' filial bf li ji!o KtntitMti, Mmttlfnmtillitr AeM entries." Summor Feed for Cattlo. CORN AND 8UOATI CANE TOB BOILING For BOTcral oara wo Laro earnestly recommended our readers to plant or drill In corn or millet for "foiling" cattlo 5 that is, for cutting up and feeding wlnlo the crop is green. Every suocccding year lias confirmed tlio proCt of this course. During tho dry eoas.on, aud especially in caso of a drouth, thoro will always bo poriod of Bhort, dry pasturo, nnd than nothing comes in bettor than n quantity of green succulent food, Just such ns grow ing corn cut up ind fed two or three times .1 day. cither in tho field or stable Cattle trill thrive upon it, cows will continuo a full supply of milk, working oxen keep in good heart and bo ready for heavy Fall work, and animals to bo fattened will continuo in good flesh, and instead of losing tboy will show tho good effects of such food when fat carcasses arc desired. All neat Ftook, thus got well through tho worst part of tho Summor, will bo better prepared for tho Winter campaign. Wo say then, again, drill in a half aero or an acre, or scyural of them if you havo a largo stock, and our word for it, you will find it valuablo two months hence. It is best to sow, say one third of tho plot very soon, one-third ten days aftor, and tho remaining third ten days later still ; or a small portion may bo reserved for Bowing about iho close of Juno. This will provido a continuance of green food until a full growth of Fall grass. Sow Iho corn thickly, in d rills wido enough apart to admit 'tho cultivator or plow between them, and keep down tho weeds. Any portion not required for grceu food may bo cut while still green, and dried for Winter forage. Ono who has not tried it can havo scarcely an adequato conception of tho great balk of rich cattlo food thatasinglo aero of corn will produce. Millet sown broad-cast answers a similar purpose, and is by somo profcrrcd. It can bo treated, green or dry, similarly to Timothy or clover. Oats, when sown late, and very thiokly, makes good material to cot up and feed green, and especially to gather and dry lato in tho season. Should they hold out, all tho better. Tho great amount of rain wo aro Laving this Spring, indicates a dry Summer, and caro should bo taken to provido for any such emer gency. CHINESE SUOAR CANE ron SOILING. Though holding this new plant somewhat "at arms' length" until nioro thorougly tested, wo think it well worth while to givo it a pretty full trial this season as green and dry food for cattlo. Wc do this tho more freely now, as there appears at last to be a pretty good supply of seed offered at a reasonable price. During tho winter, wo could scarcely get enough at any prico to furnish even a little to each of our sub scribers for trial. Large supplies of good eeod, not then known to be in existence have since been obtained from France, nnd thcrcjs cnoughto meet all present demands, offered at 75 cents per pound. Tho sugar-cane, on account of its largo and rapid growth, and its solid, sweet pith, promises to excel corn for cattlo food. It may bo planted for feeding, almost any timo during June probably tho earlier tho better. Sow it thickly, in drills, Bay three feet apart, oovering tho seed not over half an inch in depth, unless likely to bo very dry, in which caso it will bo best to put it deep enough to prevent parching out when itfirst eprout3. It will germinato in a very few days. It is said to do well cvoo on poor soil, bnt wo adviso giving it ns good treatment as Indian corn. Vo aro Blow to believe that a plant growing so largo and vigorously will not do best on a generous, rich ground. For drilling thickly in rows, not les3 than three pounds of seed to the aoro will be required, and larger quantity will be still better. In bills three feet apart, with eight seeds to tho hill, which would allow of part of tho f talks being removed if all the seeds should grow, a pound would plant half an acre ; or ono pound would suQho for an acre, if only four bo alfowed to tho hill ; but as with corn, it is far better to use an abundance of seed, and cut out uperfluous stalks when they aro well started, When seed an bo procured for 75 cents per pound, it is bc'.ter in drilling to drop a seed every two or three inches. One seed to tho three inches, in rows threo feet apart, will require about 2J to 3 pounds of seed to tho acre, as ihero aro a triflo over twenty thousand seeds to tho pound. Sugar.canc for Fatlcniiig Cattle, An intelligent and reliable fricnd.who visited tho Kentucky 8tato Exhibition last Autumn, says ho was there informed that thoanimals which took tho first premium for ''Fat Cattlo," had been fattened on tho Chineso Sugar-cane. If this bn eo it is an important item of information. Wo were not awaro that thero was enough raised at any point !n Kentucky to bo used for this purpose. Can any of our readers in that Stato in form us as to this matter I American Agriculturist. Tfa Biscuit. Two pounds of flour, two tablespoonfula of yeatt, a littlo warm milk ; mix tlio above together, adding a quarter of a pound of melted butter, with milk lufficient to form a thick batter, and Hko Jn r. rjtin.lt. orco. SPUING AND SUMMER iioaAs. fpilE undersigned respectfully Inlutm l.lffricndinno X Hie pub.icattiugo nnd the rut of jnank Jnu tlial liehas establlshoda splendid - (hi i Iff is 'nt ,wiaa ass w m m j5a In the ctrant new Store House, jut erected tn Hobs liurct Columbia ccunty, J'a., Iwre lie has now opine J alargc ami choice nittirtmcnt of spring nml Summer uoous. Which licit determined to veil on suet, lernig n twill 1 ml 11 co allot leant in t hid vicinity who arc In want of . Merchandize, lo extend htm llieircimtotn. (1 is mock li.i slice 11 e elected wiih innr.ir.am nnd with rcerenco to the wn n 1 1 nfth 1 1 community nnd without roidk 10c iiicr mm a inimne enumeration nn ne vnricin kinds he rink nothing In nurlnp friend tlmt ev ry thine tiinllykipt in Country Store can here Im had a Mliaie clipper than Dip cheapest. tJCou nt ry produce, including Oral n, Lumber, Ad takan Incxchauce fur goods , wilso.v Aonn, nolirshurjt, March 9.3i1K7,r. Spring and Summor GOOD S- 71'Kclvy, fVcal As'CO., HAVi.Nd just reccitcd nnd opened their stock of merchandize for Spring sales, wh I. h ennip rises the LARGEST, CHEPESr. nnd IIANIISOMtST assort. mcnl now ollercJ In this TOWN I Having pnldcrr.it aiientiontoiiif iciection or tlieir entire sioek, ns to i rripennil oilalitv. tlievllnllpr I h.nn. ... .lin, timu can compete ti the cscipetl, andollthose uinlilnj to hny cheap, can save money by clvlnp inn cull. Wo . ' . : vvj iavt ii Kinus ni iioous ana iarcs to supply inc .i-ujiu. vry laritc lot ni KADIKS' DRJiSS GOODS, Prencli Mcrrnoes.U'oolPlnlds, Alpacr, nomhailnep, do baiso I'opllns, 1'irametta cloth Molinir hnstres. Muslin De laities, Tcrsian clollis ninghams.Ualicoes, &c. WIIITn 000D3 OF ALL KINIIS, Sieve. Cottars. Handkercbicls, ilouncings, hands nnd trimmings, I.nrcsanilcd?ings, bounni ribtt ons, In lar?c variety , velvet ribbons. nnd braidi.kid.cotlon.and lisle thread gloves, Mo,ftir mitts, &c. We inviteour friends nnd the public generally to ?lve us a call before purchasing elsewhere, Wchavo boiiRhtour ffoodsat JiOwcstUasli l'ricos.nnd will not bo un ersolu bynnuiody.ortliorcstonnQnkinu McKliLVY, NEAL & CO. Bloom liars, March SI, 1857. J. S. & K. L. PEUOT, Produoo and General COMMISSION MERCHANTS. No 18 North Wharves, I'lllLAIJEI.rillA. nzrKRiifcss: JohnF renlston.Iisi. riilladelphla, Messrs Hacker, l.en c Co. ' filler, l'rieo ic Co. " llilcknar, VeCaoimon & Uo. Charles Elds H Co. B. Morris Wnln & Co " OnterbriilRo, Arvov k Co, Charles K Joseph Perot, ' Thomas ft Vawvctl, New Vorlc. CM. Mr.Clima 4i Cn.,SI Louis, Mo. 'i J.fi. Morris t dun, L.oui9Ville, Kv Vtrch 15, IMO-y MUUPHY & KOONS, C1INERAI. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FISH, C1IEESV ft- Fiiorisions. No. 47 North Warves (bolow tn-o fc'trccl) PHILADELPHIA. tlnvc constantly on hanit n larze ns. soitmcnt of FISH Si GlICESlii filo X32ShSii' visio.ia, whichthoy aro prepared to sell ot th lowest porsiMe rales, J3-0HDER3 promptly nttcn lcd to. Fel.iury21, 1657. DYElt'S HOTEL. Cattawissa, Pa. ri ins old and wcllknowu Motel, in the town . nffVitfaiA-Uan l.cilll Urn Uxt tl. if.. slaiied. and iusnileof all lircnse laivi. ho i J.lA!s. determined to make his home one or the modtcoiutoita Mo places fortravclerstofttop at, that can be found Id the Interior of Tommy Ivania llis table will befurniih. ea uaity wilt) uip LesitiiOiarRctcan aiiord. tOMy old friends and travollorecenerally nrelnvJtod top.all. JACOU DYIiU. May2I,lB53. y . Esyptowu (Joach ami Fagon Fclory, TllCundcrsigncd having surcccdcd Jneob S. Eva in theWasonund Coach making bu si ness.ut his tand, In Ctipytnwn rcdpcctlully inlorm their frlenc. and tho onblic, that they roulliiucwill tho Wagon Making Business, In nllits dcpaitments, where they will bo hippy tore ceivc orders, and promptly executes II business in thcli lino with ncatncssnnddcsjiatcl). B3" Wheel barrows riado to order, nnd alt kinds ot repair! ngdonc on iliorl notice. KVAN3 4: IIAGnNnUOII. Kspylown, June7,'ie58. y MONTOUlt HOUSE, CORNER OF MARKET AND MILL TREETB, (iHimdiataly opposite Iht Court UouitA DAN V1LLK, l'A. HAV1N0 heen recently renovated and rerurnishod in a superior style, tins elegant Hotel is now reopn tor the reception of strangers and visitors, whose pa ronagc Is rcspcctlully requested, B. A. CHADV, lj'l3,185C. ALEX. G.CATTELL &C0. -.ITI'nr.HSORH In JntnesM. Ttolton.ilereafied.ni,inml OflionandrorwardingMicliants.lorthesaleoru tin rour.Heeils.lron.l.iiailfer &e.,io. 1:1 North tvatcl it Philadelohia. Oootisrorwardedwitli care.runllp nls on the Schuylkill, Union. Susinehanna .and Jup am Canals. trj-sait t'lastcririnastoncs Joriale nillie' vest ilees MJichl9.1S53. WESTEfiirV.EIOTEIi. Nos . 0, 11, 13 and 15 Oourtland etreot IHV YORK, D, D.WINCHUSTIiR. THOd. D. WINCHESTER, HENJ.r. WINCHESTER. May 31,1830. 3 m LEAP TOBACCO & CIGARS. ai. South Front Street, MWLADCI.rilTA. -y Hept. n,185ff. FItESU GARDEN SEEDS. Dn. GEO. M. HAGnNflfJUlI ha Just received, and lias for sale, at h Drug Htore. a selects nrt ment of all kinds of Oardtn Sttdt, fresh from 3dr, l.tiiit's Seed House in rUUadlptiia. May tt. iri37. JOHN C. YBAGEn, Fashi ona blo Hat Cap Store N0.1C3 NOUTI1 TIIIU D STRHCT, FHILADKLPHIA. O Merchants and vlsitore from Northern Ten nsy vanta.arereipectfully iDvitcdto give hlmficoll, wboa visitingPhilartulphiu. VJune 28,1656. y. Dr . C. Riittcr, " HonicDopathic r hysi cl an, TC3PCCTrULLYte.iidorsIirs rrofu'salorjftt Eerees Xk to the citizens of Dloomsbureand vicinity, generally' m-i-iiuceim iuu (inner m inam unu iron Direell Uloomihurg, Adjoiutng Mr.Browcr'atorc. Soul JI IPSA COAL! COAL t I T P. FULLUrt Co., would resnccfully Inform th U peopIenfPittstonandthepublic In general, ths hey havo opened l Coal Yard, of ampin dimension ire prefireu n iiicir onirn. cornuroi .tinin anu nail diarrii to till all orders for coal for domesHcaiid eauurssits. JUST RECEIVED AT OUR NEW STORE. NO. 1 MACKEREL for $151 per barrel, and others in proportion. Also, a liesh sunaly of Huzir, .1 asses, llice.&c. Alio, a new supply of Wall Pa. r, or different slyles, which will he sold low. U. C & I. W. UARTMAN. Mays, 1837. CENTRE STORE, SPRING & SUMMER GOODS rpiIE undersitrnodtaVe nloasureof in. I forminir the cinxens fllCnnirit.nitvl.ini,. i..t bTliai Ju.t received a large and select tsf oilmen' SPRING & RUMMER GOODS. Uomprlslnethe heaviest Hock and raoitvnriedsssott raeuiuii.suionaii e. useiui ,m riinainni .1 vnret,n. diie that hftVe heen nfrrp.l lnllinniillli,nUvn,in,l j.miMtiiiiicy winseiiijricaujipay.ai very lfCounlry Dradueitakc I Deluding Grain and Lun bcr and the public custom SAMUEL LAMBACK. Powlerivllle. March 5c. 1857. gTONK COAL lor alcb W. &. W. N. CREASY. OKIflO l,AT" BIHNOLIM, roll HALE UiW UV iwDUUlf II. VV. k W N, CHKASV 1 OUMMEM BlUWLUnil Mantillas, for sale iu . IIABTMAK'3 nij:,1ct SUFFER KOTt WHHN A rCRMANKNTOl'Ri: IS OUAUANTEGI) in all stupe of HICURUT IHSi-MHIlH. Hc!f.Atmo. Nervous Debility, Flttctnrcs,Oi,cetJ ravel, Mrrcurl.il Kheumatlsin, IcromiA, Taint In the AtiMcftand Bonos. Dinettes of tho Throat. Nnic and live, Ulcers upon the Hotly, IVmato lrrcgularltlc. nnd all improper die chnrcei, no matter of how lonir standing. or utntlnito tlie cane, recovery Is err t ft In anil in a shorter tunc than a permanent euro could he rAVcled hy any other treat tnont, even after tho cklll of the most eminent phyl clans had f .tiled, nnd the disease resitted nil other means ofcuro. The remedies are free from mlnr, emit ins mither idekncM nor Incont cnlvme. nnd without mercury or balfnm During twenty sears' practice, I have restored to health over spventten tlioiunnd pa. tients who worn lUffrrlnfi under the worst Tortus of nil the bnvo mentioned diseases, w hlcli guarantees me In prorimlpff a perfect and most speedy cure. Hectct dls rtp8 nrc the Rrp.i test enemies to health and happiness, nslhcvnro Ihefirrt camn ol consumption, scrofula ,&c, and should he a terror to oil nations onthoenrth! fo nhe disease l hecnmtnp so common nnd treatment so little understood, t lilt n permanent cure Is scarcely ever eflVcted, as a majority nf the cases fnll Into tho -Mids of Incompetent persons, who not only tail to euro the milady, but ruin the constitution u lth corro. slvo sublimate a dangerous poison, n preparation of inuuiij-fliiiui, wiui mc remains ni msenre in the ilcm. produces manyof thenbove iiamidnfTocilnns, which finally terminate In ennsti tlmt Inn. nnd rrmimntiu a r.ipid one; hulrhmtld it not causa death speedily, "Ml, iiiii mum w MlsrilSC HIIiriltF, IIIU II ISP UFO IK HI CM convened from the parent to llic children, causing tlinn tocotno Into the world with scrofula, affections of tho skin, ees throat, Ace., andnialn frmhiaies In con sumption, and consigns its victim t' .in untimely grave, hctyecn tlioaitesor tlx inoiiilis and llilrty.nvc jenrs. I Beir almso Is nnollier formlilab'o enemy to health s It ,,,-. .iinr,,. rsutlnc ..,ni niin,ii,.;m;,7 .;...." fine n itu ier iii-vriui'mciu m tun svsie n. nml , isoni .... .i T . ! v" (ylntr its victim for uarrlagf, society, husiness and nil cirthly hipnlnes. Pcmils Irregularities mi l nil other d'scn-Hst.riemilei treated In the mot skilful nnd scl otitiflc manner. iMedicinct, with dirfctloni, sent to any part of the United HtatotnndCnnailas, by patients comuiunicatlns their svniptonii liv letter fU.u.illi.lVl hlilJ, JI. D., 5E 3, Vost Ofiic ; .I'ilbkit st below 1,1th, I'liiladcU ph la, Va. March H, Fa7. OS 12 DOLL. AH A VCAlt. Circulation over 10U,000 Copies Weekly 25 Witnesses, OB. 7 TnU FOKGEU CONVICTED. JOHN S. UVi: la tho Author who Ims had ton earsosporiencu as n Hanker nnd Publisher, nnd Author oCa'3tlescff,tcturtt at lh$ Broadway TabcrnacU when, for ten furcueeivo uigliifl.over tT 50,000 Teople Greeted him with rounds of applause, while ho ex. hlbiicd tho manner in whicliOountcrrcitors rucute their irnuits, and thosuust and shortest means of rtetirtlnp them I, The Vank Xott Ettffrmtr all lay that As ( tho greatest Jutlg tf raper Jfonty living. Greatest Discovery of the rcnl Century for Detecting Counterfeit Bank JS'otrs. DeFcrihine every Genuine IIH) in ixKtcnciv and exhibiting at a glance eery CcuntirUit In (irciiia tlon I Arranged sondinirably,lliat Ilcforcnce Is Eaey urnl Detccilou IndtaiitancouM TO" No Index to examine 1 No ntrs to liunt up! Rut so simplified nml nrran ?ed, tt.at tho nicnli'ittt, liaokcr and i;usines Man can ece all at a glance, r.rtflliit, French and Gcruan. TIiiu each mayrcau tho buiiiq in bin onn Native Tongue. Most perfect Bank Note List PublishccL Also n t ift of all iIip rHIVATC BANKERS IN AMKRIOA. A complete Summary of I he Fikacs or KrnopB sn America will bo published in eiieh edition, fcellicr Willi all tho important N12WH OF TUC DAY. Also, A snnina or talcs From nn o!J Manuscript found in the East. It fur- nuues luciiiosi conipicio imiory oi OUIENTAL Liri:, And ricscritlng the most pprplexinn positions In nhi li the tadies'andr'eiitleincn (tf th.it cminirv imvo been so often found. These stories will continue throughout tlio wholf year and will prove the most entertaining ;ver offered to l lie public. E3" furnihhed wetkly to Fubscnberji only, ct $1 r year. Allletcrs must bo nddressud to juu.n . i) li. vrektr Tublishcr and rroprlotor, TO Wall New York. 1857. SPRING AND SUMMER, GEO. UULPIN & CO. IMPORTERS JXn .V.1JVrTP.1CTt;fiKK.S, 171 OIIESNUT STHEliT, Are now prepared;to exhibit their New Style FOR SPUING TRADE, INCLUDING II la lack nnd colorrdSilk Mantillas. Chantlv Lnre Mnn Marlitl.iB, French Laro Mantilla, Kmbroidrrcd filk Mantillas, Dug led Lace and Net Mantillas, Muuriutir .. I I 1 ' i ltnn.,ll. n'nlliiiii J.n fit B All ofwliich willbo offered nt the Lowest IV! cert. GCO. IllILriN tc CO. 1171 Chesnut Street, nbove 7th, riiila Ucliia. March 7th,lt57. CHEAP STORE. SPUING AND SUMMER GOODS. THE undersigned take pleasure in an nouncing to thclrciistonicrs nnd the wiblirirener. ally, tliattheyhavejustrcceived.at the Lime Itiilge Spring and Summer Goods. Comprising every ariiele usually lrcpt in Country Store, which have heen selected with care, any win vk jviu 31 very low prices lor ready pay. onalptinc of n lrce variety of Clollis, t'asjimer clalnes. Urates, Cahcoet, 4ic. XOr Country producetaken In exchanpefor goods. Give us a call. None need go away distanced. C. & O. LOW. Lmqc Ridge, March 3d, 1857, Mount Vernon Mouse. Second street, above Jlreh, Vhilaia, CTHHurdcrejgncd having purchased Iho interest o a. 3ir.it. in.nr in inenDovooiiicai.iuiifclitii llolcl, wit now hive the solo supervision of the estiblihmc and sol If its tho patronage of the public. lie leeUronft oem inn a inai oinii iiouso, Kooms, Table, Servants tc., will provo Ihobeet rccciniiieiMtaiion hec.inqive i. L.I.AIIULTT. PIIRfLNOLOGIAL CABINET. FOWLERS, WELLS & CO., rUKCNOLOGISTS AND I'UULISHIM.H. 231 Arch Street, below Seventh; PhiLiU. x iurnisn un wo rnsjon riirenotogv,. liyslulDpy 1 WaterCure.Magnetlim, nnd Phonography, j wholesale and retail ,at New-York prices'. C Prolessional examinations, with cbtrti, and fcilull written description of character, rfnvnmi uVifniDi. Oabliictfree. May W. Jb33. v, NH.W SPUING AND SUMMER B To he Sold Very Cheat). JUST UCCCIV U AT TlUi STORK OP J. J. .April 55, 16J7-3 U ROWER, Dl oomibur; NEW GOODS. SPRING AND SUMMER Ol? 1857 raio undersigned, grateful for formor a liberal n&troiiDL'u. retnect fulv infrrniR th,r friends and cubloinera in cencra). that n im rn.... luenctiii iiusinessin jus spacious re7 Store IIous just received, nfuilsupply of SriurvG AND SUMMER GOODS. coroprlslnj every variety of fashion, luality and style uauaii hi tut; uvi w iurt e, u tocvn ev.iiuiiiccware uaruwufu, a.uiB, iiJim, ap, Bhoea, etc., which will be sold on accommodating Terms. EJ- Cralo end produce of ail km dg wnttd. A & S. ANDREWS. Manvllle, March 2a, 1B57, y.l BLINDS AND SIIADES1 op jverf sTTzr.s. R. J. WILLIAMS, HO. KORTII SIXTH STREET, pni.inr, nt . TTANUP ACTUREIt OF VENITIAN nt.ivnsi w.i. Ill vet. Cold Uordered and fainted BIIADES, or lieaulifulileslens, Uulf. and all other colors of Hoi- iana usejiorHnades. riitures.TnuiminBs, &c, tc. Unolctaloaud Iletail.at Hie lowest cash puces. restore clliades painted to order. 11. J. W. llianktul for tiasl palronaae, respectfully solicits the public to call and icxauilno his riw and large aisortment, beforo purchasing elsewhere, t. TV 1ft Hut) u I1ui.ja March SI, IBi7. 3m WALL PAPER 1 WALL PACER! WEIuveJuit reeelreiJ.br railrosd, a splendid as. eortmcntof WAI.I, TAPER, waicli wo iiitend losellot Thlladelpliiapricei-riom Hccnii to 371 cents apiece. Call anil see, ApriH.,8,7. 'ftW.IUTMA. OII1IMJ JOWE.noARDr) AD KCAN rLloTfa MILL. jl inKf pirnsurn in nn. niMinchistoiiL'lr I'rUnilrnnd UicpuMlcal Inrne.tlinltlicjr liuvrjiistorcctcil and putln TIII2 KSl'YVOWN5j 8 TEAM Q1UST MILL. Wlturrf hiiv nrn makttlff t he VCrHiPSIto I lour Inlhe .Arinliliiinniiillnlrnilsrllinff 0.1 tliclnweslprleos I'lmrcnrFroiir run ul It n r it In tills Mill, nrnnclf 1M1V sleam-ponr-r nllperforroliiulo pcrrcclloii.miilffriDiling here Ins bcciirianilneil ly llieljpsl ofjiulsea, nmlpro.l nounwilntuperlorntlltlc. WclnvltoourrrlciiiUlucnl miilrxnmlnerorllieiiitelvps. ir5-Orilcrslorl1oiir,clioi,rccil,&c-,llinnklull)Tceelvtil ..! nn.,innilienioircaoimhlcroiiaitlon I N. II ii..l,..,l.irntOrnili. 1 niwi t,ti i. irevei.lmi Fspvtown, Jnlv S3. IMJ CIIKAl' WATUIir.S AM) , .Tcivcl v y S 1 i' c i iTTllOI.tirlAt.il AND llErAL,nttlio"l'lilln. V V ilelnliia H'attli and Jewelry Hlure," no NorlliSdsirect corner or Uunry, l'lilladelphla. a2f Cold I.ever'tValchcs.lullJcwelcJ.lS catat 'JS til) tlolil l.eplnc, laiarai Silver I.ever, full Jewelled i! I 00 12 00 II 00 7 00 7 00 1 50 3 00 Hnpnrlordoerticre, ' (jolilVn 'ctVclnV, 'Jl"p.""v',r'10' flnld llracctets, Ladie's Oold ronclis, I fiver Tea rfpnous.set, 3 GoldlViis with pneilandsitverhnlder . 00 00 00 plaJViUcnt;;imliiiiIiI.ttntMj sscs. pr.?poruon . mi(nuui 7?..? :m, rnr htai rrr.u n a iilhv tj-j On handsnmnlJoldnndSitvorLcvcrji ti lipplno 111 lower then the above prices. Oct I IfrSfl Aviso's tij (III CAP WATCIISjJEWIiLUV STOKr., No. 7i2, North Second Street, orrOSITI! THE MOUNT VERNON IIOUBE.l'Ill LA UoldLcvcrWalclicsrull Jewelled 1BII, Cases , S"t ailv..r .In do I'-'IHI do I.enlni! do 9 0 Uuartlcrs 3 OOlo 7"" OoldSpcctatles, 4 5Ulolnl)0 Hilvrr do I SO BilvcrTahleSpoons pcrsott, M OOtoie i)u ao ucsert no nu n ouuiii u, do Tea do do 4 75to 7 50 aolilFcniandriolilCnso, 3 Silo 5 00 tin u Ivor do 1 nn Totetherwlth n variety of line flold Jewelry, Ool CurtOiiarunndi' otiunaris. ai i poo.is warm uieiitou as presented. Watciies and J ewolr)' ropaircr'ln t h lie.imanrer N It. Atloidcrcseniiiy'iyraai lori'incrwiec.wiiiho punctually ittended to OVulllDO t i i jj- I DOOTOXt UOOKLAWD'S CULlIUltATKl) r man Bitters. Go WILL IlFrCUTUALLY (JL'IIR LlVnil CUMI'LAINT. Ir.upcptia, Jaundice, Chroul nr Nerou Debility. Dinu-as or the Kidneys, and nil discntes ami 113 from ti tlitou'cred Lier ur btoniaih. Much as Constipation, Inward lMcn, raltitcsa or l"ood In the Head, Acidity of the stomach, Xau?ca, Heart hnrn,iMegimior 1 oou, t niineceor weigui-m inn mo loach, Hour UructatiotH, Sinking ur riutter-npat the 1'itofthe gtumne.il, Hulmfning ol the Head, Hurried and Ditliciill l'rt'lhing Ktutlcriugntlhc Heart, Cho!: ing or HufTo.atliis oensatioup v.lien 111 a lyini pot-lure, iliitinesn of Vision, Do's ol v. cbs be ore tho Hight.t cvci bad Huliraiu in tho Head, Deilciincy of respiration. yellowncfcfi 01 me ckui an duyco, rain in tuc tsiue,. liack.Ch.-st.Lln.ba.t-u Hudn rfuhefl of Ilcat,Uaiii ing In the l'lrfh, CoucUiUiy beinlng't of Uviiank gpMt Ucpresion ofpitili This ii 1 1 na ration does sowilhn feci i ne ol tlieuimoed toretwjeo 111 if.vhli."8 n.ul ndnplutlon to thediseascs or which it is recommended. It Is no new and untried nttkle.fhut onrth tnlmt rtood tlietesi of n ten years trial bcfoic the American tu-opte and its .reputation nnd sate 1 tin mailed bjany cimihir prcparutious extant. The testimony r.f its cf ax ;ivcn nyiuo iintsi priHiuitpiu Diitivrnhj(own i'iiy iiciaii nnd IndlvldnniK In nil purls of tho country "i miueiico.and acareful perusal of the Watannc, ptibluh ad annually by the propriftor, nnd to he had prat im of day nfhls Agents, cannot but snlisfy the moslfkeptirj:! t liili remedy Is realty deserving the great celebrity oniacr c r n .i n s y l v a m a ti;hti;ioy. Ctrttfcate tf It. liOOJtMIiD, l.sq , the rell-knouil 1 vclltrjtir the jtuiiAiiiHvn iron imri, rcrryto.. 1 a. Uincaj.j.u':, January 11, lc5. Dr.C. M. Jacksun IJcptCit 1 ualjr live veart feuverely uClittcd Willi Cbronic Cilioua Uv(Miieiy,Jor which 1 szi niteutieu uy weverui 01 uie vr rn j sicians in the country .but all of uo unll. 1 also used various ruuutie, but could lind tiulhhig to Lcui fit me until I w .tu induced tntry ymtr (lerm.in ililters, and afttrtak in ft four bottlei of ivhirh, I was entirely cured, and um enj'". Itt'A the ItLit nfht nl'lj " MUltC lUTi-ITH or run ruma IIII'IURB in npiaiA am) li vim tJo.MiM.Aivr. CettiliralcH uf J C t'l'i:! If1, Csj . Ueporicr of the H veil ing Chroiuclo. I'ltt'-'mrg. 1'a. . who, rebruary Ul, IKi.i.says, " I'ttr son, it .i.k. putt niywii'c Itas tn' 11 urmg CMir German Uitt- is, with n happy etltct. Hhc li.m PiPii iilllicti'd inore or less, for hOM'iul i-itts,wlit) tlijeaj-e of iho J.ivor and Hj pej.sia.niid uutiisjie com KKiiced iisiuj the IJillerti, noililiu had uivm her miicL relief. Her health is now riipidiyMsiinoMiig.nppeuif guud, nnd weii'ivo every rensuu to believe bTo will ic pe'ifcliy restored. Hho says it ii the but t mtdiclnt she has Ler u&ed." M'.itvourt nr.nii.tTY. J. M. HrLFiiiirn, l olct tow 11, 1 .. June CO, 1P53 says . ' My It" Ins h.-en ntlhctrd w 'lh a hervctis de bitity, sincn Kepteiid i r, Ir.it ,. h re which tune 1 have been unable to find Miy tihysicinn ir meitielitc thai would beiK'tU l'i in the h .-t, until t ne dny ( called ni thcsioro of Dr. II ;i r ey, ot this town, lor some ti.ietitre 01 iron , aim tie e.rineu 10 mm iuu aiinciinii 01 my v jio he then handed me n lot of pauersto rend, among wlij' I I found one dcttribinc vmtr ui r run 11 l:uuiii. 1 iiatnn dl itelv nrocured n few bottles from hi in, nnd am trlci. to st,ic that the uso of the Hitters lia t'euo her More good than nil tl.o nicdWne die Inn berrtotore caken . 1 wish you to febtid ni n liHlfdozeii I oitleti LlVJ.lt COMI'LAINT. J. T. Wick, Martimbuic l'ft.,.Vay a'-MP5l,says: Willi tr.uch pleasure 1 tutify to tho virtues or oui Gcrm.in Ultterm Pomctimc tinte.l va feterelyaf flirt.'d with n dicf.t. c of iho Liver Tor wh'eh I inre various remedies. but w (Hi no bent firm I rflcrt.Mitil I wai indnred to try jr.ur filters, which I am now happy to ftatehnvo entirely cund ne. 'IlK-ynro entirely VPel:iblo.lrer fiom nil alcoholic stimulants. end plcatntit in tasto uud mtll. Price j cenie per hot He . fold by Drugclstfl nnd r-'torekcopers in every town and village in the United Fin ten and ('utafni,aiid by J. U. Mnvr.fi. lilnoiiifburc, H. 11. I10W.VA tc CO., lisrwiik. L. WIJUT.MAW Jti.l.rtburg. II. II. ltOlIIU Lieiit street. . A. WOKMAV. Jpv. MCLICK & CItUAfc?Y,'Ltshtfllrect June 7, 1P.1G. 1IA11NL3SS ESTAULISIIiMKKT. vh t: siaxop tiir white uonsn . r a in uu micri2c rcppeviiuiiv 1 iiiurniu I I. I a fpinn.l. n ., .1 1. .il.llX llinl continiirstlH! SAD LINKING HUSINESS, &OJi& In all its varionshrar.ches. ol his old V? standoncorr.er orMautniid MnrUetstrrs.KCJiSiSfeg Where lio will keep eoii.tnntlyon liaed a lull supply nnd willinaii'ilaclnro tn order . nil kindtnnd slylcao s.inuLF.s, ii.ir.XKss, rntwus, vjiucfA, t,-, attlie.vcrylowest prices , and will ho happy to serve' lliokewhu may favor him with acall InliiMinc 5r3(rdersCroiii.vllslance inoilherhranchorilic a hovcijulness,wil!!)cthar.!ii"ullvrccelvedaiidproiipily WJI, J.HEIDLEMAN nionmsbtirg.AUg. 10, v. States Union Hotel. rORMEEP.LY RED LlOJi HOTEL.) No. 200 Marietta! reel, PUilf'dvhia IliORGU W. Ill'JIvl.i;, Tropriclor, . i ' lofCn s inmiiia. i-a. , wou.i iiip.i i:. h, rnei . , . ti,c,k iclhat hetiinliiiues io 1,. , p the above i, . ,l ni,.. which is vi-lland favorably known tuiei,e lounbo niu,u u..v... ,u. iijueni.iiiu niosi convnioiii llutelin nrui.jr . ,,v luuBirujeciiuiiysoncitsasllari'iil pub e nstionaae. April 7, 1635. U1DER M1LI.8'; 5011 KitAUHi'.ll'H MATl'AT imilirmri, PjpjJsinaiiufaclurlns these unrivalled Cidor Mills. M. ..... ,1 1)1,1, OIUL 1 illll.l.M. Wa n.a -a-srcatly Improved and strenjiliened since last year, and can supply orders al Wholesale uud Retail. .-, .. -,, vu u u.t j . ,i, union . .... , . . TAHUIIAI.L MORRIS k. CO., Wholesale nnd Retail Dealers In Agricullurallmnlc. raentsand Machines, 1 . 7IIi amIMarkctstrccli, I'hlladoiplila. SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTtltNli," THE unoersljned ernleful for past patronage, ro spectrally iiilormsiiiscusiomers. and thepubli uenerally, that lie In. i ml received from the I Eas em Lilies, tho lariest and most select stock of Fashionable Spring A- Summer Clothinn lhathasyet been opened In liloouuburj, to which lie Iniitcstho attention of his friends, and assures ihepi thalthcyareoll'ercdforsalo.aiiircat bareals. Ills . "v--Uui..,.?iu targe anuscjer,. assort meat or Gentlemen's Wearing Aiipareld, Consisting of I'aiJisaoKe )rs Coaf , or every ris scripnojii Panls, Vests, Finns, Cravats Slock. Lotion Handkerchiefs, Olovcs. Suspenders, tc, &c. Goll Watches and Jewelry, of "(very description, Cno and cheap. rpn .. ,, "-"cucinber "Lotcultrg-iChiip F.npoUun " tall uud sea. NocUarieforeramiulnaOnodn. DAVID LOWENBERO. Illoomcburi, Ma'chSl, 1837. j Ilr. Francis C. Harrison, WOULD respectfully luformthe citizens of Ulooms burg ao.lvicinliy, that ho hascomincnced the prac tic Of MSOIC1. and H,n.. v. n,l ,nl.,;... .t.n!n tiublicpatronsgc. Icour Ilou.e "'"""tiicKUliangc llolclipno.ne STEAM GKIBT npiIE undorsigned mi. . AND Omnibus R. R. Line. ''PIIE nndcrsigned respectfully informs J his Meruit unit the public t tin I he link Ink'" tlio FtthaitgelhltlAn litonmplHirg located nn Vain Street, illrerth nnnotllc tlio Ooiirl House, ulilcli lias heun """"Phly repaired nnd Improved, where ho Is pro. nnd to genera I sit Israel in p. ici. nn cieillriit ne aiso tins in connection nun trio uicnangc un UmiSlbUb JilAL, timnlnatcriularly scvernt times pcnlny.lo anil from tlio Depoton the nrrlvnlnltlie Cars, l.y nlilfli p.hspiib erswlllho pleasantly conveyed In Ihe DepnlSutlon.oi frniiiniiilretiirneil to their tesi.loncc s. IfilcslreJ. trjllwill ntwavsbe hnnnvtn enterlniu nuduccutn modalehis friends to thou I mntl ofhiintilitIs, I'liriiu i:iLLMi:vi:ii. " rosric!r, ntnomsburp .April ,S,lP3fl y . 8TBAM KNCUNES AND JJUILL.U. IMin 8ubsctlb"ri9 now prepared, with new Mnclilne ry, to liuiIdsi.Tii.Hinryeiiirii.f'4.lrnmto loohorhu lower, upon the - luunrovi dnt.-itis.utid will build to irdcr double. unl siucle put able uitgtnus frmn 10 to 40 j lorsppiiwer.Klsued initMMMrrl.ii;rs,uitli linllcr near ns ft- putiipi nlliumpietenud ready for acllnii. Also cy hmtiT ilticand tuiut.iriioi'ers.cat trun cni! brettks tr patented in IMiUnr thrclilns Rtatn mid cr.ickiur 1 'turn nml nw iradu on .1 large .e.ito fur creek I ftp; ns orcaklns coal. He. ivy minium pumps and (Ire enginel tlstrrd cnmidetcwilli diulile urtlns furling pumpi.ni j kiuils tif mill Rearing 1 11 1 houe eaitiug made tu order! I.innshaniit with nnv(lelrnd slis ol pulleys flnHhc "Ihcr screw 1 wiui jiniiKL-r inMipi.innirf iitiuo . s-iy vijieei ionn 1 n ThebeU lUm U Ir.n. ll.Vest , , Thebet Uoujiti Ir.in threOilnc Midline, that eci tome ne tore tiie piimict mi troi nml wodtMimnchinea made to nrd r. Lever power, iCnln or tread rower made to enter. A lo lakes orders for the followlnc mi. chincry n.irrioii's I ifst pat n ttr.il u mill, siouu of fered by the rati i-tceloriteiial. It will grind In pood line iiumIj buhrlsiu ono hour. Aim hiinnhiirim-o. ftriall in order, nlsollutrle's I'.iiontuiiiwcr.tinnur.tciur cu uy a. ii narris u ;o,, mo niou powerful lllower now I u use with t he lent timou nt ofpower, ona of which witliifi putln use at tin run miry for exhibit ion. 'lot lh" above works vi llbc warranted lob what thevw -soldlnr. ' ' Ato Tako orders for Pcott'i Patent ninpUmltti Flriker. and ric lit s to iisq them Inibf rniiMiic nnxt bin, Momo.ir,Norlli(itii,iorl.ind,Leniiiiii?(Biinitnii and wiiuiuii, oncoi wuicji can no seen ni mv niinn li:wis II. MAIIS, I Mar..i 22, If 50. rioomsbu.Columli.i it , ' lioTfXui) AsoiLvriox, piui.aiilli'hia Importiml Announcement. To all persons nlUirted with sox':nl disuis senrh HEMI.VAI, WlIAK.Vnsrf, I Jl I'Ol I!M-'E,(J0NMJI lia:A,(i!,r,i:T8vriiii.in t.c.Kc, ItllO lIOtVAIMl ASSIII'I.VI IIIV nrrhlln,lr.t,.l.Er, . viewnrthe awful destruction ol l.uinvn llle nun liealili caused hy fcetual diseases, nml the t'irii linns liul.o in.iciiK-'i upon mc unioi uu nle Melius in sin imi M a hy Unaks, Invi; illrcrlod tin Ir Ci risliIHl'p (uitcr.li, ii CIIAIllTAIIl.r. AOT wnrlhy nl tin ir in we tug MElllC'AI.ADVIUIlrRATIS.tnlill peiri.nr lh-g n led. M, lie i r I'emale. wiui apply hy Ii in r. mill n eripiion of the ircnsiiiniiin ii;'p;i ctipaimi i.i.imi i f A.e., and in i a. i s of eMriine oti i ci' m f,i m e ,'l riutKieii r.iiiiiicivr.s run. or ( iiAi-nu. Tile Howard At 'I'Cintion is a liein n,i Mi mlllulioi , Cllnldlshed hv intrialeiwtiiwtneiii liirthe i.lli fus (lit stkkand diitrecM !, nfliin. d wiih Vlruli m nnd Kpldrm in in.eases,,, nnu us iiiniis, ran e lor nun r pn i poie. It has now a surplus ol ilin.'s, which the Directors have voted londvertiee the ahote l.olfce. It, is Mullet,, to a,M Ihatthe Association coitinniids Hie l:iel.ii.i Metll. cat skili of the ate, and win nit n,i.h the nun I cppio i d iiiuiiriii i ri'aiiuu iii . , ii .nn i ic an, ice i"io eit en in ,u k amlnertous remalesnnlirled withiihiloiniiiutweaklies. omii(;oniiiaiiii. i;oMiv ni ss i.euioi Inn ii. A e.. Address, (nost naldl Ur (,I.O. Ii. OAUIOI'V. Con sulllneSliceon, Howard Association. Kt. 1! f.i.iilh Dili Street J'lnlndelptiia Vn. uy oiuer ol tne inireinre. r.'RA I). IIEARTWEI.I.. Ties cnn. rAii:r.'iiu,n.sctmiy. Aneilst U, liin y. BUSINESS NOTICE. HI-RUING "1 Rrrill) 0 V r U-a uotl. e r VI ct n r v F. a.BtddHrm.IUq.i Itnilc.C. lV...1rcl far ll'irrialr (lCo. Dkar Bin: I am sorrv to Inform von ihnl itivftinre With the whnleorihe.onl.ils, I'llnll l,l re, '.ollii "C. , ,v.,,ii,iru.t r.i ny lire labl lllglll. 1 ai',l Jinl nine, you will ri'lili lilhej I hniihsl one t, I llpr.i .1 ,io. r.,.,., l.ut.Martli, and I have innrh pli'a'iire'in inforniingyoil nitood the liro Well. It War in 1 1. 1 1 Iv red liol I'lcrcti,!-. ot hours; Hie iiamll. e and hums pi.ite heih melied n,T. II d alter liitul i 1,3 it 011 ml the hornlngcei'ieis wo had alnpoitr water on it (or nearly helf nn hour l.efnrc it r.inld hOMpined. You 111. .y Inrrv my situslacliol) nt riiidlumv hooks, i.iortgaeie,diedq, note .ind eali c 1 1 richl I had 11 large ninoiint ol vain 1I1I,; ;i.ipern mil wliirli.had i to,t, uoiild have i omplelelv ruined me Von will please send mo anotiiersalo dirrtlv, and I will send yon tho old one that j 011 may if.ow it to all w no wish in irivt- a peri, 1111 urn pront-tite . 1 rciuii 11, dear .Sir, joursrepect fully, J . IV I.PFP.OI, irVTIiesiilircrilieri liaveon haiidi'or Bale. one nrihi. argestasCortiueiuol r,ui: n tit ant., p. i'nnne P.rr. In i worm KH.irr.iniei-'i ioi.e e q mi inipe nliovc and i 11 . lorioltu nnotiier no,, iiili.iedioihepiii.hf i'AiiKm.s h in rtiiNo. '" W.lln.11 Sleeet,rinl.i,li,j,lila. llEdstll 1P55 V P IIII.A.AND READING RAIL HOA1) Hittr.rrar.juncnl,ar I'.mmcr 7', mils, 3-iuiiary Isl, 1857. Urrraim, uoinj N'uith, tejio I'lnta dclr hla A. M.nmid l M. Hiwn Triiiniuinsrfouih, IcavoI'titlBvilleiil ,j ire. mid i '. M. Uptrjnis (mis ncadingatltl.2, A. M.aiidli.yJl', dJWii Tram ' Ji.TJ.A. J,, 5,Ul atTJ A. M M. M. The KxprmTinm lf Vcontlnucd until furtlier no tice. Ci.tsK con"erintn3 urn made bv the U)2 A. M tliaTi.nn (roinroit linUtiitn i:i uu t j ,th'! all iiitrn,". 'latopuinlH: nnd hv the d,VJ t. M lrp 'I'm m l rcm lort CI in ten lo Uluiir 1.1; uia titl.ii 'Li, ll-til, ',. in;-aifi, lie. pot, 1 hiriiiO, Hi, Loui-t. lljivenport, and lovat'itv; Makins thitt rcutu ilitihorH-tana du-upcft 10 ths LaU 1U csandCanaJa. OnBundiys.lho Duvn A. M Triln frim I'ottsvilli, andUpl'.M Tram from I'hiladctpliia, or.ly.iun. IlArnistt-nt. Conscctiohs, by Dauphhi Halroad alAu bin u A spi'Cinl Accomniodatmn r.isfenjjer Train leaves rteadiimd.iilly.C-jMent Sunday s,)ui74 A.M., ictu imiiil' from Auburn ntuj l. M uu nrrlva ur 3,10 V. M. Trainuniu llarrjshurp. Vt'AY PAIiES Froji Readixq to riillar!e(,ibli.3t .SbiiJ1,43; rottsvlllc 51.03 and 0,F5: Atihiirn, 11.75. Tliuornn l'AHE?. to llarrlthurg 8J5Sj Tanianiia J 1 1'. rr. .. 'i .i", i.iuiir.i ?u...ui ,.nii.iiHi.ii rnaSHXiO: Uuirti or Xiaaral(l.(iO; Ceave.iiid "IC, ' . i ' ' v' i 1.' : iiuciiiiiaii gio.uo , ciiicni", s.'u ti Hock Is'uidS'.'S.rjU. ALI.l'jssuiicersv.ilfprocuro tickets before e r.ert . h ars: 10 cents exlra on Tares paid in the ear iyhs. ,n f pcrscnal llaexaeelitfnucil i erli Taste.! oitrilial wol( litcliargcJa.UMM li .nm- . ,i A. MCOIJ.H, una 3d.IPa7-tf. tioii'l rlup't LANDRETTI'S EXOKLSIOR COKN A.??,?. SIICLEEIIR, roil HAMI Oil POWER -tt!V' c 111 lk0 lo"r 'i'"1 "f M" n'uvu Onrn TJi-S"? Hhcllen, nnd wanaul tliei.i u "ivo .alisfnc lion, or tlio money returned. They are far jfTiivf, superior lo any. now in iho market. Will sh II (i reon Cum aj wellas Drv. Alibeial ".'uinua i-airiii rower corn cult,-,. .uiivi-iiM.i, mm nnimiacturuiiandlor sale, wholcsaloand retail, by D E.WnitETII icSOV.c. . Imii.enienmiidriccil Warchoiiske Nos. 21 nnd'Ji S. BIXTI1 Si., below .Marl,,hl November, M.lWii, Philadelphia. lh L. Pcancoast Sz, Co., C03IJIISSION MKROriANTS. AXI) DEALERS I.V 1-ltUVlSJONS, SALT, A-c ' - --'l ''I -! ltd. lUUIIIIIlil. Franklin J iiousc. P.tRKER & LXIHU, I'roprlclors. Chesnut St., between Third and Fourth PHILADELPHIA, ' September, 1838. ' PHILADELPHIA CARPETS I'OllP. nufacured and ImnorVod "VrJ..ly for" W& hi.. Merchants ami llnnsekcepcrs win nlVaV.. ,,n Scciij f til's; March 83. IPSO. J. SIDNEY JOKPn FiiisiiMOTii AunoTiirns. WIIOIiESALE s-o.ioa.NonTii -rimii, stiikmo, ' 1'ivodoorsbclowRace, Ianrnrnvl0.ie:5.. PHILADELPHIA. C. C iADLER ) CO., NO. 9, North Water Strcot IMiiladel. f' COWV'Sa'ONMBRCHAVra. and ."alers in La,di.Bho,)ider,.(Jhe,.o ll,,,,.. Uuikeii" I Aplll l.lOJJ-ly J3 Dr. J. S. Hough! o il's GREAT CURE FOR Ul'SPEPSIA. DR,HouoiiTo:rg mllll True Dlpesllvo X fluid, or tlaslrlc Juice I'ri pared from llennel, nr tlio TimiiUi Hliiiiinch of tho (Ix, nflcr dlrcrtlotisolltjroii I,lc. IiIk. thesreat rhy&jnloa. leal Chemlsl, hy J m. Tnushloii.M. II., I'll 1 1 n dolphla,l'a. hlsis .Nature's uw ti lt.iiin.lv r... . ...t. u.-. i',m "'.".""."fr "1nllls curative powers. i. 1 1 .7 0I,rc,."r,l'1"trct'i'li-Initio tnstn.niMl mny hot. kenhy the most rcel,lep,,,ei who cannoi enl a im mulJ ker,:vllll,n,Vac,"o"l'lnss llowareofllruggtil Imitations, I'epsin Is unt a Umir l.a'loiithoAgciit.nnil Ret n Descriptive Clrciiln rnlls.ii Wliif a latRn ninouut of Prleiiilllr Evidence from l.iehlij's Allium iciie niiMryilir.Coiiihe'sl'hi.lnlocy Ilise.tioni Dr IVrelrnrn rood and Dlei.lir John w Tinner, orisew Vork Unlietslty. I'tnr fliin-li.on's ryslolojy! Prof $illiinnn.nrviit,.i'r.ii,.i,,n n, i .... tel'sl'liy-inlesyi &c, loneiher with rinoritof Cures from all pailsolthe tinned sines Holdhy l' i, i.utr. audi. K Mnyer. niomnsliurir 8.11. Ilowmnn llcrnlck. ocl.1, IMS ly. LANDRETII'S' WAHRANTliD GAR DEN SEEDS. GRAHS puiids ni: SCi:Dd, for sale hy si:nna, and ri,ovmi I). I,ANUIM:tii mv NfM 21 and 23 Sou th r-itlli si , l'lilljilelidilai March 'a, 1 9'7. ' VEST, !HANCII INSURANCE CO. UV LOCK Sl.WE.S, PA. TiIJRCS Dfltachcd l!uildlns. Mores, Merchandize, 1 rirni I'ropMty, and other iluildings.nnd Ihcir en tents at moderate rates. Capit't $53,000,000. DlllLUTOIIil. Hon. John J Tcarce, Hon (!. 0. Harvey, T. T. Ahraius, Jilin ii. nan, I'lnrlis A Mayer, ('hdrlcsChrisU rucrDicklnsou, HON. 11. U .1 irlison , W, While. Tlii.nns Kitrheu, CO. IIAIIVBV, I're.Ident. . T AenMf Vice Ties. Titos. KiTciiES.Rec'v I H. ' IJi.man, ilen Act- uuri:Rr.NLT.H- flaniuelH.LInyd, Ttins. liowmin.T). IJ A. A. Wineirdcr, Will. V:i Hit. rhdll. It, A. M.KKey. A. White, .Tanie1" Cimrgle, John W Muvnirl, llun.Simont'amcroii, JuucCt, 1PSC Win, IVaron, Ilr J. rt. Crawford, A Upl.arair, Jii.iej Anintrnni;, Hon Wllllini HiiileT. W. WIUT, Auent. liioonKburp . OAMtUtA COUNEUS liOTICL rpJlW-NUIHiaiflVni), ii.foruis hii rricudu and ll J irveli'i!: pidi'ie that h-ha pin e!iard the h'iov.' alunl ! ptop' ti v and tboiotfbivi,iiprnt rd the ( ai.ibio "Hotel. located lriiiiiIc"NuiilMiriJooiiisiiiirx, in Cmiiijri, I.nrcri'o couitty, mul is well pn pared lociiteilain sirni'jer and eu-K.iner. 1'eisuii" mlits nml rulurning from thcCity, will ot course Vta.tl b tlio Cambra Mail Coach, and 111 alwiys find till t lie 11104 1 coiiveuicn t par to KtHrtittgand nt in?. Tlio subscriber, al okcep a ljivcrv ltnblipbmcitt, . neonneettnn with bis Hotel and Mail llnnte, bv whieh lie e.in atail iniiee 'irv i-tlor, llinitctM or Miiinu pirtie,to 1 he Loiirond.er am- otlit r cb iinntinn, on uUorl notice and with good iravellnip racl'itie. J1LNKV J VAMX. Cnmbrn.Ju'y L I?51. RloomshnrTiunnrfi and Slorc Slorc. rpll Kinid-Mi-nid ieffii inf..rmi his ou fiiijds I HndctMiOiifr'. t it ai ti" li.t-fc jtit i ringed In br tiier's inleieil mill Tiovn t-Hn 'i Itiji-'itt anil i Uo , nurpiv.w il hercalier ba o.idu ny nm It erltiivHy. Ur dm j nl it r,-1 vi it it ! l ii He i h to. d 1 1 i i.ii ,u( ,2? umf ' etiiMiH ! n'.oi t itienl of TA NUY I? 1'OVLH ever i nt rn It-ced i ittoihtt mnrKet. Oxi (111 tifKr')n'i,'s nf,, cu n .trtei 'Jiorlnient nt ' blllCM ,orWlIr'!.l(td llflOt '10l" IlLlio mtrl.fl In. til 'jer with Kiove Fivii re- f i vei .I.rrinl oo.Oicn and lto;S,'o( ll.i'liiitut' nl t-loica.L'jd roll A'r Tigli Htiv-'-, Ci i i"(i "'tovrK, ,Ve., Kr . Sln'eiilt pen -id Tin w.i n o iHanl I. nn 'nmh rid mm. ufiirtured t.i nr-f-T All kinds or !t-painng doiif,, ns uri'ai. nn him' t .intire. The n.itron-i'nr oiilfrici.tlsarid mw customer rn. ipeollullysolicitrd. A. .11, KUTKIIT. loomsbnrg, Jan. 2, JF.11, tf (OXSUMI'riO.Y, :n ai.i, niriiiASEr) or t.ie mr;s ami i l are ininii veiv ctirabiii bv u ini.n, . wlurli comi'VS tl.u reiiiediis lo Ilia ratili,-. l, lungs through Die air passages, nndcoti, ins in diricl ru.nuct Willi llio disease neutralize nu luherriiiar untie i .ali.ijs liie cotiuli. imusi-h a tree and ea,y ep, e l.iraua, heal liie luncs, purities the blood inn,, s renuii.t iiia'-ty lo tui nervous syt.-m "ivng i., it tone .HidLilei io ilidipei.sabld Imi l!i: ri t lallnu t iie.iltli. Toln-.101. lo -liie CMiti.iently llni t-,.,.i,. tlon h curable by inhalation, i. in m, a ,uarre ol anitl- myeu piuure, ii is as mum iimnr INe rontrol of iiiei'ii.ii iriaiineni as any oiucr roiinniutile d'-.i'c unu ty nm of em ry hundred rimesrau l.e i un u u hi lir-l warn auil li'ly pi r cent, in li,i,..roii,l ; but ,ii tliu third stage il Is hupi.isibl,. In nave lenrn lb.ni li.r per i .Mil., lor I'm luiijoara so rut Ui In Hie , isea,,, ai lo bid itellaneo to n-i-iiiral hi.il 1 E,it.lHM.,ir. 1,1 ih,. I.ict r-lijis, litlia L.lior, nl.t..lc rtr oiiliiiiu reliil tn ,,,., s anus icon, te, e bii h nu irnifiy la-iinv, niiiciy nut tlinUMin,! pei-oes in li'e i.ii. .- nr. ..ndi,.. ; iiini a rorieei raici ii , n .,v, lh.il ol l in- present poini' itt.Mi or ll e i .11 iti. i i;lu u,i IliiiH are iV lined l..ill tj,,-1 , unu li'.itu ' -i,i. t t nny in" .,uivi r oi ueani pas no arrow .,, r.,i-i ri, . uii.iiiupii,,,!. in nu ,2'.. ji iiji.j uecn L.crililMKii el" liif, i.r 1 1 spa.ei ii.'iliicr ago nor ai r'noi u .it oft' t'like tile biave, till. MrailltUil , ll-e " atu',,' ;,,nt i.,. Kifled. itvlho help nfllial !-iipri li'e Lelug . Ireii, w I ',u oiueth in ry good nnd p-rlVi i pill , , uir r to tlie aldirted a p nnaiitiil im.l , ,,. ,. , ,, Coll"iiui.li.).i. 'i'hc fii-li ii'.ie of lul.i irli nl pine moo uu liie llui.ieiliatu iir,.rl. rodiiced In ill. ir .1. ,.,.... ...... n, , , ( ,1111 Ilf 1, ,) Ml,,,, of.ur imo tho air i i ns, wiui beau ve.a n e,i ,,i .. Iilytlir..u.h llw enure s ji,.i.i. Then n,r, I, ,i ratio'ialtiH'tp el giealergoodf.oiii i,i,'lriii,', ,.,u, ,. the civil les of 111,-III u-s ill. Ill f.-oiii tlio.end,.,,,.,- r,,,"! tlltollslltliesloioathj III,' pilinil willi.lu wiln,! ,1,7 lunss free and the breathing ca.y a n r mha mi ,,. .he. True, Inlnl-,,,,,,, U a ?,.rnl?,,.d!'i ! in vn ,1,, 1 it a.Uc,.iii,lil..tiou..llv,ii,id wiih morn ',.nw ei i,inl."r. ,.. .... ,.. i ... iitiiiietic (' tin. ninp of .iilii.iiiiur.ili.in. , lil.irolnrm liiliaied wi'i eu m!, troybi-..ribiliiy ill a f...,v rainuir..,3,ai?inc m,. r. lir,,urrvoi..hyi.trni scthatu l ... I. may be eiupinn",! without thy slightest pah, ; inhaiing tlie r,ia, , i i lis Bliw.lt destroy life iii n few ,ur uui. Ilw inhalation or ninmoiii.i will route the system H-l,enr.ilul I ns or appartiiUvilfa.l Tl. ,t er V.anv or the l.iodiclnis s perrrptlblu In the ski. i r, L , f nte, after being Inhaled and ,, ,' e be ,,,!, . Uctedin liie blood. A roiivinrinruronf r ,i, ,,,, lulionil ciThci, orinhalalion.l. .. c .' !, S allMivs prodie v breathing f, ,ir ,,X po.ilive evidiMico lh a proper iedi,., rPl, paie-l and Judiciously iidi.inn. tend ii,rut,,,m ,, '; should produce ihe in, .i nippy t(.,t ,,, ,!,.' Ken je.irs- pruclice, ii.anv tho.l.aii.ls uPer f 7,1 ll.ea.ci of iho lun and throat, hive been in uv eare.and 1 Inyo .llacl. ,i innuv remarkalitec, e, e, X .,. ,n. ,.. ,.. ni men priinounieil in tbe li,i sla?es. w hip f,i w ant, ,n.. ' l" '1i r;:''?. ."v.o.,i ?i,i'"','-. w -n "i.!aini,,,c ? icadTy tlo virion, i'r'.'"-''- consumrtion. and apply the V oper re, eoieV'"'a,el5 being inl,takcnevenlun.inglee.lse. TI s fami'l,,,,? Iiicnnnicllon wnli corlaiu uatnni.,.;.. i ..V !',!' !l!".,:e,l, s-"''".me to refievMho 111 ... V; ; p,.i:i:,o: .S'r cni'rsv nnd tonn in tlm n.ir.ro ...... l-H-'lll. ' Ibtl 5;t. rust (lJtir is. i r oisi..'... 1 fOflice NEW DRUG STORE. EXCIIANOE III.OUK. MAIN STREET. Illooiiisblirir. .rou.,I,ec).wi,hal.,rgoan,l.e.ie,.,,,,k:c,,.iJ Ircslt awl Pure Jji-ifs -i.HllLai (I'HIU, II II 11 llta, ri.,. v ' S'";,"!r""'."m""l"'l'liol,.Hlces.I'.lei. e,,, w M ruro Winps nn.l 1!,,.:.. ror Medicinal use, Englisli, Erenel, ni ,' ,!,., l.lltj - - IIJ"I gVllC 6. ."''rtneBrefiilDcompoiiided u.uai lXrr!irLr,wil,,,b . forV.a!eVJl,a"(,"",ODl "f ,"C ,J'' Teeih, Iliiniibirg, Tubruiry 1, ltljT. ' IIA ENUUCII. National pj Oolcl. bides $ Slover. Race Strcrt. "UJUSI V, IS35, i.ii SAVING FJIi'D, OP Tllll A.lr0AV.'&fFe.7'r TRUST COMPANY, , A , . i ' . WALNUT Slroel, South West conn fTIIIItll, l'hlhdclphln. Inrorpor.iled hy Hie Stnteof I'eunsylvanlt. .ffiMuiiey is rerelvedln any sum, l.irjro or smill nr Interest p.iiu I nm tnodiy 01 uepom to tnoiiay . wilhdrswl, The i.lhcn i open every diy from 0 o'clock In in i innriiintr till 7 n'cloekln lh" eveiiln?,' and on Monit.ii ,.ii..7...,... , i ii o .... i... 1? ' ,1111, , i hi, r- ty i'viiiii;i , v . n INTEREST FIVK PKU CENT. All sumilarg or small, fire p.ild bnrkjn i(iOLI) demand it hunt uotice.tonuy nmonnt. 1'resldePt Hon Jir.MtYL. IIUVNIIII. VicePrccideni, HOlir.llT HrLntlUUC Hecretary. WILLI AM J.KUKD. IHrtttor; Hnnrj L llentier, V. Landrelli Mutins l.dM.ttilL Cnrter, I. Carroll lr"u sd r Hoberli',Ifrn,pp. Joseph U, Harry, pfiuiuel U, Aliton , Hniiry L Ohiirclimin J.ime'-ll ftnitli. 1'raiicixLer Thi cnmnanvc'-nflne in huin e- entlrelv tn n . i receiving ol mciiey on Interest. Tho investments a I tiionntln?to nnr!v 0n AllliLlOX AM A MAI. I' or m)LLA;3,l tn ppr published report of AHrtni'rt.nre mn'ctlti eni ormitv with 'he provision nf Hip chirti-r in lillA ITATIL MOR"IOAtii;-.lIllOUMJ ItHYTrf nrdt. firRt chs3 secnritie, as will n lun vain iru perfect n cifity to the dHHitors, and which nnnot Mil tn ,nv pernii',nevan 1 ti'iiliiy to,this old nn I we' t"t,it, lished Institution, (I'eb. 1, ISHj.) .March ?Hi. Ifi7. AYE1VS PILLS, Aw.vr nnrl fctnularlr successful remedy for tl.r euro nf nil Uiiious tlisca,,t3 Co-ili tncm, Iihj HCRtion, Jntimliee, Dropsr, Ithcuinitism, I'cver, 6'out. HumriM.cnousncsi, InitaWhljr, luilanimn tions, Ilemlnclic, Vs?ni m tl.o Urtast, hide, li- k, and Limbi, Fcmilo ComplninlH, ,te. Ac. itulenl, very few ore llio tUscascs in wM' i n I'urg.Hi-.c Mi..' cino h not more rr lei rquliTl, and miuli si-k ness and sulfcring miht he presented. If a harii. le but cllectual Cithartic w ic r ore frcrlj si No person tan feci well whilo a coillvo lmhit rf body prevnlli ; ljei.idri(itKH)iirciur.ileH(,c;i(i. mt often fatal disease, which misht haelfcn r.fnb-1 by tho timely and judicious use of a t;ood tur;titi,f Ihis h aliltc true of Culd-, l-'cTeri-sh smiiton.i,m.d liilinus derangement. Tliey ail tend tu beune produce Iho deep seated and formid.tbto dlt. uipn which load the licarsci all ncr the land. Ilcr.'x reliable family plijfic Is of tlio flt importune. ; y thepuMio hcaUli,unl this Till lias been pcrti-vd flltli rniiMimniatu i-hill to inett that demand. At cxtcnUvo trl.il of iti lirtues b) rbjMKiaus VivU rch, and Vatlentu, hai eho.n rfMilti turp.ii.'.i i; any thing hitherto knor.11 of uny mtJuhie. C.n i liavebeen cirnc:t'd beyoi.d belie f, v ro they not sub Ftantiated by persons of muli exalted pirjitiur. i.i.. Character m to furbid the suopitiun of uutnith. Among; the many eminent gcutlt-wn who r-a8 testified in f.ivnr uf these Tills, wc nmr icnliwi : Trof. J. M. Lockk, AnaUthal CJiemist, uf Vin chin.it i, wlicso high profi-s'dionut character is n-doisc-d by John MrLKAK, Judge of tho .Supreme Co.ut of the United fltatos. TJI03. Conwiv, Serretary of Iho Treasury. Hon. .7. M.fmcmr, Gorur. r of InCIaiu. N. J.ONtnvoirfti, RreaVwineKiorrcrof the Wet-t. Aho, l)u. JKyjiiiL'toN, Traclieal CliemUt. New York CHypudorscd by Hov. JTWnav, Ketretary of Ctite. . Wm. H. Aiou, tlfc rieheit man In Am'rlca. 8. liELAWnrA Co.. Pronr'a f tho Slttror.(.'iih.i lintel, and many others. Did pacftfcrtnit, tto fould ctq mmi h.irXrr I eeitificatesjtfii all partn where thr I'lJi r o been used, infjideiico cun more ion's ineing th'i the expericliep; of eminent public men u found m their effect tipoit trial. Theie ViU, the result qf lnni invctiy.ition unl Ftudy, arc offVred to the ptihhu ri the beit t.r.d raost compiel rrhlch the present btate of mcd.cal atiencc can atfnrd. Ihry aro c impounded not (f the drugs thrinKi lte, but of hr i.ndieiiirtl Tlrt.'M only orVrqcr.ib.o rnnediti, t x'r.nted by cheuicd firoceRS in a fctale of purit) , and omUm".l Ktthf r n such a manner r.s to irubiuo the her4 l-rmilts, J j system of tonipp-ition lur med' inei l.ns I c n f.i"T: J in the (.'htrry I'ectr.ral and I'lll tmtli, ti iutc , more etiieicnt remedy than had hither ' . cb taincd bv a-iy nri ei . 'Ihe re,i--in U ; r'i ioui. While by the (tld nioilw (tfet.tnnoeit.. . .iter mcdUir.o U bunleiTd villi mure or le- of n'r mon(nn pr.d miwrioiH nu iul.ee, by tliis e. v'dual urine only Xhut n dcind'fr tho tu ..... elicct U prment All the inert nndotuoiioui n.i ! ilici of c neb Mibjtinu Lhiployed aie ivflbelund", t .- curative urines only Ik Inj retnined. lltnee it i. Kclf-etident tho cittttH should piou 1. 1 they hiv proved, more nun-H Kmcdt.il, t.nd tho l'ilitt u fiiuf, more powerful antidote to ditcui,e lhau uny ctl.t. nudicmo l.i.nvn lo the wurM. As it U frequently cxpulimt that my merlffii.i should bo taken under the counsel of an nllcidi. ; I'hjbiti.in, and ni he could i.ot prupeilv ju'J'1 tf a remedy without kimirin its tompoRit'um, 1 havo tupplied tlie a(turato Formula; by Jikh Iolh nr l'tctoral and l'ilU are mnde to the whole !'(.; of rrnctitioncrrjintbe United hl'itoh and JhiLh Ant.-r-ican rrot.utei. Jf, Iiowcmt, llaro bhonhl le . i.y ono who Lai not received tbcm, they mil hi prompllv forwarlcd by imil to hit ropi -st. Of all the tent Mediums tint an ullirrd, 1 uw few w onld bo la i' t n if their couipotsit i.tti win knu'.n ! Their life crmsts in thvir in)Steiy, 1 haio wj mysteries. The composition of ny preparntlnni i? laid open to all men, and all who aro ruiiipetOTit to jud'.e i. the Rubjett fietly atknowledtjo their cim'.ieLiuiiii cf their inlriiiilc intiih. 'Jlie Cherry lVctoral v.m pronouiued by fcientilic men to 'be a . ifidnfid medicine before ill cflecU wtro kt'imti. 1 ' incnt l'liysii'iani Ino derlavod t'm vni.o tl.iiiR cf my l'llU. and cen more conbdentU, and are wj'l Ing to certify that their eutieiputh'ins wtro wwo than realized by their ed'ects upon trial. They operate by their powerful influtnec en tl e Internal Msccra to purify the blood nnd htininlnlo it into healthy action rctunie tho ohstmri.oin ci tho Rtomath, bnds, liver, and other tirnns i.f H e body, rcstorins their irregular aclion lo LeaHh, and by correcting, wherever they cUt, such derau ments as are the first orlain of disease. I!ein'fcugar-wiuppcd, they are pleTant to Uko, and being purely cjctab1c, no harm cm arise from their use in any quantity. 1'or mlnuto directions, see wrapper on tho Box. VnKl'AKl.l) 11V mi JAMES 0. AYfili, Pmcilcnl and Anal) Heal Cltcmitl, . tOWKLL, MASS. Fries 25 Ccnta per Sox. Plvo Uozea or Gt BOLD nr C3- E. P. I.UTZ.and nil Drue8,n n Elojiuthur;, ami Dealers In medicines tvcrjwberc. May 10, 1P57. KI.SEJ As WlE.N0I't. WHOLESALE AND RE'IAIL IME,J:!Si,2'. CONFKCTIONAR Y & FRUIT ST01U: Ojslcr ami UaUng Saloons. TJJSti?,;.W !!,'lCer.'.,,!,'",,",l """ ,l,c ImvohoiiBliltli'eii' Hollninn. In ihn nbrva Ji ,. , '",al11 """ti'l, P.loon.sbiirg, ami nisi a cenert l llnkery, ConlecliM.ary, and (lyn. r l.-lal li.d ,n i'.u'"Vl''VHil1"' "lio'iskiepa full .u..j.l h, L'":f.".c" Enables, such as prim .n eood '.n'n3 0ls' ,'"!'m Ws'kml. tcsmtd .... n coo iordornnd on moderute unus. riSTn.?.".. Il0k,"1il.liedaia'l lli, win. linad.Casu Oa'.hi,l IV k.' "'"'"I' orders promplly CII..I rey?e'cllHy li?.'.'," "y rroducel,,,! th'e ifubhc cuitom I.I.I i. lime, ,aV . ...v: " rf " ' n .r. :, w llalwav. l,;.m:. . " . " "uu " "'OMAS C ELSI1 (Ti.i id LIVER T. WILEON ;''ililiburg. IVh 1, I85T. A. M. RUPRn-r Tlnwate and Shcet lron Manuiarurer-Ffer in' SIi Plreet below ltiiferf, eiera