Je m w on i COLUMBIA DK MO C RAT 1 ' . . . 7; : Z . ". ,' Saturday Morning, May 30,i857i iTncMtii ipi. w.iii.. ! . l.i ' Apdbnxt-lliu iUUHUl uun ..vawi.j OS & viiut to I'hilttilclphia. DELICIOUS. Sirs. Loaoook's J.CO Cream is a most delicious article, Sho kfiCDS it always on hand. Call anil see hor.' wf H k ...... tISTY Our flreots linvn linon durinrr ff ' o 'i nonius j, morns, iho' past wcoki uncommonly dusty; omooAJ"ok.''"''"ir' tblOR should bo ilonc to allay it. Who 'Ei'da for a wntoringmriciiNC? ,;1HN0 GO. Tho bill to extend 'Ihird SJrcot in Uloomsburjr, was lost in tho Sen ate after having passed tho IIousc, a short timo before its adjournment. "jMoKIM TUIAf. It is said that the trial of David S. McKim, for tho murder , of Dr. Norcross, has oost IJlair oouuty '-near twenty-fivo hundred dollars. :.V i ..... o.U.S'liOUU MARKET. Thu grain and ' 'Jflour market is firm. Within about icn . ''days tho, prico lias advanced SI por barrel, What is the cause of this ? Tho country is full of grain, liltEFRESHINQ, Dr. Hagcnbuch has jfittod up his superior soda fountain for tho approaching warm weather. His extracts ' izx l i.! . .... : .i. !.,,. .... AlU JMUUg uuu ilia Oil '1U ! IliU ll,.VU iU til aTrefrcshing drink of soda water. ; ff JjOST. A broast pin with a femalo's r l.kaicss enclosed, cither in Uloomsburg, or on tho road loading to ,Light Street. Tliejlitdor will lo suitably rewarded by leaving it at this .oUke. ,2ili,IU3T V AGE,- Header, peruse our It is unusually in iifirat pigo this week. teresting, no call your attention to the original poetry. Thu writers have our'c frtv tlw nrtnlrilinlinn4 NeA I f. lliu new coin, hs at . . jaai, 111.1UU 11.1 uiuui uiiru 111 iiui iuu, auu "Tnoiiy arc tho inquiries afler them. It ,isu beautiful piece of niouoy. A speci , .tncii of which can bo seen at this office. DISCONTINUED. Tho post office at 'Pu-.iler's in this county, has been discon tinued, as no person seemed viry anxious to attend to it for the fctctill profits, and tho neighborhood ran be pretty well ac-pjuimodr-tcd at.ethcr officer PAS I'UIl IS, The pastures luve been growing within tho past few wee-ks, and .our farmers will bo enabled to "turn nut" tdt'in a few d.iys. Many of our Columbia c.iunty farmers find thefr htoek of proven 2 ,dcr almoit exhausted, and aro waitiuj; im patiently for tlie pastures. THE HlVElt. The recent rains havo kept the river in good rafting order, and .much timber has passed down it. At pre Bent the water U at a height, but Jew rafts are been. It is fcuppojud that tho lumbermen h.ive nctily all got their JogH down. I'HUIT. Thcro is at presout, every prospect of an,t yield of fruit of nil kinds in Columbia county. Th"n will make ample amends for the loog continued cold we havo oi.ilured this season. Tho fruit trccrf are in hlosscm now, and tho air is' redolent with their delightful fragrance. FINE WKATUKIt, The warm woa thcr for tho past few days has acted liko magic on tho different .oropi. The wheat fields give evidence of an abundant crop. Tho oats grow finely. Spring is now ,npoo us in real earnest, iiuds, blossoms and flowers greet us on cvsry side. May is truly a month of beauty. WUITE-W'AS II I N G .-JuJging from tlie oxcoeilingly tvliitc oppcaranco of the fences nnd out building.') throughout the county, it sociiH as if tho white-wash fever had broken out, and was raging with un mitigated fury. In every direction, dur ing the pleasant weather, Iho ladies with their sun bonnets on, may bo ?ccn endea voring to assuage tho attack by applying heavy coats of lime and water. HEELS, Thcladics are tho sweetest creatures in tho world, but thoy aro never theless enslaved by iho tyrant, Fashion. Wo havo rather a liking for many of tho whims and cagricrs of .fashion, for wo hato losoo people always Jrcssod exactly 8Bmo A littlo chaDce is useful to vary tho wonotnny of life. Thcro is ono fabh-1 .ion, however, in tbeso modern days that wo .hto liko enakes, and that is tho high heels which aro now worn on gaiters by tho gon tlcr bos. Every time wo meet a graceful woman, and hear her clapping along tho ipavemcntlilte an iron-ehod trooper, wo feci ns if it was a duty to slop her, tako her to tho wood-pilo and thcro with an old aso chop off bcr bcols 1 Womon havo no right to wear snch ungraceful things. Tho favor ito ido.i has always been that a woman flhoulil glido along liko a sylph, and to do this sho must eschew all heel-taps. Wo aro .dead down on high heels for women. A roan may stamp, alon Iho street with bis nailed heel as bo ohooses, but a woman is expected ,lo present in this particular a Stroni and marked nonlrant. Out nlT vnne , . - ' heels, wo beseech of you, apd oomo back .lo the simple spring ? lo of SI, Crispin (ffoUtmbttt HttOaat8ALAMAylD TmB"i Tho follomug aro tbo receipts to tho offioo of tho CoiiUMiiiA Demociiat, during tho month of April, israi M's.Ilitiyllohlsoii, t'J to, lit OenM llnpMibutli t ill) II OOl Mil. H.iiiiui-l l'tcaa. i so fill Ullli a ool Wni iifiirmiiii, 4 8o 3 till) Jollll lilt. 1 11 3 Jul Jeremiah lloieiibuch. 3 "JO Jiekson llnffciibuth, Ilenrv Trcmblcy 4 00 O. M. Mater. Esq., 5 01) John t.nckurd, B 00 Montgomery Uole, I oo 3 oo 1 07 3 SO 1 IIU MilMO. Ahtn 1011. :st of ll ttponenberf in uq William l'llti, II 11 mention drr, I1 n. i.iii S 00 Joseph B. Ilea ii, John Unrfc Ito&crt niiio, 3 W 1 01? 1 iS I 3.1 3 10 1 00 8 00 00 a oo 1 13 3 SO 50 4 00 3 00 3 00 3 3D 7 00 3 00 7 no Bitot iicj.iioonc, 1)1 J.P.Tassatl. 3 SO 37 44 JCSI. IIICKI, 1(11., Henry llartnian, Alexander Meal,, Mnlick St Creasy, ..,'",, '""j.. ... Oil S 40 4 3.1 H. W. Ill's. XV. V McMulloil. 0 00 II .5 jj. Terry Huilth. BhorlirMltler. 3 00 Humucl Mclleniy. Alexander Kerr, Mm. It. ami Mm It. Jacob Everly, Ils'j., llforco llnrtman, (leoruo AVIHrlrntmc h Alfred Howell, llsq.t Hitliralui Ailrhy, Kstato nr 13. Prlco, nivld Ilcinbnld. 3 00 Jnn.j. miles. 0 00 W, II. IVlcr Hop, . 3 87 1 .'.8 I AO 4 00 7 00 Jacobs. Most. Unary IIpm. IV tn J. Hem. g-unui-t llfM.2il, Joipnli I) licit. 1 73 20 'John I.i'Hl,. Oporto W Crcvcllng, 3 00 John Tremhley, fl (10 I.K. Dlhllne, 17.1 James Hester A: Co., 4 Oil Pnl.Neyhard.llsu,., 3 011 Est of II lloyiiinn, 3 0(1 win. i;oio. i:t . David I. I.'ioilry, Haiuilel llcncock, A.M.IUt.lwl ii, Win.MrNliicli, M U. Wood war J, 3 Oil S 03 U 00 3 33 1 73 3 00 Special Notice. Th littltrt all they are represented tola. Ukar Siu Iliovo used jouOcrman Hitters, and find l tic mull they aro repremitedto Im, and ,thc rfnlly commend lliem to the public 01 an excellent medicine. lficctfully, yo'ite, V, lM'AUI.KNCU. 6ec adrcrtlicmcnt. A t-'AOP Dr. Iluriei'e claraaparilla. now utmoat of world hla renown, ii fmuly cutiihluhcl the hot ulidonly conulnii inodielmi nf that clasa. Tho euree It ban nfrcttMl oro wilhvut porptlcl, und Mill be aetan dard remedy hen all,other8arsap:trilla aroburied tu merited olucuilty. U5"Wliin Mietnon. tho Groek Phy ician waa elaln Homer aaU nfti11 a I'hyaici&a ia worth a uiuchaeo whole army." Then 11 good inedlcino like Avtr'aCathnrtUrWi letwortll n f.' deal more, be ciiubo itrilreane well, works wider and labia longer. Tltcci rclcnlthe beat P yaieian'e labor iiiubi bennrroW) whiWt $m a remedy e nvnllulilQ to a il can bu had by every l-ndy, nod 19 worth having. Till; VITAL 1'I.UIUi'iiters every orfian oriho body ihroUKh thc'eiiciitatioii,,dlFiribulcrtbe niifritlve prin ciple 10 every texture and the eourcc of every Bccre lion. In n wuril.illatho life of uun. Ilow linpor ItGliouldbr.kcpt ina puro and,hcn!lhy condition, llkllcy'l Sarsaparilla la known 10 pouBCra propcrtlea which. hecoioo as v Hale d wlh tlio blood dinjntcetinc. ll of iliFca,e, uml reitoring exhju&tcd lilluro to prietlue vigor. Cohtmthl (Tcias) Herald. Bnldby HUllUll'iXl.lN, ItttOTIIUlt i. f.Q. I? Tllft DUMOURATIC NOMISUC TOR OOVXlT KOIt. A cotrPFpondeiil wr)Ue llial aa eotin as Gcu nckcr iK'ntd that he had been nominated for Uovernur by liie Demociiittc .onvetitioti ut Harrlfiburif. he de clared hlnmcll ovvrjoyi'd, and avowed his dulenultin linn to take tlm , lump at an early day in an I r refill ihlo nit ol.'lothlne. from the luasniDceut I'tabliBhinenl of URiHvtus c)toke3. No. C07a(laie 3'J9) Chcitnut etreet above tith, Philadelphia. &2f The Mute Savings Fund, 83 VocM trtct,itutdoorto iht Pott OiIce. Sum,, largo and emnl arc received on deini.itc,and returned at any time, with Rvk per cent, Jiutereit. The office la open daily, and every Monday evening. The Five Per Cent. Savins Fund of Iho N'.ilionfil i-afi'ty Cninpiny, llWnu alreel, nouth weKl rornrr of 7'AlrJ Blrei-t, Phil tdelphin, now hue moro Ihnti OkK Mil LioMof Dollre, nil in Mortaub, Urockd IUjik. and iilher urBl.clai'.iiccuriticB, lo the bcucllt o depoftilura. Ci-TIIUMArl W. MATl'SON, ItecelVM Hel'rue Medal nl the World's I'.ilr Jtn Iinr'jn, iri'jl, for CRUNKS. CAItl'ET I1AI1S, lluols, shoes and (I . (Irenl iit'ltireiuentinrc tiiw uttered to purchasers of thu ibovu articles. This is much the largest stoiko (trunks, C,irii't Hags,, in Philadel,hln wry cheap, or dull. Mlililficloriis. 130 Mirkit Street, S. W. .irneruiil IMirk'il street, rt li. coriicofKourlh. " OOIILAXII UlLAM." 1 fouadefir beautifying the i,,i,e.l, superior I., any I'rench a I tiral iiitorteit. nnd f.r lnlf tlio rice, I'or dressing Ladi,'B Hair il'.ha. no iqn I, il n bright glns.y appearance, ll causes (leiillemau's llair.ln turl in the most natural luauinr. It removes dasi'iiiir, ntutiys giving the Unit Die npi'enraiicj of being Irish shnii pooiicd. Price oul) fi'ly cujH, 4-.'uiii riiiuine,urless la'll(d, l'ETi:il.(;n.CO.. N. V. Pmjvlitorsi.ltho 'Dole, ea rA'uraail flvKcra." I'orsal.; by all Uru.-3l.ts, EQUALITY TQ ALL I rTMKIIUMlTV Ol' PRICES! A Ntw 1'aiTrriE 1. Ikiixas-.. lheruenehnownSalumeul H.r Sc CO.. Oflhe Cri-Ffont (Jnp price Clollilnp Htoro. No. iOO Mnrkul Btrc.l.almie Sinh, Hul t.lclphln. In u.tiliiion to Imviii' the laryful, mort vurioil und f iiliii)ii;ilili ritork nf Cluthlng in l'hitiiilel.hi.i, mnJu mrt'tf tly far ntiil palcp, hai c nnittilntcil rvcry one Ms own Batoeiiiaii, hy hiving uurKeil in figure?, on p.ich nrtido the vuiy hiwest pticuil can he mUl for otlicy cannot poaitily vary all uuut buy alik Th') Booilrtitrn wi ii ppnugrd antlprfpartl,ani1 groat pnim lukfii with the making e that all can Uny wilh the full asurauco ofgcltlng n good article lit the very h.iud,orthe latest st)leand best qualities, which will be made to order, in ihe most fashionable and best ii)ai!iur,25pcr cent, below credit prices. lie iicmli-r thu Crescent, in Marl.fl, above Hiith Bireet, No. '.'UU. JO.VU3 U CO. ONE PRIGIS ONLY I I.iri'lNCfJTT COB.Oa-ti Clothing Warehouse, Fonlh WVnt rutacr of I'uurili and KarMt blrcols, I'lnl ndelplila. The only Oat PrUa Clothing irorein America Cash p'ircliui'rs ofMoirfor boy's Clothing, a. wholesale ami retali, can' here, make their eWrction front nn iuiinotuo J tock'of f.iihioiulily cut ami mil invle clothing , got up with i viowtognlii pnlidfnctlon tn nil, nml al.thu.vyry toweit pjibl: filing prico 9 marked in plnhi figures on uvury Armrni, all buy nt Iho s-imnpricc.nuil, wlicthor they oro Judgui of good ur not. t hoy cannot he tlcccvcd. Oui! uniform low price to ask Htululi!.fiii.icvcr)!ody, wile the usua j iiioilc oraikinj two price, ami taking nil tint ran le got, suit nobody, nii'lch j ttirccfu irtlu ; for ir.sinne a man aiks$15,roricoat,aitdafterwardtfnf!re,tutakQ -SPUING & S II HI M E ii GOODS tIO, and it:i0C)ually rrrlatn, that lie, would have taken' rnirn t i i . ' 6l5.fhec.ild UvcROt It.nud Um actmlly chat I I 11 UnuorSlgUOd laKft pleasure Ol in-h.!purcln-r:outoftWedolUcj. To remedy l Hi-e il SAB?!in nnd.estulilish confidence In Hie trade, Ml'l'INCO'l' u CO., ll a iniiforinbelow price on all lheirgoods,(very much h low thu usual rales,) and, willjnevori-ary une cent under nnyl'c rcuniBlnnces. Jj-CAM. AND 8UnS Althe3outhVetcornoof rourih am Matkel ilrccis i iiuanuiiuiiii . uTtTtTfrWiittxiWz'JrT Comer of 51 Ii & Arcli Sired, ! Philadelphia. Henderson & Co,, BOOKSELLERS AMD PUBLISHERS. INVITE tho attention of all Porsous Vifi tiutf Philadelphia, whither on llusincss or pleasure to ihetr Unraordinary Collecliouof llooks upon all sub, iecu, llooltscllcra, Country Dealers, Touchers, I'nhlic nnd ririvate Libraries, supplied with Hooks St Stationary at owesl rates. O. O. llnNOCRSON St CO.. Marc,'j 7, 1?57. Cmt. ALEXANDER KE11K, IMl'OIUXIl ANII WIIOLUSALIJ IHlAl.l'.K 1 Salt, Salt, NO, 33 BOUTII WHAIlVUd, rilll.Aniil.l'IIIA. n.51Jl',.',fin'i",.,:.i.'i'!""",i Turk's Island and ?ultythe trade ' " '"u for '' 1,1 lo"' 10 Aprill, 1857-anl XAXnUri UURU. WALL PAPER I WALL PAPER! XKTK uya J".". '.'.':. '.v!,,,'..,7 "i'load, a splendid as. ll sniiineiiuil WAI.l. TAI'Ml, wtich we inl.nil ,01t" ?s'i"2ii,4 I- ,,ie'" " n a-ri, srse-nta ' ahum i- " " k ' " " "man TUB I.AIKll'.ST AR90HT- ninni In tho United Biatei. I warranted in bn equal to anr now nnde, nnil will be aolil on 1 ian eoodlcrmi.afcnnbe obtained from any other l0ita HI llie ouriirr, ,. 1,'VANB k lyATSpM'fl. 33 S,4tllll., l,lilliiJclI.llla. T-nltTll IS MinlIVY AND WILL PUIIVAIt,! Riven eriU t'onmlil,;illif lp "HI K '. me if Ike Iron tula, t ieaimfHi TIio unilorilisncil, mombern oflln renteirnlly report. Ihal wa eaw the naiiyanrceii uiion by l'arrela It Herri Watnon.iilacil tide by tide In a lui Hale In I no by the fiaynwalcr of the Reading llallrnod Uunipany.ln Ma ........r..Dil i.v Pi,r.Al Ac llcrrmtf rv37. 1337. I Itch 4, 1837. I immlllee. do t aafce. nrljil ami uvaiia tc le, vl? Th. ladeipnia and e at Read in nc Iho Pali lr uc by II A. I. ami. In hit Hoik, inanoratturcd by I'.Tnnltc Wutiun, and put in iioote anu imperii ii TlioSrewaiitntlod at 8 o'clock, . M., and ko oak and half clvJilmii ton vnod were nntlrcly ro aumed.tlio yUoq utifkr Iheiupcrfrilrniloiirt of I ubier tbern.ijiPmberB ol tlo C5iniiittcc. TIio nT Up Unill lOlir OOrilB III Bl .....Kury. ,nu ruaua were i (inn conicu ou wim nier, m ernuicn in wtiro opened and the bnotct tind papers taken out tlm Unmntlttee and tonl to IL A. Innttg ilore to- public eiatninaliofinud matlted by the (Join mitioe. Theltonks and nn pern taken rrrxu I lie Bafe, nimufnc tured by t-'nrrls tc Herrings woro.i" oiir Judgmont inninirrtl runyiuicen prr com, morcinan iiiobq idkcu from Kvjini & yyjtion' Safe. wu ticllcvutlie ubovotoiiave ncenaiair nnn mi nnrtialirlat ofilio rcspacttve quailtlti nf botii 8a fen. r t a i inn ii nvniii'it . t)AVIMS. 1IUNTHR. Itnvlnrr Imp n .ilurn t diirln a tho lu r nl nir. vtn fuUy cnincido vilth Hip nbovo .a lenient "f the coiidlllnn WSSm of ihopapereumlbookslakonoutof thortiiKrlHoirerted to hi, care with prompt'iea, mid .loBpaicn. Bnf,,,, liooda will bo delivertdal the folloning ralra per. 100 a. a . Nicnr.LS. ii. a. JAB. M1LI1ULLANI). Maine Ofl.iaST SWAN & CO.'S LOTTERIES. Tim most nnif.Ltixr r.rv.n Dimrf. Capital Prize $C0,O00. TICKWH ONLY JIO. iAV'lND lo Iho ereut favor with which our Single J Numoer Lotteries havo been received hv the puhlic, nnd Ihe Inrgu demand lor Tickets, the Maina gers, B. Sivst tt Co.. will have a drawing enili Sa nir' dav thruiiehout Iho enr. The lnllowitig Srheiiie will ho drawn In each of tueir ijoiieries lor June, ma7. . CLASS S3. To bo drawn In tho cltyof Atlanta, Georgia, inpublie, 1 on Batunlay, June bth, US" To be drawn in Iho cilyof Atlanta. Georgia, in public, un Salunlay. Juno 13th. It37. i.'I.ABS 41, To be drawn in the city of Atlanta, Georgia, in public, on tf aniiril.iy, Juno 10th, 1S37 u.iy. Junu . CLASS , ui.Asa 4-.-, To be drawn In Iho city or Atlanta. Cenrgia, In public, on Sallirdav. Juno 2Tlh. ISM. ON TUB PLAN lit' BINGLU XIIMIIIIRS. 7'arcs Thouand Thru Hundred and Ftre Prliei I More than one l'rizo to every Ton Tickets. M.iaKIFICEXT SCHEME! lO DK PRAWN UACI1 SATURDAY IN JUNKI 11'nr.oof $110,000 1 1 Prize of 1 (100 1.000 I .out) l.OlKI 300 inn 50 1 1 mono 1 5,0(l 1 5.0110 1 ' !1,500 I " 8.5(10 1 2.50U APPROXIMATION PI1IZCS. 4 Prizes, SIWApiirox'ing tu $G0,U0O l'rizo aro 3000 4 4 '.'00 20.U0J eio 500 135 70 SO 4U 'JO aro lo.ouo 3 .11(10 2,500 1,000 H 12 10 3000 Ml cm) 1,40 00,000 S301 Prizes nuiou tiling lo WHOLE TIUKCl'M ?I0! HALVES; THUS 821. ., - "-- Flan of the Lottery. Thu Numbers Irom I to 30.000, corresponding w i 111 loose .Miiiiuais on i no i icki-is prune, i on separate i blips oi paper. nro encircle Willi small tin tubes nnd oLicud in nnn wheel. '1'l.u II, d. 't7 rlS. Mlnitltrlv nrixlo.l t j, ,1 nnrl,. c led. aro nl iced in ouolher wheul . ino wueeis nrc iiicu revoivcu, aou a number is orawn irnni me wucei ni milliners uuu in me s.iuiu , lime it 1'rir.e is .Irnvn from llie other wUeel TJio Number nnd 1'rlr.edrawn out nro opened nud eilubil cd to the audience, and registered by the Connive sinners; Ihe Prize being pllced njalii'l the Nuuit. r 1 ' ,,.,.i r. 1 , T t... Prizes nredruwii ouli ' 1 Jmroilmaticn J'W:cs.-Tlio Iwn pieecding nnd iho tin succeeding Numlieralo those drawing the n rat , li will ho entitled m the 4s Anproxiiiialion Irriies. 1'or eiRinplui ir Ticket No. ll'iimtrnwa the i I &liO 000 Prir.o.thiuo Tnkets numbered 11,'JIH, 11 api, ' 11,231, 11 252, will enih ho ilnllllid to S2ii. If Ticket .,, yvj ,ir.i (f inu if,uuM I I It", iiiuiu iicni'is iiiiin- 1 hired 511.510, 551.552 will each he enlillcd to 8J00, and so mi according to the above scheme. Tne 41000 Prizes of Sio will be determined by the Vi.i V" '. : i.'"'" V... .V....?"."..V. "i. .V...V,; i Prize c ii if si with S,o. 1, then all the Tickils where the Number ends, in 1 , will ho ciitilh-d in S2tl Iflhu N'uillhcrellds Willi N'o.2 then till the Tiikils where the Number cuds 111 2 will be entitled in (20. and so on to 0. Cerlilicates ol Packages will bo EOld at the follow ing rules, which is the risk : Certificate or l'nckigc of 10 WholcTickcta, j0 do do 10 Hal r do 40 I'i do lOUunrler do 20 i'o do 10 Eighth do 10 IN OUDERINO TICKETS OR CER'I ITICA'l I S, Hncloic the iiidiit-y tu our n'Mrrjsijr thu llckria onlero.l.on receipt nf which they il' he forwunk-il iiiiyiiiiiie IIipv inay h:?Biui'H , . I m "f...l .1 ' l'urcli.iHfrri will tile mowrltu thei r aiKiiaiuriB i lain. I nn.Uivi thnr l"iVr ufflceVcSinty 1 ' HmumlHir Hint tvtry Tiijce imlrawnjunl pijahlu in ' ra ii wtiiiniit (ifiMiruon . AUrnxrstof IOU0aiHluniJer. aid irnmctUitely aflor I ino uriwiny ouicr rnts at inu uuu.ii uuic ni tmrty UUJH, All strictly roiilidniti'il. Aildrutis urdi'Cf for Ticki-u or Curtificntpn In H. SVVAV & CO . Jittanta, (. VJt' A list of the numbem that nro ttrnwit from uiu wiivi, wiin iiiii n iiioitnt nr llie prize tint rnrji nuu j a,., .1 Ir.l in u 111 I... ...,l.llHl..,.l nr.... ..un.u .l.n...l il. following papers i Aiie Orlcant Delta. MMle hi- ffiArr. Charleston standard, .YaihnlU tlanlte. Atlanta jutelttffeneer. -Vtis York rrctAly uau Uoott, Saatnnah Mrnin)r 'cirsand :ieAmond Zliseatca. Sliyaj II-S7 Greenwood Scmtnaiy AT Tflillville, Columbia Co., Pa. S KVST I'.M ATirt rn,i,Ei nrin.ini.iin.. la i il. nil the Ilnslish branches usiinllv .tauehl. Thu will be nssiited durinj the prosciityonr hy 'I'.M. I' uiperlcnced lenencr. rccenily Irom mn unit jviui i iiu ii i y iuinuu c mmi I A vacation ofpeveji weeks will commence July lit. TDUMH. I Tuition, for day pnpiii, $3,. 10 to $1,50 per qtmrtcr, ' Bonn Ina, Tuition, Wathiug, Lights, tit, $30 pert qiMitrrpI cliven weeks, otie-lulfin advance I 1'ur nrcular. catalogue, or other particulars, address IV M iinrf!ikia MlUvUlc. April I,1B57. rrifa. I CENTRE STORE. lie llRS Itirit, uj.,1 n In ..... .. .. .1 . ' of .o, ,,, I a I'll I NO c BUMMUR GOODS, Comprlsingihehcavicsl BtockandmoBlvariedassorl. " "!"'!' """""uie, useiuianu suusiaiitlal.Mertliaii ...-...-- - . u n ii iiu-ii,iiuuiics.iimt (llze.thnthavclieenoircred (n the puhlic ofe Kry.kJnd I reasonable 'pf'tei. ...UM..W, .ii. vti uie; wi ii viuu rnuj' pny,ui (very T9Oountr V nro Jiirf tn trn lnnfpinin fn,rM,i. includioc (Jrahi and Lun bcr and the public custom a A SI UEJj LAMBAGK. rowtcrivJIIo. arch lie. 1057. CHEAP STORE. SPRING ANlT jf,ilERG 0 ODS. THE undursigncd take pleasure in an. nouncln? to thelrcustoiiicrs and the nubljrecner' ally, thatlhey have Just received, at the Mmellidee aiuru.ii choice OBsorlmelit cf Spring and Summer Goods. Comprising ovcry article usually kept in Country Ptoro. which hate been selected with care, and will be sold at very low prices for read) pay nnslttlne of larce variety of.Coihs, Casiiiners. clslues, Uraies, Calicoes, ttc UT Country r-rodure Istintt In .Trli.n..rn, ... Give us o coll. None noedy.o away illssailhcd. (J. !i G. LOW. I.luio Ridjs, March ai, 1837 Mount VcrnoiY Hotise. Second street, ahovc Jlrch, Vhila'da, TllKitndersigncd havlni; purrlinsed Ills intercatu Mr U. Ulair in heahnvHiiidosinblished ilplel, wu now have tho sole supervision of thu csubhshineii nnd solisils Ihn palroniBeoflhepublir. lie leclscnnl) dent thM n trial o(iis House, Rooms, Table. Servants ti' ill prm . insb'r 'rreromsiid.ition he rane e I I, lUKKPTT Spring and Summer IH'Kdvy, Weal &'CO., TTAVINU iirnt reeeiven ond onetted their nloek ot ' LlniprcnanilirerotHpllniiaalai, whkh cnniprltellhe unui.coi iwnni ixoi , . .""" nienlnotroiroredlniineTuwn i iiaTinn paiiigreai attention In Kit iclfcllon of their entire Unrk, ni to pile, and nuallly, they flatter Ihem.nll-e. thai l tney tm io"'nete with the ""I1 ""'"" "''',; tohuytheap.eai. .tTe;iey bylrlngue.ii v. havo All klnda nl flood! at in ii iiiiii. if miii,,, ,iib I'Copio. A vry arte lot or " LADIES' DRESS GOODS, French ,Merrnoca,WnolPlaldB Alparna, rtombailnea. debnlan Ponllm. Paramettn clotha, Mohair I.Ufftras. -Bl'nuo ()aiea. icjBian i.u .,Vacc iumikh n, u t. iHna.m.....nnii.... i llandk'ercblelB, riouneinga. haoda and trliniulixr, l.aceaaniledillnga.bnnnel rllili nnn in large varieiy, velvet rilibona.aml hra!da,k!d,collon,and lialc thread glove,, Mohair mltla. fce. We Invltenurfrieiida and the public rjoncrally lo Blve ua acnllherorepurchaning olenhcre. We havo houghlour noodaat l.owektt'aah Prlcea.and will not boun ertoldhy nnvhndy.orthe reBlofninnklnil. ' McKKIjVY, N1UL & 00. II loon, burg, MnrtliSl', ie57. 37. lHIo ESABiSLfiSr9 FOIIWAIIDINO ME110IIANT, RUPERT, PA. W'lLl, aticnd to receiving nnil forwartlim by L'ana iirllAII.UUAD.lill Mircliandl.o and Iniahla dl itnnndB Frtightt on alt Gtailafrorn Philadelphia to lletwick, WlthCBbarm. riltslon. 7U ner 101). lit run, 11 Kdclaa, SO in (0 " .jU 41) 3d 3dcla. 41) 4S SO lib elnai, 3d 4q 43 " lBlCflaB-n.l.kelB.llnokp.nriKhef, Hal ting, lion nets, Hots nnd C.I PS. llnute anil gilors, Wllh'W'Wure, acc. U.1 Wasl Itnilers, llrae. Canillea. Uheefle, l.'raekers, DyeWood'i, lias Pipe. Hollow. ware. Hope, &e. :U Claj Alum. AfIius, Cntlee, ll'itnefltle 1,1'iunrh, Iron, Holler auj liar, Lead Shot, Miliises, Bait Pure, fci. 4A Cats Ale, llocr. Sugar, Salt, rish, Pork nn? Ueef ii barrelfl. Ceini-lij, Una o, .Mill Stones, c. rfJM'reightsfrom Ue.idlng, PnttBVllle.'rnmaiiiin. Slc. takciint Pro.rat.i rates, special coutrncts made furlnrge nmounts.rlt freights muii bu markcdeaie ofJ. II. liar man, Rupert lo receive prompt mtenclnn, Rcfir lo Col JOSm'll PAXTUN, I Calatam. Itlnj, I M. AUJMIUIJ, nnpcrl, Tcbruiry.'-'S lM7.-2mn. NEW WAGON SHOP, Willow Grove, South Illnoinslmrg. , rrillC uiiitersigned respectfully informs his friends I JL and tun public generally, that liulni tnken tho aland latcll orcupicd by .Mr Robert II rntsl. In VV illow Grove, South ltlonnihurg, below tin llallroud, wlicre lie will connnuu iiiii Wagon-making lhtsincss. In nil ilsvario is departments, in good siyie nnu ij ii inoueMle u nils. lso itu pairi tig Wngous, llupgles. Cnriiagcs, Cul kles, &c done to order nnd on short time. cl'rodu:e taken for work. ciiaulus uRhwnn. Illoomsburg April 23, 1857 3ui NEW COACH LINE 1'ROM CATTAWISSA TO ASIU.AND. TIIH rt'iifserlbcr rPFp"Ctrull iitoriiiH luft friend a un t thn mil. lie ueiiurnlly. tli.-a.cii and after MONDAY. toe GlU of April. 1057, lie will run a tri.ckly Line of. Coaches Dclwcen Cnltawissn and Ashland. leavingCatttlwissa I every M-inday, Wsdnesilav and Fiav morning, at 5 o clou, A, ai.,nnu urrivuii; ui asiiiuiiu hi u o ciora, A. M., U time In meet the Mall Coaches at Ashland, and rem n the same days to Callawissa. U Passengers an apply ni elllicr pnini nr ojjy ol . Ihe waystalloiiB 1'fcliilil nml llaggagn conveje on inoilerato leruis. varciu i urnere uiily eiiiploicd uu i said route. ci;ari,c3 strauseu. April I. 1P5 r)n TTT . n i.TnlTT MUTtl A T TATTJTn 1 IlbjllU.'l AtrUlUU Jil UlVllli IjUriib- e Mr.MTflVe nrctirenaredtn furnish Aerlinll ?3Bral Imoleineiilsolllio verybeal'iunlilv inanufJc r'lbtiireiliit our Agricultural Works, llrislol, Pa.. the lowest ca.n prices, wiioiesuieor ,,, t ,,..,.-.,., iun i.ltl, ihrtc. i,,ntmririi,rn,ti.v vlUfhalle nee com "' "Vy ".titer 'UnV h, ,.c0! Ullum ?r oneLiiuilred , lo" a. a warded us by ll e Coniiiiittee of the O. 8. As iciiltural their iia l'.l,i nl on nl pnwelton, for "thilicst (Usplnv ol Agriculturallniplelnenlsiunnnlncliuedhylhcejli;bit.or. Hvery nrt ciesoirn uy .s is w.irieui.u iu oc .eine .lliejnpnej reuirm " , . ' ',Ij,,r1l';i J',ON' lniicmenlaaudSecil Wnrelioiise, No..',2l and il.SouthHnlh slrclt, Philadelphia. November f, 135''- riTTT TT JUUiN 11 ALLEN & CO. Anc ,f- t iVittntlt StlCfl SOIllh side lit "s' 0 ' V, . ,,, ', i , a "" i ' " i'"'- t'Vnt r)i.D8,T W,,oo wjiiu: House. Is TlIK t'lTV 1 ti T WllPAlTTlIItlMM nnd Wlioles.ile dealers ill Pat ill cut M ichine-uiadu llr.inni,. Patent Orooved Cedar, ware, irni-nnle.lnot toihrlnk Wood and Willow-warn, Cuds. Untitles l-c. oi'.ill dctcrlptions. I'lcarc call nml examine our stork . ribrinry 21. It'.'i . I y. v s us as 0 si EVANS tc NEWCOMER, f t-'armtrtu ll'uhb X.- JVViccOwier. a r-t. Qfrot irmxrn 'I'hiirl Phtlnrlnlnfnn Ar CJ J S.1 J'.? . 1 UUU A nwaaciP,U0 MDAI.S lVn. .'1" ll , jV Vvin,!r inii ,, ijisliM.B n'rlnrk. 1 Tefc. Jfio'clockto 11. EVAN UVANS.j C"- S.NDWCOMEU Aug, 11 , 1833. y. CHARLES II. MAUPLE'S. J.VISEANM) LIQUOK STORU, A'n. 143 North Th'rd Street. Ahive Race, I'ast Side, Two doors above the Haglo lloiei. PHILADELPHIA: fins ennitnnlly nn luiml I'renrh Hraml rr , Ilnlhnd Qui nnil a iiencrjil attnuriuicnt of Forctj'i U'mtu, n'so March 15. IMG .v, AlITOHBMs & OROASDAI.E. (Sacccssors lo O 1f.Rlduiay. Co.) No. 30 North Wharves, ifOVH AJti'It STREET VUlLlDCLPIIIA. Ot'IT.U torn U!, i.tit-.u luwfMt ratv-s, rirown.Oliveand t'ulettuapa. Winter Kpcrm Oil, Lard Oil, Miner'i qil.Taniter'iOiln, I'viinl OiU llico, NavalHtorcF, V.xita wiin winter i-;icnaiu mi. i;xiin wiiue .vmtrraolar Oil. Ill inched Winter Vliuh' yil, Coinuioii Wh.ili!,()il, r"nne wpieuii.perui a Adamantine uaiidlm.ftc. Ocl.C7, 1SJ5 y. illAOHHIt it WODDUOP. WHOLESALE BOOT. SHOE JIXD T1WXK WAREHOUSE, No, 101 Arch Street, up Stairs, lletweeliThird Sc Fourth Sts..umier sidoncar Union I Hotel, 1 Philadelphia, Carpet Diss and Valccs of nlldrFcriplir-n. I i CHAUI.CdTIIACnillt, March 15, 1650. HOKHHT WODDUOP. WM. S. SMITH & CO., Produce Factors AND COMMISSION .VERCIM.VTS, No. 00 North Wharves. l'llII.ADin.l'HIA. n.s ti.i ii.Iii,. r .,ii ....... i ,.,..tim - i . -r i i- . 4iiu .u.imri mint ui ut( I'Ulltl, u iirv lii UUHIHIU )U ' Cash whin di-virfd, t i'ihiuuh Pennsylvania Motel. THIS well known II olet. lately kept by 8sm An. lvlU IUko.oii .Main Hirrct, (n llanville.fnV ,uus fiepmsuu oy iuo suuEcriner. who is pre-ibi pared lo acroni module Iriivsl I er sand slrnueers" ii llie beat mninor. Tho house bus been thoroughly ivcrbuuled.aud is now reiltied up and furiilshedfor ohceiiterlalniuont of guests. Ilisstabun Is I irgu and commodious, with Horses and veiicesfnr!nre,uiil he will .pure no paiusto rendur general sutisfncl.iu WA Iiperalsh4relftlie public patronoee is re, peel fullysollciled. OUORGl". IV. FREE7.B, lUnvillcDcc J9, IMS, NEW WALL PAPER WAREHOUSE. BURTON It LANING, MANUFACTDREIIH AND IMl'OHTRRS, No. 131 Arch Street, teeoni door aicte Sitth Street. I'lllLAUULl'IIIA. WHERE may bo found tho largest and best soiecleirstock In the city. country merriiaius may hero bu aecnmmodaled, with nit I In; inconvenience of look Inn lurtlier, and may be enured that Ihey t-lll receive thu advaataea ol t'jeir money. .. . DURTON St LAN'IN'fJ. March 38, IB73m SII IS E VS AND bCLTZCKS VIIOI,8AIi. WINf! LIQUOR STO ll E No, 22i North Third Street. (Above Callouhlll.) fill LAI) EL I'll IV. Runoral nvsnrtmnnt of llrandlcs Wines, Curdiais, nnd Lipiors of vrv drffription r uict, , ,rr Ic'cbr i i "f f?Vi CJtlra AT. r'Xii' ,111 rtrl (Successor to PlillllY 12IIETY,) hooks i:i.i.i:i, iilamkuooic MANurACTUnnn. JilNJJEXl Miii UJiAJjliU IN IMPORTED ,V JMr.RlOJitr STJT10XERY, mil l'IIINTlvii I II1HIK III Nlll n ( v corner, 4tli nnu i.acr I ,ii,nniiiin . " ' i 11 M. Q. PEIIHY, announces to his VV r,.,.,., ... -,.,.,',., i, i, ,uv. on low Ifrqu. Illank-llook'. made In n euperloi ilyh, ,,,,, rm-n Mannfaeeorr. Hultahle for llian, Pu.lio ,,,. ,, t ,M ... .--. v, im.l... Ortitia'ife MinuuiiTi Pamilv Uiblee. Oirillooke.Ilooke qfall klmle lor public mm i-rivaie i,ntarye kciiooi.iio- na . Curiiilnrapcra, Wiappinn Papcra ("noU-i rap. i.eiicr.noio a rriniiitirl'j I' r I nil pa I'j peri, Plain rarchnirrit, Di'cde, Monraaoi Ac., Promiesu Wateft'olor..eV. on Knor t arcniiieiii.&c rnper Thi the only PBtabllihmentai which ihn pami. 'v PORTKAIT Illlll.U.can he purehaeed. Ihla Ilible finrrnnied. Tlicnoilrniiof infh irxiiviiiiinimnniU in me i ninny rnu itc )rfRrr((iani a I Lit A roit lept limn the tinlntlnirnrnnnrdlnaryBlzcdPortrait OLII IIIUMlti I can he hound for Ihla purposu to accomodate auyuum-i her of Minaturea deBlri'tl. I Maeazliiea. Perlodicala and nl.l nnr.w l.n,,...i in 1 haudiieinp style. w;t. q. PEURY. eucceuBnrlo Paaltv & liaaTv. 4lhfcl!ace. I'liUedelphia. March Till, 1837. Spuing & Summer, AT MENSUH'S CHEAP STORK. rpHE undersigned having removed Lid 0. Il 1, W. liar I man wticr-) vvltti ?ic:itpr mm moil fjcllitlcB.ljelicnablfd lontl'rra ful1aiotttneitloi Spring and Summer Goods, Wlitrli he ti.ii iiml n cpivettfinrn Ilia Enfc n (.'ifff. cnmiirlsiitti Dry Goods, (Jrocerlc,llfirilMvar,(iuei-im. , waru L'fiilnftwnrn . Ilnllntwnf n. Ilritni. t'Uli. hnli fbe I rinBtcr.iron, Naii. iioouiS!ioe,iiati, caps. c(c ALSO-READY MADE OLOT1INQ. In abort, every thing usually kept in country stores, to which he Invites the nubile generally: str Csah.Lu nher. Old Iron. and Cnnntrs Pro,lnc .at,,.,..Atua,,so.OIuoou,1n,,,,u,,1Bt.,,i,,,rKci,,rice., A. O. MliNSUII. Illoomrburg, March 31, IM7. it M M S S U It , CABINET WAKEHOOiMS. Till: nndcriisnrd rpopcclfutly mvltri tlio ntlrntlop ! of the rui.lic to liin PXlciiBive n.ortint.r.t ofCahliiri .. -itfisv . . i urniiureaiiu i,iiairs v. men no wiiiniirrnut in iicmadu ofgoodinaterlalsond In n wnrkmnnllke luai ner. Al , his establishment, can always be found oguodusiori. mentor FASHIONABLE UURNITUHE, fj Which lscn.unl In al)lennd llniflh lo Ihal of Phil. , jndelphJaor New' Yoik cillcs.undalas low prices, I SOFAS, fV mi, of ditferenli i)Ie,)nnd prices, from 975 to S00, Divans, Lounga ; Wol oiines i Wnl."tta- ""'aiua nut nml Malmgony, Parlor chairs, Rocking nnd easy chairs, Plana stools, mid a larlety of upholstered woik I ......nig ...... imiiu,,, iui,, taro tenire auu plcrtahl.s.iletashuB.cliiireniurs whatnots ondenmo. des. nud all kinds of tahhioiinhto work, ills tn k or bureau., enclosed ond common wash stands, dress tables, corner cupboards, sofas, brtnUart tahhs, ln i. steads, cane sent and common chairs, is Ihe u'rii pt in ( this soclion of the country. He will also keep a good assorl'ncnl oflnnkiiig glanses with laucy gill mid com-, moil irnmcs lie win nwo inrnlsli spring nillresbca (llted many size nrbeadtlead. which nre superior for durability and ccinfuit to any bed in iifi. nionmlurg, April Plh, It?54. STRAW BONNETS & HATS. AT low prices for Cash, a large and well klrnrteil.Mr k ol Women.. Mlsscsfe Children., BTKAW & SILK UONNJSTS. fiS ME.VS. BOrSlA-D ClttLDREXS ( Sirmo Mats. 1 AiiTiriciAi,, ri,i)wr.iis. t iio.vjct uusaiAs. iMISSKS ST HAW HATS. WALTHIW & srAUKHOUSR. No. 25, North 4th Ut. (.Oppoittas Mctchaata Hotel.) Morcn 7, ten. I'hiladelphla. Liickawana & Bloomsburg II. Ii. PSts l.arh'a ii IHooii shuraR. R. Co. ) Uiomiso. L'o., ra.. Jan.,15. IPT, INTEREST PAYADLE ON STOCK. f pllll'tockhohtt rsof this compary are hereby noti X tied that by llfholution of tliclioardof Directors, iiilrrci't on stock computed to the-IHt nf December, lfljli. v illlic naid on nnnliciitinii nllllit OlliCo In Ccrlid tales of Stock, l'utl i-took Cerllficatcfl will he issut d w hen the In tcp'it auiouiils lo tlio Fum of fifty dollars: nnd furl smaller sums or any fractional ninnuut8 JhTtiflr-utes w II bu Is- Mini, , ITrrUBONC, Trcas'r. Marcli 7ih. lfs". NF W SPjUNG AND SUMMER To lie Solil Very Cheat), .war itrx'Uiv. c at thu erom: or J. J. UKOWER, ,' ooUihuri;. Aprl 1 ii 1S57 3 josepii fusselV VMBT.ELLA A.YD VARAiOl. MANUFACTURER, NO 'i. K0BTII FOL'RIU a FKEET, (Xortlt Wat earner of MarUt street.) lMIILAUCI.l'IHA, HAS now nn hand on cxtcniivsasBorlment ol th newest nnil moat des irnlilu kinds, in eluding niativ NUW riTVLCd not huretoforo lnhe.ind in this market. An examination of 3 1 ock is solicited lefore purrhnsing elrcwhi-rc. Il,ie5:-?m J. H. & S. A. ALLEN, No. 1 an l 8 south Wirv?s Philadelphia Dealers in Oils. HAVCnlwayg In store n tup ply ofOili for Machin ury. Uurums undcouimoiitjrL'rtBingputpoiittos o own ; Sperm, Winter WIiqIh, Lard. Uacked Whale, Elephant, OronEiiiRand Hnllir RoiiliOlld. Whirl) Uiry will scl I (It I O W tit ratt'tf , .Mav 13, IMi-y. M UK I'll Y & KOOIS, qi:ni:iiai. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, .u wiioi,i;3am: DnAi.cua in IVSJi. CHEESE H I'MlOflSro.VS. No, 17 Norili Waryes (.below .U'u Slrcet) PHILADELPHIA. Have coninntlj on liau.l n larje as.jfrj nitnielllofl'lHII & (!lli:i:rli:&l'llO ?S22Si2 VISION'S, wbirhthey aro nreiarcdtusellut the lowest possible rates. r3-01!UCU3 promptly attended lo. 1'ebuary til, 137. BLINDS AND SHADES! OF .VEIV STYLES. B. J. WILLIAMS, NO. 13 NOUTH SIXTH STllBET, eiiil.Ani-ii'iiiA. TANUI'ACTUllCIl OF VKNITIAN llMNn.l. Vc. IH vet, Cold Uordered and fainted elllAIIIlK. of beautiful di signs. Hull', nml all other colon of Hoi land used for dhadus. 1'illuros, Trimmings, sec, etc . Wliulcsnle and Uetuil, at thu luwost cash prices. rry-aioroHhadcs palmed loonier. II. J V. thanklul for pusl intrnnase, rcsiectruily BOllcita the public to call nnd e&aimua his new ipd j large ussortmcnt, before purchnsinc; elsewhere, ITS" ll's Study to Pltaie.jtn March SI, lS37.-3ni PIIKENOLOGIAL CABINET. FOIVLEUS, WELLS & f0 IMIItCNOLOlilSTS ANU PUULISIIEUf, 231 Aroh Street, below Scvcntli; Phila'd. ytifts "?uriiish al Iwn rkslon Phrenology, I'hysinlusy Mil WalerOuru. Maiciiellim, nud riionosraphy, wholesalenndrclnll alNcw Ynrkprires. yjl rrofessional exaiiiiliations, with charts, end Ilull written description of character, day and eveuTag. Cabinet free. MnyH. 1633.-v. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. IMgtOVRU Hay Prppses, Tanners Iloiirt llurse I'liweri audThreihors. Grainjrnns Pitroiu. Improved Portable Grain Mills vcime. Aissuiuy straw uuu loaue Cutters in ureal vnrictv. PJIIALLMOKRI3 & CO. Agricultural Warohonseand Seed Stern. 7(h and Market l'hlb1!nh KovpmberSv185fi, r A. Il'l Silt M. RUPERT. Iron .Manurariirf.rr- Tinw,ir -sT- ,IW1I DIIUO, PAINT AND GLASS VY IlOlCSaiC VV iU'CllOlISC t-'onpnn r TRtrnj and MAniuvr tjTBKETa, Offlce In Second rJlnfy. rifiuuEtriiiA. WF. Inylleatiiriilon to our eMarfad alock of llriira I'alnliiUlla. Varrjflire fcb , eolecteil cfprmOy fur our rnle. amteomprialng one of I he flnpaj nerort' lie iinPii nnpuii lit iir,:1 at low iiicntu In Iho United rllalei, llvhlif! tn prici' rnli orapprovrii ptipi-r Wl! M ANUfAlTI HUB very eUnnilvclfi Premium Pure While Lead, (bell,) ieiiBingion l ine t line i.rau, 01111 pitow White Lead. Vlelia JIonlnine'Treneh 7.lnc,lbct.) Pure Snow White American Ztnr, Ill1uilelphi4 Snow While '.Inc. Silver's l"ailc Plreand Weather'prool Paints. Ohrnin (ireuiis, Yellows, mid colors gencrallv. AOBIITB I'Oll I p.,, Porlor's superior Alkaline Window mass , (Januino I'reitch Plate (Haas, (warranted,) Tho New Jersey 'tne llotnpany'tf products Tihlen e Nephew's N. Y. VnrnlBUes, llrooklyn Premium Pure White Lrud, lliimi,ilen Pcrmnnenl flreens Pure U Ii lt Calawba llriiudy. Sit., Ac. IMPOIITCR8 Of rj " French and Dugllsh Dale (71.1M. I'renrhnnil Cngllsh Cylinder (.'las. Colored nnd Cngraved Window Clas, IMRuerri-ntipe (llass, llaininrreil Plate for I'loors and Pk) l.l till, Drugs. Chemicals, Perfumery. 6tc. f unnt.usAt.i: DHALKlis It': DmitglBlB'Arllch'S generally. Palmers' Tools nf nil descriptions, llydraulir and Ronuin Cement Calcined and Land Platter, Paper .Maker's Clav. Sella While, fee., hr. PRRNUII, RIUIIARUS U !'() Store, N. W corner Tenth nnd Maikil sts. Fariory. Junction York Av., Crown hCallowhill. April II. IM7 Plilladclphlo. I N E W C i A K K I A G E E S T ARLI S 1 1 M EN T .V BLOO.MRBUllG. la the New brick three Storv Oarriacc I " Factory, cn Main below Waiket. I ... ', ., ,, .... ,rpilli subscriber would respectfully announce I o rlie -L public, lint lie has commenced tho wann. UAlVlVlAUJii ii JBPTO V7 WI, aT. aiNCSS j in nil llffbranrhea. He ti prepared lonectite all nntcri ami lint on Ii int d at rcpentou assortment of fiuiilif,il work I wiiichpurciiaicrs wiiiniitiit to tiiclr udvantage tocia j IlllllU. . , , w 1,1 lVUno ln ie, ",09t "'"l1.1 ftn'! ca"fJ in?"ncr rsnjlaifiMtilPrti1Wrilrlirfsntiritl.alflnslBn'stlBrnflklinB i.r, ' : v ,;' , .,, inV- WILSON. Dloomtlmrg, April J". lCij. SPRING AND SUMMER ' " GOODS Fpit 18W. ' V ni Ji subscriber rospecttuny miorms ins i Jl cusioiuvrs nnu Die iiiiuiic ueneruiiy, iiini lie uvs ....nt..n.l I. r..,l.,uk nl l.nln .t.,,,. . . Opring anil OUUlincr liOOUS. comprising a full assortment of Clolha, Casslmers, r-aitneils, lieiaines limners calicoes. c.. wilha grenlvaliely of other articles Ubually kept in nu,.,,. nmn. Al.SO-llardware.Cullorv. flueenrware Salt. Pish. MoLilaoes, Iron.Slcel, Hair, Cnp, lluols.rthncs. ic. Q- Country produce, including drain. Lumber, 4c., laken in exchange for goods- ia-Thaiikml for paslpatrouaie 1m respectfully asks a euntuiancu of the same. THOMAS E. EVES. Mltlville, March 2B, lT.-y. KIUST Aim. IVAIj UV TTTkirTir-i o tnvrjm mm tr -sr tPRING&SUMMER WE havo IlOW receiving our Springlpared and judiciously ailiiiinj.lcrcdlhrnupli thn luiifs and fuimnn Ooodr, hy ltnllrnad at or new i should producellie iuot happy results! Durlce oijh siaiiu, on me corner 01 .iiaiu nnu aiurkci sirens, -jue Block coiupriseso lull assorlmcnief Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, ware, Cedar-ieare, llolow-iearc, f rugs. Dili, Coal, Plaster, lroll.'Noils, lluots, Shoes, Hats, Cups, &c &c. ALSO-UDAIlY MAU.E CI.OTIIINO, anditt 'fact uveryiiamenhie article usually kept in a country titurc Countryproduretakcn in exrhanceroriroodB. II. O. & I. W. II ARTMAN- Uloonuburg, Mauh"l. lf-57. Spuing and Simmbr GOODS. rpUE undersigned rcspcctfullj inform 1 tlieirrystomersniid the public pencrally, that they hnvejut received at their new Urlck Store House, iu LightStreel.'a select assortment ol laehtonablo Spring onu Summer Goods, .iirnr-t frnnt tho Uastcrn cities, comnrisjtiir nil iho various selections io lip found in (Jouplry .Stores, t-.ieb thcprocei or Annlysintj thu English Langunpo Oniiiting of Ulotiis, Cassimrrrs, Uelains, ltrares, with soundJudement: and the att ol using it wiih Kalicoes.&c Toet.lit'r wiliin.l Linds cl Dcss goods, grauiatical propriety 31 cts for theladies. ' Thesn works are n-w used in thu I'ublit Schools in ALSO. GKNTIjCMUN"3 W2AII, OP ALMOST: the first tfchont DiMrlct nf Pennsylvania. VL"Y SUUT AND HTYLII. ' TIII3 TlllRliHOOK of the ItuUonal Mysteru of Gram LAiiir.STAIiMAaillUiSHAS.N.UVLS Uc, nar, lies iguiMl in euiibie the learner lo become mcst Crocerie. Molasses, Sugars, Teas, Coffcp. epicps, 1 (lioniuulilyactuainndwilh lie nature nnd of the Pra am! in short.c very tlti iic in the way of MTcha ndiir, potiiions, and may bu read by hi in cither In or out of Itl.AUY ' aiiu uiu 1 uinu. 01 every iicscrtpiion -a,l- VniU. SnILwKi.r iim rr3-Thankful for nawl pntronairc , it will b 1 their studious aim tn pW usu then customers and to f;ive Renoral satisfaction. Light Street. pLl n,ltf57 UUEIKUSS k I'ERNHEllEIl, Importers and Whoksih Dealers in FANCY IIIII GOOIIS. Franc li, English anil German EMBROIDERIES, FA.VCV TU'MMIAOS, AND MH.LINKRY GOODS IN GENERAL. NO 05, NortliThird t"..nbov Arch , I huadtlplna. rpllll fiuhscritiers would respectfully infoim their 1 friends and Ihe puliliclinjciieral, tlntMhev hare taken the Inrae and commodious Htore, No. 71 North gecond Street, nbole llaio, and furnished it with nn .mire new stockof floods, to which Ihfvwould invlie their particular nttentien. : l,..eHi.a.iiii! unsurn issed ficilltics.und hav'n hid nt loon experience In the hiiEiness. heis cnahled to lur isnlluir patrons and Merchant, generally with the latest styles of Funcy Goods, nmhroideries, Kc. at ..nusiiallow prices, ond hope hy strict attcntiun to business, to uicrita share of puhlic pat rotuigc, l)ttUIFi;r?S ii KIlKNIILUimB No. 03 North Ihirdgtrcct, above Arch. January 10, 1637 NEW GOODS. SPRING AND SUMMKIt OF 1857 ntc undrrsigoed, grateful for former I liberal patronage, rspcrtfully itifcrms th")! frtfinilit nml tiifctfituers in cem ral. that ho has mm. uirncHil biifinessln his rnuduiis Nuv Store lluiue. nvst.loor tn If?iah Bhmr i's Motel, where ho has Just received, ol u supply i SPIttNCi AND SUAIMl GCODS. comprising every variety or f.uhion, luatitv and style usually Ki'pl in the bebl store, Uroceriet.Uuiiireware Hardware, risu.' s, lUts, Cap. Uoots, f hoes, &c., vthichw ill be bold on accoiiiiiiniiiiiing IVrnis. rxj Cr.iin and p'uduru of nil kinds uuniiil, A & S. ANDHEWS. Jlauii le.Morih2ri,l8S7,-y.l Peruvian Guano. EXl'UIUCNCK has Unpin the Fa mar that he only rkuabli i'urtllzcr is the PER UVIANOOVEHNM EXT G U A NO. The subscriber. Sole Agent in Philadelphia for the sale ofit, li n a now on hand a Itirpe stork nf PUKE PEKUVIAN GUANO. U'liirh howill sella! thu lowest Cash price, juhHs.lo suit either dualersor fanners. 8 J. CII11ISTIAN. Sole Agent for Philadelphia. No. 43 North Wharves, and D7 Norlh Vatcr rllrvit. Mori liTlli, IdST Jin. OLIPII.VN V, WOODSIDE & CO. Importers and Wholesalo Dealers in IPiucs anD iquovs? Ko. 155 Nortli Third stroll. Corner of New Street, PHILADELPHIA. r.OLifniNT. J.WihiustnK, (Uo.lrALr January, 3J,ieJ7. y. NEW LIQUOR STORE. NO. 13J, NOU1 II Till 111) STnECT. 'In the Eagle Buildings, Above Race St.) rhilauelphia. rpiIH unilersisned bess eave tn Iniuriu hiSi'lriends and LIQUOR HOUSE, In tho triple nulldlrLis, No. 135. X.. 3d St., as dbnvo. unrre ne win nappyto supply Merchants. Ilntol I keelrs, and ciinnnirri ct-iurully. with the cliuicuil i """ ....-. (..... ........ (Lats of J)anl'$ ) March 7th.PJ7 -y UOSENDALE CEMENT, rvHUSON'Swiihin; llnicnddln Cemcul con Und it 1 J cilhiK nut hti subsTiber at Rupert. Pa J IT IIAll.MS DEATH Ol' SENATPU HELL. New York, May 20, Information lias been received t f tliu (Icatli of Hon. James Dell, U. S. HonatT from Now Ilnmpsliirc, to-ilijy. Tijb Dannmi.le TitAfiniY, Dr. Sim injiton )ast week returned from Pliila Jcl pbia witb flio necessary elioiiiicals, rotor's and other apparatus to test poifon. TIui contents of tho sTomacli of tho lato Mm. Clark wero then analyzed, and in tho jud gment of five of tho physicians prcsotit. arsenic sv:,s discovered. Tbt) coptnts of tho stomach of tlio htq Mr. 'I'nig will be submitted to a t-irailar analysis. rvsunjiMiox, uifli:Asi;3 op tiiu THRU AT uru itUfillvty euratili by which convnyn the ruiiiiMiii-s to the cavitlc in hu lungs through tlio nir passages, nnd com in? in direct contact with tin dltoafUi neutrolifs llie tubercular m 3 tut, allays ttio cough, c4Ufe a frf r ond easy cxpuc torutin'i, hrnU lliu lurgs, purifies lite blood, finpnrl rriiLi'd tlldlity to thVr iii'itmli syiffrti,' giving llifil tone nudrnersy ta IndjupeiitabJo fur lh'i restoratiuu tf hcullh. Tobvublu to ntui coiVfidrnily ihnl t'omump' tion Is curable by inhalation, Is to inu n Hource of Unal loyed pleasure. It Is as ntiicli under the control of intilKul treatment as any other fonuldable t!.fu-ip J hincty mil of cupry hundrid rafVsc.ln he cured In tl.t flrvtitages ami fitly per cent. In the second but inljiu tlilrd stngelt Is fiupoprible In save moro than five p-r cent.. or the In he nrc so cut up by jhcj 'disease ru to bid ilcfldnce to hndiral skill. Uven.howcver. in the (art slopes, ItiJialallon airurds fxtp.ordiunry Miff 'to llie suiTL'rlna nticniff-'i n tli 1 fc hi fill ichnrdc. ul.ff I, . . nually destroys ulupiy .le thoLSADd 'pesnus lit ih United Htatcs alonej and a correct calculntfon Lous that ol Ihe present population of the earth, eight mil linnsure destined ton 1 1 the const! ntntivo'B grave. Truly the i(uier nl death lias no arrow so fatal o Consumption, In nllnges ft has been Ue great enemy of lite, lor it spares ni'lttior age nor sex, but sweeV olTalike the brave, the beautiful, tlio graceful, and the gifted. It y i lie help of that Supreme llolujf. from whom coim tli ctcry pooit and perfect gin, I nm enabled to oflV'r to the aitlirted permanent andtfircdy turc tn Coniiiniptiou. The of tuberclrbisfrrm mi pure blond, and the immediate rflect, tiroduccd by thir ih'liositioniuliV luuffs,!- to prcvont the free admission of air Into thfnirrelli, whtchcaiifiisn wnaketicd vitu lily through the entire sjntom. Thup surely fti more rational to cxppct p renter pood from tnnlit(nc mtcrlns llit3 cavities of the lungs than from thone AdjnfnieteTi d through the stomach ; the patletu will nlways find the I iijgg free and the breathing easy alter Inhaling cuio dies. True, iiihiiniion is n local remedy, nevcrthdpn it acts constitiitioiuLlly, and wUh more power and i r taintv than rcuiedienndinlnistercdhy the itomach T prove the powerful nnd direct lntlnnre nf tlila inno f uitiiiitilstratiou, chloroform inhaled will enlirfly i-troy Bensibility in a few minute. paral)zlng tin to. nn- in i. uui Ffi-'ju n. mm u iinin may no oni fulfil i. iinuiu i pu;:iiifin i.i)u , inimung me ordinary 1 1 g gas will dfctroy life In a few hours, 'I lira tnlifitntlnil' nf Clllinnnlfi trill ulien fiiintlntr or npparcullv Cad. The odor of uiflhr r tlM '"dicines is porceptifile in the skin a ftw i.ilu tren years1 practice, many thoipnnds suffering frun dlieusc of the limit arid throat, have been under juy rare, and I have effected many remarkable cures, Mm after the siilTerem had been pronounced in the lett stappi, which fully Batiitlep me that consumption it no Innger a.fatal disease. My treatment of consmarlion is original, and founded on lonBoiperJence nnd a tho rough investigatiou. My perfect acquaintance with tlienalii re ofiuberclcctc, enables me to diatlngui h readily, tho various forms of disease that simulnu cnnsumi tlon, and apply tho proper remedies, rarely being mistaken even in a single case. This famitiamj in connection with ccrtiin pathological arid microsco pic discoveries, enables me lo relief etha lungs from the elTurtB of contracted chests; to entarge thu chert purify tho blood. impart to It renewed vitality , giving energy and tone to the entire, system. Itnx 53. I'ost Office, U V fJItAUAM.M IlOQco 100 TiLneRT street .bclow Twelfth, Philadelphia, J'a. March H.1FW. jjfiEs isnoirjrs GRAMMATICAL WORK'S. J b'yotcin of Cnglish f7rammar 23ets.Wi3- 1 vtmiiof CnirliahGrniiimar. dsicned t ' scnom. cn. , Itltlilv UltOWN'S GUAVMAT1CAL READER. This booh mti ndlde the old r.Irn miliars, cznoieatheir dfflcctf.. diinonitnleiilii3 little live of ntttu1ing to Ihem. and ?reKPiiti to tl e'lVnclicr the uncrriiiR and only way to if Drummer ef the Litpliih Iaupuaae. 37 cih. Kort.ilc by t'utcrOrHTee,tia ARCH Street, TMIada February "I, 1857. SIM1IXG AND SUiUMER CLOTHING, Ttin unit;rblgncd grateful for pait natrousge, re tfpectfulty iiirurniHiiiicufiomerB. and thcpubli gentrnlly. that hehaijuit received from tho K or ii Cities, the largest and tnoet U elect mock of Fashionable Spri?tg $ Summer Clothin thathoeyet been openedlnHlcioiu'ebuTg, to which Lt Incites the atteniionof hlfrieuds, andanurei ihnj that they oreotferedfor Bute. at great bargain a. II la Block comprisesa large adnele-; assortment of Gentlemen )Vcariug Apparels, Consisting of Fashionable Dress Coats, of every ! scf iption i Tants. Vests. b, Cravats Btokc Cottoiiiianiikerchicrs,uioyes cuspenuers, &c., tc Goll Watches and Jiuclryx of vcry description, fipe &d ch,rn, N.IL Reiuembcr "ipenAer's Cmp StMporkm " Call aud see Nnchafgc for uiamininp Goods DAVID LOWENliEliQ. nionniilmrg, Ma-ch21, 16i7. KAIL 110AD AND PAGKBT COAT I 1857. ANTELOPE. 1857. OH and after Tufsday, April 7. 1dfi7, tho Tacktt Unat ANTCLOl'U.Cspt.ll.r. Wslls, will couinivMe ruuniny Iht regular .trips daily, (Sumtuy. eiteplt J) bclwt'rti Uupert nnd N'uuticoke, as follows I iieves ituperi ui a u ciock, j, m. uu arr. vai ,ur trio Nisht Eapr,sB "i tlm C. W,& ll Hail road from U'll Uiupport and arrets at N'uuticitku at 1 oVIJik P M.. i ii time lo taku the tars on lUe L. t I. UuilfOttd .or be ran ton or (ir- at Uen 4 thu saute alteruoou Leases Nnnlicoke nti arrival of L & U. Railroad cars Irom ileiul and ticrnnton, (ay une o'clock P.M.) uiiiLtrrivusiit Uupert enrly the simu frvaiiiupiL time to tnk the Night Cipfci-s both Ways on t'hu C W li Uinir.i rnilrotul, Pus'tiFi'rt f r ti Li Ilia Wynur-ux ValUy, for Polls vllle, llrrisbur-', Diltluiorc t'ntitiurv; nndaltotbei mints 3juI1i or West, will fiml itfto tdrir alvaiiUf' to tnku the nlxive Line, us it if Ihe only i thst . i, ncu through, witlioul noppmj; ovr Jiibi uu Uo rond. r.iien;ers from IjliP bouth or West, by Uavit Har rUburit nor nfieruouit train, via Daupbiii and iLffjuw ha ii itu Ihiilroad, and ia Cdtiawissa lisllroud. will uu vi thr Parkct ut Itupcrl in timu. lifrr5rX dully.Sundsyaei. TgSTlW et"I,,,'dj he l o it Rupert, Tarrying the L niteU t'utes Mail. Luavpit Wilkfs-Harre at o'clock, A 31.. nii.l nr. rives at Uupert lit time to coimec t wit h tho Mall Trains both wa). leaves unpen nttcr tn arrival or both Mall Trams I say a o'clock, P M.1 and arrives at UMko. n.rt,. about Liidniglit, h. r, WKLW.Propr ctor Wilkes 11 - OMNIBUS IilXK & LIVERY STABLE OJTSS NOW runs a new Ominbtis jmt5Tfyf' between Iltooiuiburir nnd the vn Uiiilruad Depot, which will ink passenerrs Irorn and to any nf th'e rciLttrire of tho tow n , ur the American Uousu uitd pork Hotel; nnd no will alsofurnish rouvfyanees to alltraviMen who may wish logo into iuiy jvtrt of tho county Me hits also a Urge livery stable countcled wilh the omnibus line. from wUkU hu can oceoQuuodstH the public, with e-uve)anccs lor truveltiug. plcastird exoprsions or hu'sluess. Ulooiubt!r&. Aprii.lPja ly GARJDKtN, FIELD k VLOytm SEEDS TRCSIl A Nil GUN'UINUUAUOnNSP.RnA. Incvury variety, at whoteraleaiidfUtl ombracinc all the iii-w hml ilcai rn tile kinds, cnrtfullv nut uu in inner nir mo remit iroan or supplier in ihiuu Ubiurse tfuesr Cane riied, Japan Peni.Oraniie Water Melon, t.c. AIJ, uchoiee assnrtment'of nneKlouer Seeds. twenty varieties iu u box for 81 Clean Clover and Timothy I Sei'd, Orchard Grass, Kye Grass, Uerd and tine Lawn I Uruia. L.c . a.c. sel-saft I I by I I'AHCII LL MORRIS L CO, I Agricultural Jini'lsmenl and Seed Stors, N H f 7ih and Maiksi streets. M htladc . j,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers