREASY, Adm r de bont non. July 4, 1957 Ot tho ngsregnte to over JJ feet, which mikes y2.l'oo tons of coM under each acre. J his win iuak0 t,a land of initimablo value. The eminent staio?iologist, Dr CharlesT Jack, son. of ftoslon, bis made n Rpolnf iral survey of tbo la-id, and amlyzed tho co.nl, thi it ore und tho limestone. This report together with maps, will bo furnished to inquirers. Throe railroiri aro laid nut tbrntigh this property TheHunbury and Erie Rait road gives u a mark it for our coat to tne tanes it runs irnm iim i rnnanei phia. A .arge part of this road hns been ftr.Mjo'', and is now in ruunlng f rder- A heavy force Ii now working from Erie toward our 'ami in ino weste tj direction, them earn, for t. e completion rf which has been raised il will soon be finihed. 1 heAll.ghany Va lev Railroad connects us w lib New York, Itoston nnd Piltsburg. The Venawgo Rood cunnects us witn the Wctt. lie re are nlrcadvcood iurnpiKe Jioaus runninc through this property, various thcr rpids have bieri openeii tn accommodato ihe rmigratiia and seitle mcnt which has already taken piare, '1 lnre is no nppoituniiy eiunl lo it now ofTered to the mm who wunts to provide hmiseln hom in nn easy wny, and makui seltkmcnt where ho can hvn in prosperity and iudepeiiatnce la a climate PER rCOTLY HEALTHY. . . N'l) case ot the lever ever having necn known tn oecur In this M?ttleni"nt. It 18 not like going to the bickwoods of the West, among nerln ps intolerant pcopli.whce there h rosociety,ch irchesorschools, where Jhe price of land is high, and where the emi grant, afer being ued to the he'ilihies 1 rlimate In Ihe wosld. hos 10 i' nd iru sickness and pain, aud per haps tuinrt his health and that of his family. Hut here is it thi I vinj s tOemci'l having three towns, contain ing enurf IM". SCU'iOlS, iini'-m. s.'ir'F, . ihii.f, Kritt mills, und over thing desired Thore is a cash max ket at hand Tho lumber tr ido last y-nr nmoiiiitpd to ovr two liundred million leei 01 iinii-r in a tinrt liin . VI. Iter tn flif CH.ll.it Will h'COniPStlll motf vulinblH, as"n number of iron works nnd maun. furtnrtrs will soon bestane.i; tnryoro "ipreuni slartiiigtlie-ii ejtiisijeryol Woiren. Lvenfor thosa who do not wih in go tht.-r', the paym'in nro fiich that they ran easily buy a farm to save their rising families tlom want intuln Pir e. or to fain ri coiunic tenco by' he ilsr which HR o he pi ice in the talue of inmW. I!yan outlay scarcely mihued, subftuu t in 1 provision cr.11 bemad. Persons shm-M mnka early npplicntton, firp-y or write to E JI'.Fl'ERICrf, Secictary, No 133 Walnut street. below Firth. Philadelphia Letter carelully answer d, giving full mmrniati'in. biuret or tracts of land can he bnijlit or uTttreil by letter enrluiing the first Instalment of Ave dollars, when thu suhxcriber will be ft rnUhetl will bonka map. &.c Warranted Deed given. Te'sons can also purchase firm our Ageuls. Route Irnm Phllndfl'phla loTyrnnon IhePenrsM vania Crntra' Railroad, md ihencr by stasje to lha land This is a delightful teason t visit til. Mary s the best hotel ftccomm UUJ ii afforded. Lnti'lra for E C Hchultz. Est., t U' 8cti for the property at fOUR MEN lo work in ft Keg Foclnry. Four Coop i ... nr...,.t. lint mtun Inburinv men will an Bllipioj nieni nna "' Arply at the MHteiove Mills near Llgiu m swer Mil an nnnii rttudv emploiment ana giod wages will b- iJlMMF TIIOMAH TnnVCH QTO.VE COAf or (Rle'hv J SHINGLES, FOII SALE LOW HV II W It W N CREASY NEW COAOII LINE FROM OA TTA WISSA TO ASHLAND. rpllE suucr.ber respectfully informs his friends ml L the public generally, that on arid nfler MONDAY, tUeCtli of April. lW37.be will run nirj weekly Line of Coaches, Retween Caltawissa and Ashland, le&vingCatttivissi every Mitnday, )Ydnesdav und Fi'dav morning, at 5 o'clok, A M..nnl arriving at Ashland t II o'clock A. M., In tnii" to nieolthe Mall Coach' at Ashland and rem 11 ihn s.itue days to t'.ittawusi. lTPassengrrs can npply nt either point or any cf tho way stations F'emht nnl Hair nam corn eve.l nn modeiaie terms. Carcli 1 drivers only emplojid oh SHARP NOTICE. AM. persona Iml. bte.l lo Iho firm of llattman ts llower.arc hereby nolrleil to tall anl eettlo the same anil sav c coal. IIARTMAN i. IIOIVfiR. Ala., thoan iiulebteil totho su'iacriber. are liiewlso reptaaleil lo call ami selllo. I'.T. IIARTMAN. Kipylown, June n, IM7 3m Ma 5, IfW !l II W 4 W N I I! i:SY aa!,! rouie Ap' III If. It r'HARI.RI ftTRAU.tCIt TRIMMINGS AND, NOTIONS, IAN'OY AUTIUM'.tl, a sooil aaaortment or lloaiey of the heal 'pialily; alao. (llovea. Mills, IlAakcta, I'abaa, Uombi, Dresa Trlniminga ninl Mninita. fewmn Rilk, Thread, &.c etc., lo bo ha.l next donr to Hie " Kxchanee," A1IF.I.1A B WEim. I'.loomiburii, May M, I8J7 " ROSENDALE CEMENT. l")nRFON'.S w labium Ro.Qndale I einenl ran fnul it liy I. e.llhlic oulhe aub.i .Iter at R upen p.i J II IIAItMAN Ai II I'n GREENWOOD SEMINARY. TU r. next School Term atthla Inatitullon will com inence on Iho 17th of Aucuat. '1 borough anil reli nblo teaebcra have been eneaeed for tho comi nir yenr but everytbinit will bo under tho ffener.il overaiglit ana control ot too priocipni. a ui icruia ,uac., aee earn i n an oi tier cniunin . WS1 I1UIIOI.311, friatiaaf, June!!7.ie47. SI J arv'a. June 0, IS37- -3m ULOOMSUURG ROOT AND SHOE STORE. TUT. underaitne.1 reapictrully Informs tho ciliiena oi Hloiiuiibart and the public Ecncral. thai he hai opened a Boot and Shoe Eitablishmcnt, In Iho wlte buibli ni:.on Main atrel, ubovo fjlae'a ,c Wilaou'a Hakery. tvnero ho lua coanantly on tiapj It lare asanrlment nf RooH, Shoes, Gaiters, &o., And will nialieuii work to orderon short ni.tlre Ills In nji e.pericnte.lnt the business , and general know jedau ot'thefvantao tlio people, will enable him to rcni'er aotiafurtlon lo all his euatoioera and should aecuro hliu patronage which hehopea lo merit. iii;m;v ki.e.m Cloomabiirg. Way 2, lfJ7. NEW TINWARE SHOP. MAIS STRUCT. OITOSITCTIIG IJXCII AMI II X and the public tcneully. that ho haa opened ' NOTICE TO MEIICHAN1 .1 Ntw 'Ihiicarc and Shea Iron Eita-l iiakesi mikes' i iiakf.siii llishllient, rpnr. und'rlisncd take plenatir. in anet In tlio buildilig-formcrly occupied Tor that; purpoac, J- Merchaiila thai they mo i.iai u'ariuiing b) Jojeuh Bliarulene. where hole prepared lo comma nrticlo ol IIAKI'.S nl Ihelr New lactoryi ii.. I,,,....... in .tl it. inilmit hrinrlm.. Lreck. nbove tlrnneeville. (Muinbin cum Tiuworo and lluuso rpnulini of all kinda tuada lo chants nl. Inns In purchase good Hake, can have tie nail, mi aliorl nnlire and nt m,,.linie nr,i I 0 1 I llO TllCl or V. Or it ill al red W e C Bl! forward litem ' Also-STOVW, of various styles, conalanlly for '""ornaburi. m 8 O Hhl. where thjy can galthen. or wo enn inrivmra iiieiu to tuotj oiorca mat aro n - too niuili out nf our way. All ordnra should he addressed to Samuel Bhiv Peaicrs r u., Columbia county, l'a tr em, Mr aale . Kepairing done to order in quick time. Cf-L'ountry produce taken in exchange for woik. D. V. MILLARD. llloomtbtirCi Moy Id, 1857y! PLASTERING LATH I. ATM. fur ,1,1a II. W U W. K CRUASY April 13, I8J7 lo BIUVC & UUTTP I71FTV thousand ri.A8TnHi.vn i; al the Li hl Hlraet More, by Juna 13, 1M7 I fnn(rj,,1Nr A'', '"f SHIN'fll.Ea'fnr .ate 4Ut)lM( at lie rade by Ml J" in A C TM?I II HOUSE LINIMENT AND CATTl. POWDERS. 170R faU al the office of tlio 0 lunl Deiiioetai -.M.hCi -r Pee.la ftlanka ftialionciy Marmgel'ei lie 4.e Kt