AliEJt 11. TATKf I.OOAfc ICIJITOK, Saturday Morning, May 10, 1057. Kp- Misfortune. Wo list! tho mis- tXu,nn to lirfiak mir Prnsa. Inst IiMilav. - , fttvi nfT tint n fn,a tmn.Unrl nf IhTcdition of tlio Oolumliia Democrat. Mb. WEAVi:n, of tlio Star, gavo us tlio uso'.of his Press, to liclp us out, for which act of kindness ho liai our thanks. T)r ' ' JgH,S, will also accept our thanks for tho Magnanimous tender of iho Republic Press, Mn. Lewis II. Maus, Practical Mach inist of Bloouisburg, took our broken Press in charge, and aficr several days' Incessant labor, and with tho oxerciso of groaTmcckanical skill, succeeded in put ting in good repair. This was a noblo enterprise. Mr. Maus is 0110 of the most soieutiOc machinists in the country. SSF Quite an ExcItk.ment. On last Saturday afternoon, our citizens were start ledlby a telegraphic dispatch, staling that MrTjoscph Morsh was to trot his black mafo from Danville to Hloomsburg and back," a distanco of 22 miles, iuudc of two hours. Ho left the judges' stand, at tho Court IIouso in Dauvillo, oxactly ono min ' uto'bf four o'clock, and trottud to tho Ex- chango Hotel, in llloomsburg, in forty four minutes. Ho returned to tlio judges' stand at twenty ono minutes to six mak ing tho wholo distanco twonty minutes in side of time. On his arrival at the Court (louse in Danville, ho was greeted with immense enthusiasm. His animal appear ed fresh mid strung, and seemed able to run tho same distance over without much oxer ion. fisrCuiiiosiTiES at IIautjian's Store. Our friends, tho Jlcssrs, IIartman, hayo amongst, their new goods, a variety of ouriodtics. One is in tho person ofa beautiful Frcivh Lady, as large as life.' Another is an iron clock, omblema tib'.l of a woll-fod Dutchman, blinking perpetual m'jtioii j and aiiotbcr,in the shape of n littlo wagon a Fremont Steam En gine, wli ch liko its prototype, has a strong propensity for running on" tlio traok. !6r '' 'I'm; oldest Ixiiaihtast'' ylt alive. A fuw days since tho vcuerablo land-tortoiso of which wo made mcul'mii a year or two ag , was found on the farm of Dr. llaniacy, ucir town, jut emerging from his winter retreit. On the lower tlicll is engraved tho legend "J. I). 1801," Future generations will find tho namo of Wirt, iuscriVcd on this apparently never ilying s:roll. Near it w.n found ano.hor, ")orInps a unto bearing date ls:)7. lST SlVORi: A1HIUT IT. A fallow V,lO - FeeiueJ naturally gooil natured enough, I stimpuil Iih too at a liulo in ono of the I '.''pnvoiiu'nti iu our town, the other evening,! i -..i... p ...t. : e ., .. . uu uiubu i, nu in ;t voucy oi oains mat 'wcre bl isphein .us to God mid disgrasoful to liiinself. W'c wui'ld su gosl to the own crri ol tlie-0 lioic-ll pavOIIICIltS, tO take flS ! ' . ' -much conol.ttiou outol tho above fact as' uhcy can cou.-cicutiou ly. . ' tar- J'.vory fotvilaya party of raftmc n pasi throu'Ii town Oil their nav home, nf ! . i l , n i v , ,' VJ" " ",u ""a'"g "K5ilreii:iuna.- Vxhcy Inns coo'l ncw.s for tho lumber mor- chtintf, as they report quick sales good "price for alnubt every kind of lumber. H Sy Delkiiiitul. The pa-t few days liavc licon truly delightful. Tho blue sky, 'the fleecy cloud, tho tender green that ' boj-ins to mantle tlio fields, tho balmy and ! ; balf languid airs, Iho youim lifo that ovid-1 , ... CUtly begins tn Wako up nature, all liar - (jbillger tho Spr Ilg. Pi 1 1 1 1 ,1 . -i Nov, wc beuoul again tho joyoua crowd- Cll Strcots, llio Clancin''CVO'i1 tripnill" forms . . ' " ' 1 CS 1 . .1 ,1,1. - V... . .in . uuu tiujj.iiii, urusMis. i uu luuie.i, "uoii bless 'cm," aro out in full regalia. Tho ' bonnets are very elegant and so are "some" of tlio faces; nnd whoro veils do not in tcrfero, an observant pedestrian is all day entranced with cndlcs processions of ang ,,lclie faces and figures (cscuso us,) that tor minato, however, uoi in radiant clouds, but 'Ji" dazzling silks and amplitudinous hoops ! C-Don't do it. If you don't Tish (to bo bothered with customers don't adver tise. When everybody knows what you fliavo for salo it is moro than likely that you will havo many calls for articles in yourlino, Rut if you keep your matters Close, nnil nmm linf. xrnnr nnvnrtnlnr frinnda . , . ana regular customers know the extent nnd quality of your stock, you will bo euro not to bo crowded, and you will do a pretty littlo rogular business such a busi ness modest men liko to do. Don't reako your business too publio, by publishing it to thoworld. -.. aST AsinuoTvrr.s. Our citizens havo now an opportunity of securing one of tho abovo pictures at tho Saloou of Mr. David Gintcr, iu tlio Exchango block, whoro ho is prcparod to oxecuto pictures in all kinds of weather, and never falls to afford satis - faotion to his patrons, Give him a call, cxamiuo h'u pictures and judgo for your eclvca. WSr Tho season for Ico Cream, Lemon lo, Sio is now nt hand, and ho doubt the ado, Sle is now nt hand, and no doubt tho . ' . ... '. lads and lasses will enjoy it, Elso & Wil- sou, mukfH u lute the nicest, in tliii placo cl jivI tr i (IfolUmbin JHcmocmt.!SpKING AND Summer TIio following aro tho receipts to llio oflioo of tho CoVmiiia. Democrat. durlnAAA'A'ff uio montii ot April, ib07 ! M'j.liaivllolilion, (1 till. Or OcoM lliti-nlmrli 81 0 iw u Ariittir. SI 1)01 MnJ, Enmii'l Frcas, :i 'jn Wni Ifnll'inan. 4 50 II Ohl. 9 110 l'nill nilberl. a no John Mill, 1 II Jeremiah llngcnhiicli, 2 III) 0. M.,niq., 9 00 John r.ockrtr.1 c mi Cut of D Unonenliem 10 0(1 J"1"0" 3 50 uenry rrerniney oil MontSOme ry Cote, 1011 3 Oil Wllllnm I'rlli, 1 071 II llitlcnlionclcr.Kr). 8 an II. P. Ilarlinan, t 00 Kit nrilcr.. lloone, 3A0 II r J.r. Taginrl, 37 41 ..aIIoI 1. r-.nn.H. I', rid ij. ii. i. hi ii. S Oil Joseph 8. ncan, 3 ui ' 1 CM Jonn lliieK Robert (lllrov, Jmso lllrki, r,p., Ilnnry llirtman, Alexander Mean, 8. W, tlf-R, W. F McMiillcn, J. I'errr Hmlth, HamiiPl Mrllenry, Jno. J, pillon, W II. I'eurman.Bii. I'eicr lies., Jacob H, He.., llnnry llrnii. Win J. Mess, thmiii'l Ill-Hi, 2,1, 1 . o TlVn! Jnseiill I'olie, U 40 "T' I. .. - l.n.. I. . n. Absalnvl llnmlioy, II Oil Charles Hughes, II ',5 Hh-rlir .Millar. 2 on Alexander Km. 3 00 Mn II-and Mi. a It. 0 00 Jacob Ilverly, Cti)., 3 87 "rorso llartman, I 58 George Wlllrio.liach, I 50 Alfred Unwell, lisT.., 1 0(1 Cplirntm Aurliy, 7 00 on 3 00 I 13 9 5(1 511 3 no 3 nil l 3', 7 oo 3 oo 7 on ., on 5 05 (I mi i o 1 75 A on " U "" Isinio f.l u. rrico, i jnsepn u urn, Oavld lleint-iild, 50 'John Lfwla, (li-orao V Ororellnir. 2 00 Wm, Colo. n'l . John TromWey, Ii III) I K. Dllilliio. 1 7.1 Jame lli-nler ft Co., 4 011 8ol.Ncyii.ini, i:q., 3 00 Est of II llaynian, 3 00 Ilivlcl I1. Cro.lry, B.iinuel llfueock, A.M. Ilnlilmn, Win McVliah, St. 0. Wooilwar.I, Spocial Notices. sTmparllh. no,v almost ' A PA JT.-Ur. Iliirloy'- orwortdwltlemirmn, in f.imly cstabliUu.l Hip bnl nndnnlv sen ill no tupdlrl o of (ImI Tho ci'rrs1 it inn pifick'tl ore without n. rallcl, it ml whl Ira astan I darti remedy wlicn all otlicr Saunjiaiilla crrcLuiHil In mrriteil obscurity. (13- Wli til Mir.liion, tho Urcek I'nnlcirm wm slaini Ilomrr said ofliini "a good I'liysiclan Is worth na muchas o whole urniy.1' Then a good medicine liko J!ytrt Cathartic H I' i. t wrlli a great tlral morr, bo ciii9u Itcurenns well, works wider nndlai-ts longer. The c i rcleol the best rh)ician'n labor nirst benarrow, whl tit ihcA a remedy if nvallalilc toatl can be tiadby every body, nnd ts worth having, TflH VITAL ri.UID enters rveryor;an of tho body Ih ongti the cirr.tlaticn, ditiriLiitculie nuiriilve prni ciplo to every texture and the source of cverv secrc lion. In a word, IthHio lifo of niiit, How impor tant, Ituhou'd htkrp. in a pure undhcalttiy condition. Hurler Sartapartlla ii known to pnMora prrpi-rt ipa which become astmil u(ul wlh the b'ood, di&intcrting it of dircast, and restoring exhausted nature to pristine vigor. Columbia (Texan) Herald. Sold by HCHCirrni.lN, IIROTilKIt k i'O Ev-Tlin DCMOURATIC NOMIMSn TOtt (30V niT NOR. A correspondent, writes that na eoon as Ren. Packer heard that lm had ht'cn nomiiiited Cor Cover nor by Iho Democratic Convention at UarrUbtirs, lie de clared hi msrll overjoyed, and avowed his di-tcrnihia tintitn take tho slump at an tarty day In nit Jrr"sutiUlu ii it of clothing from the magnificent rFtiblishment of (.tuiULi.E Htokes. So, 007 (lato Cheat Hit atreel above tiiti, riiiljdctnhia. The State Savings Fuml 83 Dock street, next door to the rout Qjftce. Bonn, largu nnd smal are reivlvrdon d'pOie,atiil rrturiieilatany limo, wilh tivi! piT rent, 'inf re-tt. Tlio olHcu in open daily, and (very Monday evening. jCSy- The live Per Cent, Savin Fund ofllitj National pafeiy Com piny, Walnut, direct, smitli WLil rorner of Third street. Phl1idilphiu. now more than Okb MiiuoNof Djllarx, nil in Moimot (iRouno lUsr, nnd other first das'! scdrit to tlic bt-t mil o depositors. 3-THOMAS V. MATTflUtf. Kccejer t!icl, .Medal ni tha World's I'.iir in I.oih'jii. JdI, for TltUNKd.CAIU'BT UAdS, l!oot. (.hous nnd (Mux. (I ri at inducement a are now nilVred t- purchasers of the aliuvoanicleg. Thiols iniirh the hrjjeU etorko. trunks, Cnrpe.i II tpa. V,tllce.&.f.. In t'hiladclphla very r hu.ip, or cull. M muf iclorit'H : ISO Mirket Sine), t?. V. ur iter an 1 Hi M irkt street, rt l corner of Foil rill. "VVOODIiAMJ CKtlAM." A pomade fjr brantiyin? the tilr tiitily pifn m I. t-tiv rl r l .my i'roitcti n tiral Imported, nnd fr hilt Ihe ice. 1'or i1 rlr f.nlhti II r it'll. Kim njn I, piiin? it a I rirh) ijlnfy nppiMr.ince, 1 1 causes Gt'ntlciu.tu'K llai lot o i to die nio-l mtni'rr It hiih m dan'rnlT, a'uavs givin? Hi" tf km (lie t'ppe.irancj; of I'eiiis eh fhaii poi.urd, I'll co iiilj li'ty ci ul None gt iPi itc uilIusk sigiml. 1'LTI.I! MIL LO. N. V. Prorricor rl llm 'Bolm of a Thousand foicen." ru'k.ile by ll nru'4i-lH, KQUAIilTV TO ALL! r TNirotiMiTY or imiii:i:i Nt- 1'eahiie it , I U liL.iNU.. L'tery one Ai's own Salauicn! or Ihe One Price Clihlni Slon- No. 'J00 ....! .,1.,,.. P.vll, Pli.t.,,1, tltllln ... ;,.,,.,.. i.Ui..i.-i.-.i. L.n.t Hi nlt fashiniiahle mork of Clothing in Pinlailelplna. made rtpret,-ty f ir ri 1. 1 nies, liave roii'-ti.iirrd ev ry one Ililnnwn n.i Ice Iiv h.ivi i" ifi'irkrd in ll?nre. on p,,,!,.,,, .,. Utn v.ry ioet ii.iieii cm be ou for "iiiey caouul po.sibly niy-iill nun. buy aiik 'i'1"' Soo.'irtro wi'l ..loiijieil niidpre-ia -ed. .Ti.'l g'eat ,.,!,,. ,., ,,0 ,,,,1(,. , h,ki nl cnu buy wm, ",p Ml n' leoorspinmr a coo,i nriicic at the very lowe.t nriri Also. a l-irge . ink of pji-eo gnniU on l.aii I. of tin: Iitejt it) lo and belt 'u ilines, u Inch will be iiii,1i, in orili r. in llio must I'.thhi unable uu.l best nnnner,'2ip'.r rent, bi low cndil price. Rn neinh.'i tho Crc.cLiit, in .Market, above itth Blrcet, N'u Bull. jovrs ic in. 0X13 PUIOU ONLY I I IHIiIWI'ii-I'T J. ft, 3 fl-,,.!, .'In,t.,r W.trlmil .P. Smih w.-i comer of I'ounh aid M.irk.n str.'cts, rini '''"'t. 7-A..rjroi'rieii o;' ti. ... i.rica I Uash nurchiser. ol Men- or boy 3 Clothing, a 1 wholei,aloond relall.c.m here, make then flection j froinnu iunn,.u,! mock of fashionably tut nod well inuiecioinins, goiup wnu n.vicw 1,1 t,.,u ,,.,, ,n.,u, ,!. ti, Ver, b.w.'it i,n.i,' ieiiina price in ! nnrked In plain llgmes on every sarin, 111, an nny at u.1,.,,,., ,l.u n ro I.I.U,'. nC ,.0,,il. nr not, they cannot be ilccieved. One uuifunn low price to a. k nnd tike, suiueveryb' wilo I'l" l,8tl3 mode of asking two prices,'iklns all thai can be lint, suits nobody, an Ich lals irlh. ; fur ir.slanc 11 man osksSI3.fiiraco,il,audafl,!rw,ird.a.'jreos lo take Sill, and iris equally certain, thai he uould tiavelnkeu SI3, ifho could have xn it, and linn actuilly chat iiepurcli.isnr out ofilvedollirs. To remedy this evil and.establiili confldinre in ihe irado.Ml'l'INCOT k CO., n a uuifonnbelow price on all ilicirsoods,(tiry much h low ihe usual rales,) and nill.iwvemry one cent under any(;clrcumslances. ts-oAi.i. ami sun AttheSonthWc.tcorno ol Tuurili a 111 .Market street. , t''"l;"lL'"'l'i3 SALAMANDER FIRE AND PROOF SAFES. TUIEF Tllti LAllfil'.ST A330UT inent ill the Unllcil States. Warranleil tn lie e'lunl In uuy nnw in.ule, anil will lie sul.l on a. good le nns, n-enn lie cititnineil I'ruiu nny other house in tlio 1 JIIIJI, .tfCrtfFrfttintrv. at mtefXmPJi!i!i I VANS tL WATSOV'S, 1 mJiSVjSVS saB nusi., i-iuiaiieiphia ..tth ia mihiitv and wim. i-ruvaim Rrpart of Ihe Cominillct.offolnltau suie.ii " mil mm. ine of the Iron tales, at Heading. Fttntar) 57, 1jo7. 4 ' I'.Emu. .March 1. I8j7. The unilorslnnccl. nieiuhers or Ihe committee , iln rcsncriliilly report, that wo nnw the iwn dales, ongi nal yaerreil unon by I'arrels U llsrrn.(auil l-v.iiis ilc ,.i., iw.Uhii L d r LTir .i.nnsF . i.: ci,.. r,,' Watson, plac il iu,i uy uuo n i u.r.l.. . .dI.i.1111. nni'mUlrr 0(1 Ittl' npaillii Ilailroail Ci mpany in his e atlteadiiii, mtniiraciuri'l hvParrclst II. rrinpl " the hole in ! ... n a l.,tz. In his -lolf. iuaiiur.ictureil Ly Uvanak Wntsou, anil put in hooks ami papcr i- " Ti'ib B nwa t n rleil at S J o'rlortt, A . M. .and ko un until fourenrda or Bretn hickory, iwocorils oik od li.iir clwstniillnn wood were oiil lieiy ro sumed.llio wlinlc under Hie supcri nleiiilonc l ly subser liters .memoer. ni mv ,,i,,i,m.. , "jf were I lien cooled on wilh water, ar ir winch in I. wore opened. and the books and papers taken out yr Ihn Oommlnee and lenl to 11. A.I,nnl.'8 store lo 1 "lXxZ .'J'Vo.'i Tul?1!- "r'tii YiS, nd nniknu ny iiieuoniiiuii1" . . m k eu rr om I lie B.itu . AUiiurac. llerrinL's wero. In our iudsinoiil, damaged fully hi I ecu per cent, inn re than those taken 1 from Dvnns & Watson's Bale 1 narlnl trial ortlic rcspucilvc ouaiiiies or both Bares, ' JAUOII II. UVPIIUIt. DANIUl S. We nelicve ine auovo tn nave liceit a l.lir un i in llavinc been aluentdurius the buruinc, vo rally , coineido with the above stmemenl nr Iho condition or ihe i.ancrs and books takon out nr Iho rcsperlivo i8i,fr" c: a vn:ni.r.a. I I 1 1 Sills iSi?3iMiBa'? m 11 'Jlll''' qi I,' ii UUUUB. rPUE undersigned rospcctfully inform Mglitstrcel, a seloct assortment ol lashionablo Spring and Summer Goods. illrrcl from the Cttlfrn cities, comprising nil the various solcrtlnns to he fnnml In Country Plorcs, Coii.intinn of Cloths, (Jassiiiicrc. Dclnlnrt, llraies, iineoea.c jogeincr fiiuiQii Kiiuii oi urcss good a forthnlndlcs.'H wuar, or almost vnuv BOUT AMI btym;. I.AIItr.S TALMAS AB, II AU'I.S &e. Oroccrlea. Molaaapa, Bugara, Teaa, Colfpf . Bpltft, anil in aliort,ercrythln In iho way of Merchnnillje. HPAnv MAnlll!I.nTIIIMn.nli,.,.l....lnilnn tCB 1 ron' Stocl, Vniln.Biilky Fprlni; .c. It" Thankful for paal patrnnntot it will b their stitilloui aim to plenao thcli cuatoincra and to give II. W. & W. N. IIREABV Llfht Street, Ipilt 11. 1857 r 1ST OF LCTTERBrenialnlra; In the Post Office at U Itloomtliiirff. I'n., April Ui, ls37. ' Alcxniiili-r'Heorgo 3 I llahlwln Win, ! Ilura S.lninct Hrown, J, A II, T. I U.lhlil Catli.lrlna I chcmlirrlnln Win , Christy John II. I Cn'cm Coriicliua i;1"1'0,1'". , I Freeio Joslah CTlih Henry 1". llillnnl Bamucl , IM'i.lev W. o. I Jacob llllll Sliphrn II. i IlLpkins Kfeiizl Lnro I villi ( M'Clitiiock Amlrrw IVnthan Himon ITrllir Francis Pffifrr Clnrlci Tllrr (tfOfEfo ltncl Wot'l Rvnn Joint Pclinteyor Vctt t 8jiv?on Mary Hintiifrr isonjamin Tovry (Intifrf Wahliiitnn (.'!. or co Wi tloorpp Wlowuy ilUcn li"wTliomi..on lutii i'reilerlck Wvi,cV ' "CrB Wl" pIW,a PPIMP UNAXG3T, V. M. April 1,18.(7. NEW GOODS. SPRING AND SUMMER OF 1857 T ho undrrsigned, prnteful for former I liberal patronage, respectfully Infcrms llieir (rienils nnd cu.tomers In General, that he hAs rom. inencnd hiislne.sin his spaci New Store llnu.e, nextitoortn If.inh hiiniaii's llnlel ulii.,. l.Ai... I Jilsl received, a lull supply of SPUING AND SUMMCR GOODS, cnmprl"lngivery v.irlely of fashion, lualitvaml style usually kipt In tho bcsi stores, Orocerlc.,(lulnccware llnnlwarc. I'isil. , Hals, I'nps, llools, Bhoca, Jcc., which will be sold onaccomniotlJting I'crms. ICJ- Grain and prudure of all kinds wnimd. A & S. ANDREWS. Manvillo, .March 2t),l857. y 1 PHE3IIU JIAG ioOULTURALIMPLE Th MIINTS Wo aro prepared to furnish Agricull 5.ral Iiitplcnientsnlllie vcrybesiqiialitv mnnufac lJtureilat our Agriculiiirnl Works, Urlsiol, I'n.- i lin; loivesl cash prices, wholcsaleor willchnllenc comparison ulth those iiianuractiircilby nny othcreslabtlslnnent in the country. The first pre nil mil of ono hundred dollars was awarded ur, by the Coniniiltrcof theU. S. Azriculturnl'their late Cihibitionat I'owellon, for "Uubeit display of Ac riciuiiimiintpicii'CuiR manufacture M by theexhtbitor. livery nniricsun-u dy up is waricnieu io ocas reo re. SL'Hlcd.or the money returned II I.ANnr.TII fc SON, I in e in e n I s .1 u d Se e d Wn ro h on sp, Nn3. 11 nnd Sl.tJouthSixlh street, Philadelphia. JNniber8.Jfi5(l JOHN II- ALLEN & CO. iVbs. 2 .J- 4 Chcsnul, Street south side be loio Water,) I'liilatlclphia. (Til OtDK.T Woon WAnn House, In Tiir Cut ) MANIJFACTURCIH and Wlintciale ilpalPrs In I'M. eut M.teliinp.imdp lln-onw. l'alcnt flrioved Cedar, ware, waranltdnol to shrink Wood nnd Willow-warp, Cord.. Ilru.hes &c,, nfall dckcrlptioiis. rieate call n ml pxauiine our stork I'ebm.iry 21, I P.I . I y. KVANS ic NPWCOMKIt, (formerly l'clb $ A'cwcomer,) Arch street, abnvo Third, Philadelphia, I.10IMIS or miiai.s- r ii liitKAKriKi, 3, b and 7 o'clock to in lUin.R.Cputlpiueu's irdinnry. I o'clock tola, " l,a,li,-t,, 2 o'clock. Tr. Jdocl.irklu II. UVAN UVANS.J fU S.MCWCOMDR Aug. II, ?S-,.-y. LANDRIJTH'S W,HUNTf.D GAR DEN SKKDS. GmM?S flilillrf 1'IGUII KniJIIrl, and I'LOWCll r SIJliDS. fur sale by I). i,Anni:"ii u sov. ,is. i nn.l 21 Sou lb tiiili st , i'liihdeiphiai Marrli 2i, 18'7. CIIARI.KS If. MAllPLE'S. HIE AM, I. Hi I'O II STOltR, A'". 143 Nuth Third Strret, Above Uacp, Hast Side, Tv,o doors nbovc the Uasle llolel- nilLADELPIHA: lino ronstanilv on hnnd French nrnnilJ,, Holland nnd a cenefiil noriinpiit cf I'orrien Wines, a'no, nil kiml" of Ainerjrnu Fpiri'g, he. Marrh 15 IWi' y, MI PCn KI.Ij & CROASDAliE, ( Successors to G tV. Hvl;way$ Co.) No. 30 North Wharves, ABOVK ABrn BlUECr, rim. V DELPHI A . OrrnurorMiP.nUheloveftratep.Jrown.01ivcand I'nlf H.i(iv Winter Hperm Oil, ,ard Oil, Sliner's Oil, Tm Tier 'eOiln, I'nnit OHh like, N'.ivalHtoref, RTtra White Winter lllejihant Oil, ',ti a White Winter Solar Oil.lll-nrlied Winler Whnle Oil. Coniinoii WJialcOII, lie lino Winle Oil. -ni-mi Ac Adamantine Can diet, &c. Oct. lX7, lb. -y. 1IIACHEK ct WODDROP, IVlIOLESALli BOOT. SIWF, ,1tll TKU.VK ll-JIKF.nOVSK, No. 10! Arch Street, up Stairs, netweuu Third U TourihSts.. upper si.luucar Union Hold, Philadelphia, Carpet Uags and Valces ofttlldct-cripiirns. IJIIAItl.KSTIIADlll'.n, March 13, W5G. UOUlilt'P WOUUltOr. WM. S. SMITH & CO., Produce Factors ANO Or.JVKII.1L COMMISSION .VF.nCII.I.YTS, No. 09 North Wharves, l'liii.Anr.i.i'iiiA. TlieMmket trnc or all toiibluiiiucnts aiivanrcil in C.t.ll uIiimi ilesireil. March II, ln;,4 -ly MUKPIIY & KOONS, CliNtHAI. COMMISSION ME ll CII ANTS, AND WIIOMiSAI.r, in FISU, C1IEESI- ti l'SHnlSIO.VS. No. 17 N'ori'i Warycs (beloiv li e Btrecl) PHILADELPHIA. Have con. tanlUna,) a large its- wsdastra-. snitmciii oi risif it (iiii:i:i;&i'iio ?CESS53 VISIONS, which llioy aro prepared to sell at llie lowest pnssihli: rales. tCJ-olllii:us promptly altenled lo. I'lliiiary'.'l, Ie37. NEW WALL PAPER WAIIEIIOUSE. KIJRTO.V & I.ANINO, M.NurAcrum:i:n and iMrortTr.its, -V0. 121 Arth Street, second door above Siith street, niiu, uui.riliil. "X7"I1KUE Iuay l fu"a largest and 'V hest seeded slock in Ihe cily. Country incrrlianu may hero bo accommodated. ' wilh iut iho liiconvenleneo or looking lurther, and Willi iut iho iiicnnvenienco or looking further, and may be iis.ured that lliey will receive Ihe advantage ui i',Bir iiiouey. IIUU'I'ON Se I.AN'INU, March 59. 18"7-3m 'HIE CZSCAE IIUOK STOKR, Comer ot .I Hi & Arch Street, Philadelphia , Henderson &. Co., naoKSF.i.Lr.ns jixn rvBLisiiF.ns. TNVTTE tho attention of all Persons Visi l i'tiiladi irhla. whelhcr on llilsinessur ulcnsuro to llieir Uilranrilnury Colleclionoruooks upon all sub. iji-rts. .,,..,, , t liooksollcrs, Country Dealers, Teachers, Tubllc and prlv.iio uiuranc, auppuvu iii,...iimi,.. rri lowest rates. c.u iicniii:i:so.n t co., i March 7, 13.17 flint. nbMJIWt HHAVVI.fc and Mnli'lllas, for sale i ! J) JIAUT.MAN S M.vH i" SWAN & CO.'S LOTTERIES. c piiai rTizo $30,000. TICICIlTd ONLY $10, OWINO to tlio ersnt fatortriih whltli our SlnBlo Numurr l.otlitrle. hara brn lerelvprl hv llm puhllc, nnd Hie larno dpinaml orTickla.lll', Mnon peri, H. Bwak & i:,i., will liareu drawing r-arli tlatur ilay iliroiieliont Hia ytar 1 lie lollowiiig Pcliemo nitl bo drawn In cacti of llielr luirlca for .May, IR.-.7. i (,'I.Akm 31, ' Tobcdrawn'ln Iho tlty or Atlanta, (loo. jla, In pub lc, on S.niiri'iif, May 31. IW7 Toboilrnwnin tlio rity ol Atlaii:t,Or.orga,lii public, on faliinl.iy. Alnvlllh, lfOi, i'i,,sd :ic, To bo ilrawn in tbp cllyof Alllint.l. Cli-nrcia, in pitM! oil.Sulnriljy, May lull, 1S0T, l.l,A83 37, , To be drawn in t ii y n' til i.m.'l i a, t n nubli r. mi nliy, II ly IS, I " ui.Arts as, Tobu drjwiiin ttni cily o! Ailama. on fe'atnrtljy, .M ty ntiili C I'l.AM or HI Nil 1,1 7Vir 77,lanJ Td' llindrei and lloro than one l'r'uo to eve MtoNiricrMr SCHF.MKI TO 1: DnAWN I! A C II S A T U K II A Y I N M A V I lTrln-ol' .Ml.tlDUi. sin ooo UUU14 lU.UIKI I. KHl.KiU S, 1)00 IS 3,1)110 i s 5.0111 is !! 5IIII '1 i! .101111 U.VIOU J, 511(1 1. 2.r,UUH U,.nuia I. (Hill I. 1 ,IK)0 I S l.lKIOia I, nun Is 1,1)011 is 1 nil are .Klnro SU ,01)11 iii.iiiii 111,01111 .1,1)01) .i.ooi) ,'i.ono s.iod. i!..1(W l!.5(Ki '-',5,.KI 11,5110 'J 500 l.OIKI 1.000 1 Mill 1.000 1,0011 .. .... ' luil'iizo ol I u,i no lO'l 5,000 1 1'rizci e' iili'i! li. J.KI oio'i'rlio arc Slno 1 1 1 r,z,. l I 'V. " o 1 -I.. .T.V. illr,J arc HU ui.v riti.ns 4 ico ilO.IKIO cm H 'l Si 'JO eo so 10 ooo .1 DUO 11,5110 1,000 cio " coo 7JU " 500 00,000 $3 UUAIt- 3000 3290 Prirn a mot nilnp to WIlOLli TICKUIH Sli HALVES 1 L.KS Thin of the Lottery, Tlio IVumbrrs trom I to no.OOO.corronpondini willi those Niiinbcis on the Tirkets printed on rfparntr. slips ol paper-nrp encircled with a mall tin tubus and placed in one wheel The ilrt I'm', riinihrlv printed ttid encir cled, are pliced in nnother when I . The wIipcIh urn then revolved, nnd a nu mbcr (a drawn from the v liccl i f Number and at tlio n.nuu time a I'mzh is dnivn from tlii other wheel 'J ho Number and l'rizrilraw n oil are opened nnd exhibit ed to the audience, ami registered by tho Uoinmiti sloner; the Prize being pltcod n;aint the Number drnwn. This opcratiuu is replied unlit ull tho 171 z i! are drawn out tipproiimation rnze$ 'i ne mn piercuniR ami wie 'lw" suctutdiiij,' Nuuibrri to thoe dm in:: the flrt i,d wll be entitled to tho ,1 Approximation Prlroti. nrrnrili us In 1ln Krheine Tne 83000 l'riR"8 of $iU will ha determined Ii y iht Ian (ipurt'of tlicNNimher tlnldrawi tho 3iU uuo I'nze. I'or vxnniplo. If tho Nuin'ier travi i nir tho JgU00D l'rl7.c cnd with No 1, then nil Hm Tickets Hhiru tlie Number ends, in I. w II lie en til led to If the Nuinucr ends wiui the Nmiiljur tmu on too Cortiflcntrq ol liitr rater, which L'tjrlificnto of I'acknce oo no jo nan uu iu do do lOdunrter do ilO do do 10 Uiihdi do 1U IIV OUDCniXn TICKU'IH Olt CCRIiriCATI'H. Enclose the money lu our .idlreanfor tho tirket( ordered, on rerrint ol winch they nil he lorwjrdcd by llrtl mail. I'urt ha sers cm hae tickets ending in nny fiiitf they inn v deplgnu fi The J.ibt ofDraun Ninntitr and I'rii'fiu ill lt! sent to purchasers hntm-ilintcty alter tho draw, tig nirchapers will plejiowritothci rsliro'iturfi r'ain, andcivo tlioir Post Odice. Count v nnd B'nlu- Remeniticr that et ry Vixzv Isnlrawn and piyahlc in fU II without tlrdiir tinn . All I'rizcfl of 5 tOKOn ml tinder ild lorn dl 'tcly nfter tho dr iwing-otlicr lSwis alt lit! ilmo of thirty tlilVfl. All commnniriitlono Ptrirtlv confidential. Addremi orders lorTii or CVrlitkale to i S. HW.W it CO . W(fl(a. Ga rj A HhIoI the mi'irieri Mint ant iTrawu from the wheel, w lilt the a nion ntnl ihe pri.'t that e ir tj uni cut iH'-d to will he (iohllhei iiftei evorv dra inj; i n i Hie lot low ill'! paper -Vcir Orlra I)rlia .Mobile fj. gitter, Cliarlctfon tadttrtl, Yiiihrtll Ja:tfte Atlanta itnrinrnccr, miuj wru intuit tjay jt,Q..iii cuoennart MorntHff Aiv Apr'tv.i.ltf.7 T) ii is "if ii sT" Kid iFntttisKH,"" Ittipotten nttl IViU.stl f) rales in VM VDUY GtiOIKS. Prcni'li, Knliali and GV-nnan KM U ItOlO I'M ;., WJVI TtMMIAGS, AVI) MIM-lNK'iY GuuaS 1 GBNKJtAL. No fJ', Norlh'l'lur.l .-'l. nio rri Vll I n.h'l phi.i . rpllli r1"'!' crtt'i'i-' wmi-d rr-(ieciluU ftilnrm their JL f ii'Miif tied tor M i ( in general, lint i.i'V liave tateii 1im l.'i v r-i.i to.iiiiiodi.tu' More, o ill Nnrlli t-eroml Si ei-i V ot l!i e. ai.d luriiiehrti il will! im enliro new . i.i .o. Coot ..tu wluth liny would invi e I their .p rin'i.'r .' e.' i In-,i vj, o ' . i -fii r.irllitii'i and lminj; h'td at , lonpi'jie.H'tue Iii' li.'ia I'.nuirii f or isn tin r I'i'i r i.i Me riiant- tni-r.ill Mih Hhj laiott ilt: o ti.( (.'Hill KmhiGiJcri", tc. at unuiiallov p ca i hope hv eirnt nttuniion lu Ihusi nosb io hie la e oi piiid cj.n oi. in: i:i'itis 6c ixcvmii nti No (i. to 1 huiltilicci.ahuvo Arrli. Jn MirvJO It 7 .mams ii tio nr n Gil AM M AT 10 A L WOKK'S. Till: TlliST BOOK ol Ihe it.inoiial vsrp. SVhle n o II 1. O I'ltiilm T yil.. VflJ?"X nii'.siii.'OMi i oou o, iip ri.iion.ii'.r,.5?aiW ! sy.teio o il '.ntl c-ti I'.ic. ileidiied lo irU3ilny tivdi l-iij o imp so. ' ' in; tlie liil-iltsh 1,'tnsilaso with iii'tit' toil iioeii: aii.1 ii'ei. I ol using il with giain i ii .' . piiiji e, . Ill eis. Tli''.o wiir..i a e a willed in the Public Schools in the nrsl H. iiiiol Hi- ic nf Peli us 1 a ma. 'I'll i: 'I'll ill 'ililioi; ofibii civsii'm nfdrani mar ile.ig.icl io cp b-e llie leariier lo become most ' th.iri uhl v ncniiaietci iv i i honaiiicp anil el hip Pre- pii.itioiis.'aiul may be it-ad b linn citnir in or mil of sciuiiii. , . IIKOWX'r! GHAVM.''ICI. RUAI)l'.lt Ihi'lioiik I sets aaldu Iho old Oiimuiari. e.i eslheir ilell'.cts. demon. tr'ileiiilip dllle iw n al.e,i' ,'2 lo lliem.aud ! pre.eiils lo II it'l'p.irliPi me en,' ,.ig and onivwayto Iip (Iraminer ef thitlJuslMi I. .mip-e IITJcls. Tor sde hv IVter (irld 'e. Hi A IIL'II Street, Plnlada. I Tibnnry 21, IHfl". . L. P.nicoast t& Co., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AX 11 IIGAUIBS IN FISH, PROVISIONS, SALT, Nn 17 N. nh Wlnrvn., riillailelplin OMNIBUS LINE & LIVEKY STABLE nni,n riiuniio, V VSiS' NOW runs a new Oiniiilnis VtrVtfi'r' lielween llliflii'sliurj and tli'i iHZ W i.-ii.,,.,.i I i.u l . which Mill Uke pastensers rrom aud to nuy or tlie ri'.idcnccs o' the town, or llio Am 'ricm IIouso and fork Hold, mid no will conveyances In all travellers who may wi.h lo go Intn any pin nr llie ciiiinly. He Un. also a urge llvcrv n ihlu conncclcd wilh llie oiniiibus lint, rrom wllieli he cm arcoiuinodato the puhlic, nnh conveyances lor travelling. plcnsuro cxniirsions or huslness. Illuonifburir. AprillMMl ly JOSEPH FUSSELL, VMBl.F.l.L.1 AXO r.llMSOT, MAXUFACl-VRFM, NO NORTH FOLRTII STREET. lA'urU ll'e.I earner of Market street ) 1'IIII.AUEI.rilIA. jv. II S now on hand nu eilon.iven.orlmi lit I &$al 111- neiveslaii.l mo.t de.ira'ilu kinds, In- I sJ5?iludi.s many NLW STVLU; to ho Had in tills market, ' or gi ork Is solicited bcrore purcli i It, IS57-3m 1.1, ,i...,.,u t. All examination here BKUCrS AND rJCI.TZIIItS VH0r,"AIi. WINE ,y LIQUOR S TO HE, No, 1232 North Third Street. (Above Culloulilll.) pii 1 1, it i' ii ia. Scnonl aisoriiiiont or nrandica Wines, Cordialu, and Lluuors or every description. k. tiuiTs. r.t.ttmtn. October 7. H5l-3yrs(p. NE W SPRING AND SUMMER To lie Sold Very Cheap, jusr mx'r.ivi r. at tiik Fruiir. or .1. J. IIKOWEIt, UoiMilh'irg pr t.' No s 1 lien all ine iicm:. unere Ml Are 1 Street, be low Seventh; V lil.iM in 2 will bo enuilt'il to i'iu.anu so , ,,,.,, , , ',,.., n,, "..i. ,.', Package, willhc sold at the follow uV. Wali-i Cure Masnell.,,,, n.i.l p nous aphy, J Isllierl'k: V. wholesale nndrelnll al Vpw Yo. k ,irl, pi,. I of 10 WholeTickcis. S0 C i-roiossionn; I' wnu e.iarli. and 50!l (Successor to PERRY J- EllETY.) DOOKflBM.ER, nt.ANKHOOK MANOl'AIJTIJIinn. BINDER AND DEALEtt IN IMPOtlTF.I) S; JIMKRICJItf STJiriOMMr, H.W Comer, Itli nnd Race l'luladi liilila. (jod rniNTixo,) (HOOK IIINDINn,) WM. Q I'MHIIV nnnouncca tn i V. '.rT.Y I . . i V id Palron. thai ho la s on i ina . TT friend an. on low icrms. ni ink-nook's mad In n sup' rloi stylo J..S J.?.?? ?""'"tln'r. Sultiililf for Hakis. Tiauc f'frnn. mMIJ ,11V,', l.1","" ' M'!',f' lialtt l'irJ "".k,of a" k'1".1" lorpuhlle iMMBOl nnd I'rlvatQ Ijihrnrvs Frliunl.ltn b Uurlalu I'jpcrs.Wrappini! l'Jnera Pools.' cap, i.ciier.noiiia i-riiiiinti'nper., Plain rnrchmcnt, l'.ire inienl.k Pnfj-r IHrda. SloriBiigcs fcc, Tromissa J III . Ilie o mv esinlil ni T.A.II. LY I'ORTltAIT llllll.i:. can lin nnrrl.n.e,!. II, I. I, ,:.- i.soiirrnni, 1 p',i Iran ni cnin nil v tlua mem er March "III, 18.17. Spring & Summer, AT MENSOH'S OIIEAP STORE. 'I'Hhi tiniicrsicnod liav nr? removed his 9 Hlorf.nnin.n.ntllio.ti.n.l.l.,.'?.! n:.ll.. II i.v tirennied l,v . . ..." .. (J & I W llarlllMII where with iilf,:lter liirrnike.l facilities, he iscnnlileil to niftrn rullniaui mentor Spring and Summer Goods, Which Itu lias Jut riccivedf. om 1 lie K.taeni IMlics, coniinsliis Dry (to.ids, II rncerics, Hard-ware, Cliiccus. ware Ccilar-ware llollO'wnrc, Uriigs rish,bnli,&c, IMitslcr, I roll, .:lil.lti,otR,Blioes,llalR,Capff, kc.hc. Also READY MADE CLOTHING. In short, every turns usually kept in country fliorcs t0 which ho invites the public generally P ,0",lll,,"l ,?lu ,,fD" '""Hry frodure takeilincichaoiiolnrllom s.all be I frost m.l rkpl tirirn. takeiiincxchaugolor Hoods, alllie liignsl ni.irkel price, I A. U. RlhNSUI). 1 nioomsburir. MnnhSI. IM7. 1857. SPUING AND SUUMFn, GKO. IIULI'IN & CO. IMPOUTFMi JI.YI) MJItfUFJICTUIlF.nS, 171 OIIKSNUT STltKBT, A re now prrpired'tn eilnMt their New Styles FOR SPUING TRADE, lNCl.ttMNH lllahrk and colomldilk Miintlllns Cbanlly Lac Man. M. id, II. is. Trench l.nre .Ma n I il I.i", Embroidered Bilk .Mintillas, Iliipb-d l.necand Net .Mantillas, Mourning Manllllas, llas'tne., Talmas, A.c , A.C., Allofwhich wlllbe oirorod nt the Lowest Trices. CCO. lllll.l'IN & CO. 171 Olip.nut Street, above itli, I'hila dthia. MirchTlh, Idl. PII11KNOLOGIAL OAUIXKTr" FOIVI.UUS, WI2I.I.S &, (0 niiiCNoi.oi'.is'i'K ami ruiu.isiiniiK, AG H 10 U LT U K A I . IMPLEJ1HNTS. jjpjra- IMPIlOVIill Ilay I'repsei. Tanners lloilcrs f&X't$i Horse Powers a idThreshiiri. drain Talis wVi5? S.Msauu Ciilici-s and luirrs of vanon 'yrw1 piiroiu. l.iinroved I'eriablo riroin Mitu Aw Vor.'tllilc. ALSO Hay straw and fodde ,. umicni liiareal varietv, PA.S'IIIAI.I. MortRIS &CO. Agricultural Warolnuscalld Heed Slcrc. Ttlt and .Market Put lad el iiliia. November a.'.IHiO. J. B. & S. A. AI.LKN, awl 8 south If'arvcs Philadelphia iVo. Dealers in Oils. HIVRnlvrii in.tnren supply ofOils for Maellln ery. llumiug undcoiiiiuoti (.Teasing purporei as o ows : I r"pprni, WnlerWhnlo, l.nrd. llaeked Whale, 1 Ulepliant, (lreainirand , , Molar. Iln.inllils, ; Whirh they will scl lal lovvcslrate.. Mav l'J, lhaa y. " U L' NDS A X 1 SHADES! of aw $Trr,nt 35. J. WELIiTAMS, NO, 13 NORTH HIXTU STIinnT, PIllLADELPH! lANlirA('TUKUIt OV VENITIAN UMNP3, Vol. .M vei. riohl Itordered and IViinted riIIAIir.4. nf lieaitliful (Vpignfi Hull", and nil niher rolonof Hoi land meil for SlinliM. rniiinM.Triininiiig''. fee, &c , hileiale nnd Itetnil. tit iho lowest price-. TT3"rftoro tftmlcii puinled to order It. J V ihnnkltil fur nuroiuisc, reeftfiilly fnlirii4 the puiric to call and examine his new and l.i ro ouboi t me nt, heforo iinrrha'infi eUeuli' iu, Study to I'lease XI Itnjch 21, 137 3ni KKV LIQUOR STOIIK. NO 13.1. NOIU II Till Itnrs'l P.TnT, lu the Eas,lr, littilliits, Above Race St.) Philadelphia. 'pilfl underiosne.l hogj 'civn tn liiloriii hit frienilannd 1 tti.- nilldie. Ihlt Ui 111" onne.1 nn et1e,i!(vc LlQUOll HOUSE, in tho Haute Uulldings. No. N.. I St , ai anve, where lie H'lll ho hipfiytii su p ly M.'rrh'rnt. llOiel-kei'p-rjt, and cntomM scnuraily, with iho clnici."t omndd keptin IMuludiliihia. wabiAM nronsT (Late of l)anrl!e ) Marrh Till 1F57.-V 8I'KAW UONNKt'8 & HATS. T low prices for Cash, a largo and well nssorled Florkol Wituien.. Muse. Ac riiil.lrc'l., STRAW & SILK UONNETS MF.XS. UOiS Jl.Vl) CIIILDltrUi'S Straw Hafs. AivnriciM.. n.owiias, i iiuwct iiuiiar J1ISSES STKAW IIAT3, WAI.TH1W k dl'M'KIIOUSi: Vn. 51, North 4lli gt IOip.iilt.i. Hoirluals llolcl.) Marcji 7, OT I'lnl.idi Iplna. Peruvian Guano. rXl'IIRI r.N;r, hi-l uiyht the r.'i mtf thai ho oLy HEi.tABLF I' U the PKUUVIANOOVKItNMENTGUvXO. The ubcrihpr. ioto , jrrnt in I'hilmlf lphia for the salo of it, hns now on huitil a t.i rpe stork of PURE PERUVIAN GUANO. Whirh he will Hi'llnt tho lowest Catii price, tiil-its lo i suit cnlier dealer, ur luruicrs. S. J. rilRISTIAN. Sole Agent for Philadelphia, No. 4S Norlh Wharves, anil 117 Water rilreit Marcli7tli, lf.17. Ihn. JOHN M. FORD, IMPORTUH, MAXUl'ACTURUIt lUBAI.CR IN SADDLERY, OOAOH HARDWARE AND TI1I11.MINGM, No. 32, Nur'h Third St. Philadelphia. PUIICIIAPDUS will find ittnllieir advanlau in ex nliilno my Stock, liicti is vcryolleiiiive.and pur chased; and cnu.ists l u .ill llievariely or.N'ew niyles ol Hood. in my line N. II. AllOrdcr. shall have puiticulurand prompt aiiinlinn HcpleinlmrC. I Mil ly OLlPH.NI', WO0DSIDE & CO. Importers and Wholosnlo Dealers in lUiitcs anD tquDcs7 No. 155 N'ortli Third street, Comer of Ncie Street, Y II I L A 1) E L P H I A . r.OunuKT, J Wixiusini, dro. McAlf January, :id,IH.i - y. "AP PllEN'riOIi WANTED. WANTED immediately, by tho sub- scrlber, a HOY lo loam tlie -An Ware nn.1 Hricel Iron Wio:u0(!uod siluallor. will bo e A. M. BUI-EUT. llloomsburg, April 11, ISi?, LAUKIN & PACKER, SUCCE3?OR8tnI.lilitfooifcam.lley,ii)anuractureM aud HATS & CAPS. AVn Straw Goods, s4 Nn. 41 Norltl rlecond .Ireet. nexi (,mp above the Madison House I' 1 1 1 1..M) I'.I.I' 11 1 A . Merdiants vliilin; llie city will liml itln tlielr nd vau.ieo in call aud. i.iRinu om goudso.roK. m.iki nu reieths If rl ions Mar ell It It" ' ...,).. m ,...bc 1 .i.MHy.jh XX:lXVPn "tigncsiirug store, in enter, as ho alio- f"" !r.T"n.'. ?' '"',0 modat aiiynum. of ,ie. , ll snares nelihernte no, sei.Ch,M ,, . td. to PO UOtl rats, and her mi.lrlrm .1n.ll. I NUMUIIIta. , "I," i.,tT,!ir 1 i.i n,.. ., oirnlikotliublnve.llw bcnulllul, llio riraceul,mi,l llio '. , , . Mnti) I'nuil I liainlMuic iijlc. , " T V r"P'r' ilnr.friniihoiii euuu aucr, a suspicion 01 lout play Was rv Ten TioknU. :"...?.. p'-r:!iv' cipt m iim niiiinni n rwrmancnt ondsneedv mm in created. Clark was arrested, and a O;orn. 1 aiicri iinnrin i rRRV rv run I 4th Ac Ilni-P. I'llllrwh Int... w ill II , rill'-!, "cirripiiuii ui cuaraciei , uay and eveninir. Clbiuetfrc,!. I Mny 12. IbJ5. v iONsnaiPTioiv, AND ALL DISEABCa OF Tllfi I.UNriH AND TIIRUAT lira poslilraly cnrabio by inlialatlon, which rnnvrva I lie relm,llri In ihn pnvltir. In iha lungs llirougli tlio alrpas.Bgoa.niidcomiiig In dlrnl coniact witfi llio diseosu, ncuiraliita tho tubcrculur matter, alla)a Hi- cough ctnse, fn-enndeniy eipee- tnrniloi, liats the lungs, purlllaa Die blood, imparls tone atidnnrriy so liidl.pcii.abli.' for Ihi rctlorniMin or ne"h, Tob nblo to sluie condrlonlly Ibai Uontump. ""''ciirabiobylnhal.iion.lslniiion.ourceoranal. ... ni....... 'i. i. . ,..... -, im nual Ircaimcm as noy oilier formli'ablc dl.casri ninely mil of curry hundred cases can be rurrd In ilic t 't' ud nny percent. In Iho second but nlho .tl.ird siacelt Is Imncs.lble to save more ll.annvcner .n-ni.. inr mo lungsore ao em imi ny iie illala.o as to I bid dcllancn lo ni'dlcal skill I:vcn. hontver. in Iho l,,l stairs, lulialallon mrorda eiir ordinary relief to 1 tlio suir. rlnj olicndi igthl. fclful .eouriTXhlch an i 1110 iiiu.ring oucnni ifinn ur.irul scourge, which an 1 li:Vi'u fen'onoTn'nSVc'otTrcleaicK I'lKJSBfffitaiS mil. l,i,s ,1 r,. rf,..i.,.,l I ll, e.,n ,i... 1 Coiiriiiiiptirin. 'i'he flrrlcat.te of Inhere 1 1 .is from mi n. -l he iiflubereli .Is from im nnd Hip Immediate tfTefl, produced bylbrlr ii the luiii,i lo prevent Ihefreonilml.. ion pure i.iooii, nnu ine in i itenoiilloliillthe luliu: ofnlr lulu tliciiirrclls.uhiclicau.esa weakened vita i I lity lhrousli the i ntlre )tem. Then surely Ills mnro rniioiiniiueiprci nrcnier soiuirriinl inodicineH enlcrlns Ihn cjviilesiif Hie lun; than Irnni Ihnao admiiil.lcred Ihrnuch Ihusliiniathi llic pit lent wlllnlwnys liiid lie limes free nnd the brinthing rary alter inhaiinc, renin." ,,,, , ,ii!., , linn isniocni rLinciy, ncveriiHje.s i . ., ,- 7, , morn powernnii rer- 'r"1'':11.'""' mi.niiiereiihyihenomach in " '".nnn iiircci li,u,,erc nl II,,. tnoiln t ni, in ii.irii ndiiiiiilriitiun, flilotnlorm Inhnlrit will ftiiirfly de utoy ff'iMilniny in a fow ininiiU'4 jninl7.ii.p tlio cn lin-nrrvotifr pjnti rn n tlint n limli mny lm nmpulnled uitlionl llio ulislit'-fll imin ; inlinun thf ordinary hum ii ft u 111 d-troy lifo hi n fuw lititirn. l n.i Inlial.'ition of nmmntiin v) rotisc tit c ycfni I of tlie iiKsliriticn H perceptible in the kn n few min I utcs nfiir bciiiB tnhalpd. nnd nny bo immediately do i hi in uu u t coiiviiirnipprnoi or inr conti- ( tuiiontil circt orinliaTation .Is Hip fact tlint nickncas l.i po.iiivo evidence ifiat proper renirillc,eareliilly pro mrp, ,,,,.( I, nal n.l,..l . niwavd prnmiri-ii uy nrcaining foul air Is not tliln pired mid Juclic.lnusly ndniliiUlercd llimi'inii the liil'js, fhmild proilnrelbe nin.l happy remllsl flurlii- eijli. Vl' I.' u""r l'"11''1"'' ""'!"; f"""'a"d surferinii from di-e. p of Ihe liinzs and throat, hive been under my re dnil I have ellVcled lonnv rettinrLnl.u nrler ihe sufferers had been pronoumi'il in tlio la.t ' s.n-es. which fully satisfies me thai cou.iniinlion I, no lopaern fatal disease. My irealment ofcoiisiiniiilion l ordinal, and foiinilcd on Innceipi rienre nnd a Ihn. Iroitsi, Inti'ttiitaiion. Jly perfect acquaintance wilh , the lint. i, c oriiiberelec.Stc, enables me lo ilislln"iil'h . readily, iho wirions form, of ilisiu.e lhat simulate eonsiliiti tion. and npply llio proper remeoies, rarrly j helm mlslakcneveiiliinsiiijleease. This fainiliirity, I in rnnneclion with certain pallioloirlcat nnd inicroseo. I pic di.eovcries, enables me to relieve Ihe lungs from tho elT'-ets of contracted chests; lo enlarge Ihe che.t purify Iho blood, impait to it renewed vitality, livina encray nod tone to the cull re st stem. I not :a, Tost officp. o w ciiaiiam. m n nfflce 10') FitaitT sire, I, below Twelfth, Philadelphia, Pa. I March 14, If.-,?. DRUG, PAINT AND GLASS Wholesale Warehouse OOUNKU OrTHNUI AND MARKP.T 8THt;CT3i Olhcc i n Second Hiorv. PJIIMWEI.PIIM. WCinvileattcntlon lo oitrenhrjed Block or nrncB I'ainis, Oils V.irnihef Acc , pekT.d esprennly for our snle, nnd rompiisins oiip ol th finegi nssort incnt In the United State, which we oiler at low nrlres, lot riifli or approved paper. Wli MANUrAtriUlEiery extensively rrmiiiin I'n re While Lcnil, (licit,) Ken-iinstoti I'urc Whitehead, I'eatl rfnow White I.eart. "Viullo'" Trench 7.!nc.(hes,) Pure Snow While American Zinc, IMiiladi Iphi.i Snow White inc. Silver' r'a-tic Fire and Wealher prood'ainti. Ohrome (Jrecni, Yellows, and totors cem.rallif. AtIi:NT8 FOR: I'orier'a foperior Alkilinc Window (Haw . ;ennine I'rL-nch Plate Gl,in,(warranteit.i Tho New J.Tdpy .mc Company' produclc Tilden fc Nephr-w'a - Y. Vnriilmieji, Itrook l ti Premium Pure While Lend, Hampden Permanent Oreeim, Pure Ohio Catawba 11 randy, A.c, &.C, I.MPOUTIIRa OF 1'reneh and nnih Pbte tn", I'renrhniid Lncliith Cylinder (! I.u, Colorednnd Cnarnved WindowOlai, UiCiiurri'oi v no (Ilaj. Hammered Plate for Floor" nnd Sky. Li hu, Urne. Chemical, Perfi'inery, 4tc. WIlOLIiSALK I)l3AM:itS IN: Dnipaisii' Artitles ue,nernl!y Palnteri'' Tont of all descriptions, I Hydraulic and Ilomnn Cement, i Calcined nnd IMindPlnfter, . Paper MakerNCIav. Satin While, fcr , e. I FKLNCII, HICIIAilUS L CO.. Pi ore, N. W corner Tenth find Market ft,, 1 Factory. Junctimi York A v., Crown Ac Caltouhill, Anril 11 1P.'i7 Philadelphia. NEW OAIUUAGK ESTAI3LTSIIA1ENT IX liLOOMSBUJlG. Ia the Now bricl: three Story Carriage Factory, cn M ain below Marliet. nplin sulncriher would respectfully annniiiicc lo rhe -L public. Ui.'t lie liuscumiuf'ticdl Hit! rfi?i--&',v,nnv MU'ivn rVNlfiV iu nil 11- l.r.iiicltiM II? U nrmretl luptrn.H' nil "piers uu,! ti.isnii Uu ml n. r,'," t.-ofliuenlnr(iiiiliil work niii, Ii pin cll isvrs n illliu,1,! to llieir mlvJiltuge lo exa mi nc. RUrAIR'XR. Will iieilnnr In il,p mnsl prnuipt nnd manner anil iimhi tains wliirli rnnimt till lu stv, s.ilifnrlinn. Mi ll uvimiiiui: A. WILSON. Ittoo.niliur?, April Vrf. It!.i.1. GAKDKN, FIKlir& FhUWKU SKhDS IRCSII AN'nnnVUlNUGARDI.N'dCr.DS, lnvery . vnrii'l.nt uliolecjiand retail eiiilirariiiR all ihe new aud I'lesirahio him'i, c in tolly put up in jiapcrtf for the r tail tr id or Fiippileit in hulk Clnneee ti.igar Cane Sec.l Jip.n Pl:h Oranse Water .Melon, Lc A ho a ilmi ee asor'netlt of linel'lower fi cits. twenty varieties in a hex ftr 91 Clean Clover andTimothy Seed.O-'cliaid Crar, UyeGrnsa, Herd and fine Lawn Grass, &.C.. tve, PASCI1 LL MOHKIS i CO. A'ricuUii ral Imi'lemcnl and St-cd Ptore, N. 11 cjrnur ol 7th and Ma-ket m rei in. Mardi l. tfo. ?lnladH, h 3. M'ltlMi JIM) SUillillER aOTIIIXG, i mlin ii,irslened cralelil! Tor part pnlronaee. re I I gneclTullv .iilurlus lilsclislnnti'13 and llie iiillili .niTully tint lie Ins lust recrived rrom the i'.as eru Cities, llie larsrsl and most select stock ol I Fashionahlt Spring .y bummer C tctlnv I ilialhasyt'l been npi-iied in lllooiusburg, in winrli lie 1 1 ii v i ich the aileiiliniiol his lr ii' nils, and assures .lietu 1 1 ha Hiey i re "ni.T"d rnr sale al sreai barSal"i". II,, Stock cum priesa large and Belc nssorlLieut ol I GentlomPn's Wearing Apparels, t?,)il isl i lif nl Fashtoitciile Driss Loots, 01 eveiy ,le scriiliiu , f nnt-c . Vesl. Hill s. Cravals Hlorks. i.ollon II nidi., rrl.irrs, Gloves t?u?p"nb rs. ic., ec. Gold Watches and Jtucliy, oT every description fine and rhenp. .li.--ti'i:ltliibci "Loxenbers't Cheap r.mvottv. Call aad see. Nocharjje lor iianil ii in-I'iuhI. DAVID LOWENBERG. Bloo.lHlilr?. Ma-rhSI, 17. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS FOllfrier,?. rPIIK suLjcribor respectfully informs his 1 riiftoiorTH ami the imhlic geuurjlty, th;it he Uia received a tulNtocb nl choke Sprint! ami hummer Ciood?. cnnipr ii up a full luoriniri't of Cloth'i. C.nsiincrp, titin tin. HlaincK nrluiorti Caijioei. Lc u Itli a pp-ai vanety of other aiticlf usually kept in Country Hum'' AI-riO-MariUvjircUiitlrry. Qtifciifwnrc ralt, Pi)i Mui.ilapi". Iroii.tcrJ. Half, Vn. Uws, ghoi'i. Lv. XCf" Country produce, inrttiiliiig Cruin. I.umhcr, Lc., taken in exchaiiije far rooils hmklut fur p.itpiirouaao ho rcepcciftilly tx< n coiiiu : ancc of the fJtino. THOMAS E. EVES. MIIIviIIp, March ad ISjT-y. FIRST AHUIVAL Ola SPRING&SUMMER WIS havo now receiving our Spring nixl yiiimniT Co tut?, by Umlroa.l At ioirni slnnd.on thetorner ol Main MfllUt Ptri-etJ The stock comprifesa (till nsortmcntaf t Dry Goals, Grtccrics. Ilardwate, Queen j icae,. Culawaret Ilollowwurc, I rugs, t l'Hh. Coat, IMa.i r. Iron, N'jiIj. Ilooii, Mhi., Ilau. i Caiii, Lc ir. maui: ci.otiiimi. ndin act every naineatle aiticle usu.lly keptina , "S,?;oprre1)dllfeljkcn IU exchanfor Knn.l. II. (. & I.W. I1AUTMAN- I niooinsbur. Mjrrli51. 1657. j KOSENDALE CEMENT. T)Cllr--ovs Uhmir Ito.endale feineni ran nnd ii bv J. calling on llio subscriber at H u I'a . J iiaiinaw Airil II, 1M7. l-'RESIl (! ARD13N SEEDS. --U. (ir.O M lIAIlliVllUl'll ha. jim received and IJ Ins for sale, at hi. Urn;, tit ore. ,t selert.n,t. uent of all kinds ol Harden sttdt, frou, .Mr llili.l's eed lliin.i ni I'lu J.I. p,IIt .11 a) r -J7 I I ilPOSTSCRIPT. Rnnnnrnil TVfn ,.,1 Ti.,sn oUppOBOUL IHUrClCr 111 JJnilVllIOi A harriblo case ol supposed wifo poison ing has just loon revealed at I anvillc, Montour county, Ph., caused by tho doatU under suspicious circumstances, of Jlrs. Catharino Ann Olark, on Saturday last ii.iiun uulu iisuunaineu tier lius- hnnd n hiiiIIit noin.,,1 Willie,., rn .1. i i ' l'UURr naI"C 'Hiaiu 01 irk", had ' ' v'"i ntcM on occasions previously both arse ic and Mrychino, at Chalfant & !-,. .,,, i, , , ,t C' 8 JU0 SUmmonctl tO investigate the CaUSO nf tier rlooll. A . viauitiiaiiua ws also hold by three cminont pbysicians of Dauvillo, the roult of whoso investiga tions have rot been made public; although it is asserted tho physicidns agreo thathor death was caused by arscnio. Tho husband of a Mrs, Twiggs died about thrco weeks i-incc, under similar circumstances, and tor certain reasons suspicion rests upon Iter iiS bcin au acCOUlDllCC ofOlark. ThdV t .. . , 3 have both lecn arrested, aro uowcon- Ducd in the jail of that county. APPOINTMENT HV TUB PRESI DKiN'T. James 0. Campjieli., of Hutlor county, to bo Marshal of tho Wcs'orn District of Pennsylvania, vice, Wesley Frost. IMPORTANT FROM NICARAGUA. Might of Mr. Filhbusltr Grn. Walker. 'i he Prometheus briogs important news from Nicaragua. Gen, Walker has evac uated Rivas, and is a refugee od board a Ilritnh vessel of war. And hero ends tho ClHbustcritire insurrection. LATE FROM UTAH. Rrigkam Young, Governor of Utah and Vicc-Gcrctit of the Povil, has been com pelled to fleo from Salt Lake, to save him self from tho fury of his flock. COLLECTOR OF TOLLS AT PITTSTON. Lewis II. Lilts, Esq., has been appointed by the Hoard of Canal Commissioners, Collector of Tolls on tho upper division of tho Nor h Branch Canal. This is an excellent appointment. Mr. I.itts 13 in every respect qualified to perform tht duties of his office. A VALUABLE IIIOGHAPIIICAL II OKK. PIlOlLD BE OW.NfcD AND READ DY EVUKV YUUJt! MAS IVTHK LAND THE L1PB OF TUB CkLEBRATtD INVENTOR OP STEAM I50ATS, AKD 1UE 'i Fatlif r of Slcam Navigation." OXD Or 1'ENNSVI.VANIA S MOST PATRIOTIC AND OU'TCD fONS, KOBE R T F UI, TO N, One volume oclmo. Ilhmiraled wilh tweniy flve tuperUy colored and tinted rnpr.nint'i", executed in the rti iiiniioer from Mr. Fulton's itrawingg; rpprPeeiitnij,' his niiiiip;oiis invetilloim in Fiaiu Navi palion.HiiIitiiarlnc Nn igotimi . For ti ticut jnu, a.C(1 Axrtt together with coolo oi his early drawings when an Arlin(mhilaturt: painter) iu I'liiliuit lidn.t. l.v J.Frank lin llPiinri, I'.p'i.. Author of Uuitru Siatts Auiogrn pliy." "The Invcntors'and ralentets'(Jyide,"i.c &c. Ctoih hinding, 52 50 ItouFHT I'l'ltok fVrhap there Is no man in all ihe IrUlit g.ilaxy of ilitl ngn ihcij Auttr.cai, who have adorned the hUtory ol llie Rq.uMic, vho!-c career i iit(iroHrikinpl ;i-jt.ocmtt't! ulth ljir glr find htr pro, pcnlytlhaii lie whepc nanif up havo placed at the bind nf 1 hlii article. 11 19 It fin u niton hv J. L'ranklin Itrinn n of banctitier. ra which was niso nte birin-piace of t'ulioii. ha I) run -.itolj puhlUhcil II Las evidently hwii alahir ol lovo. the witi'r having pfrrormrd lua allotted task u Hit n IMolity anil coiiipleu-ness that do honor ni ooru m & in iui uuu in nrari. it is the inly rellatili' or snuficlnry h(o of Bobtrt Tolion, and Mki-c it plan among Amrritan bingraphitti, without Ihi' siijjhli'St poMihiluy of dtijm'r. 'J'to' priiph) who dwell in the bread vallfycf tho mipluy MsUuppl.fbonld ntoong therarlieft and tin? nnwi prompi lo welcome the ijppwira nre of an au, th. tiiiLrucoril ol ihe nnn, to w hot gfiiliiR Uiey are tn dcply int'eliled for ihe meant or so ruhl) developing theahijumlina rci'inirrps of tliirsrriion ol ttn country. The limt to ifumonxUiito the prariirahiiry of propclmg ?e?m I hy le;im, and lo put M into siirrtFfiif practice, his claim to tn-Loiifcidtri'd usnmoiifr ihe chief btnt iac tors, iioto'ily of hisrountrv hut of his race. lias Ion been udiniltu.l to bo table. That the posFibiliiy of tint hul struck other minilo.niul had been nrrurt tlii'orttic.iNy, hut without any praciiial deinouniratiori ol tho lact.doi'a not militate a,unl bin right to he cokiideri-il iho father of strain navigation The pas 3!e in 1MI7 ol tho UIjCUMOXT. from pw Yoik in Alliany.uns the con ol his title in litis dUtiurUoii, ami it 1 now, nnd his for years btcn undisputed, aud will fori'i'i n tun 111 IndisputaMe From the early hoyhood or Fulton iIip grni of Mn future fame wan recognized by ull who knew bim. and whoviu'cht'd the ilevi'lopmetit of his tin ml nnd of Ma npUlit of Mronj; and viforous growth, proiiilniiipa rirh and prrjiiitiu maturity The firil of Mr Keigau'u intcreciinc llliifciianoiiK fltown jm & hoy 1 1 f"ort. i'ii ymrs of nsje, niaklnj: n nicreferul ejpe. rinn ut nl propel nig n m.i.' rkiil by paddle wheel of In on n rouslritrtiou. nu (he Coiu'Eira Tins wan lu Twenty eight yr.trs theroaller he i-ntiified all donhtprs a tcFsi'l of largj nz rouid be pronrllfd by piddh'-w heels with Ptt-nm ax the iiioiup power ' "" " ""cr " '"ci un gruiub w Uf tie ve'oping itfell in many varied ways, lie won a dr.iushiMiian of ko nriiiuury imfrit.and piinted wilh. great MII lie Biipported hlm-i'tf wilh h i pencil for mnny yearn, deruiMg eiuninment from uinting pnr ir.uiB and I.tnI'caprr, and uoikiiig drawings of maclii mry. The,e:irlF lie niii 10 fou(i a)n umUi prpoo when he became, as he soon did, a civil engineer and machmiiit III the hook before US W'C havt rnt.irn.l llilinnr...l.. plates o M-ttrjIof FuIioii'h ilhiftralidiiaof Joel jtar tow'ufainous COMJMIU !) " ulmh imv print orl. glualitvofconception,uptni9 of design and Tacihty of uxtcutioii. It h not our purpose tn giv even a sjnnptls of tho interesting eveiitP ot the rem-irkfiMy nciive and uteful career of FultonVltre murhlet.sto go into nn elnbori lu esay upon in geuuip, and the wonderful repult lht Inve rliwiid Ironi his greut iidcdih.ii Theno two tanks lew been very credltubly performeit by the au thor o ihe volume to which we have nlluiled. Our purpoe is pihirip-tl'y t" en It filieiitiun o Hint work 'lhu-e is one incident which il especially becomes ns, howi 1 i-r to all to ihe imlin of our immediate tel. low nitz 'in During the war of lfiy-15, Uohert Ftil tmi wan of great sir in to hIronniry A contract wamiade wim ihe pnHid Hta'esi tJoveruuient, in Ueci ihIh t IHU for the purpose or emplnjjne his HiMiobudU Vesuvius yiUtia.Xew Orleans and Natchez on the Mislt.fippi river m traiiFportltm troops nnd munitions of war. mid the llut,4ln nu iheOhin. The celchrated battle of New OrlennH loi.k plate about n week aftci iho arrival of the Vesuvius in ourwalers. nnd it wa upon her, fij s our bingrnr)i,er.) ijint the commanding gt-oeral rtto d, n an auxilKiry, In liii an. tiripntion ol laiety lo the el'y nnd t ha urcomntith. mrnl of n brilh.'llit XirlOrv Jnlm Dimu j Andrew Jackson both ceillfiedtoL'oiijrress HievaluaNn gerund ui Fulton at t hie ti uik period. Iteiden polling into fucrcMful operation rtenm ve. scli .ill ov r thcroiuitrj . plans of iWeure nffotnst mar itfme inv-Kion. and nfuh a piatic uavjgniion occuniul ItU ibotights, and no luthi m his lime and pspennirn. tal nriiMiy. Andout of 1 ugget-tinns nnd d-montra lions iinjo by him have spruup ninm nt ihe mnn nr. Iiil and einnHe instrninem ol naal warl.ire of this rl.w the wor'd uov knows. It was the opinion ofCadwahder P Ol.n, of Kcw ork, a expri Fed iu hiApiwitilr. rend Lefote the Phi osophtrnl Sonety t,i ibal Hate, in 1M7, soon aner tho dealhol riilton-niiditif. an opinion Inwhlch all min. kin I will now agree-' lint there cannot be foond.on tho rcrords nldepniled worth the name of a nerion to whoMludividHaleterttoit. mankind are more ii dtbied than they are to lloberl Fulion. The combined effort! 1 j ' 1 - " ..iMiri... rM (iUyc nonroved the con dliion of man. Ion no Individual haa confened room liiilinrlant l..nefl. no Ills species than he ha. dooe T'V- I ,VeieOWia Puaijuns. Nov 7. IS5G. j yCf Tlio aliove ivoik Is for sain by CO. Ilenticrso w . . . ... ... w,,, a n l. ll. l ll, , '111.,,.,!, , March 14, KJ!2n NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. THE partnership hereiororo nl.iinj beiween tbo uiidersiiiiied.lmb. .Mercantile llusine,. t"lrM street. Iiavins been di.oived iiii persons intc.e.te.1 III ,iea.o take " nnil? ?" baY'lb" look, of ll... aie nnn ar. I,n M ihe ci, , ,! , handsel ll U.Creat, lor selrlnet a, cnlle.ilen a I MIILIL'K. II W CHKA8 I tijni 'n. I.. i 1 1 l