LEVI I.. TATE,. EDITOR. Bloomsburg, July 4 1857. Democratic Stale Kpmiuatlons. tor novnRNon, GEN. WILLIAM P. PACKER, Of Lycoming County. FOR CAN A I. COMMISSIONER; Hon. NIMROD STRICKLAND, Of Chester county. tor junar.s or the BuritEMR court. WILLIAM STRONG', Of Berks Coutily. JAMES THOMPSON, Of Erie Ctunty. joiin o. FitGczE, Ciq., lui rriunmti the practice of ih. Law in nioomib.i.f, Columbia winiy. Pa, anJ will give lit. undivided and carerul attention to all profeJ.lon.1 Lu.lne,, eniru.ied lo 1.1m .n Columbia nndarfjoinlnj conntin. ... can be round coniiantiy, in rmorace, in BoM-' aon'a Rov.near the Court Home. October Election. I Wc shall have a has of officers to elect at tho noxt General Election. They con-, sist of a Congressman, a Sonator and two Representatives, by Districts, in conncc- tion with our Stato Ticket, and also, tho full compliment of County officers. In all instances, it blrmid bo tbo first aim and appointed U. b. Marshal for the W c-teru 0f Representatives. But tho Senate ro highest ambition of our political friends, to j District of Pennsylvania, has been in this 'inserted it, and wbpn tbo bill came back to select first-rato men and sound Democrats, ( place for fcvcral days past, says the tho House, it was concurred in, as it now The Congressional District comprises coming Gazette, attending lo his duties in stands: tho counties of Columbia, Luzerne, Mon- connection with tho Circuit Court, now in ,4. SuppltmciUtoun Act for thcrtgulation tour and Wyoming, in the first of which,' session. During his brief sijouru horo ibo a-iil continuance of a system of E'luca wo have board named, as candidates" for Marshal has made a decidedly f.ivomblo I tion by Common Schools. nomination, John McReynohW; in thc2ud .impression in the eastern end of hi dis-' Sfction 1, Ro it enacted by tho Senate Hcndrick R. Wright; in tho 3rd, V, Rest, trict, and gained busts 0r n.-w friends by ; and House of Representatives of Petinsyl. n it ! t tt i i , i. . . , . . , . i vama, in General Assembly met, and it is Paul Leidy, B. K. Rhodes, and Georso 1 his easy address and excellent social qual- , .'. . ., J., .' . .... Smith; and in ths -ltb, Thomas Osterhout nnd R. R. Little. The Senatorial District embraces Col umbia, Montour, Northumberland slid Snyder counties. Messrs, Montgomery, Zimmerman, and Follmcr, aro named in u Northumberland ; Judge Oakcs, of Mon nr.nn,1 llmrv C. P.wr n.l TLmnnni ' J ' "J" i i lioncr, of Snyder counties, in connection with the nomination. The Representative District includes Col umbia, Montour, Sullivan and Wyoming. Peter Em, of Columbia, Geo. D.Jackson, of Sullivan, tnd Dr. John V. Smith, of Wyoming, aro at present named as 'cand idates, Two of whom only can bo elected. Wc must also vote upon tbo Amendment oC'the Constitution. In: addition to thoso designated above, .... ". .. . we will have to comiuate ana c.ect, the , following named County Officers, this fall viz: Prothonotary, I RcgrMer k Kccorder, Treasurer, j Commissioner, County Auditor. The Proposed Editorial Convention. Tho subject of holding an Editorial Convention, some time not remote, and at some point, not far distant, has been ngi--tated and is now being discussed, for the purpoie of regulating prices and establish ing a scale for tho government of tho Press. We would cheerfully favor such a conven tion, with sill our humblo power, did wc - believe it all practicable, but wo fear, judging of tba future from the past, that the thing won't work. Wc went into such an arrangement a few years ago, and ad hered to its provisiuns, and succeeded in raising one item of advertising, to a mere living price, whilst a ccrtiin chap here, who opposed tho then arrangement, has since availed himself of tho advantago of Ibo increase. , Besides. Wc r.w pot suro, that this very call in question, to which we are in vited to give attention, is not of Rat ori.in, Our impression is, that it emanated from papers in the two adjoining counties, both of which aro now uwlermining tho regular subscription price?. If we ore wrong wo will gladly stand corrected. Profits of tho Main Line. A falsehood pertinaciously adhered to requires repeated contradiction. Last week wo g-ive the figures from official docu. wients showing that tho Main Lino, instead of being a "drain upon the State," has really bieix productive : an-1 wo now say that tho oounsel employed by the Pcnna., Rail Road Co., tn prevent tho injunction admit,in their "paper book," which contains their argument as submitted to the Judges of the Supreme Court, that tho Main Linr, in tbo 22 years since its construction, has produced a net revenue of 81,041,220 00, .or about soveniy four thousand ix hundred dollars per annum. Remember, .this i3 quoted from argument ol the counsel for parties in favor of the sale. How now, wiso teres t United States Directory. We direct the attention of our readers b the Prospectus in another column, of uorru, liarilntr .J- Wilkes, for publish bg in Cinncinnati, a splendid United rA'" i'u;iuiir, oucu a worK is liuch needed and would bo of 'cenoral Itility-if fairly gotten upfree from humbug, fnd imposition -as Aru, tlis c S Lull,, n i . hill be. Ourl.minesracnoui.htinfnrwnr,i flheir subscriptions to (be Publishers at' pinncinnali, Ohio. Col. John Q. Froozo. It will bo observed by liii oard, in atio tber column of this p'per, that Col. l'reozo lias roturnet tn Oolumbis oouoty, and in tends from Ibis time, to dovoto bis whole l'mo ftn abilities to tbo pract'ico nf the law, in which lio lias already achieved a very considerable reputation. Of bis ulti mate success, in bis profcsion, no doubt can bo entertained, bis ability, promptitudo nnd nttontion to business beinrr such as to i i.tm . ..! r u.nt. I Wo wclcoino bim back with great pica- ........... I sure, and wo are sure that tho announce- mint of his return, will to a subject ot congratulation among all our citizons. Under the recent decision of tho Supremo Ilcij well and favorably known in, this Court, declaring invalid tho proviso txempt county, as well as thoso adjoicing, as a 'ing tbo Pennsylvania Railroad from taxation man, a lawyer, and a democrat. lio case it becomes tho purchaser of tbo Lino J j for $0,000,000 (or 61, 000,000 moro than 'No papor UOXt WOOk." j any other bidder,) tho company willj tako Puch is tho brief announcement, mdo , in tbo last issue, of tbo Berwick Gazette, Uolumbia Kcpullicaii, llradfoi-d Times, and Montour American. Cause ith of ,. . . , ,.., !... I, .iMn , July-Want rest, boys must haVO hnllday. This may suit the business-ideas of some w.i!.,. ,, , rv0lr,Pn i, flra. consulted, but it does not come up to our standard of duty. Tor twenty-six years we cover muo bucq an excuse; ncuuer havo wo omitted one number during the ' cloven years wo havo conducted ibo Col- hwilia Democrat. United States Marshal. James G. Campbell, Esq., the newly . . - ltioa. no appears to go through tbo - Marshal's nianucl with tho oato of a vote , ET Pennsylvania State Agricultural SnciUy.-Yh". second quarterly meeting of ., .. ... , .. o. . tho Eio:utivo ( ommittoo of tlio Ptato Agricultural S .cicty, w held on Tuesday, ca i rr..i m.!i.i-K.i.i at iim ri. i.itvruui-u iiu.ui, i u.uuutu.iiii. Members present David Taggart, President; John Strohtn, James Gowan, Joseph Yoairor, John P. Rutherford, Thomas P. Knox, Adrian Cornell, Isaac G. McKinley, Amos K. Knpp, Jacob S. Ilaldcinan, A. 0. Ilicstcr, Anthony T Ncwbold, A. Boyd Hamilton, Joshua Wright and Ko' ert 0. Walker. 'Jhe list of premiums for tli3 next Annual Exhibition, to commence on ibo 20th of September, wa3 adopted, and ordered t-i be Inrintod. The nlaco of l.oldinrr ll.n nvhil.i r. i r 1 j i i tion was not definitely fixed, but the subject ' was referred to a 8ub-committco, who will. announce their dicision in a few days. It is pretty well understood that if tho peoplo of Philadelphia subscribe tho amount re quired by tho Society toward defraying the expenses of the Exhibition, that city will again bo selected as the place Hon. Edwin 0. Wilson, of Venango county, has accepted an invitation to deliver tho Annual Address. A New Democratic State about to Ash Adinission tot(te Union. Minnesota sends greeting to tho Nation ol Democracy of the Union, and tells them" that another star a North Star will bo speedily added to tho brilliant gabxy of Democratic States. Tho recent election has been triumphant a largo Democratic majority having been elected to tkOonv cntitin to form a Stato Constitution. CSr Col. T. B. Soarigbt, editor of tbo Uniontnwn Geitius, has received tho nomi nation of tho Democracy of Fayette countj-j for tho offico of Prolhonotary. Wo con gratul to him on tbo merited recognition of his untiring services to (be rauso df Democraey,and his devotion to tho integrity ot tho party. To Road Vieiccrs, An Act was passed by the Legislature, requiring nil Ifoad Viewers hereafter to bo oppoi- ted by tljo Court?, to advertiso tho lirao and placc,when and whero thoy will meet, to enter on the preformaneo of their duties. CST" A Philadelphia constable named Kdward Moullon was stabbed in that city on Sunday evening, and died in a few hours. A man mined Diamond lias been .arrested as tho 8S3JSiin. lay Wm, J; Chrk; charged with poison, -in; his wife it Danville, and committed for trial at tho September Court, tho Ameriam says, has been put in irons by tlio Sheriff after learning that t lark had offered money to others to .aid him in his escape. EOT During" May, tho Montour Iron Co.. sent, by Rail Koad and Canal, to different parts of tho couut.y, two thousaud one bundled and sixty-uno tons of Rail Road Iron. ST A son of Dr. Maoill, at Danville, secidently shot himsulf while on n gunnin excursion, Tho shut tooV iff,:ct ,n his forehead. He is reported to bo doing well, n . v. , Has en- Z8 14 ",u uic tmeutnenccr, o'"" Hon. Gr.o P. Stmt.. ..,,. H. J.paid ui a flying vision last Thursday, THE MAIN LINE SOLD I The Pennsylvania ltnllroail Company the I'urcliascr. Prico $7,500,000. 4 r rillLADEr.riHA, Juno Jo -3 i . Silk. Tho3Iair.Linooftbot,i.blici.uprovciiienU was sold at auction this evening, in tho Merchant Hxclinngo, for eaven million uvo hundred thousand dollars, to tho Pcimsylva nia Railroad Company. Thcro was but . . ... , ono tmi.wincn was mauoby d. i.ttgnr inoni- son, r,aq , rresiucni, lor mo miu uomjiauy. uovemor i oiio.h. wa ..iim, ..i i..u tbeir purchase subject to tho tonnogo and other taxes as at prcsont. Supplement to tho School Law. WcSbavo been 'repeatedly asked, 'since tho adjournment of tho Legislature, in j regard to tho provisionsof an Act, passed 'a fcw days before tho close of tho session, increasing tlio rate of school-tax in certain cjscs. Wo arc now ablo to answer these 'inquiries, by publishing a copy of tbo Act in question. Tho second section, which raises tbo minimum amount of tas payable for school purposes heretofore CO cents toone dollar, was'striekeifout by tho Houso Mmo . T)at it thall bo tJj0 du(y of iU boroimh and township Auditors, id addition 1.U1UIIV V UVIUU UV I..U au.uu. LV U. IUU to tho duties now imposed upon them by law, to octtlo annually the. accounts uf tho Sch ol Treasurers of the different sshoul districts in this Couimonealth, and that cither party may mke an ippeal as is noir -, j !,i r' 1, .,.,., v.- Ji s aocounts bv township Auditors. Provided ji.,liUU 1U. ill U.UUI buuiui cviVll'llll'llb Ul x nai mis biiuit not ni.iy louo city i-i... .t . . .in- i.. ..i. and county of Philadelphia Sectmn 2. That lwreaftcr tho tax im posed by so tion thirty of the Act approved May eighth, one thousand eight hundred nnd fifty-four, for the regulation and con tinuance of a system of education by Com mon Schools, on trades, professions, and occupations, pr on finglo freemen, shall in no case bo less than ono dollar. Approved May 2Ut, ISO". Judoe Tompso.n. Tho Erio Gazette pays tho following high compliment to ono of tho Democratic nominees for tho Supremo Bench : "As is well known, wo differ from Judge Thompson politically, Mid shall feci bound to oppose his election; but t the same time, wo can truly say .hat ho i-i, by legal attii'. mcnts and general talent.-', well qualified for the position for which ho has been nominated. His party have ccrtaiuly evinced good sense and judgement in tcleo- ting mm, I- Tho London Times newspaper is printed in an antique, ugly lo king build ing in Printing House b'quarc, and tlio rooms aro all low, dark, and uninviting. Eighty-eight composi-ors arc olwajs at work on advertisements, and forty-three more work on parliamentary debates and oilier ma. tor, Four presses are required to work off tho morning cdiiioo, aud to tako advantage of these fajir presses, part of tho paper is regularly electrotyped, Tho daily edition of tho Times is 53,000. Heavy Damages. X verdict of 810,000 was recovered in tho Criminal Court of Brooklyn, N. Y., on Monday last, by Mr. A. Smith, against Andrew J. CouFelyea, for tbo seduction of his daughter. A few more such verdicts would act as a salutary ro. straint upon tho conduct of tbo libidinous scoundrels who aro so numerous in all our largo cities and towns. Tho jusfest pun ishment, though, for tho desLroyer of female virtue, is a bullet through the heart. M'Kim; I ho Rlair County H'hig stys: "'I'ho-Avifo and 6is(cr of M'Kim visited him last week. With upli'ted haid, and calling on God to witness it, bo protested bis innocence of tho killiua of Norcross before them, lie is certainly a man 0fold she had three calves; meco tboii.tbchas iron nerve, when death is ttaring him in'. at two different ,tiuio., four calves i tho face, and a lie upon his lips." K&-TI10 crop of Sugar in Porto Ilico is a milion pounds more this year than it was in 185G, molasses -220,000 gallons more, coffee 300,000 p iunds more, Won't tho price of sugur soon como down ? B8f Upon the reception in California of .ho news of Dr. Kane's death, tho remark -embraeinng a beautiful idea-was made, "Ur, K-no has lakon his last voyage Ik has found Sir John Franklin. ' tar A beautiful oword wai recently presented to Major-Goneral Wool. Tho presentation took plico in pursuauco of resolutions that were unanimously adopted by Congress in tho winter of 1851. tS5 A now counterfoil fivo dollar noto on tho fixchaogo Rank of Pittsburg, has made its appearance. It is well cxcoulcd, and will deceive many unless thoy aro on the look out for it. Tho vignetto repre sents two fomales floating in tbo air. It purports to havo boon engraved by W, L. Winfly. , From IXlll lading O.ulU mil Dtnetrat. Tho Now Nominations. 'Ibo action of tbo Dcmocratio Stato Convention at Harrisburg on Tuesday, bas completed our ticket for tbo October election. rrl.- !..! -f Il W. ...... I I1U UUIUIUU11UU3 Ol 1IIU HUH. , kHUM.Uk i .. nf ..,- 'n,i lnni lAMiB'llifitwn dhoiild not onlv find moll to .fill' TlIOMP30N) ()f 1JrI()( a3 omaidatc3 for tho j Supremo leuch.addcd to tlncc for Governor a 0 . . . r. nroviouslv made ' being in all respects so unexceptionable, will clnn,.ll. l.rt t!.l-nl lliriur.1innf llm ' U.TU O.I.t... ... ..... uotIinion wc nitl! , and ncrvo tbo 'Democracy , tQ cntcr tiQ MmMi wUli tlQ glorioU3 ccrt.titity of success Tho nomination of .Mr. Strong was coufidoutly anticipated by us, as our read ers know, from tho several articles which , . , , . nuvu iippuurcu in iuo uazaic wiiu rcicrc.ico to tho Suprcmd Judncs.Lip. Immediately j fter it was announced that Judgo Lewis, had dodinoJ. wo claimed it. aa duo to our' ) county, which has presented him with great Icarnea'iicsiand unauiiuity, and duo to him- self, as (lie candidite who'ctond so high in tho Convent-on of tho second of March, that ' no was only ucleatcu by tlio accident ot I having so formidable a competitor as tho I aged and venerated Chief Justice In ' giving this nomination to Rorks, tho Con vention has done but simpln juslico to a county whoso indispensable services have nnvni liAnn nelml in .iln .t'l.An llir. ina I .1 ....... to bo done and victories giinod ; and fur which sho has rarely solicited and still more rarely reocived tho smallest rewird, Hut, although wo claimed Mr. Stkonq's! nomination us our right, wo aro none tho ' le.3 gratified that it Ins boon so Kr.cofully' , .fa . , aeeorded to us; and if tbo satisfaction with which itis bailed at home, is any indication of public sontiment elsewhere as it must bo, for Mr. Stuonq is as well kuuivii pro-1 fcs-.ioii-.illv through nit tho State as lw is i boro it may bo set down ns ono of tho best that has ever boon Mibiuittcd t i tho ' suffrages of tho peoplo. His irreproachable I ftnJll.Br.rtrM.I.,MlanflJf..t-.l.ll 1 o industry, bis eminently rractical cast of mmd, and his cxpenoneo in tho Law. run- , , ' ning through twcMty-fiv.; yoirs' practice in . , . , . ' . oiiiscs liivolviiigtlie mcpt iiiip.utaiitintcrests tf , , , ot person ana property tht over 'acquired niu aujuuiuanuu Ul UU1 Cli'Utt-i Ull COIllUlllC admirably t ) fit bi n for tho high and ro sponsible duties of a Justice ol tho Supri mo Reneb, aud to warrant us in regarding him as eminonlly worthy to tuccced to the crmino which has Icon won by a Tilghmati, a Yeatfs, a Rraeleuridgo and a Gibson. Io Judge TiioMl'so.v, ol Erin county, tbo Oonveutiou lus given us an able colleague to Mr. hTltoNO, Ho boa teen already before Ibo public in &ovcrcl positioi.s of trust and honor, and has cirned a good reputation. At tbo llor, in tbo Legislature, and upon tho Rench in all which pi ices be wa;i distinguished -lio has gained lii csporiencc,wbii'b,addcd to a mind natur-dly fitron,', logical, :u.d comprehensivo, renders him well rpialiGad for tlie duties of tbo oflico to which bo bas been nominated. In making choice of their ludgo-i, moro than any other pulin'o officers, perhaps, is it ui cessary for the people to loou oarefully to tbo character and ipialiOcations of tbr candidates. Tbo Ruinoeratic nominees are men who can fearlessly submit to this' tcot j and therefore we confidently pro lict their election, Rorks eou ty will respond to the nmiiinatiou of her own SrnoNO, by a maj .ri.y of not less than 7,000 for the uhole tichit. .!, .. .1 : ., .1 : . : c ri . ... OfiDEBtD Rack Tho New Vork Sun day Courier sys Jobu Dean, tlio coach man, who married Misa Rokcr, not being of a btudiotis turn of mind, found it ruther dull studying grammar down among the Long Islanders, and took a run up to tho city to sco bis wife, but sho refused to havo cny.thiug t- say to him, and com manded him lo return, or sho would uovcr seo him again. I'bhaw I why not let him stay, and give him a lesson in matrimonial grammar, beginning with n copulative conjunction ! Puolifio 0ov. A corespondent of tbo Montreal Gazttte Kays:- "On tbei'oth of lSt l.tnnlll. Mr. Tl.ntms. Mnrrtcrtn. rf Lachuto,was favored, with throo calves from one o iw, all of which tire well and healthy, I saw tho threo sucking at one timo, Tho cow is now eight yearn old; when two years .twioo-ehahad three, onto two. and oncoonlv oco; making in all twenty calms in six' years I tST A Letter writer, nddressina tbo United States Patent Office, from Kerr county, Tcxas,exprcssing surpriso that that department has not noticed tho pecan nut, ! 'U"h luaamly in Tex -s. About 2 ""."O" of Ihu .ut Jaave been ex- ported Irom that State to Eurono and clso- , , 1 . wiicro, prouuemg 141)0,00(1, Ono tree often produco frnm 15 to20 bushels, worth from S30 to 8-10. - NaT Col. Piokctis, of South Carolina, has received .tho appointment of Minister to St. Petersburg, vice Governor Seymour, rce ailed at his own request. BSer Power's "Greek Slavo," drawn a year or two ago, in tho Cosmopolitan Art Association, by Miss Kato Gclhspic, of JJratly'a Rend, busqucbanna County, this Stale, was sold in Now York at Auction. ot Tuesday of latt week, for 50,000. Tho Art Asocition .was tho purchtrer Written for the Columbia Democrat, i County Treasurer. Mr. Editor 'In view of tho approaching meeting of tbo Dctnocratio County Con-' vcntlon, it would seem right mm propor tho offices, but select those who havo served j tho parly long without reward, and arc comDctont to tbo dUohar.o of tbo duties thcrounta per' ainifg. Wo know of ono minli nnil thinlr lin nnrrlit. now id llG Horn. .... v., J,-- inatcd, for tbo offico of Ocunty Treasurer. William Cole. lisn.. ol Ihi tou, is ibo gentleman, to whom we allude. Ho is a j working ran, nf proverbial honesty and of undoubted democracy. His nomination would bo justice to tho county and grati-' . i i'.',; io mu Democracy of Jackson. - t3r The Djniocrats of rhiladclphiiJ lnvo made arrangements for their usual dtli of July celebtation in Independence sqiro. " Norlli iir.nicb Canal. Cor.r.ECToi.'s Oitice, Ileum Havi:n, Juno 8, lsr7 Cot. Tatc : Tho receipts of Canal Tolls, at this offico, aro as folbifs : March SOI 01 April, 10T.85 70 May, 20.05JJ :)() Total, 831,030 13 Uospoctfully yours, John S. Fommck, Collector. D oaths. , , , .,, ,. ., ,,,, In Greenwood; .luue 12th, KhzaUotli, daughter of James V and Lydh Ferguson, aged II 'years, 0 months and 8') days, o.i...-j-" i-t Kl , T)rt rt xi OlUlUUlll wCinOCl'ClU 'rl' following nro tho receipts to the office ,f tho Ou'-UMBIA Dkmooiiat, during tlle "10"t!l C Jll"C 18r'7! Oliptmnl, Wcoitslc'u, 82 51, Potnr Rcnll, .Vnl-.lJ Ts"y. .. 51"! A,i..m muii, I no 3 -.' 5 5 l 1 Ut. 0 ..a so) 1 so 3 ' io uo 2 IK) SO .10 gill HI 1 73 '.' 00 i on oreifnaa & Kline, j (mi. ..hi... rui. o janea&cn.. II r. CM JarUoOi Bwnn &cn.. Clnrlearlrrnuair. ftepi.en woir, 0 (.0, Dji-mer Ilciillcui.in, .) J.llse 'I nstall, 4 nn 8 00 11) mi HMD 7 OJ I in l in ano s OJ 3 50 lift) 3(0 noo v . in'.t.cr, Hheri.r Heck, .Mi, llanirt Bupcrt Jnl.n I'L-iiler, 11- I.W Spent: r lliclinrd rlttmer, M H Aiile...un, II IJ ll.ttinlic..iler, Hev. P. W fl.'ely, P Unn.Kit, ns'l . U'illhim4!-l3..n, I'll Jliller. (Oentrc) A, & B. Anilrctva, (leofc'i r M.llr, Or. II. T. l.-l,..b"IJ, I'noa I,. I'uwler, H.-..n'11-l Mclick. Mi'lick ft I 'ri'.-my. H W x IV JJ Ctcuy. Wo aro grateful to our friends, whose nuines stand abuve, for their prompt pay. ments. Wo trust others wjll imitato their noblo example and p:iy us our just dues. Money sent us by ma 1 will bo at our rial:, tho receipt of which will be promptly ac knowledged. THE RI.OOMSBURG MARKET. connEon:o weekly at iiautjian'sstoiii; Wheat. .52 00 00 00 ... .50 ....75 Ruttcr... l'ggs Tallow.. . Lard . . .-. I'-itatocs.. . ,ao . .11! . . M . . w l oo Ryo Com Oats ...... liuekwhoat. . White llcius. .1 75 j Dried App'cs.2 00 Arrivals ami loi.irl!ire ur itlnlls at lil.WUI Dili . Thiln ip!iU mnlln4VP lily. (SunJay eicepiedjjat U.M .arrivua nt 4 T. M. Wil lninpurt unj Wihfcm imll linvra dally, (Sun (iayis cxccUffl) m 2 r. M , arnvt lj M Wi ikcsU'irri'iiiail nrriei dully, (iundij s xcrptcd) nt 11 A M Icius4 I'.M I'smLfia nn.iOranB'cvlllf m ut cirlvcs prery Mnnday, Wrilncfiay and Friday, ut 11 A..M , leaves r&mo dys nt 4 I. M Allllvil'einf l r.nives rvory MunIayntid Thursday at 11 A. M., lenvea fame days nt 1 1'. M. Jtrt!town und U'Juie Hall mill nrrlva vt'ry Tup day i TliurM'ity niUtatuiJu) ,nt IJ A.M.,J9avii awe dayitit-l V M. P. UXA.VOFT. r. M. PIBIiK! SALE, PROPERTY IN lihOOMSBURG. fpilli undersigned wil offer at Publio B rlato,on tin. prt-jniaca. Suturdny, August 1, 1857, Tho fol'uwing dcacribed vnltKiblc Ileal Estate, iz: -JSji A Lot ami two llou-es, Jr?!l! Piluateon Irnn Mn-ot. in II t.iomeli.i rir iiiUlLwitl. n fn.'.t Uialili-, 1 p, uml all.lj'jiB. cun.-i.incea rqnuilL- lur u ilrannt nMi-nctT Tl'cro ia aim nj.on JiJ proniai-a, a select uuiort ni.U vnrioni oilier cra.i.rn cnm. nin , K. i wlien ai.enilance n ill lie (jive., an I cni.aitl.iua ny-r-n'e In roiuinncn ut 1 u'clnelt. i inJ knun tf.XMUfiL NOUON. nijnnitli-irf, July 4, 18J7. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Cornelius Rcynolls, dee'd, 7 F-Tl'l' RS of Administration on tho I t rt-iln of lnrncll..a UeinnKa, tap f.f .Mlfflm l4).Mit... Col.iiul.I-i enmity, iltci-a.i-il, l.ave Lcfti r," KK?..,' i" Aiimiiiuiraior. witi.m.t .i.iay.niiUaiipcr. oAMul, I. L'ltUASY, July 4. 1S57-1H ,7uirt r at fonn non. LIST 01' Ll'.TTCnreni..l..l'K in tl.a I'ost OfBe, , , isiouuiaiiure. 1'u., ,U Jailer emling June30il.. iu7. n.r.i ui.nira M.trI.ell Rev T, MoucyppniiyThoinaa Toiler Amelia A Hire Chancey Hl.od- Matilda Hliorkley (.liarlnC. rtel llannali ii, HallilnnJ R. Kni.lun 11. w 4 Trier Joiin Til I'o Adaline T..lbirt Joiin Treai.inrl.ack&D. It. R. Uni arlauiuel Wnodlock Jnlm Oroa.n 0rn. Ima HiWe.le, AbHiimjol p. IVilllaiu SIP Wuireuten 1'icklea J u"n,ea.jV"!n Imio',' Jn.'i liSir"",,7, ''adaeu. b. Z&tSi '.I'.'f 1,1 ','.?' Ana Uilldtpy Wi'tU.n Juim nvr Joiin i Herri. is Oeorse A 0. iii.irj.liin I l.ene.itl.nlten Conrad I Mill, II o. aav lliev are uilver.li.1,1 '"" ffalVraoni eallina Tur the above l..i0r. ...in ni July 4.47. I'lltUf UNANC3T, I'. M. HOUSE LINIMHNT AND CATTLE POWDERS. F)R salo at tbo oilico of tho Columbia Democrat, . , -AI.UO llcodj.Llanln, Biationtry, Matriase Ucitiflcatei, &.C., ace., 4tc, WALL PAPER I WALL PAPER 1 YKVr,b k",!,o" um an'f .l,",1;""'-"1"" H ""''" :"lnu Mf 4 fj; ' " c 1 w "A'Dman ISN'T IT SO I I'rcsh Fruit tlm ARTIlltll' I.VIrlirntnJ Kotf. Hfal'MS O'i'tf and Jnra anil jini will Inv lrn inui n uno yiar at ciui.i inr. nrlrM Pull illfTllma for piiillnn up ill kind nl Frull mid 'l.iniit'ira IN WINTER e 'mpmy ineBi-am nn" j up QuHniieare. aid fire and Jltid irotif .sMb.Mta.ft Tlie.izianrnfriiti tiinta t'lailliirm. Tiir"n ciiMniMiJir" arf mii.v Mini tit tkt tfipt. ami nfht. to nr.rrr.R f rrnrfl CCffHlirar III irq.rjwn.irnn I'of r.if by rMnn ki ipcn il.roi.Kt.. nut Ilia Unltnl Blnt.'a I.r rlnllne rirrnlnr arnt nn an Ipllrnllon cJ-Ordi-ra iron, il.e trade i nriipii Mp.nretoar-k f.r "Arllmr'a ' It lia alond llm tPl nf two r-raxnnf. having b"rn nrtl by liuml.edi ol thoiiKanilt nf l.iinll.fa, hnlel and li.inrillnj lionrn ki-inria Sweetmeats. lllllll'UI ...-iiriiiijw ilin nii.K iii vt.. Kit iim Al.Tllllll IIIIIINMIAM k I1I1.I10V. M iiiuliicl'irr. nndcr Ilin rnrni. Ni. i1 and IIS (iJillll Tamil !.. (fr, lli oije ) July 4. Int7 l'liiHdi-lMlla. " NOT'CE. ivTOTirT.fi h'triiy tvcn tint nn lapiiliminn ill made nl llio iimi nim.oii ol tun l.ejhl:i will bn i.ti.ri' nl rr-mf)lvi...ln. Inr the Inoorpinntlm. nl n Hank. Willi ll.c H8.nl priviliitfp. lo b,i rallpil Tha Itl.mii.bnry Hank," with n npllnl of two Ipimlrfd llioi.iand ill tnrs. nnd In Iip lortilcd In ll.Q town uf bloomib..r2. Colombia cnnn.y.ra. wm. ssvncn. P.. MI'A'nr.NIUl.t,. A. j. i.v. a. 1. W It MtTMAN, J ItAMST.Y. A 1. oLON, it it. Ait num. WM KOUItSO.N, H. IV HII1V11. UrilR.MM 1" IA11Z, A. O MI'.NUII, lArnn r.vnll. rr.rnit iiit.i.Mi'.vKn, III.IAH 01 KTIlltlUlk, Piir'Msrcao , June 37, !Pi7 A UUTIRKD PIIYSIOIAN, km Vi:AliS Ol Alii'.- Invhii Int IH; Tnllirr Uvn 1 t htoiuet. itnn liliT, bud in-law, np.iwet tt ......... t.uihl .Iti n Itul hitii I'nuai'MMiii.V. uril vnf tfiiiniif with a Coveh htmnrll, itt t'TiniiiMl ti vimt ilit V,zi I nul ), Ki;) it uit'l J ipiu, whrr't Ip ilircuvi ri'd u prrft'.ptinil tthnin ture lr LVti.. i;.ii(-h HrnnchilR Centumptiont NtjMHit li -liility tunl Aitlmji Mint' na'i um cnri'tl iiriH.pt. UteW i Iij rtnrncil. tir il h rta tivt w lin J nIi'T itcd th-j illftti tn J In fi'' inttion Willi lit con liivi employ tl It in t!i'ir priicllrv r itrtrj; tlioiuands uf rmi" cunsidenjil lioir m Uy ottifrp. 1'iir llm ii'irjiosi- ut rpruiti3 manv ol Iik mifl'i'ific fallow ..HugM iih nHi l'le is -lent! I rij IJjfl (U'cip t alt uhn wlsl.ttrrir iM.r.itii :i of it In pay the post .tie, a.... ...n eaiunee nr.n.i.iK, A.ldl.-n UK HEATH, 101 Sptini H , opfonle et N'irliiil.'aJI.-lel, N(jw Vii.k. June 13, l7. SWAN & CO.'S LOTTERIES. Tilt: MOST BMLLtJ.vFsCUElli: CIXIl VII.1IW Cnnttul I'Hzo $00,000. TlrKI'.lS ONLY $10. OU'INO to ll.-t ere. I fjmr vritij wtilcll nur Sinsle NU'..iH-r l.JtlL-.ie li ive b' l.-CLlveil liy tlie Iioalic, uml .lie large iUiliii.il f.ir Tickelv. On Malta pet, e.av.i & On will 1. ive ti ilrawil.'i eat li iSatnr. day llirii.igl.nut ll.i i.ar. -J'l.n JniMu rllH-...e wilt bo drawl, in cacli cf Hair I.ulti riea lor July. I r57 CLASH 4:i, To be drawn tn Ilin city or Atlaiit-ileorsin, in public, ill Sat.ili.n y, Jul-, ill., im; UI..18.1 '41. To lie drawn in tin rny or .tia.it'..Oeoreil.i.i public, on tf.-ltuid.iy. J i.y I Ith, lrw7. CI,At?a 4. 'I'o be drawn in tlii. city i.f Atlanta. 0,-ortiu, In public, uti eUiru.iy, Juiv It-lh, le7. UI.AS1 4.i, To be drawn tn the c.ly ol Atlanta, (lenrifia, lu public, on AUunUy, July j-.ih. Isfii on Tin: im.an or tsiNOLi: mimiii.es. 7'Arce Thousand Ihrtt Hundred and TUuly J'tlm Nearly one 1'ruu to every Nino Tickets. MW.VIFlCR.vr SClir.MF.1 TO BR BRAWN i: a o li I True of I 1 ' 1 " S A T (J It II A Y IN J U N P 1 S'in.MJii vn o in llli.iM 5,uu A 01-11 'J Mu 1 P;ua of 1 I II l.COfl I.IXiU i.oon .'.mi son ) IHI I 1 I im. 11,0 Ari'coxi.M.vi ion' rnire. 4 Frltra,trni.prol'lng lu UI UoO l'r.z n.e SfOO J1I...UJ .( I H H Itl 21 30-JII 1U I'O'J ... u 8,500 I ,uoo SOO tin Wil an.) SCO M en no.. 4;nl,lr; OU.1K- 1(1 33 l.l rriro ftuiiM inin; 'o WllOi.li TILMCUIU Sit): ItALVKK tS rian of the Lattery, Tim N'niit'iui. irum I t-t '.lo dUJ, tnrrt nion-lit p y tlniKr iniiliiiu en the 'Jn lit ih ni.tit un ni-aitn nl f,iir nr tii'irrlt H with viuhiI tin Uil Uhu A ict-il hi tint- Ih I 'lin; itifi b-i Craea, imil.rU irimcil w'l (irir c . tt (lUrij,1 ' '"' t r win I. 'I'll- iU-firi tire Ihtii fi'vnlvnl, nnd a i.umbcrti draw ti f r in ilit vt Ih I 1 1 Nn i..lif in it i d qi l l.i mi)"' liltM' II J' I 171 If I 111 V-1) (fUltl tllK III III' I a.l.'l'l 'i 111' Nun.bff ami J'rifi'ran ti out uic npnn it niitl rxl it'll til io dm mi iiunce, mill rcpittt n-ii 1 y tin t ' hub 8iiint:i; Hit- I'irt bi ii p plattii ncamti l In N'tuulfr ib n ii 'Jlitti i'M-i.iiu ii ii rcjicnttd uulil nil the I'ri."f fire i u mm Jl'proximotian Pmei Tlie to pipri'tlinz and th1 two 'iia(i-tiiii(; .Num'iiTi to tliofc ilraw tug the firM 17 I'ri7,"" n'l) lu ti.tii-n! to lie rt Apprnuniali'Mi I'rUL-s I'ur etaiiipln: II Ticket IVu. lly..o dnuTf t'i ldUU(K) Vi7i) til i-u Ik kit nuiiiUtrrei! II,.!-, li i II II Vi., wilt rach I nliU'd Io V-ij. lfllCKi-l (Ni .Ij.i ilriN.s Hit' g-'UUiML tzf.tliuit' TlcKUa l.uin , lured ) win ink h -lUitl. d to 500, ami 8d nn n r i i 1 1, lin- hIhiVl ft Uic. Tin' C-.lUl.g Tn. Mif will Ii rlfn ly tLe I u I ii jiii c ui iln Tv.nti lttr ili.it diau t ll.ti mi U I tJ l'f lit f rri?o t-iuls with Ito 1, Hi fii alt ihi inll w;m re t I In.-. Nun I rr ' m'h in I, will b titilli u i it ib ' N-imtitr 4-iuN wi'li Nn ii tlicnull tin Ti'-hh v. li-ic Hit' iNmiibcr tn.is m 8 w iii Iw etitilltd lu SMO.imd o i on tu U CctiititHtfit ol i'jfUnp. u -will be i old itt ll.c fullt w lug tales, winch i ilio ilrk Cernnc.il.M.f tVi k-yr nr Id Whole Tichctfl, ' d(i jo ii.iif do 40 d'j iIj lu (iiinrtfr do -' do , da io I. ul. Hi on 10 IV OlttinillN'U TH'Kli'l U Uli Cl.l. I iriCATI S. UncUiau tlit: nmnc) in iur n.lir-i I'ar th'i HikrH ordered, on receipt ol wlncli lu wil be urVnriieil bv lifHt inuil. I'lirdiapt'tn Ciin hnvu ticket iinlinc In iiiiv fijuic they ui.iy iti-figmi e Ttiu Lin of Draw it Niiitibe rn arid 1717 will tut lent lo liirrhnttura iinui-ilititfly iilicr I In- liruwu g rurc!i.i''rs will pi isu wril't t hi! i r uj tniuiun 1 1 laid, u ml L'ivc their l'o?t Oflico, Ct.ui tv uml Suiie- :jiiieinl'ur tfmt e r I'liti? in drawn and payable In full wit bunt iltduilion . Allt'nzei ol 8IUfUnudiind'r; iniiljrumedintrly nflcr i)ti druvins-otliiT i'jiiisnt Uiu ithual ui:.u ct thirty dnjD All roniinun irntlo tui Atrntly mtiGdnvti il. AdJreirf otdixii lur 'J ickci i r Ccriititatm to B a WAN u TO .-f.iMia, aa. try A list o! tliK rni,nli'j' (Jint nro timwii trrm Hia w livii, with tin a mount i f the (inze tlmt in h nnv hoiijm'ii i" ii i ire imiimimii'ii Jiii'i fvt-iy nriiini! In IIh lollowini j)aipt rtt , JVrw Orlfant JUlia .Vuti k ( giittr, Charlt'ton MamlarJ. JVajArif Cuttle Atlanta Jntdtiscnctr Atw Ycrk IVetUy Day iJeA, &avvHak Jtt3rning Jeua.Uk ftlehmontl iJupatch ,'UHC VO, ltd! NEW DUUQ STORE. UXOIIANUE IH.OOK, MAIN BTBIJKT. Ulunmsbiir, Ttinunileralsneu wo..l.lri.pi;ctfully nfnrml.lj friend Mini lli p I'.l.r 2 xier.lly tint lie liss, i rcli .' 1 r TegK.i t'a Until tu I Cllcniic-it Btnrn. and Jual r.turneil from tl.ecity will, ulargnaud ,-leci .l-icl,,.:,iiiiliniig 0 Fresh and Pure Drugs, Medicine, Cliennm!?. mound . ml wl.ol.ii4icea, falnia, rilln, Varn i-ln a llieStutfa U'n.doH Ula.anl nll.ir.-ii, Rhavina Uruiliea.Tobacco.SiijJik.IancySoapa.tiliav. .KV. ,r, ,, OM.iMr,, UI al I llll-II 1 II I ini Ut I OOl II ailll nunvina in Inn Cream Pure Wiriff. nrirl Rrmdirs, For Medicinal l.ee.HncUth.I'rcncl.ind Amrrlran I'ef. r'al'ly'5'' ,h0',,"vr)fa,liel,,kt'llll,"'ullil 8ne. n-Pre.erlplinnacarcfulhe.iinpniiaderl -.",T,',''' I'n,""."'. will bo conllnucdna' iiiii.iUu lll.Diiii mrgr nn I I.iahi Street t.i , I'l 1 1 aiaortoieat of the llteit aula Teeth. Inr ai'ils litf ' B ii'iii-i ui, PiSrairy ono. M.IIAOCMlllCII. RLINDS AN D SHADES! of XF.ir srru:s R. J. WILLIAMS. NO, w 4u,iin tj.Aiu 6Titr.Kr, l-uiL.neti-in& beau.,fnUe.i,i, .luff and .all , .,' of ll. land u.ed for HlnUaa l'lilurea.T,im.nlns,, uc , 4c , hiileaale and Itilail, at ilio toivr.icaili price., ir"1lnreHI.,nle. painted tonrit, r II. J W. ilianklul for iml p.itrnnasc. reaieetnillv ""licit, the , :,e to call and' e,lnVhi, Veil Td GREENWOOD SEMINARY, fptin mm School Term at litis In.tltullon will com- X niencenn the 17ll, of Aui i.t. 'Ihomujh nn.l rell able teacher, have been enjascd for llieciiinl nt. leap but everyihiri! will bn under tlio oeueral ovirslslii ond eonirol ol the principal, ' p' t'ur terui.,&c . ee cam in annther enhnnn, Junc87.l847 WM ,1U,10MH' f'lacliial. g'lVNU COAt lor alo.by W. IV N. CltnASV. VlOll I'AI- BIMNOMIH, t'Oll HAM! imVUY "UW" 11 fc IV N I'lIIIAHV. gUHMCH nAWW.piMwtlll.j.ft..... Mat-JiSit ' .M AVB FX.Si'! & WILSON'S, WHOLESALE AND RE'lAIL CONFECTIONARY & FRUIT STORE Ojstcr nnd Hating Saloons. plirj uiiitrlpnil, ref.peclfully Inform liir. In Kpl" rril. Iluii lliov l.ave IiohrIii the inifrrt ttt Mr Ili'fJii.nn. In 1 tic above 1 llieellixcn. ol lunnnteuiirr. nnn i.ipuu .. UU . Mini; ll I . Ull liluili uimii u n . r upentn n prnc.nl UnVrry, ' Pnli cili'nnry. and Oyilfr i:.l ,, Mi'".. wlnTi! llioy u III nl (II lliiier knp a full upri.,! PrntlnlnnR Pwr-f t liirnli nnd llable. a.tcl. na I.r...f iiRp , Hwrrt Pniatnea. I'lireap, Maearrl. &c.ietvtd ip in cnn'. nrnr rni.ii nn lliniicrni? ii rniK. 'r.rlr Pmck nomprt.pi n Inrao nppty of Atmrinna ri;a ltninna.rri.ni-. Ni.ta Waltittt'. Hatr r.lnrrn Cigala .-ic ( will, rvrry linaetnablrnriltlF In ilieir llai u nilm a. rind nf Ibo In-fit n'mllly jj- l"ni..ln- an iplipd nl n'l Haifa will. lllfart.Clkn i'iaa,lifcri, f .nniin.i nriicrariiM'piiyiiiit-u. Cft.li iinl.1 r.ir rnnniry nrnit.ieeai.il the nublla unie respectfully IiiyIIi .1. I 0 U C R E A M , nlrrays on hand, during tho summer season N II. -A l.nilie Hrll.ton (lli-cninirtlri'r.nm thrnH, e.tn..llniient l.a In-c. iri-acd in gtnd nrilt-j ,B ullhlw.iva Iip htttieltcum n-nnft tiiomas o. ni.si; oi.ivhr t. wii.hon. tllniiiulinritil-Vti 1,1Sj7. HUSSEY'S AMERICAN .REAPER I'Otl CUTTINO IIOTII GRAIN AJSD GRASS ubet iMrrtou.Mt?T? ron 1M7. AM, win nrd ulttifind with tho MIST KEArr.lt A0 MttU'HIt, nn bn iiipiilinl ty ecudimf tlxtr nrtlrr rnrli in 1 lie rU'ilnmi. m Itio crnn? itirticAin 1 1 ttsf iIpim.i (1 uml we cannot havr i.vct 200 Hmptfm i ruith lor llm vnnl Imrvriila if 1857. o cuniantto tlt.il this Rpkt nni ftrnwrr frtnun bo bcatexi on Ulr inn) hv any oilii-r Uuirr tliat n.ny lo tz mug, it Into tln lifiti''r fl -I U in Hi ; n ml Wf nfco linurr It tn tie tti i riiifr',M nint ninst'ltirnliln m.-iclnne hi nan. Wa u on LI r pTlfiiHy invilH rnniicri lu cxnniiite tbo iln iii.'lvi (- M Hinrhiriiy over n It oUipm ttuirdiiif! Uuiro-glilv mjoro pnrclmlnff, n nil railify )nt tin' iit hint uirn, ilif eutncr lhrr l.nvtt fnl.i lithum o'0 iimI.TI'IJ 'f Hie no Mnililnefi n ilie Imri mil 'iol "ii'Tra 'f1'' furniern in Vition nnd Ilia i)-ipliiinrhs totii.tics (t hop ihii-ch are loo numeroui to rt) lu Ikhh n p rt(t ct ttlly tefvr. J ttp iiiift'-rllrri h 'V tlic ptc hmiTfl riit)t In Hip fol I inuitijf ronntiis On) umMn, Uiiinn, Smder, Norib. . niniii'tl.tii.1, Mtintuiir, Liiztiio, I'erry. Mifflin, Center, ;iiinin;hf l.)rtm'Mi A II nftvtt th uiklully fees iycil nnil nrmintilv fill i-mleit to. 1 ' ' .,..i,t,,j li tnon .. rtr. I.eivlilui.-, Union county, l'a. Juno 37. 16S7 SELECT SCHOOL. rplin neit term nf tl.l Pcl.nol wtl enmmonea on X MOM.AY, 7ih nf Hi-pleni'ii-r next, and coiuiuua eleven weeka. rupit, nro received at ani unie. T lilt MS Of TUITION. Inni.nnn l:nt(lil. --l.i'llea,. lll.-li-r UnirlKli lliudlea and Clniaic IJ To meet n inquest nf present pilill anil cf uther Mrll, a, and trua.lne In lh e prnmlaeil cn.operatioti of Iriciiiia, I Itivn i.-tr nlne.l tn o'Knir.e, on the .Ith or Aujust ..ml, n "iVntlier'a Clata, In riiil.)ue tliren n.onih,, Tho f liargn lor tuition will be five riol'&ra lor Hit r-1'.r.ii'ti. Any loloruitlinn reppectins tl.n acl.en.o of Inilruc tto.t, iloan'ing Acc . will b.j ,riiiu;itly hIvuii, on appli cation to me, tillicr ptrrcnnlly, ir L) note, II. f. EATON. INiiiii'ii-bura', J,.no!7, 185741 R A I, T I Jl 0 R E 0 ARB. Salt! Salt! Salt! T hivinii'ouL n.vn salt, io n. a. no. no. nmv no. Cninlry M'rehnt nTm llt fend ut their orderi i n ml v-i nee, wjjli JiigirurilDtio to iliit, wlien w litvs n carpo LnT enn nature fine nr(j. A. Pall Rt ftv cciiln ,ir t.ick lets vlf ihv tliip.lfiaii It an be upiiliai nit n I'iro. O.MIU, c,u:.v. & CO.. Qrain on.l !.umer Cfitt.i'iijiinii Mrrliafii, HMar' SVJiorf, UALTiMOUC. June 57. IP.17. N!:V TINWARU SHOP. MAIN BTIUXr OI'I't.SITUTIir. KXCIIANdB. rilir. under laned reiertlut ly inrnrma Ilia fritndl X and the pi,1lir enoiLliy, that lie hua opened .1 Attu 'ihtiieuic uml Siett lion Esta. blMmint, in the b tit lin for mrty ureiiiied fo tlat, purpo.e, li) J.iaetili So irt".i, wlnre he I a pr, pared tu couduti til'. Iu-ii-a in all .' varum. .n. elie. ri'vvarl an. I Itvllu imutlii).. of .nil klna InBda to or lcr il .liorl n nice and at 'underlie prir-ea Alio H J OVl'd. of vari'iua ttyUi, cnnitantly far a..'.. It'ialrin done til nider in quirk time aJ'l.'oilutry Jiroduee tlLcn in etrliaeee for wrra. II. O. MII.I.AI10. I;luo,nliur, .May in. 11,17-7 REMOVAL. Ml II. illiactber liavlfK rrmnved hi, M,bte TArJ I from near Kin On irt l.i'tie ft the Hnuth m .1 ci r neriif MAIN nnd VIARKR1 .Iti-eli-, in It'in-if. tto , -rth.ro lie ia prepared tn turn 'i nil lii.di if Maibte 1IVA', Via: MONUMF.VIfl lira I lo 'I nmbi. Iloi Ton bi, r4 llend Std.iea nf ..verv de.crlpti'tn Hit Itnck of ta. hett kind, I he unrkninnililp t nt eurpaned lj an, In the ciiiintry, and at low pric. Call and Juc'ga lar )oiir.f Ivi a tJ-lle wil nl.ii fuiiilib To He and ll.irtiu Top,, Mattel, f..r hiiuea, ita.e tire.. I.iutiei ant Rule for Wi.ifnwa ami l.ootii. at n lo figure Thn k Till f.ir iia.lfaio.s, we Impe for a contlDuinaa of tho unm. ANHIONV WITJJAH. . I!loo.nab..rc,Apiil 4. I EST. Lin RLOOJISliURG BOOT AND SHOE STORE. 'Ii I II! ondertleaeil Lrpiclfilllr lnfoimill-a 1 ol llliKiiii.bure. and the public in teneral li.i oneneil .r 'ltia.it , that l. Pool ami Shoe Establishment, In 11 Hi, t li nl I. i; . on Main nra.-l, nhi-ve Klj.'e t lUon'a llik.r. win-re lie lua contluntly on baud n large afinriiucht nf Roots, Shoe?, Gaiters, Ac, And will male upyoik tnnnlirnn alicit lintirt. PJi oiib ixperi. lite in the lu.imrc, and general arnw leiln "'I th!a..Ho. ili-i peiipln, will enable In la to lender enlinfartiiiti in nil hi. nut, line, j. 0j .hi,ula eceiirclnui -n.nran.iaje wliiih he hnpei tn merit mt ..,.,.,. "CWIIY K,X,M- EAGLE KOUNDRV, HLOOMSRURQ. Slovcs anil Tlnvnrc 1 IIR fihjrrlber liniinj ,rttiil n Hrre new brick I oiiiu'ry anil .1l.ir,lne Fhiin, In ,lurc nf the ,M e.ii pripirfi'tn inaki. nil l.i ml, of cniti.it at tbo InlviBt nr, one rerib.-rliaiiiilinreiiiiiYfd hi. Tiiiflion from Mum it. In lh rmiiidry lot. ivhe,i-4ie l.ai ererli-J a bulldim ..llocUher for. Strive aiidTinu.-iie S5Sl'Ani.()ll STdVllj t all kind., ten UY t'n'o'er" 8T0VU'-- A" "P-ul.-t !... A II. 1H7,.M,!r" 8I,AI,'CSB i iow. cnnmaiilly mi hand The nih REN T I S T It Y. EE- (t SCUKEOX DUX-l 1ST. iii.oo.Mammu, columoia co Ileii!e nee, flrrt Ilrirk i.ulldii g below llartnian'. itort Kl".3rr.fJTriJM,VniT,ra hi, profe..ional tcrlcr. In 11.11 Ind ia and eei.llen.ei. r IH....i "J '"t Mu.i. curei V prepared t attend j.i a I lliovarioila lt.t liiijiroved ' '"u,,uco w,,u Porcelain Teeth, Which will be Iniejtcd on pivot ur told plate, lo look lii well the natural. IT- A .uponor aincln of TOOTH POWDEH, al. aya on hand, June 13, lbi7. Nov. IJ, -jj, MWllAltULK YARD IN CLOOMSCUltG, JJJKAfll S, CARE' HAS iipcaed n Marble Yard in Court Alley, onnnilia lie(iul.ai.s.Hl.,.re lia i. prewired lo flSffh ih. ben work frnm Italian or American Marbtefor MOiNUMl.M'S, TOM11S, i fonib-itoiiea, Table., Mnetlea, Wlodow-illli aid l. 1 l'iiriliflrlitifnria n.l m.i.i. .. . . . ed I.. l,i.T .'vln.k "iall lW ' Zh JAf. H"lyl"..nd rea.onableln price, """"'oif U Uloouiaburi, Uec. 0. 1BSI1 -L J . " NEW COOPER SHOP. I Parrels, Tubs, Kegs, AnJ ireryihlrnj lu that line of t.i.l.ie,,. II. , 'P""u'k lnll ttindr, and wllldo II .lllfully and II J" I"1"'1 ' , , . OIIAHLCs W. IlABSIiKT. Blnonuburf, Jane 13, 1U47. ' ' , A N n-rlinentfx;oiilocJlnnerj', Jew.lry. rerfuma- uii., iiiuiauea fte, tn no Had at , , .. C CLARK'S Hook 8lore. , lUloonubiirs, May 30. !tli7, 1aVS.' ''3T3 btai ""1 for ",,e kl tht Mav30. IHJ7. a .,.,. A. o jrr.NBCii. ,i()l)On 'Tl.ll LAP B.UNGLF.B, for a,!. 'tlMlirw ai m Arcad. y May so: let; a .c. Mlcu