Cljrlratarntf LEV.I Ii. TATE, EDITOR. Bloomsburg, May 23 1857. Ucruocratle Slate Nominations. FOR GOVMINOR, " GEjSt. AVM. P. PACKER, Of Lyoming County . -0ii CANAL IcOMMISHIOXCIt, NIMHOD STRICKLAND, Of Chester county. Our Country Its Destiny. Tho annals of many ccuturics clearly demonstrate tlio incvitablo failuro of all chemes and expedients resorted to by the bigotry and imbecility of faction to stay tho grand march of a progressive nation, until it reaches tho meridian of its natural destiny. Tho motes and bounds of a na lion's ultimato glory are sometimes fore slndowed by the circumstances that give birth to its existence, Wo judgo a trco by Its fruit, and wo distinguish a nation by its race. Wherever wo find a distinct raco of people we obsorvo tho samo characteristics, regardless of lan guago or latitude. Wherever there is found a marked disparity between races, wo in variably find a corresponding disparity in their governments and institutions. Tho invincibility.of a nation's progress depends upon tho characteristics of tho raco by which it is founded, and tho principles and objects of its foundation, A nation endowed with the peaceful mission of enlightened civilization is arm ed with tho impregnable smiio of an an proving Providence. The legitimate results of true civilization excite no crusada in the name of God. It follows ncithur tho sci mitar of Mohammed, the wheels of tho Juggernaut, the Gong of Josh, tho Hebrew ritual, nor tho blind zealots of tho Cross of Christ. Tho mission of Christ, in his own words, was "a mission of peace and good will lo all men." Therefore- neno but a deluded pcoplo imbue their hands in their brother's blood booauso of tho promptings of religious zeal. It is the experience of civilization that enlightens a pcoplo. En lightenment gradually ripens into refine ment, and iruo refinement of a pcoplo ap proximates the most sublime climax in moral philosophy. Tho history of our llcpublie is the' Lis tory of civilization magniOcently consum mated, and althougli-yet in its infancy, it is tho modern wonder of the world. Tho outlines of our destiny may bo keenly traced in tho far off mirror of tho future. It speaks back to us through the dust and toil of years that wo are to build upon this Western Hemisphere an overshadowing Republican Empire, that will shake down tho tottering ruins of European and Asiatic dynasties, simply by tho unendura bio power of its moral grandeur. Even now tho steady tramp of Democracy from ocean to ocean is beginning to arouso tho drooping energies of European masses, and tho blood of kings is quickened in its speed when they contemplate iho fearful destiny of American urogress. Our ex- mple is dangerous to nil despotisms. W0 i , , . "i . Ituiiiau lUUb 1'lVlllZD.tlOTl Wll 1 . " lu" rri-n nine . I i property holders on the line, and that Our democracy teaches that men of' in tho event of its being granted, will of superior mind wo tho noblemen of nature, fectually bar a transfer for the present. and that they cannot be manufactured by i Should its transfer bo postponed until after titles. Tim ilnr-iLtlttn P . !!!. .1 . . s. . ... . - - TLo durability of a republic like ours rests upon tlio stalwart shoulders of mill?... t f a millions of intelligent freemen, where each man is a king a sovereign. It is true that party spirit, highly excited, sometimes threatens tho dismemberment of tho Con federacy, but the ballot box utiles the dispute, and quiet resumes its accustomed reign. There aro in the very heart of this Confederacy a few unclean spirits who really preach rebellion to the Government, and Wuuld perhaps chucklo at its final destruction, but theso aro men of souls too .narrow to appreciate tho magnitude of tho destiny toward which our republic is stead ily .moving. Rebellion out of time and out of place only serves to stimulate tho thinking masses to cliog still closer to tho Government. There aro also thoso among us who aro attempting to array tho church against tho pcoplo, but that would bo a most unequal contest, one that should never bo waged, but if .waged jt requires no prophet to foro sco ,tho result. As a matter of courso tho popple will triumph. Our American Republic is nothing more cor less than a congregated mass of high minded men living under laws of their own framing, being tho solo custodians of their own welfare. Will such a nation as this, in the full flush of its progress and power, allow itself to bo shaken to its c.ontre with commotion merely to gratify the diabolical prida of pulpit blasphemers and transcendental humanitarians. sfVre- the proud memories of tho past, tho success of tho prpscnt, and tho glowing hopes of tho future to bo blotted out because a fow proichors cntor tho political arena, and are declaiming for a Iit.Io publio no toriety ! The humblest Aruoriean bhould cultivate independence of thought and ac tion. Every man should act in politics as, if tho wholo superstructure of tho Fcdoral Government rested upon his individual tlwu'iler This idea Miould go homo o every msn, irrc.'pcctivo of party, That man who cannot Hep lo tlio dignity of his couatry's lovcl is cither wanting in intclli- genco or clso low in soul ami moan in . principle That man who clings to party regardless of consequences acknowledges by tho net that ho has ncithor right nor titlo to tho proud horitago left him by his progenitors. That man who knowingly opposes American interest and Amerioan progress, and a complete undivided union of tho States, perjures his conscience as an American citizen. Sectionalism is a curse disunion a ciimo,aud thodestruction of tho hopes of untold millions. Death of Mr. Potrikin. John AI, 1!. Totrikiu, Esq., member ol tho House of Representative?, for tho Ly coming Representative District, died at lluchlcr's Hotel, Harrisburg, on Friday last. Mr. l'ctrikin visited Washington city to witness tho inauguration of Presi dent Uuchanan. Whilo in that city he stopped at tho National Hotel, and partook of tho poison, or what clso it may bo, that has stricken down so many of those pre sent on that occasion. Soon after his re turn to HarrUburg ho was seized with the torriblo malady, but recovered sufficiently to nttend to his duties in tho Houie of Representatives for several weeks. About two weeks previous to his death ho was again seized with it, and rapidly sunk un til tho timo of his doath. At times he seemed to revive a little, but not sufficient ly to givo any hopo of bis recovery. Col. l'ctrikin was tho son of Gen. Wm, A. l'ctrikin, of Muncy, and about thirty thrco years of age. Ho was a member of tho bar, a gentleman of much talent, and universally csteomcd. In tho Legislature ho took a loading part in all measures of general interest, and occupied a high po sition in that body, giving promise of a bright future, had death spared him. A committeo from each Houso accompanied his remains to Muney, whero they wore interred on Monday, with Masonio honors. His funeral was largely attended. Tho Masonic Lodge, cn masse, tho Woodward Guards, of which ho was an honorary member, tho members of tho Williamsport Bar, and a number of the other citizens participated in the solemn ceremonies. Tho Masonic Lodges of all tho surrounding towns vcro well represented, exhibiting altogether tho largest body of that frater nity over witnessed in Lycoming county. The order of Odd Fellows also attended in a body, as well is citizens from all parts of tho neighboring counties, to piy a last sad tribute to one who was honored wherever he was known. Tlio Main Lino BUI. This bill of abominations, ns wo an nounced last week, passed tho Legislature, and we now have tho mortification to add, was signed Jby.Gov. Pollock, in indecent haste, and is, therefore, a law of the land. Tho Publio Works are already advertised to bo sold on tho 25th day of June, at tho Merchant's Exchange, in Philadelphia. Thus is an outrageous fraud consummated, so far as it lies within tho power of a venal legislature and imbecile Governor, Wo rejoice to know that there is yet a possibility of tho defeat of this atrocious Swindle. It is Said trmllnittr.n nn tn unci nn rtn'.,,0t II. ..-I- r .1. - M. - '"""'"" "o"""' luu to main -uiuo win vo mauo to tlio Supreme Court, I . . . tho next General Election, wo feel rmit, confident, that the cntiro corruption will bo eradicated from tho archives of tho Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, r t r i Spoech of Senator Steolo. Wo have road with interest, and marked forpublieation in our next issue, tho Speech of tho Hon. Geokqe P. Steele, Senator from Luzerne, delivered in tho Senate, on the 7th inst., pending tho Bill for tho salo of the Muii Lino. Col, Steclo has man fully raiset? his voice and firmly recorded his vote against this gigantic swindle. His courso, and that of his colleagues the thirteen Democratio Senators who opposed its passage and have signed a protest against the vilo measure will meet the hearty approval of tho Democracy of Penn sylvania. Hon. Wm. P. Packer. Gen. Packer, our nominco for Gover nor, passed down in the train, on Tuesday last, for Philadelphia and Baltimore Al ways a fiuo looking man and noblo speci men of the Northern Democracy, wc think wo never saw tho Gcnoral appear to better advantage. Wo havo no doubt of his tri umphant election in next October, to the Gubernatorial chair of Pennsylvania, by a majority over Wilmot, of from thirty to fifty thousand votes. Editorial Visit. E. S. Niebell, Editor of tho Ltezerne Union, p&Wl us a flying visit in our sanc tum, on Thursday last, Mr. Niebell, is a sound democrat and intelligent young gentleman. Tho Union, under his admin istration, has been woll conducted, and is au efficient organ nf the Luzerne Demo, craoy. 8 Wc aro indebted to Messrs. 'Ent, Jenkins, Steele and Welsh, of the I.cgia-' ture for public documents. " KansaB will bo Froo. " Ho says tho Kansas correspondent of tlio Tribune. Tho reason assicned is. that Gov. Walker coos out as o speculator, and that tho interests ho will thus acquiro will control his actions. "Ho, will allow things U0 tko thoir natural course, and Kansas will bo frco." 't his look-aa though tho Tribuno was preparing to confess the truth, reserving to itself tho poor privilege of manufacturing tho reason, that it may Lavo something to quarrel with. Men in 1 general arc not disposed to quarrel with tho prcciso plan of tho bridge that carries i them safo over. So lon as tho Tiibune cannot provent Kansas being free, it is de termined to quirrel with tho mode uud manner. County Suporintcndcnla. Wo mako up froln our exchanges tho ifollo,viuS list of tho C muty Superintend dents of Common Schools, clcclcd last week, together with tho salary to which each is entitled : Allegheny Hov. C. Quick, CI 000 Armstrong Robert W. Smith 800 Bedford ltev. II. Ilcckcrmau, 000 Berks Rev. Wm. A, Good, 042 Blair John Dean, 000 Bucks Wm. II. Johusou, 1000 Cambiia 3. 11. McOormick, 700 Ccutro J. I. lturrcll, 800 Chester Dr. Frank Taylor, 1000 Columbia Wm. Burgess 400 Cumberland Daniel Shelly, 000 Dauphin Samuel 1). Ingram, 000 Franklin P. M. Shoemaker, COO Juniata Wm. M. Burchfirld, 500 Lancaster John S. Crarabaugh, .... 1 500 Lebanon John Kludge, 700 Lehigh Hiram II. Swaitz, 500 Luzerne J. L, Richardson, 800 Lycoming Hugh Castle, 300 MiQlin A. D. Hawn, 000 Montgomery Dr. E, L. Acker 000 .Montour A. B. Putnam 500 Northampton V. Ililburn, 000 Perry Rev. T. B. Bucher 400 Schuylkill J. R. Krcwson 1000 Somerset J. R. Miller, 475 AVarrcn 3. L. Spencer, 000 Washington J. A, Longdou 800 Wayne S. A. Terrell, '. 1000 York Dr. A. R. Blair, 1000 Salo of tlio Main Lino. The deed is done j theoutragois consum mated ; tho climax of corruption is reached; and tho Legislature of Pennsylvania is covered with lasting infamy. Hereafter ho shall shrink with shamo at whom tho finger of soorn shall point, as ho pisses along tho public thoroughfare, intimating, thoro I there goes a member of tho Legislature of 1807. The aberrations of publio men, though natural, arc always humiliating ; but when a deed of glaring injustice is deliberately done, tho bead of every patriot is bowed in fcickening sorrow. Still nioro is tbii tho case when tho Stato is the victim and tho dagger has been plan ted in the bosom of mother Commonwealth. Works of intercommunication, that .were constructed with tho money of tho Com monwcalth, and whoso revenues were appliod to tho interest of tho public debt, are to be abandoned in favor of a gigantic corporation, which, by voluntary act, was erected into a rival but upon a distinct understanding. As a railroad upon tho banks of a oanal would necessarily injure its trade, and di miuish tho revenue of thn Stntn.tlin nriJnnl condition in tho law between the Stato and n i -r. .. i-cuniyivania iiauway was, tiiat a tax should be lovied upon every ton of freight passing over its road. In succccdin years they besought, in pitoous tones, and received the exemption of coal and lumber, but finally from tho Legislature of 1857 they obtain a releaso of tho whole, nearly S400.000 yearly, which should go into tho coffers of tho Stato, toward defrayment of the interest of the debt. After injuring that highway constructed by tho citizens of tho whole Commonwealth after obtaining a release from tho com ponsation whioh they volutarily offered in lieu of said injury, tho Ulrcotors of tho Pennsylvania Road Ecnd their hircliugs to demand, of a pliable Legislature, the Main Lino in effect as a gift and with right o1 abandoning a portion. Tho enormity of onormitios is contained in tho abandonment of the western division of tho canal, and these men are the Actceon dogs that prey upon the poncr ivkhh made them tvhat thttj arc. But so unpleasant is tho thomo that we shall concludo by adverting to tho fact that amendment after amendment was voted down in tho Senate by tho friends of tho bill. Even that of Mr. Buowne, which made tho purchasers liable for damages brought by tho owiiers of farms, who woro' compelled to divide thoir fields and givo land for a public highivay, and, also, for dSma3e3 done ta lcsscen gf water roffer' and all other partiea injured, was defeated by tho following vote : Tho seventh acotion hcing under consi deration. Mr. 1SB.OWNE moved to attach i iiiuvisu. in jl liiu riurcii users hu ni I rrnnrnnro t. i , ... tho Commonwealth against, and pay all claims or damages for water power or other - 1 Government, tua a Constitution pro wator lightsthat may be injured hy rnana. ' '"W'iiZ slavery, gcinentor abandonment of any patt thereof, ' ."7 "" or in any way arising from said BaIo. I "f ,IUi V',''10U3 ".1,ml Canllot lc ,fau-Necatived-voasiy.uavs 18. as follows- 1ul1' iLo onlygenuino source of serenity Yeas Messrs, Brewer, ISrowno, Cress. well, Ely, Fetter, OAZ55AM, Knox, Lau- uacu, atceio, waiton, wcun, iVUUins and Wright 13. j Nays Messrs. ColToy, EVANS, Finnov. ' Flcnnikcn, Frazcr. GVegg, Harris, In! GUAM, Jordan, Killiuacr, Lewis, Mycr,' Scofield.Scllew.SliumMn.Southcr.STIU Ult ' ami TnrsfRrt .S'i.e rr I fl ' aim lOggar' speaker It, , Yeas 12Dcmoora(eVl Opposition) naya 15 ODDositlon. 3 Democrats. Upon final pasiaco of tho bill, the vote was as , r -!. r, T 10110WS voas 1U unnosiuon, iuiiiu- crats ; nays Ifi Democrats, 1 Opposition, Yeas Coffey, Crabb, Finney, Flonnikcn. Frazcr. Grecff, Harris, IN GHAM, Jordan, Killingcr, Lewis, Mayer, Scoficld,Scllors,Shuman,Southcr,8TllAUU and Taggart, Speaker 18. Nats Messrs. Drowcr, lirowno. Cress- well, Kly, Evans, Fetter, GA5JZAM, Nnox, Laubach, Steele, Walton, Welsh, Wilkiii3 and Wright 14. Tho yeas and nays wero not called in tho Houso on tho Seuato amendments, Every amendment effered by tho opponents of tho bill was voted down, and tho Senate amendments wero finally concurred in, Wo should like to placo tho names of members on record, for futuro refcrenco but as this is impossible, wo shall do tho best wo can and givo tho yeas and nays on tho following amendment offered by Mr, Calhouu s " That if said purchaser or purchasers shall bid a sum of not less than $12,000,000 for the said Main Lino of publio works, then, and in that event, said purchaser shall be declared tho purchaser of said Main Lino, subject to tho same terms aud condi lions as heretofore prescribed in this act iti the caso of the Pennsylvania Railroad company and tho said tonnngo tax shall bo collected by tho Commonwealth as here tofore, and credited to the said purchasers annually for tho period' of twenty yoors as part of said purchaso money. The amendment was discussed by Mcs sers. Calhoun, Lonoaker and Johns, and was not agreed to by tho following vote : Yeas Mo33M. Abrams, Anderson, Arthur, Backhouse, Bock, Bower, Calhoun, Carty, Ent, Fausold, Foster.Gildon, Ilamel, Harder, Hcins, Hill, Hillegas, Hoffman, i Berks,) Innes, Johus, Knight, Lcisonring, jonkogcr, M'llvain, Nicholson, Nunncma chcr, Pearson, Ramsey, (Philadelphia,) Ramsey, (York,) Reamer, Roberts, Rupp, Smith, (Cimbria,) Smith, (Centre,) Smith, (Luzerne,) Vccghtlcy, Walter, Wcstbrook, Wharton, Yearsley, Zimmerman and Gctz, Speaker 12. Nays Messrs. Augustine, Babcock, Backus, Ball, Benson, Bishop, Brown, UampueiihasCiUIcavcrjCrawfonDickcy, Dock, Eystcr, Gibbonoy., Hamilton, Han cock, IIiestand,Hine,Hoffman,of Loboncn, Housekeeper, Imbne, Jacobs, Jcnkiu?, Johnson, Kauffman, Kerr, Lobo, Manoar, Maugle, MoCalmont Moorhcad, Mumma, Mussclman, Nichols, Pcnn'EO, Peters, Pownall, Piircell, Kccd, bhaw, Sloan, Struthers, Thorn, Tolan, Vail, Vanvoorhis, Vickcrs, Wagonicller, Warner, WillUion, Wintrode, Withrovr and Wright 51. This shows, as nearly as we can get ati it, tho position of parties, and for this vote ! wo shall hold them responsible. Harris burg Union, Another Fromontor. The hst California mail brought the following "item:'' A woman, residing on Telegraph Hill, filed the necessary papers in the County Couit yesterday, demanding proper prov ision lor her child, whoso father, hc avers, is John Charles Fremont, late Blank Rep ublican candidato for President of tho U. States. Marysvil'c Sentinel. Whoop 1 Hero is Fremont No, 3. Whero is Horace Greeley? Democratic Victory in Iowa. The Iowa City Reporter awl Crescent, of tho 20th ult: says, that thero seems to be no farther doubt, as to tho complete success of the Democratic f tato licket. Tho vapid buablo ol Kansisism has explo tied. Tho gathering of hosts around the standard of a fdesecratcd Republicanism' has waned into relative insignilicauee. Mr. Maffit, supervisor on the upper di vision of tho North Branch Oanal, esti mates tho damages done oil that Brauoli by tho late floods at 830,000, for which an appropriation is required. Gov. Pollock has appointed Silas E. Wai.tox, of Berwick, au Aid to his Ex ecllency, with tho rank of Lieut. Colonel. Mr. Jon.N Li.nden, Proprietor of the " Pino Grove House," at Foundryvillc, Ooluinbia county, h3 enlarged ami im proved his establishment, and will continue to keep a good houso and do ample justice to his guests. CSy Tho Jcrseyshoro Bank Bill, has be oomo a law, with a capital of S150,000. A Hank has also been established at Pittston. CSy Martha Oornolia Calhoun, the youngest daughter of tho late John 0 Calhoun,died nttho rcsidenco of her brother, L.01- Wm. U, Calhoun, in tho Abborvillo district, S, C, on tho 2d instant, aged 31. . US-Auditor General and Survtuor General. -3 acom Fy, of Montgomery emnty, thonow AuditorGcncral. and John Howe, of Franklin county, Survoyor Geuo- ral entered upon tho duties of their rcsnoc i ! tivo offit,3' at """urg, on tho 1st inst. , rTlw. n..ll il....',.l.i .1... .1 - w Kvuviaiiv iuuuu, iii,il 11111 ' 'P09pl f Oregon will adopt tho Stato form a virtuous conduct, and a consciousness of an endeavor to discharge cop'bcicctioualy tho dutioi of life. xtrT .. Senator Wilson is now m "bleeding Ka,13a?' ,."7." ""?" V'" ,7? " " r' KMlei, Wnu.iniArr ,u,rni The Wheat Crop. In Tcnncsscothb wheat crop, cays tho -J f ! ! . flAt,..ial.- Ledger of yestdrday, is in a very flourish- J.; ing ronditionn'nd' wiU bo twenly-fivo por nik cent, larger than,' tlio grcatjyijsld of lnstii year. Tho rrcscut crop will be ready, for ' i , r j, ,,, harvesting 1U about a mouth,, ntld,ill-a , b ...v. , ttinnlh fnnfA ehlnn nf it mhV nA ill I lift Il&nUS ' of the morcnants. iNotwitusiauuing 1110 croaking,-,tha crop of tho United States, it is said, will bo a very good ono this year. I licrc is n largo oroiumi 01 muu sown wuu wheat, and even if a part of it is winter- killed, and still more is dam.ged by tho limliwiril iiirlnn nnil nllicr caiispf thero uaeKwaru spring nnu ouicr causoj, uiero will still bo loft a yield abovo tho average ..a 1. 1 I. p 1 i ii of paBt years. Death of Jtii'gc Vuudcrsmllh's ll ffe. Mrs. Yondcrsralth, wife of Judgo Von dcrsmith, who is now confined in the Moya mensiug pnson, died at Lancaster, on Stinilnv nflnmnnli nfYnv i nnmfnl ' ....., 1 protraotcd illness, fcjho had been very ill for somo timo previous to tho arrest of her husband, and when on that occasion ho liadn line a final fnrmr.ill. dm . enireolv , j conscious of what was transpiung. Sho was generally in delicato health, and recent domestic troubles, nodoubt, hastened her death, The death scene, which occurred uuder peculiarly distressing circumstances, was rendered still more painful by tho dying wife and mother giving premature birth to a child a few moments befora her dissolution, Roassombing of tho Stato Democratic Convention of 1857 In pursuance of a resolution adopted by tho Democratio Stato Committee ol Penn sylvania, tho Delegates to tho Sttto Con vention of Mjrch lid, 1S57, aro requested to assemble at the Capitol, at Ilarrisbujg, on Tuesday, tho Oth day of Juno, 1857, at 10 o'clock, A, M., for the purpose of nomi mtiii'' Candidates to complete the State Ticket, nnd transacting nil other business portaining to the orginal authority of tho Convention. CHARLES R. BUOKALEW. OlIAIRll A.N. J. N. HUTCHINSON, ) c R. J. II ALDBMAN', I So0r-,t!' MARRIED. Ou the 14th May, by Hcv. J A. DeMojcr, Mr. Heo, W, tAMii:it!, of Pico sowm-hip,' Columbia co., to MUs liMZAUirrii U. DouaiAw, of Sullivan co. DIED. Ill Berwick, on Mutidav lat. Mr?. Haumet Dimxau'K, wife of t.'upt. Jacob W. Dieterick, nged about 35 years. In Nippiuoso ,t .whship, Lycoming co., on the lLUhiiH'., Ocn David vjc... ji.jii n aged alioat 75 year.'. Died, in Derry township, Montour county, Pennsylvania Alnrcli 17th 1657, ol tvphoid pneumonia, Mr. Famuli, W, I.owhie, in tho iifty-svouth joar of his ago. Arrivals nutl Urparture or Mails at ULOO.USUUIUi, rtiiljilelpliia rr-itlk.ivcii d.ily. (riun(lnyci;ccln.'n nl 12 M., arnvvK ni 4 I'. M. Willliitisp.irt nnd V t-1,1, rn mill lenves ilmly, (r1!!-! dac Hxcf-i.tfa) at a 1'. M , mniii ii .M Vilk'.s!:irro inall iirnvoH daily, (dund.iys esctntedi al 11 A M.linvfiH I'.M ' ; CnnibrljaudOfaujavill,. mail oiilvi'S i ic iy Mumlny, Heilncs.laynndl'liday.ul II A. M , liavis samo iljya ot 1 I' . M MHUiPn mail nrrlvi-irvrry Jlonil.iy nnd Tll'Jrtday, at II A. M., Icnvea fainti tlay al 1 1'. M. Jenettown and While Mall ni.ul nrtivrii vi day. iliurud.iyandt-atuidaj.aill A..M , leavoi t.,mr i ij s at 4 I 3i. 1'. U.N'AXOg'f, I'. .11. THE BLO OMS li URG M ARKEf." ComtEOTED AVEEKI.V Wheat 51 40 Ryo 02 Corn 02 Oats 37 h Buckwheat CUJ White lleans.,.1 GU AXlIAUT.MAN'sSTOnE Butter. ... KgRB Tallow. . . . no 12 ....11 Lard 1 1 Potatoes OSii Dried Apples. 1 75 L1nL,!niiI!aro,":"""'! "' l"eI,i6tua'" HcrcHiriaa 11. L I'tlfcrChnrlfa iiurnie iiumy IliiMr.rd Uli Uiach Geo rue W. llrennif r Jojii liakcr William CooiiLi Sujaiina CiiiturU. (Jab1 Hisaii Ann Dents Cb rut inn Dundoon Jacob L'ari Y. (Jdiiliier W. II. LCo (Invcy Mr. llt'iit l'at rick Hartley Jamca G, Kennedy a. U. Koons John W. .Mill Kamiicl Muiihtivv H MtL'orinlck Jicnb ) uodLb Joint 1 Kni3 11 John j M iry a. J Snyd.-r JukUph wirotiji OMihcrino miih Uugu tjt'vei.incc A. J. HhallVr Harrison ttciumitd Wm. Thomas Mm y Ann Wulliytr Mdraurtt J. Winker O. u. Webb Cru Watkins Irac WidPman A, Vellivur Timnma I'lii'liIIIIIUIiry Ilewlcy Damn) Csiin Evans David T 1'jcki-r Wm. I bav lllov am advurlised. " iU-l'ortoiii callins for in abnvn liin. I'lllLll' UNANGST, I' M. 5layS;3,183r. A MAP OF COLUMBIA AND MUV TOUR COUNTIES. MlIIUiubrlbertJln.'i pleamro in iin'orminc tlicclll- in";; ijubiiibiiit a Lilian .j.vj oiv,rjln'Jji mea.d renin, its, by osll survey, ViVooVbni.r." 1 n'jove . ,i ZTtil 'tx," Jta '-l ?XtSSXX$Wti XXXVltiZ 'Tl!i,..",'i.lM''fw''''nn,1 ?"'"',w"",k ."r ',',t u.Jinii!'.'!, ""'""d 'r. to -..'J,!'"!"?!' ".(!!. " 0:"'al "oy "t an u.e IZ'XlZTl ",i'.c".' cI",r.c'":.i.- "'"""'Wl Fatltmi. wuu mil names 01 a I i ,n i.nts , " :.t . HllCtnlarssllirniml.niit il.a.'......u! "' lUtU .iroatrnt InlA... ... . .T -' Pljiiiof alltlietowua 111 tlio counties, u j,c tcal will appear In Ilia marelii. 1 alc' - T",lia" ff ",0, """ 1,111 00 Plolted to suitablo '"t'.i'tai lo make a la(R0 and' oriianionlcd inai. ir uot lss. man lllty by forly inches, tu bo iin.inii ni "'? " -V ii. wxifouiely colired, and deliycn d to .obKriliersoalyatsJner'LoTiv nVMV" II ITflMIJH'a V TQ millJ linnin , oriliiiiiat In Locuit. May L'1837 3li J. k 1). VCAHL'lt. y rvsB COAL lor saleby W. t W N CHLAiTY ATII BHINfiLM, I'OH HAI.C LOW nv II V , w J HI AU' PATENT HELIX DRILLED J2XUD ; ja u Bn a,mlI, ( ,, ' "I ffnn.l taritflta. A filllPf till II 111 Jl C 1 D ff I I llMnlniCtl t 10 nut nup,ll lim nevf t lion iiu JimiiI forlunn lu . nr. TVim ......llm 1 n.rth.liiiil rnnkiilQ rutinn In Hill wranon nl the t finuttcM In canrully prt iiri.l ttiA i.m.Mi. lit oiiiiliii. nt wa.irlDir Awnr Ilia . .0 inv;iHibiyur... ;ii,cy. im-e i.en uiiji in eur r.innljr nnd on itfelf 'authority, f en'iiriilly to-; cnronien.l lliem 10 thai wlitifiainlnnur mini wllli whom .owlKit la n miller of .tally utility a family n.....llv. nil. nil i.Mnit f n.l.ii-nl Inn . ' ror anlel.y MAKV tlENIMI! May 0, 157. llluoinaburjt NEW SPRING AND SUMMER MILLINERY. rniintitiirihrr)iiviHiF rreetvcil t lie if nw lliinrry ( ---,- , ,,, ,,-,y nP!lrly ps,e ,i,e ran JftiftrMrr nml llonnel, tmroiher with nil naaorimoni of ruuey artl(.iua, which will .ell ... r.uionaUU otraiMtiieycaubopufciiaiciciaojiieri! Mny 8, IP57. I ItotllbOM. CAUTION. A I.I. persona are liarcby canlimel again it harboring or tiusliiiif a cortain runanav unnrcntfre boy. nami-.l Ucorge Jluntcr, ngcit about 11 yciire, who wna i neuiari) indentured to mo to loom ina urmiug uuit ittMo, nnd ha lull my employ ami b ivtco without Jiixt I rnupo, t mil therefore ilciernilnt'il to pay no .lebia of f lua contracting nftu tills ilaie. nml I nWo caution nil persons agaiiiBtcinl'iovin situ runiwnym meir pern. llhMJAMt.V WlN'IXRSlUli.V. I l.inolw May S, 1657-Jl COLUM11IA COUNTY AGRICULTU RAL SOCIETY. A BrnOl At. MIXTINO ofthis Society will bn hol.l " VTUKIIAY, tlii '.'3.1 inn., nl 'J o'clock, 1' M a lJ)() eolitl ,0IM0( IHooillBburg. A Koiieral aitPiid nice It rei'iciLeJ. at maluug of Itnnoiiaiicc la lu iio IjI I beforu tint mtjeiitig. TJioflA invintf 1)3.1 I'rcrtiiums ami Hi)!onws awartluJ at the last l'ul r, will roll upfin tlio Trcamrcr. WIM.IAM t3LOA., I raUtnt. J. W. Heidiihiiot, 7faurtr, Ulnoinslnire:! Mny 10, JJ57. EXKUUTOU'S NOTICE. Estate of EUas Lutz. deceased, LUTI'Illty tentiiment.iry on tho Uetnta of Klian .:, latu af lii'iiton lownlilp, ColmnUt.i fount v , huve been grunted by tho 11 or Inter of said ronnly in tlio tubicribcr. who rciiW-B in Lictilnn townshtit, hi paid nullity. Alt) tttaunh'dv I njt claims or ((iiiaud ncaiiul thee fiaiuof tho diceituiil a ro rcqiit ntuil la iutiUu them k uowii lo the Uxrcutor wllhoiit (!cl;ty ; nml all pprnntia lridlbtcd lu ll,c EMail, to iimkc jiayn.rnt rorlhuitli. May iO, 1H57-Ct J.xtmor. NOT10K TO MKUOIIANTS. lLShXSl lMKhS't JUh'Kb'H piin urdursiRiit'd okc t-neuro hi annianc'n In JL Merchants that tlM'y atu tiuiiurncurlag .i ntpi-rior artiLlo ol UAKUH at thrir Xmv 1'. ciwry un t'jhmg CriTK, iilmvc Unman ill", (.'(.liiiuiiin Loutity. AIlt- rhaiiia , ihiiifl tn ptirthattc (ruud llnl.i's ran h.ivp'.tl.tin ni i lie luriury, r n ' si rt'ii we tin; inrarti nam to IWOtiintU'ir, to H. O Hliie, wIjltu tlio can rl ilium, or wo ran furnnrd thi'iti lu thotc Hiuita thai aro not ton mucliuiit of our vrty All (irilcra frlioiildj hu nddrresed to Samuel SJiive, ru.ilciB 1". O., ColuinUu Lunnty. I'a. sinvn & nin rs. Aptil 15, 1337 In) NUTIOK 01-' DiSSOLU'l'ION. rptm inrtiicrati'p hcrrtororo cxintini; Li'twecn tt.c X'rglgiicil. In Ilia Mr rc l mi lo llusiiioa in l.lglit alrrtt. It'ivini; brcn tli.snlvcil by cuiiii'lit, nil lifiiiKiils tulcroMc.l ulll lriisu Willi' noticu tlul t lie llnukK ol' lliu latu linn uru It It nt Hie olil uit,l in the liaitUti ol 11 ir. Cnatii, Tor uctrU'iui'iit an. I rullottloit. J II. iMlll.lUK, II. IV. L'UUASV. Light ?lrcct, April 11. IcS7. ULOUMSUUIUJ BOOT A.D SHOE STORE. TDK iimiiTftifiurd n nictliilly informn the riiixcnfc ol r.lojM.bary Jiid ilic jntblic In tciitfal.thai h u npetiud a Jfaot and Shoe Establishment) In tli-f vh it-nl Im , i n Main trc? I, nhou Kino's ,fe Wihun's It ik"ry, uiitrro he nat (uintanlly on hand a Urc asHUitmtMit or Jiootn, Shoe?, Gaiters, Ac, And will 1-nl.mtp uoik lo ordir un nhurt m,tici) His Inup t Mifiii'iici; In tin- liiiiiiitr.t unit fcnitnil kiit.w irditu i tho v.tnn ui ttif hu ).)', wil I i-nalili! him in r aUM.iriiuii to nil Ui rtistoiiiurjt. and thuuld btiurc him patr)iinie winch Uu hvp' tn n.crii . . 1IUNUV KLt:iM. Uloonis burn, a.ay'.', Ir57. RHMOVAL. rn'li: nlirrilwr liavinn mnuvci! I h M.irll, Yard X 1 1 "i.i ti.'ar tl.c C.mrt l.b'n. t tilt: H nr.,, . el ctr ii, T uf .M IN and lAUIIP.T irL,'lt, in Hun, ,id Kow, ;v!uiu lie is rt;iiai.'d in hirl.'k.'i all hi i: u Marble Wi'rl; Vb.- MONtJMr.N'Isl l.'indlo'lnmbi.. lloxTniiitit.niiU limit Sl.inpn i,r inrivy .l,'clli.,n . . Ills link it c,l tin I. I Ki'nl. lli'j wnrkiiiui.iilill. i.i.i fcttrpasy, .( l ;Mlv jn Hit. rou.nry, and ut luw pncfj. full nnd .,r )niir.tlvi-u CJ-llf wi l nl.n fipiilili Tibln mil l'nrini Ton., Manlll. I..r Ik.ik-h, II,;,. rorf.. LmlKs. and t4HI 1'ir Vnn'nwi nnd IJ.ior. al a I iw Inm. 'I'll ml. till l'ir u.llaioia, hu Ii.jijrj'l'ir n emitinuinci' tf llic same. AN'ItlONV WH'.MA.V. rf. April I. Ir.17.l',in NiiW TLX WARE SHOP. MAIN S'lT.lir.r, O1T0S1TKTIIU EXCI! ANIJIJ, rplli; uinl.risiii.l iMp.rtlally inlciM, , rilrndj J. and tlio public, that In liaiipincd .1 JSiw Time-are-and S'.cl I, on Esla hlithineiit, In llm b'liiMnii. iLriucrly incupicd rr I' .1 p.irnor I.) Jum'PIi Sliarpl. Im n pr. pa., i tu .unduci tin b'l.iiic8 in all i3 tari'Ki.-, bntiili.'n. 1 n.iwii,! and IIiiumi Si,iilln g vt all t, 'ii ' wii'ii lo .. . .k.i-.un I.I.k.i LtftlSl.lllI V AU.VIikVIN . . f ' .. Urp nrins done lo nidcr ill fpiick timp. Ui"Couiiu pioducu nKon in uirlimau li.r unik. Illoomsbur?, .Muy IK, lerrf-y "' " M"','A"U PUIVATE SALE VafuibleEJ Estate. TIIi:ubi.crib.r oir.n toscll at prltatc talo.nlic unilmdcil otip liall nf Eighty Acres nf Land, . Kin. II 1 t.. . llllfff HHT..1 t... r t . t I. n t I . .. I . - unoitecb Ihcruuntu uiohkIii". 1 1 aii -?o, n uuuau ami i.tir, Willi tlio Improve Ismail! tlieruon nrrt.,.1. n.,ii., aid unci i,f Land ' b ,"'"'""' IQ-Tirmi nmdernio Addren the advtrllipr. a JtrC)'lowii,Colniiibia rnuiil). I'a Armsa.m--:,, vallnilve (Velliveu. DISSOLUTION K.,iJLc,K.l'.lv'.S' .V" 'l.u'"ter Hip mm or Wm. Me, KulvytCo ,i,i llic nilnuraclurcnri'aperatUaiiiiVi.' (Wm. Me. t L'attau ii. " . u f,,iii, iroi . 'I'l.u .... . ... ... content on the lit i'lie bttsitu.Mri ni i hi. I ,,n n .... ... ., ,. .. . BllKelvv it Cu . al On ii:,., ..!. Vi .11!. "u'"- I WM MiKCLVV li CO. ll,VinJV.V.nrew'.",,I'l'.,cl,n,e'1 '"'""t of MiJIf. will continue u, nml, J W, KS I'unlia,i liaga as licrctor.ire. 1 "Q 1 CW.MrKu.vv. U' W. JKKELVY & CO J. H. McNtstii, j April -3, 1C37 Ut I flflior nf KiU A. at . airfri, Philadelphia. Henderson & Co,, TN,V1 1 'ho attention of all I'prsong Vi.i ii" then nxiraor'il'ij?; cLnu,.V.o? jpCf - "- .-.v...ui.iiuui(iuil, Ilook.oller., Country Dealirs. T. nn,,. n.... , pnvalu ivaio Libraries, suiiphed wuu Hooks Ar ,, " :. "' lowe.t rules JIarch7, 1657 -Cml. L". t! IIUXIinitSON k CO., ADMINISTltATOIt'S NOTICE. Ettutc of Elijah Price, dee'd. T ETTKltS nf A,l,!.,: .t. i in..,.,.. 7 "n .V...V"' V""'""0" l"0 r! '"..v". ?y , z IIAVIII ULINIJULU, J. 1' MIIUB, April ,9lIH, - WALL PAI'Eltl WAIjnmtT A,.) M i " ' " ' 11 "Ani'MAN Biluato in Madlwii, lni,'ii,l,lp tVlumbw couii-iC ty.l'a.. ndjnliiui). llic laim .f Jni.,1. i:.,., and ?J i.tri-.,.-am ""'I'"" rLliini-rrcilc, lluunali wliirii ilit- 10a, i.-iti,it n. .i .1 ..... i n ...... .h xiuiim- ,AYEll'S PILLS, j nbw anil tlnirutatly atiecos.fnl remedy for the Y cute "foil Bilious dineiiira Cotttteness, Indl. EFStiun, Jaundice, Dropsy, IttieuniallKin, l'cvtn (lout, llmnnn.Ncnousnes, 1 rrit.ilillity, Inflnintnn Horn, Headache, l'nlm In tho llrcnst, Side, IlaCK nnd Liintis, Female Complaint", fte. Use. Indeed, ery few ate tho diseases tn which n l'uritatite Mi ili. clno is not more or less tciiulrtd, mid mncli sltlt. ness nnd imlrnrlnR minht lie lrcscnlcil, If a harm, leis luit cll'ectual llatlmrllc twre moie freely tncj, Mi ft()ft, (l,n fed veil wlille n coillvo haUt of tndy I'rct niln s bcMdo. It soon ftencrntrs ferloiis and oflrn fatal discnici, winch iniiilit liaioltcn avoided hy the timely nd judicious u of (food purgative. This is alike true nf Cold, l'ourish syniiiloiiis, and ilcr.iiiKmieiiU. 'I hoy oil toinl tu becoma or produco the deep seated nnd formidable distempers which load tho licArscs all over Iho land- llenco a reliiblc family 11I1J" !e Is of the first importance to tho pulilio lienltli, and this Pill lnts been jietfcctcd .wiUi I'oufluiiunute tlJll tn meet Hint demand., An cstenshe Mil of Its Urtiiut by l'liyslriiiim, l'rofcs. torn, ntU rnllcuts, lias Iiokii re.ults eutpasslng any tlilnr? Iilthrrto knonn of tiny nicdiclne. Cures liave boon illectid beyond belief, weio lliey not sub atanllatrd by ptrnons of audi exalted tmaltion and chanuter au to forbid the KU'iileion of untruth. Anion;! the many eminent gcutlimru lm halo teslinrdin fnor of tbeic 1'llls, we Inny mention: l'rof. 3. M. Liicki:, Anulj Ileal Clicmiit, of Cin. einnatl. Ml.otc liluli professional character is en iloiscd by Jims MrLmtf, Judgo of the Supremo Court of tho United Stiles. Titos. CtmwiN, Secretary of the Treasury. Hon. J. II. Witiotir, Governor of Indiana. N. LoSfJWOirni, Rreat wine Rrower of tho West. Also, JI11. .1. It. Cmi.'iov, Practical ClicmUt, of .ev Ynil: City, pndorwd by Hon. W. L. Maucy, Secretary of Stale. Wm. 11. Abinit, the rlclieht man in America. S. I.EI.AN11 ti Ou., Piopr's of the Metropolitan Hotel, and manv otliei'B. DiJ Etiaco pennlt, we mild give manv liundred certificates', from all parts wlitro Iho Tills have been used, but ciJenec csen more convincing thin tho expenenco of eminent public men la found iii tlit-lr otfects upon trial. Thetc l'ills, the result of lonjt invcslliiatlon and study, aro olftrcd to tho publio ns tho best and most complete which llic pment state of medical sciwico can allord. They aro compounded not of the drugs thciimeltrs, but of the medicinal sirtucs only of Vegetable lunedics, extracted by chemical prote'S in a stato of purity, nnd combined together in such amanncr ns to iiirtue the bent rosults. 'lhis y)8lcm of eompiisitioii for 1111 ilicircs haslircn found in the Chfiry Tectoral and Tills both, tn produce a more efficient icmcdy than hillieilo been ob tained tv anv proeosi. '1 he re.ii,u la perfectly o'i lions. While liv the old Mode of 1 ompiwllion, every ucdiiinc Is buidened with mine or less of jiei.. inonjcms aud iuiurious iiualitii" , h this each jndi. irtue only that is di sired for the curallio cirect is present. All the inert anil nl niixlmis ipial itles of each substance employed arc left behind, tin euratlio virtues onlv bcliiK rclaim.d. Heme it is telf-cildent tho eli'eets should prow as they luu piovcd, moie purely, nn.l llm l'ills :t suier, more poiuiful nuridote to ihseabc than nj othir mrdicino known to tho world. As It U ficquciilly expedient that my i.iediiin,; should Vie taken und r tho counsel of nn iillcndiiy rhjtklan, Mid in lie (ould not piopuly judiio if .. limeily will.out knowing its ioiopi.ilion, 1 I. .no supplied the nieuralc p'orniuld' by wlii.h h,Ib mv reitoral and l'l.b ale mnde to tho whole body of I'lactiliniuistntlle t'liili-d Salute 1 and A1.1t 1 ic an Provinces. If. hoivosrr. Ilnre sholihl ny ono who has i.ot leceiied them, Ihty will It pnimillv forwarded hv mini to lik leanest. Of all'tl el'attnt Mldieimn .,le ollriid.l ,v f,:w would be taken If their composition wns knoiin 1 Their life: lunsiiti. in tl.ih myi,ttry. 1 l.aic no inisteries. 'Hie eo.npnsilon of my prepiii.ilii.ns is l.iid orin to nil men, and all who ale eoiupeleiit In pnltic on tho subje. t fictly iuknowls.lte their iiniihlio'ii of their inlilr.sic liiciits. 'Iho Ch, rry lYitnrnl vbs pronouneid by siienlilic men to bo a woinlcrtul medicine before iu t'lIV.. Is v.i re limiwii. Many 1 111 ineut riijsiiians haie deolaud the same thinjr of 111 v i'lllsand un ennlidci.lly, and ale will iti'tf to iirlifv that their auliiipatiMiis wlic mote than ronliuf by their ei'Vclt upon Irinl. Tliey opir.ito by their p.mcrf il iiifiuei'ce on ll,L Intelliul sisitra lo plllifv the bVi it and slilnlil.iU it into ht-Jthy lo-tlon rnume the obslruclioi s if lhe-..toni.nh, bowel , bill', aril oilier olitiius oftbi body, resli.rii. their uetioji l hoailh, and by ri.nectiptr, whruier they exist, such ilcrnue. ment es are the I'.rat oiiftin nf difense. lloin sUKai-wrapprd, tl.oy : P llcifimt to take, and beinx puieli iti;, table, ho I..11111 can arie from their use in,i.t!ili'.). For n.iuutc tLudioun, mm- wrapper 011 the IIox. ii!i:i'A 111.11 liv )J. JAMES 0. AVKR, I'l'acliciiitiiKi.Vitalylirnl ClicmUr, l.OWKLL, TIASS. Frico 25 Cents per Box. Five Boxes for SL SOLI) 11 V O I! r. LUTZ anil all Ilnnd t In'j, nml Ilialrra In medicines everywltire. JIn 10, 18i7. n 1. it tt .is s sj v sc a , C A IS 1 N 13 T WAKEItOOMS. Tlinillldcrioitlied respertr.llly invites III,- nil, nil, oflli,! rublie lo Ills oxteiisivenrgortlui 111 1 1 l'a,n 1 lurniuir.' Cluiri. w lijch lie w ill w arrni 1 1,, 1,1 11 a.', of eoo I niti,.ri.ils mid in a wi,ilrinsiilil,e Al liU LM.ibiiErtnn ot. can alwa, & 1.1 lound u eood atvn lilenl of 1'ASHION A1JLK PUUNITUltK, "St Will, Ii iai'iiiilin hIj u-iimi j'.iiiul. to 1 lint 1, 1 flu f;f "di labia or .Viw Voik ciilrt.iuMiau. un iiiick. tJ2illolias SOFAiS, taB?3TK?w if it nr. rent, tu leu un.l prices, rrniufjil2!!ci''5 8'M to S'l, Ilivsn. Lomiitcs ; Wa.'Uf-'--'9 nut mnl .MiiIiu;i,hi)', Parlor 1 lours, limliiiij ami eny ilialrs.t'laiia stooU. tun! 11 vnrlel) ol nplioUli-reil wuk Willi liressmtanil iarloilneaiik, sofa, card cmlrc ami plerl.ibl s.di tJiliiii. inert wlialnots aiiilc.n di s, mid all hinds ol, iim. Mis ilu, k n bureaus, enclosed and tonioioii wash Hands, iln.s lablcs.rorner ruj.lio.irds. solas tables, 1 1 ,' sie.ida lane siatand i.nniuon rliairs. is Ilu biit'i-i 111 lln Sjilloi, of Hip toiintiv. lie ivlll l,.n ,,.., assorl'ililll ol'loohilisslaiia, will, lain v eill and .11,. I11011 linines. Ho will a n furi'Mi siiimc 111 ill, .n filtc. loanynio oriicailmad. which are biiiirru , lr djubilii) androiulortioniiy lird in u.e Illoonuburg Ap.a..tSL WIIVC. SritAW 1SONNETS .t HATS. A T low prices for Cash, a large and will ""'"""d Hie kol WoniHiis. Misses. Children, axjiAW A; SILK 1SONNETS. ? .VK.VS, llOi-S .1X1) CtllLDUKXS V tilraw Hats. AUTiriClAL, l-LOWCIW, k IIO.VN'BT UU6SIA3 "MISSES STRAW HATS. WAL'IXHS & HTAttiriiriiidi' No. 23, Nor th Uli Kt. (Oppoitus Meiclianu lloiel ) ... . ., ....... riiiiacjcipnia Lackawana & Illouuibbiirg ItT H. iinicB Lark'a ft Illooiubiim II. It. Co. I "vomiso, Lui. Co., Pa., Jan. 15. IfST, 1 INTEHEST' l'AYAULB ON STOCK. 'I,J,II's',oai1",u,V""1f "n company are hcnby noli X lied thai by Ke.olulioii i,c . iioatilor lliriclur-, H"K. 'Ob'I'Uleil lo Hi. 'JUt nl Diciiubei, lBoll, will be paidonopplicolion nl ihl. Office In I'trl-Ji cetet pMock, J 1'ull etock Certificates will Leisimd when llm In Icrejt nmnuiiis lii tli.) sum ni itfty dollars- and f.'il smaller aunis or any fractional amount .Ueinflrstcs w ll "Vla-,ciV',t'.,.e57. 'n-LnONC.vWa.v. M ITC II E 11 r&C H O AI)AI7e ' S bvrv.ii viitm UAi f. of rpiljl Biiliscrlbora infgim dealers , ., X they have now on li'ikd, a full iiir.plyol Siycr-Phosphatc of Lime, And coiifld..'iiily comm " it us superior to any In iiiu uiirsei. Al siu.t.1 j.ei avian etna Mexican Guano, Oi... Candles. B)A '"-"".arke, t.ti. No. 30 North Wharves, above Ann strr'ot. cred'wl,"" " ,JaJ0" A'C" el'"'',"'jaaVo,datlio A prll II, Itii, r. . . STAR CORN SIIELLEKS. 1 A 111 1 1 Xlnnlu nf ,. Sfc Is. i. : v neiniiini mar cirn JeJHS'11 ''"""our own Mantifariury, now :,"',''','"l.",r,V""lf;'l'! "d L'tair Hiey ,Ti ... , ' ' f""cr '"'H'l r horse powor. t ,evi''' 10 '' fhcllerm PABCIIALL, .voitniat(;o. liiiileiieut aim ticeil Hiuro, t.ili and .Market l'lilitdil,Ma. SELECT SO lOOL. Tl.Mo'l)Av',?,:'i,l!l,'1, ,c,io''. Wi" """ weeks .in.lA" 1111 "nJ "utiiiue clcv.n iveeas. lupilsarurceiveja.any TLItlefl 01' TUITION. I'rinmylBiiiJios, - . . . O 'maim Cnjiuu'si,,,!!,., - . j llilir Uuilt.liSludiasanl Clanks, t, HI ..b,r.u,c,.1,57," eTOv.pi Sl!i',5,'Jr'' C Bl'tj'ANil siiXni I.rfc7l7 1 'Jlf ' )' f. W M CRLAiV
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers