Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, May 30, 1857, Image 1

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ALEM lif rATE, Publisher.
Vol. xxl
iEVI L, TATE, Proprietor.
' To Hold and Trim tlio Torch of Truth and Wavo it o'gj? tho darkened Earth
WL. XI, NO. 12.
'f tuaLtaiinri every batuhpay,
vjiIn Ulnumsbiirgi Columbia County, Ta.
"''Offick. In the new Brick Building, op
''? positc the Exchange, by side of the Court
h House, "Democratic Head Quarters.1'
' fMjjf Tr.nB op scnscntrTiox.
if 1,00 In Advance, for ono copy, fur fix raontbi"
.ftil,75 In advince, forouo copy, ono year.
we2,00 If not paid, wllhlntho first throe months.
"221,25 If not paid within tho first six months,
j, 50 If not paid within tho yoar.
ujl0- No suburlptlon taken for loss than elx month,
and nopapurdiontlnod until all arrearage) shall
.MbiTO bronpald,
.aJIIT" Ordinary Advertisements Inserted and Job
-work oxocnted ntthoostabllthod prices.
i i i
"WjfrpiTB foundorof this Celebrated Insti-
fi tiltlon oir'rs the most certain, speedy, and only
.'nctuil remedy In the world for ellerts for tilfole,
Mrftftricluree, Keininal waekness, 1'alne In Uio koine,
SFoomlilutlonal Ilctillty. Iiiipolency, Weakness ol llio
JHMpRsck anil Liinhi, Affections of Ihe Kldntys. l'nlplla.
' tlnn of tlin Henri. Ill.popsin, Nervous Irritability.
rCi- Disease l the ilpn.l. 1 1irout. None ir Ski n, anil oil
.those serious anil mrlitnrliol)' liisnrtleie arising firm
-)Clie ilcllmctive lialnts of Ynulli. which 1etri,j bath
r-rboily unil niinil. These pec-ret ami eutiturj practices,
Viare more fatal tothrit victims than the. in! of the
tlyrens lit the mariners Ulysses, bllghtlnjrltheir most
f 4 brilliant hopes ,f anticipations, irnrterlng marriage,
ke. Impossible.
t$ t.cUllr . wh hire bccnina tno victims nf solitary
Vitn.t'iMitriaiMul ami ilestmcllve liabt,vvliicliaiinu
h lly sweeps in nn untimely rave triuuwuuis uf youtip
tuvn i iitc ninn riniuMi inlying aim uriiiiani ntiei
fi. wtw mi fit othrrwiHv have entiAnctd li tni net
FHunatcii vriih Hie tlmnccrsot eioiurnc. or Vrokc! to
VitaciKHih'i tyre, nmy call w Ittmll cunflJcnco.
. Married iMnt,or Voting Men cnntcinhlntind mftr-
FfUitit hilnv nnnri) wen km is, organic !
bftility. itcforiMitlei, A.c shu'tU ImmtMii.ncly con Mill
dlif juiMiiuri)iiij nu rcfiurcu in iicrirci uf nun
I1 Iln wlio pi, r.: lnnnelf tnnl tr tin; care of Dr.Juhic
ston miv fullil(itily eontli'u in liis li-mor a a cpiiii
, una cuiiitiis'iiuv rei v upon iiu bkmi Ascpnymcun
Orm n ic I Vca kn i s i
vicii lulily cnreii mnl fnlt vigor rrptorrit
I'ttii ittn.H'! I tin icn ilty limit trfui-uly nsiit(ly
' Minn wlioli iv' tmcinn- Urn vlrtim of imtul-
rcn Ifrjiii not li-Mti? nwiru of Uiedren Iful cittitt'quei'ce
Sl1.1l iiinvtHimit' Nn V. 11 n ili'fat:! ikU I lit !
U'Miif turjoni arc u api iu cdinniii ci
lion is mi iMoiii-r iy inoi. miiihr into 1 11111 m p r
1 .,)... iu . 1 ..s. .....a 1.1.1 i....!u. .1 i
i'ie pimhom 01 hiMithy (i'unina, tti; moit serious i iiejir-icuvf sympioms 10 nmu inmy ami iitinn t
Wiif..i, Tim lytem b-roiniH il" ru.Ml; the physical .
Xnn I iriittil p twtsrs WfukL'tieil, nrrv.KU dt hility, dys-
wptHi4, iiniiiiitthui.iiiitf i..-nrt.ttu!iifii(tii. a wnstiiig '
of I'l'jf'JViK, c.Miti yiiinluiiisofc-Hisiiiptliiii &c.' '
nn so T.-i.v.'Tn rnauititiixflritKKi.ieveiiitonn
,frm II tltituiri-nirrrt si-lf. up tin? m-a Un!
' 1 in hmti.u tin W.VMi; and NUMIiCR.ur
, ! iiiiii lull' Un- pUcr.
, .t Curt Itarrnntiit, vr up Vtmrfi -VaJi, in from One to
Wti iliji.
" a MKiii'iJiiv cut aimi:ouh nnuos i;sni
'1 4 Dr. Johnston,
- .. .tW h'i r 'sf tlm K'syil IJdIIpi;' nf tii riff-oil . Londnn
On li He I'ni'ii oiii' of I lie iiHsit eiiiUHMit rt-Ili'Rt s ol tlx
II t.l.-.l titi.-s. stM1 ttit't-fftlr p.tit (tlHhu.f hi' Ijiu
U".mi i,)ii in tut ilri lIouittla "f l.nnitun 1'nris I lit
ill l n i mi ( f liteivlio rr. tiHfl i-tlrrl -tl hdiho -f iIki mow I
ml ctiidiitti t"ir n that v 'f t-vi'T lm li , UMiiy troiili
11 'V l i r iiiiv' Mi ili't hcrt'l .nnl caii l "Tl nslcrp.
rnl iirvLi uim-kh tn-4 hit alarmed nt nii'Mrn nmhif,
jnl in i Jl iii'mh, nit frt-'iu'iil l'hlliliif;, uitfiidcil
i-iis'liiif tviih ili'raiifiiiviituiiiiiiitl rfu c ii r'l un
-1 f vrhUn l.-iscncp
Wii'n'hP iiiMjcii-iii nntl iiiiiMil'-ni vniiiry of ploi
trr il'id It tim nii'ntit'.l tin Fidi nf t Im pxinfi
fli'riimi, It too nil tn li.ipituj t 'in t un i I Iti in". kriiro o-
tuni;, nf ilro id nf iIm i tt ry. di terk -lit to In-m tip pi v
tuji in iihiflii wli Irmn in n mnl r-fijii'f ulnlity
cm it uie -frictht lihu il'l lyirn till Hi- rnii-lilutlnii'il
py n,i to ns "HUM Ii irrld tlM.utt urili Hn-i r npprirfttirp,
' r Ji i ilrnMt-l nr thrnit. lite tod nnsf,' nocluriial
r ti ii mi tin! h'Mit mil liinli. JitiHii-'j nf iiiiift.fli nliuB
n ni.iihfi skin U un . r.n l arm'. tli fit r n the
i'i id t l uitrciiM I . u rnr"inir wnh frh tint J J ' J
-tiU liU. ttll at list the iMlnto ol'lli- u th ur thn would shudder nt the sicllt.
Ifirtps nf Hi t hii full in ,n 1 th- vi.tim this awful t
.ii ft-uc ii-cj ii aii'irrnioiijirinf fniiniiii-B-nniMii. mi Reflect, gentle roadcr 1 Pauso one mo
il ailt pit .1 pcnmi in lit4tlrt-.hliiiUinIiriii!M tij . n- ! i n r.
it'Kiii.n ti 'tint imurni) tnmi vfitcncf un irntrirr i mcnt and reflect 1 Picture to your iuiaaiua-
ts'iiicii. to sum incrt'iiirc tr jiiniuinii ni-,i -s
hi n.fli t prs. rvo ilm mutt onvi.iUUlr trcr rv. nnil
friMii tiis ,tl,ni p pnrtiep in tht tUfct Minpitni (lf
IJ.ropcanl 'imrirn, li cuti rnulidi ntly rri)iiiiiinl n
if Hud spstdy cur to the unlortiitiMu viciini olilns
horrid disi-asi
Tokc jvuticubtr Xoticc.
l)r J .vMreist u'l thof who (uvi inj'ircd tin ris
live i hy tri vtt i.m t improper in l.tlifi nr r,
niMm nri in nl ilm ml inel.inrh'iU elfrcts
pro l'irt,I i tMrly tiutiiio of ) imih. ix -;ik is i f
ihf Mirk mnl I.tiuiM rani in tin- IJ rait. Mimhh Mof
ngiu i..tis of tiiciiir fnwr. r.iipi'Miim nf th
II "irt l).pppiu, Nrr 1 mi Irntilxlcy. ! rnnpcitinnt
of tini hi-iiv f.i.iciiniis,o'tneriiinii.iiMy,cyriptnms
of 1 msiniiptinn. ,l
Mr'A'lWU.V Thi- fiorful rfliits upon ihi mind
nr nrjeii in l,jdri"iilitd. I.ih ol Mciii rv. Onufmioii o(
tt hjifl, l)-pr4.i.iii nf tho Pptrits, IWii rnrt'hndiiiiti.
A vfrinuiif S ickly, T intily .Ac .arc snu.c nril,uc iIh
l'hfiisii Is nf pprcoiisnf nil srs ran now judjrc
wli U h Hi ciihchI t'elr declining liisiltti ixiiviiif,'
lh'rvl(nrshteuiiiM2 wnk pale md cmnrhipil, hi in
n "I'l ilir ai"!.irHiC ttliout the cycK.coughaud M)inp
t-i.ili nf CtltisilHiptloil.
Dr. Johnston's Invigomting Remedy fw
Organic Weakness,
ny tht great nnd ImrunantrcinPily, wpRknc'ioflhp
ortf3iiiar t.pi'itlily cured, nud lull vijior rcsloipd,
Th isintUof tlu must nprrous and dehilitntt'd, who
Ju I 1 1st l li ipr. have hcuu Immiidtatfly relieved, Ml
linp-'dimsnts tn larr i ii(i!.rityirj nnd Mrnial Disinn
liacilhii. Nfrvoux I rnt ilnltiy, Treinliiii'L's n ml Wrok
nass, or Piln itinu nl the most icarfjl kind, spcudily
fured by l)o tor Johnston
Voting Men
Vft liivo Tijurnd tliuiusclvcs ly o crrmit pnictlff,
itfliilrd in when tiloni' 't habit frp'pfiitlv learned
frmn "Vi I companions, or n I school tnerlfecls of which
ars n'uhlly feu, eirn when itslrrp, anil if not cured
mndar't m irnnvn lii)ossllilc, nnd dnjtroys both mind
' an I li'idy, sit mi Id apply iiiiui(diutiy
Whit a pity 1 hit it voiintr in 10, tin hog n of his cnun
try audth'tddrUiiifof hisparrnts simniil b smtulied
(mm all prnsp'ctsnnl cnjoyiuffitsnfltle.hythn coii'C
quinces of dpvltting from tho rath nfnalurr, end in
dulging lit .-.certain socret habit. Buch person
should refect that a sound mind and botfyare the mos
Miessjry rt'iulstlics to promote conunbial happlnrss
In le l.tvntio'it thert.the journey through tifubccomf 1
h weatypll;riniage. the prospecthotirly durkenf to IIm
tlew ; the mind Incomes shadowed -with despair and
filled with tho m) incholy retlerlion that the happiness
of n not her hrcomfM hltgh tfd with our own.
ornoE no. 7 sou rn Ft nnfiiuoK e r.,Bii(iwri.
N. (1, La 1 no false mod -sty prevent you, but apply mi
dialflly olthur personalty or by Utter.
Th.manyit.ou.,,edttiii, institution with'n
the last is ynars.nnd iho numerous impoitant Suigicol
Operations performed by Dr Johnston, tv messed by
the rori.r.ol the PaP,s and many other'
To Strangers,
iices of which liave anpeared again and ,inin hefore
th iIUUHC, uesmes HI. ilanJInj as a gentleman oTcha-
ratterand r'spousibilMy, ,lsa sufficient carantte to
lake Aoticc.
N. n. There am so many Ignorant and worthless
CViutks 'lf trilling ihcmsclvr. l'liysielans. lulnlng
Iha tualth oftho alrculy allticted, tliat Ur. Johnston
deems it uece.ry tu say, especially In those unnc.
nualutuJ with tils renUUtlon.lllthU rredentl.l. and
dlplnnsalwayshani: nt his oRice.
jaTKNoTic,-Alllrliers must he postpaid, and
eooialn a p istajo stamp for Iho reply, or noaoswer
January .7, IB57.
Till, undersigned, tha
Krai patronage with which he
f SBJi' years gone ty, would in
cuslouieis, -hat he rnntl
TUG undersigned, thanKlul for Ihe liberal
l lie lias iteen lavoru mr
1 inform bis triends and
iintlnues lotnanufiicturu
Boots and Shoes,
ins old anu U'eil'Knnwnsianu, nn main si n-n,
iiioomsiuirg, in on thrir tariou. and forms, in joud
'iiVi!!!!rMe'M .""hi'Th;. .nd general
anuwiedgenr ili'i reople ,f Columbia county, super
added ton fixed determination to render satisfaction
toall til cusiuiners, should serine him increased ru
lionngu tthlcb he hones lo meiit
lAIXIll i lllllTF.KIt h
Bleomrti'irg Mutrh'IO IWT
(Drtgtnal octrti,
lortfnvoihoujhtthit twilight'-hour
HaJ many chirm lurpiflng ill
Tfia clmrm o( morn or noodayt glesmi
For when nlfftii't curlatni fall.
It bringi ten tliousanil gcmi to sight,
That beautify a nd grace I Tie nifctit.
1 look upon the vim expanie,
And turn to where the aim hai id,
And oh ! it items the (Hlreit tight,
That lyea like n.ine lave ver mft.
As round the f rimion acrennt of gold,
Tho ahadei of deep d.irknen fold.
I love at hour like ttili to watch
Th flrj' nietcori thai fly,
Mkeroekctf, hurled by angels' handi,
Acronthe elherial iky
It lllli my soul with purc'i1a'ihl.
And makes mc reverence tuo night.
Amid romnnlle icencialoiio,
I lovent twilight's hour lo rovo ;
To traverse o'tr tho moonlit plalni.
Or wander through tho nolielefi grove.
It spreads before my mind pro tune,
Tho thingi on whioh I love to muit,
Oh, there are rniny seaioni when
Created works our thought! Iniplre,
To rt.ll our tuirobers on each breeze.
And tune anew ihe pa e red lyre.
Hut glvo me eve the calm twljght
Tt pais in ptraiure and delight.
(0 1 tfjtuaU
Intemp oranco.
"Vc havo an ovil, growing evil in our
land. It stalls forth nt noonday, ond its
inmuiiH revcia uo uuciiuu.kcu
I n 0
It defies
! th c power of in a ii to tame it. and .cofTs at
. , , . , . T ,
UlO UiailtlatCS 01 tllO Alllll'MltV. It aitUS
... i- . . .t . ii
at tuo uiiutuon oi society ana turoatens the
.. fni
ovcrtlirow of our free ms ltutions. This
M .
CVll IS ltitAilytr(lHCPt
A late writer computes the number of
habitual Drunkards in tho United States
at 400,000,('of these' lie says ono out of
every ten die annually," What an astound
ing f-pcctacJo iiurncu rnnuaiiy to nil a
j Drunkard's tomb Is tlicro no remedy
, for all this f Aro wo lo lie supinely upon
1 our backs and allow this IJohan Upas to
j spread its accursed influence over our dc
I voted country, destroying more human
beings than 'War, I'catilcncc and Kaminol
No, no, is thui.derrid forth from every hu
man heart. Let us then be up and duin"
Could we sec but one tenth part of the
, mifiprv cauved hv intninncrancc. humanitv
I , ... . .
lion the multitude of woes a Drunkard's
' wife and wretched children endure. Do
lyouw? yon wretched hovel, through the
i many open cervices of which, tho chil
' winds of Autumn whUtlc cold niid drear ?
Take a peep within its wretched walls, and
1 what do you find? Perhaps a woman and
I , .... .... ., ,
I throe meagre, enualliu children. They ask
i i t.
for bread. Do you see that toar steal down
tho'motber's pullid checks ? She has none
torsive them their father is a drunkard I
He who should be their support, spends
his evenings at the grog shop, while his
wifo and children aro starving at home.
How often docs that poor wife reflect upon
her present condition and contrast it with
tho sunny days of her childhood the more
mature years of her lite winn sho was
wooed and won by hitu who has inado her
ildren beggars nnd turned her homo to
hell. Hut this is not the cad of tho pic
. , ., . , i
a li
His family aro not the only suffer.
. . i t i
crs tho community in which ho resides
also comes in for a sharo of tho evils of
Intcmpcraneo. It fills our prisons with
felons, and .our ' lms Houses aro flooded
wi h tho victims of this "parso of curses."
M. C.
t8F Last week a man who has been for
along time a resident of tho south eastern
portion of Herks county, left his wifej
children, grandchildren, farm and debts
behind, and fled for parts unknown, in
( company with a lady, much younger thanjgerous provisions, my opinion is that tho tuonts will be injured ; to a great extent,
i j , if Tl.n nflTair l.aa enti.'d eonsidcra. people who havobcon hoodwinked nnd from the fact that tho tiastorn JJivision ot
i UimsOli. Xlio auatr uas causcu t-oustuLra- a r. . .,., t ,,!,. fii u Snvli,
nartipnltrlv imon- bis credi- dcCelVod by 1119 ,a'30 clam0r W,U fi,ld tllO IVnnsylvan.a Canal 3 to bo inclUtlCIl
"IC gossip, particularly amon;
' tora.
ITT Hon. Hdward Everett, while oa a
visit to a school in Chioago, caught his foot
i ,vl.nn ,.; nnf nf il.n ,1nnr v,A fell
WU0I1 COmiDg OUt 01 lUO tlOOT, Bna ICU
' forwnril nn lii (ion rnprivinr a decn cut
'orwaru on Ills lice, rorciving a ucep luv
on i; .n(i otherwise bruisinc his
lf .
laco, His injuries are n .t serious, however.
I w J "'Sut uu " "Ulru"-
SO? A young man at Riliway, N- J.i
about 21 years old committed suicido on
Wednesday night by taking a largo amount
. . TT ... , , . . . . ,
of arsomc. Ho retired early, ami about 11
o'clock was heard to groan, whon bis moth-
or went into ins room ana toutiti turn in &
djing condition. Disappointment in loo
given as iltc cauii
DtUttrU in th$ Sen at of Ptiniylvania on Thuttdayt Jljy
7, ptnding th mil for (As $alt of tht Matn Un$,
Mn Speaker havo occunicd but !
little of tho xvuo of this body during tho .
it a duty incumbent upon mc to raiso
a-Ainlt tho iaiaultous
lig Were I toTTu
my feeble voico against tho toiquitous
. i tr T !-
hffiXh LT3Kb.
tuents would . h.nk-,na justly too-tuat
I had proved recreant to every principlo
of honor-that I was neglectful of tho
great interests of the Commonwealth, and
that as a necessary confluence 1 was
unfit tinvAAli to The
nasi present and future- lustico to tho
t Jcr-in j- t- 0 to
everything near and dear .0 the , lory and
nrosncritvof our country. I propose sjyina
i- ii -r -
a low worus in uio way oi aumomuou.
Sir in mv 1itimblr itidirment verv manv
sir, in my immuio juugmcnt, very many
of the provisions of this bill aro based upon
La ru -;n, smn
r .1.. t i,.ii.bM tn ,n f.l,M! n...i!t.
iT rI'T ! of tho people in'tlie integrity of their repre-, beeauso tho operators in that Valley could
il id tCl AiSiUotp .eetion provides that if nit .have competed th operators .hat
.: i . , .. i . i iiin Ppnntvlvania Hailrnau nompany pur- ctp cu uiuku nuitrur tuur&vi. m
in matters of legislat.on but sir, at th iXt aU their proncrtv. proof of my assertions, 1 would merely
nrnaciit Rtarro 01 our ucitucrniions i tutu
tioml, and an outrage upon tuo rigLts of Bloua ol ",ls 1,111 nl11 ''."V l-" J""
the honest tax payers of Pennsylvania. , t s preposterous but that it is rascrlly and
Sir, tho very idea of selling tho mainland wicked in the extreme. How any
lino of tho publio works to a mammoth, legislator can muster sufficient during to
heartless, soulless corporation, is simply ' voto for a bill so abominable m all its
absurd, and should bo treated with deri- features, and then biavo tho unavoidable
sion and contempt by every well-thinking I indignation of an enlightened and honest
mnu. Tho people ot this country, sir, aro ' constituency is more than can be divined,
not quite prepared to form a gigantic Sir. tho poople havo boon flattered and
grasping monopoly that may hereafter bo cajoled by this corporation, and now it is
able and willing to dictate to the voters ' about to rob thorn. A few speculators
who their rulers shall bo and what kind of havc.bydintof impudent villainy.managod
legislation they shall havo. No, sir, I to divert the attention of tho honest musses
trust the publio mind h not yet poisoned from their real interests by the huo and
to such an exlent as to permit tho perpc . cry of "stop thief 1" Session after session
tration of so gross an outrage. is worse than wasted in legislating against
Sir, I am fully couwncc I that llio friends labor, and in favor of capital, for the ex
of tho Pennsylvania K.ilroad Company, elusive benefit of a few rich men. Instead
together with thoso who felt interested in , of being a wo should, the inflexible guar
other companies, have year after year la- , dians of equal right, and dispensing like
b.'rcd zealously and vindictively in order ' the dews of hravon their favors upon all,
to bring iho main line of our public works I wo dovoto ourselves entirely too much to
into disrepute; und, sir, I believe from ' the building tp of privileged orders, and
ran'ives, both selfish and designing, they creating artificial distinctions in society,
have endeavored lo render tho " Canal cxa'ting a few and debasing tho many;
Hoard reprehensible and odious in tho making a small number enormously rich,
eyes of tho people. Now, Mr. Speaker,
from my own knowledge, and judgi.13
from all that I can see or hear, my mind
is fully made uji tint tho Caunl li 'aid
havo been sinned ngnimt far more than
they have sinned. If they havo committed
any prcat or are guilty of any hein
ous ofenco, why U it nut shown to Sena
tors I It is neither my province or ineli-
nation t' stand here justifying wrong, lot ' nnpnly no that will bo constantly grasp
it come from what quarter it may. Neither , iug alter legislation that must prove dctn
U it agreeable to my car ti hoar nny of menbl to the varied interests of business
our imblic officers ubuttd unlnsa some rcod mon.
cause bo first sh .wn.
Mr. tho liOi-islatiirc tnailn 1 run annrn-
priatinns during the last session for repair,
the main lino of our nublio works, amount-
W t LIS L1J IWtltl tllU UlllUIUUIl I.tl4s7
ing to between SI ,000,000 and 2,000,000.
Under tho direction of tlio Canal Board it
has been expended in good faith. Is there
anything wron" in that? I am credibly
"y R .. ; " . 'i , . 1 , 2
informed that all the works are in excellent
condition. This bcin-? true, is it strange
that tho Pennsylvania and other railroad
companies sin uld now combine their iiiflu -
onco in order to filch from tho State tho
people's improvements t If after the works
have been placed in a paying order, and a
profit is about to bo realized from an im-
menso expenditure recenily made, thoyare
to bo given away to an overgrown corpo-
ration, it is high timo tho industrious tax
P' .",uL
Sir. I feel confident thai tho nubile mind
has been greatly abused and deceived by
j tho dllul0r raised aSainst "10 Pullic
and its agents. 'Iho hirelings of theso
,nlimin.,1 ,,,.. lllvn "... mnrin
i r ---
.succeeded in iudaciug thousands ol honest
' men to believe that corruption existed in
tb0 V-nizl iioartl, and that peculation was
1110 oruer 01 tno uny uiung niu wn 'ie 11110
of our publio works. Sir, tho vilifications
and slanders have been reiterated and
trumped un voar alter war so that tho
people would becomo dissatisfied; and that
dune they couM malic an easy prey of tho
Sta'0'8 property. And, sir, irom present
?PP"a f M to believe that they
' iiavo rtaz ro srrnn,. n irr.isn na ro innrn rnir.
1 ... . P - . n. 0 1 - . .
litti0 hoDO ror ti,0 imorests of tho neonlo.
I Sir. if this bill masses with all its dan
themselves in a situation that I will try to
:ii.,i,-.,ia i,. ,nit... I
in JKsnn's fables when I was a boy. It
was something like this: A number of
frogs had a good old log in a beautiful
pool of water, whero they enjoyed them-
6clvcs in great harmony and comfort for
many yearl; but their rulers used bad in -
fluences monj them, and hoy at last be-
come dissat'sfiod. Influences wcro brought
to boar upon tho innocent creatures to in -
duco them to call on Juplcr to send down
some new idol Hint thoy might worship
long legged, long-billcd stork. Ho came
quietly in among them, and remained so
for a short time, but finally went to
work eating thc.a up ono by one. Oreat
alarm and troublo ensued among them,
but thoy worn unable to get rid of their
long-billed f.ieud until they wcro .11 eaten
Now. sir, I think this would partly il- on that part ot the rannl. Coal from Il
lustrate tho situation of tho tax payers of kens Valley passed newly ninety miles
Pennsylvania should this hill bo enacted less in distance to a market thm docs that
into a law. which is shipped from Iuzernc; and from
This bill. ir, to say tho least, hears upon tho Khamokiu region about sixty-five miles
tho face of it a palpahlo and deliberate less. Consequently it will bo ncrccivcd
4.-,wi Mn tnnnQiirn h in nvfr been intro- ' that had not tho Canal Board wisely dis-
duoed in these bailor those of any He-,
puw oau ovuiUi ""17
. i I It r - L,,.. v.
and free from any State tax, and that their
charter shall be perpetual. Sir, it is well
wn tUttho-rerenuo derived from the
- gB 000 and vlilch If muf.
10 tuo sura 01 j,uuu, onu niiitu 11 mui
ipHt by th.rty-thrce,(lho number of years
given th.t company to pav for tho Mam
L no.) would amount m tho wggrcgato to
tho sum of 67,425,000. Then, aside from
this tonnage tax, must bo taken into con -
siderationbother 'taxes, which would an,,.
' J
oil of wind, under tno present mil ,
flinv ivnnlil hn rromnt from navinff.
-j , ,
thoso ligures I mai;o no cstimato oi tno
Bvcraio increase of 1
natural anu mevitaoio avcrago mtrca. a ot
taxes, which would loom up to a pretty
1 snu2 sum. A single Blanco at the provi-1
and reducing the mass to penury and dc-
Mr. Speaker. I now call on my friends,
tho Senators from Perks, "chuylkill and
Philadelphia, tu ccmc to the rescue, mid
implore them by all that is holy not to voto
for another section nf this bill I feel
confident that their constituents aro oppwed
to tearing in their midst a ponderous mo-
I Sir, it has always been the boast of
llonublicatis that opposition to establishing
a privileged cl iss was ono of their cardinal ' iS, of,!; 3!
I 1 vi vni- V.w . -
I should like to know whit is to bo expected
' from jtrofessett llcpublicans, Simply no-
j thing.
i I came here, sir, without any prejudices
I for or against tho Pennsylvania Railroad
i t i.An i,i liifirt nf si,, n..,.n,
Company, I knew but little of tlio power
I or influeneo it wielded in these halls until
1 a month or mnro ago, when ono of its bills
1 relative to its being exempted irom paying
' tax on a largo amount of property in and
about Pittsburg nndor con,idcrat.M
The venorablo fccnator from Allcgtion),
'(Mr. Wilkins,) together with his colleague,
(Dr. Oazzam,) protested strongly against
! its passage, upon the ground that it was
(wrong and unjust for any corporation to
.u.u '""" " i
I bio tax; but, sir, when the rmcsli u was
I lrly betoro tuo oenatc, men mr tuo ursi
timo 1 fancied that 1 coula plainly see tho
I oompany's solicitor, ono ot its general?,
I eanta:u stationed in difforcnt parts
ntm.'. an ifirnr. nnn oi iih m n i.
i - - . ., , , r .
of this chamber with a view of obtaining
1 tho car of their respective party friends -
J$y tins system oi wcucs.iuu ocuuhhs irom
juicjjuuny num r v'.'yv, j
' company got all tho legislation asked for.
Now, sir, I am free to acknowledge that
from that lime up to tho present hour 1
have been alarmed. Iu all candor, why
should wo not bo 1 It is evident to any
closo observer of events that it is a foregone
j conclusion .that this company
rnio or rtitu itiui, id. umn tv uuciv.wu v.
- . Tho interests of my immediate cousti-
in tho sale. It is evident that a majority
( l, nnnl iMiwiliits in l.iiTnmc CQimtv.
who ship coal to an eastern market, will
, be forced to pay about twenty-live cents
por too additional loll for all timo to comoj
and, sir, that will . nearly, if not quite,
amount to a prohibition ot our coal traito
, in that section of tho St. to. Sir. the Oanal
Board, so far as the interests of tho Com-
mouwealtu would permit, wisely discrimi -
! nated in favor of tho oo.-d trade coming
from tho Wyoming valley. They arranged
' their toll sheet so that all coal passing
then pass free through to Columbia. It is
about ono hundred and six miles from our
wal field to tho Junction, at Duncan's Is-
land. Senators can vcrjr readily sco that
should the Eastern Division go into the
hands of a company, many of my cousti -
lucaU would bo compolled to pay exort.
tanl ari'l tirrlup rmiinou' rairs n toi
criminated in favor ol the Wyoming Valley
'Z'conu": 'u
ynfnn mmtt tn 41i fi ninnnnl 411b vnnni i'nA ..
---- -----"-";,""- ,7.
the collector's office at Beach Haven, which
la. ,t year came to more than ,8854,000.-
Wl. can douM that had ..t a proper
hV' " w"' 3'". r
office? These ro facts that speak for
, , t
, themselves ,,,,, :,,
I Mr.S p f ?PP'' '
year 184o ono or threo Commissioners to
weot In Philadelphia to sell the Delaware
. division o. the Pennsylvania Oan.l, under
U law that was pas,ed the previous session;
n un e 't, .T U. a ""ahom S Mo ZJZ
upon llio interests of tho Commonwealth.
Tr .. . ,.
crsto open books and receive subscriptions
, . .m nnn . , . 1 ,
amounting to 81,00 000j and it was also
provided lliat when that amount was sub
scribed that wo should closo the books,
and issuo certificates of stock to the sub
scribers. The law did not allow us to take
any moro for it than that amount. Being
convinced that tho whole project was wrong,
I accomplished its defeat by ono vote,
through tho aid of Hon. S'imiiel D. Ing
ham, who was aho ono of tho Commission
Now, 3Ir. Speaker, can you or any other
Senator say that that Delaware division is
not now worth 8500,000 moro at a fair
sale. It has been a paying canal ever
since that day. I havo only referred to
this Bubjoct in order to show that my
judgment in that instance whs correct, a
time has fully and clearly demonstrated.
This is ono of tho many reasons why I
havo oonGdcnco in my own judgment in
matters of this kind.
Sir, when 1 rose it was not my intention
to have occupied so much of tho time of
tho ScDato. As an apology, I havo only
to say that my constituents, as muoh so as
those of any other i-enaior upon tnis fl'ior,
havo a deep and an abiding interest in tho
futuro welfare of this good old Common
wealth. Sir, I would bo willing to talk a
month if by si doing her interests would
be protected.
Tho Senator from Crawford, in tho
course of his remarks yestcrdiy, said ho
could not sco why Senators would voto this bill without giving their rea
sons for so doiii!. In tho language of that
Senator 1 have had my "pitch in," and I
hope tho Scnato will pardon mc for occu
pying so much of its time.
Sweet aro tho Uses of Adv ersity.
Tho following will bo bettor appreciated
liif nnnno1in flirt titlinfts ntmn
" tho longer you keep the canary
ft 1 1 1 .
i wru ln uarkcneu cage, tuo sweeter it
will sing, so tho more serene the discipline
of tho good man's experience, tho sweeter
' ,L(; gong of jlis sp;r:tuai jifCi '!, 0i,j
. . r
that h refined in the hottest furnace comes
...... . , .. , ,.
! out the brightest, and tho character mould-
! cd by inteuso heat will exhibit tho most
wondorous cxcelloccios. God's children
aTQ ,iko sa tIat MnQ hrightost iu the
torches that aro the
, "
better for bearing ; like grapes that come
j not to tho proof till they come to the press ;
like trccs, that drive down their roots
farther and grasp tho earth tighter, by
ro,son of tba storm . ii0 vines. that ow
tho better for bleeding ; like gold that looks
tho brighter for scouring; likoglow wormi,
11.. .1.-1. . -
... .... . ,1,.. '
iiiat niuuiia awcuiuaL 111 vnu lire itxvu itiu
1 1 '
promandor, which bocomoi moro fragrant
num eunu.., 1.1.1. u.u VM,U
proves tuu uciicr iui , iiku uw
oamom;i0) wliicli spreads the more as you
, .
"There is a flower, when trampled on,
t D0th still moro richly bloom,
Antj cven to :,3 bitterest foe
( Q f h Jta gwcet fumo
. -
. rri,rt rta. niot'a rtiel,.,l nnii
Tho rose that's crushed and shattered,
' Doth on tho breczo bestow
A fairer scout that further goes,
i 15'n for the cruel blow.''
5J- Mrs. Partington hoard her son say
thai thero were a great many anecdote in
tho new Almanao, beggod him to cut them
an out and prcservo thorn, as she had heard
th;lt wlicn any body was poiscned, nothing
... -, .,i.
w necessary but to give linn an anecdote,
and it would euro him.
jg,- Martha Cornelia Galhotin, young-
cst uaUgi,tCr of tho late Johu C. Calhoun,
dicJ rojidcnco of Lor Lrothcr Col.
, V 0. Calhoun, in tho Abbov.Uo d.stt.ot,
' S. 0 on the ad lostant, aged 31.
j -
1 jy. fi0Wi3 Cass, Jr., tho American miu-
ft brillinnt entertainment in
1 Home on th- iM of Feb v .n honor of thu
wuii.i oi i nsmnt;"jii
QDrtgtual JiJodri.
Written fur the Democrat,
Tntitc ii a !anil;inors dear to me
Tlian all III. world beside
Tls not tlio land ol slavery
Wtieru monarch! proud reside.
Tis not Ihe land uhtre licauty du ells,
Where lorors often roam.
Ah I no a secret lainutse tolls
' It is mr native home.
M rnatlve borne, my nativo lioaia,
How dear tbou art to me,
Where'er In this wide world t rosin
1 ever think of thro.
I've often thought of thai grecngrove,
Anilibose delightful boivcrs,
Where nd In childhood I have rov'd,
And plucked tiie blooming Honerr
Ah! tcs though far from Ll tlied del",
A stronger here I roam,
I lo e to drop tiie silent tear
And think of home, sweet homi
A Beautiful Illustration.
The Watch: Iron mar cusiful than Gold.
"I havo now in my hand' said Edward
Everett, "a gold watch, which combines
embellishment and utility in happy pro
portions, and is often oonsidorcd a very
valuablo appendage to tho person of a gen
tleman. Its hands, face, chain, and case
aro of chased and burnished gold. Its
gold seals sparkle with tho ruby, topaz,
sapphire, emerald. I open it, and find
hat tho works, without which this elegant-
ly furnished case would be a mere shell
thoso hands motionless, and those figures
without moaning aro made of brass, In
vestigating further, and asking what is tho
spring, but which all theso are put in mo
tion, mado of, I am told it is made of f tool 1
I ask, what is steel T The rep'y is that it
is iron which has undergone a certain pro
cess; So, then, I find tho mainspring,
without which the watch would always bo
motionless, and its hands, figures, and cm
bcllishmcDts but toys, is not of gold (that
is not sufficiently good,) nor of brass (that
would not do,) but of iron. Iron, there
fore, is tho only precious metal I and this
watch au emblem of society I Its hands
and figures, which tell the hour, rcsemblo
tho master spirits of the age, to whoso
movements every eye is directed. Its use.
less but sparkling seals, sapphires, rubies,
topazes and embellishments arc tho aris
tocracy. Its works of brats aro tho middlo
class, by tho increasing intelligence and
power of which tho master spirits of tho
ago axe moved; and its iron mainspring.
shut up i n a box, always at work, but never
thought of, except whon it i3 disorderly,
broko, or wants winding up, symbolizes the
laboring class, which liko tho mainspring,
wo wind up by the payment of wages, and
which classes aro shut up in obscurity,
and though constantly at work, and abso
lutely necessary to the mnvemout of socio
ty, as tho iron mainspring is to tho gold
watch, aro never thought of, except whon
they requiro their wages, or are in some
want of disorder of some kind or o her."
Tho political and industrial rights and
privileges of the laboring classes should
not bo lost sight of by legislators. Edu
cate and develop them, and thoy,in return,
will bring iron out of iho mountains in
greater abundanco; will, by their superior
intelligence, invent machinery, by which
most of the labor of life may bo performed ;
"mako two blades of grass grow whero but
ono grow before ; and thus, as in n'l other
things, set tho world aboad.
3 Tho Lafayette (lod ) Journal of
May Oth says that a "beastly tragical scone
occurrod" ot llagcrstown, Wayno county,
Indiana, on tho 5th of May, at Van
Ambush & Co.'s Menagerie and Circus(
then and thero on exhibition. Tho lion
attacked a cougar of great size and beauti
fully spotted, "Professor" I.angworthy
rushed into tho cage, forgetting oven his
little whip, but tho lion mado tho fatal
spring and tore tho cougar into pieces.
Langworthy W2S then in tho cao with tho
enraged lion, and fortunately found an iron
instrument used for cleaning cages, with
which ho brought tho outrageous sovereign
of beasts to terms. The Journal says :
" Tho audionco during this fearful spec-
taclo exhibited not ono sign of tear or
anxiety, but retf.ined tho most pleasing
at aehocs of the company, who, on coticlti'
eion of tho Professor's performances, gath-
crod arouod him in tho most aiuiniut ,
manner, cxpres,ing high and manifest
that their friend and fellow traveler was '
unharmed. Mr. Van Amlmrgl. immedi-'
SiSatl VZrU'
of Mi' un1 r" Oni-full di-ir i.l
Tlio Sailor Sli pwrecked on land
If an honest heart beats in one bosom
more warmly than in another, it is in that
of tho bravo tar. Whether it be tho manv
j dangers that beset him en perilous vo1
I age, or a fcnso of loneliness whilo rockt 1
' upon tho mountain wave, that leads him to
I cherish and lock up with sacred care his
j all'cctioiis aod tho better feelings of his
; na uro, and to keep them untouched by tho
scenes of vice and temptation of which h
must often been a witness, certain it is that
tho American sailor is most sensitive to
wrong, nnd more keenly touched by m;.,
fortune, than any other individual in thi
world. It may be that his adventurous
life, teaching him, as it must, to cling to
his shipmates a3 to his little world hU all
strcngtbens his i oblcr m d kinder feci
ing, and warms them into livelier action
than the more monotonous and poaceful
lifo of tho landsman. A sailor, who had
I been long absent on a voyage, came into
I port tho other day, and immediately lefc
l 11 . -.. ... ... it. r .. .1 17
'mont, whom ho had left in health a num
ber of years' before. Upon his arrival at
the spot, the li.'ht-hearted tar frund that
they had all died in his long absence.
Even tho bright-eyed girl whom ho had
left in all her vigorous bloom and to
whom iio was betrothed she who year
after year had anxiously watched for hi
return slept beneath tho cold sod of tho
valley I lie retraced his steps, and whou
we met him on his return, he was seated
by the road-side, wcopiiigl'nc a chid, A
feeling of loneliness had come over tha noble-hearted
fellow that touched a chord in
his bosom which all tho loneliness of the
ocean oould not reach. His homo desolate
the cherished one of his hcait, and Iho
1 'ved ooo of his youlh bis affianced bride,
the sturdy oak and the lily that bloomed
in its shade allgoco lorever. The sailor
was shipwrecked on land, and tho bold
heart who had vithstoud the bcatiugs of
the surgo and the mountain wave who
had braved tho pe.ils of the deep in the.
midnight storm without tho trembling of
n nerve or tiie blink of an eye had no-.v
lost sight of tho polar star, and bitterly
wept at the desolation which hid come up
on him. Such a man Ins treasures within
his bosom abovo all price treasures which
arc tho fiuits of a nobler naturo Iono,and
can bo loutid imbedded in none other than
an honest man.
JST An honest back woodsman, unac
quainted with tho slang terms of tho day,
recently went into a store at Columbus, S.
C, to purchase a bill of groceries, step
ping up to tho keeper of the store, he
began: '' Havo you got any sugar?"
" We ain't got anythi g else," was the reply.
"Well, put mo up fifty pounds, and mako
out your bill ; I'll cjII and settle, and get
tho sugar in an hour or ro," In an hour
or two after this the gentleman called,
pid his bill, and got his suaar. As usual,
tho shopkeeper said j "Wan't anything
else ?" "I did want somo thrco or four
bags of coffee, somo rire, spices, oil, &c ,
but I got them at another store. You
told mo you didn't havo anything else."
&3r An editor and his wife wcro walk
ing out in the bright moonlight ono even
ing, Liko all editor's wives, sho was of aa
exceedingly poetical nature, and s .: 1 ti
her rnatf : "Notice that moon how bright
and calm aud beautiful." J,Couldu't think
of noticing it," returned the editor, "for
anything leia than the usual rates a dol
Jar and fifty cc&ta for twelve Hoes"'
5Sy" Madam," said a doctT ono lay ti
the mother of a sweet, healthy ba' ""tlio
ladies have deputed mo t m.jjire whit
you do to have such a lovely, liafp", uni
formity good child ?" Tho miller uiuscd
for a moment over tho strangeness of tho
question, and then replied simply and
beautifully : "Why, God has given mo a
healthy child, aud 1 let it alone."
JEST A young man named Knox, a prin
ter, bar becu troubled with a sad bcreavo
mcnt. An uncle whom he had ncv-r co6i.
died tho other day and loft htm fc'J.j.G'Ofj
Mr- Knox has our eutire sympathy Enr
Yes, aud tho sympathy i.f everybody
else. A man with $76,000 alwa , j ka?.
j Uut a printer with that amount of funds
lore ..met Ir aohiothin':
Igy- Th"! first veisei'l that ever cicrld
trom rntiaucipuia lor atvaitopo', e ;.
on Tuesday. Tho barqua Susau J-no i.
sct oat jajca w;t, (.PVcra' steam 'uin
t thw with ,,,,, M,x lLir, 'mnx
-!. WP"fW
' P"1