Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, June 20, 1857, Image 2

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    COMMA DffilOCMT.
Bloorasburg, June 20, 1857.
Democratic State Nominations.
Of Lycoming County.
Of Chester county.
Of Berks County.
Of Erie County.
Murdor seems to ho tho prevailing mania
of tho Uy. Scarcely n paper can be pick
ed up tint does not contain tho shocking
detjils of sotno brutal, cold. Mood murder
TVo read of murdor, think of murder, speak
of murder, dream of murder, and tomo
times even witness murder. Sheriff.,' Pol
iocmen and Constables aro almost wholly
occupied in hunting up and arresting mur
derers, Courts and juries in trying them,
lawyers in prosecuting or defending them,
and newspapers in publishing tho full do.
tails of murder and all tubsequcnt pro
ceedings. Qo where you please, you will
rarely fail to Etumblo upon a murder, -
Tho mania has broken out, and is wide
spread in its ravages. City, town, hamlet
and eouttry aro alike alllictod with the
ravages of this foul, withoring, desolating
curso. Scarcely have wo been glutted with
tho bloody details of one, till we aro star
tled with tho perpetration of a mora atroc-
iotfs in another section. In moro porpe-
tration, they resemble more closely tho con.
Btant rumbling of tho'' thunderbolt,, than
tho fitful, evanescent glaro of tha lightn
ing. With them thcro is seemingly nn in
tereuplion and no ond. They arc omni
present and omnifarious.
From tho date of tho brutal and fiend-
liko murder of young Doctor Norcross, to
tho present, iho pubho mind has been star
tied and horrified bv a succession of mur
ders, every one, if possible, moro daring
in conception and moro ruth'ess in oiccu
tion than thatono. Who, of our readers,
is unacquainted with tho particulars of tho
Burdell tragedy, with its long train of
mystery and concomitant horrors, which
was perpetrated elo3o on tho heels of tho
Norcross tragedy. That was closely fol
lowed by tho AVhito tragedy, in Allegheny
oounty, and that by tho Jl'Kcesport but
chery. Tho Danvillo poisoning caso and
tho Newbury tragedy may also bo mention
ed iu tho s3mo category. Hut the list does
not end here. Tho murder of llobt. Webb
and tho serious injuries inflicted on Harry
K. Eaton, in St. Louis, and tho moro re
cent murder of J, 0. Bartholomew, by his
cousin Charlc3 Phil.po in Chester county,
aro necessary to coroplct tho picture.
But theso aro only a titho of tho mur
ders that havo been perpetrated during tho
time mentioned above. To attempt to re
count them all would bo an endless task.
Their name is legion.
But, it may bo asked, what is the reason
of such on alarming increaso of murders
during tho pretest year. Wo unhesitating
ly answer, that it is attributable to tho fail,
uro on tho part of ccurU and juries to do
their duty towards tho perpetrators of them.
In comparatively few instances aro mur
derers dealt with according to their de
serts, From a false feeling of sympathy
towards them tho demands of Justieo and
Providcnco aro utterly disregarded ci
trampled under foot, and ho whoso crimo
Itaclf lapaat att expiration,
Toe greatraterimii tliat naiuie doili abbot,"
is turned looso upon society, which ho has
so foully and irroparably wronged, or, at
best, confined for a short timo in prison, to
bo liberated therefrom by a free pardon
too readily to bo obtained from Executive
officers of easy virtue, on tho solicitation
of men. of wealth and influence.
It is truo that in tho Norcross tragedy,
thanks to tho efficient and indefatigablo
action of tho officers of justice, tho guard
ians of tho public safety, that murder wil
soon bo atoned for, by tho life of tho guilty
perpetrator thereof. But in tho other cases
how stands the record ? In tho Burdell
tragedy, a trial of tho supposed (may we
not say tho real) perpetrator or instigator
of the murder has been held, but with what
result I Nono whatever. Tho trial wa9
mere burlesquo, a mockery of justice.
Tho guilty parly fin every senso savo that
of law m I, n,ln W lf l 1
society her hads yc ZlZ
warm Ufarfs blood of her victim. '", j
xnyftcry has jet to bo dissipated, and, sol
far, tho blood of tho murdered cry in vain
jo' heaven for vengoance. j
In tbo other cases enumerated above,
with tho exception of tho Newburg mys-,
wry.wmciuiasnoi yet ueen sowed, aMdo
though every means havo been tried to fcr. '
w.wu,. VIUVJ lIJ0 reB1 BUp.
nosed perpetrators havo been arrested and '
liftvu veil w unuenro meir rrmu w hut
T ' . . ,6 V ' ""at
decide In tho meuutimo m ags ou about in tbo usual way, and bids
hope tbtcvery means 11 bo employed , dennco to all comets and otber Ion-bear-bylbo
proper authormea to developo tbo(ded ilmnb. y0 brcalho ,,frccr
guilt or inuocenco of tbo suspected panics, deeper," now that wo n. 1 ,
aV U simple justice.
Ronooting Public Opinion.
Tho resolutions, unanimously passed by
tho Democratic Stato Convention, which
wo published in last week's Democrat, in
opposition to tho increases of Banks, nnd
tho bill for the salo of tho Main I.ino to
tho Pennsylvania llailroad oompany, by
tho last Legislature, will meet with a hearty
responso from a vatt majority of tho people,
of all parties, in this section of tho Com
monwealth. Tho action of tho Convention
in this matter wis but the reflex of publio
opinion. Tho last Legislature (wo mean a
majority of those composing it) was, beyond
all question tir doubt, tho most reokless and
corrupt body of men who wcro over sent to
Ilarrisburg to enact laws. Thoy wont thcro,
not to benefit their constituents, or subscrvo
the interists of tho Stato, but to curich
themselves by bribery and corrupiion, nnd
fill thcif pockets with their ill-gotten gains
at tho expense of tho honest and industrious
tax-payers of Pennsylvania.
Wo aro awaro that theso aro hard sayings,
and wo mako them inoro in sorrow than in
anger. It is no pleasant task thus to spoak
of tho representatives of tho peoplo ; but
when rascality and corruption stilk forth
in broad day-light in tho high places of tho
Commouwealth when tho pooplo aro thus
wantonly and wickedly outraged nnd
cheated tho hitherto fair escutcheon of
our good old Stato besmeared and soiled,
and her character tarnished it is timo for
the press to 6pcak out in plain and pointed
terms. Thcro should bu no mincins of
matters with scoundrelism, whether it dove
lopes itself among bank robbers, gamblers,
or legislative robbers. Neither aro a whit
better than highwaymen -indeed, if thcro
bo any difference, tho Litter elm is tho
more respectable of tho four enumerated.
We aro therefore rejoiced that the State
Convention took the decided stand it did on
the subject. That body has truly spoken
the sciitimcntsof tho people, and theposition
will bo triumphantly sustained by the popu
lar voico Fpealiing through iho ballot-boses
on tho second Tuesday of October. Had
tho Convention failed in discharging their
duty in this particular, they would have
been recreant to tho high trust canfided to
thom by tho people of Pennsylvania.
CSylt is a fact which speaks volumes
against Block Republicanism, that in those
places where tho mania has raged tho most
violently, publio sentiment afterwards turni
against and condemns it. Thm, New Ha
ven, Connecticut, is tho place where ilev,
Henry Ward Bcecbcr preached a political
sermon, and closed the services by taking
up a subscription of Sharpo's rifles to r.rm
a company about to start to Kansas, to cx
terminate tho Border Ruffians. Tho act
iisclf was disreputable. But when the
time, tho place, tho aetors and tho circum
stances aro considered, it was one of the
most disgraceful scenes CTcr enacted by
even tho Jilaefc Hepublicans, It has had
its legitimato effect ; for at tho recent clco
tion in that city tho Democratio majority
exceeded five hundred. Tho only result
of theso crazy acta of tho Abolitionists has
been to convert into impregnable Demo
cratio Etrcngholds places which havo been
heretofore uniformly against the Democracy,
anu to immeasurably increase tho Demo
cratic majorities were before they were but
Democrat fcr tbo Campaign,
Being desirous of placing our paper with
in tho reach of all who wish to understand
tho truo issue involved in tho coming Guber
natorial contest, we offer it at tha followin"
ratc3 j commencing at any timo during tho
present month, and continuing uutil the
first of November, or until wo get tho official
return of tho State election.
Single ocpy 50,50
Ten copies 4.00
Fifteen eopic3 0.00
And an extra copy to tho getter up of
tuo club ot tiftccn. All orders must invar i'
ally bo accompanied by tho cash.
Po-t .Masters and others-will ploaso act
as our agents for getting up clubs.
Is Wihnot an ''American?"
The PhiladolphU Daily Sun, an'tild
Native American paper, advocates tho
election of David Wilmot for Governor as
In this district tho opposition napcr3
hoist tbo ticket and call it "Republican
'I icket ;" in other counties it is called
"American Republican;" in others "Union
American ;" while in Philadelphia, an old
"Native" paper claims him as their candi
date. Now will somo nf his organs in this
part of tho Stato inform us which of theso
shades ho really represents j or whether ho
" " uru, n.cumug wuaiever
It Did'nt Comh I Our Tcadcrs will
recollect that Saturday last, tho 13th inst
Was tho day fixed upon by certain European
astronomers for a general sweep of all
creation by Iho tail of tho Comet. Itdid'nt
anything of tho kind, however-and
here wo are, on this 20th of Juno, anno
aomm 1807( Bafo aD(i 60unii a3 a bu in '
a rug," and without any intention of leavln;; I
t ... . . -
"'owcrspDcro yet awhile that is, if wo
friend tbo Comet.
Just llko Thoin.
Many of tho opposition are anxious to
fasten tho odium of tho bill for giving a way
the publio works upon tho democracy. Wo
do net wonder at this. Thoy bco that It is
not safo to shoulder suoh a load of infamy.
But let us bco if they can cs-apc. Hero is
how parties stood in tho Scnato upon tho
final passage of tho bill Yeas, 18. Dem.
2, Hep. 10. Nays, 14 Dom. 10, Bop. !.
So much for tho Scnato. In tho House, tho
vi to stood ou final passage Yeas, 51
Itcp. 11, Dem. 10. Nays, 41 Dem. 37,1.
t... 1
Tho Catawissa Hailroadi
Wo are j,loascd to obscrvo thai, tho
earnings of tho Catawissa, Williamsport
and lirio llailroad, during tho month of
May last, wcro $30,070 CO
Duo connecting roads 7,032 05
, , , ,, ,, ' nig all Iho service in my power, and resolved
Notrccc pts for May, 1857,..S31,7ilO 05 .. b, ., .. i , , i
1 . 1orn ' i that all tho timo and talent at my command
d0 da ISoO,.. ..,857 31Blloul(l lo frt.ciy given t , tho cducttional
Increase 40 per cent 8 8,870 41
ly Bcpublieanism is most assuredly
dying out. Tho New York Times, one of
tho ablest nnd most influential of tho organs
of Itcpublicanism during tho last Prcsiden
tial campaign, has abandoned the causo
nnd como out as an "independent." It is
6aid that by instinct "rats leave a sinking
ship." The Times has foreseen the down
fall of Republicanism and is preparing to
"stand from under'1 when tho crash comes.
S3r Persons of ur county visiting Phila
delphia, wishing to stop at a first class
Hotel, where all their wants will bo attended
to with promptness by a courteous and
affable Landlord, would do wcllby stopping
at tho Mount Vernon Houso on 2d st.
above rch- It is under tho ehargo of
Mnj.I. L. Daurett, formerly of Cloarficld,
Pa,, who i3 ono of tho most agrcoablo and
accommodating Landlords in tho City.
tSy-HKNiiY Hubbard, tho aged ex
Governor of New-Hampshire, andcx-Scna.
tor in Congress, died suddenly on Friday
morning at his refidenco in Charlcstown,
N. II. Besides tho offices mentioned Mr,
Hubbard was also U. S. sub-troasuro in
Boston during Mr. Polk'a administration ;
but his residence his always been in the
pleasant villago of Charlcstown, on the
banks of the Connecticut river, whoro ho
was born, and commenced tho practico of
law moru than fifty years ago.
Pittsburg Daily Union.
This excellent Democratio paper has
recently passed into tho hands of Messrs
John II. Baily & Co., and is now printed
on fino new type. It is ably edited ad
vocates sound political doctrine, and mer
its a liberal support at tho hands of the
peoplo , Sue 3oss to the Union .
" The Tuuth'ov the Mattku." The
N. Y, Herald says, fpcaking of Kansas
outrages, &c :
'' But tho truth of the matter ai that all
this fuss that has been mado about Kansas
within tbo past two or threo years,ins bscn
createdfor the benefit of a fav speculators
in lands and politics. Under tho new
regime tha buddlo will burst."
At last wo aro beginning lo got the truth
of tho matter jnd from tho Herald 1
Southern Monitor.
J. B. Joiies, Esq, sends m tho first
number of a cow and very neat folio sheet,
under this title, just issued in Philadelphia.
It is conducted with signal ability, treating
all subjects with commendable fairness, and
is sound ia tho democratic faith. Price
only 82 00 per annum.
American Agriculturist.
This is a highly valuablo agricultural
publication, issued monthly in New .York,
by Oiianoi: Judd, A. M, It is in neat
quarto form, suitablo f r binding, contain
ing 24 well-filled pagos of interesting matter
each number of which is illustrated with
Agriculture and norticulturo Cuts. Price
81 00, only, for ono year.
"In Philadelphia, last week, butter
wa3 selling at 40 cents por pound, oggi 18 .
cents a dozen, tomatoc3 31 cents a quart,
now Bermuda potatoe3 8 ccuta per pound,
and strawberries from tho South from 1,50
to $2,00 per quart.
CSy From a glanco over tho names of
tho retiring Senators, wo believe tho next
bcnatowill bo democratio. Many of theso
Senators wcro elected iutho flush of Know-'
Nothingism in 1851 and their places will
bo supplied by democrats and better men.!
New Dress I Tho Jersey Shoro Re
publican, a Democratic paper, donned a
new dress last week, and now presents
quite a neat appearance. Wo wish tho
Messrs, Rakers success.
Else & Wilson havo on hand, each and
OTOrywarra evening, ioo cream of a superior!
1 ' ' wm,;u lao serv0 un ,u luo niost
tand30nl0 style.
United States Couni-.-Tho Circuit J
uuu x.ia.nCt wouru or tlio united States
opoued nt Williarnsnort. on Mondav. .Tuna
lGtli, beforo Hon. H. C. Qrier.
t. i j i i
r.l.-nr w .... .. . .
, oa , . Liornoy, k ,3 sain, ,193
l , ..... . ,
iecn lormeny tenucrca tho lucrative ar-
'"tent of Ccusul to Lirorpool.
,. P,...,,.T! , '
To tho School Directors of Columbia
MtLl.viM.E, Columbia Co., Pa,,
Juno 10, 1857.
Obnti.emem : Being called to fill tho
important and responsible trust of County
o . , . , t n ........ a . i. ,t.rt 1
uuiTO,,"a,uc"; "J
first oppoi (unity afttr receiving my com
mission, I desiro to lender my thanks for
tho confidenco you luvo manifested, and to
address you bricflj through tho publio
pross. I am awaro that the duties of tho
ofiico as specified by tho law and as con
. .., ,,. ... vml wili
i i - -j '
in reaso'i expect mo to perform, aro net of
a trivial character, but such as should call
into continual cxerciso a vast amount of
tact, experience and capacity, and though
others could havo boon selected mora com
petent than mysclfj yet accepting tho
office which nt first I reluctantly couseutcd
to fill 1 did it with tho intention of render-
interests of tho county.
Our sciiool law
was planned upon a broad and
scale, and if properly carried into effect
would redound to tbo laj-ting honor and
credit of our Commonwealth. Much op
position to tho law has been manifested in
some localities, but as all efforts iu that
direction havo proved fruitless, it is hoped
that hereafter there will bo a moro cheerful
acquiescence iu tho requisitions of the law,
and when, after thorough experiment, tho
law is found to bo inefficient, it will always
bo open to amendment. Considering our
school system thou as a fixed fact, perma
nently engrafted upon tho wiso and bene
volent institutions of our State, it should
bo our prido and our interest as well a3
our duty, lo mako is practically useful and
enrry out tho intentions of tho law by well
dirccled efforts to prouoto tha intellectual
development of the rising generation. Pa
rents arc mostly interested in tho improve
ment of their own children, but somo in
their activo exertions to promote it at tho
public oxpenso, seem to forget that tho law
is impartial iu its operations and was de
signed to benefit tho entiro community
without regard to rank orEcx. In making
tho law effective many important aids may
oft unite, but as echool directors nro elected
by tbo pooplo to administer tho law, you is
our executive officers aro in a great mea
sure responsible for its results. Upon you
important duties devolve, and to'your care
aro entrusted tho best interests of the causo
of education. Upon your judicious selec
tion of teachers and the interest you man
ifest in your respective schools, will mainly
depend the beneficial results of tho system.
As3ooa as wo find out that tho mind ri
quircs il nourishment as well as tha body,
and aro willing to devoto ng much atten
tion to tho improvement of tho mind as wo
bestow upon tho improvement of our farm",
tho culture of our stock, &c, our schools
will nj doubt receivo an active imnul e
upward, but like indigenous weeds, they
Hill not ibrive with' ut culture, to bo nf
any benefit to society, You select teachers
it is tru?, to have the immediate ehargo of
tho pupils to impart iustructio'i each iu liU
own peculiar way, but your p-.or teachers
want your continual advice and encourage
ment, and even your beat teachers need
your sympatlrzlng caro and overtight
thoy nocd your coumel and your frequent
presence as a ttimuhs to exertion and an
indication that their hbora oro appreciated.
I desire not to dictate, but at all times in
a friendly way, I shall strive to enlist your
feelings on behalf of moro active efforts for
the benefit of our common schools, and it
will always bo a pleasuro for mo to co-oper.-to
with you in devising measures
and perfecting plans for their improve
ment, During the summer, I expect to visit all
the districts in tho county, to make tho
acquaintsnce of teachers and directors, to
eximine teacher.', to visit schools when
they may bo open, and consult with tho
friends of education respecting tho best
mcaus of elevating their children. During
the winter or whenever any considerable
number of the schools, shall happen, my
principal business will bo to visit tho schools,
to aid and ttimulato tho teachors, to cn
courago associated efforts at improvements,
to addrcs3 tho public on educational sub
jects when desired, and in various ways to
excito a spirit of emulation in tho art of
teaching which will bo pleasat.t to both
teacher and pupils, as well as profitable to
the entiro community.
To do all this so that my privato busi
nos3 will not suffer by my tbsonce, will
probably cost mo more than tho compensa
lion allowed, but as 1 havo embarked in
tho undertaking, I will endeavor to oirry
it through to tho best of my ability, and in
tho most impartial manner. Directors
and thoso having business who may find a
personal consultation inaonvonien't, may
address mo by letter and expect a prompt
Very respectfully,
Wm. 13 una ess.
Editorial CiiANaE, Mr. J. T, noover
former Editor of tho Democratic Watch.
', puwulictl at Rellcronto, Pa., has
disposed of that establishment to Messrs. S.
I SScclv and U. H. Ff nil. l.v
"Watchmim" will hereafter bo conducted. 1 m
Success to it, politically and financially,
t&1ha Secretary of Wsr Las ordered I
twenty five hundred men to march for Utah, 1
- V". .un. ,ur uiau,
and f 111 Send tlirn nr faiif ImniliiA.l an a a i
and will send thrco or tour hundred moro.l
moro. I
It is said Hint n)1. Onhurilnn-q will n
ttMttutvv 4ilViUl
' e-
tST Jodoe JonDosatthohtososaion of
Montour county Court, vory materially
curtailed tho Liquor business in Danvillo,
c,..,i j. l!, : l i-. f. i1,
o refused to heenso a singlu storo lor tlo
salo of spirituous liquors, in tho borough.
Itnnlim i,v.i.1 dm nnnlinnllnn tVi- Itni
vj.,. -
taverns, nnd granted license to only thrco for llin riIp of malt, ltfiilors and
rc.iaurams lor uio suo oi man liquors ami
uomostio wines.
ttVf nniin(nrfiit nnw prints nm nlrptilw
KW OOUntcritll I10W Cents aro niroaiiy
. r . , . , 1 ,
in circulation in now xorn, lmoiiueu, no
dnnbt In mi with llm irpnninn in Inrrrn
uouot, 10,11113 Willi 1110 genuine in largo
riuantitipit Tt U said tlirv will na!ilv dp-
quantities, ii is saiu tucy win oasuy ie
rnirn upmm nt a rnsinl plnnpp but bpinn
ccivo persons at a cnsuai giancc, out ucmg
newtcr. l ko all that kind of coin havo a
greasy feel and slumpy sound tint any boy
fa. J lJ J J
Will rOCOiiniZO.
IiADira Wanted Out West. Tho
Editor of tho Iowa Reporter cjlls with a
stentorian voico for ladies to como out West,
Ho says : ''The last census reported shows it.nn nn 'it mil .nU.a t, 1 i;nn'iroi't inn. In: ir ii mi 'a w tnoa in 1 hij I rntli n I ttiAau
that thcro nro i.J, OIU moro miles than ,,' tn r.'mniJ A.viunu nn, unit nu'i.inrhoiv
fplinlna in T.iwn TI111 win til-nn in .Tnnn ' ethililli'i I npp 'ir. Tho C llltcl.tu '.n I. nrlilllly "ill
ICIIiaiOS IU lOWn. 1 1113 was lauctl 111 illino ,0n n.a t - alia .t.4tltut ta-itlaor tnlrili nr orict-i ever
and doca not ii.eludo tho Spring and Pall ?.I?"iy iVtint'.Mn!'1 a """J f vo,cu uccur'11 "
emigration. 0 are now minus nt least
00,000 ladies to malio up our quota 1"
MAnui.voi: tn Hiait Life. 'I ho eldest
d mghter of Queen Victora is scon to bo
married to Prince Frederick William of
Prussia. Tho Queen lias given formal nstica
to Parliament of tho pending event and
requested ample provi-ioiH for tho bride
such as becomes tha dignity of tho Crown
nnd tho Honor of tho country.
On Thursday evening, 11th inst., at
Warnorville, Columbia county, by James
Mastere, Esq., Mr. I'eteu D. Swisiiek to
Miss Kr.izAiicTii Warner, both of Pine
township, in this county.
D 0 a t li s .
In this place, on Saturday, 13th inst.,
of scarlet fever, Sopuronia, daughter of
Sheriff Miller, aged about 10 years.
Hcc, larad'H genttn MiPfihcril
With nil 'ntrifgiiig rh.inn.;
Hark I hnw hn calls llm tfintcr Iambi.
And loltlathcin in hia arm."
Kuril! Branch Canal.
CottiECTort's OrncE, )
BnACH Havk.v, Juno 8, 1837.
fin T.,m. 1M. p n 1
ywwi ..1.1. 1 ami; lujuijiti 111 vauui
lolls, at this oluce, aro as folbws :
March, got 01
April, 10,585 7i)
May, 20.95a 30
Total 531,030 13
llopectfully yours,
John S. Foi.lmkr,
t iiautman's store
Egirs . . .
Tallow. .
Lard . . .
, ..12
.1 (X)
White liens.. .1 75 Dried App'es.2 00
Arrivals and Departure of fl.'nlls a(
I'hil.iiliilpiiia mul li avca rSunla)-,PxeeatoJ);i t
li M , arnvna nl i V. it.
WillhtiKnutt nu.l Wivicmnviii l-nvia daily. (Sin
1l.1v a ciccfili'il) nt a l'.S! , arnvu lM
IVnkcsuirre nail arriica itaily, (Silinl ij a a itrjiteil)
nl II A M. Ic.ivi b4 I'. M.
t'n nlifi.i mi.lOr.insciillii 111 a it nrilvpa every .Mnnitay,
VVudnt'.il.iynndFnilay. nt II A ;l , li.iws fanio il'js
at l 1 . .11
.Miltvil 1 nmll nrnvi'3 pvrry Afun.lay fin, Thnrnl.iy
at 11 A. M , Ian VPs innio ilnyanl 1 1'. M
Jtracvtiiivn nml While Hull i.ijilnmctl 'vcrTilpa
ihiy, TlinmJny nml Entunhiy, nl II AM., K"ivi" same
(to) a at t 1' .11 .
t usAvnsr, r. m.
Km QXh'otKlldcmmtB,
I7irTVTI!lUS.NI lI.A9rKItl.VG I.ATII.for inlu
i; at llm Llglu SlrJct Hlore, hy
,o-, W. it W. N. ftlCABV.
Jnnn 13, ie37.
THE CO It STONE nf III,) l.nllcritl
Clmrcti in IJent.o imviialiiji. couniv.
in .will inj lain, (.ml willing, on TmriUry, tht S..M of
,.tM, .. ,u -v.i,i,.,b -i-rviLU in i:il"lull
nnil Co. tin it. Kuivicce In cummt'nio m ,u o'clock, A
M. Min sicra nf nM i'.-nuiiii nmiuiid, nn I tiic nJblii
generally, nio imilnl to rut n l. 1
Juno SO, 1Fj7 it
By the I'cnntylrmn Mate .IgrituUuTal Scelrly aril lit
emi al Icatt , to 111: t.Xlll . yilOJWfir.1 1) Ir
CO., )or iatr Ctttlraled 'i; rloa ClTl'LE 1 Oil OKU
IOIl Iloraca, ilia an iniiilui.l.te for Iho cure
. anil i cvuinion ol all liise.uea menu lit in I ho nnliie
aninill, viz: Uisleniier, t'in'flii Ta cy lever., Tn
law, loot ill.iason l.nn. i..ciiai.,., Itrh,
(.rinea, iiilti lniion, Jsund'ce, KWiiov J,'ea
(laailcrs, Tultk Lisa, lhiJrlniii,, tau'era. Vivcra
tJIccrs in l.unjre, Bu. icll, 1'ouilUeta, Hlruiaht llr,
I.i Jauiii'lco, uilutvj, lloun cr Uloivn, lliooily
Uiiio, Itr.t Muter. Mnrrian. I.iiaa orcuit. I.naaof ,lu
lil'llli.. IrmirlKut nr l.noseiieas, IlM,r.luea?e. Woil in
Loai i?rVili"U1V UIOO,'' Jli,k- ,1""i "casc,
, ' ', ' rou noes.
In Swetle.1 Nerk.liile, ,l,0 I.ivcr.,ea in
tlio I.uii;a, IJIriu of Iho Unwell, tfn.-i.iin . r l.'.n.,,,,-
Uioke iljaenaea. '
aheil.aiichor ro. ihaenies uf I.i k ttntli. It nu ienbi a I
cent.,iia ilia cxpar rii-ucd ol evi r 11) OliO Urmeif. ivliol
l,nv niu.l ., .., i, . . V iu,uii;in, iyi0
.v ,, ,-, icnuy ni any iiine ,
UiiciinUeilliy any oilier Liniment or Cmlirneiitlon
over yet Known In Iho wnrlil. I la 5ond for Iho Inj.
llm!'.' ""' innvclitael, in Hie l,.n,J. oi
.... ...... ... ...,llr,,, laiiuribfliiu arnct i.riiiuie oia lo
- ' 7.,"., , "-' i !- t l OIW fUH
Fuundired i'eet,
PistiiU, eitfan,
Windsai,ti nd (Jracki
I1UMAS iinnvv
Wtak Joinii,
Contracted tncwi.
rroi Utit,
Chapped Ilandi,
I'ain In the !Kt,
I'a-n In tho Hark,
I'ain in the Shoulders,
vrvMi Iain.
Seruiclica or Urraku,
rlaril Tu m on r
Ji-'njljone, 1 r;vl.
racked llenhi.
Mtcu Ilor.r.
Horn Dlllnmnnr
I Chidtainit,
Hiteof Animali,
I Kill! Jolnti,
.u - . .
. inVauHtirdtt,
i"t.a0. .niMi-ni
at toihour vahiuMe dirovrr-:
- o. Ihofcut. Ou, pde,,a, on, w llie,,
Maou faeiu red only iy
.. WtEtNJO, rnO.NIIV'Mlf.n fa fn
n.TUiraai.JJ, I) ro,,,., i'ir.ri iv-..i
June to, lur-ir
' "" ,0"
i..vruAtrr iitrcinu,
Far liivaiee of the BtMtr Kltneye. timet, llrepey,
makntxri. oMrum. !niiin,Mi
amr'MV,lii1lT" tf ''
Arlela from RimMM ainl linru.!rnclca In IKe, ami
removing nil improper iii.i narirea irntn me maimer,
K"l"' ""i'fAi'ff'ott vXmmai. 8
Trnm wlnlcvnr can-o Ihoy may hnvn nrti(l attta' , nn.t
m.11(I,f nf ,ow 0l ,,,,, alyl. ,rilMIl ullJ
vljur hi llm frnniii. nnd iitnom In tlin paMiil clmrk.
no niiiltiT nr now inni atimuim, Hi vl hit nrniin una
It cnrcaNjrvii'ia nml K-lii linted Builnrur. nm) rcmnvm
"l0 armp'nmi. nm ' wlilrli will lin inniH liiillapn.
,inn ll Utinlmi, lumnf I'jwnt, l,nn nr M.ninr.
llinl.iillv ll.-iliiln.. II iiiii... I IV t't nn llnrrnf nf
itj till, f t itiu ijji 1 1 1 .
; NVrVil.TrliVi.V. i;. if.i iii.r i.f
""' "i?111 J- t I IVrt, tV.ikiil ilnn'., I'lin-
nM, r v,,ni ,, ,.,,, Univeml l,t.liii,li) nr Hid
Mnieulir Htnn, o.tnn IStinrmvia Aip';tlt. w Hi
yp,P i H,, i',l,1,is'niii!..,iy,
HryiiiMinf fin rtnlii liUi'liJiiiiti,ni'ii'iiitiiil llriiilnna
', (. ,,., ,.(, nf u,,, i:y
rr,i'.iniiiiy I iii-k Hp.ia uHu i,ir..r.i ihn i.yi-a,
withT.'mpirjry H ill'.ulnu ntnl l,oi nl
Attrn iiii.ortat Miitiiiiiy, itoi oj bmi. wim ""
nfcilv Ni.tlltin 1 ill irn .l.i,lrri!.lo t P.iH. fnllniila
linn nntnlm th"y m iro ror or
tlintvmj no rft'H-(nf muiiHT. itinnun tirni no
epiculitl mi. bin a llurrieU irn.jltiuti fruu ouu quc
linn tn.tnolhpr.
Tlio.u avmntnma. if nlliv.vpil til ln nn wiliftl thH
niiMlirinn Invnrh'ily rminvca snun ftlloua l.o.a or
I'nwtr, I'.itiiii v,,i7i ( I : i t ri U c I'm In ms "f which
Ihn pnticnt mlynttlr-i. vlio can aiythu lliin pv
cp. i-4 nm nut Iru'i I'ntl'y Ii)IIiwiiI liy llinso illreTuI
tlncni" Ill'a Illy -III I'lJiiilr'liniilin 1 1 Tll-J rpfnnl. nf
tliu ln..ini) A.ilitmi, an I ttir tmlitlrhnl it,..ilh. hy
Mvit!i wjt'nl tnniMtrc wna .rpm
1,1 v millpti aiilti.Ii his "rrierbfC'ltli-Mi "
ll-Mltty hm MltcrrliMt ami liti l.m t'it iltottFan.h
ttni ( Iiiii4 uitli t rtiint 1111 ily tt r IVUf a t (I m Hint 1. 1 a til?
h-u'Mtlon of many ,ioMo youi!n. It can be cutml by
I 111 (i! of t hi
iryniinf ifor with -uinr lite .iliovjilUtrrsinn
nllmcnH. tin IMiii-l ihtritct Unclm will euro you, 'J'ry
ii ntnl hi r.-iiU'lni'ii I tit iLn t UlMCV
liiw.iro ofa 1 tcit N.nlMnH :ui I U tuck tinrlora. who
.tn 1,'tvolil tU 'hi itid Eitvc nuj , mr u ring iunny, nml
fj)ii,'ir. ly sriilfn; nr ctllinj fir a buttlu lliis
fjtp v ln-u.tnf All ;l II ..', rclHrciici rs H" Uh"v
(topni-ir mi'i wijri(n rciujuy.
It aMiys nil tilti .'iil inil.rnmiftHi, m v:nctly
Ilr.mtit in lis Uita nn- oilor, Imt fnnuiti.ttu in its
action .
!II.r.MI,.()f,T)3 i:TIt.CT UtfCIIU
li fcurfil .lirpc'ly acconlui ti tlio ruici of
Vuirwify (inti Chemistry,
With I In jrrrniLi iicLtir.iry nnd thcnii'al Mionhi.ljro
it mi c.iru licvotfil in iu cninliiinti-Mi. frna I'roft bsit
Uvwc' Valiiftlilu Work on tlm pr.Klicp nr p'lysic, uri'l
t of l In; t t Htni.liril U'nrk 'f MMfhii'.
ilj-ovi: iu;i)i:i:ii iioD.AK..rJ
Ono ttiinilrrd ilolhrt will lm pidl tit ,iry plirskinn
whncaif iifuvutlnt l!iu Mpilirinoj-vtr injur! u l'.i
tt cut ; ti 11 f I Hi-! ti'otun my tf tli,i can i prdiluc:'!
10 firuvc thai It dun preat ( Uaes ot iiom oi)
ivoc-k lollii rlfcn yens' 'ninlnic liff'i rflV ctil.
'I hu maM of vol n 11 ,1 y testimony hi tnsitrsioii nf Hie
lirnpnoior.NntH'hing its virtues nnl ruruivo piwrra,
11 immense, umijraci'ig .naines wo I lo Bleiicc
nnd r.unc
IUl,tXKMiotll"i hive tif-cn Bnt.l tvwl not a tingle in
stance of 11 ruihirrjn ln"n rrpurii'd t
I'craonaily .ip"ttrd liffini uio, nn .1 lertnai. o!' tho
ri-y of Pii Iidi'lpliifi, II. T. IlLLOnr.n (,'htMtiM, vlni
tioitiit duly worn docfi j ly, tlial hi a inrpirntiuii con
tiiinit no Xirn.iic, .Mercury or Inj iriuua tJ , Imt are
purely veL'etilde
II. T MIUiMnoi.O.Pote M nml riurnr.
Hworn nnd s itJLrilil lw Inn iihj Uiit 'iUl day oi' Set
vcinlicr IcOl. VM.P IIIi! IMXO, Aldernuii.
Trice $1 per battle, or sti for $7, dtUccred to any nl
dres, jrconip.tnicd (y rthtililp and miptiniUile rrftilt
ciles 1rom l'rof-jdsiora of Medical UillL'ti, OtL'rjyiuun ,
and rthcrn.
1'rcp.tredand to'dl.y II T. II CI.M TOM),
I'fccticil nn I Annlytit-nl UIicnp"-t,
52 tmth Tl"JTIl St., ln.luv t'licstnuti Asbcnibly
Ituildini;'. Phil-id'-lplin.
To be had of J. H, D'o3tntburff. and nf all
Dtuegf&ts and Praters throughout tht United States,
Vanauas and liitttsh rrorinrct.
HKW.Mtli uv rnuNTr.Rrr.rrs.
ash mi iini,Miu)Mr.s-TAKi; o uTiiurv.
Jutiri 1.1, IriT.
A SuhstiOttc for I.imcrd Oil
lTi:NT Ai'l'LU'.U VtHl )
'pMH tiin'cr-Hajiti d tiller to tin mldir iIh if OI.Mtin A
J inor 'ii nn lfi' ieii4su!itiiutf foi l.iiMi-i'd Oil, as a
lliintia-r fur nil Bui.n oi l'jitin cronnd M OILcxrcpt
Vt'iiriinti lU-il.
When itnniiod uitli Ih' OlPiim tli'1 Tiii'il w'M envrr
bAier dry fpiirkiir und will i more diirlle. dt.d wlwn
wirnlFlitdt (lie p.iini will liio .in-l ritun I lie mtiit
"W ffih hi'K !'". ll'itrniu , 'onn I.
Tli O ran I- i,m,1 l,y It-II. nr in ro 1,1,
fi.nseed Oil. .11 1 la'i, Jjpjn or I urpeui inj nl I lie 011
IIOII 10 1 .miik 1
lti cm l is Jliii'it nu h ilf of nf l.tmr) Oil
Ihux cnidi'r.illi rPducii the l k n.i 1 u put tiry
We f.uihiiilly repnuimciid it Tor nil purpi".' judit-a
ted ami WatrMiil It In kivu tmsf.i(.1iuu A li'i. did-rouiit-
to tin 1 r;u!e.
DIUDJU'JSS. II,in the p.iint with tlm'Ofnuin lt
rjuor .111 1 wii tk it wull, until I' ll iw 4 Irei ly Ir out 1 1 n
'J'hu hr'fh m il Iu 'r'e tri'ii all moisture and ina
riahW ought to li'j f-oikcd well wull ih' Oieuiu lai ran' ,
previous to pauiliii?.
lnrt"nd it (i Urli! 5 lirurdie i.i wnVr nvt-r nljhi.
ns piinlerw guir,iH il.. hrt viipUi in ,( ( Nt (n t,f
Oleniu .J.iiuor, winch ill Ri.-uil i.u-iljutf the work.
Tli punt mixed with the O ftim I, ij.tor will wirk
hflter ifi1 h ailowul in sian.l ironi l J in y hours pre
ilout Iu its ti i'lx ied.aMd tin 11 1 lil'im d lo suco n
rniisirtLtic) at til w oik irmj .imi uxt-v umJi r the hnuit.
y the u of Jipni ttir pinii will lh rendered 'till
firmer, Mix I lie J ipiit li'iri Willi llm ptiini nnd ihu
thin it wuh lis Oleum l,i-(Uor in Ihu nniniur in -n
tioned ahOe.
Cv UV) puunds oT Pain t ihi.ionl with iV Olt-utti I.i.
T 11 tr. will povir a Itrjir nutlne than U poim.a H i 1..
m-d with ml
Tim O leu in 1,,'juor is not to lr iuc.1 tviih Vi'iutian
Itcd, iiur w ih Paint nml imuij any nionfrtioit ul jt.
UU1.1MO. (I ATI M W Ai IlitUIMtj
Am'ricau IVimi and ;ui-r VVniki,
Comer VI tii ami Urten Hts., Phi la U Ip'i'n n ci-rmJ luird and Wuod bu , p ,n,i.t .
phia. Pi .
MjT We also inan'ir.ii'.i'M Chrom-3 Vt Ihw. ('hi one
(Ire u. ciiimna nud i'riisttian lUiir. Vh.., hi,,
ritarhl Ued in viriotu bh.idea and 'inahlieH, niir dry
or in oil, and w.irr.iut thru, to br nj.ial to ami oilier
ui'ikii, eiiher here or aL-ru.u,
June 0. 1 r . t .
W'i tl)0 undcrsinctl IIou?o I'ninlor.i.
V T liirrliy certify that nt Inva eiv.ii tti i, ii
InvPntcil Olriini i.i'l'lnr, intnl,trict'a rr .1 Uj n.
t;.illiinii it IS rci 11 Jar. in I'll a la.le i.hi a . nn iiniiirli.ii liavc lotiu I it nn til iVm snli.titiito fi'r Itii
ai-til oil. aiipi-ni r tu n hi vurv irhpen m n ,.,,
nf only aUiiu ti.itrna Hindi. Una cunstil.'rutily ri'iliirni"
Uio c (ir n-u nr iiainilnj u ivruij therefor., recmii
itiend the pull lie to ita cciietat m,. nii .,i,, . .,
I.eeii uii-.I ila aiijicnority ovci Ltnjiod Oil ill ba at-
AM'W UXOlItt, '
WIM I Wi Vi)M,C,
Juno 13, If57.
IIMREI1Y certify that T Invo had
llnum, priU'cllleil liluty mil, il, ,.
nmieil Oleum L.tilur, ail' cnln-'ir In nil
Hie li rniniue l.'aliuii of IM nlmni inmei Bentlenici
ami willli.;.enil.l, il,,uin fmurn I ,n hive no , ",
ma oiiemlicna iieiriirn.e,l ulilln..i
tlio nhovB iinmcl valunliti. ,lor )! w, ","'
dcire to view ita ell-eta. ivill rnl nl my ,fVie ,
uhern lliey ran e.iuviueo tin ,nai l,r nf f ,, ,,
W"Zl0UbVlWmL,,iU0'" "rjionot'yanj
June 13, 1857,
oiAiiia lJiiiJiu ruiiY,
C'n 1 miin rmiT.,.
rpHE unitclligiril (iMpoao iaai ins chnui ttn Hr.i r
cuiitiln ohrii, 1 10
y ..r, 1 11... or! '
ll n n .
x. lu j intiif )
The ohjccl of tho United riiatrg Directory will h
IM. To give ihu iiam aud ,t bigco udd,L o Jytrv
niT? '10,t Po.t
3.1 To civo tin naiua nu1 iilaco if niititieiilnn ..r
every Dafly. Wi'.iilv. JMitM, HJ UiPm tc'HJ vSof,
in Magazlnonntilialidlin Ilia Uniitil Vuiei ' P '
i Lf' ?'?.','"' ,ow, villain uoU vuil cDico will
lieiilihibetically.iirorgeil. i.i niico nui
..2'i"HnS'"f r,1ac!' peracn nilltao alpbalirtu-ally ar
g",, "" "l" " "'iwrlivo pot, Sffic,
, A tlio Unlteil Htaiea Itircclory will bo n matter of
intere.t in every reaiJonl in Ameriea. t
anlint llm ni.l ol ,.a,i inn,icr,,, 0,,cra in ou '
r he rnuiitry, iu ol.laiui,,, .aioa and acuJIui u' n
mi na anon ui pmaibto. ' uitlll
,nlv"M,,l;.,..vr,'.'l " n'no.ii
iuuiiiynii.1 Bii.if.nt t io head of tha ii.eci , ri
i ... r ' iniiiiu ui in
h leejyea, 31;: I
, 1. r " n' "av" M'ni c"l lo till an envelop envelope.
... . ;. -'. "..'nii.ji.iti u u iwan 1.
wj?nV,ry';",,,7,V.'IU,,,CD' 1",sl M Jrp..
poll ollicd.ciiuniyand Mia,, "'" ""T "anic.
IO I'KKVEVr UIITirrlir.!,n .
v Clncinnaii Ohio. '
can atteutiiin ii n v :. :,ya.rf.'
J.d a, onOT X .
.A ... ,. i ... I; . 1 li M U, ( HirCClOrVI elivei. .
ii iii . niii . "..v.v.r.u,,,l'!,',- -
vu u, inni d I n ,h,... .,: . .,, ' . -
paper, in llm 1
I'tpyMniUfll'niirdSutoa DrreViory " I
a fmm irmtix Titr, nKACit of KftnYnujiH
MMir. ttinmVAY I-AlUl l.'OMr-ANV liaa made ...
J rnnaeuiri Is l,y uliich nil n liu deal rc to acute It
purrlii.u n home can do an,
'I hD Parma com,. I nrilir I eat llmeslnno anil or II,
mnel amirrlor iiiiulilv for Oi mil nr. 1 11 rflnlillt, i.
ia now imirlni!
proving Inci. lulo which nti extentiv eiitljnntlen
rutin y, ronii.y
v, rummivniiia in tho mill a nr a n,riVihA
niuiiK. .in! iuiiirriy IB ii'iiiivil VAX
luipul (I Ion ir in.Q'm. Tho eli matp la pirrcctlf
inikiinn, It nln hit nn nnnnilniifo orilio licit nUn,
m nt ,.n,lt , ,, .,,, ,t , ,,u ,,.,
ii" i,. ii iiiri, .. h.i,hvi 'in; "i "-.cria
tv nl m nni Hun 'I hn nt ce In mt l mil I...
st m SJo prr nric, inytihhi by InMnlmi'iiia,, in hp in.
ciliilnt ha tlnn-nl inircimimir, nr n annrr olMaarr, m
cm II linn in lurali' Urn an mi- lor 8?0it, m)alilH jn pi,,
mcntli. nr I'll ncrra i lynliln l pi r ninnlli. Hirrmiiit
rnr nvory an'i or Jlininnil iin.lrr nild Inn.lvnnre'n
.11 .... .... a - H, i. H 11.;.. .l 1. nil f. . .!..
liroitiii ir ,1 jit! 1 n nt will Irf allowed, bntl for cvtr
$1(10 a tllfcmntl or It) per mit
In ton ..'trlna t- n-lvantiigfn of rmtgrnltng to
Uil Inrnlltv Wf tiillftwJtiK nti rc titnl
Fint'VU" Mill h n rlcli hmctloiic, c.iiiaMc of rnli
I nr tlm ltcavkt rrnpi m injr t Inch litis kettle
incnl 1 in n nititiiifil Hi tirp4unl a rout mosprrity
Frcottd-li i (lift rcntrr of ili prrnt NnrtliWrnt
p'renloM .itVhi4 pt.irtn In ilia Stnln.' It will ttipply
, m, Brnt i.nkn i.,.,ikoi.(nrrnr.ih'ii m 1
' , tt,0 cr. nl, allnthi' Union j It I
oMa VPln oflll(, illiuininnua Cnnl
priinauon am
hut wnrh
ne!,r(,(fnt0 Ttr j r t liir ft nukrn li,tl0
(on, r r)f l Uni,.r c,,r, acM, ,s wilhiuko ttie
I nmnilnllnV In
TltcoiMinnt Ptatfl2ioln?it lr I'lmrlmT Jaclt.
unit. oT lintlnn, Im undo n cfnlo. Irnl fiiivty or tlit
hnd, nnd nmlyrrd ttui nut I tli" Iron orn mid tlio
llnii'Htonf. 'J'ln report togi'lurr with mnps, will bo
lunthheit lo linnirern.
Tlirn' rnilrmd nri' hid otit llirnnuli llilg proprttv,
Tlie fin ntmry ind l.riu Ilnilrnad plvc n ninrkt l fol
our conl to Urn hWs It run from line to PhtlndcU
plil.i. A arf'c part of tlilfl rojd lin li'Ttt "fiiMin",
nndhrmwin riitinlns rrdf r. A Itrnvy force is itorr
working from Cric towards nnr Innd In Iho wrelt"i
dirrcllon, tlieiiiMint for li prnmplptlnn ol wliirh linn
li km i riiiird I' will coon he flniMird, T lio Allislmny
Va'lnv linllrnad ronniTln us w I'll 7it:w Votk, Umirn
and I'iUfthurt! Uio Vcnniij;o Ilond coiinccte us niih
Tlmro are nlrpadyjood Turnpiko Hoads running
tlirottcli this proprrty, vnrlou-i tlicr rnid hove In en,
oppticd In nTomniodnto lie rmliitnl Ion cud ititlo
innit wit ir li Un-n'rondy taken pmre,
1 hen-1 no "ppottuiiily i"imil lo it new ffTetn d to
tht- mm vw Ito wan to provlds litniolf a hmno In tin
cl'v way. and n nVt, n scttli'iii"! t where tin can livo
In prnprrllv nnd Independence it n climtitc 1XK.
rr.oTt.v niMiriiY.
No rnxp "I tiii fever vvft Invinc lren known
nTiir In thla rrilkmiMit. It not Itho Knytoiho
Mrk-vortd rf th" VVt, om'HM l" rh" p intolerant
jiropl.who-eth',re u onocii ly ih irfhesor ',
Hhrre the price nf l.i nd is liili nnd uh'To the cm),
rrnnt. nftpr lidii u id to tit" hiIllilf H rllmatt in
I hr wo: I.I. Ii ' in end 're n nnd piin. mm pc
h.ips tninit hit he'ilth nd of his v. Hut Uetn
is h tlit Wins s n't; in' ei hitvius tlircr towns, coiiluln.
ins rhurrl.fH. pcIi oi, initel. utorrit, rnv mills, griit
mill s, nnd evrrnhi ti? de-iirt ' 'I he it If n n h n nr
krt nl hand The ttiiiiln-r ir u(o lifct ynr nipoimti ,f
to ovr iwn hundred million fre. of tiimli-r. In n
nil or t limf. iiwinj to tlf rent. It will lo t-nnf still
mi ii ie vi liiahle, n n ntiinhf r of iron wnrM nud m.n.n
rnctorin will fnoii l-ontarnd; lhe are at ptChcr,!
starting 1 lie mi t tvit i rtj M Wniii n. 1 tn for tlio,
wlio do not wih tnpotture, 1 li r payments nro mtlj
that th.'v cm aH tmv a lino to s:ive th!r rinint;
f.uinliert ftoin want in lio future, nr tn )nin it con pc
tf nco hy t he ilr which will tr-he pi n in the vnluo
of tniiu. Uv in outlay tcarcrlv mitrdtt tut'taii.
I. .1,1 rtf Innnlliri'iMnt ftlllP.
till prnvMoii r:n he mnih.
rfrnns meiim n-nKe inriy nrpiinnon. npp.y rr
writ to V. JI'.rniMi H. r-Vii-'i.iry, No KUVnhnt
Plrti't. hflow I'llih, Phllndelphln Kfttfrs rnrt-fnliw
iimw ercd, pii hr full inlormaiti ri.
rilim-fi or irarls rf land (.in ! In us lit ut Bcurrd
hy li'lier tnclminj iho fiifl In Malm rut of flve-doHnr,
hiiuii iii" riKuriiu'-r ni n i nmii-n viii uudlts,
manw. &.c V.irr.inted Ucrdi tivcn. l'orsuns can
also piirrhnne Itoio our AKenin
Koui'i i rnui I'll i l.i W o ii in to Tvronn on the Pcnrr i
vnnin (Vnlra Itintroad, tii'it Ihcticr ly nogf tn 1)1
lati'l 'I hi is a ili'UjIHtnl cmn n t visit HI Marx's.
t'le let hotel acroiiiirmd'Oirn 1p slfori'eil. riKinlr.
for li. t; ?rhulizi Cn., t to lAgcnfor the propiti tit
St MaryV
j.iiie u, iii7 am
n'llli uiuUrsIjned rcprclfuHy invites the atlf Mi
1 flh" Pnhlir lo Iim "M',fiiiVi.nFdnrtinMi nt Tn'
Fn rnttu r.nitii t:liain which h wilt witraim (o lt n.t,
oi li fi.liiiiicri il-ni-d )n .i w iriaiiiiiil ki inn ritu t ,i
hi- l.ttnhiisliiiu nl, c n ii iilw :t b hi' IionmI o t-nod nison
in i i t 'if
Wlilc'i in I'T'.it ll' at) Icnnil tlmali tn , tint nf rial I
mil l. Ilia or ,iw Voik ritif s. uutlslu lo iintca,
lie tua
of jlllfercnt 'yli vfanil prirci frnnij
chairs, I'iat.a nonN, nnd a vn-h ty .f noimltiTi d un,i
mil and .Mah l'iiv. P.irlnr ciiuiri. Hnri:.,. n,t
Wilh Itri'f siiig.iml t ,11 lo I hill -1M. k,(;i. nirr. n, .i
licrtaM h. deiiirtliiirf, rhi tl'eu mts w ik.ic nn.i n..,.
dett nihl . -ill kin. U 1,1 fi-hloimhln w i.i k. II 1 1 fci, l t
i" ntV,: ,r,.l,U ,"7 ' "'
tl J I'J, ',, " i" . '"
ai,iriiiiii v -u tl rri.ii., I.. . . 1 ' 1 r ,,r
ilur:ihilii ai.d ccmlnrt to r n t he. I .
ni...ur, lMf,b.lMI t',M-N' """
D F, N T I d T U V.
1- Cd. lS.iDM,!5,.!a3
srnKo.i rui. ii3T.
IlcHiilfi cr, Itr.t llntk, inj Lclnn II jrliiin.T. (rro
mi M.U11 H.iri t
1 1 INI'IIC'I I'lU.I.V "ir-n I,.. aprvina
1 l III till, I ILII-d 11 1,. I -, l.ll. lli, I, ,,1 ll.lm.,. jj
viiini'v tt" 1 11 1 1 1,., ri li t iii '1 n 1 tn 11 ) Hi.' 1 i.iii .
11 I tli.'
"in hi 11 in I'm nkir
It'll I ,iirovi'it
M lnu id 1 it mill llir l.
Tor ce lain Teeth,
Whlrli will hi- Inv-iji 4 nn pivi l nr Jinl.l plal., In li.i h
na . .- II lln- niituril
try A Minerinr crlirln nr TOO I'll I'OU'UIIK nl .
waj a nn h in I. June II, lv;7. N(,.ij,
liLtjuMsiTUnt. iKirr'TrTiT &iuJk
rj'lll', uni!erfiSTip.l l ap. rirm ly Infiiinm il o ri,rn a
I nl l.l i uli.ljur; anj , lie ,ii,ig ,n cunial, Ihul ho
llai o(.i'r.i-il ti
Jloit and S'.oe TZUabiishmeht,
In I'll th .'.lit I, u. . 11 Mini alre-i, almvo ria. 1
e il.nn . Ilik ry. wnm Inj n i cmMunllv un I.011J
a lirea.anrtuieiil nf
Hoots, Shooo, Gaiters, Jtc,
AmlnlllmiLaiip uoik In nni. r mi ahnt notice III,
liuiBcinerirncciii ih.. Luam. ,a, aim ccneial krn-
l...l;.i ut 110 .antao. tr. poclu. will enal.le I ,
M-n.'er .alitf.irlinii 1,1 all In. mat era nml ,ln.ul,i
aecuro him lutronato whicli ho liugiea ,11 m, nl
Jllonmrturt. May . U'S7. KU:,M'
Stoves and Tinware.
rj'lljiauliarrilier hlvln3 eri a larce rr,v l.rirk
I I'u-ilMlry anil Mnrl,,,,,. Hli. n, , ,r.- nf Ihe I.I
f!w,. ! f,",rr" .'l0 '":'k" "" '""" " "
l.m -t .rn-. . I'lau-a cnnalnnlly ,. ham, Tin .uh
ariiWr lnanlanreuinvi'il l., - ,u euim iron. Vnin il
tr, thi. I'..llndry,n,,v,,.t,.,e l.aa eilcleit a hull line
alinpitherforHlnvannilTinwarc iiuiiliiij,
f ni l'l tSi'-nvii!OK' COOK, .ml
.iri'n'oViUr.' 81,,V,!'-- A" k'"" ' Hpu.lll.1
I!'oo,n.',rS.Ap,lll,.,f)7!OS,:i'" S"''''--
i limliu'ra, il.ins ill
rrin.. " win, . ".,. 1 """;' i-niiicainioi. nni anf
fcaii li l ei r.l . . "!"."'" l visit llm
prtve, ce Z ',SJL) Jl,.,lreli iliarnvtrod a
n-crrailnanil rrrtoin cure fur Co 1 a, L'nuelM Ilronehilta
Con.ump lion. Nenoua In l,iy ,! All m " lu, ci 1 1'l
Ja cured iinmeillalfly, he returned 11, ted I I, tell
w,'hl,T,,,.0n,',''.,,,;;!.,Cl, '! ' "j ! c'o'''eru,m
.1.; .I'avo employ nl 11 in , heir practice, ruiln
11 iii.aiid, , f,ltei r e, liopeleaa l,y nVi, ",,
f,-' iL "J, !'"r"""U 0f ""rul"l! m'y I ia a fl-"nB
I, liw lieinsaaa p.i.aihle, heia aemllnjlho Iter ne tn
all wim wuli it ir leneeiita, 3 ofli 1 1 .v the noA.
. and Ilia balance iiiiMliiK. e
AilJread on HBATI1
1(11 tfprina at , opfoaito Ht Mrholna HrfVl.
June 1 3, 1SS7. New York.
Hire., hv I1...I .l,..7i ,'.." . " '. "" . ii' iutw, nn.l
Hall's Yointg America Fiie CrtHer risto"
, A W. HAM..
Iiivintor and Hole Manuiactiirer,
, A full itcaciptio,,, wl, iYZVioyU
I'!""? '"-rtl'l ofn pu-taaa '.Him, 1 ' ' "' 10 i"f
lili.ri .,. .1.... Hil IIP II
4I.L, UltrtlaKl.UH lnilkl.inll.a 1... w
J la':',,"3"1
renSilV,Ul Hl,,c,m,,, roi t ly
gg--t.'p h'tween iiieoinaliiiri, ami Urn
hi,, .." ".'."LV ?."v '" n ainiiirca nf
l.,l,..n. ...I r ' ."-I"- .TIIICII Will,!,,!.,! ,
nlanfilrililll CUIlVeinnre. in , 1 1 1 nv, 11.. ,1
p. .' y i m i m. an v , ,r i,, ;; ,, .
no na a a a iire nv;j. ..ii.. .;fi
llie ,.,,.ll.... .:-.-....-,.. mnil'.i,.
i eimirainna nr liu.ln...
I,7..r... Jwl."' '"Va,yncr lor tiavellinii.l'lijagi
I Jijnal3,l?JT
L 1JIl'ifI, April ira,ly