" 1U ln tjr Ml p baffle"'.! Itrlrt, J'lmiiniittliWr anHcrsVIrl," Tho Plow, tho Rako niid tho Hoo. A fon(! ft.r tin golden past-- And III 9 high old forest trees A songfor the curls of Indies fair, Ojt Uniting upon the ttfffxj A snngfor the knightly litiltt ol Spain Wliti Mietr clilvcrly long age Hut a rM of songs far tho farmers toots, Thi plow, tti 9 rake, and tho due' A shout fur tlic men of Wat t Vtvm ihu blood red fields thoy corn Tliry look fur ttio wotl.l lu riio w t lii awe At the sound ol iheOfn and Druuil Ilirk J how ton rabble cheer Onhillnnd valley low Well hac.l lhm not, for our 0nj shall b The plow the rake, and the hoe. Oh a fnrmcr'i the man of men I With sinews like cords of st eel, With n kingly step and a flashing eye. And a tieari that In made to feel To lad Die bouhdinfi orjoy, Andthrobat the sight of wn e. Then cingntong ft r the nob'e knf f lit Oftlicptow, the rake anil the hoo Coma fjrtlulhon ion bftoll, The enrth, like bridesmaid gay If nutting nn n cnrpel of verdure down, lor the fi-et nf the blue-eyed May. Co.ne fan h with a lavish liond Thyjsecdi to the furrow sow While we gaily Jolt in a cheerful song, For the pl-jw, the rake nndtho hoe. iloiloway's Pills A MEDICAL REVOLUTION. The M'orltl ITiinniinoiis I Till! OKEAT UOtLVITR IRRITAVrl I 'pllC t (Mi ofdl.enie oftenmakes tli wayto tho In J tttnnlo c.in-i through the norcs ofthe skin This pcTi'itr.-itjnj: Onr.nleni, melting under the hand nsltls NEW )UOQ STORE. EXCHANGE nl.OUK. JI A IN STIIECT. Dlooraslnirg. pll T. nnlcrl itirn wnul.l re, poclfully Inform I. Is friend X anil tlioplnlic rl".ior.,lly, Ihsl In lui purchased nr 'lYrifi.t's llrinrnn I Chemical Flora, and lust return"! from thcclly with nlargeand .elect slock, cnutlstlng u J'ffsh and .rare JJriins. r.iltti'Ml ln.7a ,nrbed thrnnththo ame channels, ami, I Me,tlrlnes.i'iieiitriik.i'tniindniidwhiile?iilecs.PK)nl,- rrarlihip i tie ,ent of I nil Miimniion.iiruHini.ilnni! Invn , oi's. VaniLiice. Hi o Si nils V iiiloi IJia.sof allsi?e, ti.nn j suuiis ii, iiiiuiuci locaicuin uic kiuneys, tue Ingclhel is I li neoiiMlelenssmtnlcnl (lira I ill. I nolo nun lint Hie lung, or any other important orpnn ll'siiav.ng iirushcs, Tobacco, Si'iart.laiii'S'ai.s.Siiav i3iict.aici- the surface to the interior, through tho ingCicam coii.ii'isslub.ii that com inuoltntB Willi the ikm In , Vnm Wineu anil llrmrlira er ram pa,,e, Into Hie rcvcredeattli, .wrmlng . 1 urn 'v.'n;,,J?a V ..... r... t. cool and regenerating Influenoe. i For Medicinal lire, English. Frencband Am--re. in rcr SKIN I)ii:aCH AN II tlL".NIUl.AH.gwnLLlNGS. Iniiieryt In ,horl, every nitlelekeplbyllru..glil gone' Every ,pcciesnlcxt.irlorlrrlialioiiliinlcklv reduced tally , , by tlio null Inflammatory action ofthli Olnlment. I rj-Preeerlntlonicnrefnllyenmpoiinieil, Antry i:rupllon, inch at Sail IIIiciiim Ui vainelaa. N. Il-Tnelciri. raorwnoi, will he conllnucil.nl Teller, r.iiiiwoim.Scnlil lleail, Nellie Rash ,cnlile, ' mual In nioonnlmrit and Lisht Sireet. . a-,k. ii. a . i.u. ii.i i riii ii laiiii hin hi o r i i,m iiinat atvtjt Tri tti (or l if II ; fltt., uio ouit iu rtmr n mi mure, uniirr. ii np uii tiia.i huuhi ua nm naivan j - - nlicaiion. Ilpenltril exnerfciirelii all nnrtioltheworld provce tti hiratliltlliy In dlienci of the ikln. the nmaclci, tlicjohitcniid I he gtnndi. ULCUm, SORCAND TUMORS The efTt'Ct nfllili unritallcdexternnl remedy upon Fforfula.nmlotliervlriilnnt ulcere and torca Imlmoii mlractilom. It tint ilischarffei the polon whitli pro dtitra luppunlfoimml proud fleihiand tlaii the curea which In heal in a ptoperllei alter ward complete are B.iftirn well ns permanent wounds, muisna, nuavs, and RUAt.ns. Incmes of Hie fracture of tlifbonee, Injunee caused by jtenm nxpl'islnn. ttrtilei Ilurni ticaldi, Rheiima tlfnititlfTiiem of the Jolntt. and conlracllotiof the rtetM, all emjtloycd niitl warmtf recatniuemled by tho (iicnlty. Till mtrvcloui remedy h& hrcn Introduced byltiinvenlor In penon into nil the leading Ho'pHftld orGiirop-j.and no private houiebold iliould be without 1 UNOP.NlAni.C TC3TIM0NY. The medical ttiiTof the Fiench nrd Hnglifh nrmlei ntheCrimer, Imve offici.it ly itgnrd tlicli flpprovwl o llollowav'g oinioient, ni the nioit reliable dreningfor tabro cutK. stabi, nmltun fliot woiindi. It is alio uiud by the Murgeom oi Hie ltied Narici. Both the Ointment andt rills should he wtd in the following cases : Runione. I'tlei, Boro Heads.' Itiu.i- Khfiimntlsni, ore Throat, t namH'd Haiidi, Kiu orei of all klodi Chllblaini, Ba,. ...leum, 1l raim. Thtula, Hrahl, Ft. (Joints. Gout. Bkln Uneaica. Tct T, I.tiaibngo, Bwelled niandi Ulcers', Mercurial Krup-Pore !b. Venereal Pores tlom. goretlrenttl. Woundi.all kinds. aold at Iheuiamifaciorioi of nrof-Hwr Itolloway 80 Maiden Lane. New York, and 211 Strand, Loudon by nil reipectaliU Driigtrlfts and Dealers In Medicine throughout the Unt'ed Stales and the rlvlllie.I world In pnti MiScenn.GSl centi,and (leach. There is a couitderable ittvipg my taking the larger BiZPI. Tj3" CAUTION 1 None art genuine unteii tho wordJ Ilotlowajf, NeK York an London," art diicernlblc ns n vnier nark in every lenf of the book or directions around each pot or bozt the same may be plainly seci IvAaUinfr the leaf to tht light. A handiomt reward willbeeiven to any one rendering suth informntlon as may lead to the deiecilon of any parly or pnrtles ItH'iitbir;. F.iHftttry t OEO. MJIARnMIUCIl. , 1817. or nit: XAT10X.1l SAFETY MUST C0.1M.V1'. eooiinierrellln: the meiliemei or knowing mem to uo ipunuui, vindlng the aauie REMOVA L. OHARI.KS MAG AUG B & 00. Having ltomovcdfrora No, 61 Oomcmroe TO TUB Smith-West corner of Sixth and Carpenter Streets. PHILADELPHIA TJEO tocallthealtcntlonof rur'hancrito theireJlen- I ilvn ntanrtimtnt of Paner. anil Pa tier Marker! Ma t"Mali:Printlnr Papera for Oooki nod Newe. Water leaf, Ized.nncjnendercii and rallcnileredtorallquali' tieiianil nrieeif.aliae on hand: Hardware anil Manll la Papers, TrunkCo.T nil, Bliidcra'Coard,, llanglngra- neri, ve , .vr. lMrtlciilaraitciillonlsliivlte.no their eitensitoaa eortoienlor . LEDGER PAPERS. 'rom the tnott Ctltbraied Mannfaelcrlet In the Country, Among their WRITING TAPER STOCK may be found Com. Note, Atlantic Note, llatht'oit, (I i a ft" Toit, Tool's Cap. Flat Cap. Folio Prut. Thin .Medium) Demv. J. S. & K. L, PEROT, Produce nnd General COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No 18 Notlh IVJi.-rv , I II lli.l UU HI 11 11 , mrriiincti: JohnT renlrton.En. riilladelplila. Menu Hacker, l.ca t Co. ' " Slier, Trie oc Co. " " llucknor. McCammon & Co, " ( Charlei Cilia t Co. ' B. Mnrrli Wain it Co ' i' Onterlirhlgc, Arvoy & Co. " Charles fc Joseph Perot, ' Thoni.lAt Maxwell, New York. CM. McClini; it Co., Si. Louis, Mo, J.s. Momafe Son, Lou)v)lli-,Ky. Varch 15. lMC-v DYKK'S HOTEL. Caliawissa, Pa. rt IIIBolilnnd wotlknown Ilolel.lntlietown AbA J orCatiawlasa.lntlll kept by tho nn.ler- TlJESH ,liicil, and In spiteol nil license lawi, he laJJiimt. ilctcrmlneil to make hie house one of the most comrorta Meplareefortravclerloelop at, that can be found in UielnteriororPennaylranlri Ilia tablen III be furnish ed .tally Willi the heat the Market can afford. tri-MyolilfrlendaandtraTcllersgencrallyarf Invited to rail. JACOU DYER. .Mayai.ieaa.-y. EsyplowD Coach a oil lfagoa Fc tory, Tlinundercigncd liavlnft euceceilerl Jacob S. Cval in the Wagon and Coach making huslneee.at hi a atand.ln i'snytown rcspectlulty inlorm their frlent. andth? nubile, thatthey continurwilltho Wagon Making JJusincss, Inalllita ilepannienta, where they will bo hippy tore celve orders nnilproinpliyexecnteallbuiinefielnthoii line, with neat licsa anu u erpaicn. Wheel barrowe made loordcr.nndallkindtof repairlngdone on alio r I notice. EVANS Ic IIAOENUUCII, nipylown, Jn ne7. leso y STB AM GKIST MILL, rpilU uniloralgncd Jj takr pleniure In an ..mi nc l n to their fr lend land Ihcpuhllcat large. llinllhey iiuvrltuicrcrlcd and notln aiicrcsfitlperiillon . Tilts lssrx'ruwn STEAM GKIST MTT.T. Wherrtliey r.BrtlV" "ihe'e r'c'fo 3?'," of hV,Sl V. VuiVMIM ..(opeKe-lliy team S nllir-rfnfiiilnpio pcrllcllon iiiiiigrinilii'l iLoiMi ? tihiliel,ofcrnl5 nerlioiir ,Thc flour iii.mc lionnfAV WelnviteourlrlendHocnl andnTwontheinoslreasonablecoiidillo,,. N.B.-Cal.i.al.lfornraliicifcoii,vcLINO Bt nvlovn,Jil1yg3.I''5:l- JAMES BAIUjEK S witotisAta hd aiTii1. Ot-ncK ESTAIlLISMUNr. S. B. corner of Second and Chestnut su. Philadelphia. Where mayhoiound one the largeatandbeit asiorlinen of Clock! and Time l'iete! In .i.Biinfin.tnmies.liiiiuantlllei 7'".C7!!77r, .ii ninft.tooiicilinuiaiid .". " -JV"' 'V:,::e.V"..Ar. 'vleandiiianulac li te, aiilLiiilc for Churclic., Hall,. Counting Houses, )y ,Tllirtl), Philadelphia. Cn'nal DwH.'tinTl Itallroad cirti , , UMoney I, rc-elvcd In any tuni, hrgo or smal I nnd Alo "oicMenl for Ripp'a lately patented Beien ijc paid f ont tho day of depo.it to tho. lay of "en llciliier,, IViicll.niid a variety of Taney good..- The office l open every day from 0 oVInrk In Ih Thor"vlliiiig In purchase will find It lu their l.iierc, morning till 7 oclock In He even ng.'.and on Monday Q II, I J liuiriuij liviiii'I'l - INTEREST FIVE PER DENT. Corn and Potatoos. Prices. In one of tho lato agaiculturo meetings nt HostoD, Asa 0. Sheldon (spoke of tho comparative prices of corn and potatoes, as well as tho pricojof allfsorts of cultiva ted roots. Sixty years ago, corn was as dear as now,' cay one dollar a bushel at retail, and potatoos wera thirty to fuity cents. About forty years ago, there was a great rise iuthcso- products ; corn sold for $1 50, and potatoes for the enormous prieo of CO cents a;huihcl, Now, iu this city,corn may he ectdown at 75 cents, and potatoes atSii a bushel. What a chango in fifty yoirs. Potatoes have generally been higher than corn for several years. Yet Mr, Sheldon thinks it as easy tVraiso thrco bushels of potatoes as ono of oirn. If a farmer wishes to make the most money he can, fet )him cnltivato potatoes, Jbcets, carrots, onions, parsnips, &c, and be will get raoro dollars than ho will by raising corn. Mr. Wctherell said, the llate",rcturns show that tho'avarage crop in Massachu setts is lcs3 than one hundred bushels to tho acre. Ho had hoard, on goodjauthori ty, of a farmer ia Belohcrtown who raised 800 bushels formerly on one acre. That was tlio larrrpsl cran ho ever hoard of. As I , . , , . , . , Medium, llojnl, Buii 10 luc prieo oi poiaioca lurnicnv uouipitruu . imperial. .,, ., . , ... i ,i . i l t Vute Tamr,, o cverydeicrlptlon.tijenndiualily. With tllO present, llC GtaitCU. tltat HO nau., jlf rojer,iiiitentlariety. hmtltpt rap cm, white, ... i . . n , l.ii ifantl cold, either Inidor wove. Colored Veutrt , fine Known as goou potatoes sow, twenty uvo -,ICd.ii;idothctvariciic. j. ,0. .tti i M.innf.ictiircra nreinvlledtoexaniine tticlrstock of Yean aco, for 12i cents a bushel as ran be ' ... FrViin nnd iiomesiic Kieaeiiiug ron-.ier. ofi bought now for SI a bushel. The.c are Z Some 10l liinas Ol potatoes cultivated, but '"flji arorHVc .prepared to take order, of odd, ixe. only afew arc really vakablo or profitable, andeuii'5.oranyortiieabovcde.r,ipiio.io!Pap,r.. Tho sweet potato can bo raisjd with prout nr l .i..i:.,m t.nH. ill luaaaauiiusuiLs, lij aiaiiiu iuuiu iu uui beds and planting in tho open air early in May. Mr. W. J. Buekminstcr said that last year he cultivated sixteen varieties of po tatoes, but ho fouud only a few kinds of much yaluc. Tho Chenango and the Da vis Seedling were spoken of 83 among tho best in all respects, if not the very best. He did not think that potatoes raised'from the seed' wcro sure not to rot. Mr. Ihooks said tho potato crop now is Hi i H 1 STATM SITING FVJYM OFFICE Next door to the Post Office. io. 8U Vocl;Strccl,VhiUukl2hia..iNTEREST FIVE PER CENT, ALL SUMS OF M ONE YjETUltN ED ON DEMAND. rpHE STATE SAVINGS FUND, No.liTDoolc Strcot, next donr to ThlrdSirff. JL nndadlolnlngthc Po,lOmco,reci'lvc, nioncy on delimit ilallyrrnmO In the morning until J In the r.. nooni alio Monday rvfning.lrom 7 to Oo clock, Inioret.i, nlloweil.on deposit at the rate of FIVE PtKr V pel annum. Dcpo-lls h III tie returned In vlioloor ,,nrl 0n uthiaml wlliioul nollco. "I iiiepopuiariiy oi iiinumco wiiiiom rasri 01 the comiiiiiiillv. iilhlu town anil country, anu it, conscou. eeen, may honicrllicd, In part.lo Hie ' follimii( ,ulitaiiilalrii,on 1 a - 'U 1. . .. . uiici.u..iiii:uiviii.ii",",i.i".- pruntalile llopusllnl y in lixccuiorn, niiiiaiori, ni,... i Collettor,Agcnta,nniiallpuli lc oiricer,-lo Attorney,, Tiuslee,, SotlellJ nnd Association,. whether eki ' I pornieilor oliierwlsc-lennrricd ot,liiglolailie,i0 tiulrnli. Mi ni em, .Clerk,, and loslnesa inengencrMivi:! 13 M'clianlcii, Farniim Mlnoraorcllhfrsex niiilaiinhPhavofunds.niuch orilltlc lodcdo,ll,wllerehoylnaylJl', ', J onny time wllh fiveper rent InUresindiled, ' & d. lUpositor, tecelve HnoVa wltlian nhjractnf the l!y l,aw,indre?nMllon,,ln wlilcli'n enlcred their ilcnn,,, Yf'ALNUT Street, south west corner . ..,,..A..n ..l..l,..!fl,nl.Plvl,r. igcaiimiuiM" lu" i iu pd nanr.r.p.. MONTOIIIt HOCSU, COUNIIU Of MARKET AND MILL STnnETa, (nniia'iatcly eppotite tht Court Ilomi.) UAIMVIU.E, PA. HAV1N0 been recently renovated nnd refurnished In a superior stylo, this elegant Hotel is now reopn lor the re.eption of strangers and visitors, who, epa. ronnge 1, reapectluliy reqacted. 4 P. A. BRADY, Iyi5,1856. DARBERING & HAIR DRESSING S Jl L O O JST. THE nndcrilgned re, poctftily informs hi, oldeusto niersand the publicin geniral, that he coiilimie rllF. EAMIERrxn dcsixbss. In ai Its various department,. In the old Hand, Ex chango, bind the nnlv shop n town, opposlic tho Coliiiiil.it Democrat Olhccon Miln Slrcet, llloonisliiiri!, where ho will always be happy to accommodate his rii.tomcrson i;lii and in the lutes! ,t)lo ofthe fa-Iilon- GEORGE SMITH. nioomehiirgNovomhcr NEW MAUnM; VAIiOLN I)L0031SCUUtl. Ill RAM S. UAllEV HVSupctiedH Marlilo Y.trdat llic corner of Nfalu rml M.irkf-i Hirrrit. tvhete he in nrpitarod I o fi mth in- Msinufsicturcn nrpinviledtocxamlnr their Mock ''f bC41 "0,r'" i1"" ?riV IVi MIK n ml 'fit rnrthe character and fmisl) ofln work lie rfen tn suchnnhn hai nimte Is this cnnniv He wl'l firnili uPhignri fortvork or csprute nny lint may lie turnuii tillOltUn. Ill W'HK Blinii v y ill Itsfctylpund renonab1eln price. IJiooinsburg, D-c C.lc'b HARNESS ESTAHLISIIMENT. Th BHiajfOF THE WHITE HOUSE. rptlEunderslsncdrespectfiillyi iilnrii.s .L in, fricnua anutne puuuc tuai n c -y. vuiii.uiirn inn SADLERING BUSINESS, 1 n nil lis various branchrs. at liii old ttinnilinenriinr of Mam and Market itrrs. tLrZ& Wlierehc will keep coiutanlly nn hand a f til I supply nnd willmantifsicturc to ord-jr .nllklndband tit via so SADDLES. MA'-VISS, 77itA'AS, rjLlCES, fe. atllieverylowet prices, and will be happy to serve 1lupe who may favor lilm with a call inhieline. rS" Ordcrdfrom a -iiitance In eilhT brauchof the n bovebusiiies twlllbe thankful! yrccelved a ndpromplly executed. WM. J. REIDLEMAN. Illoomsliurg .Aug. 10. lP.V.te v. B. E.cnreerorcheilnni abccoinian.,iii" Tel.. in, IMS' 'v. CIIBAP WATCHES AND Jewelry Store, WHOLESALE AND RErAII.nl Iho- Plilla.yim,. ,cliiilaW..ltlian,IJcelry-u.r.-. i. 'Sg NnrMUnslreel turner of Ciliary Philadelphia. ZtMS i .1. t.ever Walche,, lul'Jen clcd. 18 catal . a uu Cold l.cplne. IS carat RilverLcver.fiiHJewelied. Siver l.eiilne.ipwel,, SnperiorCliierticrs. Go'dSpectncle,. FincSilvcrdo, Gold Bracelet,, Ladle's Gold renell,. .... I.. Tn flnnnni.lPl. . ColdPen, Willi penellandsllverholder. it 110 )1 DO 00 7 00 7 00 J 00 3 (10 1 00 S 00 1 00 'Gold finger ling's 371 cen, to eo; Witch glasse. All sums larjr! or rmallare paid backfill (GOLD on demand wlllioi t unlice.tonnv.nuunill. Proiitcrt Hon lll'.MtVL. II UVNEIt. VicePresliUnl UOIIEllT i ELt'KlDQD Secretary .WILLIAM J HELD, Olri!or: . , Henri L. Benner, C.Landrelh Munna Edwai.IL Carter. F, Carroll Hrewsiei I ItohcrlSe'fridBC, Joseph u, .Harry, T Samuel K. Asliion , Henry L. Churchman, ' Jaiiiesli.Sniiili. Fraud, Leo Tlilsconipanyconrlnos iis Imsiness entirely to the receiving ni mciiey on Inteiesl, Tho investment, a monntiiicto nenrlv, ONE SIII.MOV AND A IMLf or DOLURS,! ts ir nulillshcdri'iinrl ol AHCrd.nre mndo in ro n ornnti with Mio iirovl.ionsof Iho chtrter In IIEA L E.STATB, MOr.TCAGK.tlP.OIIND P.D.VT8. nnd such ditt clns, srciirliles.'oi will always iniuro per feel se curity iu the ,U'iosihirs, ond wliicli cannot Inl to give IVEI' CSl.l II plain 151 cents, patent 18;, Lunel 25; other article. In ' permaiieiicynnit kU'ilhty lo.lhltold an l wel csla l iirapo.tlon . nil goou, ':""".... . c .lii x ' sold for All nnmt s i'Auri'Ki; u nr.LUY n (In hn n,l some Gold andHilvet heve ' Lp.iIiic 111 lower ill nn iiie.muvu March 7th, 1S57. Octl Avise's i2ciir.APWATCIIJcJEWBI.RY STORE, Nn. 72. Worth Second Street, OPPOSITE THE MOUNT VERNON IIOUHE.I'lllLA ColilLeverWaichcfullJewcllcd lBIt,Ca,cii 52B 0 Silver do do QU.n,.l. 3 00,0 7 00 GdSperierles, .JOloloOO Silver do li." SiUc.TalilcSiioon. petsclt, 1 ' do uescri r"::: .In Ten do do 4 7Sto 7 -0 r-l.lPeiinndGol(ICase, 3'SlO 0(1 do Hlivcr no I 00 STKAM EXGINK3 AND BOILER. TI1C subictiberls now nrcoarL'd. with new Machine 1 rv. to ljirilt'il.i;luinrv tHiiri.ie. iiom Sin 10U liorsc toner. upon the iJli'ti.u.irokitlplaui.nnil will intildlo irdcr doudlei'tid viugic ptt.talc oiigitic from 10 to 40 ro. fc pouer, liisccu iii-iM, ca rria;cs.tviiii uoiier scar ns cpunins atlrotiin'eii'.iiid iu.ilvrrnctiun. Also -cytiiiilui lUieaiid lubKl.irbui'rrit caittrun rna! bie.ikg )r p.'l'nted In JfcoU fui tli esiilng yrain and crackinr 'ni it it nd wow iii.nle uii n 'nrgo r.ilo Cur creek In? on orepls In? coal llcav milling pititipi a id fire cngltitl ricspo compicif wniiii dimihj aciinj mrtnc punip3,ni klni'k of mill cenrine did tmis.e cisila? hi.nle to order Lliiethaltii-g mtli niiyili'ml v;,';g ol mi'lcv fintslie with hangers leonplatiiiii! done uv'tMJiWt long: n. kliuHoriron ttirulig henw press and other screw turned whh anv deiucl .tiLrtnrilir,,id. J lltJDCil KOUtlll MtMl tllH'MMilg .M.irlihi aU... v.lilth booke serve nsvoiirhers. The v may deHgnnio.ln f no ofslcknens, rtcalliornbicnce, who vllt receive ,ii?t depoiUt,wiinuiit Iti'iiitsivctilloiiainteciMoraur Administrator. Anyoiicnsrinoroperionsniay deposit ih iH her nriliiir nnmn nr for on V fither tit linn nr "" J-(. ARcporlls imilecncliyeartolheLrgjii.ntcmKVmnclWoflliPCity. . . . 3th. The OlTiccnare sworn before thfvei,ieni,,on their diitlnsin nddll lor In giving llonds with surclln, 5th. TlieBtaio Savings I nnd Is n rfrfavn1(B i',.n,) -notpn linnfnpcenndTruiiiCninpsny. Outlargcllntorri ponio'sand the rhllade'pnta puirnc .navcbuciiforclul loobierveiual thef barter avoids the bUtfiieis and riik iniurnncc, , tun. intcrcstin tun campan ioe no(f rrBronrlrrn drvs prcviruttiothe nilli tawnioiine money. illi In order to i Horde vrrvt annablo fnetiiif m iinnnlinr who rriidrnln distance from tho ofhrcih!..,.. sits nn permitted to he wliluitn t n by checks .Titer iho nifnncr euvtomnr with the Banks, Cheek nooki wiin lurul tiled to dcpnidlors without; nrge, ' ' ninpoiWarpatroiiflftrbcslowe upon hif ofllcr hy a provnlitolttcautiotis nd iHscrlmlantlng community n,. vrhcretberh..racteroltjioinsiitut in ra best known, la gritifyiiifi focltowhlt lit hfTriiMfe drirr In rail nlifm, CirAltLCsa IMLAV, Trtttut Y, ' GEOHOE II. HAIIT. 'nitJ.V IllldUli IJrlllw , niB tf 4 I WW VIII WATCH & JEWELRY EMPORIUM NO. 12 South Second Street. A few doors below Market, Philadelphia. 'pill', iinder'lgiied respeclfullv call, the nltenlloa nftheclilrensnf Rlnnmiburg in particular that open tt i.uiuiiiuicuimy in general, 10 oiirnsoriineni ni ivniuuun sc t;i,u. jenciiery.niiver, riatcii nnd uriianin wares, (.iiuerv. raueyuooiis. e.c. uurriinck coml ing as it does. is l.irgoand m igiilllcicnt on nonitnientofgooili nsnny similar cttabilshhieiit . thu U.iion.iseniirely new, mid ofniost recout strlesmtil iialleru,! wit he disposed of alii, very lowest cnsli prices. Gold Lever Witelie,, I'.HI ewcllcd, 18 knrntcscfrnm $30 to aslngti as $300, Bllver Lev,, tvairhes lull Jcwclicp 313, nnd over, SilverLcnine Waellies, Jewelled .'laudnver.tjil,, Uiurtlor do. 5. lo $IO;,Golil Pencils $1 SO to $7: Fine Go'il Kings, 37 1 r fnl, lo$i(l(l. SllverHiMous. cniialeoin nerstt Tens. .S llescrtftlo. Tnlde SIS. W.itcliG,asses bo,. ty plain ISi ce la.palcnt ISI, luiicj 53 Oilier nriieles in proportion. All goods wnrranled wlinlihcy inn, inr Cnnstnnllv on handa fnll nssorlmeul of llrteGold Jewelry and Silver tVare ns well as a flne assorlm. GOLD WA TCHES, for Lndic, o'gcnllcnieii from the most eelelnnled nianiifaeliilfirs. n'Eepoiriiig p.oii.pilly nlieuded to the l.udies of Cotnnibin cuuniyarcp.ittlcularlv invited treall anilu eclp oil', lock nfJcwellctyiieforeinaklngtlieiinuiciiiises, EHEN IIAYHOCK, Allgiisii,.e-M. j.i.iil.13 11. I-lJ,KIt that ecr Togetliciwllh a variety of fine Gold J en-airy Gol t nl!lilc l0 ol(,r l,Hicr',i'oi.or, cli.-iln nr trend' loner Jilr.Gnnri'Oiiifroin.iininF. 1 1 guuu. a , , . . u pindo lo eriicr -ilo l.ikeB mile's fn tlienilliiw-iisiiia ns presenicil. Watches and J cwclry repairei i iuh he, manner . N r. Ai'o'de'scnlliybymallorotlierwi,e,u-iliiie puncll'alli 'tle.iiledio. Novenli.e r ' ? I -I.'! . I uooroii uooFJiAD,s CELCUHATUD Ge r man Bi Iters. will r.rFncTUALi.Y cri.n LXCH COMPLAINT ly pepsin J dice Chronl or Nerim Uebihi) D-Hft-i ol .ne hiilnr nnd all di-cafcsnu iiigfroiiiii difcou't u! Liu r in Htuiunf ii fuch as Coiitt' en i hi n,l ii ii ' I'Mo, 1 "til I nest t or lilocd in tlm llrnd. aridity of Um htuumch, .Naiinca, Hear, bui iu Diegofrtfur food, Ki"lnri,or W't ii:IH hi the M mnch ,i?our lSruc.ntlbns. Hinl.ij'ff or 1'liuu-. -ng nt the Pit of tue Htonincli,KwinHniis ol the lleaii. llur'H-d nn el Difficult licatliing. I'm lU'rinp nltiie lit nrt.Chok iii" or ti"iiJVraiJiB fceif.ino'1 aIuh in a lliig poMnre. ilinine Vthiu n . l.u ol wehtiiciortllic Mglit.f etei dad Uulll'aln In the lletul. Deficiency vf 1'urtipiraliun, clIowncBfl oil lie rhin nn duyrn, iiiin in v oic rlii-iery Harrison's la.ru t inlnt s ml it nilM ,t hmO of fr red lit tlio PnirMrr loriln"inal It iM ri lii in itiid fin i' mca,(Jj bniirKni die ho ir M fo liOU .i'Ul r'i'tn tnidali In nni. n-fo vtiElo'ii r.ii' ntiJIinvp, , i.i innf tctur d liv C I) lln'rM ft lii., ili-i mos? novirftii llhnipr now i n xf-i'V. llhtueU'til n-io.tiu ufii nvr. tmc of Inrn wllMi putin iiocal ih rotnnlrv fur fitiiltitio ' lui thenliove works wl 1 1 be wan an ted tn h' wImi .hfy -solit lor. ANo-Tal.f nrtf for Pro't't Patent niaclimJlli S ril.rr,nndri?htRlo e t.n-ni in tli,ro-iui(.nrco)niii-bin, Montour Norili'Mii'itt l,ind,l, roiui'ig, Siil'itnii and Clinton one of which can be "itii ni mv shon dflWISH MAUS, Mnrch?2 16.1t. nioumbu Col lui.l.i.- rt , SHiHftMSjB mm AND u9 SPUING AND SU3WIER rjMlG undersigned respectfully Inlorm lihfricnilsanp 1 lliepiiU.ictularge and the rest ufmankiiid ll.ut lie lias esl.'ioiisueiia spienuiu las R. R. Omiiibus Line. pilE undersij-ncd respectfully informs icl'owncsn oi u t i ., , " "' '", J Hie irie ins ami mo public that he lias, taken me. back, t!ius.l.l.liut. lie Sudd mi r lushes ol Heat, Burn fjitmiiJsioteLlli I'.lonu.n mrg. Ineatcd n n Main Si' eel. lug Hi tlio num. v.oi,?iuniiy uuiuiiig. in i.. iiqiik jdiiertly op poiili' the Coin lluuso, Hhldi lias nccn L'r i" 1 1 inrni'ciiiy epiirci.anii iiiinrnviti, v.lien' no is pre. irtlie pr.pprn.tor incallini! Hie at en If n ol the piil.ll i ,ltr, i,arco minto hiscustoiiicrswi.il good i.iro ' . i"-: ' ." . , : , n n . ii i anil lugeiK-ra. S..1I I laci.li i 5S THE UNIVEUS1T1' FAMILY XtEMEDlES about five Or sir tons, or ISO to 200 husli-l TSSUEDunderlheseat.sanctlonnnd nulliorllv of it. , . T.-. . - , . , . ,. , 1 J. University ol Free Medicine und Popular kiioivledcc ClStothe arro. It taUCS abOUt IjUons to Chartered hv the statool Pennsylvania, April SO, If S3 - - ' H'l.l. n.nnil.l r tlllH (IIIA In.lnlu Inr Ik. equal 1 ton of hay. IIo spukc of a potato called tho Nicaragua potato'as tbcing yory good. Thoy are a long red potato, and mealy at ono end, butjaro apt to be watery at ths other. 'I lie sprouts of potatoes should not bo bro'ion off before plan'ing Women in tho Garden. Much in these days is said about tho ispbero of women. Of this vexed question wo have nothing now-to s iy. Tho oulturo of tho eoil, tho body and'' soul are, our themes. Rich soils, healthy bodies, pure, cultivated souls, tlieso aro whit wo aro aiming at, And to this end wo recommend that every country woman has a garden that sho, keeps and drcssos with her own band, or at least that sho supervises and manages. The culturo of s.rawbcriies, lasbcrries, blackberries, gooseborries, cur. rants and gaden vegetables arc as delight ful and profitable as anything in which woman can engage. She may sprinkle her garden. with flowers. All tho better for that, A snowball in this corner, a rose in thati a dah'ia bed there and a lnosa border hero will not bo out of p'aco. Only let the cubstantial and useful constitute the chief part. A touch of tho ornat liko a ribbon on a good bonnot, is not in tho load objectionable. In all tho schools the girls study botany, In all families tho women ought to practico botany, It is healthful, pleasing and useful, The prin ciples of horticu'turc are tho principles of botany put into practice. Farmers study agriculture, why should not thoir wives and daughters study horticulture I If any employment is fominino, it would seem that this is. If any is healthy this must bo. If nny is pleasurable none can bo more so than this. A rich bed of strawberriecs, a bush of blaokberries or curaants, a border of flowers produced by ones' own hand, what con well afford a uioro rational satiitfiicti.in, Wo say to all our country bisters, liavo a garden, if it is only a smalt ono, and do your best with it. What woman cannot raisobccls, tomatoes, melons, onions, loltuco and furnish her own tablo, with them ! IVhit woman cannot plant a raspberry buih or currant or goosobcrry, and tend Jt wcllf Come, good woman, study your Willi ncapilal nf SKIO 000 nrresli!i2 the evils of Snuriotis Nostrums Also for supplying the Community Willi reliable rem. edies whenever a Competent Physirinn lannolor will not ne employed, nave pnrcuaseu irom ur. juun u. I.UWANU, ins crieiirnieu HOIVAJVITS TUJflC MIXTURE. Kuownforupivard, of twenty five years aa the only bureand safe cure for FEVER AND AGUE &c. And hii Inestimable Itemed v for Rowel Complaints Rnwand'g Compound Syrup ol Ulackberry Koot, which hishly approved and popular Remedies, together wili the University's l'.emedy for Comntaintaoftlie Lungs, The University's Remedyfor Dyspepsia or (ndiges lion. The University's Remedyfor Costive Dowels. A'iothe University's Almnnac may bo had, at the Bra nch Dispensary, or at the OfDceoltlie Col urabioDem ocrai. Mnv.i.Ifl.15. ly. fn the elrsniit ncwStore House, jutu reeled in Hnli burg, t'o I mn b i. c.uru Pa. uhctehe has now opened marge ami cnoice nbs.trimeiii oi Spring and Summer Goods. Whir h lieu dele run, ie.i to tell on s u c Ii terms n wl'l induce allat least in lliNviclnily, who aro in want of hitch min-to, 10 cxtenn uim iiicircitbiom . II it Mock bat. been selected u I ill inurlicare and wilt i ri mt'eiHc in tie wnntsouliU com mini it nnd without j Oing tnenicr Into nmiiKilecnuiiiprntioii oft lie vanuu9 I kiinl no usk nothing in assuring lili frieniis that I uv ry tiling fcually k pt ni Country Stores, can here be bpdu "li.tlc cheaper tii.ui Hie cheapest." Ifr'nii.,lsir.,.n,l,ia.i i" .! r.n...l..i. if mainly lor tho purpose o , laken ineachat'ee for 'goods . WIl0 AGCU, ftohrsiiurg, March 23 1P57, y AlifclX. G.OATTELli SUCCC330U3 to James M. Holton.deceased.Commls ionandrorwardlnitMcXchanti.lorthesaleofG tin Pour, Seeds, Iron, Lumber &c.,No. 13Norlh Watet it., Philadelphia. Coodsforwarded with care, to allp nts on the Schuylkill, Union, Susiuehanna .and Jup atts canais trjrdait,i'ja3iernrinaiionei,iori&ie auue ivest lied. 1 MilchlD.1353. 0, 11, 13 and 15 Courtland strccl MEW YUlUi. D. D .WINCHESTER, TII03. 0. WINCHESTER, IiCNJ. F.WINCJILBTER. May 31,1830, 3io Nos L7EAF TOBACCO & CIGARS. ... r. ,, tti . m . 1 Sept. C.18SG. Ul. South Front Street, PHILADELPHIA. JOHN II. WYLE & CO., CI lVetlli H'arves, above Race Street. PHILADELPHIA. fi ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, for tin NAVAL8TOitES. SODA. ASH. WOOL, FLOUR riiouuccriioviaiONS. &c. Snuit, ofTurrxinllue. Tarin libla. nnd kens. Pitch end Rosin, Sosps.Hnsin Oil Alcohol, Uurnliigriuidond Pine Oil' for sale at Manufacture,' price,. Oakum, itc. Agent, for Wi'eock'a WheeJ Grease. Mav31.IP5C.-v. IjANDRETII'S BXCEIiSIOR CO UN . SIIKLLEP.S. TOP. II AND OP. POWCIt. 21 Ve i,s ike Ion. ii.l'S nf the above Corn Kisiieiloib, and wan mil Iticiuto sive satisfac flw tion, or llic money returned, Theyare far r.-rirsr. n Grue,i Com a' well as Dry. Aliboial dlsoii.tl in eeri I'.inilnu's P.lleilt Power Com Hollers andCteansers also mjuufacluredandfur sale. wholesale ana retail, uy U. Li liUltlJl II i BU.ll e. tinp'enienl and Seed Warehonske Nos. 21 andsrl S. talX'I'll l.,l)ci.nv Miii.,hl November, la, IMC. riiiladc ipliia t'l CIDER MIIiF.8. SOO KP.AUSEP.'S PATENT IJIPItOVRD rOP.TAUI.E CII1CP. MILLS. We are now iiii,iuractur'ne these uuriva led Cider .Mill, ?renll imnroved and ulren-lheneil sii'co last rear, anu can supply orncrs ai iiu.es..ie ami Ktiall, Mills siiiprcil to any pari nf the Dnioo. I'ASCIIALL MORP.IS U CO.. SVliolc,. tie mil Retail Dealer, lu Agriculturallinple, liiunisanu pinriiinrs, 7,li and Ma kelslicels, PliitadelplMP SUFFER KOT, WHEX A PERMANENT CURB IB GUARANTEED inallitagesofSUCRET niSEASES. Bcll'-Abtue. Nervous Debility, titrfclurei, Gleeti, Gravel, Mercurial Rheumatism, Scrofula, Tains in the AuUvsand Hones, Diseases ofthe Throat, Nose and Eyes, Ulcers upon the Bodv. Female Jrr'ffularltiei. and all linnroner dli siuuuing.or oosiinaie charees. no matter ol Bow Join the cuse, recovery is certain and in a shorter time than a permanent cure eouui ne eni-cteu uy any other treat man l. even after the skill of the most eminent nhvil elans had failed, and the disease reniited all other meani of cure. The remedies are free from odor, rnus lug neither sickness nor inconvenience, and without mercury or balsam. During twentj years practice, I Iiava restored tn health over icvuntcen ibnukund n. ticnts Who were sulTi'ring under the worst formi of all the above mentioned iliicases, which guarantees me in promising n perfect and most speedy cure. Secret di. eases are thegreateit ert?mifis to health and happiness, ns tney are tuenrii cause oi cwirnvii, scroiuia,.c, fln,l ah r.u Id ha a trrror lo nil nations Oil the earth : fo: nhe disease Is bccoim ng so common and treatment so litile untteritoodi that a permanent cure Is scarcely ever eflVcted, as a majority of the cases fall Into the innds of incompetent persons, who not only fail to cure the mi lad v. but ruin the constitution with corrn. live sublimate a dangerous poison, a preparation or mercury wnicn, wun mo remains oi uneaee lathe system, proouccn many ui iuu uuuve iismcuauecnons, inn-iwlf-f in itcviitut'ts and ni'iinUtM'ii to ll.ull3tat( u or which It Is recoinmendt d. It Is no new unn unirieu nriicitf,;i,ui om u mnai flood the test of n ten vears trial btfoie tlm American neonlu audi is rLpulolion and fale I mutual 'eil I j any t'tpiiijr preparation extant The u mini nj of iif nf a i given iiy the mopt prominent unit , en-hiiiiwn my iicianr nnd individiiala In all pi'M if iho counlrj i( mtiieii'o.niid uearcfut pcrutal ol the Imnurc, publish ad mi Hi-ally by tin proprietor, nml to be liml gruiix nt day of bis Agi-iiti.cannni but mlWfy Iho most skcptiral t this icmcJy is rLnlly dccriitt tin great celi,brit outber i mVNSVI.VANIA TESTIMONY, Ctrltfeatc of :. M OOliW.Wl) . Vq , the vtlt hnoien ' vitlti Ith die ihiiuanitov l.on flvrhs. fttruco t'a DlMAKM'N, J.HlllI.iJ II It-oH. I 0 CM J.ifkon UnrPu "i i hm U.fytaiM teeicly adlitted ,,uh Lmoiuc liiliouK Dit'Jttt' (ui i hicii 1 u ,i ntleiiilt d by te erui oi iln'iicti t li -ci. u. ia i(ie count y .but all of mi nv uii, 1 filt-o u, . vanouh I tin en it- bin couiu ii tin limiting iu in, nun me. uiihi i . u m i iiilnrcil iu try your German iliupu, ami afkO tnl. I ns four boiilcs of . liicli, 1 was cllr ly frcii, ;intl u.ri ! enjovnig Hit tii'Hl of liL-uUli " 1 JUUU UII KAY I H Ul T UL tiL.lnlA 11 UI I'lliUS l llVfl'El'HlA AM) LIVER COMI'I.AIM' ; Ce.tilUaictc ol J C CUll'lIS, En'., KtiL, r of ,lic Lijeoiiig Cliionirlc. I'lttburg, l'a. who, l't bnai l.'l Iwj.s.ijf, - rr ioiiio vtckt pa ft m wilo Ins been ui"g yoi ijfiinan Uiticis, wun ti nappy tt.cci. Kin- da been aiiiicieii more or less, tor scveuti tors, will' 1 niHO'bC ol the l.iver and Dyspepsia. nnd uiitt'sjieroiii tiKiired using lie UititTK, iiouiicg had git en her cn'cl teiici, llri iitafili it now rapidly linprovnig.aiip t ttc gou.i, nnd uc iu' e every 'caon lo believe slie will be pe teci'y eiluuil title aj t it is the best mediclnt h' i,ts eve iim-iI,' NEKVOUfl DED1LITY. J. M. IIi-t.ftti.ztv. Coylestowu, l'o. June 20, 1853 says. ivy u I ft bat. bun a (Ilk led u Ith a nerouB de bMiy,iiiicu epieniliei . 1151, since which time 1 have been u'lrUc to ll-d any physician or medicine that woiHd heiiffit Ik r in Hie Icaft, until c ne day J called al the i. ore of Dr. Ilaivcy ,ol this tow n, for tome tincture ofi on. a ml iicciiiedto Itim the atllictioii ol my wife he tiien Ii? ndcil me n lot of papers lo read, among whirli 1 fon.id out' decribing your German Ililtris, 1 utm( di.twn proenrrd nfewbotilcsfroniliim.nndain plca-ct lofcUieili.u the uec of the U mors liati'oue lier inort good than all the medicine she has licrcloiore toVen . J wisii you to sendme a halfdoxf n bottles hlVER COMPLAINT. J. P. Wick, Marilniburg, Pa., May P54,says:-. ' i;h much plcasu.c I testify to Hie virtues of youi Geiiii.in Uitters fckimelime since, was severely af file led with a dibcahe ofthe Liver for wh'rh I usee vanonfc ri'iiicdiefc. but with no beneficial cfllct, until I waf i-tdiiced lo try your Hitters, which 1 am now happy to statt li.iv1 entirely cured wc," They aic entirely vegetable, free from allalcchollc iiiiii'ilaiiU.and pleasant in taste autl smell. Price 75 cents per bottlo . Sold by Druggists and Storekeepers in every town and vi Hugo In the United Btntesand Cannfas.&nd by J. R. MOYEIl, Itloomsburg, , 11. UOWMAN it CO.,IIeiwisX, L. WERTMAN, llohrtburg, E, R. ROlllllNS, Llghtstreet. H. A. WORM AN. Eu.v. M CLICK it. CHUA8V, Liglitilrecl States Union Hotel. FORMEERLY RED LION HOTEL.) No. 200 Market street. Philadclnhia. -lEORGlS W, II I INK LE, Proprietor, formeilyofCo. flour &e. Aphl 1. 1633 ly. a ranid one: bul should and the victim to disease marries, the disease U ihvn conveyed from the parent loihe children, causing them to come into tho world with scrofula, aflV-ctious of the skin, eyes throat, fee,, andarain torminatei In con inmntion.and consicns its victim to anu nlimelv crave. between the ages of six months and thlrty.five years, Hitf-abuse Is another formidable cnetnv to hpnlih n XJ lumbia. Pa., would Inform his friends and ihcDub deitroysllie nervous system rapidly wasting away the nubile palrouage, lethatUeconllnuesto keep the above uamed Hotel enerB,ei 01 Ul c a l"r "? , pmeiu, preveni- f,e oan,WJysbe I which is weiiand ravoramy known throngbouttba , ,a 1i,"".vs;swi,,"","' uw -hiuii ukjuau. HlaleasoneoflheoldestandmosleonvenienlIl0t.ll2, (f.sltf victim for Marriage, society business and all W He alto has hi connection v.llh the E Khaiie CI o- e, JO CJreiieni riinnliigreitlnlv ' rrr ilin p r diiv to a, id from the IVpoiun Hi1 arrival ut Uii I'.irs. ny which t.isi'i.c ec uititif- iMcaii.i'itlyconvefiHiiliif lioiioiM'.'luMi.ot takt'n 'onintiil . t'lnrniHl to theit ri-Pltlet'ce'. ifiieired. yl- Hi'WlM niv:iv-bn happy to t-nteiPM andnccom uiur.iieJuc Iricndsto lit c utmost ol hi ni.itilir PETER .SILLMU. K!t. i' qui t C'.or, P.'oo nliiir prll,5 t ; y. rAKMUP.S' DEPOT N'U PLASTER MILLS, ; AT THE JUNCTItlN OF ( )'. A .ficfiiic Croienapd CaltotrhiU ilrteti, PHILADKIj.'UIA. 7 li ollir a lnro stock of Clicmic.il ALmiTL-x nn reiliMiKcriai lov. irirf ,tiid... rnnii-d to be (icuil'in . niiumf, whiili will be foil ml : t 10U tons No I diver union I let ui iin' Onano, 1 b(K)(Oii l)e I'.nrs Nn. I Hopt-r Plint.ph.iiu of I.tmu. Ttic nbuve namlurif mtielct, are. iii"ii ol their kind, lui' bi'fci m iltc toili! Oi'i I, -mil Planter, iiMiiiif.it. inrt'it Irom wltcii-il moi i c'-'etiuud thionghoiti.hu U nimi ioi lis pnrilv nrP -i in-.li. we invite oi:im:i;s roRj To B'irs's N'.t, I Hititr piio- hue ui Lime. No I Goveiiimeiii Pt.rn vim Giumi, Frcucli't liiiiiovt'il Hup t'liuspiuie o Lime, Preucli s PliiliMlelp-'ia puniliiliH No, I Phoipha.u Guiiiiii, il'hilnd'n Co.'s) Mexicttn Guano, (A) Extra Lankier, Outumry Land Platenel Cheinioal Hue Port- HontDnl, Fish Gnano. Cioumi Cuarcoal. 10 1)00 llancli Land PI.-fU-r 5 000 " Cafetins Piaster. JiJ.UOO ' HytliHHlir Cement, 3 000 ' T ue I'oiiiTi Ceioent, 1,000 ' Poitl.tiMi(EiislHh) CeinlbJ. -AL-O Dentist' Pinter Puwilorcd inhraclteCos in bbU St.ereonperiaier Pordsicti I! ,1'iiiIi'ohh cos t Inbbli G 'ns link's do Gronuii tir-xv n cioie.iii biiU C ound Soap Blone liili-t-'and inbbU. lu Wbiie arbi Grocnd tl.ik foi Pointers, l Ulnc MarulCH Powdfit-d Hone t:i.ick, FRENCH RIClUtsIM 4, CO St f.' in Mil 'tjn nil Fat .nrs Hrpot t .it junction of Vent.iiv Co nndC.hichitt Slrttii- l'lllLADiai'ilIA, March Ttli 1&37, ?m. PIIII. A. AND HEADING IIA IL UOAD Mnter .1rratmtnts for Patiengtr TVains, J.iu nary Isl, IS57. UP rrnins, going N'ouli, k-avo 1'lnl.i deli hia nt?l A. M. anu 01 P M. Down TrnliisgoliigSoulh. leave Poltsvllle Pt 71 A M Ice, ami 4 P. M Uplr,tlupa Readingnl Ift.'i.' A. M-nnd 0 'iJP. M. down Trains " 5,13, A. M, " 5,-IJ P M. The Etp esiTu'lii U diicixill iiti' n.il.l fitUv u tlco. CIO-.I coii'trctioiin a ii mii'u bv .he It)--.' y tlid Ti.iiu ;oinPoitC'iiiliMiin Ch.tl .i.nid .til i.i.ernie dintnpoiiiwt tuni by the i,' P M UVi iniu fioni t t Clinluii lo Elniir.i.uiiia'iiUU'M ll"L'o, N!.ig:ta, Dc pot, Chir?go Bi Loiii, l)avei"oii n,t.l totwi Cuvj AfuklngtliU route ilieiliortelLit chctpel iu tht LaKt , UtiandViiHaa. ()iiSii-hI.iy"i 11k; Oo.vii A. M T iL from ruitsv"c, am'UpP .M. Plain frotiii'htladelphia only nut. linRBti'CLrt. CosirtTroNH, by Danpiuii P.'Uio.m! inAtt UMl it A p,-c in t Accnmiiinilniio. P.ivur-tifcei Tmbi 'fnwi lU'adiiigi'.iilly (cxri-pl Hutiilay b,)nt i .M, nliu g Irum AubutnntoJi . M., ut am vat u 3 10 P. M. Tr.nn 1 1 out Il,iriburg. WAV FAI.'HS I'i'.om Heading to l'hi(. .iiiiiii,Sl "ln.iill.li-, I'uiim .''c Si 01 and 0 tfS; Aiilmrii, II .... 'I HI.'tllKill l'tllES to llarriOnn- S'.'Sa; 'I'oinaqna S' II.,; Viiaiiir.,iii i 61.10; r.iniri Si, C.iinnil.ii t,..l$'!liO l.'iili'i', in ...?ni.tll llll, t'd'avi'f.'iiilSIII, 70: iW.ilo8lt.73: Ciilrii..illSUi.(iU L'lncan. SJ0.00 I I'.tck U.t 111$. TS. (III. 1 1.1 . i a engi; r . H i, i nriire tick, is l.elt.re e nert h nr. 10 cents exlr.i ml I'.u.' ,,.. i,l u llie rnr iyns. ol neibenai ll.-iggaceanii.eil rei h 1'nts.cn --.ivcrilui wjig litcluiracda. V.. ,i I'.tu.'iie li s Ml.'lll.l.M. liliax 3d. ISM-lt Gcii'l Sup't VEST "lUtANOlI INSUllANtJE CO. of i.oik ii ii;, r.. I I'ugrs iiciacii'ii u n.r.ii. J I ...,i ,,!. i y, ii.t.l alilei' Itnt, at iiioilci-.to l;i Hil.tH lOl! lli-t John J pi'a n-, U'i i: c Hnrty, ii i n ii n, t. r. a i , Clu 'i lfvt-r, I' K J.irkviii, iviitf-l'liiiki, i,i. IVU'i OiLhttit'iM, finMHii Ktirben. HON', u r ii t.vi;v. Pn.iiicii. . V llUv.M, Vi(f I' Tnui K.iciiei Hec'v . II. C Ulmh, t.'t-.i Ui i; ui i;i t; mji; Kitin-v diaiidiic, lit-l diiia anu met. '! Siiuue'll L'iiviI. A. A. Wiiiii;.uiii-r, L, A. M.ukry, A . Wliilo-, Jiimi f (iuii-sbi. John W M.r nprtl, llOti.Hjiiiu it'a iiemn, June!!. It-if. rni Itowiitm D. 1). Wm. V.uiitL'r.JcIl. Wni r.-umii, Di. J. H, i;iaw'ord, A tJpilrgi.itr, J i'iiri .ii t rn n u , linn WiHuim I'ucii.r W. W I RT, A pent. IIIiiiiiiiiiii' rg , Dr. J. S. Houghton's Gil EAT CUHE I'Oll jOVSl'El'SIA. DR.nouona'ON's . T n, ,V.,r ;, "f"'.1" Juico. ptiiiui,i r,,,. Runnel, or the run i ii, Stomach or the Ol, aris, dlricllonsof itaron i, !cal,i;nfnrs,,:,,!ViJ," Jeo.,:?,!i!.,:pM-, .'. 'i'lliMl N.Uuie'h ii W ii Ontcitv for tin iml.r r. nncii. No ailof mini inn r'nit itf. turatiti. U coulains no Alclinutil I iih rs , Arid, nr Nnufi I) i ng 1 1 l ? xlte on ly nuci abii-tmb ii.i. ' !' betakf-nby iit- iho.i li rnii nPiti nti w bo mi ni,i , .' ; w ate rcr.ifke i ii lioui.tt 'te i'it ts Hewnii ulDuuti Ca' un t"e -gtnl mnl gel a l)r-rrii I w Cir(.i ,1,'ilii sH'tit a la go .-mui'iii ,i Kcienliin I,.M() 1 1 nii - i.-b-i ul 'm.i 'i In ni si i ; Hi Cnnibt t ' i. ,. tiii.i-l)i p n mi t'tMii' aid liifi I Jii.i. t T r-.M-i ol V-w Nii'K Ufivi-imiv. 1'nif Dm..!, , . .Hi'ti'y i' oi j,l iiiUMi.i.i ali'LV't'i'iMMtf 11.1,, li'".Pnv IiO'-gv; A.r. iiii'lber wiih ii-pniHof 1, , f mi' .ill pa'f.nlthi' U111I11I .'l it 11. . ' So'iHiv 1; 1 Lnt7 nm' J 1: Mow 1 Itlnntn! nrr K I!. Ilowi.ian llrtwti k. Oi 13, h.iS 1 jj A lUiVOLlTlOS IS .NJiChbSAKV Victory is Uwst Such t the p.ngift in tfitiitt it" tin ngi tbntiu tl n, hucnis iuiHi'.i.ii 'i'na l Ibi-iu tue m mi rn 1 1 ilihCoV tt h-i i uii'i't' t v 1 iy ii.iy , 1 0 (j in w 1 1 i.t 1 ., Aiki-i ,i iii.'i .j.- mt-M'y.Uititi ul the i j., u i,., ilunl 11 ,t v 1, 40 bbi -t -ia ii,aiini' tn .( eiU fui I'M- n'liii.-rimi uii 1 1 1 Ol liu man II I tf Ibdti.i i i m. ..ifug sin 1 M'l li 'I Ihi 1 y i jit, n, 4 ,( hi lit- iiiii t'lU'iiij.', Uiiil Hit, hum ittitintd I l.i in, Hipu'sij u 1 1,1 Hit U ur'il, kni-w n iik Ucli.tOititVt Utiwiui J'it(tiiion. Hith'j l'i'"ft'".ii'iM CiMii.o.i.id riiini 1 jiiufi 1 mv For all Dis'i"- 01 the Ul.-..i-ii , h nlm in ,t in uii . t .Sexi'a- O v-"ti- JOY 'JO ltri-re lhiitn t V (bfel if' lion I 1 1, fill) 41 , hi I tt in i ! I ( I'M "11 f I'llll lil'p' III I it t vous ami J ithttn'tft 'J UK AfThUriKIt!!! . ... ,. . 1 1 r, i.i.,i . 1 s,(;m. . , 1 ., , 1 1 I. I II ,s LI 1(11, I II, 1 t' .'hjllltl. III 1. ,1., I ., . .I,. .. .1. uusim;ss mi'i ten. iiuiip.is'u i'lr.LPiiuor in: - uoiiiei Vimm Mm si lRVMIlLl.,Jliy I ttiaZ. tl.lilJJorm.Etl . . '. Jl'.,i'riilur JJrrll if 4.f, I ! s n Sir: I n 1.1 o .y i..itil.i i wx.i llic u iiok-nl llie eii.iii.,ii4 i,. ,, iv:iH.'i.fitrov,'d I.t I'neltsi ,i- in l Iv'i .itii'iiiliej 1 Iio.iiii imeofll I June 7. 1P2G. VUIBllMXITIt tSnilOTIIKllS. WHOLESALE TOBACCO UEAIaEItS, MO.103.NOIITH THIKD STHEET , Tivo door, below ltace, rlllLADELPlIIA. Janrurav 10, 1PSS.. C. C -'ADLER ty CO., NO. 0, North Water Street Philadel. Ul IIU UUUVB IIBIIICUBIieCl Oni. . .sn u cii-.t m nnitn a umj i . . . , , v:hlrhnnlltPrmlnallni-nniiUinnfion.fi.irrFn.ni1 PJ' W ' v: 11 nnuuunnioiiHii ueaiers in . - ; .--"iJ--n.-, .l H iaii . r. I'lmum I1 1 in II It not cause death, speedily, l,ir ie Bucket,, Pork,, hecity. lie uioatrespectfullyiolicilsashareol pub- cpationage, April 7, teas. National Hotel. ( LATE WHITE SWAN, ) Sides Stover. Haie Strctt, abn't Third, Philadelphia 1's.TcaHinis, late orihe firm 3teveni,i:ollliig,hcad& Co JMt,Ti'i.ik. ofthe Union Hotel, August!), MAO Mount Vernon House. Sxond street, above Jlreh, Vhilala, cpll P. undersigned having purrlmied l he inters, t n X Mr I), lllsirin theahiiveniileiiablikhed lloiel.wii nov hive Iho solo sooervisioii of the eslnhti, !,,,,. lmiltli c our tnefulnei rnitr lnnnin nrl "d 'll', Hie palrouage of the public. Ileleelscontl llOaUH. ourueiuii.n jour nalHUn..?, nu ilrnt ilitt a li sal afhls llou.r. lliu,m.Tal.lc. fSeiTumsi your cJilMren'i also. ' kt P'ov "'"'"i ,"owme,,'";yBe,v,! tsrlbly happiness. Female Irregularitiesnnd al) oilier disbasesot leinalestrealedln thcino.t skilful nnd sc. entitle manner. Medicines, nitli direction, sent to any put ofthe United Stales and C.inadas,by patient, communicating their symptoms liv letter J. KUMVIEIlVlliI.G. M.D., x 53, PoilOffie ! ,1'iutaT II., below lilh, Philadel phia, Pa. March ICIEST. SAMUEL M. MECUTUIIEN. mill tvRianr jijcn nvnii mill stoxe maxv. FAOTVHKH. QOLE Proprietor of Joimscs,', O ligilily approved nnd much iiapiovid HM U'lT at SCUEnN IMJ MACHINE; Improved lronConeiveJin Dustier, the Premium Machine fur Millers liuUlntt; No. P4 C.IIUEN, Street. (Idth Ward,) addrc Kenslnaton PoatOllice thop; IIA V DOCK Buret, below Tront Phi'adelphia. Cocalico Mill HI. .ne,, Mill Iron,, Smull Jlarliinc, ralcnl Milllluili, Portable Mill,, stretched Ueliing CTement and Srreen Wire, rVtUARK MtailED I10LTIN0 t'LOTIIS. biairvil lei7-3moi Dr. Frauds C. Harrison, WOULD respectfully Inform the eilirciiBof Illooms burg nnd vicinity, that lie has commenced the prac nc in iHKoiuiifs anu otjKusRy, ana suueus a snare o utruiiage. Iwjvsbe foundatlheExchanEQ Ilotelonnoslte Court House. Hlesnisburg, Feb. 5, 1B5.1. Di Jt C, flluttcr, II o m c o p a I It i c Physician, REdPCCTFULLYtendortliis Professional Hcrces to the ciliicns of Uloomsburg and vicinity, gene rally U3" Oiflceon the corner of Main and iron Hlreets Ulooniiburg, Adjoining Mr.lirowcr'satore . Kepi, iu, ie55. COAIi! COAM ! DP. rULLEItfc Co. .would resp-cfuliy informth people ofPilmton and the piibhc In general, ths hey have opnueit i Conl Yard, ol ampin duuensiona tre ireiercd at their ofllce, cornerol Main and Kail daar-ii to till all orders for coal for domestic and idhi'rr 3scs. Franklin House. PARKER & LAlttl), Proprietors. Chcsnut St., liotwoen Third nnd Fourth, PHILADELPHIA Septetutitfl3,lSS6 SUPER-rnOSPIlATE OP LIE. THE subscib'.r present to ne notice of Fbimersand olhrrs interested, Uja above article. The excel lency or our preparation iia bieii so well known for many years past, that we deem it, unnecessary lo say voi .but ! iiore ti- cluilimg, &.r , Mil miiliin . Von H. j. f nun vim VI. i in .''til .i,i vo iiincli nlf.i ii r i t irutn.nic ion i)tnl llu ti ii .t II. l nnc in rfi 1 1 K 1 1 1 1 f i nt I i. hcv.-f. nuiiip; the li.ilutl(t and Ur.t p .Mi bn.li hltlln'of, ' i' -ikt hniilius il oiitol Ui bi-i ojug H ei. v, e bad f1 nm w.i.er on It (oi ii.tiij b I an i.ntM b i, e i fotl l,' opened. Vim- iinv 1,1-trv v S.Mlti il on ,t Ii.ii'i -i, ,n bunk!, mo i l,t'S'f., U 'iili'j i nd rikii r I I'nt I h ul a I.ifge nitiot'ni ol ,iin btf i.ii.'i. m ,( wliicli .h.ni t lost, wont, I inn: ri.,pliu-v ruinrd me - on w mi nU-nso kond mo n.ioliit-, i.-lti ilni'i-.U. .n,ni i will send ou l be old one lb.it im' may fcbow u o all v ho vviiu to have n perl' rily flip (i r.nhafe i remai n , tit a i hi r .yon Jr-i-vr. luiu , 1 . W Emcp-os H? Tho si'btjC ribri- bavron ii.iitiT .:iii n, iim ftrgi'tlaNboiiiiieiitQ. Ptili. lsb I.it.im,ai t'rooi fc. rt i , i win in gii-irrniiH-t-ii tone rmiiu i n ttir imiov c an d iit ,criolto anyothei ('in. ofli'-ed io tlit pibljr n F MMUIL8 ic IIEUniN'G 31 V.- t.tt irs.e. Philadelphia. Auguslll 1835 v ' WHOLESALE AND IIE'IAIL C0NFE(JTI0NAUY & FUUIT STORE. Oyster ami Haling Saloons, rTMl E .mile- H-gned, respectfully Inronn -1 the tiuzciu of UlooiH'.b.'is and the ywu (j llic In guiti-rat , 1 1 1 c hav c boxgitiinu intc-cM of .M,- lloITman. in ,hr nhnie bviaiiiistifiieni onalain Htiret, i:iooiin.lnirj; n.Ml al-o f tjciiuii'i i.dM ry, wiiiiu-ciiciii-iry, onu ut,n r Einidiil 10 n.Ml al'-o v.rii.i.i.i . when' Lhev willat sll Linn". Lp(i. .i rn i... Pio.lionv Fwict meals und Eiiablt-h. sncli n Hrvnd Pici, Huw Puiatoes. L'iiccse, Murkrcl. A.c. inm ,i i... rood o'llcrnml on modcrile icrnin. JOHN O. YE AG Ell, Paslilouablo Hat & Cap store N0.1G3 ,or.TII TlllnilSTltEET. fllll.ADKM'lllA. eaiiu yunors irom XoithernPeniuyl irilfnirffl ""vilcdt0 give MmacalLwhei! JullcW.IfciO. y. pASII paid for URAIN.ai IIAIHWUNy, AprlH, l7 JOlVKli IXIALIOC l.leHby k- II w W K. CIIEASY in cood tfilci-nnil on moilcrit H-riim Yiieir Pluck rinuirueH n l.ireu t-nnnlv ol r.gfc, i::i-ni,x. Prnnei, ts Wnlutitb. Dhim ImoinK J oijneco 3-fr'amilienUipUcdnln'l time-, with Ue.i.C'kc. Pie,OysUiij, i.e.,aitd all orders piomp.ly Mled Cnh paid for Country produce and the m-hlic enctom rencclfully iiivitid N B. A Lathe's Ha-oon iliBCoiiiifietir..,., t.. i.nua. clailiiliment, has been prepared In rood omc- miri idUVlAS c i;i,je. IMoo'itsburg Feb 1. IfcS7, OLIVER T. WILSON. much hi ruspect toils merits, but merely rutin rk that I Cits etc ,1wiih every I magi n,ibic article In tbeii line iiu 1 1 uii , ijim icuui i y lui ,1 jr a nn vuiueaiif n i ' "c,int.'i.iiiiii ui mt; ucni lunuiy 6iiuimo.ui iui tiiu giuwj 115 truii, unn as a Permanent Manure have been thoroushly evtabluhed, OurSvptrrhoiphatt of Lime Is not changed n.tschar ncter every season. but is what il purports to be uni form in l.s chemical couslituents, and Is relied upon as Hit. HeslF'rtillizer in ue lor CORN, OAT3. WHEAT POTAT08, CRA33, and other cropi rciui ring a vignrousand lastingina nitre. Pamphlets desrnbing it nnd iho mode of applying, can be had gratuitously at our stores, or by mail when desired, UAUPIO.V. He particular to observe that every oarrelof our article has our tiamt and that of PottiauJ Klett branded on the head. 'J his Caution is render, ed necessary, nsthcre arejo miuv atlicles of doubtful value Bold under tlio name of Super Vhotphatt of Lime, as to mislead those who aro unacquainted with the value of a Genuine Article. rr!cc$15rcr2000 lbs, 2 i cents per lu, A tibetal deduction made to DEALERS. Bin-c last fall there has bieu imported but ono tmrrg ui me ceieurnieu PACIt lU OCEAN GUANO, whiclt weoQerfor i-aluln small lots. FISH MANURE. A supply of this valuable nrticl for sale. Price 30 per 200!) lbs. 14 cent per lb, NO 1 tlOVEKNMENT PEltUVI AN CUANO. Knrsaleut the lowest rales. The leading Agricultural Journals and iiwinurn urc riiiiuui HI Illtu at OUrolir.e u, .17..... r jui mv uc iy j'urmers. UIL.B Aiuu assortment or cut. sit inM r,,. .i neraand hloie kuper,' l it, Stivn ui.d adamaiitine nfWeare olsoagcnl, ror Ki ngffonl, & Sons, 0,ive (0 Pure Slatcll.com ,tarrh and Prepared corn. ALL!',' k NEEDLES, no. S3. Couth Wliaisi s.ai.ii 33 s.uiih Water st I'lrsi srore above Chesuut aircet, Pluladclnhh, March 7. JSS7. 3iu. ' CAM BR A CORNERS HOTEL- THCOMlEKSinNEIl, informs hi, friend, and lie lraci,,l ,i,.lilC .hat he ha, nil cliaitd tue al.nvj saluabie p. ope,. y and .l.oroi.giiiy),,,,, ,ui u. fauiuio Hotel located i,iillcsNo,iliurtiioo.,i,i,ur, niCimiiri Lilterec cui;,it. ami i. nell pupa ed 10 eiueilain iraiicer, and ri.'.loiiiers. Peisoiissoi.isniid reii'i'ili'd fioni UicUiiy, will ol eniirar irsv.'l nv ll.e " Cambm Mail Coach. and willaiways Und this the most coiivcnlentparto The subscriber. alo kecpa a Livery Establishment, Inconneclinn witli his lloteland Mail Eoulo, liv which he can atall tiinescarry visitor,, Hunter, or li.liing pintles. to tho Longl'oud.or any other destination, on auoi i notice ami wiingooutravclliuij rarllnus. Ca,nb,..Julyl.ie5C. IIENUV J. VAPLl! nioomsIinrfrTiuwaro ami siovn sinm. fViilll'.iinJr,igncdrc,pccirullyiiirrnnhi,od friends L undciKlo.iier., that ho h.ii piirrhasi'd liishrutlier's ..i.e.. .'niii.iiiiieiil. ami ilia cuncuriiw Ucrealierha conducted hy lili.ielfciluiiciy. He has l just leceivcd and offers for s lie, tho larcesland tJIiii''.leteu.lvenssorliiieiiliir I'ANCV STOVES OTrtleveriiitroluccdiiitothi, iiinrkci. TVT' ."!! ,V,.chco,"1,,"orilcoull'leleni,ortiiient ol e hlhett Cookiiigniid parlor stoves In the market, lo nl,C.fi,iV'?i0','Murc'.0.r.,',ve'' dercrl.l.,n.o,.n i , ,..r ,uv ,,., ,,,,li''( 10 veg. Last Iron Alr-Tigh Btovj,, Cilniion Stove., fcr'. ie HtovepiipeandTiiiivarocoiiaiiij ,and and man. u.auc;,,.,o,;!ino7,t,,tle?." """" ut "p""-f -n. loomsbnrg, Jan. S, IPS', If A. H. KUPELT. PHILADELPHIA OA It PET STORE CAMi,N08r ",il(-"'". Window Shade.. Mal.an nor.; ''"S'-.-l'iceived 80,000 piece, new .ivi", niifactured and Imi.onod pre.,ly for UAl'vVr No, iSei,1sl,Vn,'.,L,,,,,,,l-,'.,,,r' ' l''" io' a.t'.Vrci, Htr01"1 '"".'I '"" Mow Mrth?J f jo j g,n),.n J0M.S A 'tl ri n m n'l I prittn cit- ImII ICmI S-iliU L.-h V I t 111.1 If I l lit i, ( ( IV I M lt 1. Ill l I tl l it il a 'i m,i i, mIIi i ui I'bi. Ii'i't. lii.'t'n.-:, t tit) I i , i, I Mil V IHI 111 1 11 ir.l.,-1 t I ll I, 4-1, i li llil ("I'M. I f t I L Dc-ii , , ii.ni gb i iiii tn i l,ii ui- . ii-uts. ,i , He ,1,1, , wnf'ti.t-ii ..i'tli..h,i niiH, I 1 1 ii,' ii it ii It ii. y 1. 1, Innf ;i.i,f-., .ni'. Lvui bn'i.i i lit '( j ,,, I-. is ni- i. vi it Hit M i H. i I. i Mm, itJi i' iuiii'tnili.i':iii be ii i inii ii i uii i Ui i J fhlhUt HtVlCfy. n mi !. iiti-ilicint It if h ii'i'H I,, ,u t,i evi rbut fn i, nn- S'-iip'v nt I i an- in Dm i mi (in, ii , mtiU fiiiiii n it i.p, mi i.i; lk lulu I- n d. II you hn,. ruiiliarnd ifi it'T"! i ii.yi n vi', v. ii M ti v In inure niitid in I be i,).lii n u'l'nit ,nr tin rinii'iit)ii. hii'ipiiitbt vtry tin Hi-in ho. i.fe, p rum it lln- i't uiftiy ni uncu. '' he l.f piuiiK dir. i -I,., im w'l.iisi-1 lit rt liiitiU mtli a -i i iniuh wtiU blniiil 1 1 ii an, Thai i.vir,iin 'iiickiitr it rciiirci- tliri-irb 'I in- ii tin nil gal'-s nnd alleys of the lndt . I niilii,,;,, liki. i.igt r lirtipplii's into iuiIK, 1 - thin it i.d ulinlcroi-iuhlood. IlLivJtt-til j u.tck nokiuiiiisa nd iiack Doctor J tj lhlutbild Highly i oncentmtut CvntjHmm Fluid Latr ni of lluchu Is ii c."H'i'-hm' afiunliug lu tin- ruh-s orriiarmsri -4 y. j. u ih (.i.m ft ticiuruc) hmI iluu nui nut. i g si nil r,i i- iii-vi ii ii.i itfronibiiution. lu pit ii a-1. . ii,' . vii 1 1 im a'lilireclmiii-.uiiil vt.i tin tuia in on ' tuiii-t y fmisiiiiul t-r private rut ilci-, I i.r m v:( , iil gltr-n tn i nton itecfilitl and uuv,uliorn tttu Ire lim mnl ihi,ih ( tin- mt,ti saints n bin! i 1 1 1 rm pf,i c i It l ,i iiri-.i i ii uid in all tfie prinrf i a l in t.'b mi the O.i i i-(,,,i . nml Hrnivlipruviiin r,h l'U ouliiic.t ni priwir, .i'cl(ce,vvill.(!reutUfctM Htnrr F Hi It-t it bi- limit' is.iioii, fur ihu pint ( an- tto i , r t.ittriii ng iu be ciiiiiiidiirtul, tbot lrlinbiilil II jj. t.iy i,u-nei.,.-itd Coiiiioini Muid JUlroft Htilu,n U ipi.ht v.'ii'i'l-lr ii mi . ier ii IU ml In tin Mllieitd r 1'iif mast, ui ,oi,i ni'ry trslimony In o,rtH'-iicrtli opnc ii tiiuii-ui' i ini-rneiiip naiuti. vti II knuwtiU Wit'.iti; it-Hi fniiii' ceh braiCi Phy siciaiif und Ilijip l eu-htdCltriijiiM-n HcuProiriorDewee'i valuable workon the it-ribi ofPhysiciuid niofcturiht lute v.!ii)t-niilav,i--r(bi fine. Dr. Epbram Mcllotw ll.nliigbly iliHlitigi'ibi t Pbj tt nlan unti Mii-mbt r ul (be I'nyt Cn-li gi'i.1 tSnignma In ainil and Kbl,-.bcd intlie iraiuacin lit. ol tin Kn -iiti-J ueo'i'h slui'riiii I, fc;i s : 'Jul I mid Extmri lutiu Iiaviug been lau-ly strongly acoinn.ti.il, 1 hki- ii min.l to in.ir.t- it a trial, und mi uiit'.iiuinUiiuvi nn ll-ilm Hie iiioht sntiklticjy iniimicr hi'iiup meutim incut ng lliumoii iiiveluiniu caie iu wlurli 1 hid nt. buuii ol sue i en,. Aniii.erestiiielctipr ihiiiil.Hiiln'ilIii tbi'Mtitlri rh.ur gical Review on llic subjucl of Cx tract L'uch-i, bj, JJti'Js mi ruti;rn,i. li.a., spcakingoiny pi'intaiiu iljy, an pmi. ing from fxreMt ofincicury, he fc tales thai "in- rtin idv i, i-'tnai to ii ii power is extiaoit itiai v nt.n- si tli.' it ;tu dri'i; 1 uiiiaciuaintciluiih. It it in t . iri ibt si-m-eaTouic ,.iih this invaluable ailnbi tt;, Haiti i- uri'i'c.'iiic iu asiatu oi i be system su tun kin ami yii o irritable as lo render other sublimit tof a TunirrLfi ttitavulU.iile, or Injurious," Wo tekt- the libniy it marking fin Itnlicf,) saystliedietinguli.b(il i-ihi. , in JohiuiMi bi canto wt- moslcordiully concur unit Mr 1 'aver p in lii stall me nts ol E it rue I Hnrliu i U a medicine which is periectly pleasant i nits im t nml odor but i m mediate In itsuciion, a ml it Ih lull n hi pe ,tinn iifi-ilher sci, vvitlioulhlndrunci'lrum biisun-H oi nifiiicaladvico, as explicit dirictions for use anu m ample numbe rof rcllubleaiid repoiislbleeenifUi.in ti cohvincelhe mostskeptical will uecoiupuii) mcli luttlti Priri-31 per bottle or six bottles fur 55 lii-liviii dij ftliy addrtbs, Pitpared nndsold by 11 T IIELMl.OI 1. na . , I'MelicalondAiialyllfnIUIiepiiil No523outliTcnihstrci't,bclowUhestnui.(Assiuitl To be had ol Philadelphia. j . . J. R. MOVElt.ir.i and or Druggists and Dealer, throughout the titilI.j HUlcs.Cuna.iii.and iulli. li Province,. Augusts, IKIi y. .M HDIC'AL AlfVI'JE fiH ATJS, lo nil l.eriol.s II led, Male or Uinale.J ivhn apply bycitir. Ml cripiion of ilieircoiidiiiniiliigVIotrupati!!! ui.,' UOlVAltl) AhOl'IATlON, I'UIUDELI'lllA Important Announcement. rrto all persons afflicted with .exuul distas fiutli llho IIUWAIIII ASSOCIATION of Plillad. I,,ha, view of the awful dciruciion ol Immsii life ni.i, Inn III. cau,ed by Seiual diieaaea. and Hie dic(,tion, i, -,....v... .. I'u,, ,iiu uitiuiiuimio siciiuis oi surhdl ilij' '( uSre'l',,,,1'.';.'.!;11 CiliHillhp Sit.,., ".A1.1 A1.!! PAIILE ACT worlliyol Hit Ir lit,.,,,. u i,e a iMlh I, .1.. ., . ". i ii r.1. nr iiii uii v.. I iiii I ownrd Asiociallon Is n hem tuielUiuililiili. i CHuldl.hed l.y r.ci-Jii I t-iuluu mciil Inr lliei, lnlrs tli- lickunddl.tressid amidni win, Vlruli in an! 1 m in llitcatea.,, and its luuds. can be for nlhi r i ui, nsi It has lion a snrplu, ofilud,, which the Uiretti is 1 1 ' voleilloiiiheili.othe ubotc liolitc, It is null, lo addlhatthc Astociitliincoiiin.niiil, I he Mil. i si H in calskillof tin age, and will luinul, ihen,.,.! 11 1 1. ninderillrtaliiielit aluable mil ice nlii. tin i' I,, ink and nervoii, (.male, aliliriid ttliliotdiiiuii.uliaki WiimliLnnipluiiil.Costiviiiis, I,,ui(l,,. 4, Addre,. (po,j.pid) Dr Ul'.O. It. C'Al.lltil K, ( 1 n s ut 1 1 11 g K u ge 11 n , 1 1 11 u u r d Acocintion, o, 1 fctuth lib Hlrcet Philadelphia To. Hy order ol the interiors. ni:o.rAiBcfflWi,li5,A,!,TWi:w" n" Anguil f, inso y, ' HENRY ZUPPINOER, flock ami Watchmaker. South Side (f Main Street ubuvc the Rm lload. DirriPtIi,Trepnlri,gn vain,ud Ji l.peclnrl'i!!IcIU"e'' ''""'"f -''' uio'iuilurf;iAU: r, use