5M 0 D) AND BLOOMSBUEG GENERAL ADVERTISER. ALEM B. TATE, Publish. : 1 1 pj v l jj. j ii i iu. i i (i iriiHui. " To Hold and Trim tlio Torch of Truth and Wavo it o'or tho darkonod Earth VOL. Xl9 JNU. 14. BLOOMSBUEG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA., SATURDAY, JUNE 13, 1857- YOL. XX 9 r (Drifjutal Jpoctrji, Written for the Columbia Dtmocral, THE WANDERER'S RETURN, BY KATE, X flood up on n pleasant hilt With summer verdure crowned, And tall old trees, Die giant kings Of nature, stood arou nd Heforo inc lay n lovely vale. And on (ho hnlmy air Rolled tlio blue and qulcttraiiis, I'romUio ehlmnc)8 icatiering there. 1 nw wliprc. In my carlydnys Ipamdthu pleasant hours Desido the winding hrrok, ttiat till J Wont murm'rlug through tlio flowers Ami, still bcsideu my ancient hotuo, The gray old dm yet grew. Whose verdant leaves wero swayed and turned 11; every wlndthatblew. The wild-wind in its woody glen , Bwuugo'cr the to'inding br oak Tho robin redirect and thenre n, Chirpid'gatly in thclrnook Iorw tlio clouds on crimson wings, l'loatcd swcrlly throegh the sky. When ihc'cvcnlng lituih enmo o'er 1 lie hills, Wturet'tc apple woodlands ho. All i'ihi nrc what they wore , when last The i ii pleniittit.hillt I ringed, Tlut tlii facet tint I knew before, Dy if in and grid's 'exchanged Where youth mid bloom were on'.lhi) check, And glii'lnesion'ihe brow, I on'y tea the ntail.g of caro, Of pjin and sorrow now ! interesting Stern, Losing and "Winning. DOVE AFTER MARRIAGE. HY the author or. tub " cottage in THE OLEN," " SEN3I11IMTY," &C. Tliink not, the IttiMnt pained, thai nil fbilunc; Tim prlzn nf linppj lie 14 imiKt still liu won; Anil eft, the canlcm nml it tn llicir rml, Thn l'iver til the liiistiaml may lie lost ; The araro might, alone, h 1 k hi nrt allure Tlpy anl luc vlrtucf, nici-Urg, must scruro . ..oRn Lyttlutdn. Cart 1 not win li's Invf- l not his hcnrl nf ' 1 1 titlrnble Mini?" Will nil mitmiiMinn. nii'i-kneM, patience, truth, Win hii I'Klceni f u ntlo I'islrc in nit-ape. . 1 'nn m tit Inilifli fence t llii-v must they H ill I Anil me , Itlnd ht.aeii I'll try I Anic. It was it bright ami beautiful autumnal fvotiiij. The oarth was clad in n garb of tho ricliobt and brightest hues j and tho clear ecru'ean of tbo heavens, gavo placo, near tbo setting sun, to a glowing " saffron oolor," over which was hung a mo.-t mag nificent drapery of crimon cloyd3. Far ther towards both tho noith and south was suspoided hero arid thcro a sablo curtain, fringed with gold, folded as but one hand oould fold them, Thoy (coined fitting drapery to shroud tho feet of Him, " who ridcth upun tho wings of tie wind," Such was tbo' evening oil which Edward Cunningham conducted bis fair Initio into tbo mansion prepared for her reception. Hut hid both earth and Leaven been deck ed with tenfold splendor, their beauty and magnificence would have been lost on hi m; Cor his thoughts, bis affections, his whole being wcro centered in tho graceful crea ture that leaned on his arm, and whom he again and again welcomed to her new abode her future home, llo forgot that he Btill moved in tho world that was groan ing- under tlio pressure of unnumbered evils ; forgot that earthly joy is oft-times but a dream, a fantasy, that vanishes like tho shadow of a summer cloud that flits across tho landscape ; or as tho morning vapor beforo tbo rising sun; forgot that all on this side of heaven, is fleeting and changeable, audfalse. In his bride, tho object of bis fondest lovo, ho felt that ho possessed a treasure whoso smile would bo unclouded sunshine to his soul; whoso so cicty would mako another Eden bloom for him, It was but sis short months sinco ho first Saw her who was now his wife; and for nearly that cntiro period ho had been in " delirium of love," intent only on se curing her as his own. Ho had attained $ Ids object, and bis life seemed spread be- fore him, a paradiso of delight, blooming with roses, unaccompanied by thorns Joy and sorrow, in this world, dwell Eidc by side. In n stately mansion, two doors only from tho one that had just re- ceived tho joyful bridegroom and hippy . 1 . . uriac, uwcit ono wiio bad been four weeks a wife. On that somo bright evening sho was sitting in tho solitudo of her richly furnished chamber, her elbows resting on n table, hor hands eupporting her head, whilo a letter lay spread beforo her, on 1 ..1. 1 tl!...l..l 1 1 '1U1UU 11H UJ l-UI ,,N'l HI VL, ,,V1U . . , m, ... r , ...... Ho had been from homo nearly thrco weeks, in which timo sho had heard from him but onco, and then only by a verbal message Tho lottcr that lay beforo hor had just ar rived j it waa tho first that eho had ever received from hor husband, and ran thus : Mns. Westbury Thinkina you might i-.w. 1.41IJUU i x munlMg JUU lllllll. possibly expect to eco mo nt homo this wook, ) writo to infoiffl you that business will detain mo in Philadelphia some time longer. Y6ur3, Ao., Frederic Westi-uhy; For n long timo tho gontlo, tho feeling Julia, indulged her tears, and her grief without restraint. Again and again, she read iho laconic cpistlo beforo her, to as certain what more might bo mado of it than at first act tho cjc. But nothing could bo clothed in plainer languago, or bo moro coolly understood. It wjs ns brief, and as much to tho point as those interest ing. letters which debtors sometimes rcccivo from their creditors, through tho agency of an attorney. " Did over youthful brido," thought she, " rcccivo from her husband such a letter as this!' llo strives to show mo the complete indiffcrenco and coldness of his heart toward mo. 0, why did I accept his hand, which was rather his father's offering than bis own ? Why did I bcliovo him when ho told mo I should win his son's affections? Did I not know that his heart was given to another? Dear old man, ho fondly believed bis Frederic's affections could not long bo withhold from ono whom ho himself loved so'tendcrly and how eagerly I dranli in his assurances 1 Amid all tho sorrow that I felt, while kneeling by his dying bed, how did my heart swell with undefined pleasure, as liu laid his hand, already chilled by death, upon my head, gavo mo his parting bless ing, and said that his son would lovo mo ! Mistaken assuranco ! ah, why did I fondly trust it? Wcro I now free I frco ! would I then have tbo knot untied that makes mo his for lifo ? Not for a world like this! Nay, ho is mine and I am bis: by tho laws of God and man, ice arc one. llo must sometimes bo at homo, and an orcasional hour in his society will to a dearer bliss than aught this world can bestow beside. His father's blessing is still warm at my heart 1 I still feel his hand nn my head I Lot wo act as ho trusted I should act, and all may yet bo welll Duties are miuo and thine heaven ly Father are result?, Overlook my infir n.ities, forgive ell that needs forgiveness, sustain my weakness, and guide mo by unerring wisdom." Slid fell on her knees to continuo her supplication, and pour out her full soul before her Father in heaven '. and when she arose, her heart, if not happy, was calm ; her brow, if not cheerful, was scivno. Frederic Wctbnry was an only child. llo never enjoyed tho advantages of ma ternal instruction, impressed on tho heart by maternal tenderness for his mother died beforo bo was three years old, and all recollection of her had faded from his memory. Judgo Wcstbury was ono of tbo most aniiablo, one of the best of men ; but with regard to tho management of hid son, ho wa3 too much liko t!ie venerable Isracl- itish priest. His son, liko other sons, often did that which was wrong, " and ho re strained him not," llo was neither ncoii- gcut in tcaohing, nor in warning; but in struction and discipline did not as they over should do, go baud-iu-hand ; and for want of this discipline, Frcdcrio grew up with passions uncontrolled with a will unsubdued, no received a finished cdu cation, and his mind, whioh was of a high order, waa richly storcdwith knowledge His pride of character was greatond ho looked down with conlcmpt on all that was dishonorable or vicious. He had a chival rous generosity, and a frankness of dispo sition that led him to detest concealment or deceit. Ho loved or hated with his wholo soul. In person ho was elegant; his coun tcnanco was marked with intellect and strong feeling ; and ho'Jiad tho bearing of a prince. Such was Frcdcrio Wcstbury at tho ago of four and twenty. About a year beforo his'marriagc, Fred- eric becamo acquainted with Maria Kldon, a young lndyjof greal boautyfof jpcrson, nnd fascinatinn of manner, who at once cnslavcd!bis affections. Hut against Miss Eldon, Judgo Wcstbury had conceived a prejudice, and for onco in his lifo was oh stinato in refusing to indulge bis son in tho wish of his heart. Ho foresaw, or i,1. 1 1 1 1! 1 it . ..1,... f J jl 1 tuougui no uiu no, iuo uncr rum 01 mai son 8 happinoss, should ho so allay himself, Ho bad selected a wifo for his son, a daughter-in-law for himself, moro to his own taste. Julia' II orton was possessed of U that ho thought valuable or fascinating ,n T ptl .1 T.n.ln-in nu J, l.n.. - - I . ----- ii.i. - ... i i i. i i. i.: heart was in possession of another ; but kciug pointed out to,him as ono3to whom ho must transfer hisjaffections, ho looked on hor with aversion as thojebief obstaclo to tho realization of his wishes, Julia was born, and had been educated in a placo romoto trom .iuugo westuury s rosi I - deuce; but) from hor infancy bo had seen I her from timo to timo, as busiucsa led him into that part of tho country in which her parents resided. In her childhood sho entwined herself around tho heart of tho Judgo ; and from that period ho had look ed on her as tho futuro wife of bis son. His views and wishes, however, wero strict ly confined to his own breast, until to his dismay lis found that his son's affections wcro entangled. This discovery was no sooner mado than ho wroto a prcssinK let- tor to Julia, who was now an orphan, to On leaving homo, ho felt as released from for sho had not yet bcoomo sufficien tly ao oomc and mako him a visit of a few weeks, bondage. A senso of propriety bad con-. customed to Mr. Westbury 's brusque man Tho reason bo gavo for inviting her was, strained him to receive tbo congratulations 'nor towards herself, to boar it with perfect that his health was rapidly declining, which - of his friends with an air of satisfaction, firmness. "I should think it very suitablo was indeed too true, and ho felt tiiat her j at least while tboso very congratulations society would bo ajsolaco to his heart, Julia , congealed his heart, by bringing to mind came; sho saw Frederic; beard his cnlight-, tho tic- which ho had formed with ono, ho ened conversation; observed his polished ' could not lovo, to tho impossibility of his manners ; remarked tho lofty tono of his j forming them with ono whom bo idolized, feeling', and giving tho rcius to her fancy, When ho had been absent about top days, without consulting reason or'prudcneo, sho ho availed himself of an opportunity to loved him, Too lato for her security, but ' send a verbal mcs3ago to his wife, inform, too soon for her peace, sho learned that ho . ing her that ho wa3 well, and should pro loved another. Dreading lest tho should bably to at homo in tho courso of one or betray her folly to tho object of her un- j two weeks ; but when that pesiod was draw sought affection, sho wished immediately ing towards a close, bis business was not to return to her native place, Dut to thij completed ; and as homo was tho last place Judgo Westbury would not listen, llo - ho wished to visit, ho resolved to protract soon discovered tho state of her feelings, his absence, so long as ho had a rcasona and it gavo him unmingled satisfaction. bio cseusc. "I must write, and inform her It augured well for tho success of his dear-j of the chango in my plan," thought ho, est earthly hope, and as his strength was "decency demands it, yet how can I writo ? rapidly declining, consumption having fas- j My dear Julia ! my dear wifo 1 No such toned her deadly fangs upon him, to hasten ' thing 3I10 is not dear to mol him to tho grave, ho gavo his wholo mind Sho is my wife sho is Mrs. Westbury, to the accomplishment of I113 design. At ' the is mistress of my bouse, and must fir't his son listened to the subject with ' eharo my fortune let that suffice her 1 It disgusted impatience but bis feelings must havo been for these that sho married softened as he saw his father sinkinc to me. A name I a fortuno I an decant cs- tho tomb aud, in au unguarded hour, ho promised him that ho would mako Julia his wifo. Judgo Wcstbury next exerted , himself to obtain a promise from Julia that ' sho would accept tho hand of his son and ha rested not until they had mutually Jifco those, ho wroto tho laconic cpistlo plighted their faitli at his bedside. To ; which cost his brido.so many bitter tears. Frederic this was a moment of unmingled , It was at tho close of oLout two weeks misery, lie saw that his father wa3 dying, fr0m this, that Julia was sitting one even and folt himself constrained to promise ids ing in her parlor, dividing the time bctwizt hand to nno woman, while his ii-'art was in 1 ber work and a book, when tin doer bell possession of another. j rang, and a minute-after tho parlor door .Telia's emotions wero of tho most con- 1 opened aud Mr. Wcstbury entered. With dieting character. To be tlio plighted sparkling oyes aud glowing chocks, she luidc of a man sho loved, rondo her heart ! ppraug forward, her hand half extended to throb with joy, aud her faith in his fathers assurance that sho would win his affections, ' cord "good evening Mrs; Westbury" rc sustaincd her hope, that his prediction 1 called her recollection ; and scarely able would bo verified. Yet when she marked to reply to his civility, she Bank on her the countenance of her futuro husband, her j cbair. Sho thought tho was prepared to heart sank within her. Sho oould not flat- Eeo him cold and dinttnt thouih sha ter herself in!o tlio belief, that its unmingled gloom arose solely from grief at tho approach ing death of his father. Pho fth that he was making a sacrifice of his fondest wi.-:L". at the shrine of filial duty. Judge Wcstbury died, and with almost his parting breatli ho pronounced a blessing upon Julia as his daughter tho wifo of ins son most solemnly repeating Ins con viction that tho would soon securo tho heart of her husband 1 Immediately on tho decease of her friend and fajher, Julia returned home, and in three months Frcdcrio followed her to ful fill his promise, Ho was wretched, and would have given a world, had ho'posscs scd it, to bo frco from bis engagement. Dut that could never be. His word had been given to his father, and must bo re ligiously redeemed. "I will mako her my wifo ;" thought he ; "I promised my father that I would. Thank heaven I never promised that I would love her 1" llepug uaut as euch an union was to his feelings, l. ; 1 .. iiu waa many iiiipaucni 10 nave it com- pletcd ; for as his idea of bis duty and ob- ligation went not boyond tbo bare act of rcaUn ing ucr ma who, no ieuuiat, mat onco ', bo Bhould bo comparatively a frco done, man "I am come," said ho to Julia, "to filfil my engagement. Will you name a day for tho ceremony?" His countcnanco was so gloomy, bis manners so cold so utterly destitute of tenderness or kindly feclinjr, that somo- thing liko terror seized Julia's heart; and! j without making any reply, sho burst into i - 1 mars "Why these tcarJ, Miss Horton !" faid he, "Onr mutual promiso was given to my father ; it is fit wo redeem it." " No particular timo wa3 specified," said Julia, timidly, and with n faltering vmw Hid Cft tinlnli Imctn n(iiflaniiN" M .pT1i,i .,a delay bhould bo mado," said Frcdcrio,- ''and I can sco no reason why wo should not as woll bo married now, as at any futuro per iod. If you consult my wishes, you will namo an early day;" Tbo day was fixed, and at length ar- rived, presenting tho singular anomaly of a man eagerly hastening to tho alter to utter vows from whitdt his heart roeoiled, and a woman going to it with trembling and rcluctanco, though about to be united to him who possessed her uudivided affec tions. Tho wedding ccromony over, Mr, West- bury immediately took his brido to his clo gantly furnished bouso ; ibrow it open for a week to rcccivo bridal visits ; and then gladly oboyetl a summons to rhilauclpuia, to attond to somo affairs of importance. 1 tablishmont I Monl ambitious I heart- lessl Thou, Maria bright, beautiful and tender thou wouldst't have married me for myself I Alas ; I am undone 1 0, my t father 1" Under the iufluenco of feelings meet his but his ceremonious bow, and 1 o . peeled it. Ko'.withst-ndina all lrr j.'.ttr 1 ruminations on her hu-'-aid". in"-iiwui,iO t wards her, there had been a little under current of hope, playing at tbo i'Ottoru of her heart, and telling her ho might return more cordial than ho went. His cold Sal j utation, and colder cyo, sent ber to ber seat, disappointed, tick at heart, and near- ly fainting. In a minute, however, she recovered ber self-possession, and mado those enquiries concerning his health and journey, that propriety dictated. In spito of himself, she succeeded in somo degree in drawing him out. Sho was gentle, modest, and unobtrusive ; and good senso and propriety wcro conspiciuous in all sho said. Besides, she looked very pretty Her figure, though rthcr below tlio tr.cd. iura tizo, was very fine, her hand and foot of uurivallcd beauty. Sho was dres sed with great simplicity, but good tasto was betrayed in every thing about her person, &ho woro her urcss, too, with a peculiar grace, equally romoto from precis : .. ion and nogiigcncc. Her features wero i regular, and her complexion dclicato ; but , tbo greatest attraction of ber face, was tho , lacility ana trutu with wlucU it expressed every feeling of tho heart. When Mr, W. first entered tho parlor, an observer might havo pronounced her beautiful; but the b.tt- ... ., , 1 luum uiu.iiii'tt mull uikumiuu. I'll, vuu- right glow of transient joy that then kin- , ham pr0p0Sed that they should en died her cheek, had faded away, and left doavor to make their way to tho room. her pale so pale, that Mr. Wcstbury in- 1 After considerable detention, they succeed quired, even with soms littlo appoaranco C(l u accomplishing their object, so far at of interest, "whether her health was as good as usual!" ner voice, which was always , soft and melodious, was even setter aud . ,1 1 1 11.1 , sweeter than usual, as she answered "that . ... ., .. .. it was." Mr. Wcstbury, at longth went so far as to mako somo inquiries rchtivo to her occupations during his nbsonce, whether sho had called on tho new brido, Mrs- Cunningham, and other questions of sim ilar eousoquonco, For tho timo ho forgot wllil a tlccP slado of melancholy was cast Maria Kldon; was-half unconscious that ! ovcrliis foatmos. Julia's heart beat turn . ,. , . ' . , . . , , ultuously. "Is it tho ramie," thought sho, Julia was his wifo-and viewing her only or tho mueician that thus rivets his atten as a companion, ho passed an hour or two 1 tion ? Would I know who it is tht plays very comfortably. 1 and sings so sweetly ? Sho did not remain I long in doubt. Tho soug finished, all voices One day when Mr Westbury canto to U te dinner, Julia handed him a card of com- and with what foclinirs sho tinss!" exclaim- -, - -, . nr.-:. ui.i- i..ip ,.:... ii. . pliments from Mr. and Mrs. Brooks, who woro about giving a party. ' I havo returned no answer," sid Julia " not knowing whether you would wish to accept tho invitation or not," . . l juui-uu, ,uu au u as you mouso, Mrs. Wcstbury but I shall certainly at-1 hi? r .i i 1 1" t6nd it." "I am quito indifferent about tho party," said Julia, "as such scenes afford mo littlo ploasuro ; but should bo pleased to do as you Hunk propar as you tliink best1' ' Her voico trombled a little, as sho spoko ; that you pay Mr. and Mrs, Brooks this at tention," Mr. Wcstbury replied. Nothing moro was said on tho subject and Julia returned an answer agreeable to tho wishes of tier husband. The evening to visit Mrs. Broods at length arrived, and Julia repaired to her bed-chamber to dress for tho occasion . To render hcr3olf pleasing in tho eyes of her husband, was tho solo with of her heart, but how to do this wa3 the question. Sho would havo given tho world to know bis taste, his favorito colors, nnd other trifles of tbo liko nature but of tbeso she was completely ignorant, and must therefore bo guided by her own fnncy. "Simplicity,1 thought she "simplicity i3 tho surest way ; for it never oll'ccds, if it doo3uot captivate' Accordingly, sho arrayed herself ia a plain white satin and ovor her shouldera waa thrown a white Hondo nmitlff, with a girdle of tho simo hue encircled her waist, Her toilet completed, Julia descended to the parlor, ber shawl and calash in her hand. Mr. Wcstbury waa waiting for her, and just casting his cyc3 over her person, he aaid "if you aro ready, Mrs. Vc3tbury, we will go immediately, as it is now lato." Most of tho guo3ts wcro alroady assomblod when they arrivod at the mansion open for their reception, and it was not quite easy to get r.ecoss to tho lady of the house, to make their compliments. This important duty, however, was at length happily ac eouiplisbod,and Mr. Wostbury's nozt ef fort was to obtain a seat for his wife. She would have preferred retaining his arm, at least for a while, as fow persons present wcro known to ber, and she folt somewhat cmbarra?''1 and confused ; but sho durst not say so, as, from her husband's manner, oho saw that ho wished to bo freo from such attendance. In such mattera the heart of a dclicato and sensitive woman seldom deceives her. Is is that her instincts are superior to thoso of men ? Julia had been soated but a short time before Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham approa ched her, and entered into a lively conver sation. This was a groat relief to Jub'a, who could havo wept at her solitary and neglected situation, alone, in tho midst of a crowd. Mrs, Cunningham was in fine spirits, and bcrhu3band appeared tho hap picst of tho happy. Not that ho appeared pattieularly, li enjoy soeicty-but his bloom ing wife was by bis side, and his oyes rest ed on ber with looks of tho tenderest lovo while tho sound of her voico seemed con stantly to awaken a thrill of ploasuro in his heart. After conversing with Julia a while, Mrs. Cunningham said "Do you prefer sitting to walking, Mrs. Wcstbury ? Pray take my arm, and movo about with us a little it looks so dull for a person to sit through a party." Julia gladly accepted tho offer, and was to tho lively rattle of her companion, who although ouly a resident of a few weeks in tho city, seemed already acquainted with all tho gentlemen antl tho laaies present, J An h.our hai1 h.ccu Paod in !lli3 manner, lX0!l3 j;d itti0 10n0r, though this was of littl ! consequence, as Mrs. Cunningham ampl; nply niado up all her deficiencies of this kind ' wlic th -E0"n.a m"slc m..antuor m. n.,. " l B . .- u S deserved by tho young lady who sat at tbo 1 1 1. piano, who played and sang with great skill 1 f.i;.. r.-lt-'j nini;. and tecliug. Julias attention was soon attracted to her husband, who was standing on tho opposite stdo of tho room, leaning against tho wall, his arms folded across his breast, his eyes rosting on tho performer , with an expression cf warm admiration, - Tl . . .1 11 over his fcatui os. Julia s heart beat turn ' cd Mrs. Cunningham. "I never ltstcnod I to a sweeter voico 1 TO UK H0SJ1KOCI), Mns Munnv, an' linglish woman, who visited tho United States in 1818, pays ' tho following tribute to tho preeminence of tl dI3litlgui3Lca American ladies. Sho says "I havo soon thrco arointed kings and three inaugurated Presidents. I admiro the Presidents tho most, I havo fccn three queens; and thrco ladies who havo Bha'red tho honor3 of tho presidency ; and truly among tho queens not ono could compare with the regal grace of Mm. Madison, tho feminine, distinguished pcrsonntl of Mrs. Polk, and tho intelligent, lady-liko demea nor of Mrs. Adams. Mrs. Polk, wero it not for the sa'mo defect in tho teeth whioh characterises Queen Victoria, would bo a very handsomo woman. Her hair is very black, and her dark eyes and complexion gives her a touch of tbo Spanish dames. These American ladies aro highly cultivated and perfectly accomplished, and practised in the most dclicato and refined usjo of distinguished society. Mrs. Polk is very well read, and has much talent for con versation ; fho is highly popular ; htr reception cf all parties is that of a kind hoslcea and accomplished gentlewoman. She has excellent tasto in dress, and both in the morning and evening, preserves tho subdued though elegant oostumo which characterises the ladv Sho is ready at reply, and preserves her position admi- rably. At a levee, a gentleman remarked, , '.Madam, you havo a very genteel assem- j ulago to-nigut.' 'bir, replica Mrs. Polk, , TuiuijinT Hcynard would lay hinuolf Hi with very goodhumor.but very significantly, ; bo ,0 captur0 in ma5ilIS off witu tacin, ho 'I never havo seen it cthernise.' One f tosscd ttu . haughals froin his horse. They morning I found hor reading. 'I havo had cearcciy Btruek tho ground before tho many books presented me by the author,' f j d - izcd tll0mi Our friend threw said she, 'and I try to read them all ; at present this is impossible ; but this evening tho author of this book ,diuc with the rrcsiucnt, ana 1 wouia not bo so unkiuu as to appear wholly igncrant and unmind ful of his gift.'," The following letter was received by tbo President from a fro (cm. postmaster out west ; ''Crawford Count;, J7j730,18."i7. Mr. Buchanan Dear Sir, Mr is tho postmaster at this placo , and ho ia gone out west, and his been gone for three or four weeks, and ho has no deputy here, but I havo been opening tho mails and attending to it .since ho as keen gone, as ho left tho key with mc, and the postmaster told mo that I must mako a report at the ctid of I every month, and did not tell mo who I was to writo to, but I supposo it is to you we should mako our reports, as we are all citizens of tho government of which you nro now President. If you aro not tho right one to receive tho report plcaso drop me a few lines, letting mo know who I am to report to, and 1 will writo again. Report at the End of Ajtrii Tho Weather is cold for tho season provisions fcarco and very high but, notwithstanding all that, wo havo regular maih onco a week, good health, and tho peoplo of this county aro universally pleased with your adminis tration ; this i3 all I know that would interest you; if thcro is anything omitted in my report plcaso let mo know. My best respects to you and Mrs. Buchanan," The Belles' Stratagem. There arc more ways, says the Liverpool Albion, of eluding the vigilance of tho lyns eyed guardians than by a ladder of ropes from a chamber winlow, as tho ccquel will show. About tho middlo of last week, two young ladies and two gentlemen, all apparently in urnmg, paid a morning visit to a ' church in a quiet neighborhood in St. Anne's Ward. On entering tho church tho door was closed and locked, and the laJie3 icavjng tuc g0ntlcuion to disencum ! ber themselves of their overcoats and drav draw e I iuhu ineir vriuiu juu gioves rcureu oe- r 11. .!.! ..V!l- l.!.l ..1 i;..l l. hind tbo pulpit, whonoo haing relieved caci ol,er 0f tb0 habiliments of woe. thev 1 shortly emerged in full bridal attire. The object of their visit was now apparent, and the clergyman, accompanied by a minor official, appearing from tho vestry, they joined tho metamorphosed mourners at tho , nU h) ccrcm through. Tho gentlemen then resumed ' their overcoats, tlio ladies again retired to their impromptu robinc room, and ro-an- 1 . f . 0 . ' 1 peanng in their mourning costume, the happy party left tho church, looking as demure as though their visit had been for tho purpose of inspecting a tablet erected to tho memory of a defunct relative. fgy "Sally," said a witty young man to a girl with red hair, "keep away from me, or you will set mo a fire," "No danger of that," was tho answer, "you aro too green to burn." 37" A gentleman being asked, ''how many dog days there wero in a year," re ecived for auswer, that it was impossible to number them "s every dog has his day " Tub Gn.vvE or Henry Olay.T1, ditor of tho Fort Wavno Times ha3 bco. on a journey through Kentucky, and won 10 pay his devotions to tho gravo of Henry Clay, In tbo cemetery not far from Lex ington, ho searched for it first among thes covered with entablaturcd slabs, obelisk, pyramids and imposing monumonts, bu the namo was found on none of tbeso lis sought it among less imposing tabulcts, but found it not. A l&d at last led him to tho spot, whero a littlo mound marked only by tbo path worn by the foot prints of devoted countrymen, toldthat tho Groat Commoner Mill lived in tho hearts of tho peoplo, Near by, was tho monument affectionately inscribed by Mr. Clay to bis mother. On an adjoining eminence, which 13 a beautiful site with an area of half an acre, circular in form tho peoplo of Ken tucky aro to erect a monument of Kentucky marblo, of beautiful design, which is to riso 120 feet in height, under which tho ashes ol tho noblo son of our sister Stato aro to bo deposited. Tho corner stono will ba laid on tho 4th of July next, with imposing ceremonies. A Daring Fox. A gentleman residing in Scott county, Missouri, informs us that wliiln ho was leisurely ridintr alonj tbo i,.ni,a nf tt, jtississinni. recently, with a half dozcn favor;tc chickens thrown acrosj h;3 bMIq ho a larg0 fox cuiur 0, froru tho wooJa uml impilacntl- folloCd him. himself from his horse, but before ho had cleverly alighted, tho fox, with ell sis of tll0 fjw3( wag SCTCral foot out in tho Mia sisimi.r,addlina.with an industry wor' of tho occasion, for tho npposito bank o. tho river! After offering his kingdom for a gun, about a dozen times, our friend bestrode his nag, and pushed onward, feel ing very much liko acknowledging that bo had been abominably " sold 1'' JSTA Vermont Editor gives tbo following obvi:e to ladies : "When jou havo got a man to tbo sticking point that is when hs proposes don't turn away your head, or affect a blush, or refer him to pa, or ask for mure time all thoso tricks aro under stood now just look him right in tho face, give him a "buss," and tell him to go and order a "cradle." CSX" Bonaparte, when ho went to take upon him tho chief command of tho army of Italy, was only trrenty-fivo years of age. It is said that on his promotion, a friend observing to him, " You aro very young to go thu3, and tako tho chief command of an army," ho replied, "I shall ba old whoa I return." riTTitc Maucu of Education. "So hero am I between two tailors," said a fellow at a public table, whero a couplo of tailors were seated, who had just begau business for themselves. " Truo," was ho reply, " wo aro begin ncrs, and can only afford to koep one goose bcticccn us." SiS" At a lato reception at Paris, no less than sixty oarriago loads of Americans followed Mr. Mason, our Minister, to tho palace, and tlio lottcr presented them all in a lump, saying : " Your Majesty, all thc3o aro Araorioans," whereupon Louis Napoleon laughed hoar tily. t"Ma," said a lit le girl to her mother "do the men want to get married as much as tho womcu do ?" "Pshaw, child, what aro you talking about ?" "Why, ma, tho women who conio here aro always talking about getting married tho men don't do so." S 0 1 whistle, daughter, whistle, and you shall havo a cow I never whistled in my lifo, and I can't whistlo now. O! whistle, daughter, whistle, and you thall havo a man I never whistlod in my lifo, but I'll whistle if I can. S&r A clergyman asked of his scripture pupils whether "tho leopard oould ohango his spots?" "To bo sure," replied Billy, "when he's got tired of ono spot ho goes t) another." A borso owned by Dr. F. Dorsoy of Hagerstown, Md., died last week, in tho forty-fifth yoar of his age. Tho Doo tor bad rodo him in bis praotico for thirty seven yoars. ESS" Lir.3 aro biltlcss swords, which cut tho band that wields thorn.