Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, June 20, 1857, Image 3
cojjJMBU BKMOCitAT.ffoiumbm Democrat. AJiEJt It. TATE, bOOATa KDITOH, Saturday Morning, Juno20,1857 'o aro requested tostnto thai tlieroTfill Aio divine services in the Oourt tlouso, to- fpiorrow afternoon, (Sunday,) at 3 o'clock. BLACK, 'I ho Iron-railing around tho jjTOourt IIouso Yard, is now being painted black. 'I'hi.i h a decided itnprovemont and I will add material to tho annearatiCQ of our coutity-seat, tST Gen. Walker has abandoned Nio- it'aiMtrt, tho rrcsulcnt cxnocu to thrash Jtii.ham Ynung, and Gov. Walker tho disiurbcrs of Kansas ! and why should tho pcoplo not rcjoicu at tho coming Forth of July; Wako up, yo patriotic spirits. FRUIT. Wcro wcito iudjo of tho fruit . . . . . .. prospect in this neighborhood, by MlO blossoms and young fruit nlready sot on tttio trees, wo should say that wo wilt bo ' blessed this summer with plenty of apples, j i . i . . i . . i 1 ncir.i. Tilunis. elierries. and. wo hone, a 'f tolcrablo goad crop of poaches. Hejoice, ' m .... c f-,.:,i OIIOAN GltlN'DKUS Several of those traveling bores liavo been promenad ing our street during tho past week, dis coursing llicir accustomed strnini. Ono bif, strapping fellow, got what bo deserved in tho way of a "good ducking," whilo ho was urlivciiine tho etreots. with his dole- music. MELODIOUS Onlist;Satutday oven- iiifr, wo had iho plcasuro of listening to tho Lutheran Choir, of this placo, which Jiid met iu thi basement slory of tho Oourt Homo, for the purpo'o of relioaising sacred mutio. Their f inuing was excellent, but wo supp nso it will bo far more sweet i' when they get within iho walls of their ' new Church. RAIN ! 11AIN I i ItAIN 1 1 '-Tho pluvial ' deities liavo certainly assembled together ia fcomo of the upper temples of the sky ' mid psEsed r. solutions to upset (heir "en tiro Croton reservoir," in one overwhelm ing torrent upon the poor inhabitants of Karth. Scarcely a day p.iGcs without a gust of rain and tho drop, fall fitter, thiokcr, larger, Mi l moro heavily, than we h ive ever bel'oro seen in this latitude. Such .shower aro very comlir ive,undoub tedly, to the frogs; f r they snore and sing jnnct lastly, ovory CYening, up in tho out- 't hhiits of town. At ibis writing tho clouds aro murlsy, and no dmbt llioy will soon '' renew the oh! busiiii'ss and ruin, rain, tain. TtiAltIN': DOWN HII.LS.We often notice huii l-Jjills posted up shout town are torn down or defaced ulmctt na soon as thoy aro put up This is wrong the rrv i having thciii put up h' vo invested a ccrt'in amount r.f capital and expect to derive doi cfit therefrom, which they do lift realize To ptr.;o"s who aro guilty of this offence wo would merely hint thut ii is an :ict for which tli y might bo ftini i hed wi h bearding 'or suver'il vvi'ckn or moil hs on I lie; hi!', with Stiphrti II. .Mil ler, Ksq. It is biped, therefore, that if there are thoo whoso evil dUpo-it:o:n load them to cammit u.wrnnL, the fear of tho law iu this ns well as in other cases may net us a restraint. OUlt DJ5VIL AND TIIK COMKT. Thii iilti-'triouH viitrr is n w retreating from our view, a'ter Invin show iiim-t-clf, ilolhediu ;olden apparol, travelling through tho rculm of and planets, to pay hU devotion to tho sun. Our tUvil, whether from fear or curiosity, tho otlior night mcuntctl our pig-sty for the purpo-e uf taking observations, vvith an instrument mailu i)f brass. This was on last Monday night, just after thu storm, and tho bky cohered with clouds and not a star to ho seen. Wo mentioned to him tho impossi bility of beting tho coiiiet while so cloudy ; but ho only laughed, and said wo wcro not scientific. When ho had arranged our ssw-horso upon an old ash barrel to suit his purpose, ha lequc.tctl us to hand up his icstuiment, (pointing at the same time to a largo collection of. old brass instru ments', whii-Ii ho procured for tho occasion.) W.9 smiled at the idea, but said nothing, as vre wcro not scientific, and complied with his request. Wo tliea left, wishing him sucecsi. In tho morning we asked him what was tho result of his labor ; ho ! .1 li Irt . f it.- -t II rrpueu "u niuSi.iueu.n Yiuw ui iwu ,a, o also asked him, hnw ho managed his Instrument to ico so far, when Lo replied , that "ho took a copy of a paper, printed in this neighborhood during tho Into Pre-' Eidcntial campaign, on account of its won-1 dcrful aiagnlfying powers, and its ability to bco thruugU tho thick, black clouds that hung between it uud tho come at it longed tn eco. " My next step was to wcsuicrizo myself, and form a connection with my instrument, and that with tho all pervading Fpjco of nature, when all thiuga becuno visible to mo stars, planets, comets, suns, and somo objects not yet thought of by philosophers oh, it was a .Llit!" Ho looked upwardr., his eyes beaming with iu tonso brightness, Aftir a few moments, ho assumed his natural nppearaneo, and 1 UT "n . . S 110 purUliaS'T oi iivu .luujir. , , , iiiijr ,111 a v vt .said t "I will try tud givo you a dcscnp-1 an,, t.M!ll,,it,, cundei,c. m ihe trado.Lii'PiNcor k ,ion of what 1 saw: but tllO nrOCCSS by , CO. a auiuformbol'iwpricnouulllhtirgoods.t.very .hid, I prepared these papers for my """""""" -ptirposo must icniaiu for a timo unknown! ij-oall and , '.,,., Al IhnHoith VVTrtcoo of PourlU anl MirVH street. to mankind," rmiaoeivina Tho following aro tuo receipts to llio oflico of tho Columhia Democrat, during tUo month of May, 1807 1 Jinn JnoMsatiimn sim tlma nietclck, 157 1!) tram Kitchen, I 00 Moll. I.. II. Rupert, 4 110 Rstlhc-ll HrtnitHiy, 3 00 i:s'..nlll., M.Johnston, SOI) Jacob tlomliny, 1 75 ."!iren vv.iuaicr. i uu iif A. I.n.lwij, BOO Atimm L. Drieihaeh, fi ,5 Jncvb Ilcmott, Ci'i, 1 .V) Jacob Hwisher, 7'i J. k i). Ycao-or. 1 liu n-inlel I'.ilmcr. 0 no 1 73 1 00 s no l oo 1 73 1 73 Thomas Wenver, John Horn, Jr. Anion Hendcrsliot, Samuel Htcllor, Joseph Shinnon, Haitian llomboy, Herman Ac ltrothcr. j'7ti1ti0v7na0,,1bauitcr ? ?s iimj. wimemccn, i jfl uenry kiioiics. 7- j oo n II. r.u. m I).. Oliver i:vniia,(Locii.t)l 75 JohnSnvdcr. (Mifflin) 3 00 Jnlin M'Reynolds.Csi 2 on illlBO .KMIU ... XMI-J, ColninbliCo Ag Hoc; 1 00 l?at of Poler Kleiner, a .Ml Uat of Poler Stonier, Datum rinyucr, v 4a JohnK Oirton.(P) 77 rjoiumnia uounty, Jcsao IV, MerroU, I oo John N. Wilson, 1 75 MavIuiU k JnCobV. s oo Jacoh nvcrly, Usi, l'eter Griffce, Jones Webster, I'.vans k Wntann, Hints Savings roml II 7.1 3 00 11100 00 00 list t iv. .vicviurtrc, l y . Lambert Per. log, H7 Gonrco W. Hiitlman, 3 on l'.notli rot,, 'iuo Jii.Iko Kvans, A 00 J. WcHchelliaum, 1 00 Ilov. Wni Weaver. 2 00 John miters, i oo Knliort Williams. BOO 10 00 Bavins Pnnd.N Tl.'o, 10 Oil Joseph Pus. I'll. li 00 Wm fl Smith & Co, .1 00 Orondite, Tierce kilo 3 00 Allen .It Needless, 3 01 Thnniis J V.indcralleit 73 j J H. A . t S. Allen, 3 on Wm Ma.teiior, in On .lim, nsrber, 3(0 lllrlmP.I llrMini, O On I O.l.l.h.fl .h 1. II nl li a . Oil ,nmuei I'-nnnc, im nrcirui.t Pcrnbci!cr.3no Wm. Piers, 4 In UiinlncntticUuntor, II on John Heller, U TSneo, W.ll Iriklo, 1300 Wo aro grateful to our friends, whoso names stand above, for their prompt pay- ments. Wo trust othcr3 will imitato their i. i . . i i iivuiu example uuu pay ua our just uucs. Monoy sent us by mail will bo at our risk, tho receipt of which will be promptly ac knowledged. Gpocial Noljcos. lO-HUrFEllCM nl'h Dlacn'ii of the lUarVJ-r, Kiel, ncys. 15 iivrl, Dropsy, Wenknon, &.C., renil the nuver. tliiriiicnt In another column, hoaitetl Uoliiiliuliri (lennli.e Preparation " j- The Five Per Cent. Saving Fimd ofllia National r-afety Company, nVnw Irool. noulli- west corner of ThlrJ Html. I'hilailol phia, nowlim nearly One Maunx Jn a Half of Dollar all In Itr.L Instate, MoarAor, fittounn lUsas, nnil otlior first clus scctirl lie, to the benefit Ij ihpuaitora. ffi-THOMAS W. MAIT.ON, Rccelvftl the Prize Medal nt the World's Pair in Loniljn, J83I, for TRUNKS. OARIT.T IIAOS, llools.'thooa ami Cuius, Clrent inducement arc now ottered to purchasers of the 'iboveartlcles. Thlsis much the large.! .tockoftrunks, Carpel Hags, Vnllccs.&c., in Philadel,hia very cheat. or cull. Manufactories: 130 Market Street, S, W .irnur anI.IJI Mtrk;t street, 8 K. corner of fourth. CJ-'riin nuMooit.vTic nominkd rou oovr.R. NOR A corrrrpondent writes that as aoon as Of n. hacker heard that ho hidb.'cn nominated for Covcrnor by thu Democratic Convention Qt HnrrUhtirg, hi de. clar'jd hiinarlf overjoyed, and avowed lijs)detcrmina I in tot ike tin, turnip at an inrly day innn irresistible suit oMothing fromthi tnat;nifirent onihlishrncnt of OiiAMvllit Stosh, No. 007 (lalo 20) Chcatnut street above rth. 1'hit.idelr.hia. "WOOIII.ANt) Cl'.I M." A paimde fur beaulify ing too Hair highly porfiinied, s nprior toany Trench ar'jele imported, nnllfor half the price. Tor ilrcs-irg Ladicn llai r it hu. no e'llill. giving it n bright gloFgy apn'Mi ranee ll rnusesO I'litlemrn's Hair lo curt in tho most natural manner 11 removes dandruff nlnays giving tho Hair the oppearanf,- -.f being frfall sham. poo..L Price oily 50 cents. None genuine unlesa signed tlirRllini: Ac CO.N.Y., Propiittors of fiio Rslni of ft. Thousand Tlovvers " Tor eale bv all llrticgiits ra-iAS a .mi:ihciji:-iiui;li.R's rAi:t)AP.i il- L . This pr r parol Ion is onu of the beni nls 'ihlch the scietus of modern ciemutry hts coul'crrtil on utatklmt. Ilsdlstlnc'ive ie rii'i.iritip. anil sup.'tinrily consists in its purity . peed and ui'ifotm , fficacy, and entire froethim Irom llwse ilanioroiis ingredients nhtctiform lha major pirtof ino.t sar.aprrillns. The fhe-i-y and safct y nfthic u ediciue s ro fu lly demon ilrstid hv uniolleited lestiii'orials from ccr'ous m very rank of lif-t, tint public opil'ion proclnims this nno of Un most imr.rlaut discoveries of the npo Durlnj; Ihe spring II Isa meat al liable remedy, and nof.-ii.nly fchniill be wiltiout u good aupplr. Fan Itu rin .irk.) liittllitnar THU VITAL rLUIIIenlcrs every orjan orthj body Ihroiich the elreul jilt n, dlitriluU'. Iln- nulrilivo pr In ciptu lo every leitun and thu souree of -vtry i-ecre tioii, In a word. 1 1 is t'l e life of man. How liupor. taut, lhn. that Itshu't'.d bt kept Ilia pure andheellhy eoitditloti. If.rrys i'enttpnrilla is known lo possess prr.pert"s Vthirll b.'Coino arsl aielwillthl b'oul, d.sliilerllng it of diseasi', nnl restoring cth'iu.led njtur-; lo pristine vigor f'oumJs (7Vt.ts) Iltrall. Poidiy ecimirmLiv'. biiotiikii u i o. trt-THC TIIOI HAM1H liuuso cons'itulione have be n nine,!, uod their systni'i- ol-on. il bv lie usu r.f Mercury sh ml.l clvo Iho Icillowluiiiluir earuen at. ti-nlioii Dr. rlil.ts, Newio.i llniuillcn, Pa., Mry, Ihjl, saiil-" 1 Invo used, ii.yself. half a iliucn Lotties of's O em. in HilteiH fr.r !.ier Complaint and di.easea of a o.rvous character, r'tullii.g frem tlienre of Merrury. I tins ponone.l and enie'eil Willi ipa-ws IromllMU.u of tli is latlerartirlc. The lleiinnu IHtters is II. c first nrlicl cfroni nliiili I o llnlluil nnyjclirf. htveftieo given the nrliclo to niany d)spepli'rH. with Uu nost salutary result. I think as many inoru bot tles will rnre inc. Bee ndrcriisemcnt. C3"Utiani gratified ti aniiyunco lo o ur rf-'dois n Oa'iiailic Till, (of wliit'i iitQ a-l.-rrli seaitr.t i on r where known as th lieu remely ever rll'ere I tolhoi public fur i.'ousha, Ac , lias inepared Hum to i.-i.veet tint nii)tbiii3 from his In'io ralory would bo worlhv of nitenlio n ,s t,n nun meilirino is more uiiivertilly i , t, , . liken Lha n a Physical Pill, the pul lie ill bo clod to knowof one Irom rucfi a t uitworlhy fource. Wo hj.pen lo know and can assure tin in t lul this article n. mi ruti c men i s. n ivej ua u cnvcoiunn ni 11 ai has ever issued from his Crucibles, and cooseueutly is well wrrth n Dial '.vherev.-r vuch a medicine be toiujs necessary ttactne j?do. KQUALITIl TO ALL I UNiroimrrv or prii;i:s' a x.w 1'mim n )illslNks. Jerry one his oieu S.iltsmcnl JOM'.rl k CO., Of Ihn Crescent One Prito nothing; ("tore. No. 500 Markcl alrett.ubovo Six III. l'luladt.)plila. In addition to hiving the largest, niol varied anil labionnblu stock of Clollttng in Philadelphia, made exprcshly for ritsl sales, have ron.iitntrd every one hisonn salesman, hy hiving marked in figures, on eacliariuhi tho very lowest pticoil can bo sold for rotbey cannot possibly vary all musihuy nlik 'I'ho goodsarn well sponged niulprcparcd.anugrcnt paim' taken with the makliie so tint all can buy with heri a811raro ofecl0, u 8.i ,ticc,it the very : lowen piico. Aiso.n laine sioch of piece goods on l.alid,oflt.e latest stjlaunu U'il 'luilities winch will bo made lo order, in the most f.isbion.iblo tied best manner 23 per cent, below credit prices. Ilo ncoihei the Crescent, in Matkei, above EUth H, r , v -'on. JONGS k CO. ONE P11I0K ONLY I LIPPIN'COTr Ac IIUNTi:U3 Clolliing Warriicuie. PoiiihWest cormrof fourth and Market streets, Phil adclphia. 7l..lfO.,rWjOljrSIri .Imtrlea Cash purewsers ol Men's or toys Clothing, al whotesaioand retail. can, here, make th-ir selection from uu liumcnau itock'of faahionably cut and will made clothing, got up with a view lo gilo sitisfaclion lonll.nndal thovcryliweatpossihloseliiug price a marked, n plain llgurcr. on every gsiliienl, all buy at the siinnprico.nnd whether they are Judges of gooda or not, they raunotbo decieveil. One uniform low price to nik andtako. soitseverbody, wilu tho usual luol'i ofnbkiog two prices, an.l taking alt that can be got. suits nobody, andchoats Uiruu. fourths : for irstanco n nnu oaksSIS foracoaLaadafterwardsarees lotaku 910, mid iflsequl lyre rlain, that;ie,uou1d havo taken I $13, ifho ciuld l.ivo gJt ll, ond thus netuilly chat LIST 017 DKALBR8' Or nooDa, WAnca nj Mr.nciiANDisri, kc. nml of niitlllert, lirctveri, nnd Catlns llouao Kecpera wllhln Iho County of Columbia, rcturncil nnil elat"lfieil In accordnncn with the poverat acts of Aa aemtity, by the Appralier of Mercantl'o Tatci, of aal.t county, ua followa, to wltt DLOOM. ami. lMtn. I'lm.nislnii o It. It. Iron Co., 0 SUM M'Kolry, Nfl k Cl.. . 0 Z1 00 II. C. h 1, W, Ilnrtman, A. J, Hvana. i:tlan Memionhall, A.C.Menach, A, J. Sloan, Leonard n, Rtiperl, 1 in I.I Biroup. Davlit l.ovcnbcrf, 3 itoret, J. J. Urowor. Ccorc' llagenbueh, 1.. 1'. I.uit, II, Pluninicr, Oliver A. Jafoby, A. .M. Ilitpeit, clmon C. Pbivo, John R. Moyor, Joieph W. Uenilerahotj 13 30 lo oo 10 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 14 00 I 7 00 7 001 7,00' 700 7 00 I 7 00 1 7 00 7 00 7 00 1IURWIUK UOROUGI1. norvman & Preat, II 13 00 Abraliam Miller. 11 15 oo ilo 14 7 oo Jlcllcniy k Owen, 11 15 00 II. II. Nicely, M 7 uo J. U. Doilrnn, 14 7 00 Auchenbaeli k Jnrnbv. 14 7 00 nr.iURcnccR. 1 J. T. Dlotrlrh, II 7 00 I Henry Trauih. 14 7 00 1 John U. Jntuby, 14 7 00 I1CNTON. Miller tfchuvler, 13 P.iniucl llcaeock, 14 II. F. Cole, 14 nHAVCR. Qrabatn U Oroilier, 13 OATAW1S3A. John Plmrpleta, 13 P. C. I'.ycr, 13 Bliarplcrtfl At Krclgh, 1 J. P. nnchor, 13 Ca.pirRnhn, II Holomon Kclnharil, II (learhirt At Andrews, 11 M. ll.llu.liei, 14 CENTRE. C.&fl I.I.W, 13 Jooollichi, 13 11. II. I'owl.T. 13 Charlen II. ll.- 4. Co., 14 lifliitiiei LmiiitHick, 11 A. c Nicely, It riniiiNdCRncK. Djnlol Mcllpnry. J rtenjumin Mcllenry. FlUrker At Robins. 1 1 Howell k Pennington, 1 FRANKLIN. in oo 7 00 7 00 10 00 10 00 io on 10 oo )0 oo 7 00 7 00 7 ilo 7 OO l 10 OC 1 in Ot) 10 no I 7 Oo 7 no 7 00 7 00 7 (HI 7 CO 7 00 VJIiJahCliiileiler, CP.KDNWOOD 14 7 00 1 13 inno ia io no 13 io no in io oo 14 7 no 14 7 00 I l 7 CO ia in no 11 7 00 1 13 10(10 13 10 00 13 10 00 3 10 Ull 11 7 00 14 7 00 11 7 00 13 10 00 I 14 7 III) II 7 no i 14 14 01 14 7 (Ml 14 7 UO 13 10 01) 14 7 (M 14 7 00 13 10 00 ' 14 7 00 14 7 (HI 11 7 Ull 14 7 00 ' l II 7 1-j 1J 12 .'0 I'l '.',) (Ill 1.1 ,l)m I'J l'J 511 i i:i io on 13 in iki ; 14 7 m II 7 l 14 7 Oil 14 7 in 14 7 1M 8 S 0l fi 1,1) H i ml tt a tin H 5 III) h - no t SID H S (.1 5 no 14 (1.1 1 1 7 Oil D '.'j 0.) 11 7 mi 14 7 01) 13 111 III 14 7 ll 14 7 Oil 1 1 7 00 11 7 00 13 10 Do 11 7 0, n so no o so on V 20 00 I) 50 M Onrgn Matters, Kilns Wertnian, Jnro'j Pchuyier, Wilson Acer, John Lencet, Klwood l'cs, Jacob Harris, ltnMLoc't. 51. (i. Shoemaker, Charles Ncjltard, LOCUST. Mark Williams, Judah Cherrlncton, Hamuli 11. DcaiiU'r, I. i'.t fl. P. l.evjn, (!. W. Yeuscr, Jacoh Yenirer. IVllitlliger k RclnboM, MADISON. Comad Kramer. Neul .M'Cay. SIirFLIN. 1 K Mwcppsnhciscr. llrnwn At rrca.y, n. II Schwank, Utepheii Wulf, MAW. A. A: 9 Andrews, Willium Sliumaii, JIOVTOUR. Washington Uiltcubender, ORANGE. Lazarus tn.her. William 1'nu, A II Slew art, A . Coleman, T11B. James Musters. ROAUIXOCRULi;, rianktin Shuinau, SCOTT. II. W 4 W. N. Creasy, Ilei.iy ,M I'uller, .Hi iKk t lirother, Kdttiir k .Miliiis, J.iini., Ko.lir Ai c,., Ren haul k Ciivlme;. fc-'iiiniiel A. Wnrman, Ii hitinof.r, It ll. Warden, A. .Mood, 0 II, Doun, KM ISO HOlNr.3.' riirelino C'urk. illooiosburg, H'sc Wilson, io, J W lleiiderehot. do. Iliraui 'iiiiheis. Ilerwirk, fie.nsel k Kiioi.l, 1 utamsiii, Willi no Voder do. ..!.irv Hi lines I'l.hl ngcreek, L. W A. W., .Montour, II. II. W. Vnlioiker fi mi, MIM.r.IH. Jnnies r.artnn, Illnntn Vimlls, SV il '11,111 .M Keliy. Iliniluck 1'owli'f & Critiiuu, Seott, 01 tirue Prols t'etitre, C W .M Kelvy At Co., Cnia.ifso, J. P. Fi mi li.-r. do I'owier k AT ill; r Uriarcrcek, Jo.iah Tiiom.ii, io. l'r"as k llotrmiii, ilo. '.Vuliaiu Cole, llonloiij i.uMiirat nr.ALKP.a 1'ilear t Iilues, Heott, Ni.ic ii Alonroo. .Montour, i)isni.Li:i!3. 1 ott k lli'.'ce. Centlo, J P l.-itili ich. iiiienrlo.if, John .Mcllenry, lie.iioii, . nitr.wnn.i. Charles W . ll.t.sirt. lllooni, 7 oo 7 00 All per-unit, ho may feel themselves accrieve.l by Ilia iib.ivp rl.ijsi.lcitioii mi luvu an opportunity f aiipiMlmt by cnl bus on Die lttiilersipui.,l ttl his ohVe ih Itlo'imbiirij any lime on or bet re the l.t day of July. 1?57. htler which lliue no appeal will be heard W. WIltT. .p;irrtuer e JiCrcantllt Taxes. ntoomshlrj, May "0, Iij7 Ltlill'j lhAllj itUAD -j v, csgp3vrr! fJ'iV'-wn tiv"iL2fakiiita&'iS ')"' ''"""'' """'" , '."c,"j Fulls u 'AlatiiiAla. Shortest uicAe.t and Cheapest liovle fron erV, y.,rk , yuuM,, Ma. arrnhW, I'MsiJi. llallimare. HssAiiijtJn cry, and tAs South. pAKSr.NLl.ll TKAlNa leave l.lmlra dally (eirept .,j at, A. M passing Williamsiinrl at III 5 A .M. Miiineilliig with Head Kg Kail ntPortClii. ton. und reaching PliiljiUlphia ul7 :tll p, .M. Keliirning, leavo Philadi Iplun from corner ofllrond and Vine streets, olTllli, A. Jl. reaching WiHiaiuspoit, nl5 13. P. -M., nml nrrlWii" nll'dmiraatii, P. M. PASSKNdUlt TRAINS WI 1,1, LUAVL' POUT OLINl'ON KOll IlAltlUSliUHO. Direct, via llaupliinand usiuclianna ltnll Itoad ,on ihe arrival in u.iuiuiK.i i ruin, at i 45 p . SLrcacliliie liar rubiirc al H 1' M fCpiiiriiuieleax I- llarri sbtiren I 7 1.1 A ST .nnnlln - a i ro riuii oiou win, .tiiiin lI.llnlll uuiino w i st loriu ine Ihe mosldirect ionic toHarrisbiirL. Pi is-bur... I!:,l timori'iiniltlie cloutli.coniiectiiii. these points with a'l No nil we. let n Pennsylvania a ml Western Xew York. Connei .Ingat Klinita wllii trnlnsnu Xow Vorkand L'rtellall iw,au;aiso, wiiu mo l.huira, Cjilaudaguu llorhe .er, lluffalnnn.1 Niagara rails, Cn aectlncdireclly with thu (.real Western Uallroa at riuspcu.ioii hndse for Detroit, Chicago, Hi. Louis, A.e , thus oiakliiBtiiu snoriest.iinuilicapestruuterroii 1'lllladelplliu lolho.c points. A FUKUiirr TRAIN. Will leave Williamsport IIAILV, at 0 30 A. M .fo Pliilndelrhla. j t'reigiiiiraiuinniioiriiri rniiaocipina wituoutlran. MiilMii-ii..,iMi, ... ,, in ..... , itudu s rei(;,iiuciui,curi. er nl urunii uno i.uuiiy tin-eis. I'UAINS PASS DANVILLIJ ASTOLLOWS aOlMO KAST. Passenger Train Freight Train. GOING WEST. PasscngerTrnin , I'rsight Train, r An r.?. Qetweenl'liilndclplijsandllupert. Danville, Cnlawissa, 1'nmaiua " " .Milton Wliliaaisnori li M. fl !il A.M. 3 S3 S3 P, .11 .11 SI 40 4 Oil 4 30 2 HO S 10 5 110 Piftspounds ofnerronalbneciice allowedtn eseh nass seiftwr cicesscUargettal double firs. das. I r eight rdes ii n ru.ii, euv.niii.nMisi JanSO, lfSa Greenwood Seminary AT isiillvillo, Columbia Co., Pa. A TIC course of Instruction is siven in r nil the Cnglish branches usually tnuehl. The Principal will bo assisted duijiigihe present yoar by T. Jl POTTrl an uperienced learner. Kcenlly from the Lancaster county Normal Heboid A vacaiiou of sewn weeks wilt commence July 1st. T C R M fl . ruiiioM, io r nay pupnu. 9.,.u i sj.,ju irt .i.iiii-i. lloirdlnr', Tuition, wnshiiiiT, I.ishts. &c , 3l) yt - quuiier (1 ikven weeks, one-tulf Ju advance. r or rircuiar. csiau'H ue, or inir I'mucunit, umu km P WM ouBunsa, Millvillo, April 4, 157 fof, SWAN & CO.'S LOTTBIIIKS. toe jiwsr BniutA.vF7ciiE.VF. kver nnAtrff Capital I'rlze $00,000. TICKHTS ONLY tlO. OWINO lo llii-is'eal furor with which our SlnRla Nuinner Lotteries lnvo been received bv tha niialir. nnd ihn inrtte iloinaml for Tickets. Ilia Mana pen, s.a vas At Co., will bavf a drawing each Balur. ('sy ihriniehniit Ihn year. ... The lollowmg Schenio will bo arawn in eacno their Lotteilosfor June, IP37.. CLASS M, To bo drawn In III" cltyor Atlanta.aenrgli.inpubllc, on Batuniay, June btli, IB! CLASS 40, To bo drawnlnthocltyof Atlanta, neorgUiln public, on Saturday, June! I3lh, 1S57, ilf.Am ll . To be drawn In tlm eliy of Athnn.Oeorgla.ln public, on Balilldiy, Junn '-'Oth, 165,. CLASS 4J. , , To bo drawn in lbs ciljr or Atlanta. Georgia, In public, on flilurday, Jun 27lh, 137. on Tiiii plan in' siNiti.i: NUMtinuai 77irt 7';o!nJ 7rfS Unwind anJ flee I'tuet I Horo than one l'ruo to cvory Ten Tickets. MiaxiFicr.jw scrtCMM to nc iirawm DACII BATUliOAY IN JU?E1 I Pnzo of I CO.O00I 1 Prize of 1,000 u Irfl'l i " i.uuu 10 0U0 1 1 .011(1 .Muni l Loon 5 01.11 1 43 300 I 0,500 I 100 IIK1 i 3 300 100 00 2 .'.III APPROXI.VIAIION PRI7.r.S. Hie ,4.vriAi.roi'lng to trai i.iii are 6M0 1 41 4 4 H 12 10 3000 itlll) 20.00,1 Mill 153 70 Ml 40 3U aro 10 lino 3.OC0 2.500 l.l'OO too 511 f.llO 1,40 CO.OIIO M)i rrlJifd ninnunilnir to eani.tiuo WtlUbU TIL'KUl'a tlO; HALVES! $5 CiUAK- Ti;im 321. Plan of the Lottery, ti vnmhrM Iron. 1 to 3i),U(ni,p,orrcinon'Iinff with l thon NumtiaiR on the Tickets printed on ifpfatc klip 01 ff " ocircicn viii siusu tin tuum ihu nmcco in inn rif:t Tho firsi 257 L'rixi. Bimitulr printed nd rnclf clcd.are pliccd in uimt her wheel. The wii&flri aro then rovolvrd, nn.l n Dumber h drnwn rrom tho whfl i-f NiimlnTM and ut the miho time rri? itmwn from t'li other whel Thi Number nnd rlzeilr,iwnoiit aro npt'ind tui 1 exhibit Isloners: tho Prise lielnt placed. anlnit Ihe Number til IO t lie auitriif, nun i-i.'kisk.'tij's uy wik vnniuitia drawn, 'mis oiierntiou ia reputed, until nil lh i Prizes arc drawn out. . .t. two snccci'dine; Numbers to those drawing the first ,r.t,ia(iu ' . ,7 ..L'""". "'"', , iq will be entitled to tne 4d Approximation l or example, ir tickii imuuraws inn Prirs.tbo.e Tickets numbered ll.'JId, I 841. 11.85, will rarh bee milled loB.1. It Ticket draws tho 3M.0,)0 Piize, tho.u Tickets niim- bere l S41, 54J, 551.553 will each bo entitled to 8290, d so on neeorilinx to inn flbove scn.'ine. Toe 3U0l) i'ri7..-sof S20 vlll be I'cli rmlneil by tho laatllfiirooflln'Nlmber lint draws the SuO.000 Prize. For cTsmpIo, ir tho Number itrawlne. t lie JlOOOO Prize ends with No. I, then oil Ihe Tickets, whore 1 It inc Nunilierooda Willi No 2 then all the Tickets v,heie the Number ends in a will bo entitled to gso.and so on too. Certlncates of Packnees will be sou at tne follow ing rates, which is the risk : iriiucateoi rucosge uiuwnoic iicseu, e do do JO Half do 40 di do 10 Quarter do so do do , III Uislilh do 10 IV ORDIIRINO TICKHTS OR Cl'.Ii l IFICATCS, Unclose the iiiotievlu our addres3 fu r the. tickets ordered, on receipt of which lliey will he forwarded ny nrst man. riircnnrerscan nave iickcib viiuiuii in nny tl;ure they inav i!i sljtnn'O The List uf Draw ii Numbers and rrizeswlllbe sent lo purchasers ininiediatcly nrtcr Ihe drawing. Purchasers will uleise write I lie! r signatures rlain, a ml clvo their Post Olfice, Cnurly and Htalo- that every Prize ieilrawnunu pay one in fu II without ileduMion . All I'nzi'S ol 5liliioanliiniterr am immeuiaieiy-aucr the liraninji other Prizes at c uauol tine of thirty days All enmiuunicntlone str icily confidential. Adireas nrdLr lor Tickets or Certificates to H. H,v As k t.o ..-msnio, (a, t- a n.tol lh number. lint nro drawn Irom ibe wh el. willi tne n moil nt oi ino prize tnai o.iru one is entitledln HI ho published after every ihnnioe In Usttr, CHarlhton standard. -VAa Uauttt, Atlanta J,lrz tVwjatiJ Ilichmozd uupztzh Any 17 SALAMANDBU FIKE AND THIEF PROOF SAFES. THU LMUHIST AfiSOUT- tJnitcil Pi.itea. bo ciunl to nny 1 will hi' Rul.l nil ran 1c obtalnr.! LtoiiRo in the trountry. ut - i-i ts 4tU Kt., l,ni!;iijt'l;iliia. TRi'Tti is MinriTV ami. wif,'. I'mwArM Report fifths Commute, appointed to $vptrinttnd the Ham tvoftka Iron taja, at Heading u try .7, 1557. ", March t, 1857. Tim uinli:ri2HCil, memherfl of tlm foii,fiiiu-o, il'i rpuncrtriill v rc.Miri , I hat wh suw tl.u two s if , or mi inny anffr.i u.iun Wnimti.piar u nui y" i ' , TT," . c I.y Hie na vma ter of thel'liilidclptiia and Rf ailirn Khi i rou ii i;i nii;'iiy. in nifu'"''ji iiejuii's jnniufarrirtMM.v lnrrff.t II. rnnt cue tho Pa to ir l! ly (1 A. uaill&t I" l"" hum- in run iMiru -sj lvitfiir Wctmtn, und put in bool.a auJ j j; c ra ir rlcy nliko. 'lh3r" was marled al P o'clorlt, A . M..ninl Kent ui until four cnr.Ir of (irceii h'elury. iwn rnnl dry onh nnl hatr iluvinut toi wood wire i-nlhtiy mr. s.uiiie.1, the wliciU HnJcr the upr rit n ititrnr ri' m uliier tbcr4 u'niln'rs ol Ih1 CoiuiiiiUi u. Tli SMea t r'i 1 n moled on" with unt.-r, nfcrwhich they wi'te o rn-'l nnd tilt; bo.." and papers ir.Un out by tin. ( T t, iTim i ti and f-cnl to II A.l.untz's fIti t.if t public fxa mi n ilion.niidni irki d hy me Con mitten ' Th'inoof; and pip mtaken Irom tli : iafe , m t nufac t urcd hv i nrrnia u. Iter rings wer1. in our j-hignipni, da maac ii fully r.riceii pi-r cfiit. morutluu ilios taKen from IIvtiis At WytmnV Pufe. Wo holii'Vf Hip ubove in uavp urrn n iair mm ini tiarlial trial of the resnucli vr ouaiitii s of both Kales. 1 j.M.'on ii. urimnit. lUN'Ill.H. HL'.Vri'.ll. llaviu; tmen abientiluriiii: the l.n r oi tip , we fully 1. 1.. ...i.i. ,1... ,,i,nv,. ni.tii-oieiii of the cn n,. ition of ihe papers nnl books laken out of the respective CSICa. R. A . N'ICOLI.3. ii. ii. iium.r.'oinnf! JS. MILIIOI.LAMI. JI aV re 3 J, 1 M7. RAI1.-KUAD AND PACKET HOAT1 1857. ANTELOPR. 1857. OV and niter Tui-sdav, April 7. 1657, tile Pockil e..i as. i i.i upi:. L'ooi. ll. p. Will., will commence rniii'ina hi r recular trips ilnily. tSundaj. eicepled)! be.wi'i'ii iiupei i anu iMiiiurunu-, 1.1 Leves 11 u pert nl 3 o'clock, A . M I llrr val of Iho Ni 'lll Lvpr-ss on the C. IV. 1 1. ltailro id from Wil limsport, and ar'nea at Nanticoke nl 1 o'rl irk, P. M in lime, to take the curs on the L. k II Uailroad ,or Hciauton or li.eal Ilea , ilia siniu allernoon Leaves N.inliioke on airival of J. . st II Kallroad cars "roui Uri'.n Uend nnd Hcriir.nn. (vay one o'cloil, P. M ) aiidauiveial Itilpeu early Ihe i.iino evjiliniin ll.iio to ink" tho Night Utproi both ways on thu C. W. & a mlrs railrosd. P.Uteugers from tho Wyoni'ne Valley, for Potts vllte. llarlivburir. Ililliu'oie Put-iiurg .and ft II other Hunts Kouth or West, will find itjto iheir jilvanlage lo I.-kt- tho nbov e Lim', as it is the only linu that run. mru through, without ttopiiing ovir nigU on the rend . lVsaengcrs from the Booth or Wet, by leaving Hnr risburg ner nl'li'mooii train viaDnuphiu and usi)iie. .''aiin.i ll.iilioad, s id via L:.,iwis.a Kallroad, will uieel Ihe 1'ackit ulUuiitrt I'l I iule. j , i rs. ii .v Biaco tLjii-5r??r-Coach- will bo run celiled) between lSi Milke.bario und Ini.err. rnnvinir Hie L luted Hiates Mail. I.mve. Wilkis liarre at 2 o'clock. A M-. end nr- rivea at liupertiii time to cunncct wiih the .Mai I Trains D011I wa)s. r.envcs Itunert after the arrival nf both Mall Trnllls (say 3 o'clock. P Al ) and arrives at Wilkes Uarre about uinlnlgiil II. r. WCLI.3, Proprietor Wilkes Parre, April II 1837. Pennsylvania HoicL THIPwi'llknown Hotel. lately keplby Ham- $-ttk eylII IUbd.oii Main Hircct.di Ianville,fsTH has bccnUken hy tlitj suliFcriber. who n pre Jll jlf pared tonccoinuiodatv I rsvsllersaml itriiiigers u thu bot nnu nor. The housu ha hren thorourhl iverhaulcd. nud is now refilled up aud ruriiished for one entertain incut of sues is. His tnlaiin? tt l.i r no uud commodious, wilh Horses and vetitclesfnr hire, nud ho will spare no pains to render general satitfacilon ITJ-A hiieratsliiruoflliQ public patronaco is respect fultysollcited. (JEOUGC W. PRECZIJ. IMnvIllencc S3. 1853. NEiV WALL PAPER WAUEIIOUSE. IIUU'ION & LAM NR. m xsurACTunnna and i.vrouTKUs, 121 Jirch Street, second dour cbovt itith Street, I'UlUADntlMllA. TTHEHE may bo found tho largest apil 7 V best ae'erted stock in the city. Country merchants mny lie ro be accommodated, with iut tho incnuvotiienco f look inn turther, nnd in iv ho iMttitred that thev will receive thd advantage u i'eif nioney. t , UUBTON U LANISO. I March S.18&7 -3m j I SIIHNO JOI 'F. 110ARDH AMI SUANTLING. fa a.l fc-r II k W K CKEABV. 3 O B.1 br d7. ETo 1JlWW&81q rOHWAUDINa MEHOIIANT, RUrEJlT, PA. Wit A, mtrnd in rrr.civlnj an. I forwnr.llna by Uana (irtUlI.KOAn.Hll Merchnndrio ami rreixliti di rffftl ti lit earn with priimpt'icm anil ricipattli. Gondii will bo tlcilvcrcdfti ttiofuilowinc ratvi per. 101) pound fr'ftA(i tn alt flood i foam rhitnAththU ta lietwlck. Wllkcslnrre, ritlston. Istrlaas, ro Sdelass, 30 3dclass, 40 (in tlaii, 30 on 5H 4S 40 7u per 100. ro " ,o 43 " 1st C7i, nukeis, Rooks. II ruilies, Hitting, Bonnets, Hals and Can,,, llouts nnd Shoes, Will, w-ware, Ate, 2,1 nua tioilers, Urass, Candles, Clicea", Cracker,, Ilye Woodi, Oas Pipe, Hollow. ware, Hope, Ate. :W CM' Alum. A. lies, Cnfi,.c, Domeatle I.lq'lors. Iron, Holler auj Bar, Lead Shot M ilauci, Ball Pure, fce. M c;,n-Ale, Ilpcr, Sugar, Bait, Tub, Tork ani UeeT n liarruls, Cement, Cua n, .Mill Slnlies. Arc, U'-rTreiglitsfroin Reading, Pottsvllli', Tniuaiua, Ate. tflkenatPro.rnta rates, special rontrocts londe forlargs a mounts, p 11 freights nuirl bs marked faro of J. H. liar man.Rupe.rl toreeeivenrnmrt stteneion lieler to uoi OM.rii i-nA i u.-., Mnl. I B M11M10C. Cat ate lit Ruretl. Tebrusry.vs 1P57. 21110. ItEJIOVAL. 'in tuti'cribcr rcmoveil Hit Stntble Ynrd from nrar the Court Mo iin, f tho Houtli wrpt cor hrof MAliVand MAUKUT nirtM. In Uitpt-ri's Itow, wtidr' ho Is piepnrr.l to (umisli till klmli ct Marble Work, Viz: MONUMIiNTS Orntllo 1 omh. ttox Tomlis.nnd n.i s-. n run n i ,j my lift Kind, tha worriiiniirhlp not riirpaed byan lu me coinury, auu at jow pncrg, v;un umi juugc lur rSMIo wltl tUo furnMi Tabla nnd Hurcau Tppa, ! TtV Maul f li lur notMf. isaca borsfn, iiinii for Wiii'nws mid Honrs, nt a low tlgnto. Tliinkful for imstfavors. wc bono for a contlnuineo iipiirn. OI HQ SdUIU. NTIIONV WITJf AN Rloomsbiirg, April 4. ie57.-Cm ImEW Ills WAUL SUOi. I MAIM RTi't'i'T iiprrHiTP.Tim rsriiAinr I , V . r , , . risC under. ijrned risperifully infornis Ins friends, X nnd the public eeuemlly; tlmi he lias opined A NllO U'imeure (ind Shut lion Esta 1 1,ishmfnt 01 ."""".'. . . . n,. i.ih m.n,i,.,.. Cvhen. i. is rennm,i m en i-i , In lha,bulli inBrormeriy occupied for tnai purpose, i,.., ll0., n ,i, various branches. I Tiaw.ire. and House rioiitlni! ol nil klnis iiiaile to order on sllnri noue.i. nnu ni moueraio prices Also-bTOVLS, of various rtyles, constantly for sain. Repairing done to order in quick tiioo. IS-Couiitiy produce tsken in exchange for work. ' II. C. .MILLARU. Illoonislnirs. May In, lt37-y MITOIIKLI. & OROASDALU'S ivrKH-ruou turn of limv.. TUG siilisc, ibt-rs l.i fu. m dealers und farmers tha thc.v It.. e now on Ii' sil. n litli .upply of Sujcr-Phosphate of Lime, And conOdciitly recommend it assuoeilor to any In the mi kct. Al so ron.tanllv on lianil. Peruvian and Ahxium Gvano, Oils, Candles. Boao. Lc at the towcu market it.tus . ciiuasii.Aui-;, I'luitut, at uo , No. 30 North Wharves, above Arrh street. Philadelphia crow.'ed wlnrf Apiil 11, I eo ULOOMSLUltG LOOK STOUli. rpiIE undersigned respectfully announces Ji thntshe continues the llloonbu:f tiook Mere and .Malleus' y I'MaWsluntnt, tntr ly couilucleil by her deceases' husband. Major Clark in till their vnrious brandies, nt Hie obi standio the I'xelmigc P,uildiohrs. first door IS., nf tin, Ittr!,"e llnlrl. n'ld h.iiiu renlenl ahe,! her esiobllshinont with n choice stock ol Xtie Books a,i,l Srolloiioni." slio is prepared to acconiiuJato all wuo may givu ner a can in iiLruuc, ! The Uppiaunnt Pilnoia, in Uic:liaiiemintof tlio above wnhihfi choir.-si liLvnioca and Keirksiiucnis, sucli MiufTnl.rfirflftparill.i, IVpr. Ale, kc , tarJinc, apiceilnu'lPiCilrdOy trt, I'ickU-d Clonic, rt- tThu public cimtoui ib rti-ctlully foliciud CAltUU.VC CI.AKK. Pucccsivi to Jetse (7. Clatk, l!lnom-biir(r,May 2, IF.V7. Hopkins' City Hotel, NO 2?7 NOaTII TllinU RTlini'.T, MfS Kite t'rcit , formitUj " r.JIOLF. llOTCt,,'' PlIILADHLl'UIA. 'VIH. ii njihv'X 'fiiM i n't f'tn tin aliovc'w cll-known A itotM' on a i ; h mi i iviira'i'" nnu ii in rou ! oiMtt'il ami fiiniiJlieii;. t entirely attc.v.aihl in such a I fctlc mi 1 mum n as v ill yivc a'jti fa.tiun ti at who tiuv hrcouif In- gu .n. I (icnitr'iiifn who witli ci i In f.tro iFhc! a room utit. an (i n oz Piiioiu ninc.iu u. on inn 1 l"-n' P"'n nr at the i, v .vaftirc ' " I tLtT ' lie nropnrtor flaitvrs Mimrlrthat mi iiouse in ! I'l:r5(ltli'hii ftlMll ..iiri'asi ihe cuinfort and intention which win lift luiiua ti u.c ny uuici. Juiu- li, IM7 ) IriT (ir LU ITCIlBleuialnio; in the Pott OIHcc st l,.oii,8'-ori'. l .i. Ilereetn.s U. L. , Pclfor'Cliailea llerlc Henry ) uoueii jonn I'.ickl'ord Ills ( llusiill John Ueacii Ceoro IV. . lhlr.iu.erSl.iryB. llreniner Jonu J Huydur Joaopll Hiker William j "U'wart P. Cooues Sii.aitiu s Mlroap L'alherino CuslerC. ) Hinitll Hugh Case Sunlit An ii Heveiniicu A. J, lie.ils Christian biiauer Harrison liuiitluon Jjcuu Meniimts Wm. IUrs V l nomas M il yrAnn Wtll've, v.irjarel J. Walker O. U. Webb Cyrus Watkins Irael i. email A. 1 Card ner W . II. & Co icovey.Mr. llent Patrick I Ian ey Junes (J. Kennedy S II , Kiiii John W. 1 Welliver Thtilins .Mill Simile J IlfideLinrs Henry I Uewley ll.iti u j Lvans David T .lalthen B. .Mi Cormii k Jtcoh rerkec Will. P. IShip UY' Persons cnllinit for the nbovo letters will pleato say iney nre uiiveriueu. PHILIP UN'AN'GST, P. SI May 30,1837. NEW COOPER SHOP. TUn 'iih'cnbor nnno'irces that ho will carry on the 1 COOPI-'llINO PU.iI.NXSS at Ins lirewer) lu Hop kinsville. where he will m.iku Harrcls, 'Puis, Kegs, And everything in lint line of bisiness. lie will also repair work olall kinds, an I vvilldo it skilfully a nil at Uir p rlcc ('IIAKLE& W. HAHriCUT. . June 13, IPS7. SUAUP NOTICE. hl preotiii in.-MitPtl to tho Arm of Ilartmnn ll(ii'r. ao lurtby tutiloJ u rail and atiltlo tho iRiiiuauuiarccun, HARTM4N !i llOft'CIl. Altio, tlioveltidehtnd t? the aubecriher. ore liKcwls rciuusitcil tu fall aiJ eettle. P. T. IIAUTMAN. Uii'town, Juno i, 3ru 'i'SSii (USlKa BUO! STOSSU. Coruer of Slh & Arch Slrecl, Phila delp hia . Henderson &. Co,, EOOZSKLLEHS ,?Jv73 PVBUSHF.llS. INVITE the attention of all 1'ersons ViM titig I'hilad'-lphi'i. wh-iher on Husinuis ortramrn to iheir lUtraordinary Uulleclionof Hooks upon all nub, jectn, ltiokvelleri, Country Dealer, Teachers. Publlr and privatn l.ibrariei, supplied with Uookti U Stationary at lowest riiiei. c.o. ii cm. Elisor it co.. aiarch 7, 1857 -Cmt. ALKXANDEU KKUK, IMORTUH AND VUQI,X3M2 UCALUC IN Salt, LV Salt, $(?. 33 SOUTH WlUliVP.ii, PIIILADBM-HIA Ashton's fine Liverpool ground Turk's Island and Dairy dalt.roiiBtiiully on hauu und lor sale, liiiots, to suit mo irauo. ALUXANDtn KCRP.. April I. IP57-'Jni OILS, T?Oll Mar.ulacturlng uil Curiulg purposes. fr sale !' by J. D. A. k S. AI.I.C.V. Nos. 7 and B cioulh Wharves. Philadelphia. Juno 0, 1S37.' UOSENDALE CEMENT. PnH?0 wishing Hoflendala Cement can And it by calliiu onltiu subscriber at Huput. Pa J. II. 1IAR.MAN. April II. 1M7. WANTED, i. OI'R MIIN to work ill a Keg Factory , I'o.irCoop ; or. tireferred, but nttive laboring men will an river Htudv emplov men I and good wages will I given Apply at the MHIgiovo Milla, near Light st, THOMAS VKENVU Hay S, r3t-Sl Study emplov men I and good wages will ST MBR- 'ferV, y-T m w u tu m m AT MBNSOII'd OlIllAP STOHI3., rptlR undcrclgncd having removed his i Store, up town, nl the sticd, lately occupiedhy II O. k I W llnrlinan where wllii gicotrr Incnaiod facilities, hslacnableil tnofl'ern fjllaa.oitiueiitor Spring and Summer Goods, Which lie has Jut reulved from the Fn,Utii L'tle, comprising Dry Ooods,Orocerles,llardMvare,auecns. warn Cedar.waro. Ilollo.warc, Drugs. Tisltaltt&c. Plaster, I rnn, Nails, Hoots, Shoes, lints, Caps, Atctc. Also UUADY MADK CLOTHING. t. .Imsl nunrv t Ii I n rr 11 an n 1 1 bnnl in rn'iiilfV to which hn Invltrittirs in hlfr gciinf nlly 1 "try 'n1i , fjii nlif r, flil Iron and Country frrxliicp ' taken iticxchnnge lor Ooodi, at tho hlgft m.irkft price. 1 A. O. MbNSOU. I nloonirldifR March 21. tE57. rJKST AKILlVAIi Olf i S PRING & SUMM IS R aSBS ussy s I Wli have now rceoiving our Spring nnd Sumirier Oonitf, by Rniiroail at i-nr new , , r,.iii,u,i i inu,i,ini oi .unni nil o .iiuiitei eireciB, JIIO slock compn.csn lull aasorlmcnt or Dry Goods, Grrccrlcs, Hardware, Queen , ware, Cuhr xcare, Ihlhiv-UHirc, l.rut's. rili, Coal, riaitcr, lron,Nall Cupa, kz kt. i Pool, ifhfirg. Ilatd, ( ALSO-nnAIiY MAtin clothino nnd I n ;fnc t every naiucaljle orilcle unully kepttna .siuiiiij cuiri; Country projiifp taken In QXfhnnpe for Rnod . IT r f. T r II A U'PM N R loomslcirp, Match "1. 1P57 fciUIVlMEIti O 1. Kiillir ' v AND GOODS. rearm ..-.l r l r..n.. a hi i. uuui..iiii;u rcspcciiutiy iniorin i JL their cintnniers nnil the pub lie peiitrally, thai Ihey l havelu - t received at their new Prick Htore House, in I MsIilStiecl. a eeleel assortment ol la.hiui.obla ' . , 0 . bpnng and Bummer Goods. direct from Ihe eastern cities, cnmpriFinr; ill ivnrious seirciiito- m hp ioiiiiii in l.ouiury stores IConil - tlliir of Cloths. Cns.liuerrs. Delallis. It.. i'A... Kai,c, .. Tosether with a.lkinda of Dress cood. I io!u'i" AI.SO.-Ol'.NTLnMnV'S WUAR. OT ALMOST ' VLIIV HURT AND HTYI.R. LAninvrAi.MAsmtoHAS.iiAWr.n.ite 4n.K IQr 1 hankrul for past patronage, n vv 111 b i their studious aim to please theit cuatoiners nnd to eiv Mnnr.lBntl.rn.ilnn II. w & W. N. CREASY Light Elrcct, April 11. I157 SPUING AND SUMMER GOOD3 F0R;-,1S57, rpIIR subscriber respectfully informs his fi. customers nm liho public generally, lhal he has rccclveda fullstock of choico Spring and Summer Goods, compriaitiE a full rts.orimei.t or Clothi willia L'vatv.iiicly of other artlclti usuallv kent in Country riiorm. Al.fcO-Uarilwarp.CutiiTy. QticenBwnro PMt, Fish. Mo.i1asi9, Iron, Steel, II nt r. Capo, HuotK.Bhopt, &.c. tT3" Country produce, including (I rain. Lumber, &c., tfikpii in eiclianyij for ean&t- fur pT tnlrouas 9 re-'pcctrully aska j, r.otiUiinnciorthei'iiu''. THOMAS E EVES. Mlllville.Mar h2J.ie57.-y. NEW CARRIAGE ESTABLISHMENT IN P.LOOMSBURG. : Tn ll,A TJn. L:..l. n.-n ct n ; ' " " " V"1-1- "J'J varriago Factory, cn .Main below Market. rTMIP. subscriber would respectfully announccto rbp public, lli.U he liascorjiriiciiccd the CAUUIAGE & t W AGON MAKING IIU-? SINCSS, I in all lis branches. He i9 prepared loexecute all orders and hasonlinndnt resent an assortment of finis bed work which purcnasers wuiumni to their advantage to ma. mine. p.npAir.iNO, Will bedonn In the most nronint nn.1 careful manner nnd upon terms which cannot hill to give sat isfaetion. rllKAVVUUIDHL A. WILSON. Illoomsburp, April'JP, 183.'.. A MAP OF COLUMBIA AND MON- TOUll COUNTIES. rf.II"; F'ibcnber tikp pVafitrc iu inform'nii; tho r Hi -J 7.'' MS of Coliltnbi l mill 1 fnil our rniitiiif. ilint lit iiitPin's tMiidjiiti tig n Whan 9D 0i.V.f MCYT-tL. .T.TJ- n nit co'iniifi anovu iiu'nttonrd, irom .nctuni infaS'irflutlitl. hv nrmiHSl unmvi ilirniinliniil liniti throuyhonl both cm nun Ilo ttUo icikLi plcnmiru to muip tint, to ipaki'iho t-.irrojtt, lu has en?agi( Sir Jaine K-llv. oiii of 111' iuit Compitt ut and csp'-ricnciMl gurvcyors in the SttiP -Anther nf il uj,ipiiil Philadelphia lttt ingtoi, hithir.nd, Jfotttgowcri, and Vnhn counttta ffc Tli-! sfiirvtyi uiti hi rnmmeiHPtl as foon no n um cnnl tiuinimr nf cojura havo been itubsciibcd fur, tn varriiit- 119 punur.iuoil. 'IhUiliap will cutttrtin nti nriiitl Riirvrv nf fill public roadt wild iheir dlntanccs u.ailil thereon, In a wav uui inf uiitiuce b tnei n any two plces In iht counlit n can rn- iy tn) obtnae.1 Aiao.lhf Tijcntion of Milts, Ihttli, CUuhei, Sekovt Jfousts,, Poi Ojfices, Mictlwrtff fits. Foundries, yiirnaea Iretories. c with inn names or all tho property koldtrs, 111 their exact i1 'Cfs throiicbout the eruuth rjanH 01 1111 me towns tn thu couutica, a fcn'o, will appjr in margin. Th p'iin of Hi . imp iviii he plotted to a sinlaM" scaW.HU is lo m a k c n liri nnd oniam-ntid mnp l" not lesj than filly U; forty .iithi. tu h rnjmvfd in tho bt'st ftytc, hauitrstji'ii'ly enh rl. van delivered t itiwri.uru only at S pT copv. O't anl on dlivrry. J.A.J tLl.MlN(3B, J'ubtuktr. Chi iiuiuc. May 10. 1. j;if ULU'ilAiM, WUODilDE Sc 00. Importers and Yliolesalo Dealers in hits anh Ciqnors, Ko 407 Arch Si. above I'tuirlli, P II I L A I) E L P ii I A . P.OuriitNT, J. Wooiisroi, ilia, .McALris. Janunrj, 3J, I?57,-y. tTew i.iquok storeT NU. i:ij, NOttlH Tllini) fTRKET. (In the .Caglc Uuildings, .ibove Race St.) rliilauclphia. rpiir. underii;ctd tave to inform rlrnJi and X thu public, i'nt h n h op"ii'' I i'l t LIQUOR HOUSE, in Ihn r.igle liilldings. No. 133, N-. 3.1 rjt.. nsnbove, Hlu're ho will bo hippy lu supply M.'rrh.iMs, Hotel keepers, and cn. loiu-Ts ucn-'inlly, with the 'cliuice.l hMllds ki'ptitl Plllladllpllia, WILLIAM BnOB3T. (iels of Danville ) March TUl.jeS7.-y. ' J.tJllilS it HO il v-.s GRAMMATICAL WOKIvS. TUT. I'lKST P.OOK or the Itillonal ,-irri-. Fvslem on:n;lsh (7r.iiuunr SScls. 7HSii Tlll;r!i:i Olj HOOK ol tne Rational K.V,niJ7 aystem of lliigliahllrnoimar. designed toVAatSaar teach llieproicssol Analysing the Unglnh language iviin suiin,uiiririiiiiii uiiuiueaii oi using 11 w nil gramilical propriety 3leia. l lies e worxsare nrw usee ill toe rublic cicnools in the nrai sellout inlrict ort'cunEylvnnin. Till: Til 1 It li llOOKoflhu nv.tem of dram mar. de.ietied lo enable the learner 10 become io.i thori.lll!h Ivncuuailltl do ith he union, nnd of Ihn Prr. positions, and may lo read by him cither lit or out of SCIlOin ai 1 18 , UltOWN'fl flltAUMATIOAI, nnADErt. Tills hook seis usiuo ii.u ui i.rammars, exposestlietr nelt.jCts, demon. trsles the llitla iiba nr ntii,,lli,in il,,,. ...i presents to tl e'lVachcr the unerring and onlv nay to he Hraiiimer of the Hnglish Language 371 ii. i or sunny leieriiriui-e.lld ARUI1 Street, Philada I'ebrinry '.'I. 1837. suburb and SKl.TZi:ua wnor,.L. WINES- LIQUOR STOKE No. 232 North Third Street. (Above Callouhill.l IM!li.A;I) in.:1 Ill A. Agcner.ll nrsnlmcnt'nf llraudles Wine?, Cordials, and Liquors of every description. K. SIICIT., ..P.SKtTZCR. Oc.oher 7. 16JI-5yrB p. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. TIIH partnership heretofore exiating between the underaignod, in iho Mercantile btaires in I.talit street, having been dissolved by tiiuluil couient, nil persons inlere.ied will pleaso tako notice, that tho llooksof Iho lale flrin ire len ntlhe old stand in Ihe hands of tt. H'.Creary. for setrlenivnt and collection. 1 11 MI'.LICi;. . II. W. CKUASV. Light Slroet, April 11. 1S57. TRIMMiNGSjANDJOTiONsj IANCV ARTJCLES, a good assortment nf lloalery . ol the heel qiitllly; also, (Hoves, Milts, lliskels, Onlisa. flotnb.. lire. a 't'rlimnicss nn,t l.lnlit... Ru loir b.ltlilk. Thread, S.e , kc , to bo bad n.xt door to Iho f"Uirliant, . AHELIA1B WEC0 4 Bloon-burj Hay SO ifi 'POSTSC Rin Torrlblo Calamity. non"LNO or the steamp.h jvouisia' J"U ZrA. LLa Met! , . r. n ' 101 1 ins. . , . ? - v.; '.'.LLEM' B. usth... . . nro cV tion. TATE,-Publisher.- -.OL, XXI, .Ihb Llttto atrangoiT to-iln, - - ; clcclc Thonali.a'tnav f TPr.y s'"ct principles, no.nian cvcr.cnjoyctl o joke morn than Dr. Byr. n. IIoTiad vast fund of humor, and 'VicTer-il'ny wit, and vfilji cliiltlrcn parlicularry T'oliho 1T01 tb elj!lt famf'i"1)" -ttna Jraw taonl ..'"!'.!! oiil. As he, was ooo Jay pMiDc Into tho hoilso ho was accosted by a very littl'o boy t gfeTvTho osVed him if ho wanted any Baupo, i -i-incaning vegetables. i kinds 'iliouoctjr inquircti .u, nny bucii imy j. j thing wjs a market .wan. " No, sir, my f father," w.J tho prfinpt answer. Thd 1Mldoctcr said, " in somo squashes ;'' SADud ho passed into 4io house, Bonding oul ihb chaDgrj. No. In n fqw moments tho child roturnpd, PL'R jl nr irs,.:,!,.- t,.'l. . -f il, !, .'l, cha.'ii ul ufc ta wii'. u i.w "ouW n?t take it, Baying hifl father would Lhmo him. Such singular manners in a child attrac- rfsllT. J- ii ted his attention, and ho began toexamino to the . ' . 9 -. . - new i tho child attentively. Uo yr asj evidently i witu poor lus little jacket .was pieced, and I .. nalchcd with almost overv kind of cloth'. me?.!'. and his trowscrs dirncd with, so many '!'le ' , .. '.-. J- V ,. ., i tii mi colors it was difficult to tell tho original ciisoiiabnc, nut scrupulously neat, ana clean ALHu-trjijuri jirAuji cjiui'jfic ' tTr'L'tin. Lumber, Provi.ions, Prodece, itc.ctf sil kinds, taken In exchange for inerrliatiiiix'- ii. I'. ltniGHAKb. II O. CREVLLINL rj.pylown. April 1. 1PS7. AO M UNlbTRATOR'S N OTICE. Estate of Elijah Price, dre'd. T ETTEltS of Administration on tho JZ.JHtlale ,of r.lijoh Trice, late of Locust tuwnsblpj Columbia coiintv, ilecensed, have been cranten b) the k m ater oi uuiuoiuia county, to uavin lleinlolil. w 1,0 results in suiu i,ocusi townallip. nno J r' Price, vvnu tc.idrs In. shlaiio. Schuylkill county; nil perrons havinB claims nealnst the estate nf the decedent are requested to pre.ueut them to the Administrator with out delay, nnd all persons Indebted to make payment forthwith. DAVID P.KINUOLD, J. F PRICE, April ID 1P37-6 vWm'rs xNEW Sl'ltlNG AN 1) SUMMER MILLINERY. Tniubicribrrn having rucelved their new Millinery (IoiM at their stand, nearly opposite Com Oflicc, uould ri'upirtfully inviuj ihfir fnendo and tunomr mid the public Generally., lo call ami examjnt thejr stork, cnusiMing of a full and eontplac (seort mnt ol Straw. ; imp, Silk. Crnpc nnd Fancy Itonnets and IJ.innct .Mnfrial, tiitflhT with nu msortmenl of faucy articles, which they will pII oii ni rcasonabfi? tvtcs thty can bo purchased el rev here. M D. RUpCHT, May P. 1M7. I ROIIISOV. UAIt DE N.FIKLD & FLO WEU SE KDS pJinPH AVti!i:xiJIM;iiAKl)ENt3FXIlS, inrvery 1. varieis-ot whnlralinnd rptatt Tihraciiig ull tin iit-w uud dt'rtirnble ki ii,Jb. rnt-ln tl v nut 1111 lu napiT ; fnr the retail tr-id.' or ruppH-M in bulk CMntrtue Sugar 1 me cpii. J.Tfun iirnnse vnir .iiuiuh A Iho, 1 ihou'f asforinicnt ot fine Dower ted,tvienly varieties in a lm for SI. Clt-an C'lnvrr und Timothy S-ed, O'ciianl firais, UyeGrasa, Herd and fine Lawn (ifltritJ, 4.C., PASCII I.I MORIIIS &. CO , Agricultural Imrlpnient nii't Seril Stor. N. I. earner uf Till and Markn stree ts. March U, leoi . riiilsdctpWi. :'. 3IAKDL'u YAltW IN BL003ISCBKC. IURA2I -V. CARIW HAS op-ned a Mar'ilo Vnr.i n. ' - AHeyLo!rin.lte the llxchiuse.wliero ho is prepureil i; v best worklrom Italian or American Marbli lor MONU.ML.NTd, TUM11S, Tomb-stones, Tables, Mantles, Windowsills and len tils. ronhnchiraciernnd flniah of ins work he refers tn such.'iahn has made is this county . lie will furnish oesigns for work or execute nnj that may be f irnitU cdlnliltn. Hi. work shall nlwa)a bu salisfaclory in itsstyleand rea.onsblein price. Uloomsburg, Iec.C,lS5b. NOTICE TO MEHCITANTS. tUKEi! nJKF.SII r..1KESW Till! uederMgned-iake pleature in aiinoilne nf In llurchanls that they nre nimiuraiinrliig a superior article nt ltKi:s at iheir Niw Pactory on Pishing lii-ek." nbovo Orauci villu, Columbia county, Mer chants wishing to purchase pond Pases enn have them ni tho factor) , i r il r.iBireit wociin lorurd them to liloirasbirg, io a O fliive, where they can get them, or wo can fonvarl Ihem to lhoe Stores that are not to uch oul of nur.wny . .M orders shoul-hbo addresn-d to riamuti Sblvt, r..l... P. O., ColumUa couiily. Pu. fc 4.pril 13, !tJ7-lm HENIIY ZUPritNGER, riork ansl lVatclnualter. South Side of Main Street above the Rai Road. DirriCI' I.T repniling in wlltces a nd Jew. olrv-OUescsfor nuntlne wotcbes aud "3speetacks, kc. Illooinshiirg, Aug, 30, ift 1300T AND SHOE MAKING. TIIH uiuhTftisnfld, thank ful .for the lircral 21 palrotmpu with which ho has been fnvord for .ijl ypHTS ilOIIU liy "''IU lUiuijii Mia i.e; .'ii nun cubtorieta. uai uu cnniiiiucs iu niiinuiiitiuia lhos and Shoes, At his old and wo ll-Vnown stand, mi Malnetrcct. Illnoinsburit. in til theirariius and forms, in jcooit sly le unilon wnderaie lerms. IIU lonu exprrience in tho lmslnoy9, nnd genprnl knnwlcfci.f th'i people of Columbia county, super added ton lUfd determination tu render satlstacliou loalihiMciHtnuiors.fhould tecurc him Increased pa tronage which he. lopea.oyeer, p UICTBBICJti tllooinshurg, Match Hi 1S5T. STAll GOUN.SIIKI.LEItS. frj A full supply of the premium Star Crrn niiiinn.irviiti um ut. ii .11 h miiur .ir, i-uw onttanti ut WhoJesalA anil Kt-Uill. Tlry arc ndonteil for tithe r hand nrliorm? new nr ivw. HrH 'W1'"-veu 10 vv ine ucsi cicutr m "the market. 1'ACII t,l,. MOUUIS&CO. In pic 1111 nt a tip Heed Pmr', Tin ami Market nillsddpMK, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. jJ.W' IMI'ltOVr.n liny Preeaes. Tanners nmlrt. iOS llore Powers a'ldThre .hor. drain fu. 'XVJW Snsieo U'Uicri and Bluirars or v. nous YU'- patro-is. Improved Portable Grain Mills. .f. Veg'tiblo. ALSO Hay straw and fodder "'"L'uttcrs iugrent varietv. PMjoiiAM. Monnis cco, Agricultural Warohou.eand Heed r?iero. 7th and M irket Philadelphia. November 22 li'iG , H assortment of Couteclioiiery. Juwtlry. I'rrlumo 1 ry, Soaps, 111 Oil., Pomades r, to bo had at CLARK'S UookBiore. Bloom.! urc, May 0. 1M7. MOITICFJ) roSTd or. hand nd fur al tha Areodebv HayaO, 1M7. A. C. IflMtOK. ONU good 4 horso power Torching Mac hlos, for sale at IIARI'MAN'S. May3P, 18i7. A(lnt JOINT AMI LAP SlUVGI.CS, for sjIs -irrtr in t I ie' Arcadu by .Vay 30. ia.7 A. C. MIINBl'll OOlTofJ and Hwl iurTr, Wi ill. tbrap M Ik Arca. bv fl") 3'' IM" A. O, MI,JCTI',