COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT ALBH II. TATE, T.OOAI. F.UITOH, . , , tim ' Saturday Morning, July 1857. i Notice. o would earnestly solicit, from friends in this county, tho favor. of informing m nt tlio earliest opportunity, CI BCCluents or nnvtllinj OISO 01 lltiportniico ... i , " . i . llini mnv nr-iMir in tlinir Imincdl.ita ncinli. , . . ....... . , P borhooUs, or within their Knowicugo during i tho week, as it ii our Intention to in-ko tho Local Department of tho Democrat as ' interesting as possible, anil to laitlilully ' rpircs thr luchouttho couutv. II v comnlv ....... . . .v... ., injf with this request they will materially nid us in eur efforts. We .especially invito communications on jnattcrs of local inter est Let us hasp o wejoltly communica tion, if possible, froia vcry district ia tho county. SeS' Wo nro iufotmcd tbat ft slight -1 ...Ml .1. .1 1 J. .1. . uuaiigu win Biiortty oo nintto m ipo lime , tablo of tho Cattawjssa, VilUaui?poit and Erio liuilroad. ITEM, Mr. A. 0. Messch, has mat erially improved tho out-ward appearnnco of his istorc House, by treating it to a new white Coat. 1W2SIONED. Col. John Q. Fueezi!,' his resigned tho Post Offico, at Towanda, 'to which station ho was bat recently ap pointed, and is succeeded by Henry B. McKean, Jitrj. tar A Monster Clover Hoot, grown on ,tho Farm of M-. 'nirv Eiciiaud . miles bdow ani'g 43 inches ia letJpth, may bo seeu st tho Store .of Mr. J. J, Urower. CUOl'3. Tho rye, oats and j'j-ass nro .leaping up almost in this glorious growing weather. Oats and Hyo aro going to havo ,o speedy decline iu price. Oats will sell for 25 onts a bushels before winter. Let .us havo but plenty of harvest weather a few weeks and it will bo cheaper to live than die, belter to laugh than cry. SPUJUOUS QUARTERS. A very .largo quantity of spurious quarter dollar Ji&rc recently been put in circulation, and nearly every man you meet has a proof of .the deception in hid pocket. The spurious coin cti readily :Lc told by iho ring the genuine hro a harpf clear sound when thrown on a hard fcurfacc, wh lc the fhc iis dull and heavy. Lcok out fur them. INDEPEJWE.NCE DAY. Tho bell (ringing, honfircB, and rejoicings old John Adams prophcMcd, are likely to be want ing next Saturiy. 'I be grvnt deeds of our forefathers nic so u forgotten, and the .degeneracy caused by gain, luxury, and '.putiz in win fare, seem to be wiping out nil grati udc for those who figured iu tLo 'tiitit' tht tried men's uculs." tfHT Wo recorded tcrcral weeks. bince, c. y the Muncy Luminary. Ihe death of Hjve-i children f tho llcv. t. Iluiehii.s. ot Al ijn. U'hiois. formerly of lJloomibu,', IV, and now wj see the death of another nut-ounced, a daughter hcvcn years old. -This makes eight children out of nine, th it the p 'rents have buried within a few weeks, ull from hcarlct fever, A truly painful bereavement, THKFUUTII IN HLOOMUJUKG. AVcre, after all. to have the Fourth of , July in lilcomsbur. The Sabbath School Scholars coonected with tho Frcabytcuan Chu;ch of liloonihburg, will meet in the Uabcmcnt of said Church, .t 0 o'clock, A, M., for the purpose of celebrating tho Hd Annivcrsury of Amcriian Independence. Another party of different character aiid texture, we aro informed, will appear iu town at tho same hour, under tho name of the "BLomsburg Fantastic Hangers.'1 GET UP EAlUiY, These beautiful iinorniug!), no one should lie in bed later tthtn H o'clook. He who blicps lato c-in have no conception of tho pleasantness gf ,tho tvrly moriiin. During this hot wca- tlicr, tUi'ie i. n enjoyment after tho tun .has got uji a: j ce. We say to .'11 riso early---u !' b 'r health, appetite, d & DOQS, Wo wi'l pit Uloomshur against .any other town tbisMilo of Mexico for con taining tho largest number of worthless .dogs. Wo aro fond of a gcod dog, of a purotraiu, and who is kept by his master ' for s mu useful purpose ; but your puppies and mongrels wo heartily detent. Now that .the warm weather is hear, and wo have rumors of hydrophobia from almost every .quarter, not be wc-rtfi wbilo to ad- .opt soma measured to rid our town of the ! worthless raco of canines with -which it is tinfcste.d.V TTIE CANAL. Wo aro reliably in orcjyd that tho business on tho .Pennsyl vania oaualxluriug tho prcsent season has not been so vigorous as at tlio smo time in other years, and tho boatmen complain very much of tho email proGts attending their calling, A gentleman who has tbo betst meatis of knowing, tells us that the receipts at a certain collector's offico axo considerably below tho average of last year and, he thinks, will contimio so, during tho eenson. '1 ho buatbuildcrs, aho, bay their business is duller than over boforc, and wo an told of several who intend retiring from tho business if is docs not become i ,... t .i nr, . r .i UeUer Shortly. What li tllO CtUSe Of tUI3 wo can .onjecturo bIouo; lut Hint fuch U Jaily tliolrulli cinntt lie lUuicrl. Special and other foticos.,Ii:'M,IOL'"'s cexuinij rKEPAn.vfioN ta-SUri'LllcnS wiih Disease, critic Bladder. Kid- "" .nvei. LTU I'l f .VCKnes., ofC ., read the ad v e t ii.encntanon,ei ,iura, t,d.d .iii.imioi.i-. tleniilne iVpf tm,' yAc , per LmTswiTvimd oflhe Natlnnnl Mr,jr Com,nnVi ,oulh. wemenmor nrnirJainct.riiii.iiiciniiia nawii...!,.!., .. . . miium mo a lAi.r.if Dj'larnllln D.titc. Moat.oi., aotn llim, nj olhe lltit clan iccutl ' ltna lnlhiU..Alt. .1......!. : ' ,-......,... to-tiiomas v. matton, iicccivnt merr)M Mc(1"1 "l ,h W"'1'1'" Fnif In l-ondjn, ism, for ?l7,Kf 0ARl'CT, .hoc. Um.. vonrucifj. ruin mucit llin Inrsr'l ftoik oltniiihi, i-fpi!l iingi,, In riillal. Ipliln vrry clienp, nrcjili, Miiniirictarlcal 130 Mirkrt Sircoi, B, V, corner, and l2?Mtkc itrerl. a n. toimr nfFourtli, T.MB VITAL rXUln nnlnri tvtry or of jtlir I bnily thriiugli the circu'athn,illttributea the nutritive rrlnctplo to every li'Xture nnd the BniirCQ of vcry se erction, In a wmd. tt ! the life ol man. Ilowlmpnr tnnt, then, that It ihould be kept in a jiitre and healthy condition. Ilii'ley'a Bariapirllh Ii known to Ipwprrtletwhlcli'bee me a nillalrri njth the blood, lre linn ll nf .ll.n.rt n. ..I i.j - - " ......,-..., r.,i,iU ni. turn 1 1 prlitlne vi?or.-Clmn(rfi.) fferaM E3-TIIB tlBM'JfRATIC N.MtIBC TOU UUVCIl. NOU A coir t utile, ihn ai .onn a. Gen Tacker heiril lhat ho ha d bi'en anmlnitetlfnr (iovrrnor by tho llnmoeratlr Unnvontliin nt llarrl.lmrg, he de !red hiinrltnvcroyrd, and atoned .hit drlermlna t lento take the .1 uninat an early diy In an lrr-.niil.le tuit of rlolhlliff from the mafniSrenl e.tibli.limcnt of 0". Sroaas. No. 007 (lata 203) Cliealnui ureal abova OUi, Philadelphia. IVUODtiANn CR? V.t ' A p.imarte for beautify. In the llalr high l).iifii' tiloi tnany I'rench arilcle lmporl"d t ll.r'n'r .- Tor drcs.lng In.tiei' llalr it m s mi .i . I a l.rliihi slos.y apneiranC'i ltaun-. Genlli-iiii n'. llalr to curl In the ino.t naliiri1 m- r ll rnucw, c ml ruff alnaya X'lvinn Hit " nr Hie eppoan n(c f ben( frcili ihani. poief!, Vr oi!y 5u Cfnls. None , genuine unlesi ICO' tETRinaU f OO N.Y., ictar. of Ihe urtal-njif d Flower. " .ale by all Druggiite tLSVlllT'lXtiTlI, lRFUMIID tf HEATH AND jtHAUTll'UI, COMI'MCXlUN-can ba rieilrej l,y uitng the -II aim of a The hi and Flotetrs." WliKt Uily or ceutleman toulJ remain undrr Die cmt of a grcoaMu breath, when by living tho I1alm or a Tuoimind Flohcrs" t a dcnlrillce. w til J not ny reudrr it iwcrt, l.ut fen o ihetrHh white an alb s trl Man penons do not know their hrcmh ii lia.l, anil tho inl.Jecl ii ixlehcatit that ihf-ir frleiu'i will neTer uiemlon h. IVware of cuunterrtiita. Bo I'ira aeli bottle It i in no J r ETUI DOC 4c CO., V Y. (Sy;rUR T IIOUBAKDS whpao cnm'ltutloni have bo n ri In, and ln;lr ayittma prdsnncd bv ihe I'ae of Mcrcuty. ahuuhlfive the fnlluwlncthair earnest at tention Or. fJiLca, Newton Hamilton, Pa., Mty, lb AI, hniil 1 hae uicdtinyrelf, hall a dozen holt lea of Hoof land: V. crntan It tier for iiveiCnitiplainlnnd Ulafaiea of a nerv c ua chtiractf r. riulilhj f rrm the ute ofMercury I vnii poiantnd and ofilietrd with iparhis from ihr.uae Af ihia lat Icr article. The ficrtimn IMtera ia the frt ar tirk f-cnt v. Inch 1 obtaltitd nn rclitf. 1 hat e al mi yen thi' ar Ida tn many drpcptlci, with the most salutary result Ilea will cure me. See advertisement. X think ns manv more bot Cl-We are gratilV'J W imnju n e Inttir tmden i la'ImMie Pill, (nf w.iich t ti v rt'scuu-iit In our column. t !from Ihit lusitv it rutBrl I'livtHisn nn.l ! Cheii'ist. Dr. J C, Aye r Ills Che rrv Pector-l,.evcry whore known a lh ben rem edy eer clT;rcd ,to pe public for CoujUs, &.c , lias prepared l hem Inexpert that anything fmiu lus la.tntaiory w) ud be nf-rUn nf attntiou As no onii medicine la n on- universally Ukcn Unti a Physi cul P lit, the public will be fin,! in knnwuf one Irom ruch u lUktivonl.y roi'rre. happen 'o k n i w r i d tan nmiL;tlii il ibat thu ha iuirinaic iiiTlls.fuliyrqiijI in nn) ,a lujunim! that hai r er Msie.t pom Inn CruriLlss. and romequeblly 1 wrILwirth faiifO wliervr ii ait'iciuu be cornea p-cesriiy Cf. JtJc U?A Cr.D TO T.IR LiUCATrrrL7oVo7'a GoLnh l,prN.n1ii.ti.s artitfiUible I rejrjn tioppjgtt ur irrigularitlti nftht TACMtt. Thsr V i Hi are nnihtug new, tut hue l:en uxr,! by the tl ictor for many,bUh in Prance and ca, uith utipara tie If iJ mm etc in every t:ue ; mul ho m urged by miiiyH'iuan I lalls i hr. have nseT then. loiu.iLu the Pitts public, fur the iilli'viaifori of tli-ifc in.Tf ri ig from any i'r"tul.trni-s never, us well I ns a prvnt to thi(j la,!ie. wiuic health will not ' - . i ptrmintn lift nnny Pregnant iruiul's r thou sit'.poslng thenneUca so .p,...a..t..-,t t-.i n.t u. 1 1. .1,. .i a" " v. - ........, .... el ir assume im reipomibihiy niter the above arioi'i nitmn. nhhiu;i the If miluneitt wruM rrcveu: any in Jury ti health, otherwise, theie Pills are re com mended. )ireilo,aa accompany each box. Prire fl. Pold wiolnala snd retail, hy GEohcc M.,nAPPM'Ut:ir, General Agent, nirmnsburg Pa. Ha will supply Iho trnd at th? p'nprietor s prices, and s-nJ the Tills to i.i.iies eonfidtnttu'ly) by mall on receipt ol SI through the Utoomiburg Poit Otftca . EQUAL IT 1' TO ALL! rTMroRMHV OT I'R(i!R?l-A Nkw.Patui m KJ Itrsi Nisi t.vtry one hit own. 411 J ma JONES ft CO., Of the- Crescent One Price t'lcihin? Ptore No. SCO Mirk'U tret,aliuve Biith, Phil i-Ii-Iphln, j In nddit.qu to Javing the largest. inft vntied flud , lahiouable stork nf Clothtrg In Philadelphia, ti.-ule rxpreasly fir rtttil snjes, Inve ronftitn'ed tjvr.ry one uieown talesman, hy hiving mirkeil 111 figures, nn earhartlile trre very lowest pMcfil can he sold for r.otticy cannot possibly vary all miiit liiv -ilk The goodsare well sponged ti ' ' '-em pnin1 taken with the making if. v wih the full aau ranee ofgetling . .m- iy lowest price. Also. a larp 1 1 . t g.nids on hand.oftUi hies l stylj 1 . tiriiiti be i.)ade to order, in ft i t . . i'inailti anJ beat man tier, S3 per cent. U ettslu t- n Re ttember the 'p;ti Lit, in Mm sol, above Sixth Street, No. ' JONES & CO. ON M PKlUli ONLY ! LIPPINCOTT 'c HUNTER'S Clothing Warehmue, Ptnib W st torTrofP.iurthand Market sireeH, Phil aJclpha. The only Oas Frue Clothing Store w America CusU purchuera of Men's or boy a Clothiuu;. at Wholesale and retail, can here, in .ike their selection from nn immense stock nf fashionably tut nd ivi-lj nude el Jibing, got up with a. view to sid saliificiinn to all, and at the vary luw.'st ;i 4iiL selling price a marked, n plain figures on every, all buy nt the same price, ami nhellier they are judes of goods or not, they ran not be deeieved. One uniform low price to oik and tas snils every bits, wile the usual tuple of nkktng twb'priccs, and taking all that ran bo j got, suits uoiioily.Riidcheitit'irett.iourtui ; tor ir stance a mm aika$!5 f(irocoat.aulafterwardiagreea to take SIO. and it'ia equally re ruin, lltat he would lmc taken s.15. if he could UveeJt il. and thus actmlly chit heDurchaaeroutofnvedHara To reumdy thU.vil and eauWU'i contldcnce In the trude. LIPPI NCOP fc CO., n a uuirormbeluw pnei on all thetr gooqe.tvery much b low the usual rates.) anil w HI nevitrvary one cent nnder any circumstances. C3-CALL AND SEE. 3 At theSo'th Weateo'iieoT Pourtti anllfarkat streets PhiUdetphia. Greenwood Seminary AT Millvillo, Columbia Co., Pa. ,i HVSTi:M IT1C cour.e nf inilrurlion i. given in all the Kncli. Ii branches usually tuueht. Thai Prlnclnl will I,., a.ti.tril ilurlnfi the iro.rnt year b I". M I' eiierencfil leader, recently from the Lancaster cnuniy Normal tVhoi I A vacalion of .even .went., will coinmenco July Ut, TUB M B. Tuition, for .lay pupils. $'i,in tu Ol.uO per qnaiter. llmriliii?. Thiiioii VV.a.hinz, l.ielit. Ac , 30 per uniier ot rli vn weeks, in ailvance Pnr circular. ilulnuu., or other n.rticulira n.Mre.s W.M. lil.'ll(ii:Hrl, Mlllvlllo. April I.I1TT. Vnidoi. WANTED, I70UR MUN to work m a Kej Factory 1? era preferred but a.tue lah..nn I Pour Coon. men mil aal Hludy eniployniiut and feml wn,es will be , Ji,B Apply U III. Mills, near i.igni n. 1 m.d i hm runu A H tut vni nioiiLv uo.vcr.NTiiATr.i) compound l'l.uio IIXTRAUT llOUIIU, For llUtniiii tf thi Jttaittler Airfares ttrnvil, Drepiy, iHakntttft. vwrvction, hnri iHntni, Female (inmg dm. una mi iiitr tiara ri ma v r . .. " brJUfil Orttntia Arltpc from Excrs.eit tunl linhrudrnclrB In llfc. nn1 removing Ml Improper Dmharge frmii the U.idJor, Kidneys, or Sexual Orpin whether existing J it MALE n X.UA Mi, e From whilever eaue t Ii iy mny h.Ue (irlctnaiptt an no matter nf how long stunting giving licnlih and n ninu vigor to Un- Irimc nn.l l.lnniii in Hi TO piP.JIFFl.tCTF.l) HI I'lMI 1 CHOCK. tt cures Nffvtiiis nnl D' liilititfilniillfrer. nml rpmnTri nil the flnitniiiflt Aninitx u tilth will he Cotim! Intfltpo flhliti t(i llx-Jrijon. Lonnr Iowi, Lofa of Memory iiliiif.inijr nr llr uiliiiij.n.inorfll w akhtfff. ll'rror nf l)icnic. Weak Norvt, Trent ill tu, lir'alf-tl 11 irmr of Denlti, Ntulit Sn i-nu.O.ld Pel, W.ikcJ iltn i., ' in iiimi nr Vision, (..iiicior. IJiilVRfsal haHitihtu nf Ihu MtMniHr Syrtr-ni, O.Ian UnnritiMiv Acpt'tii w th ifynpfittic rtytnpiom ikh ii nt . i nniuii m ute 11 ay. Irynftfiif th Hkin Piilllil tJoiiiictii'ici'fiHtl UriiitHatu mi Hi i'lro, i'lhi In Urn Hick. It'iivin3 nf thu Kye liiM, rrii'Hunlly lllnck PpTU Uyin? tiforp thiM;)fi, with Trmporary Hi fusion itml Lot q( Sittht ; want o f AtifntlintdMat .Muhj'liy, Up8irMnean, witli Horror nfrf.tclctr Ni)lfiinjj ii in re .leilrablo tn yiitli I'atinnn than nnliMdii, Bml imttiliiit ihey mitre itrp.i for fear of thmjelvot no r"pns nf manner, no famcaliicita no pec.atltn, hiu a HurrlcJ trausiOun from otio qiica tiini tnauofher. , i lift .tympionis. if allowed to no on-WPtrh lm -.oof. f "now. iTo". o? 1 ineriirinfl invain nv romovun inw'r ratuiiy.timl Epileptic one tin iii one or nhicn the patient inly rx Ire. vlm can atythat there ex ctji fif .ttct frqnntly Inlliwcl Uy thnn direful umrn':i ania'iuy iini iuniiiiiipiiuii t i ne tho lnano Atvlutna. nml the inclanrholv L'ntta'imiition fi".tf ainth wittiti to the inilti ai rtiniii. In Lunatic Asylnuia th- most in"lam Iwly cx'iM'ilioi aipear me counifii inre h nriutnyoj dun tni't q lite ilpitituto nptthr mirth or urlcfr ever visit it. tflmiM a tiMiud uf tin ftt tatcly actirulate. , i Willi wilful innpurM wnn it"palr I Ln.v a llien aouu.t till griff b'-Rut'ol.1 1 lability la nioitterri'il ( anl lm tiro'ttit (houtantl ii mm lliniimniti t n it nf i I v a r tfoa . ( ll I Ii I it a tlin ' ttmhitton nf many .iobu youthi. It can be cuted by I ht tine of tin 1NFALLWLT'. RVMF.DY. If youar' miirerinj wjiu any nt the above illnt rrssl n? nllment", ttn r nid ilituict lltirhu tlll cure you. Try It and be cnnvlncod nt it fluency. Ilewaro ol Quick NniC'imt and U'lack llortoi, who filnely boaatof nlulltiea ui'd rcterfiites, jCitlrcnn know ani;avoid them and aavclnn? suiTeritiK money, and expoiuro, by fendjn? nr calling or a butt I u if (tbii nnnular and niifriHc remedv. It a'hys nil pain nid JnHnmmitlon, la perfectly 1 picniani.n hi lasie ami ouor, uui imiu-uuie in n action. umvunoLD's uxtract huciiu ti prepared directly ncrarrtiiig tn the rule of Pharmaty and (,At;ntitry, With tho c'dtet Bccuncy and cheuiifnl Inouledge ami ca,rp devnted In Its combination, bee rroffaaor leW"eti Vid liable Work on the practice of physic , and tnort ofihf I if Fiiindinl Work nf Medicine, One hundred dnl.ira u III bo paid in nry phyairinn who can preve Hut ih'i Medicine ever injurrd u l'a lient'; and l'e teati'ii'uy f tlioujan'U can he prnducH to t'rovc that it (Ih'ii ureal L'onil Casts nf fiom one wni'k lo llnrii-eti yea' a' a'undnifi linie beu r(rctcd. 'I h mux ol vtuii a y litnnitn) iu puasesnpii of the proprietor, vmirhiiifi Ha virtue ami cir nlve powcra, is iinm-nto, ciiibrucnia iiumtia wu'l known to Biiencc an 'I l''.tnii tuo.OOU bnttlra have hcn a old and not a tingle, in stance of o liiiiure ni ou-u rcporien i Pcraoii-iily .uipe.ired hefnru Al lurman of Iho , ci'y of Ph ladelphia, II. T. IIklboi.d Chemit, wh i beinir dulv swntti dnra siy, that Ilia nrin.iration con la,lin no "Niircotic, .Mertury or Injjriuua Uiug, but arc purely vegetable II. T IICLM'IOM), Bole Mauul-tcturar, Sworn and au-ncribed tit; I ore me tins f 3d May of fia veinbtr IcOl. WM.P HIIIUAUII. AUcrmaa. price $ per bottle or six for $1, dtlivtrcd to any fid tlrett, ncr.nmpanted by reliabm ami resp mslhle certill catcH I rum Protjsiors of Aludlcal Colleva, Olt.rgyq;oii , and cullers. Prtpired and M.ld by II T IIELMIIOLD, ivpcticil nnd naljtititl Chemist, Ko r2 Putith TEN I'll Bt., below Ciitttiiut, Assembly Imlldiui.'. Philadelphii r& To be had cf J It MOVER. TUoomsbure and ef all I DivggmtK and Dtalerg throughout the Untttd Statu, ICar.adas and Uriftih Procigfei. II LU AKK F ioUNTi;nPi:iTB. ABIC FO't IllILMKOLlrrf J'AK t. NO OniCK. i 1 i'iii!i' cntn aji ri'ii June 13, lft7. SALAMANDER AND TIIIKF PltOOF SAFKS. rue Lftfii:sT aksoht- ni'iiii in the United Hi.ttes Warranted m bn equal in any now inide, nml will he m. on is grmd term, u can be nbt ilntd tho TnitTirtS MIHUTV AS' II WIL'i Ptt:AIM Illcpert nfthe Catfntttte appointed to superintend (Af t.urn tn cft'te Irojt ojet, at Heading f l,tury tlnu'su II arch l, t 7 I The undersigned, members l iti to umii. n. , repi-rili.l rnpi.n, thn we paw n t. two sU, ,,iip., n ll v 'fin ed no on by Parrel vtc Uerrti.g nut r,,,.ft VVnunii, plac tl fldi) hyude lo u hirinee, m . : ' Hiir i n n- bv the ptj unati'r nl ll.' Philui, Ipma nid ' Heart 1 1 V Hi"! I rnnil inpMi 1 1 1 ir otiie 1 1 l.eudi I g i, t Till r tl Ia P. rr If Ac M r i iii r mc Hm Bad 11 nr..' by II A l.iitiu in In h ion mi uit'Uurei' ui Ai Watstih. mul -ut in Looks and paiter) if n- Iv n lurt Tin lrB wnastiirtetl at fo "lork, A . 31. .arid kept up until lour r nrt's of crecu h'ck'tr tft n uti. dry ; eiilin tv mn n a N1" e'l'""""' v nun,.,!. I in w in e ll titlt r the fUlieri mimed, thn whole u mli r the fupt-ri Mi nucnr nt h.i HliUrr I PIR Jnemht-ia iH the t'tiiiiiiiill i c. Th'fi.Hes J w er ihin eooled orl with wuit-r, :ii'r wlmh tlity i wcn iii i n. d and ho iki :t in! oaiiiTb I ukt n nut in Cl., . II A . I.. 'i i.i V vl.ttr piililicoxn.iin Uiii'ijuionniheu ny inet;otumill'e The'inuKs and np r takt-utromtli v B.ile anoiiiar turc.d Uv Fiirrflh U II-r ilnga vure.ln mir J idameri, dnnii'ieil fully HI ireu pi r cunt . marc than those taken finm K.iins It WUon'o afe. Wo be lie vi Hie above In have been a fair and iq; partial trial oftlie rutfp.etiiiM,u.nitif "f hnti, Sjfes. jaooi; 11 nvpiiim. 1)NII L B HUNTER. Ilavinj been ibsent during the hunting, wc fully mi neido with the nbne a l.i l-meiit (' tint cu nd iliou nf ihe pipers nnd books tak 11 out of the respective O. A . NIP0LL. n. 11 . iuiu.nvitnria. jab mu. mom, and. Mahrc 9.3,187. UAli.AD AND I'ACKBT AT ! t?'2?ZSZ? f 1857. ANTELOPE, 185.7. OS nnd alter Tui'sduy, April 7. Iti57. the Pjrket final ANTELOPE. Cipt. It. P. Wills, will cinnmetjcn running her reguluririps d.iily, (Bumtuy excepted) bflwucn Rupert and Nuntirnke. a fnllowa : LeviM lluperl niiu'chifkt A M..uuurrval of ihe Niiiht P.ipfea on the C. W . 4: E Railroad from Wil iiiuspori, and urrivca at N'aiiticuku nt 1 n'cltck, P. M in time lo lake ll.e cirson the L. Sc. II Railroad r Bcrnntnii nr (.real Hun ihu siinu .ificrnnuu Leivua Niiulicoke on nrnvai;nf L. U It. Rnilmnd ears Irom Henil and Bcrnnton (say one o'clock, V M ) Rupert early the same ivantiigia lime to tnk the Nihl Eiprcs both waya on lie C. W U F.lmira r.illruad. Passenger fruiu tho Uyomuig Valley, for Polls ville. Ilarrisb ir g, MiUni.ure. Piitibufg.nnd a II other oinia Bjuth or Vel,-will llnd itjm their atvauUgc to take the aliovo Line, as it i ihe nuly line th.itrtiu nects tlirouth, without flopping over night on Ihe road. Lisscngera from the toniu or Wcat. by leaving If a r- ruburg per alieruouii nam. via Dauphin uud kueiue launa Railroad, and U "cUawisbii Railroad, v. ill meet the Packet tuRuperl in I imu. N U A Stage Coach will be run (IjiI) .(Sund.iysex ct pied) between V ilkesburie and Riiuert, curving tin I idteit Stales Mail. , nnit r- i,t iv" v iks inr'e at v n'cierK. A M riv -it ltiip:rlin time to connect with the Mall Train a hnih wava leaven Ruprl nfter the nrrival of both MnltTrnina, (say :i oVUck. p M.) and nrrlvea at Witkra lUrre about midnight. ,, n. P. WELLS, Proprietor Wilkes Rarre, April 11 1M7. , Pennsylvania Hotel. . . .. ' rplIISwellknown Hotel lately ker byBM- , A."" ."i"?1"?.i!Lai,!,.?,r.e !" , 'v,,le'P paredtoaucomuiddJlulravslterfcahd a lingers' n llin ht nnniiHr. 1'hn liiiiibc has I fix ilinmnoht.. Iverliauled.and is now rein i,m up and ruruished fur render snneral .ili.f.iciion '-ii'n' ni iiiiviniiH nu win uuru ii u jiuiiis 't XCtA litieraUhareoitiie imMic patron ago i. respect iw.ijr.ui.K.lCU. aiWHOR W. KIlEEZr.. DanvilleDcc. 54. li31. ALEXANDUlt KEUll, IJirORTER AND UIOLi;3.M.i; 1JUAIXR lfl nl J"H Quit NO. 33 SOUTH Wil.tUVUH. I'lllI.iDEUMIIA. Asliton's fine liliernool crouu.l Turk's l.lauil and Piir H,ll,cnistautly on bai.u and for .lie, In lute, to suit tho trade. ALEXANDER KERR. April!, IF37-3in oils; " . I.OI Manufacturing and Curnlnj; riurposa,, for slo I " by J. U A t S ALI.CV. Nos. 7 and t Uoulli Wliarers. riulif'elpUa. June t, I BUT, I 17 f'TVTnOUl).l.'D LAP AND jo' ctlllKnl.KH, LTIIANH 1 J. for at j so if jr l-Tw fVifivPyL r,,ni ""y otl,er house in V t-i 3&i fee 1 1 u n t r v . ut Vy fiVW F.VAXM 9i WATSOV'fl. DLooM.siiuiui nook stoub, r I HI ft UllUCrMCncU tO'pCClIUll V illinoitnCCS ' . t. -. - . . i. ti.. n.. . . . .. t' B i cm ii" mniiniiis i nn invvm-vurA- ivvoinre anm Sfatfimaty FMabltiKnent, nuntiitu-u lyhrrdci nerd nticnnnii. Aiajnr I'MilKr in nu tn it vuiiniia nrnTirnra, ' nt tlienid fttninlln the Exchange IhilMtng flmldnnr l.intof tlif KxcluHig Hold. n'Jd having replf f.lOid I hrr ralalilf aliment with n choice atnrk ol JVcw lloekt and Stationtry , ahe in prr.irnl to acconimo Ute ull l,o may give her a call In her Hue, , ... , 1 Tim Rfitnurnnl Bitno-a, In tllhi-cmentU the 8l(flvn wll bn conilnnfd n flint hy iw anl. Clilirir. whuro I hi nili'ir- i"i n Ht ftll f t rilf no aiintilipd , ST;;;;: ... ",' 1 "!iA"K:, I a Minnrnl4 iiruti Bpifetl )i I'CKI T?"The public Ituuill tt Jttit (7. ClaiA. lllonniibiirff , May e, ISA?. DRUG, PAI2JT"AND GLASS w . m-m-r . VV ilOleSalC VY UrOUOUSC UOUNER orTHNTII AMI MARKHl BTRUCTS OincnliiHtiundBi'iry. wnn' ",!l"?!,'f "'!?," ,'? ?y ':"s').?'i uS':i'.tf. '-'--. ' nnr alr. and comniiatnz one ol the fluent aaaort1 in en if In the IJ titled tU-ilM, which ue offjr at low rfcntda nf rnc,t Inr rath or approve I ptiprr Ml!! b V ; MANUI:AUllJirnf .,, ,'.,ten. vely! th ol lueiw 1 IT 'inluin Pure While Lead, ftieat,) KL'iiDinginn i- i w nut ijfua, 1'eailHuow While l.'Mit. "Vifllfi AloiiMttiie' Trench Zlnc,(hear,) pure Hnow White Amerlcau Zinc, I'hitidelphia Hnow White 7inr, Silver's l"nlic Pire and Wraiher pronl Palnti, tin route (tlrccna. Yellows, and colors generally, AflUNTd I'ORi Purler's auperlorAtknlinQ Window Glns, Oenulne Trench Plate (ll'ita,(wafranteil,) Tne New Jersey Zinc Company 'a products Tilden fe Nephew'i Ni V. VurnUlira, llronklyn P rnmlnm Pure White Lead, Humpden Permanent tJreena. , Pure Ohio Catawba Urantly, Le.t 1MPOIITRU8 OP French and Ct-plifb Plate Olaaa, Prenrh and Unlinh Cylinder (J lass, Colored and Cup raved Window Class, 4Jacucrrtotj pe Ulnsn, Hammered Plate Tor Ptnorannd SkyLl hti, Drnci. Chemicals, Perfumery. Ve. WIIOLCSALH Ur.ALTUS IN: DrucciulB1 Articles generally Painters Tooh of nil deaerlpttona, Ilydrnulie and Itnnmn Cement, Calcined Hid Land Plaster, IMper Maker's Cliv.Hatln White. &c. fee. PRUNCH, KICIfARDS CO., Htnre,N. W corner Tenih and .Matki t sta., Factory, J Unction York A v., Crown & Callowhill, April 11. lf'57 Philadelphia. JOHN II- AIjLKN & CO. Nos, 2 ij- 4 phnnuty Street south side bt hm Water.) IMiiladclphia. Til Ot.DlM T Wnon W ARK HoDUR, It l MB ClTY ) n t A VUPACTIIItLR3 and Wlmlesile ileal ers In Pal- il e"t M.irhlno-ma'le Hr"Oini. Patent Ormved Cedar ware, varante&nH tatkrink Wood and Willow-ware, Cordf, Urui.ica &r,t of all da.cfiutu, i'ltaae call ni,,i QX amine o,ur stqrk F.,r'iary 2., 165. I y. w m m u m aw -PjVAjNO .V iNJj H-LiUillJIW (Formerly Webb $ JHvcotner,) AMI alrnnr afniVA 'hir.l h arlnl n . n I IOUI13 OP MEALS n IlKksKfAST, 5, e and 7 o'clock to 10 DitteR.Centlcriirn'B'irdinary.l o'clock loJ3, L.idiea,3 o'clock. Tr. rtocIuckto ll. RVAN L'VANb.J U. S. NEWCOMER. Aug .i i . inaa. y. FOKWAHDIN'G MKltCHANT, RUPERT, PA, TTTILL Mtcnd to receiving nuil fnrw.irilh3 by Cana V nr It UI.IIO Mi. nil Merc!i.imlio 'hihI freights th rerfd tt his ctiM witti .inntiriM"-t imI defpucli Oo ;.l v ill bu dcli'end al t!iu fulluHitig ralea per. 100 pi Hid. lrtigiiis on. an ti mm j rota i'lutaatipwi 10 HjtwiCit. Wilkiisbnrrti 1st rh!, (-ii 2ilr!.iis, .'i'I ,'nl a(cl,vi. 4i 4S ilh.cUi!'., SiJ 4i lrCi Hi kil,n ok lruili-t Hit in Pittitn. 7u pr tUO. 5.J . i't " : iiji. II i in nn I no !a ,n,i i r. Will iw w tr 2 tVin J nler, t.rmi ';in.n.'j,Cii'4, i'rac3. Dye W in, il it l'i)e. Hull iw-wiro. Kop". fcs :iCMu Mm Ahtt, c iit-ii, I.,n..--llr Livmrv Inn, IS nlrr au t fiir. Lead dh.a .M iiiHss. BltPptn, te. 4(4 Cws-AIr. Ileer, ftg'ir. H.Vt Fih, Pork nni Htpf i. barrels. Cctnei.t Uui o. Mill Sinn. c tt.1 Pteililflrnm Itniilfiii . I'f.ttvtlM-. I una nu. La Pro- rat t Mlea.speci j! runtr.iclf n idi (1r lige ' nni'itiuls ell trctutitu miil In-Nmrki'.i i jiif ilJ.i.IJjr. nnti, Unpen tnrt-ct iveprnmpt i ti'iirmn liekr lo C(d JOhLPrt PA.Tu, i t .MaJ. I H VHMtul , Cutaw Rupert. F btuiri Vn lfi7. Cum. Spuing AND tbUJHMElt GOODS, nplltt uniJor.sined rcspcctfnll) inform their custnniers and the pubVgriiernlly, HiPt they haveju t received ui their iilw Ilnck Suae House, i u LijhttitiLM'l a select (issorimi nt nl tahtujiable Spring uiid Summer Good.s. dliert from the Eastern cities. compnr:ng nil the vnrii'Us lelectluiis to be inuud in Country Stores, Uiiniti!i2 nl' Cloths, Cass imeres. Delnins. erases, JJ.lUCOt b C for the I a J tf: Together wilh a. I Linda uf Dress goods ALSO -GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, OP ALMOST VERY 3 OUT AND bTYLE L.MUESTALMAH I'.ROr1!! AS.II AWLS fee. Oroceries MoU ' Sugar t'n'l e ?pleea and in ihort evryttiiny iu the way of , ft-U utilize REMJY MM) U OTIUNO. oi -veri nptfon niJ-Irnn Steel, Niuls Sulky Springs A.c jr Tliaiiklul fn pasi pilrnu.ige. it will b i thpir iiiKiinus aim n nleasc thcil cuetomere and to give geuerttl suilaitirtiun. II. W ft W. N. CREASY Light Street. pill 11 lf17 oruer oi olii k Arch Street, Philadelphia . Henderson & Co., ROOKSr.LLt.ltS JI.D rUBLISIIKItS. iNVITE tho attention of all I'ersons Visi tlng IMiilailelpliia. wlielher nn Itj.ines. o- pVasiire I to tlicir Uxlraordnury ColleLtionof Book, upoli all sub, i ici'.'"'. ........ . ..... Iinimmirr', uuiurj I'caier, icaaners, runnc anuj rivute Libraries, supplied with Uooks &. Stationary ut lowest rataa. C.G HENDERSONS CO., March 7, leS7 Cmt. Hopkins' City Iotel, xo s;7 Nonrii tiubo smciir. tocl Itaee tlrttttforntrly KIQLG 1IOVCL" PIIIliADKLPIIIA. 'pllE undefBijned lids taken thi nbovo wt&Uknown 1 HosMii nu n lung h in) i ivnr- Di lo ne, an. I ha run- ovated and li entire r tiew. an I iu surh t tyle and manlier us will give .a.i fa. lion to ail who , mav i.Cnm hi Kiieta. I UeutiMiKii who wmIi can hi furnisliel a room and I fiipoheJ with ui'aia at 1'inir" j'jen ire, lnm n urge Resuuraut and baling Salmu attic'ted, on the " Eur o-pi-ati plan," r at the Jutel table, it regular hourj at they may hire. H The proprietor flitters himielf that no house in Philadelphia thill tnrpass the cmnfiiit and nltctitin -J.6i7: 1 WW HAll wuicn win ne luumi atiuecty Hotel. NEW CAIUIIAQE ESTADLISil.MENT IX IJLOOMSDURG. Tn llin Vow 1 1 Pi fit Itirnn Klnrif ririfvln nn. it.K ructory, CU .Main hclOW Market. public, that he the ..WrSXS?. ClIUttAUE & viv .vjv eti.M.aa. in all lie Is nreparel lo'eternie all enler. Hi.., ..a .... .1,1 i v. i-ni i) ii ...iiiiiuunini .ini.iiru nor a wliichiiurcliaser. ivjiiiiriilii to their advontasc tocia- nni'MitiVf!. Willbcdoite In the molt prompt and careful innlner 1 and uponteiius uhirlienniliit fail iu alve.atl.fnrliiin. HfU MVU1UDUB A. WILSON. uioucisuurg, rtpril y, ih35. NEW 0OA0II I.IN'E nitiM CATTAWISSA TO ASllf.AND. rplltl sutKcriher resp'riiully liiloruis In. friends ln.1 -I the piililic ueiiurn'l. llial on and alter JIONUAV, taoOtu of April. I1137, ha win run a tl weekly Zinc of Coaches, r.etueen Uallamiiiu and Ashland, leavinsL'nttgnir.a every Mnndav. W' and Fr'da in irniiiK. at 3 n c'ok. A ) l arrivlni nt Aslilaud m 11 o'clock A 11 i'l l ui tn uteel the M nl C'i, iches at Ashland und .-nu n iliu sauiu days 1.0 dituu j,,a ty'l'lk.'ngers can apply nt either point or any of in- ...j r 'Biiu an i 11 iggigo cnnve)etl on WO'lerate terms. I.Vlrel' I driver, only cmplojed nu mid rouis ritlll,RI RTR M'SKR Aim NEW AND USEt UlV" OLEUM UQ,UOR. 4 Substitute for Lwscrd Oih f PATENT APPLIED FOR 1 miin , ... i ... . - . . . . . Tlli; Utn'criyiiM nfli-r milif iinb enhfirii uni l.i J Mnnr 1 nti tflHliiit fub'tiluf ft Mftit-wl Oil. n a rt iniiiiit r it ii itni 01 I'uiatR erounu in uuirxRi pt Vrnriian )trd. When thinned with tiv Olrum th rain I n Ml rover brtirr dry qmckor and lll matt 1'ur.ipl ant whf it vnrnlhrd, the pnint vIM have nnd utaln Ihe moat p,nfY nt pataucui and the clnatlcltv r.f the thinner will rnablelho piln tn j.'U to the vnrniMU nml tho f rneklne and prt-imp n(T, focomnion In onllnnry var nlnhnl oil palnti la nnllrelv olrled, pnr painting Tin Uoola lla equal cannutbt Pmnd pi. A rtl.m -ni. h. i i... i ftMM,t,r' ""y ) nurpKirfflc ini... 1, ,A r. .cnmitlotheiMiV. - I)lltWllONS.-Thin'tbep.lntlththeotum I.I. ,,, and w..k i,.i..ui,uii,.i.,rt.lyr,, ,'. - irum uie sand inra- Urn I I nr 11 The nrttmi mil ft lie iren irom airmoi.inre . lrlaMyuMlol .oacil.weU.wlllillinja,I1 I Innra.lnt placlntthebni.hea Inwaiernrer nlibl. 1 .l.,. Vrnrrullv ,1,.. Iliev r.n.1,1 mil I...T.. he'vot)iM loiiVpIf in thV 'o't-um'1 V.'aun? wrtiwnrk .n ' J."1 OIi-iiiii Mlilnr, which will greatly I i...... mi nii...vrf ,A .i.n,i r.. m L n. . . ... A. '.in... A ll. l,.lne II.... ihli-ii JZJL coiui.tmcy a. In woik frcenadeny unUrr tho bru.h. I y IIW 11.0 Ol japan, ill,: pain will pe relldlred atill ' flrmpr. Mix Ihe Janlh Ural villi iho unlm ,n,i ,t..,n thin It wilh tin Oleum Liquor in the maimer men tinned above. txy IfW po ind or Paint tbinnrdlwltii ti,P oleum l.i qunr, will cover u Urtfcr sutlice than ISpou nda thin ned with oil. The Oleum Llqunr is not tn bo uiM with Venitlan Rei, no; with Paint containing nny proportion or it ' mu:iNiu. a!iiiii:imo American Paint and Cn'i r Woika, ;Cnrncr 2lh and (Iricn Hls..I'hilad'lphla, 0!Tice-N U cornea Third and Woid its , P illadeL p rV- we also mantifacire chrome vritftw.r, Geon. Chinese oud Prtissinn Iiluc, Vtimltiou and frarlti Ited in various shades nnd qnalilie. either diy or in oil. apd warrtut thorn to be tqu& 1 l any other Jure G. Id57. OLEUM LIQUOR. CmiTIFIGATK. WE, the undersigned Houso Painters, hereby ceriiry thal.we havo glvT thn newly ' lnvenlcd Ohum Llq'ior. uunnfiicl'ircd by littfinic, 1 fiatlm!! &: liroiniji, In, Diiladelpliia, nn linptriiil ! tiial.aud have fun nd It a i etTlJieut subftituto for Lin. . f ped Oil. far superior t-i It In every resptrt, ut a cist nf only nlvout hilfns much' thus considerably redming tlie expf nso ot painting V.e w nuld therefor recouw I mend the public to its ( use. and niter it tin been Ui'd Its superiority over LtustUOil will be at , ttfsttd to by all, 1 CHARLK3 auinu, AMOd UNO tilt, WILI IAM WOLLH. LUWAllU DLNIIAUD. June 13, 1M7. irpn,.l)V , . , t i i HhUhlil certify that I lllVO had Ho'tPalit'l ng prosecuted lately with the above I im tned OI-um Liquor, nil Concur la nil respects wiih the recntiime)t niluu of thi abt ve narue.l gunth'meu, and will lice add, lhat in fuliiru I will have nn paint inx oiierntlf.ns p-'tfofmed without the nlmiiiure nl the above named vnlunlle liquor Those who mny where they can convlnco the.iisi I ves of all tht ia re- , present,, of ihe Oleum Liquor in regard lo beauty and J. ISAAC nREINIO. June 13, 13:7. Spuing &. Suaimer, AT MENSOU'S CIIliAl' STORE. fEMlE uiidurainncil having removed his I Smr.uii tn'vn, tit the ill nil, lately occ npied by 11 tj & I V llarlman wlira wlln eiealir Incrcared l&cihtiea he I. cnaLIrd uioliiru tnllaii.iiUtienliil i fMiririff autl Suininer Goods. I Wlilftl: he ll.-IH lil.t ri.r.ilCiliriltll ll.e t'nlelll fjillr.. ruli.tirifiiis Hry Uiiod3,llrocerlcs.llard-ivire,(lui-riiR. ivare . Mr-ware llnllo-ivnre, llruse. l'Uh,bali,ic Plaster. I inn, ,Va II. .Iloota. dunes, liala ,Uap, iic.vr Awo-KKADY M A UK 1'LOI'HI.NO. Insliort.eveiy ttu"c usually kepi in country Stores. Hi which nu i nvii'-p inr punuc iii- mi i ) Vf Cnh.Lti iilinr, OM Iron ami Country Produce taken i u exchange lor flood a, at the Ingest market price, V C. .MhNSUU. i Illoonii-h'trg Maidi 21, 1 a57 PIUS'P AKUIVAX OK . ? ITS ff ,ft O. C1"T S.nmira j; 1SS IS BTT CSL SQ Ii Y 2 I f fi ai Hfc. cess"? W,7 1- havo now reovivui cur Spring H nn : Buinmtr Onndr, ty Raiirnal a nr nw stand, nn tVtirtier l Main hm: .Mdtkct itn its. Thi. nml; I'Diupniisit rull dpi'Tlnieiu or Dry Qo'hIs Greceries Hardware. Qwcn ivars, Cjfarivarey Mlowvurc I rugs. Piih, Coil, Platter, lroii,;(N;nls. Hoots, felines, Hals, Cyps, L.K d.r. ALSO READY MADE CLOTIIIN'O. andin Ptci every uauieable artlcie usually keptlna niunirv Store ' Uountryproducet.ikrii in exchengefnrgnnds. II, . & l.W. 1IAKTMAN nlnninbitrg, Mntrh Ui 1-57. NiW WAG UN &1IOF, I Willow Groc, South nioorjburg. THE indcrst;ne'l roap"ctfully informa his Iriertfs tiiil tlie puMirt geni-rnlly, that he has Id ken tl,n in ml L.I el 1 nt tinned l.v Mr IU liert It Tl 1 cl.l 11 U th. . Orove, Smith ItlnoitKuurg, Iclov, tlw Ha) trend, ,vl en lie v. in (oiiiniue mu Wagnji'-inakins Business, In all it b a tin 1 1" departments, in gt-od wy W -,..n. .....i ... nHideriii' li riiiM A Nu Itepatri ng Wiigous, Iiuggief, Carriages, Bul Kindi. A.c . done tu irdr nnd on thort time. iL?" Produce taken for woik CHARLES EREWER, Rtonmsbur; April 2J, Irf57-3ui oiiipnyNr, woouside & co. linpprter.i and Wliolesalo Dealers in tones ani) Ciqup.ts? Ko 107 Arch St. above fourlb, I' II I L A I) E L P II I A , r.Ourmxr, J. Wouohidb, Geo. .McAli-ik- January. 3a,lS37.y. M'JW SPUING ANI) SUMMEK MILLINEUY. 1"HErubicribrrs liaviug received their new Mill! nary Conds at their stand, nearly onnusilu the Post Oflir", viould rrspicifully Invite their friends and fUMomr uud Hit' public generallyto rnlland emiiul their btt.rk, cnnfixting nt n full a udj i ontph to assort HiMit of Sl'aw.tiimp.Silk Crape nnd Pnncy Uonnets uiid llonnei Miiterial.figPther with nn assnrtinenl of lanry nrliclcs, w Inch theywill "ell on ta reasonable letius as they can be purchaied titer here M E. RUPERT. May 8. 1P37. I (noi!UON. NOTICE TO MKKOIIANTS. IUKESI RAKES! t RAKES Hi THE undcrs ignert take plengure in announcing t MerchinN lhat they arc nunufaciuring a cupe nor nrucle ol IC4KES ut iheir New FJdoryon PifVng Creek, nlmve llranpt ville. Columbia county. Mer chauls wishing I n pnrch'ie grmd Rnkrv ran have tlem at the Fuctory, or it tit aired we run forward I hem to llloimtb irg, io H C Shive. where limy can get Iheiu, or wp cm forward ihtfm to thut? Biorts thuiare not inn muih nut of our way All "orders should be addressed to Samuel Bhlvc, Pculcia P. O., Columbia county. l' S1I1VK 4c 11ETT8. April 13. IM7-Jni IIENIIV ZUPPINGEH, (lork and ll'alclimakti'. South SjideofMain Street above the Rail Roait. "pvirFlCOl.Trepairinfin watches anil Jew J cUvOlissosfor hunting HQtchos.ntJ speetarli Aie Ulouikbui;, Aug, SO, JEI6 UOSENDALE CEMENT. Tjer.PONS n iihini! Rote nilnli- Cement ran And it by J. CuIIUf Ull ...KI IUVI UI UNI.I U. ! J. II. 1IARMAN. April 11. 1437. J SIIAKP NOTICE, j VLL persons I ml bted to the liiiii of llarlman & Ilower.ato henby n at fled to (nil and settle Vt i same a nil ray o cost. I ' HARTMA.V U llOIVRR. Airs tjiose iudehfid 1 1 the au'jscriber.ara llktMVlsn re (lusted to call a'u t suite. i P. T. HART.MAN', i Ejpytown, June (i, IK'7 3m THDIMINGS ANDj NOTIONS, TJAXOY ARTICLES, a (rood nborlineiit of Unslerv V nfthobsstoinUiy. aln (Jloyf a. Mills I.nikets, t'.tbi. ijoii.b. Ilres. I'lnuiiiin:. nml'lue. irwiiu fiilk Thread, A,e .Vc , lo be'lind lien djur tn ihe CMhuiije AltEI.l It wr.ou JloinM.irg HiyJ.l lf HiosPKnrt's oi? thu UNirnD STATUS D1KK0IO11Y rpllDiinnf-tiiiiPii'd nrip Q lrinir ntm i flrat i J Oitntier, Ii7 a bonk undrr the a'ufe t ile, to contain nbput 1 1 riPTnnv nu:uiti:r rAonsi ! (Piz-i of page 13 i.y 2 ii.cli-n ) The ot.Jcft nf tht United HtMfi Dlrrrfory will ht t t lat Tn ctvr the name unriprM ulTn e addifi nf every ' male pi r m '-if tho n?o ut IS and ujiAhttt) It) th United Hinte. 3l. To Hive tfiftnme nf every nont (flW and nni laiiT in ine i-iiue,i rime.. 3d to tin-1 1. 1 imuh' an i piaco or pniiiiciiion of rcri D.nly Vkly, Mm t'Hy mid OTiiieily I'aper und ;aij'iinetiiiMiiifiHn the United iuua ever j.iny riv. h'm cut ni i tininenv ranrr .1 r.acii 7-uiP rny, I'twti, viunie it ml poif OlTlfe will bp nlplnlv tically nlrnt crd. WTiSW: " Z; "t!rX: "'v ' -.'.'' : : '.I":. an iclt tlin aid 01 !.! nia.teriit tin oinern. 111 1111 nirt. ortne rouatry.lni,liiali..innii'aiiil.eii.ln! them on a. o.;n a. p,i-. hie cttS'uSrlW. Count and I hi head if the t-lie-rt. then till ' "'H.rier wilh dlMt.utly wilMen tinsti of male P''0' OiH), t.r the nf fllteen ytt .1.1.1 UUT't'1 f. and ftnnouayoiluveM.fn.enl to 1H an cnvelcH whoiV .'nwu Hl l'' 6,lt 1,0,1 t0 "ny pcMOn T" p,lMKNr i-TKri .WrCo dutincily Ihn name, nnil t.flic . cuit ill v ;in .1 Hi ,in . ".w,'l"' "" ".' "" '"'"'''hH' If. A 1 rii.lii'ClU. will lie .eilt III noil caice.cniii'lvarid Si iln. MOIIIIIS, UAKD.Vt'R k IVtl.Kr.S, , '"'!'L'."illP.!.' i M n P..MI.I,.!. In ,i . i N. 11. PubllliO. Ins'rtlni the !i(ivf rrninrtii. includliip ihe no tiro three times In ihefr wet kl piper, an I estl nltontintt ti th itme In tliir ntiii.riiil rnl. umn, will recelv" u ropv m ibi V. fl tlin rt r) deliver ed at their offlcp Iree nf rharpe Direct all xthaa:e paper tntlm United Stute Dite'tory. June 13, It's?. SPUING AND SUMMER t GOODS FOR 1S.-I7. TPIIH flub.criber respectful) v informs his JL eutfuners and the public generally, that he lus received a Oil I stock of cludte Spring and Summer floods. rnmprislnn a full aanortmeM of Cloth 1, Uassltners, y.iliiii'lts, Delnlnva Hrliziers Cattenes Ac. wi;hn great vailety nf other articles usually ,krpl In Coutttrv Stores. ALO-Hardware. Cutlery. Quecnsware FUh Motila"', Iron. Hief 1, Hats, t'nps. Itouis .Ph'tea tkc. I tf?- Cuuntry pruduce, inrludlng firaiu. Lumber, Ac , ' taken in ichauge fur fronds try-Thankful for p.istpilrouase he respectfully nks a coniui itnee of the snuie THOMAS E. EVES. MillcHI. Nr l S3 IM7-y. DIPLOMA AWAUDKD n .1 n t . . j , , , , . 1 l Bytht renntyhnya H!1? yttral Couvty ia. to Hi 'AV.P0.y CO , for their Celebrated I'tcttabUCJiTTLF. I OlJTi, lIUKMUH K. " ' S : K uiniiul.vit Oisieuiner. Couch. Tnrev. Fevers, Pis tmU, Pool dlensc, Lung dtai-oies. Itch, Create, Oripus, Inthinmntlon, Juuudlce, Ki Ine v l.eafus, til.inders. Th lc Legs. Hid.'hounl. Btaggerf. ivurs. Ulcers in Lungs. Burfelt, Fuuiiitcis, Biritight llalr. i Woruis4BorcB. fcr, In Jaimticc. Ye Mown. Hoven vr li low n, Moody Urn e, Kcd Water Mrriau. Loss iifCud, Loss nf An peiiie, lirrhr.t or Lni'seiteas, Ilonf distas-. nil in the Tail. Hollow Iluru, lllood) Milk.Uluud dle;ise, Lota bf Milk. FOR noon, In Pwetled Neck, liiirs in the Liver. Abbesses in thti Lungs. Ulcirs of the llowels, lJpjma .r Cramp Choke diseases Nn farmer should be with ul it a single day ; It is bis shei-i-at'thor fm dihenn'i .,f hiu nntk linitnans the a in nu nt nf milk. Imiier nnd lat in healthy aninuts Irom fi.ual amoui.t nl fond ct I nn from '.'() to J5 per cent, os thepftpi rienre nl iAir 1'Jftno larmota, wlt-i have used n win tidily nt any tiiii-l ANOTIIKR NUW lUSCOVtUY! 0 ATTLI2 LINI31KNT. Uncqtnllt'd by any olher Llulitieiti or Embrocotion ever et known' to the world. It is grind, for Ihe fol lowinir disejr:ea,uii.l Inn proved Ip-elt In the lit lids ol inoufaiuis ni i.irriera. nnnerFami stage pruprt-'ofs tu exceed any thing i f ih: hind pvt nffert d in th" public TUF, CAlTta LlMMt-XT IS .GOOD FUii CATTL1 HUMAN HOUY. Rheu mnticm, Weak Joints, Ontracti'il Bmuwe, Prost Uite. Chiip"d Hands, Melling. Tumou rs, 'I'nnthaclta, I'.tin in the Lrgs, Pa n In tin Park, l'jtin in tli-' BhoulJeri, Nnrvom l'.nns, Chililains, l.ilt-snl Annuals, SijlV JuinU. Pnnln. . ilrillseH Foilnilitred Feet, Siuivm, Sivieny, 1'iilul.i. Si'.i.ih. 'i'di'Jr.r.JiU..... t.imiiif4.faip;itna. Brrnirlms or Create, I UICK legB, II ut Tumnuri, U'ncbnne. poll T.vil, CrarKed lltel. K tteu lioof, Mange. Horn Ii.enin?r. Anil nn mmy ti'iicr aisenFes ll is n shnrt th ruit complete ami nnivcal I.iiiinirnt that icieneii ha. llcajre Caunttrfttli. na holltonr t at'liil'le ili-cuver. ie. are aln-iulj cuunli rli-ilf-l liy in'irt'Hs in iiiir.rriit puts nl thi- State nnr pLUtlcr bas uut mitten si nature f.ii e.ich linlile. .VIjniifa'.lurLiI only l.v iiRui.Mii, runMnncr.u & co.. ,Vo. 31? H. Tlnrilit , N. r. corner Tliir.fli IVooil l'lillailelhi. June YO, l57-tf SOMKTIi ING iNEWI Hall's Young America Fiie Cracker Pistol! rMII. is ndmiiijil io b the innt .Housing Toy ever J oiTered to Young Aincuci suiiiblcfor till timet, n J';T. It tii-iki'u u r porl eipial lo b cntmnnn PiMul nnd enrrie a ball with the mne preriaimi fr leu pares, though not with lorce enough to kill, mining it Fie 'in, v heap uud harniietH pist I for tirgt-t praciii e in extstenci) IH0,"0 sold in h.ur weeks! Retail pnte SI ccuis and upward t-rcnriKng to ihe iniik'i. 'I rail price per 100 pisio Is, rah on delivery, B i,i by Express tu any part ol the country. A W. HALL, Inventor am) Role Manutntturer. 3I llroadWjiv.N Y. A full description, n it h eng mi intra, sent to mty nj dresmti rereipt of a pn-jnee stump FIRE CRACKERS rnuM&iit'jr . n hand Agents wanted A beniiifitl piTitn" ti Pistol ccni bj kpret.s nr Mail prej.'iid up receipt nf gl. Junu 13, 1&17-31. AUMlNISTUATOlt'S M UTILE. Fitute nf Elijah Pricet e're'd. 1 ETTKlls of AdrninUtration on the iiEstaie of Elijah Prire, late of Locui(uVMsbip. Columbia cnuntv. deceaseit. hnve been craniiii I.) the U gi sit-r of Cnlu ti bia munty, to V nvitl lieiidold, wi o resides in said locust township itndj F I'ji.e. who resides m fchlinu. Srtiujlhitl county; all jterFtii' hn ing cluluis ngaiiiKt the estate nf the tVcedent ar re'iuested.t" prtsfnt them to Ihe Administrator with out deluv, and all pursuits iudibted to uirike paimeut forthwith. DAVID RE1NROLD. J. F PRICE, Anril 13. IF57-0 J,'t STAR COUN SHEI.LEUS. A full sunnly of the nreiiiluni Slnr Com fx Shellers.lrnm our ow u Manufacturj , i tw 'on mini ni wiitiiesnie uiui u tn 1 1 iney nrendoMed fun it lie r hand or hoir nnwrr. -Jll.SM,aiiil are believed to be tho btil Bhelterin I'AStHALL, MORRIflfcCO. ttiiplcmrnt ann Seni Sinro. Till ami Market P)lUdr:liia. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. tVSfy- IMPROVED HtyPiei'ses Fanners Untie WhrW'? Hurs Powea aud Thre thn's Orutii Fa SVQlf Binaigo Cntio'a nmt Siiiifera nf arm Hers nut various natrons. Imurnved Portable Grain Mills. i Voluble. ALSti il ly straw ami fodder Cu tic r s ingri'iit v tri"tv PAH MULL MORRIS & L'O. Agricultural Waroh use Mid Seed Bicre. 7th and Market Phi la Jelphia. November 9.''.',G .NEW LIQUOR STORK. NO lU.N'ORIII THIRD STItEET. (IntheJRagfe Buildings, si'bove Race St.) Philadelphia. THE undersigned. begii 'mve to inform his friends an d the public. I'm he lin cp-Mieif nil extens VJ LIQUOR HOUSE, In the Paglc llnlldilie. Nn 133, N . 31 Rt.. ns ehore, where ho will be li-ippy tn supply Merchnn'... lloti anper..uud riLti'iiierii ceiarully, with the chu t bland. kerA ill t'uiludrlpl la. WILLIAM IIUOUT (idl. tf Uan.V.t ) March Till, lK7.-y. h ii i: 1: v a a . o bclvz una wholes Ai,i: WINE .J- LIQUOR S TO Ii E No, -j:i2 North Tltictl Struct. tAluvo t'allowhill.) I 11 1 LAD i:l I 11 IA. A general amrlmenl of llrnndles Wines, Cordials, anil Liiuors of evary dcrription. K, SHCBTB i ft P.StLTUR. October 7, 1854 2 )rs p HOOT ANI) SHOE MAKING. Till iii,l,.raI.r,i1,.t ll,nlrliil 1... , patmiiagn with which he him been mvurdfir .. . . . . t . earsgnuej.y,wuuld iufinuhis Iriemt, and cusiumeia.Miatlie rnntiiuiea to maiiufactui a Hoots (i ml Shoes, At his old and we ll knnw nstand, nn Mninstriet, lllnonikbUrg. In ull tht-ir vurivtua and foims.m gut.d sty le nil (Ion tin derilte lerins. UN Inpg experience in Hh. In sinus, a 'id genrol knowledueof the i foyle -f Coluii)tu county, super nddud ton llteJ drturmlnit iftii to render kiilltfaction to all hU ctisioniera should securo him increased ra- Ironage which lid liopcato merit ' JA(,Oil P. DtUTJJRICK, Uliiomsliurg. Mnirh 10 IH7 ANB jod 1 i!t i")wet THichmi Marhn ' .l'a ai UAK MAX . H.y W,'S '. "POSTSCiUPTr AN AWPpL OAliAIIirY! THUKB HUMUM.I) UVilS LOTI Tho sicamor 'o!itroal, nlying betwocn , . - , - Hio city or taat nunc, and other p irts on .i t . iiio m ii&wrenco rjvcr, was burned on . . . Fridny evening laf-t, attended with a foar- Ion of about three hundred SJuls too Kansas -V.. learn thr akhah narn it. a . " . ' Frcc glato hoci.slaturo ll 11 udiournod. -J- , , ' ' ""J"1 wora P1150'1 Pr)J.'3 for tho taking r"'r".o uw '"U4U6 0f tllO ttUSUIl ftppOrtioilinff the StatO !' . . . ' 11 o t fif an eluetton 111 August: for StatO Offi- 0 Ti Iim Rcprofieiitnthcs and for making TopclM tllO S at of KOVOmmon. 0 iju mjc iu swvimnm Til Tll.'WI.' U'llft IV1VT IJlllMC .. ..r i F.WM ivmtttf THE IIF.ACH OF Et'EH' M.I.Y. fill! IlinoWAY PAUM COMPANY has made ar. 1 raiiReiii'-i la by which all wiu dcsilu lo till 3 or puretn-e n home can do an, ' 9 The Farms cutis. st nfihe beat limes ton tho most supeilor qualitv lor farming, In a rapidly hq. ruvlng tape Intowhldi an extensive emigration is now lO'irln; The property la located in L'lk coun y P.rinnitQni 1 in the mld't of n it.rn.1... nnpilitinn nr Mne lti,0, Tha cHinnte ia perfectly hmtih) a tl thm rtH.le iilaeui-of tho wen tit,. 1. t!,"lVt:. .'. I V:?. lla".rnj"i??f""r m- g n si0 ,.rnrru. 11'ivnhte hv insttlmi.i. "tV! Jft,m 11 v iNi imr' iMiBinif . mil mart or 33 acre eiiutlinp Ui Incite the name inr $H)U, n)nt)tr . Jj fl pel nienth, nr Vi .rv-i p )ube 1 1 ptr mntuli, lJiWlMjtit inrevery sum i inxi ann uttuer piiu in advance (I urn in-1 ol i per ri nt u Hi he allowed, fcj f0f . ' $iui A ditcnunt ol 10 per ci lit r In rnrslcYtiuif t v advantages of e-rJaraflnff in thi- Inraht tht fnllimlnr hn presented-1 8 " Firtt T' Mill Is a rich limeitoiie, caiabte of rals. ing tlx htnicl rrop tiwlnir to which this setlls iii-h ha? its present gr cat prusprmy "tftfMj It, ii the rrntre of the print North West HI- in, on ' i a destined soon to become one oftha trreah si business pt.icts in tha State. It will Pucnlr t ne prrat Lake mtukct,(acrurdtirg to popul.iiion and i travel the pr'-nVsl In the Union ) It lias IHe work Dbi (j veins oiine cei uiiumuiousiJoui.nmouiitiii( n t the npcregftU to over 'it fet( wlnth mahea S'ifoa nf c.r.l under each ucro .Thia uillinake th. ,, of .nHmableinnie. 6 lI" The rininent stto c olng 1st, Dr. Chailrs T. JipW. son. of Itoaton, -ai undo a ceolojiral aurvryof tha . !'"" i"o.coal. the iron or, ,,, ,; I limestnne. This rrport, together with maps, will b furuiilicd in Inquirers. Three rnilmids are laid out through this property. The Bnn Iju ry and Erie Railroad gives u a mark it fur nur coal to the lakes It runs from Eiieto PhiladcL phi. A argf part of this road has been nclstie , nnd is now i ii ruunlng i rder. A hiavy force ia tiow v or kind from LVie towards oir 'and. In the western ill rcc (inn. the mi-ant for t. eenmplctiou of which has been wilt soon be finHhed. Tne Alleghany Vn'lev Itailrnad connt e is us with New York, Itnatcn nnd Pittsburg. The Wn& npnit,couLeUs ua Hith thfWct. " Thire nro already eond Turnplku Roads running thrnuL'li this prnpFrty, various ther rods have btn opene- to nrcnniiiindarc 'I' tnilsratlbii ard scttl merit which hasn'ready taken ptare, 'I here la no nppnituuli rqwil to (t new eiTtfreil lo the. mm w ho nan's lo provide hinisi if a l-n(i, In an epsy way. and ak u scttlfinet where he can livo tn prnsnerllt nnd ludi ptrrti nee Iu a cliumle TR. IT.OTLY HEALTHY. No case n i the, lever ever hiving been knrwn to n'cur In this pettlettient. It ia tint like going to the hickttooiN nflh West, uinniig nerhipa intotfraot pr opie, w iic'o the re h 'nsociftj tu ircnesor icnools, 1 whore the price of land i high, nnd wb;re the em I crnui, nf'cr being ucd to tlie he-'llhirs' climate in the wn.LI, tins lo end re bickne's and piln, Uud per https ruing his health nnd llutlof hm fa mil v. put hero I s a t hi 1 vi tig s ti'einei t haviug three towns, contain Ing chiiriliea. schmls, hortlc. stores, saw mills. grist mills, nnd evi ruhi ng dculrtd. There is a rash mnr ket at hand The himbcr tr.ide last ar amounted .to over two hummd tnllfion feet ofluinbr. In a 1 slioit time, owing tn th" will bicome sllll I mo o valuable, h a number uf ir ju works and mann.' ! facln'ira will sunn beeirtdcd; ihtyaro ut present ' , si ting 1 1, t in exit timely at Uanei 1 e n for those who t'rt not wUh, tc 20 there, the paments nro mch tl-ut ihi. cm 1-df I) Luv a f.irui to save thtir rising i fa inltcfl finm v, uni in he future, nr to pMn a ti nro by he iit w hlch will Wt.e plce ' the vulua 'l Midi. Hy nu (.iitlay sctvicely m kwd, bUbiUp tin provision (. n be rnd'. Perni'r tbr'it.i mile rnrly npptieatJon Tp.vrr write m E JPFFEItllS, e'eciutar. .No 13,1 Walt-Jt sir-rt Klo Fifth. Philadelphia U-tiera carefully a tu" end, giving dill in lc rnmli) n. Shires or tmet nf landiun b" Irucht or aTure-l by li Iter rnrlning the first iutaltnent of (lve rrltarit, when the nilmcr itT will be Hrtilied will lckl mapSe. A.e W.trraiitAii t)ids given IVrBiji;s tau I also purrbose fr m our Airmn Route rnni I'll i la tie phia to T ton' on the IVnrsil vania I'nitra Ri.ilrnpr'. n'd tlu rcr lynagetniht ! land This isa deligh'f"1 "'"n t visit St Mary's I the best hot! icffin medtuoi uiT,hrrrii. r.nn.uiri Forc.c Scbutiz Esrj.)fc. . nfor theproptrty at Bt Mcty'a June C. 1857 3ri A MAP OF COLUMBIA AND MON. TOUR COUNTIES. Til lru tne ribcr like p'i iirure In mfnrniirg the el 1 1 zcus of Cutuinbin und Mi ntMir r m t s, tlnl lie Intetit'a i iibli'lncc u Ull.nE SA'? OJ.'AA'f WJiL JdtP rf the counlifM above mtntiotitd. Irom tirti'ttl uu-nsnremtMs, by oricmil turwys tbrti'pl ot btth eiunltrf He dIvo tal-es plctimre to ti&ip that, 19 iraki, ihe survee, he his ct't-nped Mr Jmts K Hy, one of the inilti r r mpMent Mul rperietif( ri M'tvejois iiVjtfii' Stile -Author of the maps 1 1 I hlnitlj Am Math inffton. I.xehmond, Montgontry onit t flint itvhttrt $t. The mtveyi'wiil Lj romn fined cs tern is n uffl T i nuii.ber nf ropi'a have bttn subftnLed Jor. to wnrrni.l ib i.bii(fiiion lhinap will enntnin an tcluaJ surfy ff i th public roads wi,tli iht ir d Istnnri f u n 'V rr tl r r 1 1 In a way hat tlie t:lrtii r r bttweiti in vo ,'t(i i thn counties can in dv be i-l inmttl A'n il itMiinf JiUUl Ihttlt. Chirthct. Stlvtd Ilcvft trrUfahtp Pott OJJieei . W'kttlurtgHt ovdriet. Furvatt Juctire tc , mill the iiutnet of nil the'-tyier(y hvldtri, iu their nxict places thro igt.out ihe rcuiitit a Plana uf all Ihe towns in the counties a large scnll. will appttir in the n nrgm ' The plan t'f tne map will be plotted to n suitabti sca! . so as io niikn a large nnd oruamentetl tvpp of nut lei tli in fitly b forty inches, to br rngraved in lue bi style, hinnVimely aeolorud, npu delivered tu a ibicrtb if a only al Si pf cop v. pa unit on delivery;, J A.J OUMM1NUB, Pubtuhtr. Chi'iiquniucMaylti lt-57 If v CABINET WAREROOMS. rpllE underpigited respectfully invites the adertlos 1 i'f th pub lie to his eitensivmnsnrlvu nt i.f ralmu t Purr.itureand Chiira.uliith he w ill warrant to In ma.n or gi'n ' uuteri itaoiid tu a workmanlike manner At h's Establishment, can ul as s be found n gnodoiioit me ut jf FASHIONARLE FURNITURF, Which In e.iuallu sljleand finish in that of Phil iidLltdiu'or Nlw Vnik citUs,uuuatus low rrlces, SOFAS, nf diiTerent 'siylisjnnd prices froriiftrJWiW?4 to SU, Divina. Loutigi,; Wal kJU nut und Mnlmgnti, Parlor chairs, Rocking Dnd east chairs. Plana stools, mid a variety nf uphoUtered wuta w Hh Dressing and parloiburenus, fofa.ranl centre imd ptcrtald s.deUshus, clir tlenli rs wliiitnots ondrnmo dfa.atid all kinds of lat-hionatilo woik. His stock of buttuus, uictoiid and common vuinh main's, dress tuulea. corner cupboards, solas, bnnkfint tables, Ud. steada, rane mm und a mi man chafis. Is 'lie largest in this section of Hie rnunlry. He will ulsn kerp n pot'il asori!iteut ot looking giaskes withfm gilt nnd com mon fruiuea He will nbri fnrnfh pilui pnftressta fitted toanybiKi' nflcadttead. which lire superirr fur d j lability and rcmlurt lo an) bed in ue SIMON C. PJUVU, Clnonuburg April fill, lc 4 ESPYTUWX NEW STOltE. ' THE undrrstgnrd, having n4oclard trgtlber l' Mt rcanl lie llnsinrs , Uke pit' bine iii a l i.iicii g t- their triendk und the public in general lhat their new Storu lluiue, loniti'd nn Main street central la Espiuwu, Columbia coiiniv, hai just beii stocked ivilU Netf) Spring Ootids t ''onpnslng on est ut. e nHnnrtment nf Cloths, CatM tiifre. Velinja .Muslins Lines and even oilier ar Hi-tn in lU ' w i nn tine, incl idiug Hardware, Chi fa, mu lloltim wnrtd, tiroienes, riicur,Ttas, Cntlitn. l!ice,Molaes He .etc . wiih nil nthrr aril clra ol comnnirce ai'apied to fo'tntry ttnres ALSO-ltEAEY MA HE VI. O 77AO iryijraiii, I.uiii'j ir. )r ivi.ion.. Proitii.'e, A.C., of si 1 kind, Udell tn cxchaiiuc lor mcrrhamllxi It 1' HI'IOIIAfm 11 O 'CKIIVIIlIno H.pylown. April 4, le37. GAllDEN, F1KLH & FLOWEll SEb K lHUtill AND t! UN DIM'. fi.MJDr.N SLEDS, In evty X V4ntt,at whole.aii mid retail embracing all t. new imd iieslral.le kniiis.A.iri L.llv our n , fur the ii-tail iril or kuppiied m Lulk Ol.u.. sfVii'tr fane eeil.JapMi I'm. oianee Water Melon, iii ! A w" 11 cnone usom mi nt ut um t lower Peid twt..y Vfinflii1! Inn liiiV inr CI rtn.n. Olnk... ni..i t'i. . f , V r V." i 1 ?1 n J N'd, O'chard bran, Rc.Craa, Uctd end fine Lia IMSCll U,h MOltlUS i PO. Agrlrurtof il lui Iniueni nn t Herd rin . N I. crucr ut 7lU und Mu'ket strrria. Urrel.. II idllt-Lia msiy n.irj,. fUPmliliJrf I'LASTEUING LATH iirTV thousand rLAari:i:ixo i..vni,fUr i; at the Light ' , I... -3 IP.- " W W' K l f , OTTON and Win.i fsipet, . Art.'ie bv Jl.yr IST lur rai. rlinp st a f vrvaon,