Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, June 06, 1857, Image 2

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    IDIBllllil WORAT.
SI- ' ' I U -X
TIio disposition to bo madcrof tlio Mor-
Enlightened enough to dcsiro free goy-lmonsiisniiiiaycr which promises shortly
lu tuu v..-
Ifpcctaclo, from whloh an Important lesson
'iini Im lnnrnrtfl
eminent, the Mexican people are cither too to occiipy the 'American mind, i
turbulent, too ignorant, or too taiuh divided Iclusion'of nil others. Already
7 among themselves to nininfalu'it.' , illuchanan anticipates troublo
Hear llio Old War Horso of tho
Green 'Snot !
Hon. JASPKU Er DIIADY, tho war-. STATED MAOAZilNE, commencing with
horso of
list (MMjKALEna
NOTICE. 7i.CJSM.i;A,.,.,..t,v I
All yearly subscription to tho UNWED Wvvvil?VMU.ll0.
atiAiir notice.
D1,..,.1 T.,,r. ! TORT amouc themselves to mnnitaiu it.' , illuchanan anticipates
J)lUUIIl&UUiC), UUllly U, AOUi. ... ' ,. from finautial focblrj. ' m,ln'r In'.rl.W.llm lvaniaqdimcultlcs
Dciiiomllc siatfj.Nomiunllons.
- ' now, torn with civil disordors, and mon-
rott ooVERNOR,
Of T.ijcnming County,
roil oanai. commission' t rt
Of Ciester county.
need by Spain, tho Cotuonforl admiuis'tra-
Ui 'ii turned to tho United States for aid,
' i.i . m.. d.ji... T..i.. t.:.
,r Whirr t'nrlr in Franklin ' " '.,u,v "u ;
" t j ii,n innn utimhni. Wn mvilQ all Who aro ' t i. .......... ir,,i.t.,A.t .1... 1..., .r ttn.t.n .
1.1 nf . . ... r. v - i 1 . . ,v . ;;?'? ."..'.'.7 : ."..,. '.'"''.".v".."
I,T. IVllllII J .inner, mi-ii,-,," nutiiicu .ii.iiii ijiii seine mo
HrtTMAW A: liDivrni.
Alto, tuose 1 11. 1 iiitr it tn tlni m!i tcribcr. a it I ikowlmr
rciuitil I" cal niiJ Fr(tlii .
-inrh-ill wlinl .. --' IIA11TMAN.
perSOIl WIIOI' Usotlown. u. n. ll.'73m
Subscribers : r
s magazine, Hopkins' City ifiotiil,
J n n.l 01 ili-nlleis, Piet-prf, ami Entliis n, ,'
Kcpppis within ihf Uoutiiv n Columbia, rciiimi
iclntHltnl In actorilnnta flitli Ilin mvciiiI iicu I,.',"'
' mnlilr, liy Hie Apptnlnr Mtrrintllo Totc. m .
cunni, ni loiianB. id wii;-
... .. 1 .. i - . : . I , .1 it nXi.l
rrcMuoni uuu v i""" ' - pioasea witn tiw t.ounoi mdntl
from that tnnjortty of ono tliousana, na sometimes pomlmg llicir Kybsoriptiot for tlio new
will moro tho Ramo J. 13. Urndy .who rcpre- volumo, to lntciodt iticinsclvfs in lortmng
n.. ii, n,if n. Clubrf. Wc fchouUV enll uticntiou to tho
Booted that party on tho floor of Congress WW, ho mioum' cm '"omiou
, , 1 .1 , ... followtns'rich offer: To any persoi
, nn -andvfhowasonool ho prominent sup. wlll ,? n0lub of Twoi.ty Sulc
tiorters of PILL MO ills at tho last election. . ,, timttwii s paths ir An a '
11 Youn it is nn intanco Well, what of him now! hy ho is tho nnd Twenty SubsoriUcrs for tho UNITKI)
oxistins'in tho heart of a uncompromising foo of Wiltuot and Ulackj STATES JOUIINAL, ot tho lowest Club
I -r. . 1l -.
Utau li, 10 nil lmcnid anu purposes,
ioflcnomlciit corcrntnent. In tlio lnngu
(!o save Uclf atid tho nation from traitors Ugc 0f Krighan
I .1.. - 1 - .1 nil.- n t
aviome, ... u- ,... or a K.nguo n oxming n ...0 near, . . ----o nr rntes, nraounlina to 8-1S, or who will send
ji.f the Forsyth treaty, lino tno stair, mwmc. n,cpul)Uai urjghBln i0Ung governs its ' ,.at amount of money lor cither or b th
nnoldmanloansforsupport.whonitbroaks pCOplo as despotically as Hombi tulcs over that faction, as alarming ami startling, tT,ui)ic.ll!on3( ftt ouo or n,ovo post-oiliccs,
seems to have left tho ndmlnittiation in Nal)los, or Abdul Mesehid over Turkoy. and "fraught with such IWAllLUL li ILS , w0 nin irfflont n SPI.HND11) LIBUAUY
: Mexico stiggcring and tottering. His werd is law. As Ilcbcr Kimball, ono 10 " rool" ul 11113 iTuuu u comisiing 01 i umi imuur. uii-
JtMt Haa ilrcet,nrmiH " KJIO l.R 11UTJSL,"
'pnil Ittia la kfu tin rtliovo wrllknnwn
J lloiiff nti n lona ninl riivtirntili'learPi mnl bap tvn
nvntuil nihl furnijilinil it uilirei) iiiich' ami lit siidi A
ulylpniKl mitiiMjr tit willjtivo mitl-ln tloti (0 nil who
limy tiCCOIil M gtll-fttH
ticiairtitcn uimi wuii enn lis itimiPiirn n rnnm nno
Heasscmbrug of tho Stato
Sp.iu still threatens with preparation ! of lbo TuclvC) snyS) no niall wos CVOr known promolgalod by any party I- IIo nrguea UMLb, ! mS"1 1?i t.72iV StSK n. ,!?,,'.
IIt. virtlin ''10 nUUIWOll lJlIiy,C;UHHUIV, UIIU uuiy, uuu , , .1 , 7- . I'lUli "iin. "i ui . "'. in "ami. num. ...
Dy-nrtuu 1 .i . Icaso It is not' convenient to niaho up tho 1 i!y ''",r", . .. ,
for war; tho Constitution is denounced ; to 'differ .with Drigharo Young,
Democratic CbllVOlltiou or 1057 "10 Pu,ll!ti nm1 8anU Amn tl,at or his olEeo, as head of the church, ami as ' concludes w.tti tho ucciurat
t .. ,ff . n,inn,i tr'wily old traitor, hypocrite, coward and civil Governor, ho would exercise an im-' nanl support tho Hcpubl
tho Democratic State Committee ol Penn-; ccck fighter, it would teem, :-gnitt I.uh de
sTlvania. tho tfcWatos to tho St to Con- signs upon tho government. Should he
vontlnn of March 2d, 1SC7, arc requested ottain tho reius of power, tho on'y hopo of
to assemble at.ti.o uapttoi, at liberty in Jloxico, will bo at bomo futuro
luting Candidates to complcto tho State .States.
i ickotrand trnnsacuug an otuer ousmoas
porlsining to tho orgiual authority of tho
j.Ji.nuTomssos, ? Secrctar!C3.
11. J. Halbeman, S accrctanc3-
Virginia Klrction.
Tho recent election fir Stato officers, in
tho "Old Dominion,'' resulted in tho election
of tho democratic candidate's. Gov. Wji.
Smith, tho gontlom m who list season
.' cnetit 11 few davs in tb'i3 countv. and was
Eopublicamustbo ConsorvatiVO f or Uy known to tho Democracy of
Columbia, by whom ho was much bcl.ived
and highly esteemed for his patriotic labors
oflovo,intho good cause, wo rcjoico to
loarn, as will all our domocratio friends, has
been triumphantly ro-clocted to Congress
in tho Seventh District. Tho Governor
Ima .tnfnfltrtil lita nimiinli till tinflr tn'n
popular will throuphout its wide dominions, , ... . . . ., .. . . .
j fa . , , , thousand majority, and oarncd tho district
by an increased majority over that given
and Mexico.
That tlio government of Groat Britain
will eventually bestow tho blessings of a
great conservative republic upon its people,
wo need no other assurance than the in
creased and increasing influence of the
Tho constant concessions of tho rulers to
tho ruled, that relievo and elevate tho En
glish history of tho last half century, in
comparison with its antecedent chapters;
the liberal views of leading statesmen of
that nation; the dcca'dcnco of artificial
inequality among men; tho appeal of Pol
mcrston from Parliament to tho pooplo;
tho interest -and sympathy manifested to
wards the United Slates, all attest too
plainly, to admit a doubt, that tho deep,
safe, sound Btratnm of Democratic inde
pendence, in English society, has at last
been reached, and will soon bo the basis
of nn enduring political structure, illustra
ting tho supreme sovereignty of tho people,
and opening every avenue to power and
place, 'to ambition, energy ability, come
when or whence they may a copy not
unworthy' tho prototypo presented by tho
offspring to tlio ancestor the government
of tho United States to tint of Groit Dri
tain. TVhcn this is accomplished, tho re
demption of mankind from tho unnatural
thraldom of an authority not derived from
tho only source of all rightful law, will
liavo a powerful advocate in oach hemis
phere, illustrating .their theory by example,
and carrying conviotion by proofs, that can
neither bo resisted nor denied.
The founders of our Government were
no exception to tho nations! character of
those from whom they were descended.
Their forefathers brought with them to
Plymouth Rock and Jamestown, the germ
ot lrceuom m their hearts. Ana even
they, lying lrnin oppression, and socking
an ajmospcre less tainted with tho cor
ruption ol courts find tho tyranny of mm,
in a fair and favored 1 nd, in all its native
nudity, undisturbed sinco tho hand of tho
Creator left it, as if desip lied for tho thea
tro of events which should exemplify before
the world an attainment of the highest ox
ccllenco on earth, vouchsafed by God to
man ; oven they, wo say, in their early lovo
of liberty,, afforded instances, not of con
twdiction to tho capacity and character of
tho .British nation. But they were only
pxsmples m advance of the age; of tho in
nato adaptation of that pooplo for the free.
dora which they have now so nearly attain-
cd. The Government of Great Uritain
has been,' and is still undergoing such a
revolution, as is in 'consonance with its own
and the character of the people it represents
3 revolution uudcr tho influence of inteb
ligonce, enlightenment and wisdom, which
will pqt tw accomplished in a year, or ro
versed ' a point, beyond
whiph republicanism becomes highly haz
jirdous, unless there ia a oonservativo son
timept, together with conservative institu
tions, to countervail tho radical tendencies
of all free government. England, by ni-
to Mr. Buchanan
Our warmest wislr.s accompany Gov.
concludes with tho declaration that ho
ioan party,"
. . tit ttn !n liia A-iin!Mi I'nnn nnv trtlinil Arnnrit
mense power, iiut wlien to this is auucu "'" "" v v
tho superstition of tho people, who ronard , caD-" lr B,10W3 ,liat 1,10 tliuluPu of
, ... A ,
him as Ood's Vicegerent on onth, ho is
enabled to rcigli without halt or chock.
Tho remoteness of Utah, and its inland
location, being in tho heart of the moun-
tsins, rondor it a matter of diiliculty tor
Abolitionism would destroy "all stability
in our laws, aud loavo property with little
Bccurity." Wo csk tho people, of all par
ties, to compare tho views of this cmiocnt
Whig Lawyer, on tho luto decision of tho
tho 1'cdcral Government to exercise that I Supremo Court of tho United Stales in
States Union Hold.
On a recent visit to tho "Quaker City,"
it was our good fortune to take up head-
quarters with Col. Gr.onoE W. II inkle,
of the States Union Hotel. There wo found
all the facilities, attention, comforts and ) And if it must come, tho sooner tho better
power which belong to it. Ono hundred
thousand hardy people, bo situated, might
combat successfully against a much larger
number. Convinced that sooner or later
they will havo difficulties with the general
government, tho Mormons aro untiting in
their preparation for tho event Thoyhavo
leagued themselves with tho Indian tiibe3
round about them ; so that a war with tho
Indians also. They havo a military organ
ization which is in constant training, and
which is supplied with the best arms of tho
ago. Such a number of surh men, so loca
ted, and with such means of 'defence, con
vinced that thoy aro fighting for their
homes and their religion, will not bo eas
ily overcome. TLoir situation will render
a war with them rnoro expensive than tho
war with Mexico; and their courago will
throw obstacles before us which wo did not
J meet when combatting with the feeble M Or
Wo deplore war, but sooner or later we
think it must oomo with the Mormons.
accommodations, that tho most fastiduou3
could dcsiro, unequalled by any of tho
Crst-clJss City Houses, and were pleasantly
cntortiinod by one who is himself entitled
to tho cognomen of tho " Prineo of Land
lords." Wc can assuro 'our friends, that
if tho trcatmett wo received at tho hands
of Col. Uinkle, bo a fair samplo of his
general deportment towards strangers, they
cannot do better than strike straight for
tho "States Uuinn Hotel."
Tho Dill of About iuatious
Wo have conversed with a number of
gentlemen', at home and abroad ( slnco tho
Hill for tho sale of tho Main Lino of the
Publio Works, and to this writing, wo have
yet to meet tho flrst ono of cither pir'y,
who can Eduction tho monstrous swindle.
In Columb'u county wo aro happy to say,
that it has neither peoplo nor press in its
support. Woo to tho members wlw voted
for thi3 illegitimate bantling, and woo to
tho party or corporation, who may assume
its conscquonsos thoy will bo uttcily
annihilated by tho ovcrweauing power of
publio condemnation.
Tho Pennsylvanian of lst Wednesday,
published a most remarkable article on the
above fubject. It was not democratic.
Wo should hesitate and reflect, beforo we
assumed the responsibility of tho article
published in tho Pennsylvanian.
Drecl Scott Emancipated.
Drod Heott, about whom considerable
noise has been made of late, is a slave no
more having been emancipated, with his
wifo and two daughters, by Taylor Blow,
Esq.: his legal owjisr. This news in
which wo sincerely rejoice will hardly bo
welcome to somoof our Black Itepublioin
friends, who had calculated upon using
poor old Drod in tho coming campaign,
with' lino political effect, as a "martyr" to
what thoy lugubriously term "tho drcd-ful
aggrcisious of tho shve-powcr," But Drcd
is at liberty, and tho occupation of tho
mock sympathy-makers is gone, for the
rofcrenco to tho Drcd Scott case, with tho
miserable tmd puny trash put forth as a
oojidomiialion of this tribunal by tlio agout3
of tho Pennsylvania Kail Koad Company
in our Stato Legislature, and then blush
that such creatures hail to bo tolerated as
representatives of this tims-honored Com
Wo cannot hopo for a peaceful remedy of
the evils complained of. No people havo
ever grown so rapidly as tho Mormons, I
Every day witnesses' largo arrivals from
foreign lands from England and Wales
whoro their' creed is eagerly received.
Every day bccs largo numbers of Ameri
cans setting out to join tho Latter Day
Saints, And their own population multi.
plies rapidly. Mormonism is but twenty-
seven years old. If it goes on increasing
for the next twenty years in tho same ritio
that it has for tho p ist twenty; its followers
will be sufficiontly humorous to exercise a
controling influence in tho affairs of our
Wo do not urgo a war against them bo-
cause of their religion.- With that we have
nothing to do. Dutit is because ef their
bcast'y prpcticcs, which outrage all decou
cy ; becauso they set at defiance our Coi
stitulion and our laws, and havo arrayed
themselves in rebellion against tho Federal
government j becauso they insaltand mur
der tho federal officers sent there, and ob.
struct tho administration of justice; be
causo their government is not republican,
but ono in wlnoli one man is master : and
abovo all, because it is a festering soro on
the body politic, which if not removed wi
spread t) all its parts, and involve us all
in ruin i it is becauso of those facts that
wo dcsiro to see our government take early
and vigorous steps to remedy tho evil. It
should bo done quickly ; for every day
finds them tho better prepared to resist the
force that may be Bent against them, It is
Hon. James B. Olay.
The Washington Union, Bays that tha
wholo country will learn with tho liveliest
satisfaction that Hon. James B, Clay has
been nominated by the Democrats of tho
Ashland district, Kentucky, for Congress.
Mr. Clay rendered most efficient Borvico to
tho popular cause iu tho lalo presidential
campaign, and furnished untuistiknblo
evidence that he inherited no slight Bharo
.of tlio talents' and patriotism of his distin
guished father. Tho Louisvillo Democrat,
of last Monday's issuo says :
"On Friday last a democratic convention
assembled at Oynthiaria, Kcntuoky, and
nominated Hon. James D. Clay, of Fayctto
county, for Congress, in tho Ashland dis
trict. His nomination will givo univorsal
satisfaction to tho demoorarv of the Stato,
and doubtlc33 secure us another member.',
..... i r . i ihft priipnrior iiiiicm iiiniicu umi no noum in
entire ClUU at ones, Il party Ol It may ho rhtmlclitilu klmll tiirpaw tin, rnmrml ami attention
sent at a timo, anu additional names ecH SlfJ, o ISb,
at any futuro timo until tho wholo amount! I '
is completed. Should tho club exceed tho
twenty, tho J.i'itary will bo increased
accordingly, Tho Library will bo securely ,
boicd and sent by express or in any other j
manner as desired. Header, should it not ,
bo convenient for you to net in this matter
yoursclt, will you Lo so Mini as tJ ooinlini
i A Substitute, for Lbiscrd Oil.
I tfATh.VT Ai'ri.ino roii j
, rpiir, innr Vnul nftYr to Urn imlillc tlielrOlcuni LI.
X oiiuf ns nn iinciriiUulKliiutu f.ii I, lll.IV. I oil. us II
ideate this to somo one of your friends "l,,,...rnp3!1 """"""
who will take an interest in it. Wo havo , wl"'" t"i"l,'1 i iiw oicum iiio r.iim win tmn
i . . i e tiLUtr iiryiimckor ami will lie njuit! ilnt.iMi..iinil when
liO dOUbl YOU call tlllllK Of BOmo ono liniont! Untnltlir,!, ilm imlnl lll lime nml rnalii I hi, mr.. I
vntir ncmiJiint.mci'H smiin vminr Rtnilntit i Pl'BJ' nppM'ance; anti tliu olnsilciiy i! i lie llilimi r
jimr acquainianccH, Eomo ,ung eiuucui, i m ,nniiiu in,, punt i., yiuhl to th muimMi-, ui.,1 tho
or, jiuriiap.., soiuu inuy, hs ho uru receiving
many clubs from ladies) who will bo very
greateful to you for affording them such nn
opportunity ol securing a Library, bpcci
inen copies of botli bublioatiohs will ho
furnished for Twenty-fivo Cents, and a list
aud description of thoworks of tho Library,
on application. Now is tho timo to com
mence a club for the now volume.
J. M. EMKHSON '& CO., Publishers,
No. 1 Spruco street, Now York.
Tjjx.vr.ssEc. Tho Gubernatorial candi
dates in this Stato havo taken tho "stump,"
and havo designated over fifty placc3 where
thoy purpose making speeches between this
und tho third of August.
C Immediately proccding tho final
adjournment of tho Legislature, D. A.
Finney was elected speaker nf lbo Senate,
Mr. Finnoy 15, W. H, WcUh 10.
CSJ"Tho Ponnsylvanii Stato Fair is to
bo'held on tho 20th and 30th of September,
and 1st and 'd of October.
JJSy Gen. Houston has declared him
self a candidate for Governor of 'Jfexas,
and common cd slumping tho Sta n.
Columbia cmucvat.
GoviHVKon oi' Utah. Major Ben
McGulloiigh, tho distinguished Texan
Rano-cr. passed thmunh Louisvillo. on his I 1,10 i"wiug aro iuc receipts to tno olaco
of tho Democrat, duriui
tho month of May, 1 807 :
UmrJnoMHiilllvan $2iw. tliaa liictoick, 87 10
J icoli Bomlinv. - 1 75t Itimi KltrJiiMi. i m,
I (l.-orgii V. l'ostcr. nm Ulon. I,. II. ltitjicrt, IJO
ti wit iii'ii; iDini.di-,
1 .VI
1 (l
, S 50
way to Washington, nn I hursday last,
having received a despatch from President
Buchanan desiring his presence. From
this and other reasons wo aro led to infer, . tu&,
says tho Louisvillo Journal, that tho Ad- J2J0S; LWlL i cr
rainistrati in Ins concluded to confer extra- " ,)?''Tr'
I lli-nry 1. s,
ordinary powers on M.ijor Mo''ullough in y;l",l1'',',,1"1t?,''ll'',','l',
connection wish the Governorship of Utah ' I'oi'J win-Ntccn,
... . . . ' Jo'l ii I.iih'i-ii,
Tlicso nutter.! belli?' itnlna't v c-tl ed. t io ii n i -., m n . r; ,n.iT r i:,.in..ii
' Ii.Imi Hi.i .IfV llhininl n I 1. . M.. . , ... If.......
Governmont will order its strongest avai a-. Jnim srit.ngi. u i m ivp,,,, .i ,. ,. (,.
,, , . ., , r ! INI ofl'.'ii-f ?ti-,,.c r. so nunoiMmil.r
bio force to tho assistance of tlio new coiinnM-it-onmy. u-it j i:
I Ji-sH.i W . .tier iii II. 1 nil(;;, jliiyi Jac, ,v,
John N. Wilson 1" Jn.'ii I'm i ly, Kg-i,
, I'.at I' It. Mc.HiKttK, 1 7 I'c-tir Unfli'.
. - . l.iinil.rit IVrsii.y. bi ( Jiilli.. U'l l.jl. r.
Tllr. bT.VT3bE.VATE. illO term? Ol Ihe Ocoma V. W-ilmin, 9 I'll , l!nni: W.-ilunn,
i;niiii . ni. i.'J. -ui.'h.alnvlii.
ciaclunz anil tiu'iting ofl. sh common in ordinary vol
i.i A ii i ii in - p.i i ii is is iiiiir.i,- in hi. inn.
l'nr pilnllni! Tin llnol's HiH"l" il cannot In- foun t,
Tim Olrum cm lie iim-J Uy ilclf", or In tnmmon wltli
l.lli 1 Oil. VnriiUh, Jjiuii or Tuipciitino ut tlic op
tion if tlin I'nltuer.
lu cost li lniat nn'-lmtr of Hint of Oil.
tliiin ronsiili'r.'iMy tcitucln; tlm c x rnii&e ol p if titt
Wo f.illli fully rcroinniciii! 11 Torall I'lirpiiscs llnllia
ti-il ami warrant II lo glo natistielion. A lllicral iln
count to tlia tr.iilo
DlllhOI IONS. Tlun tho paint Willi tlio Oloum I.I
qusr .mil work It wrl I, until it flows Irmly Iroin the
brmSi .
Tli lir.i-li nn. I Im froi' Irm nil mi itnri- nnd Inrn
rinlily i.iip lit tn Im so.ikcil "ill Willi llio UH'iim Lipior,
lircvlons tn palniiiif,'.
liist-'iulot placfng thi-brii.lit-s iiwutrrnvcr inplil,
a- l'iinli-i s guirrnlly iIn. tln-v rnclll In Ins put in llic
Oleum l.i it. n r, ul.icli witlgrrnlly l.ipitilnto tin' ,ork.
Tin: pilot inixcil Willi llio (ilcoiii l.i'iunr wilt work
better i f it lie alloutil in ,-taiiti rinm M to '.'1 tioiirs pre
vious lo Us li'ln? itscil.antl llinn llii-iiu'il to Mirn n
coiisisii'iicy as lo work Irooanil i"is-,nnii-r the tirusli-
i y Hi., nno of Jap-iu, llio paint will li-i ri n.lTcit ilitl
druiur. Mix liic Japan Iirsl will, llu- .ailil anil than
thin it uiih tho UIliiui l.l'tuor in llii; inuniit.r man
llnin'il aliuvc.
tlcl po-JinlJ of I'.iint tliinneil nitii t!n Oltim Li
quor, will cover a Ijict .ulfjcu lliau 15.) ioiimls tin n.
t.cil witli Oil.
Ttic Ulouni J.liuor is not to lip nsM with Vcnrilnn
HeJ, nor uitli I'ainl rontilninc any ptnporlinn ofit.
llRI'.INln. t! ATT.MAN fc lllllllMO
Amirlcan mint anil Colrr Woits,
CnrnorUllli ami Orecn Sis., I'Mlndi Ipliia.
Ofn;e N II curnn Tliinl ami Wutiil ri , I' ,ilmicl
phla. P..
ITJ Wn also rinnufnc.uro Clir.inifi" Yolloiv , Cliromn
Urt'i-n. C'liini-so anil I'rusiian Itliio, Vcfoiillion nml
ticarlil Iti-il iu various slunlcs ami qualities, eiiher ilry
or in oil, nml warrant tlicmtobu equal tunny oilier
ni ike, plilier'liorc or uUrurnI .
J.lllO li, IB57.
1 1 JIII.O0M. i I
tlniinistiiiK 11. It- Irnn Co.,
M'Kt lvyriVpnl & Ci., -
11.(1. I.MV. llnillnan,
A J! limn
minis Ali-nitnilinM, -
Aii). Mpueclifi
A. J. Hl.inn,
I. onnnril II. ItU.crl,
Dnviil Hiroup.
Davlil l.owcnbcrg, 2 itorti,
J. J limner,
Oporpi- Itnccnbuch,
I'.. P. Mm,
II PlilliunQr,
Oliver A,.Jnfobjr, ,
A M. Ruppit,
-liiinn U Hliitfl, ,
John R. Movot, -1 I
Joiepll W. Ilenilptstiot,
nowmiifa; rfc7n7
Abraliam Milter.
tin - .
Mcllpniy'Ht Owen, .
K. II. Nicely! p t '
J II. 11. ul. on,
Aiicliiiiibicli Si Jacoby. . - .
J. I'. Plclilrti, . ,
llinry Trnugli,
J, 111 il 0. J.irnby,
Miller tPrliutltr,
Knuiuel lleacock,
II. I'. Cole,
Ur&tiani U tlroiiirr,
Jolin Bliartitcrs,
f. O. llyer.
Hhnrpless h Krrlflli,
J. I'. Mnclicr,
Cn.pir Rnlin,
Solomon lteiiiliarJ,
Oentliait' Anilreivs,
M. II, llusll-s,
C.JiO I.w,
JilSRfl IliCSS.
(I ll.l'owler.
Ulntlrs II. Ilels A. Co.,
Hnnuiil Iwinilliuck,
A.O.Muly, ; ; .
ninisl Motif nry,''
llelj iinin .Mclloitry,
Htucker'Ac llnbnis.
Howell rcniiinginn.
Ororgu Mnstcrs, '
llll.ts Wemi mi,
Jaco', trcti'iy,cr, - . , . .
Wilson A ser, j. ' , ' .
Jolin l.eepit, ,
Elwouit Ltcs,
iJ 11
!1 il
I i"-
"If 1S(,
It lit
II is"
11 1
1 Il
11 '
U '' '
" 'it.;
14 lu
I II I'lin, Wl'SV.r.
J. lin U.-.-tj Jr,
A iron Hi nirerchct,
fin.i IPl-tle r.
Jospli Pll intion,
I 1.11 N.'i'Iian ItiMiilioy,
1 SO!'i ti llrolli
.5 r.lliM ii iniix Tin: iir.scn uy urrjir .v.i.y.
r.-lir. niDOWAV FARM COMPASV Im mailo nr.
J r,ine,t iin-i i.' by vhleti all who ilesiro lo pi.ule or
purrln.p ii lionie cm i'u tn.
'1 li l'.irms ortlie List limeslMic fc .1 of tfio
most superior qii.ilitv lur laiinlofr, in n rapiilly im
proline i laee. Into willed an PMerimo i uupiuiton
is now touring. Tlio iiropcrty is locntc-il in lllk
eomi.y. I'eunsiliaiiia. in llio iiml'i nf n ibruin?
popiililioa of same IDOKl. Tlio rlininlu is nerlt-ctly
l.cilihy, a il llioterrible pin-in-of ilia wesi li-cr is
unKliiiM n. 1 1 also ins an anuiiuauri! ot the bp, I qua
hty ol Coal nail Iron 'I lie price to liuj it outisliom
S1toS30 per Peru, (liiyolilo by luilalnipnis, tube lo
r.iteilat lie lime orpiui-liaslne. nr a ,i ire ni ili aces
cntHlin; to tontu Ihu same lei 3aJU. piynlik q ,.ur
3 III) inonlli, or l'J acres p 11 .tliln 51 per ninnlli. IIi.ciumiI
r, till rl"r every sui'i 01 ?in,innu iiuner pain 111 ailvancp, a
nn iltsfount ul pel ii 111 iwll lie nUuueil, spit for cut
I 75 $100 a discount ol 10 pi r ri 111
1 00 I In consii'trn: I e ailvautages of cl; pi
nn 1 mi - locamv uie i.iijoi 1 n art- pres'-nied
1 ( 0 1-irtt i.i" soil n -i rlcli I hue ito tn., cj( able of rnls-
17 Ins till h'avie--l crops owill? tn w hit Ii Ibis ,. HI -.
1 7.', iiii-iii bus nit.iiu I us pres-tii -.T'-nl iirosin-rltv.
t-i-u vcminf-lt 1.-. il-e e'-n're -if t lie N irib Wen
(1-1)1 7.1 1 0 Jill I) 1 1 11, nu t is ile.tin' ri 11.1.11 to !, pnuie 11111- ol tl.e
2 0:1 , cre-i'e.l b-'il in.t pi i-es m tl. S'ule it wi',1 rti.-f-lr
I III tin- -rri-nl Lalvj r irk.'l mrcor'1 ii'g 1,1 i"iinu,ii nnd
Jac'.b Harris, .
M.fl Hllnulnnker,
Cli.ulcs Nc'lian),
10 tj
10 1
10 1
10 I
in 11
in ,.
7 b,
7 tl
7 1,
10 0,
I Oil!
lu w
" Ul
10 It
7 .,1
following Senators expire with tho clcso of
tho presen session :
David Taggart, Northumberland County.
Jamc3 M. Sellers, Juniata "
Win. E, Frazer, Fayctto "
Francos Jourdan, Bradford "
John 0. Flcnnikcn, Orcono "
James II. W'alton, Monroo "
John V. Killinger, Lebanon "
Jacob G. Shuman, Lancaster "
James J. Lewis, Delaware "
N. E. Drowno, PhiladelpLia "
Wm. A. Urabbo, " '
Only 2 Democrats go out to 0 Opposition.
ID 0 1
fin a i
0l'j-l.atu&iivii!e. I-'iiii,!. llltui
5 nn juntas l'n nil. NT t'n. III on
I 5ll'Jnsih I'uFstll, ITO
'.' I'u ) Win Hinilli i;,i. .Km
1 nil 'I'roaniali'.PiPtP'AsCoai'll
l u , .1 1 en i pen J, si, , rw)
.1 1 1ro I'.vn lis
i J WiLcbelliaim.
' llev. Win V'-.ier
Joint liiiters,
i Itoliprl Williams.
lli'inrts J vuiiiierslict! 7-,J II. A. & h. Allen, A o )
t win. tun. ti nor. ik til) Jam s ua rbei, ami
lli'linrii Ilnnrie, 1! On rmliunuli .t Dri'tlicr. 5 (11
iH.imu.l lleonc, I !U jDr'-ifusi t t-'emli-lff r 3 !
i Wm Ib-rra. 4 III ! I.ippinoilt ,t Hunter, 1 1 III
Joint Keller, 2 S I lien, W lliukle, I50J
I Wo arc grateful to our friends, wh .so
j names stand above, for their prompt piy-
mcnts. Wo truct others will nnilato thur
noblo example and pay us oyr just due.
Money scut us by mad will bo at our risk,
the receipt of which will bo promptly acknowledged.
- Tho Blair County Whig, a Black
folly to hopo for a peaceful remedy; for ! cPulJ''0Jn P3P" s AP
thoMormoni aro determined that no such
romedy shall suffice.
Democratic Stato Convention.
Next Tuesday, -tho ninth of Juno, in
turo and essentially safe from , nursUaLcc of tho call, a Democratic Stato
-such ebullitions- of popular 'passion', as! convention will bd hold in Harrisburg for
Bomeiimcs endanger our own institutions. ti,e pl,rposo of selecting two candidates for
And it will reqniro ages so to impair tho tho vacancies upon tho Supremo Bench,
discipline of her people, in obedienco to J .Many, names of gentlemen, well knowu
law, and wear away tho old regulators of, for urofound leeal knowlodco and unblem.
her raachlnorypf government, as to' render ishoi character, will bo presented to tho
t?'fc wujoy'uuui. oi -j consideration of that body and whoever
JfiS """"" ""u ouu"- etiau receive the nomination, will rcccivo
ttvo saieguaru as our own noxt fan frora ,ti,0 ccollo 10
tent of the United States
lit which Great Britain has
What Shadows Wo Are. "
Unriniz tho last two weeks, thrco dislinn.
of appreciating and pre- Uisbed men wero called away by death.
fronator Adams, of Mississippi, Son-
Jean form of government, vi2.
Bican form of government J ator Botleq of South Carolina, and Ron.
WMids of constitutional liber- ninr iET.i. f u rr:,
lis of tho United States! . ' '
it. tho neonlo must be , vr n o . . . ....
nt,,' , V . iiuvuum, uwiog to uomo illegal pro
Mf law and ordor, or there CCC(inr,3 in rofcrenco in nl,(i,,;n .t..
of a strong oonservativo thero was no Court in Sullivan County in
WHf society. r..
jVir isttjr.
MssWe of which wo lilvo onlv
fc'jnitarfC.'fA. ! 11 '
adduce tho example ot Mexico a re- JJon. GronoE W. Woodwabd, Judco
Tho Danvillo Poisoning Case.
On last Monday, tho Coroner's Juries
met at the Court House in Danvillo, when
Dr. Simington testified to tho finding of
arso-io in tho stomach of Mrs. Clark, and
also in tho stomach of David Twiggs. Ho
detailed at length tho various test3 applied,
and positively affirmed that death in both
cases was caused by arsenic.
Curtis Hcrrington testified to Belling
nrscnio to W. J. Clark, one of the prisoners,
at several times in March and April, and
also to Belling Strichnino to prisoner.
KobertMcCarty testified to selling arsenic
to Mrs. Twiggs, tho prisoner, in April
They wero both committed for trial in
aecordanco with tho verdict of tho Jurors.
Libel Suits. Mcssre. Flanigen and
porlionmcnt Bill is an Abomination and
should have been voted by Gov. Pollock."
The editor says further that "Jordan, to
got a District to suit his own political no
tions, let Gon. Foster ioWhim to his own
liking." Tho Whig thinks the "Kopubli
cans anil Americans will havo but a slim
show under its provisions" and bo do-wo.
Tho Bill will givo the Democrats from 05
to 70 of tho 100 members and about
twenty of tho Senators out of 33 1 Mark
trnw-l the ureal, -it in t'.e l.tin n l It I, as nip u-urV
III,!,! VI lls nrtlie best illl unmimis Coll, Ulill'tllllilie in
tin- ay-ri ' it" tn oer i!.' f. e, v. Irb ni-),i . -.'i;,i,in)
tons of p.isl miller eacli acre 'I bis wil I ttiaku ttie
lin I of in'M!iimli!'i alue.
Tin' cnilneul st-Ml jmlo Iti , Dr. Onirics T .Ijrli
sou-ni' IIo. Inn. inane .1 L't'iti'i-iial iur-.iyiif llio
I.1111I, ati'l nu.ilvc,l Hin, ijie iron ore n.l tho
limestone. Tin c-poi I li.rrtbt r lutb iiiaps, Mili be
fiiniiflii'd to inquirers.
Til re ii ini'm 1 Is are hi, I n 11 ibr-i ipli tjF property.
The tin n bit ry u nil line llaiiri'a,l mves 11 11 m irk r t for
our coll to Itie I Ikes It tuns I'riilil Uuo in rin.t,lc.
plua. A .arpe Ittrt nf Mils ro,l b-is been i'-,isi.,
anil Is now 111 riiiininll , r,t,-r. A Iuav li.rru is mm
workinitfrnin Trie tonurils o .rtnnfl in Hie ueiterii
diricllilll. tllllltli'nn, fril t.-ee'illiplclion i.l vblrb lias
b.en raised it will 100a l-e lini.ln .. 'J'ltr .Ml. cliany
Va.Ii-N Ituilru'il' fiuiirlsns ni li .V w Yorti I.okIio,
and I'lllMnirfi '1'lie Vein. ito Hi ad connect, us uitn J
tlio We t.
T'-r-i are nlrnlvcnil Turnpike Ilm-ls runtijnr''
lliroiMb tbis propi riy. varum, tiler mid lime been
opi'iiii.t In e ibe c 11 iurni Ii 11 mil ,iule.
tneni winch bain ready taken (,im-. .
Tber" is nn ii.piiilnlill i-qu-il to il nrw nir.-ie.l to
tin ui4n u Im Mini' s to provide liliusi If 11 bono, m .m I
easy way, and '1 nke , 1 spuIi in"et nberi be can lur
in prosperity and independence Ml u Llnenle 1'Elt
,o caso ol llio lever ever lininc. been known to
n'cnr In litis si till nn 111. Jt is not like i.'iijiif' to the
blckwunds cf I'l" Wust, autoti peril ips Intnl. rant
pi nplo .where tliere is t n society cu 1 11 ties ui,
where the price of Mud is hiith, and uli-re tbe r ini
Plant, nfiel benii llcil to Hie he'llttirstcliiri-ile in
the wollil, lias 10 nn,I ire slcktiosi und p.tlu, and per
hat's nil us his hen III) anil that of hi fa nil I v. 11m !,..
I s a 1 lit I vin s tlMnicf l bavins three li.wns. cnqliiln-1 1SS7, MU-r vililrli tune no appesl will I e ,lnrf
i.illls, nnd everitliinjr doslreil. There is a rnsii m,r
Ket ut Land 'I'he lunilier trade last year amounted
tn nver iwn hundred riillion fte'. i.f Itunb-r )n a
sltotl time, nwina in tl.) cut, it will b' come still
11100 valu.ll le, ns a number of Iron works and inann
factories will soon bn stalled; tltcyoro at present
start jnir 1 lirm cxtenmclyiit Wntn n. 1 vrnfnrilm-o
Him do uotv.lftli to ro there, lite jiaymeiits aro inch
that tlicycin eas'ly buv a firm to snvo their risiii"
l-mnlles ftnin waul 1 11 the future, or In rain a rempe'!
tpticifbv llio it Jf which will take nltcn In ibe vnl,,
1 of innil-s. lly an nntlay scarcely niineil, substau
US' What has becomo of tho ''10 cents
a day 1" Buried with most of tho other
humbugs of tho opposition. Somo othor
wiso sensible pooplo woro fools enough to
bcliovo this dirty Blander. Thoso who
originated it know it to bo a lie 1
Egy It is estimated that tho amount of
money expended about tlio Capitol ot
Harrisburg, to securo the passage of the
Main Lino bdl, exceeded half a million nf Arrivals and Ucparllirc Of IllailS
11 UUU l ' -"- V " 'J
Sanderson, of tho PhiladelpLia JDailu''ol'"rs Tui' furnishes tho Ley to tho
Neies, havo commenced suits for liblo Pago of this tnoasuro of robbery.
against tho publishers of lbo Philadelphia
eTl T71 1 o.. . Tir
.S',)l nml I.nclr TTnvnn Il,e7, ni,,-, 0'l.n " ;, .uvi., us irur,
also intimate an intention to include several !sbf",UTlted to.v,t" c$t Polnt' ana
other Black Kepublican papers in their d thoioxnatlo0f t.ll0cadct3 tbo
list beforo it is clojed. Tho matter 00m. Military Ademy,nd it is stated has ae
plained of is that these papers charged thnceptcd tllc lr'v'ut'";
prosecutors with sclliog themselves and
their influence in the election last fall.
The Little Piloium. Edited by
Graco Greenwood, Philadelphia. This
magszino is on our tablo. Our t'littlo
folks" weloomo it, and no wonder, for it
is bo admirably adapted to their
Found Dead. A wan named James
Cannon, was found dead iu the barn of
Sebastian Sybort, Salem, liuzjruo co., on
the niormng of tho 23d inst.
J William Ellis, nged SO years, an
In Wilkcsbarro, on tho 28th ult., by
Key. Mr. Smith, Mr. Hiram Berlin, and
Miss Clara S. Lines, both of Beach II jven,
Luzerno county Pa.
On Sunday, tho 21th ult ult.. by Jesse
Hicks, Esq., Mr. Timothy Quioloy, and
Miss -Mary E. Torby, both of Lime ItiJgo,
Columbia eo.
.... . 'pun-, i.y en in
Un tho 21st Ult.. IJV Iter. Wm. J. V.vrr. , Hal inovlsion cen be mail.
Mr Jackson Cleaver, to Miss Eliza Drum; j uKim'SiM
1)01U 01 rrailKIin lOWIlSUlp. UolUlUbU 00. siti i i.iiciow i inn, riiiiiieiintn Uiilrra carerully
' 1 answered, fiiinclull Inlornnllon.
" i. i I rllu res or tracts of land cant"1 bnticht or s-riirnl
by letter cnrliHiu; Hie first Instalment of Avp ilollars,
when lbo sitbsctlbrr will bo fi-rnisheil iil books
inane, &c. Wirrautetl Deeds civen. Persons can
also purchase from our A-cnls.
In Wilkosbarre, on Thursday morning v,'.!
at... noil. Ar' u. "... , 9' . ; . 1 rs' " T
wi'ji qiu, iur. uuiuaritic IVOOUWaru. , i,"-"s"""i easou i visit hi aiary s
r" . r i.' r,n t s,r.i j 1 llio brsl hotel ncroiiimodalioii Is alTor.led. Enquire
wile ot Uon. W arren J. Woodward, aged , for i:. Hchuiu. Esq., u,e Aeem for tho rroplrly nt
33 vnarst: St. Mary's. '
June 0, 1857 3ni
In Bloomsburg, on last Tuesday morn
ing, Miss Sarah M'Clure, aged about 35
In Greenwood, on Wednesday, the 13th
of May, Elmira, daughter of Ira and Sarah
Johnson, aged 4 yoars and ! months.
Matk Williams,
Juildh ClicrrlniMcn,
Hntninl II Dentnir,
I. P. A H. p. I.. vati,
(1. W. V,Ker,
Jacob Yrnger.
r.'ilulDgir &. Itclnliolrl,
Conrad Kramer,
Neat M'Oajr,
I K , ,
Utoivn ft Cictisy.
r. II rJclluaiik,
A.tS Artdtei s,
William rJtiuintiii,
Washinloil Ulltet h'liiler,
Lazirilsi rishir,
illlam 1'iilv.
A. II tl'.i'UMt,
A . Co'iliiau,
James .la.lcra.
I'l li J. lin Hhuii.ou,
II. W. li W. JJ. Crossj..
Henry M. r.illi r.
Mi'lkk I, it. Un t,
Jilaiir bt. .Millies,
Jjluei Keller A. Cu.,
Iteichard fi Ciivlit.,
-'.iiiiin-l A. Wofiniiii,
II IV httuiii), r,
II II. U'srdi n,
A. .Mini I,
II II .I'ilii,
J . U iioliiiis.
eat ino iiotuni
din line Clir k, Itloo.nst uof,
11. so At Wilson . To.
J W lli-liiteisliot, do.
Hi riil-i t-iui-thcrs, lleiuirk,
O. met s. I'ngetd, I'lilauissa,
WlHutii Yi'tier do.
Mltrv II. hues ruhliicrretk,
I. . W A. V Him unfit . Montour,
II. II. W Vjnucker ici'll,
James ll.ltliiu.tniooir. 2 nulls.
il'iam M'Ki lty, lluiittik,
i'oH !-! St Lnvlli'i, c'li ll,
IIi-iiji I'r.-is Cel lie,
C n M'l.ilvy A. Co, , Clit.u itss,
J.P. rinih. r ib.
1'i.iilei - Millar. Illismeil-,
Joriall 'I iiniim,. tn
I'reiu & tliillliisi,, b,.
W illimu Cole. I.snlnii,
Eilsr & Milocs. Sen. 13 10
I.usl ti. Miiittrni r. U ; i
' MST!
I c 1 1 li tleere, Crlilr" 0 l.
J I'. I.n'ibirli Fin-nrlmf, 6 1 1
John Millpi.r), neuton, u pU . j
Charles W. tin, srit, lllonm, 0 5.i 'r.1
All pprsons who may Itel ih-mtelvps nrffiiei'il
Ilia nbove clissillration e,n iiae nn npp.juuittii I
nripr-a Ii t.jr by cat hue. uu Un- iiiJi.rst(ned at ins i-in, . i.
lil'-ninsijurg. any lime en urie'l rt He 1 l day ol
1 1
1 1
1 1
lil re 10, 1FS7
tfiyrsiisr tf JltTcanlih 'lu
Till! undeislElipd reiputfillly Infninis tha run i'
nf Uluiiuubiir; utid tho public in general, lln i 1
has oje-ited a
Boot and Shoe Establishment,
In tin wh iiiil li-u, i n Main street, ubovo El"--,
Ac Wilson's II ikory. wjeie ha iias co'ietnnlly on Iswl
a large assortment or
Boots, Shoes. Gaiters. yc.
A 11,1 lll nnle up Work lo Older on shoit nrtlce llu
niiiR i speriuice in ine niislners , and ei neial twn
iedje 1,1 till wautso. the nenitte. will .n.l.l. T,. Ill tn
icm'er Eatl.fariion lo all bis ru-tuuiers and fliuul.
securu lnui iiatroi'iijHHhicli lie Lopi h lo in, lit
, i ,, .... IIUMIV ll.l.l"i-
HJoonisLutii, May 2, u;7.
T 1ST OF I.r.TTKIISlcinoililiB in
1.J llloouiB'.iifL'. Pa.
I5"OR Monulacturingond llurning purposes, for sale
June 0, 1B57.
J 11. A. Ai H. AI.I.EM,
Nos. 7 anil 8 South Wharves.
X for site at jiahtmak'b
M.iySO, 1S57.
l'hiUJelplila nml leaves diily, (Uutnlay nt
12 M arrives all P. M.
Willlitnsport nud Western mail leaves dally, (gun
days excepted) at 2 P.M., strives I2M.
Wllkesbnrro mall arrives dally, (Sundays excepted)
ut 11 A. M. leaves 4 T.M.
Ciuubilaand Orunjcylllo mail nulvescvety Monday,
Wednesday and Friday, at 11 A.M., leaves samu days
all. P. M
MillTille mail arrives evoiy Monthly and Thursday,!
ai u a. .-ii., leaves enine uaysoi i r,,ii.
'Jersejtowi and White Hall innil arrlves'eicryTucs.
day, Thursday and Saturday, ot 11 A.M., leaves same
days all. P.M.
17IITY InrrJls nf Mackerel, llciiinsnnd Phad, for
la'e ni IIAUTMAN'S
MnySU. 18S7. 11 .11. i -n ills H,
sOASIl paid for Oats nnd Com at
toy 30.1857.
ONE iiood 4-horsu power TluejhlnB Machine, for
.Hay 30, 1 8S7.
40 000 WjA$Lv a,"N'0LC3' fur
0(J'ITON mid Wool Unrpirt, tot ulu cJican ul tha
Area do i,y
2ay 30, 1M7. A. O. MhV3CII.
uerie iicnry
Uickfont till
lliacli e V.
Jireatnor Jolin
liaker W-lliam
Custer J.
Case Sjsan Ann
DcatB Clirtdtian
Dundoon Jacob
Uars Y.
Uardner W.H, &Co.
Uovty Mr.
Merit 1'nlrich
Itan'oy lumm Q.
Kennedy H-11.
K00119 jolm W.
Mill SainiiQl
Mntllii-w H
McCorinick Jacob
l'arkr W111.P.
Krrerfoincallincror iuc nlove lcltcra will plta
ay llicy are udverilscd.
ll.r30.INr. WIL.IP U.VAKOST, P. M
Ptifpr Chnilea
Houcb John
itussell John
Htrauser Mary B.
Hnydor Joseph
Htcwnii P.
Htroup Catnortno
Hinilli Hiiih
Peveratice A. J.
Bliafl'cr Harrison
r-tPinmlls Win.
Thomas Mat y Ann
Wcllivar Maraaret J.
WalkirO. II.
Webb Cyme
Walk! 11a I. real
1 Wiseninn A.
lIciileitHi'-e Henry )
llewley Daniel Jfl.15
EiansDavidT )
M'c'dPhy1'02'" '1'','a'"1 ani jt "'0 ' tLe
May 311, IHi7, A. O MENSCIl.
... . ; . . 1 '"" "s-w'vu-s 11. iiuusjhauii, uuugo scy- j aero aro now two nunureu anu
pmno m narao, and in form, but not inlof the Sunrcmo Court of rennsyheni., is fifty patients in tho State Lunatio Hospital
fact, That uifortunate. nation, prceoati a ojfjOhji) in Bloomaburg.
( at Harrisburg.
attendant at the United States Hotel CO"EOTED hautman's stoue
Saloon, Williamsport, died uuddenly onl'ihoat .82 00
Saturday evening a wcok. I
Z..-.. Corn 80
Onlu . no
t8T Burton, tho Comedian, is reported i Uncl:TClioat 75
May 50, 1P.W.
AND WOOD for sale nt Hie Arcade by
to be insane.
Whitolloahs.,.1 15
, 4. W. N. CHEA8V
g'JVNE COAL for sole'by
11..,. .in
.. """ cirini LATH 8iitN-i:i.v4. i-nn an.e , m.. .... ' .N.n...Uemcinl,er "x)tn-Ktrr'CiKm Kisisrls
LgK3 12 0)UV 11. W As W . N. CHEAY, I ie' Nochnise for biaminlni Ooorts
iow u ooMMiMtHtiAwirst.Tr;..,---... ... . u.iu Lvyiunumw'
THE uii-wrile-icd g'rolcfuj for past potronane '
spectfully innirius tilscueinmcri . nnd iln-pu'
neneriilly. thai ho has just received fromtln I-'
em Cities, the larjesl aud most selecl stock of
Fmhioiiable Spring &- Summer Clothing
lhatliasyel been openediiil'.looiusbiita, in wnul) In)
I in lies llic attention of hie friend., and assure lino
that theyaTcoiTerodfiir sale. aigrcat bargains. II"
titockcninprlsesalareeandscjce,' assorlraenlof
Gcntlomcn's Wearing Apparels,
Consisting of f'ail iouo'i JJrsss Cests, of eveiy it
sctiition Pants, Vests, Bin. is. iJuvats Stocls
Loltuu Handkerchiefs, (Haven, Suspenders, fcc, Air.
Gold Watches and Jixeclty.
-J' ilescripilon, 11 ua und cheap,
t "?w la OUMMEIt BUAWLS and Manllllas, for sale T
Lard . ,,. haivtman'i
Potatoes 1 (10 -ZJLL
Dried Apples 2 CO Su?Xm",S' U0XV'wVi,a'0'
Illoonishuig, Ma'chSl, I8i7
AN M.lUot UMAfill riUsW. In Epod oiiljr tf