Pj " ff. list ty ( rleifkwildtkrlct, ttlmntf mtitslii.s aelilsraVfr., " Diaoaso in Shoop and 'Cattlo. Vfhnt is termed tho red water, is one of the uioM tioiillesomo ailments that sheep MO gflllrtcil Willi, I'urgatives of 03 V kllil, i 11 .... J If pf n In 1 ugo qusut. ies of water, nre found to bo tho best medicines that can to employed Medicinos given to cattlo tb.it have Tost tho power ofthewing the cud, ' goncrally pass into tliojQrst anil Bccond 1 stomachs, and if a good draught of water 1 is not given to wash theai from thence, I and tho animal dies, tho greater part of the medicines will bo found in thoso s'om aclu j and upon thlsjprinciplo, o mraon , fn.lt, if pnperly managed, will bo fou it t among tho best. Dissolve tho quantity to 1 o (jiven in as much water as will enable it to pass freely from tho bottle, and let tho animal have plen'y of water to drink, no ' timo should bo lost in drenching it profusely with water, Without a plentiful dilution, thero is no conainty of purging cattlo that bare lost their cud. If purgin.' does not commence in ftom 12 to 21 hours, a second dbso should bo given. Ii junctions of soap and water should aho bo tried if the caso is obstinate, and when they oponte, a piiA of linseed oil should be given as alaxa ivc. 8o obstinate U tfais constipation in some oases, that tho medicine acti only as a diuretic, causing a plentiful dischanro of urine. Diuretics and astringents combi ned seem only of service when the bowels arc open, and their improper administration often causes iuflamation of tho bowels and kidneys. If after purgation, tho bowels are kept open by laxatives, such as linseed infu'ion, the diseaso will gradually disap pear without their use. This modo of treatment is commended by many of the best practitioners. White Washing. There aro fow thiugs that conduco more to tho neatness and health of dwellings, probably, than white wash, Applied, on tho ceiling nod inside walls of dwellings and out-houscs, it tends to purify tho atuiospbcrc by neutraliiing or destroying thoso noxious effluvia, which are always more or less extensively engendered in confined situations, and which aro so often deleterious to health. Applied to mofs of barns or sheds, it is a great promoter of durability, and adds also not a littlo to tho neatness and beauty of thoir appearance It is cheap, and any one who can slako lime, dissolvo.Sdlt, and usoia white wash brush not a very diffi cult task, certainly can apply it success, fully ntid in a manner which will ensuro its efficiency aud duration for years. It is an excellent plau iu mixing whito wash, to add to the water as much salt as it will,'dis3olve. This greatly ineroises the durability of the coating and adds not a littlo to tho antipurcsccnt qutlitics of tho trash. Tn some instances, sugar and mo. laces aro added to tho' mixture, as arc also glue, white lead, coram n pasto from whet flour, nd rico .water. For inside work, 'pigments of various colors aro also mixed 'with it, as a matter of mere tasto, and when of a nature sufficiently strong to resist the neutralizing action of tho alk.li, produce a most pleasing and beautiful effect, t hese, however, do not augmout thu value or du rabili y of the whito wash, nor do they .enhance its disinfecting qualities which , aro to bo ascribed exclusively to the lime Smut in Wheat. ( Much has been said and written about smut. Many experiments havo been re sorted to to discover its causo. Tho most enlightened inference seems to be tint it is a discsse, but what and low cured arc tho important questions. We do not pro- - 'pose u discussion of tho subjcot here, but only to quote from the Wisconsin Farmer jthoexperienro of a wheat grower, lie i gays': out as I havo over, 'in regard to all diseases, consider an ounco of preventative worth a pound of cure, I havo tberolore, from carcfnl investigation, become satisfled .that.tho most fruitful source of smut is 'the heating of tho seed in tho mow. With this "' view, my preventative for some years past nu been to let my wheat for seed stand until quite iipo for 'Cutting, and then I adviso to put tho samo on a scaffold until fully cured. Since I havo practiced this mode of MTing oed, -I Juvo had no smut in my wheat, although my neighbors complain cf their wheat smutting." Peach Tbee BortEa Ta.nsv. TLe editor of the Newberry (S. 0.) Sun says: t'Wosavfit stated two years ago in an agricultural journal that these posts could be driven from peach trees by tansy. Wo planted it at (ho roots of sorao ten or twelve trees, and npt ono of them have been, ' disturbed, whilst others, arc injured. This "ipringrve intend planting it around all, A Relic or Barbarism. Elindson the bridle of a horse 1 Why not teach your cows to havo a blind bridle put on them wheu you milk them f Vou could sojn toach ono so you could not milk bcr without, anil it U just as easy to teach a colt to be gontlo without a blinder, and wlicu onoo broke aro lens given to, frights1 and shearings from iho road, f&T 'I lie frops in tho South rc in Cjut.s' itr etv'ulition :p i i l s . ron all the ptmrosEs or a V 1I T 1 ,Y PITY SI (3 - IjX 4. UlUlVi Timun tna lmie rxtptl a mMk! drmfnid for an clfcctiip mrgat!ic pill hieh could lie relied on as mrc ami perfectly sufc In lt operation. This lias been prepared tu meet that demand, ami an cxten lir trial of Hi iirte ha-i conclusiiely khommith whiit nucccKi it oeionipushca iie purpoo cietgncu. It ii ran to tnnVe pTiyilcul rill, but not tiny to inaVe tbe lwt of all yills one nhieh ilionld liaio none of tlio oliirctionn, but all tlio adtantngea, of cierv other. 'I his has t'ceu attempted here, and 1 with' what iieies wo would respectfully submit to the public deusion. It has been unfortunate for the pntitnt hilhcrlo that almost cicrjr pnrgallio ' inedi'-inc is acrimonious and irritating to the bow- 1 els. 'llils Is not. Many of them produce so much griping pain and repulsion In the system us to more j than counterbalance tho good to be dcrircd from , thim. These filli produce no irritation or pain, , unless It arise from ft previously existing obstruc tion or dernngtuunt in the bowels. Ueing purely 1 Tcgctablc, no harm can arise from their use in any quantity i but it Is better that an medleine should be talien judiciously. Mlnuto directions for their I uso in the scleral diseases to which they are ap- pHeahle are giicn n die hot. Among tho com- ' plaints which h.nc been speedily cured by them, we mar mention I.iser Complaint, In its various forms of Jaundit-e, Indigestion, Languor and Loss of Ap- . petite, Mstlcssncss, Irritability, llilious Headache, llilious Fcitr, I'cvcr and Ague, I'oln in the Side ) and I.oins j for. In truth, all these arc but the eon- 1 scnueiice ef diseased action in the liver. As an 1 aperient they ulftud nrompt and 6iro relief in Cos tlieness. Vile-., Colic, Dysentery, Humors, Scrofula and Scursy, Colds with soreness of the body, Ulcers and Impurity of the hhwd, IneKloritles; in short, any unu el cry ease where a purgative is required, 'lliev have alo produced somo t-in,aularly suc cessful nires in Kiicumaiibni, Gout, Urousy, Gravel, Erysipelas, ralpltatitm of the Heart, raiffw in the nick, Btomaeh, and Side. They should, bo freely taken in tho smiux of the lear. lo purifv the blood and picpare the system for the change of seasons. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels into healthy action, and restores trie appe tite and viitor. They purify the blood, and, by their stimulant cclnon on tho circulator sutcru. reno vate the strength of the body, and restore the wastcu or uiiea!! energies 01 1110 wnoiu urauism. Hence an occasional -dose Is advantageous, cicu though im serious derangement exists J hut un necessary dosing should rici cr be carried too far, as eicry purgative medicine reduces the strength, when taken to excess. The thousand cases in which a phj hie is required cannot be enumerated here, but they suggest themselves to the reason of every body, nurl It is confidently believed this pill will answer a belter purpose than any thing which has hitherto been available to mankind. When their virtues arc once known, tho public will no longer doubt what remedy to employ when in need of a carhai tic-medicine, llemff sucar-wranoed. thev are Elcasant In take, and being purely vegetable, no arm can arKe from their use in any quantity. For minulo directions, see wrapper on the Box. ii:i:rAiii nv I DR. JAMES C. AYER, , VmcUcnl nml Aii:il)llciil Chemist, 1 LOWELL, MASS. Price 25 Cents per Hoi. Five .Boxes for $1. AYEU'S CHERRY PECTORAL, l'or the rniltl Cure nf C01C1IS, 0L1)S, HOARSENESS) imO.WJIITIS, M .lOOI'IXG-COl'GH, VilOVV, ASTILHA, AM) (OXSl'ilil'TIOX. Tins rimcdy has won for itself such notoriety from its cures of every v ariety of pulmonary disease, that it I' entirely unnecessary t recoiuit the evi dences of iti virtues in any community where it has been employed. So wide is the field of Its use fulness, and so numerous the cases of its cures, that aln.ost every section of the country abounds in persons publicly known, who have been restored from nlniming and even. desperate diseases of the lungs hy -its use. "Yhcn mco triod its superiority over every other medicine of its Ttind is too appa rent lo escape observation, and where its virtues are known, Iho public no longer hcsitatcwliat antidote to eniplov for the distressing and dangerous affec tions of 'the pulmonary1 organs which nre incident to our elimalc. Not only in formidable attacks upon the lungs, but for the milder varieties of Cul.DJ. Coi'dM", lt) 4ent.8ii, &c. r and for Cull.- IHikn it ii the tilcasntitet Mtd aafwt medicine that i csn ho (.bt'iiiintl. i. it i n. inT,, t,nAn tt fsmttiftfit nn irr.ttrliMit tliUectinnttce need not do jnorc than assure the people it t)HKlity ia lept np to tho best that it ever ha b?en, and that the genuine article U sold by r Tl P- I.trrz.and all nriifcitti In Bloirosburj, 91 vi ps - .. . , anil UcaUrs tn medicines cvetwhere. May 16, 157. NEW MAIUSLi: YAHDIN BLOOMSDUKG. I1IRA2I 5. CAREY HA3 upenedn Marblo Vard at the corner of Main and MirtiL't Streets, whure he is nrenarMto tiuisli the best work from Italian or American Marblcfor MONUMENTS, TOMHS, Tomb-etuiies, Tables, Mantles, Windowiills and len ills. Porthe character nndsfniti nf his work lifrffert.tr siirhnsht has mads is this county. Hi wilt furnUh 1 1 signs fornortc or execute any that tuny be furnUh edtohim. His work shall always be natUfactory in Itsityi'and reasoiublein price. Illoomsburg, Dec.6,lB5o. ALEX. G.OATTELL &CO. SUCCESSOr.S to JaniesM. Dolton.deceased.CommlB sionandPorwardingMirchants.lorthesaleofG iln Four.Scei1s,lron,t,umbcr ace, No. 13North Watei Jt.f Fblladelphia Goods forwarded wits care, to allp nls on tbe Schuylkill, Union, Susquehanna and fur sua Canals. trJ-Sall l'lailer.arindstones,forssJe s U Ii e sen rices Miichin, IS53. Nos. 0, 11, 13 onJ 15 OourtlatiU street HEW YOKK. d. D.wt.vciinsTEit. : TIKIS, D, WINTIICSTnit, I I1UNJ. t'.WI.VGIIEBTEIl. May l,18J(J -3m itqbK6oo & fiGAiisr I 21, South Front Street, 9 i I'UILADCI.PIIIA. Sept. C,t8JII.-) States Union Hotel. I FonMF.nnLY nno lion hotel.) j iVo. 2U0 Markelsireet, Pkitatlelphia . GIXMtCC W. IIINKLE, . Proprietor, foriiicrl)ofGo. ' lumbia, ra,, would inform his friends and thepub ' ic iuft nc (uuiinut) tu hkj (no anuve nameu Hotel which is well aud favorably known thronKhoutthe Slate as oneof the oldest and most convenient Hotel In no city . lie mosircppeciiuijjioiicHMniin rent pnb c paironaifi:, .plll7, 1835. National Hotel. ( LATE WHITE SWAN, ) Sides $ Stover. Race Street, above Third, Eiiladelphia T.Tisi'iijrf.lntaofllienrmHtHveni.llolllneilieaOicCo Ji.T1'-"Vs. oftlie Union Hold, Aujusi II, ldiO LANDRETII'S EXOELSIOR CORN ilinU.EllrJ, FOU HANI) OR rOWKIt. Vo msko four situs of tho suove Corn rlhsllcis, nnrl wQrrsultbeiiiioeivesQti.fse tlon, or tin iii'iney returnfil. Tuny are far superior lo nuy now la it" market. Will sh HUreon Corn arf well as Dry. Allbsral ilisoiint lo entd, llciillnt'. Patsnt Powor Corn Shlltrs onJOIi-ansars alio rnsnurjeiureiltnilfor ule, wholesale tnd rstall, hy D LANrniETII it SON 5. Impleniunt and Heeil Waretionske No.. Slanann, BIXTH Bl., below Marlon i November, Ii, less. I'tilladevrliia.lh C1DKH MIM.S. jf 300 KIIAUSBR'S PATENT IMPROVIW gSfcpOKTAIILU OIUP.B M1I.W. We are nnw nianuraelilrin( these unrhralled Unlor .Mills, grpatl) iiuproveil anJ strentiliened sineit last rear, .nd ran supply orders at Wbolesjte unif Retail, Millseliippodtuany part ol IlirUnlon. rvnuiiAMi .iohuis fc uu. lVnelMnrMetMne.,Dell",iI' As,ku,,,","n)P'e '"' and.Msrkeisticcn, i hiici.ipi, io FIIESU GARDEN SEEDS. . -TVII. GEO M IIAflKVBUril has Ju.t received sml ,, JJ lias for sale, l his Drug rUors, a selects ni. mem of all kinds of llarim Ht4i fresh from Mr, rtuisfp Keed House tn l'hiladelpllla l.r9 1857 NEW DRUG STORK. F.XCII ANU K lltillUK. MAIN STIlDttT Bloomshiirg I.. .1,1 .1, -iVnll. on.ll . ..L. ...Z t. V.. ..." ... l"tl Cream. .... . ,, r sy DPS n,,,,,!:,,. L., wJaut LXllTZ ran .r1 in shon.avciy nrur.i.Kcp.by ..nigglst. g.n.. ta"ie.rlpllnnscnrci'iillrcnnipoti,ne,. I N tl-TinDcirii. I'mirewios. will be cmitlnued nn imntln Ul.nnnburg nn.l Light Hired .ll. I fullaisortmcnt of the latest slyle Teeth, lor sue ny t llxnidiirt Fi'innry I 1M7. I IIIlll. .11 A L.IUUIJIIi I J. s, & h. i. rcnoT, P ro d u c o and 0 o n e r a I COMMISSION il I Ell OH A S TS, No la North Whatv, a, I'lllLADUt.riltA. BKHRIKCEt: John P rrnlttnn.Erl. rlilladclphla Meairs llarker, Lea U Co. " Sitcr, Trice 'o, " nucknor, MeCammon ai Co, " Cliarlei Ellis St Co. " B.. Morris Wain & Co t OntcrUrhlgo, Arvov Co, t Challes Sl Joseph Perot, t, Thoiuas At Maxnell, Now VoiH. U. M. McUlun; k Co., HI. I.ouii, Mo. " J.9. Morris it Son, Louisville, Ky. Wardl 15, 1855-r DYER'S HOTEL. Cattawissa, Pa. aUIBoIdnnd wclUnown Ilotcl,lntli'1totn i,rOatiavii(ta,fptill kept by tbe under sUtiptl.nnilinspitrof allliccnie laws, he is, nlenlaeesfo.travelcstnJ.op 'at. IbM can bo found In thelnierlor oi Pennsylvania His ladle will be furnish. cd ilally wlih Hie brsiiheMarkettnn afford. ra-Myoldl'rlendsandlravcllcMgenerallyarelnvlicd "ai-Jy'ii.iass.-y. "cot, dvB. Esyntwn Coacli nni lV.xsou Fciorv. rTinn undersigned having succeeded Jacob a, Kva t J.intlin.WaB,iuand Conch making bus! ness, at bis alanil, in Ksnytnwn respectluMy inlorm llicir frlenc. fcndlho in Id ie, that they con tlnui will the Wagon Making Easiness, , In all.) Is ilepoituients, where they will he hippy tere .".. u..,. "K . UUBIUtll III IIVI, line, with neatness and ilcspatrh. tcj- Wheel tnrrowa made lo order, and all kinds ol repairiiigilonc on shorinotlce. r.VAKS & iiAarJNnucii. nspylown,Jonc7, 1850. y MONTOUR HOUSE. CORNER OF MARKET AND MILL STREETS, (isnttd'talcfy orpotitt fA Court Hovii.) UANVILLK. I'A. HAVING been recently renovated and refurnished In a superior style. Ibis elegant Hotel is now roopn lor the reception of strangers and visitors, whose pa rouage is respectfully requested, B, A. HRADV Iyi5, 1850j SPRING AND SUMMER Woods. eyslIE undersigned respectfully Inlorm hlffrienilsanri X thcpuli.icatlarge and :ho rest otmanklnd I tint he has established a splendid mm BV03MS t In iho elaiilnewetnrp Hoiip', jusicreripd In Itoli s burg, ColumMu county, .'a.,u here he has now opened I nlarfic and choke niiorlinent of bpnng and tSuraracr Goods. Which bets determine.! to tcll on audi lei-inn n swill induce allat least in this vicinity, who are in want of Merchan.Iizo, to extend liliu thf Ircuitom. lttiftock Ii.iabecn sclroted nith muclicare and wltt reference to tbe want soft his com munity nnd without going toe ntcr into ft minute enumeration on he various kind ho risk nothing In imiiri np his friends lh:it ev ry thing tually krpt tn Country Storrs.con hcrcbu had n "little chenperthan the cheapest." nyCount ry produce, including Grain, Lumber. Ac., taken Inoxchaiige for goods, I WILSON AQBR, 1 Ilolirihuri, March a8,lP27t y. SUFFER NOT, WHCN A rCRMANENTCUnn 13 GUAUANTHCtJ In allstagesof SUtMlUT U1HL3 AHKd, BrlfAbuie, ' Nervous Dcbiltty, Btricturef.Oleets, Gravel, Mercurial Rhpunmtisni, 'croOila, 1'ains in the AuMcsaud Hones. Diseases ot the Throat, Noge and l.ye, Ulcers upon 1 l lie Hody, Female Irregularitlc.and all itnprnpfr dls chnrged,,ii(i matter ol how long standing. or obstinate the cue, recovery is certain and in n (shorter tune titan a prrmanent cure cduM be Plfi-etrd b nny oilier treat me tit, even after the skill of the most eminent phsl cians had failed, nnd the disease resisted nl other lilMni nfcurft. Thti rpiti?dlrt fir trtw ttnm mlnr rfin. itig niltlier sicknci nor inronvenicinc, and without mercury or balsam During twenty years' p-actiro, I -have restored tn health over seventeen thou. and rn linnli ivhn nrnm untTlirinn imiliir ilin mrisai rn.n,. nf .11 tho above mentioned discaeei. wlijrh guaranty., tne in promulng a perruct and mort tppody cure. Hccret dis i cases arc thRcrealett enemle tn liraltli and hinninifl 1 ns they nre tbe firit cause ol cnnsuinption,icroruin,tc,, uiiuniuuiuuimiciiririu uit iiaiiuni oil iii earm , I). nhe disease U t'cominy so common and treatment no ' littlo understood, that a permanent cure Is scarcely ever cftVctf d. as a nialnniv of tho cnsesfnii imn iir ndi of incompetent persons, -who not only (all tn cure tha niftlndv. but ruin lhn rnnilintnn u ith enrm. ' sive Bublimalo o dangerous poisoo.n prrparation of i mercury wuicu, wuii kio remains oi uiseani in tne sysicnt, proouces manyoi tno auove named aiTectlonn, i which final lyterminato In consumn lion. aid frrniiGnilv In rapid one; but should it not causu death speedily, u-iiu itiu vie, im , uisiruaci iiuirni'H, inu uisenso is men conveycj irom tuc parent totnu cnturen, causing them tocomn into the world vitti scrofula, aiffctlonf of the b Kin, eyes tiiroat, acc, arma;ain frini nates in con sumption, and constant its victim to nn untimplv irrnve. between the ages of sin month3 and thirtyfive years. Celf abuse la anuthcr formidablo enemy to health ; It dcitroysthe nervous sytetn rapidly vvtistlng away the enemies ofiife. causiitir mental (ierantrement. nrrvpnt. ing a proper development of tho syatam.and disquali fy inc its victim for 11 arriage, society, business nnd all earthly happiness. Female Irregularities and nil oilier diseases ci temaies treated in memos: skilful and sci entiuc manner. Medicines, uitli direction , tent to any part ofthe United States and Canada t hy patients cufiiuiuuicuiiiig lucii Bvininuiua uy inier, J. KUMMCItriLLR. M. !., x 53, VostOfiic ; PiLsruT it., below r.'tb, 1'Iiiladel nhia.l'a. pMarcb lit IF57. ONE DOLLAR A VEAIl. Circulation over 100,000 Copies Weekly. 25 Witnesses, OR, TI1E FORGE It CONVICTED. TOIIN B. DVU is Iln- Author, who has had len tJ rears exnerle n en ns n Hanker und Publisher, ninl Author of attritivf LtcluTtt al tht Breaiteay Tabtrnatle vvnen, lor ten eu'cti.sive niKiiis.ovcr C-50 000lVo,le31 Greeted him Willi rounds or applause. whileJia ex hitiiled Hie manner in wnieliOounlerlelters execute their irauds, and the surer! anil shortcit means of (leltctlnff tlienil Thi Bast .tt KngmtTi til toy list he irl.lj gritxim Judgt of Fnptr Jitonty Ucivg . Greatest Dhcovcnj of the Present Century for Detecting uaunterjcit lianli Ifotes. Describing every Ociiuine Hill in existence, anil oxiiinuipB aiuKiuncu every uuuniriicii in rircu a lion I Arranged so admirably, that Reference Is Easy and Detection Instantaneous. O No Index lo examine I No pages lo hunt up 1 bui so .inipnncu anu arrangeii. mat iuo .viercnanv, llankerand Cusinets Manran sccallfl(afaaec. F.nrlilh, Prtntk and German. Thai each may read Iho same in his own Kattve Tongue. Moit ptrfect Bank Note List Published. Also a ii.i ot all tno TRIVATE UANKCRH IN AMP.RICA. A coinplela Summary of the riNsseB or Enaors sso AMCRtcs win ue pubiisnen in eaen eaition. llcevner with all the important NEWS or THE DAY. Alsp, A SERIES Or TALHA rrom an oltl Manuscript found in thu East. It fur nUhcs theiriost comp lete hislory of ORIENTAL LIFE, And de.eril'lns the most perplexing poiitioni in wti ih the ladies and gentlemen of that country have been sn often found. These stories will continuu throughout the whole year and will prove the moat entertaining ever oiTertrt lo Ihe public. rrf-Purniahedwetkly to Subscribers only, at It a year. Al listen mutt be addrmedtn JOHN S. IIVE. Brtktr Tublisher and Proprietor, 70 Wall it., New York. 1857. .SPUING AND SOUMFIt, iraj tm m m m m GEO. IJULPIN & 00. IMPORTKIIS AHD M.WVVACTVRV.HS. 171 CHESNUT STKEET, Arenoivprcpird!toeibibll their New styles FOR SPRING TRADE, INCLUDING niatarksmd coloredSlIk Mantillas Chantly Lacs Man. Mactitlaa. French Lsee STsnlillns. En.Lrniilprril Hillc Manilllas, Bugled Lacrt and Nit Marilillai, Mourning I Mantillas Usslues.Talme h. . &.C., All fwhicb v. ill be olTor d al the Lowe.t Prices. i.r.ii m i, pin Ac en r IH 1 ItCHl'lt al( n ip I'litla Jt hi a X ami tli imIic KnnarallK Hint ha has purchased Dr iUnnMU1ri.Uliiltlijy jffiJSiWJS Tuggs-t's Itruaaixl Cliemteal eiorn. nml ju.t returned hvl,1t?'cc1") and putlni'jVfjj's! St-j rrouiihetily with nlargeand .clccutnck.eoii.litlng o,.itei.sulJperaflon . -5i?s5S i 5ii Fresh and Pure Drugs, THE E SPY TOWNA; Medlelne.,Chem.r.ts.aroundt1n,t whnlcHplcce, Valntl, jTK l M G R IS T $MWk STEAM GRIST MILL. rpllli undersigned J. ". M 1 llli. '.t.1.. iLaran-kLnf Ptnil I .. I I, n ' 1otlclltt.irncMntrn.IHllnROl iholoweslprice. , .phrrenrtronr run or linre In this Mill, propelci'liy I.tr ' P' "'f 'l;,i:;,nTi,fl;:!i5 "i'y-VVVn .i.n.lnr.ii.y tiirbest ofjudjc,. nndpro. I ..oiincnl nupPtlnrttlco. Wtl nvltp on rl T Ic n ilt ocnl andetamlncfor themselves tr-Urilcrslnr(Iuur,ehop,recd.&c-. Ihnnkliillyrccelved 'nm1 in'oilnn l1inninirea"oiia!iIe con.l Itlnnn N . II. - .i.tCnr Urn In 1 I'nitt r.Titi m, tt ii nv r i.l vn .pyiown.JnlyS.l.le'M JAMKS BAK1JRII' S WltOtSSSLB SSI, RPTAI ol.ncii i:sTAlii.itMi;Nr, tf. n. corner til Second anu Chestnut fits. Philadelphia . Wliere may be inund one the Inrgetiamllicst nssortmea or Clocks nni Time Pieces In the UnltodSlatcs,lnluantltics nsaltpiircliasers.froni aslrtftleClock tonneihniisantl ;i;iocks eiiiiiracinBescry variety or siyie anu niainnat lure, suitable for Churrlics, Halls. Counting Houses, Pallors, Hleeplng apartments, and Kitchens, Btcamand uiJiiUI uuhi'i tiiiu mill i,s. Also solentfent Tor Rann's lati .,lr. n,. lL ;.,i. a.t.nrie AM, Ve'n".U0 Vh3 era e", I 'a' 'i ' SI KicbeGold Pens. Wholcrale anil Itftnll Hold SlUcr Pen llolilnrs. Pencils anil n varlelv" of Fanev itonils. Thosewlihingto purchase will lindltto their Intcres 1 tocallbcforcnurehasine else where, jamhs iiAitncn, , B. n. corner of Chcitnui Ic Second Sls.;Phlla I PoU.to. lms-lv. I CI1BAI' VVATCIIC8 AM) Jewell' ,v Stores tTTIIOLUSAl.K AMI ItllTAII.atlho-'Plilla.rtgR J??1ri,J 'LVlvf,Ul? Vul m5 w'cll BcSm tP' ,1 , , , ? watches, lull jeweled, IB carat North Jil street corner of Unary, Phlla'ilelpbln. i7i i X'iO uu V, ' 1 ",r " V ,r?..Vii,t Si'",,"' 7. ' ,ltfZXZ?r. - Gold I.epino, IB carat ... . iM on 0 III) I 7 01) 1 7 no 1 50 .1 00 1 0(1 S 00 r;!,,!.,if,.lr,;,0. Ladle's (lolil Pencils, fiver Tea Spoons, set. OotdlVus with itcncflandsilvcrtinldcr. 1 ou Ooln nnser rlnis STlcenasto gfi); Watch clis.os, plain I2 crnls, paleiit IfJ, I.unet 25; othnr articles in nriportKiii , Alliroodsvvarranicdiobe vvliol iluv are iolilfnr STAUrrfilt & IIARI.r.V, IT5 )n hamlsoineOoM amISilver Lovers L. LppIiia tlllnvver loan tlio nhnvo nrleos. Oetl ltJ.',!! Avise's CHEAT V ATC II At J E W ELR Y STORE, No. 72, iSorth Second Street, orrOSlTE THE MOUNT VERNON IIOU8E,Pll I I.A Gnlill.cverWatchcsl'u II Jewelled I e It, Cases, fill 0 Silver no no r- do Leulne do tt 00 Uuarlicrs . 3 OOto 700 GoldSpcclatlcs, silver do 4 50to 1000 I 50 gilvcrTableSpoons persell, 14 OOtoleOfl do ucseri oo no do Tea do do !) (1(11 o 1 00 4 75to 7 50 3 25to 2 00 1 nn GolilPensanilGolilCascs, do Silver o TocelhfTwIth a variety of fine GoM Jcwolry,Oni Cur.t-iiiiToanuf oDunainn. Aiigoodi w.irratiiptt ob a i presented. Watches and J ewelry repaired! n th hDitmnnncr N ii. AUoinerPBcnti) yvy mat lorouicrwise.wi rbe punctUAllyAltcniledto . rtovemncrir ioj. j DOOTOH IlOOI'liAND'S CBLUIIRATKD Ge rman Bi t tcrs. WILL IIFFKOTUALLV CVilV LlVtia CUMl'I.AINT. nyspoj'tla, Jaim.lice. Cliruni nr Nervoui Dtbiliiy. Di Peases of the Kfilnexii.nnd all dlceaFesaritliiglroinadisordeiriJLivtr or Stomach. Such os Conttlpation Inward I'IIcp, Fullneks or Jilooti in the Head. Acidity nf the b'tomacl), Nausea. Heart burn, Discus t for Food, Fnltncfo vr Weight in the it1 to inacli.Sour UructotJoni, jinking or Flutlcr'np at the fit of thn Stomach, Swimming o the Head, Hurried and IMfhcull Breathing, rifltcrinfrnitho Heart, Clink ing "( Euirocaliug sensation n ben in n tyinsr potturc, dimnefpi of Vision, LMt ot websbelurcthc gightFet et bad DullTalnin the llend, nricien"y nf Persfiration. jcliwnccs ot tne DKin nn duyi, raiu in tne bi.lc,. Hack, Cirst.hiinb3.&.c ,Kud(ttii riu&liea onieut.lltirn Irpin the KIchIi, Constantly be i nings of Kvilonk grval I)( prt'SHlou i Spirits or the proprietor in call in p ihe at ten I inn of the pnMI Tins piepiir.mufi iiut-w uy, 1 1 ii u i tr 1 1 ii oi liifiiinnibO torctwicp itt its virturn and Hc'aiilat inn to thedlsciif c or uftich it in rccomtnemUd. It m no new and untried article,!!. tit nnrtlitah.it rto'xl tl.9t';si ni a ten f art trial iicroii- tin Atinricait ami, oanrllt. reputation nnd solcin lilivalu-ill.j-an) cimllar preparations Pitnnl T ho Ii Hi ) .,f lisnf or clven hyllio most nroiiilnent aud.vv clMvnowo Phy. iician and indivii'ualtj in all prta nf the country it nnu iisG.ar.de ta mul Perut-ni ol tlic r imnnnc. ntib nh- ad annually by ihe proprietor, nnd to he had prut in oi dny ofbiM Aptnls, cannot but uniii'fy Hih ninlfkv-piiral i 1.114 itmuuy is rcany ueierviiig inr great ccicurit) on the r I rCN'VSVr.VANIA TESTIMONY. , Vtrttjimte 11. WOOlUVARD, ttv?., the KtU-kiitwn 1 t tiler for the Duncannon Iron Horht, drryco., ra I)usuamin, January ll.lt-55. i Dr. C. M. JackEOii Heat t?ir ' 1 us lor five -arfc severely nfiheted Willi Chronic Hihoun )nltry . for which 1 wan nttcudi-d by sever ul ul the best l'h sui.un 1 in tbe country. but nil of no avail. 1 also used vurium 1 remedies, but could find nothing to benefit me. until I sVjHindiU'cd to try your German tllltere. nnd utler tak-, Ins four bottles of which. I wa. outirelv cured, and am enjovingihehestof health ' MOHK IIFFCCTH Ot' THJI flRIlMAN nUTUIia I.N' DV'HPUrrilA AMI I.ivnil COMPLAINT. Certilieales of JC CUIU'lS, JJsi,, Iteporier of the Evening Chronicle , Titlfburs, Pa. . who. IVbruary 81, 18o5,saya, " For some weeks past iny wife has been usius your fleriuaD miteif, with a happy tirect. Hhc hat been afflicted more or Ices for several jet.ni, with uMvtiBc ui uitj i,ier nnu uvpik if ib , nnu uiitii sue com- nienced usingths Hitlers, notning had given her muct relief. Herhcaltli I now ropidlyimpiovmg.appetitt Qoud, nnd we have every reason to believe d.e wi be perfectly restored. She tays it is the best medJcint she list ever used. NERVOUS nnillMTY. J. M- IIuLsiii7FR. rnvleutnwn. ra..Jiinp cn. is 'in says. "My wifohsp been afllicted with a nervous de bil,ty,flnce September, 1M1. since which time l ,av been unable to find any physician or medicine thai wouldbencfit her in the least, until cne day I called nl ' thestore of Ur. Harvey. ol this town, fur some tincture, ofiron.and defcribedto him Iho affliction ut my ujf0 ho then handed mc a lot of papers to rcod, among which I found one describing our (Jertuati Hum... 1 limine diateiy procured a few bottles from him. nnd nni plenset I instate thai the use of tho liiiters haft'nno her mor( good than all the medicine ho has I errio.ure iaken . II wiihjoutofctndniei halfdozen bottles j. v. Wirn. r.i'ariin-hur8'.ra',Miys5,i?M,says:, Germi v'inuice.JyW;, fTl'n'o'vVl!.; toatalVh -ovvhapp, ..?IU? '.' '? n . nifVriiM. "' "' '' BoM hy Druggists and Storekeepers in every town and vltlieln the United Slate, ami Conaos nnd hy J. It MOV Hit. Illoon .burg. S. II. r.OWMAN fc C0..11erHi.k. L. WGllTMAN. llolirshurg. 1'.. It 1IOI1IIINS, Llghlstr "et. H. A. WORM AN, K.nv MCI.IL'K Sc. CKCASV, Liihtsireel June 7. 1P.1C. Plllt-IUICTII dillROTHFltS. WIIOLI'.SALE TO ISA CCO HEAT, S3 ECS, Pi 0,105, NORTH THini) STI11SET Five iloorsbclow Race, FilH.ADCLrillA, Janrurav ICHiaS.. "C. C -ADLER .j- CO,, NO. 0, North Water Street Philailel. nhla COMMISSION MERCUANTa, and dealers in' Lard, Shoulders, Chccso Hams, Uuckels, 1'orks. Flour ie. Ap hi 1 1655-ly. i)r. Francis C. Harrison, WOUI.n'respeet fully Inform the citltcns of lllooms burg nnd vicinity, that lieiias commenced tlio prac lie of .MtDicisc.unilrjuROi.Ry. and solicits a share o I nublicpatronage. he eamlvvayslio foundatlliui;xchaiic llotcloppotilo Court llou.e. Ulepnisliurg. Feb , ti, 1853. Irk J. C. ISuttcr, II o m to o p a t !i I c I Ii y s i c i a u, RESPECTKIILLYtondor'. his Professional Berces tntiieciliEensofr.looinsburgaiidviclnity,genaratly trjr OOiceou Ihe corner of Main and Iron Btreetc Dloomsburg, Adjoining Mr Hruwer'sr3tnre. riept, '9, Uii, GOAL! COAL! 1 DP. FIJLLr.Roc Co.,vvoulil re.necfully informth people ofrut.lon and Hie piidllc in general, tlm hey have opened i Coal Yard, of ample dimcn.ionn i U. ii,f,e. at ,,ic, win.., .uiiiuiui umtll lni UBII daar'l. to UII all ortlors for coal for domestic and eUhcrf ases. fcrauklin ft$ flousc. nmm LVU, I'ropriflors. Phesnut St., between Third nnd Fourth, PHILADELPHIA 'epICBlhe It !', piensute in on- mAViv . 1. ..1 . V . I .. .. .( ,. .. .1 TTTtlVl W.rtAfKv OF Til 13 MTlOXAt. S4FKTV TRUST COMPJ.VY. v, ALNUT Street, Smith West corner t V eTllinil, Phllnilclplila. Incorooraicil by thn Stale nf Pennsylvania. "SMom'y Is melvcd In any sura, hrso or small nnil A ' " f ' I "!i!,.1r"', Tho office U onen everr thy from tt oVMrk in th morn t tip till 7 o'clock in the evening on it on .Monday amITIiufiiljy evening, till On. lfck INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. AM ftimitlnrp' crall, nre pil ft bnckjn UOUO on lcuiatulufllmut uoliff, tunny nmonnl. I'rcsiilcnt Hon II CM1V I,. linNNnn , Vicerre!itlc!it,ROUEUTanr,FltlD(3n Secrutarj WILMAM J . UUUI). Dlrtetow ITon r y I.. Hcnnrr, 13 . 1.andrctli Mttntm lMivniitL Cattur, V. CarrollllrPwiur Ilnticrt9cirrltjc, Joacpli D. Hurry, Samuel K Ailitnn , Henry Ii. Cliurchmnn , JaniCfU.Pmiltn T Francis I.ro Thi couipanycunfinc ii b iJn pi entirely tn the receivlne of menry onjntcrttit. The investments a monntlne to np.nrly, OMR AI II.I, ION AND A HAM? OK IJOMMRqi p?r putilUliedrriifirt of AysnTS.nre mmle in con ormity wild trnvlionn of tlm rlnrtrr in he a I, nSTATC, MOKTGAOUS.niiOUNU KLNTd. amlBuch first chf Krcurltloj, a will always inure perfect r cunty to thi (Ifposiltira, nnd wlilcli cinnol Ittl to pivo ncrriminncyaiil t mility la tliljulj an I wnp ritab IithPil Inatftutmn, (I'eb, 1 . 1355 ) Marclt7th,ie57. ' STEAM ENGINIJ8 AND liOimil. rlin s'lbsctlbcrls now prepareil, with new Machine ry. to build ilittionnry engines. from 3to lOOliorec lower, upon tltc lnUMiniirov) ilplniF.fin.I uill Uulliito tnlcr iloublenml iiuglc por'able unjuipn fritin 10 to 40 iorepowcr,Ulpcel upon earri.ippi, will! Iltiiler sear ng tVpiimps all romplule ami rntly fur action Alrn -cylinder (Uiound tubnlarboHcri cat iron coa! brcikp trtpatenteiMn IHaf,for tltreililng pram and crackini :orn ami now mnilo on a iartronrate for rr(ekinff oi tircahinc coal. Heavy minim nitn,n nnil ito finrlnri ' "P8C'icf-iii.lttcwilliiloublu nciinff fnrJjiiR pump.ai kinds of inillccnrliiinil hnur cuiing made to order! tsuir MiumuK .villi u 11 y (jesi nu s'r.ea 01 puilpyd Ilnilhe wih haiifTT-r Ironplanina done t-.iy 'J 1 (Vet tone: n. kinds nf Iron lurnlr heavy press nnd oilier screw turned with nny detred pittiinMhreml. Thebest KoiiRb Iron thrcshin; Mirhine. that ever come before thcniihhc.cau Iron and v o.leinnachi ncs madetoorder. Lever power, clnin or tread rower made tocntcr. Alrvntakesordornftirthefiillonincriii chinery; Ilnrtison's latest pal inlnrain mill . SIOOll of. fered by thn Vntrnlruforitniqual. It will tirimj In icod fine meal 25 bvnltfnui one hour A ho brill and p leva tors all in ordfr,ai(ollui;nlnn Paten til lower, nnnjf.ictor rdby O. I) Harim & Co ,tln moit powerful I'.lower now in nun withllieleatt unoiint ofpviwcr, one of" lilrli wllliiflpulln uaentthe Foundry for eihibiiiun. lui thMnhovc works wi 1 ibe warranted to b" what tlicJjL sold for, AUo Talto nrilers for Sroit'a Pa torn nit.iit. Siriker, ondrichtdtonsn them inthecnuntjesofColitni hh. Montour. .Vnrthmnhiirlan(l.r.vromi"jr,Sutlir)i ii and vihuuiiv uiiu ui iiicji can nc ncrn ni mv stion LKWIH'II . MAtTfl. MarcIiS2,185G. nioomsbu.ColnmMa ic , AND R. K. Omi.ibus Line. THE unaersii-neil respectfully itiforms hisfncnilsni'il the public thai he has taken the KieAwi'rJle.in niooirsbilrir. lucaieil nn Ma, Kfrrpi. ilirrctl) oppnslic iho Ooiirl llou.p, which has ticen Ihroushly repaired nml improved, vvhi rc lie is pre. pared to accomntnilnle liiscilstomers with good lare aud to genera I s.itui action. He also ins in connection with Ihe Utclianeelln to!, uu excellent O:TNIIJUS LINE. runnlncregularly severallinirs prnlay to in, I from i,p liiroloiilhearrivitloftlior.nrs.liyvvl.irli passena ...r.wlllhe pleanMlyniive)(,lt,.th., WolSiallon," t.v,n rroiiiainlr. iur-,l , il.ei, irA. Ll.i taken froitiamlr, turned lo their reside ner-F. if.lcsirnl Ity Ilevviil aliv.iyshe l.nppy lo entrrnin .ititlnccon, ntodatcliis fricnilblo the utmost otliisalnlilips. i'UTiiii mi,LMi:Yi:a. Vrourltlir, r.loomat, urc .April, 3, leJIi J. "sul KIM IIOSl'HAl E' OF 1.1 1 rr H 13 subticib-r pri-sent to tie nnire of l'h j int rsand J nihir inierit tod, tho nhovo nrtlelf. Tho excel lency of our preparation h.iibi'ri. ro well known f., many jearsp-trl, lint we deem it. unncceFsary lo say miiriin rosp.-cl to il meritt, but inretv r-nnrk lhn ilurms a long mtIi nf yinni.it purity nrd value ui a p. nil until a nn mu (j I J V Lffip, UIIH OS U fi'ci'in.-invnl Jfliuajirc hive been thnrnnelitv ptii.ljlo.liV,! j Our Svper PhotpLote fLline itinot rhnneed n tiehnr- ricitr tvery ntjkum, but Is what it ptirporis tu'botini . form in i nrhemicnl tonslicients, and is relied upon amhcltcslF rill lizt r in ui it r CORN, OATrf, WIIK.VT, POTATOi CHAS, andnthcrcmpsreiuirii.g a vijjurniisnud laFtuijimannrj i PamphlLtn de-rnbina il unu tho modo of applwin;, t can, bo had gratuitously at our bio res or by mail when moik-ii (JAH 1'IOisl . lie nirllClll.ir In nhsurvn tlnl ovfrv barrelofourarlicU ha enr uamtt and that of Votttand JCtttt hrunJod on tlio he.id 'I bis Caution in rcr !.,. cd necessary, aMlxre are so nunv article cf doubtful value sold under Hie name of Super I'Aoiphate of J.tm, asm mislead those who arn unatiuuinled with the IVCC 615 J'Cr 200rt 2 V rin(S I.f-r III. A 1 1 ber a I dc d iirtio n mtir t o in uYtTr I,triU h nJ a i Su,hlCl'M'i . . . sirio ofthe rlH.r h" bm i,nt,ortcJ Lut 1 i orp vv nnvn whic. we uflL; .KJ PR m'V whlc" UCoffeYna!i xV'i xr'tiiiV, lUoti iuANUJvI'j, A supply of (his valuable article for sate PriCfc S30 lltr 20H0 llic 1 1 pmiI nor lh NO 1 rnvr LS nrn ,?,, I ID' p rLionyn. ? V1 1 ERUVIAN GUANO, I. V s s wdmuiiiu ITIIT IC, The leading Agricultural Journals and ner!af k-""-'' Ml- ne and eiore k.epers'tse Sr-iru aid aJaniaiiiine 1 VealoBenfo,Klnr.f,i,.41.on..o.w.. , to rare rsuicli.com starch ami I'icpar-d enrn. V.rtn a .. ..... .,.- ,.L.,,,l,r,, 1-f . Wna",t','"l M Suuili Wuur III. Afiil .. ml. ,, i, , j March ?:si7.-3n; '',",',',,'"':',, LANURETU'S AVA liIlANThD GAIL LEN SENDS. GUARS SEL'113 FIKLII gnUDfl, and FLOWUR SEEDS, for Bale by n.LANDRl'.TII Ac SOV. Nos. 21 and S3 South Sixth at., Philadelphia! JOHN O, YEAGER, Faslii oua bit! Hat &PapSioi'o NO. 103 NORTH THIRD STUKL'T, fill LADLHUI A Merchant, anil visitors from Xorlliernrennsvl vania.arercspcctrullyliivltcdto give lilm acall. whan vi.itlngriiiladelphia. 1 Juno 38,10'C-y. S. L. Pancoast &, Co.", COMMISSION MERCHANTS. AND UKAI.DBH IN FISH, PROVISIONS, SALT, A-c No. 17 North Wharve., rhlladelphia. I JUST RECEIVED AT STORE. OUR NEY I o as.es, like .e Alio, a new supply of Wall r -r uiffeisnt in!c, i,l, I, w hi 1,2 I L L:, "' 1 I .'lies lil, Il will ,r ,J ,llv II I 4 l j u i k T M AN STATE 1YIW- OFFICE Next door to the Post OIHee. 2o. 83 DockSln'clhitMltlphM, 1851, INTEREST FIVE FEIt CENT ALL SUMS OF MONEY MHTUHNED ON DEMAND. rpiIE STATE SAA'INGS FUND, No.lFDnck Strnst. noxidonr tu 'I'tiinl ,SitPt, I amls.ih.l.inn lhn Tnti Offlce. teteives moneynndeno.lt Jallyfrnmli In the mornlnj until 3 In lb, , noonj nlioMondacitiiinir.rroni? tonuVlotk Intoresi pel annum, liuposlts n til nc reiiiie.eo in wuoiu or m Tliopopiibrlly ol iliisomce wlihall classes of the uecess, may he ascribed, tn pari, in Ilia I ni siinsiannairtspoi s ... a , 1st, It oirersaciinveulenl.respoiHlble and nroHlatils lirposiiuiv In llseculors, A, n iiljtrnliits Ai,l,,, Collectors, Agents, niid.illpuMle. office rs-lo Atloine ys.Truslees, PnrletlS anil Assoelnilons svlieilin r Hi0r poiaieil or oilierwlse tnmsrrleil or single lanl(s-lo SUclianies, Farmers .Minors orriintrst'S oniiaiiniioiiavcriiiiiis.mucii or nine iuiii-iioiiinniri,,rJ.ii.,Btl, aany time with nvener ef nt Inureaiadiieu. t id Depositors iccclif Hooks with an absraclof Ihe t.ii. ti.., deposits, wliiiiiiit iKiiileiveiillonolUiecuiorsiirAil'inlolilrators. .Anyone orinoreperiunsiuay tlcposlin, J ner nrtiiiiir noine or Tor any oiner pi tson orporsons. I :l,l. A Kepnrl Is Inade earn year to Ihe Legislature and .III,. 'l'l,. I ,ir...,. ..un.n I, .1.1. a I I.AW (,., On,.. It, llli. The Stale Sa vines Fund Is neeaSavlms Funil - posiio'sand tho rhilsilclphlii public. Iiavebccncareful to observe ihsl Hie charter avoias ine nuneess anu rni, I n a 11 ranee. full, llitcrcslln this compnii does noire aserourticn days previous Inlho Willi rawalonbe money ?!. r ,, ,.). u.rtr,Ptt, n.nnnl.lefnr mi vtn lionotltntswho resldcala dlslincc fioni the i iriee,theM, sitsan permlltedto bo wlihoin n by ch, tks alter Iho liiniisiieiiioilPpoBlinrswiinoilit nrgtt, Tliepe)nrpairnnaitebcstowc upon this office by n wherctiie character ollhelnsiliui in Is bestknown.lsa I'llAItl.GSO IMt,AV,7'ee.l r, i miatieipnia, aiay ai.ieau. im WATCH & JEWELRY EMPORIUM NO. 12 South Sccomi Street, A few donrs below .MnrliPl, I'liiliulclpliift. Ilin underfisne(,rpeclfiillv ctilln the attenl low of thecitiren of lHnomburR In parlicular lhat opc ( Coldmhlacoiinlytn general, tn ouraynr'nienl of WATCH V.3 & CLdzt, . ....... t;... .,r,,rte. !..( lb-) ir.ilon.iacntlrely new.iud of most very lowest rasu nricrti. tVnichfls full lenellen sia.nn! over. fr-ii-M-rrTHJTTtS!. . . . 1 : . .... .... Hify'a rtitver.poon(..fl1.mtenfi. pctMt iy riintn IS cect patent iff, lunciv umor arucies in proportion, iu Tuna,m-- i uf y "conslnnllynn hand a fall nisortment of fineflold Jewelry and Silver W.1T0 n s vcil as 0 fice morlrr.r GOI.lt WATCIIUH, for Lnilii rtntlemcn from the most cnlcbraled mnnnrnrturern. ectp ourstnek orJewPllerylieror-iiiuklnsllielrnutchusn, .t ,.P.tn.iT nfj-wellervberor-iiittklnctUeirpurfhuscf. IHlHV IIAt HOPK. nugiisn,ioo. PIIILA. AND READING KAIL UOAD iinltr Arrangtvxentt fo raticngtr Tratni, January lsi, lb57. UP Trains, roiC N'orth, leave Philadelphia1 nt?i A M and i P .M. Uown TratnsgoiiiBSouth, leavol'ottivilleat 7 A.M icr. and 4 1 . M lfi.trninapas Heading nt 10,22, A M and S.22P. .IT. downTrains " S.I.A. M, 5,43 P. M. ThentprcsTrnin Is discontinued until fitrtlu r nn ticc. Closecon'irctionsare made by tho 10,2J A, M' tlio Train iroinPorlClintnntn Ulmlruand all intcrtne tliatc poinW lind hy tho 6,i2 P M Up'i rain from Port Clinton lo r.lmiri.tiinaiulalitua It'illi'lo, Nlaparn. He pot, Chicago, St, I.ouH, Uavenport, and Iowa City, Mftkingthisroutc thcshorlestand cheapeit lo (A Lake Lrlta and Canada, OnBundays.thi Down A. M. Tr-iln from Poltsvillc, andUpP.M. Train from Philadelphia, onl),rnu IlARRincRoCoNil:cTtoN9, by Uauphin Ilclroad alAu bm n A special Accommodation rnnsenprr Train If oves lteni!.nadaiUy.(t'ifrpt f uinlayii,)iil"l A.M., r. in r ninp from Auburn ottij P. Mlt on arrlvui of 3,10 V. M. Train Irom Harrtburc WAY FAKES KnoM Heabino to riiiliditpliii.si -Sanill.lJi I'ottsvltie 31 OS and II. el; Aiililirn, II 7.1. TIIKUIKIII FAHIIS. tn Ilarriilmrr; HSj; Tumraus $1,33: Wilisnispnrt Sl.tn, llltnir.i )ii,:.'; Ciinniiil.il mm $-1 IH: lliill'ili or Macrat'l KOi l';.aveand 111, 7(1; l'n;.,J(,5'l,7.-.; Cliiciiniall S lli.llil , Cliicar" .'o,00 Hock Iaf.mil SVS.UI' ALL I'ossenscrswittprocurc licket. lifiire o ticrl Ii ars. IU cents evlra on I'.ircs paid in 'he cur if Ilia. . I' perst'iia! Hnsffapealoweit carli I'assen ovi'rilivt vveiii litchargcdusKstra llrpcnre II A. MCOLLH. nun., 3d ISST-tf. lien I Sup I WEST URA.N'cTl ISUllAXClTco. OF LOCK IlAVCx. I'A, IN'SUM'S Hetachoil lluiidines, Stores. Merclian, lire, Pjrin l'r,ii.'rly, .itid other lluiidines, nnd llieir r, teal, atmodeiale rules. G'ii 83,000,000. II 111 LCI OltS II, mi J i,lm J l'varce, lion c r ll.rvev, Ji. lilt II. Hall, T. T. Alirnms, t'liarles A .Mayer. I. IC .U. knon. li.irlrsL'lirisI, IV. Wi ll,. I'eterlJickiiigun, Tlu-mas Kitrlirn. HON. G. U. IIAKVIIV. rri'snleul '. T iutvM. Vie" Pre. Tuns KiTnm.Rec'y. I II. C. Uimjs, Hen Art, -ULI'ERLN'ULS-H.vuiunlll Lloyd, Tims. Ilowmnn.ll. I). A. A, Wineirirdi r, Win. Van l. rlii lt. L. A. Slackey. Win Fenron. A. Wliil Dr. J. S, (Iruvlnrd, Jatnr, Clu-rsle. A llp.lepr.iir, JnlinW Slavnar.l. Jame, Ani.triirj. Iluii.riliiioiii.'.iiiicriin, Hon William llmler. AY. AYI11T, Ajcnt. Jiincttl, lt,;il r.lnomsliiirp. BUSl.N ifss "NariTcE" nun itiKcrir.rriioor ,rr.-.nniiiri victor MoL'nrllRvnois.Jiily 1, Vtj.U. F . ll.BiJdcrm.Etj , .CHjon.C. IV...1gttilfor Uirrl.il fU. Co. IIvsr Uirt' 1 am sorry lo inform you llial mvstore wlih Hie vvlioleoltliecoiiti'iitK. lurniluri'. cloiliini;, Kc, i slri,yidli lire last uiglil, I sjicilnulliiny. Von vvillri'iiiciuliej 1 liuuligioiic o(ll,-iriii.Sales fromyuu lust.Mnrcli, unit I Imve iiiurh pleasure in i n In rrniiip on "i nre urn, v vvnc p Ik 1 1 iy reo not i ir sen r oi hours; the hanillrs and lunn plau- hclli mi lloil nir. II d alter l.iu line il out oi tin, liurnli'S 'm'u i s vve In, I aliipoiirwaieroiiii Im nearly hull an hour h.fc're it could ho opined. Von may lancy my aitisT'iclinn at Ii mli ug my hooks, mortgage. deeds, notes mil cnsliril riclil I had a large amount of vuhriMa papi-rs in it which. had I lost, ivouid have ruiplrii.y ruilird nm Von will pl'asij send mo nnothersale iliretlly, and I wiilsnndyoit the old one that) ou may show itto all who wish to Imve a pcrlrdly fire prnul.afe I renriin, dear Sir, yours re speci fully, ,. ... J IV llMBR.n Xir niesillisrnhrr. liavcon ha ml for sa tc, o u e ol the ii, , ,,,,, H, , , uiR aip nrnoi.tR rnoo fa res In ivvortd unnrrnnlcedlohe omial to the aliovennilsu. ,crio1lo a ti) other nowoflVreilto Ihupnldie I'AltltL'LH tt HKRItlNO ... .... " Walnut rftfecl.l'liila.leluuia. Ail3U.ll I 1P35 v ELMO fc WHOIV!. WHOLESALE AND RE'lAIL CONFECTIONAUY k Fit U IT STORE, Ojslcr anil Ealing Saloons. TfiI,5,mif4i,LViipfpnVI',,y..i',ro'C1if3iv 1 SfflfXWiS ". h' they " l H limes keep 1 full .i,ppij, ). S ,n cood ordorand on modcratV, ,,,. 1 n....,- . . ciub- i in,,, 14120 kUpp V PI AllllOllds i Figs. Ilasor,.. Trulie.. Nuls. Walnuts! ! "ails Ti.incco Cigars, etc ,iwlh every linaginalilearllcle In lliiir line of tin. ine.s, and oftlie heat quality. ITJ- families suiplied at n'l limes with Ilreed, Cakes, lies, Oysters, Ut , and all orders promptly niied Cash paid for Country produce and the pullic cuitoin rcspeclfnlly invited. N II. A Ladie'sBaloon ilnconnfclc Jfrom tne above esuMiiliment, has been prepared in rood order and witialvvays heal their command. THOMAS C. KI.BIJ. Ol.tvnil T. WILSON. lllooni.liurs.Fch. 1,1837. GAMIJR.V CORNERS HOTEL' rpilGUNIJURSKINED, informs hi. friends and Ihe X traveling public. thai he has purchased Ihe abuvu VKlu able pinperty and thoroughly Improved IhvCamblo Hotel, located ISmllcsNoithofUlooiusburi, inCninor, Luieme counly, and is well prepared to entertain strangers and cu.loincis, roisou. going and leturning from (licCiiy, will ot Cambra Mail Coach. and vvillalways find Ibis tho most convenient paito The subscriber, alio keeps a Livery Establishment. in connection vvltlihlslloieland Mall limit.. l, ni,i,i, he can alall tiuiescarry visitors, Hunters or Fulling l : . I.T .,... ..,, .luicr oesiiuauon, oil nUHHTCIIIH! inCIIIUCS. C.mb,.,luly..l0. Y YArUE- Bloomsliurg Tinware aiidTlTvtTsiorc. rplli:un,lerslgnc,l rcspeclfnlly informs his o,t friends . U..B. .,,, piirriiaseu iii. brother s .nicies, ,., ,bauvu vaiu'in, iiiiien i, anu lite concern vv I h.realterbr conducted by himself eichmvely. lie lis. j, .Just iccclvcl ond olTersfonile ll,n largest end ftvgmnsloilonslvonssortiuentor FA.VUi' STOVES I tfMliiverlntroduccillniollils niaikcl, l?iV?.,"i! t"tkcnii..t,oracoiii.I(tcfj(rlnii"iu nl 'j bihost Lookingand parlor staves In the market, to. ; wl,. B""rS,.'t",,".':r."r"y ""etipllon.Ovn 5 "?1?,v,'R,,J,,l"'"-Jli"ilrSioiii.Caii Iron I A rTljli Btoves, Cannon diote. ir ic ' flloveplpcaiidTlnivnreon.a,iiynr, handand man. ulsclured tn order All kind. ..r T" u.ual.onshoriiioiise. """" " The paironageof old friend, ,,( now customers re speolfully.olicitrd. loom.bnrg.J.n S IBJl.,f A "UmiT- PIMLADELPIIIA CARPETS TORE rjAltFETINGS.OIIIJIoihsi Window Shades.M.t.a,, VV Matiir,Ju,i received SO.nuo plic, new stvic ni faetiired and iinnarlail eiprei.ly fr CAIIIT.T Lu '''".V.V'""' ll""skcP'rs will plea.e no, a s"l hg""i, ' 8l,,r' 1,1 ,'l,,w l allnweil.on ileeoslis l Hie rait nf HU ri II tnj pun im . comninnlly nibln town and country, uul Its tonxqj,,! Fludents alert imnis i.-irrss.rnn hum urn, s"i'ctni',i, . ... , , I lly Uwsind repiiallon.ln whlrh'is entered tbclr ilfrn,,, I i.. ..... nt.ihl.,,. fipsiMnrnhience. wlln will rcre vs ih.. I Council so ft lie Cily. Air .In, In. 1,1 n rt (1,1 I OR It, PIT I II IF IIIIII" Billt,,, t tiolan Inmranre and Trust Company , tliir la tg e li t nlrj, I manner tiirtom.irv Ith Ihe P.anks, Check Bonks wu.jl ,,,.., . i. I provetbiallifaiitlous and illifriniiantlnp eeininuni ly , I siatlfylngfaet lowhlelilheTrnfire; ""ijunf "'.'"il GBOHOfJ II. 1IAUT, JVuiiij I nn . ....lii.i.nl rtf nml rift HIV sittllt.lr f lftl' Is I' II Vl.i recant styles and palteTns.wll be disposed of din . . , Bilverlienino Wactlien. ioxr!icd $0 aud nver gn.. I .i. m.. x.n ill... If I ,.ni. . n si.Mlll - I Teas J UeieriSIO. Tnble 15. WJlrh O .nsse-i bflM U jAMim 11. 1'iiiLrit Br. J. B. Houghton',? GREAT CURE FOR DYFPEPPl.i l)R IIOUOIITON'S . T' hum? o,ifiV'.'.,,l SfJIT jiiico rrennred i Rennot, or the f HSP'VMimHyS '""11". " T'" '"' i "l'l" "'i niir i Lis ! 1. 1.. . Toiighlnn M D , rln' iiv i inn.,, i a. ThiMs,ui,iru . ui. i, K-incily fur nn unluaiii, . math, No aitol maiicnn e,)iin ,u curative im , " II contains no Alcholiol l'itiirt Acids nr Nun. Drugs. It Iscitreineiy sgrcenhlelotlit tasir !,,i ' betakellbytlioinostrccblepatienl. viho e.ihnni . ivatrrcrickcrwlthoiilacuto dulrrss Devvaii oiDrn, Initiations. l'eplii is not a Uri.tr ' (VlonthuAgent. nnd get a Descriptive fin gratis, giving a large amount ol N'leiilllir l:v , from Liebig'a Aiiiina'i.lii mlsiryilir t',,i,li,.','i,.0 lligeti,in; I)r t'erelrn on Food and lliel Dr j, i,r. , Tfaprr, of New Vork Cuiversit) , Prof htm l'y.inlngyj I'rof .vilniian,nl Vali CoHu'c,-. tir I icri,l'iiyiologyi .ctogutlicr wlih ripom ,f i from nil pall'Dlthn Uniti-d SIlU's Hold by II. T Lilts and J It.Muyi r lllnninsl, t S.ll, lloniiian llerwlck. Ocl3, A REVOLUTION IS NECJifeMni Victory is Ours. Much is Hie progres. uirttrureiii this age thn' leeins nupodrlMe. '1 li.il Ihrre nre new mm , discoveries being nm, t,' every ilii) iioijiii ,, Alter I ttioniilgn iuvesligiititili ol I lie igtt dom with a v lew to ulilii n a poili v e oi pi cinr f,ir the liioliiliMiiiuuliillolhtiiiililty I Imivo il, liringnig togllhrr .iirll 'I line J I u I , I n since ilslotri'diirtinu, mul It is uovs erlieiu,-,i ,iuj,ular ri nml) in Mi. VVorlu known u Ilelmbold's Genuine I'lijui'i llighl) (i,iicerlri,iriil!i.iiiio ni,l riuiu I n, , Fr all Hi!'' ncs nn; llli udi r. hiuii, v t r, Hi-jiinlilrgan.. JOY I O '( UK A I I LK i LI llcnr IHii!m ..olili, III. im, , Kluni). I, v sy 0!illiilti"u lui it, l"f,,ii,iih l j, , i , tlioi h, Hileilit,, .' . 'i, , uil tiiti .' ,n, cict i s ali'l imp 'in l i ., hi (if e At llius null J.tli iia'ul i)ir, An.l iciii'ivi . nil tuipr, p, r , i.i u tt. f .1 Kldlie) p ,r Si mini i'lgiii f. wl,,. , , v i, Hue i,, v Ft i null i'ltiu iv lui l v , r i ,, I'm , i, led ami nn iinitli r mMhivi long 1 1.,1,11 ty v ,t mid Igor tu Ihe Iraiui anil I, m o tl.e I i 11,'biliiy, bin light on h) nhu.i u ii,l iemt-1' vvliichlu. bloiiglillh i sniiit. fine liniru n I liilifly .rsvos, ihii blii.tit'g hi' I ril'i, i.l Ii i i nt s n i, ,l I'l.gl.ti n j. 1 1 1 1,1 hi il llie gli.,i i. an inan) ,i utilii, you Ih. enn be in, ill.) il eust i lnjiillibh lit men ii Sltdas a im'iliiifte wlmh ntlisl l it, nt rv r' ' thu siilijdy , liiiile In tin rum,,,, , ,,, ,e,,n re, uue,ual is loliu Inn d, II ynu Ii in, run, J limbic ill" nie.viiiuh v hi ni'ine ,, i, i. d n lbi lllll!''llllll.llec llie CILIIiliitu, .upp,gt,fc , Oiiidsnf Iff,-, priirure Ibe liemril) in ,,i re 'Ihe i,ejroiis illHllinciii vv i.o.,., rVift lloldi tuili an eniiiiiv uiih l, I . i ,. 'Hi unvifl lis nincksilvi r M n iiiMMlin i The iialiiral g.iH's nml ell, ,,r 1 1, I . l.'riidliiv, like e.ig( r ilrrppinis lulon.i I Ii, i bin u ti ,1 vt ln,i l.t,.... i ir lluvv-.ire or'4ii.,cl, iio.liuiiis mid inark I) t , Hiliiilrid's Highly ( unci titrated Cli, , Inut Lxlrnt ff livchu Ispn paiuliliriitl) .irii.riLuii in ihe nil, , ,ii., tc Cbriili'.lly, imIIi ihe giulist scinrury sml . kiiiiivli'i'guiiilriire ili'viilidtu llsii u,l inr,i , n i uluilly hrisriiepiieil In n'lilin emu,, ni u v, nei in liivvii.couiitiy hi'tpiiul or priiiii,. , ri , i, vuriabl) given II, e tnn.t ill liileu aim ill i.juivoi factliin and roduu-il the ui,l salute , ni , pITerls It Im. be, iini,,l n,i,l n, miihe i.ihii (.-a ill III. I.iiileu flan send hull l,p.v , oublicaiil prii,i rocliee. vvithgteniMir i is Pillli let l l, uiiilersli'i,, fi, n.i pi ,.ift i vvhiluiiii; lo be cntirniii li il il.nt lirlu bniii (Mnrriilr,,, il CunipiMirtil tun. I i ,a, i II, . , Ipllsl Vlllliable II inri'y I V el nlll n II 1 1 III' I III I'l'lie uiuis uf voliiniuiy Ies liuio'iy lit poipi opritlur is iiii.iMTfp einl men g ii.hi,. w, . itioncp and I aiuelci lil.Mtcd 1 h)siciaiie aun ' eii.)i(ill.'lers)tiii,i tipeProtesKor Dewee's vllualile work on Hie ofl'liysicund uioslol iln laii; .tiineard vvokir eine. Hr Ephram .VcU'ii nil. ahigbl) dl.iingui.il, alan ulij iiirinbi r ol ibe Itnyiii l.'oilegci Ulilii amd and piiMi.hcd mlhe irniiisclii ns of ii h CJien'a Journal, en) n Ihe Fluid llliaii liaving bieu lately struugl) itci-iiiiin fm, I vi to tii.ike it a trial, ami toy ospeiliiifuu lis vi if -Hie uiii.t aii.lari) inaiiiiui, hiiving luiiinn , ng ilit'inoiit nivctcruic ca.es iu wlmh 1 htd n, if hue ri'.s." A niuiiiruMliig letter is publish! UlnllieMi ilir gicallievivwiiii the si.bjicliif Ustrart llui Im i nlll .ravers, t'. li rJspeukiiignlfypl'iliraiiun, . oii.ingrroni sresicf mercury, he mates I bap , edv is cpial tu it- it. pi.vvt r is esliliori uiui) u than any drug I ainoruuHinrif vtnh ll Ii uitli (Isi iih; a Tonic villi this invalu ibli' .illnl up H .'piiciiiiie iu ustato or the .yslrnisn imii,eite solrrpabte asiuiui,dsruther siibstanciut u Toun uravaliabte, or injurious.' We take ibe iibe v marking, flu Italics,) sa) t thedisliligulsl nl ci.it r . julniKuii. LiciiiiM' we nmsifurdially concur wnu'li Traverse iu his stall uientsol Eslract l,uthu 1 1 is a meuii nit winch iiperrcrll) pli .is.inl I n li nndodur. but mini, din,' in itsnciiou.aiiiiit iitiik' 1 persons oleiiher si i w Hhtiit liinilianti f.om I, i ' or midiciilvdvice. a.cip'icit dirrciioua Icr u.r ,,",.,.i nui.iui'roi reiiaiiiianil le'pmisll u c ltil.1 conv inre the n'mtsLrpHral willnccomi iiuiiih TriceJI perboltlo orsiibultleri,rt5 Del.v i any address. 1'repareiiaiidn.ldliy II T IIIIL.VMO n ., . Practical anil Analvliiaif t,i '' No SStouth Tentli street. helowCliestnnt (Asu a, Toboh.dol f"i'1'e'.J fL.lu.Ici.il.ia . , JTv MOVER, l'' and of Druggists and Dealers throughout the 1 nn Btstes.Canaitasanil Uiitiiti 1'ioviiices Augusts, 1MB y 1101VAUI) AS0CIAT10N, PHU-ADEU'llll Inwortunt Iintwuvcaitciit. rpo all persons alllictcd with icsual dl.eaa I J SC.MINAL WDAKNC-W I JI l"l nSiVV ' llUIA,(iLr.l;TVniILH&e.,lic , .in uu, ,iuu AonuunTioiv nl rniiadiir view of Iho awful dcsliuclion olliiimsn tile aui'o cou.tdbyt3esuJldnea.es and Ibe detentions n practiced upon the uiiruriunaie Hdiins ol mil n " by Qnaks, have direcleil 11,, I, t.'i uMilling Bu, ;.Vll?.'.'.lTAI"'l: ACT wnillly ol their riumi MCua'ALAllVlCIIURATlKloallpeltounl-i ted.lMale or Female, who apply by letter, n-" eripiion of Iheircoiiiliilon ngi. occupation habi fcc and In cases rifeitrime iniiiit nml si.f!' FI'UNIUII JIDDIl'IXI'a I'HEDOr IIIA1IGC The Howard A.Hirinion ii a lienevnieiiiiini eriubliilieil b) ipecia'eniinivruri.i ir ibcimii " ellekaml riiitn .i,eil. offlicied win, Vlruli ni arc 1 1 In Dllinse..,, and its lunds can be foi nllii l p i .1 iiti" now u ruipiu. ol nuns, winch the ii, r" i n' voted loudveilipe the above nolire II is ntiii1 ' aibllhalthe Assoriitlon commands the lutti v calskillof thi age, nml vv ill rumiih llie iimsl l 11 modern treatment Valuable advici ,nn glv" and nervous Icmali .aillieiod vvnh nbdomlnolvi i' ' WnmbCnmplainl Cn.tlveriear L'lirorlnia t Aldre.s.rpoil paiifjUr LKU.lt tALHO ulliniHiigeon llovvonl Atsurianon, Nn i Hlteet.l'Jnladelphla.l'a, Uyorderoftlie Hiieriurs liliA D. lir.AllTWr.LL. Ti, cr.O. FAIItClllLD.S.rmu.y, Angu.i ti, Ie5n y. HENRY 7,UPPIN(i''R, Cloik anil ll'a.rliinaKri's South Side of Main Street obovc tht Road. DUTICI'LTrepairlng in vvaiclfjs elrvClaise. inr liiinllns wslil' pe.elsrle. tgr Hinun.iairg s,i; a ,ps