j t i i COLUMBIA DK MOCRAT! A I. KM TATE, IiOOAI, EDITOH. Saturday Morning, Juno 0, 1857. DROWNED, On Tuostlny morning Unij n young man, named Thomas Ai,e, residing in Mountpleasarjt township, Col. umbia Oouunty, was drowned in tlio fish- IngorCoV. near UiO Darn of tllO Dloorasbltrg Railroad Iron Company. It appears, that - Mr. Ale, in company with two o'.lior men, COt into a small Lost. With tho intention i of crossing tho crook, and after getting near tho middlo of tho stream, and seeing that tho boat would go over Dam, the two mon jump off and swum out, whilst Mr. Ale, who was unable to swim, clang to tho ; Lout, and wont over with it. The boat upfct with young Alo uuder It. Tho pco jilo has been engaged in searching for the liody sinro, but up tho hour of going to press, (Friday morning,) no cluo has been found of tho drowned man. MORE 0 1-0 V Hit .A little longer yet. 3Ir. Or.iVKU Evans, of Locuet township in this county, lias deposited iii tho ofiieo Of tho Columbia Democrat, ll Clover lloot, ' ' measuring thirty ttCO itches ill lenjth j Cpt. Samuel .. imWs was 25 inches lour; 1 ... . r . ..." honco, tins boats Lu sivcn inches. Wo shouhl say it was all right, had not Mr. Evan denominated his stock as a tpcei man of Republican Clover, but wo arc yet willing to nuKo the i.'suo on political ground?, and now call upon our political fricuds, to roll out n real Fpecimcn of Dcmv.ru lie Clour. jIlOOPS, In passing odo of our dry goods stores tho other day, wo taw, what wc thought wii an inflated bolMon ready to waft to tho shies. A parcel of dirty boys in the ftrcct wero roconnoitcring its moliort3 as it swayed to and fro jn tho wind, shouting 'now it goes,' ''no it don't,' and evidently bunt on seeing tho fun of .its sailing along through tho shies. Several young ladies ? happening to pass, wo heard ono of them whisper to her companions "llocpsl" Wo loft immediately satisfied that tho balloou ascension was po'pouod, and if there would bo ono, woman would .bo in it not a man. AIM'OIN I'M K NTS. Jacob Klinolob, has becu appointed Postmaster at Foundry .villa John J. MoIIcnry, has boon appointed to fill tho vaouncy ut the Hcrwick Post Office, caused by tho resignation of Rev. I. 15 ihl. Mr?. Dowittc, tho widow of tho late i'o.tmastjrut l.ightstreot, lias been nrpotn itd to fdl his place. JilQUOiJ In tho county of Ci'Jmnbia '.hero are the iijlowitig establiihment-1 cn-i-t;i-d in the sale of liquor: 825 liconso, 8300 00 550 do. 151) 00 C50 do. a:o oo 8J5 do. aot) 00 sf50 do. aoo 00 Soil tie, 50 J do. do. (I stores paying 8, beer-bouses, 2 distilleries 1 brewery, Total rovocne, S1050 0!l PAD NKWS. Wo regret to learn that the ltov. Mil. IIutoiunf, formerly piftor of tho Kpisoopil Chureh in liluomiburij, but now now residing in Albion, Illinois, rooontly lost seven out of nino children in ton succciiivo days, from ecarlet fever, and atliFt accounts tlie other two wro ill. THE WK ATI IK II Tho wenther fur the wool: past ha3 been gluricus. Tho wrm sun mid frequent and eoj.inus showers , have caused' vo;,'o'ation to ."piing up woi d crfully. The young com is piercing the ground, and in some cases tho farmers httVO tho "Cultiv itor." H Work- TIlC birds I are said to "uo very troublc-omc. ACCIDENT. Wo rfgrel to learn, by jtajlorapli de.iutch, of an aei'ident wliieh happened oil too Buffalo and Dunkirk rail road on Tuo'day inorniug last, by which &011N SirAni'Liiss aud Waluch Scott, of Cattawissa, wove considerably injured. THE HORSE. Hie wouderful terct of timing wild horses, which lua oauiod Komo rxcitcmont in this neighborhood, can bo found in full, by roj'cring to tho firtvt pago of to day's paper. JULY 4th, 1857. Lc&s thnn one hun dred years age, the nation was boru. Tbo growth is wonderful. Oan wo not have hero in Bloomsburg, rt placo containing upwards of two thousand inhabitants, some attraction, that may bo interesting to all I What Bay you citizens of tho town I MEETING, Another- meeting of tho 'Columbia County Agricultural Society, will io held in tho Court Houso this after noon, at 2 o'clock, TIIUNOEK STOItM.-Quito a heavy thunder gust passed over this plico on Sunday cvoning last. EARLY. Radishes, Onions end Rhu barb havo made their appoaranco in our market. Grcon Peas will oowo nest. mnn in.tnuTimr a , ,. 1HJB OEMEiERY, A moro bcautl- ful reposing spot fpr Iho dead than ouri . . .. .. i cemetery is seldom met with. ; 1-LL- OUNAMENTAL-To havo tltc tide- valks filled up With boxer-, barrel, wheel-. "otvs,,, jppjgUfeii0.f?g- rurtiry vour nr,oon.-iiiitnictciiwithfffrofuio, Chronic Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, or any disease vis ion front an unhealthy or Impure condition of I In Hood, use Hurley's Hatupaillla. For ml by i very eitemiTO llrurc'.t O V .to gratified to nnnounre to ou r re.tlot. a Cnthnrilc Fill, (of vrlilcti tea otlvert'.emcnt In our column ,) from lint Juitlyeclmrated fliy.lclan am) Chemist. Dt.J.C. Attn. Illi Cherry I'celoral, every where known as thi best remody ovar otTercd to tl,. public fur Coughs, Jc, baa prepared Ibcm to cancel Mint anything fr om Ms laboratory would be wottltvof attention. As no out medicine la more universally l"kon 11,11 nt ''')"eai rm, ii,c public win be ia,i to i,cn , know .j ca n.ssu.o them that ihianiticio Intrinsic inerlt,,fullyo.iinl many compound that has ever Issued from Ills Crucibles, nnd cniisc'iueuily la well tvnllh a tllal wherever ucli.a medicine be comes necessary. latins Comedo The BltltttaU fftcy art rrprrtenttd to he." DRAn Bin I hayo uss.1 jourOerrnsn Hitters ,nnd find tbcinatl tlicy are reprcfentcd in be, and rliccrfnlly commend them to tlic public as nn excellent medicine. Respectfully, ymlrs. W. 1'. TAULKNUR. Bee advertisement. THIS VITAL I'LUIl) enters every organ orilio hrnty through tlie'citculation, tlittriliulcstho nutritive prin ciple to every texture) mid tlie source of otcrysecre' lion, In a word, 1 1 is tlio Ufa of man. How iinpor. tant, then, dial It uliouM tie kept Ina puro and healthy condition, Ilurley'i Sarttptrilla is known to possess prr.pert ics w hlch become nest I ntid v lit Ilia blood, disinfecting it of di.cftsc, nnd restoring exhausted nature to pristine vigor. Ceum&la Tttat) Herald. soidby 8uiir,inT.MN, iiRornmt & CO ss-thi: dujiocuatio nominiji: tor tiovuii- corr espondent write, that a, soon a, (,r.. hacker heard tliatho had bran no.tilnaied InrCovrrnor by the Democratic t.'nnye.Hlun nt th""' 'i"sirove,oyed.and av. Unit to take the stump at nn'carly d. llnrrl.burff.lio tie- :mnt his due rmltin t inn tn take the stump at nn early d..y in an ir fpistihlo ault of clothing Irom tho niajnlfieont 'snblisln.imt of Dniivii.it ttToisva, So. OUT (hlo B')3) Cliettnut street above Glh, Philadelphia. fjSr The Five Per Cent. Saving Fund nftbn N'alionil safety Compiny, It'aJnut street, aouth- wcElcorncrlof Third street, riiilidelphia.now has moro tiian Onb MlTaoaof Dallara, all in MonTAncs (InouKn ItrtTs, and other first class K?cirities , tu the brncdi o depositors, E2-THOMAS W. JIATTTON, Rccelvri the ivr.u Medal nt thu World'a Fair In ,Iurnl,m, 181, for TRUNKS. OAftP HT BAtlS.llools. Fhoea and Ouiiis. Ore at induce inents are now ollorod to purchasers ofllie aliovo articles. This Is much the largest Muckollruiiks, Onrpolllags, Valicrs.fcc., In l'liiladetpliia veryrheap, or rash. Mannfactoriea: 130 Market Hired, H. V. urner ai 1, Hi Mirkut street, fl II roruer of Foutth. 'WOOUr.AXn CJIHAM." 4 pomade far beautifying the"1" lily 3 iftimjJ.siipcrt rr tn nny t'rcntti a ileal Iniporlcil. -mt fvr hilf tho nee. For drcnslng Latlies II iir lt;i)iu nu (vpnl, it n lirijht giosny apjicaronco, It canaen (lentlcnnn's If.iir.tociirl in tlic most tiaturul mtinmr- It remove a it.ixi'ruir, nUvays qiiiiff ill Hair fhu uppcurnucj of lining Ircali ehaii poiiiic-l, I'r ice unlj filly ccul-. No no gupuinc .utiles 8 h igiirl. rtTIIUsCC&CO , N. V. rrcprutornofttio 'Jjn j'a l'ksutatit foiser.' V-)i Uy nil llrujglfilf , KQUALIT1' TO ALL 1 ' UMFOKMITV nv rniOHBI-A Ktw ttiT& 11 ItCflifli:-!4; livery onein own SaleitnenI FONTS Jc CO.. Of tlio Crescent Oiip Trlco Clnllilnz Pioro. N'o. COO Mirkol Btrctt.obnvo tflxtli, riiil.nklp.ita. In a itil it ion to having tholargcMi mott varied and fiihiotialitf stock nf Clothing in IMiiliiileljiliia, inadu dXprp-jfily for rUI Baler, have constitntcil every one hiii own inlcEinau. hy li.ivlnp tnirLpl in C?ure? eachortltto the very Inwcst price it can hu mdM fur r othey cannot poamlity vnrv oil inuftt tmy nhk Tlii pootlaaro will niionpj antlprc;iarc'il,ain1 grent inniH' tnken with Urn maViiiig eo that nil enn Imy Willi thu (.ill jib it ran co ofsctting a good article nt Hie very lowt'it pricu. AUo.n largo RlncU of ju'eo gnnila on InnJ.Dfttn 1-itcst H! and liiol 'i nhtlos, which will he ("jilc to order, In the miht f mliiunohru and Ic8t manner, 03pir ccni.ht-Iow criilit prlfea. Kr iien Iter the CrcJmit, In Matkct, above Sixth EirtjU, Nu. SUO. jt).vi:3 & co. ONE PRIOK ONLY I ' I.iri'INX'OTT & IIUNTnil'8 ClMhing WnrthcuPe, HVgt enrnt-r of lMurlh .1 id Mirkei sircen, 1'hil Hdolp'iU. onJj One Priw Clothing Srorein Aetlca Cuh purchifru o( ITjc'h nr hit)' Clathinj, si whol'mnlo and retail, cattj Ihto, malto Uiflr xelcction from an mnrnao b tock'of faliionnhly and welt nnJoclmhfiijt, K'tnp wilh a view to fiUa tatiiiVtion to Hll.and hi tin vtrv lv)'t paihi ("iliin,! prifo a marked In plain figure n v'ry gfirriwnt, all ImyaV (ha rniH pricp.ntid vvh.tlier t'tey am Ju IjjcM uf gonla or not, they cinncthij drrjeved. Ono uniform low price to nk imJnXo, n'ii:8fiv'ryl'Jv- wllo the itsiia mole n(tii: two prn.es, nu.l t tiling ntt lh.it can bo guts sitiitt iiuhi) ly ,n nt c!if .it iti rac-1 irtiu ; f.r ir.sianc a man okii 813, fur n cont, and.ncrivanNaKrt'i'alo take i in, nnd it, is p'l'iiilly n rluln , that-jr,. oiild huvo taken l "i, ifhc cojld have tun it, nn I Huh irtmlly chit , In- purhm-'r oii of five lollirs. 'l' ruuu'fly this evil th! i ntai.l i!i innfuicnfe iiitl.utriti.liICPI.VOOT & CO., rt a inufonu'KltJW prtcc on nil their good, (very much h low the twiial riitt'H,) und willjii'i.'urvary one cei.t uiider nnyj'clrrmiifltancc.. jVCAM, AVI) finn,.i AH'iel3oiltIi Wc:tconin ol IVurth ant.M.irhcl gtrect" L'hi'fliieiphla . C.MJINKT WAltKHOOMS. 'lllll tiudf rsianH repeclfiilly mvite.1 thu nttrntlni 1 if i hi! I'u'ihr lo liitH'lensiu iiMOilmf nt ofr-ilmn-l rnn.itiiri. nitd t'hairti wliKh he w ill w arr.iiit lo Itfuunlt' ! nr.mA- .,.-ii,.ri!iLfiml In II tt nfVm tsil.L rn.-iriisir , I ' I"1 Ki-lutjlistiinri.l, rnnnluajs hi- fotiii.i aeon.liHftorl-: J.'ASUIONABLH IMIUNITUItl?. Whlrh inciiial ill btylc mid liuith to that tf I'll! t. tiUlpluaur new vol. i.iut'b,au,iaius low prices, lluhis SOFAS, of different, iljles and prices. froiii J SJJ to alio. Duans. Lounires : Wat mil and Mahogany, rarinr chairs, Kecking and easy I chairs, rutin stools, and a variety or upliol.t. red work I wthllres log nnd parlor bureaus, tola, card ccnttc aud i d'-s. nndiili kinds tl fjsliioiiafiln work. Jlis stock of lnire,ius, Liiclose.l and cnmtnuu wash .tande, iln.s tobl.a. corner cupboirds. solua. linakfiift tables, bid. steads, ulne si ul und cotumoii cbnirs, is the largest in Ihl. section of the rouiilrv. lie will aim k( cn n eood assortment of looking glasses with fancy gill and com mon frames- llu will also roriii.li eurllta mntres.es flliedtoanysUuoriTajl.teail. which nre superior for ilarubihiy and comfort lo uny bed in u.e . tJl.MON C. FII1VC, llloomsbiirg April Plh, lf-31- "GlU0Ul7LTTi al lmplementsT ,ii.iiitn., ,, I u iloaa lWa' n.;,l T hreV!?: Craln t'nus I fli.i3iya Cutlers ami Sm:Vjr. or varum n.iiroi. in)rovv rrriililo cirain liila " 1 ' ''In I Itl iirHW iU JOUUO lmJ22 i r i iiiiTp.nl tiriAtv. l'i'UAi(i. iuiiuis & ru. Asriculltiral Wato fiuseaiuliiecd Btcra. 7lh and il irket Thiladelphla. Moveniber e'J.iPSd. Corner oi 5lh & Arch Street, Philadelphia . Henderson Sl Co., BOOKSELI.KIIS AND VVBLmtF.RS. INVITE the attention of all Persons Visi ting Thiladelphia. whether on lliismess or pleasure In their Eztraordinsry Col lection of lloak. upon all sub, Jcfti. liouit.ii tints, vuuuuy I'Oiuers, ti-iiLin-r., i nunc anu atvJestu.,'.ri';''"',,,,''ie,, wU1""""" 31 al O.a.HIINllUHSONitCO., Harth7. I8.17.-Cmt. ALEXANDER KERR, IMTORTUll AND WIIOLUSALK llCALfiR IN Salt, .). Salt, no. 3a south wiiAtwta, fiiiladclviiia. , . ...t",u, urounu j urn s i.ttino uoo Dairy Sall.constaully on lunu and ror .ale,.ln lolt, lo I , , ai,cxandi:r kekr. ApriU, IE57-3m ,..... ,.Tv- WALL PAPER I WALL PAPER ! WTOWOTM i7,aMlcal?.or.l7''",,ora'i"n,, 10 37,"m' ,rM u3t " "Han SALAMANDER KIRK AND TIHEP 1'IIOOF SAFKS. TUB I.AtttinST ARSORT nient In tlio United Elates. Warranted tn bo eiual lo any now mitle, and will bo tnld on ns coodiermn,nscan be obtained from any oilier house In tho ;eountrr at 11VAIVH WAVSO.V'H. ml s.4tti St., Philadelphia. TnirTlt IB MinllTV AND Wll.li t'ltliVAIM ntpurttif tin Committer, eppotnttdui tup yltrttht Burn. tng etss Iron lat, ct Iltmttig. Mil ry 87, 1557. Thn imflnr.lffned. members of tin I Jmmlltec, d? A.nkirull o tiMinri . that wn saw the l safes, oris) 11 11 ir asreeu unon uy i nr rein ( iiorn , Wnlinn. Iilirril .Ida bvslde In a lul ice, vlt : Tha Ham In i re by the paymaster of thn ladelpbla and Readme Koi I roan uunpmiy. in ins u.l"y."u,"' rnnniiracturcil bvFarrelsfc Herring netne raio ir. use by II A bants. In hl stole, minliraeliireci i F.ran a h Watson, nnilput In hooka and papcra t Cl The RriMvaa started at 8 oVIork, A . M.i.ind lo nn unlll rourenrda or 8teen luckory. nvoroids onk and half chustnutlop wood were entirely co suniPd.the whole tinder llie siinrliitf tide nr., of t subscribers members ol u.e iiMiiinitiee. Tlie Bay urre tlien eouled oil with water, nf tr nhlrli th wero 0eneu anil me noons iinu itaprrs raaen inn llir. Ilmntulltii. mid elll tn II A.ljnnlz'it stnrr to niibticetainlmtion.anilnn rko d by the Uointnittco The bonks and on p rsttkenfromlhoKafc . Annufaa tared bv Fnrrels & Her rlnf a wore, In our Judgment, ilatuaBcd fully nt'tceit per cent . mare than those taken rrom j;vnns & wiaon vaio. We bclieTutho abovo tohave been a fair an- In), partial trial oftho rcspcrtlve anilities nf both Biles. 1 JACOP, II. DVPIIUR. IIANIU. S. IIUNTCR. Having boon absent durlm tlio burning, we folly coincide with the nbnto sn lemon t of tho con lltlon of thopapora and baijks lattan out of tha respertivo Rafes. o. A. NicoM.a, ii. ii. Muiu.r.viir.nd. J AS. JIII.IIOI.I.AND. Maine 3S.1817. SWAN & CO.'S LOTTUMES. 77 K .VJS7- BHILLUKT SCllCMr. V.Vf.li DMITX Cupilal I'rizo $00,000. TICKHTH ON'l.V 81(1. OWlNfl to lli'ijrrnt f.ivnr with which our Slnclo Nuiitour I.utttrtes Itatc been received hv the poltlir, uiid thn latgo demand fur Tickets IheMana. gi'is, a.HAK & ('n will have a draw ins taili tiatut lay throughout tl0)car. Thu lallowii'fr richeino will bo drawn in cacho their Loturies lor June, It-n OI.Ass 59, Tu bo drawn In the city of Atlanta, Georgia, in public, cn'tUtuniay. Jumi tlh, lt57 UI.ASI3 I'J, To bo drawnln tho rltyof Atlanta, Georcia, In public, on tratunlay, June Vi:h, 157, OJ.ASS 41, Tobe drawn In the illy nf Atlanta, Ceorala, In public, on Bjlurilay, June 20th, lfc'37. Clj.lSi , To bo drawn In ibe city or Atlanta, ncor-la.lnpulilic, on Eal'inlay. Juno 27th, 1557. on 'nit: i'I.an or fai.vtii.r. nujiiims. 77tree TAoajaarf TArct Hundred and h'ttt I'nicit More thnn ono I'rizo to every Ton Tickets. xaaxmcKKr scur..w.i 10 UK DRAWN 15 . C U B A T U 11 D A y IN J U N li I ITrueof Jiw.fino IJ'rlzoof t Sil.oiai I ' 1 luoixi 1 I s.uini 1 ' 1 5,0011 43 " 1 .2,51)11 1UO " i i. soul) inn l 2. 5011 1.000 1, tu 10 t.0u0 l.uuo 300 1110 50 lAPl'HOXlMA'HU.V l'UIZi:H. 4 t'rUea,SJJ5AppiuiL'iiig lo (io.WO l'rize me SOUO H 70 3 lilt) " &OH 13 " 5J " tf.30t) " CUD IB 4 1 " I, - e,4l) 3000 " i!0aro CO.ooO 3'l)2 Yx7.f nmrt.ntlnr to ftSill.WJi) WIIOLC TIUKI2IB 1; HALVES 55 UUAtt TKHH Plan of the lattery Tim Xu in hers ftiiiu I to 30.00), currusponillng tliodu Ntiiiil)3is nn the 1 irkftfi printed nn gfp.iriitc Blips ol p.ipor ,nro i.ncircicta wiiu s in an tin iuuob una plncvd in tm wlirel. The lirt 1237 I'r Up?, eimilirly nrinltd t tid encir chMl.nru plictd in unothrr whop I . i UU wrujiilfl liro liit'ii revoiveu, ami n nu mucr is drawn from '.he wheal t f Nuinlicri nnd nt thu enme tliiio n rnz In iHavn finn t'n uihcr wheel 'J ho Number nnd l'rizc'djaw n o it arc opened mid exhibit cd t thn nudicn,rr, nml ri'SlitL-rcd ly the Ooiiimm dinner.; the l'ri.e hcing placed n;ilnit thi Nniulfr drawn. This oprrntirni is repejted until ull tliu rrir.i f nrr dinw n nut j-ippror filiation Vrl.cs Thn two picredir,,- nnd ihr two succidliiff Nntn'iera to thoce draw inu (ln fifnt 1:1 Vtzt'f will he (iititlcd lo the t$ Approihiuitin i'rirp" Pur r;tmplu: il TiLKUN'o. Hi ii ilrawH tho 3tUlt00 I'no thnM- Tickil n IhtpiI llJIH, tl V4'1, 11.2.11, II will mrli Up ml ith-d lo S2r. It'TlcKtl Nil. .'..(J ilmwa ilio Ql I 0J.1 1'.ize, tiiQMi Tickets inuii. hr-rcd 5, .11.1 5.11. 055 will cirh hi fiitllUd t 3-00, ami no on nsror-lina to tin rt! nvu r-c'itinic. Tne Sil.D hoi tJJD w ill Jm dctt-rnilnrti hy thi I iM flguroof UicN-imbHr th ittliawi ilio Qod t'tU l'uzf . I'.ir uximnto, It tho Nnmlior tlrawihL' the 0 IW Vrlzc ctitla with No. I, ull llin Tickrt-j wheru Uif N'lMnlMT cn.ls. ill 1. u ill L- rniiUrd Hi IfUic Numt.ff end Willi No 2 tlM'iiJill the Tkkit. wli(itt' tin .V i nn dor ciidn In V will lo entitled to $so, and bo on to 0. Uorlidp.itra ot r.icl.i-i il ho cold at the follow ins ratPd, whirh I llix rioh .' Uertificatu of raclngc of Id Whole Ticket , Sj0 do do () il.ilf do 40 dj do 111 cltirirtrr i!t) do do 10 lhth do 10 IN OKDCIUXn TICKUTB Oil (XK1 iritlATI'S, inciose the money to i ur ml trfs I r the tickets i rriler,4d, on rccoipt o( whirii iliry wil he hirw jirih-d b v first innil . I'n rch.i r-f ra ran h.i o tukiU endini; t ""y.iim- ihpv may dcFfpim Thu Lin of'Drnwn Ni.nih,r5 nnd TriiPFwIII In: sent to p irclmxcrs iiuun-dintfly alter ihu ilibwnp . ! I'nrclKiH rs v-ill plf.u uritt: thet r f iirn.uurt's j tuii;. ai'dyiv.' tluir ro-t Offf Co-n ti t.nd Suite. 1 II 'iiM'iitlnr thnt i r Vim i i.rawiitiiid p.ijahlcin fn II wi hout di'diictinn . i A I'riii'a ol Sin JUundund' r. tid 1m n 'dl ite ly nftfiir ; ihu (iMWiiifi-othi?r I'riut" at t u usual (Joe of lluit ! dns All communimtloiis ulrict y rnnfidriiHE... AddiOfia uiderj lor Tiukftx vr Ctriilituti'r fn ' H. SH'AN U C(i , Atlanta. (Ji I t j' A 11 at ol tl.n numlU'M Hint nro riwn from the v. Im'.-i. wnh Uu i mount of Hie )ii?.c lluit "afli (n,u jtf ' cut 1 1 li'd t' ull h' inihlifhrd itftt't wciv t'tliw itl tin tolhiwint 1 paper ' JV"e Orleans J)rha XtbUe ha pitttr, CkartCttQH island ird. JSusheillc (lazttte, Atlanta ' Intrlnucnctr. .Vfw York li'eehnj J)ai JJuoft, faccuaA i JiffDjUi A'eit n ti'l Jitchnond htt pitch. Miyva itj7 GrccHWopd Seminary AT ETiilvillo, Columbia Co., Fa. A aVSTKMATR' e nirse of iiislrurlioii is eilen in I x nil tne i. lentil iirnecnra u.ilally laliohl. I ho nil the Unci sh braechca u.uallv talichl. 'I ho Principal will bo assis tt d duiiii" tile prehi nlj enr b T. M. l'OTTB.nii cxpericnre.l teacticr, recently from the Lancaster county Nurnitil Fchorl A vacation of seven weeks v. III comuieiicc July lal. : T U II 11 B . Tuition, for dav nunils. S'1.50 In al.bO ncrounrl. r. Uoardinc, Tuition Wnililn?. Lights. Sc , i0 per nt nrfiliv.nwiipk..i,n,.iii.fi inPn r I'or circular, catalogue, or altr I'lrlicul.irn.nitJrrsi Millville, April t, 1057. i'riiteiat CENTRE STORE. Sl'JlJ.VG & SUMMER HOODS. rTMIE undorsigned lakn ploomrc o( in- I. fo'tnins the liliieiis ol Centre audvlclnlly, that he has Ju.t received a-lartc and select assortment .. , . Br.R,.N0 f SUSIMDR GOODS, oM'riiwiciioaviCii biocmi nd mosivnrltu.iBBnrt inri i ii"iiiauit, uH-iuinrni nuusi;iuiiui.iii;rcu iii -- "ii" vuuui im mjiiriuipiiuTuij'Miin Jl lid anal It V. wli icll the V will ?nl I fu r fL-udv !na v.ai vcrv roaioiinuii! xtcv9. trJCon ntr v ii rod iter taken in (.jrhnnp for (inn A a. I deluding (Jrrtin and l.uu Lor Q d the iultU cunloui rcBjit'ciiuiiv luicuni, SAMUEL LAMBACK. rowlenvil'o. March i'r e57. CHEAP STORE. B.PIU NOANdTu M MEin. O ODS. riIlfi undetaigned toko plonsure in an- A. nonnclii to thclrriirtouiers und tho publicpener aily, that they harojuitiecelved, al tho Mine Kldje biore,u choico assortment of Spring and Summer Goods, Comprising ovcry article usually kept in Country Htoro. which havo been selected with cato. anu win no soiu ai very tow prices tor rcauy pay. onslstlnR of a lara variety of Cloth., Cassttncrs, olainea, UraK08, Catlcoes, &c. Country produce taken In cxclianpofor gocd.. (live us a call. None needgo aay dissaiihed, O. & Q. LOW. Litno llite, alorch SB, 1857- Mount Vernon House, Second street, above Jlrdiy Vhilalai TIIT. undcrnisned having purrlimed I ha jntrrmt o Mr.U. UUtriu lUeabavtioldcvtiibliiilivdllotil.wil now bavo the nolo supurvliiou of thu oitnhliitinion And sol I iiti tlio potroniiifoof UippuMic. lie leeliconfl ilunt ttut a trial at tilt llouio, Row mi. Table, Bervinti ftf.i will proie ihrbfit tircmmenntlon he rinpir 1 L UAKUbTl 28 FORWAltDINCr MEHOUANT, ItUrERT, PA. US ? WIMnticnd to rcccmnj and rorwardlni by Uana' orllAtl.llUAD.iill Merchandhe and rrelgbts ill rerted to lili rara with proinptuess and despaith. (lovdswillbe delivered at tho rlloirlne rates per. 100 Trcff hit mall O'tMroia rMtmltlptla It Ueiwlck, Wllkosbarro. Mtiiton. IslehM, ni tiQ 70 per 100. SdClass, sO 5H CO " 3dclls. 10 SO 'i (in class, 30 0 45 " 1st Cla-Uaikcts, Hooks, tlruslns, Haul us,nonnol3, Hals and fJais Hoot, and, Bboes. Will'iW'ware, Ac 2.1 dais Uoilers, llrass, Candles, Ghee so, Crackers, Dye Wnode, (las ripe, Hollow. rare. Hope, tie. .!. cauAluiii, Ashes, entice, Dcmcstlc l.lnunrs, Irub, n.iilernnd Har, L.e.idShot,,M)ia.ses, Salt I'etre, tc. 4ii csst Ale, fleer, Hiifar, Hill, risli, pork nnf lleef mi birreH, Cement, tlua o, Mill Stones, c. TO"Prei;htsfroin lleaillni;, Pott.vllln, Tamaoua. te taken at Tro.rata rates, spei lal contracts made for large amounts, all ircicius ninsi uu inaraeiirare ol J ll.liar man, ltupert to receive prompi auenrion, Klfcr lo Col JllSIU'll I'A.XTON', I MnJ, I rt MUMIUG rtupert, rbrury,yd 1B57, 2mo, Ca'al?liA, SEW 00A0II LINK CA T'PA 1 VISSA TO A SU f.AND. rrillll sutiseilher rerpieifullir Informs hie frlenda an.l X the public generally, that on and after ,MOXIAV, ItioOili of April IM7, he will run a tri weekly Line of Couches, nuween Callawissa anlAslilaiid, lenvlneCaltanlssa every Mnailay, Wttdiicsilay and I'rMav inortiinff, al A n'clok, A. A1,,aud nrrlvlutrat Aslilflnd ct 11 o'clock, A ! .. 1 1 linn lo meet the Mi, I Coaches at Ashland, anil r.'l.l-n 111! nine diva to C.lttawl.iia. t" Passeneer a can apply al either point or any of llie way Simons, rreisoi iiou tniipgaeu convejfu ou inolerato terms. Careful drltcr. only employed on said roitlu. CIAKLC3 BTItAUSnn. April I. IW, PllEMIU M AGKIOULTUKAL IMPLE M i:T3 Wo arenrcrnrtdln furnish AltIciiU .rnl Iiiintcmcntaoltho vcrv lient nualitv uianufac ..vitirpriiit our .bi cmiurai mita. di iflin . i n.. -3rtfcihc l.itvcat rn-iU pricf s. wholusitli-or rrtail.ait willchnllunfu comparuon v.llh those ti.amjfacturtt'ljy any otlifri'-ttahllfhincnl in tho country. I he firel pro tilt U 111 Ol IIIIC IIHIKIM U uw ''r"P.inaiui ur uy u.r Uommiltfonf thcU.O. Aiticnliural Hocjuty.to their Intn Exhibition nt Iowc)lon, for ahaest diaplnv of AtrricuUnrnllniplGinctilaninnulactiirpd ly the exhibitor. 11 very iiriletesolodby u i9 wariouleil to bun a rcpro Bontcd.or tLc.monpy returnrd 1 . U.LANIUDTM& SON, Iniplumcntann dSncd Wnrchoixe, Nn3.;2l nnd i-t.rfQUiliHixUi Eircui. Philadelphia. Norcitihi'r B. ISoO, JOHN. II- AI.iLfc.JN ft uu. Ifos. 2 ij- l Clrtsmd, Street south side be low Water,) Philadelphia. (Tils Olwut Vmn wt lloq, Iic-Tiib Citt ) TiT ANUI'Af l'URniH and Whnli-Ealo dealers In Tat LV1 cat ,M.irlnneuiacl,i ltronm.. I'-ifM tlroord Cedar ware, Karaaieilaal lo.Arln Wood nnd Wlllowivnro, Cords, liriuiii's kt,, nfall dc.crlpttons, l'leaso call and examine our sloch IVbrii irj- 2' , IM .I y. EVANS k NKWCOMKH, (KdrmerJylrc&eiV Aeu?eemer,) Arch street, nbovo Third, Philadelphia. noil us Of m n. 1,3 llnaiKrisT, S, 0 and 7 o'clock tn 10 IliNxun.neutleiiienVTrdinary.l o'clock to,3. " I. adits, U o'clock. Te. Oo'clorkto II . IJVAN EVANS. I U. H. N'GWCOMr.i: Aug.ll,l355.-y. ClIAKUiS H. M ARPJ.E'S. JfrlNE AND LIQlfOH STOHH, A'l. 143 North Third Street, Abavo Race, nasi Hide, Two floors r.bovc the Il'glc Hotel- PHILADELPHIA: lias constantly on hand I'renili Urani'le., Holland in anil a ceneral nKsnrinirnt rf ririirn Wines, ai.o all kinds of Aniric an Spirits, Ac. March 13. l?5U-y. 1'IIAOIIKIJ & WODPROP, WHOLESALE boot shok jJ.vh rnuxK iwnr.r.iiovsr., So. ltll Art-h Street, up -"Maun, tlctiv.cn Third rourthtits. .upper ri.lencar Union Hon), Philadelphia, Cirnei ,il.aa na 1 V aires of all descrlplhn?. (Ml Altl.Cd TlMUIir.lt. Mi.'eh 13, Ifl.'.r,. llor.llliT U'oiiliMH'. "WMfsTs jiiTii & "ca, Fi'odtieo Factors AMI ar.itr.nAL co.umissio.v AKiiciUicrs, No. 0!) North Wharvc, '1III.aiii:i.i'iiia. TheMiikrt laluc of all loii.ijnii'cnt. odia.nccd tn Cash Hllen desired. Marclill, Pennsylvania Jlotel mills well known Hotel .lately kept by Pam- JWA J.1VI. II I? ..uu. on .M ii n Hunt, In ll.iiivllle.fil-imf husbi'i'iitilfiinby tbe sulii-cribir.il ho is pro L'sJlfv, pared loauciiinuioii.ite I rnvslli'r..iiid striiii;reis li tlin bust miiiner 'I In' lio.iue has been tlioroubly Ivcrlianled. and m now rehtted up and luriilshed far oil.' euterliu u me nt or .luels, IIissi.iImIiii; is I.iruniiil eointnodlous, wilhHor.es and vi'bli'l". for Inn1, and l)a will spare no paint-tn render fr.tnur.il salo faction r'A liburaUuireuliau public patronage is respect rullyaolicilcd. cnuncu tv. rncezi:. llaiivillullcc. :j. l,J.-.j. NEW WALL PAPER WAREHOUSE. fUlUlOV !i T.ANM G. MANUpAci uui tm ami iHi'ou'rnu'. .Ve. 1-1 Wrc'i tlrctt, tecantt dur abvve Jsllti Street. rillLAUUM'IIIA. WIlEltE may bo found tho largest and best se'erled frfork la Ilia city. Country merchants may here bo accommodated, withmtlllo loco -lv uiiertf.o of looking further, nnd may tu assured that tlioy will receive llie odvaatagc o I t'leir nioni-y. IIUH IOV tc LAN'IXO, Jltrqi 23,137 -3'U Binmrs and siii.T , r.itu wnor.-'Ai.. rrr r in t. e t r r im n o m n Ii r? No. 1)33 North Third Street. (Abave Callowhill,) PIHLAIiCLP II 1 A . B'jncn 1 nsn'-(r.i,Tt oT llmndlos. WlnPB, Cordials, and ftii'ioraol cv-'ry dcCription. r, rntRi. f.ai,T7LR. Ocioh'T 7, 1 3"5 12 yra BLINDS ANL S1IAUESI or .vKtr s.rym J. WILLIAMS, NO. 13 M1UTI1 St.XTIl BTKUUT, piiiLinEiruiA i TAMiiPARTiirtr.it or vcnitian ui.inmih. Vul it vet. liold llu rdi-red mil I'aiutcd till UU'.tl. of bcaulifuU'tsinr.s. Hull', anu all oilier colors of llol land used for Shidos. I'illturi s.Tiliiniinss, tin., tc. , Whole.alu and KUail, at Iho lowest ca.h ptis t-4inrn Hli.ulr. n.il UlPil to onli-r II. J. W. thankful for pat pnlronaje, resieetfuMy ,,,. ,e pithl.e to call and' exa,,.,,,.. hi. new and . largo ussoruiioni. uciom jmrriinii.s ev.rii,i ITS' We S.'udir to VUan JOX Marcli 21 , 1357. 'Jm PIIRENOLOGIAL 0ARINET. 1WLHKS, WKIiLS & CO., l'lllillrJOLOGIETS ANI rl'I'.I.ISUUKI). 281 Arch Street, below Seventh; Phila'd. -ri. "nliirnlsll al I worlsa'.on rnrenoioitv.rnysiology .Vvili- WatorOuro.i'U.iitnetlsni, nnd t'lionoifraphy, '( fv.Uul .th andrelail al New York prlrc, 7 J" 1).ni...lnn,ln,,nlnlllnn, IV i I 11 .hnrl. n A fclull Hrilten description or character, day and cveulne. C.iblnctfrce. May VI. 1653 v NEW LIQUOR STORE. NO. 133, NORfll Till Ull STREET. (In the Eagle Buildings, Jlbove Race St.) rimadelpliia. TIIC undersigned hegi 'eaoto iaforot his friend, and the public, Hut he has opened an oiteuslvo In tho naite'lliilhhnjs, No. 135, N...3.l'Bt.. as above, whete ho will ha luppyto supply nlerrhj tits. Hotel, keepers, and cuitomers generally, with the cholcctt braud. k'lHiu Thitadclphia. WILLIAM nitOBST. eIaaci"s.) March 1th, iei7.-y. ROSENDALE OfiMENT. PEHSON'.i wish me llosendnle Cement can And it by culling on tha subscriber at Unpen. Tn. J. II. IIAUMAN. April 11. 1B57. l N asortnin t ol Cnnlectionerri Jewdry, i'erfume' IX. ry, Soap, IU'r Oili, 1'oinadei, Ate , to h o lud ut , romauei, rvc, to no utd u G, CbAUK'S Huj k Store. lUoomsbura.Msy 30. 137 A. M. 11UPKUT. Tinvfarc and Sliect lion ManufifuK-tiler en Mum ctrvci ticiow M'ipcrt mre Sl'RING & SUDIMER, AT MBNSOII'S OIIEAP STORE. rrUIE untlcrelRDod Laving, removed M, .JU6torrj"P.tovtn,olthostapd, laiclyocoiinlcdbyll i , ',!' ".' 'laitman when" will) mcater Inereascd facilities, he Is enabled lo offer A fullassortmeniof , Hprintt nd Sttmiiior Goods, nnng lias lust ri Which ha has Just received from tho Partem Chiles wnro Ccdar.nra llolln-wnre. llrues. l'lsh.Ball.lkc. Plaster, Iron,, Valla. Hoots, Bhoes, Hals, Caps, &e, Sic . also-ready made oloj'iiino. In ihort.nvrrv ttitn iintnlfr Wnt tn rmintrr Rlnto. ! to which hrj Invii'Btlinpnhlfeireiirrntly; ' T3r CafthtLu-nber, Old Iron nnd Country rrnduro taken hiexchancebr lood,alUnJli.iiit market price. 1 A f 1 M PNQiMl i in . . . . .iU IMumooxi. Hloomibutc, MftrcI' 21. 1P57. ViriST AIllllVAL OP SPRING & SUMMER WE liavo now receiving our Spring and Huuinvr ftnri.v, by Hal road at our mv stand, cm thacorner' ol Main nnd Market streets. rim siockcomprisceo toll nseorttnentol , , t it 7 r ' ; Kjumt ufccv ic'tf. JJimiti.uc. wu'.cn IPiirn Cnlnr.mir IMImi. l r.,. 1 H tire, linr-uart, IloUOlV-lCUie, I ri'gS, Fish, Coal, Plaster, Iron.iNnlls, Dools, Hhocs, Hals, ALsb-rr aiiy m vnp t-i rvrnivn ! .nit-irf.. .. . . OTI ,N anil I n line t OVnrv nn tnnnt.tn .1 .. ....II .. , . I.. ( cuntry siore Couiilry produce taken In nirhnnceforanods. II. k I.W. HAHTMAN' ! nlonmfbilrp.Jlatrh2l.1857. I Spring and Suhimer! GOOD3. ! rntip ...,i..e.r J if..n.. ( .11-. uuul01K ruhpuuv.u nyiniormjMMicaubMtncr o.r.ra toaoll al private aulctthc .... . . ...... ....uijumiHury havojn-t rncLivrd nt their ncwllriclc Htore lloiisu, i n LlijhtSired, n select npgortuit-nt ol InahirnaMu Spring and Summer Goods. ilirrrtfrom Ilia Eastern ciltee. comnrisitie nil ttiA i var loon miicciii.ni. in no inunii in liiiuiiiry elnrcr, t)iinltni! of Cloth., Uasrlmeres, Ilelaios, llrazes. i:aiicoc,c iogeiin'r wiwi o,i Unas or uress coodB forthnlndies. .st,s?o-ni;NTr,r.Mn"Fi wnAit, op almost VUUV gtlllT ANII HTVI.il. J,AIll:STAI.1!ABHIt(l:MlAS?,l!AVI.S.fcc. tJroccrlcH. Molasaes, Augurs, Teas, Coffee. Pnlrca. and in short.eTervtbliiplu tlmway nf Mcrchaiidlre. iu;uiv unnu umji iii.mi, oi every descriolion StJ Iron, Htnel, N'ails, Bulky Hprlngt tvc. ItJ-Thankful for past pitronao. it will b! their studious aim to plcaec thtii customere and to give cencrat satisfaction. II. Vir tc w. N. ORT.ASY Light Street, Aptll 11,1"." I SPRING AND SUMMER GOOD3 FOUnlSo?. rpiIE subscriber respectfully informs his 9 eustemcrHnnd tha nublie ccnurallr. that he Ins recclvcdnfullatuck or choice Spring and Summer Goods. eoiuprisilip n full assortment of Clotha, Casslinors, S.itiuctts, llelalaes Itrlizlors Calicoes. &e., toguthur witl'aKn'etvaiiety or other articles usually kept in Country mores, Al.SO-llardware. Cutlery, fluecnswnro Salt, rish, .Mofalasses, Iron, Steel, lints, Cape, Ilools. yhoes. Ve. XQ- Country produce, in rinding Uralll.I.uiuUr, etc., taken in exchange tor goods. nj"Tlnuriil ror pantpilroungc ho rcfpcctfiilly asks a coutuinnceottliueamo. THOMAS E. EVES. JIlllrille.Mnr'h e?,l&57.-y. NEWCAUUIAOE ESTABLISHMENT .V BLOOMS BURG. It tbo Ncy brick three Story Carriage Factory, ru Main below Market. Tlin subscriber would respectfully announce to rhe pub'ic, tli.il ha liascriutiieLced the OA It It I AGE & ei WAGON MAKING DU M8INUS3, in nil tiff l rinduM Ho i4 prcn.trcd locipcntc nll rrJcrs and hnnnh'andnt rtieimin.uirtiiientofflnuhcd wor( wlin li parchasare willtiudil to thblr advautago to etu mine. UKlMIUlNti, Will bedune In the most promot and cari'ful manner nnd tipontuuiii uliirh ran not Oil to ei vc autUfnction. lilfioiiiflMire, April v, 1 65-'. JURAM .S. CAlllCV RVoponpilii M irlilo Yard nt tlio ror nor of M tin end Mi The t birt-r-tt, vv liru lio prfpnrodto fiuitlt tliu lfi.'&t frrni Italian nr American Mnrltlclur MUiNUMt.rJTS, TUM11S, Toml)toncn, TLtcs, MnotlcB, WirdowFltls nnd len lllf. l'ortlio clnranor and finiBh of bis work tic refers tn tiifli nn hn hns iti.tdo is this roniity. Uo will furnish i f ifins for Ttorit or cxinitn nny tti.it may tic fnrniRli idtoliim. llu work ahull nUvnyB bo satisfactory in iltfty Ifjiiiil rt'Hsoiiatilci'i prtco. i;:ooinshiirg, JJcc. 0, 1830. NE W SPIIIXO AND SUMMER Ah. To be Soli Very Cheap, jl'.jt nnc civ ii at nu: stoke op j. j. into we it, onni.biij. April :'. , iei,-3 NEW GOODS. SPUING AND SUMMER QF lbu7 f ho uud' r-igut-d, grntclul fcr forxncr fl. liberal patronaje, rospcctfully infcriim ih(,ir fritnOd and culonicrs in gtiiLT.iI, Hint Jm lias rum nifnc;il liusincffliu his iiimius New fcitoru llou-f. nuxtdoor to Ifl?i.ii Uliaiunn'u Hotel. wlicrc lie Laf Just received, nfiill supply of srKlM! ANO UMMEU GCODv conipriti 113 every variety of fistiion, qunlitv nnd style HEiuill j hi pt III the I'esi k ' ( rr b, Urocurief.riiMncow art) ll.trilwarfi.l'jjii. " il-n, Hals. Cap!.. Iloalo, Miaos, h'cli w 1 1 1 (o sold on tHroiuinou.iihig 'J eruirt. CJ Gram it.td p oduro of all Kinds wnni'd. A & a. ANDREWS. Maiivillo. .March W, 1857. y 1 DLOUiMHUUKG liUUK STOKU. m- nilF' umlcrdigncil respectfully announces 3. ttt:it ro nti ijuoa tho Vloomaburg Jicol Store and Stationary Establishment, lattlyrnn.iuctcd b her deccaied tinslinnd. Major Cl'trk, in all tin ir various l,rnr.cJict', al Hie old ftii-idiu tho J'-tctuufe'e liuildiucd, firm door Uintof tlic'12clt:uigc Hotel, uud having replcnUhrd her eglibllilimcnt with a choice stork ol Ktv Deals and itntionary,) she Jm prvi iirtil lo accommodate alt who may give lisrucitl in hrrlfnc, -J.SO Tiie Restaurant ti.tloou, in thcihascincnt cf tho atiovt' u mil I oil mill I, wil tic contluutd ca usual by liie suli prninT. wheru tli'J public ctn utj.il! tiinoBtiij tiitiplii'd unbtho choireit lUvFUiom and UtHtthiijitx auiii m Minral.S irnptrjl I :i, lleur. Ale, 4tc, rnruiiiee, tf'iici'ditiid I'lcktc I Oy tors, IMcIded tJlam- it-'. C3Tiio public cuitoui u rfpccttully sohcilt'd. OAKOMKU CI.AUK. ?VCCC4it t3 Jct$9 O. Clatk, UloonnltircMay i, 1P37. i)UUG, PAINT "ANFQLASS" Wholesale Warehouse t'OUNCU OP TUNTII AND MAKKPT BTJIIIUTa, Utficoin tlccond Story, vniuiDr.LPinjt. WEInviteattcntion to otir enlarged floclt or Drups I'jinta, Oils, Vaniiilics, &c , aelccird erprebly Tor our ealca, nnd comptiiliif; one ot the fined 14 icon 111 en la in tlio United HtatPi, which wo olTor at low prlcfs, lot rnsli ornpprnved paper. VU MANUf AU'I UU1J very cxtcni ely: t'remium Turu White LeuJ, (bet,) Kensington I'urc WhiteLtau, lViiilBnow WJilte Lead. Yit lla Montajno" rrsnch Zlacbeit,; Turo lnow White America ti Zinc, rimiiit-ipnia dhow uue a inc. Bilver'i I'laitie 1'iro and Weatlicr-proof Fainm. ClironiLiUreeiiB, Yeiiowa, uud colora generatlr. Aor.NTd FOU: Tortur's pii.)rinr Alkaline Window C.lati . (leuulno French Date Ulam, (wnrranled.) Tlio New Jersey Zinc Ooiniuny'a products Tilden ft Nephew's N. V. varnUlira. Urooklyn t'remlum 1'iira WUituLcad, IUuipden 1'crmaiienl Oreena, I'urn Ohio Catawba Uraudy, &.e., &e( 1MVOIIT15US OF French and Unglin. Mate Glati, 1'rcnrhand Unglinh OylHidfr (1 law, Coloredand Ungmved Wlndowaiauft Itjguerreot) pe Ulnft, Hammered I'lnte for Tloori und Sky-Ll Lti. Drugi. Cheniicalf. rerfuuiftry, ite. WUOLCSALU DUAMUIS IN: Uruggipta' Anictfa cene rally Taiiitera' Tooli of ull deacnpUonfi Hydraulic ami Kou.nn Ceiuout. Calcined nnd Innd l'laatcr. iMper Makcr'aOlav.SMiri White, ttc, k. FitlZN'CH, UIUUAUD3 to. CO.. Store, N. W corner Tenth and Mnrtct rnrtory Junction Voik Av Ciown t'allowhlll, April 11 lgJ7 lfcilafpbi A MAP O? OOLUMufA AND MON. TOUH OOtlNTIES. mllE tuliocriher tikei nVmfire In inform Irtff Ihieltl. X Kent of Columbia Arjd MAptour cobntici. Hint lm Intends publi.tilni; a JJIMllijitfD OHMMZMTJIt. MJIP of tho counties nbovn mentioned, front actual MAP nf the counUeM nliovt Mentioned, front netuil "SSST'tli iAB iO, make thn surveis.ho has entaied Mr.JamM K'llv one of tho mo.t competent and erperlenred surveyors Jn ihertie Aiillmr of tha iiiopsorrllirila,Mii. i fffjf fott. Itthmt&, Montfftimertf, nnd Union tounttri Arf The nirTevn will Im fnmntenecd fti tonn n n vufTl- clnt number nf copies hae been nbscilfced fir, ti warrant Its pn llcatlon nrrant its puiiiicntion. J lit map will ci i its In nn actual survey nf all lU lllie roadi with their dlntancei marl erl thereon. In n (,,, Clii wav that tho diitancQf brtiv rrn nnv two ntneot In tlm Coiintlcn can caiilV bfl Obtnlnrd . Alan, thn Itrnt Inn'o I MUt, Ifotth, Churthti, School Ifovtta, SmVMhopt tot CSiCtslVhtlwrlghtttFoindrU,l'urnatt$.Fattorlti,t(t t wlh "in of Rl1 pfpttty kotJtrt, in thoir aet plaeoi throushout the conntln. nana of nil tho towns In the countlci.t large aculr, will oppcar In the nmrgln. k rno n nn vi ma nan iv no niniinn in n mi ini, id FcnlPso na to tnakn a largo nnd nrunmcntfil mnp pf I not IfM Hinn filly by forty Inchf. lo hn r njtmvoii In tho bnut tylo, handiomcly eokrelt nnd dciivrrfd to aubicribcra only nt per copy, pnyanio nn iiriivrr I J.A.J. CUM M I.N'OS, P ubtlsbt r. ChHiiuaque(Mny 10. H57-lf NEW WAGON tiUUV, n u low liiovt, houiii nioom&bur. 'I'iiL. iinaersieneu rcipecn uiy iniorms ins irien as J. au'i mo puuuc ccniirauy, llill nenis laken the stand htclj or.upieu bv.Mr Itolwrt llmut. In IV lltow oroVe, Bnnh nionmabnrc belowtln Itallfoad, where wil1 comlnuo llie OTP Wagon-making Ihtsincss. VWrlf'I'' olln.vdiioi.depnriinenis.insood ty W .K,l,n..l U ..l.. " style Is itt pairing Wagons, llupcle, Carriages, Ful. 11 s, &.C, done to order and on short time, CJ-Troduco taken for work. citAni.cs URr.wun niooinsburg April 55, IFS7-Jui IMIIVATE SALE Valuable Real Estate. ( UnUIVIUTIl nilf-imil Ol I yi j . r , i S'ltU -ACICS Of JM7VI, I Bituato In MiitliBon towntthlri. CoIuiii'mt mun iy, tit., nojuiiiinz incinrin m jtirou iyvi nnn 4 'oihers. l.-eated on tliel.itllu I'lshn ecreek, tliroutli . i...,. n. uim , ,n t , ...iitiii' hurjl. t' nel'ii r w Ii h all tlie linprovi tiitnls nun appur ii'n i""ii oeioiiginu. I j.-SSSi u r ) i Sk'A . -'i,ui HII A IIOCElfl tMl 1.0 P. rith tho Improve' I Xliili-inoiits thcroon erected, adjoining llie afore 'aid tract of Land i ia" 1,,rn" tnodernlo Add re. s tho advertiser, a i """ ,..iuiiiia '.L"."".v " VAi.LNrtur. tvr.r.i.tvr.ii April 23, t !.".7-3l "JOHN M. FOND, iMi'Oinr.u. MAKor.vtTUBun tiucAi.nr. its SADDLERY, UOAUII HAUDWAKE AVp Tltl.MMI.VBB, No. 32, Nor'h Third St. Philadelphia. FlJl'.CHAPKrtW will find iltu their advaulaeu to el amino myBtnck, which Isvcr.tuXleiislvu.nnd tmr 'of. N.U. AMOrdorE uholl have lmitirulniand nronint Qttrjntlon, Senicmbur.ij-'ii - ly KS17T0WN NEW bTOHK. rpllnuadersigncd, having a.sociilcd trgciher In the X Mcnililc llusincss, lake plea sine in announcing lo ineir irienus ami me iuiiiic in general, mat iieir new Htoro Hiiure, located on Main street, control In liylown, Columbia county, has just been stocked Willi New Sjtring (Jooits, Co-nprlfilng an extensive assortment or Cloths. CasM meres, Vesting, Mnalilis, I.ineg. and citry other ar ticlc in the wuirln line, including llardu-aro, Chlra, Hartheii and Hollow wares, (Irocerles, Sugars, Teas, Coffee, llice. Molasses etcctc, Willi all other aril clcs of cominerco nitnplcd to rounlry ttorcs . ALSO-II E A 1) Y MA I) E CI. O THING CJMlrala, Luailur, Provisions, Produce. 4.C., or all kinds, taken In exchange ror merchant'!''. li. r. KiiimiARii, 11 G. CltUVCLIKQ. rjspylown.Aprll,-l,18i7. EAGLE FUlJNlltAr, ULOOMSBUltG. Stoves anil Tinware. TUG subscriber having i reeled n large new brick Foundry and Maclliuo hon, hi plucc of the old une.is ircparedto make all kinds of ca.tiac at the lowest nrices. l'lous con.tanilv on haiol. Thi. mi. icribcr his utso removed Ins Tin bhop Irom Main rt. I U'O Foundry lot, where I'e h&s creeled a building altoecther for Htoves and Tinware The O'ookliis loves consist nf the WJI. 1T.NN tyjCOllK, llAtlll IVIOK. VAKLIlilt COOIf.and naPAKI.OIl STOVlia of all klcds, the :C(! OY 'CSLI.Minit STOVU, tc. AIJ lin.ls of Spoutins made to order. josnrii BiiAiin.ns?. Uloomsbira. April 11, le;?. DISSOLUTION. rplln p.irtnersh,i hi rctofore ell.lniz betueen Win JL -MclCclvy& U'ni N'cal. under the linn of Win. Me. Kolvy At Co ,lil the in inu fact lire or Taper til Cnlliiui. sa -Mills, was d'olved by mutual consent on the Hi day nrApril, IS17 llie business ol t,'io late ft t ru w , 1 1 bcsctllcd byC'.W. .McKelvyaCo . al Cottaiiissa .Mills. W.M MiivULVY & CO. The undersigned having purchased the Interest of the late mm of Wm. McKelvy & Co., at Catbwis.s Mills, will continue the manufacture of Taper' and putchaeu Hags as heretofore O. W. McKCLVY CO. O W.MrKciTT, J. S. Mr.Nlicn, April 9J, 1C5T it NliW TINWAUB SnOP. MAIN 8TK12HT. OITOSIFU THU nXOIIANOC. riMin undfrMuncd respectfully infonis hia Iricnda and the public ccneiully, Hiut lu Ina opened d iVay Tinware mid Shcit Iron Esta blishmtnt) In the building rorn.rrly r.rrupied r-.r thut pufpottp, i j Jutit'tt-j fill Hrplfsa, v ro tm ta prepared 10 cii duct Ut bua 111 tits j 11 all ltd varioua brii'ttn'f. 'I inwiirf nnd Spo'itms of nit RiniTs uade lo orirr n rlion noliCAiund nt inodnie pnr-fti Aleo-KTOVIS, of various sty lea, coualaatly Df aalo. Ilrpuirlnj do tin Jo order in quick tinip. iJ'Uounirypioduce nken Jn eirtnifje fr wnttt. 0. O. 311 L LA KO. IJIoonidlfurj. Miy Jfi, 1837-y UKMOVAL. MJ aubcriber Imvirc removed hlo Marble Yard 1 iromtifar ihufirvirt Kotso,to thoSouUi west cor ner of MAIN and MAUKP.T strecm. hi Ittipt-ii's Uow, ttlnre hoia prepnreit 10 niriuih ail kird i,f Marble Work, Vis: MON'UMUN'IS, Crnlto 'loinb. Hot Ton in, and Head Stoiif-H of cveiy decripti m. Ilia t''Ck 1 ol the best kind, iho workmanship not ftirpaMfd by uny in tho country, und at low price. Call uud Jticj-fo fur y ourielvCB. pj-llo wil also furnish T.tblo nn1 L'urcnu Topq, Mantit fr housea, Ii.it j Our'a. MutKb. und Hill for Window mid Doors, ut a o w Ilgure. ThdiiLful for pjjtfavoig, w hope for a contlnuanco of tho aiiue. ANTHONY WIT? I AN. il'oom'"b,Jrf, April J. Jc5V.-Cin ADMIXISTIUTOIVS NOTlCi;. &tate nf Etijah Price, aWJ. J ETTKKM of Ailminisiration on tho XJI'.atati! ofniil.ih Trice, Ute of I.ocogi townihin. i.olumbia connlv. dL'cer.ccd. Iibvo brn r. uifd by tho hi hi ci ui ' I'liiiru.a ciiLiniy, 111 uniu KCinililltl , w LO rcstih 51 in n.iitl l.orusl tow nelilp atnlj 1' Trlcp, wiio reKidfs in Anhlanii, b'rluylkill county; nil purloin having ctalnia n:tinat tliu ostatp of tho ih cuVnl nro rc'iueated lo prcn'iil llicui to th Adminintralor with out dctav, and all pcraoiia indebted to nnke piymcnt forthwith. DAVIO UUINBUM), J V l'lllc'lj Aprllia. JS47-C ' jdm'TM PATENT HELIX DRILLED EYED NEEDLES. rpllltflaan admirable article for acumMn Bsen and .1 good Hives. A btller manufactured iimnnm-nt fcr the purpose, it lias noer been our good (1 riuno to innko trial of. The ry the important corstderntion iu this we-ipon o the seamstrets is carefullyprei itfi ocainei tho trouble ofciilliiu? or wearing awny tho tanad, cud ilia a pleasure therefore in work wilh a needle so invnritiblv min. TIipv lintn ho on trleri in our family nnd on iheir authority, we clionkfillly re commend (.hem to that wiite cta in our'iui'tst with whom sewing is a matter of daily utility a family ncces;iiy, nudait object of ct'ucuiion. ' X'orwlel.y MARV HliMtlU, 31ay U, 1837 ltloomsburir. .NEW SI'RING AND SUMMER MILLINERV. niin.uti.rrtbersliQincrecclvcl titeirjntw Mlllliu-ry X (.noils nt llicir stantl. nLarltr unuj.lta. tliu Tn.t uiiice, woulj rpsrirciiully invito linir (nu in', tiinl cuitomr. .ml ili.putilie eenerallyto fnllanJ pxatninu ilielr stotk, cniisi.tiiiff of a full anl cnmiittu nssottt nieiil of btruw.(jtnii, Hllk. (Jr.io and funrr Bonnets nml Ujiiiic! .Material, t-30tlivr lilt nn tssurtnivlll of fancy articles, winch ticy will ll nn as rcasocaalo terms as tliey canbu nnrctiisod cliev hero M. li. Iil.TEllT. Mayg, Iri7. I. ItOlllr-O.N'. (DLIPIIAN r, VOOD3IDE& GO." Importers anil Wliolcsalo Dealers in ant? Ciquor So. 407 Arch 61. abovo l'onrllr, PHILADELPHIA. r.OurmsT J VVronni., Rss. M.Airm J.nutry '.t tf3'. j u rn 1 1 POSTSCRIPT. Kiiow-Hotliing Nominations. Tho American Kn'No'l'iRc? conven- lion, wUch assembled Jn LnnoitLlqr, on i 3rd insl., Inyo raado tho oljoivirjg noniiiH' lions : For Gcvcrnor, ISAA0 IU'LKtlUItST, of Pbilatlelplita, 'Supreme JtfJgcs, JAOOD 1JUQQM, of IMiiUdclpbii. JASPBU 12. hltADY, of Allegheny. Canal (Jompiisio;ur, JOHN IliLINDKItUPN, of Borki Co., l)r.-adfitl Iilot In H'aslilugton fllj. Six F.rsuns KHletiSwcril Wo'mlcd lighting I'Awten the United Sta.n Troops and the Fcilc. Tho municipal election tools plnco in Washington, on Monday, and wim tho f ccno of bloody riotingV Pivc .t si; per sons wero liilied, tnd iwico ns ninny wounded. Tho larger p rtion' of them wore innocent, so far as can bo sscchiirj ed. From Utab. Briuhan Young Driving Auny the Gen' tiles A Large Number nf Emigrants Leaving live Tcrritnrt. t. Louis, Juno 0. The Leavenworth (K. T.,) Herald, of tlio UOlk ult , harm from a gentleman named Williams, v;bo left Silt Lako on April IStb, that a great excitement prevailed atthstpluco. Urig bam Young was driving tho Gentiles away from tbo Territory. Judge, Stiles, tbo U. Stato3Mnrsbi!, tbo Purveyor General, nnd their families, together with a largo number of emigrants, were leaviug. . eavbCJiPTioN, Ayrf t.Uh jnsuAsua or tiju lunoh anu rV TIlItuAT are puiftivety cirabtc by inhalation, which convey tho reuiediea tu the cuviiien in tlm tiin? through tho air paasaes.aridcoiuiiit! In direct cuiituct with Hit djucana, uuutratizs tbo luhvrrutur iiinttcr.allajn iho cough, cunss a Irur nnd eaiy cipc ttiratlo-i, heals the luns, purifies the blood, itnparti rencuid vitnlity td iho nervous system. Riving that tone aiidpiiorgy o indispensable for thi refttorution of lienllli. Tohe able to atato coulidctiily that Cotihump tiyn lacurabloby inbalalmti, is to me a source rf una! lojeii pleasure. It is as much under the control of medical trentnient as any ether formidable dlaeasc ; ninety oui of cuery liundrfd rami's can be c;cd In the first mages aud niiy percent, in tbe second r but Jfj the third Btai-'i'it Is iniprisiMe to cave moro than live per cent., tor the lungtare no cut up by the riJeesFo an to hid debauco to medicalekilt. JJu-n, however, in the la Ft rtnga, Inlialallon afford ctlr'.ordinary relief to the suift-ruic uttetidrigthia fck'ful scourge, w hieh cu nually dp;troys ninety flvo lltousand persons in the United States alone ; and a correcicalculntit n rlionii that ol tho present population of tbe earth, eight mil lions are destined tofill tho cunsiiinptiveV grac. Truly the 'juiver of death has no nr;j?w Fofalai as Consumption. In aliases It lias been Ue prcat entiuy oi lib', lor it spares neither age nor box, but sweeps otTnljkc the brave, the beautiful, the graceful, nnd tbe Rifled. Uythc help of that Supreme tU'lng.from w bom jcoinrth every cood and perftrt gift, I not c nab ltd to olfer to the nfllictfj a permanent 'a.irtspcedy cure lu Consuivptiou. Ttlc firrtcai.fp nf tnbercleili from im puto blood, and (lie ininiedlale ct7ect, produced by their deposition In tho luus.ia lo prevent t In free admisaiou ofair lulu thenircplls. xvhichcautcsn weakened vita lily through the entire aystem. Then purely It is mori rational In ex p'jcl greater cond from tiiudiciuev rnterina Liie cavities of the lunijfl than from those administered throuuh the stomach j the patieni will atwnjs inni ihe licutj free and the breathing easy alter Inhaling reme dies True, Inhalation ia a locnl retnedy. ucverlhrles it acts constitutionally, and with moro powvr and ror tjinly than ruuedieaadmlnlsteredhy tho Momach. in prove 1 he powerful and direct influence ol this mod of admimiftrution, chloroform Inhaled will entirely do i-iroysnnsibility In a few;ninttc paralyzing the tn. tire nrrtunfi srsteoi set Lata limb maybe mnpuialcJ without tliu Ph?htet pain j inhaling the odinarylu tfl i' st pa will dp-lroy lifalu a few hniiri 'Iho inhalation of ammonia will nmse the system wheiifiin.tiiiR or npparentlv dead. Th odor of many oftho medicines is perceptible in tlto'shirr n few min utes oflcr being lululcd. and may be immediately de tected In the blood A convlncliifproof of the consti tutional ctlecls of inhalation, is the fact that sickness is always produced by breathing fout air Is tint this poitivc evidence that proper remedies, carefully pro pared nnd Judiciously administered through the lunjjs, should pmiiucothe motWiappy remlin? During eigh teen ears' tiraclice, many thoiii-anda stiOennp from diseases of the lungs and throat, have Wen under my rare. aud I hnve effected manv rcmarkablecitres, pvtn uUer the suflirera li.id been proucuncvd m ;be I art staeca. which fully satisfirs me Hint consumption no oncer a falal disease. My treatment o.f consumption ia original, and founded nu loiiovpericnce and a tho munh invoFligatrin. My perOct ariuninlanre with thoint'ire'tf mb-rclec, .ecaWes tnto dlstinri'i'h . readily, tho wirloui forms of dlseasi thai slmutate coiisumrtion, and anilv tlio nroner rmoule. rart betu? tu Is'akeii even inn single case. Thia fainilorlly. iuconiHction wnh certain pntliolocicat nod inictoro pic dUeoveriotf, rnablfs mn to re'iev e the lung, from th" e-T.Tts of contne u-it rhcair-; to enlfirge the cl.eoi purify the btoid, impart to it renewed viialn gtvie en- rjji uu.l tone to the it ijr gytf in. Ib.i ,M. Tost OlbCH. (J W GIltflAM. M P Om'cu JUD riLBr.T Pirn t, below Twelflh.i'inlortcli bm, J'a. March 14, IFST. KAIL-KOAD AND PACK 1ST BOA'Fl O.V and MUr Tuesday, April 7, 1827. the. Tucket tiont ANTULOl'C, Ciipt. U F Wrt.La. ill tunuiu-Tir a running her regular trips daily. (Lunitays execpttdj liLtwiiii itu pi rt and Jimitieoke, ui follows Levca Ituperi nt 5' o'clock, A- M. on arrival ,of Ut Nisht titpras 011 ihe C. W- c 1 Hatlroul froiit Wit iamsport, and nrriicnal N'antiMike at 1 o'clock, 1 M ,111 timu 10. takjf the careon the L. ll Uailrond jor Hcrsnloi) ur Ur.vtl Uen tho innv after noon I., uvos N'ur.licuko 011 arrival of I, iz 11, llttilrond cars front Credt llnd and Hcrunton (ay one o'elork. V. M ) md arrives nt ltupert farly tbo niuo (. in y in tne 10 take the Night Uxprua both ways on ho C V li ill oiirj ruitruad. I'assen-eri from the Wy'nS Valley, for Totii ville. HarriKburg, i:tltin-.orc.L'uttnurg.uudu II otbtr mints Bo 4ih or Weal, will And iijto thlr atvautago to take iho above Lltio, ua it jm the only lino that con nects throush, without blopping over highl on Uio roid, Passengers from the Pooth or West, by Irdvlru Hor riEburrf per itttrrnodti trum. via Haupbin und iac,U( hnuna ttatlroad, and via Cnttnwinba Kulrfntf will tiiLct the rackut at Uu pert ttiti-ue. crtn . . Plac9 llilprrt, CJrryinc thf I until Kutcs Muil. I.rovcs Wllkis Itarro nt s n'clotk. A M nnd riv-s ut lltipertintltnetocouuecttvitli tbellallTralns both waj'B . I., aves llu port after too arrival if Inih MnllTrnlr,., (sty 3 "VlatA. I' M ) ami nrmcs at Wilkc. litrr. uliuui nuJnlebt. II r, VEI.LS,rronrietor Wi'ltcs I'arro, April II 16IT. i'r.u. GARDEN, WELD ftl'LOWEll SEEDS FRr.SlI AN'U Or.Nli IN 11 GAItORN SL'KDa. In every variity.in wlioUtnlcanJ ri'tatl-fiiiiirmiBaoll th, new nml dv.irn'.ilo k tnds, rarrtully put up in nsptts rnr tlic tiluil irado or uppitni tn l.uik Clun, st Sujsr l uiiii rfep't, Japn 1'cas, Oranje Wuter ."lelAn, &c A Iso, n choice assortment of fioejriQn er Becdn. twenty v.iricucs ma box for SI. Clean inner .nn Timothy praa.U' chard Uiats.HyeGrnrs, Herd and flu. una I.IRS9, &.C., ALC. rASflULt, MORltlH & CO. Agricultural lini'Fttn,iii .nit Seed rJtote, N. ll corner ol ;th and Marin .tresis. March H.lWi. J-lillndiliLn OMNIUUS LINE & LIVE It Y STABLE ry i. p inriAtis. .Scv NOW runs it new nnmiim. between lUo.iiurb'iri! aud tit. Unllrond Dcnct. wlnrh wtllj lakd paf'.nccri nof, nml to any of tin" ro nccs ol tlio town, or the Auu'th-in llnnso nnd Pork Hotel ...... nn, vi.amrnisironvcyttncc.io Biitravsiier. tv.iotniy wl.lt to Bo Inln any pnrK'f ll.. cnnniy Ho lias li a large llvrrv alslilo cauneeted will, tlie mn ii lb in lino. from wlcri lie cao ncrrjn.r.tiuato llie public, with conveyance, tor travclllDcbltAsuto einursioinot (.ii.lne... Illoqnuburt- Aprlia,lP33 ly WANTED, k OUR MEN to wotk in n, Ku I'acloty i Four Coop, i. ois prerrrred, but oitim lanimu; men T' nn swftr. bltitly nninloiritrnt and unrnt tu....lll jlven Aflily n UisHillernc MI a.,,n,bi.t 1857. ANTELOPE. 18C7 H.y 5 I