I M4 I MB 0 AND BLOOMS BURG GENERAL ADVERTISER. LEVI L, TATE, Proprietor. ALEM B. TATE. Publisher. "To Hold and Trim tlio Torch of Truth and Wavo it o'er tho darkonod Earth VOL. XL NO. 13. BLOOMSBtJRG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA., SATURDAY, JUNE 6, 1857- YOL. XXL Hi. A t 5 ! t . , Cnlamliiit JnmuTut ..rtstnal IpoctrBJtiSfti runMaiiEi) nvcrtv svrunoAY mojinino. V? -In lUoomsburg, Columbia I'ouuly, Pa. Office. In the new Brick Building, op ,s i positc the Exchange, by side of the Court House," Democratic Head Quarters," 5r TKnWS OP ItllUCRIPTION. J,a)l,00 In advance, for ono copy, fur clx monthl t mi 1"5 1 ndvanco, for ono copy, ono year. - 2.00 If not paid within tho II rat three monthl. 2,23 If not paU within tho first tlx months. .2,00 If not paid within tho year. IO" No sutHorlptlon talton for loss than six month. Anil no papor illscontlnod until nil arrcnrogcsalinli lh.ro toonpaiil. ID" Ordinary advertisements tnsertod and Job work executed attho established prices. tt t BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL. t DOCTOR JOHNSTON. I rpilE founder of this Celebrated Insti- '! It J lutlon,oirrp' llio iiioftccrtaln,spptdy. and only TTUcctunl rempily Intho worM fr r .recti for Glitu, v f irlciurfi1, Pen. in al wnc'noM, Vain in Itio Loin, t Comi.tutiniml Debility. I m potency, WcakDc of the Uack nml l.iinlit. Aircctionn of tlifl Kidneys, 1'ulpHa. tlon of Hi-1 Heart, Di'peniia, N-rvoii Irritftbitity, 1 1) iiea io (t Hih lleinl, Thrnnt. Nose or Skin, and fall bote serious and melancholy Disorders arising from the destructive tialnlt of Yntnh, which destroys both body nnd miml. Tliese secret and solitary practices, ' are more fatul to their victims than the song of the ' 1 Hyrcns to the mariner Ulysres, Mighllngttheir most brilliant hopes of anticipations, rendering , marriage, fcc , unpoisiDie. i oung men, lf' ' iectilW, who have ticcome ttio victims of snlltery , Vice, fiat drt-atllnl and den tractive Iwb-t, which nnnti- any sweeps 1 1 nil tinii unsiy v mve iiiuuianas ti young menui mi1 ninmriimcii i.inms unu Driuiaui iniei rtit who titl 4 lit niherwlse have em lantfd listening fleiiatfs will Hie tliiitu'ersnf clonupnce. r tvnkeil to Tvxticivsthij l)ff, inny call with nil confidence. , ;. Marriage 1 Married portions, nr Vnuug .Men eonlPMplattnp mnr flstR, tiring awaro of ptiysic.il ieakin'f, organic uV t bility. dcformilleit, &.r,, iihu'tld ini-nednitely consult 1 1) t JoliiHton.and ho restored to perlict health, ' tli who pi. c:t himsctrund it llio care of Or, John tun mi v religiously eonllilc in Ms linnor as a Rrntte- yiueu, auilcuiiltilmtlv rHf upon his skill aseihsician. !J I Organic Weakness j Muitn-dutfly cirL'd and Hill vigor restored. riits jtisJi is llm ptTiitty most frequenly paid.hy 1 tfi-iitt wlioli ive lieconm the victim of improper Inriiil. (tiicits. You ii2 pcrsou arn too apt to commit ox , ce4 from not lmni(; aware of Uiedrc.idful coimiMjucnce 'lliat liny unnu-. Now, who tint understand Ihf sub J -ct will pretend to deny th.it tli power of p roc re a tmu is 1'i.t mioner ty thoe fulling into iiniirontr lufnts th in by the prtitPint. UAulas Iming ricprlvid of Kiu pi'.iirtf ji nf.iniiy oiiipiins. ine inujt serious ul dumJtiive sympiotns to both body and mind aria. 'Vim nyaH'iti bconn dnringcd; itie physical mil 'p m M I iMwois wiMkciii'd, uervniis debiliiy, ilys V pit pJlpitiitinii tattle heart , iihfi.elioit, a w.iftnig ol'tli t'a'ii.', cikiIi symptom of c xixuinptioil A.C JtflfiC Nn 7 "ooth V'HokRit k til Brsr.ii'ven door 'fro ii IttltimorH ftret-t i:.it tt . up the rtfps Be p.inicnlr in-iiiirviu2 tli N A HI! and NU.MUKR, or t j . y.iu wltl mistake the pi ci. A Vdre harrahttd,r no Vharg Mailt in from Ons to Tito lhvj$. - NO MUttOUllY OH NAUstLilUH O ILL 13 UdUI). V Dr. Johnston, v'; Mtinib-rof Hie Ufiyit L'oll.'i; of rtir?inns. Knudon t t.'r i.l'l lit fru ii ii lit of U)f most eiuineut r Ilexes ol tlif -t 1 1 'd Si uis. .uid Hit rciit'-r put iilwboe lilt bat , ; lift i(itjul mi th llrt ltniit'ilit ol linduii . I'.irin,! hi Itl t i t ta it id l "i.t w h f 1 1 1 is v it ''t d mmto ('f the niotsl bf U't-nii i 'i in; ciri tli at wtf i'vtr kimu u ; ninny trouli- l 1 1 v tirnijiii ini'i- h'Uid anil ''.us vtltli nslnrp. jA ufH ii'-rv-inii-it O'lMif al.irrtiftl lit sudd.'n rounds 5 4 hi-if i uih l'rriunt MuIm(, attiiided , s t'ii-iiiii witli deruni'ifutetilul mind wirucured im Certain Ithcnsr h iiimipiitt.'d anil impnidvui vntnry ofplrn s'lrj il'nl ti t ii is nu'iiliud tin' s'!fdi of this paiulu dif uu, U loo nficit bappftis tbnt on Itliiint-,) rtMifi' o in .i-t. or tlri id ot iIh ;or'ry. dders bun from apply niV lo linno v. ii t frum t'lluc.iimn and r r 'r la tti Ii t cn 1 1 ni" nofrifiiil in in ilut mn HI tint coiistiiiititiiiil iu ii i ! iy . ty ii it iu oiiiim iiiirna n',aieinaKiririraipHnrai)crl r iik)i i nlf.eraitjil n iru throat, .IU'-iisjimI nune, nociuriiul . I'll hi lit t!iJ lif.ulandliiiilm. Iimitcti ot fUSItLtlciriirFs. ii. j J moii thi nkni hint., and Rrmn Mnirhrs mi Dip flt-T 1 1 ten, nit t fxirfMiiftti's, pro;'niiiii; with fntitltil r ii tiiv.tiil at lisi Hit pjltte oftliu ni'itith or tin bti d of tlie nn f.-ill In ..md tlt vii'tlin ot iliti nuint tli i cue bffnin 14 a horrid oMiti .r couiiul Hern lion, lill t nli it'll ti pernitl lo liU ilri'.nlt'HtBiJll.-rinps, by si-it-dniK In iu lo "linl tmu rim tram wlicnce no 1rncler r'turn.,' 'l'o surti ilureforu Dr. Jolmston pietl s li.n-lf to or 'stvh ttifl nioi tnvi iliblf spcrcv. nnd from ins "ilmnivi' practice in tlielirsi Mnspimls of I! ir tii't an 1 Am.'rlca. he can cntifidfiitly ri rotnmi-nd n rjk itt) nudsp-pily i.iiru to the un lort mate victim olilits horrid distasp Take, pirticvhir Koike, 4 Ilr J ndilrr-vti ul those who hnve jnjurid tlum- fi-iivi'iov or iv. i if u ii it improper iniitiigi'iices, M Thesf irp -oir.eor Hie sid nnd tiifl.incholi pfTrrts v proliiffd tijT.irly habit ol ) omh. viz UViKtif s ot l4 tin II ick nii'l hlinbi, .iin in the (lend. HinnieFsof 1 Hiht IjXd til MiMCnltr I'ow.'r. I'alpiintion of the S Htirt,lspppiia, N'eiv us Irratitilit), I)Lrant;i-ment M of iti't liiL'p)livc Kn ici inns .Genera I Debility .symptoms 3 ofO iniUmplion, c. r MUNr.l(Y Tin' fparful etTt'Cls npon thp mind nro much to bijdrtnlid. I.tws ol .Memory, UoufiMinu of I IflU, D'urpti'ioti of tho spirits, Kvil rnrebotfiiips, A vrfiionof ducicty, Tiinity,i.c , are some oftlii-pviltf , produced. frf Thouijuls of Hrnonsnf nil ages ran now Judge wlitt ii th i c. tin tut t tneir dcclmini liPiitth. iJooiii( c thti'r vlnr,1iectmiii2 ak paptndpmielited,haviit J, n slnirular nppcirauce about the eyp .cough nnd s)iup touts of Cttuitumptlon. l)r, Johnston's Jnoigorating Remedy for Organic Weakness, Hy this great and Important remedy, weakness of the . nrgiti are ieedUy cured, and full viuor restoied. Tlt'tnindsof tho iti-iit nprvous and dnbkliialtid, who hid 1 st all hope, have been hnmedhtHy relieved, All imppdimeuts to Marrlago. physical nnd Mental f)iqua ! lirtcillan, Nprvous 1 rritability.Treinbljnps and Weak- nss, or exhaustion of the most learful Uind, speedily 1 cured by Doctor Johnston ' I Young Men Wi'i hive injuredilienuelves by n certiiu pnrticp, 4 Ind'tlzed in when alone a liitul freiitently learned f from evil companion, or at school -the effects nfwbich 2 art niithi'y felt, ov.n when asleep, and if riot cured renders mirriajfU impossible, and destroys both wind -J a j body, should apply immediately t Whata pity lliata vounj man. the hopn nf hi s eoun try.audthe darllnjof hisparcnts. should be snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of life, by the conic M'lvnces of deviatinrfrom lhn rath ofnature, and in duljine in a certain secret habit, Hucli persons before contemplating Marriage should reflect ibat a sound mind and tody are the moi iittcsury renulsities to promo'e conunbinl happiness Indeti l.wiihmit thesa.lhe journey through life becomes a weary pil;rimagp. the prospect hourly darkens to the view ; the mind becomes shadowed with despair and flliod wiihtlie melancholy reflection thatthe happiness oi nnotner iiecomes uugnicj who our own "'HK"?.0'1'!! N.H. i,8ino talis inotlcity prevent jou.ljul api'lyim r w. "" .ui.ie iy cunur perianal l y nrny teuer. BIC1N UlStiAHCS Hl'KliUll.Y CURED. To Strangers. Thi manylhiiiiiand. cured atllii. Inititutlon wlth'll the tail 15 year., and Hie numeroui imnorunl Bur deal Oitiiratlon. pfrrurmed by Dr. Johniton. wltiieiscd by the reporleriol Ihepapur. anil many other per.on.no. netivo labor would bo abriducd. ill Order lice. otvbltlilav appeared os.in and ug.lli before' . . J , raclerand responsibility, ,1. a .uOlcicnt guarantcu to lliooffliued. Take Notice. N. n. Tbcre ore so many Isnorant and woriliten (luack. mlvcrlliins llieiu.elvr. I'liyaiciani, ruininf Itie iioallli ofllia alrenly anliclcd. Ibat Dr, Jolm.ton deem, it necenary to.ay, eipocialty to Iboi. unac quainted wilh hi. reputMion.tliM 111. credential. iid illplimu.alway.lianmn 111 omce. if r.KiNoxtci, AllUtler. mnil b.ponpaid, ana con lain a poitaga .lamp for tin reply, ol noaniwei willlie e lit January 17. 1857. DOOT AND SHOE MAKING. tb. THE underiljnut. thanltlul for the literal Sill palm nag. with which lie tin te.n larotd for W Bj year, goneby, would inform 111. Irlend. and v -"sWcuttomci.. 'iial lie conilnue.ioinauuractuie Hoots and Shoes, At hi. old and nell.known.tand, on Main ttrrrt, ninonuburg, in nil their v.noui and foim,in good atyleandon moderate l.rin.. III. long nporleiice In llio buiineii, and gqnrral knowledg.of ihe rcopl. of rolumbi. county, iuper .i1i1.il In Avail 1..irmtnittifin l.ir.iiflnp auli.rnrlino in. u.illtc, wc.iu... .... ...uu tig a genu. fiiaii ui in. to.iihitcu.tom.r.,.boujd.ecuubira intteaiid Hooiii whieh he hope, to merit . J.w" r "'Bthrick Wi Ultn for tht Columh Dtmotrat, I HAVE NO MOTHER. 11Y KATE. 1 have no mother, for the died When 1 was very younj, Cut memory still around tny heart Mke morninr; mist has hunj. They telt me nfan angel form That wnte'fied around my bed, And of a soft and quiet hand That wiped tho tears I shed. With smites she lie Id my liny aim When I began to walk , And joy would sparklet n her eyes When t would trylo talk. And often, too, 43 I was ill, She kissed my burning brow; Iter tears would fall upon my check I think I feci them now. And then the used to kruel with mi, And teach me how to pray, And rnlir my little hands to beaten, And ttP me what to tny. O, mother, mother, In my hcnrl Thy Imofte still shall be; And may 1 hope tn heaven, at last, To meet and live with thee t BhomtbuTg, May 30, 1657, Written for the Democrat. Ell'ects of Lovo to God and to Man. UV HEV. CIEOIIOK HUNTEll. Continued. In larger commanit'ca tho principle of love would effectuate a mighty change. That spirit of jealousy and selfishness , of avarice and monopoly, which now produces so mauy jarringa, contentions and collisions of interests amoDg town councils, corpora tions, and ether smaller asioci itions, would cease to operate. Every one would see and feci, that the prosperity of tho whole is also 1 lie prosperity of every portion oi the general community. Uoistcrous dis putation, sneers, hifses, reproachep, and angry passions wouid te banished fr- in the deliberations of every society; and candour, good-will, mid liindly affections would animate the minds of all its mei.ilicrs. The mutual intercourse of nations would bo established on the principle of friend ship and affection, and on tho basis of im mutable justiec and eternal truth. liaised against petty jealousies, secure from the altrms of war, and viewing each other as branches of the same Almighty Parent every nation aud empire would (eel an in tercst in promoting llio prosperity of ano ther, and would rejoice iu beholding its h pp;ncs9 and improvement. 1 nder the benignant influence of the spirit of love, useful intelligence of every description would be rapidly and exten sively communicated ; the sciences would be improved, and carried forward to per fection ; tho jealousies which now exist among si'iontifio men would cease to ope rate, and every fact on which science is built would bo impartially investigated, and exhibited in its true aspect; tho' arts would flourish, and bo crricd to tho high est pitch of improvement; no secrets in arts or trado would ue locUca up in ine breast of tho discoverer; but every useful those joy-inspiring words, '"Twill be sweet hint would at once bo communicated to er far :n heaven 1" the public; every invontion would uniform ly bo applied to iho promotion of a bene volent object, and tho arts of destruction would ccaso to bo cultivated, and bo held iu universal detestation. Under tho influ ence of tho reign of love, tho instruction of all ranks, in overy department of useful knowledge, would bo rapidly promoted ignorance and error, with all their attend- ant evils, would soon vanish from tho minds even of tho lowest orders of society; seminaries would bo erected and establish- , cd on a liberal basis, for Instructing every . , ,, , . ,, ., , ciass oi mauKiuu in an iubsu muuuuua ui scienco which tend to expand tho capacity of tho human mind, and to extend tho range of its contemplations; tho hours of - f lUUl IUCV UllgUl liaVO IClSUru lur iuu WUitl- vation of their understanding and tho cx croiso of their moral powers. Among all ranks of men, a spirit of selfishness and avatico would bo extinguished, and in its stead a spirit of noblq gonorosity and be neficence would porvado the wholo mass of society. This sublimo pnnciplo forms a prominent trait in tho charaotcr of God, aud in all his arrangements towards his creatures ; and it animates tho minds of superior iutolligonces in their associations with each other, and in their occasional interouurscs villi tho inhabitants of our world. In imitution of those glorious beinrs. tho human raco would consider it l 'Rs gtaud end of their existence, not unceasing diffusion of bencflosnco to all around. Every houso would bo opened to tho weary and benighted traveller, overy heart would welcome him to tho refresh ments and repose it affords, every comfort would bo afforded, every wish anticipated, and every stranger thus entertained would "bless tho mansion" and implore tho bene diction of heaven on all its inmates. 0, blissful and auspicious oral When wilt thou arrive to still tho restless agitation of malignant passions, to promote peace on earth and uood will among men. When will tho bcnovolenoo of angels and orclr angels descend to dwell with man upon earth, to expel selfishness from tho human breast, to hush overy disordered affection, and to restore tranquility and order among the bewildered. raco of Adam? Not till Christianity shall have shod its benign in flueuco on every land ; not till " tho know ledge of tho Lord shall cover the earth," and the cannons, and swords, and spears, and battle-axes of tho warrior shall bo broken to shivers, and forged into plougli shares and pruning hooks. Then shall the wolf dwell with the lamb, and tho leopard shall lie down with tho kid, and the calf, and tho young linn, and tho fatl ing together, a littlo child shall lead them "Then judgraent.shall dwell in tho wilder ness, and rigiiteousncss in tho fruitful field 4$.nd tho work of righteousness shall bo peace, and tho effect of righteousness, quie ness and assurance forever." Ifagerstown, May, 1657. Sweeter far in Heaven. It was evening. Wo were seated alono at the piano, breathing a song of beauty and joy : and as our fingers glided gently up tne suver-KcyeU octaves, ana music, "tho soul of beauty," gushed forth rospon sivc to our touch, it seemed that nowhere in this glad earth could there bo hearts beating heavily so light and joyous were uur own. The last echo had died away iu the distance, nnd turning from the instru mcnt, our eye ros'ed upon tho tilvcred looks and bending form of one whose countenance bespoke a pure aud noble heart. We had never met before, but ho whispered fortly while a injilo of beauty wreathed his color less lips, "Young maiden, 'twill bo sweeter fir iu heaven !" Oh, how those few simple words changed the current of our thoughts and when, in words of winning eloquence. he spoko of tho comforts of our holy re ligion, and urged us to consecrate our life our talents, our all, to the service of our Maker, wo thought no sacrifice Uo great. if, like him, we too might see unfolding be fore our spirit's vision the glories of the Celestial City. Weeks fled, and that old man, wearied of earth, folded his thin arms and went to slfep. They laid him to rest, away in tho church-yard ; but wo knew that there was but tho casket that the spirit, no longer fettered, was basking in tho sunlight of the Saviour's smile ; and that his voice, no longer tremulous, mingled in the anthems of tho "just made perfect." And when a twilight hour we breotho a eong of tho "cldcntimo," beautiful, indeed, thouch tho y.sta rf past, comes, tho remembrance of A Bridegroom Rusticating. John Dean, who recently kioked up a groat hubbub among tho codfish aristo cracy by marrying tho wealthy Miss Mary llokor, is rusticating in tho pleasant littlo villapo of Franklinvillc. a few miles cast ; of iuVCrbcad. Ho is boarding in tho fara-lly of Mr Joim Ni Sa..or an(1 ;3 being tutored and polished by tho lie v. Mr. Kced, a Congregational clergyman, pre' paritory to his debut among tho fashion , able3 in fifth avenuo. It seems he was . . sent down tiiero by his lawyer, o I Bvojd recognition ho assumod the n and to ogniticn he assumod the namo of John Johnson. Tho manner in which his true namo leaked out was this wise : A fow days after his arrival a letter was re ceived by the worthy Postmaster of tho village, directed to John Johnson, and as there was a young farmer living in tho neighborhood by that name, ho took it out of tho office and opened it. It proved to be from Dcau's wifo, and as it was filled with such matter as only a wifo knows how to writo to an nbsont husband, John John son, farmer, concluded it was not for him, as ho was not tho owner of such a pieco of animated luxury, bo ho returned it to tho Post Offico, and in a day or two John Johnson, No. 8 i. o., John Dean called and claimed It' Buffalo Republican. Why is a four quart jug liko a sad' die ' Because it holds a gl on. A Story of Itoal Lifo. A littlo girl, whom people may navo ou - served selling violets around tho Now York Hotel, offered a bunch tho otlior day to a 1 gentleman an! lady who wore staying t ' thit establishment as thoy wero returning " Ploaso buy my violct3, sir I" said tho littlo ono, holding up a putple bunch that still seemed to havo tho dew upon it, "Ploaso buy my violets only sixpence a bunch." I " No ; go nway, child," said tho lady ) rather harshly ; " I don't want them, " My dear, remarked tho gontloman Tho lady looked around. Tho littlo violet girl, whoso eyes were dark as tho flowers sold, was weeping silently. In an instant Mrs, Y.'a warm southern nature gushed out, and turning hao, she clasped tho poor child in her arms, and endeavored to assuaga her grief. How very, very like our poor Alfred this child is," said Mrs, Y looking'.atten- tivtly in tho face of tho poor violet girl. Mfred was their only son, who had como to New York some fivo or six years ago, when he died of dissipation. Mr. Y., attracted by his wife's excla mation, examined the little girl attentively. "Thoro is a strong likness," ho replied They questioned her. She had littlo to toll. Her mother and father tvero both dead, What was her name t Sho was not certain, but her father's name was Y-. It was enough, Tho old lady and gentle man took the child between them in s carriage, and straightway drove to tho houso of her grandmother, with whom'she said sho lived. Thoio they 'discovered that their son hid absolutely been married some time before his death, to a pretty seuiug girl, who did not long survive hinii and who died, leading behind this one cli'ld. Mr. and Mrs. Y., were rich and childless, This little creature, ragged and uneducated, was more weleomo to them than a fortune. She was instantly washed and dressed, and teachers had for her. Her fortune changed as the feason t hanged It had been winter with her for a long time' and it was now Miy. 1 havo no doubt but in a few years moro I shall have the pleasure of dancing with her at somo ball iu tho Fifth Avenue. tSf A t-OLKMN TiioucuiT. It ha3 been observed with much significance, that every morning we enter upon a new day, carryiug sti 1 an unknown futuro in its bosom. How pregnant and stirring the reflection. Thoughts may be born to day which may never bo extinguished. Hope may be excited to-day which may never ex pire. Acts may bo performod to day, tho co:. sequence of which may not be realized till eternity. Xffir Two country attorneys overtaking a wagoner on the road, nnd thinking to crack a joke on him, asked why his fore The wagoner knowing them to be limbs of the law, answered that the foro horso was i a hwy croud tho rest were his clients. tSF A Farmer near Ilinghampton, New York, list year, in order to convince a neighbor of tho usefulness of birSs, shot at a yellow bird in his whcatfield, opened i's crop, and found in it two hundred weevils, and but four grains of wheat, and in these four grains tho weevils had burrowed 1 1 1 A boy, at a recent examination in an English school, was nsked who disco- Why did sho not sink .' It is pretty evi vered America. "I wish I may die," says dent tho head was tho lightest part of her a British editor, if ho didn't answer Yaukco Doodlo 1" 55- Tho mysterious murdor nt New- , r. ..; ...i i .ir..i f.n.,1. n. . ,wuUb "-" - bout threo weeks, ago has thusfar baffled all efforts of tho officers of the law to discover tho perpetrator. Ear" I'irsi uoy, aftyi uuii iueu you r-. . n. i l n tH i 1 aro getting a dollar a week now 1" and. '"oo r B, ,,,, , .il boy-Wcll,youra.ghta know that by 1 sccin' tho fellers como soapin' around mo that wouldn't a noticed mo when poor," Wo should practice temperance, if it wero for nothing else but tho very pleasure of it; it is tho glory of a man that hath abund ance, to livo as reason, not as appetite di rects. CF" A boarding-house keeper in Balti moro advertises to "furnish gentlemen with pleasant and oomfortablo rooms, also one or two cutlcin.cn with wives," Tho Groat Soerot Revealed. ...... rIl,rm. .., Tnmlm? tv'llil Ilni-c . " " "U.'D,U "uolu ia 14 wa" " 3' , , "u u " V has a peculiar ran!, musty smell and eas- no four nojroes charged with tho mur-! woman over seventy years ot ago. iho il Tmiin,! ti nm,,:-i r. i J of tho Joyce family, after occupying att'k upon hor person was most unpro y pulled off. Tho amouical effuv.a of , ho MioQ J t,,0 0ot for noarl'w voked, brutal and deadly, tho instrument the horse seeui3 peculiarly to coneontrato iay3t wero acquitted. As soon as the used being a glass decanter, which was in this part, and its very strong odcr has verdict of tho jury was mndo puldio, the Irokcn in p'eces about the wotpan'a head a great attraction for animals, especially ni"St decided demonstrations of dissatis-' anil arm. One of her wrists wero broken, canino and tho horso himself. faction wero manifested by the crowd, who' and the most frightful and ugly woundg t ., , . ,' , at ouco proposed lynching them. Largo1 woro waao upon her head. lor tho oil of cumin tho horse has an numbor3 'immediately assembled in fro 1 1" She w-s lying in bed attho time, and instinctivo passion both aro oricical na-1 nf iioinil- hot tin. nm!M warn irnntlw when the officers came, thev found her properties. All anima's seem to cherish , a fondness for it, and it exorcises a kind ' ui suuuuiug iuuucucu uvur litem. The directions given for taming horses aro as follows : Procure somo horso castor, grate it onco. Also get somo oil ot lluodium and oil of cumin and keep the three sepcrate j in airtight bottles. Hub a littlo oil of cumin upon your hand, and approach the horso in the field on the windward side, so that ho can smell tho cumin. The horso will let you come up to him then without any trouble. Immcdiitely rub your hand gently on tho horse's nose, getting a little of the oil on it. You can lead him anywhere : Give him a littlo of the castor on a piece of loaf sugar, apple or potatoo. Put eight drops of the oil of Khodium, into a lady's silver trimble. Take the thimble between the thumb and middle finger of your right hand, with tho fore finger stopping tho mouth of the thimble, to prevent the oil from running out whilst you are opening the mouth of the horse. As soon as you havo opened tho horse's mouth, empty the thimblo over upon his tongue and ho is your servant. You can then teach him to waltz, make a bow, climb stairs, lie down for you to mount him,como at any signal you may wish, throw his rider at the turn of tho whip, stand with out hitching, you may ride or drive him wi houl a bridle, and iu short you can learn him to perform all that is possiblo for his form t do. Hide fo irless and promptly, with your knees pressed to tho sido of the horse, and your toes turned in and heels out, then you will always be on tho ilcrt for a shy or sheer fr un the horse, and he can never throw you. Then if you want to teach him to lie down, stand on his nigh or left side ; havo a couple of leather straps about sis feet long ; string his left leg with ono of them around his neck ; strap tho other end over his shoulders ; hold it in your hand, and when you aro ready, toll him to lie down at the samo lime, gently, firmly and stead ily pulling on tho strap, touching him lightly on tho kuco wi h a switch. The horfo will immediately lie down. Do this a luw u0, auu uu u uulku. "u - r i 1. t i' He is now your pupil and your friend. You oan teach him anything, only be kind to him, be gentle. Love him and he love you in return. will i" A young woman who had been dis appointed in love, attcmp'cd to commit suicide at Pittsburg a fow days since by iuinmni' into the Allct'lianv river, but was unable to sink on account of her hooped 1 8Jfirt. As she lioatcd calmly down the 6tr.oa,n ho was rr-scucd, nnd went home 1 quito ashamed of hersell, j A very importmt scientific question is, thatthe centro of gravity was situated sufficiently low to preservo cnuilibrium that that the amnlitudo of her boons was : . i, , ,: ... ,i ..t . b. " u."b" l" ' " dency oijtho centre oi gravity. Wo would considcr ;t a dangerous experiment for oun i-j;. h0 havo some brains, to Irv. I 0D( w0 ratbor cucgs they wont do so fool- ish a thing. If they do, tho current will i .,. . . , - . A. ... , " , " " i tnnnlo over, and then flin linnna wil nnr. topple over, and then the hoops will act " ' advantageously to keep the head under the water. If young ladies must drown for love, they should don proper costume in which thoy may die agreeably and expedi. tiously. Wo pity tho poor girl who had to return homo disappointed S&" Seeing upon his wifo's shoulder a largo shawl pin, Mr. D. said : " In the military, chfgot to booaptaini" - Sho instantly remarked, pointing to a third baby in her lap : "No, rccruting sergeant in the third infan- 'try," Monocracy Again. A night of Excitement Time iVcgioes Hung The Fourth having Committed Suicide in the Jail Yard Tlic Cannon lit ought out and Ifo Police Occrjmtctrcil Intense Indignation Laiciu Louis- ville. ati,oro(i from ii .!,.,, .-i.j.i, I gradually swelled to several ihou6and iiuufuu. Tho mob rallied on several orcasiong. but wero still repulsed by tho guard at the I tnll Af. Innrrth tl ixnrppv rtnmnml nrna maj0 for tho nogrocs, and somo ten or twelve sho's wero fired from cither side.' Still the jail was securo in the hands of the officers, and tho crowd fell back for a few minutes, it was only, however, to procure a cannon, which was taken and placed in front of the jail ; and being well filled, it was ready for heavy execution. Another demand was made for tho negroes hun dreds swelled their voices in the general cry and thus overpowered, tho jailor opened tho doors, when the negroes wero immediately seized, and threo of them taken to the Court House Yard and hung ono upon a tree, in the southwest end of the yard, and tho other two on the east side, or Filth street, front to tho Court House Squaro. The other one ol the four cut h'S own throat, it is supposed, as ho left the jail door, and fell dead on the spot. Thus ends tho tragedy of the Joyce murder trial. It was a terrible murder committed, and terrible were tho consc' quenecs visited upon theso negro crimi I nals. I hese aro the circumstances as near as wo could learn, It was another damning outrage upon law and order. Wo have said a thousand times that there was no law in Louisville, and tho result of last night s proceedings is another evidence of the iact. .Mob law wjs established, sus tained, endorsed and protected by tho city authorities some two years ago, and from that day to this, Louisvillo has been under the mob rule. On tho evidence aJduced in tho caso, and the instructions of the Court which instructions, we are assured, wero admitted cntiro'y correct by members of the bar ptcsent the jury could render no other than a verdict of acq .ittal. It did seem unjust that such a tcrdbt should bo given in such a case; but the evidence was tho cuido to tho jury, and tho Judo could not change the law. That these no'roos deserved lunirin:.', hundreds 'will agree; but tho law must be above tho mob, or it becomes a dead letter. Louisvillo has lost millions by mobs already and this is a lurther wcwlit sho h s to carry now iu her pcnoral competition with other cities of tho West. Wo are a disgraced city, controlled by mobs, and havo becomo the by-word nd jeer of tho world. Shall such things be continued! Arc the laws to remain a dead letter I Shall tho " huo and cry" of an incensed multitude control tho city and set tho action of our courts at defiance? Is Louisvillo given .tner lo perdition and hopelessly lost ? The proceedings of last night arc but tho legitimate fruits of mob government. Let us unite in restoring the laws of the land, or co3Sc to be a mu nicipality. The crimes charged against these ne groes was killing tho J' yco family, con sisting of Mrs. Lydia Joyce, her sun, Richard. 10 years old, Mrs. Welch tho daughter, a widow, and tho daughter of Mrs. Welch, 3 years old, and thou setting fire to tho house. - Louisville Democrat. A Sister's Love. A lady who had lately lost a brolhcr by death, writes us in a vom ot touching sad ness, to which many afflicted hearts respond I cannot tell you how deeply 1 am afflicted by this sudden bereavement. Day after dav I stand frazinz alter him : strctchine I out my hands to the unknown shore; call ins on him for some assuranco that he still s, and not lost forever, but in vain ; and I the beautiful faith of ray life reels under n,0 Crst stroko, Qod foruivo mo. but oannot hel nt.erinp u If a man aicg, sUa.ll ho live again!" Wero tho world mine, I 1 would civo it to bo re-assured on this ono ' Pointi uPon which never, in my lifo before, has fallen the shadow of a doubt." Ah, mourning sister, that skeptioal i whm6 wf . quMtion wniou now tor urcs you, auu uas inrtnriil iiiillinnn nf Wenrlinir hearts, was answered to the weeping sisters ot IJctu any, onco and for all. If fiery lun' Internal can Were written on hi. brow. How many would our pitv .hare Who rauo our envy now. 13T Tho Southern Cultivator says : ' It is a solemn fact that not ono marriageable girl in twenty can make a really good cup of coffee" A fact so serious as this should immediately cngago tho attention of all marriageable girls, Miouia lit it i XGr" The bread of life is love ; tho salt of lifo is work ; the suiar of life, poetry tho water of life faith." Hand us the bread and sugar , noTcr wind tho salt. Deadly Assault. Tho Boston Herald says On tho 28th ult , at about four o'clo-k in the morning, a man about forty-two years of age, named Peter Brannon, proprietot of North street cellar, was taken into custody for un assiult of tho most aggravated character upon his mother-in-law, Mary Flynn, a survive the ottack '1 ho oause of this as. sault, which will probably make another I " murder case" within our precincts, is not definitely known. Brannon was a littlo intoxicated at the time, and was drinking uiiiuuy iroin iuu uccanier. ll is ouown that ho had been ugly tho day prcvioas, and it is thought that ho became incensed at somo remarks made by tho woman. In the Police Court this fcrcnoon, liran- non was' fully committed to jail, to await the result of tho woman's injuries. The Mother's Influence The solid rock which 'turns tho cdeo of tho chisel, boars, forever, the impress of the leaf and the acorn, received long, long since, ere it had become hardened by time and the elements. If wo trace back to its fountain tho mighty torrent which fertilizes the land with its copiouB streams, or sweeps over it Willi a devastating Hood, wo shall find it dripping in crystal drops (rom somo mossy crevico among the distant hills ; so, too, tho gentle feelings and affections that enrich ond adorn the heart, and tho mighty passions that sweep away all tho barriers of tho soul, and desolate society, may havo sprung up in tho infant bosom, in the shel tered retirement of home. "I should have been an atheist," said John Randolph, "if it had not been for one recollection ; and that was tho memory of the timo when my departed mother used to take my littlo hands in her own, and causo mo on my knees to say " Our Father, which art in Heaven!" ZSy-There is no class of men so con icmptible as sneaks. Men who are lair to your face in broad day, but who driok you in the dark. In your proseneo. thoy are nice a pic, but tho moment your back is turned they stab you with their slander ous tongues. Such mon aro scant patterns of humanity they are cowards and liars, and deserve the contempt of every high minded nnd honorable man. Re a nixn if j ou have anything against your neigh bor make a cban breast of it, then shake hands and live like men. Shocking Munpcn, On tho night of tho 18th ins'., Messrs. H, K. Eaton, of IIollidaysburg,and 11 ibert Webb, of Lewis town, Pa., who were on their way to Kansas landed at St. Louis Mo., and were soon afterwards attacked and dreadfully beitcn and thrown into a stone quarry by their assailants, whence they were rescued by tho police Mr. Webb died the following morning and Mr. Eatonremiinedinavery critical condition at last accounts. No ar rests have been made. t- Topham Rcauclerk, was a strangely absent-minded p-rson. One day ho had o party coming down to dinner, and just be fore their arrival, ho went up sUirs to change his dress. He forgot all about them; thought it wa3 bedtime, and got into bod. A servant who entered tne room to ten mm his guests wero waitiug for him, found him fast asleeti. EST- A m'scrablo drunken sot, stacgercd into a Sunday school, end for a few minutes listened very attentively to tho questions propounded lo the schol rs, out heing anxi us to show his knowledge, "ho sto-d up loaning on tho front of the pew wi.hboth hands," "I'arson li , said he, "asic mo eomfof them hard qucs'shuns." As tho sun in all its masnificenca was peeping over the eastern hill, a newly married mn exclaimed, "The glory of tho world is risiog 1" His wife, who happened to be rising at that moment, taking the com pliment to herself, simpered, ''What would you think, my dear, il I had my new silk gown on 1" tSF" Wendell Philips, speakingof our national aplitudo of p6Htc3j ays : " Put an American baby six months old on Win foot, and ho will immediately say 'Mr. Chairman,' and call the next.cradle to order." ' SwJ-Ncar Cleveland live a halo and hearty man. whoso wife savs ho is possessed oi iuu most sensitive ieciiuij m jj.uu . P 1 1 . . T r - -1 ! J .nil in n.Ant of which she states, that vhen Bhe goes into the yard and saws wood uor a nan a aay, lie sits by the fire with tetVra in, his oyes. . T JESSES- If you havca frifind Vho loves you who has studied your interest and hap piness defended you when penWuted and troubled, bo euro to sustain him in his ad versity. fv A minister who had rccoivcu number Qf calls, and could soarcely deciutyi which was the best, asked the advica of i faithful old Afrioan servant, who replied- "Massa,gotthere dare i dc moildebblelj