Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, July 11, 1857, Image 1

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LEVI L TATE, Proprietor.
" To Hold and Trim tlio Torch of Trutli and 'Wayo i o'or tlio darkonod Eartjli ''
NUM. 13.
3 n Moorasburg, Columbia Comity, Pn.
OrncE. In the new Brick Ihtilding, op
posite the Exchange, by siile of the Court I
House," Democratic llcatl Quarters,'
i$l,00 In nilvnnco, for ono copy, for nix. months.
1,73 In advnneo, for ono copy, ono year.
2,00 If not paM wlthlntho first thrco month.
2,25 If not paM within tliu first tlx months.
2.of) If not paid wllliln tho your.
117 No subscription takon for Ions than six month,
And. no papurdUcontlnod until all arrcnragesshall
havo boon paM.
IE-Ordinary advortlscmonts Inserted and Job
work executed nt tho ostabllshcd prices.
TIIE founder of this Celebrated Insti.
titilon.niT'rs the most certain, uperdy, and only
rf-llrctual rcntetly In thB world for etTprt fur GlfeU,
ttrirttiren, ttaimnAl wivrtticsi, P.Hna in the I. ohm,
-f.'onslttutionnt Debility. Iinpotrnrr, Weakncn l tho
II nek and I.imlis, Affections nf tlifl Kidneys. rliin
ion of ittn ilrnrl, Itl.cpii Nervous Irritability,
PdcaiH ot ttifl llend, Tlimut, JVoo nr Skin, fmil till
llmae ierloii and nu'lanclioly Diiordcrs ariflfng front
thi dcitrncttvu hnliitsofYoutli. wiiiclr dtsttoyg hotli
tmdy nnd mind, Those secret find lohtnry prncticcv,
nre more fatal to thrif victlmi titan the long of tho
By rem to the mariners II ytrcn, blightinettlieir most
brilliant hope of anticipations, rendering marriage,
&c i impossible,
lpoung Men,
,epcQ! illy, who have tircoina ttio victim of sollts'
VicuiifltdrejiiNul ami destructive lmliit,nlnchanni
jliyiwveyii tian iinliniclyuruvethuiKnndsof youri
in mi. "f ilio moil exalted tntints un.l brilliant intl
Vct. wlio initiht otherwise havo Piiiianccd listening
Banueiw.tli tlietlmnCcrsoi riuiucnco, or waked to
tixlicicslhiilyre. may call withal) conrldonca.
Married portons.or Vouiu .Men contemplating mar
rite, bciuit awuro weakness, nrRfttiif du
liilny, du for m i lies, &r,,, mIioiiU iiiundlitcly rotisult
lir Jiiiincton.tiiid lie restored toperlcct hcntili,
e who pi. ce-i himielf ntidor the rare of Dr. John
stou uiiv feligiiimly contlde in his honor as a gentle
men, au.i cooftdeiitlv rely upon M fikill nstpliystciun
Qfga n ic I Vea kn es
,iinin"diat-ly cured rtn.1 lull vigor restored.
Hill I the penilty mml Ire iuenty
Hi Mu wlioh ive iMjcome the vif-iim of improper in mi I
p.iitcin. Ymiiii persons nrn toi) apt to commit ex
n-ii from not hcimj nvjru of Uiodrt'.iJful coiisequence
that miyeuwi1. Now, whothat underiand (he tub
Ji-ci wilt prfttnd to deny that the power of procrca
tiuu in lut sooner by tho falling Into Improper
habits th to by tint prudent, HciiJ.-s being deprived of
l!ie iinitur ol luMlihy otrsptinj. the moat serious
ttu.l dutruciive nmpioni9 to both body and "iniml
ariin. Tue system b'cootp demngfd; itio thyicnl
an I mm t il potvurs weakt'iied, tiervou debility dys
pet4lJ, oilpiution nitho hcitrl ,indi4eiiiori, a wastiiif;
nf tit'tfiam, conjili symnlosof consumption Atr.
No. 7 Sort'! t-rKKnicH!t KdTniKi(seven doorf
ffu'ii it iltiinoru r-trei-t i:.nt ei'l'J. up tin- hteps fte
jiiriicular in i'M'trvm; thi NAMK and MJ.MU.CIt, or
.yno tvili mil' take lite p ire,
A Curt Harrants4,or no Cttrgt Made, in from One to
Tiro tifjt.
m Mi:uoarcY on nausuuus nnuca udnD.
Or, JohttotoHt
,M h'it nf th ttiyil (NillfKi itf Hurgfoof. London
fit 4 I I tie (in. n Hint uft lii ititiit I'liniieuv eel leges ol the
if ittf.l .Si .iiid iitKur.i.itfr p.ut (isjou hie bth
b -jti Ht ih in tlio ilrst lttHitilA of i.omtnn I'.iriK.f hi
4 t litnia and liure. Ins cltui t"d some ffttie Mmat
ill i in hi n J dirt $ Hi a wire t ve r know n; in.'iny trnulf
I i iii riiijiof in tin: h'tad jutd ears uttii iiiUrp,
4 ra,r, ut-rv i-mo i'i; a.irtut'tl at viiddrn jutnni.
4ii 1 tumfiirh', villi l'rt"uenl blii'luiii, mioiided
iii'tiiii 'i (ih di nuijfeuiciilof utind . tvertcurt-d iuj .
1 Certain fUscasc
W'henihe luUiinled iiihI impf utleiit votnry of pica
ire llndi h f h it imbibed tlie sevdd of this p.iiuiu
disease, it loo often happens (lint un III limed btMiM- o
ft. nu a, or driiad f dn ,u n i, diters him from apply
,11) to thoio wh t from cdtic.nion nod r4pi-rt4lnhty
.can nl tin: b-'frieinl iiim del iyjii till the cotutuntiim il
y (t;i linn oitiiH n irrid dieaieiiiakstlieirappparJiire,
such, is ulceriiud sure thront, due.ied nn,u, nocturnal
puitu in the lie ml tnd limb vdimnf" ot siht.deafuess,
riotlcson the nk in bono, find nrms, Idoirhes ,011 the
h -ad r.ico.fiii I ukirfim lien, pro;reinif with frig hi lu
.ripility .till at list thrpilate ofthe iiionth or the
bones of Hie noso fill in l lli-j vd tinuM this awful
diieate bucoinjs a (ittrrid objt-cl of coiinnihjn raiion, till
d 'itli p'Hi n perto i to hi dreinlfiilMtiiterntga, by sen
dirf;liiia to 1 Ixniriie (ram whence no traveler
rttlunik." To surh iliercfute Dr. Julinnun pkd cs
nimielfto prvservo tho moit euviul ti li Bcrrcy, and
, from his eitefHive pr.viire in the nrt Hospitals of
U'irop-t and Atimriei, he can confidently rt commend a
afti a ii. I ipm'ily cir to the unfortuinle victim ollhis
horrid disease
Take particular Notice
Or J nJdresses all those uho bnvc injured them
,i nlvm by piivatiiaiid improper i nilnlifi'iicts,
TnedM nfft oniii1 of Iho toil nnd iiiulancholv effects
pro luted by early habit of ) omli . vtr AVeaktKfii of
-tliolt ick and I.imlis, I'.tin hi tho llrnd, Ulniiif f-t-nf
Hitfht, Lois of Mnsc-ibir Power. I'alpiiatfon ofthe
ll-t-irt.IWtfpppiiti, Ncrvt.iM lrr.itil.iluy, D rangrinenl
ofthe Uigeativu riiuciiitni.Uunufal L'vhilityyniptoms
.ofCottiumption, c.
MIIVTALLV -The featful rffecls unon Iho mind
are iii'ich to bedre-idad, I.os ol Memory, Coulmion of
ildeai, IKpred4ion of tliu bpirits, Uvii roribodiiiKs,
Averstonof rluclely, Tiuiily , A,s.,are some ufiheevili
Thiiuin.ti of ncrpn n all ascs run now jiiiluo
their vinr,iieomiini Leak pale mJeuuriateii, iibvin
.A liiiiril lur aiiwaranteliogltlii!cyci.cou8liauiljijip
..r.i.Ai. .lN,ilnA )i..nllh l.nocliK.
Dr. Joluuon s invoruung ucmeay jor
iiy iinisre.uaii.iimporiBntrBme.iy.'wfnknrnioriiie
otgin,aro .poeJIly culcd, and lull visor rutim-d.
TiM-i-indiorihomi.t" and doidiiutod, wnu
,'htl lut all lime, nave been iuiiucdialidy rclicvril. All
,linpedimsol l" Mitriase.PliyBical and Menial IIMqua
,lftcitlon, Nervom trrita)iility,'rrcmhlMi(!i anil Weak.
uaii. or eiliautlonnith moat Icarfjl tin J, specJily
curejby Doctor Jolimion
Young Men
Who Mv Injured Uienuotvn by aeettiln practice,
InJulje.l in wHn alone i fimlii I frcqneiilly trained
, fro in evil companion,, nr nuehool-,tlie eirecu ofwliicli
ore nljlilly felt, even whon aileep, ami if not cured
reniicrun imaee iiunot.Miie, uuuair
ilroys both mind
nuil tiotly, gtioulit apply linniciliately
ivh n.iv itmt ii vmiiiff man. t hit none nfllia coun
try, and the darling of 1 1 1 a parent!, e'lould be snatched
from all pro.pecte and enjoyment of lire, by the conee
nmnree ot'devlstlnu from tho path ofnalure, and in.
dulglniln ncertain secret hatilt, Buch perion. beforo
nould reflect thai A lound mind and bodyare the moa
rnnui.ittcelo nronioto coou nliial hanpinesfl
Indeed, without tU "it, the journey through lite become!
a weary pit nmaije, the proipecl hourly darkens to. the
view i the mind becomo shadowed with dc.pair and
filled withtho melancholy reflection thalthe haiplne.f
ofnnotlieriiecoinee oiiiiie.iwiin our own
lie.l Willi wui iiwiii
ui:ni:uit;K ST.,)4iiimorjM
.OrTlcr. mo. 7 wju i ii r
A I.I. HIJIlfilCAl, 01T.I
M . II T.nlnn falie modeitv
edlalety either pertonauy oroy i.ner-
To Strangers,
Tha many ihomande cured atthia inetitullon within
the tail 12 year ,. and tho iiumcroui important Surgical
Upentlone performed by Dr. Jolimton. wiuienicd by
the reporler.ol Hie papr and many other
Ilcoanf which liavo appiared ajain and ugiln beforo
IbeUiiblie, beililei hie iliniline oe a jenlleuion of cha.
riclersnd re.pon.ibilily. i a iuiT.cient guarantee to
Take Notice.
N.ll There are n many Ignorani ami woiimr..
ft..-.,.. ..I. n. iliiiu.elvi'a r sir am. tuihihu
iiLcrliaing uieniBi-ivi'i i ,.m h.,
.ihoiiejithoftiie iriiiy "'"V,';" V,:;.
tleemalliicceciiiy ..r.
qiialntudwilhhla reputation, thUhii credential and
rVrNorict.-AIIlettcr umel bo poetpaid. and
eouiain a poetojo etainp for Iho reply,
or noamwer
wiilbo sent
January 17, 1837.
AN atsnrlmcniorconfeetlorcry, Jcwnry, rrnumo
ly, floope, llair Oils, roniarffi. Ac, lo he -bad
Illocnul viTC, May 30. 1HV7.
i; UliAtlit a iiuuit u.viw.
TiriOttTICKI) POSTS on hand
nd for sale ai
Airudi I
May lie. IM7.
a. c mrn'scm.
jnnnn Joint ANn
AP SHINGLES, for ule
at t ie Arcaie r-y
Select 3octtih
nv zun Lit.roun.
Clouds nre closing round me; o'er my heart
The I r shadowy forms are east
There terms no Joy Jn presont hours,
N'o gladneis In the past.
The future but one dreary blank,
A raylcsfj mist is there,
E'en thoughts of Fndnessscem too glad
Tor this wi'd, dark despair.
Knfh hour seems adding to my life
Almost a weight of years,
For clustering hopes ran never ine
With bitter, unhed tears.
1 know not why these a-iddecd hours
Seem now of life, n part
There nre no shadows round my pith,
They oil lie on my heart.
Tlio Condemned Patriot.
Written by a young Canadian Patriot the
evening Ufoic his execution.
Oh! must I die? nnd die 'so young; and
now, too, when the world lias just begun to
open to ruo in oil its perspective beauty ?
Oil I it is hard, hard thus to die to die tin
ignominious dctth upon tho scaffold, my
last moments to bo embittered by tho
taunting jests and ribaldry of my enemies.
Must I die thus ? I .could have met death
with fortitudo upon tho battle-field, but to
die the death of a felon ; how dreadful tin
thought 1 I, who havo indulged in tho
fond hopo of writing my naino high upon
tho scroll of famo, tuust I, ere the consum
mation of tho gjrca.t design, die die a
felon's death! Oh I must I bid an eternal
adieu to my aged oud beloved mother?
Yes, it must be so. In vain did you, my
mother, bow in humble supplication before
tho tyrant Colborne, to implore pardon for
your only ton. Yea, sho bowed befurc
hi,ui, ;uid with her hands extended in sup
plication, cried in wild tccenls of a mo
ther's wailing "OhI spare, spare my only
idolized son 1" but in vain sho might as
well implore pity of a famished tiger. The
monster Fpurued her from his feet. And
must I leave her too, w whom I have
breathed my vows of curly It vo? her whom
love with an attachment bordering on
idolatry with mi affection toi pure, t o in
itcnse, t-o holy for this life? Yes I For
to-moriow I tnut d o. Oh! jny Qod I
How I mcIicii nt the thought ; my brain
reel'? .ith a giddy dimness, the cold s?Cdt
stand-, upon my brow; it seems like a hor
riblo dream which haunts me liko the in-
cubm. 0,h I that 1 cnuld but bo (-pared
but for another day, to too her Lut once
more; but in vain, is cacti uun, awlul
preparations are even now nvikiug for my
executi' n which epeka of death as truly
nt yonder orb painting tho western horizon
with its golden huo, tolls of departing day.
But away with these thoughts, they servo
but to unman mo ; I will be myself again ;
1 will dio as lecomes a Canadian Patriot!
Yes I who Jbavo fought tho oppressors of
my country, and i.ovor yet bowed tho kneo
in humble submission to man, will show
the murderer- Oolborno that though bis
chains and dungeons havo impaired my
frame, thoy havo not broken my spirit.
V.hen yonder orb shall mako another rev
olution, this form will be cold and inani
matoclnyj but.aiy name shall live in the
I ' , .,, . .
i breasts of mv countrymen, and Will incito
i '
i them to revenge my death and that of my
i -n i
fellow-sufferers i and my memory will bo
, cd , poa,cr;ty w)(iisl tbo uamo of
,tho barbarous Colbumo will be remember
I . i , v P.,i(l
cu only to bo oxecrteu.
... ,
A Hkave Oinr,. The Lynn News says
that a young lady, residing pear llreed'a
Mills, in that town, nftcr retiring, ono
ovcuuig week beforo last, heard a noiso
which caused her to raise her head and
look about tho room, when she saw a man
crawl out from under her bed ! Sho im
mediately sprang'up, seized a glass lamp,
and just as ho had reached an open door,
leading .to tho stairs, caught him by tho
collar of his coat, and dealt several sovero
blows upon his faco with tho lamp, bho
thon loosed her lipid, and when ho had
, ..... , ...II
proceeded half way dowu stairs, tuo lamp
. .. .... i i -.1 !
camo in contact Willi his beau WltU sucu
force as to finish his descent, heels over
head. Tho polico officer, from whom theso
purticulars wero obtained, says tho poor
fellow is badly inarkod, and thinks ho will
not troublo tho lady again.
Patriotic Toasts The day tee cce-
7., Mnnll Vrt .irtrnnhirilrfl fltt (lift nra of
w.i.iv ...mvivvw ... w.k- --
American Indeneudeuco. until the last
(1escen(Jar,. 0
Dt Adam Giiall sleep in me
I The Tcople of the United States Nay
1 they rally round tho standard of liberty,
and difend tho rights of a free opd cn
lightoncd poople.
toe j- ' I think our church will last a good
many ycara yet," said a waggish dca
con to his winistor ;
I seo tho sloepera
aro "fy eoum'
Sutcwstiitg Storw,
Losing and Winning.
nv the' AUTiton of the " cottage in
"At whoso suit do you como?" Julia
nsked tho officer,
"At Mr. Eldon'a, madom. Ho holds a
noto of some thousands against Mr. West
bury, and thinks no time is to be lost in
making it secure. You havo jewels of
value, madam, which I was ordered to in
cludo in tho attachment."
" Will you allow mo a few minutes for
reflection?" said Julia, whoso faculties
seemed becumbed by tho suddenness of
tho blow.
"Cortainly, madam, certainly any ac
commodation in my power 1 shall bo happy
to grant."
"What can I do ? what ought I to do?"
thought Julia. " Oh, that Mr. Wcbtbury
were at home ! My. Evcleth yes i will
scud fcr him, ho can advise me, if the offi
cer will only wait."
" Will you suspend your operations for
half an hour, sir," asked Julia, " that I
may send lor a friend to ad visa and assist
" Why, my timo is very precious, madam,
and my orders to attoud wero peremptory;
nevcithcJosSj half an hour will mako noj
great diffcreneo; so, to oblige you, I will
Tho pale ami trembling Julia instan ly
despatched a servant for Air. Kvilctb, and
in twenty minutes that gentleman arrived.
Ho was instantly made actpmi.ted with the
business in hand, and without hesitation
receiptee, lor tuo lurimure, aim dismissed
the officer. Jiilii felt relieved of an enor
minis bundon, wlicu, tho officer left the
hou-o though in h. r trepidation sl:c
scarcely comprehended how ho was induced
to go, and everything as it was. As
soon as 'A:t wiw sufficiently composed nnd
ollccted to take up a pen, sho wrote to her !
giving an aicouni ui it mar, tiaa '
transpired. Her later ue.p itched, she Had ,
nothing to do but wait in torturing sus-
pense, till she could either sec or hear from
him. .On tho third evening, as sho wjs
ritting with her eyes renting cn tho carpet,
alternately thinking of her husband, and
hex .own embarrassing situation, and tt
times raising her heart to heaven for
strength and direction as she was thus
sitting, in deep and melancholy musing,
Mr. Wcttbury entered the npurtmout
Quick as i.houht she sprang towards him,
11 Oh, my doar husband, how glad am I
diat yHi nre como ! Hut what is tho mat
ter?" tho cried, as'Lo sank into "a chair
" you aro very ill ?"
" I find that I am," said Mr. V csibury.
" My strength has just sufficed to fetch mo
Julia took his hand, and found it was
burninrr wilh fever, and instintlv dosnatch -
cd a servant for a nhvsician. whilo she
assisted her husband to his chamber Tho
medical gentleman soon arrived, and pro-
nounced Mr. Wcstburv in a confirmed
fever. For twenty days. Julia wa in tho
agony of suspense With intense anxiety
sho watched every symptom, aud adminis
tered every medicine with her own hand,
lest somo mistako should be mado. It
was in vain that tho physician entreated
her to take moro caro of herself; sho could
do nothing, but that whioh related to her
husband. When naturo was completely
exhausted, she would tako an hour's trou
bled repose, and then bo again at her post.
On every account, tho thought, of doath
was terrible. " To bo lost to mo," thought
she, " is uttcrably dreadful ; but oh, it .is a
(trifle compared to his being lost to himself!
Ho is nut fit for heaven, IIo has never
sought tho intercession of tho great Advo
cate, through whom alono wo can enter on
eternal life." How fervently did sho pray
that his life might bo prolonged 1 that ho
mignt como lorui irqm ins auuciioii u&u
gold sovon times refined !"
Mr. Westbury was exceedingly reduced,
but thoro had been no symptom of delirium,
though woaknoss and pain compelled him
to remain almost constantly silont. Occa
sionally, .however, ho expressed his grati
tudo to Ju)ia.fpr her unremitted attonlions;
ho bepged hor, for his sako, to tako all
posoiblo caro of her own health, for if her
strength Eliould fail, such another nurse
bo tender, so vigilant,. couljl not bo found
Julia entreated him to tako no thought
for her, as sho doubted not that her nea.
. vonly I athor would givo her strength for
the diechargo of cvury duty Sometimes,
when ho was uttorinj a fow words of com-
mcndation,sho panted to say, "Aiinoz moi,
auliou do moloucr;" but with a sigh, sho 1
would bury tho thought nt tho bottom of,
her heart, and proceed to tho discharge of j
her duties. Oftentimes sho jvoujd kneel
for an hour together, at his bedsido, when,
ho nppoarod to bo sleeping, with his hand
clasped in hers, dividing her timo between
counting his fluttering pulse, and raising
her hoart to heaven in his behalf,
But Julia's constitution was unequal to
tho task sho had undertaken. Protracted
fatiguo and anxiety did their work, and
on tho day that her husband wap pro
nounced convalescent, sho was conveyed
to a bed of sickness, Uuliko Mr. West
bury, sho was in a onustant state of deli'
rium, induced by mental anxiety and un
remitting watching, Most touchinjjly
wou'd sho bog to go to her husband, as ho
was dying for want of her care. It was
in vain that sho was told ho was better
was rapidly recovering, the impression was
gono in an instant, and her mind reverted
to his danger. Her physician was anxious
that Mr. Wcstbury should visit her, hoping
that tho sight of him might change the
current of her thoughts, and remove that
anxiety that greatly heightened her fever.
At tho .-end of ten days ho was able to be
supported tD her chamber, and advancing
to tho bedside, ho said
'f My dear Ju'ia, I am able to come
and mo you."
"Thank heaven," saiuVjJulia, clasping
her Lands and then raising her eyes, she
(added, " Heavenly Father, I thank thee !
Hut how sick you look," sho continued ;
' O pray go to bed, and I will como and
nurso you. I shall very soon bo rested,
and ihey will lot mo come,''
" I will set by, and watch and nurse you
now. Julia.'' said Mr. Wcstburv. "so Irv
to ,0 A . t win dl) ,
" You called mo Julia,'' said she, smi!
mg; " 0, how sweetly that sounded ! Hut
I I will mind you, and try to sleep, for my
lioaU tc,3's strangely.
Mio closed her eyes, and Mr. Westbury
sit at tho head of tho bed, witching her
.,b iutcl)S( , t Presently her lips
v.,i ,.,! ,, ,...,, ...
waa sav, .
n . . ,,- . tnm.mnrm1
tho softest tone " 0, should he die without
over loving mo! dio without kn iwing
how much how judly I loved him '
Aud, O," bhc added, in a whisper, whilo
an expression of deep solemnity settled on
her .features " 0, should ho d o without
ever loving the blessed Saviour! that
would bo tho most dreadful of all 1"
Presently a noiso in tho street disturbed
her, and sho opened her eyes. Sho did
not see her husband, as sho had turned her
face a liltlo on tho other side, and calling
tho nurse, she said
" Do .beg them to mako less noiso ; thoy
will kill my dear husband; I know just
10W jt makes his poor head feel," and sho
clasped her otvn with her bonds,
JJr. Wcstbury'a feelings wero nuieh
moved, and his debility was such ho could
! with difficulty restrain them. IIo found
. ho ,mist return to his own chamber, and
taling his wifo's hand, ho said
" I hopo to bo able to como and seo you
. now cverv dav. mv dear Julia.
1 ' 0, do,'' she said, "and always call me
Julia, will vou? it sounds so kindlv!"
Scenes similar to this wcro constantly
recurring for tho next ten days. Mr.
Wcstbury continued to gain strength,
though his reoovcry was somewhat retard
ed by his visits to Julia's chamber, whilo
sho was gradually sinking under tho vio
lence of jier disease. Tho hopes, however,
whicji her physician gavo qf her recovery,
wcro not delusive. Within ihreo weeks of!
tho timo of her seizure, a crisis took placo,
and tho next day sho was pronounced out
of danger.
Soon after this, Mr. Wcstbury was ablo
to attend a little to business
tiino ho was in tho house
Julia's chamber. Ono dav.
i g0 far recovered her stremrth. so as to be
abloto sit up for an hour or two at a time,
ho chanced to bo loft alono with her.
"My dear Julia," said ho, as ho took
hcr.omaciatcd hand, and foldodit between
Lis own, "1 can never express my grati
tude for your kind attentions to an unwor
thy husband ; nor my thankfulness to
heaven that ypur precious lifo did not fall a
sacrifieo to your offoits to savo mine, I
hope tp prove by my futuro conduct that 1
havoiloarned to appreciato your value."
"IIo spoke in tho softoU tones of lovo,
i whilo his oyes wcro humid with tears."
1.TV- ..... .!...! .11 .:.! T..1I.
JJU VUU bllvU 1UVU 1UU 1 DUIU fUUfl,
"Lovo you! yes, most tonderly, with ray
wholo heurt," said Westbury ; "moro than
auy thing ; more than everything clso on
oartu '
Julia loaned her head on his shoulder
and burst into tears,
"Why do you weep, Julia?'' said West,
'"0, 1 am so happy I" said Julia. ''Thoro
wants but ono thing to make my cup of
blessedness quito full."
"And what is that, dearest ?"
"That you should givo your first, your
best affections whero alone thoy arc do
served, to your Creator."
'I trust, my dear wife," said Mr. West
bury, with deep feeling, "I tru3t that your
prccioua intercessions for me at.thc throno
of rnoroy, havo been answered. My bod
of sickutjss ws a bed of reflection, of re
trospection, of remorse; and I hope, of true
penitence. 1 feel as if in a now world;
'old things havo passsd away, and all things
havo becomo new."
Julia clasped her hands together, loaned
ll(r face upon them, and for a long timo
remained perfectly silent. At leugth sho
raised her head, and said,
"Your fortune", 1 supposo is gono ; but
what of that? It was a trifle a toy
compared with tho blessings now bestowed.
A cottago any place will bo a paradiso
to me, possessing tho hoart of my husband,
and ho a believer 1"
"My dear Julia," said Wcstbury, "my
fortune is unimpaired. J was in danger
of sustaining great loss, through tho em
barrassments of my banker in Philadel
phia, but all is now happily adjusted. '1 ho
difficulty hero, was tho result of malice.
Kldon was embittered against mo, I doubt
not, through the influenco of his sister, of
him it is unneccs3uv to sneak to vnu. Ho
hoard of my difficulties, and knowing that
ho should bo perfectly sifo, purchased tint
noto against mo that ho might avenge her,
by Increasing my embarrassments I havo
been recently informed that tho unhappy
girl looked on your pearls with peculiar
malignity. Her feelings were too bitter,
and too strong for concealment. Poor
girl ; I fear that she and her brother
aro kindred in iio.irt, as well as blood. I
now look with something liko terror, at
tho pulph into which 1 wished to plunge
myself, and from which my dear father
alone saved me. I can never bo sufficient
ly thankful, for being turned, almcst by
force, from my rash and headstrong course;
and for having a wifo bestowed on me, rich
in every mental and mcral excellence, who
loves mo for 1113 self, undeserving as I am,
and not fcr my wealth."
It was now Juno; and as soon as Julia's
strength was equal to tho fatigue, Mr.
Wcstbury took her into the country for
chango of air, Thoy were absent from the
ciiy lor somo months, and mado in tho
oourse of tho summer, covcral delightful
excursions i n various parts of tho eouutry.
iV few days after their return to their
llou.'O III IOWU, Uulia nslsotl V IV oathtiry
"if ho had seen or heard any thing of tho
'I havo seen neither of them," said Mr,
Wcstbury, "but hear sad accounts of both,
Mrs. Cunningham is now with a parij; at
Nahant. Sho has been extremely gay,
pcrhips I might say dissipated, during tho
! lu sson, and her reputation is in somo
danger. Cunningham has become an iu-
vctcrato gamester, oud I am tidd that his
face shows but too plainly, that temperanco
13 ao' aalouo u'3
-roor creatures, taut
id Julia, "how I
' I'i'y "'d" for their folly, their madness !
'I pity him most sincerely," said Mr
Wcstbury, "on bciug united to a woman
who selfishly preferred her own pleasure to
her husb.aad's happiness. Her I havo not
yet learned to pity. Had sho takon your
advice, Julia for most touchingly did I
boar you warn hor J she might have been
WVN anu misuauu rcspcerame. now
tbe- aro both Iost ! that evory woman
wculd learn whero her true strength, her
happiness lies 1 0, that sho would learn,
tliat to yicm is 10 conquer ; 10 commit; is
scu-ucnying wiiu ; nay, instances nro uos
wanting, in which tho most profligato havo
been reclaimed through tho instrumentality
of a consistently amiable and virtuous
woman I If tho wholo sex, my dear Julia,
would imbibo your spirit, and follow your
i -ir. 1.1 1 ! .
example, mo eucct. wuum bjuu uu manliest
Men would bo very different croaturi'3 from
whaUhcy arc, and few wives would havo
stinato husbands A vasi doiT is said
tho influenco of women ou society, snd they
themselves, exult in their power; but how
fioldomcoraparativuly, do thoy uso it .to
bcnelit tucmsclves, or tuo worm i JiCt io
bo a womau's first dosiro to make hor bus-
band cood, and happy, and respectable;
and seldom will t-ho fill short of hor ob
ioct, and at tho eamo timo sccuro her own
tiir end.
lmt all tho tosuUUUO! iono uui mo utterly lgnouio . , , ' . i
l OUl ail mo I -. V. ' rmii.tilinr nf Inq. wlin tinil likmvisil Ecvoral
was sncnt in antl ao1""1000", could long resist tlio gen- r w ' '
, iihh tMiiui, in a u ctlA ilnimlitftrs e.nllnii tinnn him.
. after sho had ml influence of a cuecrtul, meek, patient , . . ,
Mail Coach Upsit Down a Precipice.
On Thursday morning, at 7 o'clock, the
Hutler null stago stalled from Allegheny
City, with nn unusually largn number of
passengers sixteen insidp ond four or five
on the qutside. Ifothieg worthy of noto
occurred until thoy were nino miles out,
withing thrco quarters qf a milo pf Colt's
tavern, when ono of tho lead horses was
attacked with tho' blind "stagoors," and,
rolled over tho side of tho roid pulling along
the other leader, together with tho shaft
horses, and tho coach, down a prccipico
somo thirty feet deep, with rocks at tho
bottom, Mr. Jnhn McAllister, of tho
Second Ward, Allegheny City, wa3 tho
most sorious'y injured. Dr. Ormsby, a
passenger, cx&miucd him, and found that
two of his lower ribs wcro broken, spino
bruised, and tho skin rubbed off his back.
His head and shoulders wcro outsido, and
tho stago in striking, lodged fair across his
back whero it must have remained twenty
mineuts. Had it not been for tho yielding
naturo of tho ground, ho would no doubt
havo been killed. Tho other persons hurt
wero a young man named Itoss, of Alio
gheny, a Mr, McWhinley, of Pittsburg, and
an old lady with a little boy, oil of whom
had their Jogs moie or less crushed by
being caught underlie falling stage- Somo
of tho passengers continued their journoy
by tho next coach, others relumed to
Allegheny in market wagons, and all wore
exceedingly thankful that tho accident had
not resulted in a fatal termination.
Fatal Occunnr.scE. Amostdistrcssing
oceurronco transpired on Saturday, at
Hanover, Pa., resulting in tho death of
Jacob Matthias, cashier of the Hank of
Westminister. It appears that Mr, Mt
had taken passage at tho Haltimare depot
for Harrisburg, and whilst the car3 stopped
at ncnovcr a minute or two, he entered tho
public house and drank a glass of lemonade
lie had scarcely drank before tho train.
commenced moving off, when ho ran from
the place and caught hold one of the oars,
which jerked him around with considerable
violence. Making a socond attempt, he
again grasped an iron handle of tho next
car, and un attempting to spriog up was
prostrated before tho wheels, which passed
over both lcg3, cutting them almost entirely
off, and fracturing tho skull. tCr. Matthias
was immediately taken up and conveyed
to a plaeo of safety, every possible moat s
was resorted to, but all to no purpose.
Doath terminated his iotenso sufferings in
fifteen minutes after tho occurrcnco. Bo
was in tho scvcnty-Cith year of his age, aud
highly regarded as a most excellent citizen.
Ho was quito wealthy and loaves a family.
Baltimore Amer , June 2v2.
Affecting gcone.
A letter to a Western Editor relates the
following very affecting scene, of which tho
writer was an cyo witness :
"At Michigan city, whero wo changed
cars, we observed them moving .a sick girl.
Tho party consisted of a brother about
twenty years, a sister of about sixteen,
and tho mother. Tko .invalid appeared
about twenty-fivo, very emaciated, but
those lustrous eyes so common to her dis-caso-consumption
and which fascinated
while it pained us to Jook at her. The
tenderness and devotion of herpoplo wore
really beautiful. After we had gone somo
fifty miles, whilo she was reclining on her
mother s breast, wuo was gently anu care
fully smoothing hqr hair, sho suddenly
raided herself and fell back dead. Then
followed such a scone of wild and frantic
grief, mingled with tho noise of the rushing
cars,.tbo scroam of the loeomotivo, and tho
confusion of tho passengers, that no power
of mine can describe; and this was conti
nued for fifty miles more. Wo old tough
hearts found that there was ono spot not
quito hardened."
How ji,e Maiuui'D them on A thriv
ing trader in Wisconsin, claiming the pa
ternity of eleven daughters, greatly to tho
astonishment of his ueighbors, succeeded
"your secret of ready husband making
, 1
with success."
"Pooh!" said tho other, "no secret at
all. I mako it a rulo, after a young man
has paid attention to one of my girls n
fortnight, to call upon him with a revolver, ,
and civilly ask him to chooso between death
ana niatlimony ! You nv.y inugiue,"
of ! " of tllB P
j iorrtM .
' Arcry civil question, indeed, and no init
tens fit all in iho case.
I B Charles
Matthews being asked what
do with his son, (tho young
, ws to bo that of an arch -
ho was going to
- man's profession
itcct.) "Why," auswered tho comedian,
."ho is going to draw homes liko his
' athcr."
.n,.i.!iin .lmti, ,,11 nff ,n o,v mnnHta A
Tho Drops for 1857.
A journoy of somo three thousand miles
within three weeks past, in Now York,
Massachusetts, Hhodc Ifjand, New Jersey,
Pcnrjsylvjuin, Delaware, Maryland, Virgi
nia, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri and
Iowa fourteen States in all enables1 U3 to
givo our readers the grateful assurnneo that
tho crops of tho present year, according fo
present pr mitsc, will bo unsurpassed, T ho
hay crop is already secure, and there is
lnrdly a moro important crop than this, or
one of which many portions of tho country
have stood in moro need during some months
Immense quantities of wheat and drn
have been sowed Jn tho great West, and if
some, and oven much of tho winter wheat
has been killed, tho deficiency has been
many times mado up in tho abundance of
extra hnd planted. Tho season has been
everywhere a very backward one, aud oven
moro backward "in tho far West than in tho
East. In tlio jvestern part of Massachusetts
and Now York, considering (hp latitude,
the crop3 aro more advanced than in almost
any other portions of tho country. In
Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, tho fields luok
as if thoro could bo no failuro or faminer
neither want or suffering. Tho acarciiy of
tho present, arising from two causes, specu
lation and emigration West, and which ha3
mado a citylilio St. I.puis a place of export
from even Westward is an event entirely
novel in its kind, and which oan hardly
occur again. Tho th msands who havo
gono West from Now England, tho Middlo
States, and the South, have had to bo
supplied from sources entirely now, and
produce, therefore is about dear at Cincin
nati, Chicago aud St. Louis, ns at Boston
and New York. Thoyearol 1867 promises,
wo aro happy to say, to be a year of abun
dance. Farmers will command good nnd
even high price, but not tho exorbitant
rates of the present time. No greater
blessing can befal tho nation than good
crops, and we ought to pray devoutly for
such a consummation. If. Y. Express.
A Snake llemoveU from a Woman's
S'omaeh. The Lsgausport (lud ) Phaos
states that A. Meyeus, ,of that city, who
has acquired somo celebrity as the inventor
of a trap for tho removal of tape worm?,
has recently performed a cure that is
worthy of moro thin ordinary mention.
Mrs. D. llYAX,.of Fort Wayne, about 20
years of age, has been s:vercly afflicted for
four years with a sensation in the stomach,
as though there was somo reptile moving in it.
During that time she was treated for various
diseases by numerous physiciari3 of skill,
and by sovcral for tape worm. Hearing
of Dr. Meyeus' new process fcr the removal
of parasite from the human stomach, Mrs.
It. went to Lagansport, and placed herself
Within two weeks Dr. N. removed from
her stomach a sniue about 3 feet long,
and li inches in diameter, instead of ag
gravating it, a3 had been the result of tho
previous treatment sho received. Tholatter
part of , her illness sho was unablo to attend.ti
the domestic earo of her family or even to
tako caro of herself. It took two hours t
prepare for retiring at night, an equil
length of lime before sho could lio down
and often sho was deprived of sleep for
nights together. Frequently sho walked tho
tloor until exhausted, because unablo t' lio
down without tho most cxpruciatiog pain.
Mrs. J?yan's own word3 nro that her suf
ferings wcro such that sho often prayed for
death to relievo them. Mrs. ,11. supposed
she swallowed tho snake, which was appar
ently ofthe water spccio3, whilo driuking
from a spring in tho evening at hor farmer
residenco wct of Fort Wayne. Sho left
tho earo of Dr. M. for home, feeling as
though she was saved from worso than
Anecdote. Wo bclicvo wo havo "got
hold ol" an original anecdote that was
never printed before. A student in ono of
our stato tolloKCS, was charged by tho
I Faculty, with having a barrel of alo do
j posited in his room contrary, of coune,
1 10 n"f acu t v . -i T '
moos to appear before tho President win
j "Sir; lam informed lint you have i
barrel of alo in your room,
'Yes, sir."
"Well, what explanation can you make
HUM... .!. in Sir mo nl.inin
I .a viscil me to try a little a'lo 'each iLy 4
atonic uud not wishiog to stop at tlio vari'ot1
places whero tho bovorago is retailed, i
concluded to have a barrel in my room."
"Indeed. Aud havo you derived at
boccfit from iho use of it f"
Ah, yes, Sir, Whon tho barrel wj
s "ken to my room, two days si
wely lift it. Now I can p
, w,th tho Sroa,cst case'
8inoo, F
parry '
frS-- Reputation is often got
1 merit, and lost without a crime,
withe '
Jllny so, 1WT