Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, May 16, 1857, Image 2

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Bloomsbnrg, May 1C4 1857
Demonallc State Nominations.
rou aoVEiiNoit, "
Of Lycoming County.
ratuoD Strickland,
Of ChcUcr county.
A SPECIAL MEirrlNO of tlila Society will he li.ti
A nn ATIinnAV. Ihnj3rl Inst.. nt 2 o'clock. I1 M.
Bi (.. .viit.i ii.naM. nlnniiiitiiirff. A cenrrat attend
nncn is requested, as business of Importance l lo be
lain urroro ma nieeinm. . .
Those having had Premiums nnil liiplnnins awarded
it tli) Mil Fal r, will tall upon the Treasurer.
i W. MaioiR'lloT, Trtuurtr.
llloemsbiirg, May IP. WST.
Our Govornmont.
The orchitect of the Universe, and ori
ginntor of tho laws of nature for the rcgu
lation of tho material things of earth, had
no prototjpo for his guidanoe, no example
to imitate, no cluf-iVvaivre to exemplify
perfection. And yet, tho world with all
iw mysteries, its millions upon millions of
component parts, its arcana of co-ordinate
complication, its wondrous workings, its
mighty marhiacry, and its more than ten
thousand dclicato conformations and intri
cate alliances of antagonistic elements, still
revolves on its axis, without varying from
its sphere, and preserves the equilibrium
of each proportion, and every part of its
inexplicable organism. The great first
utcs were right, and tliry are maintained
And as tho origin and object of the
Universe so sublimely accord with tho
laws of God so witii tho science of Go
vernment, in its obedience to tho wisdom
of man. When nature acts upon mturc,
in conformity to tho cardinal canons of
tho codo of the Creator, there is no conflict
of prerogatives and provinces, no discord
or disturbance of harmony; when man
obeys the behests of man, as they are ex
pressed and embodied in organio laws for
tho maintenance of society, there is no
disorder, no violence, no turmoil or trouble
to tho body politic. Whether the system
of government be right or wrong, an auto
cmcy or republic, so long as its laws are
enforced and observed, there is comparative
poica and quiet among tho people, and
security to the State. If the "government
is founded in fallacy, in hereditary right,
ip individual usurpation, injustico or inc
quality, it is safe, as long as the subjects
believe and cbey. But it is contradictory
to truth, and must ultimately bo over
thrawn, as inadequate to the inherent as.
pirations and innate impulses of the humanl
heart. Tho laws of nature maybe misap
prehended. But the result of the experi
ment will attest the truth. And so with
tho laws of man, if founded upon a false
basis, they will sooner or later prove tbeir
own wrong.
Tho government of the United States
emanated from tho purest precepts of
human virtue, tho strongest reflections of
human wisdom.
The. regulations of the Universe flowed
from tho fountain bead of truth, purity
and omniscience. And as tho latter aro
immaculato, unalterable, and inseparable
from tho economy of nature ordinances
of tho Deity for tho prosecution and per.
fection of the plans of Providenco in all
things pertaining to the matter; so are tho
former an approximation to them as
near as the the crcaturo can approach his
Creator for the guidance of thomind of
. As the one is the result of the greatness
and goodness of God, so is the other in
origin and in object, attributable. to the
honesty and wisdom of m.n,
AVc need no analysis of the science of
government, no delicate and difficult com
parison between tho claims of ono set of
men and another, tn establish the theory
that oyr government is tho elect of all
based upon tho proper principles of social
organization. advancing tho interests, and
developing the capacity of man collectively,
without infringing upon his inalionible
rights individually. Under absolute Go
vernment, men are mere mechanical im
plements in the hands of tho despot. In
r ilder monarchies, tho subjects rise higher
j tho scale of humanity, excising intol
' -t in some degree towards tho conduct,
- well aa physical and numerical strength
f it tho support and preservation of tho
3ountry. But in Republics Mono, aro all
ths elements of manhood allowed free
'zeroise, and incitod into full action.
The variety of character forming tho
. turcs of human nature, and tho opposing
uions and conflicting claims of oven a
individuals, would scorn to arguo the
' racticability of controlling millions by
same system of laws. But wherever
m is cultivated, and tho understanding
loped, there is a pervading principlo
. triotism and an innate acknowledgment
' j lit, that aro paramount to tho passions
?'. h make men little less than brutes, in
fvage state.
i-ur own country exhibits a completeness
oi i ovcrnmental mechanism as admirablo
i i instruction as it is unparalleled in tho
- formancc of its functions, With thirty
ono sepwato sovereign Stales eonfedcralcd
under the provisions of a Constitution co
vering the interests of all impartially; with
a Congress snd President representing tho
of tho nation, it would seem at first view
that tho United States constitute a vast
consolidated republic, with only (fongraphl-1
cal distinctions of territory. But when it
is remembered that each Stato is sovereign
within it-clf, with a conipleto government
s it... ....... ....;..'.. -f ......
of i s own, tho complex simplicity of our
system is scon.
With elements of ruinous revolution wo
have controlling counterpoises; with re
publicanism ready to run rampant and
riot, wo havo conservative safe-guards and
restraints; with steam to drivo the. ship on,
wo havcsafcly valves and regulators. And
thus it is that whirlwinds of popular pas
sion and excitement, that sometimes agitate
the nation from one extremity to the other,
and whioh, in any other country, would
t'ar tho government from its base, pass
away harmlessly here,
A Stupendous 1-Yaud upon the People of
Tho Legislature of our Stato havo finally
passed tho Bill for the sale of tho Main
Line of our Publio Improvements. It
passed the Scnato on last .Monday, tho
amendments wcro concurred in by the
(louses, and it is now in tho hands of Gov.
Pollock for his signature. This comprises
tho Canals aud Rail Roads, with slight
exception, between Philadelphia and Pitts
burg. Tho price named in tho Bill, at
which it is to be sold, is S7 ,000,000, for
a work which cost near 840,000,000 un-
ess puichased by tho Pennsylvania Hail
road Company, then they are to pay $0,
000,000, being an inorcaso of 81,500,000
over private enterprise. But this last pre
fix is all for " buncomb," as that Company
had tho bill framed to their own wishes,
wis bored through tho I.ogislaturo by their
hired agents, and thoy will bo tho pur
This powerful moneyed monopoly, will
make " a nice thing" out of the Main Lino
Bill. In tho first place, tho Rail Road
Company, nominally, givo ono and a half
millions moro for tho Publio Works, in
paper bonds than any other purchaser, but
in lieu of this, thoy aro forever exonerated
from taxation and havo nothing to pay on
tho purchase until 1800, a credit of thirty
three years, when tho present generation
will have passed away and tho powerful
wealth of this Company, through their
successors in oflicc,can relinquish the work,
or have an Act passed to cvado payment.
Another feature in the bill, equally obnox
ious, is tho provision appropriating Three
Millions op Dollars for the Sunbury
and Erie Rail Road, engineered through
both branches, by tho most dishonest and
unscrupulous hord of peculators known to
tho Commonwealth.
We regard tho passage of this bill, under
existing circumstances, as tho most stupen
dous fraud that has ever been perpetrated
upon tho people of Pennsylvania. The
Act of 1832-33, incorporating tho Bank
of tho United States, with a capital of
835,000,000, and for a period of thirty
years, was impotont of harm compared to
tho dangerous powers conferred by this
bill upon that great soulless chartered
monopoly, the Pennsylvania Rail R ad
Company. Wo shudder for the fato of
our country and the liberties of our peo
ple, when bribery and corruption exert an
unlimited influence over tho Halls of Leg-
Mr. Ent, our Representative, and Mr.
Steele, our Senator, wo take pleasure in
saying, opposed the nefarious swindle
Wm. Elwoll, Esq.;
Hon. Wm. Elwell, of Towinda, is
favorably named for tho Supreme Judge
ship of Pennsylvania, We havo known
Mr. Elwell, intimately, for maDy years,
and it allbrds us pleasure to say that ho is
one of the most estimable gcntlcm in, ablest
Lawyers and soundest Domocrats, within
tho limits of our acquaintance. Col. Freeze,
xf the Bradford Times, speaks of his high
qualifications and legal abilities in terms
of strong commendation, every word of
which wo most cordially endorse. Let
him be nominated.
Deaths of Editors.
D. McKinley Mason, tho predecessor
of Col. J. Q. PnEEZE, as Editor of tho
firadford Times, died at Carlis'c, on tho
Oth of April, in tho 20th year of his ago.
Coleman J. Bull, Esq., recently Editor
of tho Columlii Sjiy, died suddenly in
that place, on tho 'SOth of April, in the
35th year of his ago.
Doctor FroaB.
Peira II. FttEAS,UD., lato of Blooms-
burg, has commenced tlio practico of Med
icine In Towanda. Dr. I'rcozo is an esti
mable young man, and having had tho
advautago of a thorough Academical and
Collcgiato education, will no doubt mako a
suoccsaful rhysician. AVo wish tho Doctor
tho most enlarged prosperity.
Mr. Emlen & Co., havo favored us
with early oopies of the Farm Journal. A
magniGcent work, as green and spioy a
May, tho month it represents. Fijruierso Frankfort-on-tho-Mnino, Germany at a
(should subscribe.
Tho Prosidont Doomod.
"Mr. Buchanan, Is most likely to add
0110 more naino to tho list of tho National
Hotel victims that in a fow moro wcoks
fiend Stephen A. Ilouglas tho actual lro
1 sidcnt of tlioso United States.''
Tho above, wo find floating in sovcral
J 0f tho Mack Republican papers of thn
'stato. A moro cold-blooded and brutal
paragraph Dover found its way into a news
m. , 11 . . .
paper. Tlioso wuo count pcrpoiraio bo
cross an outrage, exhibit hearts black
enough to commit any crime in the calen
dar of vice. That sonio agency of Black
Republicanism designed to poison tho I'rcs
ident elect, scorns to bo now generally be
lieved -and such paragraphs arc well cal
culated to confirm tho impression,
Mr. BucnANAN, wo aro grat fled to bo
ablo to state, is in excellent health, anil
walks as firm and erect as ho did twenty
years age. That a merciful Providence
will vouchsafe to him health and strength
to perform tho duties of tho exalted trust
whicd has boon conferred upon htm by tho
freemen of Amorica, is tho sincere prayer
of every truly Christian heart in iho land.
Tho Burdoll Murder Oaso.
Mrs. Cunningham has been acquitted,
aud Ecklo discharged on his own recogni
zance. If these parties aro innocent, thoy
have suffered a serious injury. If guilty,
thoy return to the world, but never lo know
a happy instant. Tho bloody corpse of
Burdcll will follow them wherever thoy
-r. ... . , 1 , 1...
go. It will naunt mom Dy nay anu uy
night, in Summer and in Winter, in Spring
time and in harvest ; it will poison evory
thought during life, and when the hour of
death comes, it will darken that hour with
an impenetrable gloom, until it harrasscs
tho soul with indiseribablo torture. Wo
hopo both aro innocent; but wc cannot
think so, despite the verdict of the jury
unexplained, when so many circumstances
weigh against them. It was a mistake in
tho prosecution, not to present tho evidence
of Farrcll and others who wero examined
boforo tho Coroner, especially after tho
remarkably denuncitary opening in which
it indulged. Perhaps, though wo miy be
wrong ; and perhaps, good and sufficient
obstacles interpose It becomes Mrs, Cun
ningham, if innocent, to mako it appear so
to tho public. She should neither slumber
nor sleep, untill Dr. Burden's assassion is
ferrctted out. Sho owes such a course to
her protestations of innocence, to the support
which a jury has given her in tho premises,
and to tho fact that tho murdered man she
alleges to havo been her husband. Let a
suitablo reward bo offered. Sho can we'l
spare a portion of tho fortune, she will got
as tho widow of Dr. Burdcll, to have his
murderers brought to punishment, and her
own innocence past doubt established.
Court Proceedings Concluded.
Wo went to Press last week, before we
were in possession of all the proceedings ;
Isaiah Shumin vs. tho other heirs o
Jacob Shuman, dceeaicd. This suit was before tried in this court, and reversed
in the Supreme Court in some poiut which
is not very material to tho issue. Tho
question involves is whether a deed was
delivered by Jacob Shuman shortly before
his death to Isaiah Shuman with the in
tention to vest tho titlo of tho property
described in it, or for scmo other temporary
purpose as a loan. In tho latter case tho
plainliflf would not reooive the same property
embraced in this deed by tho will of his
father Jacob Shuman, but as a share of
bis legacy, and not as a gift. Verdict for
tho defendants, Tho caso will again go
to tho Suprumc Court.
Tho following i3 tho report of the Grand
Jury presented on Wednesday.
2b the Honorable tin Judges of the Court
of Quarter Session if the Peace m and
Jorthe Lonnly of Columbia.
Tho Grand Inquest of tho Commonwalth
of Pennsylvania inquiring for tho body of
tho Couuty of Columbia, respectfully
That they have examined tho publio
buildings belonging .to said county, and
find them in good condition, except a break
in tho wall of tho jail yard which is rccom
mended to bo repaired. Ho would ro
commond tluttho Suporvisorsof Briarercck
township bo notiucd to repair certain roads
returned by tho constable of said township;
tho former inquest recommended that the
Iron fence around tho Court House should
be painted blaek which is not concurred in,
it was also recommended that tho- L'ourt
IIouso bo hereafter closed against petty
shows which is concurred in all of which
is respcetifully submitted this Oth day of
May, A. D., 1857.
Isaac Dkwitt, Foreman,
Tho Difference.
Qcn. Packer, tho Dcmocratio candidato
for Governor, is a straight forward, con
sistent democrat, and thorough Stato rights
man, whilo AVilmot, his competitor, is an
Abolition agitator, of tho Iloraco Qrecly
school, and in favor of conferring all tho
rights of citizonship upon niggers. Gen.
Packer and tho domocracy aro in favor of
standing by tho Constitution as it is.
Wilmot goes for a change ; and his ad
vocates join in tho irreverent clamor of
Burlingamo, and other ultra Abolitionists
for "an anti-slavery Constitution an anti.
slavery Bible, and an anti-slavery God."
Choose yo between them,
toy Jacob Waeldeb, Esq., formerly
of Wilkesbarro, but now of Texas, hasbcn
appointed by President Buchanan, Consul
incry ot tv.uuu per annum.
Close of tho Trial of 1. S. JHcKlin, for
tho Murder of Samuel T. A'orcross.
Jjanits wcro oiiaracionzcu oy surowu rens-
oniiv, and at times lie tecamo quite
. . i , i .1
cloqueut in behalf of tho prisoner. Ilo
cited tho usual authorities, not lorgcttmg
!, ,,m,.tnr of .11,. Unvafln Uimland) for1
.uu .v. o ' , I
a case, I bi'liove, cited on tho occasion of
every criminal trial where conviction
hinges upon circumstantial evidence
W, A, Stokes, Esq., for tho Common
wealth, commenced at tho closo of Mr.
Banks' nlea. Ilo ononed with a beautiful
exordium, and then reviewed tho history
-e.i.- ' , . - .....i.
01 1110
case, ucgining n u womm s rest-
nt lliinl rtlli nnl rA i r r vrtt tin Tannin 1
. . t or tr. t i
crouod connected with tho fearful tragedy.
,1 ,,(n,l.lll, tt, fnrfl lr.nor.r1w.
Never havo wo hoard a caso based upon
oircumstantial evidence handled with moro
legal ability than was displayed by Mr.
Stokes in this,case. Ono by ono ho demoli
shed tho proofs sot up by tho defence, until
tho defonco itself scorned like the "baseless
fabrio of vision." Ho brought his remarks
to close at -i o'clock, having spoken just four
hours, during which time ho was listened to
with intenso interest by as many people as
cou'd conveniently bo crowded into the
Court House, many of whom were ladies.
At tho closo of Mr. Stokes' address, tho
Judgo immediately began to deliver his
charge to tho iury. It was a long and
elaborate review of the les'imony in tho
case, and the strong points that told against
ho prison' r wore especially tclliog, coming
from tho Court It was nearly six o clock
wheu ho concluded, aud it was impossible
to resist tho conclusion that the result of tho
trial will bo a conviction.
Tho jury retired to dcliberato upon their
verdict as soon as tho ch rgo was conclu
ded. After an absence of an hour and a quar
ter, tho Jury returned to tho Court R om,
which was very much crowded. Tho fore
man delivered their verdiotas follows :
" Wo find tho defendant David Stringer
MoKim.guilty of Murder in tho frst Degree, 1
in manner anu torm as inuictcd."
Mr. Hofins, ono of the counsel for tho
defence, immediately gave notice of an
arrest of judgment : but there can be littlo
doubt that it will bo overruled.
The prisoner was removed to tho jail, to
HoLLiDAYsnuna, May B.-Ycslcrdav r.Byivau a no .Xlj 1867 awKnaMloa WAWVoT
inornine Thaddeus Banks. Esrt.. opened ventmn of Muroh 2d, 18i7, arc ircqucsicu jn K,riutot wiihout delay i nn.i m
in of tho Court, and ending at a littlo I " Tuesday tho 0th thy of June, 18o7, a
after ton o'clock. The awimonts of Mr. I "o'clock, A.M., for the purposo of nomH apwTwn AND SUMMER
await tho sentence of tho Court and the I for aidinS alkor ani1 Lis raon LavL' Lcon
decision of the Governor in regird to his I organized into a chain g;mg at that place,
execution. So ends this trial, which has and forced to clcr away the ruins for the
excited an extraordinary interest in this 'purpose of rebuililtug the city,
oounty. It has been fairly and ably con- ...
i.?? tl;rt?n f - defe"nd "r!'1' ' US' Capt. Mmlcy, according to prom
zeal and tJlent. Still it is imp issible, after . , , . ,,. . .
having hoard tho evidence, to doubt that ho ,so lias Vei his monster Clover Root
is fairly convicted, and th t he will justly in our office for publio inspection,
suffer on the gallows. , , .- - '
HoLLiDAYSiiURa, May, 8. Tho Court
met this morning, at tho usual hour, aud
was crowded to excess. Ulio motion tur
arrestot judgment was overruled.
M cKim was brought into Court a. d as a
condcmmedman, excited more than ordi-
n iry curiosity, Tho Judgo infi lined him
-PI.!. I-.: - 1 . ,1...
ui ins uuuviuii' u unn iu inu orum.iry lorui
asked him if he had anything to say why
senici co oi uoam tuouiu not uo pr.mmuced
' , , . , . ,
iMoKim rose and declared in tin m,t
decided manner th it ho was cn irely mm-
.ntil n.irl nnvl.trl ,1. tl... I....1 l.nnn .... ...!..
ted unfairly aud by means of perjury.
Ti,n i,n o.M, :.. -
solemn nnS impressive mmner, assuring
him ho had been fairly tried, ably defended
and legally convicted of tho n.urdcr of his
tnend and travel ing companion, aud he
then pronounced tho sentence of death.
McKim was then taken back to jail to
await tho signing of tho death-warrant by
tho Governor.
Koop it boforo tho People,
That the Blaek Republicans design
, . i , Arrivals ami iicpariuro 01 mans ai
making Pennsylvania tho theatre for re- j liliOUJlSBllKG,
enacting the doleful drama of "bleeding, riiiia.lciphK miiiieavcn dully. (SunJaycicciitcd) at
Kansas"; and keep it boforo tho pooplc j viViiYnu uaiiy, (Sun
that all the free State men of Kansas, VnSeS
boasting that they aro largely in tho maj. acUriJ!,ndoVvinei,annrrivt.5rryMon,!.,y,
ority, aro to remain at homo and not to iY'V.1 ".?m y and Frid ,y' al a.m., . ai dV.
voto for delegates to tho Convonlion fop L.i am TcaUVIim d??;1!" ana TUur,da'
forming a Stato Constitution, iu order
that tho responsibility of making Kansas a
slivo Stato may bo thrown upon the demo
cratio party. Keep these facts before tho
proplc, that when tho drama of " bleeding
Kansas" is rc-opened, tho democracy may
be able to place tho responsibility where
it properly belongs.
Tho Sunbury and Erio Railroad
Tho Lycoming Gazette says Tho liar-
risburg Telegraph of tho Cth inst., in an
article upon tho Sunbury and Erio ltail-
road Bill, says that Gen. Packer, tho
Democratic nominee for Governor, has an
intcrost in a heavy contraot for building a
portion of that road, and in subsequent
issues tho assertion is reiterated. Thcso
statements aro moro newspaper talk, and
without tho least particlo of truth. Gen.
Packer has not at this timo, nor did ho
over have, an interest to tho extent of ono
cent in any contract for building tho Sun
bury and Erio lluilroad.
Quccu Victory's Nlutk Baby,
Another lloyal Brat has been ushorod
into tho world, amid tho firing of cannon
and tho ratting of small arms. Princo
Albert does not intend to let tho Kingdom
of Great Britain want for Dutch Stock
for five hundred years to come. His oldest
daughter, now sixteen, is about to be mar-
rind to thn Prince, of Prussia, and will. nr.
doubt, assist her dad in tho prpotuaUng
heirs apparent to the throne.
Cfiy C, J, Ricuaiidson, Esq., was on
.... , ,,s 10 ..i
last Monday, elected County bupcutltcml-
, ' . , . -
ent of Sullivan county, Vritll a Salary Ol
three Hundred dollars,
TJnnnamnhlnc of tllO StatO
Democratic Convention of 1857
.... i ..u-
III pUrSUSDCO of a resolution adopted by ,
tho Democratic Stato Committee of ' Ponn-
; o -- .it i,n. i..:ni. MILLINEHx.
J M attySsftttS!?,
iinniitrinrns to comnioio inu uww, "
pertaining t
juuaiuiiiM j
uuuyVt Ti tr va'-n mmir At PW-
J. N. ITuTCHixsoN, ) SccrctnriM.
li O. llAl.Dfc.UA.T, J
Fatal Effects of Chloroform.
Drs, Robert and Joseph Crockett, of
Wythovillo, Va., aud Dr. Hincanuon, of
Smyth, wcro performing a surgical opera
J " "---i
. interesting littlo boy about
1 0
"VC VCarS of
years of age, son of M. iiontiam, ot
Smyth county, when in order to render
him somowhat insensible to his suffering,
they deemed it advisablo to administer a
mixture of chloroform and tthcr, which
caused his death almost instantly. The
operation to bo performodwas to remove a
fungus tumor from his back, which was
accomplished just as. ho died.
ajsr That sterling paper, tho Pittsburg
Union has passed into the hands nf Mr,
John II, Bailey &Co., Thomas J. Kenan
who has conducted this p ipor with so much
ability, will, wo presume, retire from the
oorpso cditirial. Whilst we welcomo to
tho ranks Mr. Bj'iley & Co., wo must say
wo aro loath to bid farewell to so strong a
supporter of Democratic principles, as was
Thomas J. Kenan.
lncroaso of Pay.
A 1-iw has passed Ihc Lcgislatu.o and
signed by the Governor, increasing thopay
of tho Commissioners of Westmoreland Elk,
Luzerne, nd Clearfield counties to $2,00,
per day tho jury to $1,50. and Witnesses
attending Court $1 ,00.
tsr Ciiais Gang in Grasaua. Up
wards of six hundred natives of Central
America, who wero arrested at Granada,
On the 10th Geo. P. Lore, Ksq.,
Mr. William I, tSciiUYLin, to Miss Des-
tamony Roiim.ns, both of 1'iuo Townsuip
Columbia County, Pa.
In Huntin.ton. on tho Oth inst.. bv Itov.
E, Wadsworth, Mr. Henry McKiiANEii.of
.. . r. tt '
I'cnn llavCU, uaruon, UO , 10 Mrs. 11UL
daii It. Bowman, of tho former place.
0n tho nth inst., by tho llcv. 1), J.
Waller, 1 iiujias Hodgeus ot JJlonmabunr
and Bauiiaua AnnHoITMAN.oI Kingston
1jUZCuio Co.
, 1 ' ,l r.'?n,d sf ceremony, the rc.dcnce
of the bride s father, on the'JSthof bourth
month, nit , Thomas Wilson, of Danullc,
toP AUliVi;s daui5"tcr of John K. lives,
111 Berwick, on Friday the 8th iost,,
Ciimteii B.. son of Jacob W. and Harriet
I days.
.. ..
Jersevtown ami Wlnlo Hall mall arrive, vcryTnra
tiny, Tliursdnyaml Saturday, atll A.M., leave, same
duyoat 4. 1". M.
Wheat SI 40
llyo 02
Corn 02
Oats 374
Buckwheat 02 J
WhitoUcans...! CO
Butter 22
Eggs 12
Tallow 14
Lard 14
Potatoes 02 J
Dried Apples. 1 75
rrtllE mnlerslenclac8rir.ctfully inrorrns liis rncnits
X and the puMic cue ally, Hut lie lias oncnod
Jl New Tinicare and Shea hon J3".
t'"""u'"i , ,
In tlio building formerly occupied for Hint purpose,
l ln,.,,l. ul,.,nl..l..,,n,..ll... ,
the busiiicis ill nil lis "arlous branches.
Tlnivaronndllouso 8poutlnS of all kinds made to
order on short notice and nt iiiuderalo prices.
Also ri'l'OVES, of variuus etyles, constantly for
llepalrin; done to order in tuick lime.
rrJ'Couniiy produce taken in exchange for work.
nioomsburg, May IB, 1657-y
II. O. MIL1.4 tin.
TUUll UUUiNTliiia.
rpllE .ubscriber tikei pleasure in informing theclti.
jl ;
sens of Columbia .rid Montour counties, that be
Intend, publishing a LARUE AND OllffAMEffl'AL
MHP nf the counties above mentioned, from actual
measurements, by origins! survey, throughout both
counties, lie also lake, tilea.ilre to Rials, that, to
make the surreyf, he ha. engaged Mr, James K-lly,
(niton, fticAmosd, JlJ.sig.mcrir, iiid taifM coif.llM, tc
1110 i.e,i nrm ij couiincnteu a. soon as a sum
cteni numucroi cojups navo been subsciibed lor, to
warrant its nubllcatlon.
Hie map will contain on actual survey nf nil llie
1 '!"'t"f ttn'w?.?.la.c.!f
puom roam wuo ineir instances inarseu uiereon, in a
with the names of all the p'fptily kaUiri, in their I'lotc. ,11, uu.ituui in. cuuiuiei.
Plan, uf all the towns in the counties, a large scale,
will appear in the uinrgiu.
The plan nf the map will be plotted to a suilablo ,
Bvuiu, v iu muss u urge anu oriininenieu map or
not less than any by forty Inches, to be engraved iii
Iho best style, handsnintly colored, nnd delivered tn
jl,.crilior. only at per copy, payable on ifrhvft. .
fiiiiin,ne Myi,j.iv u
Estate of Elias Luts, deceased.
t r.TTIinfl testamentary nn the rislnto of FMti ..It,
L lili if nenlon township, Columbia countr.hiye
Omcr. wouiii rcunfciruiiy invne mcir mivh.. ......
cunnmri ami Dig public generally, lo caUanil pinmwe
iliiir ttnrK, coniiKUn: of a full ami comnlfto nsoit
mentor Bl'a.()lmp,SIIK.Ornpo anil Kanry Uonnrls
amlllonnel MalciiaMmclliPt Willi an aasotlniunl ol
ranry arilclcii, ivlncti they will eell on na rcaaonaiile
terms as tliey can bo purchasci! oltev 'lJ,rcjl,jpRuT
My8, 18i7. I, Ilii'lllSON
j. ,,.,..,. " . r.. .i
Till! umlerelgnecl deem It proper totanlion all per
Bom who may liereaner liavo ImAioeg. trnnane.
tiona Willi ,tfnniAan Altwie, or., nun Micnact Amine
not In Inut e.ltliet or ihem,n wc IM over tit yein
ago, lest they may abutc their MnOneM nfl they Invc
ounby plaaifing tho 'tllulci of llnillltlnn."
It OS kJ I UilUUHl
I.nctm.Mny 4. 183? .118.
A IJj t'orconi aro lierctiv cautioned ngnlnsl Inrlmrlnp
named Otorgt Hunter, nged ft bout 14 yrari, wlio wob
rrgnlntly Inttenturpil to inn to lonrn Ilia (irnitnp lufi
tieiH, mid linn If1 It my finplnv find Mivien without Jul
cntitc, 1 am therefore iloiermliiod to pny no rirbu or
!ih contrnriinp nriiir this il.-itr mid I nho c.tiiiion nil
persons njninsicni'l.tvin3 n-ild rtin.iwnynl thclpperil
r. or ttiiittnir a cert. tin runmvnv tinnrcniice i-oy.
I'ine tup., May 5, 1857-31
THIS It nn nrimlr.ihtr nrticlf lor fpnnitrc-ftsp and
Rood uives. A heller niamilartiirpil Instrinneiit
far the purpose. It fta never decn our pond fortune to
make triitl of. The eyelUr important ronsidcruliun
In lit la wfstuon ol the Rt;imtnn U rnrefitllv nrennred
o(tnint tlio trouMc or tutting or weirlPtf away the
tnreati, anu ii is a pieaiuro ttuirororo to worn w it. it a
needle bo Itivnri ibly sure. They liivn Imt'ti tried in
our fnnutyaml on iheir auilmnty we c!i''t'rfutly re
commend them lo that widi c.anp In our midst with
whom pcwins Ib a tnitter of daily utility a family
nccrnKiiy, and an object of cdtiratlnn.'
i or fiiui- uy .11 a it l ii Is.mii u.
fllayl), 1857. IlloomBbtirg-.
New Spring am! Summer
MARV nAHKMJV Invllei flltcnlloti fo her stock of
niiwlv ricciviMl Milllnrrv Ores, (iimdr Trim
UiiJM. Itlldinnt. e-'i 'ka. &e.. u Irirh sli(! ulll cell rli-nn
at inc old plaint, loucrt'id ol'.Mriiii sttetl.
QBonncls of the lutcst Sjnivg Stijle
l&lsfjr V hn made to order, nnd trimmed to suit
fUj any t;itc
Children and Misled IlonupU. II a and flat a of va-
noun prices nnd siylps nn hanrl and will be rurnislicd
lo oriler In any style or tnste of t l mm lug.
April i, ibji
TIMi urdericiied taKe plearuro in niiimitnc nij t
McrchaiitH that tliey lire mnniiint turii'g a upciior
article ot ItKUH nt their mv r.irtoryon I'lsliinp
IJrrt'k. nbove Oranuc villu. Columbia county. Mr-
rliantd wiihhig to putcluot' coud I'iikcc ran hate ti t-in
at the r.irtury, or it tU sired weenn forward thfiu to
liioouifuirg, io h. i; Miivr.wuerc ui'jycnn grimmi
or wc ran fnmnrd tlim to tlioi? diotpb thai are nut
ton much out of our way
All ordrrs fIiou1m; nddioaed lo Samuel Stiive,
Pcalers P.O., Columbia county. 1'a.
BHIVn tt I1CTT8,
April 15, IPST-lni
TMH tmdrs1gnrd rrFptctlully itif.inni the citizens
of lllnrMiii-burg and Hie public iu gi'iitrn I , Uiat lie
has opened n
Hoot and Shoe Establi&JtmctUt
In th'! white lntMiii3. ort Alain tru-t, hImhw CIm-'b
&Wilon Bakery, wncrii lie nas co,iiaully on hand
a I irge umiirliiK'tii of
Hoots, Shoes, Gaitors, &c.
And will make up work lo order on short iiniip! Ills
lo he fxprnenci' in tin tiiiiin'ss, and ifeiicrul know
icdgH ol tlii want- ni tltp pfoplc, will e liable him to
rcniler jtipfnriinn all Ills ruiomers nod should
ncriire linu patronage which lie Imp1 to mertt
11 UN It Y KI.CIM.
IIloo!nburii, Mny , .
'n'lll tJi!irriber liavlra rrmovcil hi Var.l
L from near the (Jniirt l.n isc tn tit ffoirtli m t cor
nrr or M.l n nmi ti.uiii trei ts, in i:iiM-ri'fl Row,
wlure tie is prepared to Hirnii'i nil kit ds of
Marble Wrh
Viz: MONIJMHN'ia ('radio 1 nmbs. Ilnx Tuudn. and
Head Atones of evtrv ilrsciipiioit. 11 i tork Is, m ht
bf"l kind. I he workmanship not surpapi-d lynnv in
tho country, nnd at low pliers. Call and judge for
yon rf Ives
rJ7!!" wi'l ato fiirniFii Table and Bureau Top,
Maimls f..r houtei), I,-ir C ti't. I.intles . and 3 ill s
for Wiui'ows and )Mtr. nt a w fijure.
I'h iiikful f tr past lavor. w hopu Jor a continumrc
cf the same.
nioomsbiirg, April A. 1657 (im
r4 t , a
I niI : .rf"7,!!": lyr?J
fine Iilvrrrnul ground Turk'. Uln.iila
constantly un Inuu ami (or .ale, in lot., to
in 11 the trado
Arril I. IP57.
WEIravflJust rerelved.hy railraid n len.l nl n.
KOrluiPiit or WAI.I. I'AI'lilt. wl lch ho inli'iid
tn.pllat riiiiaillriliia prices from H com. to Ul cent.
a iieci'. uau unu .
April 4. lfS7.
Greenwood Seminary
Millvillo, Columbia Co., Pa.
ASVSTF.MATIU course or Iniinirllon is eiven in
nil tiic HhkIUIi Tranche, u.uully taiisln. 'rtie
rrlnclpnl will lie. assisted during the pre.ent)cnr h)
T. M. I'OTTH. nn eipericnceil teaencr. recently from
the Lancaster ennnty Normal Prliool
A vacation of bcveu weeks will commence July 1st.
TEU M a.
Tuition, for day pupils, 81,50 to 81, io pi-nuarior,
't"'int:r 'i i ii u ivuiniiuin-iirtii in u 11 v mice
l'or circular, catalogue, or other tnrtirntnrs mlilrei.
Mlllvllle. April I.1MT. i,uiliii:ss
rpllD nf-xt term of this school, wm commnec nn
continue eleven
weeks. rupilflarcrcpJvcda nny
j. Monday, may mniieti, mni
rriraary,8iudioi, -Common
Higher Ungluli Hiudmsand Clariici
H P. I5ATOV, Principal
gburg.Murch 23,11-57.
i S I' It I N ti & SUM M E It GOODS.
j rfT.HK un.lcrsiKncd take pleasure of in-
JL formiiis tlio cltiMiit ol Ccnlro nndvlclnliy, that
1 heiias Jubt received a larsu and .elect aoilnicnli
' " -"
I si pit l vn KrtMMI'll nnnm
Comprising! he heaviest stockandnioitvarledatsort-
mentoriashionable,usefuland suu.tamialMcrchan.
diiQ that havebecnoiTercd tothepublic ofeverykind
andiualiiy.whichtliey will.ellforrcadyjpay.ut very
1 reasonable prices.
Mbf.n.... Ina i r . r. . .. ,
ilncliiding Oraln and Luiuler and tlio public custom
roivlerivllle. March as, JB37.
TUB subscribers inform dealers and fanners that
Ihey have now on hasd.a lull supply nf
Suer-Pliosphatc of Lime,
nd conBilenily coinm e d It ns superior loony in
1 Um l irkel. Alfin.tanll yonliaml,
Peruvian aiul Mexican Guano,
. Oils, Candles, Soap. &c at the lowest market ruios
I No, 30 North Wharves, above Arch street,
Q-Farmers can load on Arch street, and avoid the
',,1111. imt,
A full supply of tho premium Ptnr Corn
lBliellers,ironiour own Manufartury, now
Con hand at Wholesale nnd khhII. They
..... riiucr itiinu of norse puwur,
and are believed lo be the best Fhellcr in
inc m.rsei,
Implem'til nun Heed Hloio,
-tnand M.tktt riillsdelniin
Tiikiir liai limp; clstril n pulAle ilemnnit for at,
cllVctltr intrgMlio nlilth could he relit il in, t
siiro nnil iierreetly safe in ilo tiprrnllon. ltl,
hecn pirinrtil tn meet Hint demnml, nnil nn cxten
site trial nf its tlrtuets lino cimeluolwly shown nith
nhat succeso it ncetmiplMie. tUc t)urpne designtd.
It lo pnoy In mnkc n physical pill, lint not rno. t(,
make Hip licut nf nil ;nj tmo which slniulil hrp
none of the tilileclinno, but nil the ndttititSRes, of
cierv ollwr. Ihio lino leen ntteniptcd here, nnil
with' whntsnercoo c would respectfully submit to
tho public, dotloitm. It has been tiiifdrlunate fut
tho patient liithcrto that nlmnot eery pnrgatho
moilleine io nrrlmoninus nnd Irritating to the bow.
clo. This io njt. Jinny of llieni produce so much
KriplnR pnln and mnlsinn In Die sj slim no to mote
Ihnn coiintoibalance the K'""l be derlted from
thoni. 'these ;i7j prodnie nil Irritation or pain,
unlroo It arise from a jirco lotily rxi.linj? obscrnu
tion nr ilcrnnf;ement in the bmiclo. BelnR purely
irnelablo, tin harm can nrisp from Ihrir ne in nnv
qiinnlity j but It is belter Hint nny mrdiilne shoubl
be Inlieti jiidiolniisly. Minnie dircctiono for tbeir
use in the sivirnl diseases In niileh Ihey nre np.
olEi-tiblo inn cirn nil tlic box. Amoim the com
plnlnlo ivhldi lime been speedily cured by thou, e
niav inenllim l.lur Complaint, in lis various Immi
uf Jiiiiiuliie, IndiRCslion, IjitiRinir nnd !.nso of Ap
ntllle, Li'llcfiieso, Irrilnbilllj, lliliouo llradncl,..,
Uilions l'cter, rover nnd Apne, l'nln in the f-idu
sntl I.olno : for. in Irnth, all these nre but tlio con
eiiience of diseased action in the liter. A. an
aperient Ihev alTord prompt nnd sure relief in Cm
Ineneso. Piles. Colic. Duenlery, lltimors, StrnfuU
nnd Srnv v. Colds with soreness nf the body, Ulcers
and impurilv nf Iho blond, IrrcRiilarlliesi in t,hort,
nnv and eti'ry tase where a puiKiitiic io required.
'lliov have also produced some sinnul.irly mic--cessful
cuic. In Uheiimiilisin((3ont, Diopsy, (iraelfc
Krj sipebio, l'nlpitation of the Heart, l'ams in the.
Dark, Stomaili, and Side. 'Ihey should be fi rely
taktll in tlio splins of tho year, tn purify thn blnml
and prepare lite system for Ilia change nf seasons.
An oeensiiitiiii dose stimulates tlio stnmath and
bowels into ho.ilthv action, and restores the appe
tite and lijinr. '1 licy purify Iho blood, and, by their
stimulant ncllon on the circulatory system, reno
tatn Ihc slrength of the bndv, and rcstoic tlia
wasled or disci-sod ii.i-icicH of tho whole organism.
Hence an occolonnl dobC io I'lliniitiigcotis, cten
though no soiiouo drrnngcnirnt osUtss but tin.
necessary dosing should ncur be cairiod ton far,
as ctcrv puigatnc nicilUino itdiu-cs the strength,
wlien tiikcn to excess, 'the thousand cases in which
a physic is k quired cannot bo t numerated here, but
they suggest tiicnisi-Uos lo Iho reason of everv
body; and it is toiilidinlly bilioMi this pill will
answer a better purpose ll.'nn nny thing width has
hitlieito btcn anilablc to inaiilkiud. Whtn their
irtnes are unto kmiwu, Ibe pnblic will no longtr
doubt what remedy to employ when In need of a
tnlhaiticmedii-iiio. litiiigsugnr-wrnppcd, Ihey am
pleasant to take, and being iirt-ly scg.tahle,
li.irni can nri-e fioni their use 111 au) tUantit.
l'or ininulc dircilions, no wniiper on the lio.o.
riii'.rAUht) i.v
). tlAIKS 0. AYKK,
l'lii:li'lil iiikI A mi 1) lit-ill ClU'ltlisf,
Price, 25 Cents per Eox. Five Eoxes for SL
For llif iHplil Cure of
l!R0A( H1TIS, !!!0ri.M.-( OHill.
i ltin v. .VSTII.H I. AM
''n Tf-iirily litis von fur 1 f nclcricty
fiMii lit fiirct nf pwt jtiicty of ;miin.ii,tt iINpum-.
lint it icutiiiU mtitiuniit) In utimnt Ihc r i
(ldDcs ir it iilurs in nil) iiuii.tniiiitv vlit-rt- tt
litis lifiu niiplfoctl. widt' i tlf 'il- 't il isi--ruhtcr.',
nittl mi juniiiuin-- thf inr't r lit curc-i,
Hint Mit cv Rfdinii nf nmntrj nbitimds
in 'WUis m1ilid wltn Iiiim- Lctn ritoiul
fmm lO itntmw nml run ile!'1 rniv (liriiTs i.f tin?
liinsH.o itnnsc. WIhii tmn- tritM Mipi linritv
mrr tvrv ntlirr i.irdkhie nf it VUn U Ut nji.i.
lent to t'M)i)p,nrilihiM' it irinosre
kiiintti. tlif init.Ur nn Iniiixir lirtilntr iOint nntiilnlc
t cxni!'ii l"r llic ilMrwii'R m.'l il.iiitinmt nH((
liuin nf "the vnlnmiruj nrtiiif l,i.!i it imidciit
tn nnr clhuHlr. Nit niilj In ftnuiM.iMo ntt.'1.s
iimii llie lungs, lut fur tin iiiIMm .irIfli'H ut
Oul.lrt, Cnfinr. IIiiah-mou, v. ; nml fur t'mi
mtK ll i tlip pUiis.ntlCHt and siifinl niHUnnt that
cm m nlitiuiuu.
An it luis limn he 1 11 in tniiHlnnt nt lliritimhont
thin rrli.i, vc ncil nnt tin mm than P-.Min the
prupi'c its i)U ilily i t'l' "l ,w tlnlif-t Until cur
u;ik hef n. ami that tho nnine arti v i fold hy
HoM hy i; 1. I.irT. nml all Dnraci t in Uln.m
luirg, nnil lliMtrr in inntitiiif p cvrrjrw Uvfr. .
rPIlHl und'HSiUDeil take plenBiir' in nn-
1 iiouiicliu tn Ibdrf iiMiHinTti uihl itir fiiiT lir pitn r
ady. itiaUht-y li.ivr jiifticcciud, al the Jiiuc Itidgt:
oiore a rnoit (iBPoruiK nt 1 1
Suriiiff nnil Snnimnr finnila
lOomprising every ar-icle ufliin1! kr pt in
I Country Plrn-p. ulnili Inul-ciii rrlcctt'il wi'h cum.
aud will he 8i)M nt vcr low prices fi r rraily pm .
(mi 1 Hint' nf a laicr variny nf Clollit, Cumiim-rff,
cl.iiuuH., tc.
IT" tJntintry proiluco tiikru m cirJuirpi fnr comtn
(;ivu uk n call, Nunc ntctifio nwnv ilivKiuiii'il,
(J. tfc 0. LOW.
I.imj llnlje. March 26, IB.".
Valuable Ueal Estate.
a ill II sulinrriticr nifi r tnrull ot private mle.ttbe
. umlmiWfl miC'lintl of
flighty Acres of Land,
Bitinte In Mntlltun tot. nthii roiln.s?.
ty, I'.i. (i.ljoi in ng ihc uriu nf Jmob l')rr and ss.
oihrrs nn the Little I'irlil l.gcroi k, llirmicli
whlrli tlM' mail jisssi s ,,nru Jiisi)iiun to liliioins.
li'ir. I ojel hi i i iili nil tin. iiiiiruviiiiiiita anu cpur
leii.incis thereunto hlo,iclii.
A UOI'Si: M) LOT, wild the Improvf
lillLiiio l. lliereon urcciud. anioiiilnif Die nforc-
s. s tl lisct ill l.niid.
H3-'lVrun in.iilemle Address the advertiser, a
Jers(-ytown,Culuoibij rou uly, r.i. t
VALLNHNU tvci,Livi:a.
rpIIC partnership heretofore eitllni; between Wm.
1 McKelvy b Wrn.Noal, uiiilcr Hie tmn or Wm. Jit.
KclvybUo ,ln llie in l mi fact tire or l'apcr at Oiillatvls
fa Mills, was d'ssolveil by mutual consciil on the 1st
day of April, JH57.
TIiuIiuiIiims nf the late II r in w II betctllcd byO.tV.
McKelvy & Co ,ut Cuitawlssa Mills.
Thoundursigncd having hurclinsrd the inleretl nf
nu .ate nrin oi ivin, nicurivy at uo at ciilliiw isss
Mills, will continue the maiiufacture of Paper unl
nurili'a.ii Kim. a. heretofore
.. .
V. V Dll.kUY X IU
j a .iicniNiir,
Aprrl S3, l7-3t
Estate of Elijah Price, dre'd.
. i ... '
i liillillh of Administration Oil tllO
. J jnnl.Hi! of niilah I'r ce.lale of l.orii.i inw ,.l,l,,
Columbia coiintv, deceased, have been granted by th.
B gisler orColuruhia county, toDaiid llrjnbold.wba
resldrs In said Locust township, and J. P. Price, who
resides in Ashland, Schuylkill cnunty; all persons
having claim, against the estate of the dicedrnl aru
rciuesled tn present them to the Administrator with
out deluv.aud ail persons indebted to make payment
forthwith. DAVID KEINUOM),
J. i' PltlCC,
April 19. 1H7-CS Adm'rl
SiuiNfi joi'jn, DOAnna ano, fo,
fale by ll- W. Si. W.N, CltUABY.
Lncksiw.ina & lllounisburg It. It.
Otflfe I.ack'a & Illoomsburg It 111, Co. I
Wvostisu.Lui. Co., Pa., Jan. is.IW, 1
ipllllstockholdersoflhis company ore hereby imii
Xliedthatby llesolution of tnellnnrdor Diiecinrs,
interest on Block computed to Iheaitl of Decrmbrr,
1 850, lllle paid on application ntihis Office In C'rrnA
talti n Stack,
lerrst amounts 10 tho sum of 11 fly dollars; and In
smaller sums or nny fractional .mounts. CfinrV-iiies
lull Mnck Certlfieraes will belsiuid when the in
no IS- SUCH. I , I 1. 1 I i,UU.N I,, irtat r.
March 7 li,IHS7,
1 ol'l.r.NIUU silt, ofTeiiVJre. fur sal. at
Miy, 18J7 '