AND BLOOMSBUKG GENERAL ADVERTISER. EeVI L, TATE, Proprietor. " To Hold and Trim tlio Torch of Truth and Wavo it o'or tho darkonod Earth " AIM B. TATE, Publisher. OL. XI, NO. 11. BLOOMSBTJ RG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA., SATURDAY, M AY 28, 1857- YOL. XXL J COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT I'UIIMSlli:il llVllllV BATL'IUIAV MOItMNU, lii llloomsburg, I'ulumbia County, Fa. , JOfpice. In the new Brick Jluilding, op jiositcthe Exchange, by side of the Cgiu I House ," Democratic Head (juaWcK." TERMS OP SUBSCIUfTIO.V. ,00 In aJvanct, for ono copy, for oil. iuouILj ,75 In iitlvanso, for one cojiy, ono year. ,00 H not pal J witlilntbo first thrco months. 23 If not vulil mliltln tho first six months. ,2,2,60 If not tMidullliin tho yenr. ID" No subsoripllont.tkon for Ich than six months, nnd no paper illsviontlnoU until nil urroarogcesltall hvo IjucniuiJ. rjj-Ordinary lulicrlucnicrits Inserted nnd Jou Work oxcculcil tttthoegtahltihed juleps. . UALTIJI0RE I.UIK HOSl'lTAL. .5 DOCTOR JOHNSTON. npiIE founder of this Celebrated Insti- 'iji tittton oir'rs the iiio8tciutalii,iiTily. ni..l only cllictuul rcinoUy In Utu vmhl for rllert. for UIi-cIk, iraricturrs, Hemmal wac'iiiics., I'.ilns in tlic Loins, it.'onslllHtiooal Uil.ilily. 1 in I ulrinv, 'i Ilk lcii of the Mirrk nmi I.IiiiIis, Allirtions 01 mo khuh-vs, raiiiin ell.'Vha'tn'rln'! SSli'Si t. ifco uviiim iiiiii i.H l.imliol) lusorders nrlslnji from tins dctir.Mtti- hainisot voutii, which (U-stroyi ijuiii iiftily uuJ mi ml, Tliv ern-i ami knhtarj- irartict, liru'tnoru falnl tothtir irtiu ilmti the souk "f il Hv nniii to i lit: mariners i)iriiit', biifitiinp tlicir mosi hflltiiMit Imjjm' (it aniiciiaiuMB, romicring .nianiagt, Yoiuix Mm. 1vf wli i Irava bt'Ciimn mo victiiiin ofolllftry iiVir-i III iiJrdi!iiil unit iltklruelivr lialiit.uiiitlu'iinu git 1 1 if Ut'Ut4 i thi it iiiiino ly i' ravo tlidiivn tutu of uuii !& Ml uf (kit liliml pvtilll'll l:iliMt ii 11. 1 drill in I inlel. ilci, vit m V't ollit'tw tic liuiij t m i eifcetl lioli nine iBeti.tti'i wili lite Uiiiiit'.u r ti t lo'iucncu, ir ukeu ti vxUcit-'tUjyri,umy call wiiiiull coiiliJcuct-. macruiict RMitrri?! noMiiiig ,or Vouiu .Mtiit coittf nml.tlhii' Hfl1, t aware (ifpliyHiLal tvtMkin'SF, nritainc iio- rUilliy. Hi'ii iiiiiivb, bk.. aiiuiiiii niniii-iua ivi tyiiMHV lilt Jjlinmm.iiiiil iu reelDre.I u ifi k ci licalili. 'ifltlu wlw p1 eusjiiiiKCirui il rlhucarc uS iif. Joint- ut'oi mi ruRMmly coiitldv in liitf limmr ai a grntle Tinea, mitl cotitnlt'iiUv ri'U upun lua fkill uatili)hician - VK Organir IVakmsi I in in -ilnti'ly c-ircit ami fall vigni ruKlurril. Is lliti illy moil lfi-HPiily pa hi, by ' ih.HJ vvlio havu become l fie vidua of i tiproptr hnlu dieted. Vmiiis pcri(ia are loj ai I tu cuuiiiiu cx ' rvin from nut Iiomk nwjrt' tif Uiuitrf.iJrul runncqnunce tint nu c a No.v, wlio Hi it umlurblniiiN iliu tuli jBl Mill pri'tvuil t ilttuy lliat tliu powir of pnctia 110.1 la I'i't Hiiunur by tliuiJ filling iulu liiijirniitr li.ti)ilitliati by l In prndunt. Uclil"B helng .fipriwlfr -1 lie il-iasnrti nf huMllliy oflnpiuig, llio tuott nu riuiia rit ienirueiivr yiiipioins to butli body nml mi ml urirtH, Tn a nylfrii b; cot nut tlorangfil; (lie li)4ical mil iriU'til povMirs Htakvnvil. nurvoua ilt-ln'iiy, ("IMia. MH'tlH'0'! ul Hi bear I ,imli,'cslijii. n w.ilni); ut Hit) Claims eouali eymploiuinl c-Mixtiinpiinu &lc,' jLjiJUicc No 7rfu.iT. i t'KeukRHiidintkiiiiuvviMioor fro ii II illimorc klrt i t fhIj. hi tlr- attorn l!u inrliciil.if lnoiMtft'i,' tli.) N V M K ami NUMUfclR.ur ytntwll" miHtaVn llio p.irp, ..f Cure IfairilhtcttOr ti'hargt M&di ( from One to yr Wo Days. KO MU'tdJUY OU .NAU.-il.UUS IIRL04 U-EU J)r. Jufoistotij Mn'i"nf llit Rny.d Co'Vgit of eiirRfri. l.nui'on (In l.t.uf (rum "iii; ufitie until ;inui'ut clcgrH nf Hit U i t-'I Hliiit ami Iliu uri'ulpr part ullmu lilt liat Ii !! M.iem to iliu tliut M(Miit'lH oCLoiiilou ,I'nrfii,t Jii UJ 'u ha anilfUuvvherc. n,g filed d 'ini f iliviucsl Mi i inn iuj car e tltat ivre cvor Lmh n ; hmh) tronb Iti iifi'itiio? iiiti lieu-1 ami earn wi fii aHluip, g'ffi 'l1 m isil. b"li)f nhHtiifd at tmblen aonuiU. toll m 'i I'-ici, Willi C'lm't-u. blU'iliiig, liUundut! tf" .ni tft.tli iif riiiiu.i'C . ul miitd ntrucurvd iai IllUtilal iy. Jf. A Certain Discusc, Wli'iii 'In mtstfiii.liMl ami iniprmlfut otary of pkii ftjf n'ln Il iJ.- Ii i Im iauilel tU'i nurlti nf tins puiulu 1L hi, It too often happuns thai an ilitinivil t-ennu o M inn-t ur tliDni of ilt..(inry, ililem Ii i Iri'iu niply fnlitf ') -iiHurtlii from education tml rr-jft laiithty VCil . i u lftiihl HUH tlf i.iyjii I'll uirj ru'lti .HiiOiiti in ii t i ii ofiliiili irritt ttiP.i- in ik I Inn rapiionrniire 'Ii n'rrattia 4ire tliro it mhimmuiI mitu. nocim nai ftii i a tno nciu j iiti ii in n i miinnj'ii nt ft'int.ticniiivis Bii ijciioii iu) mm n'Mie. unn .irnmt innirnvii on uic 1 1 i.i tart, mi l mlreim-lius, prurussini: w uh fii-jbuut Eli i i i of tm hum rill in .ami tlio vi.-tim l tliin nwtul Itli'fiHt bfiuni-i n Ii irri.l n'lj-d of ritiitirH,rulioi)l nil nt nit Die pu.iiu m iu iuuhui or t lie S .i ii p'lu a peniM to liisilrcitlmUtitlf iiih, by ten- l i i i in tii tu inn hoiirnu iroto wac'tr- no intvt'itr i rt.ii ii." To hticli tborufoiu lh JiiiiiiHun icilics In it .rtlf.'i ii-.'-'rvt tlid unt i'uvi.iI iiili' hit. tcf. ami .' f rn n hi i uxtiMi-tit o jrurlM' in lit- f - lloi..;i'ii tif 1 1 in I tnrici, bu c in roiiflilfiuiy i rumim ml a lii.if.' i tit iieily car) to the uufo innaU' v r.iiii ot Ibii 1 ttkc pirlictwir Aoticc, I) J mltlrcixuit &II tliOfeU ultU nv? inluicil tbciu- fnvftUj ifnrat.aiil iniprupct ini'nl-jenri'i. E "I It ro HUII.C II. IIIU Mill II H II IIII'IJITH II IIITI Ip'o.s t-d Iwcarty liabiiv t vniiib , iz ; U vnVm fu of Htlntil't-K mi.1 Mmlii. Tain mi the 1 1 rail. IHniiii'Moi I r u'li . It ii ol M.iiOi'ar rou.-r I'aim atimi ot tot r Ilt. ft II iMMnia NVivi.'! Irr.itil'i'iiv, )ir.'ogiiiiriu sty n i II t'ttve Pmici mm (nt)rai UiLiir.v,Mv n(i,ijii i U flMll'll Hull, AC. MlIN(Vl(, Thi' fiarlnl r.V. rl ilium Uih muiil lnH iiurn lo l!lri' nb'il l.oh onii' o t , i ;imi'o,hhi o 4. II .iri'A'ioo ii' too SiiHiW, .i' J iii iiiihIi ii !: I An' ooiinf fJ TiilH'j i-c an -onic olllitiM H ll.lllilH I'll. ' 1 ,i'iji' of prison of all ntti'S ran now judtij u i iiMu oi i -i't nt i mini" amnio i. mi mi; 'lOt'.'l f l.lll"S IM'l' t pal ll 'I i. II lr I 11 I'll II.IVIII jr ,iii ,i "a-itu .1'iuii i tuc t'yt' rmiiaml hjiiiji f IOIO-. llf Oi) 'rt llllUIO I . Jr. Johnstoti s Invigorating hcmctl'j Jo, Organic Wvnl:nst Hi i .,ni it ii ,1 Important 'cum ,i v, lVfRkiic ol tbr ! i kiuci'ily iiiMi-i, aii I lull viuor r' lotrd 7i' .'-ortiiti miMt o-'lt 'ol tlcitlil.lleH. wm, h 11. nav lit i'ii noiiiL'il .Hi" I't'lirvi'd. M Li to M ri I' i 'ir.i) inm Mi'iltil l)i'tM i tu v i ri-t .i l'iy. 1' o'ii i"ki ami Wi-.ik Ml'ie It) of I't t.i.i ., ii) tOf HlJil If .1 lit! ' f'tl'l' iv ii((ji i Out lor Jo i 'Nlon Young Men W 1 1 'i i -ill i re. I tiif ioi ' vi s y r n- i 'i iimflirc. fiii . in vtiin .ilnii' a IttiHt i fiie-i.iy tcarntii f . 10 il '! O. Mil 10 11, Of Hi .l O I'M IOI! I'flttU IflHlnrll i f i i v Ml, evi'a w'i.'ii niln n.iniil II not cait'ii i r.i ili.' " n '"t i n .''t1'' '"xi ilt'itiovs Ltiiu oip-ii i inU, tl o'Sinaa'y Miiiii',m.ten WiMi n pity out a vo.ta; mm a. Iliu hope of lii rutm t ii 1 1 ilii. In me of In oart'OH sinmM bp saatcucd I- O O 9M pr Tl UH'l riijn vim mi. m i i n nj nit i i I , ' T ill in-v minis t " ipu rat n dii ij in n rerun 'i nurret habit, Hurh ji!iioii uufmu CO I HpVtllg Marriage 1,1) tti-ii f f1rct Ip; a round laind nu' boi-yare Uic inn- , , v in it toL'il.t He j'i.i iicvii mull lilubucontci f iiii,ifl proiiM u c.i-H' mii.ii uappinehi 1 a tvu -Uinn2. Iliu prop'ci iiou caiheiK io uii i vi i- ; an o'nitt iiccumi'n sii.ith'Wi-u whii ui'Miuir aau f nfp io ti- iK-to.!!"! Iiliahledwiih our ou it, L flu, ,' i,i i. In iii'-la'trlio'y rciui I'ou in iuuc naipiiic4S ion ii;t; NO. 7 htJUrli ri i;iii:km k ar.,iiaHiw,u A ,l, HJ U, II; 1 UI KIl I 'd B l iJiawuai u.i. V. it -i.-t mi r.itsu looilesiv iirevciU you, but applyiiu ImtjdiaLfcWc the pui'sona' iy orbylvtiiT. sutv umk bs 8'c;i;ii uuuuu. To Stnw&crs. Thn minvihniunult CilrPil .It ill I J institution Witll'll tho Un J5ytiar,ruitlllio nunifrousimportantHurcicul Vp'ii.tuom pcrrorimjtt uy ur. joiiuhioh, wjuilhsuu uy in i ri'o.iritrnoi iho iinneM nml many other ticoaofwliicli lmve niipuartd again ami aRiiu before thi tlnblic, btjsldet lit tinding na n ?entlcmaaof cha rtictornml reipoasibility, ,iia suificicnt euarautee to theaUlicied. Take Notice. N. R. There art) no many Ignorant ami worllilcifc aiacki ailvcriiniiiH thcnuclvi PhynciatiH, mining th msaltli oflln) alruidy adlieted, that Dr. Johmtou iltjenu it neeenary toi.iy, tupecially to Uioio unnc qualntod with lin reputation. lint Hi rredutlsli and ulploainalwayihaoir m hi otttce. i'i VnrirK. All I (.lion must be poet paid, and couTaiu a postage slanip for Ihu reply, or uoaniwer WiUbBBent January 17, ldS7 BOOT AND SHOE MAKING. Till: umlerilineil, thank lul for Ihe liberal nairomje with which he ha, been favoril for year. Roneliy, would Inform hi,, and castoinci., ial lie continue. 10 inanufaituio Jloots ana tiiiocs, A I hi, old and ivell'lmownsinnd. on Malntltcct, liioowiburg. In nil their taruus aim gooii .ty le and on moderate term.. 111. Ions experience In tho hisin,!,, nnd gennat knowledgeof Oil reople of Columlia count)', .ujiir' qdded to a filed ileterininat ion 10 render .all. faction 10 all hi. cu.touier., should iccur. Iilut increased ja IroKM, whfeb tiel.arM;, 10 111. rit. JACOB f DIETBRICK. ONE DOLLAR A YHtlt. Circulation over 100,000 Copies Weekly, 25 Witnesses, on, Til 15 FORGER CONVICTED. TOIIN B 1) VI: is the Alltlior, who Im. hail ten Vf n r ninrtrln n.p itn Hanker a nil I'll III islil't, 0 ml Am'lior a rle.KlrM at tie Uroadaa) Taliernaelt I when, for ten t-uccuMive nic;iii, over US- iO.OUOfeoiilQ XA I Orcein! hi m wlih roiiiuli nl' iilauio, while he ex. I hlhilci! the manner in wlilcliUomilerfellors exriite tli cir I ran lit, n nit the buret and shortest mean, of ilrticll tlicni 1 'Hit L'akk .Vole Kngrarers all nj that lie is tie greatest , Judge tf Vaptr Money living. Gicatcst Discovery of the Present Century for Dcteeting Counterfeit llank Notes. 1 "llorr illiii," ivrrv C i iiuliii' TSI'I In existence, ami cMiilnttpj uta fclancc every CumUiful In rlliu a y.rane'l llcferencc la nnty mill DMi chuii Instantaneous W No Ilulri met unlit at No inst"- to tiunl np I Hut so .! mi i II Ti ', ami arratl rimI. mat tilt, I, Hanker tin il limine Vanran Knthh, French and Herman, 'J'lnti each may reatt the name In his own Mitue AloU pufct Uttuk NotcLiU Published. I Alio a I if! o. all tlto I iMitVATi: iiANMua iv am cuiu.i A com,,!clr Pumiiinrv of Uic PiNtNCF r norr and J oil); nc -'ill mi puhliilii-n i.i i-.u-h n Uion. it gi-m-r uiihall tie iiiitortaiit NUWS Ol' T M tl D AtSo. A pcrnw OP TA lA'.H r-oni n in Ul M.'iti tr-ipi ."o'Miil in tlio Halt. It fur nislius Hie most iciii.'Mt! hiJlory ol ouiuNTAi, liim:. And clpscrtliim the mont ppiltAing position, in wlnih Mil l.nlii! an il ci! ill Ictnctl ol tint C oil lit I liaV 0 toU'liJ J 'STpuX ' e t r J?u,r,.,.,:;.5?d ii'iiUWta?. only, at 31 a f ai' A 1 1 Iclu i s in o t tie niMrt ! i tl io JOHN 8. DVD, Broker PubUOiir ami rroprleifr 70 Wall i New Yorlt. KA1LUOAD AND PACKET BOAT 1 1S57. ANTELOPE, 1857. OS ami at it Tafi'a), April 7 '."7. tin Packd I'.o. it AN I r.'.Ol'l 4?pl It. V 'tu H' coioniiTf ram ing hi r ri't' trip. I'.ut (Siuninjs ticopttil) between liopcri ami Xuaikoke. m folliiH t,eve liu pert m o ciort., . i rr wn ui inu Niiihl Utprfjn no IlieU. V. t U K.i from Vil lliiiioport, mid ai"ins at Nanlicoke at I oVItfk I' M, in tunc to take ino carsm the ) & It Uttilrnntt (or K- ran to it or (lo-al Ucii tho miuu afternoon i.iriw. N'.iniitoke on ainval of I. & II Kail rout earn (rota ( leid and t'cr.intoo (t-ay one o'clock, I ) a a i' arrivi'sai nape'i e,tn tin aaie r .in nip tn hni" in i iik th; Niglil U plot's both wnyu on i In C. W 4. T.I inir.i rai'rfpti. riiin-nji from Hie nj Vnllry, for 1oIIh iHe ILtriiMjiirp, tlilllinorc Pi.t'oarir and a M oihi'i i.o. nu dimti or Win- wilt finilii to mir ntinntigo io t.ikt' i lie abov'i l,i ne, an It i - only line nn ticci thro -(ih uilhotil ttoppinj ovrr night on ilie road P.uieillPf rroio III" couiii Dr ki. o p-n mg hi r rKiiiirit ti..r n, ,riifnii train, in liniinloii viol feus'iue ha it ii n Kailroad, and vu Caliawia Ha'ta-i'd, wilt men Hi IVckel aiunp-" ' noe. 'HP ii n ii niit f ISliptSB... Jm3 ' Coaci J1I be n rH JtCS. 1111 i-TfTl , W ilkvsoarie aail Rtitifit. rarrv Inir llm L liitnl Hialm Mai I Li-aven WilkfH Harm at a ft r Intl., M '' rivo ntUitnertlii time io co'i.ief i n i ll ihc MailT.nim both ways (pay 3 o'clock P M.) aim ar ives iK.i" U.i about midnight Lravi'H Hnofil aitpr Hie mt'vrti k oniit w i v ii , ii rfL? i ' -ttui WIIKe lltrrr, o'il II IKiT liLOOiMXBUKti BOOK STOiifc,. m rpilE undersigned icppcctfully announces I lliplln root 1 ones ilm LUeomsburff Hook Store and itanaua. y lUlnbtishtoinl, talfly ronductcil b lirnlPti aui-d'- Major L'la k. in all ibeir various branches, nl theold Mamlio the llxcli.inpe HulMiiifis. Hrnltloor Kiutof tin I.xclianpp llolil. audhniina rcpleaifhed Imt fstabliphnit! n I nih n choke fctotk ol JVeu Hooka add ifatiowni!,1 khe it nrfpared lo accommodate all uiu may fcv lier a fU in ln-rliue, ALSO Thf ItPMai'rn ni Hi'tiou, ia hp;lMeneit of the :lio o osiablikUnrni wl bf couiiiiuetl us usua' oy the sub Frribir. wlorc lh palriccan atjall itnis In- kupplied WllllIM" ihoirfl tlFUR(lft 1NO KCPBCMKlkNTfc. tnrli .14'i..i i.iia'illa, itter, Aly.r , Sau'iois, rptce.l ind Ptrkinl tera, Picktfd Clams, ct-. tiS'The pi'bliP ciulom ih irspt ft In My koliciled tucecssoi to Jeste . Clark. ll'ooin-li" M,t ' IS37 esi.i; o,iisiiUR, HI UT "W'AllliUOOMS. rvlll. ii ml .! i.niie Pub ir to In icnt'il refpcrtiiiuy ini iirs ipo aiiennon ir to Inn I'sli'iimvenpsortmciii ot Cain km d iMiiirn uiiiih hi- will warrant to i.eiutiio- ni.iii' i-iNaad In n unrKiiianhhi' inanucr Al ii .-.niiient.cniialwais bt found a good .tffcon H1C 'I Ol VASII IOXA1ILG lfURNITUllli. vn: Willed i cpial i a ft) lenml finish to iliat of Phil V V i'iifithiaor Ntw Vork cities, annalas low prices fi"i' T,o vail!; of il.ireienl ml" nn.l prices from ... ftr.n Divin. I.o.i. il". . Val- ..... n.,.i Mn.i.m.i.ii . t'arlor cliaim. Uockni!: ami mkv cii.i.i 1'iana nool., una a laru-ty of upholtt. ri'il iw.ik i -LI. Ilr."srii n .I.1 i,iiloil.iiiei.iis, foia. car.i t-enirc anti , ,ii,i ,ip,..ii.i. Llultti. ...'ri. w tiutH nn.l emtio. 1.. a.i.l nil kl.l.l ol f.lliloiialilo milk. His ttoikof In.iniu, u.tclou'd nml coiiiinon wash tun.!., ilrnt lal.ifs roi tier ci'i'liour,!.. o(.h liriaklatt tnlil.1., hrri. ruiIi. futc fcrul nml common chairs i llictargctl in ll... .HCl.o.. of Ihecoiinlrjr, IIihiII ul.o ku . a cooJ avsoiimein of looking elj.eei Willi fancy Mll nml com fill.'.l many .lie i.f which are mi'cr ior for ...... i ....uiru tie w. . nil...... . no's unlit.,,, ,l,.ri.ilii) anacomioriioanj Le.iiuiJ.e -... Illiioin.hurs April fctli, leSl. ESPYTOWN NEW STORK. rnllllunJcrilgiii'U. Iiavlns aiiorianu iu;itiiri it. uie J. Mircanlili! Iliuincs.. lake ploamlc inaiinoiincmi! to their menu, ami uio iiuu.ic .1 ttiiti.11, my ....... llmi.p lue.'imJ 0.1 Ma 11 Hired, c.'iilral in JfiiHowu, uoianioia coumy, nu ju. .'".w. "itll . . . jxciv bnruis uoous. i'.. .nri.,ni ,n ..vtpn.ive nsioilluenl of Ulollu. Caai v..?.lna Muslim,. Line., nniltttll oll.r ur licle III mo weiring iii.u, nttiuuii.s Kantian uiiJ Hollow mm, Grocerlc., Sugars, lean, l!olluB.t! etc.elc., wiiu an owier am clea olcouimerco ailaple.1 to rountry ttore.. ALSO-HEAD Y MA uE CLOTHING i!ln I ilinr. .mvlliona. Trotluce. &.C . of Oil kiudii.ukciilncsclmiiBefornierchaniiie. Il' Q. CUUVULINO. Cspytown.Aptll.l.lMT, EAGLE FOUNDRY, RLOOMSBURG, Stoves awl Tluwarc. TIIR irabscrilicr having erecle.1 n largo new liick foundry ami Machine Shop, in place of the old, 1 orcpireuio .11.1.C .. .t. . -....? lone.t one... I'low. conslanlly on hand I ho ...iku.L...i,n..,n,i hla T, 11 Hl.oi, from Mai to the foundry lot, where he ha, ended a building altogether forStoves and Tinware. TheUooklua S loves coiiii.l of Ihe Wll.l I.N.N jlMfCOOK. UAUIl HOOK, VANMKlt CO(K,und CDI'AItl.Un BTDVl'U ,,r nil binds, the l'.CIi UY. 'SStlLlNDUIl BTOVU.&c, All kind, of Spouting uiauu 10 orner. JOSGrll BIIAKI'LUSS. nioomsburg, Arril II, 1KS7. WANTED, I.'OUll Mi:N to work In a Keg I'aeloty 1 Four Coop . cit prcfrrrcd, but aitite labuiini men will an given Apply ot Hie Mllljrovc Mllli. near I.I11I.1 .1 May.8 153T-tl Cohnulmt Jm.f. lcvi I.. T.m:, editor. Bloomsburg, May 23, 1857. Written for the Democrat. Effects of Lovo to God and to Man. J1Y OEOKDE HUNTER. Were tliis diviuo principle in lull opera tion among the intelligences that pcoplo our globe, this world would be trans formed into a paradise, tlio moral desert would bo changed into a fruitful field, and "blssoni as tho rose," and Eden dd, , p j . d .fl J . fc ; all tlicir concomitant train of evils, would would again appear in all its beauty and no longer walk ramprmt in every land. , ltcscculions, law &uit and all tho innu i mcrtblo vexatious litigation wbich now i disturb tlio pcaco of society, would ccaso .from ainoni: men. Every debt would lie punctually paid ; every promise faithfully Pcrfor1Cl1 5 OTOry dbputo amicably djut tion; every rnguo and cheat banished from society; and every jail, bridewell, and house of correction would cither bo swept away, or transformed into tho abodes ol honesty, industry and peace. Tho haunts of riot and debauchery would bo foMakcu, and their inmates hhtscd fr Jin tbo abodes of men. The victims of scduetion would no longer crowd cur streets at tho dead hour of night to cntico the ' situplo ones" into the paths of vice and destruction ; but purcty, righteousness and pcaco would run down our streets like a river, distributing safe'y, happiness and repose. Tlio tongue of the blandcrer, and the whisperings of the backbiter, would no linger be heard in their malicious attempts to bow tho seeds of discard and contention among brethren. Falsehood, in all its ramifications, with the numerous traios of evils it now produces, banished from socio y. " Tho lips of Iru h would bo established forever," and the liar and deceiver would bo hissed to tho eludes of hell. Our prosperi'y would remain sacred and secure from tho thief and midnight robber, and our persons from tho attacks of tho mil dercr and assassin. Wo should no longor hesitato to prosecute our jour neys by day or by night for foar of the footpad or tho highwayman, but should reojgnizo every passenger as a friend an I protector. Plunder and devastation would eeaso from, the earth. Pride, which now stalks with stattly steps and lofty looks, eurvyi.ig surrounding intelligences with feelings of contempt, would bo forevnr banished from tho world. Ambition would ni) longer wade through slmghtor to a throne, nor trample on tho rights of an ujured people. Wars would cease to tho ends ot tho earth, and the instruments of human destruction would-be I eaten into plough-shares and pruning hooks. That scourge which has drenched tho earth with human goit wbich has convulsed every nation under heaven which has produced tenfold more misery !than'all tho destruc tive elements of nature, and which has swept from existence so in my millions of mankind would bo regarded as tho eter nal disgrace of tho human character, and tho most shocking display of depravity in the annals of our race. No longer should wo behold the fires blaziDg on tho moun tain tops, to spread tho alarm of invading armies; nor the city, which was onco full of inhabitants, silting solitary, without a voice being heard within its dwellings, but tho siahs of tho disconsolate and tbo groans of tho dying. Nation would not lift up sword against nation, neither would they learn war any mere. These, and a thou- sand other evils, which now render this world a vast wilderness of perturbation, wretchedness aud sorrow, would bo com- plctcly eradicated wero tho principlo of holy lovo in incessant' operation ; and in their placo a sccno of loveliness and moral beauty would burst upon tho view, which would diffuso joy and ecstatio delight through every bosom. Every family would become a mansion of peace and love a temple consecrated to tho God of Heaven, from which tho incenso of prayer, and praise, and pious aspirations, would daily ascend in sweet memorial to tho throne above. From crery such mansion, tho radiations of lovo would fly from family to family, fron. ono hamlot and village to another, from ono town and city to another, from ouo nation to another, and from ono oontincut to another, till nil tho families of tho earth wcro conncoted into " tho dwellings of tho God of Jaoob." HaEcrslrnvH, May ?th, 1857. Select poetry, BEDD GELERT; Or, The Grave of the Greyhound. Tho story of this ballad is traditionary in a village at the foot of Snowdon, Wales, whero Llewelyn tho Groat had a houso. Tho greyhound, named Golcrt, was given w mm oy ins laiucr-in-iaw, ivtng dotin, in . tho year 1U05, and tho pi ico to this day is ; ojllctl Bcdil-Gclcrt, or tho ravo of Gclcrt. Tlio spo.trmriii benrd Hie bnple i-oiuid, A ni clieurl.v miuL'd tne inom, Ani many n briich . nd many a Irodncl O lie veil Llewilyn'n horn. And fiH be blew a louder htat, And gave ? lusiii-r cheer, 1 Co in t, (jelcrtt route, woi't netcr last hlenclya'd Iiomi to hear." (I. ubere doci rillhfiil fTelert roam, Tim tlower nr.Hl his race? 60 truo Mibravrl a taiab ut lioinc, A lion la tho chase 1" Twns onlv nt Mpwetrn loud The lailiifuKUIctllel; He walch'd, hp KervM, he i' u VAt lord, Ami i.oit intl'd liish-it. In sooili hf; was a peprlcss hound. The pift of Knynl John ; Hut now tio Ou'ert rould bo fuinul, And all .ho rli&sv rode on. And now a o'er the rocks and detls TIip pi Haul cliidiiips rise, A tl Hnowdon's craisvy chao yell The many mingled "crietil That day I Icivcljn little lov'd The ciiae of,hart or h.i-o, A -nl tea nt nnd small the lion I y pro vert For Gelt 1 1 wtii not iheru. UnnlraM Llewc lyn homeward tned, vhen nea the poitnl seat, Hot cruel Golcrt be espied, Hounding his lord lo greet Cul when ho primed hit. castle dorr A q ha it the rlncftaln stood, The ooiiitd all iver was fmcarV wit h gore. llMjjp, Ins Lings i an blood Llewelyn ghni-il willi flirce surprise U'invi'd .uch took- io inert His .'avoi lie checkM hi Joifi' fcii'se, And c tour b'd nnd lick'd uis feet. Onward (n itpiiip Ucwelyn n.nsM, And oa went Ge'ett ton, And MI Hhcrc'iii hin rye he ri't VivbH blood Buittb ibo h'd his iow. OVrturni'd his i.ifftiit'b bed be rouatl, Willi btoid4i(tiiii il to vi i i flit. And alt around tlio un'ln nml ; onnd Willi rc.eiu blood beipitnl. Hi rtl ltd nl chi'd no vmch replied ; lit oarciid with terror l d j Rtootl blood nt b,uni on t'ry cide. Jv't noHiiert poauil Ins child. HIHiotinil I my child's h ihQ devoured I" j i'i" iraniir la.npr rrum Am' lo the loll lux vt iitli" Hp pMneii tu Ueifeirn Mile ord HU mipptjanl 'onks, rs (roru la-loll, No aity con ul imnari ; Dill 'lii ink id tag OI,,iH wit liisef heay j i ho- lit a t A 'ihuM by GckiiN (lying: cll 8a,n ,liinibirct wakenfd irgV woiJh ihe ji.iteni'v jo. co't'd tell lo heat In iitfjniN c y ' re i alj CnnrralM benrntb a m.iaj'ei' he.'p 1 1 i-i huiriud himkIi had iiisMit', All plow i up (rent in. ios s'ti p The cherub boy he k i t-snl Nor "Citli itad he. nor harm oi dried, lint the ,jaie coach ln'iti-aih l.aj n pa mil vul, p urn i u d j , '1 reiucudou Mill pi death. Ab I what wm then I,leWiijnH p.iin 1 1'u. now tut truth ttatrluai llti '.'atl.tir iiouml .he wuli tai n To ae Llewelyn's bun. Vain.viln, was all Llewelyn's woe " riHut ur my ktmi. miiuu I The frantic blow which laid i I Jti j heart biiall ever i And now a pal Ian I tomb the 'Ise. Witli coi ly sen Iptuio iler h u, And niarbkg uti'ried u lib hi p jiic, Tuor Golert'fi boms protvci Th fro never could tho spearman pas, Urforenler, uuniowil; 'Jhoro oil the tear bes-iirmkled grafi Lleweljn'a torrow piovtd. And thrre be hung hia horn rind spear. And there. as evuniiiif f'-lt. In fiucy'it ear he oft would hear Toot Oeltrt'i dyinyjell. And till gnat fa'nowdon's rocks grow old, And Cfat.0 tho storm to brave, The cousi-rrnti'd root nbal1 bold The name of "delert'i Cruti!.' iUiiD, to be pronounce., a lathe. Tho Oomot. The posoiblo collision of a comet with tho earth, says the Scientific American, attracts considerable attention from a silly rumor that a French or German savau j has predicted such an event to occur on tho 17th of Juno next. Tho distinguished i astronomer referred to his utterly dis- , claimed any such prediction, asserting in ' a published letter that tho only comets in sight, or expected, movo in paths which do not coincido with that of tho earth at any point, and that the chances aro exactly on a par with those of a collision of an onini bu? in the streets of Loudon with auother in tlio streets of Paris. Von Littnow, tho groat German astron omcr, writes to tho Vienna Gazette that thcro is a faint possibility that tho great comet of 1050 may return, but that its " orbit is so situated that it cannot approach tho earth within somo Jive millions of miles." Ho rates M. llabbinct sovcroly for exciting an alarm on tho subject. Taking into account tho probablo nura bor of comets which havo visited, or cvor will niako their appcaranco within tho solar system, iho chances of a collision havo been computed by mathematicians, and endorsed by astrouomcrs cencrally. to bo about I to 200,000,000 ! iHise cllaucons News. An extraordinary excitement was occa sioned in liond Street yesterday, by tlio Catherine in front of Mrs. (Juniiinr.lmm' residence of a disorderly mob of women ani hoy3, Tho womon n,JOut lM numbcr, had a sort of drum-head court- martial and unanimously agreed that Mrs. Cunningham was guilty of murder, and 0URilt t0 i,c ,llivcu from tl0 tho help of the boys they made an attack on tho houso stoning iho windows and doors, ringing the bell, making hideous faces and shouting ihoir opinions in no very delicato way. Tho attack was con tinued until tho arrival of an officer, who took tho most active of tho Amazons to the lock-up. Tribune, 3th hist. A Singula!. Fhat A lady named Renlloy undertook, and ha3 accomplished tho feat of walking, without sleep, food or drink, for the space of thirty hours. The performance took placo at tho Tabernacle, Now York, tho point of pedestrian opera tion, being a stage of 6omo 20 or 30 feet, on which slio walked back nnd forth, Sho commenced at four o'clock on Monday after noon, and continued bcr toil till ten on Tuesday night, getting very much exhaus ted. Jlrs, B. is represented to bo a wid ow, of about 27 years of ago, and the mother of thrco fino children, two girls and a boy, of tho ages of 7, 0 and 11, and for whoso support she has undertaken this task. Tho lady appears to bo suffering from pul- monary consumption. Tho motive for per- . . .,.; . tl . , . forming tho feat was to obtain money, but ,, ,. , . . " tho result was a heavy pecuniary loss. 1 J Monument to a Neoro. Tho stu- dents of Howard College, Ala., on Sunday tho 17th ult., inaugurated a monument to tho memory of "lUuitv," a slave of the President of tho College, who, when tho building burned down in 1S55, refused to leavo until nil the students had been gotten out, and Lo lost bis IKo thereby. Chicago Full ur. Tho Chicaco Jour- nal of Wednesday savs : "A friend in luruia ua wiui, ui; Lauiu in iuiii icaiciuav r ... ..... i . i hear Mr. Everett. On going iw uiu uaii trll ho found it ci'owded,hundrcd3 coining nway unable to get in. He then went to the Theatre to see Lola Montez. This estab lishment was full also. As a last resort, ho repaired to Lent's mammoth circus,and he was unable to get a ticket. He then returned to iho 'J'rcmont; House and he could't get in.lhere 1" U3T The Vicksburg ("Miss.) Whig of the Oth inst , says that uincty.sis thousand ,lnllo worn snWrilmd ill that eitv on the Cth inst., towards purchasing a plantation for Ex-President Picreo. The sum asked for the property is 8100,000, leaving 1000, to bo subscribed in order to com plete the purchase. A Good Plan. In Andover last year, 5 premium was offered to tho boy who would destroy the largest number of Cater pillars' nests. The consequence was that 0,000 nests wcro destroyed. Tliis year 15 aro offered in similar premiums. This ii a good plan. If towns would gen erally adopt It, they would Lo cheaply lid of iho pest of caterpillars. IIoBBinLTJ. Samuel Dillion, was tiled in Howling Green, Iud., a few days ago, on a charge of murdering his son fifteen years previous, and aoquitted for want of cvi- denco'to prove his positive guilt, l'acts wnvn mven. however, that convinced all who heard them that ho was a murderer. C ' After his acquittal ho left the place for his home, some miles distant, of which ho j was tho solo occupant. His neighbors knew nothing more of him.until ono day last week, their attention was arrested by .... - ... . , tho blazo of light trom tns Uurmug uouso. They reached tho place just iu time to hear tho cries of tho wretched man who perish- succccticu tne anginal ol tne urm to -uts-d in tho flames. The supposed murderer continue advertising in the newspapers as .... 1 .iBiilnrni nmnnsn 'I'llrt f ftn 6 lrt 11 OIllO had met his fate I .x i BcT Thcro ii a woman, youthful and quito handsome, who visits tho Ualumoro Penitentiary every day, and converses with bor husband for an hour or moro through tbo bars. Yet this man is ecrving out a term of years for having cut her throat his wife's, aud luflictcd several 6cverc stabs in bcr breast, from tho effects of wbich her lifo was for a long timo dc paired of. What an cvidencoif lovo and constancy. XST" Queen Victoria is tho mother of five girls and four boys, all healthy robust children A Litllo Boy's Prayer. A little boy aflcr saying nightly tho prayers which had becu taught him, was quite tcnaciom of what ho had called pray, ing his own way. lie had alargo number of brothers and .sisters wbso pcculiaiities 1 1 1 ,.! . 1 t . 1 ..0 maue too uiujixt ui .. pet.- iiuus, 'n uuu uuuiniuu. iu uuiiiuiuiiiiu;; tliis excrciao 'ho was overcome with bleep. AVrc-stling with hh fctuior,ahu said : 11 0 Lard, Llcss Klizahcth. and make her Letter ihnn .sho is." j Ills head fell back on his pillow, lut toon ruu&ing Uclmunuurcdldrowbily'lilcps ' 'I Tl .... 1,1 . lit. Innnnn ' vnf licfid its r4Ttr.n,t tin nrl.liid ,n,l , at!,, nil V i ii ni t ..1 t nni,'i ii , p Oh, Lord, I can t, there s too many of cm," mid be sauk.tnlotho deep slumbcr,of ' childhood, Al another time, while conducting this exercise in a somewhat more wakeful manner, he said : " Lord, please to blcss.fathcr and give lii in a new heart. Re so kind as to bless sUter .Mary, and gic her a new ihcart. 0, Lord, bless mother but you need not ' givo her a new heart, for she could not have ' . . any Letter one thau she'a got, and I don't sec how bhcM go terror k to botany better woman than hhc is now." A picture of Suivfay Life in Chicago Heroes a picture of Sunday life in Chicago, furnished by the limes of that city: 11 Here in Chicago on Sunday vc have fifty-sis churches openjduring the forenoon and evening, but at the samo 4tixne there Vn Tl rt lr.O0 it, .1M i.Tnl. i linll tn ...1. . , ... ., ,f , , . . ,. ol winch the 'baud' plays from morning till ., ... , , . , ' . f , midnight, and waltzing goes on without i. , 1 : , ...... ., " , ,. . intermission. In addition to these 'fcstivi. tics,' wo havo two theatres, each,; with its , performers in tight and very short gar- ment3 rivaling Ellsler in their grand evo- lutioD3- Saloons have their front doors clo,ctl hi' V"Umi6oa, but do a thriving UUMU"a UireBu 61UC c""-anecs. " I Politic, ix Titr. Pui.i'ii- Ex-Senator Dickinson, of New York, in one of his ora- l,ons luus T"3 " "l0 CIIC" ol 1BU0C1U cing politics into the pulpit : "It has done more to uemora.uc luc nuvuu miuu man - anv outer souiui evil, iui n una imum;u - dcalii in tho seat of life : it has dono more to dceroJte the causaof religion than tho worst opinions of Paine more to raise of an army of scoffers than iho writings of i.ltairo inoi-oto manufacture infidch than tho s-ced sown in the revolution of France ; and when al! these iulluences shall have been exterminated or forgotten forever, tho plagoejspot of political pulpits will rest upon onety like a deadly iucubus." AuuLI-HUS OCTS InsIMTUD. " Djarcst, " uila tbco a uct 1,11 c cicd tb ivy, '0 wciuucu vaic, c.o.e o i-uwu; brook, mcindeiin over itsi pebbly bottom, incessant.! v babbhVr dulcet tinkling strains, l'Loe, lovolove,' where iho atmosphere is 1 redolent of soothi .g spicy aromas, that makes the eye huigui-h, and the heart dissolve in the liquid fires of love where balaiy morning zephyrs sigh in tuc llcllso f(licst's loafy luazcs cliauti"S '""'l melody whero the tiny songsters ihat whirl in ctherial spaca warble nought but love. will pb'iit thoo a garden of gorgeous loveliness, called from nature's ardent de signs warmest tints, and smelling in i cen-c." 1 " Dolpl.y, tUar, don't forget to have :t patch for eowcumbtrs aud onyuns they're so nice pickled," jgy u old la iy in Connecticut is col lecting all the political papers she can lay her hands on to make sojp of. She sajs 'they aro a desput sight better than ashes ibc are most as good as clear lie I rrcKCou,a, s , ' factory has now ceased to cast, alio i lm&innii lifis i iliiil cut 7 simnlv frnm :i " , resolution taiccu oy mo proprietors " 'T1"" , ' " i might havo uceu lorcsicn. me nrm oi j Warren has ceased to exist within one , generation, t6F From various parts of the country reports aro received of a great scarcity of grain, but tho Chicago Democrat of tho 27th ult., a journal published at tho grain depot of tho Wcs', intimatos that tho talk about the scarcity of grain is a mere do vico to raise tho prico. EST A pretty pair of eyes aro the beet .nli-rnr in tliavo bv. " Yes." rcnliod I .. .. . .. nnd banholor on reading tho auovo, " many man Las been shaved by them." iUit cmD gumor. I1Y BEQUEST. THE KNOW-NOTHING. 0fTn1' 'Iic 1"nn' u?Ie,lti t,l1nS T11 I liia nl.l flim .. I'll.. in una utu wiwiuut uiiy, n, j.,,. or m LUo.cycd gW.f Will, checks so iiluinn nnd nrctlv. Of all the wonders of tlio day, That's horrible cr shocking, The greatest question of them all, Js, "Who arc KnowNothinge V Chorus, I don't know, iSor you don't know, So don t you ask mo anything, Tor 1 don't know ! These men wear white hats all turned up , And at you boldly, stare, sir, ?' Tlluv. ouivspoak with nods and winks, jm, never couiu ii.cir ..air, sir. They bent both Whigs and Democrat! ' W hot ever they do go, bir, And if you asl; ihcm auvthing, j They answer, "I donrt know, dr." I Cuonus. I don't know, &o, Tho ladies, Oh ! Lord, bless their souls, 1 cannot help but lovo them, wll0 wi'h alj their nods and winks, (Inn nvrr fcn Minvn Hinm 7 r Can over bo above them 1 They know their nods,thoir winks,and jork From head to heel and too, sir, And if you ask r. girl her name, She'll answer, "I don't know, sir." GnoRUS. I don't kuow, &o. You dare not tell your wife be fctill, Nor say she's always squalling, Or you will find a thrcc-leggeJ stool Around your head come reeling. The other day I asked my wife, Only to mend my stockings ; "Now, not another word," she cried, "For I'm a permanent Know-Nolhing," Cuonus. I don't know, &o, Tho other day I came from work, With heat was almost smothered, Says I, unto my youngest son, "Sam, where is your mother V He turned Ids fingers on his nose. And with a voice most mocking, "Oh, Dad,'' says he, "why don't you know Thit I'm a young Kuow'-Notliing t" Uiiouus. I don't know, &c. Wo took this same uiart son of ours, Ono day to public dinner, ind into tho corn, and pork, and beans', uc iiienuu iiiwu n nuucr. o.. il f 11 .1 i j - 'Your father to me show Sam," When ho looked me right into tho faco, And, says lie,"! don't know, mam," Cuonus. I don't know, &c, Now, young men, marry from ibis lot, Of pretty girls mount! you, Ami when you're settled down in life, And family cares arjund you ; Take the advice of one poor man Wito suffered deepest woo, sir, D in't toaelt your little chaps to say, "Why, roa'ly, I don't know, sir." CilORUa. I don't kuow, &c. ! XovV hiVlQS (lou-t you tl;llk U's l3ti And don't you thins, it's shocking, , That we, in free America, i Should all of us Know nothing ! And don't you say with all your heart, '1 d' believe it's so, nx ;" Or enn you say with all tho rest, "Why, redly, I don't kiww, sir." L-'lioitus, I don't know, Nor you don't know, So don't you ask mo auy thing, For I don't know 1 tsy Skips. A llos'on trader c llcd at a country farm houso, seme time ago, to buy cheese, but when he came la look at the lot he concluded not to lake it, a3 it was so full oi skippers. As ho was going off, the farmer said to him : "Look hero, miser, how can I ret my j cheese down to lioslon the cheapest!" ' The trader took anjthor look at it, aad seeing more and more cviJcnce of its being alive, replied : "Well, let it lay a day cr two longor, and I guesi you can drive it right down!" . -. tsr Hood never made a better pun th.nof Hook who was walking with a friend, when they came to a toll-tridgo. "Do you know who bu;lt this bridge t" said ho to Hook. "No," replied Hook, ''butjf you go over you'll bo tolled 1" Puzzlino. A lady, being asked by a gentleman to join in the bonds of matri mony with him, wrote tho word'simrfis," stating at the time that tho lottors making up tho word stripes, could bo changed so as to inako an answer lo his question. Who knows tha auswer. "Cap tal punishuiont," as thj boy said when tho Schoolmistress seated him with tho girls. 5T Why is a watch dog larger at night a thau bo 19 iu thomorniui t Ueoause lie u t 1 I IL. ,..., a let out at nigm ami tascu m, m luv v ing e