Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, July 11, 1857, Image 2

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Bloomsburg,. July 11 1857,
Uomocratlc Stale Nomiualions.
for oovermdii,
Of Lycoming County,
Of Chester county.
for junara or tiik surnc.MC coubt.
Of Berks County.
Of Eric County,
JOHN O. FREG7.D, Riq . tin! returned Ills practice
of lh hawin Mooinilmig, Columbia county, I'a.i anil
rtllt, lre till undivided and careful allmtlnn In all
profculonal famine.. criiratlcJ to liim in Columbia
and adjoining counilta.
lie can be found comtanlly, In hliOfncc, In noU
aon'a UoiVi near tlie Court Iloua c.
Gen. Packer and Prohibition.
An effort lias been mado by tbo opposl
tion press to create ibe impression thitCJcrj
1'aoKer, when in tbo Stale Senate, was a
Mail o Law man,and advocated tbo passage
of tbo somewhat celebrated Jug Law, so
called altbough this enactment was made
two years after he i direct from the Senatcl
Tbo simo party that now attacks Gen
Paoker is tbo party that' was loudest in
advocating prohibitory and restrictive laws,
then, and denounced in unmeasured terms
Gen. Packer and tbo whole Democratic
party because they would not go into its
reslrioiivc and proscriptivo measuros. It
is tho same party that, in tbo Legislature
of 1 855, when Know-Nolbingism and Ulack
Republicanism run riot at Ilarrisburg, so
far disregarded the voice of tho sovereign
peoplo, as to enact a prohibitory law-
providing "that no license for tbo salo of
Liquors shall be granted to tho keeper of
any Hotel, Inn, or Tavern," &e. See
Pamphlet Laws of 1855, p. 220.
Tbo truth is, that Gen. Paoker during
his ent'rosenatorial carecr,did nothing moro
than to voto for leaving tho ffholo question
of prohibition to tbo decision of the sovoreign
people. Ilia act3 ore part of tho legislative
history of tho State, nnd tin cxamimtton
of tho Journals of. tho Senate, during tho
timo he was a member-of tbo body, will
show that this is his only offenco nothing
moro. And this is doubtless the reason
why, thoso politico-tempcranco writers and
orators aro now attacking him.
Wo shall refer to this subject at length in
n week or two, and shall .bo able to show
from the record that Gen. Packer is not
obnoxious to tho clurgc so falsely mado
against him.
ley Henry B. M'Kean, Esq,, has been
appointed Post Master in this borough, in
place of John G. Freeze, resigned. Col.
Freeze has also withdrawn from the
editorial management of' the Bradford
Times. Printing for glory, to tho tuno of
ten or fifteen dollars per week out of pocket,
evidently docs cot agree with him. Col.
P. has been a kind and obliging officer,
and has gained the esteem and respect of
all with whomhohasbcen associated during
his short stay in this village, and sincerely
regret that bo cannot longer remain with
us. We understand tho publication of tho
Timc3 is to bo discontinued. Jiradfird
What is it?
It -is said that tbo last. Legislature of
Pennsylvania passed an act in relation to
banks, brokers and small notes, to go into
operation 'on tbo 1st instant. If such was
tho case, tbo parties interested should know
something about it, Can anybody give us
the desired information ?
JtST" Wo began to thi pk that tho Fillmore
straight outs, or American party, were
completely swallowed up by tho Ab lition
jsts, but they seem to bo VJking up every
where. We should hardly bo surprised,
tho way things now look, if the American
party wcro to turn out the strongest of tho
to opposition factions.
ggy Immense crops of grain nro now
being harvested in all of tho Southern
Slates. Thousands of acrrs of land which
havo bcretoforo lain wasto, havo this season
been put under a stato of cultivation, nnd
oro now yielding a large supply of superior
t"SirAD. Somo fino shad nro still
caught at iho fch cries just below tho dam,
near Sunbury, The fish are still solid, and
apparently es palatable as over. Tho
prico ranges from 25 ti 50 cents, according
to size.
43 Four of our distinguished statesmen
bife died on the 4th of July. John Adams
aid Thomas Jefferson died on tho 4th of
JJy, 1620 : James Monroo on the 4th of,
JiV, 1831 ; and lastly William L. Marcy,
ortho 4th of July, 1857.
iff Republicanism is dying out even in
b'cd Massachusetts! Tho p.rty there
disbanded and adopted tho Know
NV'ipk candidates.
y Tho accounts of tho crops over tho
y continue to bt luest encouraging,
What do you think of it P
A Into number of tho Stark county, 0.,
Democrat says i
" John Harris, Esq., on old nnd highly
respected citizen of this city, nnd n bitter
opponent of Democracy, returned front
Kansas a few davs oeo. and says, ''tho
ltepublicans there aro mnkiiig every effort
to have Kansas a slavo State while tho
Southern men Generally oro in favor of it
f ii 1
Tbo obicct of this is apparent. If Kansas
should bo mado a slavo' State, tbo republi
cans would contlnuo their "Mirioking
but, if she becomes a frco Stnto then tho
last phnk is knocked out of tbo llcpublicon
BaT Tho namo of tbo'gontlcman whom
tho democracy of Georgia havo agreed
upon as a candidate, for governor is Josevii
i. Drown. Tho Atlanta Intelligencer
says "ho is a young man, probably not
more than thirty livo years of ago, a native
of Pickens district, South Carotin-', and
emigrated to Georgia somo fifteen years
since, a poor boy in search of his fortune.1'
Ho met with a patron who befriended him,
and sent him to Yalo Oollogo, whoro ho
graduated wiih distinction. Ho camo baok
to Gcorgi.i, was elected to tbo stato scnato
and judge of tbo l'luo ilidgo circuit, and
will soon bq mado governor of Georgia.
Gical Horse Race at Albany, A race
for S2000 a side, camo off on Wednesday
afternoon, in. Albany, betweon tho Dalton
horse, owned thoro, and Taylor horse, owned
in New York. Tbo distance was twenty
miles, in harness. Tho Dalton horse mado
a waiting race for seventeen mile, layiug
close tJ Taylor's quarters and taking it
easy, and at tho eighteenth milo Dalton
drew ahead and maintained it for a mile,
when Taylor ran past him, going in a few
lengths ahead. Tho timo for travelling
the twenty miles was one hour twolvo min
utes nnd fifty-four second. Tho Judges
decided tho raco in favor of Dalton, who
gets the sttkes, in consequence of Taylor's
horse running, Tho horses aro matched
for a fifty mile raco to come off ni New
The Supreme Cowl at Williomsport.
A special term of tho Supremo Court of tho
Siato will bo hetd; says tho Muncj Lumi'
nary, under tho act of April 20, 1855, at
Wilhamsport, commencing on tho first
Tuesday of October next, for the purposo
of hearing arguments on writs of error
appeal, &c.,froui the counties of Lycoming,
Northumberland and Montour, and such
other cases from tho counties embracing the
Northern District, as may be agreed upon.
SyThc Postmaster General and the
President have decided upon tho routo of
tbo overland mail to California, It com
mences at St. Louis and Memphis, thence
to Little Rock, thence to tho Hio Grande,
near Port Gillmoro or Donon Ana, thence
along tho projected wagon road to Fort
Yuma, and tboneo to San Francisco.
Messrs, Butterfield and Company aro the
contnetors, at tho sum of fivo hundred and
ninety-five thousand dollars, This provides
for tho transportation of a mail twice a
S" Governor Gardner's reasons for
refusing to accede to tho request contained
in tho address of tho tw branches of the
legislaturo for tho removal, with tho
advico and consent of tho executive
council, of Edward G. Loring, from
tbo office of judgo of probata for the
county of Suffolk, aro published. They
arc, that the personal liberty bill, for the
violation of rlioli ,,n rnmnvnl is nnnr nrorl,
is unconstitutional in somo of its provision;,
and also partakers of the character of an
ezpoit facto law.
ST At Lexington, Ky., tho laying of
the comer stono of the Clay Monument took
place on tho 4th, with a splendid military
and masonic display, and tbero was a grand
turn out. Tho corner stono was Lid by T.
N. Wise, grand master of tho grand lodgo
of Kentucky, Rev. R. J. Brcckonridgo
was tho orator of iho day. Many dis
tinguished gon'lenien wero present. Tho
festival concluded with a grand barbecue
tSf Tho Hon. Lanodon Cheves, a
distinguished citizen of South Carolina,
died at Columbia, on iho 25th ultimo,
aged 81 years. Tho deceased was a
member of Congress as far back as 1811,
and two years Speaker of the House, when
ho gave tho casting voto against the re-charter
of the United States Bank, of which
institution he was tho President for several
S!f" A pair of horses wero offered for
salo in Cincinnati last week for 8370, but
tho purchaser, thinking the amount too
largo offered sixteen cents a pound. They
weighed 2350 pounds, making their valuo
Tho Wayncsburg Msicngcr sajs that
John C. Flennikin, Esq,, lato fa'enutorfrom
Greene, "will never again act with or
support tho Black Ilepublican or Abolition
nnrtv "
tST We learn that an Irishman was
drowned near Shicksbinny, on last Wed
nesday, XgyTho publication of Bickncll's Rc -
poitcr has been discontinued.
XS?" New potatoes ,ell in Philadelphia
at 7 cents jx-r jouiul.
Democratic Nominations,
The Committoo appointed at tho Demo-
cratic State Convention, offrom
iiicssr.-. niwujOuuiinuumiii.i'.i T" " " ,
to inform Messrs. Stiwno and Thompson,
of their nominations for tho offices
0f Supremo Judges, bavo received
following replies !
ivisrj.x ui nun. uiii. oiuuivu.
Heading, Juno la, le57.
Gentlemen : Your letter of tho 10th
instant, bus been received, informing' me
that tho Dcmocratio Btato Convention
recently assembled at llarrisburc, had
placed mo in nomination m ono of their
candidates lor Judgo of tlie Hupromo ueurt
tifthis Commonwealth. I nui profoundly
Ecnsiblo of tbo honor which has thus boon.;
conferred upon me, and feel gratolul for
tho confidence of my Dcmocratio brethren.
Tho offico for which I havo thus been
named, has attached to it no ordinary re
sponsibilities. Should tbo nomination of
tho Convention bo approved by tbo pooplo,
1 shall endeavor, uy earnest ami laitlilul
effort, to meet those responsibilities in such
a manner ds to prcsorvo tho confidence
thus reposed in me.
Ploaso accept for yourselves, individually ,
my thanks for tho extremely courteous, and
flattering inanno'r in which you havo coin
muuicatcd to mo tho action of tho Conven
tion. I am, very respectfully,
your obediont scrvunf,
ltErtTor noN. James Thompson.
Erie, Juno 18, 1857.
Gentlemen": Your favor, dated Ilar
risburg, June 10th, 1857, has been duly
received, informing mo of my nomination
by tho Dcmocratio State Conventinn,
assembled at Ilarrisburg on tho Oth inst.,
as a candidato for tho Supremo Cmirt of
this Commonwealth. For this distinguished
mark of confidence I desire to express my
siucoro gratitudoto each and overy member
of tho Convcmioii. In accepting tho nomj
na'inn, which I do with great diffidence, in
viow of tho responsibilities of tho position,
I can only say, that in tho ovont -of my
election, tbebest energies of my life shall
be devoted to such discharge of duly
as may, in somo doroo, bo worthy of the
coi.fidccco of tho Convention in making
their nomination, and of tho peoplo in rati
fying it. I am greatly obligod by tbo
kind torms you havo chosen to employ in
communicating tho action of tho Conven
tion, for which please accept my siuccrc
thanks. I havo tbo honor to bo very truly
Curious Sequel to the Great Divorce Case,
Tho Dalton Divorco case in Boston,
which furnished suoh a fund of spicy gossip
nnd scandal, has been followed by a singu
lar event, within a fow days nothing less
than the elopement of tho parties. Either
Mr, Dalton lias eloped with Mrs. Dalton,
or Mrs. Dalton h is eloped with Mr. Dalton ;
at any rate they havo gone together they
could not stand it apart, 'alter all was said,'
and tho father of the lady lias mado, or
is about tn make, loal application for
authority to pursue and recover hisdaughtor-
Tho father professes fear of personal injury
to bis flnughtcr, but bis foars aro without
doubt groundlos. It is a happy settlement
of a miscrablo disptit", nnd tho father
should bo satisfied with it, as wo have no
doubt his daushtcr is.
a .
Giving up tllO GhOSt.
The last Herald of brecdom, the organ
in chief of tho groat Shrickcr party, printed
at Lawrence, K. T, frankly comes down
in this wiso :
Wo do not suppose there is ono person in
mo jcrruory, or in Missouri, who expecis
this to become a slave btato. If every thing
is quiet, and, from this timo forward, the
peoplo nra allowed to .havo their own oboicc,
it would bo preferable to remain a lorn-
f""?,1COTnrnTn K ''?r ",0,UmlelJ 0,,o"
r ni,?,- n V. 1 PU,a,Stoto
organization Then when wo get farms
Tnv' h t mProvonlnts wo
n -. q r vXl 11 . "T
better acnn.iin,.,! nthnr -,l I Zl
better acquainted with each other, and know
wiioto select lor officers.
Ihe Price of JScw Wheat. Thoro is'
much inquiry among farmers as to tho ' tho constitutional authorities of tho couu
probablo prico of early delivered new wheat, try merely in order to sccur'e negro equality,
Tho Fredericksburg (Va.) Herald, ol the1'1'0 110 tll!s. til ,ttw.8 of nlld overy
24th ult savs : I 'ncr tat in tho Union must be rovcrscd.
mi J i ' r , , . It would be, in fact, making Illinois, situ
There have been a few; sales hero at $1 50, tc(l aa sto a nc0 eoloiiy, instead of n
but tbero is a decided indisposition on tho , froo Stato inhabited by white men. You
part of tho millers to engage for future nm9t striko iht word .,IaVe' from tho Con-
uujtvurv at, tms prico. xno ucst advices
from Now York houses, who aro in corres
pondeDco with almost every grain growing
uisirici in iuo country, anviscs against such
engagements, and our millers aro disposed
to heed what appears to them to bo sound
jui ,mjlrovcmem mm a meaning. 1
M f . - . .
new reading of an old couplet is thus ron-
dcred by a savJgo hater of hoops and that
style of dress which leaves too little of
woman's beauty to tho imagination j
"Loon a narrow neck of land,
'Twizt two unbounded sho's I stand."
Egy-Tho Syracuse Journal perpetrates
tho following upon tho marriago nt Rochester
of a Air. husband to tho lady of his choice
"This oaso is tho strangost
Wo'vo known in oir life j
Tho husband's a Husbaud,
And so is tho wife."
Miles Dahden, seven feet, sis inches
high and weighing over a thousaud pounds,
died recently in Tcnncssco, It took four
teen men to placo him in his coffin. Tho
largest man in tho world.
its- The 'Tribuno' rocommonds that its
!friom3 colebato tho -1th of Julv. with anti.
j Slavery Orations, prayers, ko. What next T
1 Ltucaster, Ilarr'uburg, Easton and
' RoadiDg, nil now havo daily papers.
Sonator Douglas' Last Spcoch.
Judge Douglas, Uio popular
Grand Jury of tho Ujiitcil Mates Court m
thero waited on liim in n body,
with request that ho would address his
fellow-citizens upon throo of tho most im
portant topics now agitating tho mind oft,at unhappy country, tli
tbo American people, namely, " Kansas," eamatcd with tho noor
"Tho Drod Peott Decision," and "Affairs
In Utah." Judgo Douglas consented, and
on Friday evening, tho 12th ult., tho hall
of iho Ilousoof Representatives was crowd
ed with a discriminating audience, including
many ladies. hx-Gov. Mattcson presided.
Upon commencing, Mr. Douglas remarked
that he recognized tho right of tho pocplo
nt any timo to call upon their public ser
vants for their opinions. As to tho Kan
sas question, his views, ho said, wero well
known, and ho had nothing to add. Ac
. r. . it . ... i . mi..
cording to tho Report in tho Chicago
Times ,
" Tho poiplo of that beautiful territory
would soon speak. Wo would soon have,
ho had no doutt, a free nnd quiet expres
sion of opinion, by means of tho clectivo
franchise, from that silont, but most certain
weapon of a freo people tho ballot box.
Should tho enemies of thatmodo of settling
tho much vexed question of slavery In that
territory, blindly and obstinately refused
to excrciso tho rights assurod them by tho
laws of Congress, upon their heads, and
theirs alone, will rest tho fearful' responsi
bility. For his part ho was satisfied tho
Dcmocratio party in Congress had done
their duty, and ho was equally well satis
fied that tho Dcmocratio party in tho terri
tory of Kansas would do theirs in a manner
gratifying to tho heart of every friend of
tho Constitution and tho Union, '
Judgo Douglas next alluded to tho deci
sion of tho Supremo Court in tho Drcd
Scott case, nnd defended the venorablo
chief justice ami tho other members of tho
Court from tho onslaught mado upon them
by tho sham Kepublicans.
"Ho adhered to tho doelrino that this
government is a government of laws, and
every freo and patriotic cbizen is bound to
uphold tho supremacy of iho laws at all
hazards nnd against all opposition, como
from what quarter it may. In such a eon
test, political parties must divido between
tho friends cf tho Constitution and the
laws, and tho enemies of all law. When
that contest comes, ho had laitli to believe
that fully nine-tenths of tho American pco
pie would bo found rallying under our
glorious banner of tho stars, and battling
fur tho same estimable blessings that our
forefathers battled lor a' constitution a
oountry and a government of laws.
If tho Hopublioan party desired to foroo
such a contest upon ui, iu God's namo let
it c m'i I Tho llcino-ratie party, and the
honest and reflecting citizens of all pntics
would rally to tho rescuo.''
We continue to quote from tho account
in tho 'J imes :
" Uo reviewed tho main points in the
decision nt length, and said there wcro
substantially but two proposition! in tho
decision. I'irst, Tho Supremo Court of
tho United rtates has decided that, a negro
b'iru of sl.ivu pirciits cannot ho a citizen of
th's Uuon; and, Secondly, That tho act of
March, 1820,eomino' ly called the Missouri
, Coiniiromfcu, was unconstitutional, and
therefore void, tclVro it was taken from
J tho statute hooks by tho passaco of th
Kansas-?cbraslcu act. lie, as tho author
thU ? am! consequently of the repeal
of the Missouri Couipromiso lino, had loft
I tho decision of tlie question to tho people,
j and tho judges of tho Supremo Court
i Tho decision of tho people had been ratified
I at t'10 rl'si 'n "10 triumphant election of
jur. liucuanan to tno prcsiuenoy upon mat
very issue, and that decision had been on-
dor;ed by tho sprcmo Court, tho highest
! tribunai 'of th0 iami. So far as ho was
oonccrncd, his siu extended as far as the
al of'an ua,on3titutional restriction,
d D0 fartIl ttnJ in that oal ho had
been most emphatically sustained and on-
! dorsed by tho people and tho court. But
tho H ZmJ pirt s tUo aooWon ig
. infamous and must not bo obeyed. Hero
'"ason most loul. What, no asked, is
?)B?t.m mmtt Ul. noSF Cltlionl
2b make him your equal and mine. Ho
was thankful tho American peoplo were
w nf na tn ,? , ra:s.
. i . t i i .it r l: ... ,
stitution of your Stato ; aud what then ?
Tho negro becomes our equal your
crjual in everything. Your equal nt tho
polls, your equal at tho publio tibles, your
eoual in tho iurv box. vour cnual to be
come ii candidato for tho Legislature, Con-
Rrtss, the Governorship his children will
l, 11. ,.n,,.n tr. ll, nnl.lln il,nl
UO I1U UUUUt Ul f Willi) m VilU IfUUllU CVIIUUI
lNa moro. mtta him ,. c:tizon. ami Vou.
give him tho right to marry your daughter,
nd pollute your blood. Thcso things tho
Snprcmo Court by their deciiion have said
ctnnot ana must not tic. let, tno llcpuu- inetr crimes, itieiawot 17UU Has sole
lican party say that decision is infamuus 1 ! and cxelusivo jurisdiction whoro no other
Their opposition to that just and upright J law ot a local character exists, aud by re
decijion in treasonable, infamous, aud dis. poaliog tho organic Jaw of Utah you give
graceful to tho ago in whioh wo live. I to tho general government of iho United
Tho tpeakcr next adverted to tho mean-1 States the wholo and solo jurisdiction over
ing of tuo pliraso in tno Declaration ol
Independence, that ' all men aro created
froo and equal about which ' bleeding
Kansas' t-hnoks so loud upon tho stump.
Ho proved conclusively and to tho satisfac
tion of every man present, that thirteen
slavcholding colonics in throwing off tho
shackles of tyranny from Groat Britain,
meant by that declaration, that tho colo
nics, up to that moment iho subjects of a
foreign power, wcro, and of right ought to
bo frco and equal ; tuat llritish subjects,
born or residing in America, wore entitled
to tho sarao rights and privilege as though
they had been born in Knland, Had tho
slave-holding frarncrs of that immortal in-
ttrumcnt, and tbo equally immortal ono
that followed it, intended lo include no-
tfrocs, they would havo said eo( and thoy
would not in the Constitution havo rccog -
nized them only as servants and property.
Tho Declaration of Independent was mado
ny wuuu men. aim uiu uwusuuhiuu o
framed bv wlnto men, to eovcrii a nation
they not liavo boon comnclloii to auonsn
le,Toryin order to comply with tho lnnguago
or tbo Declaration tif lnucpcmlciico i
Uur fathers hail seen tbo ternlile clteots
of this system of equality, in Spanish Ame
rica, nnd wisely guarded ncninst it, In
Spaniard nmal-
gamatcu witn tho negro mauo mm ins
cnual and look at tho foarful consequen
ces, It is one of tho immulablo laws of
God, that whoro an inferior and a superior
raeo minglo their blood, tho descendants
always sink to tho lower, but novcr rniso
themselves to tbo superior race.
Tbo whole issue involved in tho war now
being waged against tbo decision of tho
Supremo Court is in favor of negro equal
ity on tho ono hand, and against it on tho
other. Tho friends of tho Constitution
and tho supremacy of tho laws susta'ut it,
anil every man who quarrels with it is an
- . anialgamatlonist, practically, politically,
.latld domestically negro equality bcum
tho very corner stono ot abolitionism."
After giving a full explanation of tbo
fao s in tho Drcd Scott case, bo oamo to
tho last topic upon ,wbich ho was called upon
to Epoak, to wit : tho affairs of Utah :
"The act of 1850, creating tho territory
of Utah, was passed on tho supposi ion that
tho peoplo then residing thoro wero citizons
of tho United States, acknowledging thoir
allcgianco and claiming tho protection of
tho government. Seven yean exporienco
has demons rated a stato of fncta entirely
at with the supposition then en
If Iho reports that reach us from that
territory aro true, and ho had no reason to
doubt them, ono important fact stands
prominently forth, at.d that is, that at least
nine-tenths of tho present inhabitants of
Utah arc aliens by birth, who Mivo stead
ily refused to ticeomo naturalized or tako
tho oath of allegiance. Tho newspapers
aro filled with aecouuts of tlie fearful and
torriblo oaths to resist and subvert tho
government of tho United States, to which
thco wicked and deluded pooplo aro com
pelled to subscribe. It is oho well known
that tho iMnrmoii Governor has been and
is now engaged in forming alliances with
hostile Indian tribes, engaging them to
join in open warfaro against tho govern
ment of tho United States, and to murder
onr citizens. Assuming that these rcpons
aio true, it proves that tho governor him
self i? an alien to tho government of tho
United States, and acting in open defianos
,o pur laws.
Under thoso circums'anecs tho duty of
tho Administration is clear, and ho had tho
most implicit ootifidonco in Mr. Buchanan's
boldness, wisdom and firmness, and wns
satisfied he would movo straightforward
fearlessly in tho path of duty. Ho was
asuott wliat his views ot that duty wero,
bituply and in short rcinovo Brigham
ioung, ana an oilier othcois ol tho terri
tory who styuipnthizo with him in his troi-
son, rt onoo trom otlico, and send able,
bold, unflinching men to tako thoir places.
Send with them a strong mid efficient body
of troops, under experienced and ablo of!i-
.nra ivl, - tuttl hn il.1n In .Al..n a.
-:"' "" V " . ."""" ,v''"lr II.T.IMmlol.1,
olltcoiy and cnlor'eo iho law. Lot in havo 1 iinm i.. rmwer,
nnm1 tv,,. nn,.n...,n,. Arn.t.nt Ti:,4..: ! Pnm'ii-l Sl-ick.
Attorney and Judges, and then let ui luvci
a full and fair investigation into all' if?!
there ; let us know by rcliablo and imp r-
tial reports thu actual state i f thinj:.s in
that tcrri'ory. Iot ih know who murder
cd Ba'ibitt, who massnerod Gunnison who
ww.. ....... .u. 1I3U1I.-I.
has u. en gu lty ot till tho inurderi, nnd
arsons, and robberies, and overy species of
crime that has dNgr col that territory for
years past. Let us havo iheso facts in an
official bhapo before tho President and
Congress, and tlu country will soon learn
that, in the peiformauco of tho high and
solemn duty devolving upon tho Executivo
and Congress, thoro will bo no vacillating
or hesitating palicy.' It will bo as prompt
as the peal follows tho flash us stern
and unyielding as death. Should sueli a
state of things actually osUt as wo are led
to infer from tho reports, and such infor
mation comes in an official shape, tho knife
must bo applied to this pestiferous, disgust
ing cancer, which is gnawing into tho very
vitals of tho body politic. It must bo cut
out by tho roots and scared over by tho red
hot iron of a stern and unflin hing law
Should all efforts fail to bring them to a
sense of their duty, there is but ono remedy
loft. Repial the organic laics of the terri
tory, on tho ground that they are alien
enemies and outlaws, unfit to bo citizons of
a territory, much less ever to becomo cili
zins of ono of tho frco and independent
States of this glorious confederacy. To
protect them larthcr in thoir treasonable,
disgusting and boastial practices would bo
a disgraco to tho country i disgrace to
humanity i disgraco to civilization, and a
disgraco to tho spirit of tho ago. Blot it
out as ono of tho organized territories of
tho United States, what then? It will ho
regulated by the law of 1700, which has
exclusive aud solo jurisdiction over all ter
ritory not incorporated under any organio
or special law. By Iho provisions of this
law an crimes and misdemeanors committed
j on its soil can bo tried beforo tho legal
authorities of any Stnto or territory to
I V'llinll tllf niT,
uw tj.u, UU UIOV uiuuillltl tXJl
trial, aud punished. Uudcr that law nor.
sons hivo been arrested in Kansas, Nebras
' ka and other territories prior to their or
ganizitiou as territories, and hanged for
we territory.
The judge entered into a Inns and con
vincing argument,in which ho demonstrated
tint the lino of policy ho had marked out
for Utah did not conflict in any particular
with tbe principles of tho Nebraska bill,
but was in harmony with the Dcmocratio
platform in regard to tho power of the
government over tho organized territories
of iho United St-Vcs. II o said ho would
bo found as willing to moot this Utah
question as boldly and to do his duty as
I fearlessly as ho had done on tho Kansas
Nebraska bill; and should tho President,
when ho submits his viows on this question
at tho next ecs&ion of Congress, havo no
1 moro efficient plan of disposing of tho Utah
difficulty, ho pledged himself to bring in a
bill embodying substantially tho couiso of
' policy ho had thus briefly alluded to.
Alter thanking tho audience for tlieir
attention, ho loft tho stand amid tbo most
tumultuous chccrlnsr. nnd tbo crowd dis-
perscd, greatly delighted, with tbrco time
ttitco tor Douglas
and tho , Deiaoernlio
Written for the Columbia Democrat,
Oounty Treasurer,
Mn. Untioti!
t.." r .1
In.viuw Of tho approaching
meeting of the Dcmocratio Oounty Con-
vcntion, it would seem right nnd proper,
that wo should not only find men to fill
dm nni. l.itt c1 npf tli nan wli n Im vn unr vnil
tho party long without roward, and nio
i.iu u...v,.o, u... ..v. ....... ,
competent to tno uischnruo ot tno amies
therounto pennining. Wo know of ono.
bucIi, and think ho ought now to bo nom
inated, for tho ofiieo of Ocunty Treasurer. (
William Cole, Esq., of Benton, is iho
gentleman, to whom we alludo. Uo is a
wurking man, of proverbial honesty and of
undoubted democracy. His nomination
would bo justico ti tho oouuty and grati
fying to tho
Democuauy op Jackson.
Ou Tuesday, tho aoth ult , by Thomas
B'lwman, D. D., Mr. Thomas Smith nnd
Miss. Margaret J. Heck, eldost tUughtor of
John B. Book, Esq., all of Willinmsport.
On thoSSIh of Juno, by George P. Loro,
Esq.. Mr. Cyrus Mohr, of Montour county,
and Miss. Elizabeth Bitlcr, ot iMoroland
township, Lycoming county.
In Berwick on Thursday, Juno 18th, of
scarlet fever, Jason Itathmoll youngest son
of A V and Sarah J. Creasy, aged 10
month and 21 days.
Friday July 3d, nt Ids lato residence
near tho Wyoming .Monument, Luzcrn co,,
Fisher Gay, Esq., aged 70 years,
- North Branch I'atial.
Collector's Omen,
Beach Haven, Juno 8, 1857
Col. Tate : The rocoipts of Canal
Tolls, at this office, aro as follows :
March S9t 04
April 10,585 70
Alay 20 05U 30
Total, 031,030 13
Respectfully yours,
John S. Fo lljier, Collector.
(Columbia EJcmocvat.
The following aro tho receipts to tho office
of tho Columbia Democrat, during
tho month of Juno, 1857 :
Oliptmil. WooJslJc, Si.Sl. ivinrsrotl,
Win. (!. IVrry, ' i0l Ail.nn Hull,
lVnler, Well tt Co., Ii 00 Dn-mer llclittemun,
lirTiluis t Klini'. IU" Ju l?o 'I'uiitnrt,
J. (illlineli.nn fell. I Vrt Ili-ulir,
O Jnnu. JcCo., IM Hlienfl" It'ck,
llr.C.M Jvktoil, 10 1 Mill ll:irii't;i:iincit,
H Su-niifeOn. U'0 Jiitul IV'ib'r.
olnrli-s sirmifr, 7 O'l Ii I.W Hpi-ncer
Hlcplifii IVj!I, I 00; llirlnril T'iiiiit,
II. .Mi"!ifj Co .. IOiUM H Aniib-mnii
I (10
3 S.1
1 IUl
(1 Oil
:i mi
2 10
1 HI
2 sa
MlnoriM I' -Mlll'.T.
:!IHI II. I) lliti., i,l.en l.-r,
S Ik) ilcv l W tt.-ely.
Sin 1 1". Uimici, IUl ,
U .'ill t ItolMKim,
n ijl , PI, Mill. It i
Mrhrk k I'f uy
il W 5t V N Cn ny. OlM i A, U ii, Anilr'uw .
2 no
i oo
Wo are 'grateful to our friends, whoso
names stand above, for their prompt p-y-monts.
Wo trust others will imitatu tlieir
noblo cxamplo nnd pay us our just duos.
Money sent us by mail will be nt our risk,
tho receipt of which will bo promptly ac
coitnccTED weekly at hautman's stom:
Wheat.. ,
! 00
, .50
, .75
Buckwheat. . .
'White licaii!)..
,1 75 Dried App'oafa
Arrivals and Deparlttrn- of ilia ts at
rhilaileljihla mini tfuvts duly (Funr'ny except i'd)nt
IS M., arrives nl 4 l M.
Villhmport 'nnd Western mall leaves dally, (Pun
days excepted; huS P.M., nrriven 12 M
Wiikesbarrc mall arrives daily, ( undjy excepted)
at U A M.leaves4 P.M.
Cambria nnd Orange viltc unit arrives every Monday,
Wednesday and Friday, ot II A.M., leaves tamo ri)s
at 4. P . M
MMIvil'e mail arrives every Monday nnd Tlmrsdny
till A MM leaves same days nt 1 P. M.
Jerseytown nnd Whiin Halt mail arrive 'very Tnen
day, Thursday and Saturday, nt Jl AM.t I fives siiae
4iy&t4 P M.
Ncru Qbuci1t0cmcnts,
THOII county rerords and nctunl measurements
from oriiMiial surveys throughout tho county, hy
tl. M. WIPKINri, Jr.. Topographical i;tifln?er. uid
Qulhor of Mnpsof Llnroln county. Maine; aitd Adatus
and HU9iti( ban ii a counties. Pa., Ilz.
The nitric nber is prupnting to (iiihlish shortly, hy
subscription, a new and complete c tunny mup. 'ilie
Hurvevd are undertaken by experie need urte)ots.
All the public rniifs und th6 locntlous of tliii nulls,
taverns, places of worship, post oilices, ichool hotues.
country stores, foundries, fur itces. smith shops, tvheel
wrisliit, Jcc, urn t i bo mirked. The names of Propor
ty holders generally, (rare fully Including nil those in
the county who subgcriba In advance to tho map) nr.;
a ho to be inserted upon the if places iu the style of tho
map of Adams county, Pa,
To be illustrated with vignettes of views in the
Map a of the prlnripn) villages on alorgosc&lc, will
he inserted In tho marfni. 1
The plan will ho ptotto I to n suitable scale so as to
mnkoaUr.u nnd ornamcnta. Map of ubo-n JO or lb
snuuro feet. To be engraved nml delivered to subscri
bers . hmdsonioly colored and inoiintcd, for five dollars
per copy.
ROnnilT P BMITII. Publliher.
Nos. 17 and 10 Minor it, PltlUdelnhta.
Uloomhurg, July, 11, 1637.
J 1ST or 1XTTERB rgmalnlf-R tu the Pot Uftlc s bl
jus niuuuiuuurK, t .i, ttunner enuinir june juin, 1007
Rird Ulmlrn
Mitchell Rev. T.
Money pe 11 11 y Thomi s
Potter Amelia A.
lllcu Chuucey
llliodei. Matilda
Hliorkley thtrlisC,
Hicul Uanniih M.
HalmouJ M.
Htanton 13 W 4
Ti ter John
TilHo Adaliuo
Totbert John
Horn boy Wnlton
Hirnetl U A.
Itrecco John
Ilaylor Joint
Cramer A. W.
UutTy James
I'.lUa Thomas
'reetand Thaddeui 8.
PrecxeJ I.
1'iiher Pavid
(Jeiger Ha rati Ann
(illaspy William
UauH John
Huff Isaac
Haver Jobn
Treasurer J.nck it B. It.R.
Wood lock John
Cretm Corneliu
lius 1
ediiejo I (
am f'
ickles J
Herrlnjr (ieorge A f
HVUt'iier Abe
unit jouri
itd Willi
cnclltllnltall Uonrad
woiiunteii 1
.11111. II u.
aiSi'JiVri??' U""! Wln ,,le!1"
iyiuyreulI,criiU .,........,...., ,.
"in. 11 al.
r.miun mine, m, . . .u, .... ....
nyAUIW AKH) KI4MTl.ltW.lfir
II W k. W K Ulii:.d
tj aire by
tunn'i iiitiintiimi n uihuiuxn owvjiijy7Vu
IMf' ma cniiiititti shove mmunntiM irnm iuun
.nifniureiii' nti, by orntinM rnrvi)t llirrif lent tm,
criliilH' II1 nl.n tnttr plcnfiiri- to f'litr IliM.lrc
innkc ill1 tiirvejp, he Iikn eltpngnl Mr Jjimm KMly,
nnr of tlie mil rrntnrtrnt a nil tlirflrnrr,tu,T, trn
In tlicftntr-Allllmr Mh mttpi rl rhltn'ilpkia IIVii.
ington, .irAmanrf, JlCHfgtntrv, mil luliti rtttnrifl a.
lite mrvijB will la rMiitprritf it n rtnii up n uRt
tlfnt iiuiul'pr nl rnplis liato bern lubrttitril fur, to
wnrrntil Itn iiilllrnllrtn.
iii'MMin kiii dininin nn itinni Minry r ill tho
,(e ro,iJWii, iii, .i irmrrt imiVui ilrrttt. In n
u. n ..j Jj".. J
jiw, iuut, rrr, schmi r,. tmitthr rm,
i:ir.t lil-lfpii t lirnil rl. ml t Hie I imiitll n
Plant nf nil lliVnwn In Iho cnuntlri. B In ,.r .nnl.
III nM"i In Hip n nrgln.
Tito I'lnn t'f tho mnp willilia nlnttrd to n laltaUs m In in'ike u Inrgn nml oriianirnteil tnflp of
not loi tn nn nil by forty inch, tn tif tiigtnvcit In
Hio lii'-t ttylf. Imnil.niiR'ly fnloru'l, nnn dellrprr-il to
mibrcriticra only nt $1 per copy, pn ntiln on ilHlviry.
J. A. J. (JUMMINOB, ruMilllr.
ChHIvquiiaoaMny lit. IF..17 It
l'OR CUTTINO 110-111
A IX who nre Mthili'il with 1h 1IK8T ItDArElV
AND MOWr.U, can I e niipplicd by icndlnir Ihelr
orders cnrlyin the urn son, ns the crnp Indicntc n
I tree ileinnntl.nnd wa rantiot have ovrr 200 Il(npfB
renity lor the vast hit rv rats nt 1807. Un gnarnniet,
that I his Reaper nnd Mower conn" ho Lcnitn on tn)r
irial by any other Itcnnrr that may bo hroiipht hiiu
the harvest He I Is In 1S57; and we afo insure H to ba
the utrorifipst nnd mostdnralilo marhtnft In me. Wo
wimld rctpfctriilly Invito Farmers to rxanime thu
machine thoroughly before purchatnTt nnd satlify
themselves rfils tuperiorlty ovor nil others.
During the last four Vitus, iho subscribers tiavn
sold between 500 nnd 000 of there Mnthlnes, fo tho
best and most successful farmers In Union and the
itelshliorlrff cont.ties, (whoo tin inch are too numerous
to Infer l) to. whom we rfspectiully refer.
The subscribers hive the cxetuslvi right In the fnl
Inuin? cimtititi: Onl iitubla. Union. Hnvdrr. North.
umbcriand, Montour. I.ucerno. Perry, Mtfllln, Center
Clintoitnntl Lycoming. A Horde is thauklu 11 received
and promptly attended tn.
I.cwiiburift Union count), Va,
June 27, 1P57
Fresh Fruit
Uso ARTHUR'S Celebrated Pelf
Sialng Ctni nnd Jars.ftml you wilt
have frenh fruit a I the year nt Bum
mer prices.
Full dirertlons for rutting up nil
kinds ol rrull nnd Toninmea, nc
company these cans nnd jtrs.
TSey nro m-iitn of 7tn, Gtatt,
Queensicart, and hire andJttld proof
ktonetcare. The siz"s nre from pints
log.. lions. These cans nnd Jars urn
tntirety cptn at th tort, and nut, to
iimre economy in tramportatha.
Tor sain by storekeepers through,
out the U ii Itnl Bt&ti's.
Dtfeeiipilve rlrculnrs sent on nn
plientlon. tJ"Ur tiers Ironi the trudu
iiosurr to nk fur "Arthur." It
has slond tho teit nf two vi-usons,
having been used by hundreds (;(
tlioiifnnds of lamilies, hotel and
boarding boitfo kieners
W'p are now luaklng them tor ttm
,M)tni.r.ictiircrs under tho 1'nient,
Nos. I1" and 1IU Houth Tenth si., (cor. liorrn.)
July 4, 1.7. rhihidlphia.
TIIII neit term of this Pchool will enmmcnen on
MOMiAV, 7th of Heptenih'-r next, nnd roKlnue
cIcvb n weks. 1'upiUaru received nl any time.
Conpnon Hngti sh Studies ( 9
1 1 i jti r Hngli sh Htudies nnd Classics G
To meet it leqtic t of present pupils nnd cf oilier
pnrtii s, nnd trusllns iu the promiMd co-operntion of
ttlcutU I havo dct'Tintnt'd to o'ganlzo. on the .th
of AuiUFt next, n Tenchcr's Class, to rntlimie thrcrt
momlH. Tito chargo lor tuition will be five dol'uis
lor thu setHion,
Any ititormitlon repcrtln c tho srlirme of tuttruc
tirtn, II n nling Ace, will hi 'promptly given, ou appli
cation to me, citlm r personally ( vr I y note.
il. I UATO.
Illoomslitirif, Juno 27, IS 7 4t
l flj 45 3i a J iliU,
HE underMgnctl witl offer at Publio
iJiite, on tho preiuics.
Saturday, August 1. 1857,
riio fol'owin defended valuable Real Cilntc, lz:
i?S A Lot anu two Houses.
t-ijj PiumtPO'i Iron ft reel iu lllaomsbure IISIh
runveoi'Miefl r'iiMi itf l"r 11 plea ant reiileiicf.
There ta itu upon siifl preuns'ti, it select aitort-m.-iit
of choice lVuitTreen, eh'iant HMpfiy,
LdllliLwitii n u"ni wmtiic. romp, ami hii..?jim.
nml Miritiinother rnniurn couit-rls.
oiiit-rts. yfiSfia
I irel')ei, P. M
m an I ciiiiditlcnis j, jti-n
r. j?ni to eoinmiMif-' in 1 atUMidauee utllbitjiV
tiu tnauu K luiW II.
ioHtif.buM July 4,
ATOrinc Is hereby ftivtn thit n't npphntlon will ho
ii uiiKic nt tho next numon n(,'t1nture n(
Pen is) Ivanh. lor the itieorp'-ration id a Ittiik, with
th iinJ privileges, to In called The Bio uutburg
l'.ink." with a capital of two hundred llionviud Hot
lari. nnd to be located in th") town of II luo 111 burg.
LiiiuuitJM county, 1 u.
H. t;. biiivi:,
upnn.MW p i.uiz,
A. C. MI.MM,
jaoo!) nvmi,
pnrcit ni,
KM AH nll.Tl.lU K,
A. J. hVAN'8,
J. uamhi;v.
A. J. ril.ON,
HLnrM'Bi'BU, Juno 27, IH57
ff VIIAKH OV MlV.t having loit his father, two
tO brothers, oaushier. son in law, nephews nnd
iiit-ren, bv that dn n-ltul din'fis.', t(iUMiri, nrd uf
filing v Hh n Cough hninell. Uf Unnn.d m vi ittili
l.asl 1 iifiie?, V.gyn and Jip in, where he discovered a
jrtrenif.;niid certain euro fur Colds, Cong hi, HronchllN,
VoiHumption, Neivous Ilchi lily and Astlnua Illn cniipti
was cured iinmcdiitel) ; hu returned, 11 red hi tela
ttcct. who Inherited the dicno. nnd in connection
with ItU son have cmphy d it in Dm ir practice, curing
ihouRnnd of casei concidiireil hopeless by others.
l'or thu purpose of riseuiui; as many of his dflotinjf
fellow being us pojililc, hu Is senilfug,the Ueclpe to
nil wlio winliitfor ten cents; 3 of it u pay the pOt
uje, and tin balance iirlutlnt:.
Address nil, IlKATir,
11)1 fprins Ft-, oppoiito t?t Nlcholfts lloiel,
Nnv York,
Juue I 3, Ifi",
'p'll! suliocriher havtrtr removed his iMarhleVari
I Irom near the Court lo tse, to ;hc Houth wett cur
nernf M Al.V nnd MAItKKT Mret-ls, tu Uupert'sllaw,
wluru .he is prepared to lurnish nil kinds if
Marble Work,
Viz. MONUMT.NTB, t'raJlo 'Jombs. Hox Tombs, and
I If .id Atones of every defcription. U nock U o the
heat kind. Die workmanship mil surpntscd bynuv in
the touniry, and at low piiccs. Cull and judgo for
O"llo wi l uUo furnUh Table nnd Durcau Tops,
Mil Dttli fJr Iiotiteri, II.imj Corae. J,inltes, bild tillta
lor Win cow a and Poors, at a low llgtire.
Timtikfut for p tn l favors, we Junto for a contloasnce
of tho i.ame,
IlloomBhUrff, April 4. IP57 Cm
Stoves and Timvarc.
rpIIU subscriber having creeled a large new brick
a Pon u dry and Mnchlnc Shop, In place of the old
nnojj prepared to make nil kinds of cnstluc at thu
loweit pricts. Plows constantly on hand, 'Iho iub
icrihur hus also removed hU Tin Shop Irom Main fct.
to tho Foundry lot. where he has ended u building
altogether for Stoves anil Tinware
The Cook In tr Stoves consirt of the WM. PENN
xgiSaPAJtlaOU HTOVHH or all kinds, tho C(JU OY
'CSUuNDnil BTOVi:, &c. All kinds of Pnoutinc
luado to order.
nioomsburg, April Il,lf37.
Iteiidence, first Urick bulUjng below lliutman's
on Main Street.
RlPRCTPUM.YoiTirs.hls profy.slo nal services
to the ladies and geiiilemfii of llloomibiiftf and
vicinity He is prepared t" attend tn n 1 the various
operations in Dentistry, and li provided with the Is.
Utl improved
Pot ee lain Tcet h,
Which will be Inserted on pivot or gold plate, to look
as "ell as the natural.
A superior article of TOOTH POWDER, nl.
ways on hand. Jutto 13, 1657.-Nov. 13, 'i'i.
HAS opened a Marble Yard in Court Alley, opposite
the l.ich-ii?. where ho is prepared tofinuhthf
beit vtork from Italiin or American Marble for
MOlNUMi.NTS, tumijs,
t .11-
-nl""hrtl nnJtlniali nflilawoik l, rrfer. in
nuchu. ho baa ig.i.lo I, ili. tn llo III urnl.h
..c.lgna forvMnk or trruluur Uml y I'C Ouniili
. V. ".. 'K " " ' f "
ntknuil ira.imjhinn ,.i,1(.
CloomllMiij. lltl r, i,J