COLOMBIA DEMOCRAT, . i LEVI tate, editor. - BlOOinybUl'g, JlinO 13 1857. Democratic State Nominations. roil novnuNon, GEN. WILLIAM F. PACKER. Of Lycoming County. FOR CANAL COMMISSION T. ft Hon. NIMROD STRICKLAND. Of Chester county. rOIt JUIIOES Of TUB surin.Mfi COURT. WILLIAM STRONG, Of Herts County. JAMES THOMPSON. Of Erie Ctwitt. Tho Crops. High Prices. Wo aro now enjoying tho most dolightful and refreshing weather. All nntnro smiles, and everything around us augurs a plouti. ful harvest well-filled barns and overflow' ing granaries, from present appearances, will reward tho tiller of tho soil for his labor, A month since, and news from all quarters, of damago to tho growing crops ''by tho sovcro cold weather, filled many with alarm. Itut tho scene has changed Now our exohanges bring us tidings of splendid crops thoy toll us that tho pros pect of a boutviful harvest was never so encouraging that over tho land tho angel of plonty has spared her broad wings, and from East to AVcsl, form North to South, como cheering accounts of a glorious harvest. In our iinmodiato neighborhood, wo havo seldom seen n moro healthful condition manifested in tho growing crops. Within a few weeks, tho dreary waste of winter has given placo to tho boautiful spring, and now as tho summer comes upon us ladon with delightful fragranco wo aro rejoiced to learn that the croaknrs who havo beenbusy promulgating highly colored reports of tho damago douo by tho unfa' vorablo weather, &o., aro about to bo deceived. From present appearances our farmers will bo Well repaid for their labor, and tho enormous yield foreshadowed, will wo hope, bo, tho moans of reducing tho prioes of provisions, which aro now at exceedingly high figures. Tho greatly enhanced prices of all tho nccessatics of lifo, fall oppressively, not only upou that class of pooplo usually denominated poou but upon thoso who havo stcadyjemploymcnt and good wages. Much suffering and many piivations havo been cnuurcil by thousands, who, until tho last winter, have never ospcrioneedtho effect of want. AdiI yet the crops of last season wero abundant, rrad farmers from every quarter wero sohci- lingholpsufficiont to onablo them t o harvest -their produco. If, therefore, this bo true of tho past year, havo wo not reason to hope that season of plenty will bring about a reduction of tho prices of provisions ? If tho general speculations upon this point bo correot, wo may safely hopo for some moderation ; but if thoy be crrouaous, then, in all probability, tho high prices will Jon tinuo unabatod. Tho farmers havo boon charged with being tho solo causo of the continued oxhorbitant prices. Hut then it lias never been shown that any combination existing among them, in order to perpetuate this condition of things ; and'without some concert of action no uniformity of prices coold bs maintained. Farmers, like every other class of traders or producers, always regulate their prices according to tho de mand ; and so long as farming produco continues in groat demand, thus long will high prioos continue. Again : tho fault has been charged to tho account of specu lators or "middlo men." This might, for s Ehort time, under some circumstances, bo tho causo ; but it could not continuo for any groat length of time. That'speculatlon which buys up and witholdo any plentiful article from tho public, for tho sako of exacting oppressivo prices, is like darning up a rushing stream, to keep its waters from entering tho great river. It may answer for a short time, but no barrier can bo strong enough to withhold tho accumu lated weight of waters thoy will soon break through and recover their wontod level. Tho great difficulty wo think, is neither with the farmer nor tho speculator, but is tho result of an entirely different cause. Tho statistics of our country will jhow that cvory year, tho proportion of consumers of agricultural products is growing greater than tho portion of produ cers. Honce, as this continues, tho demand must increase, and tho farmers bo unable to moct that demand. With this inability, prices will naturally ascend, for tho pooplo must havo provision no matter how groat tho cost. Wo watt moro farmors. There aro millions of acrc3 of ground through the country which might bo placed under pro fiUblc cultivation ; and until this is done wo need expect no pcrmanont reduction of prices. democratic Stato Convention. Tho Delegates to tho lato State Conven tion convened on Tuesday last, at Harris burg, aud nominated Hon. William Strono, of Berks, and Hon. James TiiosirsON, of Eric, for tho Supromo Bench. Wo uro 'gratified to know, that thoOonven tion was full, its action very harmonious, and tho nominations entirely acceptable to tlie Democracy of Pennsylvania, Our State Ticket, with racier, Strickland, biron-, ana JiompmijVn ars. boumt to intelligence of "saintly" fraul fare, in win by from 30 to 50,000, decency and cruelty Tho Administration. Tho President ana bis unijnctnro reap. Jng golJenoplm'ona from nl!l EoctionJ of tho country from both friend amUoc. alio j dctcrimantlon on tho part of the ndmini- 'nation to secureilo every section of tho Union all tho rights rind privilege? thoy I possess, cannot but moot tith the.npproval of tho people' Tito nffairs of Kansas arc already begin ning to show a master hand at tho helm.' Everything thero is quiot. Slavery in Kansas has bccouio an obsoloto idea. Tho fresidont has grappled tho groat i Mormon question, end will not unlooso his hold until tho polluted monster is straugloil I to death. Already largo forces aro march ing to that hell of wickcdncss andcorriip tion. It must soon givo way in tho unequal contest, Tho appointments, always tho nicest and most difficult labor for tho President to perform, aro nearly completed, and that, too, to tho genor8l satisfaction of tho people. Tho political futuro is indeed bright. Fortunate will it bo for our country if futuro Presidents fhall posses tho wisdom and Statesmanship o'f James Buchanan, Creasy's Now Storo. Tho Messrs. Creasy, of Light Street, have one of tho handsomest Stores in this section well filled with choice Goods and what is bettor, in these times of "high pricc3," they sell Goods very cheap. Wo spoak Irom esporience, aftcv having givon them a trial, and adviso our friends to price their groceries, especially Sugar and Molasses, anil thoy "will find it so." Messrs. II. W. & W. N. Croasy ava very enterprising young gentlemen affablo and accommodating and merit tho bucccss thoy have met with. Increased Egos. A bill passed the late Legislatnvo to onlargo tho foes of District Attorneys throughout the State. 'i'Iu'3 inoroaso will mako tho oflico of District Attorney worth having, The feo for drawing an indict ment and prosecuting offences in tho Oyer and Terminer, which was 61, is now 810; a bill in tho same Court returned " ignor amuscd," which formerly cost tho county 83, will now cost S5; itdictmonts and prosecutions in tho Quarter Sessions, for mcrly S3, aro now 8-5 ; a bill "ignoraniuscd" in tho same Court, which was 81 00, is now 83. It will thus bo seen that criminal costs Ti ill bo largely increased. Prom Kansas. Gov. II. J. Walker arrived at Lccomp ton, Kansas Territory, cn tho 23th ult, Ho wan received very quietly, and road his inaugural. It is a lengthy document, and declares that tho territorial laws shall bo enforced. It criticises tho action of tho Free Stato men, and dclarcs that tho position already taken shall bo maintained by tho whole force of tho Government. Gov. Walker passed through Lawrence on his way to Lccompton, and assured tho people that overything would bo fair. At tho nominating Convention held for tho election of n candidato fcr delegate to tho Convontion and a Surveyor General, Mr. Calhoun Jone?, of tho Union, and a man named Boiling, alleged pro-slavery, wore chosen. Utah AfMra. Wo learn from Washington that tho troops ordered for Utah will concentrate and tako a position upon tho government reservation, forty miles south of tho Salt Lako valley, and await orders and events. It is suggested that Gov, Young has taken moasurs to resist tho federal authorities, and to inoreas his largo military forco by an alliance with hostile Indians. When ho shall be superseded as Governor, his autho rity will bo paralyzed in the Territory, and ho must cither leavo it or bo subjected to prosecution for his flagitious aots. If ho holds his ground ho must mako opon war, and that is said to bo his intention. Ilis abuses havo boon so long tolerated, that ho has gathered undue confidence in his position, which may fcoon bo diminished after tho goverment thai! tako a decided stand in opposition to him. tsr Col, J. D, Miles, was last week elected Brigadier General of tho Second Brijado, Philadelphia, which has gained considerable notoriety throughout tho Stato lately, from tho fact of its being tho Brigado over which Gen. William F. Small, under a commission erroneously issued by tho Governor, undertook to excroiso com mand in defianco of tho decision of the Supremo Court declaring his election void; and for which act ho suffered an imprison ment of many months. Daily Paver in Reading On next Monday tho Heading Gazette will bo changed from a weekly to a daily paper. Mr. Gets fools confidont that tho entorprlso will bo successful, end wo seo no reason why it should not bo. Hoading is now tho third city in tho Stato in point of population and enterprise, and should certainly bo ablo to maintain a good sized daily paper. ComcZ Postponed Itis announced, that, by an orror in figuring, tho expected Comet in Juno need not bo expected until Juno or to of nest year. ES Every arrival from Ut'h brinaa Sorious Railroad Acoidont. A porious accident oocurred on tho Erio Road early this morning, Says tho Elrair;a GatcttCf 'ol Tuesday last, by which one person was instantly killed, and a number moro or less injured, Tho Night Express from Now York, wlion about two miles this sido of Addison, was thrown from tho track, causing almost a compluto wreok of all tho cars. Dr. Peek, of Cincinnati, was instantly killed ; a young lady had bnthliinbs broken j tho engineer was very seriously injured. Threo gontlomcu from Pennsylvania, Mr. James Hutchinson, of Philadelphia) and Messrs. John 'Sharplcss and Walter Scolt, of Catawlssa, who wero on tho train, wero brought back hero by tho Day Express to-day. Mr. Hutchinson has both limbs injurod, near tho ankles, ono bring frac tured ; Mr. Scott is severely bruised, but has no bones broken ; Mr. Shar pless received souio bruises, but not of a tcrious nature. Ho described tho crash as most terrible, and truly miraculous that no moro lives wero lost. Norn by the Eniron. MessrsSharp- loss KriMr. nml llufnliinsoti. "returned on last Saturday, to Cattawksa. Tho first named gentleman all right. Tho other two somowhat tho "worse of tho ware," but aro doing quito well. Columbia Democrat. . . Tho Predicted Comet is now visiblo in tho north western part of tho heavens, near Ursa Major. Tho assertion of tho French astronomer, that this comet would striko tho earth, scorns to havo met with a general skopticism. "It is useless to specu late," says Professor Mitchell, "in reference to tho possiblo oonscquonces of a collision with a comet, as thero is scarcely ono chanco in millions that it can ocour. Science has as yet discovered no guarantco for a planet against tho possiblo shock of a comet, but an examination of tho dolioato adjustments of our ovn system and thoso of Saturn and Jupiter, would seem to indicate that in all past time no dorangeracnthas over ooourrcd from such a cause" A Patriotic Family. Judge Butler, tho distinguished United States Senator of South Carolina, who died a few days ago, was a ton of General tWilliam Butler, of Virginia, who served in tho revolutionary war. Hlsjnothcr was also taken prisoner during tho revolution. Of sis brothers, (all now (load,) ono was an officer in tho war of 1812; another, was a surgoon in tho United States Navy andja member of Congress, and a third, Pierce M,, wns at ono time Governor of SouthJCnrolina, Tho latter was killed whilol. leading on the Palmetto regiment at tho battlo of Cheru busco, whero a relalivo of Judgo Butler also fell) and in which his nephew, tho lato Pre3ton S. Brooks, participated. "Evou Handed Justice." Tho Mormon papers aro mourning deep ly over tho death of Pratt, who was killed by McLean, whose wife Pratt seduced and carried away to hisj Jiaremj at Salt JLako Liity. Thoy represent him as a "great and good man,andono of tho fathers in Israel." That ho wa3 a "father" in Israel, nobody doubts; but that ho was cither a "great or good man," is probably a great mistake, Ho was just what ovcry other "father" in Utah is, a mieorablo irapo3tor and unsancti fiod &camp. Ho was a cheson emissary sent out byBrigham Young to seduce moro credulous and depraved men nnd women in to his stupendous brothel, whore alltho del icate relations which exist between husband and wife, all of tho pnro affections which enter into that relation, aro trampled under foot, and women niado slaves to these beast ly "saints." Tho husband who Killed Pratt, will bo sustained by ovcry Christian in tho country, and deserves tho approving smilo of tho Power above. If ovory one of theso "fathers'' of Mormonism wero ser ved in tho same way, it would bo ah ex cellent thing for their doluded followers and tho world at largo. How to Beiiave. A pocket Manual of Republican Etiquctto and Guide to Correct Personal Habits. Embracing an exposition of tho principles of good man ners ; useful hint3 on tho caro of tho per son, eating, driuking,oxerciso, habits, dress, self-culture, and behaviour at homo ; tho etiquctto of salutations, introductions, re ceptions, visits, dinners, evening parties, conversation, letters, presents, weddings, funorals, tho street, tho churoh, places of amusement, travelling, etc, with illustra tive anecdotes, a chapter on lovo and court ship, and rulos of order for debating socie ties. Prico, post-paid, paper, 30 cents, IIUIIUl, Ull liUlllHl) muslin 50 cents, Now York: Fowlor & Wells, 308 Droadway. ' ' ' What do you think of itP A lato number of tho Stark county, Ohio, Democrat, says: "John Harris, Kso.., an old and respect - cd citizen of this city, aud a bitter oppou- ont of tho Democraoy, returned from Kan- Jsas a few days ago, and says "tho Kcpub - lieans thero aro making every effort to havo Kansas a slavo State whilo tho Southern mon generally aro in favor of it being free." The object of this is apparent. If Kn-" sos should bo made a slavo stato, tho He- i publicans would continuo their "shrioking;" I but, if she becomes a free btato, then tho 1 last plank ia knocked out of tho Hepub j lican platform. Cay Tho lato rains have been goncral aad heavy at tho West, and aro said to lo')jy catlt)g cgi,3 whicll hA hcm worth millions to thj fields spiinc'! and ' iyatar in whioh Prussian bltio Hrcimt 0(ii orjtiuo Convcnlloit-Itesolutlonsc 1 AVu present below tho Resolutions adopt- cd unanimously by the Dcmcratio Stato , Convontion, which assembled at Harris burg, on Tuesday last; Resolved, That tho Judicia character of Pennsylvania has dcrivod additional lustro from tho eminent abilities and learning of Judgos Lowis aud Black, whoso successors wo havo this day nominated, That tho ono who retires to private lifo, carries with him tho respect and esteem, both of tho profession with which his dutios associ ated him, and of tho pooplo whom ho served, and whito wo did regret to loso tho other from tho Bench, wo express our gratifica tion that his omiuent abilities havo been brought into requisition in tho Natiunal Cabinet. llcsolvcil, That wo fully approvo of tho policy of tho National Administration, as thus far exhibited, ard havo undiminished confidence) in its distinguished hoad, aud in thoso associated with bun in tho conduct of publio affairs. Jtcsolval, Tiiat tho prompt and decisive action of the President of tho United States in defenco of the elective franchise in tho city of Washington, ot tho recont charter cloction in that city, merits aud roooives ., .. ,11 i i i tno sanction ot an oruer-iovinj "uu iw- , bidinff citizens Resolved, That in tho eminent publio services, tho high moral worth, and tho , sound legal learning of Willian Strong I and James Thompson, tho nominees of I this Convontion, for Judges of tho Supromo Court, tho best oyiocncos aro mrnisneu oi thoir fitness to dischargo tho responsible dutios to which thoy aro about to bo called by tho people Resolved, That tho principle contained in tho recent decision of tho Supremo Court of tho United States, in tho oaso of Drcd Scott V3. John F. A. Sanford, in regard to tho political rights of tho Negro race, meets tho hearty acquicsconco of tho judg ment of tho Dcmoeratio citizens of Penn sylvania, and is as much commended to tho whole people of tho United States, by the forco of truth and patriotism, as it U cquajly binding on all by tho highest sano tiona of law. xicsolvcd, "That in the opinion of this Convention, tho last Legislature, whose general courso was so repugnant to tho feelings, policy and principles of tho Demo cratic party, that it cannot bo held respon sible for any of its acts, demonstrated in an especial manner, its total want of ro pect for tho right of tho people to demand from its government a safe and sound currency, by tho enormous, indiscriminate and un necessary incroaso of tho banking capital of tho Stato. Resolved, That tho passago of tho Act by tho late Legislature, entitled "An Act to provido for a sale of tho Main Lino of tho Publio Works, was a wanton disregard of tho best interest's of this Commonwealth, nnd of tho principles of sound legislation. That whilst in name it purports to bo a sale of works whioh cost tho Stato nearly twenty millions of dollars, it is intended to bo, in reality, a gift of thoso works to a Corporation. That in permitting tho aban donment of a largo portion of said works, thoio is a groat Baonfice of tho interests of tho people, especially of thoso in tlio West ern part of tho Stato. That tho bill contains nono of thoso tafoguards for tho futuro management cf the line proposed to bo consolidated which ore required for tho protection of tho trado and commerce of the State, and that in tho ontiro exemption and release of tho Pennsylvania llatlroad Company from all taxation upon its capital slock, business and nronorty forover, is established a dangerous precedent, of doubtful constitutionality, ami an odious distinction between a powerful corporation and tho tax paying citizens of the State. Tho Coin which UcU-ayctl Jesus Christ Wo give a fac-similo of this Coin in this issue, in advance of our new Coin Book, which is not quito ready. Tho groat de. mand to sco this curiosity has induced us to havo a sot of dic3 mado, so as to catt tho piece an exact fac simile of tho orig inal. Any person remitting us 25 cents will rcccivo one of tho pieces by mail, post paid. A full history will bo sent with each piece. Wholosalo prioe, 815 per hundred, or 88 for fifty. Of pure silver it will cost 81,50. Dye's New York Broker. ITowspapor Postage. Tho Post Mastor .General has rocontly decided that bona fide subscriber to wcoHy newspapers can rcccivo the samo free of pastago if they rcsido in tho county in which tho paper is printed and published, oven if tho oflico to which tho paper is sent is within tho county, provided-it is tho ofiioo at which thoy rogularly rcccivo their (inilmattor. This will bo an item of inter I est to newspaper subscribers living near county lines. National Hotel Poison. Dr. Dahamcl nnd Dr. Antisell, of Wash ington city, givo their written opinions on tho disease at tho National Hotel as not being produced by miasma escapements from tho sowers, but that tho truo causo is , , , , , , ,. ' . , J 1 fn fe7.r, 1100 ilfimnrrMa nn thn n inrn Qui. fiction. ,r 7 . ,, Valuabw Cows. At tho Agricultural i Fa!r in Wost 0hestcr on Saturday last, j John D, hmitli, drover, of Chester county, sold to Mrs. Jones, of West Goshen, two 1 tw;n cows six years old, for $170 00. i ,h bo(l j LanMStcr oountJ. hy Abin, Zook. Journal and Parmor. Tho Juno number of tho Farm Journal and Progressive Farmer, is on our Table It is. a valuablo work devoted to Agricul ture, norticulturo and ltural Economy. S. Emlon & Co,, Philadelphia. CSS A lad was poisoned in Now York bulled in had been di lived io an H roljr the ejg't, The following named gentlemen wero elected Dirootors, of tho Columbia county gricultural Society llloom Eli Barton, Berwick Enos L. Fowler. Benton Ell MotulcnUall, Beaver Isaac Davi9. Catlawissa John Keillor. Center Gilbort II. Fowlor. Fishingcrcck Henry Bittondonder. Franklin B. 1. Fortner, Greenwood Elisha Hayman. Hemlock Sylvester Purscll. Jackson Thoodoro W. Smith. Locust David lteiubold. Mifflin Win. L. Brown. Montour Elias Dcitrick. Maine- GcoriiO Shuman, Madison ltoubeu Wilson, Mount Pleasant -J. II. Vondorslico. Orango Goorgo W, Lott. Pino Jnmcs Masters, lloaringcrcck Samuel Eclc. Sugarloaf Andrew Laubaurh, Scott Thomas Crivling. JCgrScth Klntnnn,tho California hunter, who prcsonted a buckhorn chair to tho l'rcsidont a short timo ago, has received an appointment for nssisting to rcniovo certain Indians on the Paoifio coast, Tho salary U about 01, 800 por annum. Kinman is a nativo of Union county, Pa,, from whoneo ho omigrated about 1880. tar A terrific hail storm passed over Half-Moon and Bald-Eaglo vallics, in Center co., on Sunday last. Tho Ucllfouto Whig says : Hams were unroofed, treeos uprooted, fences blown down, window3 broken, and much grain destroyed. C3? Tho Mclodcon, a place of amiuo mcnt in Chestnut street, Philadelphia, adjoining tho Arcade, was distroyed by fire on Tuesday night. It was formerly kept a3 a llestaurant, under tho name of tho Bolivar.IIouso. Ma.vriago3. At Willow-Grove, on Sunday, May 31st, by Jesse Hicks, Esq., Mr. Lymass Crouv, of Union twp., and Susanna Loiisian, ol I.imo Bidgo, both of this county. In Blooinsburu, June Oth 1857, by Thomas Painter, Esq.,Mr.William O'Briau, to miss Christian j Glassmiro. On the 27th ult-,by J. T, Dawson, Esq,, Mr. Samuel Dunlap, and Miss Clara X. Raigucl, both of Lycoming co., Kotlli Grancii Canal. CoLLKCTon's OmoE, Bhacii IIavkn, Juno 8, 1857. ) Col. Tatk : The receipts of Canal Tolls, at this office, aro as follows : March, April, . May,.. ?9I 04 10,585 70 80,058 00 Total 531,000 13 Itcspoctfully yours, John S. Foi,T,MEn, Collector. TUB BLCOMSmritG MARKET. COl'.nCCTED WEEKLY AT IIAtiTMAN'SBTOIlE Wheat. .82 00 Butter... Hairs . . . . Tallow.., Lard Potatoes.. ...22 ...12 ...11 ...11 .1 00 Rye Corn Oats Buckwheat. . Whito HoanM. ...75 ...80 ...50 ...75 .1 75 Dried Apples. 2 00 Arrivals auti Bcpartiiro of Blalls at RL005JSIJURC. riiUarielriliia ranillettvcs Aiily, (Suiidjy(uxcc;leil) nt I'JM., arrive at 4 P. f.J. Willjiinsport and Western mill leaves doily, (Sun days excepted) nt 2 I'.M., arrive 12 M Wiiktislmrraiu.-til arrives dally, (SunJiya excepted) at 11 A M.lcaveH-1 IV M. Cambria and Orangey i lie mail arrives every Mumluy, Wednesday and Friday, ut 11 A.M., leavta tame da yd Dt 4. 1. M JN1 jtlvillo mail arrives cvory Mond.iy and Tliurttday, at 11 A. JI., leaves sainc days at 1 1. M. Jersejtown and Wliltc Hall rnnil arrived 'cvcryTufs day, Thursday andfiaturday, at 11 A.M., Juvcj baiuu djyBQt J.l'. M. i. uxawost, r. m. NEW COOPER SHOP. rjMin siitiscrllinr announce Hint lie will carry on tlic jl uwuk-itinu nusiriLiDn ni in uruwcryin nop Mnsvllte, wlicrc lie will ninlcu Barrels, Tuls, Kegs, An.l everything in that lino of liiuliicss. lie n ill also rci.ilr work olall kl nils, and will ito il slit lully an J at uir iiiicc. CIIAItl.CS W. IIABSURT, nioomsliurc. June 13, 1 FIT. D E N T I S T It Y. SBROEON DENTIST, ULOOMSIIUItQ, COLUMBIA CO., lUslilcnce, first Urirk liulldini; lidow llartinan's store oii-.-juiii ririti. RtarCCTrUI.IA' o.Tjrs Mil iirolcislona! services In the laities anil gentlemen of Ulooirisburg anil vicinlly He is prepared to attend lon'l tliovarious opi-rniiun in jiciiuEiry, uuu i proviuea wiin iuc la- lesi nupiuv en Porcelain Teeth, Which will ho inicricil on pivot or gold plate, to look as wo It a tho natural. jCf A superior article of T00TII I'OWDRIt, al. way on hand. Juno u, eo7 nov. 15, '53, A RETIRED PHYSICIAN, rt- Yr.Aua ui Jtuc, navinir lost hi fullier, two 1 1 lirotncrs. daughter, ou ni-nw, ticpiicw and meet', by that dreadful UlSLane Concmi'Tion, unil suf fering with rt Covgh himself, ditermined tu visit thu Uast liuiies, njrypt andJapan, where he discovered a preccnlietfand ccrlain cur for UolUa, Coughs, Uronchi lis, OiiisuinpUoB, N'ctoiis Debility and Asthma. Iliscoush wa cured immediately; ha returned, cured hi tela thu, who Inherited the discaso. nnd in connection with hti roii have employ id il in their practice, cuilnj thousand of cases considered hopeless by others 1'or tho purpose of reseuiiis B8 many of ills suffo ring fellow-licing as poasililc, tic 1 sending Ihe Recipe lu lit! who wish it for ten cent; 3 of ll to pay the poet age, and the balance priutliiH. Addres nil IIGATII, 101 Kprlns St., opposite Si. Nicholas Ilmel, Netv York. June 13, l-i7. SOMETHING NEW I Hall's Young AmcricaFirc Cracker Pistol! THIS is ndmittdd to be the most amueingr Toy ever circled to Young Aiiicilca, suitable for all nines a jear, It make u report equal lu the common rinol, and carries n ball w lib Ihe same precislou for ten pace, though not Willi loice enough m kill, unking it Hie only rheap and liiirmlctB f iiM for taratt practice in esistenro. IH0,0W) eold in four week I lUlall price !!5 cents and upward, nccordiLn lo Hie markii. Trade price, 8ll per 100 pistols, cash on delivery. Bom by Lipiess to any pan olho country. A V. IIAI.L, Inventor and Solo Maniiljclurer, . , , , 3J5Uroadwny,N. V. A lull ucacrlptlou, with enjravins,scrit t any adore- on receipt r.f a pottaeu sinum I'lHIi UKACUIUtb eonst iniiy on Mini trj-juoo Aiellta wnnled. A belllllfill tlneeimn ,1 Pl.rm. u,.,,t l.u Lipres ur Mail p; ,J -n ricipi nl .11 June 13 1M7- .it HKMICOLU'S OEJWINE ritKI'AHATION IIIOIILV C0NC,!?JnlAA,Tr nirrmVrUN" F,A'" i IlXTRAl f I1UCIIU, For IU'dtti ff IU lUitMrr, Kldntyi, f7ra, )rf,,y, U'rakntt'ti nb.lmiuvt, f'citi wun, icmait , CtmphMt, anil all Vlttnitl of Ikl AtUmf from Uiccir nml linprmlrnrir In nml rrinnvlng nil Improper Diirlinrecs from Hit- lllnMor, Kidney, or Sojiinl orpnn", whrilicr cilsllnj In l-mm .vlmfevnr lnv iimv hnvc nrietflDlfil. ntiil .illALl, UK 1 l.MlbU. no inntier of how long iin!iiil. tlvliig heal lit nml vlt'or hi the frame, nml bloom In the pnUiil rhcik, .inr TO tup. JUFI.ICTKl) 1 1 1 ItciircNrrvoiMnmtnoullitntcilBii"rrcr,nnil remove oil the syinptoin. nmoiift which wilt ho fonnit Imliflpo' r.lion In ilxeiilon, I,om of Tower, Lou of Memor". lilmcuiiy nt minium;, (lencrni w 'ukiich, oi Wcnk Ncrvo, Trembling, lirmilful Horror of Death, Nithl Bwcal, Cnhl l'ciii Wnkel'ilnens, nim.i 1 ne or Vinlon, I. n ncuor, Unlverrtl Laiilluilo or the 1 Mntenlar gjttrni, Oilon nnnrmniii Appetite., with lly. peptic Binipioiim. Hot ttanil. riuslitngorihelliidy, I) rv nee of the Kk in Pai 1 1.1 Uuiinieniiicennit llruptlniia , nn the l'uco. I'alii In Hack, lle.lilne ol tlm I.yi" .tut, frrnnenlly mack Hpoti lljing beforn Ihcl.jei, 1 with Tcmpoiarj Hiillmlnii unit l.oi ol Sghtj want Of j Attention, ureal nii.i.iuiy, iicticiie, in """ ofSocloly Nothing i more ilenlrablelninfi lallcnl, than Bohtuilu, nml nntiilug they tnoro itrtmt for rear ol I IHIM'clVUk , IIU l''l.," Vt lljtl II l,T-1 , ll tui peculation, but a llurrlcil tranjlllon Irom one nuc lion tonnorliei, Thoio yiiiiloai. if allowed to go on which tills mciiicinn inrniinMy remove foon f.iltou I.03 or l'owcr 111 1 11 111-, n .1.1 Upilrntic I'll In one of which the patient iiuiv ell Ire. vbg rivtliot tlicic ev ccseck nro not fi-uipienlly lolioued by ihoao direful dltcasc lii-Qilltyeutl Oniieinnptioii ? The recutita or the Inaano Ami nun, nml the melancholy death by Uonilmptlou, bear n-i ilo tvllilCM lo I lie tlih ol tlieif nertifiiis In Lunatic A.yliiiu Ihu mol uii'laiirliuly exhibition njipiara. Tho cuiinleu.nice I actually od ilen mid ijuliii ileiill tile ne'iihi r mirth or cilefa eiiir it. t'lK.iiU ,'i aouud of ilia voicooccur,lt I rarclyiirtlrtitnlc. With wooi'ul MCBitrc8nn dc'palr fiow sullen oiluil hi grief begiiiti'il " 1h t.llllv . i.mel 1,-rrilile I nntl li.i. lirnlleht IllOUjanil upon thoiisnnila lo iiittiniclv grave, thus blasting tho ambition of ninnv noble v'oiith. It can bs cuicd by I lie use cf till 1.1.1 BI.V. REMEDY. ,. , If vounre iiii! wl,h on ol luenbovo distressing nltmcnH, (ho V uid Dxt nil Iturhii willcurc )oil. 1 ry It nntl ho convilico I nl it tfilcacv. falioty hontornb'lilieatilioleence ciiiieiu Know anil avoid them and tavcton; nifTo ling n.oni'y, niiil exposure, by teniUnr; or celling for a bottle of this ponutar and ep.'cific lOnicdy. t nllays nil pnin nnd inllnuitiiition, la perfectly pleasant In lis tnsto nnd odor, but immediate In ll uction. Ile'vacc or tin -c.k Nolrnni mill CI'IICK linriors, win. HDLialEOliIV? EXTRACT r.UITlU Is prepared dircct'y according to 1110 mica of Villi natu and Clicmlttt it. With the rrrcaU'st nccuracv nnd chemical linowieit?o nnd rnro devoleil In It combination. Pco I'loressor Uewee' Va'iiRble Work on Ihe practice of nlisic, and niosioillici lotiana-ir.i wnrx n .lleilicine. K3't).L iii;mui;i;ii l)Otil,AI!Ba Ono hundred dni..i, wllben.nd to nfv iihlf inn wliocan provo mat Hie Medicine nyor injured n P.t. proprietor, viiurhiiig iu virtues end curtllvc powers, ik mime, i:,e, (.uiuraciiig iiamui wuu iinuwu to MClenco in i nine. 100,0011 bottle havo been sold nnd not a single in. Innce of a (allure ha been repouul I rersonnllvnniic.ircitlieroronic.nn Mnr-nnn or the citv of l'hilailetnliin, II. T. IlLtDOLti, Chemist, who being d.ilv sAorn doe icy, that ill preinralion ton. tains no Narcotic, Mercury or irjurlou 1)1113, but are purely vcgeiriiio. ii. i iiiii,u;(LU, lolo Pwrrrl nnd subsciibed lielme Hti. en , ,.v r vember lc5I. W.M. 1 HliiUARu, Alderman. Ptict St per holtlt or .c for fi. drlisircil to e i ml. dicss ui oiniiniiiul by reli.-'ble nnd responsible re lin cate rmm 1'iotossors of Mediial Colleges Clerjyrncii, nnd other. rrcpircdnildroldby II. T. II CI.M 1101,11, I'rectic-il end Arniiticnl Cbetnl.l. Vu its Eolith TCNTII HI., below Clicslnut, Acmblv lliiilding, riiilaileiplil-. r. j" To lit hod ofj. It Mnrnn. r.loomthurii . nml rf nil Divisists end JlteUra tltrcvrhoitl tkt llnilrd SlHlf. Cunutfas and Hritlah Provinces. iicw.tKc or coiJNTnr.rr.iTH. asi: ro't 'i'aki: no otiirk. I'UltRS GUARANTUUD. June 13, IF",7. NEW AND USEFUL OLEUM LIQUOR. A "Substitute fcr Lincced OIL rplin unJartijniM iUt toilu ptitiMc HuirOiritni M X iuor ns tin elUciiMit sulistiiim; fui MiikurJ Oil, ns a thinner Hr nil sorts ol I'ainia u round in oil, except Vf nctinn Ufu. Wltun Utinncil i tli ihe tMtrm ihe Paint will cntrr heller ilry 'jtiickur aiul will lu mure tlurjllc, nnd whin arntslicil, tho piiint win Iiavii nnd nttin (lie innt glotay Hppearnuco; and the, uKielicity of tho Ihinncr will tnalili; ihe ;ilii: m ji ild t the artueli ; mid the cracktna and peeling nlT, bo common In ordinary vai n is tied oil pa In In Is cnlfrcly nvoidtd. For lainthiR Tin ItmiEi fiual cannot Uc iotind. Tho Oleum can lio uil hy iiwir, or In ronuurm wlili I.liiHixd Oil, Vuriiihh, Jnpin nr Tur)H!itJiij al tho op tion f the I'amtt-'r Its l i Mliotit niic-hilf of.jhit of i,inii'il Oil. tlMM cuiiff.dcral'ly nMiiciiij Ui1 uxpi-nsa ot pa j ti 1 1 Vc f.iitti tally rt-'romnit'iul it Tor ml purpnst'ii intiita ted and w.irranl It to give natisfaclion . A liberal did count to Uiu trade. II1KI:UI10.9. TJnn thn paint with the Oleum I.i fjuor and work II wl I, uiitil it Ilo a ts (rtly Irom tlitr hnifiii . Tho hrisli must L-c ler irn'iialt miitnni und inn rlalilv ought to Im xoaUid well with tho Olutm Uquur , previous to piiintiiij. 1 trail or placiuz thcliruslics ftiun'rrovcr I'lghl, nn painters fiiiif rally i!.. tlii-v oiilii to ).c jiut in Umj OhMinT Ihtior, which will gristly urii!flit; (! work. The paint mixed with tliu OJ urn Lirjuor will uoik Ii utter i f it ho allowtd to Maud from 1 1 to i hours pru vioiiu lo its biin iicil4and 1 Urn I hi i tied to eutn a co t.FHtency ni to woik Ireo u Hti My un.Jcf tlic In us It. I'-y thn tiiii! or Japan, tlio paint will Lc rendered Kill firmer. M-x tin; Jnpnii firi wiiu Hie paint und ilien thin it with tho OUiiin Ji'iuor in the manner mon Honed above. 10') pound of I'nint thi'inrd wjtli the Oleum Li fiior, will cover a lircr suiiacn ttian (JO pounds tin li ned with oil Tlio Oleum Uiuor is pot to tie used uilli Veniiian Hcd, nor with i'alnt rnntiltiini any wnnnrtin'i of it. KKLINKi ( AT I'M AN & IHSUIMO A nit n cm Taint and Cofer Workn. CoruerVlth pud (Iieeu t?ts,, i'liilailclpliia, Ofllce N 11 cornej Tli ird utid Wood via., rillaJcl plun Pi. QVfi nUn nmnuficuro Chrome Yellow Chrome f! i cell, Chinese find Truman llhin, Vtrmiljon and tfcnrlct Ited in various tli.nlt'a nml fiuahiie-t, either dry or hi oil, nnd warrant them to be eual to any other ni'iko, ri"hcr heie or ahrivndi Juno 0, OLEUM LIQUOR. CERTIFICATE. ttial.n'iil Inve fouiul it nu efiicieiit subttilulo for Lin seed OH, Inr superior to itin every respect, nl a cost of only nliniil bill ns i.iudi tjjusconnlilertiliiyfeilucini' tlic eipense nl iiilntinr. Wo woulil llicreCira recoiu. ruenil ihe put. lie to its general uce.nml nrier il has been tried its superiority over'I.tnsceJ Oil will bo at tested lo by all. niMKI.rB auinit. AMOJ UN'UllR, WII.I MM WOLt.R, KinVAKU DUNllAltn. June 13, 1B:7. IIIEUEHY certify tbat I Lave had IIouso I'ninllns .roseeulcil lately Willi the above nanu',1 Oleum Liquor, ami concur in till respect wild the recoritiieii'.uion of the nbovu nanieil uunttciiicu nnJ will here iiilJ, 'hat in future 1 will have no paint ing opeiatioiis peifurmcil willioul the aduilxturu ot the uliovo named valuable luiuor Thoso who may desire to view it el.'ccis, n ill call nt niv residence, where Ihey can convince iticmsclve of all tnst is rc lirescnteil of the Oleum Liquor In regard lo boaulynud Uurubiliiy. . , J. ISAAC CKCINIO. Juno 13, 1357. I'llOSPECTUS OF THE UNITED STATES DinEOTORY. rpliriunilcrsii'licdproposo issuing about the first of x uiiooer. idji, u'joa uuuer tne nuovo l lie, to Cunluin ubom 1'irTUIlN llUNDrtlill l'AGESI (Sio ofpiso lo by SI) inches ) The fihlect of the UllllCll t?,ntcs Hi reclnr v will l,n . Isl.To lve .he name nnilin.tollicc addres of every umiu ,cibuh .i. oB , w u,,u uiKiaiui; lu iuc UnlLud States. S!d. To c'no tlienamo of every pott olHto nnd post riinslcr in the United Rlatcs. 3d. To Blvo tho name mid place nf publication of everv uaiiy, vveesiy, wiuiimy nun iiuarieriy rapcr and Magacluo published in Ihe United tiiatiB. uacu niaie,ruy, town, vinaso uau post orhcu will be nlpliabelicaliynrranccd, Q'ho name of each pcrscnwillbu alphabetically ar ranged under tho head of their respective post otuco address. As luoUnIM States Directory will ber a matter of interest to every resident in America, we respectlully solicit tho aid of post mastersand olliers, in all pari of the country, in obtaining ijames und bending them on a soon ns possible. In making up 'mi, write tho name of Tout OuVc, County and Stale, al the heiil of me sheet, llien fill the remainder with distinctly wiitlen names, uf malo pcrsoi.s only, of tLo age of filteeu years and upwards, and a soon naymi iiave snhleieiit lo nil an envelope forward them on Immediately, A 1'rospcctus will be sent post pail to any person who ra-iy order it. To mnvFtiT MisTsria Writo distinctly Ihu name, port oruco,countynnd State, Monoid, uAiiiwcn ti tvinir.3, ruMishorfl. Cincinnati Ohio. 7V, U.ruhlithers inserluiit the abate 1'ruspcvius, inrluilmg thenotice three liutes in their weekly paper, nnd 4iill nil, nliiiii M ttio .-iiuu n tlietr cititoiial col umn, will rt eel vii n copy of ihe U, S 1)1 reel nr dolivir cdiit their office free ui rhumo. linen all tichimc i p-iper tuiliu UiiitidPtniss liirsiinry June 13 it-ST WE, tits umlorsignod IIouso Painters, hereby certify thai wo lnvo Given llio new Iv invcntei) Oleum Liquor, iinnuructiireil by llreiuii: Gittmin & IWelni2, in riill.iilelnlili. nn liitunriu'i TO THOSE M HO WANT FAUMm. a VAttM mrnm the iiejicii or r.tunr . rrllll ItirmWAY PAHM COMPANY hn, ,.,, MtiKcmerUliy which Ml whoileiln 1. ,,,itrlii,R n liomc rail ilo n. Tho I'nnm rOMRIrt rtftlin licit lltneKonii rM! ,.t .. inom sujurlor qunllm for Diimiiie in in p.:iy proving i Incn, lulo which in 1111 n-m imifai, la now lonrlnj. Tho ir .pfny I louiij ,u j, coipii)'. riniujrlvnnn in in nmtM "r n n,n. population nf " JO.noa, Tim rii nnt. 11 ,.,r, ..nir nntviii 1 1 fil.n ha an nlitimlance til rln healthy, till icrriuio pinpiin ill mr C, my ol t!onl nml iron The prko to hut . SI lo $10 per act a, pay able by IniUlmi in-, icitciint 110 timo Ol piirciiiisiiiH. "r "iiari oi . (.muling In locate I lie name for pninlile $ n,nntli,or l'2,ncre payable 1 per month, Di.i lie aiii lor .iu", peinmi' xil mrevcry uoi of Sinn ami utnler pnhl Inodtnnre.n ,,. count or a percent will bo niioKcu.inu tor our a ,ilcr,unt 0 III per cent j conflicting Itin advantage of emigrating to j, torn II tv 'he following are prsienlrdi yint The mill I n rich llmotone, capable cfralj. K ,, l(avot rropa nwlng lo which Hit uttlc. m,.nt jm. nttalni'il It present great proiperlty stttind-ll I the ei ntrn of tho grcnt North Weil i;0 iu.i,,, oul mli'tlncil roon to become onu nrtho crealest limine pl.iee In l hn Htate, II will tupy iiie great I.nku ninikol rnrroriimg to population nnd ,rnvc ,, prcntet In the Union ) It li.n lite work, ve)ni) 0f ,)Q beet liltuniiiiou Coal, amounting q Hie necrrirnlo lo nvir tij feel, which mise S2.ct.ii ion nfcnnl iiiulor cicli ncre Thi will iii.iko the land of Inestlinaliliivnliie. . K- Tho'cmlnciit nutosroloeUl, Dr. CharlcsT Jsek. son. of lloatnn, ha maile n ccnlojlcnl tuiviy of tho land, nml nmlyicil the coal, the Iron ore nnd thn limestone. This report, together Willi map, will i furnished lo Inquirer, , Three rnllromi are laid out through till property ThoSunhuivnnd r.rle Railroad give u n niatkit rot our conl to thn takc-lt run from Dtle to 1'ln Indcl. phln. A larsn pari nf thi road ha hcen Hr.lihc , nnd i now in ruiinlng cnler. A hinvy forco I now working from lino loHiird our tnnd In the wistcin dlrcclion, theintnni for liiecoiiiplelion of which lin been rniv d-ll will soon bo flnliheil. The Allighany Vallev linllmad connects us with New York, Itoston nnd Pittsburg. Iho Venniifo Head connects us with the West. There nro already ?ood Turnpike Road rttnnlnr thrniiith this propeny, viirlou ther road have en oiieueil to accommodate i lie i niicrnlion nnd settle incut which hnsn'reaily taken pinre. Therels no oppnrninll ennal to It new offered In the man who want to provide ti tinsel f n home in an easy way, nnd innku n si'tili ment when ho can llvo in prosnerlty nnd independence In a climate TLit. lT.UTI.V III3A1.TIIY No case nl lh fever ever hiving- been known lo occur In this eetllciiient It is not like going to tho baekwood of tho Weat, unmig perh ip inmlernnt propla.w here there la no society, ch l relies or schools, where the price of land is lush, and where the enii grant, nfler being meil In the hunlhiel cllinatu In the woilil, Im to end iro sickness and pain, nml per hap ruins his health and Unit of hi family nut here Isnlhrivlng ttlemem having three town, contain. Inn rhllrrlll .. KCtlOol. hotels, S lOTC , SB W lllils,Sri,t I mills, and cvcrtthlng dolred. There Is u cash mar iket nt linnd The lumber trade Inst year amounted - : ,,.. ),,ln,ir,..t million feet of lumber In , .i,n.i ilme owIiili in Hi" will Income still I M?1"-..? ' n A? iV n... . -J' to over two hundred million ieei oi luinner r" '.' ,J nl '.on'n bo started I they aro ot nrc.eei 0 h ng tenco by the llsr which will take pi lico In the vniuo or mnit. nyon outlay scarcely iiiuh'u," suuiiau tlal provision can hn made. Persons sbeiild move enrly npplicallon. nrpiy or wriln 1. 1 i: jr.rrnitlRS.Pecti'tary, No KI3 Wnlrut Blrert. I ilow I'lflh. I'liiladelpliia Letter carefully answered, giving full inrornntinn. filnreii or tra"U of lindnn be bought or ccurcil by letter rnclnsing tho first inslnlmi'iit of five drllars, wlion the fulicriber will Im furniehul wltl books, map", Ac. W.irrjnteil Deed given. Persons c.111 ntso puiclinse linm m'r Acenl. lloute Iriim I'hllado phia loTyronenn lhePeni sl vanln Centrii1 llailroad, and thence liy stage to tho land This is a delightful season f visit fl Mary' tho Lest hotel aecnmuiiulalion I iilfurdtid. Knquivo for ll. C! fcliuli2, 157,, the Agent for the propiny u SI. Mary's June ti. t 3m n 9i it oTasnivzifi , OABINET WAUEUOOMS. Tlltt uudcrsl.rnfd rCFpeclfully invites tho atlontioi ofthu Puhlic to his extpii!ivcngortineni ofCnliim t Kurnniireiitid Chaim which he will war ran t to tentailo of pun I uiiterlJlanml In n uotKminhke mariuei. At hi MstaUisIiini'oti cnuntwayi he found o good nsEOtt inont of FASHIONABLE FUIINITURB, Which i LiJL ndelphia .llelia U hicii ifi cjuai in hij lenun tinuii m inni oi ma nia or iicw oi k cities, onu ai as low pricev. SO PA S rfwpryiw of difrrrntl rtyUr und pneet, f r tm hife& jlffi J5?5 to ui), )ivtu. I.mnifiKt j V I -il) "" tJ nut and Matidjiny, r.ulor chairc UocKinc and t-nry clnlrF, 1'iina BtooN, mt.l a uricty of nphotttcrrd wi-ti with jireeeincrand (inrloiburcaiu. fo'a, card cenlri nnd ihiLflfclnitj, c licfletilfrtt w not di's . nudkall kind ol .f twliiontillo woik. Hi xtetkef Itrrcauii, f-iicloLMt and tumiiiuii wnuli tntntrt, iht-n tnlile i.rorner rui'hnaiilH to fan liakfiH tnl.tfu. Int. stcails. cane fcr nt ami rniuiiion chnirF, ic the (arc t it tlil4 sjctirtn of Ihe rountry. Mo will tiro kep n poo nf orlnicnt ot'lookiu; t'laixen wilh l.inry cMI and r mon fri-iiH-H lie will ak't fnrnlfli nprlna nntr. titled in any si an of 1 1 .tdftead which ire hiiirm I durahility und roiulorl to ,tny Ih.i1 In dm- si.mun v. niivi;. HliKinuhurH, Apiil tJih, 11 ULOUMIIUlKi 1JOOK STOKti. rpiIK umlcvfigncil ioni?tfulIy nnnouncci j thntlK'enntlnnL't. the Jihomsbutff ttooK Ston an.i S'aiionaty ltaUihwtnt, Lit' fy rniiiiucted h) In r den luted liuxliaud M.iji-r (Mark. in all their armtiu hrnnrhi h, at lint old tt.imi in Km lUclune Ilui Mings lirHtrinur K.idtof thn (UrliaiiK" Hoti I. nud having replenikheif her esiahlisliiiieiH with n rhoitt- tttork ol JVVw Jtooki ami Stationary,' tho iv prepirt'd to nccommodale all whoniuy (;ivu In:r a call in litrlfue, ALSO The IteMniirant Pa I no u, iittlnjliaitutntof thonhovu o R iltlishini'iH, wl lie coiHinutid na usual hy ihfj stili si.iiiwr. w hern tli pulihc ran 1 timei Im Miipphfd with the c!i'ici'ji HLmnc and llrJKf.tiMt.NiB, sucli an Mlnrtral..Sirx.ipirilla, U"(.r. Ale, Ato . Yardmen, t'picetl -ind I'lfkle,! (jy irn, I'uklfd Ctaiuy, et. The pnhlic custom in r'p'Ttlully foltcited C CLAKK, Sacc$$vi to Jttit (, Clark. IJt.ionnburp.Mny '1, It?'.?. liLOOMSUUHCi UOOT AND SHOE STOKE. 'llllll iinder.iiiiiiil ri spect,uily infniin the riti7en X of l!.iomburg und the public in genirnl, thai t lull oiieni'd a Boot and Shoe Establishment, III itll wlii'iiilliuf.'i it Main Btroel, obnvo T.lsc's ic Wilson's tttkery. w.iero ho nn coustnnily on baud n lure tissuituicnt of lioots, Sltocs, Gaiters, &o., And will make up work in order on short notleo III long erpiuicnce in the business, nml general know ledae nftlie uanto, theiieople, will enable him In reni'er ' athruriiuii to all In cuslomer, and should secure him pitromige which lie hopes In merit. n .... IILNftY KLEIM. Itloonisbiirg. May 2, IFS7 EAGLE FOUNDRY, 1JL0OMSBURO. Stoves and Tinware. TIIII subscriber having creeled n largo new brick Foundry and Machine Shop, In plncu nf the old one, la prepared to make all kinds of casting at tho lowest pner. flow constantly on hand. The sub scriber has nlso rcmorcd In Tin Phop from Mam 61. to the Foundry Im, whero he has creeled a building aliogether forHtnvca nndTinuare. i.iiB,uuKiii!;!nvcs consist nrthe WM.runw COOU, It Attn I'OOK, VANLIL11 COOK, n nil 1'AULOIl BTOVrtfl of all kinds, tho r.C.O OY LI.N'llllll All k,,i. ..r Hn,ini. made to order. JOSCril SIIAIU'LESS. nioomsbiirg. April 11, ieS7. NEW WAHBLE YAUD IN BLOOMSKUIIO, HIRAM S. CAREY HAS opened n Mi,lilo Ynrdnl the corner orMaln and AUikci ni.ree-is, whcio lie Ib prenared lo finisu the heal wuik from oi American Mmhlelnr MONUMENTS, T0MI5S, Tomb-etono. Tablet, Mautlca, Windowsllls nml lea lils. rortliochtracicr nnd finish nfhlswnrk hu refers m suclmiho ha made I this coonlv. lie will furnish deigns foi woik or exiruienny thai may be furnish cdioh.m. Ilis work shall always be satisfactory la its-itylenild rensonablcia piice. llloounburg, Dec. C,ie5G. omnibus umfk mvekytai?le NOW runs 1 new Oai K H. I'llENTIS. toinibu and the A,rA. ch will.iJ.s , iioomiijur an take passengers Irnin nnd to any of the rnelil.nres of the town, ur the American IIouso and F'lrrf Hotel, nndno will nlso furnish conveyance In nil traveller who mjy wishxopo Into any pari nf the coumy. He has also n I irgc livery stable cniinccted Willi the runiiibus lino,rro;u wlsieh he can accunimodaiu Ihe public, with convo, uncos lor travelling, pliasuro eioursioiisorbusine. lllonmsburg. AprilSii.JMS ly cpot, which 77 1 FT Y TIIOUSANU LAI' AND JOINT KIIINtH.L'H, HrtRTUAN'H. x tor su r sale at Miy 3ii, It 17. IJIITY lurrela of Mickcrcl, Ilerrinit nnd 'Slnd, p,t '"'""l IIAKTMAN'S. May m, If 57. 1ASU paitl for Oata anil Corn nt V IIAKTMAN'S. May 30, IF .7. ONIi good 4 bc'ru pewer ThlCilllie Marhine. lot e.lleil IIAK'I MAN'S May M, IK ,7. id imii hunt anu iTr 'iUN(.i.r.a for iiii nl J ul l HI Aiesile l,y May JU fl- a v mi'N ii