Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, July 04, 1857, Image 1

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LEVI L 'rlTli, Proprietor.
ALEM B. TATE, Publisher.
" To Hold and Trim tho Torch of Truth and Wavo it o'or tho darkonod Earth
VOL XI; NO. 17.
(Eolumbict Hcmocrat.
runi.ianr.i) every baturdav MonMNO.
In IHoomsburg, Columbia Cotmty, Pa.
Office. mAc new Brick Building, op
positcthe Exchange ,by side of tho Court
House," Democratic cat Quarters,"
1,00 In ndvanco, fur ono copy, fornix month,.
1,75 In mlratico, fur out) copy, ono year.
3,00 If not palil within tlLu first throe months,
2,23 If not palil within tho drat six months.
2,50 If not puM within tho jonr.
fXT- S-) subscription takon for Iom than six months.
Mul n i paportllsoontlnod uutll nil nrronragosshall
hivo boon pall.
ICT' Ordinary a.lvortlscments InsortoJ unil Job
work oxooutcd utthoostiiblUhod pilccs.
rpHE founder of thia Celebrated Insti-
I ltilloii,niTrf tho most certain, f'ppuly, and only
ir?ctua1 mnedy In ilia worM fnr efrcrta for (J It tin,
Hrtct-Jretr, Hominnl wae'oiom. Vain in the Lolne,
t'ontlllutionnl UoM'ity. Iiiipotrncy, Wcakncni of Hi a
Ba.k an. I Limits. Altec lion a of tho Kidneys, p I la
lion of t tii Hi-rut, l)itri'Bii, N.-rvom lrriKtbillty.
Ui.emo nt llio llt'iiJ, Hi rout, No so or 8kln. uml till
t ItOfio icrious anil m? lanrltoly Diinnlcri arising fnni
tho tlcairiictivo ImlntBurVoutli, wlilcli ilcstruya both
body ani imnil, These lecrct atnl solitary practlcoB,
ata moru fatal luthrlr victims than tho boiih of the
Hymns tu iho mariners Ulyesru, ttltglillnp .their most
lirlllinnt ho(ns of utuiclpatioiif, rendering .marriage,
&e . Impossible.
Young Mtn.
iitfUJlf, who have uccotno trio victims of.iollts"
ViCtttai.JreitriU and tlettrbclivc luM, wliiehan. U
ally wepri 1 1 an untimely irravu tliouumts of you'i
(Uii of tlm most exnlied tnlmts und brlllfnnl inil
ect, who might ollcruitc liavo cuttsiicetl If atfiiin
Heuntus with the tlmnCersor vlo'iuence, or waked to
etucteathu lyrt.uijiy call witliall coiidJcncc.
Married pjront,or Vounj.Men contemplating mnr
rlaOt beiita awarn of pliy hicuI wenkm ts. organic do
blliiy. deformities, A.e.. nhdiild (iimh'IU tely euumU
l)r Jjliimtoii.and bo rilored to erlcct healih,
Ho who pi. ccs hMiiadirundT ihurnro of Dr. John
ston may religiously conlldt; in his honor as a get.tlr
tueui und cuiindnitlv rily upon Ins skill nstplijatcian
O'ga n ic I Vea fcmsa
Itnui'iliitcty cured and full ignr r- to red.
t'dls dineaae I llio pcmlty most fri"tunty paldtby
th Mii wlmhive Ufciiie tho victim of improper iiuiul
gtjiieiet. Yu'iny tcriMis .iro too npt tu commit ex
ces fruin nut bennf a w-ire of lltodre.idful elllcrlllel)C
that mnyeiisu''. Now. who ihit iiiidtrtaod4 lliu toll
Jcet will pretend to deny that thti power of procrca
lion ti Iut 40niir by thoiO f,illnn Intu liunrontr
habits ill in by 11m prudent. Ife-nkii being ilepttv-d ol
I lie pi 'asdrn of heallhy oiTcpiins. tho mot surimif
sal dcitrjcliru nymp'ouiH to both body mid mi ml
arUn. Tilt y ttjm bicijirtet deranged; (In: pliytnrii)
mi mutt tl powers weakened, nervous debility, I'ys
ppiU, ualpilntlon ( tbo I . imlii(eliim, a wnstiug
tif I'id ft ante, cou tu My mplomtt of consuio pi iun &.'
C3" )lflto No 7 Hol't.i t'KsniiflK k STRkST.nevrii door
fro ii lliltimurt stroet Uat sidu. up the sipa lie
ptnicnUr iuo'titrfiiu Hi-j N.MU and NU.MltLR.ur
yoti wil mistake the pUce.
,1Cure Harrattltvr no Vhtrg Madt, in from One to
Tuso Uay$,
Or. Johnston.
l .i'i tut iU It.tyil Collpgi; of riurgenns. London
tin Ij ii' ffj h tine ofthu most eimneui ccllcfit'it of the
ll-ni'" i Si rd, u it ! tin greater patt ol whose lilu hai
i tttiii, in tli! first lluspitala ol Lomlon . TiirlrJ hi
1 4 I Iji ii4 n't I elriu j heru. t tlurf tl some f i he mot
i iu iiux cir' ilut wre ever known ; nmny trtiub
ii vit i r ni4 IrttNo head and t-arti w en uslicp,
Kr"ii ;rti iftui so bem alarmed at Hwidden n 'Minis
i-i I hi ifihfBM, with frequent bluvhinc mteiideo
i iMlimt'u ilu derunguiueutuiuiud werecured iui
Certain Disease.
V lnt n tha misguided and impmleni votary ofplea
uro rtinln hi U imtntjij.l the untia of this paiufu
disease. It too uCicii happens thai an II Mimed sen be o
tiim.), or dread r dn vor-iy. deters Mm from apply
Ini li thus'j wh j from ediieiiiiun ami renpeclability
can il-ine befriend him deliying till tint constitutional
ym;ttiu4 itfthis horrid diseaflutniks thr.t rappearanfc,
uf.'i ii ulcerated gie throat, diseased nose, nocturnal
pains in lUa kead and 11 nibs, dimness of aijjlit.deaftiemi,
itifdenuu tho skin bones, and arms, Moicheii mi th
head f ico, a n 4 uilfiiP'ties, nrogretiiing u itti friphifiil
rpi lit. till at list Hie p.ilal'i of the moutli or the
bonu of ttiu no sti fall in .and the vietiiu of ibis awful
disease htcouic a horrid objict of comiulsBeruliim, lilt
ii ath p its a pet i ml io his itreatlfu WutfuntiRS, by sen
ding In ui to 'tliat bourno fruuu wlieiife. no trnvekr
return." To such thereforo Or. JohiiFton pkd vs
tiiinelf to prei-'rvo lliu most euviolable secrecy, and
fro'n his eilcmivo practico in tlie first MoDpitnls f
IC iropa an I America, he run conlidently rrouiuend a
saf j and spsedy cure to tho unfortunate victim afltn
horrid disrate.
Vakcparlicul'ir No'ice.
llr.J addrcfses all thusH who hav injured tbrrn
alris bv nnvfttuaiid itunronor indul-rciices.
Them im Moir.ei)f lliu sad and lueljncholv ciTirtB
pro lured by early habiti" of youth, viz Wuikness of
the Hack and Limbs, I'aiu in tho Head, Dimiieif of
Hijjht.LoiH uT SI iJC' I'owcr. I'alpiiation of the
ll-JtrttU'spepsin, lrr.iiit'itily, IJ( rangement
of tlii DiciCslive Fiinctioui.Uenural Uebihiy.syn ptoini
f Con sumption, JJ-c.
MIIM'ALLV The fearful eiTccts unoii the mind
aro much to bo .1 rented. Loss ol Im-ry, Confuoon of
l inn, lKvrrsnon or tuu spirits, i;vti t oremniiiiRn,
Aversi.inof Society, Timity,ic ,u re some ofthecvils
Th.iisiuitfl of nersonsof alt aces can now Indite
what Is elit ennenf li.oir dtcliniug health. L.ooni(f
tlinlr vigor, becoinliig wenk pale ind mnariited, liavin
a singular upptjanince about the cyes.coughaud symp
joins of Consumption.
Dr. Johnston's Invigorating Remedy for
Organic Weakness.
lly this great ami imporiant remedy, wraknessorthe
organs aro speedily cired, nntluil vii'or restored,
yiio Mi.nlsof tho most nervous and debilitate,), who
hil 1 st all hoje. iiuvo bn tiumi dialely rein veil All
impiidiinjuls to M.trrlng I'liyui al and Mi ni;il Disqun
liQeaion.Nervoa trritabihly.Trcmbii.igsaiid Weak
oess. or exhaiisiionoftlio uiusl fearful kiud, speedily
ured by Doctor Jobnston
Young Men
WfiolnvolnJ-iredilmmtelves by a eertiln practice,
InJulgftliu when alone a habit fre-pienlly learned
from rvilc tmpanioiiJ, or uWchool-tlie elects ofwhich
rn niviiLiit leit. uvun when nsloen. a nd if not cured
ran lorn uivri Impossible, and destroys both mind
u l Ii.kIv. flhnulJ oiinlv linmediatelv
V:nt a pity that u vojug man. tho hope of his conn
try. and tli j darling of his parents, should be snatched
from all prospects and eiijoyinetllnof the conso
aunces ol deviating from thu rath ofnature, and in
dulging In acrrtaiu secret habit, Butii persons before
should reflect that a sound mind and bolynre the mo s
I...., romiiriiiiesio nroutoie conunlnal honniness
IndoJ,witliom theio.tho Journey tliroughlifa becomes
a weary pilgrimage, Abo prospect hourly darkens to Hid
view i tbo mind becomes hadowed with despair and
tilled with the melancholy reflection that the happiness
r t.u.n..1dd hhvlila.1 wliIi our own.
OrriOBNO.7 WJUrilfni:itlCK 8T.,a:iImrs,JUi
N.,-Lotno false inodrMiy prevent you. but appiyim
a a la i y e 1 1 h e r p o r so n a 1 1 y " r ;i v i t
To Strangers.
T..m.n thnii. cured at this Institution within
1he lust 15 years, andtho numerous important Bursical
Cperat on periormeu uy wvuw " -
thm miners nnd many other
-icesofwhiehhavoanpitarcdaeain and on ill) beforo
the dubhe. besides his standing as a geutleinan.of clnv
laeterand responsibility, sufficient guarantee tu
tnaamictea. .
Take Ao'ice.
N 11 There nro so many Ignorant und wnrlliless
Quacks advertising themselves Physicians, ruining
Iho health of tlio alreidy afflicted, thut Dr. Johnston
deems It necessary niy, ep-;i t ",,,,i " . i
fl'ialntca witn nis repuiau".Kt i -
dlploniasalwayshamr in his office
Mn-r,rB All letters must be do pnld, an
tonTain apoilagestamufortho reply, or uoaoiwe
willbo so nt
January 17, 1837.
N a, rRBNTIS. ,
V inns a new Omnihus J-jfN
en lllonin.burii and llio TTf-l,
ad Depot, which will.' .1 I I .
ll..l.nn.l n.n.
lake passengers from and lo any of lue .c"u,cn" ?'
.he town, or tho American House anu r un u tii
andno will alsorurnlili conveyances lo allltavsllera
.whoinay wish logo Into any pari of the tounly
lie ha. also a large livery stable connected Willi
ih omnibus line, from winch he can necon rnoilau
the public, with conveyances tor travelllngiFlrasur,
'sjiourston. or Mi.ln....
,B10eaibur, April, 1S5J -ly
(Original Jpoctrji.
Written for the Democrat.
Dead. Colonel Tate :
Somo fow days ago, mysolf and sovoral
others paid :i visit to Hie Wyoming Monu
ment, erected over tho remains of tho bravo
men, who wcro led on to their fato by Col,
liutlcr, aud who fell callantly fichtiDEf for
. . , ; ' .
their lives, their freedom, end their coun
try, on tho 3d of July, 1778.
Ah HghUhoaricd and thoughtless aa I
generally am, I confess that from tho mo
ment that wo entered tho yard that sur
rounda tho Monument, a solemn fceliug
entered my miud acd pervaded my vfh' lo
system during our visit to tho sepulchre of
tho dead, which lasted full one hour.
There is no necessity for me to cntor into
a description of this time-honored Monu
ment, for your readers have been treated
tirao and again with moro livid descriptions
than could possibly emanate from my pco.
But my muse appeared to run thus
feep on.brnve'mon, tho cause is gained,
Tor which vou nobly fought;
lly jour blood nnd by jour lives,
Wnt tbis our Treciloiu bought
A generous country now has ruhr-d,
Tills Monument tn you,
To mark Hie spot where brave men fall,
Who to tho cause proved true,
No nmiblo enlumn marks the spot,
Whcrf tho Tory Itadi rs fill;
'Twbi they who caused tbn overthrow,
" With snvagc song of helll"
Vou noldy Ion? lit, 'yen m My fell,
Vour liven the rantfiui pnjd;
And each uhen found grasped In bt hand.
Ilia truiiy battle blade.
As If loth to part with what did ifcm
In that lnit irjihft hour ;
The only friend on which to fall,
To lend accustomed puvior.
Of uhnt nrall was ery for aid,
Or luarier Ut the foe ;
The only quarters wre glreu.
Was the death decline blow.
'Tas on the mon ng of the third.
Vou mnrrhed so noMy (brtb ;
To meet the foe In hripln arrav,
The veterans of the North.
And l I a Killant hnml of men,
On 1 to ih" fttfiTij-Iiter h d.
A traitor led ilirm m the strife,
i tit n to tho lue he uj.
Thren ml'es that i'av they scarrply marched,
When. In t the cry m ds l'ivii,
Tins fh have giined our fluik i nd rear,
Tin u cry ascends U heaven."
Three hundred gal'ant souls Hirre fell,
The hiKband, fattier, frieml ;
In bnitlins noMy for thrir rights.
'1 he ii ftreiides todtfctid.
Plrp on. slip on, we'll not diitutb
Thy ashes from tin lr rest ;
Mil -is we pas Hiea ky wfli drop
A tea r upon ih breast.
And should the tyrant ' re eppi or.
Again opt.n our shore,
WV snrar, by thy dear ashes hM,
To drive tliem back onto moru.
As long as our proud eagles flight.
Is upunrd o the shy,
The mcuioty of ihy mighty desdr,
With us hatl never ciio.
And ancient Hpnrla the luay.boatf,
Ot herThrrinoiyla;
Wvumiuc s tbn honored spot
In rJorthtAmena,
j. m. r.
HWfsn for iitCoUvb$DtmottQt,
Tho Birth-Day of Freedom.
t.ef ttir pots of Eugtiini) rilr oil's on ihrlr Uuoen
ami iriciriniiaic&i KOiit raiiiu on ntgll ;
Tho Ih rlh il a ol I'riciloiu u t-rf r m 1 1 alnf,
And rijoirtt cn lie teurtk cfjvly.
No i rotirt li.'iuglily inonnrc'i enn here hux Iho away,
Afl l)ramiy now wo drfy ;
Fair l.iticity mlivrsilus lingl'l Joyful day,
And ihocIuiiiih lis Uh Fuurt't cf July
When WAifiinsKiii Imlil'r ili.) marrhal llm fl.ld,
On r I'lifiilit'ri pruwi'iiB to it-v,
The tjrantol Itr,l.uu u'ai u -n f-trcd 10 yield,
Al luu vuiet: 01 uia taut ia uj .liny
May ont iif Ul' inbia pr'?sr-rv ami protect
'1 lie Mussing. . ii wlneli titty rely;
Nor with klniiieml inJiUVrc rn : ever nrglcci
i n rtji'ite on in c r curia ij juty
Tin1 tin. ion. of light front a fountain so hr Is M
i;o n p.trki in every Drcahl
Liko lirroi. united. Willi Jot ami delight, u. welcome me uay or our rest.
Eighty one happy yeur. liaio now rollfd aw.y
tsunce iroeooni a. urougni in 11. uirin ;
Wt tinner anil fionger she hails l lie proud day.
.is me glory aim joy 01 uie eJiiu .
The foes of our freedom are lafnl an 1 beat :
Utgecteil anil g loom v trify . if Ii.
Wlitlo I'raeiloui sits siliIiiik in triumph cotupteia,
ueineiiiueiinc mu riuria vj .titty.
May liiierty,t'iro.i2ltoiit the wilo world arise,
Ami ooiiaise anu tyranny me,
Aii.lm.iy VV1J the blcoinga to prize.
IVIucli were gained on ina l ui-.tii or ji-lt,
jBccky Burchbutl thinks it provoliing
for a woman who has heen working all day
mending her husband's old coat to find a
lovo letter from snothcx wociaa it! Uho
pocket Ex.
Perfect nonsense there is not a woman
under heaven but would iiud tho letter
beforo she began to mend ihu coat then
it wouldn't bo mended atoll. Boston Fast,
tf" A Western editor once apologized to
his readers somewhat after this fashion :
We iivcndcd to have a death and a marriage
.opum.sii u. swec,., m .
prevented tho ; and the doctor
being taken sick himself, tho patient rooo-
vrirfld. nnd wn urn npcnrdinfrl v cheated out
, dj
of both.
Kgy-'Jobu.' eaid a dotine parent to her
rather insatiablo Loy, 'can you eat that
pudding with impuni y !'
'I don't know, ma,' replied tho young
hopeful, 'but I guess I oan with t. spoon,
nSr Tho best capital to begin life vu
a capital young wife.
interesting Storn,
Losing and "Winning.
Wl. il. t i,.l. ., Mr
' . . , . . w v i
.contrived ncam to secure Mr. Westbury's
Sho saw that ho purposely avoided
her, whether from now born indifference,
or principle, sho could not detenmno; but
having boasted to quito a number of her
confidential friends of his passion for her
self, and tho reluctance with which ho had
cnmplicd, with his father's command to
marry Julia, who hud mado tho most in
dclirato advances sho resolved, if art or
mana-uvcring could accomplish it, to main
tain tho appearance of power over him,
From tho first sho exulted in her conquest
I of Mr. Wcslbury's heart, Sho admired
bis person; his fortuno sho loved; and
bitter was her mortification, unbounded
her displeasure, when Lis baud was bo
stowed on another, Tomake it appear
that he still loved her ; to wring the heart
of his wilo, and detract from her character
were now the main springs of her actions
whenever sho met them, Tho sight of
Julia's pearls, which sho thought should
have been (her own, awakened, on thi3
evening, peculiarly hitter fccliugs. Tho
hand tho Jioart even of Mr. Wcatbury
wcro trifles, when compared with such
beautiful ornaments, except as they were
the medium through which tho latter were
to bo obtained.
A ten minutes conversation with her
ctdcvHDt lnvcr wns all her art could ac
complish the cveuing at Mrs.T 's,
until sho secured his arm on going out.
In tho entry they were dct:iitiul by tho
crowd nt the door, and louking round, they
saw Mrs, Wcstbury, together with Mr. and
Mrs. liveleth, csamining a busi of Gen.
Lafayette, which stood on n pedestal, tear
tho loot of the staircase. "With a unilo on
her beautiful leaturcs, which wcro very
ligntly sofiencd, a compound expression
of scorn and nialigiity, Mi33 Eldou said
" Iteally, Mrs. Wetthury has mado a
conquest I Mr. Uvelcth ii divotcd in his
attentions, and enthusiastic in his cucomi
urns ! l)ii you not begin to bo jealom ?"
".Not in tho least,'1 Mr. Wcstbury re-
plied. " The attentions and approbation
of such a man os Mr. Kveleth, aro an honor
to any lady; and Mrs. AVcstbury's rigid
sense of virtuo and propriety will provcut
her ever receiving iniprop r attentions,
i-hould any ono bo disposed to offer thorn.
She has too muih delicacy and refinement
to court tho attentions even of her own
husband, much less Jtoso of the husband
of another !"
Miss Eldon was stung with mortification,
and dropping her bead, that her ftco might
bo concealed by hor hood, sho said, in a
voieo trcmubius with conflicting passions
" How little did I ever expect to hoar
Frederic Wcstbury speak to mc in a severe
"Severe! Maria Miss Eldon? Does
common justice ti Mrs. Wcstbury sound
harshly in your car!"
" Certainly not but your tono your
manner aro not what thoy were, and I
h"pcd that no circumstances, no new cn
garments, would pravont your retaining
a kindly feeling towards one whom," sho
" Ono whom I onoo loved," (aid Mr
Wcstbury, finishing tho sentenco for her
" Yes, you well know that 1 onco loved
Oncot" interrupted Miss Eldon.
" Hut this is man's lidolity !"
"Miss Eldon, you ai-tonjsh mc," Eaid
Mr. Wcstbury. " I am married ; my wife
commands roy respect nay, my aspira1
tion; and duty, honor, everything com
mands that all former ties, however tondcr.
should bo broken. Our happiness, our
respectability, commands iut henceforth
wo bo only common acquaintance?."
' Bo it so, farewell !' said Miss Eldon
with irreprcssiblo bitterness of expression
:on(lMiatc ier from beDea(ll h;
arM Bho spraug fonYard and took that of
her brotl ho ha(l just issued from tho
a jor -
iit-si.... it.-, xr-.;- 17I.i-.iii
Xa kUUb, ucvia mat uu .'luua U1UUU 1
I thought Mr. Westbury; " tho amiable, tho
' feeling, tho refined Maria 1 Whero is my
love, my admiration, my passion for her
j gone ? or rather, by what blindness wero
thoy at first excited ! Docs sho wish to
retain nay, does sho claim tho heart of
the husband cf another! What perversion
h of principle is hero!"
1. i 1 ...
The crowd nt tho door wns by this tirn
ncarlyfdispcrsed, and Mr. Wcstbury, ad
vancing to tho trio that still remained near
tho bust, drew bis wifo's arm within his,
and bidding Mr. and Mrs. Evelctb"good
night," led her lo their carriage.
" How havo you enjoyed yourself this
evening!" Mr. Wcstbury inquired, as soon
as the carriogo door was closed, and tho
coachman had mounted his box-
" Quite as well as I over do in scenes of
similar character," Julia answered.
" Do you not then relish sooicty !"
" Not very wellin such largo masses,"
said JuUa. To my apprehension, very
large parties counteract tho purpose for
which social fccliugs wcro implanted with
in us."
' Then you disapprove, tsjwcll as dis
relish them!" said Mr. Wcstbury,
" I fear they arc not quito innocent,"
said Julia. " So far as my observation
has extended, they havo little tendency to
incroaso bonovolcnco, or any of tho finer
feelings of tho heart, I havo often feorod,
that vanity and thirst for admiration, wore
tho causes that draw together ono half of
tho crowd ; and a vulgar lovo of luxuries
tho other." ,
" These causes surely do net influenco
all those who, bttend largo assemblies,"
said Mr. Wcstbury. " Such persons as
Mr. and Mrs. Evelcth, for instance, ato
entirely abnvc them."
"Undoubtedly," said Julia. "Still I
telicvo the rulo as general as any other."
" Does not tho elegant and instructive
conversation ojf such a man ss Mr. Evelcth
rccv'utilo you to tho crowd?" Mr.Westbury
" Certaiuly noV'oaidj Julia. " How
mu'h nioro highly such conversation would
bo enjoyed how much Igrcater benefit
derived., from it, in a'sma'l circle. Artifi
cial dclioacy and refinement artificial
fceliug artificial good naturu artificial
friendship, aro tho usual compound that
make largo companies? Had Mr. m.d
Mrs. Evcleth fpent this ovening with us, in
our quiet parlor, how much greater would
havo been the enjoyment! h wmuch moro
rofitablo tho time might ihavu been occu
" It might," said Mr. Wcstbury. "Mr
Ivelcth.has great colloquial powers. His
conversation is at once brilliant and in
structive. I know no gentleman who
equals him in this particular,
" I cannot say quite so much os that,"
said Julia, " though ho ceitainly converses
uncommonly well."
" Who can you name that is his equal!"
tsked Mr. Wcstbury.
Julia hcsila'cd a little, and blushed a
great deal, though her blushes were unseen,
ai sho said " In couvers.tional powers, .1
think my present companion is very rarely
f ccr excelled. And why," sho added,
'such gentlemen should mingle in crowds,
where their talents aro in a great measure
lost, .instead of meeting in select circles,
where thoy could Iiud congenial minds-
minds, nt least, in somo degree capablo of
appreciating them, I cannot conceive.
But I Eupposo my ideas of rational enjoy.
ment, of clegaut society aro very singular."
Sho stopped short, fearing sho was saying
too much, but Mr.Westbury requested her
to proceed. After a minute's hositation
sho said
"I thitk tho crowds! drawing room
should bo abandoned to thoso who nro
capable of no higher enjoyment than gos
sip, nonsenso, flirtation, and eating oysters,
confections and creams and that people
of talent, education, principle, and refine
ment, should ttssociato freely in small cir
cles, and with littlo ceremony. Io such
kind of intercourse, new friendships would
bo formed, and old ones ccmcntod, the
mind and heart would bo improved, and
tho demons of envy nnd destruction ex
eluded. After an evening spent in such a
circle, tho. monitor within would bo at
pcaco, and the blessing and protection of
Heaven could bo sought, within a feeling
of sharao and self-condemnation."
" Then your ronscienco is really at war
with largo parties 1" siid Mr. Wcstbury.
" I cannot deny that it is," Julia an
swered. "Impcllod by oiroumstanccs, I
havo Btriven to think they might somotimes
bo innocently attended, aud perhaps they ! destroy itt '
may; but I confess that tho of "1 don't know," said Mrs. Cunningham,
my own conscience aro mora" nnd moro "I ean't boar to havo Ned think to man
severe, every stime I repeat tho indulgence. . nS m0 a3 uo wouW a li,ttla '"i
Whatever thoy bo to others, I am con- then punish mo, as Lo did last nigh I, if 1
strained to boliovo they aro not innocent do iu!t a3 1,u 1 .dou ' .'.uk l'
for inc."
Mr. Wcstbury mide no reply, for at that
moment tho carriage stopped at their own
door, -and tho subject was not again re
sumed. F.Torv nartv was suro to procuro for
. -
Mrs, Westbury tho favor of a call from
Mrs. Cunningham. On tho following
morning, at as early an hour as etiquctto
would allow, sho made her appearance
"I could not stay away this morning,
sho said, tho moment she entered. "I am
so voxed. and so hurt, that I must havo tho
sympathy of somo friendly heart; and you
aro a friend to overy ono especially when
in trouble."
"Whattroubles you, Mrs. Cunningham!'
Mrs. Wcstbury inquired.
"You rccclloot,"said Mrs, Cunmngham,
"what I said to you last night about Mr.
Cunningham's indisposition. Well, as soon
as I cot home. I ran un stairs, of course,
you know, to.seo how ho was, expectingto
find him abed" and asleep. Judge how I ,
felt, when I found my bod ast left it, and i
no husband in tho shamber. I flow down
stairs, and scarched-every room for him, ,
but in vain. I then rang for Foggy, and ,
asked "if sho knew where Mr. Cunning-
ham was." 'La, ma'am,' said sho, Tin
sure I dont know. Ho wont out just after ,
yim did- Ho called mo to give charge a
bout tho fires, and said ho was going out.
I thought ho had altcrod bis mind, and was
going to Mrs. T 's. I dismissed tho
girl, and went to my chamber in agony,
as )ou may suppnso. I declare I hardly
know whal I did or thought for thrco long
hours for it was so long beforo Mr. Cun-
ninghamcamo homo I I don't know what
I snid to Mm wln he camo. but bo was !
not tho kind, affectionate creature, that he
over Ifls been, for bo almost harshly told
mo 'to coaso my upbraidings ! think what
! a word 'for if 1 sought plaasure whero I
liked, I must not quarrel with him for
doing tho samo 1' My dear Mrs. West
bury, I could not make him tell mo whero
ho had been, do all I could and I havo
horriblo surmises. What shll I do! I
am sick at heart, and almost distraotod,"
"Will you follow my advice, my dear
Mrs. Cunningham I" said Mrs. Wcstbury,
who tru'y pitied her distress, much as sho
blamed her.
"0, yes I will do anything to feel hap
pier than I now do, lleally my heart is
broken," and sho burst into a passion of
Mrs. Westbury attempted to sootho hor,
and 'hen Biid
"Forgive me, if I wound, when I would
only heal, Vou havo been a lit'lo impru
dent, and musl retrace your steps by con
firming to the tar-to of your husband. Ho
docs not like crowds, and you must in part
relinquish theni for his sake"
"And is cot that hard!" said Mrs.
Cunningham. "Why should ho not con
form to my tastf, as well as I to his !
Why must men always have their own
way 1"
"That point it is not worth while to dis
cuss," soid M3, Wcstbury. "Your hap
piness, my friend, is at stake. Can you
hc3 iatoan instant which to relinquish;
those pleasures, which, after all, aro so
unsatisfying, or tho approbation, the hap
piness, perhaps, tho heart, even, of your
husband t"
But why," persisted Mrs. Cunningham,
"need ho be so obstinato ? You see ho
could go out and stay till tTfo in tho morn
ing! It seems as if ho did U on purpose
lo tormcut mo," and sho agoin burst into
"I havo not tho has doubt," said Mrs.
Wcstbury, that would you yield to Mr.
Cunningham's wishes would you let him
see that you caro more about pleasing him
than yourself, ho would cheerfully, and
frequently, porhaps, accommodate himself
to your taste. Few mon will bear being
driven, and they would bo objects of our
contempt if they would, for authority is
divinely delegated to them ; but there aro
few who havo not generosity enough to
tako ploasuro in gratifying tho wifo, who
evidently strives to meet his wishes, and is
willing to sacrifico hor own pleasures, that
sho may promoto his happiness,"
"But I can't sec," said Mrs. Cunning
ham, 'why my happiness is not of as much
consequent b my husband a. 1 can t sco
why all sacrifice should bo on my sido !"
"Do you not perceive," said Mrs. West
bury," "that tho sacrifices you mako aro
mado to secure your happiness, and not to
fair, And I don't know as it would bo ot
any avail, should I follow your advice.
Some men will bo ugly, do what you will 1
And why should you understand managing
the men better than I do ! Yon aro two
or threo j-oars younger I
'I nover studiod how to nwoago them,"
said Mrs, Westbury . "but I hvo thought
a good deal on tho best way of securing
domestic happiness; and reason, observa
tion nd tho word of God teach me, that
would tho wife bo happy and beloved, she
must bo in subjection to her own husband.
Ho may not always bo rcasonablo, but i-ho
cannot 'usurp authority' without at onco
warring against Heaven, and her pcaco
and respectability. Think of it, my dear(
Mrs. Cunningham, ruminate upon it, and '
in your decision to careful oot to. let will ,
influence you to sacrifico a greater gqpd for
a less. It is not degrading for a wifa to
submit to her husband. On tho contrary,
"ho never appears nioto lovely than when
cheerfully and gracefully jielding to her
"n wishes that she may oomply with his.
Women were not mado to rulo ; and in my
T'ow, the wife who attempts to govern, and
o husband who submits to bo governed,
e equally contemptiblo."
-'What an admirsblp wifo you would bo
for a tyrant I" exclaimed Mr. Cunning
him. "I never hoard tho doclrino of pas
sivo obedience moro strcnously inculcated.
Indeed, you would make a tyrant of any
"If any thing would disarm tho tyrant,"
said Mrs. Wcstbury, "1 think this passive
obedience would do it, if, at tho satno time
it wcro a cheerful obedience. Hut, hap
pily you havo no tyrant lo dis rm. Your
uusuauu A um '"fui s.,y
PloaSeJ' 1 r"' !rlCn3 for a httl wmIt)
i i i t VI 1 - .
to yield to him, and sco if you do not meet
a rich roward."
"Well, I will think of i'," said Mrs,
Cunningham, aud perhaps shall do as you
advise; for really 1 am very wretched now.
0, doar, 1 do wish tho mon wcro not so ob-
stinato ! so overbearing ! so selfish I"
For somo timo things wont on very calm
ly with Julia. 'I hough thero was nothing
tender, or oven affectionate in tho manner
of her husband, there was a gradual altera
tion, sufficient to keep hope alivo, and stim
ulate her to exertion. Ho spent more and
moro of his leisuro time at home, and was
at least becoming reconciled to her socie
ty, Julia's systom of visiting had been
partially adopted, aud Mr. Wcstbury en
joyed it highly. Mr. and Mrs. Evcleth,
and a few other friends of congenial minds,
had boon invited to drop in occasionally
without cercmnny ; tho invitation had beon
complied with, and Mr. Wcstbury and
Julia had returned a few visits of this kind.
"But after a while, tbis faint gleam of
sunshino began to fade away. A eloud of
caro seemed settling on Mr. Wesibury's
brow, he passed less of his timo at home,
till at length Julia scarcely saw him, ex
cept at meal timc3. "What is tho matter !"
thought Julia. "Am I tho came! is Miss
Eldon! or is it some perplexity in his af
fairs!" Sho longed to inquire. If she
had displeased him, bho wished to correct
whatever had given disploasurc. If liirf
sadness wes in any way connected with
Miss Eldon, of course sho could not in any
way interfere ; but if it originated in any
cause foreign to either, sho urdcnily de
sired to offer her sympathy, and sharo his
sorrows. Day after day passed, without
producing any favorable ch:ingc,nnd Julia's
fVMinrr.i were wrourfht un to aaony. She
O- a . .
resolved, at all hazards, to inquiro into tua
cause of his depression.
He eiimo in lato ono evening, and tak
ing a seat near tho tablo besides which
Julia was sitting, loaned his head on his
hand. Half an hour passod without a word
being uttered. "New is my timo," thought
Julia. " Vet how -can 1 Uo it ( nat can
Isivt A favorod wire would scat her
self on bis kneo, entwine his neck with her
arras, and penctrato his very heart but I,
slas. should only disgust by such frocdom.
. I. i :. : n t
W'estbuiv looked ud in somo surpriso.
and astured her "she had not."
"You have absented yourself from homo
so much of late," said Julia, "that I fear-
; ' t.l,. t vm. Hmn -.-,'
i,l Mr
Wcstlmry ui 0f iato demandod nil my
j t:m0 nn(1 to-morrow I must start for Fhila -
oc Phi"- , , r
iiior rmiauciDiua r naiu juuo, ao
Vrt nVannl linw lnno 7"
"That." said Mr. Westbury, "must dc- j
pend on circumstances. I may bo ab-ent ,
somo t'uic."
Tho following morning witnessed tho
departure of Mr. Westbury, and Julia was
left to painful coujecture os to the cause
of his dejection. Three- weeks passed a
way, in each of which Bho roceived a letter
from him, comporting exactly with his
manner towards hor friendly and respect
fully, but neither louder not confiding.
At the closo of that period, Julia was
tno day alarmed by tho uucercmonies cu
tranco of a aheriff's officer. Ho was tho
bearer of a writ of attachment, wih ord
crs to fiiize all the furniture.
one urow p sign, anu tumuiuuiug mi uct . r m on0 corner ot trae root
courage, said, in a timid voice J how n rrowly it escaped destruction."
" I fear I havo unwittingly offended . uu" . e . . .,
i. w.i,,iri " Beyond the premises of Mr.
A Romarkablo Motoor.
"stouok" as hahd.
Tho Utica papers havo an account of n
very singular phenomenon, which was
wincssed on Saturday last, and wbichcauscd
tho death of two persons :
"During tho aftcrnof-n, t funnel-shaped
moving body of a nebulous character, apt
poared at n point over Utica, moving
rapidly along with a humming sound. It
struck the ground noor tho dwelling of a
Mr. Root, in Dcerfield, tearing down a
fenco or two, and passing on, gradually
settling lower and lower; At last, having
reached n point somo fivo miles in a north
easterly direction from this city, near tho
dwelling of Mr. Nathan Uudlong, in Schuy
ler, it mado a decent upon bis barn, ripped
it up, and scattering it to tho winds. Then
passing on, tearing up trees, fences and
outhouses in its terrible ooursc, it finally
struck iho dwelling of Mr. John Warren,
which was lifted from its stono foundation,
carried q distanoo of somo fifteen feet
through tho air, and dashed in splinters
uprn the ground, leaving a clean plaof
grass between the place whero it had stood
and tho pile of rubbish," ,
" In tho houso wcro a family of six
parents and children, Mr. Warren, seeing
tho terriblo object rushing down upon him,
tearing up trees and fences in its onward
coursc,and buzzing like a thousand hornets'
nests combined, called upon his wifo and
childcrn instantly to aocompany him to tho
collar, and, suiting tho action of tho word,
seized two of the children and leaped down
tho stairway. Tho wifo essayed to follow,
but her fooistcp3 were tardy ; sho was a
moment an instant too lato; tho engine
of distruction lore the building up, carrying
herself and child, together with a littlo son
who was behind her, with it. Tho husband
had but time to seo hor ascend with tho
building that toro away from abovo him,
and then ho stood exposed to tho day, in
his open collar. Ho went to view tho ruin
of his home ; it was ccujplcfb. Hero lay
tho dead and nudo body of his wife, tho
destroying power having stripped the clo
thing from her person ; hero lay hi3 son
covered with blood, asd ecnslcss ; and, just
beyond, his dwelling lay ono such mass of
destruction as probably never was beheld
beforo. Broken and splintered bedsteads,
cradles, tables, pots, kettles, chairs, boxes,
trunks, crockery, tin ware, hate, clothes,
s oves, bottles, bricks, plaster, clocks, beams,
stones, shingles, and endless et cctcras,lay
crushed and crumbled in ono heap beforo
"Next, in tho duo southeasterly) lino of
its courso, it uprooted several largo trees,
scattered tho fence, crossed the road and
demolished a largo tarn, belonging to Mr.
John M, Budlong. This building was of
recent and very substantial building, and
35 by 50 feet upon its bases, yet jtho de
structive clement tore it to pices, scattering
largo timbers about tho fields at a distance
of from fivo to fifteen rods, distributing of
tho roof in varijus. directions, .and actually
taking up an iron cylinder threshing ma
chine, weighing perhaps four hundred
pounds, and deposited it at least eighty fi ct
if m the barn. A cow belonging to Mr. B.(
standing near tho barn, Trss killed without
any apparent outward wound. About
eighty rods farther on, in a direct line, a
smaller tarn, belonging to tbo samo gentle
man, was demolished ; nnd what is very
singular in this instance, but littlo of tho
material of which it was constructed :s to
bo found anywhere. A few shivered boards
aud timbers alono attest to its previous
existence. The dwelling of Mr. Budlong
a(l a narrow escape
A 6hinglo or two
, for
about a mile, prostrato trees and fenoes
evidence- tho track of tho destructive mes
ceogor. It, however, seemed to havo re
leased its hold upon tho earth soon after
I leaving tho farm of Mr. tor it was
1 ,1!ctlnlK. in tisq from' tho surface ami
j aiolvo its conical sbapo into general
1 cbul, fomi Tll0 phera0meBon was folio-
bv v:clciit ril;n ana wind. Two nen,
. .
at work in n field.saw the slringc apparuon
approach, and took to their heels, baely
escapi i.g its track as it passed on. It seeteil
to riife from tho timo it was firsE scen,nd
tho evidences beforo us of destruction bin
u dis vlct not over four or fivo ruilcin
extent, io a duo southeasterly dircori
f-om whero its first touch was folt, apin
a track about fifteen rods in width. Wt
ever of material eubstanoo presented i'f
in its track wasswopt away, ani tho i
presented was ceitainly fearful tq beho!
tSr Amcricn'i Independence, p"